Detergents, Cosmetics, Disinfectants, Pharma Chemicals

Butyl Lactate
Butyl ester of 2-hydroxypropanoic acid, Butyl ester of lactic acid, Butyl lactate, Butyl 2-hydroxypropanoate, Butyl alpha-hydroxypropionate; Butyl 2-hydroxypropanoate CAS NO:138-22-7
Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane
ArganOil;Argan Oil Morocco;Argania spinosa, ext.;Argan oil – Virgin – deodorized – Organic, argan kernel oil ,fixed oil expressed from the kernels, argania spinosa (l.), sapotaceae ,lipovol argan CAS Number 223747-87-3
Butyl Oleate
SYNONYMS BUTYL OLEATE;BUTYL (Z)-9-OCTADECENOATE;N-BUTYL OCTADECENOATE;N-BUTYL OLEATE;OLEIC ACID BUTYL ESTER;OLEIC ACID N-BUTYL ESTER;9-Octadecenoicacid(Z)-,butylester;9-octadecenoicacid,butylester(cis);Butyl (9Z)-9-octadecenoate;Butyl 9-octadecenoate;Butyl oleate C-914;Butyl9-octadecenoate;butylcis-9-octadecenoate;butylester;butylester(z)-9-octadecenoicaci;cis-octadec-9-enoicacidbutylester Cas NO:142-77-8
Butyl Paraben
butyl p-hydroxybenzoate; benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-, butyl ester; butoben; butyl para-hydroxybenzoate ; butyl-4-hydroxybenzoate ; butylparaben CAS NO: 94-26-8
Butyl Triglycol Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is a type of glycol ether, which is the result from the reaction of alcohols or phenol with ethylene oxide. Ideal for use in leathers and hydraulic fluids. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) results from the reaction of alcohols or phenol with ethylene oxide. The reactions to obtain these compounds and their molecular structures are shown in the figure below, starting from methanol and ethanol. This product has other denominations of Triethylene glycol butyl ether, TEGBE, and has a CAS No. of 143-22-6. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) ether of 70% mass purity Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) (also known as BTGE, butyl tri tetra, triethylene glycol butyl ether, butoxy triglycol and triglycol monobutyl ether) is a clear, colourless liquid with a mild odour. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is miscible in water, has low volatility, and has the formula C10H22O4 How is Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) produced? Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is produced as the result of ethylene oxide reacting with alcohol. Global consumption of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is estimated at approximately 21,000 tonnes per year. How is Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) stored and distributed? Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) can be stored and transported in stainless steel, mild steel, or carbon steel drums and/or tanks and must be kept in a well-ventilated area. It is not classified as dangerous for any form of transport but is classed as an Irritant. It has a flash point of 156 oC (closed cup) and a specific gravity of 0.985. What is Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) used for? The main use of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is as component of the base blend used in the manufacture of hydraulic oils, especially brake fluids. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is a useful component in paint stripping formulations as it has low volatility, and is also employed as a dye carrier in textile dyeing processes. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is a solvent for oils, gums, soaps, and grease so is a component found in many industrial and household cleaners. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) also acts as a coalescent in the coatings industry as it is a solvent for nitrocellulose. Pursuant to section 8(d) of TSCA, EPA promulgated a model Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule. The section 8(d) model rule requires manufacturers, importers, and processors of listed chemical substances and mixtures to submit to EPA copies and lists of unpublished health and safety studies. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is included on this list. A testing consent order is in effect for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) for health effects testing. FR citation: January 9, 1989. Acute Exposure/ Male or female albino rats were exposed to a flowing stream of vapor-ladened air generated by passing 2.5 L/min of dried air at room temperature through a fitted disc immersed to a depth of at least one inch in approximately 50 mL of triethylene glycol butyl ether contained in a gas-washing bottle. Rats were exposed from time periods ranging from 15 minutes to 8 hrs and observed up to 14 days. All animals survived to 14 days. Acute inhalation toxicity was evaluated in 10 albino Wistar rats (sex not reported) exposed to Poly Solv TB (Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)) at a nominal concentration of 200 mg/L for 1 hour. Mortality was not observed in any animal; an LC50 value was not reported. The observation period was uneventful. Gross necropsy was not reported. Acute inhalation toxicity was evaluated in 6 male rats (strain not reported) exposed to Dowanol TBH (Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)) at a nominal concentration of 6.52 mg/L for 7 hours. Mortality was not observed in any animal; an LC50 value was not reported. The clinical observation period was uneventful. Gross necropsy findings revealed no visible lesions. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) (CAS# 143-22-6) was studied for teratogenic potential and developmental toxicity at doses of 250 and 1000 mg/kg which was administered by gavage to groups of 10 Alpk:AP (Wistar-derived) rats on days 7 through 16 of gestation. Positive (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) and negative control (water) groups were also dosed. Observation continued through day 5 postpartum. There were no maternal effects noted with regard to mortality or weight effects and no statistically significant changes in number, viability and size of litters except in the positive control. The authors conclude that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) exibits no fetotoxic or teratogenic potential and no maternal toxicity. Statistical analysis included Student's t-test for comparison of individual treatment group means. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) (143-22-6) was evaluated for developmental effects in groups of 10 rats administered the test substance by gavage at dose levels of 0, 250, or 2500 mg/kg/day on days 7-16 of gestation. Rats and pups were sacrificed 5 days postpartum. Triethylene glycol monoethyl ether was found to have no fetotoxic or developmental effects at 250 or 1000 mg/kg/day. This document is a brief summary. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)'s production and use as a plasticizer intermediate, a solvent, in cutting and hydraulic oils, production of inks, as a leveling agent, in the leather auxiliaries industry, and in the chemical, textile, and transportation industries may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released to air, a vapor pressure of 2.5X10-3 mm Hg at 25 °C indicates Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) will exist solely as a vapor in the atmosphere. Vapor-phase Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 7.5 hours. Alcohols and ethers do not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight. If released to soil, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to have very high mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 10. Volatilization from moist soil surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process based upon an estimated Henry's Law constant of 9.5X10-14 atm-cu m/mole. Based on %theoretical BODS of 0-24 in 5-20 days, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to biodegrade slowly in soil and water. If released into water, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment based upon the estimated Koc. Volatilization from water surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process based upon this compound's estimated Henry's Law constant. An estimated BCF of 3 suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low. Hydrolysis is not expected to be an important environmental fate process since this compound lacks functional groups that hydrolyze under environmental conditions. Occupational exposure to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is produced or used. Monitoring and use data indicate that the general population may be exposed to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) via ingestion of contaminated drinking water and dermal contact with products containing Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). TERRESTRIAL FATE: Based on a classification scheme(1), an estimated Koc value of 10(SRC), determined from a structure estimation method(2), indicates that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to have very high mobility in soil(SRC). Volatilization of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) from moist soil surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process(SRC) given an estimated Henry's Law constant of 9.5X10-14 atm-cu m/mole(SRC), using a fragment constant estimation method(3). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 2.5X10-3 mm Hg(4). The theoretical BODs for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are 0, 5, and 24% for 5, 10 and 20 days, respectively(5), suggesting that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to biodegrade slowly in soil(SRC). AQUATIC FATE: Based on a classification scheme(1), an estimated Koc value of 10(SRC), determined from a structure estimation method(2), indicates that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment(SRC). Volatilization from water surfaces is not expected(3) based upon an estimated Henry's Law constant of 9.5X10-14 atm-cu m/mole(SRC), developed using a fragment constant estimation method(4). According to a classification scheme(5), an estimated BCF of 3(SRC), from an estimated log Kow of 0.02(6) and a regression-derived equation(7), suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low(SRC). The theoretical BODs for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are 0, 5 and 24% for 5, 10 and 20 days, respectively(8), Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to biodegrade slowly in water(SRC). ATMOSPHERIC FATE: According to a model of gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds in the atmosphere(1), Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL), which has a vapor pressure of 2.5X10-3 mm Hg at 25 °C(2), is expected to exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals(SRC); the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 7.5 hours(SRC), calculated from its rate constant of 5.2X10-11 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C(SRC) that was derived using a structure estimation method(3). Alcohols and ethers do not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight(4). AEROBIC: The theoretical BODs for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are 0, 5, and 24% for 5 days, 10 days, and 20 days, respectively, indicating that it will be partially removed from biological wastewater treatment plants(1). The rate constant for the vapor-phase reaction of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals has been estimated as 5.2X10-11 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C(SRC) using a structure estimation method(1). This corresponds to an atmospheric half-life of about 7.5 hours at an atmospheric concentration of 5X10+5 hydroxyl radicals per cu cm(1). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to undergo hydrolysis in the environment due to the lack of functional groups that hydrolyze under environmental conditions(2). Alcohols and ethers do not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight(3). Using a structure estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(1), the Koc of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) can be estimated to be 10(SRC). According to a classification scheme(2), this estimated Koc value suggests that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to have very high mobility in soil(SRC). The Henry's Law constant for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is estimated as 9.5X10-14 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) using a fragment constant estimation method(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to be essentially nonvolatile from water surfaces(2). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 2.5X10-3 mm Hg(3). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) has been identified in the effluents from the following industries: paint and ink (3438 ng/uL extract), printing and publishing (3868 ng/uL extract), and organic chemicals (160 ng/uL extract)(1). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) was identified in a sample of fine organometallic automobile brake lining wear particles at a concentration of 181.7 ug/g of particle sampled(1). NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 25,310 workers (50 of these are female) are potentially exposed to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) in the US(1). Occupational exposure to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is produced or used(SRC). Monitoring and use data indicate that the general population may be exposed to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) via ingestion of contaminated drinking water, and dermal contact with products containing Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)(SRC). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL), also called diethylene glycol di-n-butyl ether, is a polar aprotic solvent with excellent thermal and chemical stability. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL), or glycol diethers, are a widely used family of saturated polyethers for increasing anion reactivity in a given system, thus affecting selectivity and reaction rates. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is one of the heavier ethylene oxide based Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) available commercially. Glymes Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL), or glymes, are aprotic, saturated polyethers that offer high solvency, high stability in strong bases and moderate stability in acid solutions. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) efficiently solvate cations, increasing anion reactivity, and thus can increase both selectivity and reaction rates. Most Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)are water-soluble, but a range of solubility and boiling points are available. The polyether structure produces only weak associations between glyme molecules, and is responsible for the low viscosity and excellent wetting properties of these solvents. A further structural feature of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) that contributes significantly to their usefulness involves the arrangement of oxygen atoms, as ether linkages, at two-carbon intervals. The model of the Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) molecule (picture above) illustrates this periodic recurrence of oxygen atoms separated by two carbon atoms. This steric arrangement, analogous to that of crown ethers, gives Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) the ability to form complexes with many cations. Glycol diethers have a wide range of solubilities and boiling points. They are used as reaction solvents and in closed loop applications such as gas scrubbing and in refrigeration systems. The higher molecular weight Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) beginning with ethyl diglyme are suitable for emissive applications such as coatings, inks, adhesives and in cleaning compounds. The lower molecular weight Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) should not be used in emissive applications due to their reproductive toxicity. Pharma and fine chemicals synthesis of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Due to their high stability and solvency, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are widely used as reaction media for processes involving alkali metal hydroxides, sodium hydride, and alkali metals. Grignard reaction yields can be increased and purification costs reduced by using Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) as reaction solvents. Sodium borohydride at high temperature can be substituted for lithium aluminum hydride in some reductions. Carried out in Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) sodium aluminum hydride can be prepared directly from the elements in Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is the solvent of choice when preparing aryl sulfides via use of sodium tetrafluoroborate as a catalyst. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also a key to the efficient synthesis of the anti-AIDS drug Nevirapine. Preparation of urethanes, hydrogenations, condensations, oxidations, olefin insertions, oligomerizations of olefins, and addition reactions can be carried out in Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) as reaction medium. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are also useful as solubilizing agents, extractants and selective solvents. Methoxyacetaldehyde dimethylacetal can be prepared by electrochemical oxidation in Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Aspartame was prepared by enzymatic catalysis in triglyme-water medium. Polymerization and polymer modification of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Catalysts of the Ziegler-Natta type for the polymerization of alpha-olefins are advantageously prepared as a slurry incorporating Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are additionally useful in removal of unreacted monomer in this type of polymerization. When Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is used to modify the Ti-AI-catalyzed preparation of a block ethylene-propylene copolymer, the physical properties of the copolymer are greatly improved. Similarly, conjugated dienes can be polymerized in the presence of metal-based catalyst mixtures containing Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Catalyst solutions for other types of polymerization advantageously use Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Monomers polymerized in the presence of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) include cyclosiloxanes, conjugated alkadiene, lactams, dicyclopentadiene, vinyl chloride, fluorinated acrylic esters and 1-octene. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are also useful in formulating storage-stable vulcanizing agents for urethane rubber. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and its copolymers are produced with improved properties by incorporating Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) into the finished product. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are useful in formulating rigid polyurethane foams with improved fluidity during molding and with improved bonding strength. The viscosity of polyols useful in the manufacture of polyurethanes can be reduced by means of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) without adversely affecting physical properties. Polyurethane coatings used to form pinhole-free films with good adhesive strength, applicable to electrical and electronic parts, utilize Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Isocyanates are processed and formulated using Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) to yield isocyanurate and polyisocyanate prepolymers used in various polyurethane applications. Gold refining of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is a selective solvent for the extraction of gold from hydrochloric acid solutions containing other metals. Treatment of the extract with a reducing agent such as oxalic acid reduces the trivalent gold to gold powder. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is most commonly utilized as a high-performance solvent for both laboratory and industrial applications. It effectively solvates digital inks and decorative ceramic inks, since Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is stable enough to withstand the high temperatures of these applications. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also commonly used on small scales as an extraction solvent for gold from hydrochloric acid media, a process which results in an extremely high concentration of pure gold metal. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) can also be used as an intermediate in the production of siloxane-based adjuvants. APPLICATIONS of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Glycol ethers, with the combination of ether, alcohol and hydrocarbon chain in one molecule, provide versatile solvency characteristics with both polar and non-polar properties. The chemical structure of long hydrocarbon chain resist to solubility in water, while ether or alcohol groups introduce the promoted hydrophilic solubility performance. This surfactant-like structure provides the compatibility between water and a number of organic solvents, and the ability to couple unlike phases. Glycol ethers are characterized by their wide range of hydrophilic/hydrophobic balances. glycol ethers are used as diluents and levelling agents in the manufacture of paints and baking finishes. Glycol ether series are used in the manufacture of nitrocellulose and combination lacquers. They are used as an additive in brake fluid. They are formulated for dying textiles and leathers and for insecticides and herbicides. They provides performance in cleaners products with oil-water dispersions. They are used in printing industries as they have a slow evaporation rate. They are used as a fixative for perfumes, germicides, bactericides, insect repellents and antiseptic. They are used as an additive for jet fuel to prevent ice buildup. Thje term of cellosolve refers to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) or a group of glycol ether solvent as below. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) (2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol) is an organic compound, one of several glycol ether solvents. It is a colorless liquid with a low odour and high boiling point. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is mainly used as a solvent for paints and varnishes in the chemical industry, household detergents, brewing chemicals and textile processing. Production and Use of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether (Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)) is produced by the reaction of ethylene oxide and n-butanol with an alkalic catalyst. In pesticide products, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) acts as an inert ingredient as a deactivator for formulation before the crop emerges from the soil and as a stabilizer. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also a chemical intermediate for the synthesis of diethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate, diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, and piperonyl acetate, and as a solvent in high baked enamels. Other applications of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are as a dispersant for vinyl chloride resins in organosols, a diluent for hydraulic brake fluids, and a mutual solvent for soap, oil, and water in household cleaners. The textile industry uses Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) as a wetting-out solution. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also a solvent for nitrocellulose, oils, dyes, gums, soaps, and polymers. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also used as coupling solvent in liquid cleaners, cutting fluids, and textile auxiliaries. In the printing industry, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) applications include: solvent in lacquers, paints, and printing inks; high boiling point solvent to improve gloss and flow properties; and used as a solubilizer in mineral oil products.

Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant compound derived from toluene.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is classified as a food additive and is commonly used as a preservative in various industries, including food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and rubber manufacturing.

CAS Number: 128-37-0
EC Number: 204-881-4

BHT, Butylated Hydroxytoluene, Butylhydroxytoluene, BHA, Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Butylhydroxyanisole, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol, E321, Antioxidant 264, DBPC, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Buthylated hydroxytoluene, 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene, 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluol, EINECS 204-881-4, BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), T501, Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), Butylated hydroxytoluene, 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol, EINECS 204-881-4, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol, BHT, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Butylhydroxytoluene, EINECS 204-881-4, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Butylated hydroxytoluene


Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is found in items such as lip balms, lotions, and makeup products.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is also utilized in pharmaceuticals as a stabilizer to prevent degradation of drugs and vitamins.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the potency and efficacy of medications over time.
In the rubber industry, BHT is used as an antioxidant to prevent degradation of rubber products.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to rubber tires, hoses, and seals to extend their lifespan.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is considered safe for use in small quantities but may have potential health risks at higher doses.

There have been some concerns about its possible carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting effects.
However, regulatory agencies such as the FDA and EFSA have deemed BHT safe for use in food and cosmetics.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is classified as an E number additive in the European Union, known as E321.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is subject to strict regulations regarding its usage levels in food products.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is often used in combination with other antioxidants to enhance its effectiveness.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) may be listed on ingredient labels under various names, including BHT, butylated hydroxytoluene, and antioxidant 264.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is widely researched for its potential applications in extending the shelf life of various products.
Its antioxidant properties make it a valuable ingredient in many industries.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) plays a crucial role in preserving the quality and safety of numerous consumer goods.

Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is primarily used as an antioxidant in the food industry.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to a wide range of foods to prevent oxidative rancidity and extend shelf life.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is commonly used in processed foods such as cereals, snacks, baked goods, and margarine.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the quality and freshness of fats and oils in packaged food products.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is also utilized as a preservative in cosmetics and personal care products.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is found in lip balms, lotions, moisturizers, and makeup products to prevent spoilage.
In the pharmaceutical industry, BHT is used as a stabilizer in medications and vitamins.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps prevent degradation of drugs and maintains their potency over time.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to rubber products to prevent oxidation and extend their lifespan.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is used in rubber tires, hoses, seals, and other automotive components.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is employed as an antioxidant in industrial lubricants to prevent degradation of oils.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to engine oils, hydraulic fluids, and gear oils to enhance their stability.
In the plastics industry, BHT is used as an antioxidant to prevent degradation of polymers.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to plastic packaging materials, films, and molded parts.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is utilized in the printing ink industry as an antioxidant to prevent ink oxidation.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the quality and color stability of printed materials.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to adhesives and sealants to prevent degradation during storage and use.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the integrity and performance of adhesive products over time.
In the textile industry, BHT is used as an antioxidant in textile processing chemicals.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps prevent degradation of dyes and finishes during textile manufacturing.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is employed in the animal feed industry to prevent oxidation of fats and oils in feed ingredients.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the nutritional quality and stability of animal feed formulations.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is used in the petrochemical industry as an antioxidant in fuels and lubricants.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps prevent degradation of petroleum-based products during storage and use.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) plays a crucial role in preserving the quality and stability of various products across multiple industries.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is utilized in the manufacturing of plastics and synthetic rubbers to prevent degradation caused by exposure to heat and light.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to plastic films, fibers, and molded parts to enhance their durability and lifespan.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is used in the production of paints and coatings as an antioxidant to prevent color fading and degradation.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the integrity and appearance of painted surfaces exposed to environmental factors.
In the electrical industry, BHT is added to insulating materials to prevent degradation and extend their service life.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is used in wires, cables, and electrical components to enhance their resistance to oxidation.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is employed in the agriculture industry as a preservative in pesticides and herbicides.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps prevent degradation of active ingredients and ensures product effectiveness over time.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to animal feeds to prevent oxidation of fats and oils in feed ingredients.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the nutritional quality and stability of feed formulations for livestock and poultry.
In the fragrance and flavor industry, BHT is used as a stabilizer to prevent degradation of aromatic compounds.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the potency and shelf life of fragrances and flavorings in various products.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is employed in the paper and pulp industry as an antioxidant to prevent degradation of paper products.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps extend the lifespan of paper materials and prevents yellowing and brittleness.
BHT is added to printing inks to prevent oxidation and maintain print quality and stability.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps prevent ink drying and clogging in printing processes.
In the construction industry, BHT is used as a preservative in construction materials such as sealants and caulks.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps prevent degradation of sealant materials exposed to weathering and environmental factors.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is employed in the automotive industry as an additive in fuels and lubricants to prevent oxidation.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the performance and efficiency of engines and machinery.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is used in the manufacturing of household and industrial cleaners as a stabilizer to prevent degradation of active ingredients.
It helps maintain the effectiveness of cleaning products over time.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to leather and textile products as an antioxidant to prevent degradation and discoloration.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) helps maintain the appearance and durability of leather goods and fabrics.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is a versatile additive with diverse applications across numerous industries, contributing to the preservation and quality of various products.


Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant compound derived from toluene.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is classified as a food additive and is commonly used as a preservative in various industries, including food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and rubber manufacturing.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to products to prevent oxidative rancidity and prolong shelf life by inhibiting the oxidation of fats and oils.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) appears as a white crystalline powder or a yellowish-white waxy solid with a faint characteristic odor.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is considered safe for consumption in small quantities, and it is approved for use as a food additive by regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Additionally, BHT is utilized as an antioxidant in personal care products, such as cosmetics and toiletries, to prevent the degradation of oils and fats.
In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used as a stabilizer in medications and vitamins to maintain their potency and efficacy.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is also employed as an antioxidant in rubber and plastics to prevent degradation caused by exposure to oxygen and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Despite its widespread use, there have been some concerns raised about potential health risks associated with BHT, particularly when consumed in large amounts.
However, regulatory agencies have concluded that BHT is safe for use as a food additive at levels within established limits.

Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant compound.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is derived from toluene and is commonly used as a food preservative.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is a white crystalline powder or a yellowish-white waxy solid.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) has a faint, characteristic odor.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is soluble in organic solvents but has limited solubility in water.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is stable under normal conditions but may undergo degradation upon exposure to light and air.
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is widely used in the food industry to prevent oxidative rancidity in fats and oils.

Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) is added to foods such as cereals, snacks, baked goods, and processed meats.
BHT helps extend the shelf life of packaged foods by inhibiting lipid oxidation.
In addition to its use in food, BHT is also used as a preservative in cosmetics and personal care products.


Physical Properties:

Appearance: White crystalline powder or yellowish-white waxy solid
Odor: Faint, characteristic odor
Molecular Weight: 220.35 g/mol
Density: 1.048 g/cm^3 (at 20°C)
Melting Point: 69-71°C
Boiling Point: 265-268°C
Flash Point: 127°C (closed cup)
Vapor Pressure: 0.00001 mmHg (at 20°C)
Solubility in Water: < 0.01 g/100 mL (at 25°C)
Solubility in Organic Solvents: Soluble in acetone, ethanol, ether, benzene, chloroform
Vapor Density: > 1 (air = 1)
Refractive Index: 1.524 (at 20°C)
Specific Gravity: 1.048 (at 20°C)
Viscosity: Not available
Autoignition Temperature: > 315°C

Chemical Properties:

Chemical Formula: C15H24O
Molecular Formula: C10H14O2
IUPAC Name: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol
Functional Group: Phenolic
Structure: Aromatic hydrocarbon with tert-butyl groups
Solubility: Insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvents
Reactivity: Stable under normal conditions, may react with strong oxidizing agents
Stability: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures
Flammability: Non-flammable, but may contribute to the flammability of surrounding materials
Miscibility: Miscible with most organic solvents, sparingly soluble in water
Acidity/Basicity: Weakly acidic due to the phenolic hydroxyl group
Hydrogen Bonding: Can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules and other hydroxyl-containing compounds



If BHT vapors are inhaled and respiratory irritation occurs, immediately move the affected person to fresh air.
Allow the individual to rest in a well-ventilated area and provide them with oxygen if breathing difficulties persist.
If the person is not breathing or shows signs of respiratory distress, administer artificial respiration. Seek medical attention promptly.
Keep the person warm and comfortable. Do not leave them unattended.
Monitor the person's breathing and vital signs until medical help arrives.

Skin Contact:

In case of skin contact with BHT, immediately remove contaminated clothing and shoes.
Wash the affected area with plenty of water and mild soap to remove any residual BHT.
Rinse the skin thoroughly for at least 15 minutes to ensure complete removal of the chemical.
If skin irritation or rash develops, seek medical advice promptly.
If BHT comes into contact with the eyes, immediately flush the eyes with gently flowing water for at least 15 minutes.
Hold the eyelids open to ensure thorough rinsing and remove any contact lenses if present and easily removable.
Seek immediate medical attention, even if the affected person does not experience immediate symptoms.
Do not rub the eyes, as this may exacerbate irritation and cause further damage.


If BHT is ingested accidentally and the person is conscious, rinse their mouth thoroughly with water.
Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical personnel, especially if the individual is unconscious or experiencing convulsions.
Seek medical advice immediately, and provide the healthcare provider with information about the ingested substance, including its name, concentration, and the amount ingested.
Monitor the person for signs of gastrointestinal distress, such as nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, and seek medical attention promptly if symptoms worsen or persist.



When handling BHT, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) including chemical-resistant gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothing to prevent skin and eye contact.
Avoid breathing in vapors or mists of BHT. Use local exhaust ventilation or respiratory protection if necessary to control airborne exposure.
Ensure adequate ventilation in the work area to minimize the buildup of vapor concentrations. Use explosion-proof equipment in areas where flammable vapors may be present.
Prevent contact with incompatible materials such as strong oxidizers and reducing agents, as they may react with BHT and cause fire or release of hazardous gases.
Use caution when transferring or pouring BHT to prevent spills and splashes. Use appropriate tools and equipment such as closed systems or safety containers to minimize exposure.
Keep containers tightly closed when not in use to prevent contamination and minimize evaporation of the chemical.
Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact with BHT. Wash hands thoroughly after handling to remove any residual chemical.
Do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling BHT, and wash hands before eating, drinking, or using the restroom.
Use spark-proof tools and equipment in areas where flammable vapors may be present to prevent ignition sources.
Label all containers and storage areas properly with the name of the chemical and appropriate hazard warnings.


Store BHT in its original packaging or labeled containers to ensure proper identification and traceability.
Store BHT in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from heat sources, ignition sources, and direct sunlight.
Keep containers tightly closed and upright to prevent leakage or spills. Store larger quantities in suitable containers with secondary containment to contain spills.
Store BHT away from incompatible materials such as strong oxidizers and reducing agents to prevent reactions or contamination.
Ensure storage areas are equipped with appropriate firefighting equipment and spill containment materials in case of emergencies.
Check containers regularly for signs of damage or deterioration and replace any damaged or compromised containers promptly.
Follow local regulations and guidelines for the storage of chemicals, including any specific requirements for the storage of BHT.
Monitor storage conditions regularly to ensure compliance with safety guidelines and to prevent the buildup of hazardous conditions.
Butylated Hydroxyanisole
Butylated Hydroxyanisole; 2(3)-t-Butylhydroquinone monomethyl ether; 2(3)-tert-Butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; antioxyne b; BHA; BOA; Butyl Hydroxyanisole; tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol; tert-butylhydroxyanisole; Vertac; cas no: 25013-16-5
Butylated Hydroxytoluene
Butyl Di Glycol (BDG); Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether; butoxydiglycol; diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-; diethylene glycol butyl ether; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; butyl carbitol; butyldiglycol cas no:112-34-5

CAS Number: 128-37-0
EC Number: 204-881-4
MDL number: MFCD00011644
Formula: C15H24O / [(CH3)3C]2C6H2(CH3)OH

Butylated hydroxytoluene is a white crystalline solid.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is an organic chemical composed of 4-methylphenol modified with tert-butyl groups at positions 2 and 6.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a fat soluble antioxidant much like Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHA) ,these phenol derivatives react with the free radicals (called free radical scavengers) and can slow the rate of autoxidation.

Butylated hydroxytoluene inhibits autoxidation of unsaturated organic compounds.
Butylated hydroxytoluene, also known as dibutylhydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic organic compound, chemically a derivative of phenol, that is useful for Butylated hydroxytoluenes antioxidant properties.
Butylated hydroxytoluene derives from a phenol.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHA) and the related compound Butylated hydroxytoluene are phenolic compounds that are often added to foods to preserve fats and oils and keep them from becoming rancid.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is produced by the reaction of p-cresol with isobutylene and sulfuric acid.
The key function of Butylated hydroxytoluene is that of a stabilizer.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is a white to yellowish crystalline solid that prevents the oxidation of fats and oils, and helps to extend a product's shelf-life.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is available in several physical forms, including crystalline

Similar to the synthetic preservative Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHA) with which Butylated hydroxytoluene is often used, Butylated hydroxytoluene is an antioxidant that is soluble in oils and animal fats.
Butylated Hydroxy Toluene is a non-staining, hindered phenolic antioxidant commonly used in a wide variety of applications including plastics, elastomers, petroleum products, and food.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is a phenolic antioxidant.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is also known as Butylated hydroxytoluene or butylhydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic (fat-soluble) organic compound.
Butylated hydroxytoluene has role ferroptosis inhibitor.
A member of the class of phenols that is 4-methylphenol substituted by tert-butyl groups at positions 2 and 6.

A substance that opposes oxidation or inhibits reactions brought about by dioxygen or peroxides.
Butylated hydroxytoluene has functional parent phenol.
Butylated hydroxytoluene, also known as dibutylhydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic organic compound, chemically a derivative of phenol, that is useful for Butylated hydroxytoluene's antioxidant properties.

Butylated hydroxytoluene has role antioxidant.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is found in soft-necked garlic.
Butylated hydroxytoluene has role food additive.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a white crystalline solid.

The Butylated hydroxytoluene molecule contains a total of 40 bond(s).
Butylated hydroxytoluene has role geroprotector.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a phenols.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a natural product found in Thymus longicaulis, Teucrium leucocladum.

There are 16 non-H bond(s), 6 multiple bond(s), 2 rotatable bond(s), 6 aromatic bond(s), 1 six-membered ring(s) and 1 aromatic hydroxyl(s).
Soluble in methanol, toluene, isopropanol, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, benzene, petroleum ether and ethanol.
Butylated hydroxytoluene inhibits autoxidation of unsaturated organic compounds.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is also found in certain plants, including soft-necked garlic.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is white to pale-yellow, crystalline solid with a slight, phenolic odor; (food preservative).
Butylated hydroxytoluene is an organic chemical composed of 4-methylphenol modified with tert-butyl groups at positions 2 and 6.
Phytoplankton, including the green algae, Botryococcus braunii, as well as three different cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp.) are capable of producing Butylated hydroxytoluene.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is a Ferroptosis inhibitor.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is insoluble in water.
Butylated hydroxytoluene does not change color, not pollution. Butylated hydroxytoluene high solubility in oil, no precipitation, less volatile, non-toxic and non-corrosive.

Butylated hydroxytoluene has been used since 1949 as an antioxidant in many fat-containing foods, in edible fats and oils and in cosmetics.
Butylated hydroxytoluene has been used since 1947 as a common antioxidant in rubber and petroleum products and, more recently, in plastics.
Butylated hydroxytoluene helps to prevent the formation of free radicals and oxidation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a man-made chemical commonly used as a preservative in processed foods.

Oxygen reacts preferentially with Butylated hydroxytoluene rather than oxidizing fats or oils, thereby protecting them from spoilage.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is also a chemical preservative used in animal feeds and drugs; therefore eatomg non-organic meats and dairy products may be another way in which exposure occurs.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used Beverage ingredients, Food ingredients, Food preservatives, Personal care ingredients, Skin care ingredients,

Household product ingredient, Industrial additive, Personal care product/cosmetic ingredient, Pesticide ingredient, Plastic/rubber ingredient, and Medical/veterinary/research.
Butylated hydroxytoluene inhibits the degradation of fats and oils through Butylated hydroxytoluenes antioxidant action and prevents rancidity.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used Pharmaceuticals, Fat-soluble vitamins, Biomaterials, and Petroleum products.

Butylated hydroxytoluene has a role as an antioxidant, a food additive, a ferroptosis inhibitor and a geroprotector.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a lab-made chemical that is added to foods as a preservative.
When used in food products, Butylated hydroxytoluene delays oxidative rancidity of fats and oils, and prevents loss of activity of oil-soluble vitamins.

Butylated hydroxytoluene serves as an anti-skinning agent in paints and inks.
The presence of Butylated hydroxytoluene in cosmetics may also be due to migration from packaging materials.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is widely used to prevent free radical-mediated oxidation in fluids (e.g. fuels, oils) and other materials.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is an antioxidant added to plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene films and polybags to prevent aging.

Butylated hydroxytoluene has outstanding solubility in fats and oils and provides carry through effectiveness in baked foods.
People also used Butylated hydroxytoluene as medicine.
Butylated hydroxytoluene may be found in pharmaceutical gels, creams and liquid or gelatin capsules, tablets and other pharmaceutical dosage forms.

Processed foods most likely to contain Butylated hydroxytoluene include chewing gum, active dry yeast, frozen convenience foods, prepared cereal products, prepared snacks, dried and processed meat, potato flakes, enriched rice products and shortening.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used to treat genital herpes and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used to help preserve and stabilise the flavour, colour, freshness and nutritive value of foods and animal feed products.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is used to help preserve and stabilise the flavour, colour, freshness and nutritive value of foods and animal feed products.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is also a food additive, which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and is generally recognized as safe (GRAS).
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used in food, cosmetics and industrial fluids to prevent oxidation and free radical formation.

Butylated hydroxytoluene, commonly known as Butylated hydroxytoluene, is an organic compound that is used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industry as an antioxidant.
Some people apply Butylated hydroxytoluene directly to the skin for cold sores.
Low levels of Butylated hydroxytoluene are used in oral care products (maximal concentration in toothpaste 0.1% and in mouthwash products 0.001%).

In addition to Butylated hydroxytoluenes use in food preservation, BHA is also used in the manufacture of rubber, tires and petroleum and is an ingredient in some cosmetics.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a synthetic antioxidant used to improve the stability of cosmetic products.
In cosmetic formulations, Butylated hydroxytoluene is often used at concentrations ranging from 0.0001% to 0.5%.

Butylated hydroxytoluene has also been postulated as an antiviral drug, but as of March 2020, use of Butylated hydroxytoluene as a drug is not supported by the scientific literature and Butylated hydroxytoluene has not been approved by any drug regulatory agency for use as an antiviral.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used between 0.0002 and 0.8% as an antioxidant in wide spectrum of dermally applied or sprayable cosmetic product types.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used is used Animal feeds, Cosmetics, Foods- beverages, gum, ice cream, fruits, cereals, etc., Glues, and Jet fuels.

Antioxidant,Butylated hydroxytoluene is used in cosmetics, foods and pharmaceuticals Butylated hydroxytoluene, also known as Butylated hydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic (fat-soluble) organic compound.
Butylated hydroxytoluene acts as a stabilizer in diethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran and other laboratory chemicals to prevent peroxide formation.

Butylated hydroxytoluene plays a crucial role across different applications such as tire innertubes, curing bladders and envelopes, hoses, adhesives & sealants and many other rubber goods suitable for industrial and consumers applications.
Butylated hydroxytoluene may be used to decrease the rate at which the texture, color, or flavor of food changes.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used Paints, Petroleum products, Plastics, Rubber, Shoes (via rubber), and Topical medications

In the petroleum industry, where Butylated hydroxytoluene is known as the fuel additive AO-29, Butylated hydroxytoluene is used in hydraulic fluids, turbine and gear oils, and jet fuels.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is widely used to prevent free radical-mediated oxidation in fluids (e.g. fuels, oils) and other materials.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a preservative and anti-oxidant used in food, cosmetics, and medications.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is used as an antioxidant for cosmetics, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, rubber, oils and fats.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is effectively involved as a polymerization inhibitor in the process of oxidation of allyl alcohol to glycerine.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is commonly used rubber antioxidant, heat, oxygen aging have some protective effect, but also can inhibit copper harm.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used in food, cosmetics and industrial fluids to prevent oxidation and free radical formation.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is primarily used as an antioxidant food additive as well as an antioxidant additive in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, jet fuels, rubber, petroleum products, electrical transformer oil, and embalming fluid.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is utilized in the synthesis of organoaluminum compound, methylaluminum bis(2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-alkylphenoxide.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is primarily used as an antioxidant food additive.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is also used to prevent peroxide formation in organic ethers and other solvents and laboratory chemicals.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used as an "anti-skinning agent in paints and inks"
Butylated hydroxytoluene acts as a stabilizer in diethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran and other laboratory chemicals to prevent peroxide formation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is an antioxidant widely used in foods and in food-related products.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is used as an antioxidant for cosmetics, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, rubber, oils and fats.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used as food additive, household product ingredient, industrial additive, personal care product/cosmetic ingredient, pesticide ingredient, plastic/rubber ingredient and medical/veterinary/research.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is also used as an antioxidant in products such as metalworking fluids, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, transformer oils, and embalming fluid.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used as an anti-oxidant in gasoline, oils, waxes, rubbers, paints, and plastics; purified forms are used as anti-oxidants in foods.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is used as a fuel additive in the petroleum industry and also used in hydraulic fluids, turbine and gear oils and jet fuels.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is primarily used as an antioxidant food additive (E number E321) as well as an antioxidant additive in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, jet fuels, rubber, petroleum products, electrical transformer oil, and embalming fluid.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used as a fuel additive in the petroleum industry and also used in hydraulic fluids, turbine and gear oils and jet fuels.

Butylated hydroxytoluene is used as a preservative ingredient in some foods.
With this usage Butylated hydroxytoluene maintains freshness or prevents spoilage.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is added to certain monomers as a polymerisation inhibitor to facilitate their safe storage.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (cas# 128-37-0) is a compound useful in organic synthesis.

Butylated hydroxytoluene as general antioxidants is used widely in polymer materials, petroleum products and food processing industries.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is effectively involved as a polymerization inhibitor in the process of oxidation of allyl alcohol to glycerine.
Industrial applications of Butylated hydroxytoluene include: animal feeds, jet fuels, rubber, plastics, paints, and glues.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is utilized in the synthesis of organoaluminum compound, methylaluminum bis(2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-alkylphenoxide.

The species behaves as a synthetic analog of vitamin E, primarily acting as a terminating agent that suppresses autoxidation, a process whereby unsaturated (usually) organic compounds are attacked by atmospheric oxygen.
Butylated hydroxytoluene stops this autocatalytic reaction by converting peroxy radicals to hydroperoxides.
Butylated hydroxytoluene effects this function by donating a hydrogen atom:

RO2• + ArOH → ROOH + ArO•
RO2• + ArO• → nonradical products
where R is alkyl or aryl, and where ArOH is Butylated hydroxytoluene or related phenolic antioxidants.
Each Butylated hydroxytoluene consumes two peroxy radicals.

The chemical synthesis of Butylated hydroxytoluene in industry has involved the reaction of p-cresol (4-methylphenol) with isobutylene (2-methylpropene), catalyzed by sulfuric acid:
CH3(C6H4)OH + 2 CH2=C(CH3)2 → ((CH3)3C)2CH3C6H2OH
Alternatively, Butylated hydroxytoluene has been prepared by hydroxymethylation or aminomethylation followed by hydrogenolysis.

Phytoplankton, including the green algae Botryococcus braunii, as well as three different cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp.) are capable of producing Butylated hydroxytoluene as a natural product.
The fruit lychee also produces Butylated hydroxytoluene in its pericarp.
Several fungi (for example Aspergillus conicus) living in olives produce Butylated hydroxytoluene.

*Para cresols
*Organooxygen compounds
*Hydrocarbon derivatives

*Organic oxygen compound
*Hydrocarbon derivative
*Organooxygen compound
*Aromatic homomonocyclic compound

Appearance Form: Crystalline powder
Color: colorless
Odor: odorless
Odor Threshold: Not applicable
Molecular Weight: 220.35
Purity >99%
pH: No data available
Melting point/freezing point: Melting point/range: 69 - 73 °C - lit.
Initial boiling point and boiling range: 265 °C - lit
Flash point: No data available
Evaporation rate: No data available

Flammability (solid, gas): No data available
Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits: No data available
Vapor pressure: 0,00 hPa at 25 °C
Vapor density: No data available
Relative density: 1,03 g/cm3 at 20 °C -
Water solubility: 0,76 g/l at 20 °C
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water: log Pow: 5,1
Autoignition temperature: > 400 °C
Decomposition temperature: No data available
Viscosity: No data available
Explosive properties: No data available
Oxidizing properties: No data available

Typical range of impurities: ≤ 10 ppm heavy metals and ≤3 ppm arsenic
0.4 mg/L in water at 20 °C
0.6 mg/L in water at 25 °C
1.5 mg/L at 30 ºC and 6 mg/L at 60 ºC
Freely soluble in toluene
55.9 wt% in n-heptane at 29.5 °C
34 wt% in ethanol at 28.7 °C
31.1 wt% in 1-octanol at 29.5 °C
0.5% w/w in methanol, isopropanol, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, cellosolve, benzene,
Most hydrocarbon solvents, ethanol, petroleum ether, liquid petrolatum (white oil), good solubility in linseed oil.
Insoluble in propylene glycol

Melting point: 70-71 °C
Boiling point: 265 °C at 760 mm Hg
Flash point: 127 °C
Vapour pressure: 0.01 mm Hg, 0.005 mm Hg at 25 °C, 0.39 Pa at 25 °C
Density: 0.899 (g/mL)
3.47 centistokes at 0 °C
1.54 centistokes at 120 °C
pKa: 14, 12.2 at 20 °C
refractive index: 1.49 at 75 °C
topical polar surface area: 20.2 Å2

Appearance Form: powder, crystalline
Color: colorless
Odor: odorless
Odor Threshold: Not applicable
pH: No data available
Melting point/range: 69 - 73 °C - lit.
Initial boiling point and boiling range: 265 °C - lit.
Flash point: 127 °C
Evaporation rate: No data available
Flammability (solid, gas): No data available
Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits :No data available
Vapor pressure 0,00 hPa at 25 °C

Vapor density: No data available
Relative density: No data available
Water solubility 0,76 g/l at 20 °C
Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water log Pow: 5,1
Autoignition temperature: > 400 °C
Decomposition temperature: No data available
*Viscosity, kinematic: No data available
*Viscosity, dynamic: No data available
Boiling point: 265 °C (1013 hPa)
Density:1.03 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Ignition temperature: 345 °C

Vapor pressure:0.39 Pa (298 K)
Bulk density: 450 kg/m3
Solubility: Water Solubility: 0.015 g/L
logP: 5.25
logP: 5.27
logS: -4.2
pKa (Strongest Acidic): 11.6
pKa (Strongest Basic): -4.6
Physiological Charge: 0
Hydrogen Acceptor Count: 1

Hydrogen Donor Count: 1
Polar Surface Area: 20.23 Ų
Rotatable Bond Count: 2
Refractivity: 70.41 m³·mol⁻¹
Polarizability: 27.35 ų
Number of Rings: 1
Bioavailability: Yes
Rule of Five: No
Ghose Filter: Yes
Veber's Rule: Yes
MDDR-like Rule: No

-If inhaled:
*After inhalation:
Fresh air.
-In case of skin contact:
Rinse skin with water/ shower.
-In case of eye contact:
*After eye contact:
Rinse out with plenty of water.
Remove contact lenses.
-If swallowed:
*After swallowing:
Make victim drink water (two glasses at most).
Consult doctor if feeling unwell.

-Environmental precautions
Do not let product enter drains.
-Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up:
Cover drains.
Collect, bind, and pump off spills.
Take up dry.
Dispose of properly.

-Extinguishing media:
*Suitable extinguishing media:
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Dry powder
*Unsuitable extinguishing media:
For this substance/mixture no limitations of extinguishing agents are given.
-Further information:
Prevent fire extinguishing water from contaminating surface water or the ground water system.

-Control parameters:
*Ingredients with workplace control parameters:
-Exposure controls:
--Personal protective equipment:
*Eye/face protection:
Use safety glasses
*Skin protection:
Full contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0,11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Splash contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0,11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
-Control of environmental exposure:
Do not let product enter drains.

-Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
*Storage conditions:
Tightly closed.
-Specific end use(s):
No other specific uses are stipulated

-Chemical stability:
The product is chemically stable under standard ambient conditions (room temperature).

butylated hydroxytoluene
2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (DBPC)
1,3-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxy-5-methyl benzene
Phenol, 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl-
p-Cresol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-
Dibutylated hydroxytoluene
Nonox TBC
Parabar 441
Sumilizer BHT
Sustane BHT
Tenamene 3
Tenox BHT
Vanlube PC
Vanlube PCX
2,6-Di-tert-butyl-1-hydroxy-4-methyl benzene
Butylated hydroxytoluol
4-Methyl-2,6-di-terc. butylfenol
Phenol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl-
BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)
2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (BHT)
Butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT)
Di-ter-butyl p-cresol
butylated OH tolueno
Ergotamine, dihydro-, monomethanesulfonate (salt)

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant commonly used in food, cosmetics, and industrial products.
Its primary function is to prevent oxidation and the degradation of substances by inhibiting the formation of free radicals.

CAS Number: 128-37-0
EC Number: 204-881-4

Synonyms: 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol, DBPC, Dibutylated hydroxytoluene, 4-Methyl-2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, Antioxidant 264, 4-Hydroxy-3,5-di-tert-butyltoluene, Antrancine 8, Butilhidroxitolueno, Agidol, Sustane 10, Ionol, Tert-butyl-m-cresol, Additin E 6, Agerite resin D, Algidol, Butylated hydroxytoluene, Sustane BHT, Embanox BHT, Calinol P, Super antioxidant, Tenamene 6, Iosox 10, Topanol, Tert-Butylated Hydroxy Toluene, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol, Nocrac 200, Avox BHT, Acilar, Alkanox BHT, Reomet 39, AO-29, AO-31, AO-32, AO-33, AO-37, Fenol Topanol, Fenol antioxi, Phenol antioxidant, Tenax 200, BHT 6, BHT Antioxidant, Antioxidant BHT, Keminox BHT, Zihox, Agride G, Parabar BHT, Sustane 10B, Sustane 15, Sustane M 20, Sustane MM, Sustane MM2, Sustane 4, Sustane 5, Sustane 8, Sustane 9, Sustane 11, Sustane 12.


Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is commonly used as a food preservative to prevent the rancidity of oils and fats.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is frequently added to packaged foods like cereals, snack foods, and baked goods to extend their shelf life.
In the cosmetics industry, BHT helps prevent the oxidation of oils and fats in products such as lipsticks, moisturizers, and sunscreens.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant)is used in the pharmaceutical industry to stabilize the active ingredients in various medications, ensuring their efficacy over time.
Animal feed often contains BHT to prevent the oxidation of fats, thereby maintaining the nutritional quality of the feed.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the production of rubber to prevent the oxidative degradation of both natural and synthetic rubber materials.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is incorporated into the formulation of plastics to enhance their stability and longevity by preventing oxidation.
In the petroleum industry, BHT is used as an additive in lubricants and greases to prevent oxidation and extend product life.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is found in packaging materials to protect food and other perishable items from spoilage caused by oxidation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in adhesives and sealants to prevent degradation and improve shelf life.
In the paint and coatings industry, BHT acts as a stabilizer to prevent the oxidative degradation of paints, varnishes, and other coatings.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the manufacture of inks to prevent oxidation and maintain the quality of the printed materials.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is added to soaps and detergents to stabilize the fats and oils, ensuring a longer shelf life and better performance.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the production of biofuels to prevent the oxidation of the fuel, thereby enhancing its stability and performance.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is found in certain industrial lubricants to prevent the formation of sludge and varnish caused by oxidation.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the production of resins and plastics to stabilize the polymer and prevent degradation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is included in some agricultural chemicals to protect them from oxidative damage and maintain their effectiveness.

In personal care products, BHT helps to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of ingredients by preventing oxidation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the processing of edible oils to prevent oxidation and extend the shelf life of the oil.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is added to chewing gum to preserve the freshness and prevent the rancidity of the gum base.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the preservation of flavorings and essential oils, maintaining their potency and shelf life.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is included in some dietary supplements to protect the active ingredients from oxidative damage.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the stabilization of explosives, preventing the degradation of the explosive materials.

In the textile industry, BHT is used to stabilize certain dyes and prevent their degradation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is employed in the stabilization of pesticides, ensuring they remain effective over their intended shelf life.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the preservation of processed meats, helping to prevent the fats from becoming rancid.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is included in the formulation of margarine and shortening to maintain their freshness and stability.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the stabilization of vegetable oils, extending their shelf life and maintaining their quality.
In chewing gum, BHT helps to protect the gum base from oxidation and ensures a longer-lasting product.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is found in certain vitamin supplements to prevent the degradation of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, and E.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is added to dairy products like butter and cheese spreads to prevent the oxidation of fats.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the preservation of dried fruits, preventing the fats from oxidizing and maintaining their quality.
In the confectionery industry, BHT is added to products like chocolate to prevent fat bloom and maintain appearance.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the manufacture of instant noodles to prevent the oxidation of the oil used in frying.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is included in pet food to maintain the freshness and quality of fats and oils.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the preservation of nuts and seeds, helping to prevent rancidity and extend shelf life.

In the fragrance industry, BHT helps to stabilize volatile components in perfumes and colognes.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the formulation of hair care products to prevent the oxidation of oils and maintain product effectiveness.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is included in the production of candles to prevent the oxidation of waxes and maintain their quality.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the stabilization of certain pesticides, ensuring their effectiveness over time.
In the production of fertilizers, BHT helps to prevent the degradation of certain components, improving their stability.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the stabilization of industrial oils, such as hydraulic fluids and transformer oils.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is found in certain cosmetic powders to prevent the oxidation of oils and maintain product integrity.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the production of synthetic resins to prevent oxidative degradation and improve product durability.

In the automotive industry, BHT is used in the formulation of motor oils to prevent oxidation and sludge formation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the stabilization of elastomers, improving their resistance to oxidative degradation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is included in certain agricultural feeds to maintain the freshness and nutritional quality of the feed.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the formulation of antifreeze solutions to prevent the oxidation of organic components.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is used in the production of lubricating greases to enhance their stability and performance under high temperatures.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is found in some wax-based products, helping to prevent the oxidation and degradation of the waxes.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is often added to packaging materials to protect the contents from spoilage.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is recognized by the CAS number 128-37-0.
The EC number for BHT is 204-881-4.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is sometimes used in combination with other preservatives to enhance its effectiveness.
Despite its benefits, there has been debate over the potential health effects of BHT with long-term exposure.

Some studies have suggested that BHT could have carcinogenic effects, although it is generally recognized as safe in low concentrations.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is also utilized in the pharmaceutical industry to stabilize active ingredients in medications.

In animal feed, BHT is added to prevent the oxidation of fats, which can negatively impact the nutritional quality.
The safety of BHT has been reviewed by various regulatory bodies, including the FDA and EFSA, which have set acceptable daily intake limits.

Its antioxidant properties make BHT useful in the stabilization of synthetic and natural rubbers.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is less volatile compared to other antioxidants, making it suitable for use in high-temperature applications.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is often found in cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, and snack foods.
In addition to its preservative qualities, BHT can impart a slight flavor to products, which is generally considered undesirable in large quantities.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is chemically stable and does not easily break down under normal storage conditions.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is soluble in fats and oils but has limited solubility in water.

In environmental contexts, BHT is considered persistent and may accumulate in soil and water systems.
Studies on the ecological impact of BHT are ongoing, with some suggesting potential risks to aquatic life.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) continues to be an important additive in various industries due to its effective antioxidant properties, despite the controversies surrounding its safety.


Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant commonly used in food, cosmetics, and industrial products.
Its primary function is to prevent oxidation and the degradation of substances by inhibiting the formation of free radicals.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is often added to oils and fats to extend their shelf life by preventing rancidity.
In addition to its antioxidant properties, BHT is also used in various applications as a stabilizer and preservative.

However, there have been some concerns about its safety, particularly regarding its potential effects on health with long-term exposure, leading to regulatory scrutiny in some regions.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is a synthetic antioxidant commonly used to prevent the oxidation of fats and oils in foods.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is known chemically as 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) appears as a white crystalline solid at room temperature.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is widely used in the food industry to extend the shelf life of products.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) is also used in cosmetics to prevent the oxidation of ingredients, which helps maintain product integrity.

In addition to food and cosmetics, BHT is used in industrial applications, such as in the manufacture of rubber and petroleum products.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (Antioxidant) functions by neutralizing free radicals, thereby preventing the oxidative degradation of materials.


Physical Properties:

Chemical Formula: C15H24O
Molecular Weight: 220.35 g/mol
Appearance: White crystalline solid
Odor: Slight aromatic odor
Melting Point: 69-71°C (156-160°F)
Boiling Point: 265°C (509°F)
Density: 1.048 g/cm³ at 20°C
Solubility in Water: Insoluble (0.0000065 g/100 mL at 25°C)
Solubility in Organic Solvents: Soluble in ethanol, methanol, acetone, benzene, chloroform, and other organic solvents
Vapor Pressure: 4.49E-06 mmHg at 25°C
Log P (octanol/water partition coefficient): 5.1
Flash Point: 127°C (261°F)
Autoignition Temperature: 490°C (914°F)
Refractive Index: 1.4855 at 20°C
Viscosity: Not applicable (solid at room temperature)

Chemical Properties:

Chemical Structure:
Functional Groups: Phenol (hydroxyl group on benzene ring), alkyl groups (two tert-butyl groups)
Stability: Stable under normal conditions; may decompose on exposure to light or air.
Acids and Bases: Stable under normal acidic and basic conditions.
Oxidizing Agents: May react with strong oxidizers.
Reducing Agents: Generally stable.
Thermal Decomposition: Produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other potentially toxic fumes when decomposed.
pH: Neutral in water (pH ~7)
Molecular Geometry: Planar aromatic ring with bulky tert-butyl groups at the ortho positions.
Hydrolysis: Does not hydrolyze in water.
Photolysis: Can undergo photodegradation upon exposure to UV light.
Flammability: Combustible solid.
Toxicity: Low acute toxicity, but potential concerns with long-term exposure.


1. Inhalation:
If inhaled, BHT may cause respiratory irritation, coughing, or shortness of breath.

Immediate Actions:
Remove the person to fresh air immediately.
Ensure they are breathing comfortably.
If breathing is difficult, provide oxygen if available.
If the person is not breathing, perform artificial respiration (CPR) and seek immediate medical attention.

Seek medical attention if symptoms persist or if there are any signs of respiratory distress.
Keep the affected person warm and rested.

2. Skin Contact:

Direct contact with BHT can cause mild irritation, redness, or itching.

Immediate Actions:
Remove any contaminated clothing and shoes.
Rinse the affected skin area thoroughly with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes.
Do not use solvents or thinner to wash the affected area.

If skin irritation persists or develops, seek medical attention.
Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.

3. Eye Contact:

Contact with BHT can cause eye irritation, redness, or watering.

Immediate Actions:
Rinse the affected eye(s) immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, holding the eyelids open.
Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do, and continue rinsing.

Seek immediate medical attention if irritation persists or if there is pain, swelling, or difficulty seeing.
Avoid rubbing or touching the eyes.

4. Ingestion:

Swallowing BHT may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Immediate Actions:
Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel.
Rinse the mouth thoroughly with water.
Drink 1-2 glasses of water to dilute the chemical.

Seek medical attention immediately, even if symptoms are not present.
Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Keep the affected person warm and rested.

5. General Advice:

Protection for First Aiders:
Avoid direct contact with BHT; wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, and masks.
Ensure that first aid personnel are aware of the substance involved and take precautions to protect themselves.

Notes to Physician:
Treat symptomatically and supportively.
There is no specific antidote for BHT poisoning.
Consider activated charcoal administration in case of significant ingestion, provided the airway is protected.

6. Precautions and Preventative Measures:

Ensure proper ventilation in areas where BHT is used or handled.
Use appropriate PPE such as gloves, goggles, and protective clothing to minimize exposure.
Store BHT in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances such as strong oxidizers.
Implement proper hygiene practices, such as washing hands thoroughly after handling BHT and before eating or drinking.



Personal Protection:

Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) including chemical-resistant gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothing to prevent skin and eye contact.

Respiratory Protection:
Use a suitable respiratory protection device if dust or fumes are present, particularly in poorly ventilated areas.

Safe Handling Practices:

Avoid Contact:
Avoid direct contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Wash hands thoroughly after handling BHT and before eating, drinking, or smoking.

No Ingestion:
Do not ingest BHT. Avoid inhaling dust, fumes, or vapors.

Use Tools:
Use appropriate tools and techniques to minimize direct handling and contact with BHT.

Spill Prevention:
Handle the material in ways that minimize the risk of spills or releases.
Use spill containment measures where appropriate.

Engineering Controls:

Ensure adequate ventilation in work areas to control airborne concentrations below the recommended exposure limits.
Use local exhaust ventilation if necessary.

Design workstations to minimize exposure and facilitate easy cleanup of spills.

Hygiene Measures:

Provide facilities for washing and decontamination.
Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are readily accessible in areas where BHT is handled.

Cleaning Procedures:
Regularly clean work surfaces and equipment to prevent contamination buildup.

General Precautions:

Ensure all personnel handling BHT are properly trained on its hazards and safe handling practices.

Clearly label all containers with the chemical name and hazard warnings. Use appropriate signage in areas where BHT is stored and handled.


Storage Conditions:

Store BHT in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Avoid exposure to high temperatures and direct sunlight.

Keep the storage area dry to prevent moisture ingress which could affect the stability of BHT.

Store in tightly closed, properly labeled containers made of compatible materials (e.g., glass, plastic, or metal drums).


Incompatible Substances:
Keep BHT away from strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, and bases to prevent chemical reactions.

Store BHT separately from foodstuffs, beverages, and feed to avoid contamination.

Spill Response:

Spill Kits:
Equip storage areas with spill response kits containing absorbent materials, neutralizing agents, and appropriate PPE.

Use secondary containment systems, such as spill trays or bunds, to contain potential spills and prevent environmental contamination.

Safety Measures:

Fire Protection:
Store away from ignition sources and open flames.
Ensure fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment are readily accessible.

Emergency Preparedness:
Develop and implement emergency response plans for handling spills, fires, and other incidents involving BHT.

Inventory Management:

Clearly label all containers with the chemical name, CAS number, hazard symbols, and handling precautions.

Practice inventory rotation (first in, first out) to use older stocks before newer ones and reduce the risk of degradation over time.

Waste Disposal:

Disposal Procedures:
Dispose of BHT and contaminated materials in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.
Use licensed waste disposal companies if necessary.

Environmental Protection:
Avoid releasing BHT into the environment.
Follow proper disposal methods to minimize environmental impact.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), also known as dibutylhydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic organic compound, chemically a derivative of phenol, that is useful for its antioxidant properties.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is widely used to prevent free radical-mediated oxidation in fluids (e.g. fuels, oils) and other materials, and the regulations overseen by the U.S. F.D.A.—which considers BHT to be "generally recognized as safe"—allow small amounts to be added to foods.
Despite this, and the earlier determination by the National Cancer Institute that BHT was noncarcinogenic in an animal model, societal concerns over its broad use have been expressed.

CAS Number: 128-37-0
EC Number: 204-881-4
Molecular Weight: 220.35
IUPAC name: 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a phenol-derivative with antioxidant properties.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a common synthetic compound that is used as a preservative in cosmetic formulations to stabilize the formulation and prevent its oxidation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene maintains the properties of a formulation like color, odor, and texture, which may change upon exposure to air.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a toluene-based ingredient used as a preservative in food and personal care products.

Butylated hydroxytoluene has also been postulated as an antiviral drug, but as of December 2022, use of BHT as a drug is not supported by the scientific literature and it has not been approved by any drug regulatory agency for use as an antiviral.

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are used as preservatives in a variety of personal care products.
Both of these chemicals are also used as preservatives in foods.
These chemicals are linked to several health concerns including endocrine disruption and organ-system toxicity.

Butylated hydroxytoluene, commonly known as BHT, is an organic compound that is used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industry as an antioxidant.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a substituted derivative of phenol. BHT helps to prevent the formation of free radicals and oxidation.
When used in food products, it delays oxidative rancidity of fats and oils, and prevents loss of activity of oil-soluble vitamins.

Butylated hydroxytoluene may be found in pharmaceutical gels, creams and liquid or gelatin capsules, tablets and other pharmaceutical dosage forms.
The ability of oral Butylated hydroxytoluene to lead to cancer is a controversial topic, but most food industries have replaced it with butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA).
A large review from 2002 concluded that Butylated hydroxytoluene is safe for use on the skin in cosmetics.

Phytoplankton, including the green algae Botryococcus braunii, as well as three different cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp.) are capable of producing BHT as a natural product.
The fruit lychee also produces BHT in its pericarp.
Several fungi (for example Aspergillus conicus) living in olives produce BHT.

Industrial production:
The chemical synthesis of BHT in industry has involved the reaction of p-cresol (4-methylphenol) with isobutylene (2-methylpropene), catalyzed by sulfuric acid:

CH3(C6H4)OH + 2 CH2=C(CH3)2 → ((CH3)3C)2CH3C6H2OH
Alternatively, BHT has been prepared from 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol by hydroxymethylation or aminomethylation followed by hydrogenolysis.

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The species behaves as a synthetic analog of vitamin E, primarily acting as a terminating agent that suppresses autoxidation, a process whereby unsaturated (usually) organic compounds are attacked by atmospheric oxygen.
BHT stops this autocatalytic reaction by converting peroxy radicals to hydroperoxides.
It effects this function by donating a hydrogen atom:

RO2• + ArOH → ROOH + ArO•
RO2• + ArO• → nonradical products
where R is alkyl or aryl, and where ArOH is BHT or related phenolic antioxidants.
Each BHT consumes two peroxy radicals.

BHT is listed by the NIH Hazardous Substances Data Bank under several categories in catalogues and databases, such as food additive, household product ingredient, industrial additive, personal care product/cosmetic ingredient, pesticide ingredient, plastic/rubber ingredient and medical/veterinary/research.

Food additive:
BHT is primarily used as an antioxidant food additive.
In the United States, it is classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) based on a National Cancer Institute study from 1979 in rats and mice.
It is approved for use in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration: For example, 21 CFR § 137.350(a)(4) allows BHT up to 0.0033% by weight in "enriched rice", while 9 CFR § 381.147](f)(1) allows up to 0.01% in poultry "by fat content".
It is permitted in the European Union under E321.

BHT is used as a preservative ingredient in some foods.
With this usage BHT maintains freshness or prevents spoilage; it may be used to decrease the rate at which the texture, color, or flavor of food changes.

Some food companies have voluntarily eliminated BHT from their products or have announced that they were going to phase it out.

BHT is also used as an antioxidant in products such as metalworking fluids, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, transformer oils, and embalming fluid.
In the petroleum industry, where BHT is known as the fuel additive AO-29, it is used in hydraulic fluids, turbine and gear oils, and jet fuels.

BHT is also used to prevent peroxide formation in organic ethers and other solvents and laboratory chemicals.
It is added to certain monomers as a polymerisation inhibitor to facilitate their safe storage.
Some additive products contain BHT as their primary ingredient, while others contain the chemical merely as a component of their formulation, sometimes alongside butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA).

The European Union restricts the use of BHT in mouthwash to .001% concentration, in toothpaste to .01% concentration, and to .8% in other cosmetics.

Health effects:
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Like many closely related phenol antioxidants, BHT has low acute toxicity(e.g., the desmethyl analog of BHT, 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, has an LD50 of >9 g/kg).

The US Food and Drug Administration classifies BHT as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) food preservative when used in an approved manner.
In 1979, the National Cancer Institute determined that BHT was noncarcinogenic in a mouse model.

Nevertheless, the World Health Organization discussed a possible link between BHT and cancer risk in 1986, and some primary research studies in the 1970s–1990s reported both potential for increased risk and potential for decreased risk in the area of oncology.

Because of this uncertainty, the Center for Science in the Public Interest puts BHT in its "caution" column and recommends avoiding it.

Based on various, disparate primary research reports, BHT has been suggested to have anti-viral activity, and the reports divide into various study types.
First, there are studies that describe virus inactivation—where treatment with the chemical results in disrupted or otherwise inactivated virus particles.

The action of BHT in these is akin to the action of many other organic compounds, e.g., quaternary ammonium compounds, phenolics, and detergents, which disrupt viruses by insertion of the chemical into the virus membrane, coat, or other structure, which are established methods of viral disinfection secondary to methods of chemical oxidation and UV irradiation.

In addition, there is a report of BHT use, topically against genital herpes lesions, a report of inhibitory activity in vitro against pseudorabies (in cell culture), and two studies, in veterinary contexts, of use of BHT to attempt to protect against virus exposure (pseudorabies in mouse and swine, and Newcastle in chickens).

The relevance of other reports, regarding influenza in mice, is not easily discerned.
Notably, this series of primary research reports does not support a general conclusion of independent confirmation of the original research results, nor are there critical reviews appearing thereafter, in secondary sources, for the various host-virus systems studied with BHT.

Hence, at present, the results do not present a scientific consensus in favour of the conclusion of the general antiviral potential of BHT when dosed in humans.
Moreover, as of March 2020, no guidance from any of the internationally recognized associations of infectious disease specialists had advocated use of BHT products as an antiviral therapy or prophylactic

Butylated hydroxytoluene is mainly used as an antioxidant to prevent the spoilage of cosmetic formulations, particularly those that contain oil or fats in a water base.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used in various cosmetic products that are aqueous in nature and contain active ingredients or plant extracts.

Butylated hydroxytoluene resists high temperatures and stabilizes the raw materials themselves and is also used in the manufacturing process of raw materials.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is often used at concentrations ranging from 0.0001% to 0.5%.

Skin care: Butylated hydroxytoluene enhances the shelf-life of skin care products by preventing oxidation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene also functions as a synthetic analog of vitamin E.
Similar to vitamin E, Butylated hydroxytoluene prevents autoxidation, where the unsaturated organic compounds in a cosmetic formulation may be attacked by oxygen changing their color, texture, or efficacy

Butylated hydroxytoluene is produced by the reaction of p-cresol with isobutylene and sulfuric acid.

Chemical formula C15H24O
Molar mass 220.356 g/mol
Appearance White to yellow powder
Odor Slight, phenolic
Density 1.048 g/cm3
Melting point 70 °C (158 °F; 343 K)
Boiling point 265 °C (509 °F; 538 K)
Solubility in water 1.1 mg/L (20 °C)
log P 5.32
Vapor pressure 0.01 mmHg (20 °C)
Appearance (Colour) White to pale yellow
Appearance (Form) Crystalline powder
Solubility (Turbidity) 10% solution in methanol Clear
Assay (GC) min. 99%
Melting Point 68 - 71°C

First aid measures:
Description of first aid measures:
General advice:
Consult a physician.
Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.
Move out of dangerous area:

If inhaled:
If breathed in, move person into fresh air.
If not breathing, give artificial respiration.
Consult a physician.
In case of skin contact:
Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.
Wash off with soap and plenty of water.
Consult a physician.

In case of eye contact:
Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician.
Continue rinsing eyes during transport to hospital.

If swallowed:
Do NOT induce vomiting.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Rinse mouth with water.
Consult a physician.

Firefighting measures:
Extinguishing media:
Suitable extinguishing media:
Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydrogen chloride gas

Advice for firefighters:
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.
Accidental release measures:
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Use personal protective equipment.

Avoid breathing vapours, mist or gas.
Evacuate personnel to safe areas.

Environmental precautions:
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Do not let product enter drains.
Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up:
Soak up with inert absorbent material and dispose of as hazardous waste.
Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.

Handling and storage:
Precautions for safe handling:
Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist.

Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.
Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.
Storage class (TRGS 510): 8A: Combustible, corrosive hazardous materials

Exposure controls/personal protection:
Control parameters:
Components with workplace control parameters
Contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.
Exposure controls:
Appropriate engineering controls:
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.

Personal protective equipment:
Eye/face protection:
Tightly fitting safety goggles.
Faceshield (8-inch minimum).
Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).

Skin protection:
Handle with gloves.
Gloves must be inspected prior to use.
Use proper glove
removal technique (without touching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product.
Dispose of contaminated gloves after use in accordance with applicable laws and good laboratory practices.
Wash and dry hands.

Full contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Material tested:Dermatril (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)
Splash contact
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Material tested:Dermatril (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)
It should not be construed as offering an approval for any specific use scenario.

Body Protection:
Complete suit protecting against chemicals, The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace.
Respiratory protection:
Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a fullface respirator with multi-purpose combination (US) or type ABEK (EN 14387) respirator cartridges as a backup to engineering controls.

If the respirator is the sole means of protection, use a full-face supplied air respirator.
Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).
Control of environmental exposure
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Do not let product enter drains.
Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Stability and reactivity:
Chemical stability:
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Incompatible materials:
Strong oxidizing agents:
Hazardous decomposition products:
Hazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions.
Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydrogen chloride gas.

Disposal considerations:
Waste treatment methods:
Offer surplus and non-recyclable solutions to a licensed disposal company.
Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material.
Contaminated packaging:
Dispose of as unused product

Avox BHT
Additin RC 7110
Dibutylated hydroxytoluene
4-Methyl-2,6-di-tert-butyl phenol

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), also known as dibutylhydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic organic compound, chemically a derivative of phenol, that is useful for its antioxidant properties.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is widely used to prevent free radical-mediated oxidation in fluids (e.g. fuels, oils) and other materials, and the regulations overseen by the U.S. F.D.A.—which considers BHT to be "generally recognized as safe"—allow small amounts to be added to foods.
Despite this, and the earlier determination by the National Cancer Institute that BHT was noncarcinogenic in an animal model, societal concerns over its broad use have been expressed.

CAS Number: 128-37-0
EC Number: 204-881-4
Molecular Weight: 220.35
IUPAC name: 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a phenol-derivative with antioxidant properties.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a common synthetic compound that is used as a preservative in cosmetic formulations to stabilize the formulation and prevent its oxidation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene maintains the properties of a formulation like color, odor, and texture, which may change upon exposure to air.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a toluene-based ingredient used as a preservative in food and personal care products.

Butylated hydroxytoluene has also been postulated as an antiviral drug, but as of December 2022, use of BHT as a drug is not supported by the scientific literature and it has not been approved by any drug regulatory agency for use as an antiviral.

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are used as preservatives in a variety of personal care products.
Both of these chemicals are also used as preservatives in foods.
These chemicals are linked to several health concerns including endocrine disruption and organ-system toxicity.

Butylated hydroxytoluene, commonly known as BHT, is an organic compound that is used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industry as an antioxidant.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is a substituted derivative of phenol. BHT helps to prevent the formation of free radicals and oxidation.
When used in food products, it delays oxidative rancidity of fats and oils, and prevents loss of activity of oil-soluble vitamins.

Butylated hydroxytoluene may be found in pharmaceutical gels, creams and liquid or gelatin capsules, tablets and other pharmaceutical dosage forms.
The ability of oral Butylated hydroxytoluene to lead to cancer is a controversial topic, but most food industries have replaced it with butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA).
A large review from 2002 concluded that Butylated hydroxytoluene is safe for use on the skin in cosmetics.

Phytoplankton, including the green algae Botryococcus braunii, as well as three different cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp.) are capable of producing BHT as a natural product.
The fruit lychee also produces BHT in its pericarp.
Several fungi (for example Aspergillus conicus) living in olives produce BHT.

Industrial production:
The chemical synthesis of BHT in industry has involved the reaction of p-cresol (4-methylphenol) with isobutylene (2-methylpropene), catalyzed by sulfuric acid:

CH3(C6H4)OH + 2 CH2=C(CH3)2 → ((CH3)3C)2CH3C6H2OH
Alternatively, BHT has been prepared from 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol by hydroxymethylation or aminomethylation followed by hydrogenolysis.

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The species behaves as a synthetic analog of vitamin E, primarily acting as a terminating agent that suppresses autoxidation, a process whereby unsaturated (usually) organic compounds are attacked by atmospheric oxygen.
BHT stops this autocatalytic reaction by converting peroxy radicals to hydroperoxides.
It effects this function by donating a hydrogen atom:

RO2• + ArOH → ROOH + ArO•
RO2• + ArO• → nonradical products
where R is alkyl or aryl, and where ArOH is BHT or related phenolic antioxidants.
Each BHT consumes two peroxy radicals.

BHT is listed by the NIH Hazardous Substances Data Bank under several categories in catalogues and databases, such as food additive, household product ingredient, industrial additive, personal care product/cosmetic ingredient, pesticide ingredient, plastic/rubber ingredient and medical/veterinary/research.

Food additive:
BHT is primarily used as an antioxidant food additive.
In the United States, it is classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) based on a National Cancer Institute study from 1979 in rats and mice.
It is approved for use in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration: For example, 21 CFR § 137.350(a)(4) allows BHT up to 0.0033% by weight in "enriched rice", while 9 CFR § 381.147](f)(1) allows up to 0.01% in poultry "by fat content".
It is permitted in the European Union under E321.

BHT is used as a preservative ingredient in some foods.
With this usage BHT maintains freshness or prevents spoilage; it may be used to decrease the rate at which the texture, color, or flavor of food changes.

Some food companies have voluntarily eliminated BHT from their products or have announced that they were going to phase it out.

BHT is also used as an antioxidant in products such as metalworking fluids, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, transformer oils, and embalming fluid.
In the petroleum industry, where BHT is known as the fuel additive AO-29, it is used in hydraulic fluids, turbine and gear oils, and jet fuels.

BHT is also used to prevent peroxide formation in organic ethers and other solvents and laboratory chemicals.
It is added to certain monomers as a polymerisation inhibitor to facilitate their safe storage.
Some additive products contain BHT as their primary ingredient, while others contain the chemical merely as a component of their formulation, sometimes alongside butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA).

The European Union restricts the use of BHT in mouthwash to .001% concentration, in toothpaste to .01% concentration, and to .8% in other cosmetics.

Health effects:
This section needs to be updated.
Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.
Like many closely related phenol antioxidants, BHT has low acute toxicity(e.g., the desmethyl analog of BHT, 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, has an LD50 of >9 g/kg).

The US Food and Drug Administration classifies BHT as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) food preservative when used in an approved manner.
In 1979, the National Cancer Institute determined that BHT was noncarcinogenic in a mouse model.

Nevertheless, the World Health Organization discussed a possible link between BHT and cancer risk in 1986, and some primary research studies in the 1970s–1990s reported both potential for increased risk and potential for decreased risk in the area of oncology.

Because of this uncertainty, the Center for Science in the Public Interest puts BHT in its "caution" column and recommends avoiding it.

Based on various, disparate primary research reports, BHT has been suggested to have anti-viral activity, and the reports divide into various study types.
First, there are studies that describe virus inactivation—where treatment with the chemical results in disrupted or otherwise inactivated virus particles.

The action of BHT in these is akin to the action of many other organic compounds, e.g., quaternary ammonium compounds, phenolics, and detergents, which disrupt viruses by insertion of the chemical into the virus membrane, coat, or other structure, which are established methods of viral disinfection secondary to methods of chemical oxidation and UV irradiation.

In addition, there is a report of BHT use, topically against genital herpes lesions, a report of inhibitory activity in vitro against pseudorabies (in cell culture), and two studies, in veterinary contexts, of use of BHT to attempt to protect against virus exposure (pseudorabies in mouse and swine, and Newcastle in chickens).

The relevance of other reports, regarding influenza in mice, is not easily discerned.
Notably, this series of primary research reports does not support a general conclusion of independent confirmation of the original research results, nor are there critical reviews appearing thereafter, in secondary sources, for the various host-virus systems studied with BHT.

Hence, at present, the results do not present a scientific consensus in favour of the conclusion of the general antiviral potential of BHT when dosed in humans.
Moreover, as of March 2020, no guidance from any of the internationally recognized associations of infectious disease specialists had advocated use of BHT products as an antiviral therapy or prophylactic

Butylated hydroxytoluene is mainly used as an antioxidant to prevent the spoilage of cosmetic formulations, particularly those that contain oil or fats in a water base.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is used in various cosmetic products that are aqueous in nature and contain active ingredients or plant extracts.

Butylated hydroxytoluene resists high temperatures and stabilizes the raw materials themselves and is also used in the manufacturing process of raw materials.
Butylated hydroxytoluene is often used at concentrations ranging from 0.0001% to 0.5%.

Skin care: Butylated hydroxytoluene enhances the shelf-life of skin care products by preventing oxidation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene also functions as a synthetic analog of vitamin E.
Similar to vitamin E, Butylated hydroxytoluene prevents autoxidation, where the unsaturated organic compounds in a cosmetic formulation may be attacked by oxygen changing their color, texture, or efficacy

Butylated hydroxytoluene is produced by the reaction of p-cresol with isobutylene and sulfuric acid.

Chemical formula C15H24O
Molar mass 220.356 g/mol
Appearance White to yellow powder
Odor Slight, phenolic
Density 1.048 g/cm3
Melting point 70 °C (158 °F; 343 K)
Boiling point 265 °C (509 °F; 538 K)
Solubility in water 1.1 mg/L (20 °C)
log P 5.32
Vapor pressure 0.01 mmHg (20 °C)
Appearance (Colour) White to pale yellow
Appearance (Form) Crystalline powder
Solubility (Turbidity) 10% solution in methanol Clear
Assay (GC) min. 99%
Melting Point 68 - 71°C

First aid measures:
Description of first aid measures:
General advice:
Consult a physician.
Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.
Move out of dangerous area:

If inhaled:
If breathed in, move person into fresh air.
If not breathing, give artificial respiration.
Consult a physician.
In case of skin contact:
Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.
Wash off with soap and plenty of water.
Consult a physician.

In case of eye contact:
Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician.
Continue rinsing eyes during transport to hospital.

If swallowed:
Do NOT induce vomiting.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Rinse mouth with water.
Consult a physician.

Firefighting measures:
Extinguishing media:
Suitable extinguishing media:
Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydrogen chloride gas

Advice for firefighters:
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.
Accidental release measures:
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Use personal protective equipment.

Avoid breathing vapours, mist or gas.
Evacuate personnel to safe areas.

Environmental precautions:
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Do not let product enter drains.
Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up:
Soak up with inert absorbent material and dispose of as hazardous waste.
Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.

Handling and storage:
Precautions for safe handling:
Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist.

Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.
Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.
Storage class (TRGS 510): 8A: Combustible, corrosive hazardous materials

Exposure controls/personal protection:
Control parameters:
Components with workplace control parameters
Contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.
Exposure controls:
Appropriate engineering controls:
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.

Personal protective equipment:
Eye/face protection:
Tightly fitting safety goggles.
Faceshield (8-inch minimum).
Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).

Skin protection:
Handle with gloves.
Gloves must be inspected prior to use.
Use proper glove
removal technique (without touching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product.
Dispose of contaminated gloves after use in accordance with applicable laws and good laboratory practices.
Wash and dry hands.

Full contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Material tested:Dermatril (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)
Splash contact
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Material tested:Dermatril (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)
It should not be construed as offering an approval for any specific use scenario.

Body Protection:
Complete suit protecting against chemicals, The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace.
Respiratory protection:
Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a fullface respirator with multi-purpose combination (US) or type ABEK (EN 14387) respirator cartridges as a backup to engineering controls.

If the respirator is the sole means of protection, use a full-face supplied air respirator.
Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).
Control of environmental exposure
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Do not let product enter drains.
Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Stability and reactivity:
Chemical stability:
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Incompatible materials:
Strong oxidizing agents:
Hazardous decomposition products:
Hazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions.
Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydrogen chloride gas.

Disposal considerations:
Waste treatment methods:
Offer surplus and non-recyclable solutions to a licensed disposal company.
Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material.
Contaminated packaging:
Dispose of as unused product

Avox BHT
Additin RC 7110
Dibutylated hydroxytoluene
4-Methyl-2,6-di-tert-butyl phenol


Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant that belongs to the class of compounds known as phenolic compounds.
Its chemical structure consists of a tert-butyl group attached to a cresol (methylphenol) ring.
The IUPAC name for BHT is 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol.
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant widely used in various industries.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is characterized by its white to slightly yellow, crystalline appearance.

CAS Number: 128-37-0
EC Number: 204-881-4


Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is extensively used in the food industry as an antioxidant to prevent the oxidation of fats and oils in processed foods, extending their shelf life.
In the cosmetic and personal care industry, Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a common ingredient in skincare products, lipsticks, and haircare items to enhance product stability.
Pharmaceuticals utilize Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) as a stabilizer in drugs and vitamins, ensuring their potency and preventing degradation due to oxidation.

The rubber industry employs Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) as a stabilizer in the production of rubber products, including tires, to resist aging and cracking caused by oxidative processes.
Plastics and polymer materials incorporate Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) to prevent degradation from exposure to oxygen and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the production of industrial lubricants to enhance their oxidative stability and prolong their service life.
Jet fuels include Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) to prevent oxidation during storage and transportation, maintaining the safety and efficiency of aviation fuels.

Adhesives and sealants use BHT to prevent oxidative breakdown, ensuring the long-term integrity of bonded materials.
Hydraulic fluids benefit from Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) as a stabilizer, preventing oxidation and ensuring the efficient operation of hydraulic systems.
Synthetic materials, such as elastomers and synthetic fibers, incorporate BHT to resist oxidation and enhance their durability.

The preservation of artworks and artifacts involves the use of BHT to protect against environmental damage caused by oxidation.
Agricultural applications include using Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) as a preservative for certain pesticides and herbicides, extending their shelf life and effectiveness.
Transformer oils in the electrical industry use Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) to prevent oxidation and maintain the insulation properties of transformers.

The plastics industry incorporates Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) into the production of various plastic products, including packaging materials, to enhance stability.
Engine oils in the automotive industry include Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) to protect critical components from oxidative damage and extend the life of the lubricant.

Cutting fluids and metalworking fluids use Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) to prevent oxidation, ensuring the effectiveness of these fluids in industrial processes.
In the production of synthetic fuels, Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to enhance stability and prevent degradation during storage and transportation.
The preservation of archival materials, such as documents and manuscripts, involves using BHT to protect against deterioration caused by oxidation.
Ink formulations for printing use Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) to prevent color changes and degradation, maintaining print quality.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is applied in the preservation of industrial greases and metalworking compounds to prevent degradation and maintain lubrication properties.
Industrial coatings incorporate Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) to enhance their resistance to environmental factors, ensuring durability and appearance.
The construction industry uses Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) in the preservation of sealants and adhesives, preventing oxidative damage.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is applied in the preservation of certain electronic components, protecting them from oxidation and ensuring long-term functionality.
In the production of polyurethane foams and elastomers, Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to prevent oxidative degradation and maintain physical properties.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of leather goods, textiles, and wooden products to prevent deterioration from exposure to air and light.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed in the preservation of plastic films and sheets, enhancing their resistance to environmental factors and preventing brittleness.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) plays a crucial role in the production of synthetic rubber tires, where it prevents oxidation and enhances the durability of the rubber.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is utilized in the formulation of ink for ballpoint pens, preventing the ink from drying out and ensuring smooth writing.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to the formulation of printing blankets in the printing industry to prevent oxidation and maintain printing quality.
In the aerospace industry, Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the formulation of lubricants and hydraulic fluids to prevent oxidation and ensure optimal performance.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed in the preservation of natural and synthetic waxes used in candles, ensuring their resistance to oxidation and discoloration.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of ink cartridges in printers, preventing the ink from drying out and maintaining print quality.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) plays a role in the preservation of certain types of wood finishes and varnishes, preventing discoloration and degradation.

In the production of electronic devices, Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used to protect sensitive components from oxidation and ensure their long-term functionality.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to the formulation of industrial paints and coatings to improve their durability and protect surfaces from environmental factors.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed in the preservation of photographic films and papers, preventing degradation over time.

In the manufacturing of synthetic fibers used in textiles, BHT is incorporated to enhance their resistance to sunlight and environmental stress.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of specialty chemicals, ensuring their stability and effectiveness over time.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) finds application in the preservation of certain agricultural products, including seeds and fertilizers, preventing deterioration during storage.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed in the formulation of metal cleaners and polishes, providing protection against tarnishing and corrosion.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of industrial solvents, preventing oxidation and maintaining solvent quality.
In the production of plastic pipes and tubing, BHT is incorporated to resist degradation from exposure to sunlight and environmental factors.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) finds application in the preservation of synthetic fuels, preventing oxidation and ensuring stability during storage and transportation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to the formulation of ink for flexographic printing to prevent drying and maintain print quality.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed in the preservation of industrial coolants, preventing microbial contamination and degradation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of silicone-based sealants and adhesives, preventing degradation and ensuring bonding performance.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to the formulation of ink for screen printing, preventing drying and ensuring consistent print quality.
In the manufacturing of molded plastics, BHT is incorporated to resist degradation during processing and exposure.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) plays a role in the preservation of polyurethane foam used in furniture, preventing degradation and maintaining resilience.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the formulation of anti-aging skincare products to prevent the oxidation of oils and maintain product stability.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is utilized in the production of automotive brake fluids to prevent oxidative degradation and ensure optimal performance.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to the formulation of air fresheners to maintain the stability of fragrance compounds and prevent deterioration.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) finds application in the preservation of leather goods such as shoes and bags, preventing aging and discoloration.

In the manufacturing of rubber conveyor belts, BHT is incorporated to enhance their resistance to environmental factors and extend their lifespan.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of cutting-edge materials like carbon nanotubes, preventing oxidation and maintaining their properties.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) plays a role in the preservation of certain printing inks used in packaging materials, ensuring long-lasting print quality.
In the production of electronic insulating materials, BHT is added to prevent oxidation and maintain electrical insulation properties.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed in the preservation of industrial greases used in machinery, preventing oxidation and ensuring lubrication efficiency.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to the formulation of heat transfer fluids for solar collectors, preventing oxidative breakdown and maintaining efficiency.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of certain explosives, preventing degradation during storage and maintaining stability.
In the formulation of corrosion inhibitors for metals, BHT is added to prevent oxidation and protect metal surfaces.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to the formulation of inkjet printer inks to prevent drying and maintain print quality.
In the production of plastic containers for cosmetics, BHT is incorporated to enhance their resistance to environmental factors and maintain product integrity.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of industrial cutting fluids, preventing microbial growth and degradation.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) finds application in the preservation of lubricating oils used in heavy machinery, preventing oxidation and maintaining performance.
In the manufacturing of synthetic resins, BHT is added to prevent yellowing and degradation during processing and exposure.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed in the preservation of polymer-based roofing materials, preventing oxidation and ensuring longevity.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to the formulation of anti-fogging agents for eyewear and mirrors, preventing degradation and maintaining clarity.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of rubber gaskets and seals, preventing oxidation and maintaining their sealing properties.
In the production of plastic laminates, BHT is incorporated to enhance their resistance to environmental factors and prevent discoloration.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed in the formulation of corrosion-resistant coatings for metal surfaces in industrial applications.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of industrial cutting tools, preventing oxidation and ensuring cutting efficiency.
In the formulation of engine coolants, BHT is added to prevent oxidative breakdown and maintain coolant properties.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) finds application in the preservation of synthetic lubricants, preventing oxidation and ensuring long-term lubrication effectiveness.


Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant that belongs to the class of compounds known as phenolic compounds.
Its chemical structure consists of a tert-butyl group attached to a cresol (methylphenol) ring.
The IUPAC name for BHT is 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol.

Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant widely used in various industries.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is characterized by its white to slightly yellow, crystalline appearance.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) has a mild, characteristic odor and is soluble in organic solvents like acetone and ethanol.
The molecular formula of BHT is C15H24O, and its molecular weight is approximately 220.36 g/mol.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is derived from phenol and is distinguished by the presence of tert-butyl groups on a cresol ring.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) exhibits excellent stability under normal conditions but may decompose at elevated temperatures.
With a melting point of around 70-73 °C, BHT is often used as a stabilizer and antioxidant in various applications.

As a versatile antioxidant, Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is known for its ability to prevent the oxidation of fats, oils, and other substances.
The chemical structure of BHT allows it to donate hydrogen atoms, thereby inhibiting the formation of free radicals.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is commonly employed in the food industry to extend the shelf life of processed foods.
In the cosmetic and personal care industry, BHT is added to skincare products to enhance their stability.
The pharmaceutical industry utilizes BHT as a stabilizer for drugs and vitamins prone to oxidative degradation.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a key component in the production of industrial lubricants, maintaining their quality and performance.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is incorporated into jet fuels to prevent oxidation and enhance the safety and performance of aviation fuels.

In the rubber and plastics industry, BHT acts as a stabilizer, preventing the degradation of materials exposed to oxygen and UV radiation.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in adhesives and sealants to maintain their integrity and prevent oxidative breakdown.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) plays a crucial role in preserving the stability of hydraulic fluids, ensuring the efficient operation of machinery.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to synthetic materials to resist oxidation, contributing to their durability and longevity.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) finds application in the preservation of artworks and artifacts, protecting them from environmental damage.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is applied in the agricultural sector as a preservative for certain pesticides and herbicides to extend their shelf life.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is utilized in the production of transformer oils, protecting electrical transformers from oxidative damage.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is incorporated into the manufacturing of plastics, contributing to the stability and longevity of plastic products.
In the automotive industry, BHT is used in engine oils to protect critical components from oxidative damage.

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the preservation of cutting fluids and metalworking fluids, maintaining their effectiveness over time.
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)'s versatility in preventing oxidation makes it a valuable component in a wide range of industrial applications, contributing to the longevity and stability of various materials.


Physical Properties:

Chemical Formula: C15H24O
Molecular Weight: 220.36 g/mol
Physical State: Solid
Color: White to slightly yellow
Odor: Mild characteristic odor
Melting Point: Approximately 70-73 °C (158-163 °F)
Boiling Point: Decomposes before boiling
Solubility in Water: Insoluble
Solubility in Other Solvents: Soluble in organic solvents such as acetone, ethanol, and ethyl acetate.
Density: Approximately 1.048 g/cm³ at 25 °C (77 °F)

Chemical Properties:

Chemical Structure: BHT is a derivative of phenol with a butyl group attached to two adjacent carbon atoms on the phenol ring.
Functional Group: Phenolic antioxidant
Stability: BHT is stable under normal conditions but may decompose at elevated temperatures.
Reactivity: Exhibits antioxidant activity by donating hydrogen atoms to free radicals.
Acidity/Basicity: BHT is neutral in pH.

Thermal Properties:

Melting Range: Approximately 70-73 °C (158-163 °F)
Boiling Point: Decomposes before boiling
Flash Point: Not applicable (BHT is not considered flammable)



Move to Fresh Air:
If inhaled, immediately move the person to fresh air to avoid further exposure.

Provide Artificial Respiration:
If the person is not breathing and trained to do so, provide artificial respiration.

Seek Medical Attention:
Seek immediate medical attention, especially if respiratory irritation or distress persists.

Skin Contact:

Remove Contaminated Clothing:
Quickly and gently remove any contaminated clothing, shoes, or accessories.

Wash Skin Thoroughly:
Wash the affected skin area with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes.

Seek Medical Attention:
If irritation, redness, or other adverse reactions occur, seek medical attention.

Eye Contact:

Flush Eyes with Water:
Immediately flush the eyes with gently flowing water for at least 15 minutes, holding the eyelids open to ensure thorough rinsing.

Remove Contact Lenses:
If applicable, remove contact lenses after the initial flushing and continue rinsing.

Seek Medical Attention:
Seek immediate medical attention if irritation, redness, or other eye-related symptoms persist.


Do Not Induce Vomiting:
Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical personnel.

Rinse Mouth:
Rinse the mouth thoroughly with water.

Seek Medical Attention:
Seek immediate medical attention.
Provide medical personnel with information about the ingested substance.



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Wear appropriate PPE, including chemical-resistant gloves, safety glasses or goggles, and protective clothing, to minimize skin contact and eye exposure.

Use local exhaust ventilation or ensure good general ventilation to control airborne concentrations and minimize inhalation exposure.

Avoid Contact:
Avoid skin contact and inhalation of vapors or dust.
Use handling equipment, such as scoops or spatulas, to minimize direct contact.

Prevent Ingestion:
Do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling BHT.
Wash hands thoroughly after handling to prevent accidental ingestion.

Static Electricity:
Take precautions to prevent the buildup of static electricity.
Ground equipment and containers during transfer operations to minimize the risk of static discharge.

Handling Procedures:
Follow established handling procedures and work practices.
Adhere to safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer or regulatory authorities.

Emergency Response:
Be familiar with emergency response procedures in case of spills, leaks, or other incidents.
Have appropriate spill control measures and emergency equipment available.

Ensure that personnel handling BHT are adequately trained in its safe handling, including the use of PPE and emergency response procedures.

Monitor Exposure:
Implement monitoring programs to assess potential exposure levels in the workplace.
Adjust control measures as needed to maintain safe conditions.


Store in Cool, Well-Ventilated Area:
Store BHT in a cool, well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
Maintain storage temperatures within specified ranges.

Keep Containers Closed:
Keep containers tightly closed when not in use to prevent contamination and minimize exposure to air.

Separation from Incompatibles:
Store BHT away from incompatible materials, including strong oxidizing agents, acids, and bases.
Clearly label storage areas to identify the nature of the stored substances.

Avoid Contamination:
Prevent contamination by storing BHT separately from other chemicals and ensuring that storage containers are clean and free of residues.

Control Humidity:
Control humidity levels in storage areas to prevent the formation of clumps or lumps in the BHT powder.

Storage Containers:
Use appropriate storage containers made of materials compatible with BHT.
Check the condition of containers regularly to ensure integrity.

Inert Gas Blanketing (Optional):
In cases where BHT is particularly sensitive to oxidation, consider using inert gas blanketing in storage containers to minimize exposure to air.

Secure Storage:
Securely store containers to prevent accidental spills or tipping.
Use appropriate storage racks or shelves.

Emergency Response Equipment:
Have appropriate emergency response equipment, such as spill containment materials and fire extinguishing equipment, readily available in storage areas.

Regular Inspections:
Conduct regular inspections of storage areas to identify and address any potential issues promptly.


DBPC (Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol)
E321 (used as an additive in the food industry)
Ionol CP
Ionox 330
Tenox BHT
Antracine 8
Antioxidant 264
Vanlube RI-A
Vulkanox DHT
Naugard BHT
Chinox BHT
Polygard BHT
Antioxidant 10
Antracine 8 (E 321)
Anderol 305
Anderol 306
Topanol A (BHT)
Butylated Hydroxy Toluene
Ethanox 330
DBPC (Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol)
Santowhite Powder
Ionol 330
Antioxidant 2246
Antioxidant 2246S
Antioxidant 2246-2
Antioxidant 2246-1
Antioxidant 2246-MSDS
Ionox 100
Ionox 101
Ionox 110
Ionox 111
Ionox 115
Ionox 116
Ionox 118
Ionox 122
Ionox 123
Ionox 124
Ionox 126
Ionox 128
Ionox 130

Butyldiglycol acetate, also known as 1-(2-butoxy-1-methylethoxy)propan-2-ol acetate, is a chemical compound that belongs to the class of glycol ethers and acetate esters.
Butyldiglycol acetate is commonly used as a solvent in various industrial applications.
Butyldiglycol acetate is a clear liquid with a mild odor, and it is known for its ability to dissolve a wide range of substances, making it useful in formulations across different industries.

CAS Number: 124-17-4
EC Number: 204-685-9


Butyldiglycol acetate finds extensive use in the coatings and paints industry, where it serves as a key solvent for dissolving resins, pigments, and additives to create consistent and durable finishes.
In the realm of industrial cleaning products, it plays a vital role as a solvent in degreasers and industrial cleaners, effectively breaking down stubborn oils, greases, and contaminants from surfaces.
The automotive sector benefits from Butyldiglycol acetate's inclusion in automotive coatings, facilitating smooth application and rapid drying, resulting in high-quality finishes on vehicles.
Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the formulation of printing inks, ensuring proper dispersion of pigments and enhancing print quality in various applications, from packaging to publications.

Butyldiglycol acetate contributes to the adhesive industry by dissolving adhesive components and adjusting viscosity, optimizing the bonding properties of adhesives used in various sectors.
Butyldiglycol acetate finds use in the wood and furniture industry, aiding in the production of wood finishes, stains, and varnishes that enhance both the appearance and protection of wood surfaces.
Textile dyeing and printing benefit from its solvency properties, as it helps dissolve dyes and pigments, ensuring vibrant and uniform coloration of fabrics.

In the realm of industrial maintenance, the compound is employed in the formulation of coatings that safeguard structures, equipment, and machinery from corrosion and wear.
Butyldiglycol acetate is a staple in the electronics industry, being used in the formulation of protective coatings for electronic devices to shield them from environmental factors and enhance performance.
Its use extends to the cosmetics sector, particularly in nail polish removers, due to its ability to dissolve nail polish while maintaining a mild odor.
The production of specialty coatings for medical devices leverages its properties to ensure biocompatibility and durability, making it an essential component in medical equipment applications.
Butyldiglycol acetate plays a crucial role in the manufacturing of aerosol sprays, aiding in the even dispersion of active ingredients in various consumer and industrial products.

Butyldiglycol acetate contributes to the formulation of architectural coatings, allowing for the creation of protective and visually appealing finishes for walls, ceilings, and exteriors.
In the metalworking industry, it is utilized for its solvency properties to enhance processing efficiency and facilitate the dissolution of substances in various manufacturing processes.
The textile industry benefits from its role in dyeing and printing processes, ensuring that fabrics achieve the desired colors and patterns with uniformity and precision.

The versatility of Butyldiglycol acetate is showcased in the formulation of coatings for plastic components, enhancing adhesion, finish, and performance in various plastic-based applications.
Packaging applications rely on its inclusion in coatings for food and beverage packaging, ensuring the safety, compliance, and quality of packaging materials.
Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the production of coatings for industrial machinery and equipment, protecting against corrosion, abrasion, and environmental factors to prolong their lifespan.
Butyldiglycol acetate's role in the production of architectural coatings contributes to the protection and beautification of structures, enhancing their durability and aesthetic appeal.

Its solvency properties make it an integral component in the formulation of cleaning products, such as household and industrial cleaners, delivering effective and efficient degreasing and cleaning capabilities.
The cosmetics industry incorporates Butyldiglycol acetate into various formulations, ranging from nail polish removers to other cosmetic products that require mild solvency.
Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the production of inks for a diverse range of applications, from fine art to commercial printing, ensuring optimal color dispersion and print quality.

Butyldiglycol acetate contributes to the formulation of specialty coatings used in electronics, medical equipment, and other sensitive applications where protection and performance are critical.
In the realm of woodworking, it aids in the creation of wood finishes that not only enrich the appearance but also protect the integrity of wood surfaces from environmental factors.
Butyldiglycol acetate's versatile applications continue to expand across various industries, where its solvency properties play a pivotal role in the formulation of products that require effective dissolution, dispersion, and protection properties.

Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the formulation of coatings for aerospace components, contributing to their durability and resistance against environmental factors in demanding aviation environments.
Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the production of specialty inks used for security printing applications, such as banknotes and identification documents, due to its reliable dispersion capabilities.
Butyldiglycol acetate finds application in the creation of wood stains, allowing for the enhancement of wood's natural beauty while providing protection against UV radiation and moisture.
In the manufacturing of leather and textile coatings, it is utilized to create finishes that enhance the appearance and feel of materials while providing resistance to wear and tear.
Butyldiglycol acetate plays a role in the formulation of industrial paints and coatings used in heavy machinery, contributing to their longevity and resistance to harsh working conditions.

In the production of metal coatings, Butyldiglycol acetate aids in achieving uniform coverage and adhesion, ensuring a protective layer against corrosion and rust on metal surfaces.
Butyldiglycol acetate is incorporated into the formulation of inkjet printing inks, contributing to the precise deposition of pigments onto various substrates in the digital printing process.

Butyldiglycol acetate's compatibility with a wide range of materials makes it valuable in the creation of varnishes used to protect and enhance the aesthetics of surfaces in various applications.
Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the formulation of coatings for architectural glass, contributing to improved transparency, UV protection, and resistance against environmental pollutants.
Butyldiglycol acetate is found in the production of automotive refinishing coatings, ensuring seamless repairs and a consistent finish for vehicle touch-ups and restorations.

Butyldiglycol acetate's solvency properties extend to the cleaning of electronics and precision instruments, where it effectively removes contaminants without damaging sensitive components.
In the cosmetics industry, it is used in the formulation of nail care products like nail polish and nail treatments, contributing to smooth application and long-lasting results.
Butyldiglycol acetate finds use in the creation of lacquers used to protect wooden furniture and surfaces, providing a durable and glossy finish that withstands daily wear and tear.
Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the production of architectural renderings, contributing to the uniform application of colored coatings that simulate building exteriors and interiors.

Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the formulation of specialty coatings for electrical insulators, contributing to their protection against weathering, UV radiation, and contamination.
Butyldiglycol acetate is incorporated into the creation of coatings for industrial equipment, such as machinery and tanks, protecting them from chemical corrosion, abrasion, and physical stress.

Butyldiglycol acetate's role in the formulation of glass coatings extends to the production of energy-efficient windows, enhancing insulation and reducing heat transfer in buildings.
Butyldiglycol acetate finds application in the manufacturing of screen printing inks, enabling the precise application of inks onto textiles, ceramics, and other surfaces.
Butyldiglycol acetate is used in the formulation of coatings for exterior signage, contributing to the durability and vibrant appearance of outdoor advertising materials.

Butyldiglycol acetate plays a role in the production of coatings for musical instruments, such as pianos and guitars, enhancing both aesthetics and protection.
In the creation of industrial and household detergents, it assists in the dissolution of soils and stains, improving the cleaning efficiency of these products.
Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the formulation of coatings for marine vessels, providing protection against saltwater, UV radiation, and harsh marine environments.

Butyldiglycol acetate finds use in the production of coatings for recreational equipment, such as bicycles and sports gear, enhancing both appearance and durability.
Butyldiglycol acetate contributes to the formulation of coatings for interior architectural elements like doors, partitions, and panels, enhancing their visual appeal and protection.
Butyldiglycol acetate's versatility continues to drive its applications across industries, contributing to the development of products that require efficient solvent properties, protection, and enhanced performance characteristics.

Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the formulation of coatings for outdoor sculptures and monuments, ensuring their preservation against weathering and environmental factors.
Butyldiglycol acetate is used in the production of anti-graffiti coatings, creating a protective layer that allows easy removal of graffiti without damaging the underlying surface.
In the packaging industry, the compound contributes to the creation of coatings for cardboard and paper packaging materials, enhancing their durability and appearance.
Butyldiglycol acetate finds application in the formulation of coatings for glassware and ceramics, providing both decorative and protective qualities.

Butyldiglycol acetate plays a role in the production of coatings for interior wall panels, contributing to easy maintenance, visual appeal, and protection against wear.
Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the formulation of coatings for solar panels, ensuring their longevity, resistance to environmental conditions, and optimal energy absorption.
Butyldiglycol acetate is found in the creation of coatings for medical devices and equipment, ensuring biocompatibility and protection in healthcare settings.
Butyldiglycol acetate is used in the formulation of coatings for architectural acoustic panels, contributing to their sound-absorbing capabilities while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Butyldiglycol acetate finds application in the production of coatings for playground equipment, enhancing their durability and resistance to weather-related degradation.

In the creation of coatings for historic preservation projects, it aids in restoring and protecting culturally significant structures and artifacts.
Butyldiglycol acetate is incorporated into the formulation of coatings for industrial pipelines, providing resistance against corrosion, chemicals, and harsh conditions.
Butyldiglycol acetate plays a role in the production of coatings for kitchen appliances, enhancing their resistance to stains, scratches, and high temperatures.

Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the formulation of coatings for concrete floors, contributing to their longevity, resistance to wear, and ease of maintenance.
In the manufacturing of coatings for renewable energy infrastructure, it aids in protecting wind turbines and solar arrays against environmental stressors.
Butyldiglycol acetate finds use in the creation of coatings for electronic displays, contributing to their clarity, scratch resistance, and anti-reflective properties.
Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the production of coatings for ceramic tiles, enhancing their resistance to moisture, chemicals, and impacts.

Butyldiglycol acetate is used in the formulation of coatings for gymnasium floors, contributing to their durability, slip resistance, and ease of cleaning.
In the production of coatings for transportation vehicles, it helps ensure resistance to corrosion, UV radiation, and extreme temperatures.
Butyldiglycol acetate finds application in the creation of coatings for outdoor furniture, contributing to their aesthetics and protection against weathering.
Butyldiglycol acetate is incorporated into the formulation of coatings for metal containers and packaging, enhancing their resistance to rust and external damage.
Butyldiglycol acetate plays a role in the production of coatings for food processing equipment, contributing to hygiene, corrosion resistance, and compliance with regulations.

In the creation of coatings for decorative glass panels, it enhances their appearance and resistance to environmental factors, maintaining their visual appeal.
Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the formulation of coatings for swimming pool surfaces, ensuring their resistance to chemicals, water, and abrasion.
Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the production of coatings for art conservation and restoration, safeguarding valuable artworks against deterioration and aging.
Butyldiglycol acetate's versatile applications continue to expand into innovative areas, contributing to the development of coatings and materials that meet the evolving demands of various industries.

Butyldiglycol acetate has a range of applications across different industries due to its solvent properties and compatibility with various materials.
Some of its applications include:

Coatings and Paints:
Butyldiglycol acetate is commonly used as a solvent in the formulation of coatings and paints, where it aids in dissolving resins, pigments, and additives.
This helps achieve consistent color distribution and proper viscosity for application.

In the printing industry, Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the formulation of inks, ensuring uniform dispersion of pigments and improving print quality.

Butyldiglycol acetate is used in adhesive manufacturing to dissolve adhesive components, adjust viscosity, and enhance bonding properties.

Cleaning Products:
Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the production of industrial and household cleaning products, acting as a solvent to dissolve greases, oils, and contaminants.

Automotive Industry:
Butyldiglycol acetate finds use in automotive coatings, contributing to even application, fast drying, and enhanced finish quality.

Chemical Processes:
Industries utilize it for various chemical processes where solubility and compatibility with other chemicals are required.

Butyldiglycol acetate is found in the formulation of degreasers and industrial cleaners used to remove oil, grease, and other tough residues.

Butyldiglycol acetate is used in cosmetics, including nail polish removers, due to its effective solvency and mild odor.

Woodworking and Furniture:
Butyldiglycol acetate is utilized in the production of wood finishes, varnishes, and lacquers, enhancing application and providing protection to wood surfaces.

Textile Industry:
Butyldiglycol acetate is used as a solvent for dyes and printing pastes, aiding in fabric coloration.

Industrial Maintenance:
Butyldiglycol acetate contributes to the formulation of maintenance coatings used to protect structures, equipment, and machinery from corrosion.

Specialty Coatings:
Butyldiglycol acetate finds applications in the formulation of specialty coatings used for electronic components, medical devices, and architectural features.

Aerosol Sprays:
Butyldiglycol acetate can be used in the production of aerosol sprays, helping to evenly distribute active ingredients.

Architectural Coatings:
Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the production of architectural coatings for walls, ceilings, and exteriors, providing protection and aesthetics.

Industries use it in metalworking processes to dissolve substances and enhance processing efficiency.

Butyldiglycol acetate can be found in the formulation of coatings for electronic devices, providing protection against moisture and other environmental factors.

Printing Industry:
Butyldiglycol acetate contributes to the formulation of specialty printing inks used in packaging and labeling applications.

Plastics and Polymers:
Butyldiglycol acetate is used in the formulation of coatings for plastic components, enhancing adhesion and surface finish.

Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in coatings for food and beverage packaging to ensure safety and compliance.

Industrial Equipment:
Butyldiglycol acetate is used in coatings for industrial machinery and equipment to provide protection against corrosion and wear.


Butyldiglycol acetate, also known as 1-(2-butoxy-1-methylethoxy)propan-2-ol acetate, is a chemical compound that belongs to the class of glycol ethers and acetate esters.
Butyldiglycol acetate is commonly used as a solvent in various industrial applications.
Butyldiglycol acetate is a clear liquid with a mild odor, and it is known for its ability to dissolve a wide range of substances, making it useful in formulations across different industries.

Butyldiglycol acetate is often chosen for its solvent properties, which allow it to effectively dissolve resins, pigments, and other components in paints, inks, coatings, adhesives, and cleaning products.
Butyldiglycol acetate also contributes to the flow and leveling properties of formulations.

Butyldiglycol acetate, with the chemical formula C10H20O4, is an industrially significant compound known for its solvent properties.
Butyldiglycol acetate falls within the glycol ether class, characterized by its ability to dissolve a wide range of substances.

Butyldiglycol acetate is a clear, colorless liquid with a mild, characteristic odor.
Butyldiglycol acetate is commonly used as a versatile solvent in various industries due to its effective dissolving capabilities.
Butyldiglycol acetate is recognized for its compatibility with both water-based and oil-based systems.

With a molecular weight of approximately 204.26 g/mol, it exhibits a moderate density and vapor pressure.
Butyldiglycol acetate is often preferred for its role in enhancing the flow and leveling properties of formulations.

Butyldiglycol acetate is widely utilized in paints, coatings, and inks, where it aids in the dispersion of pigments and other components.
Butyldiglycol acetate contributes to the stability and consistency of formulations, ensuring uniform application.
In adhesive production, Butyldiglycol acetate is valued for its role in dissolving adhesive components and adjusting viscosity.

Its solvent properties extend to the cleaning products industry, where it is used in the formulation of degreasers and cleaners.
Butyldiglycol acetate is employed in the manufacture of automotive coatings, contributing to even application and drying.
Industries such as chemical manufacturing and metalworking leverage its solubility for various processes and applications.
Its chemical structure comprises a butyl group, a diglycol ether segment, and an acetate group.

When handling Butyldiglycol acetate, proper safety precautions such as using gloves and safety goggles are essential.
Storage should be in well-ventilated areas away from open flames and ignition sources due to its flammable nature.
Butyldiglycol acetate's mild odor makes it suitable for applications where strong odors are undesirable.
Butyldiglycol acetate's versatile solvent properties make it effective in breaking down adhesives, paints, and coatings.

Butyldiglycol acetate is commonly found in cleaning products where it assists in removing greases and oils from surfaces.
Butyldiglycol acetate's clear appearance is advantageous in formulations where color clarity is crucial.
Butyldiglycol acetate's applications also extend to the cosmetics industry, including nail polish removers and other formulations.
Butyldiglycol acetate's versatility and compatibility with various materials make it a valuable ingredient in formulations.

Butyldiglycol acetate plays a significant role in the production of architectural coatings, ensuring both protection and aesthetics.
Butyldiglycol acetate is subject to regulations, and users should consult safety data sheets for proper handling guidelines.
Its effectiveness as a solvent in a wide array of applications has established Butyldiglycol acetate as an essential compound in numerous industries.


Chemical Formula: C10H20O4
Molecular Weight: Approximately 204.26 g/mol
Physical State: Liquid
Appearance: Clear, colorless
Odor: Mild, characteristic
Melting Point: Approximately -70°C (-94°F)
Boiling Point: Approximately 233°C (451°F)
Density: Approximately 0.96 g/cm³ at 20°C (68°F)
Vapor Pressure: 0.02 kPa at 20°C (68°F)
Solubility in Water: Low
Solubility in Organic Solvents: Miscible with most organic solvents
Flash Point: Approximately 100°C (212°F) (closed cup)
Autoignition Temperature: Approximately 215°C (419°F)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Content: Varies based on formulation
Refractive Index: Approximately 1.4080 at 20°C (68°F)
Viscosity: Approximately 5.3 mPa·s at 25°C (77°F)
Flammability: Flammable liquid
pH: Not applicable (non-aqueous)
Hydrolytic Stability: Generally stable in the presence of water
Evaporation Rate: Moderate
Dielectric Constant: Approximately 7.3 at 25°C (77°F)
Surface Tension: Approximately 30 mN/m at 25°C (77°F)
Heat of Vaporization: Approximately 50.5 kJ/mol
Heat of Combustion: Approximately -3824 kJ/mol



If inhaled, immediately move the person to fresh air and ensure they are in a well-ventilated area.
If the person is experiencing difficulty in breathing, seek medical attention immediately.
If breathing has stopped, administer artificial respiration if trained to do so.

Skin Contact:

Quickly remove contaminated clothing and footwear.
Rinse the affected skin area with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, gently removing any contaminated clothing while rinsing.
If irritation, redness, or other symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Wash contaminated clothing thoroughly before reusing.

Eye Contact:

Flush the eyes gently with lukewarm water, keeping the eyelids open, for at least 15 minutes.
Remove contact lenses if present and easily removable during rinsing.
Seek immediate medical attention if irritation, redness, or pain persists after flushing.


Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical professionals.
Rinse the mouth thoroughly with water if the person is conscious and alert.
Seek immediate medical attention or contact a poison control center.

General First Aid:

Ensure the affected person is removed from the exposure source and brought to a well-ventilated area.
Keep the person calm and provide reassurance.
If any symptoms develop or if there are concerns about the person's condition, seek medical attention promptly.
Provide medical personnel with information about the substance, including its name and the circumstances of exposure.



Work with Butyldiglycol acetate in a well-ventilated area to prevent the accumulation of vapors.
If handling in an enclosed space, ensure proper mechanical ventilation.

Personal Protection:
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as chemical-resistant gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothing to minimize skin and eye contact.

Avoid Inhalation:
Use respiratory protection, such as a NIOSH-approved organic vapor respirator, if the potential for airborne exposure exists.
Ensure the respirator fits well and is used in accordance with manufacturer guidelines.

No Smoking:
Do not smoke, eat, or drink while working with Butyldiglycol acetate.
Ensure designated smoking areas are far from the handling area.

Ignition Sources:
Keep away from open flames, sparks, and other potential sources of ignition.
Store tools and equipment that can create sparks away from the chemical.

Static Electricity:
Ground equipment when transferring or handling Butyldiglycol acetate to prevent the buildup of static electricity, which could cause a fire.

Avoid Contact:
Avoid skin and eye contact with the substance.
In case of contact, follow appropriate first aid measures and rinse affected areas immediately.

Work Procedures:
Implement safe work procedures and practices to minimize the risk of spills, leaks, and accidental exposures.


Store Butyldiglycol acetate in its original container, tightly closed, and properly labeled.
Ensure the container is compatible with the chemical and in good condition.

Store containers in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Fire Safety:
Store away from sources of ignition, heat, and open flames.
Keep away from strong oxidizing agents.

Store away from incompatible materials, including strong acids, bases, and strong reducing agents.

Height and Arrangement:
Keep containers of Butyldiglycol acetate off the ground on pallets or shelves to prevent contact with water and to facilitate inspection.

Leak Prevention:
Store in a containment area designed to contain potential leaks or spills, equipped with appropriate materials for absorbing and containing spills.

Store within the temperature range specified by the manufacturer or on the safety data sheet to prevent potential degradation.


2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethyl acetate
Butyl diethylene glycol acetate
Ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate
Butyl carbitol acetate
1-(2-Butoxy-1-methylethoxy)propan-2-ol acetate
Butyl diglycol acetic ester
Butyl diethyleneglycol acetate
Butyl Carbitol Acetate Ester
2-Butoxyethyl acetate of diethylene glycol
Butyl diglycol monoacetate
2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethyl ethanoate
Butyl carbitol diacetate
Butyl ether of diethylene glycol acetic acid
Butyl glycol diacetate
Diethylene glycol butyl ether acetate
Ethylene glycol butyl acetate
2-(n-Butoxyethoxy)ethyl acetate
Butyl diethylene glycol monoacetate
Butyl ether of diethylene glycol monoacetic acid
Butyldiglycol acetate
DEGBE acetate
Ethylene glycol butyl monoacetate
Ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether monoacetate
Oxitol acetate
Butyl Di Glycol (BDG); Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether; butoxydiglycol; diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-; diethylene glycol butyl ether; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; butyl carbitol; butyldiglycol cas no:112-34-5
4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one; 1,2-Butylene Carbonate; 1,2-Butanediol cyclic carbonate; Carbonic acid cyclic ethylethylene ester CAS NO:4437-85-8
Butylene Carbonate
BUTYLENE CARBONATE, N° CAS : 4437-85-8, Nom INCI : BUTYLENE CARBONATE, Nom chimique : 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one, 4-ethyl, Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état.; 1,2-Butylene carbonate ; 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one, 4-ethyl- [ACD/Index Name];4437-85-8 [RN]; 4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-on [Dutch]; 4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-on [German] ;4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one ; 4-Éthyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one [French] ; 4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolanne-2-one [French]; 4-Etil-1,3-diossolan-2-one [Italian];BUTYLENE CARBONATE ; 1,2-Butanediol, cyclic carbonate; 1,2-Butylene glycol carbonate; 4 - Ethyl - 1,3 - dioxolan - 2 - one; 4-19-00-01571 [Beilstein]; 4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-on [Danish]; 4-Etil-1,3-dioxolan-2-ona [Spanish] 4-Etil-1,3-dioxolan-2-ona [Portuguese]; Carbonic acid, cyclic ethylethylene ester; EE4037804; Texacar F-100
BUTYLENE GLYCOL Butylene glycol is an organic alcohol used as a solvent and conditioning agent in cosmetics industry. It is a water soluble, colorless liquid. It is mainly used in leave-on and rinse-off formulations. BUTYLENE GLYCOL is classified as : Humectant Masking Skin conditioning Solvent Viscosity controlling CAS Number 107-88-0 EINECS/ELINCS No: 203-529-7 COSING REF No: 74756 Chem/IUPAC Name: Butane-1,3-diol Summary Butylene glycol is a chemical ingredient used in self-care products like: shampoo conditioner lotion anti-aging and hydrating serums sheet masks cosmetics sunscreen Butylene glycol is included in formulas for these types of products because it adds moisture and conditions hair and skin. It also works as a solvent, meaning it keeps other ingredients, dyes, and pigments from clumping up inside of a solution. Like all glycols, butylene glycol is a type of alcohol. It’s often made from distilled corn. There are some health concerns that surround the use of butylene glycol. Some experts warn against its use, and cite it on lists of ingredients to avoid when choosing self-care products. The risk in using butylene glycol is still somewhat unclear. More research is needed to understand how it can affect your body in the long term. Butylene glycol uses Butylene glycol is added to all kinds of products that you apply topically. It’s particularly popular in clear gel-based products and in makeup that glides onto your face. You’ll find it on the ingredients list of sheet masks, shampoos and conditioners, eye liners, lip liners, anti-aging and hydrating serums, tinted moisturizers, and sunscreens. Butylene glycol is a viscosity-decreasing agent “Viscosity” is a word that refers to how well things stick together, particularly in a compound or chemical mixture. Butylene glycol makes other ingredients less likely to stick together, giving makeup and self-care products a fluid and even consistency. Butylene glycol is a conditioning agent Conditioning agents are ingredients that add a layer of softness or improved texture to your hair or skin. They’re also called moisturizers or, in the case of butylene glycol, humectants. Butylene glycol works to condition skin and hair by coating the surface of your cells. Butylene glycol is a solvent Solvents are ingredients that maintain a liquid consistency in a chemical compound. They help active ingredients that could become gritty or clumpy stay dissolved. Butylene glycol keeps the ingredients in cosmetics spread out and in their desired state for use. Butylene glycol benefits Butylene glycol has some health benefits if you have dry skin on your face or frequent breakouts. But it won’t work the same way for every person. Generally, most people who have dry skin can use products with butylene glycol to reduce their symptoms. Butylene glycol for acne Butylene glycol is in some moisturizersTrusted Source made for people who have acne. It isn’t the active ingredient that treats acne in these products. The moisturizing and solvent properties in butylene glycol could make these products right for you. However, there are reports of this ingredient clogging pores or irritating skin and actually making acne worse. Based on your symptoms, the cause of your acne, and your skin sensitivity, butylene glycol may be an ingredient that works in your skin care regimen. Butylene glycol side effects and precautions Butylene glycol is considered to be largely safe for use as a topical skin care ingredient. While it’s a type of alcohol, it doesn’t typically irritate or dry out skin. Can I have a butylene glycol allergy? It’s possible to have an allergy to nearly any ingredient, and butylene glycol is no different. There’s at least one report of an allergy to butylene glycol in the medical literature. But an allergic reaction caused by butylene glycol is uncommonTrusted Source. Butylene glycol during pregnancy Butylene glycol hasn’t been deeply studied in pregnant women. A 1985 study of pregnant rats demonstrated that this ingredient had negative effects on the developing animals. Anecdotally, some people recommend staying away from all glycol and petroleum products during pregnancy. Speak with a doctor about these products if you’re concerned. Butylene glycol vs. propylene glycol Butylene glycol is similar to another chemical compound called propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is added to food products, cosmetics, and even de-icing agents, like antifreeze. All glycols are a type of alcohol, and butylene and propylene glycol have a similar molecular shape. Propylene glycol isn’t used in the same way as butylene glycol. It’s more popular as an emulsifier, anti-caking agent, and texturizer in your food. However, like butylene glycol, propylene glycol is considered mostly safe when ingested in small amounts or when included in skin care products. Takeaway Butylene glycol is a popular ingredient in cosmetics and skin care products that’s safe for most people to use. We aren’t sure how common it is to be allergic to this ingredient, but it appears to be quite rare. Butylene glycol may help condition your hair and make your skin feel softer. Studies point to its relative safety. It's no secret that the beauty community has a tendency to take part in "cancel culture" when it comes to ingredients that we used to love (or at the very least, be okay with) and, when backed by science, this is rightfully so—our skin, a permeable gateway to our bodies, is precious and should be treated with the utmost care. One ingredient largely being dropped from product formulas as a result of the backlash is propylene glycol, and alternative ingredients are rising to take its place. Enter: Butylene glycol, a slightly larger chemical compound, which is found to be far less irritating. With expert insight from Morgan Rabach, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of LM Medical in NYC and cosmetic chemist Ron Robinson of, we take a further look into the pros and cons of butylene glycol to figure out why it's used as a substitute for propylene glycol. Keep reading to find out everything there is to know about the ingredient that’s becoming increasingly popular in your skincare. BUTYLENE GLYCOL TYPE OF INGREDIENT: Humectant, solvent, and emollient MAIN BENEFITS: Retains moisture, dissolves ingredients, and improves application. WHO SHOULD USE IT: In general, anyone looking for a way to effectively moisturize their skin. HOW OFTEN CAN YOU USE IT: Butylene glycol is safe for daily use for those who do not have an allergy to it or very sensitive skin. WORKS WELL WITH: As a solvent, butylene glycol works well with ingredients that are not water-soluble and are difficult to dissolve. DON'T USE WITH: Butylene glycol works well with most, if not all, ingredients. What Is Butylene Glycol? Butylene glycol is an organic alcohol derived from petroleum and is water-soluble. For cosmetic purposes, it comes in a liquid form and is found in countless skincare products such as cleansers, moisturizers, and masks, as well as makeup and haircare products. Butylene glycol has many different roles in skincare formulations (it's a humectant, solvent, and emollient) and is used as an alternative to the more commonly known controversial ingredient propylene glycol. Benefits of Butylene Glycol for Skin As a multifunctional ingredient in cosmetics, butylene glycol does a little bit of everything: Attracts water: Robinson says butylene glycol is a humectant, which means it binds water and pulls in hydration to the outer layer of the skin. Enhances penetration: By breaking down hard-to-dissolve active ingredients, butylene glycol improves penetration, which, as a result, helps the product perform more effectively. Conditions and smooths: In addition to being a humectant, butylene glycol can also function as an emollient by creating a barrier on the skin, which prevents water loss and softens and conditions. Butylene Glycol vs. Propylene Glycol Since both of these ingredients are derived from petroleum products, available in the form of a colorless liquid, and used in product formulations for the same reasons, it's easy to get them confused. According to Robinson, butylene glycol and propylene glycol are in the same class of compounds and function similarly as well. However, Robinson says unlike butylene glycol, propylene glycol is considered to be much more irritating to consumers. In fact, propylene glycol was even named the American Contact Dermatitis Society's Allergen of the Year in 2018. For that reason, he says many brands have removed it from their formulas and turned to alternatives, such as butylene glycol, instead. What you've heard about both ingredients being used in antifreeze is true, but neither is considered to be toxic (unlike another closely related ingredient that is also used in antifreeze called ethylene glycol—this ingredient is considered to be harmful and should definitely be avoided). Despite concerns and skepticism around butylene and propylene glycol, the EWG rates propylene glycol at 3 out of 10 (10 being the most hazardous) on their “danger scale” and butylene glycol at the lowest possible hazard rating: 1. Side Effects of Butylene Glycol It's important to note that just because an ingredient is derived from petroleum doesn't automatically make it dangerous to use. In its final chemical structure form, butylene glycol is considered safe for cosmetic use. Studies show that butylene glycol is an ingredient with low-levels of irritation, and the occurrence of allergic contact dermatitis is rare, although still a possibility. It can be irritating to people with very sensitive skin, and these skin types should avoid this ingredient if it leads to allergic rashes, according to Rabach and Robinson. If you do experience irritation or an itchy rash, discontinue use of the product and consult a physician. With formal patch testing, your dermatologist or allergist can determine if butylene glycol is the cause of your reaction. How to Use It Because butylene glycol is such a versatile ingredient and is found in so many products, there isn’t one certain way to apply it. In general, Rabach says butylene glycol is safe for daily use. As far as when to use products containing the ingredient, how often to use it, or how much should be used, consult your dermatologist or follow the directions specified on the product label. One of the common reader requests I get is for “toxic” ingredient breakdowns, so today I’m looking at two ingredients that are commonly on “avoid” lists: propylene and butylene glycol. WHAT ARE PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL, AND ARE THEY SAFE? Affiliate Disclosure: I receive a small commission for purchases made via affiliate links. One of the common reader requests I get is for “toxic” ingredient breakdowns, so today I’m looking at two ingredients that are commonly on “avoid” lists: propylene and butylene glycol. What are propylene and butylene glycol, and are they safe? WHAT ARE PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL? Glycols in chemistry are ingredients that contain two OH (alcohol) groups. Propylene glycol contains 3 carbon atoms, while butylene glycol is a little larger and contains 4 carbon atoms. In glycols, the alcohol groups are attached to different carbons. Confusingly, the names “propylene glycol” and “butylene glycol” can refer to several slightly different substances, since there are a few choices of carbon atoms for the OH groups to be attached to. Propylene glycol usually refers to propane-1,2-diol (formerly known as 1,2-propanediol). The less commonly used propane-1,3-diol is also sometimes called propylene glycol, but usually in cosmetics it’s called “propanediol”. Propanediol is become more popular since propylene glycol’s been on all these watchlists. What are propylene and butylene glycol, and are they safe? It’s a similar story for butylene glycol. “Butylene glycol ” usually means butane-1,3-diol, but sometimes it’s also used to refer to the related butane-2,3-diol. What are propylene and butylene glycol, and are they safe? WHAT DO PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL DO IN PRODUCTS? Alcohol (OH) groups on ingredients usually make them good humectant moisturisers that can hold onto water and keep your skin or hair hydrated. For example, glycerin has almost the same structure as propylene glycol, but with an additional alcohol group. Propylene and butylene glycol are both humectant moisturisers. Propylene and butylene glycol are also commonly used in products as solvents. They’re good at dissolving ingredients that aren’t very water-soluble. This means you end up with a more effective product since dissolved ingredients can spread out on your skin better and penetrate. Additionally, they can have antimicrobial effects and boost the effectiveness of preservatives. Propylene glycol is a bit more common in products than butylene glycol. Both ingredients are commonly used in a ton of products, such as serums, moisturisers, toothpaste, shampoos and cleansers. They’re often also the main ingredients (after water) in sheet masks. They have a slightly slimy, goopy feel. You’ll also find propylene glycol used as antifreeze, and in foods (it gets metabolised into lactic acid after you eat it). A few skin conditions can also be treated with propylene glycol, including seborrheic dermatitis and ichthyosis. WHAT’S WRONG WITH PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL? There are a whole bunch of reasons why people tell you to avoid propylene and butylene glycol – let’s take a look at them. “THEY’RE PETROLEUM-DERIVED” The word “petroleum” is pretty scary for most people, since it makes you think of oil spills and toxic waste. But a lot of non-scary chemicals can be derived from petroleum too – for example, almost all plastics are made from petroleum. Where something comes from doesn’t tell you much about its toxicity. “THEY’RE USED AS ANTI-FREEZE” An anti-freeze is a substance that decreases the freezing point of water. The “scary” anti-freeze that causes poisoning is ethylene glycol, which is much like propylene and butylene glycol, but with only 2 carbons. What are propylene and butylene glycol, and are they safe? The three substances are similar in lots of ways, since they all have two OH groups: they’re all colourless liquids and work well as solvents, and they all work as anti-freezes. But a slightly longer or shorter carbon chain can make a big difference in terms of toxicity. 10 mL of ethanol (e.g. in the form of a shot of tequila) is quite fun and enjoyable for most people, but if you take off a carbon you get methanol, which is super toxic – 10 mL can make you go blind. Same deal with the glycols – ethylene glycol is far more toxic than propylene and butylene glycol. “THEY’RE SO DANGEROUS WORKERS NEED LOTS OF PROTECTION TO HANDLE THEM” A few places warn that workers need to wear special equipment when handling these chemicals. These warnings come from the MSDS (material safety data sheets), which list the precautions for handling the raw material. But these warnings need to capture the worst case scenarios, and are for very large, highly concentrated amounts of the substance. The MSDS information sounds scary even for otherwise safe substances. For example, sodium chloride (table salt) gets scary phrases like: A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product May affect behavior (muscle spasticity/contraction, somnolence), sense organs, metabolism, and cardiovascular system. May cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects in animals, particularly rats and mice (fetotoxicity, abortion, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and maternal effects (effects on ovaries, fallopian tubes) “THEY CAN CORRODE STAINLESS STEEL CONTAINERS – IMAGINE WHAT THEY DO TO YOUR FACE!” The MSDS also says that the glycols can corrode steel containers, which has led some people to say that “if they can corrode steel, imagine what they can do to your skin!” Luckily our skin isn’t steel… since water also corrodes steel. “THEY’RE PENETRATION ENHANCERS” Since propylene and butylene glycol are penetration enhancers that can help other ingredients enter your skin, many “toxic ingredient” lists say that they’ll increase penetration of other toxic ingredients into the bloodstream. This is technically true, but: this means they’ll also help actives that you want in your skin penetrate, and a lot of really unexciting things are also penetration enhancers, like water on your skin from cleansing. “THEY CAN CAUSE IRRITATING AND ALLERGIC REACTIONS” Here’s the actual legitimate issue with propylene and butylene glycol: in high concentrations, they can be irritating, and very rarely they can cause allergic reactions. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review, who investigate cosmetic ingredients, have found that both propylene glycol and butylene glycol are safe when used in products that are designed to be non-irritating – in general, this means that propylene glycol can be used in products at up to 50% concentration (although most products will contain less than 20%), while butylene glycol can be used pure without many problems. Propylene glycol is a bit more irritating than butylene glycol. Unsurprisingly, irritation with propylene glycol has been found to be worse when the product’s applied and then covered, and on broken skin as well. It’s also possible to have a true allergy to propylene and butylene glycol, where your immune system gets triggered by them, but it seems to be extremely rare. Being allergic to propylene glycol doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be allergic to butylene glycol. ARE PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL WORTH WORRYING ABOUT? Even the EWG, which usually is pretty scaremongery and chemophobic, only rates propylene glycol at 3 on their “danger scale” and butylene glycol at 1. If you’re sensitive to propylene or butylene glycol, you’ll notice that products with large quantities might make your skin itchy and irritated, and you’ll want to avoid those. But otherwise, they’re very safe ingredients. butylene glycol Rating: GOOD Categories: Texture Enhancer Commonly-used ingredient that has multiple functions in cosmetics, including as a texture enhancer. It’s similar to propylene glycol, but has a lighter texture. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review board has evaluated several toxicology tests and other research concerning butylene glycol and has determined it is safe as used in cosmetics products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even determined that butylene glycol is safe as a food additive. Butylene Glycol What Is Butylene Glycol? Butylene Glycol, Hexylene Glycol, Ethoxydiglycol and Dipropylene Glycol are clear, practically colorless, liquids. In cosmetics and personal care products, these ingredients are used in the formulation of hair and bath products, eye and facial makeup, fragrances, personal cleanliness products, and shaving and skin care products. Why is Butylene Glycol used in cosmetics and personal care products? Butylene Glycol, Hexylene Glycol, Ethoxydiglycol and Dipropylene Glycol are used as solvents and viscosity decreasing agents in cosmtics and personal care products. Scientific Facts: Butylene Glycol, or 1,3-Butanediol, dissolves most essential oils and synthetic flavoring substances. Butylene Glycol, Hexylene Glycol, Ethoxydiglycol and Dipropylene Glycol are glycols or glycol ethers. Glycols are a class of alcohols that contain two hydroxyl groups which are also called a diols.
Butylene Glycol is a small organic alcohol used as solvent and conditioning agent.
Butylene Glycol is one of the most popular ingredients used in cosmetic and skin care products.
Butylene Glycol is colorless and viscous with the chemical formula C4H10O2.

CAS Number: 107-88-0
6290-03-5 (R)
24621-61-2 (S)
EC Number: 203-529-7
Chem/IUPAC Name: Butane-1,3-diol
INCI: 1,3 Butylene Glycol
Molecular Formula: C4H10O2 / CH3CHOHCH2CH2OH

1,3-BUTANEDIOL, Butane-1,3-diol, 107-88-0, 1,3-Butylene glycol, Butylene glycol, 1,3-Dihydroxybutane, Methyltrimethylene glycol, 1,3 Butylene glycol, 1,3-Butandiol, beta-Butylene glycol, (RS)-1,3-Butandiol, (+/-)-1,3-Butanediol, 1-Methyl-1,3-propanediol, 1,3-Butylenglykol, 1,3-Butanodiol, HSDB 153, .beta.-Butylene glycol, NSC 402145, NSC-402145, (R)-1,3-butanediol, UNII-3XUS85K0RA, BD, EINECS 203-529-7, 3XUS85K0RA, BRN 1731276, DTXSID8026773, CHEBI:52683, AI3-11077, BUTANEDIOL,1,3-, DTXCID306773, NSC6966, EC 203-529-7, 0-01-00-00477 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), NSC402145, BUTYLENE GLYCOL (II), BUTYLENE GLYCOL [II], BUTANE-1,3-DIOL (USP-RS), BUTANE-1,3-DIOL [USP-RS], 1,3-butane diol, CAS-107-88-0, 1,3-Butanediol, (R)-, 1,3-Butanediol, (S)-, (S)-(+)-1,3-Butylene Glycol, MFCD00064278, ( inverted exclamation markA)-1,3-Butanediol, b-Butylene glycol, 1.3-butanediol, 1,3 -butanediol, Butylene Glycol (Butane-1,3-diol), MFCD00004554, DL-1,3-butanediol, R-butane-1,3-diol, Butylene glycol (NF), (S)-(+)-butanediol, racemic 1,3-butanediol, BUTANEDIOL,3-, 1,3-butanediol, DL-, (RS)-1,3-Butanediol, 1,3-Butanediol 100 microg/mL in Acetonitrile, (+/-) 1,3 butandiol, (+/-)-1,3-butandiol, BUTYLENE GLYCOL [INCI], (.+/-.)-1,3-Butanediol, CHEMBL3186475, WLN: QY1 & 2Q, 1,3-BUTANEDIOL [HSDB], acmeros Lubricant X0026F3541, 1,3-BUTANDIOL [WHO-DD], 1,3-Butanediol, (.+/-.)-, 1,3-BUTYLENE GLYCOL [MI], NSC-6966, 1,3-BUTYLENE GLYCOL [FCC], Tox21_202408, Tox21_300085, 1,3 BUTYLENE GLYCOL [FHFI], HY-77490A, AKOS000119043, DB14110, SB44648, SB44659, SB83779, 1,3 BUTYLENE GLYCOL, (+/-), NCGC00247900-01, NCGC00247900-02, NCGC00253944-01, NCGC00259957-01, SY049450, SY051259, 1,3 BUTYLENE GLYCOL, (+/-)-, (+/-)-1,3-Butanediol, analytical standard, B0679, B3770, CS-0115644, NS00008159, EN300-19320, (+/-)-1,3-Butanediol, anhydrous, >=99%, C20335, D10695, F82621, Q161496, (+/-)-1,3-Butanediol, ReagentPlus(R), 99.5%, J-002028, F8880-3340, 55251-78-0, 1,3-BG (Cosmetic Quality), 1,3-BG, 1,3-Butanediol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, 1,3-Dihydroxybutane, BG, Butylene Glycol, 3-Hydroxy-1-Butanol

Butylene Glycol, sometimes referred to as “butanediol,” is an organic alcohol that is prevalent in skincare products.
Butylene Glycol is a small organic alcohol used as solvent and conditioning agent.
Butylene Glycol is one of the most popular ingredients used in cosmetic and skin care products.

Butylene Glycol is colorless and viscous with the chemical formula C4H10O2.
Butylene Glycol comes in a liquid form and acts as a humectant, emollient, and solvent in formulations.
Butylene Glycol is the perfect ingredient for moisturizing, protecting, and conditioning the skin and hair.

Butylene Glycol also acts as a solvent and keeps the products from clamping up.
Butylene Glycol is a butanediol compound having two hydroxy groups in the 1- and 3-positions.
Butylene Glycol is a butanediol and a glycol.

Butylene Glycol is found in pepper (c. annuum).
Butylene Glycol is a solvent for flavoring agents.
Butylene Glycol is an organic chemical, an alcohol.

Butylene Glycol is commonly used as a solvent for food flavouring agents and is a co-monomer used in certain polyurethane and polyester resins.
Butylene Glycol is one of four stable isomers of butanediol.
In biology, Butylene Glycol is used as a hypoglycaemic agent.

Butylene Glycol belongs to the family of Secondary Alcohols.
These are compounds containing a secondary alcohol functional group, with the general structure HOC(R)(R') (R,R'=alkyl, aryl).
Some people have concerns over the safety of Butylene Glycol. However, many organizations consider Butylene Glycol to be safe.

Butylene Glycol is an organic alcohol, or diol, derived from distilled corn, petroleum, and sugarcane.
Butylene Glycol is a colorless, viscous, water-soluble liquid that many manufacturers add to skin care products.
Chemically, Butylene Glycol refers to a structure with four carbon atoms with two alcohol groups.

Butylene Glycol is in the form of a colorless, transparent liquid.
Butylene Glycol is soluble in water and water-based solvents.
Since Butylene Glycol is a compound that mixes well with water, when applied to the skin, it binds water to the skin and helps maintain the skin's moisture balance.

Butylene Glycol provides softness to the skin by creating a barrier on the skin.
Butylene Glycol supports the dissolution and mixing of other compounds.
Butylene Glycol has the potential to allow other compounds to penetrate better into the skin.

Butylene Glycol helps stabilize some formulations.
The usage rate varies between 1% and 10% depending on the effect of Butylene Glycol and its interaction with other compounds.
Butylene Glycol, or let’s just call it BG, is a multi-tasking colorless, syrupy liquid.

Butylene Glycol’s a great pick for creating a nice feeling product.
Butylene Glycol’s main job is usually to be a solvent for the other ingredients.
Other tasks include helping the product to absorb faster and deeper into the skin (penetration enhancer), making Butylene Glycol spread nicely over the skin (slip agent), and attracting water (humectant) into the skin.

Butylene Glycol is approved by Ecocert and is also used enthusiastically in natural products.
Butylene Glycol is also a food additive.
Butylene Glycol is a cosmetic grade.

Butylene Glycol is a colorless liquid that is suitable for use in many personal care applications.
Like all glycols, Butylene Glycol is a type of alcohol.
Butylene Glycol’s often made from distilled corn.

There are some health concerns that surround the use of Butylene Glycol.
As a raw material, Butylene Glycol is a clear and viscous liquid.
Butylene Glycol is similar to propylene glycol but has a lighter texture.

Butylene Glycol is used in a wide range of concentrations, with reports of up to 50%, although many suppliers cap it at 30%.
The minimum amount tends to hover around 0.5%, in which case Butylene Glycol’s typically part of a blend with plant extracts and/or preservatives.
The Cosmetic Ingredient Review board has evaluated several toxicology tests and other research concerning Butylene Glycol over the years and has determined it is safe within the wide concentration range currently used in cosmetics products.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even determined that Butylene Glycol is safe as a food additive.
Butylene Glycol is an organic compound that is classified as a diol (an alcohol containing two hydroxyl groups in its molecule).
A colorless, water-soluble liquid, Butylene Glycol contains four carbon atoms and two (OH) alcohol groups.

Butylene Glycol's official formula is CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2OH.
Butylene Glycol is a natural diol, very pure, clear and odourless liquid.
Butylene Glycol is a common humectant used in cosmetic as moisturizer for the skin, solvent, fragrance enhancer.

The bio-Butylene Glycol is COSMOS approved.
Butylene Glycol is well known in cosmetic for its good moisturizing proprieties and for improving preservative systems.
Butylene Glycol inhibits gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms as well as moulds and yeasts.

Butylene Glycol is water soluble at room temperature and can be added directly in aqueous phase.
Concentration recommended of Butylene Glycol is 2 - 30%
In presence of preservatives (such as Biocon PHE, Biocon OC, Biocon DB…), Butylene Glycol boosts the performance of the preservative system and stabilizes the formulations.

Butylene Glycol is a chemical compound derived from petroleum, often used as humectant in skin care.
Butylene Glycol prevents the product from drying and makes the formulation more resistant to moisture.
In sensitive individuals, Butylene Glycol may be irritating to skin, eyes and nasal passages, however it is considered the least irritating of all glycols.

Butylene Glycol can be authorized in organic, when it is bio-sourced and obtained by fermentation from sugar.
Butylene Glycol is organic alcohol (diol - contains two hydroxy groups) derived from natural renewable raw materials, a multifunctional ingredient included in formulas as a humectant, carrier, antiseptic, solvent, humectant, preservative booster, and emollient.

Butylene Glycol is an organic alcohol derived from petroleum and is water-soluble.
Butylene Glycol is a well-suited solvent for the production of natural cosmetic extract ingredients and pre-formulations of cosmetic relevance.
Butylene Glycol is an organic solvent and conditioning agent.

Butylene Glycol is a solvent with humectant, emollient, and antimicrobial agent properties.
Butylene Glycol also works to condition skin and hair by coating the surface.
Butylene Glycol is moisturizing, protecting, and conditioning the skin and hair.

Butylene Glycol acts as a great conditioner for the hair, making it soft and flowy, prevents water loss from the hair, thus keeping them from drying out.
Butylene Glycol is derived from petroleum, sugarcane, or distilled corn.
Butylene glycol is a chemical compound (1,3-butanediol)—a colorless organic alcohol used in the following ways.

When placed on the skin or ingested, Butylene Glycol is absorbed and broken down into “gamma-hydroxybutryic acid,” a naturally occurring compound found in humans.
The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR), the FDA, and the World Health Organization have all found butylene glycol to be safe.

The Cosmetic Ingredient Review board has evaluated several toxicology tests and other research concerning Butylene Glycol over the years and has determined it is safe within the wide concentration range currently used in cosmetics products.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even determined that Butylene Glycol is safe as a food additive.

Because Butylene Glycol possesses a high number of hydroxyl groups in its chemical structure, it works well in skincare formulations as both a slip agent and a humectant.
A slip agent is a viscosity-decreasing component that thins creams and gels so that they become easier to spread onto the skin surface.

Humectants can help to boost the skin’s ability to retain moisture from the air.
With these properties combined, Butylene Glycol is an ideal skincare ingredient for stabilizing and improving the spreadability of lotions and creams, while providing a silky smooth, moisturizing texture.

Some manufacturers also use Butylene Glycol as an alternative to or replacement for propylene glycol, another common skin care ingredient.
Butylene Glycol is a common ingredient in many skin care products.
In addition to softening and moisturizing the skin Butylene Glycol acts as a solvent for ingredients and enhances their stability, texture, and absorption.

Manufacturers add Butylene Glycol to a vast range of skin care, hair, and beauty products.
Butylene Glycol is added to all kinds of products that you apply topically.
Butylene Glycol’s particularly popular in clear gel-based products and in makeup that glides onto your face.

You’ll find Butylene Glycol on the ingredients list of sheet masks, shampoos and conditioners, eye liners, lip liners, anti-aging and hydrating serums, tinted moisturizers, and sunscreens.
Butylene Glycol is a viscosity-decreasing agent.

“Viscosity” is a word that refers to how well things stick together, particularly in a compound or chemical mixture.
Butylene Glycol makes other ingredients less likely to stick together, giving makeup and self-care products a fluid and even consistency.
Butylene Glycol is a chemical ingredient used in self-care products like: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, anti-aging and hydrating serums, sheet masks, cosmetics, and sunscreen.

Butylene Glycol is included in formulas for these types of products because it adds moisture and conditions hair and skin.
Butylene Glycol also works as a solvent, meaning it keeps other ingredients, dyes, and pigments from clumping up inside of a solution.
Butylene Glycol acts as a solvent.

Butylene Glycol is used as an alternative for propylene glycol.
Butylene Glycol possesses anti-microbial effect.
Butylene Glycol inhibits the drying out of cosmetics and prevents the crystallization of insoluble components.

Butylene Glycol aids in solubilizing aqueous insoluble ingredients and stabilizes volatile compounds such as fragrances and fixing them in the cosmetic formulation.
Butylene Glycol contributes to the preservation of products against spoiling, it has a very good distribution coefficient and thus leads to better efficacy of preservatives mixed into formulation.

Butylene Glycol is used in various cosmetics and personal care products.
Butylene Glycol is a commonly used ingredient that plays multiple roles in cosmetics, including as a humectant, texture enhancer, solvent, and penetration booster.

Research indicates Butylene Glycol not only helps raise water content in skin (aka hydration) but may also contribute to decreasing roughness on the surface of skin (depending on how it’s combined in the formula).
While not known as a preservative in and of itself, some of Butylene Glycol’s properties can help boost a formula’s stability against microorganisms that may harm skin’s surface.

Butylene Glycol is a conditioning agent uses of
Conditioning agents are ingredients that add a layer of softness or improved texture to your hair or skin.
They’re also called moisturizers or, in the case of Butylene Glycol, humectants.

Butylene Glycol works to condition skin and hair by coating the surface of your cells.
Butylene Glycol is used as a solvent.
Solvents are ingredients that maintain a liquid consistency in a chemical compound.

They help active ingredients that could become gritty or clumpy stay dissolved.
Butylene Glycol keeps the ingredients in cosmetics spread out and in their desired state for use.
Butylene Glycol is a food-grade ingredient found in various peppers used as a flavoring agent in the food industry, thanks to its bitter taste.

It is a widely used ingredient, and it isn't easy to find a modern formula that doesn't contain Butylene Glycol.
Thanks to the perfect solubilizing property, Butylene Glycol is used in many water-based applications as an alternative to glycerin and propylene glycol or combined with those solvents, improving their efficiency.

Butylene Glycol is ideal for dispersing essential oils, wetting pigments in decorative cosmetics, and clarifying formulas containing surfactants.
Butylene Glycol is a petroleum-free, clear liquid with 99.7% purity.
Butylene Glycol is the perfect choice for creating, natural, more sustainable formulations, from creams to shampoos, conditioners to soaps, perfumes and more.

Butylene Glycol is a high performing solvent, working to boost preservatives, enhance viscosity and create a soothing function in your lotions and butters.
Uses for Natural Butylene Glycol: Humectant, Solvent, Solubiliser, Viscosity Enhancer, Preservative Booster, Emollient, Skin-feel Modifier, and Carrier.
A performance boosting, multifunctional ingredient, our Natural Butylene Glycol is a solvent and emollient made from plants.

A perfect natural alternative to Mono Propylene Glycol, with the same amazing functions and properties.
Butylene Glycol is a commonly used ingredient that plays multiple roles in cosmetics, including as a humectant, texture enhancer, solvent, and penetration booster.

Research indicates Butylene Glycol not only helps raise water content in skin (aka hydration) but may also contribute to decreasing roughness on the surface of skin (depending on how it’s combined in the formula).
While not known as a preservative in and of itself, some of Butylene Glycol’s properties can help boost a formula’s stability against microorganisms that may harm skin’s surface.

As a raw material, Butylene Glycol is a clear and viscous liquid.
Butylene Glycol is similar to propylene glycol but has a lighter texture.
Butylene Glycol is used in a wide range of concentrations, with reports of up to 50%, although many suppliers cap it at 30%.

The minimum amount tends to hover around 0.5%, in which case Butylene Glycol’s typically part of a blend with plant extracts and/or preservatives.
Butylene Glycol is used as a solvent (helps other products dissolve in water),
Butylene Glycol is used as a viscosity-decreasing agent (to thin creams and gels so they’re easier to use),
and as a conditioning agent.

You can find Butylene Glycol listed on the product labels of hair care products, moisturizers, foundations, sunscreens, eye creams, mascaras, and more.
Butylene Glycol’s also used as a food additive to add flavoring—it has a sweet flavor and a bitter aftertaste—and in the manufacture of polyester plasticizers, structural material for boats, custom moldings, and sheets and boards for construction.

Butylene Glycol is a high purity clear, colorless, bittersweet liquid that has long been used as a high performance humectant in top quality personal care products.
Butylene Glycol is used as an emollient, food additive, humectant and solvent in shampoos, body washes, acne treatments, facial cleaner, cosmetics, anti-aging creams, flavors, nail polish and sunscreens.

Butylene Glycol can be used as a penetration enhancer and to solubilize essential oils, it can also be used as an organic solvent to dissolve active ingredients.
Butylene Glycol has many different roles in skincare formulations (it's a humectant, solvent, and emollient).

Butylene Glycol's used as an alternative to the more commonly known controversial ingredient propylene glycol.
For cosmetic purposes, Butylene Glycol comes in a liquid form and is found in countless skincare products such as cleansers, moisturizers, and masks, as well as makeup and haircare products.

Many companies add Butylene Glycol to their products, including cleansers, face masks, and eyeliners.
They use Butylene Glycol for its range of properties.

*Hydrates the skin
Butylene Glycol has humectant properties.
Humectants attract and bind water, often from deeper layers of the skin into the top layers.
They help keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.

*Softens and moisturizes
Aside from drawing moisture to the skin, Butylene Glycol is also an emollient.
Butylene Glycol coats the skin’s surface, creating a barrier that prevents water loss.
Butylene Glycol also conditions and softens the skin and hair.

*Maintains texture
Butylene Glycol’s primary role in most skin care products is to act as a solvent.
Solvents help ingredients stay suspended in formulas, preventing them from clumping together or becoming gritty.

*Reduces viscosity
Butylene Glycol helps reduce the product’s viscosity, stopping other ingredients from sticking together.
This is important to maintain the smooth consistency of products so that a person can effortlessly and evenly apply them to their bodies.

*Stabilizes products
Butylene Glycol also acts as a stabilizer, preventing active ingredients and volatile compounds from losing their flavor and aroma.
Moreover, Butylene Glycol prevents products from crystallizing and drying out.

*Acts as a preservative
Butylene Glycol has antimicrobial properties, which helps boost the effectiveness of preservatives in formulations.
Butylene Glycol also helps protect against spoilage due to contamination by microorganisms.

A 2021 study found that adding Butylene Glycol to chitosan, which is a type of fiber, enhanced its antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
Butylene Glycol also found that the combination had a potent preservative effect in cosmetics.
Furthermore, according to a 2018 study, Butylene Glycol 25% concentration was effective against all the microbial strains that underwent testing.

*Treats acne symptoms
According to an older study, Butylene Glycol is an ingredient that manufacturers commonly use in anti-acne moisturizers.
While Butylene Glycol has no direct action against acne, its antimicrobial and moisturizing properties may help treat associated symptoms in acne-prone skin.

*Butylene Glycol prevents water assimilation from air into the preparation
*Butylene Glycol acts as an emollient and stabilizes emulsions
*Butylene Glycol fixes fragrances and volatile ingredients
*Butylene Glycol suppresses microbial growth in high concentrations (including mold, yeast, and bacteria) and improves preservatives effectiveness
*Butylene Glycol prevents the settling and crystallization of insoluble ingredients
*Allow controlling viscosity (decreasing) and distribution
*Moisturizes skin like glycerin
*Butylene Glycol enhances penetration levels and duration of other ingredients
*Speeds up exfoliation, dissolving the inter-keratinocyte cement
*Butylene Glycol is non-irritating and sensitizing
*Butylene Glycol is a safe and perfect ingredient for skin, hair, lip, nail, and care products.
*Butylene Glycol has almost all Vegan, Ecocert, COSMOS, and Halal certifications.
*In addition, Butylene Glycol itself has an extended shelf life of up to two years.

*Preservative booster
*Skin conditioning
*Viscosity controlling agent

Butylene Glycolfor skin is used in just about any kind of skin care or beauty product you can imagine, which is why it’s important to understand what it is and what it does.

Butylene Glycol performs a myriad of functions from acting as a humectant to giving products a uniform consistency, making it an important ingredient in skincare.
Often used as a replacement for propylene glycol (which we’ll discuss below), Butylene Glycol is thought to be less potentially irritating and just as effective.

Because of its gentle nature and its incredible ability to hydrate the skin, Butylene Glycol’s perfect for a number of skin types from dry to super sensitive--another reason it has incredible versatility.

As we mentioned above, Butylene Glycol has many benefits for the skin.
Among them is the fact that Butylene Glycol is both a humectant and an emollient.

Why is this so important?
Well, humectants literally draw hydration right to the top layer of the skin, making Butylene Glycol look dewy and refreshed.
As a humectant, Butylene Glycol helps keep skin moisturized, hydrated, and looking its youngest.

In addition to drawing hydration to the skin’s top layer, Butylene Glycol also moisturizes it topically.
That’s a major reason Butylene Glycol’s used in hydrating products like lip treatments and moisturizers.
Because of its ability to direct moisture to the skin from both internal and external directions, Butylene Glycol’s an incredibly effective anti-aging ingredient.

For all the above reasons, you will find Butylene Glycol in our One Lip Wonder lip treatment.
Another benefit of Butylene Glycol is that it’s also a solvent.
As a solvent, Butylene Glycol helps other ingredients break down when put in water.

Without a solvent, your beauty products would have the consistency of undercooked oatmeal– clumpy, lumpy and pretty much impossible to use.
Additionally, Butylene Glycol helps stabilize and thicken other ingredients.

Because of its non-irritating properties, Butylene Glycol is great for all skin types, including sensitive skin types.
Butylene Glycol is now derived synthetically and is completely vegan!

Butylene Glycol has humectant properties.
Humectants attract and bind water, often from deeper layers of the skin into the top layers.
They help keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.

Softens and moisturizes:
Butylene Glycol is also an emollient.
Butylene Glycol coats the skin’s surface, creating a barrier that prevents water loss.

*Maintains texture:
Butylene Glycol’s primary role in most skin care products is to act as a solvent preventing them from clumping together or becoming gritty.

*Reduces viscosity:
Butylene Glycol helps reduce the product’s viscosity, stopping other ingredients from sticking together.

*Stabilizes products:
Butylene Glycol also acts as a stabilizer it prevents products from crystallizing and drying out.
Butylene Glycol’s primary role in most skin care products is to act as a solvent.

Solvents help ingredients stay suspended in formulas, preventing them from clumping together or becoming gritty.
Reduces viscosity Butylene Glycol helps reduce the product’s viscosity, stopping other ingredients from sticking together.
This is important to maintain the smooth consistency of products so that a person can effortlessly and evenly apply them to their bodies.

*Softens and moisturizes
Aside from drawing moisture to the skin, Butylene Glycol is also an emollient.
Butylene Glycol coats the skin's surface, creating a barrier that prevents water loss.
Butylene Glycol also conditions and softens the skin and hair.

Butylene Glycol enhances the smell of a product and / or perfumes the skin

Butylene Glycol holds and retains moisture in cosmetic products

Butylene Glycol maintains the skin in good condition

Butylene Glycol dissolves other substances

Butylene Glycol increases or decreases the viscosity of cosmetic products

*Often included in a skin care formula to enhance the texture and penetration
*Known to be hygroscopic, meaning it can increase skin’s water content (aka hydration)
*May also help boost a formula’s stability
*Clear, viscous liquid
*Also known as butane-1,3-diol

As a multifunctional ingredient in cosmetics, Butylene Glycol does a little bit of everything:

*Attracts water:
Robinson says Butylene Glycol is a humectant, which means it binds water and pulls in hydration to the outer layer of the skin.

*Enhances penetration:
By breaking down hard-to-dissolve active ingredients, Butylene Glycol improves penetration, which, as a result, helps the product perform more effectively.

*Conditions and smooths:
In addition to being a humectant, Butylene Glycol may also function as an emollient by creating a barrier on the skin, which prevents water loss and softens and conditions.

Humectant, solvent, and emollient

Retains moisture, dissolves ingredients, and improves application.

In general, anyone looking for a way to effectively moisturize their skin.

Butylene Glycol is safe for daily use for those who do not have an allergy to it or very sensitive skin.

As a solvent, Butylene Glycol works well with ingredients that are not water-soluble and are difficult to dissolve.

Butylene Glycol works well with most, if not all, ingredients.

*Humectant :
Butylene Glycol maintains water content of a cosmetic both in its packaging and on the skin
*Masking :
Butylene Glycol reduces or inhibits the odor or basic taste of the product
*Skin conditioning :
Butylene Glycol maintains skin in good condition
*Solvent :
Butylene Glycol dissolves other substances
*Viscosity controlling :
Butylene Glycol increases or decreases the viscosity of cosmetics

Usually Butylene Glycol is made from petroleum, but Butylene Glycol is a proven natural solvent, that is sourced naturally and made from renewable plant sugars using a fermentation process.

A multifunctional, performance boosting ingredient, Butylene Glycol is an emollient and solvent which is made from plants.
A natural alternative to Mono Propylene Glycol, Butylene Glycol maintains the same amazing functions and properties.
Butylene Glycol is a petroleum-free ingredient with 99.7% purity.

Butylene Glycol is the perfect choice for creating natural, more sustainable formulations for creams, soaps, perfumes and more.
Butylene Glycol is a high performing solvent that works to boost preservatives, enhance viscosity and create a soothing function in your lotions and butters.

Butylene Glycol enhances viscosity and soothes when used in shampoos and conditioners.

Butylene Glycol is a clear liquid.
Butylene Glycol is odourless.

With the ability to carry actives and hold fragrance oils, making products high performing, Butylene Glycol maintains a strong scent and is ideal for use as an emollient, humectant, solvent, solubiliser, viscosity enhancer, preservative booster, skin-feel modifier and a carrier.

Historically made from petroleum, this ingredient has been made free of petroleum and is for formulating natural and sustainable cosmetics products.
Conforms to ISO 16128-1 as natural ingredient.

Usually made from petroleum, Butylene Glycol is a proven natural solvent that is sourced naturally and made from renewable plant sugars using a fermentation process.


Check the back of your skin care and even your hair care, and you’ll most likely find that Butylene Glycol is listed as an ingredient in many of them.
As both a hydrating ingredient and one that keeps products stable, Butylene Glycol’s used in a large variety of products including shampoo, conditioner, face masks, moisturizers, cleansers, sunscreens, serums, lip treatments, and all kinds of other skin care products.
No need to add Butylene Glycol to any product, as it may already be included.
If you happen to be a skin care DIY’er, consider Butylene Glycol as a stabilizer for your products.

Butylene Glycol hydrates, conditions, and acts as a barrier to protect the skin and hair.
Butylene Glycol has a lot of benefits, making it quite popular in the cosmetic industry.

*Skin care: It acts as a humectant which means that it attracts water to the upper layers of the skin and binds it there to keep the skin hydrated. It also creates a barrier on the skin to protect it from harmful surroundings

*Hair care:
Butylene Glycol acts as a great conditioner for the hair, making it soft and flowy.
Butylene Glycol prevents water loss from the hair, thus keeping them from drying out.
Further, Butylene Glycol is also a viscosity-decreasing agent, which means that it prevents the products from sticking together and clamming up

Butylene Glycol is derived from petroleum, sugarcane, or distilled corn.
Butylene Glycol is made by the catalytic hydrogenation of acetaldehyde.
For use in cosmetic and skin care products, Butylene Glycol generally comes in liquid form and works well with almost all the ingredients.

*Skin conditioning

Butylene Glycol is considered safe for use in cosmetic and skin care products.
Even if it is alcohol, Butylene Glycol does not dry out or irritate the skin and hair.
However, a patch test is recommended prior to usage.
Apart from this, Butylene Glycol is also halal.


*Often included in a skin care formula to enhance the texture and penetration
*Known to be hygroscopic, meaning it can increase skin’s water content (aka hydration)
*May also help boost a formula’s stability
*Clear, viscous liquid
*Also known as butane-1,3-diol

Butylene Glycol has some health benefits if you have dry skin on your face or frequent breakouts.
But Butylene Glycol won’t work the same way for every person.
Generally, most people who have dry skin can use products with Butylene Glycol to reduce their symptoms.

*Butylene Glycol for acne:
Butylene Glycol is in some moisturizers made for people who have acne.
Butylene Glycol isn’t the active ingredient that treats acne in these products.
The moisturizing and solvent properties in Butylene Glycol could make these products right for you.
Based on your symptoms, the cause of your acne, and your skin sensitivity, Butylene Glycol may be an ingredient that works in your skin care regimen.

Butylene Glycol is considered to be largely safe for use as a topical skin care ingredient.
While it’s a type of alcohol, Butylene Glycol doesn’t typically irritate or dry out skin.

Propylene glycol and Butylene Glycol have several similarities.
Both are colorless liquids derived from petroleum and used as solvents, and both have similar roles in skin care formulations.
Like Butylene Glycol, propylene glycol is generally considered safe to use as an ingredient in skin care products and a food additive.

Also, manufacturers use both as antifreeze.
While this is true, both are low in toxicity compared with another, similar yet toxic ingredient called ethylene glycol.
Manufacturers use propylene glycol more than Butylene Glycol.

They may use propylene glycol as a drug stabilizer, food additive, texturizer, or antifreeze.
Propylene glycol may be more irritating to the skin than Butylene Glycol.
The former was dubbed the American Contact Dermatitis Society‘s Allergen of the Year in 2018.
Many companies have switched to Butylene Glycol.

If you’re a skin care follower, you’ve probably heard about propylene glycol and wondered what the difference is between it and Butylene Glycol.
While both are petroleum products (& completely safe to use), are colorless, and do pretty much the same thing, propylene glycol is considered to be more likely to irritate skin than Butylene Glycol.

Because of that, Butylene Glycol is often used as a substitute for propylene glycol in skin care.
You also might have heard that Butylene Glycol is used in antifreeze and is therefore dangerous.

While it is used in antifreeze, it is not dangerous to use on the skin.
Like a lot of people, you may be getting Butylene Glycol mixed up with another glycol: ethylene glycol, which is dangerous to the skin and which is also used in antifreeze.

Boiling Point: 207°C
Melting Point: -77°C
Solubility: Soluble in water
Molecular Weight: 90.12 g/mol
XLogP3-AA: -0.4
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 2
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 2
Rotatable Bond Count: 2
Exact Mass: 90.068079557 g/mol
Monoisotopic Mass: 90.068079557 g/mol
Topological Polar Surface Area: 40.5 Ų
Heavy Atom Count: 6
Formal Charge: 0
Complexity: 28.7
Isotope Atom Count: 0
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count: 0
Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count: 1

Defined Bond Stereocenter Count: 0
Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count: 0
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count: 1
Compound Is Canonicalized: Yes
Physical state: Liquid
Color: Colorless, clear
Odor: Odorless
Melting point/freezing point: -57 °C (ISO 3016)
Initial boiling point and boiling range: 203 - 204 °C (lit.)
Flammability (solid, gas): No data available
Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits:
Upper explosion limit: 12.6% (V)
Lower explosion limit: 1.9% (V)
Flash point: 108 °C (closed cup)
Autoignition temperature: 410 °C at 1.019 hPa (DIN 51794)
Decomposition temperature: No data available
pH: 6.0 - 7.0 at 20 °C

Kinematic viscosity: No data available
Dynamic viscosity: 131.83 mPa.s at 20 °C (ASTM D 445)
Water solubility: 500 g/l at 20 °C (OECD Test Guideline 105), miscible
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water): log Pow: -0.9 at 25 °C, bioaccumulation is not expected
Vapor pressure: 0.08 hPa at 20 °C
Density: 1.005 g/cm3 at 25 °C (lit.)
Relative density: No data available
Relative vapor density: No data available
Particle characteristics: No data available
Explosive properties: No data available
Oxidizing properties: No data available
Surface tension: 72.6 mN/m at 1g/l at 20 °C
Dissociation constant: 15.5 at 25 °C
Relative vapor density: 3.11 (Air = 1.0)
CAS: 107-88-0
Grade: Technical
Form: Liquid

Prohibited Uses: For intended use only
INCI: Butylene Glycol
Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid
Application Type: Personal care
Autoignition Temperature: 410 °C (770 °F)
Boiling Point: 209 °C (408 °F)
Color: Clear, colorless
Density: 1.0035 g/cm3 @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Dynamic Viscosity: 131.8 mPa.s @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Flash Point: 115 °C (239 °F) Method: ISO 2719
Lower Explosion Limit: 1.9% (V)
Odor: Weak
Partition Coefficient: Pow: -0.9
pH: 6.1 @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Relative Density: 1.0035 @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Relative Vapor Density: 3.2 @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Solubility in Water: Miscible
Surface Tension: 72.6 mN/m
Upper Explosion Limit: 12.6% (V)
Vapor Pressure: < 1 hPa @ 20 °C (68 °F)

-Description of first-aid measures:
*General advice:
Show this material safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.
*If inhaled:
After inhalation:
Fresh air.
*In case of skin contact:
Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.
Rinse skin with
water/ shower.
*In case of eye contact:
After eye contact:
Rinse out with plenty of water.
Call in ophthalmologist.
Remove contact lenses.
*If swallowed:
After swallowing:
Immediately make victim drink water (two glasses at most).
Consult a physician.
-Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed:
No data available

-Environmental precautions:
Do not let product enter drains.
-Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up:
Cover drains.
Collect, bind, and pump off spills.
Observe possible material restrictions.
Take up with liquid-absorbent material.
Dispose of properly.
Clean up affected area.

-Extinguishing media:
*Suitable extinguishing media:
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Dry powder
*Unsuitable extinguishing media:
For this substance/mixture no limitations of extinguishing agents are given.
-Further information:
Prevent fire extinguishing water from contaminating surface water or the ground water system.

-Control parameters:
--Ingredients with workplace control parameters:
-Exposure controls:
--Personal protective equipment:
*Eye/face protection:
Use equipment for eye protection.
Safety glasses
*Skin protection:
Handle with gloves.
Wash and dry hands.
Full contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0,11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Splash contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0,11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
*Body Protection:
protective clothing
-Control of environmental exposure:
Do not let product enter drains.

-Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
*Storage conditions:
Tightly closed.

-Chemical stability:
The product is chemically stable under standard ambient conditions (room temperature) .
-Incompatible materials:
No data available

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic compound with the formula CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2OH.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a small organic alcohol used as solvent and conditioning agent.

CAS Number: 107-88-0
6290-03-5 (R)
24621-61-2 (S)
EC Number: 203-529-7
Chem/IUPAC Name: Butane-1,3-diol
INCI: 1,3 Butylene Glycol
Molecular Formula: C4H10O2 / CH3CHOHCH2CH2OH

1,3-BUTANEDIOL, Butane-1,3-diol, 107-88-0, 1,3-Butylene glycol, Butylene glycol, 1,3-Dihydroxybutane, Methyltrimethylene glycol, 1,3 Butylene glycol, 1,3-Butandiol, beta-Butylene glycol, (RS)-1,3-Butandiol, (+/-)-1,3-Butanediol, 1-Methyl-1,3-propanediol, 1,3-Butylenglykol, 1,3-Butanodiol, HSDB 153, .beta.-Butylene glycol, NSC 402145, NSC-402145, (R)-1,3-butanediol, UNII-3XUS85K0RA, BD, EINECS 203-529-7, 3XUS85K0RA, BRN 1731276, DTXSID8026773, CHEBI:52683, AI3-11077, BUTANEDIOL,1,3-, DTXCID306773, NSC6966, EC 203-529-7, 0-01-00-00477 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), NSC402145, BUTYLENE GLYCOL (II), BUTYLENE GLYCOL [II], BUTANE-1,3-DIOL (USP-RS), BUTANE-1,3-DIOL [USP-RS], 1,3-butane diol, CAS-107-88-0, 1,3-Butanediol, (R)-, 1,3-Butanediol, (S)-, (S)-(+)-1,3-Butylene Glycol, MFCD00064278, ( inverted exclamation markA)-1,3-Butanediol, b-Butylene glycol, 1.3-butanediol, 1,3 -butanediol, Butylene Glycol (Butane-1,3-diol), MFCD00004554, DL-1,3-butanediol, R-butane-1,3-diol, Butylene glycol (NF), (S)-(+)-butanediol, racemic 1,3-butanediol, BUTANEDIOL,3-, 1,3-butanediol, DL-, (RS)-1,3-Butanediol, 1,3-Butanediol 100 microg/mL in Acetonitrile, (+/-) 1,3 butandiol, (+/-)-1,3-butandiol, BUTYLENE GLYCOL [INCI], (.+/-.)-1,3-Butanediol, CHEMBL3186475, WLN: QY1 & 2Q, 1,3-BUTANEDIOL [HSDB], acmeros Lubricant X0026F3541, 1,3-BUTANDIOL [WHO-DD], 1,3-Butanediol, (.+/-.)-, 1,3-BUTYLENE GLYCOL [MI], NSC-6966, 1,3-BUTYLENE GLYCOL [FCC], Tox21_202408, Tox21_300085, 1,3 BUTYLENE GLYCOL [FHFI], HY-77490A, AKOS000119043, DB14110, SB44648, SB44659, SB83779, 1,3 BUTYLENE GLYCOL, (+/-), NCGC00247900-01, NCGC00247900-02, NCGC00253944-01, NCGC00259957-01, SY049450, SY051259, 1,3 BUTYLENE GLYCOL, (+/-)-, (+/-)-1,3-Butanediol, analytical standard, B0679, B3770, CS-0115644, NS00008159, EN300-19320, (+/-)-1,3-Butanediol, anhydrous, >=99%, C20335, D10695, F82621, Q161496, (+/-)-1,3-Butanediol, ReagentPlus(R), 99.5%, J-002028, F8880-3340, 55251-78-0, 1,3-BG (Cosmetic Quality), 1,3-BG, 1,3-Butanediol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, 1,3-Dihydroxybutane, BG, Butylene Glycol, 3-Hydroxy-1-Butanol, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, 1,3-Dihydroxybutane, (RS)-1,3-Butandiol, 1,3 Butylene glycol, 1,3-Butandiol, 1,3-Butylene glycol, 1,3-Butylenglykol, 1,3-Dihydroxybutane, 1-Methyl-1,3-propanediol, beta-Butylene glycol, Methyltrimethylene glycol, b-Butylene glycol, Β-butylene glycol, 1,3-Butylene glycol, (14)C-labeled, 1,3-Butylene glycol, (DL)-isomer, 1,3-Butylene glycol, (R)-isomer, 1,3-Butylene glycol, (S)-isomer, Butylene glycol, (+/-)-1,3-butanediol, (.+/-.)-1,3-butanediol, (R)-(-)-Butane-1,3-diol, (R)-1,3-Butanediol, (S)-(+)-1,3-Butanediol, (S)-(+)-Butane-1,3-diol, (S)-1,3-Butanediol, 1,3-Butanodiol, BD, Butane-1,3-diol, DL-1,3-Butanediol, 1,3-Butanediol, β-Butylene glycol, Methyltrimethylene glycol, 1-Methyl-1,3-propanediol, 1,3-Butylene glycol, 1,3-Dihydroxybutane, Butane-1,3-diol, BD, 1,3-Butandiol, 1,3-Butylenglykol, 1,3-Butanodiol, Butanediol,1,3-, (RS)-1,3-Butanediol, Butylene glycol, NSC 402145, 1,3-butanediol, 1,3-butylene glycol, 1,3-dihydroxybutane, methyltrimethylene glycol, 1,3-butandiol, 1-methyl-1,3-propanediol, beta-butylene glycol, 1,3 butylene glycol, 1,3-butylenglykol, rs-1,3-butandiol, BD, Butane-1,3-diol, 1,3-BUTYLENE GLYCOL, 1,3-Butandiol, (3S)-butane-1,3-diol, 3-Butanediol, BUTAN-1,3-DIOL, (±)-butane-1,3-diol, 1-Methyl-1,3-propanediol, butane-1, 1,3 BG, 1,3-butanediol,(+/-)-, 1,3-butanediol,anhydrous,(+/-)-, 1,3-butyleneglycol, 1,3-dihydroxybutane, 1-methyl-1,3-propanediol, beta-butyleneglycol, butane-1,3-diol, butylene glycol (= 1,3-butanediol), methyltrimethylene glycol

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic compound with the formula CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2OH.
With two alcohol functional groups, the molecule of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is classified as a diol.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also chiral, but most studies do not distinguish the enantiomers.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a small organic alcohol used as solvent and conditioning agent.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) inhibits gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms as well as moulds and yeasts.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is water soluble at room temperature and can be added directly in aqueous phase.

Concentration recommended of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is 2 - 30%
In presence of preservatives (such as Biocon PHE, Biocon OC, Biocon DB…), Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) boosts the performance of the preservative system and stabilizes the formulations.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a chemical compound derived from petroleum, often used as humectant in skin care.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) prevents the product from drying and makes the formulation more resistant to moisture.
In sensitive individuals, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) may be irritating to skin, eyes and nasal passages, however it is considered the least irritating of all glycols.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) can be authorized in organic, when it is bio-sourced and obtained by fermentation from sugar.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is organic alcohol (diol - contains two hydroxy groups) derived from natural renewable raw materials, a multifunctional ingredient included in formulas as a humectant, carrier, antiseptic, solvent, humectant, preservative booster, and emollient.

Other tasks include helping the product to absorb faster and deeper into the skin (penetration enhancer), making Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) spread nicely over the skin (slip agent), and attracting water (humectant) into the skin.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is approved by Ecocert and is also used enthusiastically in natural products.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also a food additive.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a cosmetic grade.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a colorless liquid that is suitable for use in many personal care applications.

Like all glycols, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a type of alcohol.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s often made from distilled corn.
There are some health concerns that surround the use of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol).

As a raw material, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a clear and viscous liquid.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is similar to propylene glycol but has a lighter texture.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in a wide range of concentrations, with reports of up to 50%, although many suppliers cap it at 30%.

The minimum amount tends to hover around 0.5%, in which case Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s typically part of a blend with plant extracts and/or preservatives.
The Cosmetic Ingredient Review board has evaluated several toxicology tests and other research concerning Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) over the years and has determined it is safe within the wide concentration range currently used in cosmetics products.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is one of the most popular ingredients used in cosmetic and skin care products.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is colorless and viscous with the chemical formula C4H10O2.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol), sometimes referred to as “butanediol,” is an organic alcohol that is prevalent in skincare products.

Since Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a compound that mixes well with water, when applied to the skin, it binds water to the skin and helps maintain the skin's moisture balance.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) provides softness to the skin by creating a barrier on the skin.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) supports the dissolution and mixing of other compounds.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has the potential to allow other compounds to penetrate better into the skin.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) helps stabilize some formulations.

The usage rate varies between 1% and 10% depending on the effect of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) and its interaction with other compounds.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol), or let’s just call it BG, is a multi-tasking colorless, syrupy liquid.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s a great pick for creating a nice feeling product.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s main job is usually to be a solvent for the other ingredients.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic alcohol derived from petroleum and is water-soluble.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a well-suited solvent for the production of natural cosmetic extract ingredients and pre-formulations of cosmetic relevance.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic solvent and conditioning agent.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a solvent with humectant, emollient, and antimicrobial agent properties.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even determined that Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is safe as a food additive.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic compound that is classified as a diol (an alcohol containing two hydroxyl groups in its molecule).
A colorless, water-soluble liquid, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) contains four carbon atoms and two (OH) alcohol groups.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)'s official formula is CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2OH.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a natural diol, very pure, clear and odourless liquid.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a common humectant used in cosmetic as moisturizer for the skin, solvent, fragrance enhancer.
The bio-Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is COSMOS approved.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is well known in cosmetic for its good moisturizing proprieties and for improving preservative systems.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is colorless and viscous with the chemical formula C4H10O2.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) comes in a liquid form and acts as a humectant, emollient, and solvent in formulations.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is the perfect ingredient for moisturizing, protecting, and conditioning the skin and hair.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also acts as a solvent and keeps the products from clamping up.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a butanediol compound having two hydroxy groups in the 1- and 3-positions.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a butanediol and a glycol.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is found in pepper (c. annuum).
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a solvent for flavoring agents.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic chemical, an alcohol.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is commonly used as a solvent for food flavouring agents and is a co-monomer used in certain polyurethane and polyester resins.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is one of four stable isomers of butanediol.
In biology, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as a hypoglycaemic agent.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) belongs to the family of Secondary Alcohols.

These are compounds containing a secondary alcohol functional group, with the general structure HOC(R)(R') (R,R'=alkyl, aryl).
Some people have concerns over the safety of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol). However, many organizations consider Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) to be safe.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic alcohol, or diol, derived from distilled corn, petroleum, and sugarcane.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a colorless, viscous, water-soluble liquid that many manufacturers add to skin care products.
Chemically, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) refers to a structure with four carbon atoms with two alcohol groups.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is in the form of a colorless, transparent liquid.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is soluble in water and water-based solvents.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a small organic alcohol used as solvent and conditioning agent.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is one of the most popular ingredients used in cosmetic and skin care products.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also works to condition skin and hair by coating the surface.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is moisturizing, protecting, and conditioning the skin and hair.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) acts as a great conditioner for the hair, making it soft and flowy, prevents water loss from the hair, thus keeping them from drying out.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is derived from petroleum, sugarcane, or distilled corn.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a chemical compound (1,3-butanediol)—a colorless organic alcohol used in the following ways.
When placed on the skin or ingested, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is absorbed and broken down into “gamma-hydroxybutryic acid,” a naturally occurring compound found in humans.

The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR), the FDA, and the World Health Organization have all found Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) to be safe.
The Cosmetic Ingredient Review board has evaluated several toxicology tests and other research concerning Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) over the years and has determined it is safe within the wide concentration range currently used in cosmetics products.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even determined that Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is safe as a food additive.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a colorless, bittersweet, water-soluble liquid.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is one of four common structural isomers of butanediol.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a petroleum product.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is colorless and is often used as a solvent, product thinning agent or skin conditioner.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic chemical, a component to decrease viscosity.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also a polymer component / intermediate.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is commonly used as a solvent for fragrances and flavouring agents and is a co-monomer used in certain polyester and polyurethane resins.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic chemical which belongs to the family of secondary alcohols.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is registered under the REACH Regulation and is manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area, at ≥ 1 000 to < 10 000 tonnes per annum.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic alcohol-type solvent that is often used in various skincare products to add moisture and smoothness to your skin.
And because of its solvent nature, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) keeps other ingredients from clumping up once mixed into a solution.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an alcohol and organic chemical most often used as a solvent for flavoring food.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) (also known as 1,3-butylene glycol, butane-1,3-diol, or 1,3-dihydroxybutane) is an organic chemical, an alcohol.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an organic compound with molecular formula c4h10o2.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a small organic alcohol used as solvent and conditioning agent.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol), also known as b-butylene glycol or BD, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as secondary alcohols.
Secondary alcohols are compounds containing a secondary alcohol functional group, with the general structure HOC(R)(R') (R,R'=alkyl, aryl).

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a bitter and odorless tasting compound. 1,3-Butanediol has been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as green bell peppers, orange bell peppers, pepper (c. annuum), red bell peppers, and yellow bell peppers.
This could make Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods.

A butanediol compound having two hydroxy groups in the 1- and 3-positions.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) belongs to the class of organic compounds known as secondary alcohols.
Secondary alcohols are compounds containing a secondary alcohol functional group, with the general structure HOC(R)(R') (R,R'=alkyl, aryl).

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is manufactured from bio-based renewable resources adhering to the commitment of connecting the world with nature.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) acts as a co-monomer in the production of polyurethane and polyester resins.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used by consumers, in articles, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in the following products: cosmetics and personal care products, perfumes and fragrances, washing & cleaning products and pharmaceuticals.

Other release to the environment of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use as processing aid.
Other release to the environment of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is likely to occur from: indoor use in long-life materials with low release rate (e.g. flooring, furniture, toys, construction materials, curtains, foot-wear, leather products, paper and cardboard products, electronic equipment).

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) can be found in products with material based on: paper (e.g. tissues, feminine hygiene products, nappies, books, magazines, wallpaper).
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in the following products: cosmetics and personal care products, laboratory chemicals, metal surface treatment products, adhesives and sealants, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, non-metal-surface treatment products and lubricants and greases.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in the following areas: health services, scientific research and development and formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)'s used as an alternative to the more commonly known controversial ingredient propylene glycol.

For cosmetic purposes, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) comes in a liquid form and is found in countless skincare products such as cleansers, moisturizers, and masks, as well as makeup and haircare products.
Other release to the environment of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use as processing aid.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in the following products: cosmetics and personal care products, pharmaceuticals, textile treatment products and dyes, washing & cleaning products, metal surface treatment products, adhesives and sealants, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay and non-metal-surface treatment products.

You can find Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) listed on the product labels of hair care products, moisturizers, foundations, sunscreens, eye creams, mascaras, and more.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s also used as a food additive to add flavoring—it has a sweet flavor and a bitter aftertaste—and in the manufacture of polyester plasticizers, structural material for boats, custom moldings, and sheets and boards for construction.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a high purity clear, colorless, bittersweet liquid that has long been used as a high performance humectant in top quality personal care products.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as an emollient, food additive, humectant and solvent in shampoos, body washes, acne treatments, facial cleaner, cosmetics, anti-aging creams, flavors, nail polish and sunscreens.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) can be used as a penetration enhancer and to solubilize essential oils, it can also be used as an organic solvent to dissolve active ingredients.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has many different roles in skincare formulations (it's a humectant, solvent, and emollient).

Release to the environment of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures and formulation in materials.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in the following products: polymers, pharmaceuticals, laboratory chemicals, non-metal-surface treatment products and paper chemicals and dyes.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates).
As a raw material, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a clear and viscous liquid.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is similar to propylene glycol but has a lighter texture.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in a wide range of concentrations, with reports of up to 50%, although many suppliers cap it at 30%.
The minimum amount tends to hover around 0.5%, in which case Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s typically part of a blend with plant extracts and/or preservatives.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as a solvent (helps other products dissolve in water),
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as a viscosity-decreasing agent (to thin creams and gels so they’re easier to use), and as a conditioning agent.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in the following areas: health services and scientific research and development.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used for the manufacture of: plastic products, chemicals, pulp, paper and paper products and machinery and vehicles.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a high performing solvent, working to boost preservatives, enhance viscosity and create a soothing function in your lotions and butters.

Uses for Natural Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol): Humectant, Solvent, Solubiliser, Viscosity Enhancer, Preservative Booster, Emollient, Skin-feel Modifier, and Carrier.
A performance boosting, multifunctional ingredient, our Natural Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a solvent and emollient made from plants.

A perfect natural alternative to Mono Propylene Glycol, with the same amazing functions and properties.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a commonly used ingredient that plays multiple roles in cosmetics, including as a humectant, texture enhancer, solvent, and penetration booster.

Research indicates Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) not only helps raise water content in skin (aka hydration) but may also contribute to decreasing roughness on the surface of skin (depending on how it’s combined in the formula).
While not known as a preservative in and of itself, some of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s properties can help boost a formula’s stability against microorganisms that may harm skin’s surface.

Release to the environment of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) can occur from industrial use: as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates), for thermoplastic manufacture, as processing aid, in the production of articles and in processing aids at industrial sites.

Release to the environment of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) acts as a co-monomer in the production of polyurethane and polyester resins.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as a humectant (to prevent loss of moisture) in cosmetics, especially in hair sprays and setting lotions.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in surfactants, inks, solvents for natural and synthetic flavorings.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is involved in the synthesis of dual peroxisome proliferator-activated gamma and delta agonists acting as euglycemic agents, which is used in the treatment of diabetes.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)'s most extensive use is as an intermediate in the manufacture of polyester plasticisers and other chemical products.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) finds some use as a solvent and humectant, a useful chemical intermediate.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has extensive application in the manufacture of structural materials for boats, custom mouldings, and sheets and boards for construction applications.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) imparts resistance to weathering plus flexibility and impact resistance.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also used in the manufacture of saturated polyesters for polyurethane coatings, where the glycol imparts greater flexibility to the polyester molecule.

They help active ingredients that could become gritty or clumpy stay dissolved.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) keeps the ingredients in cosmetics spread out and in their desired state for use.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a food-grade ingredient found in various peppers used as a flavoring agent in the food industry, thanks to its bitter taste.

It is a widely used ingredient, and it isn't easy to find a modern formula that doesn't contain Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol).
Thanks to the perfect solubilizing property, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in many water-based applications as an alternative to glycerin and propylene glycol or combined with those solvents, improving their efficiency.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is ideal for dispersing essential oils, wetting pigments in decorative cosmetics, and clarifying formulas containing surfactants.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a petroleum-free, clear liquid with 99.7% purity.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is the perfect choice for creating, natural, more sustainable formulations, from creams to shampoos, conditioners to soaps, perfumes and more.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is currently used in many personal care products.

At present, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used mainly in surfactants, inks, solvents for natural and synthetic flavoring agents and serves as a co-monomer in manufacturing certain polyurethane and polyester resins.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) can also serve as a humectant to prevent loss of moisture in cosmetics, particularly in hair sprays and setting lotions.

Besides, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is pharmaceutically involved in the production of colchicine derivatives as a anticancer agent and in the synthesis of dual peroxisome proliferator-activated gamma and delta agonists acting as a hypoglycaemic agent, which is effective for the treatment of diabetes.

Research indicates Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) not only helps raise water content in skin (aka hydration) but may also contribute to decreasing roughness on the surface of skin (depending on how it’s combined in the formula).
While not known as a preservative in and of itself, some of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s properties can help boost a formula’s stability against microorganisms that may harm skin’s surface.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a conditioning agent uses of Conditioning agents are ingredients that add a layer of softness or improved texture to your hair or skin.
They’re also called moisturizers or, in the case of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol), humectants.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) works to condition skin and hair by coating the surface of your cells.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as a solvent.
Solvents are ingredients that maintain a liquid consistency in a chemical compound.

Due to Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)'s balanced property profile is broadly used in a multitude of cosmetic formulations, such as emollient, solubilizer, skin moisturizer, viscosity modifier, solvent for plant extracts and actives, film spreading agent, fragrance retarder, preservative enhancer and foam modifier.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has the characteristics of dihydric alcohol reactivity, odorlessness and good water solubility.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in flavoring.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has long been used as a high performance humectant in top quality personal care products.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is mainly used in organic synthesis, it is the raw material of polyester resin, alkyd resin, humectant and softener, dye intermediate, surface active agent, plasticizer, humectant, solvent, and fragrance.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is smooth to the touch, stable and easy to use with cosmetics.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is often used in lotion, lotion, perfume, hair lotion, shampoo, etc.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used to make the paste feel soft, easy to use, and get a softer skin feel in the product.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) aids in solubilizing aqueous insoluble ingredients and stabilizes volatile compounds such as fragrances and fixing them in the cosmetic formulation.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) contributes to the preservation of products against spoiling, it has a very good distribution coefficient and thus leads to better efficacy of preservatives mixed into formulation.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in various cosmetics and personal care products.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a commonly used ingredient that plays multiple roles in cosmetics, including as a humectant, texture enhancer, solvent, and penetration booster.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) often replaces glycerin as a moisturizing ingredient in various skin care products, and is relatively not too sticky.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in resin synthesis, fiber synthesis, cosmetics, daily necessities, moisture retention and wetting agent, polyurethane Elastomers, adhesives, hot melt adhesives, flavors and fragrances, dyes, emulsions, gels, toothpastes, printing iron coatings.and sun protection.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is included in formulas for these types of products because it adds moisture and conditions hair and skin.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also works as a solvent, meaning it keeps other ingredients, dyes, and pigments from clumping up inside of a solution.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) acts as a solvent.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as an alternative for propylene glycol.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) possesses anti-microbial effect.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) inhibits the drying out of cosmetics and prevents the crystallization of insoluble components.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is commonly used as a solvent for food flavouring agents and is a co-monomer used in certain polyurethane and polyester resins.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as a solvent for food flavouring agents and is a co-monomer used in certain polyurethane and polyester resins.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)is also used in some polyurethane and polyester resins.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used shampoo, lotions, anti-aging serums, sunscreen, conditioner, moisturisers
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used solvent, monomer used in polyurethane and polyester resins, analytical reagent, substrate for organic syntheses

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is mainly used to prepare polyester resin, polyurethane resin, plasticizer, etc.
You’ll find Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) on the ingredients list of sheet masks, shampoos and conditioners, eye liners, lip liners, anti-aging and hydrating serums, tinted moisturizers, and sunscreens.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a viscosity-decreasing agent.
“Viscosity” is a word that refers to how well things stick together, particularly in a compound or chemical mixture.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) makes other ingredients less likely to stick together, giving makeup and self-care products a fluid and even consistency.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a chemical ingredient used in self-care products like: shampoo, conditioner, lotion, anti-aging and hydrating serums, sheet masks, cosmetics, and sunscreen.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used polymeric plasticizer, Unsaturated polyester, Polyurethane, Cosmetics.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also used as humidifier and softener for textiles, paper and tobacco.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is mainly used to prepare polyester resin, polyurethane resin, plasticizer, etc.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also used as humidifier and softener for textiles, paper and tobacco.

Some manufacturers also use Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) as an alternative to or replacement for propylene glycol, another common skin care ingredient.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a common ingredient in many skin care products.
In addition to softening and moisturizing the skin Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) acts as a solvent for ingredients and enhances their stability, texture, and absorption.

Manufacturers add Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) to a vast range of skin care, hair, and beauty products.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is added to all kinds of products that you apply topically.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s particularly popular in clear gel-based products and in makeup that glides onto your face.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in surfactants, inks, solvents for natural and synthetic flavorings.
Because Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) possesses a high number of hydroxyl groups in its chemical structure, it works well in skincare formulations as both a slip agent and a humectant.

A slip agent is a viscosity-decreasing component that thins creams and gels so that they become easier to spread onto the skin surface.
Humectants can help to boost the skin’s ability to retain moisture from the air.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as a humectant (to prevent loss of moisture) in cosmetics, especially in hair sprays and setting lotions.

With these properties combined, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an ideal skincare ingredient for stabilizing and improving the spreadability of lotions and creams, while providing a silky smooth, moisturizing texture.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is involved in the synthesis of dual peroxisome proliferator-activated gamma and delta agonists acting as euglycemic agents, which are used in the treatment of diabetes.

Many companies add Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) to their products, including cleansers, face masks, and eyeliners.
They use Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) for its range of properties.

*Hydrates the skin
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has humectant properties.
Humectants attract and bind water, often from deeper layers of the skin into the top layers.
They help keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.

*Softens and moisturizes
Aside from drawing moisture to the skin, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also an emollient.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) coats the skin’s surface, creating a barrier that prevents water loss.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also conditions and softens the skin and hair.

*Maintains texture
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s primary role in most skin care products is to act as a solvent.
Solvents help ingredients stay suspended in formulas, preventing them from clumping together or becoming gritty.

*Reduces viscosity
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) helps reduce the product’s viscosity, stopping other ingredients from sticking together.
This is important to maintain the smooth consistency of products so that a person can effortlessly and evenly apply them to their bodies.

*Stabilizes products
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also acts as a stabilizer, preventing active ingredients and volatile compounds from losing their flavor and aroma.
Moreover, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) prevents products from crystallizing and drying out.

*Acts as a preservative
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has antimicrobial properties, which helps boost the effectiveness of preservatives in formulations.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also helps protect against spoilage due to contamination by microorganisms.

A 2021 study found that adding Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) to chitosan, which is a type of fiber, enhanced its antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also found that the combination had a potent preservative effect in cosmetics.
Furthermore, according to a 2018 study, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) 25% concentration was effective against all the microbial strains that underwent testing.

*Treats acne symptoms
According to an older study, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an ingredient that manufacturers commonly use in anti-acne moisturizers.
While Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has no direct action against acne, its antimicrobial and moisturizing properties may help treat associated symptoms in acne-prone skin.

*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) prevents water assimilation from air into the preparation
*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) acts as an emollient and stabilizes emulsions
*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) fixes fragrances and volatile ingredients
*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) suppresses microbial growth in high concentrations (including mold, yeast, and bacteria) and improves preservatives effectiveness
*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) prevents the settling and crystallization of insoluble ingredients
*Allow controlling viscosity (decreasing) and distribution
*Moisturizes skin like glycerin
*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) enhances penetration levels and duration of other ingredients
*Speeds up exfoliation, dissolving the inter-keratinocyte cement
*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is non-irritating and sensitizing
*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a safe and perfect ingredient for skin, hair, lip, nail, and care products.
*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has almost all Vegan, Ecocert, COSMOS, and Halal certifications.
*In addition, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) itself has an extended shelf life of up to two years.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a colourless liquid
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) occurs as a clear, colorless, viscous liquid with a sweet flavor and bitter aftertaste.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has a sweet flavor with bitter aftertaste and is odorless when pure.

Hydrogenation of 3-hydroxybutanal gives Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol):
Dehydration of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) gives 1,3-butadiene:

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used as a hypoglycaemic agent.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has been detected in green bell peppers, orange bell peppers, pepper (Capsicum annuum), red bell peppers, and yellow bell peppers.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol), also referred to as 1,3-Butylene glycol, maintains FDA GRAS status as a flavor molecule.

*Preservative booster
*Skin conditioning
*Viscosity controlling agent

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)for skin is used in just about any kind of skin care or beauty product you can imagine, which is why it’s important to understand what it is and what it does.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) performs a myriad of functions from acting as a humectant to giving products a uniform consistency, making it an important ingredient in skincare.
Often used as a replacement for propylene glycol (which we’ll discuss below), Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is thought to be less potentially irritating and just as effective.

Because of its gentle nature and its incredible ability to hydrate the skin, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s perfect for a number of skin types from dry to super sensitive--another reason it has incredible versatility.

As we mentioned above, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has many benefits for the skin.
Among them is the fact that Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is both a humectant and an emollient.

Why is this so important?
Well, humectants literally draw hydration right to the top layer of the skin, making Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) look dewy and refreshed.
As a humectant, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) helps keep skin moisturized, hydrated, and looking its youngest.

In addition to drawing hydration to the skin’s top layer, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also moisturizes it topically.
That’s a major reason Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s used in hydrating products like lip treatments and moisturizers.
Because of its ability to direct moisture to the skin from both internal and external directions, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s an incredibly effective anti-aging ingredient.

For all the above reasons, you will find Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) in our One Lip Wonder lip treatment.
Another benefit of Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is that it’s also a solvent.
As a solvent, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) helps other ingredients break down when put in water.

Without a solvent, your beauty products would have the consistency of undercooked oatmeal– clumpy, lumpy and pretty much impossible to use.
Additionally, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) helps stabilize and thicken other ingredients.

Because of its non-irritating properties, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is great for all skin types, including sensitive skin types.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is now derived synthetically and is completely vegan!

*Primary alcohols
*Hydrocarbon derivatives
*Secondary alcohol
*Hydrocarbon derivative
*Primary alcohol
*Aliphatic acyclic compound

1.) Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is soluble in water, acetone, dibutyl phthalate, castor oil methyl/ethyl (methyl) ketone, ethanol.
2.) Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is almost insoluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons, benzene, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, ethanolamines, mineral oil, etc.
3.) Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)can dissolve nylon and partly shellac and rosin when heated.

Historically made from petroleum, this ingredient has been made free of petroleum and is for formulating natural and sustainable cosmetics products.
Conforms to ISO 16128-1 as natural ingredient.

Usually made from petroleum, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a proven natural solvent that is sourced naturally and made from renewable plant sugars using a fermentation process.


Check the back of your skin care and even your hair care, and you’ll most likely find that Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is listed as an ingredient in many of them.

As both a hydrating ingredient and one that keeps products stable, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s used in a large variety of products including shampoo, conditioner, face masks, moisturizers, cleansers, sunscreens, serums, lip treatments, and all kinds of other skin care products.

No need to add Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) to any product, as it may already be included.
If you happen to be a skin care DIY’er, consider Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) as a stabilizer for your products.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) hydrates, conditions, and acts as a barrier to protect the skin and hair.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has a lot of benefits, making it quite popular in the cosmetic industry.

*Skin care: It acts as a humectant which means that it attracts water to the upper layers of the skin and binds it there to keep the skin hydrated. It also creates a barrier on the skin to protect it from harmful surroundings

*Hair care:
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) acts as a great conditioner for the hair, making it soft and flowy.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) prevents water loss from the hair, thus keeping them from drying out.
Further, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also a viscosity-decreasing agent, which means that it prevents the products from sticking together and clamming up

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is derived from petroleum, sugarcane, or distilled corn.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is made by the catalytic hydrogenation of acetaldehyde.
For use in cosmetic and skin care products, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) generally comes in liquid form and works well with almost all the ingredients.

*Skin conditioning

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a colorless, odorless liquid, water miscible.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has humectant properties.
Humectants attract and bind water, often from deeper layers of the skin into the top layers.
They help keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.

*Softens and moisturizes:
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also an emollient.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) coats the skin’s surface, creating a barrier that prevents water loss.

*Maintains texture:
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s primary role in most skin care products is to act as a solvent preventing them from clumping together or becoming gritty.

*Reduces viscosity:
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) helps reduce the product’s viscosity, stopping other ingredients from sticking together.

*Stabilizes products:
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also acts as a stabilizer it prevents products from crystallizing and drying out.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol)’s primary role in most skin care products is to act as a solvent.

Solvents help ingredients stay suspended in formulas, preventing them from clumping together or becoming gritty.
Reduces viscosity Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) helps reduce the product’s viscosity, stopping other ingredients from sticking together.
This is important to maintain the smooth consistency of products so that a person can effortlessly and evenly apply them to their bodies.

*Softens and moisturizes
Aside from drawing moisture to the skin, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also an emollient.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) coats the skin's surface, creating a barrier that prevents water loss.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) also conditions and softens the skin and hair.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) enhances the smell of a product and / or perfumes the skin

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) holds and retains moisture in cosmetic products

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) maintains the skin in good condition

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) dissolves other substances

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) increases or decreases the viscosity of cosmetic products

*Humectant :
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) maintains water content of a cosmetic both in its packaging and on the skin
*Masking :
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) reduces or inhibits the odor or basic taste of the product
*Skin conditioning :
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) maintains skin in good condition
*Solvent :
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) dissolves other substances
*Viscosity controlling :
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) increases or decreases the viscosity of cosmetics

Usually Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is made from petroleum, but Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a proven natural solvent, that is sourced naturally and made from renewable plant sugars using a fermentation process.

A multifunctional, performance boosting ingredient, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is an emollient and solvent which is made from plants.
A natural alternative to Mono Propylene Glycol, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) maintains the same amazing functions and properties.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a petroleum-free ingredient with 99.7% purity.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is the perfect choice for creating natural, more sustainable formulations for creams, soaps, perfumes and more.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a high performing solvent that works to boost preservatives, enhance viscosity and create a soothing function in your lotions and butters.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) enhances viscosity and soothes when used in shampoos and conditioners.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a clear liquid.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is odourless.

With the ability to carry actives and hold fragrance oils, making products high performing, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) maintains a strong scent and is ideal for use as an emollient, humectant, solvent, solubiliser, viscosity enhancer, preservative booster, skin-feel modifier and a carrier.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is miscible with water.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is hygroscopic.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is air and moisture sensitive.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, acid chlorides, chloroformates and reducing agents.
Keep Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.

*fragrance ingredient,
*skin-conditioning agent - miscellaneous,
*viscositydecreasing agent,
*skin conditioning,
*viscosity controlling

*Often included in a skin care formula to enhance the texture and penetration
*Known to be hygroscopic, meaning it can increase skin’s water content (aka hydration)
*May also help boost a formula’s stability
*Clear, viscous liquid
*Also known as butane-1,3-diol

As a multifunctional ingredient in cosmetics, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) does a little bit of everything:

*Attracts water:
Robinson says Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is a humectant, which means it binds water and pulls in hydration to the outer layer of the skin.

*Enhances penetration:
By breaking down hard-to-dissolve active ingredients, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) improves penetration, which, as a result, helps the product perform more effectively.

*Conditions and smooths:
In addition to being a humectant, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) may also function as an emollient by creating a barrier on the skin, which prevents water loss and softens and conditions.

Humectant, solvent, and emollient

Retains moisture, dissolves ingredients, and improves application.

In general, anyone looking for a way to effectively moisturize their skin.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is safe for daily use for those who do not have an allergy to it or very sensitive skin.

As a solvent, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) works well with ingredients that are not water-soluble and are difficult to dissolve.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) works well with most, if not all, ingredients.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is considered safe for use in cosmetic and skin care products.
Even if it is alcohol, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) does not dry out or irritate the skin and hair.
However, a patch test is recommended prior to usage.
Apart from this, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is also halal.


*Often included in a skin care formula to enhance the texture and penetration
*Known to be hygroscopic, meaning it can increase skin’s water content (aka hydration)
*May also help boost a formula’s stability
*Clear, viscous liquid
*Also known as butane-1,3-diol

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) has some health benefits if you have dry skin on your face or frequent breakouts.
But Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) won’t work the same way for every person.
Generally, most people who have dry skin can use products with Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) to reduce their symptoms.

*Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) for acne:
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is in some moisturizers made for people who have acne.
Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) isn’t the active ingredient that treats acne in these products.

The moisturizing and solvent properties in Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) could make these products right for you.
Based on your symptoms, the cause of your acne, and your skin sensitivity, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) may be an ingredient that works in your skin care regimen.

Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is considered to be largely safe for use as a topical skin care ingredient.
While it’s a type of alcohol, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) doesn’t typically irritate or dry out skin.

Propylene glycol and Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) have several similarities.
Both are colorless liquids derived from petroleum and used as solvents, and both have similar roles in skin care formulations.
Like Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol), propylene glycol is generally considered safe to use as an ingredient in skin care products and a food additive.

Also, manufacturers use both as antifreeze.
While this is true, both are low in toxicity compared with another, similar yet toxic ingredient called ethylene glycol.
Manufacturers use propylene glycol more than Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol).

They may use propylene glycol as a drug stabilizer, food additive, texturizer, or antifreeze.
Propylene glycol may be more irritating to the skin than Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol).
The former was dubbed the American Contact Dermatitis Society‘s Allergen of the Year in 2018.
Many companies have switched to Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol).

If you’re a skin care follower, you’ve probably heard about propylene glycol and wondered what the difference is between it and Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol).
While both are petroleum products (& completely safe to use), are colorless, and do pretty much the same thing, propylene glycol is considered to be more likely to irritate skin than Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol).

Because of that, Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is often used as a substitute for propylene glycol in skin care.
You also might have heard that Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) is used in antifreeze and is therefore dangerous.

While it is used in antifreeze, it is not dangerous to use on the skin.
Like a lot of people, you may be getting Butylene glycol (1.3-Butanediol) mixed up with another glycol: ethylene glycol, which is dangerous to the skin and which is also used in antifreeze.

Boiling Point: 207°C
Melting Point: -77°C
Solubility: Soluble in water
Molecular Weight: 90.12 g/mol
XLogP3-AA: -0.4
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 2
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 2
Rotatable Bond Count: 2
Exact Mass: 90.068079557 g/mol
Monoisotopic Mass: 90.068079557 g/mol
Topological Polar Surface Area: 40.5 Ų
Heavy Atom Count: 6
Formal Charge: 0

Complexity: 28.7
Isotope Atom Count: 0
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count: 0
Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count: 1
Defined Bond Stereocenter Count: 0
Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count: 0
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count: 1
Compound Is Canonicalized: Yes
Physical state: Liquid
Color: Colorless, clear
Odor: Odorless

Melting point/freezing point: -57 °C (ISO 3016)
Initial boiling point and boiling range: 203 - 204 °C (lit.)
Flammability (solid, gas): No data available
Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits:
Upper explosion limit: 12.6% (V)
Lower explosion limit: 1.9% (V)
Flash point: 108 °C (closed cup)
Autoignition temperature: 410 °C at 1.019 hPa (DIN 51794)
Decomposition temperature: No data available
pH: 6.0 - 7.0 at 20 °C
Kinematic viscosity: No data available

Dynamic viscosity: 131.83 mPa.s at 20 °C (ASTM D 445)
Water solubility: 500 g/l at 20 °C, miscible
Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water):
log Pow: -0.9 at 25 °C, bioaccumulation is not expected
Vapor pressure: 0.08 hPa at 20 °C
Density: 1.005 g/cm3 at 25 °C (lit.)
Relative density: No data available
Relative vapor density: No data available
Particle characteristics: No data available
Explosive properties: No data available
Oxidizing properties: No data available

Surface tension: 72.6 mN/m at 1g/l at 20 °C
Dissociation constant: 15.5 at 25 °C
Relative vapor density: 3.11 (Air = 1.0)
CAS: 107-88-0
Grade: Technical
Form: Liquid
Prohibited Uses: For intended use only
INCI: Butylene Glycol
Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid
Application Type: Personal care
Autoignition Temperature: 410 °C (770 °F)
Boiling Point: 209 °C (408 °F)
Color: Clear, colorless

Density: 1.0035 g/cm3 @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Dynamic Viscosity: 131.8 mPa.s @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Flash Point: 115 °C (239 °F) Method: ISO 2719
Lower Explosion Limit: 1.9% (V)
Odor: Weak
Partition Coefficient: Pow: -0.9
pH: 6.1 @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Relative Density: 1.0035 @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Relative Vapor Density: 3.2 @ 20 °C (68 °F)
Solubility in Water: Miscible
Surface Tension: 72.6 mN/m
Upper Explosion Limit: 12.6% (V)
Vapor Pressure: < 1 hPa @ 20 °C (68 °F)

Molecular Formula:C4H10O2
Molecular Weight:90.12
MDL Number:MFCD00004554
MOL File:107-88-0.mol
Chemical Name: 1,3-Butylene Glycol
Molecular Formula: C4H10O2
Molecular Weight: 90.1 g/mol
CAS RN: 107-88-0
EINECS No.: 203-529-7
Physical Properties:
Appearance: Colorless clear liquid
Melting Point: -54 °C
Boiling Point: 203-204 °C
Density: 1.005 g/mL at 25 °C
Vapor Density: 3.1 (20 °C, vs air)

Vapor Pressure: 0.06 mm Hg (20 °C)
Refractive Index: n20/D 1.44
Flash Point: 250 °F
Solubility: >500g/L, miscible in water
pH: 6.1 (500g/L, H2O, 20℃)
Specific Gravity: 1.004 – 1.007
Color: Clear colorless to yellow, may discolor to brown on storage
Odor: Odorless
Water Solubility: Soluble
Sensitive: Hygroscopic
Chemical Formula: C4H10O2
IUPAC Name: Butane-1,3-diol
Traditional Name: 1,3-Butanediol
CAS Registry Number: 107-88-0
PubChem CID: 7896
ChEBI: CHEBI:52683

-Description of first-aid measures:
*General advice:
Show this material safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.
*If inhaled:
After inhalation:
Fresh air.
*In case of skin contact:
Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.
Rinse skin with
water/ shower.
*In case of eye contact:
After eye contact:
Rinse out with plenty of water.
Call in ophthalmologist.
Remove contact lenses.
*If swallowed:
After swallowing:
Immediately make victim drink water (two glasses at most).
Consult a physician.
-Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed:
No data available

-Environmental precautions:
Do not let product enter drains.
-Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up:
Cover drains.
Collect, bind, and pump off spills.
Observe possible material restrictions.
Take up with liquid-absorbent material.
Dispose of properly.
Clean up affected area.

-Extinguishing media:
*Suitable extinguishing media:
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Dry powder
*Unsuitable extinguishing media:
For this substance/mixture no limitations of extinguishing agents are given.
-Further information:
Prevent fire extinguishing water from contaminating surface water or the ground water system.

-Control parameters:
--Ingredients with workplace control parameters:
-Exposure controls:
--Personal protective equipment:
*Eye/face protection:
Use equipment for eye protection.
Safety glasses
*Skin protection:
Handle with gloves.
Wash and dry hands.
Full contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0,11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Splash contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0,11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
*Body Protection:
protective clothing
-Control of environmental exposure:
Do not let product enter drains.

-Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
*Storage conditions:
Tightly closed.

-Chemical stability:
The product is chemically stable under standard ambient conditions (room temperature) .
-Incompatible materials:
No data available

Butylene glycol (Butanediol), not to be confused with 1,3 butanediol, is a primary alcohol, and an organic compound, with the formula HOCH2CH2CH2CH2OH.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol), often abbreviated as BDO, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C4H10O2.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a Butane-1,4-diol that is butane in which one hydrogen of each of the methyl groups is substituted by a hydroxy group.

CAS Number: 110-63-4
Molecular Formula: C4H10O2
Molecular Weight: 90.12
EINECS Number: 203-786-5

Synonyms: 1,4-BUTANEDIOL, Butane-1,4-diol, 110-63-4, Tetramethylene glycol, 1,4-Butylene glycol, 1,4-Dihydroxybutane, 1,4-Tetramethylene glycol, Tetramethylene 1,4-diol, Sucol B, DIOL 14B, 1,4-BD, Agrisynth B1D, HO(CH2)4OH, CCRIS 5984, NSC 406696, HSDB 1112, HOCH2CH2CH2CH2OH, UNII-7XOO2LE6G3, EINECS 203-786-5, 7XOO2LE6G3, BRN 1633445, 1,4 butylene glycol, DTXSID2024666, CHEBI:41189, AI3-07553, NSC-406696, DTXCID804666, EC 203-786-5, 4-01-00-02515 (Beilstein Handbook Reference), BDO, Dabco DBO, BU1, CAS-110-63-4, MFCD00002968, Dihydroxybutane, 4-hydroxybutanol, 1,4butanediol, 1.4-butanediol, Dabco BDO, 1,4-butandiol, 1,4-butane diol, 1,4-butane-diol, butane 1,4-diol, butane diol-1,4, butane-1-4-diol, 1,4- butandiol, Butan-1.4-diol, 1.4 - butanediol, 1,4-Butanediol, 99%, WLN: Q4Q, MLS001061198, CHEMBL171623, 1,4-BUTANEDIOL [MI], 1,4-BUTANEDIOL [HSDB], 1,4-BUTANEDIOL [INCI], HMS3039N12, Tox21_202245, Tox21_303040, NSC406696, STL283940, AKOS000118735, 1,4-Butanediol, for synthesis, 98%, CS-W016669, DB01955, 1,4-Butanediol, ReagentPlus(R), 99%, NCGC00090733-01, NCGC00090733-02, NCGC00257119-01, NCGC00259794-01, BP-21418, SMR000677930, 1,4-Butanediol, ReagentPlus(R), >=99%, B0680, FT-0606811, F71206, 1,4-Butanediol, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 98%, Q161521, J-503971, J-512798, F0001-0222, InChI=1/C4H10O2/c5-3-1-2-4-6/h5-6H,1-4H, 732189-03-6

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a colourless, water-miscible, viscous liquid at room temperature (m.p. 16℃) with a high boiling point (230℃), it is mainly used for the production of other organic chemicals, particularly the solvent oxolane (also known as tetrahydrofuran or THF).
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) has the molecular formula C4H10O2 and the molecular weight 90.12 g/mol. It is a colorless, viscous liquid.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a colorless, viscous liquid derived from butane by placement of alcohol groups at each end of its molecular chain and is one of four stable isomers of butanediol.

The hydroxyl function of each end group of the Butylene glycol (Butanediol) reacts with different mono- and bifunctional reagents: for example with dicarboxylic acids to polyesters, with diisocyanates to polyurethanes, or with phosgene to polycarbonates.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a high-quality intermediate. BDO and its derivatives are widely used for producing plastics, solvents, electronic chemicals and elastic fibers.
Additionally Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is also a building block for the synthesis of polyesterpolyols and polyetherpolyols.

BASF is the most significant producer of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) and its derivatives worldwide.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a versatile liquid diol intermediate with reactive primary hydroxyl functionality and a linear structure that lends itself to formulating polyurethane elastomers with a superior balance of properties and cost.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is an industrial chemical, and is illicitly used as a substitute to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB).

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) are structurally similar to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and there is evidence to confirm that GBL and BD are converted to GHB after oral administration.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) abuse became popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and “raves” in the 1990s, and gained notoriety as a date rape drug.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a non-corrosive, colorless, high boiling liquid with a low order of toxicity.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is completely soluble in water, most alcohols, esters, ketones, glycol ethers and acetates, but may be immiscible or partially miscible in common aliphatic and aromatic/chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is produced by Lyondell Chemical Company in a proprietary, multi-step reaction from propylene oxide.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a versatile chemical intermediate because of its terminal, primary hydroxyl groups and its hydrophobic and chemical resistant nature.

Polymers produced upon reaction with diacids or diisocyanates are the basis for many commercial polyurethane and polyester applications.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) and its derivatives is used in a broad spectrum of applications in the chemical industry; amongst others in the manufacturing of technical plastics, polyurethanes, solvents, electronic chemicals and elastic fibres.
The hydroxyl function of each end group of the Butylene glycol (Butanediol) reacts with different mono- and bifunctional reagents: e.g. with dicarboxylic acids to polyesters, with diisocyanates to polyurethanes, or with phosgene to polycarbonates.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is also a building block for the synthesis of polyesterpolyols and polyetherpolyols.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is heat and light sensitive. 1,4-Butanediol reacts with acid chlorides, acid anhydrides and chloroformates; reacts with oxidizing agents and reducing agents.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is incompatible with isocyanates and acids; also incompatible with peroxides, perchloric acid, sulfuric acid, hypochlorous acid, nitric acid, caustics, acetaldehyde, nitrogen peroxide and chlorine.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a colorless viscous liquid diol that can be obtained by 4 different processes.
The first one is the Reppe process which consist of the reaction between the acetylene and the formaldehyde.
In 1930, the Butylene glycol (Butanediol)) synthesis has evolved to the developments of the second process, the Davy Process which is producing BDO from maleic anhydride / succinic acid.

The third process is the LyondellBassell process that allows use of BDO from Propylene Oxide.
The last one is the Geminox Process-BP chemicals using BDO from Butane.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be produced through various chemical processes, including the catalytic hydrogenation of maleic anhydride or the oxidation of tetrahydrofuran (THF).

These processes yield Butylene glycol (Butanediol) as one of the products.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) seems to have two types of pharmacological actions.
The major psychoactive effects of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) are because it is metabolized into GHB; however there is a study suggesting that Butylene glycol (Butanediol) may have potential alcohol-like pharmacological effects on its own.

The study arrived at this conclusion based on the finding that Butylene glycol (Butanediol) coadministered with ethanol led to potentiation of some of the behavioral effects of ethanol.
However, potentiation of ethanol's effects may simply be caused by competition for the alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes with co-administered Butylene glycol (Butanediol).
The shared metabolic rate-limiting steps thus leads to slowed metabolism and clearance for both compounds including ethanol's known toxic metabolite acetaldehyde.

Another study found no effect following intracerebroventricular injection of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) in rats.
This contradicts the hypothesis of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) having inherent alcohol-like pharmacological effects.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is safe only in small amounts.

Adverse effects in higher doses include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sedation, vertigo, and potentially death if ingested in large amounts.
Anxiolytic effects are diminished and side effects increased when used in combination with alcohol.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is produced from sugars derived from the hydrolysis of starch, glucose syrup.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is produced through a single-step fermentation by a metabolically engineered strain of E.coli type bacteria.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) intermediate is a versatile diol precursor to numerous derivatives such as esters, carbamates, polyesters and urethanes.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used mainly as a co-monomer in classical diol-condensation reactions with terephthalic acid to produce polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), with diisocyanates to produce polyurethanes and with diacids to yield polyesters with biodegradability characteristics.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is also used as an intermediate to make polyurethane that is used in auto bumpers and dash boards.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) intermediate’s reactive sites are its hydroxyl groups, which undergo all the typical reactions of alcohols.
In addition to the condensation reactions noted above, it can be converted to simple esters and halides, dehydrated to tetrahydrofuran (THF) and dehydrogenated to gamma-butyrolactone.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is produced by hydroformylation of allyl alcohol with carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which is then followed by hydrogenation.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a colorless liquid with high boiling point and low toxicity.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is an organic compound belonging to the divalent alcohols.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is of great industrial importance as a starting material for numerous chemical synthesis processes and for the production of plastics.
Large amounts of the substance are obtained in a two-stage process from formaldehyde and acetylene with subsequent hydrogenation of the intermediate Butylene glycol (Butanediol).
In addition, there are processes based on propene and maleic anhydride.

Manufacturing processes based on the fermentation of renewable raw materials are also gradually gaining in importance.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol), also termed as 1,4-butylene glycol or butane-1,4-diol, is an organic compound that is primarily utilized in the production of plastics, fibers, and solvents.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a versatile chemical intermediate that possesses excellent durability, strength and thermal stability.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) has a wide application scope in several end-use industries including footwear, electronics, automotive and packaging among others.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is most commonly used to produce tetrahydrofuran (THF), an extremely flammable, colorless liquid employed as an intermediate in polytetramethylene ether glycol (PTMEG) production.
This is then further processed to yield the highly popular apparel fiber - spandex, which is used in medical, automotive & sports applications.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) has a role as a neurotoxin, a protic solvent and a prodrug.
It is a butanediol and a glycol.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a colorless and odorless liquid that is miscible with water and many organic solvents.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) belongs to a class of compounds known as diols or glycols, which are characterized by having two hydroxyl (-OH) groups on adjacent carbon atoms in their chemical structure.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a colorless viscous liquid.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is one of four stable isomers of butanediol.

Melting point: 16 °C (lit.)
Boiling point: 230 °C (lit.)
Density: 1.017 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.)
vapor density: 3.1 (vs air)
vapor pressure: refractive index: n20/D 1.445(lit.)
Flash point: 135 °C
storage temp.: Store below +30°C.
pka: 14.73±0.10(Predicted)
form: Liquid
color: Clear colorless
PH: 7-8 (500g/l, H2O, 20℃)
Odor: Odorless
Viscosity: 83.2mm2/s
explosive limit: 1.95-18.3%(V)
Water Solubility: Miscible
Sensitive: Hygroscopic
BRN: 1633445
Stability: Stable. Combustible. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, mineral acids, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides.
LogP: -0.88 at 25℃

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is also made on an industrial scale from maleic anhydride in the Davy process, which is first converted to the methyl maleate ester, then hydrogenated.
Other routes are from Butylene glycol (Butanediol), allyl acetate and succinic acid.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is rapidly converted into gamma-hydroxybutyric acid by the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase, and differing levels of these enzymes may account for differences in effects and side effects between users.

While co-administration of ethanol and GHB already poses serious risks, co-administration of ethanol with Butylene glycol (Butanediol) will interact considerably and has many other potential risks.
This is because the same enzymes that are responsible for metabolizing alcohol also metabolize Butylene glycol (Butanediol) so there is a strong chance of a dangerous drug interaction.
Emergency room patients who overdose on both ethanol and Butylene glycol (Butanediol) often present with symptoms of alcohol intoxication initially and as the ethanol is metabolized the Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is then able to better compete for the enzyme and a second period of intoxication ensues as the Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is converted into GHB.

While Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is not currently scheduled federally in the United States, a number of states have classified Butylene glycol (Butanediol) as a controlled substance.
Individuals have been prosecuted for possession of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) under the Federal Analog Act as substantially similar to GHB.
A federal case in New York in 2002 ruled that Butylene glycol (Butanediol) could not be considered an analog of GHB under federal law, but that decision was later overturned by the Second Circuit.

A jury in Federal District Court in Chicago found that Butylene glycol (Butanediol) was not an analog of GHB under federal law, which was not disputed on the case's appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, however this finding did not affect the outcome of the case.
In the United Kingdom, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) was scheduled in December 2009 (along with another GHB precursor, gamma-butyrolactone) as a Class C controlled substance.

In Germany, the drug is not explicitly illegal, but might also be treated as illegal if used as a drug.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is controlled as a Schedule VI precursor in Canada.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) finds applications in tetrahydrofuran, polyurethane and polybutylene terephthalate resins production (major application spheres) among others Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is traditionally produced from petrochemical-based sources; the recent trend in the industry is bio-BDO production (bio-butanediol from bio-succinic acid or from dextrose).

Asia Pacific dominates the world Butylene glycol (Butanediol) market both in terms of production and consumption global consumption of butanediol is predicted to increase at 4-4.5% per year polyurethane production is expected to be the fastest growing segment of global Butylene glycol (Butanediol) market, besides good demand from tetrahydrofuran and polybutylene terephthalate sectors will also stimulate the world butadiene market growth.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is an important starting material for the production of solvents such as γ-butyrolactone, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and tetrahydrofuran.

In addition, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) itself serves as a solvent as well as a plasticizer, a humectant, a carrier fluid for ultrasonic applications, and as an additive in lubricants.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) of the highest quality - from a reliable partner who will also meet your requirements in the long term.
The liquid can be delivered promptly in drums with a capacity of 200 kg or loose in iso containers and road tankers.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is an important industrial material that can be used as a food additive and a flavoring agent such as Acetoin and Diacetyl, plasticizers for thermosetting polymeric materials, and precursors of polyurethanes used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.
In particular, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be applied as a humectant in cosmetics and personal care materials.
In the case of raw cosmetics materials or personal care products, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) assists in the development of natural ingredients rather than chemical synthesis.

Processing techniques that maximize the efficacy of raw materials through the usage of technologies such as fermentation is actively underway.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a key component in the production of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and polyurethane (PU) plastics.
In PU production, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is reacted with diisocyanates to form polyurethane polymers used in foam, coatings, adhesives, and elastomers.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used in the textile industry to produce spandex fibers, which are known for their elasticity and stretch.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) serves as an intermediate in the synthesis of various chemicals, including gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) and butanediol dimethacrylate (BDDMA).
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be used as a solvent for various applications, such as cleaning agents and paint strippers.

In the production of polyurethane foams, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is often reacted with diisocyanates to form the polyurethane matrix.
This process allows for the creation of foams with different properties, such as flexible foams used in upholstery and mattresses or rigid foams used in insulation.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a crucial component in the synthesis of spandex fibers, which are known for their exceptional elasticity and stretch.

Apart from its role in polymer formation, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can undergo various chemical reactions, such as esterification and etherification, to produce derivatives with specific properties for different applications.
Due to its potential for conversion into GHB in the body when ingested, the misuse of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) as a recreational drug is a significant safety concern.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a central nervous system depressant and can lead to serious health risks, including overdose and addiction.

As a result, many countries and regions have implemented strict controls and regulations on the sale and possession of Butylene glycol (Butanediol).
The regulatory status of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can vary by jurisdiction.
In some places, it is classified as a controlled substance due to its potential for misuse, while in others, it may be subject to industrial regulations.

In industrial settings, where proper safety measures are followed, exposure to Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is generally controlled to minimize health risks.
However, inhalation or skin contact with this chemical can still lead to irritation, and safety precautions should be followed to prevent exposure.
The environmental impact of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) largely depends on its usage and disposal.

A biological route to Butylene glycol (Butanediol) has been commercialized that uses a genetically modified organism.
Production of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) occurs in a reactor where high-pressure hydrogen is injected into a feedstock chemical stream to produce Butylene glycol (Butanediol).
Within the reactor system, a set of high-pressure process pumps continuously recycle the Butylene glycol (Butanediol) reactor fluid.

With large quantities of gas being injected and consumed in the reactor process, the Butylene glycol (Butanediol) recycle pumps face challenging conditions.
In industrial chemical synthesis, acetylene reacts with two equivalents of formaldehyde to form Butylene glycol (Butanediol).
Hydrogenation of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) gives butane-1,4-diol.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) and its derivatives is used in a broad spectrum of applications in the chemical industry; amongst others in the manufacturing of technical plastics, polyurethanes, solvents, electronic chemicals and elastic fibres.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used in the synthesis of epothilones, a new class of cancer drugs. Also used in the stereoselective synthesis of (-)-Brevisamide.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is commonly used as a solvent in the chemical industry to manufacture gamma-butyrolactone and elastic fibers like spandex.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used as a cross-linking agent for thermoplastic urethanes, polyester plasticizers, paints and coatings.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) undergoes dehydration in the presence of phosphoric acid yielded teterahydrofuran, which is an important solvent used for various applications.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) acts an intermediate and is used to manufacture polytetramethylene ether glycol (PTMEG), polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) and polyurethane (PU).

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) finds application as an industrial cleaner and a glue remover.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is also used as a plasticiser (e.g. in polyesters and cellulosics), as a carrier solvent in printing ink, a cleaning agent, an adhesive (in leather, plastics, polyester laminates and polyurethane footwear), in agricultural and veterinary chemicals and in coatings (in paints, varnishes and films).

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a solvent with good antimicrobial action.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) enhances the preservative activity of parabens.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) also serves as a humectant and viscosity controller, and to mask odor.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used as a raw material and intermediate product in numerous processes in the chemical industry.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used, among other things, for the production of polyurethanes, polyamides, polycarbonates and polyesters.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) serves as a solvent in the production of plastics, resins, and other chemicals.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol)s ability to dissolve a wide range of substances makes it valuable in industrial processes.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a key component in the synthesis of polyurethane, a versatile polymer used in the manufacture of foams, coatings, adhesives, and elastomers.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used as a pharmaceutical intermediate in the synthesis of certain drugs and medicines.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used in the synthesis of various organic compounds, including some perfumes, vitamins, and herbicides.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be found in some personal care products, such as cosmetics and skin creams, where it may act as a moisturizer or humectant.
One of the most significant applications of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is in the production of polyurethane (PU) materials.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used as a diol component in the synthesis of PU foams, coatings, adhesives, and elastomers.
PU is a versatile polymer known for its flexibility, durability, and insulation properties, making it valuable in various industries, including construction, automotive, and furniture.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used in the production of engineering plastics, such as polybutylene terephthalate (PBT).

These plastics find applications in automotive components, electrical connectors, and consumer goods due to their heat resistance and mechanical strength.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is a critical component in the synthesis of spandex fibers, which are highly elastic and used in textiles and clothing.
Spandex provides stretch and comfort in sportswear, swimwear, and undergarments.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) serves as a chemical intermediate in the production of various other chemicals.
For example, it can be converted into gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), which is used as a solvent and precursor in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be used as a solvent in industrial and commercial applications.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is effective at dissolving a wide range of substances and is used in processes like paint stripping and cleaning.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be employed as an intermediate in the synthesis of certain pharmaceutical compounds.
In some cosmetic and personal care products, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) may be used as a humectant or moisturizer to help retain moisture in the skin.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used in the formulation of industrial cleaning products and degreasers.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can participate in various chemical reactions, allowing for the synthesis of specialized chemicals for specific applications.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used to produce polybutyleneterephthalate, a thermoplastic polyester;and in making tetrahydrofuran, butyrolactones,and polymeric plasticizers.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used industrially as a solvent and in the manufacture of some types of plastics, elastic fibers and polyurethanes.
In organic chemistry, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used for the synthesis of γ-butyrolactone (GBL).
In the presence of phosphoric acid and high temperature, it dehydrates to the important solvent tetrahydrofuran.

At about 200 °C in the presence of soluble ruthenium catalysts, the diol undergoes dehydrogenation to form butyrolactone.
It is used to synthesize Butylene glycol (Butanediol) diglycidyl ether which is then used as a reactive diluent for epoxy resins.
In 2013, worldwide production was claimed to be billions of lbs (consistent with approximately one million metric tons).

Almost half of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is dehydrated to tetrahydrofuran to make fibers such as Spandex.
The largest producer is BASF.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) and Bio-BDO are commonly used as solvent but also as building block in PBT (Polybutylene terephthalate), COPE (Thermoplastic Copolyester Elastomers), TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane), PU (Polyurethane), Resins, PTMEG : Spandex fibres (polyester + diisocyanate) and Copolyester for Hot Melt Adhesive.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is utilized in the formulation of adhesives and sealants, especially in the automotive and construction industries.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can enhance the adhesive properties and flexibility of these products.
In addition to its role in plastics and adhesives,
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is used in automotive manufacturing for components such as bumpers, dashboards, and interior trims.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol)s incorporation into various automotive materials helps improve their strength and durability.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) may be used as a food additive in certain food products.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can also serve as a carrier for flavors and fragrances due to its neutral odor and taste.

Industrial coatings, including paints and varnishes, may contain Butylene glycol (Butanediol) to improve their performance characteristics, such as adhesion, flexibility, and durability.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is employed in the production of circuit boards and electrical insulation materials, where its properties contribute to the performance and reliability of electronic components.
In some wastewater treatment processes, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be used as a biodegradable and environmentally friendly solvent for removing pollutants or contaminants from water.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) serves as a precursor in the synthesis of various chemicals, including plasticizers, lubricants, and specialty chemicals, used in different industrial applications.
In some formulations, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be incorporated into lubricants and hydraulic fluids to improve their viscosity and performance characteristics.
Research has explored the use of Butylene glycol (Butanediol) as a component in certain energy storage systems, such as redox flow batteries, due to its ability to store and release energy efficiently.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) can be used in the formulation of certain pesticides and herbicides, as well as in the synthesis of agricultural chemicals.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is also used in laboratory settings and research applications as a versatile chemical reagent for various experimental and synthesis purposes.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol)'s largest use is within tetrahydrofuran (THF) production, used to make polytetramethylene ether glycol, which goes mainly into spandex fibers, urethane elastomers, and copolyester ethers.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is also used as a recreational drug known by some users as "One Comma Four", "Liquid Fantasy", "One Four Bee" or "One Four B-D-O".
A few Federal Courts have stated that Butylene glycol (Butanediol) exerts effects similar to gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), which is a metabolic product of Butylene glycol (Butanediol).

Safety Profile:
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is essential to handle it with care.
Butylene glycol (Butanediol) is considered a hazardous chemical, and its handling and transportation are subject to regulations and safety precautions.
In addition, Butylene glycol (Butanediol) should not be confused with substances like gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), which is a recreational drug and illegal in many places.

Butylene glycol (Butanediol) a human poison by an unspecified route.
Moderately toxic byingestion and intraperitoneal routes.
Human systemic effects: altered sleep time.

Incompatible with oxidizing materials. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and fumes.
Safety and Regulation: While Butylene glycol (Butanediol) has many industrial uses,

2-(BUTYLAMINO)ETHANOL; ETHANOL-N-BUTYLAMINE; N-BUTYL-2-HYDROXYETHYLAMINE; N-BUTYLETHANOLAMINE; N-N-BUTYLETHANOLAMINE; 2-(butylamino)-ethano; 2-(n-butylamino)ethanol; 2-(n-monobutylamino)ethanol; 2-butylamino-ethano; 2-n-Butylaminoethanol; butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; butylethanalamine; Butylethanolamine; Butylmonoethanolamine; N-Butyl monoethanolamine; n-Butylaminoethanol; Buthylethanolamine; N-n-Buthylethanolamine; 2-(BUTYLAMINO)ETHANOL, 98+%; N-ButylEthanolamine(N-Bea) CAS NO:111-75-1
Butylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate
SYNONYM Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate;Caprylic, capric acid, propylene glycol diester; Decanoic acid, 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl ester mixed with 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl dioctanoate; Decanoic acid, mixed diesters with octanoic acid and propylene glycol; Octanoic acid, mixed diesters with decanoic acid and propylene glycol; Propylene glycol, caprylate caprate diester Propylene glycol dicaprylate-caprate ,Decanoic acid, mixed diesters with octanoic acid and propylene glycol CAS: 211107-84-5
Nom INCI : BUTYLGLYCERIN Nom chimique : 3-Butoxypropan-1,3-diol
2-Butoxyethanol, Butyl Cellosolve ; ETHYLENEGLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER; 2-Butoxy ethanol; Butyl cellosolve; Dowanol EB; Butyl oxitol; Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether; n-Butyl Cellosolve; Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether; butoxyethanol; Beta-butoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol butyl ether; n-butoxyethanol; 2-butoxy-1-ethanol; o-butyl ethylene glycol; glycol ether eb acetate; monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol; monobutyl glycol ether; 3-oxa-1-heptanol; poly-solv eb; 2-n-Butoxyethanol; 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol; -Butossi-etanolo (Italian); 2-Butoxy-aethanol (GERMAN); Butoksyetylowy alkohol (Polish); Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol (Spanish); Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol (French); cas no:11-76-2
2-Butoxyethanol, Butyl Cellosolve ; ETHYLENEGLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER; 2-Butoxy ethanol; Butyl cellosolve; Dowanol EB; Butyl oxitol; Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether; n-Butyl Cellosolve; Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether; butoxyethanol; Beta-butoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol butyl ether; n-butoxyethanol; 2-butoxy-1-ethanol; o-butyl ethylene glycol; glycol ether eb acetate; monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol; monobutyl glycol ether; 3-oxa-1-heptanol; poly-solv eb; 2-n-Butoxyethanol; 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol; -Butossi-etanolo (Italian); 2-Butoxy-aethanol (GERMAN); Butoksyetylowy alkohol (Polish); Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol (Spanish); Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol (French); cas no:11-76-2
Nom INCI : BUTYLOCTYL PALMITATE Ses fonctions (INCI) Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) causes lung injury and promotes tumors in mice, but this may be due to a metabolite of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), 6-tert-butyl-2-[2′-(2′-hydroxymethyl)-propyl]-4-methylphenol.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used to prevent the lipid oxidation in oils and fat-containing foods.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) toxicity is generally considered as being low.

CAS Number: 128-37-0
Molecular Formula: C15H24O
Molecular Weight: 220.35
EINECS Number: 204-881-4

2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol, 128-37-0, Butylhydroxytoluene, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol, 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol, Ionol, DBPC, Dibunol, Stavox, BHT, Impruvol, Ionol CP, Dalpac, Deenax, Ionole, Kerabit, Topanol, Vianol, Antioxidant KB, Antioxidant 4K, Sumilizer BHT, Topanol O, Topanol OC, Vanlube PC, Antioxidant 29, Antioxidant 30, Antioxidant DBPC, Sustane BHT, Tenamene 3, Vanlube PCX, Nonox TBC, Tenox BHT, Phenol, 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl-, Chemanox 11, Agidol, Catalin CAO-3, Ionol 1, Advastab 401, 3,5-Di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene, BUKS, Parabar 441, Antrancine 8, Vulkanox KB, Catalin antioxidant 1, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-cresol, Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol, Ionol (antioxidant), Paranox 441, 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol, Antioxidant MPJ, Antioxidant 4, Alkofen BP, 2,6-ditert-butyl-4-methylphenol, AO 4K, CAO 1, CAO 3, Di-tert-butyl-p-methylphenol, Swanox BHT, Antox QT, Tenamen 3, Agidol 1, Antioxidant 264, Bht (food grade), FEMA No. 2184, o-Di-tert-butyl-p-methylphenol, 4-Methyl-2,6-tert-butylphenol, Antioxidant T 501, Ional, Nocrac 200, AO 29, NCI-C03598, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-1-hydroxy-4-methylbenzene, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-methylphenol, 4-Methyl-2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, Caswell No. 291A, 2,6-Di-terc.butyl-p-kresol, Dbpc (technical grade), 4-Hydroxy-3,5-di-tert-butyltoluene, Butylhydroxytoluenum, Di-tert-butylcresol, AOX 4K, 2,6-ditert-butyl-4-methyl-phenol, Ionol CP-antioxidant, P 21, 2,6-DI-T-BUTYL-P-CRESOL, AOX 4, Butyl hydroxy toluene, 4-Methyl-2,6-di-terc. butylfenol, CCRIS 103, 1-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2,6-di-tert-butylbenzene, Popol, HSDB 1147, BHT 264, Bht(food grade), NSC 6347, NSC-6347, EINECS 204-881-4, Ionol BHT, Ralox BHT, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methyl-phenol, 2,6-ditertiary-butyl-p-cresol, INS NO.321, Dbpc(technical grade), DTXSID2020216, E321, CHEBI:34247, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylhydroxybenzene, AI3-19683, p-Cresol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-, INS-321, 1P9D0Z171K, 2,6-bis(tert-butyl)-4-methylphenol, 2,6-Di-tert-butylcresol, CHEMBL146, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol-d24, Di-tert-Butyl-4-methylphenol, DTXCID20216, E-321, FEMA 2184, NSC6347, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl phenol, NCGC00091761-03, Tonarol, 4-METHYL-2,6-DITERTIARY-BUTYL-PHENOL, Toxolan P, 1219805-92-1, 2,6-DI(TERT-BUTYL-D9)-4-METHYLPHENOL-3,5,O-D3, Annulex BHT, 2,6-DI-TERT-BUTYL-P-CRESOL2,6-BIS(1,1-DIMETHYLETHYL)-4-METHYL-PHENOL, MFCD00011644, BUTYLHYDROXYTOLUENE (EP MONOGRAPH), BUTYLHYDROXYTOLUENE [EP MONOGRAPH], CAS-128-37-0, Butylohydroksytoluenu, Butylohydroksytoluenu [Polish], Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (VAN), 4-Methyl-2,6-ditertbutylphenol, di-tert-butyl-methylphenol, Di tert butyl methylphenol, 2,6-Di-terc.butyl-p-kresol [Czech], EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 022105, 2,6 Di tert butyl p cresol, UNII-1P9D0Z171K, 4-Methyl-2,6-di-terc. butylfenol [Czech], 4 Methyl 2,6 ditertbutylphenol, 2,6 Di t butyl 4 methylphenol, Lowinox BHT, Nipanox BHT, BHT Swanox, BHT, food grade, 4-Methyl-2,6-di-t-butyl-phenol, 2, food grade, 2,6 Di tert butyl 4 methylphenol, 3IM, Dibutyl-para-cresol, NAUGARD BHT, PERMANAX BHT, TOPANOL BHT, YOSHINOX BHT, ANTAG...

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is white or light yellow crystal.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has a melting point of 71°C, a boiling point of 265°C, a relative density of 1.048 (20/4°C), and a refractive index of 1.4859 (75°C).
Solubility of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) at normal temperature: methanol 25, ethanol 25-26, isopropanol 30, mineral oil 30, acetone 40, petroleum ether 50, benzene 40, lard (40-50°C ) 40-50, corn oil and soybean oil 40-50.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a phenolic antioxidant.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is insoluble in water, 10NaOH solution, glycerol, and propylene glycol.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has been shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation.

Since Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in many near consumer products population wide exposure is expected.
The antioxidant Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is contained in food, adhesive glues, industrial oils and greases, including cutting fluids. Sensitization seems very rare.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) antioxidant and preservative in the food industry.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is odorless, odorless with good thermal stability.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has been found to have other some adverse effects in animals including inhibiting normal growth patterns and causing reversible liver enlargement.
At high levels in animals, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has caused significant brain and behavioral changes.

Since Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has been found to inhibit the enzymes that white blood cells (phagocytes) use to destroy bacteria, BHT disrupts the proper functioning of the immune system.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic antioxidant.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) scavenges peroxide, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH; ), superoxide, and ABTS radicals in cell-free assays, as well as inhibits lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) reduces freeze-thaw-induced malondialdehyde (MDA) production and increases sperm viability in boar spermatozoa preparations.
Formulations containing BHT have been used as antioxidant cosmetic and food additives.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a man-made chemical commonly used as a preservative in processed foods.

Similar to the synthetic preservative Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) with which it is often used, BHT is an antioxidant that is soluble in oils and animal fats (it actually has greater solubility than does BHA).
Both BHA and Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) are used to extend shelf life of processed foods by reducing the occurrence of oxidation and rancidity.
Instead of being added directly to the food itself, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is usually added to the packaging material from where it vaporizes into the food during storage.

Since it may be classified as an incidental food additive when used in this manner, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) does not legally need to be listed with other ingredients on the food label.
Processed foods most likely to contain Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) include chewing gum, active dry yeast, frozen convenience foods, prepared cereal products, prepared snacks, dried and processed meat, potato flakes, enriched rice products and shortening.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also a chemical preservative used in animal feeds and drugs; therefore eatomg non-organic meats and dairy products may be another way in which exposure occurs.

In addition to its use in food preservation, BHA is also used in the manufacture of rubber, tires and petroleum and is an ingredient in some cosmetics.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is on the Federal Drug Administrations Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list of food additives, it carries with it risk of toxicity.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a phenolic antioxidant.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) can inhibit lipid peroxidation and cause lung injury in mice and promote tumor growth, which may be due to the metabolites of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), 6-tert-butyl-2-[2′-(2′-hydroxymethyl)-propyl]-4-Methylphenol.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) metabolites have also been reported to cause DNA strand breaks in cultured cells and DNA breaks between nucleosomes (a typical feature of apoptosis).
A single intraperitoneal injection of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) (60mg/kg body weight) into rats caused a significant increase in nuclear DNA methyltransferase activity in the liver, kidney, heart, spleen, brain, and lung.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) are monohydric phenolic antioxidants that, prior to their introduction and acceptance in the food industry, were used to protect petroleum against oxidative degumming.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has a very faint, musty, occasional cresylictype odor.
BHA and Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) are extensively used in foods as antioxidants.

Most fats, oils and fat-containing foods are naturally susceptible to rapid rancification and other oxidative reactions that produce compounds having objectionable taste and odor, making foods containing them unpalatable.
Lipid oxidation is autocatalytic and proceeds as a complex of chain reactions, the nature and speed of which vary with the substrate, temperature, light, availability of oxygen and presence or absence of oxidation catalysts.
Iron salts cause discoloration with loss of activity.

Heating with catalytic amounts of acids causes rapid decomposition with the release of the flammable gas isobutene.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is chemically classified as a derivative of phenol. Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is produced commercially by the alkylation of para-cresol with isobutylene.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also produced by several western European manufacturers, production/processing plants in Germany, France, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) works as an antioxidant by inhibiting or slowing down the oxidative breakdown of molecules, particularly fats and oils.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) accomplishes this by donating hydrogen atoms to free radicals (highly reactive molecules) that are formed during the oxidation process.
This process helps prevent the chain reaction of oxidative damage.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is often used in combination with other antioxidants, such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), to enhance its antioxidant properties.
This combination can provide more comprehensive protection against oxidation in various products.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is regulated by food safety agencies in many countries, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

These agencies set specific limits on the amount of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) that can be used in various food products to ensure it does not exceed safe levels.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is considered safe when used within established limits, there has been some controversy and debate over its safety at higher doses.
Some animal studies have suggested potential adverse health effects, such as liver and thyroid issues, at high doses.

However, these findings have not been consistently replicated in human studies, and Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is generally considered safe when consumed at the low levels found in most foods.
Metabolites of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) have also been reported to induce DNA strand breaks and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation (a characteristic of apoptosis) in cultured cells.
In rats, a single intraperitoneal injection of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) (60 mg/kg body mass) results in a significant increase in nuclear DNA methyl transferase activity in the liver, kidneys, heart, spleen, brain and lungs.
Incubation of alveolar macrophages with Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) significantly reduced the level of TNF-α which may explain the mechanism by which this antioxidant reduces inflammation.

Preincubation of aspirin-treated platelets with Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) inhibits the secretion, aggregation, and protein phosphorylation induced by protein kinase C activators.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) was also found to inhibit the initiation of hepatocarcinogenesis by aflatoxin B1.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a phenolic antioxidant.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT)s chemical formula is C15H24O, and its systematic name is 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) consists of a phenolic ring with two tert-butyl (2-methyl-2-propanol) groups attached to the carbon atoms in the ortho positions relative to the phenolic hydroxyl group.
Antioxidants like BHT act as “chain breaks” in the autooxidation processes under the usual conditions of processing, storage and use of fat-containing foods (Burdock, 1997).

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is phenolic and undergoes reactions characteristic of phenols.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents such as peroxides and permanganates.
Contact with oxidizing agents may cause spontaneous combustion.

Melting point: 69-73 °C(lit.)
Boiling point: 265 °C(lit.)
Density: 1.048
vapor density: 7.6 (vs air)
vapor pressure: refractive index: 1.4859
FEMA: 2184 | Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT)
Flash point: 127 °C
storage temp.: 2-8°C
solubility: methanol: 0.1 g/mL, clear, colorless
form: Crystals
pka: pKa 14(H2O t = 25 c = 0.002 to 0.01) (Uncertain)
color: white
Odor: faint characteristic odor
Odor Type: phenolic
Water Solubility: insoluble
Merck: 14,1548
BRN: 1911640
Exposure limits ACGIH: TWA 2 mg/m3
NIOSH: TWA 10 mg/m3
Stability: Stable, but light-sensitive, Incompatible with acid chlorides, acid anhydrides, brass, copper, copper alloys, steel, bases, oxidizing agents.
LogP: 5.2

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) can inhibit lipid peroxidation and cause lung injury in mice and promote tumor growth, which may be due to the metabolites of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), 6-tert-butyl-2-[2′-(2′-hydroxymethyl)-propyl]-4-Methylphenol.
BHA and Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) can induce allergic reactions in the skin.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies BHA as a possible human carcinogen.

The European Commission on Endocrine Disruption has also listed Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) as a Category 1 priority substance, based on evidence that it interferes with hormone function.
While Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is on the Federal Drug Administrations Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list of food additives, it carries with it risk of toxicity.
Although there has not been enough research conducted involving humans to establish whether or not Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a carcinogen (chemical capable of causing cancer) there is limited evidence in animals that BHT is carcinogenic.

Some of its potential carcinogenicity may come from its ability to cause toxic disruption of cell signaling, a process where chemical information is transferred from one cell to the other or between different structures within the same cell.
Proper cellular communication is not only important for optimal functioning of the bodys systems but researchers now believe that poor communication between cells may be one of the causes of overproliferation of cells, a condition which eventually leads to cancer.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has been found to have other some adverse effects in animals including inhibiting normal growth patterns and causing reversible liver enlargement while at high levels, significant brain and behavioral changes have also been observed.

A single intraperitoneal injection of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) (60mg/kg body weight) into rats caused a significant increase in nuclear DNA methyltransferase activity in the liver, kidney, heart, spleen, brain, and lung.
Due to concerns about synthetic antioxidants like Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), some food manufacturers have explored natural alternatives, such as rosemary extract (containing rosemary acid) and tocopherols (vitamin E), to preserve the freshness of their products while meeting consumer demand for more natural ingredients.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), do not behave as organic alcohols, as one might guess from the presence of a hydroxyl (-OH) group in their structure.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) metabolites have also been reported to cause DNA strand breaks in cultured cells and DNA breaks between nucleosomes (a typical feature of apoptosis).
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is produced commercially by the alkylation of para-cresol with isobutylene.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also produced by several western European manufacturers, production/processing plants in Germany, France, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Spain.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) works as an antioxidant by inhibiting or slowing down the oxidative breakdown of molecules, particularly fats and oils.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) accomplishes this by donating hydrogen atoms to free radicals (highly reactive molecules) that are formed during the oxidation process.
This process helps prevent the chain reaction of oxidative damage.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is often used in combination with other antioxidants, such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), to enhance its antioxidant properties.
This combination can provide more comprehensive protection against oxidation in various products.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is regulated by food safety agencies in many countries, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

These agencies set specific limits on the amount of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) that can be used in various food products to ensure it does not exceed safe levels.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is considered safe when used within established limits, there has been some controversy and debate over its safety at higher doses.
Some animal studies have suggested potential adverse health effects, such as liver and thyroid issues, at high doses.

However, these findings have not been consistently replicated in human studies, and Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is generally considered safe when consumed at the low levels found in most foods.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) and cresols are much weaker as acids than common carboxylic acids (phenol has Ka = 1.3 x 10^[-10]).
These materials are incompatible with strong reducing substances such as hydrides, nitrides, alkali metals, and sulfides.

Flammable gas (H2) is often generated, and the heat of the reaction may ignite the gas.
Heat is also generated by the acid-base reaction between phenols and bases.
Such heating may initiate polymerization of the organic compound.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is sulfonated very readily (for example, by concentrated sulfuric acid at room temperature).
The reactions generate heat.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also nitrated very rapidly, even by dilute nitric acid.

Nitrated phenols often explode when heated.
Many of them form metal salts that tend toward detonation by rather mild shock.
May react with oxidizing materials.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a phenolic antioxidant.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has been shown to inhibit lipid peroxidation.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) causes lung injury and promotes tumors in mice, but this may be due to a metabolite of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), 6-tert-butyl-2-[2′-(2′-hydroxymethyl)-propyl]-4-methylphenol.

Metabolites of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) have also been reported to induce DNA strand breaks and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation (a characteristic of apoptosis) in cultured cells.
In rats, a single intraperitoneal injection of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) (60 mg/kg body mass) results in a significant increase in nuclear DNA methyl transferase activity in the liver, kidneys, heart, spleen, brain and lungs.
Incubation of alveolar macrophages with Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) significantly reduced the level of TNF-α which may explain the mechanism by which this antioxidant reduces inflammation.

Preincubation of aspirin-treated platelets with Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) inhibits the secretion, aggregation, and protein phosphorylation induced by protein kinase C activators.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) was also found to inhibit the initiation of hepatocarcinogenesis by aflatoxin B1.
Metabolites of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) have also been reported to induce DNA strand breaks and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation (a characteristic of apoptosis) in cultured cells.

In rats, a single intraperitoneal injection of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) (60 mg/kg body mass) results in a significant increase in nuclear DNA methyl transferase activity in the liver, kidneys, heart, spleen, brain and lungs.
Incubation of alveolar macrophages with Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) significantly reduced the level of TNF-α which may explain the mechanism by which this antioxidant reduces inflammation.
Preincubation of aspirin-treated platelets with Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) inhibits the secretion, aggregation, and protein phosphorylation induced by protein kinase C activators.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) was also found to inhibit the initiation of hepatocarcinogenesis by aflatoxin B1.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a phenolic antioxidant.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used as an antioxidant in cosmetics, foods, and pharmaceuticals.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic compound, meaning it is not naturally occurring.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is chemically derived from toluene.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also known as butylated hydroxy toluene.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is an anti-oxidant that also has preservative and masking capabilities.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is listed by the NIH Hazardous Substances Data Bank under several categories in catalogues and databases, such as food additive, household product ingredient, industrial additive, personal care product/cosmetic ingredient, pesticide ingredient, plastic/rubber ingredient and medical/veterinary/research.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used as a preservative ingredient in some foods.
With this usage BHT maintains freshness or prevents spoilage; it may be used to decrease the rate at which the texture, color, or flavor of food changes.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is commonly used in the food industry as a food additive to prevent the oxidation of fats and oils in processed foods.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) helps extend the shelf life of products by preventing rancidity and off-flavors in items like snack foods, baked goods, and cereal.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is utilized in cosmetics, skincare products, and toiletries to prevent the deterioration of oils and fats in these products.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) helps maintain the product's quality and appearance over time.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in some pharmaceutical formulations to protect sensitive drug compounds from degradation due to exposure to oxygen and light.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used from 0.1% in citrus oils, alipihatic aldehydes, fixed oils and many other oxygen sensitive materials, compounds and finished products it can greatly extend their shelf and odour life and also slow down, but not completely stop, colour changes.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also used at 0.5–1.0% w/w concentration in natural or synthetic rubber to provide enhanced color stability.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has some antiviral activity and has been used therapeutically to treat herpes simplex labialis.
Antioxidant for food, animal feed, petroleum products, synthetic rubbers, plastics, animal and vegetable oils, soaps.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) has wide application, such as flavors, fragrances, biochemical reagents-other chemical reagents, chemical raw materials, organic chemical raw materials, biochemical, inorganic salts, antioxidants, food additives, feed additives, feed storage additives, aromatic hydrocarbons, bulk drugs and so on.

As a phenolic antioxidant, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) can inhibit lipid peroxidation and exhibit electrophilic quinone methyl ether toxicity mediated by oxidative metabolism.
The BHT metabolites, 6-tert-butyl-2- [2 ′-(2′-hydroxymethyl) -propyl] -4-methylphenol, may cause lung damage in mice and promote tumor growth.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) metabolites causing DNA strand breaks in cultured cells and DNA breaks between nucleosomes (a typical feature of apoptosis), which result in relieving inflammation.

Inhibiting secretion, aggregation, and protein phosphorylation caused by protein kinase C activators at the process of the pre-incubation of aspirin-treated platelets.
Inhibiting liver cancer formation induced by aflatoxin B1.
As Michael receptor, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) can react with uninucleophiles and proteins.

Reaction of 2, 6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol with fluorine (II) - benzophenone dianion complex.
Food additive 2, 6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol can promote acute lung toxicity and tumor growth in mice.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) can be used to prepare organoaluminum compound methylaluminum bis (2, 6-di-tert-butyl-4 alkylphenol oxide).

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) as general antioxidants is used widely in polymer materials, petroleum products and food processing industries.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is commonly used rubber antioxidant, heat, oxygen aging have some protective effect, but also can inhibit copper harm.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) does not change color, not pollution.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) high solubility in oil, no precipitation, less volatile, non-toxic and non-corrosive.
Because they prevent rancidity, antioxidants are of great interest to the food industry.
For example, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), and EDTA are frequently used to preserve various foods, such as cheese or fried products.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a powerful inhibitor of lipid peroxidation, yet large doses of it can induce oxidative DNA damage and cancer development in the rat forestomach.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also known as butylated hydroxy toluene.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is an anti-oxidant that also has preservative and masking capabilities.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) (BHT) is an antioxidant that functions similarly to butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) but is less stable at high temperatures.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also termed 2,6-di-tert-butyl-para-cresol.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) can be found in certain medications and supplements.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is employed as a stabilizer and antioxidant in the production of plastics and polymers.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) helps prevent the degradation of these materials caused by exposure to heat and UV radiation.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used in the rubber industry to extend the life of rubber products, such as tires, by protecting them from oxidative degradation.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to petroleum products, including lubricating oils and jet fuels, to inhibit oxidation and improve their stability and performance.
Some food companies have voluntarily eliminated Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) from their products or have announced that they were going to phase it out.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is probably the most efficient anti-oxidant used in perfumery.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is almost odourless in use but as a pure white to off-white crystalline powder has a very faint musty cresylic phenolic odour.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is mainly used to delay or prevent the oxidative rancidity of fats and oils and to prevent loss of activity of oil-soluble vitamins.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is an antioxidant that functions similarly to butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) but is less stable at high temperatures.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also termed 2,6-di-tert-butyl-para-cresol. See Butylated Hydroxyanisole.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used as an antioxidant in some inks and printing materials to prevent the ink from drying out and becoming unusable.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) can be found in certain adhesive and sealant formulations to enhance their resistance to environmental degradation.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is sometimes used in electronic materials and equipment to prevent the oxidation of certain components.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used as an antioxidant in some fuel formulations to reduce the formation of deposits and improve combustion efficiency.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also used as an antioxidant in products such as metalworking fluids, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, transformer oils, and embalming fluid.

In the petroleum industry, where Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is known as the fuel additive AO-29, it is used in hydraulic fluids, turbine and gear oils, and jet fuels.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is also used to prevent peroxide formation in organic ethers and other solvents and laboratory chemicals.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is added to certain monomers as a polymerisation inhibitor to facilitate their safe storage.

Some additive products contain Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) as their primary ingredient, while others contain the chemical merely as a component of their formulation, sometimes alongside butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA).
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is primarily used as an antioxidant in the food and cosmetic industries.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) helps extend the shelf life of products by preventing the oxidation of fats and oils, which can cause them to become rancid.

In food, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is often added to products like potato chips, baked goods, and snack foods.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is used as a preservative in various products, including rubber, plastics, and petroleum products, to prevent degradation and maintain their quality over time.

Safety Profile:
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is a poison by intraperitoneal andintravenous routes.
The relevance of these findings to human health is a subject of ongoing research and debate.
Some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), experiencing skin irritation or other allergic reactions when it comes into contact with their skin or when consumed in larger quantities.

Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is metabolized and excreted in the urine mainly as glucuronide conjugates of oxidation products.
Although there have been some isolated reports of adverse skin reactions, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is generally regarded as nonirritant and nonsensitizing at the levels employed as an antioxidant.
The WHO has set a temporary estimated acceptable daily intake for Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) at up to 125 μg/kg body-weight.

Moderately toxic by ingestion.
Other experimental reproductiveeffects.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) when used in food at low levels, but its safety has been a topic of debate and research.

Some studies have raised concerns about potential health risks associated with high doses of Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), though these findings are not conclusive.
Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT)'s important to note that BHT is regulated by food safety authorities in many countries to ensure it is used within established safety limits.

A primary alcohol that is 1-octanol substituted by a butyl group at position 2.
Metabolite observed in cancer metabolism.
Butyloctanol is a long-chain glass forming monohydroxy alcohol.

CAS: 3913-02-8
MF: C12H26O
MW: 186.33
EINECS: 223-470-0

Butyloctanol is a synthetic solvent made from the fatty alcohol 2-Butyl-1-Octanol.
Butyloctanol has lightweight emollient properties which help improve application of cosmetics plus soften skin and hair (it’s sometimes used with silicone conditioning agents in hair care products).
Butyloctanol is supplied as a clear liquid that has much lower viscosity than many cosmetic emollients, making it among the better options for all skin types.
Usage levels of Butyloctanol range from 0.05–1%, depending on desired aesthetics and performance.

Interestingly, newer research has shown butyloctanol may have prebiotic properties that, applied to skin, may help control unpleasant odors.
Butyloctanol is not known to be a skin irritant.
Butyloctanol is also known as isolauryl alcohol.
Butyloctanol is a light emollient, solvent, basic material for the production of emollient esters.
Butyloctanol is a fully synthetic, branched primary alcohol.
Butyloctanol is of little importance as a solvent.
Most of Butyloctanol is chemically processed.
Butyloctanol is a 1:1 mixture ( racemate ) of two isomeric forms:
Butyloctanol is a flammable, non-flammable, colorless liquid that is practically insoluble in water.

Butyloctanol is a chemical compound that belongs to the family of alcohols.
Butyloctanol is also known as 2-Butyloctanol or 2-Butyl octan-1-ol.
Butyloctanol has a molecular formula of C12H26O and a molecular weight of 186.33 g/mol.
Butyloctanol is a colorless liquid with a mild odor and is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.
Butyloctanol is used in various fields such as medical research, environmental research, and industrial research.

Butyloctanol Chemical Properties
Melting point: -80°C(lit.)
Boiling point: 145-149 °C(lit.)
Density: 0.833 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
Vapor pressure: 8.1Pa at 37.8℃
Refractive index: 1.4400 to 1.4440
Fp: 113 °C
pka: 15.09±0.10(Predicted)
Form: clear liquid
Color:Colorless to Almost colorless
Water Solubility: 1mg/L at 23℃
Stability: Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. Combustible.
LogP: 5.5 at 23℃
EPA Substance Registry System: Butyloctanol (3913-02-8)

Butyloctanol has been used to synthesize:
2-butyl-1-octyl-methacrylate (BOMA) 3,5,5-trimethyl-1-hexyl methacrylate (TMHMA)
hydrophobic polyesters in miniemulsion in the presence of large amounts of water
Butyloctanol has also been used as an extraction solvent in extractive fed-batch experiments.
Butyloctanol is used as an intermediate to produce other chemical compounds such as 2-butyl-1-octyl methacrylate (BOMA) and 3,5,5-trimethyl-1-hexyl methacrylate (TMHMA) and as a solvent.

1-Octanol, 2-butyl-
2-Butyloctyl alcohol
Michel XO-150-12
NSC 2414
EINECS 223-470-0
BRN 1738522
2-butyl octanol
Isolauryl aclohohol
Jarcol I-12
2-Butyl-n-octyl Alcohol
2-Butyl-1-octanol, 95%
WLN: Q1Y6&4
EC 223-470-0
4-01-00-01855 (Beilstein Handbook Reference)
BUTYLOCTYL SALICYLATE, N° CAS : 190085-41-7, Nom INCI : BUTYLOCTYL SALICYLATE, Nom chimique : Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 2-butyloctyl ester. Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances
BUTYLPARABEN, N° CAS : 94-26-8, Nom INCI : BUTYLPARABEN, Nom chimique : Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 202-318-7. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Conservateur : Inhibe le développement des micro-organismes dans les produits cosmétiques.Noms français : 4-(BUTOXYCARBONYL)PHENOL; 4-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID BUTYL ESTER; BENZOIC ACID, 4-HYDROXY-, BUTYL ESTER; BENZOIC ACID, P-HYDROXY-, BUTYL ESTER; BUTYL 4-HYDROXYBENZOATE; BUTYL P-HYDROXYBENZOATE; BUTYLPARABEN; N-BUTYL PARAHYDROXYBENZOATE; P-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID BUTYL ESTER; Para-hydroxybenzoate de butyle normal; PARABEN BUTYL. Utilisation: Agent de préservation alimentaire, fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques. butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate
Triglycol Monobutyl Ether; Butoxytriglycol; BTG; 2-(2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethanol; 3,6,9-Trioxatridecan-1-ol; Butyl Triglycol Ether; cas no:143-22-6
Butylparaben, or butyl p-hydroxybenzoate, is an organic compound with the formula C4H9O2CC6H4OH.
Butylparaben is a white solid that is soluble in organic solvents.
Butylparaben has proven to be a highly successful antimicrobial preservative in cosmetics.

CAS: 94-26-8
MF: C11H14O3
MW: 194.23
EINECS: 202-318-7

Methylparaben Impurity 3(Butylparaben);2-butyl-4-hydroxybenzoic acid;BUTYL 4-HYDROXYBENZOATE;BUTYL CHEMOSEPT;BUTYL P-HYDROXYBENZOATE;BUTYLPARABEN;butyl parabens;BUTYL PARASEPT;BUTYLPARABEN;Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate;94-26-8;Butyl paraben;Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate;Nipabutyl;Butoben;Butyl chemosept;Butyl parasept;Tegosept B;Butyl parahydroxybenzoate;n-Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate;Butyl tegosept;Butyl butex;Tegosept Butyl;Aseptoform butyl;Preserval B;Solbrol B;Butyl-Parasept;Benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-, butyl ester;butyl p-hydroxy benzoate;4-(Butoxycarbonyl)phenol;n-butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate;n-Butyl parahydroxybenzoate;n-Butyl hydroxybenzoate;FEMA No. 2203;n-Butyl-p-hydroxybenzoate;4-Hydroxybenzoic acid butyl ester;Benzoic acid, p-hydroxy-, butyl ester;n-Butyl-paraben;p-Hydroxybenzoic acid butyl ester;Lexgard B;n-Butyl-4-hydroxybenzoate;NSC 8475;p-Hydroxybenzoic acid n-butyl ester;Butylparaben (NF);Butylparaben (TN);Butylparaben [NF];SPF;p-Hydroxybenzoic acid, butyl ester;4-Hydroxybenzoic acid, butyl ester;MFCD00016478;p-Hydroxybenzoic butyl ester;3QPI1U3FV8;Butyl parahydroxybenzoate (TN);DTXSID3020209;CHEBI:88542;4-Hydroxybenzoic acid-n-butyl ester;NSC-13164;CAS-94-26-8;Butyl 4-?Hydroxybenzoate(Butyl Paraben);NCGC00016354-03;DTXCID90209;Butylparaben [USAN];butyl-p-hydroxybenzoate;Caswell No. 130A;FEMA Number 2203;n-Butyl paraben;4-Hydroxybenzoic acid-n-butyl ester 1000 microg/mL in Acetonitrile;Butyl Par asept;SMR000462402;CCRIS 2462;HSDB 286;p-Hydroxy butyl benzoate;SR-01000389296;EINECS 202-318-7;UNII-3QPI1U3FV8;EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 061205;BRN 1103741;butyl-paraben;AI3-02930;27K;4mg9;Prestwick0_000894;Prestwick1_000894;Prestwick2_000894;Prestwick3_000894;BUTYLPARABEN [II];BUTYLPARABEN [MI];WLN: QR DVO4;BUTYLPARABEN [HSDB];cid_7184;SCHEMBL3647;BUTYLPARABEN [VANDF];BSPBio_000708;Butyl //p//-Hydroxybenzoate;MLS000575004;MLS002154054;MLS002303045;BIDD:ER0231;BUTYLPARABEN [USP-RS];SPBio_002917;BPBio1_000780;CHEMBL459008;F0266-0124;N-Butyl-P-Hydroxybenzoate,(S);BDBM23448;FEMA 2203;NSC8475;Butyl parahydroxybenzoate (JP15);Butyl parahydroxybenzoate (JP17);Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, >=99%;HMS1570D10;HMS2094A21;HMS2097D10;HMS2220G15;HMS3327P04;HMS3714D10;Pharmakon1600-01505995;HY-B1431;NSC-8475;Tox21_110393;Tox21_201785;Tox21_300332;NSC759303;p-Hydroxybenzoic acid, n-butyl ester;s4584;BUTYL HYDROXYBENZOATE [MART.];AKOS000121421;BUTYL HYDROXYBENZOATE[WHO-DD];Tox21_110393_1;1ST2512;BUTYL PARAHYDROXYBENZOATE [JAN];CCG-213596;CS-4783;DB14084;NSC-759303;BUTYL P-HYDROXY BENZOATE [FHFI];Butyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate (Butyl Paraben);NCGC00016354-01;NCGC00016354-02;NCGC00016354-04;NCGC00016354-05;NCGC00016354-06;NCGC00016354-07;NCGC00016354-11;NCGC00091142-01;NCGC00091142-02;NCGC00254294-01;NCGC00259334-01;AC-34535;AS-14309;Butyl 4-?Hydroxybenzoate (Butyl Paraben);SY032891;SBI-0206946.P001;Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, >=99.0% (GC);DS-010619;AB00513951;B3771;H0210;NS00010637;EN300-21566;BUTYL PARAHYDROXYBENZOATE [EP IMPURITY];BUTYL PARAHYDROXYBENZOATE [EP MONOGRAPH];D01420;AB00513951_09;A844895;Q3302873;SR-01000389296-1;SR-01000389296-3;W-100204;BRD-K08287586-001-03-6;BRD-K08287586-001-08-5;BRD-K08287586-001-14-3;Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, SAJ first grade, >=99.0%;PROPYL HYDROXYBENZOATE IMPURITY D [EP IMPURITY];Z291799028;METHYL PARAHYDROXYBENZOATE IMPURITY D [EP IMPURITY];InChI=1/C11H14O3/c1-2-3-8-14-11(13)9-4-6-10(12)7-5-9/h4-7,12H,2-3,8H2,1H

Butylparaben is also used in medication suspensions, and as a flavoring additive in food.
Butylparaben is an antimicrobial agent used in pharmaceutical suspensions.
Butylparaben is act by inhibiting DNA, RNA, and enzymes (eg, ATPase and phosphotransferase) synthesis.
Butylparaben may be used alone or with other parabens, chiefly methylparaben and/or propylparaben, in medications.
Butylparaben is common in many liquid and solid (gel cap) OTC products such as Tylenol, Drixoral, Maalox, and Mylanta.
Unfortunately, Butylparaben concentrations were seldom identified for OTC or prescription products.

No attempt was made to identify butylparaben-containing dietary supplements.
Butylparaben is an organic molecular entity.
Butylparaben is a Standardized Chemical Allergen.
The physiologic effect of butylparaben is by means of Increased Histamine Release, and Cell-mediated Immunity.
Odorless white crystals or crystalline powder.
Tasteless, but numbs the tongue.
Aqueous solutions slightly acidic to litmus.
Butylparaben, with the chemical formula of C11H14O3 is an antimicrobial preservative used in many cosmetics, as a food flavoring agent and as a suspending agent for medications. Butylparaben used in industry is synthetically created, but natural parabens also exist in nature.

Butylparaben is an antimicrobial preservative that prevents the growth of mold in products and increases their shelf life.
In the olden days, parabens were quite popular when compared to other preservatives because these are gentler and more effective.
Today, parabens are under many controversies because of their negative impacts on human health.
However, Butylparaben is important to note that the amounts used in the cosmetic industry are far too low to cause any side effects.
Butylparaben is also known by its other names - Butyl parahydroxybenzoate and Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate.
In its raw form, Butylparaben appears as a colorless and odorless crystalline powder.

Butylparaben Chemical Properties
Melting point: 67-70 °C(lit.)
Boiling point: 156-157 °C3.5 mm Hg(lit.)
Density: 1.28
Vapor pressure: 0.002-0.113Pa at 20-50℃
Refractive index: 1.5115 (estimate)
Fp: 181℃
Storage temp.: 2-8°C
Solubility: Soluble in DMSO, ethyl acetate, methanol.
pka: pKa 8.5 (Uncertain)
Form: Crystalline Powder
Color: White to almost white
Odor: very faint phenolic
Odor Type: bland
Water Solubility: Merck: 14,1584
JECFA Number: 870
BRN: 1103741
Stability: Stable. Combustible. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong alkalies.
LogP: 3.57
CAS DataBase Reference: 94-26-8(CAS DataBase Reference)
NIST Chemistry Reference: Butylparaben(94-26-8)
EPA Substance Registry System: Butylparaben (94-26-8)

Butylparaben appears as white crystal powder, having slightly special odor.
Butylparaben is slightly soluble in water, being soluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform.

Butylparaben is used as a preservative in some foods, cosmetics, and drug formulations.
Butylparaben has been added to solutions such as commercially prepared low-ionic strength saline (LISS) solutions and beer to retard microbial growth.
Parabens in general are most active against molds and yeasts and, to a lesser extent, bacteria.
In comparison to other parabens, butylparaben appears to be the best antifungal agent.

Butylparaben is widely used in the cosmetic industry as a preservative due to its effective antimicrobial properties.
Butylparaben helps extend the shelf life of products by preventing the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeast.
Found in a variety of cosmetics such as lotions, creams, shampoos, and makeup, Butylparaben ensures these products remain safe and stable for consumer use.
Butylparaben's ability to work well in conjunction with other preservatives enhances the overall efficacy.

Butylparaben is synthesized through the esterification of p-hydroxybenzoic acid with butanol.
This chemical reaction typically involves an acid catalyst such as sulfuric acid to speed up the process.
The mixture of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and butanol is heated under reflux conditions, allowing the esterification reaction to occur.
Once the reaction is complete, Butylparaben is purified through distillation or crystallization, resulting in Butylparaben.

Pharmaceutical Applications
Butylparaben is widely used as an antimicrobial preservative in cosmetics and pharmaceutical formulations.
Butylparaben may be used either alone or in combination with other paraben esters or with other antimicrobial agents.
In cosmetics, Butylparaben is the fourth most frequently used preservative.
As a group, the parabens are effective over a wide pH range and have a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, although they are most effective against yeasts and molds.
Owing to the poor solubility of the parabens, paraben salts, particularly the sodium salt, are frequently used in formulations.
However, Butylparaben may raise the pH of poorly buffered formulations.

Butylparaben is one of the most common bactericidal/fungicidal additives in cosmetics.
Butylparaben has been used in cosmetic products since the 1940s and in pharmaceutical products since 1924.
The popularity of butylparaben in these products is due to its low toxicity in humans and its effective antimicrobial properties, in particular those against mold and yeast.
Butylparaben is now found in more than 20,000 cosmetic products including eye shadow, facial moisturizer/treatment, anti-aging cream, foundation, and sunscreen.
Butylparaben is also used as low-ionic strength solutions as a preservative in some foods and drugs.
In most cosmetics Butylparaben is used at low levels, ranging from 0.01 to 0.3%.
Butylparaben is used in low concentrations in liquid and solid medication suspensions, such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen.

Mechanism of action
The exact mechanism of how parabens work is unknown but they are proposed to act by inhibiting DNA and RNA synthesis, and enzymes like ATPase and phosphotransferase in some bacterial species.
Butylparaben has also been suggested that they interfere with membrane transport processes by disrupting the lipid bilayer and possibly causing the leakage of intracellular constituents.

Content analysis
2g (accurate to 0.1mg) was taken and dried in silica gel for 5h before being transferred to the flask.
Add 40 mL of 1mol/L of sodium hydroxide, flush flasks with water.
Cover the surface of the dish and apply a small fire to boil 1h before cooling.
Add 5 drops of bromothymol blue solution (TS-56), titrate the excess sodium hydroxide with 1 mol/L sulfuric acid, and make the color of the solution consistent with the buffer containing the same indicator (pH 6.5).
Carry out a blank test at the same time and make the necessary calibration.
1ml/L sodium hydroxide per milliliter corresponds to the 194.2 mg of this product (C11H14O3).

Butylparaben is prepared by esterifying p-hydroxybenzoic acid with butyl alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst, such as sulfuric acid, and an excess of the specific alcohol.
Butylparaben is prepared by esterification of p-hydroxybenzoic acid with n-butanol.

Butylparaben is prepared by the esterification of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid with 1-butanol in the presence of an acid catalyst such as sulfuric acid.
Butylparaben is produced industrially.

Production method
Butylparaben is derived from the esterification between p-hydroxybenzoic acid and butanol.
Butanol and p-hydroxybenzoic acid are heated together for being dissolved, slowly added dropwise of sulfuric acid, continue the refluxing for 8h.
After cooling, add 4% sodium carbonate solution, separate the water layer, steam out the butanol, let Butylparaben cool, filter to obtain the crude product, and then carry out ethanol recrystallization (solubility in ethanol: 200g/100ml).
Take sulfuric acid as a catalyst; derive Butylparaben from the reaction between p-hydroxybenzoic acid and butanol.

Contact allergens
Butylparaben is one of the parabens family.
Parabens are esters formed by p-hydroxybenzoic acid and an alcohol.
They are largely used as biocides in cosmetics and toiletries, medicaments, or food.
They have synergistic power with other biocides.
Parabens can induce allergic contact dermatitis, mainly in chronic dermatitis and wounded skin.
Triglycol Monobutyl Ether; Butoxytriglycol; BTG; 2-(2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethanol; 3,6,9-Trioxatridecan-1-ol; Butyl Triglycol Ether; cas no:143-22-6
Butyric acid
SYNONYMS Butanic Acid; Butanoic Acid; Propylformic Acid; Butyrate; CAS NO. 107-92-6
SYNONYMS C12-C14 Alcohols ethoxylated propoxylated;Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated propoxylated;Ethoxylated propoxylated C12-14 alcohols CAS NO:68439-51-0
BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER); Fats and Glyceridic oils, shea butter; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER LIQUID); SHEA BUTTER BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII; Shea Butter Organic Certified; Shea Butter Powder; Shea Butter SB-I; Shea Liquid CAS: 91080-23-8
Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter
Butyrospermum Parkii Butter Extract is an extract obtained from the Shea Tree, Butyrospermum parkii, Sapotaceae; Butyrospermum parkii butter extract; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER);Fats and Glyceridic oils, shea butter;BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER LIQUID);SHEA BUTTER BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII; Shea Butter Powder;Shea Butter SB-I;Shea Liquid; extract obtained from the shea tree, butyrospermum parkii, sapotaceae; shea tree butter extract CAS NO:91080-23-8
Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter Extract
Butyrospermum Parkii Butter Extract is an extract obtained from the Shea Tree, Butyrospermum parkii, Sapotaceae; Butyrospermum parkii butter extract; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER);Fats and Glyceridic oils, shea butter;BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER LIQUID);SHEA BUTTER BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII; Shea Butter Powder;Shea Butter SB-I;Shea Liquid; extract obtained from the shea tree, butyrospermum parkii, sapotaceae; shea tree butter extract CAS NO:91080-23-8
butyrospermum parkii butter extract
Butyrospermum Parkii Butter Extract is an extract obtained from the Shea Tree, Butyrospermum parkii, Sapotaceae; Butyrospermum parkii butter extract; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER);Fats and Glyceridic oils, shea butter;BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER LIQUID);SHEA BUTTER BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII; Shea Butter Powder;Shea Butter SB-I;Shea Liquid; extract obtained from the shea tree, butyrospermum parkii, sapotaceae; shea tree butter extract CAS NO:91080-23-8
Bütillendirilmiş hidroksianisol
SYNONYMS 2(3)-t-Butylhydroquinone monomethyl ether;2(3)-tert-Butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; antioxyne b; BHA; BOA; Butyl Hydroxyanisole; tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol; tert-butylhydroxyanisole; Vertac; CAS NO:88-32-4
Bütillendirilmiş hidroksitoluen
SYNONYMS Butylated hydroxytoluene; BHT2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol; 2,6-Di-t-butyl-p-cresol; 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol; Ionol; 1-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2,6-di-tert-butylbenzene; 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol; 2,6-Di-t-butyl-p-cresol; 2,6-Di-terc.butyl-p-kresol (Czech); 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-1-hydroxy-4-methylbenzene; 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-cresol; 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene; 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylhydroxybenzene; CAS NO: 128-37-0
C 12 14 ALCOHOL 6 EO
C 12 14 ALCOHOL 6 EO Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated 1 - 2.5 moles ethoxylated Regulatory process names 1 IUPAC names 30 Trade names 377 Other identifiers 25 Print infocardOpen Brief Profile Substance identity Help EC / List no.: 500-213-3 CAS no.: 68439-50-9 Mol. formula: (C2H4O)1-3(CH2)10-12C2H6O formula Hazard classification & labelling Help Warning! According to the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is very toxic to aquatic life and is harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. About C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Helpful information C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is manufactured and/or imported in the European Economic Area in 100 000 - 1 000 000 tonnes per year. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used by consumers, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing. Consumer Uses C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, plant protection products, fertilisers, lubricants and greases, air care products and fuels. Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and break fluids). Article service life ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is most likely to be released to the environment. ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed. Widespread uses by professional workers C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products and polishes and waxes. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging, municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment and health services. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals. Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use. Formulation or re-packing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, lubricants and greases, metal working fluids, fertilisers and cosmetics and personal care products. Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures, in processing aids at industrial sites and formulation in materials. Uses at industrial sites C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, metal surface treatment products, lubricants and greases and metal working fluids. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging and municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals, machinery and vehicles and fabricated metal products. Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: in processing aids at industrial sites, of substances in closed systems with minimal release and formulation of mixtures. Manufacture of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance. How to use C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) safely Help ECHA has no data from registration dossiers on the precautionary measures for using C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 7 EO non-ionic surfactant. Latronol L 7 is a colorless and odorless liquid and efficient (O/W) oil in water emulsifier. It is also biodegradable. Can be used in homecare, textile, paintings/coatings and agricultural applications. C12-14 Alcohol Ethoxylates (7EO) (C12-14 AE7) oleochemical non-ionic surfactant Substance Identification IUPAC Name Alcohols, C12-14(even numbered), ethoxylated CAS Number 68439-50-9 Other Names Lauryl Alcohol Ethoxylate Molecular Formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) UVCB substance (substances of Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological materials), no univocal molecular formula available Structural formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Physical/Chemical Properties of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) [1,2] Molecular Weight of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 494.70 -522.75 g/mol Physical state of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Liquid Appearance of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Colourless, homogenous and opaque Odour of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Slight characteristic Density of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Melting Points of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 25 - 35 °C Boiling point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 266.95 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Flash Point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 149 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) , ethoxylated (1-2.5 EO)) Vapour Pressure of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.014 - 0.11 Pa at 25°C Water Solubility C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 15 mg/l at 25°C Flammability C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available Explosive Properties C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available Surface Tension C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 27 mN/m at 20°C (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Octanol/water Partition coefficient (Kow) log KOW = 4.63 - 5.71 Product and Process Description C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant. The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in [3]. The full LCI can be accessed via or via Goal and Scope of ERASM SLE Project [3] The main goal was to update the existing LCI inventories [4,6] for the production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and its main precursors/intermediates. Temporal Coverage Data collected represents a 12 month averages of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in the year 2011, to compensate seasonal influence of data. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial technological changes in the production chain occur. Geographical Coverage Current data were based on three suppliers representing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in Europe. The geographical representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good' Technological Coverage The technological representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good'. Figure 1 provides a schematic overview of the production process of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). Representativeness for market volume >60% (Represented market volume (in mass) covered by primary data used in ERASM SLE project) Declared Unit In ERASM SLE project the declared unit (functional unit) and reference flow is one thousand kilogram (1000 kg) of surfactant active ingredient. This was the reference unit also used in [4]. Functional Unit: 1 metric tonne of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 100% active substance. Allocation For C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production, allocation was not applied to the foreground system. The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on palm kernel oil and coconut oil. As C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3. The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of ethylene oxide. The alcohol ethoxylates with seven ethylene oxide units are produced by the reaction of C12-C14 fatty alcohols (oleo) with ethylene oxide. The addition of ethylene oxide to C12-14 fatty alcohols leads to a distribution of homologue polyethylene glycol ether groups. The ethoxylation reaction can be catalyzed by alkaline catalysts as e.g. potassium hydroxide or by acidic catalysts as e.g. boron trifluoride or zinc chloride. For detergent range alcohol ethoxylates, the alkaline catalysis is normally used. The intermediate ethylene oxide is industrially produced by direct oxidation of ethylene in the presence of silver catalyst (Further details of the ethylene oxide production are explained in the Eco Profile fact sheet of the precursor ethylene oxide. Applications of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Personal Care: Foaming Agent in Shampoos and Bath Gels. Detergents: Wetting Agent in Detergents, Laundry Pre-spotters and Hard Surface Cleaners Surfactants and Esters: Surfactant Intermediate, Sulfonated to Make SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate). Used both in household and industrial products. cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant. The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in Based on the LCI data an environmental impact assessment was performed for the indicators Primary Energy Demand (PED) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Other impacts may be calculated from the full LCI dataset. Primary Energy Demand (PED): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy generation each cause 3-5% of the PED. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower primary energy demand compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock. Global Warming Potential (GWP): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy generation each cause 3-5% of the GWP. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on palm kernel oil and coconut oil. As EO has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of EO in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3. The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) consumption by adult women is consistently associated with risk of breast cancer. Several questions regarding alcohol and breast cancer need to be addressed. Menarche to first pregnancy represents a window of time when breast tissue is particularly susceptible to carcinogens. Youth alcohol consumption is common in the USA, largely in the form of binge drinking and heavy drinking. Whether alcohol intake acts early in the process of breast tumorigenesis is unclear. This review aims to focus on the influences of timing and patterns of alcohol consumption and the effect of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on intermediate risk markers. We also review possible mechanisms underlying the alcohol-breast cancer association. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)l is considered by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be causally related to breast cancer risk [1], with a 7-10% increase in risk for each 10 g (~1 drink) alcohol consumed daily by adult women [2-4]. This association is observed in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Compared with other organs, breast appears to be more susceptible to carcinogenic effects of alcohol. The risk of breast cancer is significantly increased by 4-15% for light alcohol consumption (?1 drink/day or ?12.5 g/day) [2,5,6] which does not significantly increase cancer risk in other organs of women [7]. This raises a clinical and public health concern because nearly half of women of child-bearing age drink alcohol and 15% of drinkers at this age have four or more drinks at a time [8]. Approximately 4-10% of breast cancers in the USA are attributable to alcohol consumption [2,5,6], accounting for 9000-23,000 new invasive breast cancer cases each year. Therefore, better understanding of how alcohol consumption increases breast cancer risk is crucial for developing breast cancer prevention strategies. As previous meta-analyses and systemic reviews comprehensively summarized the association between adult alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk [3,5,9,10], here we reviewed the recent epidemiologic evidence, with special emphasis on timing and patterns of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on sumption and the effect of alcohol on intermediate markers. In addition, we discussed up-to-date mechanisms that have been proposed to explain the association and provide guidance for clinicians on preventive messages. Production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) The process was developed at the Ludwigshafen laboratories of I.G. Farben by Conrad Schöller and Max Wittwer during the 1930s.[3][4] Alcohol ethoxysulfates C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) found in consumer products generally are linear alcohols, which could be mixtures of entirely linear alkyl chains or of both linear and mono-branched alkyl chains.[17][page needed] A high-volume example of these is sodium laureth sulfate a foaming agent in shampoos and toothpastes, as well as industrial detergents. Alcohol ethoxylates (AEs) Human health Alcohol ethoxylates are not observed to be mutagenic, carcinogenic, or skin sensitizers, nor cause reproductive or developmental effects.[18] One byproduct of ethoxylation is 1,4-dioxane, a possible human carcinogen.[19] Undiluted C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can cause dermal or eye irritation. In aqueous solution, the level of irritation is dependent on the concentration. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are considered to have low to moderate toxicity for acute oral exposure, low acute dermal toxicity, and have mild irritation potential for skin and eyes at concentrations found in consumer products.[16] Aquatic and environmental aspects C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are usually released down the drain, where they may be adsorbed into solids and biodegrade through anaerobic processes, with ~28-58% degraded in the sewer.[20][non-primary source needed] The remaining C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are treated at waste water treatment plants and biodegraded via aerobic processes with less than 0.8% of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) released in effluent.[20] If released into surface waters, sediment or soil, C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) will degrade through aerobic and anaerobic processes or be taken up by plants and animals. Toxicity to certain invertebrates has a range of EC50 values for linear AE from 0.1 mg/l to greater than 100 mg/l. For branched alcohol exthoxylates, toxicity ranges from 0.5 mg/l to 50 mg/l.[16] The EC50 toxicity for algae from linear and branched AEs was 0.05 mg/l to 50 mg/l. Acute toxicity to fish ranges from LC50 values for linear AE of 0.4 mg/l to 100 mg/l, and branched is 0.25 mg/l to 40 mg/l. For invertebrates, algae and fish the essentially linear and branched C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are considered to not have greater toxicity than Linear AE.[16] Alcohol ethoxysulfates (AESs) Biodegradation The degradation of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) proceeds by ?- or ß-oxidation of the alkyl chain, enzymatic hydrolysis of the sulfate ester, and by cleavage of an ether bond in the AES producing alcohol or alcohol ethoxylate and an ethylene glycol sulfate. Studies of aerobic processes also found C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) to be readily biodegradable.[12] The half-life of both AE and C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in surface water is estimated to be less than 12 hours.[21][non-primary source needed] The removal of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) due to degradation via anaerobic processes is estimated to be between 75 and 87%. Aquatic Flow-through laboratory tests in a terminal pool of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) with mollusks found the NOEC of a snail, Goniobasis and the Asian clam, Corbicula to be greater than 730 ug/L. Corbicula growth was measured to be affected at a concentration of 75 ug/L.[22][non-primary source needed] The mayfly, genus Tricorythodes has a normalized density NOEC value of 190 ug/L.[23][non-primary source needed] Human Safety C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has not been found to be genotoxic, mutagenic, or carcinogenic. Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated 1 - 2.5 moles ethoxylated Regulatory process names 1 IUPAC names 30 Trade names 377 Other identifiers 25 Print infocardOpen Brief Profile Substance identity Help EC / List no.: 500-213-3 CAS no.: 68439-50-9 Mol. formula: (C2H4O)1-3(CH2)10-12C2H6O formula Hazard classification & labelling Help Warning! According to the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is very toxic to aquatic life and is harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. About C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Helpful information C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is manufactured and/or imported in the European Economic Area in 100 000 - 1 000 000 tonnes per year. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used by consumers, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing. Consumer Uses C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, plant protection products, fertilisers, lubricants and greases, air care products and fuels. Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and break fluids). Article service life ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is most likely to be released to the environment. ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed. Widespread uses by professional workers C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products and polishes and waxes. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging, municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment and health services. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals. Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use. Formulation or re-packing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, lubricants and greases, metal working fluids, fertilisers and cosmetics and personal care products. Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures, in processing aids at industrial sites and formulation in materials. Uses at industrial sites C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, metal surface treatment products, lubricants and greases and metal working fluids. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging and municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals, machinery and vehicles and fabricated metal products. Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: in processing aids at industrial sites, of substances in closed systems with minimal release and formulation of mixtures. Manufacture of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance. How to use C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) safely Help ECHA has no data from registration dossiers on the precautionary measures for using C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 7 EO non-ionic surfactant. Latronol L 7 is a colorless and odorless liquid and efficient (O/W) oil in water emulsifier. It is also biodegradable. Can be used in homecare, textile, paintings/coatings and agricultural applications. C12-14 Alcohol Ethoxylates (7EO) (C12-14 AE7) oleochemical non-ionic surfactant Substance Identification IUPAC Name Alcohols, C12-14(even numbered), ethoxylated CAS Number 68439-50-9 Other Names Lauryl Alcohol Ethoxylate Molecular Formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) UVCB substance (substances of Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological materials), no univocal molecular formula available Structural formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Physical/Chemical Properties of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) [1,2] Molecular Weight of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 494.70 -522.75 g/mol Physical state of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Liquid Appearance of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Colourless, homogenous and opaque Odour of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Slight characteristic Density of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Melting Points of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 25 - 35 °C Boiling point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 266.95 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Flash Point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 149 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) , ethoxylated (1-2.5 EO)) Vapour Pressure of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.014 - 0.11 Pa at 25°C Water Solubility C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 15 mg/l at 25°C Flammability C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available Explosive Properties C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available Surface Tension C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 27 mN/m at 20°C (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Octanol/water Partition coefficient (Kow) log KOW = 4.63 - 5.71 Product and Process Description C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant. The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in [3]. The full LCI can be accessed via or via Goal and Scope of ERASM SLE Project [3] The main goal was to update the existing LCI inventories [4,6] for the production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and its main precursors/intermediates. Temporal Coverage Data collected represents a 12 month averages of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in the year 2011, to compensate seasonal influence of data. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial technological changes in the production chain occur. Geographical Coverage Current data were based on three suppliers representing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in Europe. The geographical representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good' Technological Coverage The technological representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good'. Figure 1 provides a schematic overview of the production process of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). Representativeness for market volume >60% (Represented market volume (in mass) covered by primary data used in ERASM SLE project) Declared Unit In ERASM SLE project the declared unit (functional unit) and reference flow is one thousand kilogram (1000 kg) of surfactant active ingredient. This was the reference unit also used in [4]. Functional Unit: 1 metric tonne of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 100% active substance. Allocation For C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production, allocation was not applied to the foreground system. The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on palm kernel oil and coconut oil. As C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3. The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of ethylene oxide. The alcohol ethoxylates with seven ethylene oxide units are produced by the reaction of C12-C14 fatty alcohols (oleo) with ethylene oxide. The addition of ethylene oxide to C12-14 fatty alcohols leads to a distribution of homologue polyethylene glycol ether groups. The ethoxylation reaction can be catalyzed by alkaline catalysts as e.g. potassium hydroxide or by acidic catalysts as e.g. boron trifluoride or zinc chloride. For detergent range alcohol ethoxylates, the alkaline catalysis is normally used. The intermediate ethylene oxide is industrially produced by direct oxidation of ethylene in the presence of silver catalyst (Further details of the ethylene oxide production are explained in the Eco Profile fact sheet of the precursor ethylene oxide. Applications of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Personal Care: Foaming Agent in Shampoos and Bath Gels. Detergents: Wetting Agent in Detergents, Laundry Pre-spotters and Hard Surface Cleaners Surfactants and Esters: Surfactant Intermediate, Sulfonated to Make SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate). Used both in household and industrial products. cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant. The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in Based on the LCI data an environmental impact assessment was performed for the indicators Primary Energy Demand (PED) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Other impacts may be calculated from the full LCI dataset. Primary Energy Demand (PED): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy generation each cause 3-5% of the PED. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower primary energy demand compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock. Global Warming Potential (GWP): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy generation each cause 3-5% of the GWP. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on palm kernel oil and coconut oil. As EO has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of EO in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3. The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) consumption by adult women is consistently associated with risk of breast cancer. Several questions regarding alcohol and breast cancer need to be addressed. Menarche to first pregnancy represents a window of time when breast tissue is particularly susceptible to carcinogens. Youth alcohol consumption is common in the USA, largely in the form of binge drinking and heavy drinking. Whether alcohol intake acts early in the process of breast tumorigenesis is unclear. This review aims to focus on the influences of timing and patterns of alcohol consumption and the effect of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on intermediate risk markers. We also review possible mechanisms underlying the alcohol-breast cancer association. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)l is considered by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be causally related to breast cancer risk [1], with a 7-10% increase in risk for each 10 g (~1 drink) alcohol consumed daily by adult women [2-4]. This association is observed in both premenopausal and p

C 12 15 alkyl lactate is a well-established emollient that can deliver a variety of benefits to sunscreens, lip balms, color cosmetics, creams and lotions and other personal care products.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate is Used to reduce the tackiness and greasiness of components such as petrolatum, C 12 15 alkyl lactate imparts a non-oily lubricity to hydro-alcoholic products.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate is easy to emulsify and is compatible with many systems.

CAS Number 93925-36-1
EINECS/ELINCS No: 300-338-1
Molecular Weight: 194.19 g/mol
Chem/IUPAC Name: Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-15-alkyl esters

C 12 15 alkyl lactate can be used to enhance many types of personal care products but is best used in pH-neutral formulations.
C12-15 Alkyl Lactate is used as an emollient in a variety of personal care products.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate is Compatible with many systems, C12-15 Alkyl Lactate provides lubricity to hydro-alcoholic products, with a non-oily feel.

C 12 15 alkyl lactate is Best used in pH neutral formulations.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate is Reduced tackiness and greasiness in formulations and provides lather creaminess.

C 12 15 alkyl lactate in personal care formulations (washing), is a kind of anti irritant agents.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate has a low adding volume and strong anti irritant; obvious lipid rich effect and moisturizing effect; improve the stability of the pearlescing agent products containing.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate can be used for transparent products, hand washing detergent formulation and soap products.

C 12 15 alkyl lactate can dissolve the role of the protease.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate combineing tridecyl salicylate has obvious antidandruff synergistic effect and can be compared to soften the cuticle, loosing horny layer, touching the cuticle peeling off macromolecules of antidandruff agents more turn into hair follicle sterilization agent, thereby greatly reducing the dosage of antidandruff agent.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate can improve the sterilization agent for hair dry sense, providing along the slippery hair dry hair, the brightness of the elegant feeling and hair.

C 12 15 alkyl lactate is a multi-functional emollient.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate is made up of lactic acid ester, which is made up of special fatty alcohol and reflects many characteristics of lactic acid derivatives.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate can be successfully used in cosmetics as C 12 15 alkyl lactate is dissolved in different solvents, such as hydrocarbons, lipids, silicone oil, ethanol, propylene glycol and etc.

C 12 15 alkyl lactate is used for skin care products with moisturizing emollients which has a very good moisturizing effect.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate is a kind of natural enzyme deodorant with stopping sweat agent or other deodorants synergistic effect and safety inhibit body odor which shows the effects of long-term (24 h).

Appearance: Light yellow liquid
Function:Rinse-off personal care products, suitable for the soothing care of sun-stressed skin damaged skin, baby skin, liquid soap, shampoo, bath foam, and intimate hygiene detergents.
Storage: Keep away of heating sources and close tightly after use.
Origin: Synthetic
Shelf life: 1 year from mfg. date when stored properly
Freight Classification: NMFC 43940 SUB 2 CLASS 85
Kosher Status: Not Kosher
Flash Point: >130 øC
Allergen: NO
Hazmat: NO
Molecular Weight: 194.19 g/mol
Use: for any skin care products
Mixing method: dissolved in oil
Usage rate: 1-10%
Product characteristics: : light yellow liquid
Solubility: can dissolve in oil
Storage: For long term storage Store at room temperature Aged at least 24 months
INCI Name : C12-15 Alkyl Lactate
Molecular Formula: C15H30O3
Molar Mass: 258.3969
Density: 0.9[at 20℃]
Boling Point: 325℃[at 101 325 Pa]
Water Solubility: 1.1mg/L at 25℃
Vapor Presure: 0.1Pa at 25℃
Refractive Index: 1.437

C 12 15 alkyl lactate is used to Moisturize the skin
C 12 15 alkyl lactate Gently exfoliate the skin and don't throw it away)

C 12 15 alkyl lactate Can help kill germs.
Therefore, C 12 15 alkyl lactate is commonly used in underarm formulas or deodorant
C 12 15 alkyl lactate Reduce itching/irritation of the scalp.
C 12 15 alkyl lactate is used as Hair-conditioning effect

Applications and the proposed amount:
Moisturizing Shower Gel:0.5-1%
Body shower gel and common soap:0.5-1%
Ordinary shampoo have dandruff shampoo:0.3-1%
Skin Care:3-5%
Lipstick (disperse emollients): 5-20%
Bath oil and skin care oil:10-30%
Soap products (reduced stimulation, moisturizing):0.3-1.5%

C 12 15 alkyl lactate is Primarily used as an emollient and solvent.
The emolliency of C 12 15 alkyl lactate helps give many lotions their desired creamy texture and thickness.

As a moisturizer, C 12 15 alkyl lactate provides a non-oily lubrication that reduces the greasiness and tackiness of other ingredients, such as petroleum.
In fact, C 12 15 alkyl lactate is often used as a substitute for mineral oil because of its excellent moisturizing capabilities.

C 12 15 alkyl lactate should be sealed storage in cool, dry and ventilated place, avoid the sun and rain, storage temperature is not higher than 35 DEG, at the end of the opening of the packaging under, the shelf life for two years (from the date of production count)


First aid measures:
Description of first aid measures:
General advice:
Consult a physician.
Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.
Move out of dangerous area:

If inhaled:
If breathed in, move person into fresh air.
If not breathing, give artificial respiration.
Consult a physician.
In case of skin contact:
Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.
Wash off with soap and plenty of water.
Consult a physician.

In case of eye contact:
Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician.
Continue rinsing eyes during transport to hospital.

If swallowed:
Do NOT induce vomiting.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Rinse mouth with water.
Consult a physician.

Firefighting measures:
Extinguishing media:
Suitable extinguishing media:
Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydrogen chloride gas

Advice for firefighters:
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.
Accidental release measures:
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Use personal protective equipment.

Avoid breathing vapours, mist or gas.
Evacuate personnel to safe areas.

Environmental precautions:
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Do not let product enter drains.
Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up:
Soak up with inert absorbent material and dispose of as hazardous waste.
Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.

Handling and storage:
Precautions for safe handling:
Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist.

Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.
Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.
Storage class (TRGS 510): 8A: Combustible, corrosive hazardous materials

Exposure controls/personal protection:
Control parameters:
Components with workplace control parameters
Contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.
Exposure controls:
Appropriate engineering controls:
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.

Personal protective equipment:
Eye/face protection:
Tightly fitting safety goggles.
Faceshield (8-inch minimum).
Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).

Skin protection:
Handle with gloves.
Gloves must be inspected prior to use.
Use proper glove
removal technique (without touching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product.
Dispose of contaminated gloves after use in accordance with applicable laws and good laboratory practices.
Wash and dry hands.

Full contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Material tested:Dermatril (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)
Splash contact
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Material tested:Dermatril (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)
It should not be construed as offering an approval for any specific use scenario.

Body Protection:
Complete suit protecting against chemicals, The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace.
Respiratory protection:
Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a fullface respirator with multi-purpose combination (US) or type ABEK (EN 14387) respirator cartridges as a backup to engineering controls.

If the respirator is the sole means of protection, use a full-face supplied air respirator.
Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).
Control of environmental exposure
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Do not let product enter drains.
Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Stability and reactivity:
Chemical stability:
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Incompatible materials:
Strong oxidizing agents:
Hazardous decomposition products:
Hazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions.
Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydrogen chloride gas.

Disposal considerations:
Waste treatment methods:
Offer surplus and non-recyclable solutions to a licensed disposal company.
Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material.
Contaminated packaging:
Dispose of as unused product.

C12-15 Alkyl Lactate
Ceraphyl 41
Uniphyl 41
2-Hydroxypropanoic Acid C12-15-Alkyl Esters
Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-15-alkyl esters
2-Hydroxypropanoic acid C12-15-alkyl esters
Di C12-13 Alkyl Lactate

SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 11 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 3 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 5 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 7 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 8 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols,c16-18,ethoxylated;Alcohols,C16-18-ethoxylated;AliphaticC16-18-alcohol,ethoxylated;C16-18-Alkylalcohol,ethoxylate;C16-18-Alkylalcoholethoxylate;cremophor¨a25;ethoxylatedfattyalcohols(c16-18);CETEARETH-2 CAS NO:68439-49-6
SYNONYMS alcohols,c16-18,ethoxylated;Alcohols,C16-18-ethoxylated;AliphaticC16-18-alcohol,ethoxylated;C16-18-Alkylalcohol,ethoxylate;C16-18-Alkylalcoholethoxylate;cremophor¨a25;ethoxylatedfattyalcohols(c16-18);CETEARETH-2 CAS NO:68439-49-6
SYNONYMS alcohols,c16-18,ethoxylated;Alcohols,C16-18-ethoxylated;AliphaticC16-18-alcohol,ethoxylated;C16-18-Alkylalcohol,ethoxylate;C16-18-Alkylalcoholethoxylate;cremophor¨a25;ethoxylatedfattyalcohols(c16-18);CETEARETH-2 CAS NO:68439-49-6
SYNONYMS alcohols,c16-18,ethoxylated;Alcohols,C16-18-ethoxylated;AliphaticC16-18-alcohol,ethoxylated;C16-18-Alkylalcohol,ethoxylate;C16-18-Alkylalcoholethoxylate;cremophor¨a25;ethoxylatedfattyalcohols(c16-18);CETEARETH-2 CAS NO:68439-49-6
C10-rich ethoxylated; Alcohols(C9-11-iso, C10-rich) ethoxylates; Ethoxylated Alcohol CAS NO: 78330-20-8
C10 Alcohol 3,5,6,8(Ethoxylated)
C10-rich ethoxylated; Alcohols(C9-11-iso, C10-rich) ethoxylates; Ethoxylated Alcohol CAS NO: 78330-20-8
Nom INCI : C10-16 ALKYL GLUCOSIDE. Nom chimique : C10-16 Alkyl Glucoside is the product obtained by the condensation of C10-16 alcohols with glucose. Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
C10-18 TRIGLYCERIDES, N° CAS : 85665-33-4, Nom INCI : C10-18 TRIGLYCERIDES, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 288-123-8. Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état. Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances
Nom INCI : C10-C18 FATTY ALCOHOL 7 EO Classification : Composé éthoxylé, Tensioactif non ionique Ses fonctions (INCI) Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
C10-C16-alkyldimethyl amine oxide
C10-16ALKYLDIMETHYLAMINESN-OXIDES; Amines,C10-16-alkyldimethyl,N-oxides; (c10-c16-alkyl)dimethylamines,n-oxides; N,N-Dimethylcocoamine oxide; 5-Amino-1-(4-bromophenyl)-4-cyano-3-methyl-1H-pyrazole CAS Number:70592-80-2
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
C11 (6 Mol EO +4 Mol Po); c11 6eo, 4po; C 11 Alcohol 6 ethoxylate 4 propoxylate; alcohol ethoxylate CAS-No: 68439-50-9
C11 (6 Mol EO +4 Mol Po)
C11-15 PARETH-12, N° CAS : 68131-40-8, Nom INCI : C11-15 PARETH-12, Classification : Composé éthoxylé, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation.Noms français : Alcools secondaires (C11-C15) éthoxylés (liquides). Noms anglais : ALCOHOLS, C11-15-SECONDARY, ETHOXYLATED (LIQUIDS); LINEAR RANDOM SECONDARY ALCOHOL (C11-C15) ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID); LINEAR SECONDARY(C11-C15)ALCOHOL, ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID). Utilisation: Agent dispersant
C11-15 PARETH-12
C11-15 PARETH-40, N° CAS : 68131-40-8, Nom INCI : C11-15 PARETH-40, Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre, Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Noms français : Alcools secondaires (C11-C15) éthoxylés (liquides). Noms anglais : ALCOHOLS, C11-15-SECONDARY, ETHOXYLATED (LIQUIDS); LINEAR RANDOM SECONDARY ALCOHOL (C11-C15) ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID); LINEAR SECONDARY(C11-C15)ALCOHOL, ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID). Utilisation: Agent dispersant
C11-15 PARETH-40
C11-15 PARETH-5, N° CAS : 68131-40-8, Nom INCI : C11-15 PARETH-5, Classification : Composé éthoxylé, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Noms français : Alcools secondaires (C11-C15) éthoxylés (liquides). Noms anglais : ALCOHOLS, C11-15-SECONDARY, ETHOXYLATED (LIQUIDS); LINEAR RANDOM SECONDARY ALCOHOL (C11-C15) ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID); LINEAR SECONDARY(C11-C15)ALCOHOL, ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID). Utilisation: Agent dispersant
C11-15 PARETH-5
C11-15 PARETH-7, N° CAS : 68131-40-8, Nom INCI : C11-15 PARETH-7, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Noms français : Alcools secondaires (C11-C15) éthoxylés (liquides). Noms anglais : ALCOHOLS, C11-15-SECONDARY, ETHOXYLATED (LIQUIDS); LINEAR RANDOM SECONDARY ALCOHOL (C11-C15) ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID); LINEAR SECONDARY(C11-C15)ALCOHOL, ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID). Utilisation: Agent dispersant
C11-15 PARETH-7
C11-15 PARETH-9, N° CAS : 68131-40-8, Nom INCI : C11-15 PARETH-9, Classification : Composé éthoxylé, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Noms français : Alcools secondaires (C11-C15) éthoxylés (liquides). Noms anglais : ALCOHOLS, C11-15-SECONDARY, ETHOXYLATED (LIQUIDS); LINEAR RANDOM SECONDARY ALCOHOL (C11-C15) ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID); LINEAR SECONDARY(C11-C15)ALCOHOL, ETHOXYLATE (LIQUID). Utilisation: Agent dispersant
C11-15 PARETH-9
Alcohols C12-14 ethoxylated; 2-[2-[2-(dodecyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethanol; Laureth 3; Laureth 4; Laureth 6; CAS NO: 3055-94-5/ 3055-95-6/ 3055-96-7/ 3055-98-9
SYNONYMS Alkyl (C12-15) benzoate; Benzoic acid, C12-15 alkyl esters; C12-15 alcohol benzoate; C12-15 alcohols benzoate; Benzoic acid, C12-15-alkyl esters; Benzoic acid, C12-15 alkyl esters CAS NO:68411-27-8
C12 14 Alcohol 2,6,7 (Ethoxylated)
Alcohols C12-14 ethoxylated; 2-[2-[2-(dodecyloxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethanol; Laureth 3; Laureth 4; Laureth 6; CAS NO: 3055-94-5/ 3055-95-6/ 3055-96-7/ 3055-98-9
C-12 16 ALKOL 7 EO
Özellikle toz deterjanda kullanılan, düşük ısıda aktif temizleme özelliği olan linear yapıda noniyonik aktif madde. Yağ sökme gücü yüksek. Genel temizlik (%1-3), Toz deterjan (1-10), Yağ/Kir Çöz (%3-5)
C12-13 ALCOHOLS ( Dodecanol)
Nom INCI : C12-13 ALKYL ETHYLHEXANOATE, Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau, Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Nom INCI : C12-13 ALKYL LACTATE, Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau, Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (9 mol EO average molar ratio); C12-13 PARETH-9; CAS Number‎: ‎66455-14-9

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a moisturizer for the skin and hair that also acts to soften the surface.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate works in different formulations to decrease the greasiness and tackiness of other ingredients.
In its natural form, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate appears as a pale yellow liquid that can also be added to products in order to thicken them.

Chem/IUPAC Name: Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-13-alkyl esters

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate can be used as a substitute for mineral oil because of its excellent moisturizing properties.
The chemical formula of C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is C15H30O3.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a versatile, polar multifunctional emollient, which allows C12-13 Alkyl Lactate to exhibit most of the peculiar characteristics of lactic acid derivatives, such as moisturizing and a mild keratolytic effect, making C12-13 Alkyl Lactate suitable for skin care products targeted for different types of skin, from dry to greasy.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is also used as a wetting and dispersing agent in makeup.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate has a thickening effect on SLES/Betaine systems as well as anti-irritant properties and can be used in a wide range of personal care products including lines for delicate and atopic skin.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a mild body odor reducing agent which allows for decreased percentages of other common actives in antiperspirant/deodorants.
In anti-dandruff formulations, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate reduces irritation and itching, improves formulation stability and viscosity.
Adding glycerin to an alcohol-based disinfectant gives back some moisture but makes the formulation sticky.
Replacing a portion of the glycerin with C12-13 Alkyl Lactate solves the problem.

Adding glycerin to an alcohol-based disinfectant gives back some moisture but makes the formulation sticky.
Replacing a portion of the glycerin with C12-13 Alkyl Lactate solves the problem.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a mix of esters of alkyl alcohols with 12 and 13 carbon atom chains and lactic acid (lauryl lactate and Tridecyl lactate), used in skin care applications to reduce tackiness and greasiness of other ingredients, such as petrolatum.
In addition, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate imparts non-oily lubricity to hydro-alcoholic products.

Easy to emulsify, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate works best at neutral pH.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate provides viscosity building and lather creaminess to shampoos and body washes.

In addition, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is an effective solubilizer for other active ingredients in sunscreens.
Thanks to the hydroxy group, alkyl lactates can exhibit a mild peeling effect common to AHAs.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is versatile polar emollient suitable for both personal cleansing and skin care formulations.
This ester exhibits some peculiar activities of lactic acid derivatives, as moisturizing and mild keratolytic effect, and therefore C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is suitable for skin care products targeted for different types of skin, from dry to greasy.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate shows also thickening effect on SLES-Betaine system as well as anti-irritant properties and can be used for various personal care products, including lines for delicate and atopic skins.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is used in personal care and cosmetics primarily as a moisturizing agent.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate can be found in products such as creams, shampoos, mascaras and hydrating masks.
Apart from being a moisturizer, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a good dispersing agent that allows the other ingredients to mix well in a formulation and result in a better textured product.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is also used to reduce the greasiness offered by other ingredients.
Skin care:
In skin care products, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate acts as a good hydrating ingredient.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate also thickens the formulations to allow for better spreadability and increased performance

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate Moisturizes the skin
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate Gently exfoliate the skin and don't throw it away)
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate Can help kill germs Therefore, it is commonly used in underarm formulas. or deodorant

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate Reduces itching/irritation of the scalp.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate has Hair-conditioning effect

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a synthetic ingredient made by the mixture of esters derived from lactic acid and alkyl alcohols with 12 and 13 carbon atom chains.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a slightly viscous liquid that appears pale yellow in color.

• Moisturising
Moisturizing Shower Gel:0.5-1%
Body shower gel and common soap:0.5-1%
Ordinary shampoo have dandruff shampoo:0.3-1%
Skin Care:3-5%
Lipstick (disperse emollients): 5-20%
Bath oil and skin care oil:10-30%
Soap products (reduced stimulation, moisturizing):0.3-1.5%
C12-13 alkyl lactate

C12-13 alkyl lactate in personal care formulations (washing), is a kind of anti irritant agents.
C12-13 alkyl lactate has a low adding volume and strong anti irritant; obvious lipid rich effect and moisturizing effect; improve the stability of the pearlescing agent products containing.
C12-13 alkyl lactate can be used for transparent products, hand washing detergent formulation and soap products.

C12-13 alkyl lactate can dissolve the role of the protease.
C12-13 alkyl lactate combineing tridecyl salicylate has obvious antidandruff synergistic effect and can be compared to soften the cuticle, loosing horny layer, touching the cuticle peeling off macromolecules of antidandruff agents more turn into hair follicle sterilization agent, thereby greatly reducing the dosage of antidandruff agent.

C12-13 alkyl lactate can improve the sterilization agent for hair dry sense, providing along the slippery hair dry hair, the brightness of the elegant feeling and hair.
C12-13 alkyl lactate is a multi-functional emollient.
C12-13 alkyl lactate is made up of lactic acid ester, which is made up of special fatty alcohol and reflects many characteristics of lactic acid derivatives.

C12-13 alkyl lactate can be successfully used in cosmetics as C12-13 alkyl lactate is dissolved in different solvents, such as hydrocarbons, lipids, silicone oil, ethanol, propylene glycol and etc.
C12-13 alkyl lactate is used for skin care products with moisturizing emollients which has a very good moisturizing effect.
C12-13 alkyl lactate is a kind of natural enzyme deodorant with stopping sweat agent or other deodorants synergistic effect and safety inhibit body odor which shows the effects of long-term (24 h).

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is used for production of personal care formulations with obvious lipid rich effect and moisturizing effect, etc.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is also used for anti-functional emollients, made up of latic acid ester, which is made up of special fatty alcohol and reflects many characteristics of latic acid derivatives.
For cosmetics, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is dissolved in different solvents.

First aid measures:
Description of first aid measures:
General advice:
Consult a physician.
Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.
Move out of dangerous area:

If inhaled:
If breathed in, move person into fresh air.
If not breathing, give artificial respiration.
Consult a physician.
In case of skin contact:
Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.
Wash off with soap and plenty of water.
Consult a physician.

In case of eye contact:
Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician.
Continue rinsing eyes during transport to hospital.

If swallowed:
Do NOT induce vomiting.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Rinse mouth with water.
Consult a physician.

Firefighting measures:
Extinguishing media:
Suitable extinguishing media:
Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydrogen chloride gas

Advice for firefighters:
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.
Accidental release measures:
Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Use personal protective equipment.

Avoid breathing vapours, mist or gas.
Evacuate personnel to safe areas.

Environmental precautions:
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Do not let product enter drains.
Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up:
Soak up with inert absorbent material and dispose of as hazardous waste.
Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.

Handling and storage:
Precautions for safe handling:
Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist.

Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.
Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage.
Storage class (TRGS 510): 8A: Combustible, corrosive hazardous materials

Exposure controls/personal protection:
Control parameters:
Components with workplace control parameters
Contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.
Exposure controls:
Appropriate engineering controls:
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.

Personal protective equipment:
Eye/face protection:
Tightly fitting safety goggles.
Faceshield (8-inch minimum).
Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).

Skin protection:
Handle with gloves.
Gloves must be inspected prior to use.
Use proper glove
removal technique (without touching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product.
Dispose of contaminated gloves after use in accordance with applicable laws and good laboratory practices.
Wash and dry hands.

Full contact:
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Material tested:Dermatril (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)
Splash contact
Material: Nitrile rubber
Minimum layer thickness: 0.11 mm
Break through time: 480 min
Material tested:Dermatril (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)
It should not be construed as offering an approval for any specific use scenario.

Body Protection:
Complete suit protecting against chemicals, The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace.
Respiratory protection:
Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a fullface respirator with multi-purpose combination (US) or type ABEK (EN 14387) respirator cartridges as a backup to engineering controls.

If the respirator is the sole means of protection, use a full-face supplied air respirator.
Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).
Control of environmental exposure
Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.
Do not let product enter drains.
Discharge into the environment must be avoided.

Stability and reactivity:
Chemical stability:
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Incompatible materials:
Strong oxidizing agents:
Hazardous decomposition products:
Hazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions.
Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydrogen chloride gas.

Disposal considerations:
Waste treatment methods:
Offer surplus and non-recyclable solutions to a licensed disposal company.
Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material.
Contaminated packaging:
Dispose of as unused product

Boiling Point 325°C
Melting Point -20°C
Solubility Soluble in water
Viscosity Viscous
INCI Name: C12-13 Alkyl Lactate
Function: Dispersant, Emollient, Moisturizing Agent, Wetting Agent, Viscosity Modifier, Re-Fatting Agent, Surfactant (Nonionic), Surfactant
Use: for any skin care products
Mixing method: dissolved in oil
Usage rate: 1-10%
Product characteristics: : light yellow liquid
Solubility: can dissolve in oil
Storage: For long term storage Store at room temperature Aged at least 24 months
INCI Name : C12-13 Alkyl Lactate
Appearance Pale yellow liquid
Ester Content 85% Min
Free Alcohol 15% Max
Acid Value (mgKOH/g) 2 Max
Water (%) 0.5 Max
Storage: Store under room temperature. Avoid Heat & Light.
Shelf Life: 24Months from manufacturing or testing date (Current Lot will expire: 12/2024)
Dosage (Range): 1% - 10%
Mix Method: Add into oil phase. Heat tolerant.
Heat Resistance: Heat Tolerant
Stable in pH range: 3 - 7
Solubility: Oil
Assay: 95.00 to 100.00
Soluble in water, 6.301 mg/L @ 25 °C (est)
Name:C12-13 alkyl lactate
Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-15-alkyl esters
Molecular Weight:257.39-299.46
Form:liquid; 20ºC ; 1.013 hPa
Colour:Colorless to light yellow, transparent
Melting point/range:ca. -20ºC; 1.013 hPa
Boiling point/range:> 250ºC; 1.013 hPa
Flash point:ca. 158ºC; 1.013 hPa
Density:ca. 0,915 g/cm3; 20ºC; 1.013 hPa
Water solubility:20ºC; 1.013 hPa; negligible
Solubility in other:20ºC,Alcohol:negligible;Acetone:partly soluble;Hydrocarbons:soluble
Ester content::≥85%
Alcohol Free:≤15%
Acid value:≤2mgKOH/g

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a versatile, polar multifunctional emollient, which allows it to exhibit most of the peculiar characteristics of lactic acid derivatives, such as moisturizing and a mild keratolytic effect, making it suitable for skin care products targeted for different types of skin, from dry to greasy.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is also used as a wetting and dispersing agent in makeup.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate has a thickening effect on SLES/Betaine systems as well as anti-irritant properties and can be used in a wide range of personal care products including lines for delicate and atopic skin.

CAS: 93925-36-1
MF: C15H30O3
MW: 258.3969
EINECS: 300-338-1

C12-15 ALKYL LACTATE;Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-15-alkyl esters;C12-13 ALKYL LACTATE;2-Hydroxypropanoic acid C12-15-alkyl esters;Di C12-13 Alkyl Lactate;C12-15-alkyl esters

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a moisturizer for the skin and hair that also acts to soften the surface.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate works in different formulations to decrease the greasiness and tackiness of other ingredients.
In its natural form, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate appears as a pale yellow liquid that can also be added to products in order to thicken them.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate can be used as a substitute for mineral oil because of its excellent moisturizing properties.
The chemical formula of C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is C15H30O3.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a mix of esters of alkyl alcohols with 12 and 13 carbon atom chains and lactic acid (lauryl lactate and Tridecyl lactate), used in skin care applications to reduce tackiness and greasiness of other ingredients, such as petrolatum.
In addition, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate imparts non-oily lubricity to hydro-alcoholic products.
Easy to emulsify, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate works best at neutral pH.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate provides viscosity building and lather creaminess to shampoos and body washes.
In addition, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is an effective solubilizer for other active ingredients in sunscreens.
Thanks to the hydroxy group, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate can exhibit a mild peeling effect common to AHAs.

1. In the formulation of personal care products (washing), C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is an anti-irritant emollient, with low dosage and strong anti-irritation; obvious fat-enriching effect and moisturizing effect; improve the product containing pearlescent agent stability; can be used in clear products, hand wash formulations and soap-based products.
2. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate has the effect of keratinase.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate has obvious anti-dandruff synergistic effect in combination with tridecyl salicylate, which can soften the stratum corneum, loosen the stratum corneum, and touch the exfoliation of the stratum corneum to make macromolecules.
The anti-dandruff agent also enters the hair follicle bactericide, thereby greatly reducing the dosage of the anti-dandruff agent, which can improve the dry feeling of the bactericide on the hair, and provide a smooth dry combing feeling, elegant feeling and hair brightness.

3. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a polar emollient with various functions.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a lactic acid ester esterified by a special fatty alcohol, which reflects many characteristics of lactic acid derivatives.
Since C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is soluble in different solvents, such as hydrocarbons, lipids, silicone oil, ethanol, propylene glycol, etc., it can be successfully used in cosmetics.
4. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate works with tridecyl salicylate (ESI) and dodecyl-tridecyl maleate (EMI) to inhibit acne and balance oil secretion.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate also relieves erythema.
5. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is used in skin care products as a keratin-soluble protein and a moisturizing emollient, which has a good moisturizing effect.
6. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a natural enzymatic deodorant that can act synergistically with antiperspirants or other deodorants to safely suppress body odor and show long-term effects (24 hours).

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate Chemical Properties
Boiling point: 325℃[at 101 325 Pa]
Density: 0.9[at 20℃]
Vapor pressure: 0.1Pa at 25℃
Water Solubility: 1.1mg/L at 25℃
LogP: 4.73 at 20℃

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a mild body odor reducing agent which allows for decreased percentages of other common actives in antiperspirant/deodorants.
In anti-dandruff formulations, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate reduces irritation and itching, improves formulation stability and viscosity.
Adding glycerin to an alcohol-based disinfectant gives back some moisture but makes the formulation sticky.
Replacing a portion of the glycerin with COSMACOL ELI solves the problem.
Adding glycerin to an alcohol-based disinfectant gives back some moisture but makes the formulation sticky.
Replacing a portion of the glycerin with COSMACOL ELI solves the problem.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is used in personal care and cosmetics primarily as a moisturizing agent.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate can be found in products such as creams, shampoos, mascaras and hydrating masks.
Apart from being a moisturizer, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a good dispersing agent that allows the other ingredients to mix well in a formulation and result in a better textured product.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is also used to reduce the greasiness offered by other ingredients.
Skin care: In skin care products, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate acts as a good hydrating ingredient.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate also thickens the formulations to allow for better spreadability and increased performance.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is a moisturizer for the skin and hair that also acts to soften the surface.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) works in different formulations to decrease the greasiness and tackiness of other ingredients.
In its natural form, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) appears as a pale yellow liquid that can also be added to products in order to thicken them.

CAS: 93925-36-1
MF: C15H30O3
MW: 258.3969
EINECS: 300-338-1

C12-15 ALKYL LACTATE;Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, C12-15-alkyl esters;C12-13 ALKYL LACTATE;2-Hydroxypropanoic acid C12-15-alkyl esters;Di C12-13 Alkyl Lactate;C12-15-alkyl esters

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) can be used as a substitute for mineral oil because of its excellent moisturizing properties.
The chemical formula of C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is C15H30O3.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate is a mix of esters of alkyl alcohols with 12 and 13 carbon atom chains and lactic acid (lauryl lactate and Tridecyl lactate), used in skin care applications to reduce tackiness and greasiness of other ingredients, such as petrolatum.
In addition, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) imparts non-oily lubricity to hydro-alcoholic products.
Easy to emulsify, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) works best at neutral pH.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) provides viscosity building and lather creaminess to shampoos and body washes.

In addition, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is an effective solubilizer for other active ingredients in sunscreens.
Thanks to the hydroxy group, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) can exhibit a mild peeling effect common to AHAs.
COSMACOL ELI (INCI: C12-13 ALKYL LACTATE) is a versatile, polar multifunctional emollient, which allows C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) to exhibit most of the peculiar characteristics of lactic acid derivatives, such as moisturizing and a mild keratolytic effect, making it suitable for skin care products targeted for different types of skin, from dry to greasy.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is also used as a wetting and dispersing agent in makeup.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) has a thickening effect on SLES/Betaine systems as well as anti-irritant properties and can be used in a wide range of personal care products including lines for delicate and atopic skin.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is a mild body odor reducing agent which allows for decreased percentages of other common actives in antiperspirant/deodorants.

In anti-dandruff formulations, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) reduces irritation and itching, improves formulation stability and viscosity.
Adding glycerin to an alcohol-based disinfectant gives back some moisture but makes the formulation sticky.
Replacing a portion of the glycerin with COSMACOL ELI solves the problem.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is a monoester formed by the isomer of lactic acid and single branched C12/13 primary alcohol, belonging to a type of lactic acid carrier oil.
Specific good mildness, straight chain, and low polarity molecules can reduce the irritation caused by surfactants.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) can enhance skin barrier function, repair skin sebum film, provide moisturizing effect while providing a very gentle skin feel, improve the thickening effect of NaCl, and can be formulated as a product without coconut oil amide DEA.

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) Chemical Properties
Boiling point: 325℃[at 101 325 Pa]
Density: 0.9[at 20℃]
Vapor pressure: 0.1Pa at 25℃
Water Solubility: 1.1mg/L at 25℃
LogP: 4.73 at 20℃

C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is used in personal care and cosmetics primarily as a moisturizing agent.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) can be found in products such as creams, shampoos, mascaras and hydrating masks.
Apart from being a moisturizer, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is a good dispersing agent that allows the other ingredients to mix well in a formulation and result in a better textured product.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is also used to reduce the greasiness offered by other ingredients.
Skin care: In skin care products, C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) acts as a good hydrating ingredient.
C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) also thickens the formulations to allow for better spreadability and increased performance.

1. Moisturizing Shower Gel:0.5-1%
2. Body shower gel and common soap:0.5-1%
3. Ordinary shampoo have dandruff shampoo:0.3-1%
4. Skin Care:3-5%
5. Deodorant:2%
6. Lipstick (disperse emollients): 5-20%
7. Bath oil and skin care oil:10-30%
8. Soap products (reduced stimulation, moisturizing):0.3-1.5%

1. In the formula of personal care products (in terms of washing), C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is a moisturizer with low dosage and strong resistance; Significant fat rich and moisturizing effects; Improve the stability of products containing pearlescents; Can be used in transparent products, hand care detergent formulas, and soap based products.
2. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) has the function of dissolving keratinase, and when combined with dodecyl salicylate, it has a significant anti dandruff and synergistic effect.
3. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is a multifunctional moisturizer, which is a lactate ester formed by esterification of special fatty alcohols, reflecting many characteristics of lactate derivatives.
Due to its solubility in different solvents such as hydrocarbons, lipids, silicone oil, ethanol, etc., C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) can be successfully applied in cosmetics.
4. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) has a good inhibitory effect on balanced oil secretion when combined with thirteen alkyl salicylate (ESI) and twelve thirteen alkyl maleic acid ester (EMI).
5. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is used in skincare products as a gradually soothing keratin and moisturizing moisturizer, with excellent moisturizing and moisturizing effects.
6. C12-13 Alkyl Lactate (Emollient) is an enzyme deodorizer that can work in synergy with antiperspirants or other deodorants to inhibit body odor and display long-term effects (24 hours).
C12-13 PARET-9
C12-13 PARETH-15, N° CAS : 66455-14-9, Nom INCI : C12-13 PARETH-15, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Noms français : Alcools (C12-C13) éthoxylés. Noms anglais :ALCOHOLS, C12-13, ETHOXYLATED. Utilisation: Fabrication de détergents. Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (1-2.5 mol EO); Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylates, 1-2.5 EO Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated, 3-5 EO; alcohols,C12-13,ethoxylated; alcohos, C12-13, ethoxylated; Neodol 23 ethoxylates (<2.5 EO)
C12-13 PARETH-15
C12-13 PARETH-23, N° CAS : 66455-14-9, Nom INCI : C12-13 PARETH-23, Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (1-2.5 mol EO); Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylates, 1-2.5 EO; Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated, 3-5 EO; alcohols,C12-13,ethoxylated; alcohos, C12-13, ethoxylated; Neodol 23 ethoxylates (<2.5 EO)
C12-13 PARETH-23
C12-13 PARETH-3, N° CAS : 66455-14-9, Nom INCI : C12-13 PARETH-3 , Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension, interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (1-2.5 mol EO); Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylates, 1-2.5 EO; Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated, 3-5 EO; alcohols,C12-13,ethoxylated; alcohos, C12-13, ethoxylated; Neodol 23 ethoxylates (<2.5 EO)
C12-13 PARETH-3
C12-13 PARETH-4, N° CAS : 66455-14-9, Nom INCI : C12-13 PARETH-4, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension, interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (1-2.5 mol EO); Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylates, 1-2.5 EO; Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated, 3-5 EO; alcohols,C12-13,ethoxylated; alcohos, C12-13, ethoxylated; Neodol 23 ethoxylates (<2.5 EO)
C12-13 PARETH-4
C12-13 PARETH-9, N° CAS : 66455-14-9, Nom INCI : C12-13 PARETH-9, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylated (1-2.5 mol EO); Alcohols, C12-13, ethoxylates, 1-2.5 EO; Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated, 3-5 EO; alcohols,C12-13,ethoxylated; alcohos, C12-13, ethoxylated; Neodol 23 ethoxylates (<2.5 EO)
C12-13 PARETH-9
C12-14 PARETH-12, N° CAS : 68439-50-9, Nom INCI : C12-14 PARETH-12, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 500-213-3, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Noms français : Alcools, C12-14, éthoxylés. Noms anglais : ALCOHOLS, C12-14, ETHOXYLATED; LINEAR (C12 AND C14) ALKYL ALCOHOLS, ETHOXYLATED; Alcohols C12-14, ethoxylated (>2-5EO)