Химикаты для краски,сухих строительных смесей,пластики и каучуков


«Силоксан D6» относится к конкретному химическому соединению, известному как додекаметилциклогексасилоксан или просто D6.
Подобно силоксанам D4 и D5, силоксан D6 является членом семейства силоксанов, которое состоит из соединений, содержащих чередующиеся атомы кремния и кислорода, часто с органическими группами, присоединенными к атомам кремния.
Силоксан D6 характеризуется циклической структурой, содержащей шесть атомов кремния и шесть атомов кислорода.
Его химическая формула — (CH3)12Si6O6, что отражает наличие двенадцати метильных групп (CH3), присоединенных к шести атомам кремния (Si) и окруженных шестью атомами кислорода (O).

Номер CAS: 540-97-6


Силоксан D6 играет ключевую роль в индустрии личной гигиены и косметики, внося свой вклад в разработку различных продуктов по уходу за кожей и волосами.
Его включение в лосьоны, кремы и сыворотки улучшает текстуру, обеспечивая ощущение роскоши и гладкости на поверхности кожи.
В средствах по уходу за волосами, таких как шампуни и кондиционеры, силоксан D6 придает прядям здоровый блеск, минимизируя их спутывание и спутывание.
Косметическая промышленность извлекает выгоду из способности силоксана D6 создавать бесшовные ощущения при нанесении, обеспечивая полированный и ровный вид.

Его присутствие в солнцезащитных кремах обеспечивает лучшее распределение и прилипание активных ингредиентов к коже, повышая общую эффективность защиты от солнца.
Стабильность и совместимость силоксана D6 используются в промышленных целях при производстве силиконовых полимеров, эластомеров и герметиков.
Универсальность силоксана D6 распространяется на промышленные покрытия, клеи и герметики, повышая производительность и функциональность в различных областях применения.

В области электроники превосходные диэлектрические свойства силоксана D6 делают его незаменимым изоляционным материалом в электрических компонентах.
Ткани для уличной и спортивной одежды получают водоотталкивающую обработку силоксаном D6, повышающую их устойчивость к влаге и сохраняющую комфорт.

В области медицины биосовместимость силоксана D6 используется при производстве медицинских устройств, имплантатов и некоторых товаров медицинского назначения.
Средства по уходу за автомобилем используют свои свойства для улучшения внешнего вида транспортных средств, обеспечивая при этом защиту от факторов окружающей среды.
Силоксан D6 способствует равномерному распределению активных ингредиентов в антиперспирантах и дезодорантах, оптимизируя их эффективность.

Средства для укладки волос, такие как сыворотки и несмываемые кондиционеры, обладают разглаживающим и кондиционирующим действием, делая волосы послушными и блестящими.
Его включение в смазочные материалы на основе силикона обеспечивает снижение трения и термостойкость, что делает его пригодным для различных применений.
В различных отраслях силоксан D6 служит пеногасителем, эффективно контролируя образование пены в различных процессах.

Клеи и герметики выигрывают от совместимости силоксана D6 с рядом материалов, что повышает их клеящие свойства и долговечность.
В текстиле силоксан D6 способствует созданию огнестойких тканей, улучшая огнестойкие свойства и обеспечивая безопасность в различных средах.
Его роль в промышленных покрытиях обеспечивает плавный процесс нанесения и антипригарные свойства, улучшая внешний вид и эксплуатационные характеристики поверхности.

Силоксан D6 содержится в антиадгезивах, используемых в процессах формования и литья, предотвращая прилипание материалов к формам.
Применение силоксана D6 распространяется и на автомобильную промышленность, улучшая внешний вид компонентов и обеспечивая защиту от износа.
Силоксан D6 повышает эффективность процессов металлообработки за счет снижения трения и улучшения характеристик режущего инструмента.
Силоксан D6 используется в качестве водоотталкивающей пропитки в текстильной промышленности, продлевая срок службы и функциональность тканей.

Некоторые рецептуры чернил содержат силоксан D6 для улучшения текучести, повышения производительности и качества печати.
Присутствие силоксана D6 в пеногасителях, используемых в пищевой промышленности, помогает контролировать чрезмерное пенообразование во время обработки пищевых продуктов.
Его широкое применение подчеркивает универсальность силоксана D6, обеспечивая улучшенные характеристики, эстетику и защиту в различных отраслях.

Силоксан D6 является неотъемлемым компонентом в составе различных несмываемых и смываемых средств личной гигиены, что способствует их сенсорной привлекательности и эффективности.
Его присутствие в лосьонах для тела и увлажняющих кремах улучшает увлажнение кожи и обеспечивает ощущение мягкости и нежирности при нанесении.
При уходе за волосами силоксан D6 придает средствам для волос шелковистую текстуру, облегчая расчесывание и укладку волос, одновременно уменьшая статическое электричество.
Совместимость силоксана D6 с пигментами и наполнителями делает его ценным в косметике, где он помогает добиться равномерного распределения цвета и гладкого покрытия.
Рецептуры солнцезащитных кремов выигрывают от способности силоксана D6 улучшать растекаемость продукта, обеспечивая равномерное покрытие и лучшую защиту от ультрафиолетовых лучей.

Его использование в производстве силиконовых полимеров и эластомеров распространяется на создание силиконовых компонентов медицинского назначения, используемых в здравоохранении и медицинских устройствах.
Строительная промышленность использует силоксан D6 в герметиках, клеях и покрытиях из-за его способности связываться с различными поверхностями и сохранять долговечность.
Диэлектрические свойства силоксана D6 делают его незаменимым в электроизоляционных целях, обеспечивая надежность электронных устройств и систем.
Производители спортивной одежды и одежды для активного отдыха наносят на ткани силоксан D6, делая их водостойкими, обеспечивая при этом воздухопроницаемость и комфорт.
Его биосовместимость и стабильность в медицинских устройствах, таких как катетеры и имплантаты, обеспечивают безопасность пациентов и надежную работу в медицинских учреждениях.

Защитные свойства силоксана D6 распространяются на составы автомобильных восков, улучшая внешний вид автомобиля и защищая от загрязнений окружающей среды.
Роль силоксана D6 в антиперспирантах обеспечивает равномерное распределение активных ингредиентов, обеспечивая эффективный контроль пота в течение дня.
В сыворотках для волос и несмываемых кондиционерах силоксан D6 способствует распутыванию, контролю за вьющимися волосами и приданию гладкого глянцевого покрытия.
Его использование в средствах по уходу за автомобилем, таких как средства для блеска шин и средства для защиты винила, помогает сохранить внешний вид салона и экстерьера автомобиля.
Присутствие силоксана D6 в материалах термоинтерфейса способствует эффективному рассеиванию тепла, повышая производительность электронных компонентов.

При производстве текстиля ткани, обработанные силоксаном D6, устойчивы к образованию пятен и загрязнений, что делает их пригодными для различных применений.
Совместимость силоксана D6 с другими ингредиентами позволяет создавать воздухо- и водостойкие покрытия для тканей, эксплуатируемых в экстремальных условиях.
Антипригарные свойства силоксана D6 используются в оборудовании пищевой промышленности, обеспечивая эффективное производство и предотвращая накопление остатков пищи.

Его использование в рецептурах чернил помогает добиться равномерного расхода и улучшения качества печати, особенно в высокоскоростных процессах печати.
Низкое поверхностное натяжение силоксана D6 используется в струйной печати, обеспечивая точное размещение капель и повышая разрешение печати.
Его добавление в средства по уходу за кожей придает изделиям из кожи мягкость и кондиционность, улучшая их эстетические и тактильные качества.
Присутствие силоксана D6 в автомобильных покрытиях обеспечивает защиту от ультрафиолета и устойчивость к факторам окружающей среды, сохраняя внешний вид автомобиля.
Силоксан D6 используется в качестве разглаживающего агента при производстве бумаги и картона, улучшая качество их поверхности и пригодность для печати.
Его включение в пеногасители, используемые при производстве продуктов питания и напитков, обеспечивает стабильное качество продукции и эффективность производства.

Адаптируемость силоксана D6 к различным применениям подчеркивает его роль в улучшении эстетики, функциональности и производительности в различных отраслях.

В средствах по уходу за кожей лица силоксан D6 способствует гладкому и равномерному нанесению макияжа, сводя к минимуму появление тонких линий и пор.
Ег�� использование в сыворотках для волос создает защитный слой, который защищает волосы от стрессовых факторов окружающей среды, улучшая общее состояние волос.

Водоотталкивающие свойства силоксана D6 используются в плащах и туристическом снаряжении, гарантируя, что их владельцы останутся сухими во влажных условиях.
Роль силоксана D6 в противогрибковых покрытиях способствует предотвращению роста грибков и плесени на поверхностях, особенно во влажной среде.
В электронной промышленности силоксан D6 помогает герметизировать электронные компоненты, защищая их от влаги и факторов окружающей среды.

Силоксан D6 используется в текстильной обработке постельного белья, обеспечивая ощущение мягкости и комфорта, а также водонепроницаемость.
Совместимость силоксана D6 с ароматизаторами духов и одеколонов обеспечивает долговечность аромата на коже.
В автомобильных моторных маслах силоксан D6 улучшает смазку, уменьшая трение и повышая топливную экономичность.
Его присутствие в пеногасителях, используемых при производстве напитков, предотвращает чрезмерное пенообразование, обеспечивая точную упаковку и розлив продукта.

Гидрофобные свойства силоксана D6 находят применение в морских покрытиях, предотвращая биообрастание и коррозию корпусов кораблей.
Силоксан D6 используется в средствах по уходу за ранами для создания защитного барьера, который защищает раны от загрязнений, обеспечивая при этом циркуляцию воздуха.
Совместимость силоксана D6 с натуральными волокнами важна для повышения долговечности и устойчивости одежды к пятнам.

В производстве полимеров он служит технологической добавкой, улучшая текучесть материалов в процессе производства.
Присутствие силоксана D6 в освежителях воздуха помогает обеспечить устойчивый и продолжительный аромат в помещениях.
Силоксан D6 способствует производству гибкой электроники, инкапсулируя и защищая хрупкие компоненты от факторов окружающей среды.

Его использование в специальных покрытиях для солнечных панелей повышает энергоэффективность за счет минимизации накопления пыли и максимального поглощения света.
Использование силоксана D6 в автомобильных покрышках придает шинам глянцевый вид, а также защищает от растрескивания и выцветания.
Силоксан D6 играет важную роль в системах HVAC (отопление, вентиляция и кондиционирование воздуха), повышая эффективность процессов теплообмена.
Смазочные свойства силоксана D6 находят применение в производстве медицинских устройств, таких как катетеры и хирургические инструменты.
При производстве формованных пластиковых изделий он помогает вынимать изделия из форм, обеспечивая бесперебойное и эффективное производство.

Совместимость силоксана D6 с широким спектром материалов используется при производстве гибких упаковочных материалов для пищевых продуктов.
Использование силоксана D6 в промышленных покрытиях способствует долговечности конструкций, защищая их от износа под воздействием окружающей среды.

Силоксан D6 помогает создавать гибкие и прозрачные пленки, используемые в дисплеях, сенсорных экранах и электронных устройствах.
Роль силоксана D6 в рецептурах чернил помогает поддерживать стабильное качество печати и яркость цвета в различных областях печати.
Его адаптируемость и универсальность продолжают стимулировать инновации во всех отраслях, демонстрируя его важность в повышении производительности, эстетики и функциональности продукта.

Силоксан D6 (додекаметилциклогексасилоксан) благодаря своим уникальным свойствам имеет широкий спектр применения в различных отраслях промышленности.
Вот некоторые из его применений:

Средства личной гигиены:
Силоксан D6 используется в различных продуктах личной гигиены, таких как лосьоны, кремы и сыворотки.
Силоксан D6 улучшает текстуру этих продуктов, обеспечивая ощущение гладкости и роскоши на коже.

Уход за волосами:
В средствах по уходу за волосами, таких как шампуни, кондиционеры и средства для укладки, силоксан D6 придает блеск, уменьшает вьющиеся волосы и улучшает послушность.

Силоксан D6 используется в косметических средствах, таких как тональные основы, праймеры и продукты для губ, для создания гладкого нанесения, равномерной текстуры и длительного эффекта.

Солнцезащитные составы:
Силоксан D6 улучшает растекаемость и адгезию активных ингредиентов солнцезащитных кремов, способствуя лучшей защите от ультрафиолета.

Промышленное применение:
Силоксан D6 используется в производстве силиконовых полимеров, эластомеров и герметиков.
Его стабильность и совместимость с различными материалами делают его ценным для промышленных покрытий, клеев и других применений.

Превосходные диэлектрические свойства силоксана D6 делают его пригодным для использования в качестве изоляционного материала в конденсаторах, трансформаторах и других компонентах электроники.

Силоксан D6 наносится на текстиль для придания водоотталкивающих свойств и улучшения характеристик тканей, используемых в уличной и спортивной одежде.

Медицинское оборудование:
Биосовместимость и стабильность силоксана D6 делают его пригодным для использования в медицинских устройствах и имплантатах.

Автомобильный уход:
В средствах по уходу за автомобилем, таких как воски и полироли, он улучшает внешний вид транспортных средств, обеспечивая при этом водостойкость.

Антиперспиранты и дезодоранты:
Силоксан D6 способствует равномерному распределению активных ингредиентов в антиперспирантах и дезодорантах.

Силоксан D6 содержится в сыворотках для волос, несмываемых кондиционерах и средствах для укладки благодаря его разглаживающему и кондиционирующему эффекту.

Силоксан D6 используется в смазочных материалах на основе силикона из-за его свойств низкого трения и устойчивости к экстремальным температурам.

Силоксан D6 может использоваться в качестве пеногасителя в различных отраслях промышленности для контроля пенообразования в технологических процессах.

Клеи и герметики:
Совместимость силоксана D6 с различными материалами делает его ценным в составах клеев и герметиков.

Текстильная промышленность:
Силоксан D6 наносится на ткани в качестве водоотталкивающей пропитки, повышая их водостойкость.

Агенты по выпуску:
Силоксан D6 способствует производству разделительных смазок для процессов формования и литья, предотвращая прилипание материалов к формам.

Огнестойкие ткани:
Силоксан D6 используется для улучшения огнестойких свойств текстиля в тех случаях, когда требуется огнестойкость.

Промышленные покрытия:
Силоксан D6 способствует созданию покрытий для промышленного применения, обеспечивая гладкое нанесение и антипригарные свойства.

Автоматизированная индустрия:
Силоксан D6 используется в автомобильных компонентах и средствах по уходу, улучшая внешний вид и защиту.

Силоксан D6 применяется в режущих инструментах для уменьшения трения и повышения эффективности резания в процессах металлообработки.


«Силоксан D6» относится к конкретному химическому соединению, известному как додекаметилциклогексасилоксан или просто D6.
Подобно силоксанам D4 и D5, силоксан D6 является членом семейства силоксанов, которое состоит из соединений, содержащих чередующиеся атомы кремния и кислорода, часто с органическими группами, присоединенными к атомам кремния.
Силоксан D6 характеризуется циклической структурой, содержащей шесть атомов кремния и шесть атомов кислорода.
Его химическая формула — (CH3)12Si6O6, что отражает наличие двенадцати метильных групп (CH3), присоединенных к шести атомам кремния (Si) и окруженных шестью атомами кислорода (O).

Силоксан D6, известный в науке как додекаметилциклогексасилоксан, представляет собой циклическое силоксановое соединение с особой химической структурой.
Силоксан D6 выделяется своей кольцевой структурой, состоящей из шести атомов кремния и шести атомов кислорода, окруженных двенадцатью метильными группами.
Силоксан D6 является членом семейства силоксанов, характеризующимся чередованием атомов кремния и кислорода в его молекулярной структуре.

Его химическая формула (CH3)12Si6O6 подчеркивает наличие двенадцати метильных (CH3) групп, присоединенных к шести атомам кремния (Si) в стабильном циклическом расположении.
Силоксан D6 выглядит как прозрачная и бесцветная жидкость, часто используемая в различных промышленных и потребительских целях.
Силоксан D6 имеет мягкий характерный запах, отличающий его при встрече.
Силоксан D6 имеет температуру кипения около 250–260°C и является относительно летучим соединением, которое может испаряться при обычных условиях.

Универсальность силоксана D6 обусловлена его способностью образовывать гладкую, нежирную пленку на поверхностях, что делает его ценным в различных рецептурах.
Его циклическая структура придает ему уникальные свойства, способствующие его пригодности для широкого спектра применений в различных отраслях.
Силоксан D6 используется в продуктах личной гигиены, таких как лосьоны и кремы, где он улучшает текстуру продукта и его растекаемость.

Включение силоксана D6 в средства по уходу за волосами помогает улучшить управляемость волос и уменьшить их вьющиеся волосы.
В косметике силоксан D6 способствует равномерному нанесению продукта и повышает эстетические качества макияжа.
Силоксан D6 используется в рецептурах солнцезащитных кремов для улучшения растекаемости и прилегания продукта, повышая эффективность защиты от ультрафиолета.
Силоксан D6 находит применение в промышленности, особенно в производстве силиконовых полимеров и эластомеров.

Его совместимость с различными материалами делает его ценным в качестве клеев, герметиков и покрытий, используемых в производстве и строительстве.
Превосходные диэлектрические свойства силоксана D6 делают его пригодным для применения в электронике и электротехнике.
Уникальные характеристики силоксана D6 способствуют его использованию в широком спектре рецептур в различных отраслях промышленности.
Его циклическая структура обеспечивает стабильность, а низкая реакционная способность делает его ценным в различных приложениях.

Хотя силоксан D6 ценится за свою универсальность, он также является объектом внимания регулирующих органов из-за потенциальных экологических проблем.
Исследования изучили его потенциальную стойкость и влияние на экосистемы, что привело к дискуссиям о его использовании и воздействии.
Нормативно-правовая база побудила к изучению альтернатив и рассмотрению возможности его присутствия в определенных продуктах.
Совместимость силоксана D6 с различными материалами распространяется на различные промышленные применения, включая резину и пластмассы.

Силоксан D6 играет роль в улучшении внешнего вида и характеристик продуктов, начиная от средств личной гигиены и заканчивая промышленными секторами.
Циклическая структура силоксана D6 является ключевым фактором его уникальных свойств, способствующих его универсальности в различных областях применения.
Взаимодействие между свойствами силоксана D6 и нормативными требованиями подчеркивает его многогранное присутствие и важность в различных отраслях.


Молекулярная формула: C12H36O6Si6
Молекулярный вес: примерно 492,8 г/моль.
Внешний вид: Прозрачная и бесцветная жидкость.
Запах: Характерный легкий запах.
Температура плавления: примерно -46°C (-51°F).
Точка кипения: примерно 215–217°C (419–423°F).
Плотность: примерно 0,960 г/см³ при 20°C (68°F).
Растворимость: Нерастворим в воде; растворим в органических растворителях, таких как алканы, спирты и эфиры
Давление пара: Относительно летучий с давлением пара около 0,02 кПа при 25°C (77°F).
Вязкость: Жидкость низкой вязкости.



При вдыхании немедленно вынесите пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Если дыхание затруднено, дайте кислород, если он доступен, и немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если человек не дышит, проведите искусственное дыхание, обратившись за медицинской помощью.

Контакт с кожей:

При попадании на кожу снять загрязненную одежду и промыть пораженный участок большим количеством воды.
Тщательно промойте водой с мылом, чтобы удалить остатки средства с кожи.
При возникновении раздражения или покраснения обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Обратитесь к врачу в случае постоянного раздражения кожи.

Зрительный контакт:

При попадании силоксана D6 в глаза осторожно промойте глаза водой в течение не менее 15 минут, держа веки открытыми.
Если раздражение не проходит или наблюдается ухудшение зрения, немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.


При случайном проглатывании не вызывайте рвоту без указаний врача.
Немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью и предоставьте медицинскому персоналу информацию о проглоченном веществе.


Умение обращаться:

Используйте силоксан D6 в хорошо проветриваемых помещениях, чтобы предотвратить скопление паров.
При необходимости используйте местную вытяжную вентиляцию для поддержания качества воздуха.

Средства индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ):
Надевайте соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты, включая химически стойкие перчатки, защитные очки или защитную маску, а также защитную одежду, чтобы свести к минимуму контакт с кожей и глазами.

Избегать контакта:
Предотвратите воздействие силоксана D6 на кожу, глаза и органы дыхания.
Для защиты глаз используйте брызгозащищенные защитные очки или защитные маски.

После работы тщательно вымойте руки и открытые участки кожи.
Воздержитесь от еды, питья и курения во время работы с веществом.

Источники возгорания:
Держите силоксан D6 вдали от открытого огня, искр и источников возгорания, так как при определенных условиях он может стать легковоспламеняющимся.

Статическое электричество:
Примите меры предосторожности, чтобы предотвратить накопление статического электричества, поскольку оно может привести к возгоранию.
Может потребоваться оборудование для заземления.

Контейнеры для хранения:
Используйте соответствующие контейнеры из материалов, устойчивых к силоксану D6.
Убедитесь, что контейнеры плотно закрыты, чтобы предотвратить утечку.

Четко маркируйте контейнеры с указанием названия вещества, информации об опасности и инструкций по хранению.


Храните силоксан D6 в прохладном, сухом, хорошо проветриваемом помещении, вдали от прямых солнечных лучей и источников тепла.
Поддерживайте постоянную температуру, чтобы избежать колебаний.

Храните силоксан D6 вдали от несовместимых материалов, включая сильные окислители, сильные кислоты и основания.

Источники возгорания:
Избегайте хранения вблизи открытого огня, искр и источников воспламенения, поскольку при определенных условиях состав может быть легковоспламеняющимся.

Целостность контейнера:
Убедитесь, что контейнеры для хранения находятся в хорошем состоянии и правильно запечатаны, чтобы предотвратить утечки или разливы.

Храните силоксан D6 отдельно от продуктов питания и напитков, чтобы предотвратить случайное загрязнение.

Контроль доступа:
Ограничьте доступ уполномоченному персоналу, имеющему соответствующую подготовку по обращению и хранению химических веществ.

Противопожарная защита:
Храните вдали от огнетушителей, пожарной сигнализации и противопожарного оборудования, чтобы предотвратить случайный разряд во время чрезвычайной ситуации.

Соответствие нормативным требованиям:
Соблюдайте местные, национальные и международные правила и рекомендации по хранению химических веществ.


Декаметилциклопентасилоксан (иногда используется взаимозаменяемо)
D6 силикон
D6 силан
Силоксан D6
Силоксан-6 (Декаметилциклогексасилоксан)
L4 силоксан
HMCTS (гексаметилциклотрисилоксан)
Циклический силоксан D6
Силоксан циклический D6
Силиконовая жидкость D6
Циклический силоксан D6
Силиконовое масло D6
Циклический диметилсилоксан
Полидиметилсилоксан D6
Силоксановая жидкость D6
Силоксан 6-12
Силоксановое соединение D6
Циклосилоксан D6
Силоксан 6-12
Силоксан циклический D6
L4 циклический силоксан
D6 диметилсилоксан
Силоксановое соединение D6
Производное силоксана D6
Силоксановый гексамер
Силоксановый тетрамер
D6 силазан
Силоксановый полимер D6
Силоксановое масло D6
Силиконовый компаунд D6
Производное силикона D6
Полисилоксан D6
Силоксановая жидкость D6
Силоксановое циклическое соединение D6
Циклический гексаметилтрисилоксан
D6 циклогексасилоксан
Силоксановый циклический гексамер
Силоксановое 6-членное кольцо
Производное циклогексасилоксана
Полисиликон D6
D6 циклотрисилазан
Силоксановый гексамер D6
Силоксановое 6-кольцевое соединение
Силоксановый циклический полимер D6
D6 циклогексасиликон
Производное гексаметилциклотрисилоксана
Силоксановый 6-членный кольцевой полимер
D6 гексаметилциклогексасилоксан
SYNONYMS BIBR-953, N-[[2-[[[4-(Aminoiminomethyl)phenyl]amino]methyl]-1-methyl-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl]carbonyl]-N-2-pyridinyl-β-alanine cas no:211914-51-1
1,3-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl-2,4-imidazolidinedione; 1,3-BIS(HYDROXYMETHYL)-5,5-DIMETHYLHYDANTOIN; 1,3-DIHYDROXYLMETHYL-5,5-DIMETHYLHYDANTOIN; 1,3-dimethylol-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin; bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl-2,4-imidazolidinedione; Bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylhydantoin; dimethylol-5,5-dimethylhydantoin; Dimethyloldimethyl hydantoin; DMDMH; dmdm hydantoin; 1,3-bis; 1,3-bis(dihydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylhydantoin; 1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl-4-imidazolidinedione; 1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl-hydantoi; 1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione; 1,3-di(Hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethylhydantoin; 1,3-Dihydroxymethyl-5,5-dimethylhydantoin; 2,4-Imidazolidinedione,1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl; 4-Imidazolidinedione,1,3-bis(hydroxymethyl)-5,5-dimethyl-2; dantoindmdmh55 CAS NO:6440-58-0
drop gum flavor
Dantogard 2000
Ammonium phosphate, dibasic; Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate; Phosphoric Acid, Diammonium Salt; DAP; Diammonium hydrogenphosphate; Diammonium phosphate; Ammonium hydrogen phosphate; cas no: 7783-28-0
D-Aspartic Acid; D-2-Aminobutanedioic acid; D-aminosuccinic acid; d-(-)Aspartic acid; H-D-Asp-OH; NMDA; N-Methyl-D-aspartic Acid, Hydrate; CAS NO: 1783-96-6
D-Aspartic Acid
2,2-DIBROMO-3-NITRILOPROPIONAMIDE; 2-Cyano-2,2-dibromo Acetamide; 2,2-Dibromo-2-carbamoylacetonitrile; 2,2-Dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide; 2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide; DBNPA; Dibromocyanoacetamide CAS NO:10222-01-2
DBNPA or 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide is a quick-kill biocide that easily hydrolyzes under both acidic and alkaline conditions. It is preferred for its instability in water as it quickly kills and then quickly degrades to form a number of products, depending on the conditions, including ammonia, bromide ions, dibromoacetonitrile, and dibromoacetic acid.DBNPA acts similar to the typical halogen biocides.

CAS NO: 10222-01-2
EC NO: 233-539-7
2, 2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide


2,2-DIBROMO-2-CYANOACETAMIDE;10222-01-2;;2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide;Dbnpa;Acetamide, 2,2-dibromo-2-cyano-;2-Cyano-2,2-dibromoacetamide;XD-7287l Antimicrobial;2,2-Dibromo-2-carbamoylacetonitrile;UNII-7N51QGL6MJ;Dibromocyano acetic acid amide;XD-1603;7N51QGL6MJ;Caswell No. 287AA;NSC 98283;HSDB 6982;Dibromonitrilopropionamide;XD 7287L;EINECS 233-539-7;EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 101801;BRN 1761192;2,2-dibromo-2-cyano-acetamide;Acetamide, 2-cyano-2,2-dibromo-;DBNP;DSSTox_CID_12361;DSSTox_RID_78926;NCIOpen2_006184;DSSTox_GSID_32361;SCHEMBL23129;3-02-00-01641 (Beilstein Handbook Reference);Acetamide,2-dibromo-2-cyano-;ACMC-20980y;2-Cyano-2,2-dibromo-Acetamide;CHEMBL1878278;DTXSID5032361;NSC98283;ZINC1638458;2,2, Dibromo 3-Nitrilopropionamide;2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropion amide;Tox21_300089;ANW-14672;MFCD00129791;NSC-98283;SBB008529;2,2-Dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide, 9CI;2, 2-Dibromo-2-carbamoylacetonitrile;2,2-Dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide, 96%;AKOS015833850;2,2-bis(bromanyl)-2-cyano-ethanamide;MCULE-9977107579;NCGC00164203-01;NCGC00164203-02;NCGC00253921-01;AS-12928;SC-22750;CAS-10222-01-2;DB-027512;D2902;FT-0612090;2,2-Dibromo-3-Nitrilo propionamide (DBNPA);22D012;A800546;Q-102771;2,2-Dibrom-3-nitrilpropionamid;2,2-dibromo-3-cyanopropanamide;Slimicide 508;2,2-dibromo-2-cyano-ethanamide;2,2-Dibromo-2-carbamoylacetonitrile;Dibromocyanoacetamide;BE 3S;DBNPA;D-244;DBNPA1;BIOBRO;Busan 94;DBNPA20%;NSC 98283;DBNPA 7287;Mucosin NT;acetamide, 2,2-dibromo-2-cyano-;2,2-bis(bromanyl)-2-cyano-ethanamide;2- cyano-2,2-dibromoacetamide;cyanodibromoacetamide;2,2- dibromo-2-carbamoylacetonitrile;2,2-dibromo-2-cyano-acetamide;2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide;dibromocyanoacetamide;2 2-Dibromo-3-Nitrilo-Propionamid

DBNPA (2,2, dibromo-3-nitrilo-proprionamide) has the following characteristics:
Compatible with the membrane
* Fast acting
* Cost effective
* Acceptable transportation, storage, stability and handling characteristics
* Broad spectrum control (e.g., planktonic and sessile organisms); algae control is seasonal and situational
* Biodegradable

DBNPA is used in a wide variety of applications. Some examples are papermaking as a preservative in paper coating and slurries. It is also used as slime control on paper machines, and as a biocide in hydraulic fracturing wells and in cooling water.
2,2-Dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide, also known as 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA), can be synthesized reacting sodium bromide and cyanoacetamide. Its crystals are monoclinic and belong to the space group P21/n.
High-performance liquid chromatography analyses of ppm concentrations of DBNPA and its degradation products in laboratory tests of several natural water samples were used to follow the reactions involved. A hydrolysis pathway leads to dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN) and other products. The presence of organic material in the water leads to degradation by a second pathway in which monobromonitrilopropionamide (MBNPA) and several other degradation products are formed. The model describes quantitative relationships of DBNPA dosage and the natural water's organic material content, as measured by total organic carbon (TOC), in the degradation pathways of DBNPA. The model helps interpret the aquatic toxicity of the rapidly changing complex mixture produced during these degradations. Simulations of the DBNPA treatment of cooling towers were compared to limited experimental data which indicated that most of the degradation occurred by the pathway which produced the less toxic products

IDENTIFICATION: DBNPA is an off-white crystalline solid with a mild medicinal antiseptic odor. It is slightly volatile, very soluble in water, and corrosive.
USE: DBNPA is used to control bacteria, fungi and slime-forming algae in cooling water systems, evaporative condensers and heat exchangers, air washing systems, pulp mill and paper manufacturing, and oil extraction drilling fluids. It also is used as a preservative in paints, industrial coatings and adhesives, metalworking cutting fluids, and paper and paper products.
DBNPA was prepared by the method described by Hesse. The white product which resulted from bromination in an aqueous medium was recrystallized from benzene to give a compound with a
The melting point of 125 C. Purity was checked by elemental analysis, infrared analysis [IR (Nujol mull), 1,710 cm (C=O) l, and by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy [NMR (dimethyl sulfoxide ), 8.36 6 (doublet) J.
Physical properties. Chemical properties. The white, crystalline DBNPA has been stable for at least four years under laboratory storage conditions. This conclusion is based upon no detectable change in appearance or biological activity during this storage period. DBNPA dissolves in water to give a relatively stable solution in an acid pH range. Its unusual solubility and stability in polyethylene glycol (average molecular weight, 200) make this glycol a preferred solvent. Aqueous solutions hydrolyze under alkaline conditions, with the rate of decomposition increases with the alkalinity. However, the rate of hydrolysis is not fast enough to interfere with the antimicrobial activity of fresh, alkaline (pH 7 to 9.5) solutions. Heat and ultraviolet and fluorescent light also cause aqueous solutions of DBNPA to degrade, as evidenced by the change of the antimicrobial endpoint as a given solution age. This ecomposition has also been substantiated by chemical analysis.
It is understood in the membrane industry that thin-film composite polyamide membranes have limited resistance to chlorine-based oxidants. Therefore, operators have relatively few options regarding chemicals that can be safely used to disinfect RO/NF systems and prevent bio growth/biofouling. One option is the chemical, DBNPA, which is a fastacting, non-oxidizing biocide which is very effective at low concentrations in controlling the growth of aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, fungi and algae.
DBNPA is an advantageous disinfectant since it also quickly degrades carbon dioxide, ammonia and bromide ion when in an aqueous environment. This allows the effluent to be safely discharged even in sensitive water bodies. It is degraded by reactions with water, nucleophiles, and UV light (rate is dependent on pH and temperature). The approximate half-life is 24 hr @ pH 7,2 hr @ pH 8, 15 min @ pH 9. The vast majority of microorganisms that come into contact with it are killed within 5 to 10 minutes.
DBNPA is deactivated by reducing agents, so a higher concentration of DBNPA will be required if residual reducing agents are present in the feed water. For example, Sodium Bisulfite (SBS) will deactivate DBNPA. If SBS is dosed during service or flushing operations, additional DBNPA will be required at a suggested dose rate of 1.0 to 1.3 ppm DBNPA per 1 ppm of SBS to account for deactivation. Excess SBS can also be used to accelerate the deactivation of DBNPA in discharged waters. Although DBNPA is non-oxidizing, it will give an ORP reading of about 400 mv when in the range of 0.5 – 3 ppm ( for comparison, 1 ppm chlorine typically gives an ORP reading of about 700 mv). Intermittent dosing can be performed during service operation, during a low-pressure flush mode, or by a batch CIP (Clean-In-Place) system. RO/NF permeate may need to be diverted to drain as operations dictate, though it is estimated that greater than 98% of the DBNPA is rejected by brackish water membranes and greater than 99.5% by seawater membranes. For waters containing > 100 CFU/ml (or if you already have biofilm within the RO/NF system), suppliers recommend 30 ppm active ingredient for a full 3 hours. During intermittent dosing, the permeate should be dumped to drain if product water is for potable use. If a biofilm is present, sanitization should be preceded by an alkaline cleaning. For continuous dosing during service operation, between 0.5 to 2 ppm of active ingredient is recommended to maintain a biostatic environment. RO/NF permeate may need to be diverted to drain as operations dictate. Continuous dosing can be significantly more expensive in terms of operating costs so the site situation will dictate if this is instituted. DBNPA is deactivated by reducing agents, so a higher concentration of DBNPA will be required if residual reducing agents are present in the feed water. For example, Sodium Bisulfite (SBS) will deactivate DBNPA. If SBS is dosed during service or flushing operations, additional DBNPA will be required at a suggested dose rate of 1.0 to 1.3 ppm DBNPA per 1 ppm of SBS to account for deactivation. Excess SBS can also be used to accelerate the deactivation of DBNPA in discharged waters. Although DBNPA is non-oxidizing, it will give an ORP reading of about 400 mv when in the range of 0.5 – 3 ppm ( for comparison, 1 ppm chlorine typically gives an ORP reading of about 700 mv). For CIP use, 30 - 50 ppm of active ingredient for 1 hour would be recommended. For heavy biofilms, it should be followed by an alkaline cleaning. Test kits are available from the chemical suppliers to verify that DBNPA is at the desired concentration or has been completely rinsed from the system. According to its chemical properties, DBNPA can be degraded via two pathways; hydrolysis and nucleophilic reaction. For PT 4 nucleophilic reaction is the relevant pathway after DBNPA comes into contact with sulphur containing reducing species (“nucleophiles”), light or organic material (e.g., proteins, bacteria, humus/fulvic acids, etc.). DBNPA will quickly be degraded to cyanoacetamide (CAM). DBNPA is not readily biodegradable. Based on a weight of evidence approach including several studies from the open literature a degradation half life in soil (DT50) of 20.9 hours at 12oC was used for the risk assessment. In addition the default value of inherent biodegradable substances was included.
DBNPA has a very low vapour pressure, a low Henry’s law constant and is additionally not used in a manner, which leads to direct release to the atmosphere.
The mixing and loading process takes place in completely closed systems. Thus, the environmental exposure during mixing and loading is considered to be negligible compared to the actual application of DBNPA. The emission estimations for the use of DBNPA in PT4 have been determined using two different scenarios (a tonnage based scenario and a consumption based scenario) and a tiered approach. For CAM only the consumption based scenario, representing the realistic worst case scenario is evaluated
The standard method to apply DBNPA is intermittent dosing. The amount of DBNPA used depends on the severity of the biological fouling. With a water less prone to biological fouling, using 10 – 30 mg/L of the active ingredient for 30 minutes to 3 hours every 5 days can be effective. Because DBNPA is deactivated by reducing agents (such as sodium bisulfite used for chlorine removal), a higher concentration of DBNPA will be required if there is residual reducing agent in the feedwater. The concentration of DBNPA should be increased by 1 ppm of active ingredient for every ppm of residual reducing agent in the RO feedwater. To remove the dead biofilm, an alkaline cleaning is also recommended . Biocides, their degradation products, and other ingredients in their formulations are not always completely rejected by RO membranes. For this reason, during intermittent dosing, it may be necessary to discharge the permeate during biocide injection because the permeate may contain slightly elevated levels of organics. Note that although DBNPA is nonoxidizing, it does give an ORP response in approximately the 400 mV range at concentrations between 0.5 and 3 mg/L. For comparison, chlorine and bromine give a response in the 700 mV range at 1 mg/L, which increases with

The full name of DBNPA is 2-2-dibromo-3-nitriloproion amide. It is a broad-spectrum and efficient industrial fungicide. DBNPA is used to prevent bacteria and algae from growing in papermaking, industrial circulating cooling water, mechanical lubricants, pulp, wood, paint, and plywood. 2-2-Dibromo-3-Nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA) is currently popular at home and abroad. Organic bromine fungicides.
Sterilization mechanism of DBNPA. DBNPA molecules can rapidly penetrate microbial cell membranes. Act on certain protein groups.

Intended use, target species and effectiveness
DBNPA is intended for use in food processing vessels (e.g. industrial mayonnaise or yogurt producing facilities, fermenters for beer or other fermented products), which are periodically disinfected after use. The disinfection and processing exclusively takes place in industry and only industrial workers may come into contact with DBNPA. DBNPA is a fast acting biocide and is exerting its biocidal action directly after its application.

DBNPA may be used to control bacteria and reduce biofouling in various membrane system types (reverse osmosis, ultra-filtration, nano-filtration, and microfiltration) used for industrial water processing. Acceptable industrial applications include reverse osmosis systems for the production of boiler make-up water for electric power production, electronic component rinsing, and in chemical manufacturing industry. DBNPA can also be used for off-line cleaning of RO membranes producing potable and municipal water.

DBNPA , has proven efficacy at low concentrations against bacteria, fungi, yeast, cyanobacteria (also referred to as blue-green algae) and true algae. The DBNPA molecule will function immediately upon introduction into the feed water and antimicrobial control is rapidly achieved if properly dosed.

DBNPA offers an advantageous combination of quick kill properties followed by fast chemical degradation, including hydrolysis. The dominant degradation pathway at use conditions invloves reactions with nucleophilic substances or organic material invariably
found in water. Nucleophilic degradation forms cyanoacetamide. When the disposal of concentrate involves the release to large open waterways, additional degradation will occur via exposure to UV-radiation. When sufficiently diluted, DBNPA and its degradation products become biodegradable. The ultimate degradation products formed from both chemical and biodegradation processes of DBNPA include ammonia, carbon dioxide, and bromide ions.
Therefore, meeting the local environmental regulations for the permitted discharge of the reject stream should not be affected with DBNPA use.

DBNPA product performance
Broad spectrum, fast and efficient sterilization performance
DBNPA has a broad spectrum of bactericidal properties. It has a good killing effect on bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae, biological slime and pathogenic microorganisms that threaten human health.
Dibromo 3 Nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA) is characterized by extremely fast sterilization and high efficiency. The sterilization rate can reach over 99% in 5-10 minutes. DBNPA was compared to the other three biocides. The results showed that when the same bactericidal effect was achieved, DBNPA was used at a dose of the only 7.5ppm, which is much lower than the other three fungicides.
Good inhibition of peeling on biofilms. When DBNPA is added to the system, its active components act rapidly on planktonic
microorganisms. It can be quickly sterilized. At the same time, the permeability of organic bromine is good. The active component of the agent rapidly penetrates the metal surface. Acts on smaller microbial communities. It allows rapid depolymerization and prevents the formation of biofilms.
For systems that have formed biofilms, the active components do not react with the slime layers in the biofilm. It quickly penetrates deeper into the biofilm. A microbial community acting at the junction of a biofilm and a metal surface. Destruction of its viscosity causes the biofilm to fall off.
Experimental studies have shown that for the peeling of the biofilm at the age of 7 days, the smaller dosage can achieve the same peeling effect, and the advantage of the peeling effect on the biofilm is very obvious.
Effectively kill Legionella
DBNPA on Legionella is very significant. Studies have shown that 2-5mg/L DBNPA (effective), can reduce Legionella 5-6 logs within 3 hours. 2-4 mg/L DBNPA (effective) can reduce Legionella by 6 logs for 2 hours. For Legionella in biofilms. 10mg/L DBNPA (effective), 12 hours can completely kill Legionella. Additional data indicate that low doses of organic bromine and glutaraldehyde are used in combination. Legionella in biofilms can be lowered to undetectable levels.
Rapid degradation
DBNPA is rapidly degraded to carbon dioxide, ammonia and bromine salts upon completion of bactericidal action. It does not cause the enrichment of harmful ions in the water. There is no impact on the environment, so emissions are not restricted. This is a distinguishing feature of organic bromine biocides that distinguish them from other non-oxidizing biocides.

Effectively kill sulfate-reducing bacteria
The oilfield sewage has a high sulfate content, which is very beneficial to the reproduction of sulfate-reducing bacteria. The large-scale reproduction of sulfate-reducing bacteria will lead to an increase in the content of H2S in water. 2 2 Dibromo 3 Nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA) acts rapidly on sulfate-reducing bacteria. It can be quickly killed before it reacts with sulfate to form H2S.
Experimental studies have shown that 10 mg/L can effectively control the sulfate-reducing bacteria in the system, so as to completely remove the sulfide in the re-injection system and protect the system from sulfide corrosion.
DBNPA application areas and how to use
DBNPA application area
DBNPA is widely used as a disinfectant, bactericide, algicide, slime stripper, and mildew inhibitor in the following aspects.
The circulating cooling water system, oil field water injection system, bactericide, algicide, slime stripper in the paper industry.
Preservatives for paints, waxes, inks, detergents, surfactants, slurries, resins.
Process water, air purifier system in the machinery manufacturing industry, fungicides, and algicides in municipal water landscapes.
DBNPA usage
When used as a water treatment slime stripper, the DBNPA is added at a concentration of 30-50 mg/L.
Used as a water treatment bactericide for circulating cooling water systems. According to water retention, DBNPA is added at 10-20 mg/L.

DBNPA is also used in the process of papermaking to prevent reducing the quality of paper by a generation of microorganism.
It is suitable for metal cutting of cooling liquor, recovery system of oil, latex, and ply-woods as anti-spy biocides. DBNPA has the following advantages.
-Easy to handle.
-No unusual oxidation hazards.
-Similar performance and safety in paper and oilfield applications.
-Slime control in the wet-end of the paper mill and performs exceptionally well against slime-forming bacteria.
-DBNPA has exhibited outstanding efficiency against in bio-films and against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungus, and yeasts.
-Additionally, DBNPA series products are used in the short-term preservation of coatings and coating additives. Such as latex, starch and mineral slurries. It is a quick-kill biocide that is broad-spectrum and does not contain or release formaldehyde.

DBNPA is used as a non-oxidizing bactericide. In combination with bromine-based bactericides under frequent leakage conditions, the microbial control of the system can be improved. The specific plan is as follows.

Microbial control effect:
Under the harsh water quality conditions of the refinery system, DBNPA works synergistically with the bromine-based bactericide to better control the microorganisms. It has a good peeling performance in a system where biological slime breeds severely. After the system uses DBNPA biocide, the cooling tower packing and tower wall are clean, and no sticky mud algae breeds. DBNPA contributes to the maintenance of residual chlorine in bromine-based bactericides.

1. It is a broad-spectrum and high-efficiency industrial fungicide used to prevent the growth of bacteria and algae in papermaking, industrial circulating cooling water, metalworking lubricants, pulp, wood, paint and plywood.
2. It can quickly penetrate the cell membrane of microorganisms and act on a certain protein group to stop the normal redox of cells and cause cell death.
3. Its branches can also selectively bromine or oxidize specific enzyme metabolites of microorganisms, ultimately leading to microbial death.
4. This product has good peeling performance, no foam, and its liquid products and water can be dissolved at any ratio.

The biocide 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA) is the second most commonly used biocide in UOG after glutaraldehyde. DBNPA is a fast-acting electrophilic biocide; it is quick and effective in contact, but the protection is not long lasting. This biocide inhibits essential biological functions by reacting with nucleophiles (particularly sulfur-containing nucleophiles) inside the cell. DBNPA, and some of its degradation products, can also be harmful to humans and animals. These associated compounds have been demonstrated to be moderately to highly toxic by ingestion and inhalation, can be corrosive to eyes, and have been shown in terrestrial and aquatic animal studies to cause developmental issues.

DBNPA is not toxic to all life, however, as it is biodegradable under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, with a reported biotic half-life of less than 4 h under both conditions at neutral pH. However, the hydrolysis and aquatic photolysis half-life of this compound are pH-dependent, with faster degradation occurring at a more alkaline pH. For example, the abiotic half-lives of DBNPA at pH 5, 7, and 9 are 67 days, 63 h, and 73 min, respectively. Conversely, low pH has been characteristic of HF-impacted streams, which thus provide favorable conditions for the stability of DBNPA and its degradation products.

DBNPA is a non-oxidative agent, rapidly degrading in alkaline aqueous solutions. The organic water content as well as light enhance the hydrolysis and debromination of DBNPA into cyanoacetamide followed by degradation into cyanoacetic acid and malonic acid, that are non-toxic compounds. This degradation pathway makes the use of DBNPA relatively environmentally friendly. DBNPA is compatible with polyamide based membranes and shows high rejection rates for RO membranes. The antimicrobial effect is due to the fast reaction between DBNPA and sulfur-containing organic molecules in microorganisms such as glutathione or cysteine. The properties of microbial cell-surface components are irreversibly altered, interrupting transport of compounds across the membrane of the bacterial cell and inhibiting key biological processes of the bacteria.

Broad Spectrum Non Oxidising Biocide:
Active Ingredients: min 98% 2,2-Dibromo-3-NitriloPropionamide (DBNPA) assay Highly effective against a wide range of common water borne organisms with proven efficacy against Legionella. Accepta 6404 will control these organisms and help to control microbiological fouling.

Compatibility with other water treatment chemicals and water conditions: DBNPA is compatible with other treatment chemicals with the exception of mercaptobenzothiazole. It also is not compatible with ammonia or hydrogen sulfide-containing water. DBNPA maintains reliable control in systems running at acidic, neutral, or alkaline pH.
Degradation in water: DBNPA degrades quickly in aqueous environments. At neutral pH, its half-life is about nine hours. Continuous biocide release by the tablet maintains concentrations effective for control in the tower, while the biocide in the blowdown discharge degrades quickly. So it’s easy to meet strict environmental regulations on tower discharge.
Is DBNPA an oxidizer?
DBNPA is not an oxidizing biocide and it is not a bromine release biocide. DBNPA does act similar to the typical halogen biocides.
DBNPA is a biocide used in a variety of industrial processes to control algae, bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Formulations include tablets and both solid and liquid soluble concentrates. DBNPA is applied through intermittent, initial, intermittent, maintenance, during manufacture and continuous feed treatments, using metering pumps, drip feed devices and other types of industrial equipment. A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required for discharges to waterways.
DBNPA is a highly effective, environmentally friendly biocide. It provides a quick kill while also quickly degrading in water. The final end product is carbon dioxide and ammonium bromide.
Compatibility with other water treatment chemicals and water conditions: DBNPA is compatible with other treatment chemicals with the exception of mercaptobenzothiazole. It also is not compatible with ammonia or hydrogen sulfide-containing water. DBNPA maintains reliable control in systems running at acidic, neutral, or alkaline pH.

The Koc of DBNPA is estimated as 58(SRC), using a log Kow of 0.80 and a regression-derived equation. According to a classification scheme, this estimated Koc value suggests that DBNPA is expected to have high mobility in soil.
The Henry's Law constant for DBNPA is estimated as 1.9X10-8 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) derived from its vapor pressure, 9.0X10-4 mm Hg, and water solubility, 1.5X10+4 mg/L. This Henry's Law constant indicates that DBNPA is expected to be essentially nonvolatile from water surfaces. DBNPA's estimated Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces is not expected to occur(SRC). DBNPA is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon its vapor pressure.
The disappearance of DBNPA at 50 ppm in soil was more rapid than when present in an aqueous solution at a similar pH. Degradation in 7 soils was measured; half-lives of 4, 12, 15, 15, 6, 25, and 15 hours were reported for a sandy loam (pH 7.5), loam (pH 4.8), silty loam (pH 5.8), sandy loam (pH 6.5), loamy sand (pH 5.8), silty clay loam (pH 5.1), and loam (pH 4.8) soil, respectively. DBNPA has a half-life of less than 4 hours in an aerobic aquatic metabolism study. Dibromoacetic acid (reached 66% of applied at 0 hour, 9% at hour 5) and 2-cyanoacetamide (reached 56.5% of applied at hour 5, 2.3% at day 30) were the major degradates. Other degradates include oxalic acid, bromoacetic acid, bromoacetamide, and dibromoacetonitrile. Oxalic acid, 2-cyanoacetamide (16% by day 2) and bromoacetamide (2% by day 2) were found in the sediment layer. DBNPA, present at 100 mg/L, reached 0% of its theoretical BOD in 4 weeks using an activated sludge inoculum at 30 mg/L in the Japanese MITI test classifying the compound as not readily biodegradable. Microbial degradation of DBNPA has been demonstrated by the use of tracer techniques (14C-radio-labeled) which yielded 40% 14-CO2 after two weeks in the presence of waste treatment sludge.
2,2-Dibromo-3-nitilopropionamide has a half-life of less than 4 hours in an anaerobic aquatic metabolism study; residues were mainly found in the aqueous layer. Concentrations of the two main degradates 2-cyanoacetamide (reached 56% of applied within 7 days) and dibromoacetic acid (reached 27% of applied at 0 hr, 17% by day 48) were measured. Other minor degradates include oxalic acid, bromoacetamide and dibromoactonitrile. 2-Cyanoacetamide, dibromoacetonitrile and bromoacetamide were found in the sediment layer. The anaerobic metabolism study includes degradation due to both biotic and abiotic mechanisms.
The rate constant for the vapor-phase reaction of DBNPA with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals has been estimated as 2.0X10-12 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C(SRC) using a structure estimation method. This corresponds to an atmospheric half-life of about 8 days at an atmospheric concentration of 5X10+5 hydroxyl radicals per cu cm. Less than 1% of a 4000 ppm aqueous solution of DBNPA remained after 28 days exposure to sunlight; 91% of the added DBNPA was still present in the dark control after the same period of time. Dibromoacetic acid (63.7%) is the major degradate at pH 5 (half-life of 14.8 hours; dark control forms dibromoacetic acid at 38.6%) and at pH 7 (half-life of 6.9 hours; dark control forms dibromoacetic acid at 74.9%) in aqueous photolysis studies. Hydrolysis half-lives of 155, 8.8, 5.8, 2.0, and 0.34 hours were measured at pH values of 6.0, 7.3, 7.7, 8.0, and 8.9, respectively. The half-life of DBNPA is 67 days at pH 5, 63 hours at pH 7, and 73 minutes at pH 9. Dibromoacetic acid (30.6% of applied), dibromoacetonitrile (54.5% of applied), and dibromoacetonitrile (38.6% of applied) are the major degradates at pH values of 5, 7, and 9, respectively.
DBNPA's production and use as a bactericide and algicide in commercial water cooling and treatment systems and paper-pulp mill water systems may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams(SRC).
Based on a classification scheme, an estimated Koc value of 58(SRC), determined from a log Kow of 0.80 and a regression-derived equation, indicates that DBNPA is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment(SRC). Volatilization from water surfaces is not expected based upon an estimated Henry's Law constant of 1.9X10-8 atm-cu m/mole(SRC), determined from its vapor pressure, 9.0X10-4 mm Hg and water solubility, 1.5X10+4 mg/L. According to a classification scheme, an estimated BCF of 3(SRC), from its log Kow and a regression-derived equation, suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low(SRC). Degradation in water is due to both abiotic and biotic processes. Hydrolysis half-lives of 67 days, 63 hours, and 73 minutes were measured for DBNPA at pH 5, 7, and 9, respectively. Dibromoacetic acid is the major degradate at pH 5 while dibromoacetonitrile is the major degradate at pH values of 7 and 9. The half-life of DBNPA is less than 4 hours in anaerobic and aerobic metabolism studies. Degradates include oxalic acid, 2-cyanoacetamide, bromoacetamide, dibromoacetic acid, bromoacetic acid, and dibromoacetonitrile; the concentration of each degradate over time varies with the oxygen condition. DBNPA is susceptible to photodegradation in water; <1% of initial DBNPA remained after exposure to sunlight for 28 days. Sunlight degrades DBNPA in water at rates that become relatively fast compared to hydrolysis at pH less than 5.
According to a model of gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds in the atmosphere, DBNPA, which has a vapor pressure of 9X10-4 mm Hg at 25 °C, will exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase DBNPA is degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals(SRC); the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 8 days(SRC), calculated from its rate constant of 2.0X10-12 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C(SRC) determined using a structure estimation method. Based on photolysis studies showing degradation in aqueous solution exposed to sunlight (99% loss in 28 days), DBNPA is expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis in the atmosphere(SRC).

The application of the compacted DBNPA, has several advantages:
a) Use of a concentrated solid biocide (>95 wt % act
SYNONYMS Dibutylbis(lauroyloxy)stannane, Dibutyl bis(lauroyloxy)tin CAS NO:77-58-7
2,4-DICHLORO-3,5-DIMETHYLPHENOL; dichloorxylenol; 2,4-Dichloro-1,3-xylenol; 2,4-Dichloro-3,5-dimethylphenol; 3,5-Dimethyl-2,4- dichlorophenol; Dichloroxylenol; Ottacide CAS NO:133-53-9
DICYCLOPENTADIENE; Cyclopentadiene dimer; Bis(cyclopentadiene); 4,7-Methanoindene, 3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-; Bicyclopentadiene; DCPD; Dicyklopentadien; Dimer cyklopentadienu; Tetracyclo-[,6]decane; 1,3-Cyclopentadiene, dimer; 3a,4,7,7a-Tetrahydro-4,7-methano-1H-indene; Tricyclo[,6]deca-3,8-diene; 4,7-Methylene-4,7,8,9-tetrahydroindene; 3a,4,7,7a-Tetrahydro-4,7-methanoindene CAS NO:77-73-6
DDAC; Dimethyldidecylammonium chloride; 1-Decanaminium; N-decyl-N,N-dimethyl-, chloride; Didecyldimethylammonium chloride; Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride; Quaternium-12 CAS:7173-51-5
Decabromodiphenyl Ethane
CYCLIC PENTAMER-D5; DECAMETHYLCYCLOPENTASILOXAN; DECAMETHYLCYCLOPENTASILOXANE; Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (cyclic monomer)Cyclic Pentamer-D5; VOLASIL(TM) 245; 2,2,4,4,6,6,8,8,10,10-Decamethyl-1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10-pentaoxapentasilecane; CD3770; cyclicdimethylsiloxanepentamer; Cyclopentasiloxane, decamethyl-; D3770; Decamethylcylopentasiloxane; Decaαthyl-pentasil-pentoxan; Dekamethylcyklopentasiloxan; Dimethylsiloxane pentamer; dimethylsiloxanepentamer CAS NO:541-02-6
Decabromodiphenyl Oxide
cas no: 1783-96-6 D-2-Aminobutanedioic acid; D-aminosuccinic acid; d-(-)Aspartic acid; H-D-Asp-OH; (R)-(−)-Aminosuccinic acid; (R)-2-Aminosuccinic acid;
2-Cyano-2,2-dibromo Acetamide; 2,2-Dibromo-2-carbamoylacetonitrile; 2,2-Dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide; 2,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide; DBNPA; Dibromocyanoacetamide; Antimicrobal 7287 CAS:10222-01-2
decanol, ethoxylated (3 mol EO average molar ratio); 2- decoxyethanol (peg-3); peg-3 decyl ether; polyethylene glycol (3) decyl ether; polyoxyethylene (3) decyl ether cas no: 26183-52-8
DECETH-3, N° CAS : 26183-52-8, Nom INCI : DECETH-3, Classification : Composé éthoxylé, Ses fonctions (INCI): Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Noms français : 3,6,9,12-TETRAOXADOCOSAN-1-OL ALCOOL DECYLIQUE ETHOXYLE Alcool décylique éthoxylé ALPHA-DECYL-OMEGA-HYDROXY-POLY(OXYETHYLENE) POLY(OXY-1,2-ETHANEDIYL), ALPHA-DECYL-OMEGA-HYDROXY- Noms anglais : DECYL ALCOHOL, ETHOXYLATED DECYL POLY(OXYETHYLENE) ETHER PEG-4 DECYL ETHER Polyethylene glycol decyl ether POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL MONODECYL ETHER
DECYL GLUCOSIDE. N° CAS : 54549-25-6; 58846-77-8; 141464-42-8; 68515-73-1 - Décyl glucoside, Origine(s) : Végétale, Synthétique. Autres langues : Decylglucosid, Glucósido de decilo, Nom INCI : DECYL GLUCOSIDE. Nom chimique : D-Glucoside, Decyl. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 259-218-1, Classification : Tensioactif non ionique. Le décyl glucoside est un tensioactif non ionique très utilisé dans les produits naturels. Il s'emploie la plupart du temps en co-tensioactif avec du Coco Betaine (tensioactif amphotère) et du coco Glucoside (tensioactif non ionique). Peu agressif, il est fabriqué à partir de sucre et de coco. Il est adapté aux peaux les plus sensibles comme celles de bébé. Il est autorisé en bio.Ses fonctions (INCI): Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre Stabilisateur d'émulsion : Favorise le processus d'émulsification et améliore la stabilité et la durée de conservation de l'émulsion. Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. ALKYL ETHER OF CORN SUGAR Alkyl polyglucoside Alkyl polyglycoside Alkylpolyglucoside C8-10 Alkylpolyglycoside APG APG_C8-10 C8-10 Alkyl Polyglucoside Caprylyl/myristyl glucoside D-Glucopyranose, oligomeric, C8-10 glycosides D-Glucopyranose, oligomeric, decyl octyl glycosides (n=1.5) D-Glucopyranose, oligomers, decyl octyl glycoside D-Glucose decyl octyl ethers, oligomeric D-Glucose, decyl octyl ethers, oligomeric D-Glucose, decyl, octyl ethers, oligomeric Decyl Glucoside Decyl-D Glucoside
Decyl oleate; 3687-46-5; Decyl 9-octadecenoate; Oleic acid, decyl ester cas no: 3687-46-5
DEGELAN UC 506 Acrylic binder. It shows good compatibility with DINP (Di-isononylphthalate) and DIDP (Di-isodecylphthalate). It is environmental friendly through clean incineration. Offers low gelling temperatures, halogen-free formulations, thermal stability, outstanding storage stability and UV resistance. Also offers high performance, excellent sound insulating properties and light weight construction through good foaming behavior. Used for textile coating, screen printing, flooring, structured wallpapers and coil coatings. Also used for plastisols and automotive applications such as multifunctional underbody coating materials (rust prevention, chipping resistance, sound damping). Product Type Acrylics & Acrylic Copolymers Chemical Composition Acrylic polymer Physical Form Powder, Fine DEGALAN - PRODUCTS FOR PATHBREAKING APPLICATIONS DEGALAN COATINGS DEGALAN is used as a binder in a large number of different applications, such as printing inks, concrete paints, marine paints and container coatings, low-odor interior paints, metal coatings, plastics coatings, PVC top coats and exterior paints. DEGALAN HEAT SEALING Our DEGALAN binders for heat sealing applications are ideally suited for formulation of high-quality lacquers to provide an excellent and secure heat sealing in combination with smooth peeling. All products comply with international regulations for incident food contact.Evonik offers a wide range of standard and specialty binders under the DEGALAN trademark. Ever since the early 1930s, Evonik has been developing polymer solutions, dispersions and solid products on an acrylic and methacrylic base for this segment, which have been used in the coatings industry for more than 70 years. DEGALAN products offer convincing benefits in all applications where the main priorities are unsurpassed weather resistance, colorfastness, high brilliance, hardness and scratch resistance. Together with its customers, Evonik develops new products for innovative applications. The result are complete solutions for end users that are ready for serial production. With production sites in Darmstadt, Shanghai and Wesseling, Evonik belongs to one of the largest producers of methacrylate-based coating raw materials in Europe and Asia.Description: Acrylic co-polymer emulsion-based transparent primer. Applications: All kinds of concrete, fine plaster surfaces, such as acrylic-based paint and coating materials of mineral-based primer used in interior and exterior in order to reduce the absorbency of the surface. Physical and Chemical Properties: Appearance: white emulsion Color: Transparent Solid content: 50% Density: 1.05 g/cm3 Viscosity: 2000 - 5000 cp Drying time (25  C): Touch Duration: 15-20 min. Full Cure Time: 2 hours Coverage: 1 liter, depending on the surface. with 25-40 m2 covered space. Application Features: Method of application: can be applied by brush or roller. Application under 7 C Should be avoided. Thinner: Water (5-fold diluted). New overcoating time: 8 hours Fire Hazard Class: None. Harmful to health: None. Storage: The material must be protected from frost and excessive sun. The above data are collected only for PVC Family Products. TheInventory carrying days in certain materials shows very high i.e 1997days , while various items have at least 1 or 2 days inventories.On the basis of internal data collection and personal interviews, variousreasons found behind these un unique inventory carrying days. Thereare various reasons given :1. In Imported materials procurement time ( Lead time ) are differentfrom countries to countries. Arrivals are not certain.2. Minimum Pack size :has to buy minimum Size packing .For Example, Silquest A 1100 ( Item Code APF030) standardminimum packing size is 18 Kgs pail but monthly consumption isonly 1 Kgs per month. Hence purchase of 18 Kgs pail becomecompulsory.3. Minimum Order lot Size : In certain imported Items, importersaccepts only minimum lot size order. For Example - DEGALAN UC 506, (Item Code PRF029), minimum order lot size is 1 pallet i.e7500 Kgs per pallet. While consumption is 121 Kg p.m
DEHA 85%
N-Ethyl-N-Hydroxy-Ethanamine; Diethylhydroxylamine 85% CAS number: 3710-84-7
DEHYDOL LS 2 DEO-N            
Laureth-3 ;laureth-3; polyethylene glycol (3) lauryl ether; polyethylene glycol (3) lauryl ether; polyethylene glycol (3) monolauryl ether; polyoxyethylene (3) lauryl ether cas no: 3055-94-5
Dehydol LS 3 DEHYDOL LS 3 DEO is a solubilizer and surfactant. Dehydol LS 3 provides shine and builds good viscosity structures in combination with sodium chloride. DEHYDOL LS 3 DEO is used in shampoos and foam bath products. Dehydol LS 3 is classified as : Emulsifying Surfactant Description of Dehydol LS 3: Effective liquid non-ionic emulsifier & surfactant made from polyethylene glycol ether of lauryl alcohol (Dehydol LS 3). Amber clear liquid, odorless, may haze when chilled. pH 5.0-6.5 (5% solution). Soluble in oils and alcohols, partly soluble in water. HLB value 8 (gives water-in-oil emulsions). CAS: 3055-94-5/68439-50-9 INCI Name: Laureth-3 Benefits of Dehydol LS 3: Non-ionic emulsifier (enables water & oil to mix), dispersing agent, and solubilizer Solubilizes oils in aqueos systems and create a milky type consistency when surfactants are present Act as a thickener in shampoos and shower gels Compatible with non-ionic, anionic, amphoteric, and cationic surfactants Use of Dehydol LS 3: Can be added to formulas as is either to the water phase or oil phase. Typical use level is 1 - 5%. For external use only. Applications of Dehydol LS 3: All kinds of skin care products, hair care products including body washes, hair shampoos, deodorants, lotions, and creams. Country of Origin of Dehydol LS 3: USA Raw material source of Dehydol LS 3: Coconut oil Manufacture of Dehydol LS 3: Dehydol LS 3 is produced by reacting ethylene oxide with lauryl alcohol which is obtained from coconut oil. The numerical designation 3 refers to the number of repeating ethylene oxide units in the molecule. Animal Testing of Dehydol LS 3: Not animal tested GMO of Dehydol LS 3: Not tested for GMOs Vegan: Does not contain animal derived components Dehydol LS 3 is a surfactant and a thickner. As surfactant it helps to reduce surface tension of substances to be mixed or emulsified. In cosmetics it helps water to be mixed with oil, sebum and dirt so that they can be easily rinsed away. Moreover as thickener it helps to adjust the thickness of our products. APPEARANCE of Dehydol LS 3 Colorless to yellow transparent viscous liquid FUNCTION of Dehydol LS 3 In cosmetics and personal care products, the laureth ingredients are used in the formulation of a variety of bath, eye, facial, hair, cleansing and sunscreen products. They are also used in cuticle softeners, deodorants and moisturizing products. SYNONYMS of Dehydol LS 3 Laureth 3; T/N: Unicol LA-3; T/N: Jeecol LA-3; T/N: Ethal 326; Ethal LA-3; Poe(3) Lauryl Alcohol; Alkyloxypolyethyleneoxyethanol Alcohol Polyether STORAGE of Dehydol LS 3 Store in closed container protected from light and humidity. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Applications of Dehydol LS 3 Cleaning and hygiene Dehydol LS 3 is mainly used in detergents for laundry with many cleaning applications.It is a highly effective surfactant and is used in any task requiring the removal of oily stains and residues; for example, Dehydol LS 3 is found in higher concentrations with industrial products including engine degreasers, floor cleaners, and car wash soaps.In lower concentrations, it is found in toothpastes, shampoos, shaving creams, and bubble bath formulations, for its ability to create a foam (lather), for its surfactant properties, and in part for its thickening effect. Food additive Dehydol LS 3, appearing as its synonym Dehydol LS 3 , is considered as a generally recognized as safe (GRAS) ingredient, for food use according to the guidelines published in 21 CFR 172.822. It is used as an emulsifying agent and whipping aid. Dehydol LS 3 is reported to temporarily diminish perception of sweetness. Laboratory applications of Dehydol LS 3 Principal applications Dehydol LS 3, in science referred to as sodium dodecyl sulfate , is used in cleaning procedures, and is commonly used as a component for lysing cells during RNA extraction and/or DNA extraction, and for denaturing proteins in preparation for electrophoresis in the Dehydol LS 3 -PAGE technique. In the case of the Dehydol LS 3 -PAGE application, the compound works by disrupting non-covalent bonds in the proteins, and so denaturing them, i.e., causing the protein molecules to lose their native conformations and shapes. By binding to the proteins with high affinity and in high concentrations, the negatively charged detergent provides all proteins with a similar net negative charge and therefore a similar charge-to-mass ratio. In this way, the difference in mobility of the polypeptide chains in the gel can be attributed solely to their size as opposed to both their size and charge. It is possible to make separation based on the size of the polypeptide chain to simplify the analysis of protein molecules, this can be achieved by denaturing proteins with the detergent Dehydol LS 3 .The association of Dehydol LS 3 molecules with protein molecules imparts an associated negative charge to the molecular aggregate formed; this negative charge is significantly greater than the original charge of that protein. The electrostatic repulsion that is created by Dehydol LS 3 binding forces proteins into a rod-like shape, thereby eliminating differences in shape as a factor for electrophoretic separation in gels. Dodecyl sulfate molecule has two negative charges at the pH value used for electrophoresis, this will lead the net charge of coated polypeptide chains to be much more negative than uncoated chains. The charge-to-mass ratio is essentially identical for different proteins because Dehydol LS 3 coating dominates the charge. Miscellaneous applications of Dehydol LS 3 Dehydol LS 3 is used in an improved technique for preparing brain tissues for study by optical microscopy. The technique, which has been branded as CLARITY, was the work of Karl Deisseroth and coworkers at Stanford University, and involves infusion of the organ with an acrylamide solution to bind the macromolecules of the organ (proteins, nucleic acids, etc.), followed by thermal polymerization to form a "brain-hydrogel" (a mesh interspersed throughout the tissue to fix the macromolecules and other structures in space), and then by lipid removal using Dehydol LS 3 to eliminate light scattering with minimal protein loss, rendering the tissue quasi-transparent. Along with sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate and Triton X-100, aqueous solutions of Dehydol LS 3 are popular for dispersing or suspending nanotubes, such as carbon nanotubes. Niche uses Dehydol LS 3 has been proposed as a potentially effective topical microbicide, for intravaginal use, to inhibit and possibly prevent infection by various enveloped and non-enveloped viruses such as the herpes simplex viruses, HIV, and the Semliki Forest virus. In gas hydrate formation experiments, Dehydol LS 3 is used as a gas hydrate growth promoter.Researchers aim for gas hydrate promotions as scale-up of industrial applications of gas hydrates such as desalination process, gas storage, and gas separation technologies. Liquid membranes formed from Dehydol LS 3 in water have been demonstrated to work as unusual particle separators.The device acts as a reverse filter, allowing large particles to pass while capturing smaller particles. Toxicology of Dehydol LS 3 Carcinogenicity Dehydol LS 3 is not carcinogenic when consumed or applied directly, even to amounts and concentrations that exceed amounts used in standard commercial products.The earlier review of the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) program Expert Panel in 1983 reported that Dehydol LS 3 (there, abbreviated Dehydol LS 3 , for Dehydol LS 3) in concentrations up to 2%, in a year-long oral dietary studies in dogs, gave no evidence of tumorigenicity or carcinogenicity, and that no excess chromosomal aberrations or clastogenic effects were observed in rats fed up to 1.13% Dehydol LS 3 in their diets for 90 days, over those on a control diet. The 2005 review by the same group indicated that further available data lacked any available suggestion that Dehydol LS 3 or the related ammonium salt of the same amphiphile could be carcinogenic, stating that "Despite assertions to the contrary on the Internet, the carcinogenicity of these ingredients is only a rumor;" both studies conclude that Dehydol LS 3 appears "to be safe in formulations designed for discontinuous, brief use followed by thorough rinsing from the surface of the skin. In products intended for prolonged contact with skin, concentrations should not exceed 1%." Sensitivity of Dehydol LS 3 Like all detergent surfactants, Dehydol LS 3 removes oils from the skin, and can cause skin and eye irritation. It has been shown to irritate the skin of the face, with prolonged and constant exposure (more than an hour) in young adults.Dehydol LS 3 may worsen skin problems in individuals with chronic skin hypersensitivity, with some people being affected more than others. Oral concerns of Dehydol LS 3 The low cost of Dehydol LS 3 , its lack of impact on taste, its potential impact on volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs, which contribute to malodorous breath), and its desirable action as a foaming agent have led to the use of Dehydol LS 3 in the formulations of toothpastes.A series of small crossover studies (25-34 patients) have supported the efficacy of Dehydol LS 3 in the reduction of VSCs, and its related positive impact on breath malodor, although these studies have been generally noted to reflect technical challenges in the control of study design variables. While primary sources from the group of Irma Rantanen at University of Turku, Finland conclude an impact on dry mouth (xerostomia) from Dehydol LS 3 -containing pastes, a 2011 Cochrane review of these studies, and of the more general area, concludes that there "is no strong evidence... that any topical therapy is effective for relieving the symptom of dry mouth." A safety concern has been raised on the basis of several studies regarding the effect of toothpaste Dehydol LS 3 on aphthous ulcers, commonly referred to as canker or white sores. A consensus regarding practice (or change in practice) has not appeared as a result of the studies. As Lippert notes, of 2013, "very few... marketed toothpastes contain a surfactant other than Dehydol LS 3" and leading manufacturers continue to formulate their produce with Dehydol LS 3. Interaction with fluoride Some studies have suggested that Dehydol LS 3 in toothpaste may decrease the effectiveness of fluoride at preventing dental caries (cavities). This may be due to Dehydol LS 3 interacting with the deposition of fluoride on tooth enamel. Use of Dehydol LS 3: -Detergency: tooth paste, shampoo, cosmetic, detergent, etc. -Construction: plasterboard, additive of concrete, coating, etc. -Pharmaceutical: Medicine, pesticide, etc. -Leather: leather soft agent, wool cleaning agent, etc. -Paper making: penetrant, flocculating agent, deinking agent, etc. -Auxiliaries: textile auxiliaries, plastic auxiliaries, etc. -Fire fighting: oil well fire fighting, fire fighting device, etc. -Mineral choosing: mine flotation, coal water mixture, etc. Overview Dehydol LS 3 is one of the ingredients you'll find listed on your shampoo bottle. However, unless you're a chemist, you likely don't know what it is. The chemical is found in many cleaning and beauty products, but it's frequently misunderstood. Urban myths have linked it to cancer, skin irritation, and more. Science may tell a different story. How it works Dehydol LS 3 is what's known as a "surfactant." This means it lowers the surface tension between ingredients, which is why it's used as a cleansing and foaming agent. Most concerns about Dehydol LS 3 stem from the fact that it can be found in beauty and self-care products as well as in household cleaners. Where you'll find Dehydol LS 3 If you look under your bathroom sink, or on the shelf in your shower, it's very likely you'll find Dehydol LS 3 in your home. It's used in a variety of products, including: Grooming products, such as shaving cream, lip balm, hand sanitizer, nail treatments, makeup remover, foundation, facial cleansers, exfoliants, and liquid hand soap Hair products, such as shampoo, conditioner, hair dye, dandruff treatment, and styling gel Dental care products, such as toothpaste, teeth whitening products, and mouthwash Bath products, such as bath oils or salts, body wash, and bubble bath Creams and lotions, such as hand cream, masks, anti-itch creams, hair-removal products, and sunscreen You'll notice that all of these products are topical, or applied directly to the skin or body. Dehydol LS 3 is also used as a food additive, usually as an emulsifier or a thickener. It can be found in dried egg products, some marshmallow products, and certain dry beverage bases. Are there dangers? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regards Dehydol LS 3 as safe as a food additive. Regarding its use in cosmetics and body products, the safety assessment study of Dehydol LS 3 , published in 1983 in the International Journal of Toxicology (the most recent assessment), found that it's not harmful if used briefly and rinsed from the skin, as with shampoos and soaps. The report says that products that stay on the skin longer shouldn't exceed 1 percent concentration of Dehydol LS 3 . However, the same assessment did suggest some possible, albeit minimal, risk to humans using Dehydol LS 3 . For example, some tests found that continuous skin exposure to Dehydol LS 3 could cause mild to moderate irritation in animals. Nevertheless, the assessment concluded that Dehydol LS 3 is safe in formulations used in cosmetics and personal care products. Because many of these products are designed to be rinsed off after short applications, the risks are minimal. According to most research, Dehydol LS 3 is an irritant but not a carcinogen. Studies have shown no link between the use of Dehydol LS 3 and increased cancer risk. According to a 2015 study, Dehydol LS 3 is safe for use in household cleaning products.
DEHYDOL LS 3 DEO-N            
Fatty acids, C12-18, mixed esters with citric acid, pentaerythritol and stearyl alc.; Fettsuren C12-18, Mischester mit Pentaerythritol, Zitronensure und Stearylalkohol CAS NO:130328-22-2
DEHYDOL LS6 InChI 1S/C58H118O24/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-13-60-15-17-62-19-21-64-23-25-66-27-29-68-31-33-70-35-37-72-39-41-74-43-45-76-47-49-78-51-53-80-55-57-82-58-56-81-54-52-79-50-48-77-46-44-75-42-40-73-38-36-71-34-32-69-30-28-67-26-24-65-22-20-63-18-16-61-14-12-59/h59H,2-58H2,1H3 DEHYDOL LS6 InChI Key IEQAICDLOKRSRL-UHFFFAOYSA-N DEHYDOL LS6 Canonical SMILES CCCCCCCCCCCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCOCCO DEHYDOL LS6 Molecular Formula C58H118O24 DEHYDOL LS6 CAS 68439-50-9 DEHYDOL LS6 European Community (EC) Number 500-213-3 DEHYDOL LS6 DSSTox Substance ID DTXSID0041931 DEHYDOL LS6 Physical Description Liquid DEHYDOL LS6 Molecular Weight 1199.5 g/mol DEHYDOL LS6 XLogP3 1.8 DEHYDOL LS6 Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 1 DEHYDOL LS6 Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 24 DEHYDOL LS6 Rotatable Bond Count 79 DEHYDOL LS6 Exact Mass 1198.801305 g/mol DEHYDOL LS6 Monoisotopic Mass 1198.801305 g/mol DEHYDOL LS6 Topological Polar Surface Area 233 Ų DEHYDOL LS6 Heavy Atom Count 82 DEHYDOL LS6 Formal Charge 0 DEHYDOL LS6 Complexity 1080 DEHYDOL LS6 Isotope Atom Count 0 DEHYDOL LS6 Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 DEHYDOL LS6 Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 DEHYDOL LS6 Defined Bond Stereocenter Count 0 DEHYDOL LS6 Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count 0 DEHYDOL LS6 Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 1 DEHYDOL LS6 Compound Is Canonicalized Yes DEHYDOL LS6 Product Groups Nonionic Surfactants DEHYDOL LS6 Sub Product Groups Alcohol Ethoxylates DEHYDOL LS6 Function Nonionic Surfactant DEHYDOL LS6 Form of Delivery Liquid DEHYDOL LS6 Chemical Description C12C14 Fatty alcohol + 6 EO DEHYDOL LS6 Application Laundry Food and Beverage Processing Food Service and Kitchen Hygiene Commercial Laundry DEHYDOL LS6 APPLICATION DEHYDOL LS6 Surfactants: used as raw material for the manufacturer of sodium lauryl ether sulphate (SLES) DEHYDOL LS6 Detergents: a base liquid and powder detergents, household cleaning agents, industrial cleaning agents. DEHYDOL LS6 Cosmetics & Personal care: used as raw materials in shampoo, body gels and hand cleaners. DEHYDOL LS6 Textiles: used as scouring and wetting agents. DEHYDOL LS6 Agriculture: used as emulsifiers in herbicides, Insecticides and fertilizers. DEHYDOL LS6 Paper: used as wetting agents and improve absorbency. DEHYDOL LS6 Rubber: used as stabilizers for rubber. DEHYDOL LS6 Leather: used as degreasing and tanning agents. DEHYDOL LS6 Paint: used as wetting agents and dispersing agent. DEHYDOL LS6 is a nonionic surfactant.It is an alkyl polyethlene glycol ester made forom C12-C14-alcohol and ethylene oxide.DEHYDOL LS6 - Feed (Block), REG, Use: For bloat in cattle in block - 520.1846.DEHYDOL LS6 - FEED, REG, Use: In feed blocks for cattle - 520.1846.A fatty alcohol that is suitable for the manufacture of heavy duty and special laundry detergents as well as hard surface cleaners.This substance is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, plant protection products, fertilisers, lubricants and greases, air care products and fuels.Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and break fluids).Fatty alcohol ethoxylate, our products, are non-ionic surfactants produced by adding ethylene oxide (EO) to Linear Fatty Alcohols. Fatty alcohol ethoxylate produced are sold under the trade name Dehydol LS 6 guaranteeing world class standard.DEHYDOL LS6 is a cloudy liquid at room temperature and tends to form sediment.It becomes a clear liquid at 30 C.
Общее описание Дегидол ЛТ 5
Dehydol LT 5 представляет собой бесцветную жидкость со слабым запахом.
Полностью смешивается с водой.
Dehydol LT 5 представляет серьезную угрозу для окружающей среды в случае разлива.
Необходимо принять немедленные меры для ограничения распространения.
Dehydol LT 5 может легко проникать в почву и загрязнять грунтовые воды и близлежащие водотоки.
Dehydol LT 5 очень токсичен для водных организмов.
Раздражает глаза и дыхательные пути.
Длительное воздействие на кожу может вызвать покраснение и шелушение.
Dehydol LT 5 используется в производстве поверхностно-активных веществ.

Опасности Dehydol LT 5
Предупреждения о реактивности Dehydol LT 5
Переокисляемое соединение
Реакции воздуха и воды
Нет быстрой реакции с воздухом.
Нет быстрой реакции с водой.
Пожароопасность Dehydol LT 5
Выдержка из Руководства ERG 171:
Некоторые могут гореть, но ни один не воспламеняется легко.
Контейнеры могут взорваться при нагревании.
Некоторые из них могут перевозиться горячими.
Для UN3508, Конденсатор, асимметричный, помните о возможном коротком замыкании, так как этот продукт транспортируется в заряженном состоянии.
Полимерные гранулы, расширяемые (UN2211) могут выделять легковоспламеняющиеся пары.

Опасность для здоровья Dehydol LT 5
Выдержка из Руководства ERG 171:
Вдыхание материала может быть вредным.
Контакт может вызвать ожоги кожи и глаз.
Вдыхание асбестовой пыли может оказывать повреждающее действие на легкие.
При пожаре могут выделяться раздражающие, коррозионные и/или токсичные газы.
Некоторые жидкости выделяют пары, которые могут вызвать головокружение или удушье.
Сток от противопожарной или разбавляющей воды может привести к загрязнению окружающей среды.

Профиль реакционной способности Dehydol LT 5
Dehydol LT 5 стабилен до 50°C.
Dehydol LT 5 окисляется на воздухе с образованием пероксидов и перкислот.
Горюч, но не воспламеняется (температура вспышки > 179°C).
Температура самовоспламенения: 230°C.
Dehydol LT 5 может реагировать с сильными окислителями, сильными кислотами и сильными основаниями.
Dehydol LT 5 несовместим с медью и медными сплавами и алюминием.
Смесь полиэфирспиртов формулы RO-(CH2CH2-O-)nH, где R представляет собой алкильную группу от C-12 до C-16, а n равно от 1 до 6.
Синтезируется обработкой смеси спиртов от С-12 до С-16 окисью этилена.

Принадлежит к следующей реакционной группе (группам)
Спирты и полиолы
Потенциально несовместимые абсорбенты

Рекомендации по ответу
Изоляция и эвакуация
Выдержка из Руководства ERG 171:

НЕМЕДЛЕННЫЕ МЕРЫ ПРЕДОСТОРОЖНОСТИ: Изолируйте место разлива или утечки во всех направлениях на расстоянии не менее 50 метров (150 футов) для жидкостей и не менее 25 метров (75 футов) для твердых веществ.
РАЗЛИВ: При необходимости увеличьте расстояние для немедленных мер предосторожности в подветренном направлении.
ПОЖАР: Если цистерна, железнодорожный вагон или автоцистерна попали в огонь, ИЗОЛИРОВАТЬ на расстоянии 800 метров (1/2 мили) во всех направлениях; также рассмотрите первоначальную эвакуацию на 800 метров (1/2 мили) во всех направлениях.

Пожаротушение для Dehydol LT 5
Выдержка из Руководства ERG 171:

НЕБОЛЬШОЙ ПОЖАР: Сухие химикаты, CO2, распыленная вода или обычная пена.
БОЛЬШОЙ ПОЖАР: Распыление воды, туман или обычная пена.
Не разбрасывать просыпанный материал струями воды под высоким давлением.
Если это можно сделать безопасно, уберите неповрежденные контейнеры из зоны вокруг огня. Сток дамбы от пожарной охраны для последующей утилизации.

ПОЖАР В РЕЗЕРВУАРАХ: Охладите контейнеры заливающим количеством воды до тех пор, пока пожар не будет потушен.
Немедленно отозвать в случае усиления звука от вентиляционных предохранительных устройств или обесцвечивания бака.
ВСЕГДА держитесь подальше от танков, охваченных огнем.
Непожарный ответ
Выдержка из Руководства ERG 171:
Не прикасайтесь к рассыпанному материалу и не ходите по нему.
Остановите утечку, если вы можете сделать это без риска.
Предотвратить облако пыли.
В случае асбеста избегайте вдыхания пыли.
Накройте разлив пластиковой пленкой или брезентом, чтобы свести к минимуму распространение.
Не очищайте и не утилизируйте, кроме как под наблюдением специалиста.

НЕБОЛЬШОЙ СУХОЙ РАЗЛИВ: Чистой лопатой поместите материал в чистый сухой контейнер и неплотно накройте; Уберите контейнеры с загрязненной зоны.
НЕБОЛЬШАЯ РАЗЛИВКА: Собрать песком или другим негорючим абсорбирующим материалом и поместить в контейнеры для последующей утилизации.

БОЛЬШОЙ РАЗЛИВ: Оборудуйте дамбу далеко перед местом разлива жидкости для последующего удаления. Накройте разлив порошка пластиковой пленкой или брезентом, чтобы свести к минимуму распространение.
Не допускать попадания в водные пути, канализацию, подвалы или замкнутые пространства.

Защитная одежда
Выдержка из Руководства ERG 171:
Наденьте автономный дыхательный аппарат с положительным давлением.
Структурная защитная одежда пожарных обеспечивает тепловую защиту, но лишь ограниченную химическую защиту.
Нет доступной информации.

Первая помощь Dehydol LT 5
Выдержка из Руководства ERG 171:

Позвоните 911 или в службу неотложной медицинской помощи.
Убедитесь, что медицинский персонал знает о материале(ах) и принимает меры предосторожности для своей защиты.
Переместите пострадавшего на свежий воздух, если это можно сделать безопасно. Сделайте искусственное дыхание, если пострадавший не дышит.
Дайте кислород, если дыхание затруднено.
Снять и изолировать загрязненную одежду и обувь.
В случае контакта с веществом немедленно промойте кожу или глаза проточной водой в течение не менее 20 минут.

Физические свойства Dehydol LT 5

Химическая формула: данные недоступны
Точка воспламенения: данные недоступны
Нижний предел взрываемости (НПВ): данные недоступны
Верхний предел взрываемости (ВПВ): данные недоступны
Температура самовоспламенения: данные недоступны
Точка плавления: данные недоступны
Давление паров: данные недоступны
Плотность пара (относительно воздуха): данные недоступны
Удельный вес: данные недоступны
Точка кипения: данные недоступны
Молекулярная масса: данные недоступны
Растворимость в воде: данные недоступны
Энергия/потенциал ионизации: данные недоступны
ИДЛХ: данные недоступны

Химическая характеристика Dehydol LT 5
Типы Dehydol LT 5 являются неионогенными поверхностно-активными веществами.
Они представляют собой простые эфиры алкилполиэтиленгликоля, полученные из спирта C12-C18 и этиленоксида.
Они соответствуют следующей формуле: RO(CH2CH2O)XH

Информация о продукте Dehydol LT 5
Название: Дегидол ЛТ 5
Сегмент: Домашний уход

Заявления о производительности, заявления об устойчивости, функции, приложения, уровень использования

Химическая группа, Химические свойства, Физические свойства, Внешний вид, Цвет, Происхождение, Происхождение Виды

Классификация GHS, Заявления об опасности, Сертификаты, Индекс возобновляемого углерода (RCI)

Свойства Дегидола ЛТ 5
Dehydol LT 5 представляет собой мутную жидкость при комнатной температуре, склонную к образованию осадка.
Dehydol LT 5 становится прозрачной жидкостью при 40°C.
Физическая форма (23 °C): жидкость
Степень этоксилирования мол. прибл.: 5
Концентрация % прибл.: 100
Метод D °C ок.: 73
Метод E °C прибл.: 70
Молярная масса (от числа ОН) г/моль прибл.: 420
Значение pHприбл.: 7
Плотность г/см3 ок. : 0,96
Температура каплепадения °C прибл.: 13
Температура застывания °C прибл.: 12

Вязкость Dehydol LT 5
мПа·с прибл.: 90
Гидроксильное число (DIN 53240) мг КОН/г прибл.: 134
Значение ГЛБ ок. : 10,5
Температура вспышки (ISO 2592) °C ок. : 190

Поверхностное натяжение Dehydol LT 5
(EN 14370, 1 г/л в дистиллированной воде, 23 °C) мН/м прибл. : 28
Метод А: 1 г ПАВ + 100 г дист. Вода
Метод Б: 1 г ПАВ + 100 г раствора NaCl (c = 50 г/л)
Метод C: 1 г ПАВ + 100 г раствора NaCl (c = 100 г/л)
Метод D: 5 г поверхностно-активного вещества + 45 г раствора бутилдигликоля (c = 250 г/л)
Метод E: 5 г поверхностно-активного вещества + 25 г раствора бутилдигликоля (c = 250 г/л)
Уровень pH типов Dehydol® LT может снижаться во время хранения, но это не влияет на их характеристики.
Применение поправки Харкинса-Джордана.

Растворимость Dehydol LT 5 (10% при 23 °C)

Дистиллированная вода -
Питьевая вода (2,7 ммоль ионов Ca2+/л) –
Едкий натр (5%) –
Соляная кислота (5%) –
Солевой раствор (5%) –
Растворитель-нафта +
Этанол, изопропанол +
Ароматические углеводороды +
+ = прозрачный раствор
± = умеренно растворим (нерастворимый осадок)
– = нерастворим (разделение фаз)

Вязкость Соотношение между вязкостью и температурой всегда является важным моментом, который следует учитывать при хранении или транспортировке Dehydol® LT 5. Это показано в следующей таблице:
Вязкость при °C Dehydol LT 5:
0 сплошной
10 >105
20 170
23 90
30 50
40 25
50 <20
60 <20
Мы рекомендуем приготовление 10-25% исходных растворов Dehydol LT 5 5, если он будет использоваться в виде очень разбавленных растворов или если его нужно добавить к другим растворам.
Это значительно облегчает его последующее разбавление.
Dehydol LT 5 может образовывать довольно плотные гели при определенных концентрациях при добавлении воды.
Вязкость Dehydol LT 5 при 23 °C в зависимости от концентрации в воде (все значения в мПа·с)

Хранение Dehydol LT 5
а) Dehydol LT 5 следует хранить в сухом помещении.
Складские помещения не должны перегреваться (см. температуру вспышки).
б) Dehydol LT 5 гигроскопичен из-за его хорошей растворимости в воде, в результате чего он может очень быстро впитывать влагу.
Барабаны необходимо запечатывать каждый раз, когда они
c) Температура хранения не должна опускаться ниже 20 °C.
Также необходимо учитывать температуру застывания Dehydol® LT 5.
г) Dehydol LT 5 представляет собой мутную жидкость с тенденцией к образованию осадка, становится прозрачной жидкостью при 40 °C.
д) Жидкость, затвердевшую или имеющую признаки седиментации, перед обработкой следует нагреть до 50–70 °С и гомогенизировать.
Пожалуйста, смешайте достаточно перед использованием.
f) Бочки, которые затвердели или начали выпадать в осадок, должны быть восстановлены путем осторожного нагревания, предпочтительно в термошкафу.
Температура не должна превышать 70 °C.
Пожалуйста, смешайте достаточно перед использованием.
Это также применимо, если бочки нагреваются внешними электрическими элементами.
Внутренние электрические элементы не должны использоваться из-за локализованных аномалий температуры, которые они вызывают.
ж) Dehydol LT 5 должен быть покрыт азотом, если он хранится в отапливаемых емкостях (при 50 – 60 °C), чтобы предотвратить его контакт с воздухом.
Постоянное осторожное перемешивание помогает предотвратить обесцвечивание в результате длительного контакта с электрическими элементами или внешними нагревательными спиралями.
Материалы Для резервуаров и бочек можно использовать следующие материалы:
а) нержавеющая сталь AISI 321
б) нержавеющая сталь AISI 316 Ti
Срок годности При условии правильного хранения и герметично закрытых бочках срок годности Dehydol LT 5 в оригинальной упаковке составляет не менее двух лет.
Безопасность Нам не известно о каких-либо побочных эффектах, которые могли бы возникнуть в результате использования Dehydol LT 5 по назначению и в результате его обработки в соответствии с действующими методами.

Дегидол ЛТ 5

Классификация Dehydol LT 5:
Промышленное и институциональное, Личная гигиена

Описание Дегидола ЛТ 5:
Жирный спирт C12-C18 + 5 Eo

КЛАСС: Промышленные химикаты, химия под торговой маркой — I&I Solutions

Промышленность, Личная гигиена

Номер КАС: 68213-23-0
КАС: 68213-23-0
Молекулярная формула: C12H25O(CH2CH2O)9H
Синонимы Dehydol LT 5
терик ла4н
агримульнре 1205
c12-18 этоксилированный
жирные спирты, c12-18, этоксилированные
алк. жирный c12-18 этоксилированный
альфонический 1218-70
альфоник 1218-70л
белит м3
c12-18 алк., этоксилированные
c12-18 этоксилированные алк.
c12-18 жирные спирты, этоксилированные
цемульсол дб 311
дегидол 100
дегидол лст
дегидол лст 80/20
дегидол л 2
дегидол л 4
дегидол л 5
дегидол лт 7
дегидол л 8
дегидропта 40
диспонил та 430
этоксилированные спирты, c12-18
этоксилированные спирты, c12-18
жирные спирты, c12-18, этоксилированные
форил 100
лутенсол а 4н
пс 10
пс 10 (ПАВ)
словасол сф 3
та 430
спирты, c12-18, этоксилированные

НОМЕР КАС: 68213-23-0
Молекулярная формула: RO(CH2CH2O)xH

DEHYDOL LT 6 — это жирный спирт, который является очень хорошим сырьем для производства жидкой шерсти и моющих средств для легких условий эксплуатации.
Типы Dehydol LT представляют собой неионогенные поверхностно-активные вещества.
Они представляют собой простые эфиры алкилполиэтиленгликоля, полученные из спирта C12-C18 и этиленоксида.

Dehydol LT 6 представляет собой мутную жидкость при комнатной температуре, склонную к образованию осадка.
Dehydol LT 6 становится прозрачной жидкостью при 40 °C.

Физическая форма (23 °C): Жидкость
Степень этоксилирования: ок. 6
Концентрация %: прибл. 100
Точки помутнения (EN 1890)*
Метод А °C: прибл. 35
Метод B °C: прибл. 26
Метод D °C: прибл. 76
Метод E °C: прибл. 75
Средняя Молярная масса (от числа ОН) г/моль: прибл. 460
Значение pH (EN 1262, раствор A)**: ок. 7
Плотность (DIN 51757, 23 °C) г/см3: прибл. 0,97
Температура каплепадения (DIN 51801) °C: прибл. 25
Температура застывания (ISO 2207) °C: прибл. 10
Вязкость (EN 12092, 23 °C, Brookfield, 60 об/мин) мПа•с: прибл. 180
Гидроксильное число (DIN 53240) мг КОН/г : прибл. 121
Значение ГЛБ: прибл. 11,5
Температура вспышки (ISO 2592) °C: ок. 195
Смачивание (EN 1772, дистиллированная вода, 23 °C, 2 г кальцинированной соды/л)
0,5 г/л: прибл. 75
1,0 г/л: прибл. 45
2,0 г/л: прибл. 20
Объем пены
(EN 12728, 40 °C, 2 г/л воды при жесткости 1,8 ммоль ионов Ca/л, через 30 с) см3 : прибл. 180
Поверхностное натяжение (EN 14370, 1 г/л в дистиллированной воде, 23 °C)*** мН/м : ок. 28
* Точка помутнения EN 1890:
Метод А: 1 г ПАВ + 100 г дист. Вода
Метод Б: 1 г ПАВ + 100 г раствора NaCl (c = 50 г/л)
Метод C: 1 г ПАВ + 100 г раствора NaCl (c = 100 г/л)
Метод D: 5 г поверхностно-активного вещества + 45 г раствора бутилдигликоля (c = 250 г/л)
Метод E: 5 г поверхностно-активного вещества + 25 г раствора бутилдигликоля (c = 250 г/л)
** Уровень pH типов Dehydol LT может снижаться во время хранения, но это не влияет на их характеристики.
*** С применением поправки Харкинса-Джордана.
Приведенная выше информация верна на момент публикации.
Это не обязательно является частью спецификации продукта.
Подробную спецификацию продукта можно получить у местного представителя BASF.

Растворимость Данные о растворимости Dehydol® LT 6 в различных растворителях приведены в таблице.
Растворимость Dehydol LT 6 (10% при 23 °C):
Дистиллированная вода: +
Питьевая вода (2,7 ммоль ионов Ca2+/л):+
Каустическая сода (5%) . –
Соляная кислота (5%): +
Солевой раствор (5%): +
Растворитель-нафта: ±
Этанол, изопропанол: +
Ароматические углеводороды: +
(+ = прозрачный раствор ± = мало растворим (нерастворимый осадок) – = нерастворим (разделение фаз) = образует непрозрачную растворимую гомогенную эмульсию)

Соотношение между вязкостью и температурой всегда является важным моментом, который следует учитывать при хранении или транспортировке Dehydol LT 6.
Это показано в следующей таблице (мПа•с, Brookfield LVT):
Вязкость при °C DEHYDOL LT 6
при 0°C: твердый
при 10°C: >105
при 20°С: 250
при 23°С: 180
при 30°С: 80
при 40°С: 30
при 50°C: <20
при 60°C: <20
Рекомендуется приготовление 10-25% исходных растворов Dehydol LT 6, если он будет использоваться в виде очень разбавленных растворов или если он будет добавлен к другим растворам.
Это значительно упрощает разбавление Dehydol LT 6 в дальнейшем.
Dehydol LT 6 может образовывать довольно плотные гели при определенных концентрациях при добавлении воды.
Приведенные ниже цифры были измерены с использованием вискозиметра Брукфилда при 23 °C и 60 об/мин.
Вязкость Dehydol LT 6 при 23 °C в зависимости от концентрации в воде (все значения в мПа•с)

Содержание воды в % Dehydol LT 6:
в 0 % :180
в 10%: 120
в 20%: >105
в 30%: >105
в 40 %: 40000
в 50%: >105
в 60%: 5000
в 70% : 2200
в 80%: 1500
в 90%: 200
Сообщаемые числа следует рассматривать как максимальные значения; значения, измеренные сразу после смешивания, будут ниже указанных значений.

Место хранения:
а) Dehydol LT 6 следует хранить в сухом помещении.
Складские помещения не должны перегреваться (см. температуру вспышки).
б) Dehydol LT 6 гигроскопичен из-за его хорошей растворимости в воде, в результате чего он может очень быстро впитывать влагу.
Барабаны необходимо запечатывать каждый ��аз, когда они открываются.
c) Температура хранения не должна опускаться ниже 20 °C.
Также необходимо учитывать температуру застывания Dehydol LT 6.
г) Dehydol LT 6 представляет собой мутную жидкость с тенденцией к образованию осадка, становится прозрачной жидкостью при 40 °C.
e) Жидкость, затвердевшую или имеющую признаки осаждения, перед обработкой следует нагреть до 50–70 °C и гомогенизировать.
Пожалуйста, смешайте достаточно перед использованием.
f) Бочки, которые затвердели или начали выпадать в осадок, должны быть восстановлены путем осторожного нагревания, предпочтительно в термошкафу.
Температура не должна превышать 70 °C.
Пожалуйста, перемешайте достаточно перед использованием.
Это также применимо, если бочки нагреваются внешними электрическими элементами. Внутренние электрические элементы не должны использоваться из-за локализованных аномалий температуры, которые они вызывают.
g) Dehydol LT 6 должен быть покрыт азотом, если он хранится в отапливаемых емкостях (при 50 – 60 °C), чтобы предотвратить его контакт с воздухом.
Постоянное осторожное перемешивание помогает предотвратить обесцвечивание в результате длительного контакта с электрическими элементами или внешними нагревательными спиралями.
Материалы Для резервуаров и бочек можно использовать следующие материалы:
а) нержавеющая сталь AISI 321 (X6CrNiTi1810)
б) нержавеющая сталь AISI 316 Ti (X6CrNiMoTi17122)
Срок годности: при условии правильного хранения и плотно закрытых бочках.
Dehydol LT 6 имеет срок годности не менее 24 месяцев в оригинальной упаковке.

НОМЕР КАС: 68213-23-0
Молекулярная формула: RO(CH2CH2O)xH

Если симптомы развиваются, переместите пострадавшего от воздействия на свежий воздух.
Аккуратно промойте глаза водой, удерживая веки открытыми.
Если симптомы сохраняются или есть проблемы со зрением, обратитесь за медицинской помощью.

Кожа :
Первая помощь обычно не требуется.
Тем не менее, рекомендуется очищать открытые участки, промывая их водой с мылом.

Обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если человек сонный или без сознания, ничего не давайте внутрь; поместить человека на левый бок головой вниз.
Обратитесь к врачу, в медицинское учреждение или в токсикологический центр, чтобы узнать, следует ли вызывать рвоту.
По возможности не оставляйте человека без присмотра.

Если симптомы развиваются, переместите пострадавшего от воздействия на свежий воздух.
Если симптомы сохраняются, обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если дыхание затруднено, введите кислород.
Держите человека в тепле и покое; немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.
Лица, не одетые в средства индивидуальной защиты, должны быть удалены из зоны разлива до завершения очистки.
Защита окружающей среды:
Предотвратить распространение на большую площадь (например, с помощью локализации или масляных барьеров).
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.
Не смывать в поверхностные воды или в канализационную систему.
Методы очистки:
Хранить в подходящих закрытых контейнерах для утилизации.
Впитать инертным абсорбирующим материалом (например, песком, силикагелем, кислотным вяжущим, универсальным вяжущим, опилками). Другая информация:
Соблюдайте все применимые федеральные, государственные и местные правила.

Подходящие средства пожаротушения
Сухие химические вещества, Двуокись углерода (CO2), Распыление воды

Меры предосторожности при пожаротушении:
Наденьте полный комплект противопожарного снаряжения (полный комплект бункерного снаряжения) и средства защиты органов дыхания (дыхательный аппарат).
ЗАПРЕЩАЕТСЯ направлять сплошную струю воды или пены в горячую, горящую лужу жидкости, так как это может вызвать вспенивание и увеличить интенсивность пожара.
Вспенивание может быть сильным и, возможно, поставить под угрозу любого пожарного, стоящего слишком близко к горящей жидкости.
Используйте распыленную воду для охлаждения подверженных огню контейнеров и конструкций до тех пор, пока огонь не потухнет, если это можно сделать с минимальным риском.
Избегайте распространения горящего материала водой, используемой для охлаждения.
Классификация легковоспламеняющихся и горючих жидкостей NFPA
Горючая жидкость класса IIIB

Личные меры предосторожности:
Лица, не одетые в средства индивидуальной защиты, должны быть удалены из зоны разлива до завершения очистки.

Меры предосторожности в отношении окружающей среды:
Предотвратить распространение на большую площадь (например, с помощью локализации или масляных барьеров).
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.
Не смывать в поверхностные воды или в канализационную систему.

Методы очистки:
Хранить в подходящих закрытых контейнерах для утилизации.
Впитать инертным абсорбирующим материалом (например, песком, силикагелем, кислотным вяжущим, универсальным вяжущим, опилками).

Другая информация:
Соблюдайте все применимые федеральные, государственные и местные правила.

Умение обращаться:
Контейнеры с этим материалом могут быть опасны при опорожнении.
Поскольку в пустых емкостях остаются остатки продукта (пары, жидкости и/или твердые вещества), необходимо соблюдать все меры предосторожности, указанные в паспорте.

Место хранения:
Хранить в прохладном, сухом, вентилируемом месте.

Рекомендации по экспозиции:
Не содержит веществ с ПДК на рабочем месте.

Общий совет:
Эти рекомендации содержат общее руководство по обращению с этим продуктом.
Средства индивидуальной защиты должны выбираться для каждого конкретного применения и должны учитывать факторы, влияющие на возможность воздействия, такие как методы обращения, концентрации химических веществ и вентиляция.
В конечном счете ответственность за соблюдение нормативных требований, установленных местными властями, лежит на работодателе.

Средства контроля воздействия:
Обеспечьте достаточную механическую (общую и/или местную вытяжку) вентиляцию, чтобы поддерживать воздействие ниже рекомендуемых значений (если применимо) или ниже уровней, вызывающих известные, предполагаемые или очевидные неблагоприятные последствия.

Защита глаз:
Не требуется при нормальных условиях эксплуатации.
Наденьте защитные очки с защитой от брызг, если материал может запотеть или попасть в глаза.

Защита кожи и тела:
Носите защитные перчатки (проконсультируйтесь с вашим поставщиком защитного снаряжения).
Носите обычную рабочую одежду, включая длинные брюки, рубашки с длинными рукавами и покрытие для ног, чтобы предотвратить прямой контакт продукта с кожей.
Стирайте одежду перед повторным использованием.
Если раздражение кожи развивается, обратитесь к специалисту по охране труда и технике безопасности на предприятии или к местному поставщику оборудования для обеспечения безопасности, чтобы определить, какие средства индивидуальной защиты подходят для вашего использования.

Защита органов дыхания:
Одобренный NIOSH респиратор для очистки воздуха с соответствующим картриджем и/или фильтром может быть разрешен при определенных обстоятельствах, когда ожидается, что концентрации в воздухе превысят пределы воздействия (если применимо) или если превышение воздействия было определено иным образом.
Защита, обеспечиваемая воздухоочистительными респираторами, ограничена.
Используйте респиратор с принудительной подачей воздуха, если существует вероятность неконтролируемого высвобождения, уровни воздействия неизвестны или при любых других обстоятельствах, когда респиратор для очистки воздуха не может обеспечить адекватную защиту.

Методы утилизации отходов
Утилизируйте в соответствии со всеми применимыми местными, государственными и федеральными нормами.

Dehydrated Castor Oil Dehydrated Castor oil fatty acid commonly known as DCOFA is a high diene fatty acid based on Castor oil. Three types are offered depending on the conjugation (low, medium and high). DCOFA is liquid at room temperature, having a water-white to pale yellow colour. Dehydrated castor oil finds use in medicine, traditional folk medicines, and as an industrial lubricant with outstanding low-temperature viscosity and high-temperature lubrication properties. Dehydrated castor oil is obtained from the seeds of Ricinus communis, which is grown in India, Brazil, South America, Russia, USA, China and Mexico. Dehydrated castor oil, also known as ricinum oil, is one of the few almost pure sources of natural glyceride. Raw Dehydrated castor oil is a non-drying oil, which is used as a plasticiser for lacquers, leather-dressing dopes or similar formulations. Dehydrated castor oil is also compatible with a large number of natural and synthetic resins, polymers and waxes. The dehydration of raw Dehydrated castor oil changes it from a nondrying oil to a drying oil and Dehydrated castor oil (DCO) has intermediate properties between linseed and tung oil regarding its drying time, rate of polymerisation, and water and alkali resistance. Dried DCO film is more flexible and elastic than tung oil films, does not become brittle with ageing and does not dry as hard and yellow as linseed or perilla oil films. Properly formulated and cooked Dehydrated castor oil vehicle films do not wrinkle on exposure to gas fumes. These properties are responsible for the popularity of Dehydrated castor oil in the production of industrial resins and varnishes. Dehydrated castor oil-based polyester is also used as a binder for industrial paints. Dehydrated castor oil is not commonly used in alkyd resin formulations and there are few reports on the alcoholysis of Dehydrated castor oil triglycerides. For the preparation of Dehydrated castor oil-based monomers, Dehydrated castor oil was first alcoholized with glycerol, pentaerythritol, and an aromatic diol; BPA propoxylate and the alcoholysis products were then malinated, as shown in Figure 4.9 (Can [66]). Bisphenol A propoxylate was used specifically to introduce the rigid aromatic rings onto the triglyceride structure. The maleate esters of Dehydrated castor oil alcoholysis products have never been synthesized before; thus the Dehydrated castor oil-based monomers presented here are totally new resins. The alcoholysis reactions of Dehydrated castor oil were carried out for 2 h at 230–240°C in the presence of Ca(OH)2 as catalyst, similar to the soybean oil alcoholysis reactions. The malination reactions were carried out for 5 h at 98°C to ensure the completeness of the malination of the secondary hydroxyls of Dehydrated castor oil. N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine, which is reported to be an effective catalyst for the malination of hydroxylated oils, was used as a catalyst. Dehydrated castor oil was also directly malinated to see the effect of the alcoholysis step on the mechanical properties of the resulting polymers. The molar ratio of Dehydrated castor oil to maleic anhydride was 1:3 for malination of Dehydrated castor oil; therefore, the reaction was carried out in an excess of maleic anhydride assuming that 1 mol Dehydrated castor oil contains 2.7 mol of hydroxyls. The reactants used in this reaction as well as their mole numbers and masses are given in Table 4.4. The COPERMA product was a light brown solid. Dehydrated castor oil is modified chemically by graft copolymerisation with methyl and butyl methacrylates. The exterior durability, weather resistance, drying and mechanical properties of these resins are considerably enhanced. Unsaturation in the fatty acid groups of polyesters allows interpolymerisation with a variety of reactive vinyl monomers such as styrene, α-methyl styrene, vinyl-toluene, methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate, ethyl acrylate and acrylonitrile. The modification of polyester resins based on cotton seed oil, linseed oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil with vinyl toluene to improve clarity is also described in the literature. The post styrenation (up to 50%) of linseed oil-based polyester resins improved drying time, scratch hardness and resistance to solvents and chemicals. Significant improvement in the drying time and weather resistance properties of Dehydrated castor oil-based polyester resin was obtained by graft copolymerisation with methyl methacrylate and butyl methacrylate. The copolymers of soybean oil and Dehydrated castor oil-based monomers, prepared by maleination of the alcoholysis products of the oils with various polyols, such as pentaerythritol, glycerol and bisphenol-A propoxylate with styrene, exhibited a wide range of properties depending on their chemical structures.19 Flexural moduli of 0.8–2.5 GPa, flexural strength of 32–112 MPa, glass transition temperatures (Tg) of 72–152 °C and surface hardness of 77–90 Shore D of the copolymers were displayed. These results show that the polymers obtained from Dehydrated castor oil exhibited significantly improved modulus, strength and Tg over those of soybean oil-based copolymers. These polymers showed comparable properties to those of the high performance unsaturated polyester resins based on petroleum products. The modification of Albizia benth medium oil polyester by acrylation shows superior drying, flexibility, scratch and impact resistance and chemical resistance properties compared to unmodified polyester.20 The use of N,N-dihydroxyethyl acrylic acid amide as a partial replacement for glycerol in the preparation of medium oil polyester resin reduced the need for anti-corrosive pigments in primer formulation.21 Water reducible acrylic–polyester resin prepared by the esterification of monoglyceride based on palm oil and carboxy functional acrylic copolymer showed excellent water and acid resistance and good alkali resistance.22 Maleated Dehydrated castor oil-based foam with styrene was obtained by a free radical polymerisation process using NaHCO3 as the blowing agent, co-napthanate as the promoter and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as the free radical initiator. The product also exhibits acceptable biodegradability.23 Alkyd/acrylic hybrid latexes produced by mini-emulsion polymerisation are characterised in terms of the resin and acrylic degree of grafting, the reacted double bonds in the alkyd, the gel content and the molecular weight distribution of the sol part by size exclusion chromatography and the iodometric titration method. Vegetable oils, such as Dehydrated castor oil, can be used to make bio-based thermo-set PU resins, and these have also been used in natural fibre composites. The Dehydrated castor oil triglyceride is characterized by the presence of ricinoleic fatty acid which, in addition to containing double bonds, contains hydroxyl groups on its backbone (Dwan’Isa et al., 2005) (Fig. 9.5). The hydroxyl groups can be reacted with isocyanates to form Dehydrated castor oil-based polyurethane (COPU). The tensile strength of a COPU matrix resin has been reported to be 2.5 MPa, which is very low compared with that of synthetic thermoset resins, but the elongation to break was 31%, which is extremely high (Milanese et al., 2011). Dehydrated castor oil, also known as castor wax, is a hardened vegetable wax produced from pure Dehydrated castor oil through the chemical process of hydrogenation. When hydrogen is introduced to pure Dehydrated castor oil in the presence of a nickel catalyst, the resulting product becomes waxy, highly viscous, and more saturated.Dehydrated castor oil is an ingredient prevalently found in many cosmetics, varnishes, and polishes. You most likely use it on a daily basis. Unlike pure Dehydrated castor oil, which is said to have a slightly offensive smell, it is completely odorless. Dehydrated castor oil is also insoluble in water.But why hydrogenate Dehydrated castor oil when the pure oil works so well for so many different applications? What is the purpose of hydrogenating Dehydrated castor oil, exactly? ydrogenated Dehydrated castor oil, also known as castor wax, is derived from castor beans (Ricinus communis), which is typically a liquid at room temperature, that has been processed by adding hydrogen to make it more stable and raises its melting point so that it is a solid at room temperature. It is odorless and insoluble in water. Historically, ancient Egyptians used Dehydrated castor oil as fuel for their lamps. Dehydrated castor oil has also been used as a lubricant in machine and aircraft engines, and is added to certain paints, dyes and varnishes as well. Ingestion of pure Dehydrated castor oil works as a laxative to treat constipation. Dehydrated castor oil is a hard brittle, high melting point waxy substance with faint characteristic of fatty wax odor and is tasteless. It is compatible with beeswax, carnauba and candelilla wax. It is relatively insoluble in most organic solvents though it will dissolve in a number of solvents and oils at an elevated temperature but on cooling will form gels or a paste like mass. It forms a smooth, stable anionic emulsion with emulsifiers and triethanolamine stearate. It can also be emulsified with a cationic emulsifying agent, making emulsions that are also stable. It is mainly used in plastics, textiles, lubricants etc.As a pharmaceutical grade inactive ingredient, Dehydrated castor oil is used to emulsify and solubilize oils and other water-insoluble substances. A brand name product that contains Dehydrated castor oil is Cremophor and it contains a range of non-ionic polyethoxylated detergents. It was originally developed for use as solubilizers and emulsifiers. This research grade product is intended for use in R&D and development only. Dehydrated castor oil (castor wax) is also used an extended release agent; stiffening agent; tablet and capsule lubricant. Dehydrated castor oil has been used as a stimulant laxative to relieve occasional constipation, but it is rarely used today due to gentler and safer alternatives. The purpose of the hydrogenation process is to improve Dehydrated castor oil's melting point, texture, odor, and shelf-life.Once hydrogenated, the resulting Dehydrated castor oil product is comprised of hard, brittle flakes. Dehydrated castor oil is considered an organic ingredient, as well as a vegan one, as it is vegetable-derived.One application of Dehydrated castor oil is to improve certain cosmetic products. You can add the flakes to cosmetic formulations until thoroughly melted. In this capacity, Dehydrated castor oil acts as an emollient and a thickener; increasing the viscosity of creams, ointments, and lotions when their composition is too runny. Dehydrated castor oil also stabilizes cosmetics that come in stick-form (like lipstick) and increases these products' melting points, making for a more stable product. In part thanks to Dehydrated castor oil, it's not the end of the world if we leave a tube of red lipstick in a hot car! Dehydrated castor oil means our lipsticks maintain a solid structure even when they're pushed to the limit, and our deodorant doesn't crumble as we apply it.Dehydrated castor oil is a hard, waxy substance with a unique structure. It works with the other oils and waxes in the antiperspirant base to give the stick a firm but spreadable consistency. In the baby diaper cream and lotion it provides a protective barrier of the lotion/cream on the skin. In all cases, because Dehydrated castor oil is insoluble in water, it is not readily washed away. Dehydrated castor oil is especially present in these types of products when something requires resistance to moisture and oils, such as in polishes, varnishes, and paints. Dehydrated castor oil, also known as castor wax, is derived from castor beans (Ricinus communis), which is typically a liquid at room temperature, that has been processed by adding hydrogen to make it more stable and raises its melting point so that it is a solid at room temperature. It is odorless and insoluble in water. Dehydrated castor oil is a hard, waxy substance with a unique structure. It works with the other oils and waxes in the antiperspirant base to give the stick a firm but spreadable consistency. In all cases, because Dehydrated castor oil is insoluble in water, it is not readily washed away. Dehydrated castor oil has a long history of safe use in personal care products. PEG 40 Dehydrated castor oil is the Polyethylene Glycol derivatives of Dehydrated castor oil, and it functions as a surfactant, a solubilizer, an emulsifier, an emollient, a cleansing agent, and a fragrance ingredient when added to cosmetics or personal care product formulations. Dehydrated castor oil is soluble in both water and oil and is traditionally used to emulsify and solubilize oil-in-water formulations. Its foam-enhancing properties make it ideal for use in liquid cleansers, and its soothing and softening emollient quality makes it a popular addition to formulations for moisturizers and hair care cosmetics. As a surfactant, PEG 40 Dehydrated castor oil helps to decrease the surface tension between multiple liquids or between liquids and solids. Furthermore, it helps to remove the grease from oils and causes them to become suspended in the liquid. This makes it easier for them to be washed away and lends this ingredient popularity in facial and body cleansers. As an occlusive agent, PEG 40 Dehydrated castor oil creates a protective hydrating layer on the skin's surface, acting as a barrier against the loss of natural moisture. Dehydrated castor oil to cosmetics formulations, it can be blended in its cold state directly into the oil phase at a suggested ratio of 3:1 (PEG 40 Dehydrated castor oil to oil). Next, this can be added to the water phase. If the formula is cloudy, the amount of PEG 40 Dehydrated castor oil may be increased for enhanced transparency. Dehydrated castor oil Raw Material without the medical advice of a physician. This product should always be stored in an area that is inaccessible to children, especially those under the age of 7. Dehydrated castor oil Raw Material in 1 tsp of a preferred Carrier Oil and applying a dime-size amount of this blend to a small area of skin that is not sensitive. PEG 40 Dehydrated castor oil must never be used near the inner nose and ears or on any other particularly sensitive areas of skin. Potential side effects of PEG 40 Dehydrated castor oil include the itching, PEG-30 Dehydrated castor oil, PEG-33 Dehydrated castor oil, PEG-35 Dehydrated castor oil, PEG-36 Dehydrated castor oil and PEG-40 Dehydrated castor oil are polyethylene glycol derivatives of Dehydrated castor oil. PEG-30 Dehydrated castor oil and PEG-40 Dehydrated castor oil are polyethylene glycol derivatives of Dehydrated castor oil. PEG-36 Dehydrated castor oil is a light yellow and slightly viscous liquid with a mild fatty odor. PEG-40 Dehydrated castor oil is an amber-colored liquid. PEG Dehydrated castor oils and PEG Dehydrated castor oils are used in the formulation of a wide variety of cosmetics and personal care products. Dehydrated castor oil is the polyethylene glycol derivatives of Dehydrated castor oil, and is an amber colored, slightly viscous liquid that has a naturally mildly fatty odor. It is used in cosmetics and beauty products as an emulsifier, surfactant, and fragrance ingredient, according to research. Accordingly, Dehydrated castor oil is principally 12-hydroxystearic triglyceride. Dehydrated castor oil (HCO) or castor wax is used in capacitors, coatings and greases, cosmetics, electrical carbon paper, lubrication, polishes, and where resistance to moisture, oils and other petrochemical products is required. Castor wax is also useful as a top coat varnish for leather, wood & rubber. 12-Hydroxy Stearic Acid (12-HSA) is obtained by the hydrolysis of Dehydrated castor oil, 12-Hydroxy Stearic Acid is a high melting, brittle, waxy solid at ambient temperatures and should be stored away from heat to avoid deterioration. A non-toxic, non-hazardous material, it has limited solubility in many organic solvents and is insoluble in water. It is used in lithium and calcium greases, and in the manufacture of acrylic polymers, as an internal lubricant for plastic mouldings, coatings for automotive, equipment, appliances and architectural applications. We are proud to boast industry leading products suitable for a wide array of application and product requirements. We believe industry leading customer service, delivery and innovation allow us to meet our ever increasing client demands. Dehydrated castor oil is a wax-like hydrogenated derivative of Dehydrated castor oil. Dehydrated castor oil has many industrial applications. Castor wax, also called Dehydrated castor oil, is an opaque, white vegetable wax. It is produced by the hydrogenation of pure Dehydrated castor oil often in the presence of a nickel catalyst to increase the rate of reaction. The hydrogenation of Dehydrated castor oil forms saturated molecules of castor wax; this saturation is responsible for the hard, brittle and insoluble nature of the wax. HCO (chemical name: Dehydrated castor oil), also known as castor wax, is a very common oleochemical product that has many industrial and manufacturing applications. What is Dehydrated castor oil? HCO is a hard, wax-like substance extracted from Dehydrated castor oil beans. There is also a petroleum-based formula of Hydrogenated Caster Oil known as PEG-40. The Dehydrated castor oil chemical formula of this material is C57H110O9(CH2CH2O)n. Hydrogenation refers to a chemical process where an unsaturated compound is combined with hydrogen to produce saturation. In the case of HCO, this increases the oil’s stability and raises its melting point, transforming it into a solid at room temperature.Dehydrated castor oil is insoluble in water and most types of organic solvents. This makes HCO extremely valuable in the manufacturing of lubricants and industrial greases. However, HCO is soluble in hot solvents. It also has the ability to resist water while retaining its polarity, lubricity and surface wetting capabilities. Dehydrated castor oil is also an extremely safe, non-toxic material that is suitable for use in personal care products and soaps. To learn more about HCO safety, please review the Dehydrated castor oil SDS (Safety Data Sheet).Acme-Hardesty is a reliable source for Dehydrated castor oil. We offer a complete selection of Dehydrated castor oil and Derivatives such as Ricinoleic Acid, 12HSA, #1 Dehydrated castor oil, HCO and several others. We are known for being one of the largest and oldest Dehydrated castor oil importers and distributors found anywhere in the United States. As one of the leading Dehydrated castor oil suppliers, we can accommodate your company’s Dehydrated castor oil needs, whether you require a bulk shipment, a pallet or a full truckload. USES & APPLICATIONS HCO is an extremely versatile oleochemical that has a number of industrial and manufacturing applications:CASE: Because of its excellent resistance to moisture, Dehydrated castor oil works extremely well as a viscosity modifier, and it also provides significant improvement in grease and oil resistance.Plastics: Dehydrated castor oil performs the role of a lubricant and release agent for PVC and improves processing, dispersion and grease resistance of sheeted polyethylene. It is also useful in the preparation of various polyurethane coating formulas.Personal Care: There are multiple Dehydrated castor oil uses in the manufacturing of personal care products, particularly as an emollient and thickening agent in ointments and deodorants, as well as hair care products and certain cosmetics.Waxes: Hydrogenated Caster Oil works as a binding agent in synthetic and petroleum waxes, as it makes the wax harder and more resistant to crumbling.Soaps and Detergents: Dehydrated castor oil is sometimes used as an emulsifying agent in liquid soaps and detergents to enhance the stability of the liquid formula.Textiles: HCO makes an effective processing agent in various textile manufacturing applications. What does it do? Dehydrated castor oil is a hard, waxy substance with a unique structure. It works with the other oils and waxes in the antiperspirant base to give the stick a firm but spreadable consistency. In all cases, because Dehydrated castor oil is insoluble in water, it is not readily washed away. In monolithic tablets, the core is either prepared by direct compression or by wet granulation followed by coating the core with water impermeable materials on all the faces except the face which is in contact with the mucosa. Water-impermeable materials include Teflon, ethyl cellulose, cellophane, Dehydrated castor oil, and so on. Such a system begins unidirectional drug flow toward the mucosa and avoids drug loss [163]. The results of Kurihara et al. (1996) indicate that Dehydrated castor oil (HCO)-60 emulsions, when compared with conventional lecithin-stabilized emulsions, are more stable to LPL and show low uptake by RES organs, long circulations in the plasma and high distribution in tumors. Lin et al. (1992) confirmed that Dehydrated castor oil-60 is a good emulsifier for the preparation of NE with better stability and prolonged and selective delivery properties. Thus, these sterically stabilized NEs could show potential as effective carriers for highly lipophilic antitumor agents to enhance the drug delivery in tumors. This was confirmed by Sakaeda et al. (1994) who found that the rate of selective delivery of Sudan II to liver, lungs, and spleen could be suppressed by using Dehydrated castor oil-60-based NE. Conversely, the use of saturated MCT in NE was the most effective way to increase blood concentration of Sudan II, resulting in higher distribution to liver, lungs, spleen, and brain (Sakaeda and Hirano, 1995). Furthermore, an o/w-type NE containing Dehydrated castor oil-60 was shown to be superior in the selective distribution of adriamycin-HCl to the liver and in decreasing concentration in heart and kidney (Yamaguchi et al., 1995). Again, Ueda et al. (2003) reported the effect of using a series of Dehydrated castor oils having different oxyethylene numbers such as Dehydrated castor oil10, Dehydrated castor oil 20, Dehydrated castor oil 30, Dehydrated castor oil 60, and Dehydrated castor oil 100 on the pharmacokinetics of menatetrenone (vitamin K2) incorporated in SO (SO)–based NE in rats. Plasma half-life of menatetrenone after administration as the NE prepared by Dehydrated castor oil with 10 oxyethylene units (SO/Dehydrated castor oil 10) was similar to that after the administration as SO/egg yolk phosphatides (SO/EYP), but was shorter than that as the NEs prepared by Dehydrated castor oils with >20 oxyethylene units (SO/Dehydrated castor oil 20, SO/Dehydrated castor oil 30, SO/Dehydrated castor oil 60, and SO/Dehydrated castor oil 100). These findings clearly demonstrate that 20 oxyethylene units in Dehydrated castor oils are the minimum requirement for the prolongation of the plasma circulation time of the incorporated drug in SO/Dehydrated castor oils NEs. The earlier described studies suggest the involvement of oil or structured lipids in the enhancement of systemic circulation of the NE. Dehydrated castor oil is a multi-purpose vegetable oil that people have used for thousands of years. It’s made by extracting oil from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. These seeds, which are known as castor beans, contain a toxic enzyme called ricin. However, the heating process that Dehydrated castor oil undergoes deactivates it, allowing the oil to be used safely. Dehydrated castor oil has a number of medicinal, industrial and pharmaceutical uses. It’s commonly used as an additive in foods, medications and skin care products, as well as an industrial lubricant and biodiesel fuel component. In ancient Egypt, Dehydrated castor oil was burned as fuel in lamps, used as a natural remedy to treat ailments like eye irritation and even given to pregnant women to stimulate labor. Today, Dehydrated castor oil remains a popular natural treatment for common conditions like constipation and skin ailments and is commonly used in natural beauty products. Here are 7 benefits and uses of Dehydrated castor oil. 1. A Powerful Laxative Perhaps one of the best-known medicinal uses for Dehydrated castor oil is as a natural laxative. It’s classified as a stimulant laxative, meaning that it increases the movement of the muscles that push material through the intestines, helping clear the bowels. Stimulant laxatives act rapidly and are commonly used to relieve temporary constipation. When consumed by mouth, Dehydrated castor oil is broken down in the small intestine, releasing ricinoleic acid, the main fatty acid in Dehydrated castor oil. The ricinoleic acid is then absorbed by the intestine, stimulating a strong laxative effect. In fact, several studies have shown that Dehydrated castor oil can relieve constipation. For example, one study found that when elderly people took Dehydrated castor oil, they experienced decreased symptoms of constipation, including less straining during defecation and lower reported feelings of incomplete bowel movements. While Dehydrated castor oil is considered safe in small doses, larger amounts can cause abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (4Trusted Source). Although it can be used to relieve occasional constipation, Dehydrated castor oil is not recommended as a treatment for long-term issues. Dehydrated castor oil can be used as a natural remedy for occasional constipation. However, it can cause side effects like cramping and diarrhea and should not be used to treat chronic constipation. 2. A Natural Moisturizer Dehydrated castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid. These types of fats act as humectants and can be used to moisturize the skin. Humectants retain moisture by preventing water loss through the outer layer of the skin. Dehydrated castor oil is often used in cosmetics to promote hydration and often added to products like lotions, makeup and cleansers. You can also use this rich oil on its own as a natural alternative to store-bought moisturizers and lotions. Many popular moisturizing products found in stores contain potentially harmful ingredients like preservatives, perfumes and dyes, which could irritate the skin and harm overall health. Swapping out these products for Dehydrated castor oil can help reduce your exposure to these additives. Plus, Dehydrated castor oil is inexpensive and can be used on the face and body. Dehydrated castor oil is thick, so it’s frequently mixed with other skin-friendly oils like almond, olive and coconut oil to make an ultra-hydrating moisturizer. Though applying Dehydrated castor oil to the skin is considered safe for most, it can cause an allergic reaction in some people (6Trusted Source). Dehydrated castor oil can help lock moisture in the skin. Though this natural alternative to store-bought products is considered safe for most, it can cause allergic reactions in some. 3. Promotes Wound Healing Applying Dehydrated castor oil to wounds creates a moist environment that promotes healing and prevents sores from drying out. Venelex, a popular ointment used in clinical settings to treat wounds, contains a mixture of Dehydrated castor oil and Peru balsam, a balm derived from the Myroxylon tree. Dehydrated castor oil stimulates tissue growth so that a barrier can be formed between the wound and the environment, decreasing the risk of infection. It also reduces dryness and cornification, the buildup of dead skin cells that can delay wound healing (8). Studies have found that ointments containing Dehydrated castor oil may be especially helpful in healing pressure ulcers, a type wound that develops from prolonged pressure on the skin. One study looked at the wound-healing effects of an ointment containing Dehydrated castor oil in 861 nursing home residents with pressure ulcers. Those whose wounds were treated with Dehydrated castor oil experienced higher healing rates and shorter healing times than those treated with other methods (9Trusted Source). Dehydrated castor oil helps heal wounds by stimulating the growth of new tissue, reducing dryness and preventing the buildup of dead skin cells. 4. Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects Ricinoleic acid, the main fatty acid found in Dehydrated castor oil, has impressive anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that when Dehydrated castor oil is applied topically, it reduces inflammation and relieves pain. The pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory qualities of Dehydrated castor oil may be particularly helpful to those with an inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis. Animal and test-tube studies have found that ricinoleic acid reduces pain and swelling. One study demonstrated that treatment with a gel containing ricinoleic acid led to a significant reduction in pain and inflammation when applied to the skin, compared to other treatment methods. A test-tube component of the same study showed that ricinoleic acid helped reduce inflammation caused by human rheumatoid arthritis cells more than another treatment. Aside from Dehydrated castor oil’s potential to reduce inflammation, it may help relieve dry, irritated skin in those with psoriasis, thanks to its moisturizing properties. Although these results are promising, more human studies are needed to determine the effects of Dehydrated castor oil on inflammatory conditions. Dehydrated castor oil is high in ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that has been shown to help reduce pain and inflammation in test-tube and animal studies. 5. Reduces Acne Acne is a skin condition that can cause blackheads, pus-filled pimples and large, painful bumps on the face and body. It’s most common in teens and young adults and can negatively impact self-esteem. Dehydrated castor oil has several qualities that may help reduce acne symptoms. Inflammation is thought to be a factor in the development and severity of acne, so applying Dehydrated castor oil to the skin may help reduce inflammation-related symptoms. Acne is also associated with an imbalance of certain types of bacteria normally found on the skin, including Staphylococcus aureus. Dehydrated castor oil has antimicrobial properties that may help fight bacterial overgrowth when applied to the skin. One test-tube study found that Dehydrated castor oil extract showed considerable antibacterial power, inhibiting the growth of several bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus. Dehydrated castor oil is also a natural moisturizer, so it may help soothe the inflamed and irritated skin typical in those with acne. Dehydrated castor oil helps fight inflammation, reduce bacteria and soothe irritated skin, all of which can be helpful for those looking for a natural acne remedy. 6. Fights Fungus Candida albicans is a type of fungus that commonly causes dental issues like plaque overgrowth, gum infections and root canal infections. Dehydrated castor oil has antifungal properties and may help fight off Candida, keeping the mouth healthy. One test-tube study found that Dehydrated castor oil eliminated Candida albicans from contaminated human tooth roots. Dehydrated castor oil may also help treat denture-related stomatitis, a painful condition thought to be caused by Candida overgrowth. This is a common issue in elderly people who wear dentures. A study in 30 elderly people with denture-related stomatitis showed that treatment with Dehydrated castor oil led to improvements in the clinical signs of stomatitis, including inflammation (17Trusted Source). Another study found that brushing with and soaking dentures in a solution containing Dehydrated castor oil led to significant reductions in Candida in elderly people who wore dentures (18Trusted Source). Several studies have shown that Dehydrated castor oil may help fight fungal infections in the mouth caused by Candida albicans. 7. Keeps Your Hair and Scalp Healthy Many people use Dehydrated castor oil as a natural hair conditioner. Dry or damaged hair can especially benefit from an intense moisturizer like Dehydrated castor oil. Applying fats like Dehydrated castor oil to the hair on a regular basis helps lubricate the hair shaft, increasing flexibility and decreasing the chance of breakage. Dehydrated castor oil may benefit those who experience dandruff, a common scalp condition characterized b
Dehypon Ls-54; C12-C14 Alcohols ethoxylated propoxylated; Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated propoxylated; Alcohol-(C12-C14), ethoxylated & propoxylated; Ethoxylated propoxylated alcohols C12-14 CAS NO:68439-51-0
N,N-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)ISOPROPANOLAMINE; Diethanolisopropanolamine; Diethyl Isopropanol Amine;DiethanolisopropanolaMine (DEIPA); 2,2'-(2-Hydroxypropylimino)bisethanol; 2,2'-[(2-Hydroxypropyl)imino]bisethanol; 1-[BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)AMINO]-2-PROPANOL; 2-Propanol, 1-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino-; N,N-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)ISOPROPANOLAMINE; 1-[Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]propane-2-ol;1-[bis-2-hydroxy-ethyl-amino]-propan-2-ol CAS NO:6712-98-7
Dehyquart L 80 T представляет собой желтоватую перекачиваемую жидкость от прозрачной до слегка мутной.
Dehyquart L 80 T – кондиционирующее средство для всех видов средств по уходу за волосами.

Номер CAS: 57-55-6
Название INCI: Метосульфат дикокоилэтилгидроксиэтилмония (и) пропиленгликоль.
классификация: Катионное поверхностно-активное вещество, кондиционер для волос.
Отображаемое название: Метосульфат дикокоилэтилгидроксиэтилмония PG

Dehyquart L 80 T представляет собой дикокоилэтилгидроксиэтилмонийметосульфат (и) пропиленгликоль.
Dehyquart L 80 T — катионный кондиционирующий агент.
Dehyquart L 80 T обеспечивает стойкость и положительно влияет на расчесывание в сухом и влажном состоянии.

В сочетании с придающими консистенцию, эмульгирующими и дополнительными ингредиентами для ухода за волосами Dehyquart L 80 T подходит для приготовления простых кремов и эмульсий для ухода за волосами.
Dehyquart L 80 T используется в средствах по уходу за волосами.

Срок годности Dehyquart L 80 T составляет один год.
Dehyquart L 80 T – кондиционирующее средство для всех видов средств по уходу за волосами.
Dehyquart L 80 T — катионный кондиционирующий агент.

Dehyquart L 80 T обеспечивает стойкость и положительно влияет на расчесывание в сухом и влажном состоянии.
В сочетании с придающими консистенцию, эмульгирующими и дополнительными ингредиентами для ухода за волосами Dehyquart L 80 T подходит для приготовления простых кремов и эмульсий для ухода за волосами.

Dehyquart L 80 T используется в средствах по уходу за волосами.
Срок годности Dehyquart L 80 T составляет один год.
Dehyquart L 80 T представляет собой желтоватую перекачиваемую жидкость от прозрачной до слегка мутной.

Dehyquart L 80 T — это высококонцентрированный продукт, полученный из жирных кислот кокоса, жидкая консистенция которого облегчает обработку.
Dehyquart L 80 T – поверхностно-активное вещество.
Dehyquart L 80 T представляет собой жидкость.

Dehyquart L 80 T представляет собой метосульфат дикокоилэтилгидроксиэтилмония и пропиленгликоль.
Уровни использования Dehyquart L 80 T составляют 1–5 % активности.
Dehyquart L 80 T — это 80% активный материал, в котором для снижения вязкости используется пропиленгликоль.

Dehyquart L 80 T — катионный кондиционирующий агент.
Dehyquart L 80 T обеспечивает стойкость и положительно влияет на расчесывание в сухом и влажном состоянии.
В сочетании с придающими консистенцию, эмульгирующими и дополнительными ингредиентами для ухода за волосами Dehyquart L 80 T подходит для приготовления простых кремов и эмульсий для ухода за волосами.

Dehyquart L 80 T используется в средствах по уходу за волосами.
Dehyquart L 80 T в основном используется в качестве кондиционирующего компонента в средствах для ухода за волосами.
Исторически Dehyquart L 80 T использовался для ухода за волосами, но может использоваться и для ухода за кожей.

Dehyquart L 80 T используется в качестве красителей для волос, кондиционеров для волос, лечения волос, ухода за домашними животными.
Выгодные эксплуатационные характеристики Dehyquart L 80 T позволяют реализовать современные концепции ухода за волосами.
Dehyquart L 80 T демонстрирует хорошую дерматологическую совместимость, характерную для этого класса продуктов.

В Dehyquart L 80 T используется катионное поверхностно-активное вещество.
Катионное ПАВ Dehyquart L 80 T обладает выраженным антистатическим действием и хорошо закрывает чешуйки волос.
Dehyquart L 80 T можно использовать в кремах и лосьонах по уходу за волосами.

Это четвертичное соединение Dehyquart L 80 T в основном используется в качестве кондиционирующего компонента в средствах для ухода за волосами.
Dehyquart L 80 T используется для волос.
Применение Dehyquart L 80 T: антистатик, воск для очистки, обработка шваброй для пыли.

*Кондиционирующий агент

*Кондиционирующие агенты
*расчесывание (мокрое)
*расчесывание (сухое)

Dehyquart L 80 T представляет собой смесь кондиционера и пропиленгликоля.

* Катионный

Dehyquart L 80 T представляет собой катион сложного эфира, который в основном используется в качестве кондиционирующего ингредиента при ополаскивании и средствах для улучшения расчесывания в сухом и влажном состоянии.

Dehyquart L 80 T снижает статическое электричество, нейтрализуя электрический заряд на поверхности.
*Кондиционирование волос:
Dehyquart L 80 T делает волосы легко расчесываемыми, мягкими, мягкими и блестящими и/или придает объем, легкость и блеск.

Физическая форма: Жидкость
Молекулярный вес: ок. 680 г/моль
Название(а) INCI: Дикокоилэтилгидроксиэтилмонийметосульфат (и) пропиленгликоль.
Внешний вид при комнатной температуре: От прозрачной до мутной желтоватой жидкости.
Запах при комнатной температуре: Соответствует стандарту
Катионное поверхностно-активное вещество (MW 680): 74,0–79,0 %.
Содержание воды (Карл-Фишер): макс. 2,0 %
Кислотное число макс.: 12,0 мг КОН/г
Номер цвета: макс. 5.0
Значение pH (5 %): 2,0–3,5.

-Описание мер первой помощи:
*При вдыхании:
При вдыхании выведите пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
*При попадании на кожу:
Смыть большим количеством воды с мылом.
*В случае зрительного контакта:
В качестве меры предосторожности промойте глаза водой.
*При проглатывании:
Никогда не давайте ничего перорально человеку, находящемуся без сознания.
Прополоскать рот водой.
-Указание на необходимость немедленной медицинской помощи и специального лечения:
Данные недоступны

-Экологические меры предосторожности:
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.
-Методы и материалы для локализации и очистки:
Хранить в подходящих закрытых контейнерах для утилизации.

-Средства пожаротушения:
*Подходящие средства пожаротушения:
Используйте водяной спрей, спиртостойкую пену, сухие химикаты или углекислый газ.
-Дальнейшая информация:
Данные недоступны

-Параметры управления:
--Ингредиенты с параметрами контроля на рабочем месте:
-Средства контроля воздействия:
--Средства индивидуальной защиты:
*Защита глаз/лица:
Используйте средства защиты глаз.
*Защита кожи:
Работайте в перчатках.
Вымойте и высушите руки.
*Защита тела:
Непроницаемая одежда
*Защита органов дыхания:
Защита органов дыхания не требуется.
-Контроль воздействия на окружающую среду:
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.

-Условия безопасного хранения, включая любые несовместимости:
*Условия хранения:
Хранить в прохладном месте.
Хранить контейнер плотно закрытым в сухом и хорошо проветриваемом месте.
Открытые контейнеры необходимо тщательно закрыть и хранить в вертикальном положении во избежание утечки.

Данные недоступны
-Химическая стабильность:
Стабилен при рекомендуемых условиях хранения.
-Возможность опасных реакций:
Данные недоступны
-Условия, чтобы избежать:
Данные недоступны

Dehyton DC представляет собой амфотерное поверхностно-активное вещество, подходящее для шампуней, средств для душа и ванн, а также очищающих средств для кожи.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC является хорошо совместимым амфотерным поверхностно-активным веществом.

Dehyton DC представляет собой производное амида жирной кислоты с амфотерной структурой.
Срок годности Dehyton DC составляет 6 месяцев.

Кас Номер: 68650-39-5


Dehyton DC — мягкое поверхностно-активное вещество.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC часто используется в качестве стандарта мягкости детских шампуней с низким уровнем раздражения.
Dehyton DC получают из кокосового масла.

Dehyton DC поставляется в виде прозрачной золотистой жидкости, вязкой, без запаха.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC часто используется в средствах для мытья тела, шампунях, пенах для ванн, очищающих лосьонах, кремах, мыле для рук, детских товарах, кондиционерах для волос, кремах-ополаскивателях при уровне использования 4-40%.

Dehyton DC – очень мягкое амфотерное поверхностно-активное вещество, совместимое с анионными, катионными (кондиционер, гермициды) и неионогенными материалами.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC стабилен в широком диапазоне pH (2-13).

Dehyton DC имеет очень хорошее пенообразование, на которое не влияет жесткость воды или изменение pH.
Более того, Dehyton DC действует как очищающее/отшелушивающее средство.

Dehyton DC можно использовать в качестве пенообразователя.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC можно использовать в качестве модификатора реологии/вязкости или амфотерного поверхностно-активного вещества.

Преимущества использования Dehyton DC:

Не раздражает
Очищение / Очищение
Эффект усиления

Применение Dehyton DC:

Гели для душа
Детские составы
Гель для тела
Ванна с пеной
Очищающие средства для лица
Макияж и цветная косметика
Удаление макияжа

Dehyton DC не содержит консервантов.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC является веганским продуктом и не подвергается жестокому обращению.

Dehyton DC получен из непищевого конкурирующего пальмоядрового масла.

Dehyton DC представляет собой мягкое амфотерное поверхностно-активное вещество со светлым цветом, низкой вязкостью, низким раздражением, высокой пенообразующей способностью и высокой способностью к загущению.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC широко используется в мягких шампунях, средствах для мытья тела, очищающих средствах для лица, мыле для рук, средствах для бритья и т. д. в качестве основного или вторичного поверхностно-активного вещества.

В сочетании с анионными поверхностно-активными веществами достигаются синергетические эффекты, которые приводят к дерматологически улучшенному конечному продукту.
Dehyton DC используется в жидком мыле, салфетках для личной гигиены, шампунях, смесях для душа/ванн, чистящих средствах для лица, а также в средствах по уходу за детьми и чистящих средствах.

Dehyton DC представляет собой кокозамещенное имидазолиновое амфотерное поверхностно-активное вещество.
Это поверхностно-активное вещество с высоким пенообразованием может быть легко использовано в различных областях личной гигиены, где важны мягкость, пенообразование и совместимость.

Использование Дехитона DC:

Амфотерное поверхностно-активное вещество, подходящее для шампуней, средств для душа и ванн и очищающих средств для кожи.
Очищающее средство/эксфолиант
Пенообразователь (Личная гигиена)
Модификатор реологии/вязкости (Личная гигиена)
Поверхностно-активное вещество (Личная гигиена)

Dehyton DC представляет собой лаурилсульфатную соль амфотерного поверхностно-активного вещества, полученного из кокосового имидозолина.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC действует как мягкое моющее средство, отличный пенообразователь и стабилизатор пены в шампунях, детских ванночках и промышленных чистящих средствах.

Dehyton DC также используется в качестве высокопенящегося поверхностно-активного вещества для шампуней с низким уровнем раздражения, пены для ванн и средств для ухода за телом, а также в качестве детергента с низким уровнем раздражения для шампуней и средств для очистки кожи.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC можно использовать в шампунях, средствах для душа и ванн, очищающих средствах для кожи, очищающих средствах для лица, средствах по уходу за детьми, жидком мыле и туалетном мыле.

Dehyton DC очищает кожу/волосы, позволяя воде смешиваться с частицами масла и грязи и смывать их с поверхности.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC очищает кожу/волосы, не лишая их натуральных масел, и поэтому входит в состав многих «увлажняющих» косметических чистящих средств.

Уход за кожей:

Dehyton DC используется в самых разных продуктах по уходу за кожей, таких как очищающее средство для лица, гель для душа, средство от прыщей, отшелушивающее средство/скраб, тушь для ресниц и средство для снятия макияжа с глаз.

Уход за волосами:

Dehyton DC используется в качестве кондиционера для волос, так как он помогает улучшить внешний вид сухих и поврежденных волос, восстанавливая их плотность, эластичность и блеск.
Более того, Dehyton DC используется в шампунях, детских шампунях, масках для волос и кондиционерах.

Применение Dehyton DC:

Уход за ребенком и очищение
Очищение лица
Жидкое мыло
Салфетки для личной гигиены
Товары для душа/ванны

Dehyton DC представляет собой синтетическое амфотерное поверхностно-активное вещество, обычно используемое в средствах личной гигиены.

Особые области применения Dehyton DC:

Детская ванночка и шампунь
Гель для душа
очищающее средство для лица
Санитайзер для рук
моющее средство

Рекомендуемое использование Dehyton DC составляет 1-20%.


Dehyton DC является хорошо совместимым амфотерным поверхностно-активным веществом.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC представляет собой производное амида жирной кислоты с амфотерной структурой.

Dehyton DC представляет собой поверхностно-активное вещество, которое можно использовать в качестве антимикробного агента.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC также является компонентом аналитического метода измерения жирных кислот в растительном материале.

Было показано, что Dehyton DC обладает антимикробной активностью в отношении грамотрицательных бактерий, таких как Escherichia coli и Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC не взаимодействует с гидроксильной группой жирной кислоты, а реагирует с кислым водородом по карбоксильной группе, что приводит к окислению и деградации молекулы.
Dehyton DC можно использовать для очистки сточных вод и в качестве катализатора окисления в органическом синтезе.

Dehyton DC — мягкое амфотерное поверхностно-активное вещество светлого цвета, низкой вязкости, слабого раздражающего действия, высокой пенообразующей способности и высокой загущающей способности.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC широко используется в мягких шампунях, средствах для мытья тела, очищающих средствах для лица, мыле для рук, средствах для бритья в качестве основного или вторичного поверхностно-активного вещества.

Dehyton DC действует как мягкий пенообразователь, моющее средство и кондиционер для кожи/волос.
В качестве усилителя пены Dehyton DC увеличивает пенообразующую способность раствора за счет увеличения поверхностной вязкости жидкости, окружающей отдельные пузырьки в пене.

Dehyton DC является хорошим усилителем пены и кондиционирующим агентом, используемым в различных косметических средствах и средствах личной гигиены, особенно в очищающих средствах для лица, скрабах и кремах для бритья.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC мягко воздействует на кожу.

Dehyton DC делает ткань мягкой и гладкой.
Кроме того, Dehyton DC делает волосы мягкими, легко расчесываемыми, блестящими и блестящими.


Точка кипения: 100°С
Точка плавления: -12°C
рН: 8,0
Растворимость: растворим в воде
Внешний вид: жидкость.
Цвет: желтый.
Характеристика запаха:
Од наш порог: Нет в наличии.
pH (10% водный раствор): 8,0–9,0
Температура плавления: нет данных.
Начальная точка кипения и диапазон: > 100°C/212°F
Температура вспышки: Недоступно.
Скорость испарения: > 1
Воспламеняемость (твердое вещество, газ): Неприменимо.
Предел воспламеняемости - нижний (%): не применимо.
Давление пара: ~20 мм рт.ст. при 25°C
Плотность пара: > 1
Относительная плотность: 1,15–1,20 при 25°C
Растворимость(и): Растворим в воде.
Коэффициент разделения: Недоступно.
Температура самовоспламенения: нет данных.
Температура разложения: нет данных.
Вязкость: 3000 макс при 25°C
Взрывоопасные свойства: Неприменимо.
Окислительные свойства: Неприменимо.
Другая информация: нет.
Температура застывания: нет данных.
Точка замерзания: нет данных.
Поверхностное натяжение: нет данных.


Зри��ельный контакт:

Немедленно промыть глаза большим количеством воды, время от времени приподнимая верхнее и нижнее веко.
Проверьте и снимите контактные линзы. Продолжайте полоскать не менее 10 минут.
Получите медицинскую помощь.


Вынести пострадавшего на свежий воздух и обеспечить ему покой в удобном для дыхания положении.
Если нет дыхания, если дыхание неровное или если произошла остановка дыхания, обеспечьте искусственную
дыхания или кислорода обученным персоналом.
Реанимация «рот в рот» может быть опасна для человека, оказывающего помощь.

Обратитесь за медицинской помощью, если неблагоприятные последствия для здоровья сохраняются или являются серьезными.
Если вы потеряли сознание, примите положение для восстановления и немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.

Поддерживайте открытые дыхательные пути.
Ослабьте тесную одежду, такую как воротник, галстук, ремень или пояс.

Контакт с кожей:

Промойте загрязненную кожу большим количеством воды.
Снимите загрязненную одежду и обувь.

Продолжайте полоскать не менее 10 минут.
Получите медицинскую помощь.

Стирайте одежду перед повторным использованием.
Тщательно очистите обувь перед повторным использованием.


Промыть рот водой.
Снимите зубные протезы, если они есть.
Вынести пострадавшего на свежий воздух и обеспечить ему покой в удобном для дыхания положении.

Если материал был проглочен и пострадавший находится в сознании, дайте выпить небольшое количество воды.
Остановитесь, если подвергшийся воздействию человек чувствует себя плохо, так как рвота может быть опасной.

Не вызывайте рвоту, если это не предписано медицинским персоналом.
При возникновении рвоты следует держать голову низко, чтобы рвотные массы не попали в легкие.

Обратитесь за медицинской помощью, если неблагоприятные последствия для здоровья сохраняются или являются серьезными.
Никогда не давайте ничего в рот человеку, находящемуся без сознания.
Если вы потеряли сознание, примите положение для восстановления и немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.

Поддерживайте открытые дыхательные пути.
Ослабьте тесную одежду, такую как воротник, галстук, ремень или пояс.


Защитные меры:

Наденьте соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты.
Не глотать.
Избегайте контакта с глазами, кожей и одеждой.

Избегайте вдыхания паров или тумана.
Хранить в оригинальной упаковке или одобренной альтернативе, изготовленной из совместимого материала, плотно закрытой, когда она не используется.

Пустые контейнеры сохраняют остатки продукта и могут быть опасны.
Не используйте контейнер повторно

Рекомендации по общей гигиене труда:

Прием пищи, питье и курение должны быть запрещены в местах, где обрабатываются, хранятся и перерабатываются эти материалы.
Рабочие должны мыть руки и лицо перед едой, питьем и курением.
Перед входом в места приема пищи снимите загрязненную одежду и защитное снаряжение.

Условия для безопасного хранения, включая любые несовместимости:

Хранить в соответствии с местным законодательством.
Хранить в оригинальной упаковке, защищенной от
прямому солнечному свету в сухом, прохладном и хорошо проветриваемом помещении, вдали от несовместимых материалов, продуктов питания и напитков.

Держите контейнер плотно закрытым и запечатанным до готовности к использованию.
Контейнеры, которые были открыты, должны быть тщательно закрыты и храниться в вертикальном положении, чтобы предотвратить утечку.

Не хранить в немаркированных контейнерах.
Используйте соответствующую изоляцию, чтобы избежать загрязнения окружающей среды.


Cola® Det BSC (D)
Cola® Det GBP (D)
Cola® Det MCA-2 (D)
Кола® Дет МС-1 (Д)
Cola® Teric CDCX-50 (D)
Кродатерик™ CDA 40
Евроглик Д
Евроглик MD
Rewoteric® AM 2 C NM
Джитерик CDX-38
Джитерик CM-36S
Бетадет® ТГК-2
Амфотерж® W-2
Schercoteric™ MS-2 50 Имидазолиний Амфотерный
Кокоамфодиацетат динатрия
Амфолак® MSX-2
Амфолак® XCO-30
Протерик™ CDL
Протерик™ CDX-38
Mackadet® BSC-NAD
Маккам® 2С
Маккам® 2С-75
Маккам® 2C-LV
Маккам® 2CT
Сопал 2690
Сопалтерик ДСК-90 ЛВ
Сопалтерик ДСКВА-27
Аблютер DCM
КленСофт II™
Амфотензид 9М
Амфотензид GLX
Амфотензид МИПА
амфосол 2С
амфотерг W2
миранол C2M концентрат NP
шеркотерический МС 2
Эмпиген CDR 40
Макам 2С
Miracare 2MCAS
Миранол С 2М
Миранол С 2М Конц.
Миранол С 2М концентрат
Миранол С 2М-НП
Миранол С 2М-НП-ХВ
Миранол C2M Конц. НП
Miranol C2M Концентрат НП
Монатерический 805
Монатерический CDX 38
Монатерический CLV
Ревотерик АМ 2С-НМ
DENATONIUM SACCHARIDE, N° CAS : 90823-38-4, Nom INCI : DENATONIUM SACCHARIDE Nom chimique : Benzenemethanaminium, N-[2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl)amino]-2-oxoethyl]-N,N-diethyl-, salt with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide Ses fonctions (INCI) Dénaturant : Rend les cosmétiques désagréables. Principalement ajouté aux cosmétiques contenant de l'alcool éthylique
Denatonium benzoate
Benzoate de denatonium; Benzyl diethyl [(2,6-xylylcarbamoyl)methyl] ammonium benzoate; Denatoniumbenzoat; Benzoato de denatonio; Lidocaine benzyl benzoate; N,N-Diethyl-N-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl­carbamoyl)­ methyl]­benzyl ammonium benzoate; Bitrex CAS NO:3734-33-6
DEQUEST 2060 S безвреден, легко растворяется в растворе кислоты.
DEQUEST 2060 S обладает отличными свойствами ингибирования образования накипи и коррозии, а также хорошей термостойкостью.
DEQUEST 2060 S может ингибировать образование накипи карбонатов, сульфатов и фосфатов.

Номер КАС: 15827-60-8
Номер ЕС: 237-066-7
Молекулярная формула: C9H28O15N3P5
Молекулярная масса: 573,2

DEQUEST 2060 S является универсальным ингибитором образования отложений, мощным секвестрантом и превосходным ингибитором образования отложений сульфата бария.
DEQUEST 2060 S используется для обработки охлаждающей воды, стабилизации пероксидного отбеливателя и контроля образования отложений в составе моющих средств, промышленных и институциональных очистителей, очистки геотермальной воды, контроля образования отложений на нефтяных месторождениях.

DEQUEST 2060 S безвреден, легко растворяется в растворе кислоты.
DEQUEST 2060 S обладает отличными свойствами ингибирования образования накипи и коррозии, а также хорошей термостойкостью.

DEQUEST 2060 S может ингибировать образование накипи карбонатов, сульфатов и фосфатов.
В условиях щелочной среды и высокой температуры (выше 210 ℃) DEQUEST 2060 S проявляет лучший эффект ингибирования образования накипи и коррозии, чем другие фосфорорганические соединения.

DEQUEST 2060 S также доступен с раствором натриевой соли.

Использование DEQUEST 2060 S:
DEQUEST 2060 S может использоваться в качестве ингибитора образования накипи и коррозии в системах оборотного холодного водоснабжения и котловой воды, особенно в щелочных системах оборотного холодного водоснабжения без дополнительной регулировки рН.
DEQUEST 2060 S также может использоваться в промывочной воде, холодной воде и котловой воде с высокой концентрацией карбоната бария.

Когда DEQUEST 2060 S используется отдельно, образуется небольшой осадок накипи, даже если не используется никакой диспергатор.
DEQUEST 2060 S может также использоваться в качестве стабилизатора перекиси, хелатирующего агента в красильной промышленности, диспергатора пигмента, носителя микроэлементов в удобрениях и модификатора бетона.
Кроме того, DEQUEST 2060 S можно использовать в производстве бумаги, гальванике, кислотной очистке и косметике.

Рекомендуемое использование DEQUEST 2060 S:
Чистящее средство для камней и кирпичей,
Косметическая добавка.

Другие варианты использования DEQUEST 2060 S:
Приготовление и (пере)упаковка веществ и смесей,
средства против накипи,
Использование в чистящих средствах,
Косметика, средства личной гигиены,
Изделия для обработки металлических поверхностей, в том числе гальванические и гальванические изделия,
Покрытия и краски, разбавители, смывки краски,
Отбеливатель для бумажной массы,
отбеливающее средство,
Агрохимическое использование,
Производство керамики и стекла,
Производство вещества,
Использовать как промежуточное звено,
Промышленное использование,
Профессиональное использование,
Потребительское использование,
Распределение вещества.

Применение DEQUEST 2060 S:
DEQUEST 2060 S является загрязнителем сточных вод и компонентом фосфорсодержащих наночастиц и материалов, например, при приготовлении наночастиц хитозана для депорпорации плутония в легких.
DEQUEST 2060 S в основном используется в качестве хелатирующего (секвестрирующего) агента, стабилизатора пероксидного отбеливателя.

Упаковка и хранение DEQUEST 2060 S:
Хранение DEQUEST 2060 S в течение десяти месяцев в темном и сухом месте.

Хранение DEQUEST 2060 S:
Гигроскопичен, -20°C Морозильник, В инертной атмосфере.

Безопасность и защита DEQUEST 2060 S:
Кислотность, Избегать попадания в глаза и на кожу, при попадании промыть водой.

Идентификаторы DEQUEST 2060 S:
Номер КАС: 15827-60-8
Молекулярная формула: C9H28N3O15P5
Молекулярный вес: 573,2
Название продукта: ДТПМПА
Химическое название: Диэтилентриамин пента (метиленфосфоновая кислота)
Молекулярная масса 573
КАС № 15827-60-8
Общее название: DEQUEST 2060S

Свойства DEQUEST 2060 S:
Внешний вид: масло от бледно-желтого до коричневого цвета
Растворимость: водная основа (умеренно), вода
Температура вспышки: не применимо
Коэффициент распределения:
Pow: 3,4 при 20 °C (68 °F) log Pow: 20 °C (68 °F)
pH: < 2,0 при 25 °C (77 °F)
Относительная плотность: 1,42 при 20 °C (68 °F)
Растворимость в воде: DEQUEST 2060 S полностью смешивается
Химическое название: Диэтилентриамин пента (метиленфосфоновая кислота)
Аббревиатура: ДТПМПА
Свойства продукта: Кислотный раствор
Внешний вид: прозрачный коричневый водный раствор
Активное содержание %: 50 (в пересчете на кислоту)
Молекулярный вес: 573
Средний размер частиц (мк): нет данных
Плотность при 20/20℃: 1,42
рН (1% при 25 ℃): <2
Точка замерзания (℃): -25
Хлорид (% cl): <5
Железо (ППМФЭ): <20
Ингибирование образования отложений CaCo3: очень хорошее
Ингибирование образования отложений CaSo4: отличное
Переносимость кальция: хорошая
Дисперсия Fe: хелатирование
способность: отлично
Ингибирование коррозии углеродистой стали (компаунд): очень хорошее

Технические характеристики DEQUEST 2060 S:
Номер CAS: 13598-36-2 - 15827-60-8 - 7647-01-0
Класс: Технический
Внешний вид: жидкость
Цвет: темный, янтарный
Запах: резкий

Внешний вид: прозрачный темно-янтарный раствор
Активное содержание: 49,0 - 51,0 %
Фосфористая кислота (asPO33-): макс. 5,0%
pH (1% водный раствор): 2,0% макс.
Плотность (20°C) г/см3: 1,35 - 1,45
Секвестрация кальция: 450 мин.

Состав DEQUEST 2060 S:
Диэтилентриамин пента (метиленфосфоновая кислота),
Соляная кислота,
Фосфоновая кислота.

Категория DEQUEST 2060 S:
экологические стандарты,
Мутагены и метаболиты.

Другие сопутствующие товары DEQUEST 2060 S:
Цитрат динатрия кокоглюкозида
динатрий кокоглюкозид сульфосукцинат
Тартрат динатрия коко-глюкозида
Турпинал 4NL-тетранатрия этидронат
Турпинал 4NP-тетранатрия этидронат
Turpinal SL- этидроновая кислота
каприлил глюкозид
Лаурил глюкозид
Кокосовый глюкозид

Синонимы DEQUEST 2060 S:
Фосфоновая кислота, [[(фосфонометил)имино]бис[2,1-этандиилнитрилобис(метилен)]]тетракис-(9CI)
Фосфоновая кислота, [[бис[2-[бис(фосфонометил)амино]этил]амино]метил]-(8Cl); P,P',P'',P'''-[[(фосфонометил)имино]бис[2,1-этандиилнитрилобис(метилен)]]тетракис[фосфоновая кислота]
Кублен Д 50
Кублен DNC 450
ДК 2060
Диэтилентриамин-N,N,N',N'',N''-пента(метиленфосфоновая кислота)
Диэтилентриамин-N,N,N',N'',N''-пентакис (метиленфосфоновая кислота)
Диэтилентриаминпента (метиленфосфоновая кислота)
Диэтилентриаминпентакис (метиленфосфоновая кислота)
Диэтилентриаминпентакис (метилфосфоновая кислота)
Диэтилентриаминопента (метиленфосфоновая кислота)
Фосфоновая кислота
Циклогексануксусная кислота, 4-[4-[6-(аминокарбонил)-3,5-диметил-2-пиразинил]фенил]-, транс-
Оксид дигидроксифосфина
Тригидроксид фосфора
водородная фосфоновая кислота
Фосфористая кислота, 99%
Фосфонат, фосфоновая кислота
Фосфористая кислота, >=98,5%
Раствор фосфористой кислоты >=50%
ИНЭКС 237-066-7
ЕС 237-066-7
Фосфоновая кислота 100 мкг/мл в ацетонитриле
диэтилентриамин пентаметиленфосфоновая кислота
Диэтилентриаминпента (метиленфосфоновая кислота)
Диэтилентриамин, пентаметиленпентафосфоновая кислота
(((Фосфонометил)имино)бис(этан-2,1-диилнитрилобис(метилен)))тетракифосфоновая кислота
диэтилентриамин пентаметиленфосфоновая кислота
Раствор диэтилентриаминпента(метиленфосфоновой кислоты)
[(бис{2-[бис(фосфонометил)амино]этил}амино)метил]фосфоновая кислота
Раствор диэтилентриаминпентакиса (метилфосфоновой кислоты) 50% в 15% HCl: 35% H2O
Раствор диэтилентриаминпентакис(метилфосфоновой кислоты) технический, ~50% (Т)
Фосфоновая кислота, P,P',P'',P'''-(((фосфонометил)имино)бис(2,1-этандиилнитрилобис(метилен))тетракис-
Соляная кислота
Кислота хлоргидрик
Безводная соляная кислота
Духи соли
хлорная кислота
муриатикум ацидум
Водный хлористый водород
Солянокислый газ
Морская кислота
Дух соли
НБК 77365
Хлористый водород (кислота)
Очиститель чаши
Дезинфицирующее средство для чаши 4-D
Хлороводор [польский]
Раствор соляной кислоты, 1 н.
Очиститель чаши эмульсии
Касвелл № 486
Chloorwaterstof [голландский]
раствор о-толидина дигидрохлорида
Соляная кислота [JAN]
Хлорвассерстофф [немецкий]
Хлористый водород - реагент метанол
Титан, эталонный стандартный раствор
Ванадий, эталонный стандартный раствор
Кислота хлороводородная
ООН 1789 (раствор)
Соляная кислота, реагент ACS, 37%
ООН 1050 (безводный)
моно гидрохлорид
Acido cloridrico [итал.]
Стандартный раствор платинового кобальтового цвета
Хлорводород [французский]
Хлоруро де гидрогено
ХДБ 545
Раствор соляной кислоты, 0,1N (N/10)
Хлоруро де гидрогено [испанский]
ИНЭКС 231-595-7
Безводный хлористый водород
Хлорводородный ангидрид [французский]
Cloruro de hidrogeno anhidro [испанский]
Химический код пестицида EPA 045901
Хлорводородный ангидрид
Cloruro de hidrogeno anhidro
ООН 2186 (охлажденный сжиженный газ)
Соляная кислота [JAN:NF]
Паяльная кислота
соляная кислота
соляная кислота
хлористый водород
Baume hcl
Иконный офорт
Духи солей
хлоруро де гидрогено
хлористоводородная кислота
Enplate по 236
Хлористый водород - метанольный раствор
Соляная кислота 37%
Разбавленная соляная кислота
Разбавленная соляная кислота
ЕС 231-595-7
Соляная кислота безводная
Кислота хлористоводородная разбавленная
кислота соляная техническая
Соляная кислота (JP15/NF)
ИНС № 507
Раствор соляной кислоты, 2 н.
Соляная кислота (JP17/USP)
Раствор соляной кислоты, 1 М
Раствор соляной кислоты, 2 М
Раствор соляной кислоты, 6 М
раствор хлористого водорода в этаноле
Кислота соляная АЦС 31%
Хлористый водород, 4M в диоксане
Концентрат соляной кислоты, 1 н.
Хлористый водород - бутаноловый реагент
Смола SASRIN (200-400 меш)
Раствор соляной кислоты, 0,05 М
Соляная кислота, Па, 31-33%
Хлористый водород, охлажденная жидкость
Хлористый водород, 4М водный раствор
1789 г.
ООН 1050
ООН 1789
ООН 2186
Кислота соляная техническая, 30%
Соляная кислота (кислотные аэрозоли, включая туманы, пары, газы, туман и другие переносимые по воздуху формы частиц любого размера)
H-Lys(2,4-дихлор-Z)-OBzl(c){ HCl
Раствор соляной кислоты, очищенный, 36%
1 н. водный раствор соляной кислоты (+/-0,1 н.)
3 н. водный раствор соляной кислоты (+/-0,2 н.)
5 н. водный раствор соляной кислоты (+/-0,2 н.)
Хлористый водород, 25% (масс./масс.) в метаноле
Раствор соляной кислоты, 32 мас. % в H2O, FCC
Кислота соляная, СЖ первого сорта, 35,0-37,0%
Соляная кислота, раствор [UN1789] [Коррозионное вещество]
Хлористый водород - раствор этанола, 3% в этаноле
Хлористый водород безводный [UN1050] [Ядовитый газ]
Раствор хлороводорода 3,95M-4,40M в диоксане
Раствор хлористого водорода 5,0-6,0М в изопропаноле
Раствор хлористого водорода, 1,0 М в диэтиловом эфире
Раствор хлористого водорода, 1М в изопропилацетате
Раствор хлористого водорода, 2,0 М в диэтиловом эфире
Раствор соляной кислоты, BioXtra, ~0,1 М в H2O
Соляная кислота, экологический класс Plus, 33-36%
Соляная кислота, специальный сорт JIS, 35,0-37,0%
Кислота соляная, Па, реагент АЦС, 36,5-38,0%
Соляная кислота, специальный сорт SAJ, >=35,0%
Хлороводород безводный [UN1050] [Ядовитый газ]
Хлористый водород - раствор этанола, 0,1 М в этаноле
Раствор соляной кислоты, чистота для секвенирования белков, жидкость
Раствор соляной кислоты, САЖ первого сорта, 9,5-10,0%
Соляная кислота, чистая, дымящаяся 37%, >=37% (Т)
Хлористый водород, 5-6М раствор в 2-пропаноле, чистый
Раствор соляной кислоты, 0,1 М, для адаптерной технологии 3S
Хлористый водород, охлажденная жидкость [UN2186] [Ядовитый газ]
Раствор соляной кислоты, ~6 М в H2O, для анализа аминокислот
Кислота соляная, 36,5-38,0%, Биореагент, для молекулярной биологии
Соляная кислота, 37 мас. % в H2O, 99,999% следов металлов
Соляная кислота, BioUltra, >=32% (T), подходит для люминесценции
Соляная кислота, пригодная для аминокислотного анализа, 35,0-37,0%
Соляная кислота, пригодная для определения мышьяка, 35,0-37,0%
Раствор хлористого водорода 3,0 М в циклопентилметиловом эфире (ЦПМЭ)
Раствор хлористого водорода, 3 М в циклопентилметиловом эфире (ЦПМЭ)
Раствор хлористого водорода, 3 М в метаноле, для дериватизации ГХ
Раствор соляной кислоты, 1,0 N, биореагент, подходит для культивирования клеток
Раствор соляной кислоты, объемный, 0,1 М HCl (0,1 н.), без эндотоксинов
Соляная кислота, пригодная для определения токсичных металлов, >=35,0%
Хлористый водород - раствор этанола, ~ 1,25 М HCl, для дериватизации ГХ
Хлористый водород - раствор метанола, ~ 1,25 М HCl, для дериватизации ГХ
Раствор хлористого водорода, 0,5 М в метаноле, для дериватизации ГХ
Кислота соляная АСУ марки 36,5-38% для биохимии и молекулярной биологии
Кислота соляная, соответствует аналитической спецификации Ph. Eur., BP, NF, дымящаяся, 36,5-38%
Кислота соляная, па, реагент АЦС, реаг. ISO, рег. Ph.Eur., 37,0-38,0%
Кислота соляная полупроводниковая PURANAL™ (Honeywell 17823), дымящая 37%, 37-38
Соляная кислота полупроводникового качества PURANAL™ (Honeywell 17863), >=32%
Соляная кислота полупроводникового класса SLSI PURANAL(TM) (Honeywell 17302), дымность 37%
Кислота соляная полупроводниковая СБИС ПУРАНАЛ(ТМ) (Honeywell 17610), дымность 37%
Хлористый водород - раствор 1-бутанола, ~ 3 М в 1-бутаноле, для дериватизации ГХ
Хлористый водород - раствор 2-пропанола, ~ 1,25 М HCl (T), для дериватизации ГХ
Стандартный концентрат атомной спектроскопии хлоридов 10,00 г Cl-, 10,00 г/л, на 1 л стандартного раствора, аналитический стандарт
Концентрат соляной кислоты, 0,1 н., концентрат растворяющей среды, разбавить до 25 л в соответствии с USP и EP
Концентрат соляной кислоты, 0,1 н., концентрат растворяющей среды, разбавить до 6 л в соответствии с USP и EP
Соляная кислота, пурисс. pa, реагент ACS, реаг. ISO, рег. Ph. Eur., дымящийся, >=37%, APHA: <=10
DEQUEST 2066 – универсальный ингибитор отложений, мощный секвестрант и превосходный ингибитор отложений сульфата бария.
DEQUEST 2066 представляет собой хелатирующий или изолирующий агент, стабилизирующий щелочные составы и системы с перкарбонатами.
DEQUEST 2066 используется при очистке охлаждающей воды, стабилизации пероксидного отбеливателя и контроле накипи в рецептурах моющих средств, промышленных и институциональных чистящих средствах, геотермальной очистке воды, контроле накипи на нефтяных месторождениях.

Номер CAS: 22042-96-2
Номер ЕС: 244-751-4
Молекулярная формула: C9H28N3O15P5.xNa.
Молекулярный вес: 1412,73

Синонимы: DEQUEST(R) 2060, ДИЭТИЛЕНТРИАМИНЕПЕНТАКИС(МЕТИЛФОСФОНОВАЯ КИСЛОТА), ДИЭТИЛЕНТРИАМИН ПЕНТА(МЕТИЛЕНФОСФОНОВАЯ КИСЛОТА), dtpmp, [[(фосфонометил)имино]бис[2,1-этандиилнитрилобис(метилен)]]тетракисфосфоновая кислота, диэтилентриамин ,пентаметиленпентафосфоновая кислота, диэтилентриаминпента(метиленфосфоновая кислота), диэтилентриаминпента(метилфосфоновая кислота), диэтилентриаминпентакис(метилфосфоновая кислота) раствор, e)]]тетракис-, фосфоновая кислота, [[(фосфонометил)имино]бис[2,1-этандиилнитрилобис(метилен, фосфоновая кислота, [[(фосфонометил)имино]бис[2,1-этандиилнитрилобис(метилен)]]тетракис-, [[(фосфонометил)имино]бис[этан-2,1-диилнитрилобис(метилен)]]тетракисфосфоновая кислота, стабилизатор WPW-2 перекиси водорода, DETPMP, ДИЭТИЛЕН ТРИАМИН ПЕНТА, DEQUEST 2060, раствор диэтилентриаминпентакиса (метилфосфоновой кислоты), диэтилентриамин пента (метиленфосфоновая кислота) (DTPMP), ДИЭТИЛЕНПЕНТА (МЕТИЛЕНФОСФОНИКАЦИД) CAS NO: 15827-60-8, фосфоновая кислота, P,P ',P'',P'''-[[(фосфонометил)имино]бис[2,1-этандиилнитрилобис(метилен)]]тетракис-,натриевая соль (1:?), фосфоновая кислота,[[бис[2- [бис(фосфонометил)амино]этил]амино]метил]-, натриевая соль, фосфоновая кислота, [[(фосфонометил)имино]бис[2,1-этандиилнитрилобис(метилен)]]тетракис-, натриевая соль, Wayplex 55S, Sequion 40Na32, Briquest 543-33S, DEQUEST 2066, Masquol P 550, Briquest 221, Briquest 543-25S, натриевая соль диэтилентриаминпента(метиленфосфоновой кислоты), DETPM, DEQUEST 4066, Briquest 543-45AS, Briquest 543-45, Cublen D 3217N, 1033 33 -75-1, 92481-35-1, 291513-78-5

DTPMP или диэтилентриамин пента (метиленфосфоновая кислота) представляет собой фосфоновую кислоту.
DEQUEST 2066 обладает хелатирующими и антикоррозийными свойствами.

DEQUEST 2066 представляет собой хелатирующий или изолирующий агент, стабилизирующий щелочные составы и системы с перкарбонатами.

Использование DEQUEST 2066:
DEQUEST 2066 в основном используется для синтеза сердечно-сосудистого препарата метопролола.
DEQUEST 2066 – сырье для синтеза лекарственных средств, пестицидов, красителей и технических пластиков.

Обращение и хранение DEQUEST 2066:

Умение обращаться:
Избегайте длительного или многократного контакта с кожей.
Тщательно мойте руки после контакта или контакта.

Инженерные меры:
Обеспечьте естественную или механическую вентиляцию, чтобы свести к минимуму воздействие.
Если это возможно, используйте местную механическую вытяжную вентиляцию в источниках загрязнения воздуха, таких как технологическое оборудование.

Хранение DEQUEST 2066:
Хранить в прохладном, сухом, хорошо проветриваемом месте.
Стабилен при нормальных условиях обращения и хранения.
Для достижения наилучших результатов материал следует хранить в прохладном и сухом месте.

Температура: > -10 С

Используйте эти материалы для оборудования:
Стекловагонка, ПВХ, полипропилен, стеклопластик, полиэтилен.

Неподходящие строительные материалы:
Мягкая сталь, углеродистая сталь, алюминий, другие металлы.

Срок годности DEQUEST 2066:
3 года.

Меры первой помощи DEQUEST 2066:

Сильно загрязненная одежда:
Перед повторным использованием промойте.

Зрительный контакт:
Немедленно промойте большим количеством воды.
Продолжайте не менее 15 минут.
Обратитесь к врачу, если симптомы сохраняются.

Контакт с кожей:
Немедленно промойте большим количеством воды.
Обратитесь к врачу, если симптомы сохраняются.

Вынести больного на свежий воздух.

Дайте воды попить.
Получите медицинскую консультацию.

Противопожарные мероприятия DEQUEST 2066:

Средства пожаротушения:
Распыление воды, пена, сухие химикаты или углекислый газ.

Опасности воздействия:
Разлагается в огне с выделением раздражающих паров.

Продукты сгорания:
Двуокись углерода, окись углерода (CO), оксиды азота (NOx), оксиды фосфора (PxOy)

Защитная экипировка:
Пожарные и другие лица, подвергшиеся воздействию, носят автономные дыхательные аппараты.
После использования оборудование необходимо тщательно дезинфицировать.

Идентификаторы DEQUEST 2066:
Номер КАС: 22042-96-2
Формула: C9H28N3O15P5.xNa
Номер ЕС: 239-931-4
Молекулярный вес: 1412,73
Точная масса: 792,84000.
Номер ЕС: 244-751-4
Идентификатор DSSTox: DTXSID2029321|DTXSID0029840

Свойства DEQUEST 2066:
Форма: жидкость
Цвет: янтарный
Запах: без запаха
pH: 2–3 при 10 г/л при 25 C
Удельный вес: 1,41 - 1,43
Растворимость в воде: полностью смешивается
Коэффициент распределения ноктанол/вода (log Pow): 3,5 при 20 C
Температура замерзания: -20 С.

Молекулярный вес: 595,18
Число доноров водородных связей: 9
Количество акцепторов водородной связи: 18
Количество вращающихся облигаций: 16
Точная масса: 595.00279643
Моноизотопная масса: 595,00279643.
Топологическая площадь полярной поверхности: 300
Количество тяжелых атомов: 33
Сложность: 813
Количество единиц ковалентной связи: 2
Соединение канонизировано: Да

Физическое состояние: Жидкость.
Цвет: Коричневый.
Точка плавления/замерзания: 449,85°C. Примечания: Для этой конечной точки атмосферное давление не зарегистрировано.
Точка кипения или начальная точка кипения и диапазон кипения: > 480 °C.
Температура вспышки: 560,6°C.
Кинематическая вязкость: динамическая вязкость (в мПа·с) = Ca. 150. Температура: 20°С.
Растворимость в воде: Примечания: Сообщалось, что вещество смешивается с водой.
Коэффициент распределения н-октанол/вода: log Pow = -3,4. Примечания: Температура и pH не указаны.
Давление пара: 0 Па. Температура: 25 °C.
Плотность и/или относительная плотность: 1,42.

Технические характеристики DEQUEST 2066:
ПСА: 374,72000
XLogP3: 1,95040
Внешний вид: Жидкость; МокрыйТвердый
Плотность: 1,945 г/см3
Точка кипения: 1003,3°C при 760 мм рт.ст.
Температура вспышки: 560,6°C

Химический состав DEQUEST 2066:
Диэтилентриамин пента (метиленфосфоновая кислота)

Другие продукты DEQUEST:
Sodium lauryl dipropionate; N-DODECYL-B-IMINODIPROPIONIC ACID, MONOSODIUM SALT, ANAGRADE?; sodium N-(2-carboxyethyl)-N-dodecyl-beta-alaninate; SODIUM LAURIMINODIPROPIONATE; .beta.-Alanine, N-(2-carboxyethyl)-N-dodecyl-, monosodium salt; n-(2-carboxyethyl)-n-dodecyl-beta-alanin monosodium salt; n-(2-carboxyethyl)-n-dodecyl-beta-alaninmonosodium salt; N-Lauryl-.beta.-iminodipropionic acid, sodium salt CAS NO:14960-06-6
CELLULOSE GUM, N° CAS : 9004-32-4 - Dérivé de cellulose, Autres langues : Goma de celulosa, Gomma di cellulosa, Zellulosegummi, Nom INCI : CELLULOSE GUM, La cellulose est présente naturellement dans les parois des végétaux, y compris dans le bois. Par le terme de "Cellulose Gum", on désigne un dérivé de cellulose, sans pour autant savoir lequel. De manière industrielle, la cellulose est en générale extraite à partir du bois, elle permet de fabriquer des matières plastiques (cellophane), du carton ou des textiles (viscose). En cosmétique, elle est utilisé en tant qu'agent liant et stabilisant d'émulsions.Dans les lessives, elle joue le rôle d'agent anti-redéposition, c'est à dire qu'elle évite que la saleté ne se redépose sur une surface pendant le lavage.Agent fixant : Permet la cohésion de différents ingrédients cosmétiques Stabilisateur d'émulsion : Favorise le processus d'émulsification et améliore la stabilité et la durée de conservation de l'émulsion Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit Agent de contrôle de la viscosité : Augmente ou diminue la viscosité des cosmétiques
DERTOLINE DEG 2 Dertoline DEG 2 Dertoline DEG 2, a diethylene glycol-esterified rosin, is a liquid resin, tackifier and plasticizing agent, compatible with a wide range of elastomers. Applications EVA and SBC-based hot melt adhesives ACID NUMBER, MG KOH / G: 13 COLOR, GARDNER, 50 RESIN / 50 TOLUENE: 2,5 DROPPING POINT, °C:37 DERTOLINE DEG 2 Technical Datasheet DERTOLINE DEG 2 is diethylene glycol-esterified rosin-based tackifier. This deodorized liquid is used in EVA based hot-melt adhesives for packaging, labeling and bookbinding. Also used in SBC or SIS based hot-melt pressure sensitive adhesives. The shelf life of DERTOLINE DEG 2 is 6 months. Product Type Tackifiers > Rosin Esters > Ethylene Glycol Esters (DEG / TEG) Chemical Composition Rosin esterified with diethyleneglycol CAS Number 68153-38-8 DERTOLINE DEG 2 CAS Number: 68153-38-8 Specifications Limits Description DERTOLINE DEG 2 is a rosin esteri?ed with diethyleneglycol and deodorized. It is a liquid tackifyer Acid Value, mg KOH/g 20 max Gardner Color 5 max (50 resin / 50 toluene) Dropping Point 40 deg C Viscocity about 1200 mPa.s @ 75 deg C Hydroxyl Value 25 Molecular weight 500 g/mol Solubility Totally soluble in aromatic, aliphatic and chlorinated solvents. Compatible with ethylene / vinyl a Stability About 6 months. storage conditions and inventory control must be observed. NOTES Application: used as EVA based Hot Melt adhesives for packaging, labelling and bookbinding, and SBC based Hot Melt presure sensitive adhesives. Packaging: 200 kg net weight drums or 800 kg pallets. Storage Conditions: Under cover at temperature below 30°C. Use: BINDING, BULKING, DEPILATORY, FILM FORMING, PLASTICISER DERTOLINE DEG 2 is a Diethylene glycol ester of Tall Oil rosin
DERTOPHENE H 150 DERTOPHENE H 150 is a terpene phenolic resin showing a high polarity. It is suitable for use in solvent based and hot melt based adhesives. DERTOPHENE H 150 Technical Datasheet DERTOPHENE H 150 is a tackifier based on terpene phenolic resin. It is compatible with ethylene/vinyl acetate, ethylene/butyl acrylate copolymers, with polyesters and with various resins (rosin derivatives, polyterpene resins, synthetic resins). It provides high softening point, high polarity, specific adhesion and thermal resistance. It is used in EVA based hot-melt adhesives for packaging and woodworking. It is recommended for tire applications. The shelf life of DERTOPHENE H 150 is 6 months. DERTOPHENE H 150 is a light colored terpene phenolic resin that shows a high softening point. Its high polarity allows specific performances when formulated with EVA copolymers : specific adhesion, thermal resistance. USES EVA based Hot Melt adhesives for packaging and woodworking. Masterbaches Printing inks Tyres Typical Product Specifications & Properties DERTOPHENE H 150 CAS Number: 25359-84-6 Specifications Limits Description DERTOPHENE H 150 is a light colored terpene phenolic resin that shows a high softening point. Gardner Color 6 max, neat Hydroxyl Value 145 Gardner Color 6 (50 resin / 50 toluene) Molecular weight About 700 g/mol Acid Value, mg KOH/g 1 max Solubility Soluble in the most usual solvents. Compatible with ethylene / vinyl acetate, ethylene / butyl acry Stability About 6 months, storage conditions and a strict inventory control must be observered. DERTOPHENE T 105 Technical Datasheet DERTOPHENE T 105 is terpene phenolic resin-based tackifier. It is compatible with ethylene/ vinyl acetate, ethylene/ butyl acrylate copolymers, natural rubbers and synthetic rubbers (SIS, SBS, SBR, chloroprene, butyl), polyesters and acrylics. Also compatible with various resins (rosin derivatives, polyterpene resins, hydrocarbon resins) and waxes. DERTOPHENE T 105 is used in EVA-based hot-melt adhesives for packaging, bookbinding, woodworking, labeling. It is used in SBC-based hot-melt pressure sensitive adhesives, sealants-based on butyl rubber or polyurethane and solvent-based adhesives formulated with natural or acrylic rubber. It improves specific adhesion, hot tack and flexibility. It also enhances properties of natural or acrylic rubber solvent-based adhesives. The shelf life of DERTOPHENE T 105 is 18 months. Product Type Tackifiers > Terpenes > Terpene phenol Chemical Composition Terpene phenolic resin CAS Number 25359-84-6 Terpene phenolic resin Dertophene H 150 Dertophene H 150 is a light-colored terpene phenolic resin with a high softening point. Its high polarity gives it specific properties in formulations with EVA copolymers (specific adhesion, low-temperature adhesion, flexibility and hot tack). Applications EVA-based hot melt adhesives for packaging and wood. Masterbatches for rubber Printing inks Tires Specifications Limits Description DERTOPHENE H 150 is a light colored terpene phenolic resin that shows a high softening point. Its hi Gardner Color 6 max, neat Hydroxyl Value 145 Gardner Color 6 (50 resin / 50 toluene) Molecular weight About 700 g/mol Acid Value, mg KOH/g 1 max Solubility Soluble in the most usual solvents. Compatible with ethylene / vinyl acetate, ethylene / butyl acry Stability About 6 months, storage conditions and a strict inventory control must be observered. Technical Datasheet | Supplied by DRT DERTOPHENE H 150 by DRT is a terpene phenolic resin. It is used in EVA based hot melt adhesives for packaging and woodworking. DERTOPHENE H 150 is compatible with ethylene / vinyl acetate, ethylene / butyl acrylate copolymers, with polyesters and with various resins (rosin derivatives, polyterpene resins, synthetic resins). It is soluble in aromatic, aliphatic and chlorinated solvents. It provides high softening point, high polarity, specific adhesion and thermal resistance. The shelf life is 6 months. Product Type Tackifiers > Terpenes > Terpene phenol Chemical Composition Terpene phenolic resin Appearance Light coloredDERTOPHENE H 150 is a terpene phenolic resin showing a high polarity. It is suitable for use in solvent based and hot melt based adhesives. COMPANY DRT is a manufacturer of raw materials in the Adhesives and Sealants Industry. This company specializes in the development of turpentine and rosin extracted from pine resin along with other natural renewable resources to provide an increased flexibility as well as safety in the development of products. DRT's products include DERCOLYTE, GRANOLITE, DERMULSENE, DERTOPHENE, and DERTOLINE.PRODUCTS Adhesives Chewing-gum Paints and varnishes Pigments Rubber Flotation Road marking & asphalt Depilatory waxes DERTOPHENE H 150 Product Type: Polyterpene-Phenolic Master Product Number: MITM12940 Product SKUs: ITM20530 Softening Point (?) Color Gardner 50 R/50 T HYDROXYL Value DERTOPHENE T(Terpene phenolic resin) 95 4 20-50 DERTOPHENE T105(Terpene phenolic resin) 105 4 20-60 DERTOPHENE T110(Terpene phenolic resin) 111 4 40-60 DERTOPHENE T115(Terpene phenolic resin) 120 5 40-60 DERTOPHENE T135(Terpene phenolic resin) 135 5 50 DERTOPHENE 1510(Terpene phenolic resin) 150 6 100 DERTOPHENE T160(Terpene phenolic resin) 160 4.5 60 DERTOPHENE H150(Terpene phenolic resin) 118 5 135-150DRT is announcing changes in its DERTOPHENE® resin portfolios aimed at ensuring an acceptable economic return in the ever-changing market, improving service on high volume products and pursue our innovation program.
DERTOPHENE T 105 DERTOPHENE T 105 is terpene phenolic resin-based tackifier. It is compatible with ethylene/ vinyl acetate, ethylene/ butyl acrylate copolymers, natural rubbers and synthetic rubbers (SIS, SBS, SBR, chloroprene, butyl), polyesters and acrylics. Also compatible with various resins (rosin derivatives, polyterpene resins, hydrocarbon resins) and waxes. DERTOPHENE T 105 is used in EVA-based hot-melt adhesives for packaging, bookbinding, woodworking, labeling. It is used in SBC-based hot-melt pressure sensitive adhesives, sealants-based on butyl rubber or polyurethane and solvent-based adhesives formulated with natural or acrylic rubber. It improves specific adhesion, hot tack and flexibility. It also enhances properties of natural or acrylic rubber solvent-based adhesives. The shelf life of DERTOPHENE T 105 is 18 months. Product Type Tackifiers > Terpenes > Terpene phenol Chemical Composition Terpene phenolic resin CAS Number 25359-84-6 Dertophene T 105 is a light-colored terpene phenolic resin compatible with numerous elastomers, resins and waxes. It enhances certain properties of hot-melt and solvent-based adhesives, including specific adhesion, cold adhesion, flexibility and hot tack. Applications EVA-based hot melt for packaging, binding, wood and labeling SBC-based hot melt for pressure sensitive adhesives Butyl or polyurethane rubber-based sealants Natural or acrylic rubber solvent-based adhesives Tires DERTOPHENE T 105 is a light colored terpene phenolic resin compatible with various elastomers, resins and waxes. It allows to improve the properties of Hot Melt or solvent adhesives such as specific adhesion, hot tack or flexibility. TYPICAL VALUE Softening point, ring and ball, °C 105 Gardner colour, 50 resin / 50 toluene 3 OTHER TECHNICAL DATA Hydroxyl value 20 -60 Molecular weight (Mw) About 700 Glass transition temperature (Tg mid), °C 55 Acid value, mg KOH/g Max 1 USES EVA based Hot Melt adhesives for packaging, bookbinding, woodworking and labelling. SBC based Hot Melt Pressure Sensitive Adhesives. Sealants based on butyl rubber or polyurethane. Solvent based adhesives formulated with natural or acrylic rubber. DERTOPHENE T 105 by DRT is terpene phenolic resin-based tackifier. It is compatible with ethylene/ vinyl acetate, ethylene/ butyl acrylate copolymers, natural rubbers and synthetic rubbers (SIS, SBS, SBR, chloroprene, butyl), polyesters and acrylics. Also compatible with various resins (rosin derivatives, polyterpene resins, hydrocarbon resins) and waxes. DERTOPHENE T 105 is used in EVA-based hot-melt adhesives for packaging, bookbinding, woodworking, labeling. It is used in SBC-based hot-melt pressure sensitive adhesives, sealants-based on butyl rubber or polyurethane and solvent-based adhesives formulated with natural or acrylic rubber. It improves specific adhesion, hot tack and flexibility. It also enhances properties of natural or acrylic rubber solvent-based adhesives. The shelf life of DERTOPHENE T 105 is 18 months. DESCRIPTION DERTOPHENE T105 is a light colored terpene phenolic resin compatible with various elastomeres, resin GARDNER COLOR 5 max (50 resin / 50 toluene) HYDROXYL VALUE 30 - 60 MOLECULAR WEIGHT about 700 g/mol ACID VALUE, MG KOH/G 1 max SOLUBILITY Totally soluble in aromatic, aliphatic and chlorinated solvents. Compatible with ethylene / vinyl a STABILITY About 6 months, storage conditions and a strict inventory control must be observed. NOTES Application: EVA based Hot Melt adhesives for packaging, bookbinding, woodworking and labelling. SBC based Hot Melt pressure sensitive adhesives. Sealants based on butyl rubber or polyurethane. Solvent based adhesives formulated with natural or acrylic rubber. Packaging: Flaked in 25 kg paperbag or wrapped pallets of 750 kg net weight. Storage conditons: Under cover and at temperature below 30°C. CLASS Terpenes A terpene phenolic resin compatible with various elastomers, resins and waxes. It improves the properties of hot melt or solvent adhesives. DERTOPHENE T 105 is a terpene phenolic resin. It is compatible with ethylene/ vinyl acetate, ethylene/ butyl acrylate copolymers with natural rubbers and synthetic rubbers (SIS, SBS, SBR, chloroprene, butyl) with polyesters and acrylics. Also compatible with various resins (rosin derivatives, polyterpene resins, hydrocarbon resins) with waxes. DERTOPHENE T 105 is used in hot melt and solvent adhesives. Used as a tackifier in EVA-based hot melt adhesives for packaging, bookbinding, woodworking, labelling. Also used in SBC-based hot melt pressure sensitive adhesives, sealants-based on butyl rubber or polyurethane and solvent-based adhesives formulated with natural or acrylic rubber. It improves specific adhesion, hot tack and flexibility. The shelf life of DERTOPHENE T 105 is 18 months. It is soluble in aromatic, aliphatic and chlorinated solvents. DERTOPHENE T 105 is a light colored terpene phenolic resin compatible with various elastomers, resins and waxes. It allows to improve the properties of Hot Melt or solvent adhesives such as specific adhesion, hot tack or flexibility.A terpene phenolic resin compatible with various elastomers, resins and waxes. It improves the properties of hot melt or solvent adhesives. DERTOPHENE T 105 This company specializes in the development of turpentine and rosin extracted from pine resin along with other natural renewable resources to provide an increased flexibility as well as safety in the development of products. products include DERCOLYTE, GRANOLITE, DERMULSENE, DERTOPHENE, and DERTOLINE. DERTOPHENE T 105 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRODUCT DERTOPHENE T 105 Description: DERTOPHENE T 105 is a light colored terpene phenolic resin compatible with various elastomers, resins and waxes. DERTOPHENE T 105 allows to improve the properties of Hot Melt or solvent adhesives such as specific adhesion, hot tack or flexibility. DERTOPHENE T 105 CAS 25359-84-6 Phenol,DERTOPHENE T 105 polymer with 2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene TYPICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION DERTOPHENE 105 DERTOPHENE T105 is a light colored terpene phenolic resin compatible with various elastomeres, resin GARDNER COLOR 5 max (50 resin / 50 toluene) HYDROXYL VALUE DERTOPHENE T 105 30 - 60 MOLECULAR WEIGHT DERTOPHENE T 105 about 700 g/mol ACID VALUE, MG KOH/G 1 max SOLUBILITY DERTOPHENE T 105 Totally soluble in aromatic, aliphatic and chlorinated solvents. Compatible with ethylene / vinyl a STABILITY DERTOPHENE T 105 About 6 months, storage conditions and a strict inventory control must be observed. NOTES DERTOPHENE T 105 Application: EVA based Hot Melt adhesives for packaging, bookbinding, woodworking and labelling. SBC based Hot Melt pressure sensitive adhesives. Sealants based on butyl rubber or polyurethane. Solvent based adhesives formulated with natural or acrylic rubber. Packaging: Flaked in 25 kg paperbag or wrapped pallets of 750 kg net weight. Storage conditons: Under cover and at temperature below 30°C. CLASS Terpenes DERTOPHENE T 105 TERPENE PHENOLICS DERTOPHENE T 95 45 700 DERTOPHENE T 105 105 55 700 DERTOPHENE T 115 120 65 700 DERTOPHENE H 150 118 65 700 POLYTERPENE RESINS DERCOLYTE LTG 20 -20 550 DERCOLYTE A 115 115 69 1000 DERCOLYTE S 115 115 70 2300 DERCOLYTE M 115 115 70 1300 DERCOLYTE L 120 122 72 1100 DERCOLYTE TS 105 105 55 1200 ROSIN DERIVATIVES DERTOLINE PLS 96 53 850 HYDROGRAL G 85 42 700
aromatic polyisocyanate solution CAS NO:9081-90-7
DESMODUR BL 3175 SN DESMODUR BL 4265 SN Technical Datasheet DESMODUR BL 4265 SN is a blocked, aliphatic polyisocyanate based on IPDI. Can be thinned to a solids content of 40 % with ketones, esters, ether esters, aromatic hydrocarbons and solvent naphtha® 100, 150 and 200. It has only limited thinnability with aliphatic hydrocarbons. Shelf life of DESMODUR BL 4265 SN is 6 months. Product Type Polyurethanes > PU-Prepolymers > Isocyanates > IPDI-based Chemical Composition Aliphatic polyisocyanate based on IPDI Physical Form Liquid Desmodur BL 3175 SN In combination with Desmophen grades to formulate lightfast, one-component polyurethane stoving coatings; as an additive in conventional stoving systems to improve flexibility and adhesion. Form supplied approx. 75 % in solvent naphtha®100 Specification Property Value Unit of measurement Method Non-volatile content (0.2 g / 60 min / 80 °C) 75 ± 2 % M020-ISO 3251 Viscosity at 23 °C 3,300 ± 400 mPa·s M014-ISO 3219/A.3 Color value (Hazen) ≤ 60 M017-EN 1557 Free NCO content, modified ≤ 0.2 % M105-ISO 11909 Other data* Property Value Unit of measurement Method Blocked NCO content approx. 11.1 % Viscosity at 25 °C approx. 2,800 mPa·s M014-ISO 3219/A.3 Equivalent weight approx. 380 Flash point approx. 45 °C DIN 53 213/1 Density at 20 °C approx. 1.06 g/ml DIN EN ISO 2811 Solubility / thinnability Generally speaking, Desmodur BL 3175 SN has good compatibility with the solvents listed. However, the solutions formed must be tested for their storage stability. Desmodur BL 3175 SN can be thinned to a solids content of 40 % by wt. with ketones, esters, ether esters and aromatics. It can be thinned to a solids content of 60 % by wt. with mixtures of higher boiling aromatics such as solvent naphtha® 100 and 150. Aliphatic hydrocarbons cannot be used. Compatibility Given equivalent crosslinking (NCO/OH = 1.0), Desmodur BL 3175 SN is generally compatible with Desmophen 651, 670, 680, 690, RD 181, A 160, various polyacrylates and with Desmophen®T 1665. It can also be combined with various plasticisers, e.g. phosphoric acid, sulphonic acid, adipic acid and phthalic acid esters. The combinations should always be tested for their compatibility. Properties / Applications Desmodur BL 3175 SN can be used as the hardener in colorfast and weather-stable, one-component polyurethane coatings. The stoving temperature can be significantly reduced by the addition of a catalyst, e.g. dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTL), without reducing the storage stability.The product is used in high-grade industrial finishes (electrical appliances, small components, can coatings, coil coatings, etc.) and in primer surfacers and topcoats for automative finishing. Desmodur BL 3175 SN can also be used as an additive in conventional stoving systems to improve the flexibility and adhesion. Possible stoving cycles for Desmodur BL 3175 SN combined with Desmophen 651 are: without catalyst 160 °C 60 min or180 °C 15 min or200 °C 7 min with catalyst 130 °C 60 min or150 °C 15 min or175 °C 7 min Depending on the co-reactant used and the stoving time, yellowing may occur at temperatures above 160 °C. Used in coil coating systems, Desmodur BL 3175 SN crosslinks sufficiently without the addition of DBTL from a peak metal temperature of approx. 241 °C and above. With an addition of 1 % DBTL, calculated on solid resin, the same result is achieved from approx. 224 °C peak metal temperature. Storage - Storage in original sealed container. - Recommended storage temperature: 0 - 30 °C. - Protect from moisture, heat and foreign material. General information: Storage at higher temperatures will result in increase of color and viscosity. Storage at significant lower temperatures will result in solidification. This solidification is reversible by briefly heating the product without adversely affecting the quality of the product. Blocked aliphatic HDI-polyisocyanate. With Desmophen grades to formulate lightfast one-component polyurethane stoving coatings; as an additive to improve flexibility and adhesion. Product Types PIC Crosslinkers Hardeners Aliphatic polyisocyanate Isocyanate Polyisocyanurate Polyisocyanate Material Coatings Elastic, Thermally resistant, Solventborne, Flexible General Characterization Blocked, aliphatic polyisocyanate based on HDI. In combination with Desmophen® grades to formulate lightfast, one-component polyurethane stoving coatings; as an additive in conventional stoving systems to improve flexibility and adhesion. Color value (Hazen) M017-EN 1557 ≤ 60 Non-volatile content (0.2 g / 60 min / 80 °C) M020-ISO 3251 % 75 ± 2 Free NCO content, modified M105-ISO 11909 % ≤ 0.2 Viscosity at 23 °C M014-ISO 3219/A.3 mPa*s 3,300 ± 400 Aliphatic polyisocyanate based on HDI. Used in combination with Desmophen grades to formulate lightfast, one-component polyurethane stoving coatings. Also suitable for use as a hardener to formulate lightfast one-pack stoving polyurethane coatings to improve flexibility and adhesion. Designed for high grade industrial finishes including electrical appliances, small components, can coatings and coil coatings, primer surfacers and top coats for automotive finishing. Isocyanate is the functional group with the formula R−N=C=O. Organic compounds that contain an isocyanate group are referred to as isocyanates. An organic compound with two isocyanate groups is known as a diisocyanate. Diisocyanates are manufactured for the production of polyurethanes, a class of polymers.[1] Isocyanates should not be confused with cyanate esters and isocyanides, very different families of compounds. The cyanate (cyanate ester) functional group (R−O−C≡N) is arranged differently from the isocyanate group (R−N=C=O). Isocyanides have the connectivity R−N≡C, lacking the oxygen of the cyanate groups. Production Isocyanates are produced from amines by phosgenation, i.e. treating with phosgene: RNH2 + COCl2 → RNCO + 2 HCl These reactions proceed via the intermediacy of a carbamoyl chloride (RNHC(O)Cl). Owing to the hazardous nature of phosgene, the production of isocyanates requires special precautions Common applications MDI is commonly used in the manufacture of rigid foams and surface coating.[1] Polyurethane foam boards are used in construction for insulation. TDI is commonly used in applications where flexible foams are used, such as furniture and bedding. Both MDI and TDI are used in the making of adhesives and sealants due to weather-resistant properties. Isocyanates, both MDI and TDI are widely used in as spraying applications of insulation due to the speed and flexibility of applications. Foams can be sprayed into structures and harden in place or retain some flexibility as required by the application.[10] HDI is commonly utilized in high-performance surface-coating applications, including automotive paints.
DESMODUR L 75 Desmodur L 75 Desmodur L 75 is an Aromatic polyisocyanate based on tolulene diisocyanate. Desmodur L 75 Product Datasheet Characterization Desmodur L 75 is an aromatic polyisocyanate based on toluene diisocyanate (TDI). It can be used in combination with various Desmophen®, Baycoll®, Desmocoll® grades or other hydroxyl-bearing substances to formulate two-component polyurethane coatings and adhesives. Form supplied: Form supplied is approximately 75% in ethyl acetate. Characteristic data Property Value/ Unit of measurement NCO content 13.3 ± 0.4 % Non-volatile content 75.0 ± 2.0 % Viscosity (23oC) 1,600 ± 400 mPa∙s Iodine color value ≤ 2 Monomer content < 0.5 % Property Value /Unit of measurement Equivalent weight approx. 315 Flash point approx. 5 °C Density at 20oC approx. 1.17 g/ml Desmodur L 75 Solubility / thinnability In general, Desmodur L 75 has good compatibility with esters such as ethyl acetate, butyl acetate and 1 methoxypropylacetate-2 and aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene, xylene, Solvesso™ 100 and ShellSol™ A. However, the solutions formed must be tested for their storage stability. The product is not compatible with aliphatics. Alcohols react with Desmodur L 75 and therefore cannot be used. Prolonged storage of a solution with low binder content may result in turbidity and sedimentation. Only PU grade solvents should be used (< 0.05% water). The solvent should not contain reactive groups. Compatibility In general, Desmodur L 75 is compatible with many polyesters, polyethers and polyacrylates, as well as with other Desmodur grades. Properties / Applications Systems crosslinked with Desmodur L 75 can be used as coatings for furniture, parquet flooring, metal, paper, plastics and mineral substrates. Desmodur L 75 is also suitable for room-temperature crosslinking of adhesives based on Desmocoll or Baycoll. These can be used to bond many materials, e.g. wood, metal and plastic. The use of this polyisocyanate increases the resistance of the bonds to heat, oil, plasticisers and many solvents. It ensures good adhesion to many materials, especially plastics. The pale inherent color of Desmodur L 75 permits its use in bonding transparent plastic films for packaging. As with any product, use of Desmodur L 75 in a given application must be tested (including but not limited to field testing) in advance by the user to determine suitability. Handling information This product contains reactive TDI polyisocyanate/prepolymer and/or monomeric TDI and should only be handled using appropriate protective measures. Desmodur L 75 Desmodur L 75 is an aromatic polyisocyanate based on toluene diisocyanate. Form supplied is approximately 75% in ethyl acetate. Can be used in combination with various Desmophen®, Baycoll®, Desmocoll® grades or other hydroxyl-bearing substances to formulate air-drying two-component polyurethane coatings and adhesives. Systems crosslinked with Desmodur L 75 can be used as coatings for furniture, parquet flooring, metal, paper, plastics and mineral substrates. It is also suitable for room-temperature crosslinking of adhesives based on Desmocoll® or Baycoll®. These can be used to bond many materials,e.g. wood, metal and plastic Desmodur L 75 Desmodur L 75 is an aromatic polyisocyanate resin based on toluene diisocyanate in ethyl acetate. Used in combination with hydroxyl-bearing substances to formulate two-component polyurethane coatings for furniture, parquet flooring, metal, paper, plastics and mineral substrates. Increases resistance of bonds to heat, oil, plasticizers and many solvents. Possesses good compatibility with esters such as ethyl acetate, butyl acetate and 1-methoxypropylacetate-2 and aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene, xylene, Solvesso 100 and Shellsol® A. Desmodur® L 75 provides good adhesion to many materials, especially plastics. Product Type Polyurethanes (PU) > Isocyanates > TDI, Toluene Diisocyanates Chemical Composition Aromatic polyisocyanate based on toluene diisocyanate Physical Form Liquid DESMODUR L 75 is an aromatic polyisocyanate based on toluene diisocyanate (TDI). It can be used in combination with various Desmophen®, Baycoll®, Desmocoll® grades or other hydroxyl-bearing substances to formulate two-component polyurethane adhesives for wood, metal and plastic. Offers increased resistance of bonds to heat, oil, plasticizers and many solvents and good adhesion to many materials, especially plastics. various Desmophen®, Baycoll®, Desmocoll® grades or other hydroxyl-bearing substances to formulate two-component polyurethane coatings and adhesives. DESMODUR L 75 is compatible with many polyesters, polyethers and polyacrylates, as well as with other Desmodur grades. Material Notes: Aromatic polyisocyanate based on toluene diisocyanate. In combination with various Desmophen®, Baycoll®, Desmocoll® grades or other hydroxyl-bearing substances to formulate two-component polyurethane coatings and adhesives. Properties / Applications: Systems crosslinked with Desmodur L 75 can be used as coatings for furniture, parquet flooring, metal, paper, plastics and mineral substrates. Desmodur L 75 is also suitable for room-temperature crosslinking of adhesives based on Desmocoll® or Baycoll®. These can be used to bond many materials, e.g. wood, metal and plastic. The use of this polyisocyanate increases the resistance of the bonds to heat, oil, plasticisers and many solvents. It ensures good adhesion to many materials, especially plastics. The pale inherent color of Desmodur L 75 permits its use in bonding transparent plastic films for packaging.
DESMOPHEN 2061 BD Desmophen 2061 BD Linear polypropylene ether polyol. Desmophen 2061 BD is a polyether polyol that is suitable for combination with Desmodur in the formulation of solvent-free or low-solvent polyurethanes About Product Types Polyether polyol Material Adhesives Solvent-free General Characterization Linear polypropylene ether polyol. Desmophen® 2061 BD is a polyether polyol that is suitable for combination with Desmodur® in the formulation of low-solvent polyurethanes. Technical Properties & Datasheets Property Name Test Method Unit Value Viscosity at 25 °C PET-10-01 mPa*s 345 ± 20 Acid number PET-01-01 mg KOH/g ≤ 0.02 Hydroxyl number PET-11-01 mg KOH/g 56.1 ± 1.4 Water content PET-19-01 % by wt. ≤ 0.05 Property Name Test Method Unit Value OH equivalent weight DIN EN ISO 2719 g approx. 1,000 Density at 25 °C DIN 51 757 g/cm3 approx. 1.0 Hydroxyl content % by wt. 1.7 ± 0.05 Desmophen 2061 BD Characterization: Linear polypropylene ether polyol. Desmophen 2061 BD is a polyether polyol that is suitable for combination with Desmodur® in the formulation of low-solvent polyurethanes. Form supplied Pale, low-viscosity liquid Properties / Applications Desmophen® 2061 BD is suitable for combination with many Desmodur® products in the formulation of low-solvent elastic coatings and adhesives. Desmophen 2061 BD can be thinned with solvents such as esters, ketones and aromatics. Only PU grade solvents should be used (< 0.05 % by wt. water). Storage - Storage in original sealed container. - Recommended storage temperature: 20 - 40 °C. - Protect from moisture, heat and foreign material. General information: The product is sensitive to moisture and should therefore be stored in its sealed original containers Linear polypropylene ether polyol. Used in the formulation of solvent-free elastic coatings. Exhibits solubility with solvents such as esters, ketones and aromatics. Product Type Polyols > Polyether Polyols Chemical Composition Linear polypropylene ether polyol Physical Form Liquid DESMOPHEN 2061 BD is a low-viscosity, linear polypropylene ether polyol. Suitable for combination with many Desmodur® products in the formulation of solvent-free PU adhesives. It can be thinned with solvents such as esters, ketones and aromatics. Shelf life of DESMOPHEN® 2061 BD is 12 months. Product Type Polyols > Polyether Polyols Chemical Composition Linear polypropylene ether polyol Physical Form Liquid Linear polypropylene ether polyol. Used in the formulation of solvent-free elastic coatings. Handling solubility with solvents such as esters, ketones and aromatics Technical data Quantity Value Unit Comment Appearance Properties Physical state Fluid Physical Properties Water content 0.05 % Viscosity 325 - 365 cP 25°C Density 1.0 g/ml 25°C Chemical Properties OH equivalent weight 1000 g Hydroxyl number 54.7 - 57.5 mg KOH/g Acidity number 0.02 mg KOH/g Hydroxyl percentage 1.65 - 1.75 % DESMOPHEN 2060 BD A linear polypropylene ether polyol that is suitable for combination with Desmodur in the formulation of solvent-free or low-solvent polyurethanes. Adhesives Coatings Foams Desmophen®: Versatile polyols for wide array of PU coatings, adhesives and foams The family of Desmophen® products contains polyether polyols and polyester polyols as polyurethane building blocks for foams, coatings, adhesives and many other applications. These variable building blocks make it possible to create an endless array of polyurethanes with wide-ranging properties. Desmophen® products are a versatile family of polyether polyols, which includes diols, triols and polymer polyols with molecular weights that vary from less than 300 to as much as 6,000 g/mol. They are used as polyol components for polyurethane and polyurea formulations. When reacted with Desmodur® products from , polyurethane products for many different applications may be obtained, such as flexible polyurethane foam, rigid polyurethane foam, compact polyurethane products, coatings and adhesives. Polyurethanes based on Desmophen® polyols, particularly when reacted with Desmodur® crosslinkers, are also fast-drying, durable and elastic, with an excellent resistance to chemicals, weathering and UV radiation. Get in touch with us to develop a unique formulation for your specific needs. Key Benefits Versatile: Suitable for nearly every PU application. High quality: Consistent quality, with high purity and low volatile content. Durable: Excellent resistance to chemicals, weathering and UV radiation.
DETA; N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-Ethanediamine; DTA; 2,2'-Diaminodiethylamine; Aminoethylethanediamine; 1,4,7-Triazaheptane; Bis(2-aminoethyl)amine; N-(2-aminoethyl)ethylenediamine; 3-Azapentane-1,5-diamine; Bis(beta-aminoethyl)amine; 2,2'-Iminobis(ethanamine); 2,2'-Iminobisethylamine; CAS NO: 111-40-0
CAS No: 9004-53-9
EC Number:232-675-4
Chemical formula:(C6H10O5)n
E number:E1400 (additional chemicals)

Dextrins are a group of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates produced by the hydrolysis of starch or glycogen.
Dextrins are mixtures of polymers of D-glucose units linked by α-(1→4) or α-(1→6) glycosidic bonds.
Dextrin is a general term for substances that have been polymerized by glycosidic bonds of several alpha-glucose molecules.
Dextrins are a type of starch, and as the name suggests, indigestible dextrin resists digestion.

Dextrin is basically a sweet sugar extracted from potato starch.
Dextrin color range is from white to tan; Dextrin has low to high solubilities in cold water, and gives pastes that vary widely in viscosity.
Dextrin is produced from all commercial grain and tuber starches.
During its manufacture, the factors taken into consideration are type of starch and moisture content, roasting time and temperature, and the type and amount of catalyst used.

Dextrin is made from cornstarch that is roasted and then hydrolyzed by amylase (an enzyme that digests starch taken in as food).
Indigestible dextrin is a water-soluble dietary fiber extracted and prepared from the indigestible components in the resulting mush.
Dextrin was created with the aim of supplementing dietary fiber, which tends to be deficient in many diets.
The aqueous solution of dextrin, which has low viscosity and low sweetness, is a food ingredient that is nearly transparent with excellent heat and acid resistance.

Dextrins many different physiological functions make it suitable for use in a variety of foods.
Dextrins can be produced from starch using enzymes like amylases, as during digestion in the human body and during malting and mashing, or by applying dry heat under acidic conditions (pyrolysis or roasting).
Dextrin procedure was first discovered in 1811 by Edme-Jean Baptiste Bouillon-Lagrange.

The latter process is used industrially, and also occurs on the surface of bread during the baking process, contributing to flavor, color and crispness.
Dextrins produced by heat are also known as pyrodextrins.
Dextrin starch hydrolyse during roasting under acidic conditions, and short-chained starch parts partially rebranch with α-(1,6) bonds to the degraded starch molecule.
See also Maillard Reaction.

Dextrins are white, yellow, or brown powder that are partially or fully water-soluble, yielding optically active solutions of low viscosity.
Most of them can be detected with iodine solution, giving a red coloration; one distinguishes erythrodextrin (dextrin that colours red) and achrodextrin (giving no colour).

White and yellow dextrins from starch roasted with little or no acid are called British gum.
Yellow dextrins are used as water-soluble glues in remoistenable envelope adhesives and paper tubes, in the mining industry as additives in froth flotation, in the foundry industry as green strength additives in sand casting, as printing thickener for batik resist dyeing, and as binders in gouache paint and also in the leather industry.

White dextrins are used as:
-a crispness enhancer for food processing, in food batters, coatings, and glazes, (INS number 1400)
-a textile finishing and coating agent to increase weight and stiffness of textile fabrics
-a thickening and binding agent in pharmaceuticals and paper coatings
-a pyrotechnic binder and fuel; this is added to fireworks and sparklers, allowing them to solidify as pellets or "stars"
-a stabilizing agent for certain explosive metal azides, particularly Lead(II) azide
-Owing to their rebranching, dextrins are less digestible.
-Indigestible dextrins have been developed as soluble stand-alone fiber supplements and for adding to processed food products.

Uses of Dextrin:
dextrin (British gum; starch gum) absorbs moisture.
Dextrin is also used as a binder to control product viscosity and reduce the density of a cosmetic.
Dextrin is produced from corn starch and modified by means of a bacterial process.
Dextrin may cause an allergic reaction.

Other types
Main article: maltodextrin
Maltodextrin is a short-chain starch sugar used as a food additive.
Dextrin is also produced by enzymatic hydrolysis from gelled starch, and is usually found as a creamy-white hygroscopic spray-dried powder.
Maltodextrin is easily digestible, being absorbed as rapidly as glucose, and might either be moderately sweet or have hardly any flavor at all.

Main article: Cyclodextrin
Dextrin cyclical dextrins are known as cyclodextrins.
They are formed by enzymatic degradation of starch by certain bacteria, for example, Paenibacillus macerans (Bacillus macerans).
Cyclodextrins have toroidal structures formed by 6-8 glucose residues.

Amylodextrin is a linear dextrin or short chained amylose (DP 20-30) that can be produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of the alpha-1,6 glycosidic bonds or debranching amylopectin.
Amylodextrin colors blue with iodine.
(Beta) Limit dextrin is the remaining polymer produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of amylopectin with beta amylase, which cannot hydrolyse the alpha-1,6 bonds at branch points.
(Alpha) Limit dextrin is a short chained branched amylopectin remnant, produced by hydrolysis of amylopectin with alpha amylase.
Highly branched cyclic dextrin is a dextrin produced from enzymatic breaking of the amylopectin in clusters and using branching enzyme to form large cyclic chains.

CAS Number:337376-15-5
ECHA InfoCard:100.029.693
E number:E1400 (additional chemicals)
PubChem CID:62698
CompTox Dashboard (EPA):DTXSID20891750

Chemical formula:(C6H10O5)n
Molar mass:variable
Appearance:white or yellow powder

Dextrin is a starch derivative obtained by treating starch at high temperature.
Dextrin Types: Sunar M-70, Sunar M-90, Sunar GM-90, Sunar D-1, Sunar S-2

Application Areas
Dextrin’s application areas are coal, gypsum,textile, corner board, tube winding, lamination, wood pellet, charcoal pellet, paper bag bottom gluing, side gluing of corrugated cardboard, bonding agent in the preparation of sand molding and envelop production.

Dextrin is a generic term applied to a variety of products obtained by heating a starch in the presence of small amounts of moisture and an acid.
Dextrins can be made from any starch and are generally classified as white dextrins, yellow (or canary) dextrins, and British gums.
Each is more water-soluble and produces less viscous solutions or dispersions than its parent starch.
Each is produced by combinations of slight depolymerization (hydrolysis) and transglycosylation (molecular rearrangement).

Transglycosylation produces more highly branched structures and forms glycosidic linkages not found in native starches.
Most dextrins are used as adhesives for paper products.
Only white dextrins and only small amounts of them are used in prepared foods.
White dextrins are prepared by heating a dried, acidified starch.

While dextrins are little used in foods; maltodextrins and syrup solids are used extensively.
Both are produced from starch by hydrolysis only, i.e., without molecular rearrangement, and are of lower average molecular weight than either dextrins or acid-thinned (thin-boiling) starches, the latter being slightly depolymerized starches that remain in granular form.
Dextrin primary difference between thin-boiling starches, maltodextrins, and syrups/syrup solids is the degree of depolymerization.
Dextrin primary difference between dextrins and thin-boiling starches is the method of preparation.

Dextrins (pyrodextrins) are made by heating dry starch with or without acid.
Since Dextrin is a dry process, recovery of water-soluble materials is simpler than with aqueous fluidity and oxidized starches.
Depending on reaction conditions, greater or lesser amounts of three reactions will occur:
(a) hydrolysis;
(b) transglycosidation; and
(c) repolymerization.
According to which predominates, the product is a white dextrin, a yellow dextrin or a British gum.
Like other converted materials, these products offer a way to use higher solids to increase performance.

Dextrins differ from fluidity starches in that their cold-water-solubility increases, while their gel strength and their mean molecular weight are reduced.
Dextrins are formed through acid modification of a dry powder.
Dextrins are more completely hydrolyzed products than fluidity starches.
Hydrochloric acid is favored, but sulfuric and orthophosphoric acids are also used. Dextrins are used where dispersions or sols having high solids are desired.
The choice of a dextrin is a function of application requirements (concentration of sol, color, film strength, ability to be moistened, tack, etc.).
A typical application is the pan coating of confections, where the clear dextrin film prevents separation of the sugar shell from the base center material.

Dextrins are also used to provide gloss to bakery goods as fat replacers.
Highly soluble British gums and yellow dextrins are used as carriers for active food flavorings, spices and colorants, where rapid dissolution in water is desired.
Yellow corn dextrin is also used in the encapsulation of water-insoluble flavorings and oils, replacing gum arabic.
A white dextrin is marketed as a fat replacer.

Dextrins are produced from all commercial grain and tuber starches.
The conversion process is essentially the same for all starches for manufacture of a given dextrin, but ease of conversion varies with starch type and quality.

Potato starch is generally regarded as the easiest to convert, followed closely by tapioca and sago starches.
Corn starch and other cereal starches require longer converting times and higher temperatures to reach a given level of dextrin conversion than do potato or tapioca starch.
Corn starch, however, is the major source for dextrins in the United States because of its low cost and ready availability.

Dextrins are a blend of low-molecular-weight polymers of glucose linked through α-(1→4) or α-(1→6) glycosidic bonds obtained through starch hydrolysis.
They are commonly described by their dextrose equivalent (DE) values, which are defined as reducing sugars expressed as dextrose (D-glucose) on the basis of dry weight.
Dextrins find applications in the food industry as viscosity improvers, ingredients in formulated foods, extenders of powdery foods, and glazing agents in rice cakes.

Dextrins, glucose syrups, and modified starches
Dextrins, formed on heating starch, are assayed together with the unmodified polysaccharide.
The dextrin–iodine coloration is reddish brown.
Glucose syrups (from starch) are extremely soluble in water, and the reducing power (‘dextrose equivalent’) of a sample whose moisture and ash content is known affords a measure of the length of the chain of glucose residues.
Free glucose is measured by the glucose oxidase method.
The molecular weight distribution, which is an important property affecting viscosity, is best measured by SEC, or by an HPLC procedure.
If modification of the starch by oxidation, etherification, or esterification (e.g., phosphate formation) has been carried out, methods appropriate to the specific analyses required must be adopted.

What Is Dextrin?
So first of all, we should figure out what the heck dextrin is.
Actually, dextrins are a category that includes several different carbohydrate strains that are produced by the hydrolysis of starch.
Okay, what? Yep, this can be pretty confusing, so we will try to break Dextrin down for you.
Starches are complex carbohydrates that are made up of mostly sugar molecules.

Starches are mostly found in plants, specifically many of our staple foods like potatoes, corn and rice, and are created as a source of energy.
Dextrin are actually the most common form of carbohydrates found in most human diets.
Hydrolysis is a process that uses water to break down molecules into smaller molecules.
So basically, you take a long strain of sugars (a starch) and break Dextrin down by adding water, and the smaller resulting strains are known as dextrins.
Phew, that was a lot of information! Still with us?

Types of Dextrin
Dextrins can be made from almost any starch source, like corn, wheat or potatoes.
Dextrins are classified into a few different types: typically white dextrins, yellow or canary dextrins or British gums.
Dextrin are all water-soluble solutions and are typically less viscous than the starch that they came from (potato or wheat, for instance).
There are several different uses for dextrins.
One of the most popular is in the adhesive industry.
Because of their water solubility, dextrins are ideal for water-activated adhesives and glues (think postage stamps and envelopes, where you lick them to activate the adhesive properties).
Dextrins are also used to print on cotton fabrics in the textile industry! White dextrins alone are used in the food industry.
These are typically created by a combination of acid and water during hydrolysis.

How Are Dextrins Formed?
Dextrins are usually a byproduct or intermediate product of other processes, such as cooking or enzyme activation.
The most common example of this is the crispy brown part on the top of fresh-baked bread.
The exact properties of your dextrin will rely heavily on what type of starch Dextrin was formed from, so wheat dextrin, for instance, will have very different reactions and properties than corn dextrin or potato dextrin.
Wheat dextrin is a popular example and is a byproduct of the process that extracts gluten proteins from wheat.
The wheat starch gets sprayed with an acid solution and then Dextrin is suspended in water.
After a while, the wheat starch gets roasted until Dextrin is dry, and then Dextrin has officially been converted into dextrin and is packaged and ready to go!

What Is Dextrin Used For?
We mentioned earlier that white dextrins are the only ones used in the food industry, and that is true.
You may be surprised at how many foods contain dextrin when you start checking out your labels!
For something you may not have heard of, this stuff is all over the supermarket shelves!
Wheat dextrin is used to thicken many products in the food industry, such as soups or stews, or even baby foods!
Dextrin is also a popular ingredient to replace fats in low-calorie foods, so if you start reading the labels at health food stores, you will probably start seeing this word a lot!

Wheat dextrin specifically is a great source of fiber, and more specifically, soluble fiber.
There are many differences between soluble and insoluble fiber, but the basic lesson is that soluble fiber digests easily and quickly and helps attach to things like bad cholesterol on the way out, so it helps lower the bad cholesterol in your system!
In short, soluble fiber is great for you!
There are so many health benefits associated with a high fiber diet that we will explore in a minute.
Just know that dextrin is often used as a popular fiber supplement.

Another popular use for dextrin in foods is to make foods crispy or as a coating: we mentioned the crispy brown part on the top of bread earlier, and this is a perfect example.
Dextrin gives fried foods that extra-brown, crispy texture as well.
We all love a good home-cooked fried chicken--give credit to dextrin for that flaky, delicious skin!

Is Dextrin Gluten Free?
We’ve talked about wheat dextrin a good bit, so it may be on your mind to ask whether dextrin is gluten-free or not.
The truth is, a lot of dextrin in food is made from non-wheat sources, like tapioca, rice, or potatoes.
Dextrin these cases, you will be absolutely safe from any gluten particles, so if you have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, then you have no need to worry about these types of dextrin.
Wheat dextrin, in some cases, will have the gluten processed out of it, so you should not have to worry.
Dextrin some cases, however, the gluten may still remain in the dextrin in a larger quantity than is allowed.
Dextrin these cases, the manufacturer is required to use the word “wheat” on their ingredients or includes list, though, so if you are gluten sensitive or have Celiac Disease, then you should not worry about dextrin on an ingredient list unless it contains the word wheat as well!

Health Benefits of Dextrin
There are several health benefits of dextrin, not only because it is a high source of soluble fiber.
A high fiber diet has been linked to numerous health benefits, including weight loss, better skin health, higher bone density, and lower cholesterol.
Fiber is considered a natural detoxifier, and most cancers have been linked to more toxic inner environments, so fiber has in some cases been linked to lower risk of cancers like colon and liver cancer.
Fiber keeps your bowel movements regular, as well as speeding up digestion and easing the flow of everything you eat through your system - from start to...well, finish.
Fiber also allows your body to absorb nutrients more smoothly and helps flush out bad things without allowing them to sit in your body for too long.

Dextrin is prepared by roasting starch in the presence of acid, which chemically changes the character and properties of starch.
Dextrin is an intermediate between starch and sugars derived from starch.
Dextrin goes into solution instantly and with a lesser quantity of water.
The severity of the heat and acid treatment determines the degree of solubility which is the basis for classifying or grading Dextrin.
Offers high strength films, wide range of water solubilities and greater adhesive strength as well as fluidity.
This starch converted product uses large amounts of yellow dextrin in the preparation of liquid as well as dry adhesives and finds application in the manufacture of spiral, convolute tubes as well as carbon paper, abrasives, dry distemper and in machine labelling of tins, cartons, packages, envelopes, corrugated boxes etc.
Dextrin is also used by crackers manufacturer due to Dextrins adhesive properties as well as explosive character, as a core binder in refractories, foundry operations and in paper tubes, paper cones, book-binding, carton sealing, cigarette pasting, match-head, match box making.
A carbohydrate that has a chemical formula of C18H32O16, used chiefly as a thickening agent in food or as adhesive

Carbohydrates are one of the major classes of biomolecules.
The simplest form of carbohydrates is a monosaccharide.
The monosaccharides may combine by glycosidic bonds and form larger carbohydrates, such as oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.
Dextrin is an example of a carbohydrate.
Dextrins are carbohydrates produced from hydrolyzing starch or glycogen.

Dextrin is comprised of D-glucose units that are linked by α-(1→4) or α-(1→6) glycosidic bonds.
Dextrins are naturally-occurring.
In humans, dextrin is produced during the digestion of starch.
In particular, the human saliva contains the enzyme α-amylase that hydrolyzes the α-1,4 glycosidic bonds that link carbohydrate constituents of the starch.
This results in the production of dextrin (as well as maltotriose and maltose).
Dextrins are produced synthetically as well for their industrial uses.
Starch (or British) gum is a translucent, gummy, amorphous substance that is used as a substitute for gum.

Dextrin is produced synthetically through heat, acids, or diastase.
Dextrin is of somewhat variable composition, containing several carbohydrates which change easily to their respective varieties of sugar.
Dextrin is so named from its rotating the plane of polarization to the right.
Linear dextrins are carbohydrates with six or more glucose molecules that are linked with α(1→4) glycosidic linkage.
Limit dextrins are those comprised of glucose molecules linked with α(1→6) glycosidic linkage.

What is dextrin?
Dextrin is not easy to explain what dextrin really is, as Dextrin is a catch-all for shorter chains of glucose.

The origin of all forms of dextrin is starch from wheat, potatoes, corn, rice, cassava and other starchy crops.
When the starch is broken up, for example during baking, Dextrin breaks down into single glucose molecules, chains with two glucose moieties (maltose) and shorter chains with three or more glucose moieties (maltodextrin).
Dextrin some processes, these are re-combined with various glycoside bonds into tree-like structures.
These re-combined carbohydrates are called dextrin.

Owing to the branching, dextrins are less digestible.
By controlling the glycoside bonds between the branches, Dextrin is possible to produce dextrin that doesn’t break up at all in our digestion system.
They are called resistant dextrin and are dietary fibres.

Yummy for the gut
Dextrin has several health benefits.

Dextrins find widespread use in industry, due to their non-toxicity and their low price.
They are used as water soluble glues, as thickening agents in food processing, and as binding agent in pharmaceuticals.
In pyrotechnics they are added to fire formulas, allowing them to solidify as pellets or "stars."
Cyclodextrins find additional use in analytical chemistry as a matrix for the separation of hydrophobic substances, and as excipients in pharmaceutical formulations.
Not all forms of dextrin are digestible, and indigestible dextrin is sometimes used in fiber supplements.

For example, maltodextrin is a moderately sweet polysaccharide used as a food additive.
Dextrin is produced from starch and is usually found as a creamy white hygroscopic powder.
Maltodextrin is easily digestible, being absorbed as rapidly as glucose.
The CAS registry number of maltodextrin is 9050-36-6.

Maltodextrin can be derived from any starch.
Dextrinthe US this starch is usually corn or potato, elsewhere such as in Europe it is commonly wheat.
Dextrin is important for coeliacs since the wheat-derived maltodextrin can contain traces of gluten.

Foods containing maltodextrin may contain traces of amino acids, including glutamic acid as a manufacturing by-product.
The amino acids traces would be too small to have any dietary significance.

Dextrins are starches that are parched with acid hydrolyzation.
Dextrin production and marketing is shaped relatively its color and parching duration.
Dextrin is widely used in chemistry, textile and paper industries.

Dextrins are a group of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates produced by the hydrolysis of the D-glucose polymers starch or glycogen.
The term is usally used to describe a mixture of polymers of various sizes, where the glucose units are linked by either α-(1→4) or α-(1→6) glycosidic bonds.
When the polymers were hydrolyzed sufficiently to produce chain lengths that are under 20 monomers, the mixture is referred to as a maltodextrin.

As all nutrition fibres, Dextrin is neither digested nor absorbed in the human small intestine.
Thus, Dextrin doesn’t affect the blood sugar level.
Dextrin passes the digestive system unaffected to the large intestine, where Dextrin is prebiotic for the gut bacterias.
The bacteria in the colon ferment the fibres and produce short-chain fatty acids.
That gives a sustained energy release.
The amount of energy is only 1,7 kcal per gram.
Compared to 4 kcal per gram of sugar, that is almost 60% fewer calories.

Dextrins are polysaccharides formed by heating dry or acid-modified starches in a process called pyrolysis.
They can be used at higher solids levels than native or modified starches, creating stronger bonds, more tack and faster-drying properties than pastes made from unmodified starch.
Dextrin pastes provide excellent machinability and also can be used in adhesives and coatings that come into contact with food products, child-safe school pastes, remoistenable wallpaper, bag/envelope seams and paper and textile sizing.
Dextrin can also be used for encapsulation or granulation of active ingredients such as pharmaceuticals that are produced by fermentation.

Dextrins are a group of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates produced by the hydrolysis of starch.
Dextrins are mixtures of linear α-(1,4)-linked D-glucose polymers starting with an α-(1,6) bond.
Because branched amylopectin and glycogen also contain α-(1,6) bonds, which α-amylase cannot hydrolyze in humans, the digest resulting from this action contains a mixture of dextrins.
They have the same general formula as carbohydrates but are of shorter chain length.
Industrial production is, in general, performed by acidic hydrolysis of potato starch.
Dextrins are water-soluble, white to slightly yellow solids that are optically active.
Under analysis, dextrins can be detected with iodine solution, giving a red coloration.

For example, maltodextrin either can be moderately sweet or have hardly any flavor at all.
Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide that is used as a food additive.
Dextrin is produced from starch and is usually found as a creamy-white hygroscopic powder.
Maltodextrin is easily digestible, being absorbed as rapidly as glucose.
The CAS registry number of maltodextrin is 9050-36-6.

Maltodextrin can be derived from any starch.
In the US, this starch is usually rice, corn or potato; elsewhere, such as in Europe, Dextrin is commonly wheat.
Dextrin is important for coeliacs, since the wheat-derived maltodextrin can contain traces of gluten.
There have been recent reports of coeliac reaction to maltodextrin in the United States.
Dextrin might be a consequence of the shift of corn to ethanol production and Dextrins replacement with wheat in the formulation.

Dextrins are starches taht are parched with acid hydrolyzation.
Dextrin production and marketing is shaped relatively Dextrins color and parching duration.
Dextrin is widely used in chemistry, textile and paper industries.

Dextrin is sold in 25 kg craft pockets.
Hydrolyzed dextrins naturally exists in leaves of vegetables.
Dextrin exists in onion roots, onion skins and leaves of rice seeds.
Dextrin is used in chemistry, textile and paper industries as a glue.

A dextrin is a de-polymerised starch. By cutting the chain structure of the starch, its functionality changes.
To make a dextrin, basically any starch source is suitable, such as corn, wheat, tapioca, potato, pea, etc.
Unlike starch, dextrins can be white, yellow, or brown.
They are all partially or fully water-soluble.
Furthermore, they are typically less viscous than the starch that they came from.
They undergo modification by either chemicals, or temperature, or both.

Dextrins have a range of different uses.
Unquestionably, the paper industry is one of the most important users of dextrins for adhesives and coatings.
Dextrin chemical and mineral industry use predominantly the yellow (canary dextrins) and brown dextrins.

There are three groups of pyrodextrins: white dextrins, yellow (or canary) dextrins and British gums.

Starch dextrins are produced by heating dry starch. They are also often called pyrodextrins.
Pyroconversion is based on heat treatment of a dry starch with or without adding acid.

White dextrins, these are made in the presence of an acid at relatively low temperatures, and short process time;
Yellow dextrins, these are made in the presence of an acid at higher temperature, and for longer times.
Yellow corn dextrin is for instance used in the encapsulation of water-insoluble flavourings and oils;
British gums are made at higher temperatures and longer residence times.

Dextrin can be achieved without chemical modification or with the aid of an alkali.
British gums are highly soluble and used as carriers for active food ingredients such as flavourings, spices, and colourants.
When exposed to higher temperatures, the starch starts to become darker.
Dextrin is the reason why white dextrin is lighter: its heat treatment has been mild.

White dextrin
Examples of white dextrin applications in the food sector are:
-a crispness enhancer, in food batters, and as a coating
-a thickening agent for stews and soups
-a fat replacer in low-calorie food
-a soluble dietary fibre supplement
-a prebiotic
-a binding agent in pharmaceuticals
-a cold water soluble filler in herbal formulations

Dextrin, class of substances prepared by the incomplete hydrolysis of starch or by the heating of dry starch.
Dextrins are used chiefly as adhesives and as sizing agents for textiles and paper.

a soluble, gummy substance, formed from starch by the action of heat, acids, or ferments, occurring in various forms and having dextrorotatory properties: used chiefly as a thickening agent in printing inks and food, as a mucilage, and as a substitute for gum arabic and other natural substances.
Any of various soluble polysaccharides obtained from starch by the application of heat or acids and used mainly as adhesives and thickening agents.
any of a group of sticky substances that are intermediate products in the conversion of starch to maltose: used as thickening agents in foods and as gums

What Is Dextrin?
Dextrin is a carbohydrate with the same general formula as starch.
Dextrins are polysaccharides and are produced by the hydrolysis of starch by heat and by acid.
Their nature and chemical behavior depend upon the kind of starch from which they are produced.

For commercial use dextrin is prepared by heating and drying starch and then treating this starch with HCl (hydrochloric acid) to produce a colorless to yellowish, tasteless and odorless powder which when mixed with water, forms a strong adhesive paste.
Present technology requires a costly and time-consuming process of at least four steps; drying, heating, reacting and cooling.
These multi-step processes are very labor intensive and usually producing a dextrin with significant variances from batch to batch.
The poor heat transfer capabilities and inconsistent HCl (hydrochloric acid) distribution in the mix creates Dextrin of varying colors and can lead to the formation of “black specks”.

White dextrins are prepared by heating dry starch in the presence of an acid at a temperature generally below 150°C.
White dextrins may also be obtained by further continuing the acid process for making thin boiling starches.
Because of the nature of the application as well as their flavour, their use in food is restricted.
Dextrins are a stage in the normal digestion of starch occurring in the human gastrointestinal tract.

Dextrin represent a broad range of products with considerably smaller molecular size than native starch.
Yellow dextrins are prepared in a similar manner but at a higher temperature and using less acid.
Apart from depolymerization, a good deal of internal rearrangement occurs with formation of highly branched molecules.
These materials are used in foods in limited quantities as a
Dextrin; Pinedex; caloreen; dextrins; Starch gum; Dextrin, AR;Corndextrin; WHITEDEXTRIN; Dextrin,tech.; DextrineWhite; Dextrin, AR;yellow dextrin / α-D-Glucopyranose;dextrin from corn;dextrin from potato starch;DEXTRIN,WHITEPOWDER;DEXTRIN,YELLOWPOWDER;caloreen;TAPIOCADEXTRINS CAS NO:9004-53-9
dextrine; DEXTRIN; a-Glucose; N° CAS : 9004-53-9, Nom INCI : DEXTRIN, Nom chimique : Dextrin,N° EINECS/ELINCS : 232-675-4, Agent Absorbant : Absorbe l'eau (ou l'huile) sous forme dissoute ou en fines particules. Agent fixant : Permet la cohésion de différents ingrédients cosmétiques. Agent de foisonnement : Réduit la densité apparente des cosmétiques. Agent de contrôle de la viscosité : Augmente ou diminue la viscosité des cosmétiquesLes dextrines sont des glucides amorphes de formule brute approximative (C6H10O5)n. Elles sont obtenues par chauffage de l'amidon vers 160°C ou par son hydrolyse acide vers 100°C. Des dextrines se forment dans la croûte du pain lors de la cuisson, ce qui lui confère sa couleur et son parfum. On les trouve sous forme de poudre blanche, jaune ou brune. Elles sont plus ou moins solubles dans l'eau et donnent les solutions incolores et dextrogyres.Les dextrines sont des mélanges de gluco-oligosides ou oligosides de glucose en chaînes linéaires dont les unités de glucose sont liées par des liaisons osidiques du type α-(1,4). Ces chaînes sont reliées entre elles par des liaisons osidiques α-(1,6). Les amylopectines ramifiées et le glycogène contiennent eux-mêmes des liaisons osidiques α-(1,6) que les α-amylases ne peuvent pas hydrolyser : par conséquent leur digestion produit un mélange de dextrines.Les dextrines jaunes sont utilisées dans des colles à l'eau (enveloppes), dans des additifs pour le moulage en sable, des liants pour la gouache et dans l'impression des tissus.Les dextrines blanches sont utilisées dans les excipients des médicaments, les papiers couchés, les liants dans les feux d'artifice. Étant peu digestibles elles constituent des fibres alimentaires solubles. Noms français : Dextrine Noms anglais : BRITISH GUM CORN DEXTRIN CORN DEXTRINE DEXTRANS Dextrin DEXTRINS GOMMELIN STARCH GUM STARCH, DEXTRINIZED STARCH, THIN-BOILING Utilisation: Fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques, agent épaississant. α-D-Glucopyranose 207-757-8 [EINECS] 232-675-4 [EINECS] a-Dextrose a-D-glucopyranose a-D-Glucose a-Glucose D-(+) Glucose D-(+)-Glucose Dextrose [USP] D-Glucopyranose [ACD/Index Name] D-Glucose [ACD/Index Name] Glucopyranose Glucose [JP15] α-dextrose α-D-Glucopyranose [ACD/Index Name] α-D-Glucopyranose [German] [ACD/Index Name] α-D-Glucopyranose [French] [ACD/Index Name] α-D-Glucose α-D-Glucose α-glucose &α;-D-glucopyranose &α;-D-glucose &α;-glucose (1,6-α-D-glucosyl)n (2S,3R,4S,5R,6R)-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-2,3,4,5-tetrol (2S,3R,4S,5R,6R)-6-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydropyran-2,3,4,5-tetrol (2S,3R,4S,5R,6R)-6-methyloltetrahydropyran-2,3,4,5-tetrol (2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-6-(Hydroxymethyl)oxane-2,3,4,5-tetrol (2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-6-(Hydroxymethyl)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2,3,4,5-tetraol (2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-6-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydropyran-2,3,4,5-tetrol (2S,3R,4S,5S,6R)-6-methyloltetrahydropyran-2,3,4,5-tetrol 1,3-α-D-Glucan 1,4-α-D-Glucan 1,6-α-D-Glucan Amylose Amylose chain BGC BOG Cartose Cerelose Corn sugar D-(+)-Glucose, anhydrous Dextrin [Wiki] Dextropur DextroseAnhydrate Dextrosol D-gluco-hexose D-Glucose-12C6, 16O6 D-gluose GLB glc Glucopyranose, α-D- Glucose Syrup Grape sugar ICODEXTRIN MAN suc α-​D-​Glucopyranose α-D(+)-Glucose α-D-Glc α-d-glucose α-glucose β-D-glucose
Dextrose Dextrose is a simple sugar with the molecular formula C6H12O6. Dextrose is the most abundant monosaccharide, a subcategory of carbohydrates. Dextrose is mainly made by plants and most algae during photosynthesis from water and carbon dioxide, using energy from sunlight, where it is used to make cellulose in cell walls, which is the most abundant carbohydrate. In energy metabolism, Dextrose is the most important source of energy in all organisms. Dextrose for metabolism is stored as a polymer, in plants mainly as starch and amylopectin, and in animals as glycogen. Dextrose circulates in the blood of animals as blood sugar. The naturally occurring form of Dextrose is d-Dextrose, while l-Dextrose is produced synthetically in comparatively small amounts and is of lesser importance. Dextrose is a monosaccharide containing six carbon atoms and an aldehyde group, and is therefore an aldohexose. The Dextrose molecule can exist in an open-chain (acyclic) as well as ring (cyclic) form. Dextrose is naturally occurring and is found in fruits and other parts of plants in its free state. In animals, Dextrose is released from the breakdown of glycogen in a process known as glycogenolysis. The name Dextrose derives through the French from the Greek γλυκός ('glukos'), which means "sweet", in reference to must, the sweet, first press of grapes in the making of wine. The suffix "-ose" is a chemical classifier, denoting a sugar. What is dextrose? Dextrose is the name of a simple sugar that is made from corn and is chemically identical to glucose, or blood sugar. Dextrose is often used in baking products as a sweetener, and can be commonly found in items such as processed foods and corn syrup. Dextrose also has medical purposes. It is dissolved in solutions that are given intravenously, which can be combined with other drugs, or used to increase a person’s blood sugar. Because dextrose is a “simple” sugar, the body can quickly use it for energy. Simple sugars can raise blood sugar levels very quickly, and they often lack nutritional value. Examples of other simple sugars include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Products that are typically made of simple sugars include refined sugar, white pasta, and honey. What are common dextrose preparations? Dextrose is used to make several intravenous (IV) preparations or mixtures, which are available only at a hospital or medical facility. Dextrose is also available as an oral gel or in oral tablet form over the counter from pharmacies. Each dextrose concentration has its own unique uses. Higher concentrations are typically used as “rescue” doses when someone has a very low blood sugar reading. How is dextrose used? Dextrose is used in various concentrations for different purposes. For example, a doctor may prescribe dextrose in an IV solution when someone is dehydrated and has low blood sugar. Dextrose IV solutions can also be combined with many drugs, for IV administration. Dextrose is a carbohydrate, which is one part of nutrition in a normal diet. Solutions containing dextrose provide calories and may be given intravenously in combination with amino acids and fats. This is called total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and is used to provide nutrition to those who cannot absorb or get carbohydrates, amino acids, and fats through their gut. High-concentration dextrose injections are only given by professionals. These injections are administered to people whose blood sugar may be very low and who cannot swallow dextrose tablets, foods, or drinks. If a person’s potassium levels are too high (hyperkalemia), sometimes doctors also give dextrose injections of 50 percent, followed by insulin intravenously. This may be done in the hospital setting. When the cells take in the extra glucose, they also take in potassium. This helps to lower a person’s blood potassium levels. The dextrose is given to prevent the person from being hypoglycemic. The insulin is treating the elevated potassium. People with diabetes or hypoglycemia (chronically low blood sugar) may carry dextrose gel or tablets in case their blood sugar gets too low. The gel or tablets dissolve in a person’s mouth and quickly boost blood sugar levels. If a person’s blood sugar is less than 70 mg/dL and they are having low blood sugar symptoms, they may need to take the dextrose tablets. Examples of low blood sugar symptoms include weakness, confusion, sweating, and too-fast heart rate. What precautions should I take when using dextrose? A medical provider should not give dextrose to people with certain kinds of medical conditions. This is because the dextrose could potentially cause too-high blood sugar or fluid shifts in the body that lead to swelling or fluid buildup in the lungs. Avoid dextrose if you have hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar if you have hypokalemia, or low potassium levels in the blood if you have peripheral edema, or swelling in the arms, feet, or legs if you have pulmonary edema, when fluids build up in the lungs If you are diabetic and your doctor prescribes dextrose oral gel or tablets for you, these should only be used when you have a low blood sugar reaction. Your doctor or diabetes educator should teach you how to spot the signs of low blood sugar and when to use the tablets. If you need to have the gel or tablets on hand, you should keep them with you at all times and you should keep some at home. Your doctor should also explain to other family members when to use the gel or tablets, in case others need to give them to you. If you have an allergy to corn, you could have an allergic reaction to dextrose. Talk to your doctor before using it. Monitoring your blood sugar while on dextrose Even if you don’t have certain conditions, it is important to continually check your blood sugar if they are receiving dextrose. This can ensure that the dextrose does not dangerously increase blood sugar. You can check your blood sugar with home tests. They involve testing blood from a finger prick on a blood strip. For those who are physically unable to test their blood at home, urine glucose tests are available, though they’re not as reliable. If you do find that you or someone else is having a negative reaction due to low blood sugar, the dextrose tablets should be taken immediately. According to the Joslin Diabetes Center, four glucose tablets are equal to 15 grams of carbs and can be taken in the case of low blood sugar levels (unless otherwise advised by your doctor). Chew the tablets thoroughly before swallowing. No water is needed. Your symptoms should improve within 20 minutes. If they don’t, consult your doctor. The dextrose gel often comes in single-serving tubes, which are poured directly into the mouth and swallowed. If you haven’t felt any positive changes after 10 minutes, repeat with another tube. If your blood sugar is still too low after an additional 10 minutes, contact your doctor. Dextrose in children Dextrose can be used in children similarly to how it is used in adults, as a medical intervention for hypoglycemia. In cases of severe pediatric hypoglycemia, children will often be given dextrose intravenously. Prompt and early treatment in children and infants with hypoglycemia is essential, as untreated hypoglycemia can result in neurological damage. If they’re able to take it, dextrose may be given to children orally. In the case of neonatal hypoglycemia, which can be caused by several disorders such as metabolism defects or hyperinsulinism, infants can have small amounts of dextrose gel added to their diet to help them maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Consult your doctor for how much dextrose to add to their diet. Infants that were born prematurely are at risk for hypoglycemia, and may be given dextrose via an IV. Dextrose powder and bodybuilding Dextrose is naturally calorie-dense and easy for the body to break down for energy. Because of this, dextrose powder is available and sometimes used as a nutritional supplement by bodybuilders who are looking to increase weight and muscle. While the boost in calories and easy to break down nature of dextrose can benefit bodybuilders or those looking to increase muscle mass, it’s important to note that dextrose lacks other essential nutrients that are needed to accomplish this goal. Those nutrients include protein and fat. Dextrose powder’s simple sugars also make it easier to break down, while complex sugars and carbohydrates may benefit bodybuilders more, as they are more successful at helping fat to burn. What are the side effects of dextrose? Dextrose should be carefully given to people who have diabetes, because they might not be able to process dextrose as quickly as would someone without the condition. Dextrose can increase the blood sugar too much, which is known as hyperglycemia. Symptoms include: fruity odor on the breath increasing thirst with no known causes dry skin dehydration nausea shortness of breath stomach upset unexplained fatigue urinating frequently vomiting confusion Effect on blood sugar If you need to use dextrose, your blood sugar could increase too much afterward. You should test your blood sugar after using dextrose tablets, as directed by your doctor or diabetes educator. You may need to adjust your insulin to lower your blood sugar. If you are given IV fluids with dextrose in the hospital, your nurse will check your blood sugar. If the blood sugar tests too high, the dose of your IV fluids may be adjusted or even stopped, until your blood sugar reaches a safer level. You could also be given insulin, to help reduce your blood sugar. Dextrose’s simple sugar composition makes it useful as a treatment for hypoglycemia and low blood sugar for patients of all ages, with some treatment options being convenient and portable. It is safe to use long-term on an as-needed basis. Dextrose does not come without risks, however, and even those without diabetes should carefully monitor their blood sugar when taking it. Always consult a doctor before stopping treatment for diabetes, or if you test your blood sugar and it is high. If you have glucose gel or tablets in your home, keep them away from children. Large amounts taken by small children could be especially dangerous. History of dextrose Dextrose was first isolated from raisins in 1747 by the German chemist Andreas Marggraf. Dextrose was discovered in grapes by Johann Tobias Lowitz in 1792, and distinguished as being different from cane sugar (sucrose). Dextrose is the term coined by Jean Baptiste Dumas in 1838, which has prevailed in the chemical literature. Friedrich August Kekulé proposed the term dextrose (from Latin dexter = right), because in aqueous solution of Dextrose, the plane of linearly polarized light is turned to the right. In contrast, d-fructose (a ketohexose) and l-Dextrose turn linearly polarized light to the left. The earlier notation according to the rotation of the plane of linearly polarized light (d and l-nomenclature) was later abandoned in favor of the d- and l-notation, which refers to the absolute configuration of the asymmetric center farthest from the carbonyl group, and in concordance with the configuration of d- or l-glyceraldehyde. Since Dextrose is a basic necessity of many organisms, a correct understanding of its chemical makeup and structure contributed greatly to a general advancement in organic chemistry. This understanding occurred largely as a result of the investigations of Emil Fischer, a German chemist who received the 1902 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his findings. The synthesis of Dextrose established the structure of organic material and consequently formed the first definitive validation of Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff's theories of chemical kinetics and the arrangements of chemical bonds in carbon-bearing molecules. Between 1891 and 1894, Fischer established the stereochemical configuration of all the known sugars and correctly predicted the possible isomers, applying Van 't Hoff's theory of asymmetrical carbon atoms. The names initially referred to the natural substances. Their enantiomers were given the same name with the introduction of systematic nomenclatures, taking into account absolute stereochemistry (e.g. Fischer nomenclature, d/l nomenclature). For the discovery of the metabolism of Dextrose Otto Meyerhof received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1922. Hans von Euler-Chelpin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Arthur Harden in 1929 for their "research on the fermentation of sugar and their share of enzymes in this process". In 1947, Bernardo Houssay (for his discovery of the role of the pituitary gland in the metabolism of Dextrose and the derived carbohydrates) as well as Carl and Gerty Cori (for their discovery of the conversion of glycogen from Dextrose) received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In 1970, Luis Leloir was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of Dextrose-derived sugar nucleotides in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates. Chemical properties With six carbon atoms, it is classed as a hexose, a subcategory of the monosaccharides. d-Dextrose is one of the sixteen aldohexose stereoisomers. The d-isomer, d-Dextrose, also known as dextrose, occurs widely in nature, but the l-isomer, l-Dextrose, does not. Dextrose can be obtained by hydrolysis of carbohydrates such as milk sugar (lactose), cane sugar (sucrose), maltose, cellulose, glycogen, etc. Dextrose is commonly commercially manufactured from cornstarch in the US and Japan, from potato and wheat starch in Europe, and from tapioca starch in tropical areas. The manufacturing process uses hydrolysis via pressurized steaming at controlled pH in a jet followed by further enzymatic depolymerization. Unbonded Dextrose is one of the main ingredients of honey. All forms of Dextrose are colorless and easily soluble in water, acetic acid, and several other solvents. They are only sparingly soluble in methanol and ethanol. Structure and nomenclature Dextrose is a monosaccharide with formula C6H12O6 or H−(C=O)−(CHOH)5−H, whose five hydroxyl (OH) groups are arranged in a specific way along its six-carbon back. Dextrose is usually present in solid form as a monohydrate with a closed pyran ring (dextrose hydrate). In aqueous solution, on the other hand, it is an open-chain to a small extent and is present predominantly as α- or β-pyranose, which partially mutually merge by mutarotation. From aqueous solutions, the three known forms can be crystallized: α-glucopyranose, β-glucopyranose and β-glucopyranose hydrate. Dextrose is a building block of the disaccharides lactose and sucrose (cane or beet sugar), of oligosaccharides such as raffinose and of polysaccharides such as starch and amylopectin, glycogen or cellulose. The glass transition temperature of Dextrose is 31 °C and the Gordon–Taylor constant (an experimentally determined constant for the prediction of the glass transition temperature for different mass fractions of a mixture of two substances) is 4.5. Open-chain form Dextrose can exist in both a straight-chain and ring form. In its fleeting open-chain form, the Dextrose molecule has an open (as opposed to cyclic) and unbranched backbone of six carbon atoms, C-1 through C-6; where C-1 is part of an aldehyde group H(C=O)−, and each of the other five carbons bears one hydroxyl group −OH. The remaining bonds of the backbone carbons are satisfied by hydrogen atoms −H. Therefore, Dextrose is both a hexose and an aldose, or an aldohexose. The aldehyde group makes Dextrose a reducing sugar giving a positive reaction with the Fehling test. Each of the four carbons C-2 through C-5 is a stereocenter, meaning that its four bonds connect to four different substituents. (Carbon C-2, for example, connects to −(C=O)H, −OH, −H, and −(CHOH)4H.) In d-Dextrose, these four parts must be in a specific three-dimensional arrangement. Namely, when the molecule is drawn in the Fischer projection, the hydroxyls on C-2, C-4, and C-5 must be on the right side, while that on C-3 must be on the left side. The positions of those four hydroxyls are exactly reversed in the Fischer diagram of l-Dextrose. d- and l-Dextrose are two of the 16 possible aldohexoses; the other 14 are allose, altrose, galactose, gulose, idose, mannose, and talose, each with two enantiomers, “d-” and “l-”. It is important to note that the linear form of Dextrose makes up less than 0.02% of the Dextrose molecules in a water solution. The rest is one of two cyclic forms of Dextrose that are formed when the hydroxyl group on carbon 5 (C5) bonds to the aldehyde carbon 1 (C1). Cyclic forms In solutions, the open-chain form of Dextrose (either "D-" or "L-") exists in equilibrium with several cyclic isomers, each containing a ring of carbons closed by one oxygen atom. In aqueous solution, however, more than 99% of Dextrose molecules, at any given time, exist as pyranose forms. The open-chain form is limited to about 0.25%, and furanose forms exist in negligible amounts. The terms "Dextrose" and "D-Dextrose" are generally used for these cyclic forms as well. The ring arises from the open-chain form by an intramolecular nucleophilic addition reaction between the aldehyde group (at C-1) and either the C-4 or C-5 hydroxyl group, forming a hemiacetal linkage, −C(OH)H−O−. Optical activity Whether in water or the solid form, d-(+)-Dextrose is dextrorotatory, meaning it will rotate the direction of polarized light clockwise as seen looking toward the light source. The effect is due to the chirality of the molecules, and indeed the mirror-image isomer, l-(−)-Dextrose, is levorotatory (rotates polarized light counterclockwise) by the same amount. The strength of the effect is different for each of the five tautomers. Note that the d- prefix does not refer directly to the optical properties of the compound. It indicates that the C-5 chiral centre has the same handedness as that of d-glyceraldehyde (which was so labelled because it is dextrorotatory). The fact that d-Dextrose is dextrorotatory is a combined effect of its four chiral centres, not just of C-5; and indeed some of the other d-aldohexoses are levorotatory. The conversion between the two anomers can be observed in a polarimeter since pure α-dDextrose has a specific rotation angle of +112.2°·ml/(dm·g), pure β- D- Dextrose of +17.5°·ml/(dm·g). When equilibrium has been reached after a certain time due to mutarotation, the angle of rotation is +52.7°·ml/(dm·g). By adding acid or base, this transformation is much accelerated. The equilibration takes place via the open-chain aldehyde form. Biochemical properties Dextrose is the most abundant monosaccharide. Dextrose is also the most widely used aldohexose in most living organisms. One possible explanation for this is that Dextrose has a lower tendency than other aldohexoses to react nonspecifically with the amine groups of proteins. This reaction—glycation—impairs or destroys the function of many proteins, e.g. in glycated hemoglobin. Dextrose's low rate of glycation can be attributed to its having a more stable cyclic form compared to other aldohexoses, which means it spends less time than they do in its reactive open-chain form. The reason for Dextrose having the most stable cyclic form of all the aldohexoses is that its hydroxy groups (with the exception of the hydroxy group on the anomeric carbon of d-Dextrose) are in the equatorial position. Presumably, Dextrose is the most abundant natural monosaccharide because it is less glycated with proteins than other monosaccharides. Another hypothesis is that Dextrose, being the only D-aldohexose that has all five hydroxy substituents in the equatorial position in the form of β-D-Dextrose, is more readily accessible to chemical reactions, for example, for esterification or acetal formation. For this reason, D-Dextrose is also a highly preferred building block in natural polysaccharides (glycans). Polysaccharides that are composed solely of Dextrose are termed glucans. Dextrose is produced by plants through the photosynthesis using sunlight, water and carbon dioxide and can be used by all living organisms as an energy and carbon source. However, most Dextrose does not occur in its free form, but in the form of its polymers, i.e. lactose, sucrose, starch and others which are energy reserve substances, and cellulose and chitin, which are components of the cell wall in plants or fungi and arthropods, respectively. These polymers are degraded to Dextrose during food intake by animals, fungi and bacteria using enzymes. All animals are also able to produce Dextrose themselves from certain precursors as the need arises. Nerve cells, cells of the renal medulla and erythrocytes depend on Dextrose for their energy production. In adult humans, there are about 18 g of Dextrose, of which about 4 g are present in the blood. Approximately 180 to 220 g of Dextrose are produced in the liver of an adult in 24 hours. Many of the long-term complications of diabetes (e.g., blindness, kidney failure, and peripheral neuropathy) are probably due to the glycation of proteins or lipids. In contrast, enzyme-regulated addition of sugars to protein is called glycosylation and is essential for the function of many proteins. Uptake Ingested Dextrose initially binds to the receptor for sweet taste on the tongue in humans. This complex of the proteins T1R2 and T1R3 makes it possible to identify Dextrose-containing food sources. Dextrose mainly comes from food - about 300 g per day are produced by conversion of food, but it is also synthesized from other metabolites in the body's cells. In humans, the breakdown of Dextrose-containing polysaccharides happens in part already during chewing by means of amylase, which is contained in saliva, as well as by maltase, lactase and sucrase on the brush border of the small intestine. Dextrose is a building block of many carbohydrates and can be split off from them using certain enzymes. Glucosidases, a subgroup of the glycosidases, first catalyze the hydrolysis of long-chain Dextrose-containing polysaccharides, removing terminal Dextrose. In turn, disaccharides are mostly degraded by specific glycosidases to Dextrose. The names of the degrading enzymes are often derived from the particular poly- and disaccharide; inter alia, for the degradation of polysaccharide chains there are amylases (named after amylose, a component of starch), cellulases (named after cellulose), chitinases (named after chitin) and more. Furthermore, for the cleavage of disaccharides, there are maltase, lactase, sucrase, trehalase and others. In humans, about 70 genes are known that code for glycosidases. They have functions in the digestion and degradation of glycogen, sphingolipids, mucopolysaccharides and poly(ADP-ribose). Humans do not produce cellulases, chitinases and trehalases, but the bacteria in the gut flora do. In order to get into or out of cell membranes of cells and membranes of cell compartments, Dextrose requires special transport proteins from the major facilitator superfamily. In the small intestine (more precisely, in the jejunum), Dextrose is taken up into the intestinal epithelial cells with the help of Dextrose transporters via a secondary active transport mechanism called sodium ion-Dextrose symport via the sodium/Dextrose cotransporter 1. The further transfer occurs on the basolateral side of the intestinal epithelial cells via the Dextrose transporter GLUT2, as well as their uptake into liver cells, kidney cells, cells of the islets of Langerhans, nerve cells, astrocytes and tanyocytes. Dextrose enters the liver via the vena portae and is stored there as a cellular glycogen. In the liver cell, it is phosphorylated by glucokinase at position 6 to Dextrose-6-phosphate, which can not leave the cell. With the help of Dextrose-6-phosphatase, Dextrose-6-phosphate is converted back into Dextrose exclusively in the liver, if necessary, so that it is available for maintaining a sufficient blood Dextrose concentration. In other cells, uptake happens by passive transport through one of the 14 GLUT proteins. In the other cell types, phosphorylation occurs through a hexokinase, whereupon Dextrose can no longer diffuse out of the cell. The Dextrose transporter GLUT1 is produced by most cell types and is of particular importance for nerve cells and pancreatic β-cells. GLUT3 is highly expressed in nerve cells. Dextrose from the bloodstream is taken up by GLUT4 from muscle cells (of the skeletal muscle and heart muscle) and fat cells. GLUT14 is formed exclusively in testes. Excess Dextrose is broken down and converted into fatty acids, which are stored as triacylglycerides. In the kidneys, Dextrose in the urine is absorbed via SGLT1 and SGLT2 in the apical cell membranes and transmitted via GLUT2 in the basolateral cell membranes. About 90% of kidney Dextrose reabsorption is via SGLT2 and about 3% via SGLT1. Biosynthesis In plants and some prokaryotes, Dextrose is a product of photosynthesis Dextrose is also formed by the breakdown of polymeric forms of Dextrose like glycogen (in animals and mushrooms) or starch (in plants). The cleavage of glycogen is termed glycogenolysis, the cleavage of starch is called starch degradation. The metabolic pathway that begins with molecules containing two to four carbon atoms (C) and ends in the Dextrose molecule containing six carbon atoms is called gluconeogenesis and occurs in all living organisms. The smaller starting materials are the result of other metabolic pathways. Ultimately almost all biomolecules come from the assimilation of carbon dioxide in plants during photosynthesis. The free energy of formation of α-d-Dextrose is 917.2 kilojoules per mole. In humans, gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver and kidney, but also in other cell types. In the liver about 150 g of glycogen are stored, in skeletal muscle about 250 g. However, the Dextrose released in muscle cells upon cleavage of the glycogen can not be delivered to the circulation because Dextrose is phosphorylated by the hexokinase, and a Dextrose-6-phosphatase is not expressed to remove the phosphate group. Unlike for Dextrose, there is no transport protein for Dextrose-6-phosphate. Gluconeogenesis allows the organism to build up Dextrose from other metabolites, including lactate or certain amino acids, while consuming energy. The renal tubular cells can also produce Dextrose. Dextrose degradation In humans, Dextrose is metabolised by glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway. Glycolysis is used by all living organisms, with small variations, and all organisms generate energy from the breakdown of monosaccharides. In the further course of the metabolism, it can be completely degraded via oxidative decarboxylation, the Krebs cycle (synonym citric acid cycle) and the respiratory chain to water and carbon dioxide. If there is not enough oxygen available for this, the Dextrose degradation in animals occurs anaerobic to lactate via lactic acid fermentation and releases less energy. Muscular lactate enters the liver through the bloodstream in mammals, where gluconeogenesis occurs (Cori cycle). With a high supply of Dextrose, the metabolite acetyl-CoA from the Krebs cycle can also be used for fatty acid synthesis. Dextrose is also used to replenish the body's glycogen stores, which are mainly found in liver and skeletal muscle. These processes are hormonally regulated. In other living organisms, other forms of fermentation can occur. The bacterium Escherichia coli can grow on nutrient media containing Dextrose as the sole carbon source. In some bacteria and, in modified form, also in archaea, Dextrose is degraded via the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. Use of Dextrose as an energy source in cells is by either aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or fermentation. The first step of glycolysis is the phosphorylation of Dextrose by a hexokinase to form Dextrose 6-phosphate. The main reason for the immediate phosphorylation of Dextrose is to prevent its diffusion out of the cell as the charged phosphate group prevents Dextrose 6-phosphate from easily crossing the cell membrane. Furthermore, addition of the high-energy phosphate group activates Dextrose for subsequent breakdown in later steps of glycolysis. At physiological conditions, this initial reaction is irreversible. In anaerobic respiration, one Dextrose molecule produces a net gain of two ATP molecules (four ATP molecules are produced during glycolysis through substrate-level phosphorylation, but two are required by enzymes used during the process). In aerobic respiration, a molecule of Dextrose is much more profitable in that a maximum net production of 30 or 32 ATP molecules (depending on the organism) through oxidative phosphorylation is generated. Energy source Dextrose is a ubiquitous fuel in biology. It is used as an energy source in organisms, from bacteria to humans, through either aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration (in bacteria), or fermentation. Dextrose is the human body's key source of energy, through aerobic respiration, providing about 3.75 kilocalories (16 kilojoules) of food energy per gram. Breakdown of carbohydrates (e.g., starch) yields mono- and disaccharides, most of which is Dextrose. Through glycolysis and later in the reactions of the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, Dextrose is oxidized to eventually form carbon dioxide and water, yielding energy mostly in the form of ATP. The insulin reaction, and other mechanisms, regulate the concentration of Dextrose in the blood. The physiological caloric value of Dextrose, depending on the source, is 16.2 kilojoules per gram and 15.7 kJ/g (3.74 kcal/g), respectively. The high availability of carbohydrates from plant biomass has led to a variety of methods during evolution, especially in microorganisms, to utilize the energy and carbon storage Dextrose. Differences exist in which end product can no longer be used for energy production. The presence of individual genes, and their gene products, the enzymes, determine which reactions are possible. The metabolic pathway of glycolysis is used by almost all living beings. An essential difference in the use of glycolysis is the recovery of NADPH as a reductant for anabolism that would otherwise have to be generated indirectly. Dextrose and oxygen supply almost all the energy for the brain, so its availability influences psychological processes. When Dextrose is low, psychological processes requiring mental effort (e.g., self-control, effortful decision-making) are impaired. In the brain, which is dependent on Dextrose and oxygen as the major source of energy, the Dextrose concentration is usually 4 to 6 mM (5 mM equals 90 mg/dL), but decreases to 2 to 3 mM when fasting. Confusion occurs below 1 mM and coma at lower levels. The Dextrose in the blood is called blood sugar. Blood sugar levels are regulated by Dextrose-binding nerve cells in the hypothalamus. In addition, Dextrose in the brain binds to Dextrose receptors of the reward system in the nucleus accumbens. The binding of Dextrose to the sweet receptor on the tongue induces a release of various hormones of energy metabolism, either through Dextrose or through other sugars, leading to an increased cellular uptake and lower blood sugar levels. Artificial sweeteners do not lower blood sugar levels.
DIISONONYL PHTHALATE; DINP; Isononyl alcohol phthalate; DINP; Palatinol DN; Palatinol N; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester; Bis(7-methyloctyl) phthalate; Di(C8-C10) branched alkyl phthalate; Di(isononyl) phthalate branched; Di(C8-10, C9 rich) branched alkyl phthalates; Vestinol 9; Vestinol NN; Vinylcizer 90; Witamol 150 cas no: 28553-12-0
Di-sec-octyl phthalate; DOP; DIOCTYL PHTHALATE; Bis(2-Etheylexyl) Phthalate; Bis(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate; Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester; Octoil; Ethyl hexyl phthalate; 2-Ethylhexyl phthalate; Di-sec-octyl phthalate; DEHP; Octyl phthalate; phthalic acid dioctyl ester; BEHP cas no: 117-81-7
DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL; Oxybispropanol; Di-sec-alcohol; Bis(2-hydroxy-propyl)ether; CAS NO: 25265-71-8
Di(propylene glycol) butyl ether; dipropylene glycol monobutyl ether; 2-propanol, 1-(2-butoxy-1-methylethoxy)-; butyl dipropasol solvent cas no:29911-28-2
DIACETONE ALCOHOL, N° CAS : 123-42-2, Nom INCI : DIACETONE ALCOHOL, Nom chimique : 4-Hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 204-626-7, Classification : Alcool Ses fonctions (INCI), Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit, Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances
DIAMMONIUM CITRATE, N° CAS : 3012-65-5, Nom INCI : DIAMMONIUM CITRATE, Nom chimique : Diammonium hydrogen 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 221-146-3, Ses fonctions (INCI), Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Agent de chélation : Réagit et forme des complexes avec des ions métalliques qui pourraient affecter la stabilité et / ou l'apparence des produits cosmétiques
DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE, N° CAS : 7783-28-0, Nom INCI : DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE, Nom chimique : Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 231-987-8, Ses fonctions (INCI). Anticorrosif : Empêche la corrosion de l'emballage. Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Agent d'hygiène buccale : Fournit des effets cosmétiques à la cavité buccale (nettoyage, désodorisation et protection). Principaux synonymes Noms français : AMMONIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE AMMONIUM MONOHYDROGEN ORTHOPHOSPHATE AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE MONOACID Ammonium phosphate, secondary AMMONIUM, PHOSPHATE D' (DIBASIQUE) AMMONIUM, PHOSPHATE D' (MONOACIDE) DIAMMONIUM ACID PHOSPHATE DIAMMONIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate Diammonium monohydrogen phosphate Diammonium phosphate DIBASIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE Hydrogénoorthophosphate de diammonium Phosphate d'ammonium dibasique PHOSPHATE D'AMMONIUM MONOACIDE PHOSPHATE DE DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE DIAMMONIACAL Phosphoric acid, diammonium salt SECONDARY AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE Noms anglais : Ammonium phosphate, dibasic Diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate Utilisation: Agent ignifuge, additif alimentaire et fertilisant.Diammonium phosphate [Wiki] ammonium phosphate [NF] 10LGE70FSU 231-987-8 [EINECS] 7783-28-0 [RN] Ammonium hydrogen phosphate (2:1:1) Ammonium hydrogenphosphate Ammonium phosphate dibasic Ammonium phosphate, dibasic Diammonium hydrogen phosphate Diammonium hydrogenphosphate di-Ammonium hydrogenphosphate (sec) Diammoniumhydrogenphosphat [German] dibasicammonium phosphate Hydrogénophosphate de diammonium [French] (NH4)2HPO4 [7783-28-0] Akoustan A Ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate AMMONIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE Ammonium hydrogen phosphate solution Ammonium monohydrogen orthophosphate ammonium monohydrogen phosphate Ammonium orthophosphate dibasic Ammonium phosphate (NF) Ammonium phosphate [USAN] [USAN] ammonium phosphate, di- Ammonium phosphate, secondary Ammoniumhydrogenphosphate Coaltrol LPA 445 DAP, DAPLG diamine phosphate Diammonium acid phosphate Diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate di-Ammonium hydrogen phosphate Diammonium hydrogen phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4) diammonium hydrogen phosphate; diazanium hydrogen phosphate Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate Diammonium monohydrogen phosphate Diammonium orthophosphate di-ammonium phosphate Diammonium Phosphate Food Grade Diammonium phosphate solution DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE|PHOSPHORIC ACID DIAMINE diammoniumhydrogenphosphate diazanium and hydron and phosphate diazanium hydrogen phosphate diazanium;hydrogen phosphate Dibasic ammonium phosphate EINECS 231-987-8 Fyrex Hydrogen diammonium phosphate I14-19729 K2 (phosphate) Pelor Phos-Chek 202A Phos-Chek 259 phosphoric acid diamine Phosphoric acid diammonium salt Phosphoric acid, diammonium salt
CAS number: 94-36-0
EC number: 202-327-6
Molecular formula: C14H10O4
Formula Weight: 242.23

Dibenzoyl peroxide is a chemical compound (specifically, an organic peroxide) with structural formula (C6H5−C(=O)O−)2, often abbreviated as (BzO)2.
In terms of Dibenzoyl peroxides structure, the molecule can be described as two benzoyl (C6H5−C(=O)−, Bz) groups connected by a peroxide (−O−O−).
Dibenzoyl peroxideis a white granular solid with a faint odour of benzaldehyde, poorly soluble in water but soluble in acetone, ethanol, and many other organic solvents.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is an oxidizer, which is principally used as in the production of polymers.
Dibenzoyl peroxide may cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin.

Dibenzoyl peroxide is a colorless, crystalline solid with a faint odor of benzaldehyde resulting from the interaction of benzoyl chloride and a cooled sodium peroxide solution.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is insoluble in water.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in specified cheeses at 0.0002% of milk level.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used for the bleaching of flour, slowly decomposing to exert its full bleaching action, which results in whiter flour and bread.

Dibenzoyl peroxide is a widely used organic compound of the peroxide family.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is often used in acne treatments , bleaching and polymerizing polyester and many other uses.
As a bleach, Dibenzoyl peroxidehas been used as a medication and a water disinfectant.

Applications of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is widely utilized as a radical initiator to induce polymerizations.
Dibenzoyl peroxide finds applications for acne treatment, for bleaching flour, hair and teeth and for cross-linking polyester resins.
Dibenzoyl peroxide also has major applications in antiseptic and bleaching properties.
Dibenzoyl peroxide serves as a catalyst for polyester thermoset resins and as a hardener to start the polymerization process.

Dibenzoyl peroxide is a peroxide with antibacterial, irritant, keratolytic, comedolytic, and anti-inflammatory activity.
Upon topical application, Dibenzoyl peroxide decomposes to release oxygen which is lethal to the bacteria Proprionibacterium acnes.
Due to Dibenzoyl peroxides irritant effect, Dibenzoyl peroxide increases turnover rate of epithelial cells, thereby peeling the skin and promoting the resolution of comedones.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in the treatment of acne vulgaris.
Dibenzoyl peroxide appears as odorless white powder or granules.

Keep Dibenzoyl peroxide in a cool place in isolation, out of the sunlight and away from heat.
Dibenzoyl peroxide acts as an antibacterial, irritant, keratolytic, comedolytic, and anti-inflammatory agent when applied topically to the human epithelium.

Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-General adhesives and binding agents for a variety of uses
-Additive for products to promote hardening, used in paints and varnishes, plastics, etc.
-Relating to agricultural, including the raising and farming of animals and growing of crops
-Related to animals (but non-veterinary) e.g., animal husbandry, farming of animals/animal production, raising of animals for food or fur, animal feed, products for household pets
-Products used on crops, or related to the growing of crops
-Arts and crafts supplies such as painting, beading/jewelry making, scrapbooking, needlecrafts, clay, etc.
-Relatived to the maintenance and repair of automobiles, products for cleaning and caring for automobiles (auto shampoo, polish/wax, undercarriage treatment, brake grease)
-Binding agents, used in paint, sand, etc
-General bleaching agents, bleaching agents for textiles (unclear if bleaching agents are for consumer or industrial use)
-Related to the building or construction process for buildings or boats (includes activities such as plumbing and electrical work, bricklaying, etc)
-Related to the building or repair of ships, pleasure boats, or sporting boats

Dibenzoyl peroxide is a peroxide with an antibacterial, irritant, keratolytic, comedolytic, and anti-inflammatory activity.
Upon topical application, Dibenzoyl peroxide decomposes to release oxygen which is lethal to the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes.
Due to its irritant effect, Dibenzoyl peroxide increases the turnover rate of epithelial cells, thereby peeling the skin and promoting the resolution of comedones.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in the treatment of acne vulgaris.

As a medication, Dibenzoyl peroxide is mostly used to treat acne, either alone or in combination with other treatments.
Some versions are sold mixed with antibiotics such as clindamycin.
Dibenzoyl peroxideis on the WHO List of Essential Medicines, and, in the US, Dibenzoyl peroxideis available as an over-the-counter and generic medication.
Dibenzoyl peroxideis also used in dentistry for teeth whitening.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is also used in the plastics industry and for bleaching flour, hair, and textiles.

History of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide was first prepared and described by Liebig in 1858.
Dibenzoyl peroxidewas the first organic peroxide prepared intentionally.

Medical uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is effective for treating acne lesions.
Dibenzoyl peroxidedoes not induce antibiotic resistance.
Dibenzoyl peroxidemay be combined with salicylic acid, sulfur, erythromycin or clindamycin (antibiotics), or adapalene (a synthetic retinoid).
Two common combination drugs include Dibenzoyl peroxide/clindamycin and adapalene/Dibenzoyl peroxide, an unusual formulation considering most retinoids are deactivated by peroxides.
Combination products such as Dibenzoyl peroxide/clindamycin and Dibenzoyl peroxide/salicylic acid appear to be slightly more effective than Dibenzoyl peroxide alone for the treatment of acne lesions.
The combination tretinoin/Dibenzoyl peroxide was approved in 2021.

Dibenzoyl peroxide for acne treatment is typically applied to the affected areas in gel, cream, or liquid, in concentrations of 2.5% increasing through 5.0%, and up to 10%.
No strong evidence supports the idea that higher concentrations of Dibenzoyl peroxide are more effective than lower concentrations.

Mechanism of action:
Classically, Dibenzoyl peroxide is thought to have a three-fold activity in treating acne.
Dibenzoyl peroxideis sebostatic, comedolytic, and inhibits growth of Cutibacterium acnes, the main bacterium associated with acne.
In general, acne vulgaris is a hormone-mediated inflammation of sebaceous glands and hair follicles.
Hormone changes cause an increase in keratin and sebum production, leading to blocked drainage. C. acnes has many lytic enzymes that break down the proteins and lipids in the sebum, leading to an inflammatory response.
The free-radical reaction of Dibenzoyl peroxide can break down the keratin, therefore unblocking the drainage of sebum (comedolytic).
Dibenzoyl peroxidecan cause nonspecific peroxidation of C. acnes, making Dibenzoyl peroxidebactericidal, and Dibenzoyl peroxidewas thought to decrease sebum production, but disagreement exists within the literature on this.
Some evidence suggests that Dibenzoyl peroxide has an anti-inflammatory effect as well. In micromolar concentrations Dibenzoyl peroxideprevents neutrophils from releasing reactive oxygen species, part of the inflammatory response in acne.

Other medical uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in dentistry as a tooth whitening product.

Non-medical uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is one of the most important organic peroxides in terms of applications and the scale of its production.
Dibenzoyl peroxideis often used as a convenient oxidant in organic chemistry.

Bleaching of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Like most peroxides, Dibenzoyl peroxideis a powerful bleaching agent.
Dibenzoyl peroxidehas been used for the bleaching of flour, fats, oils, waxes, and cheeses, as well as a stain remover.

Polymerization of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is also used as a radical initiator to induce chain-growth polymerization reactions, such as for polyester and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) resins and dental cements and restoratives.
Dibenzoyl peroxideis the most important among the various organic peroxides used for this purpose, a relatively safe alternative to the much more hazardous methyl ethyl ketone peroxide.
Dibenzoyl peroxideis also used in rubber curing and as a finishing agent for some acetate yarns.

Reactivity of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
The original 1858 synthesis by Liebig reacted benzoyl chloride with barium peroxide, a reaction that probably follows this equation:
2 C6H5C(O)Cl + BaO2 → (C6H5CO)2O2 + BaCl2

Dibenzoyl peroxide is usually prepared by treating hydrogen peroxide with benzoyl chloride under alkaline conditions.
2 C6H5COCl + H2O2 + 2 NaOH → (C6H5CO)2O2 + 2 NaCl + 2 H2O

The oxygen–oxygen bond in peroxides is weak.
Thus, Dibenzoyl peroxide readily undergoes homolysis (symmetrical fission), forming free radicals:
(C6H5CO)2O2 → 2 C6H5CO•2

The symbol • indicates that the products are radicals; i.e., they contain at least one unpaired electron.
Such species are highly reactive.
The homolysis is usually induced by heating.
The half-life of Dibenzoyl peroxide is one hour at 92 °C.
At 131 °C, the half-life is one minute.

Chemical Properties of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Formula: C14H10O4
Formula Weight: 242.23
Storage & Sensitivity: Ambient temperatures.
Soluble in ether and chloroform.
Slightlysoluble in ethanol.
Insoluble in water.

Use and Manufacturing of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Household & Commercial/Institutional Products:
-Home Maintenance
-Inside the Home
-Personal Care

Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-Bricks or related to bricklaying/masonry
-Plumbing, plumbing tools (home or industrial use)
-Materials used in the building process, such as flooring, insulation, caulk, tile, wood, glass, etc.
-Fillers for paints, textiles, plastics, etc
-Additive for products to promote hardening, used in paints and varnishes, plastics, etc.
-Flooring materials (carpets, wood, vinyl flooring), or related to flooring such as wax or polish for floors
-Insulating materials to protect from noise, cold, etc (such as used in homes or buildings), insulating materials related to electricity
-Caulk, mortar, or putty compounds
-Wall construction materials, or wall coverings
-Casting agents or molding compounds for plastics, sand, or metals
-Modifier used for chemical, when chemical is used in a laboratory

Industry Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-Adhesives and sealant chemicals
-Oxidizing/reducing agents
-Process regulators
-Processing aids, not otherwise listed

Consumer Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-Adhesives and sealants
-Arts, crafts, and hobby materials
-Automotive care products
-Personal care products
-Plastic and rubber products not covered elsewhere

Industry Processing Sectors of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-Adhesive manufacturing
-All other chemical product and preparation manufacturing
-Food, beverage, and tobacco product manufacturing
-Miscellaneous manufacturing
-Paint and coating manufacturing
-Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
-Plastic material and resin manufacturing
-Plastics product manufacturing
-Rubber product manufacturing

About Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used to treat acne.
Dibenzoyl peroxide works as an antiseptic to reduce the number of germs (bacteria) on the surface of your skin.

Dibenzoyl peroxide comes as a gel or face wash containing 5% Dibenzoyl peroxide.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is available to buy from pharmacies under the brand name Acnecide.

Dibenzoyl peroxide is sometimes mixed with potassium hydroxyquinoline sulfate.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is an "antimicrobial" ingredient that kills micro-organisms on your skin.
Dibenzoyl peroxide's sold in pharmacies as Quinoderm cream.

Some Dibenzoyl peroxide products are available on prescription only.
This is because they contain other active ingredients such as antibiotics or retinoids (exfoliants).

Many popular skincare brands also make products that contain Dibenzoyl peroxide, but at a lower strength.
These are available to buy in pharmacies, supermarkets and shops.

Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-Related to products specifically designed for children (e.g. toys, children's cosmetics, etc)
-Term used for colorants, dyes, or pigments; includes colorants for drugs, textiles, personal care products (cosmetics, tatoo inks, hair dye), food colorants, and inks for printing
-Plastic products, industry for plastics, manufacturing of plastics, plastic additives
-Drug product, or related to the manufacturing of drugs; modified by veterinary, animal, or pet
-Fillers for paints, textiles, plastics, etc
-Pharmaceutical related
-Fixatives or fixing agents
-Includes antifoaming agents, coagulating agents, dispersion agents, emulsifiers, flotation agents, foaming agents, viscosity adjustors, etc
-Includes spices, extracts, colorings, flavors, etc added to food for human consumption
-Includes food packaging, paper plates, cutlery, small appliances such as roasters, etc.; does not include facilities that manufacture food
-Additive for products to promote hardening, used in paints and varnishes, plastics, etc.
-Related to the activity of hunting

Key facts about Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide 5% takes around 4 weeks to start working.
You'll usually use Dibenzoyl peroxide 1 or 2 times a day.
The most common side effect is skin irritation.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is better to use it less often at first, then build up as your skin gets used to it.
Pharmacy brands include Acnecide 5% gel and Acnecide Wash 5%.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is also an ingredient in Duac Once Daily (with clindamycin, an antibiotic) and Epiduo gel (with adapalene, a retinoid).

Who can and cannot use Dibenzoyl peroxide?
Most adults and children over 12 years old can use Dibenzoyl peroxide.

Dibenzoyl peroxide is not suitable for some people.
To make sure Dibenzoyl peroxide is safe for you, tell your doctor before using this medicine if you:
-are allergic to Dibenzoyl peroxide or other medicines.
-have damaged or broken skin where you need to use the treatment.
-have very bad acne with nodules (large, hard lumps that build up beneath the surface of the skin and can be painful) or cysts (large, pus-filled lumps that look similar to boils).
These need to be treated by a doctor to avoid scarring.

How and when to use Dibenzoyl peroxide?
Dibenzoyl peroxide is for use on your skin only.

Always wash your hands before and after using this medicine.
If your skin becomes dry or starts peeling, try using Dibenzoyl peroxide less often.
Put Dibenzoyl peroxide on once a day or once every 2 days, until your skin gets used to it.

Dibenzoyl peroxide can bleach or discolour your hair, as well as clothes, towels and bedding.
Keep Dibenzoyl peroxide away from hair and coloured fabrics.
How to use Dibenzoyl peroxide 5% gel

Wash the affected area with a mild skin cleanser and water.
Gently pat your skin dry.
Put a thin layer of gel on all the affected areas.
If your whole face has acne, use a strip of gel (2.5cm long) each time.
You'll usually use the gel once or twice a day.
If you have sensitive skin, use the gel once a day, before going to bed.

Try to avoid strong sunlight while using Dibenzoyl peroxide gel.
Use an oil-free sunscreen, or a moisturiser or foundation with added SPF30.
In stronger sunlight, use SPF30 or above.
Ask a pharmacist to help you pick a sunscreen that's right for your skin type.

Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-Term applied when source specifically indicates product is for industrial use, or use in the industrial sector
-Related to electrical work (such as wiring of a building), electric current insulation materials, or other electrical components
-General adhesives and binding agents for a variety of uses
-Wood used as a building material, wood preservatives
-Related to manufacturing for export
-Manufacturing of or related to machinery, for production of cement or food, air/spacescraft machinery, electrical machinery, etc
-Beverages for human consumption (e.g., juice, water, alcohol), or related to beverages for human consumption (e.g. machinery for production of beverages, or facilities serving beverages)
-Chemicals in cigarettes, or tobacco related products, or related to the manufacturing of tobacco products
-General medical instruments or medical facilities, spectacle lenses and optical instruments
-Related to metals - manufacturing of metals, casting of metals, production of metals, surface treatment of metals, etc

How long will I use Dibenzoyl peroxide for?
Dibenzoyl peroxide depends on how quickly your condition improves.
Dibenzoyl peroxide will usually start to work within 4 weeks, but once your acne is under control you may want to keep using it to stop your acne coming back.

What if I forget to use Dibenzoyl peroxide?
Dibenzoyl peroxide does not matter if you forget to use Dibenzoyl peroxide.
When you remember, start using Dibenzoyl peroxide again once or twice a day in the same way as before.

What if I use Dibenzoyl peroxide too much?
If you use too much Dibenzoyl peroxide, your skin may become irritated.
Wash off as much as you can and wait for the irritation to go away.

When your skin has calmed down again, you can start using Dibenzoyl peroxide again.
Be careful to follow the instructions on the package.

Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-Personal care products used on the face (includes facial treatments, oil and blemish control, make-up removers, facial cleansers)
-Inert ingredients in a pesticide
-Related to photography, film, photographic equipment, photographic laboraties, photochemicals, and developing of photographs
-Plastic products, industry for plastics, manufacturing of plastics, plastic additives
-Additive for products to promote hardening, used in paints and varnishes, plastics, etc.
-Accelerators, activators, oxidation agents, reducing agents, etc
-Vulcanizing agents and rubberizing materials
-Surface treatments for metals, hardening agents, corrosion inhibitors, polishing agents, rust inhibitors, water repellants, etc (surfaces to be applied to often not indicated in source description)
-Bleaching agent for flour, fats, oils, and waxes; polymerization catalyst; drying agent for unsaturated oils; pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes; rubber vulcanization without sulfur; burnout agent for acetate yarns; production of cheese; embossing vinyl flooring (proprietary).
-Source of free radicals for industrial processes. Oxidizing agent in bleaching oils, flour, etc.; catalyst in the plastics industry; initiator in polymerization.
-For Dibenzoyl peroxide (USEPA/OPP Pesticide Code: 128964) there are 0 labels match. /SRP: Not registered for current use in the U.S., but approved pesticide uses may change periodically and so federal, state and local authorities must be consulted for currently approved uses./

About Dibenzoyl peroxide Helpful information:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is registered under the REACH Regulation and is manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area, at ≥ 1 000 to < 10 000 tonnes per annum.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used by consumers, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing.

Consumer Uses:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in the following products: fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, adhesives and sealants and cosmetics and personal care products.
Other release to the environment of Dibenzoyl peroxide is likely to occur from: indoor use as reactive substance and outdoor use as reactive substance.

Article service life:
ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Dibenzoyl peroxide is most likely to be released to the environment.
ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed.

Widespread uses by professional workers:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in the following products: polymers.
ECHA has no public registered data on the types of manufacture using Dibenzoyl peroxide.
Other release to the environment of Dibenzoyl peroxide is likely to occur from: indoor use as reactive substance and outdoor use as reactive substance.

Formulation or re-packing:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in the following products: polymers and adhesives and sealants.
Release to the environment of Dibenzoyl peroxide can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures and formulation in materials.

Uses at industrial sites:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in the following products: polymers and adhesives and sealants.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used in the following areas: scientific research and development.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used for the manufacture of: plastic products and rubber products.
Release to the environment of Dibenzoyl peroxide can occur from industrial use: as processing aid and as processing aid.

Release to the environment of Dibenzoyl peroxide can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.

Although the precise cause of acne is unclear, Dibenzoyl peroxide appears to be associated with at least four factors: increased sebum production, follicular keratinization, bacterial colonization, and inflammation.
The study suggests the prevalent bacterium implicated in the clinical course of acne is Propionibacterium acnes (P acnes), a gram-positive anaerobe that normally inhabits the skin and is implicated in the inflammatory phase of acne.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is mainly indicated in the treatment of mild to moderate acne and is often prescribed in conjunction with oral antibiotics (erythromycin or clindamycin) in the treatment of moderate to severe acne.

Dibenzoyl peroxide used in 2.5, 5, and 10 percent concentrations, depending on the acne severity.
Usually, these are in a gel spreading agent, but they can also be in a cream base or a drying paste.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is keratolytic, which means “keratin-dissolving” and works by loosening dead cells stuck in the follicles.
Dibenzoyl peroxide also releases oxygen in the follicle.
Because acne bacteria are anaerobic, they cannot survive in the presence of oxygen.
Dibenzoyl peroxide essentially works both as an interfollicular exfoliant and as an antibacterial.

Mode of action:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is lipophilic that can penetrate the stratum corneum and enter the pilosebaceous follicle.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is rapidly broken down to benzoic acid and hydrogen peroxide and generates free radicals that oxidize proteins in bacterial cell membranes, exerting a bactericidal action.
In addition, it has been shown that Dibenzoyl peroxide can reduce the free fatty acid content of sebum, which provides a useful marker for bacterial activity.
Dibenzoyl peroxide has an anti-inflammatory action and vitro studies suggest that this action arises from its ability to kill polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN cells) in the pilosebaceous follicles and so prevent their release of reactive oxygen species such as peroxides which enhance tissue inflammation.

Involving equation about this process:
C6H5C(O)O-OC(O)C6H5 + H2O 2 C6H5COOH + ½ O2
Moreover, due to its irritant effect, Dibenzoyl peroxide increases the turnover rate of epithelial cells, thereby peeling the skin and promoting the resolution of comedones.

Dibenzoyl peroxide is used as a bleaching agent for certain foods, an oxidizing agent, a polymerizing initiator in the manufacture of plastics, a curing agent for silicone rubber, and an ingredient in various industrial processes.
Dibenzoyl peroxide, like most peroxides, is a powerful bleaching agent.
Dibenzoyl peroxide has a long history of use in the food industry as a bleaching agent added for flour, whey, and milk for cheese making.

Contact with fabrics or hair can cause permanent color dampening almost immediately.
Even secondary contact can cause bleaching.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is widely used as a catalyst in the polymerisation of molecules like styrene (phenylethene) to form polystyrene, which used to make many things from drinking cups to packaging material.

Dibenzoyl peroxide and Pregnancy :
There are no studies looking at women who use topical Dibenzoyl peroxide during pregnancy.
When Dibenzoyl peroxide is applied topically, only 5% is absorbed through the skin, and then it is completely metabolized to benzoic acid within the skin and excreted unchanged in the urine.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is not likely to increase risk for birth defects or cause problems for the baby.
However, systemic effects on a pregnant woman and her child would not be expected and therefore use of this product during pregnancy would not be of concern.

Description of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide may affect workers in the electronics and plastics (epoxy resins and catalysts) industries, electricians, ceramic workers, dentists and dental technicians, laboratory technicians and bakers.
As it was contained in candles, Dibenzoyl peroxide also induced contact dermatitis in a sacristan.
However, some positive tests are of unknown occupational relevance.

Chemical Properties of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is an odorless, white or colorless crystalline powder.

Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is an antibacterial ingredient commonly used in acne treatments.
Dibenzoyl peroxide functions by forcing an oxidant (peroxide in this case) into the philosebaceous orifice where it releases oxygen, thereby diminishing the P. acnes population.
This reduces the level of free fatty acids and skin infection.

Source of free radicals for industrial processes.
Oxidizing agent in bleaching oils, flour, etc.; catalyst in the plastics industry; initiator in polymerization.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is used as a source offree radicals in many organic syntheses andto initiate polymerizations of styrene, vinylchloride, vinyl acetate, and acrylics; to curethermoset polyester resins and silicone rubbers;in medicine for treating acne; and forbleaching vegetable oil, cheese, flour, and fats.

Indications of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide is a potent oxidizing agent that has both antimicrobial and comedolytic properties; its primary use is in treating acne vulgaris.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is converted in the skin to benzoic acid; clearance of absorbed drug is rapid, and no systemic toxicity has been observed.
The major toxicities are irritation and contact allergy.
Outgrowth of bacteria resistant to topical antibiotics used to treat acne can be reduced by the addition of Dibenzoyl peroxide in combination products such as erythromycin (Benzamycin) and clindamycin (Benzaclin).

Veterinary Drugs and Treatments:
Dibenzoyl peroxide products are used topically either as gels or in shampoos.
Shampoos are generally used for seborrheas, greasy skin (seborrhea oleosa), or crusty pyodermas (such as seborrheic dermatitis/pyoderma commonly seen in Cocker Spaniels).
Gels may be useful for treating recurrent localized skin infections (e.g., chin acne), localized Demodex lesions, superficial and deep pyodermas (adjunctive therapy), seborrhea oleosa, and Schnauzer comedo syndrome.

Dibenzoyl peroxide possesses antimicrobial (especially antibacterial), keratolytic and antiseborrheic actions.
Dibenzoyl peroxide also is Dibenzoyl peroxide has some mild antipruritic activity and wound healing effects, and is thought to increase follicular flushing.
Dibenzoyl peroxide’s antimicrobial activity is due to the oxidative benzoyl peroxy radicals formed that disrupt cell membranes.

Uses of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
-Various types of paint for various uses
-Plastic products, industry for plastics, manufacturing of plastics, plastic additives
-Rubber products (e.g. tires) and their manufacture
-Relatived to the maintenance and repair of automobiles, products for cleaning and caring for automobiles (auto shampoo, polish/wax, undercarriage treatment, brake grease)
-Additive for products to promote hardening, used in paints and varnishes, plastics, etc.
-Personal care products, including cosmetics, shampoos, perfumes, soaps, lotions, toothpastes, etc
-Subcategory of personal_care, includes fragrances, shampoos, make-up, etc.
-Personal care products used on the face (includes facial treatments, oil and blemish control, make-up removers, facial cleansers)
-Chemicals on lists subject to restrictions of use (i.e. some use allowed, but use is limited) in Europe
-Substances used for preventing, destroying or mitigating pests

Storage of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dibenzoyl peroxide should be stored in acool and well-ventilated area, isolated fromother chemicals and free of heating andelectrical installations.
Dry compound maybe shipped in polyethylene-lined paper bagsor fiber containers packed in wooden boxeso.

Purification Methods of Dibenzoyl peroxide:
Dissolve Dibenzoyl peroxide in CHCl3 at room temperature and precipitate it by adding an equal volume of MeOH or pet ether.
Similarly Dibenzoyl peroxide is precipitated from acetone by adding two volumes of distilled water.
Dibenzoyl peroxide has also been crystallised from 50% MeOH and from diethyl ether.

How to use Dibenzoyl peroxide?
Before you start the treatment, read the manufacturer's printed information leaflet from inside the pack.
Dibenzoyl peroxide will give you more information about Dibenzoyl peroxide and will provide you with a full list of the side-effects which you could experience from using it.
Dibenzoyl peroxide is recommended that you use Dibenzoyl peroxide once or twice each day.

When you first start using it, you will be recommended to use a 4% or 5% strength preparation.
This will help keep any skin irritation to a minimum.
If you find Dibenzoyl peroxide does irritate then try the 2.5% strength once the irritation has settled.
These strength preparations often work as well as the higher 10% strength preparations and cause less skin irritation.
If necessary, you can increase the strength of the preparation as you go on, but do this gradually.

A general point is that you should apply Dibenzoyl peroxide to all of the area where your spots occur and not just to each spot.
Creams and gels should be applied about 15 minutes or so after washing the area with soap and water and gently drying with a towel.
At first you may want to wash the preparation off after a few hours, but gradually try to increase the length of time you leave it on the skin.
When your skin is used to the preparation, aim to put it on twice a day and leave it on.
If you are using a 'wash', wet your skin and then pour some of the
Dibutylbis[(1-oxododecyl)oxy]stannane; 2,2-Dibutyl-1,3,2-dioxastannepin-4,7-dione; Dibutylzinndilaurat; Dilaurato de dibutilestaño; Dilaurate de dibutylétain; Dibutylbis(lauroyloxy) Tin; Dibutyltin didodecanoate; Bis(dodecanoyloxy)di-n-butylstannane; Bis(lauroyloxy)di(n-butyl)stannane CAS NO:77-58-7
DI-C12-13 ALKYL MALATE Nom INCI : DI-C12-13 ALKYL MALATE Ses fonctions (INCI) Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE DIHYDRATE, N° CAS : 7757-93-9 / 7789-77-7, Nom INCI : DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE DIHYDRATE, Nom chimique : Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 231-826-1, Ses fonctions (INCI). Agent Abrasif : Enlève les matières présentes en surface du corps, aide à nettoyer les dents et améliore la brillance.Opacifiant : Réduit la transparence ou la translucidité des cosmétiques. Agent d'hygiène buccale : Fournit des effets cosmétiques à la cavité buccale (nettoyage, désodorisation et protection)
Carbonic acid,dioctyl ester; Di-n-octyl-carbonate; Kohlensaeure-di-n-octylester; Dioctyl carbonate; octyl carbonate; Dioctylcarbonat; cas no: 1680-31-5
DICAPRYLYL ETHER, N° CAS : 629-82-3, Nom INCI : DICAPRYLYL ETHER, Nom chimique : Dioctyl ether, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 211-112-6, Classification : Huile estérifiée. Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état. Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances. 1-(Octyloxy)octan [German] 1-(Octyloxy)octane 1-(Octyloxy)octane [French] 1,1'-Oxybisoctane 1748226 211-112-6 [EINECS] 629-82-3 [RN] 8O8 [WLN] Caprylic ether Dicaprylyl ether Di-n-octyl ether Dioctyl ether Ether, di-n-octyl- MFCD00009563 n-Dioctyl ether Octane, 1,1'-oxybis- [ACD/Index Name] Octyl ether RH8800000 [629-82-3] 1-octoxyoctane Antar [Wiki] Cetiol OE dicapryl ether Di-n-Octylether dioctylether EINECS 211-112-6 n-Octyl Ether n-Octylether Octane, 1,1'-oxybis-, octyloxyoctane TL8004344
Dicaprylyl maleate Dicaprylyl maleate is classified as : Emollient Skin conditioning Solvent CAS Number 2915-53-9 EINECS/ELINCS No: 220-835-6 COSING REF No: 75673 Chem/IUPAC Name: Dioctyl maleate Dicaprylyl maleate (DCM) has been reported rarely as a cause of allergic contact dermatitis. The objectives of this study were to identify patients from multiple centres with allergy to Dicaprylyl maleate in cosmetic products confirmed by patch testing and, in addition, to investigate the effect of testing with aged DCM. This is an international multicentre study of 22 patients with 26 reactions to products containing DCM. Patch testing was carried out to ingredients including Dicaprylyl maleate obtained from the manufacturer. Further testing was carried out with deliberately aged Dicaprylyl maleate in a sample of patients. 22 patients had clinical and positive patch test reactions at 4 days to a total of 26 cosmetic products containing DCM. 5 patients did not react to Dicaprylyl maleate prepared by the manufacturer from concurrent factory stock but did have positive reactions to a deliberately aged batch of Dicaprylyl maleate . Dicaprylyl maleate is an emerging cosmetic allergen. Testing with aged material yields a greater number of positive results. Co-operation between cosmetics manufacturers and clinicians is important in the identification of new allergens. Molecular Weight of Dicaprylyl maleate 340.5 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) XLogP3-AA of Dicaprylyl maleate 7 Computed by XLogP3 3.0 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Donor Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 0 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 4 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Rotatable Bond Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 18 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Exact Mass of Dicaprylyl maleate 340.26136 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Monoisotopic Mass of Dicaprylyl maleate 340.26136 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Topological Polar Surface Area of Dicaprylyl maleate 52.6 Ų Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Heavy Atom Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 24 Computed by PubChem Formal Charge of Dicaprylyl maleate 0 Computed by PubChem Complexity of Dicaprylyl maleate 305 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Isotope Atom Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 0 Computed by PubChem Defined Atom Stereocenter Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 0 Computed by PubChem Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 0 Computed by PubChem Defined Bond Stereocenter Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 1 Computed by PubChem Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 0 Computed by PubChem Covalently-Bonded Unit Count of Dicaprylyl maleate 1 Computed by PubChem Compound of Dicaprylyl maleate Is Canonicalized Yes Dicaprylyl maleate (DCM) has been reported rarely as a cause of allergic contact dermatitis. The objectives of this study were to identify patients from multiple centres with allergy to Dicaprylyl maleate in cosmetic products confirmed by patch testing and, in addition, to investigate the effect of testing with aged DCM. This is an international multicentre study of 22 patients with 26 reactions to products containing DCM. Patch testing was carried out to ingredients including Dicaprylyl maleate obtained from the manufacturer. Further testing was carried out with deliberately aged Dicaprylyl maleate in a sample of patients. 22 patients had clinical and positive patch test reactions at 4 days to a total of 26 cosmetic products containing DCM. 5 patients did not react to Dicaprylyl maleate prepared by the manufacturer from concurrent factory stock but did have positive reactions to a deliberately aged batch of Dicaprylyl maleate . Dicaprylyl maleate is an emerging cosmetic allergen. Testing with aged material yields a greater number of positive results. Co-operation between cosmetics manufacturers and clinicians is important in the identification of new allergens. NCI name: Dicaprylyl maleate Alternative names: Bernel EsterDom, Dicaprylylmaleat Origin: Different Definition:Dioctyl maleate INCI function:Emollient, Solvent CAS-No.2915-53-9 EINECS/EILINCS-No.220-835-6 Dicaprylyl maleate is an intermediate used in several chemical production processes. Dicaprylyl maleate is also used in coating applications, and as a phthalate-free alternative to common phthalate-based plasticizers such as Dicaprylyl maleate . Dicaprylyl maleate (DCM) Dicaprylyl maleate is a clear, virtually colorless liquid with an ester-like odor.Dicaprylyl maleate can be used in organic synthesis, e.g. in the production of derivatives of succinic acid. Dicaprylyl maleate is also used as a comonomer in vinyl and acrylic emulsion polymerization for paints and adhesives. Under the action of heat and in the presence of acids or bases, Dicaprylyl maleate transposes into the corresponding fumaric-acid dialkyl ester. Dicaprylyl maleate (DCM) CAS# 142-16-5 DOWNLOAD SPECSREQUEST QUOTE PROPERTY Appearance Color Ester Content Specific Gravity Moisture UNIT APHA % % SPECIFICATION Clear 50 Maximum 98.5 Minimum 0.939-0.945 0.20 Maximum APPLICATION Dicaprylyl maleate is a maleic acid that can act as a plasticizer and is used in resins to provide elasticity and flexibility. Dicaprylyl maleate is a co-monomer which can be polymerized with vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride (PVC), acrylates as well as stearates. These types of polymerizations with Dicaprylyl maleate can be used in the production of adhesives, emulsion paints, surfactants, textile coatings and wetting agents. GRADES AVAILABLE Technical SYNONYMS Bis(2-ethylhexyl) maleate, di(2-ethylhexyl) maleate (DEHM), Maleic Acid Di(2-ethylhexyl) Ester, Maleic Acid Dioctyl Ester
Cyanoguanidine; 1-Cyanoguanidine; Dicyandiamide; Dicy; DCD; N-Cyanoguanidine; Dicyandiamin; Cyanguanidin; Cianoguanidina; Cyanoguanidine; 2-Cyanoguanidine; Araldite XB; 1-CYANOGUANIDINE; 2-Cyanoguanidine; AKOS NCG-0013; CYANOGUANIDINE; DCD; DICY; DICYANDIAMIDE; DICYANODIAMIDE; DYHARD(R) 100; DYHARD(R) 100 S; DYHARD(R) 100 SF; DYHARD(R) 100 SH; DYHARD(R) G 03; DYHARD(R) T 03 CAS NO:461-58-5
Dicorantil представляет собой органоаммонийфосфат.
Dicorantil принадлежит к группе лекарств, называемых антиаритмическими средствами, которые используются для лечения нерегулярного сердцебиения.
Dicorantil выпускается как в пероральной, так и в внутривенной формах и имеет низкую степень токсичности.

Номер КАС: 3737-09-5
Формула: C21H29N3O
Молярная масса: 339,483 г·моль-1

Dicorantil является антиаритмическим химическим веществом, используемым для лечения желудочковой тахикардии.
Dicorantil блокирует натриевые каналы и относится к антиаритмическим средствам класса 1а.

Dicorantil оказывает отрицательное инотропное действие на миокард желудочков и значительно снижает сократительную способность.
Dicorantil также оказывает антихолинергическое действие на сердце, что является причиной многих негативных побочных эффектов.
Dicorantil выпускается как в пероральной, так и в внутривенной формах и имеет низкую степень токсичности.

Dicorantil зарегистрирован в соответствии с Регламентом REACH и производится и/или импортируется в Европейскую экономическую зону только для промежуточного использования.
Dicorantil используется на промышленных объектах и в производстве.

Dicorantil представляет собой органоаммонийфосфат.

Dicorantil является антиаритмическим средством класса Ia с кардиодепрессантными свойствами.
Dicorantil оказывает действие Dicorantilа, блокируя как натриевые, так и калиевые каналы в сердечной мембране во время нулевой фазы потенциала действия.

Это замедляет проведение импульса через АВ-узел и удлиняет продолжительность потенциала действия нормальных клеток сердца в тканях предсердий и желудочков.
Dicorantil удлиняет интервал QT и вызывает расширение комплекса QRS.

Dicorantil также обладает некоторыми антихолинергическими и местноанестезирующими свойствами.
Dicorantil применяют для лечения суправентрикулярной тахикардии.

Антиаритмический агент класса I (тот, который непосредственно препятствует деполяризации сердечной мембраны и, таким образом, служит мембраностабилизирующим агентом) с угнетающим действием на сердце, подобным действию гуанидина.
Dicorantil также обладает некоторыми антихолинергическими и местноанестезирующими свойствами.

Dicorantil принадлежит к группе лекарств, называемых антиаритмическими средствами, которые используются для лечения нерегулярного сердцебиения.
Нерегулярное сердцебиение — это состояние, при котором ваше сердце бьется нерегулярно, слишком быстро или слишком медленно.
Dicorantil помогает замедлить частоту сердечных сокращений и предотвратить аритмии (аномальные сердечные ритмы).

Dicorantil сульфат содержит Dicorantil, т.е. антиаритмические средства.
Dicorantil помогает привести нерегулярные сердечные сокращения к нормальному ритму, блокируя определенные электрические сигналы в сердце.
Лечение нерегулярного сердцебиения снижает риск образования тромбов, сердечного приступа или инсульта.

Dicorantil следует принимать по назначению врача.
Ваш врач может контролировать ЭКГ и артериальное давление во время лечения, чтобы контролировать дозу.

Некоторые люди могут испытывать общие побочные эффекты, такие как нечеткость или двоение в глазах, боль в животе, малое мочеиспускание или его отсутствие, а также низкий уровень сахара в крови.
Большинство из этих побочных эффектов Dicorantilа не требуют медицинской помощи и со временем будут постепенно улучшаться.
Однако, если побочные эффекты сохраняются, обратитесь к врачу.

Пожалуйста, сообщите своему врачу, если у вас аллергия на Dicorantil или какие-либо другие лекарства.
Dicorantil не рекомендуется применять у детей.
Беременным или кормящим женщинам рекомендуется проконсультироваться с врачом, прежде чем принимать Dicorantil.

Прежде чем принимать Dicorantil, сообщите своему врачу, если у вас есть заболевания почек или печени, увеличенная простата, глаукома (повышенное внутриглазное давление) или низкий уровень калия в крови (гипокалиемия).
Не принимайте Dicorantil, если вы уже принимаете другие лекарства для регуляции сердцебиения.

Не садитесь за руль и не работайте с механизмами, так как Dicorantil может вызвать нечеткость зрения, головокружение и снижение артериального давления.
Используйте Dicorantil с осторожностью, если вы пожилой человек (старше 65 лет), имеете низкую массу тела или проблемы с почками или печенью.

Dicorantil используется для лечения некоторых нерегулярных сердечных сокращений).
Dicorantil относится к классу препаратов, называемых антиаритмическими препаратами.
Dicorantil работает, делая ваше сердце более устойчивым к аномальной активности.

Непрерывное образование:
Dicorantil — это химическое вещество, используемое для лечения нарушений сердечного ритма, которые могут быть опасными для жизни, такими как желудочковая тахикардия/фибрилляция, или связаны с повышенной заболеваемостью и смертностью, такими как мерцательная аритмия и гипертрофическая кардиомиопатия.
В этом мероприятии рассматриваются несколько важных аспектов этого химического вещества, включая показания, механизм действия, применение, побочные эффекты, противопоказания, мониторинг и токсичность.
Эти важные знания об этом химическом веществе могут улучшить результаты межпрофессиональной медицинской бригады.

Опишите механизм действия Dicorantilа.
Опишите возможные побочные эффекты Dicorantilа.

Объясняет важность мониторинга при использовании Dicorantilа в качестве антиаритмического химического вещества.
Наметьте стратегии профессиональной команды для улучшения координации ухода и коммуникации при использовании Dicorantilа, чтобы максимизировать преимущества этого химического вещества и минимизировать побочные эффекты Dicorantilа.

В 1962 году потребовались новые антиаритмические препараты помимо хинидина и новокаинамида, которые были основными антиаритмическими средствами, доступными в то время.
Dicorantil является выбранным из более чем 500 соединений, синтезированных для программы исследований новых антиаритмических средств.
Химическая структура Dicorantilа аналогична синтетическому мускариновому антагонисту лака, что объясняет антихолинергические свойства Dicorantilа.

Хотя Dicorantil редко используется при нарушениях сердечного ритма из-за наличия более новых препаратов, которые обеспечивают лучшую эффективность и благоприятные профили побочных эффектов, Dicorantil по-прежнему является препаратом выбора для лечения вагус-опосредованной фибрилляции предсердий, такой как вызванная сном или мерцательная аритмия у спортсменов. группы.
Эффективность Dicorantilа при этих состояниях обусловлена антихолинергической активностью Dicorantilа, который упраздняет парасимпатический тонус.

Dicorantil также является антиаритмическим средством третьей линии для пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца.
Кроме того, у пациента с гипертрофией левого желудочка нарушена деполяризация, что может вызвать пируэтную желудочковую тахикардию.

Таким образом, антиаритмические средства, удлиняющие интервал QT, избегают, но если соталол или амиодарон неэффективны или не подходят, альтернативой может быть Dicorantil.
У пациентов с мерцательной аритмией и гипертрофической обструктивной кардиомиопатией (ГОКМ) Dicorantil является препаратом выбора, кроме амиодарона, поскольку Dicorantil может снижать градиент выходного тракта левого желудочка (ЛЖВ) (использование не по назначению).

Данные многоцентрового исследования безопасности и эффективности Dicorantilа при обструктивной кардиомиопатии показали, что Dicorantil достоверно снижал градиент СВОТ с 75+/-33 до 40+/-32 мм рт.ст. у 78 пациентов (66% участников исследования) (P<0,0001). ). показал. ) и повышает функциональный класс Нью-Йоркской кардиологической ассоциации (NYHA FC) с 23+/-07 до 17+/-06 (P<0,0001).
Когда Dicorantil используется в комбинации с недигидропиридиновыми блокаторами кальциевых каналов или бета-блокаторами, они могут эффективно предотвращать рецидивы ФП у пациентов с HCOM.

Пациенты с желудочковой экстрасистолией (ЖЭ) или преждевременными желудочковыми комплексами (ЖЭК) могут иметь большое количество симптомов.
Dicorantil можно применять у пациентов без структурных заболеваний сердца, хотя эффективность Dicorantilа ниже, чем при аблации.
Кроме того, по данным рандомизированного двойного слепого плацебо-контролируемого исследования в течение года, Dicorantil (n=44) был эффективен в поддержании синусового ритма после электрокардиоверсии по поводу фибрилляции предсердий по сравнению с плацебо (n=46) и значительно отличался (%) при последующем наблюдении в течение одного месяца. 70 против 39%) и продолжается через двенадцать месяцев (54% против 30%).

Применение Dicorantilа:
Dicorantil используется для лечения определенных типов серьезных (возможно, фатальных) нерегулярных сердечных сокращений (таких как устойчивая желудочковая тахикардия).
Dicorantil используется для восстановления нормального сердечного ритма и поддержания регулярного, устойчивого сердцебиения.

Dicorantil известен как антиаритмический препарат.
Dicorantil работает, блокируя определенные электрические сигналы в сердце, которые могут вызвать нерегулярное сердцебиение.
Лечение нерегулярного сердцебиения может снизить риск образования тромбов, и этот эффект может снизить риск сердечного приступа или инсульта.

Применение Dicorantilа:
Dicorantil выпускается в виде капсул и капсул с пролонгированным высвобождением (длительного действия) для приема внутрь.
Капсулы Dicorantil можно принимать каждые 6 или 8 часов.

Капсулы пролонгированного действия обычно принимают каждые 12 часов.
Внимательно следуйте указаниям на этикетке с рецептом и попросите своего врача или фармацевта объяснить любую часть, которую вы не понимаете.

Принимайте Dicorantil точно так, как указано.
Не принимайте большее или меньшее количество Dicorantilа и не принимайте его чаще, чем предписано врачом.

Проглотите капсулы с пролонгированным высвобождением; не открывать, раздавить или жевать их.

Dicorantil помогает контролировать ваше состояние, но не лечит его.
Продолжайте принимать Dicorantil, даже если вы чувствуете себя хорошо.
Не прекращайте прием Dicorantilа, не посоветовавшись с врачом.

Механизм действия Dicorantilа:
Активность Dicorantilа класса 1а аналогична активности хинидина в том смысле, что Dicorantil нацелен на натриевые каналы для подавления проводимости.
Dicorantil угнетает увеличение натриевой проницаемости сердечного миоцита во время фазы 0 сердечного потенциала действия, в свою очередь уменьшая направленный внутрь поток натрия.

Это приводит к повышению порога возбуждения и снижению скорости движения вверх.
Dicorantil удлиняет интервал PR, увеличивая продолжительность как QRS, так и зубца P.

Этот эффект особенно хорошо подходит для лечения желудочковой тахикардии, поскольку Dicorantil замедляет распространение потенциала действия через предсердия к желудочкам.
Dicorantil не действует как блокатор бета- или альфа-адренорецепторов, но оказывает значительное отрицательное инотропное действие на желудочковый миокард.
В результате применение Dicorantilа может снизить сократительную способность до 42 % при низких дозах и до 100 % при более высоких дозах по сравнению с хинидином.

Левитс предложил возможный вторичный механизм действия Dicorantilа против реципрокных аритмий после ишемического инсульта.
Dicorantil уменьшает неоднородность между инфарктным и нормальным рефрактерными периодами миокарда; кроме удлинения рефрактерного периода.

Это снижает вероятность повторной деполяризации, поскольку сигналы с большей вероятностью встречаются с тканью в рефрактерном состоянии, которая не может быть возбуждена.
Это обеспечивает возможное лечение фибрилляции предсердий и желудочков, поскольку Dicorantil восстанавливает контроль кардиостимулятора над тканью СА и АВ-узлов.

Фармакология и биохимия Dicorantilа:

Фармакологическая классификация MeSH:

Антиаритмические агенты:
Агенты, используемые для лечения или профилактики сердечных аритмий.
Они могут влиять на фазу поляризации-реполяризации потенциала действия, Dicorantilовую возбудимость или рефрактерность, проводимость импульса или чувствительность мембран в сердечных волокнах.
Антиаритмические средства часто делят на четыре основные группы в зависимости от их механизма действия: блокада натриевых каналов, блокада бета-адренергических каналов, пролонгация реполяризации или блокада кальциевых каналов.

Обструктивная гипертрофическая кардиомиопатия:
Гипертрофическая кардиомиопатия (ГКМП) является наиболее распространенным наследственным заболеванием сердца, встречающимся у 1:500 человек в общей популяции.
Dicorantil оценивается в 600 000 человек в Соединенных Штатах с гипертрофической кардиомиопатией.

Наиболее распространенный вариант ГКМП проявляется внутриполостной обструкцией левого желудочка (ЛЖ) из-за систолического движения митрального клапана вперед и митрально-септального контакта, что легко диагностируется с помощью эхокардиографии.
Фармакологическое лечение препаратами с отрицательным инотропным действием является терапией первой линии.

Бета-блокаторы используются в первую очередь, и хотя они улучшают симптомы одышки, боли в груди и непереносимости физической нагрузки, они не снижают градиенты внутрижелудочкового давления в покое и часто неадекватны для контроля симптомов.
Многие исследователи и клиницисты считают, что Dicorantil с контролируемым высвобождением является наиболее мощным доступным средством для снижения градиентов давления в покое и улучшения симптомов.

Dicorantil активно применяется уже более 30 лет.
Применение Dicorantilа при обструктивной ГКМП имеет рекомендацию IB в рекомендациях Американской кардиологической ассоциации/Американского колледжа кардиологов от 2020 г. по лечению обструктивной ГКМП.
Рекомендация по лечению ИБ указывает на то, что лечение рекомендуется и может быть полезным и выгодным.

Отрицательные инотропы улучшают обструкцию ЛЖ, уменьшая ускорение выброса ЛЖ и гидродинамические силы на митральном клапане.
Особая эффективность Dicorantilа обусловлена сильным отрицательным инотропным действием Dicorantilа; при прямом сравнении Dicorantil более эффективен для снижения градиента, чем бета-блокатор или верапамил.

Dicorantil чаще всего вводят вместе с бета-блокаторами.
При использовании у пациентов, резистентных к бета-блокаторам, Dicorantil эффективен в 60% случаев, уменьшая симптомы и их градиент до такой степени, что не требуются инвазивные процедуры, такие как хирургическая септальная миэктомия.

Dicorantil, несмотря на эффективность Dicorantilа, имеет один основной побочный эффект, который ограничивает использование Dicorantilа в США, хотя Dicorantil нашел более широкое применение в Канаде, Великобритании и Японии.
Блокада блуждающего нерва предсказуемо вызывает сухость во рту, а у мужчин с простатитом может вызывать задержку мочи.
Тейхман и др. показали, что пиридостигмин, используемый в комбинации с Dicorantilом, значительно уменьшает ваголитические побочные эффекты без снижения антиаритмической эффективности.

Также было показано, что эта комбинация эффективна и безопасна при обструктивной ГКМП у большой когорты пациентов.
Некоторые клиницисты назначают пиридостигмин замедленного высвобождения (продаваемый в США как Местинон Таймспан) каждому пациенту, начавшему принимать Dicorantil.
Эта комбинация повышает приемлемость более высоких доз Dicorantilа, что важно, поскольку существует корреляция доза-реакция при обструктивной ГКМП, более высокие дозы дают более низкие градиенты.

Другая проблема, связанная с Dicorantilом, связана с гипотетическим потенциалом вызывать внезапную смерть из-за антиаритмических эффектов Dicorantilа типа 1.
Однако многоцентровый регистр и два недавних когортных регистра в значительной степени уменьшили эту озабоченность, показав более низкие показатели внезапной смерти, чем наблюдаемые от самого заболевания.

Эти опасения по поводу препарата следует рассматривать с клинической точки зрения, поскольку Dicorantil, как правило, является последним препаратом, который испытывают пациенты перед тем, как их направят на инвазивное уменьшение перегородки с хирургической септальной миэктомией (операция на открытом сердце) или алкогольную аблацию перегородки (контролируемая операция). острое сердечно-сосудистое заболевание).
Обе эти инвазивные процедуры имеют риск заболеваемости и смертности.

Для отдельных пациентов пробный пероральный прием Dicorantilа является разумным подходом, прежде чем приступать к инвазивной редукции перегородки.
Пациенты, которые реагируют на Dicorantil, продолжают принимать этот препарат.

Те, у кого сохраняются симптомы инвалидности или побочные эффекты, немедленно направляются на уменьшение перегородки.
Используя такую ступенчатую стратегию, исследователи сообщили, что выживаемость не отличается от выживаемости, наблюдаемой в нормальном населении Соединенных Штатов того же возраста.

Экстракардиальные эффекты:
Атропиноподобные эффекты (антихолинергические)
Сухость во рту
Задержка мочи. Dicorantil не следует назначать пациентам с симптоматическим простатитом.
Затуманенное зрение

Кроме того, Dicorantil может усиливать гипогликемический эффект гликлазида, инсулина и метформина.

Метаболизм Dicorantilа:
Dicorantil может вызывать гипогликемию, возможно, за счет усиления секреции инсулина, а также может потенцировать эффекты обычных гипогликемических препаратов.
Этот эффект может быть связан с моно-N-деалкилDicorantilом, главным метаболитом Dicorantilа, поскольку многие зарегистрированные случаи гипогликемии наблюдались у пациентов с почечной недостаточностью, у которых метаболит накапливается.

У шести субъектов, которые рассматривались для лечения Dicorantilом, концентрации глюкозы в сыворотке крови измеряли через 13, 15, 17 и 19 часов после ужина, без дальнейшего приема пищи, с дополнительным приемом двух таблеток модифицированного высвобождения Dicorantil 150 и без него. мг с ужином и через 12 часов.
Dicorantil значительно снижал концентрацию глюкозы в сыворотке крови во все сроки измерения в среднем на 0,54 ммоль/л.
Падение концентрации глюкозы в сыворотке не было связано с концентрацией Dicorantilа в сыворотке или концентрацией креатинина в сыворотке; Dicorantil был выше у пожилых пациентов и у пациентов с недостаточным весом.

Сообщалось также о гипогликемии у 70-летней женщины с сахарным диабетом 2 типа, принимавшей Dicorantil.

Клинические данные Dicorantilа:
Торговые названия: Норпейс
AHFS/Drugs.com: Монография
МедлайнПлюс: a682408
Категория беременности: AU: B2
Пути введения: Пероральный, внутривенный
Код УВД: C01BA03 (ВОЗ)

Легальное положение:
Великобритания: POM (только по рецепту)
США: только ℞

Фармакокинетические данные Dicorantilа:
Биодоступность: высокая
Связывание с белками: от 50% до 65% (зависит от концентрации)
Метаболизм: печеночный (CYP3A4-опосредованный)
Период полувыведения: 6,7 часа (от 4 до 10 часов).
Выведение: через почки (80%).

Идентификаторы Dicorantilа:
Название IUPAC: (RS)-4-(диизопропиламино)-2-фенил-2-(пиридин-2-ил)бутанамид
Номер КАС: 3737-09-5
Идентификатор PubChem: 3114
Банк наркотиков: DB00280
ХимПаук: 3002
КЕГГ: D00303
Информационная панель CompTox (EPA): DTXSID1045536
Информационная карта ECHA: 100.021.010

Свойства Dicorantilа:
Формула: C21H29N3O
Молярная масса: 339,483 г·моль-1
Температура плавления: от 94,5 до 95 ° C (от 202,1 до 203,0 ° F)
УЛЫБКИ: O=C(N)C(c1ncccc1)(c2ccccc2)CCN(C(C)C)C(C)C
ИнХИ: ИнХИ=1S/C21H29N3O/c1-16(2)24(17(3)4)15-13-21(20(22)25,18-10-6-5-7-11-18)19- 12-8-9-14-23-19/h5-12,14,16-17H,13,15H2,1-4H3,(H2,22,25)

Молекулярная масса: 437,5 г/моль
Количество доноров водородной связи: 4
Количество акцепторов водородной связи: 7
Количество вращающихся связей: 8
Точная масса: 437,20795813 г/моль
Масса моноизотопа: 437,20795813 г/моль
Площадь топологической п��лярной поверхности: 137Ų
Количество тяжелых атомов: 30
Сложность: 459
Количество атомов изотопа: 0
Определенное число стереоцентров атома: 0
Количество стереоцентров неопределенного атома: 1
Определенное число стереоцентров связи: 0
Неопределенный счетчик стереоцентров связи: 0
Количество ковалентно-связанных единиц: 2
Соединение канонизировано: Да

Названия Dicorantilа:

Названия регуляторных процессов:


Названия ИЮПАК:

Другие идентификаторы:

Синонимы Dicorantilа:
Дизопирамид ФОСФАТ
Норпейс Кр
SC 7031 фосфат
Диритмин са
ИНЭКС 244-756-1
SC 7031 (фосфат)
22059-60-5 (фосфат)
СК 13957
Норпейс (Теннесси)
2-(1-(аммониокарбонил)-3-(диизопропиламмонио)-1-фенилпропил)пиридиния фосфат
4-[ди(пропан-2-ил)амино]-2-фенил-2-пиридин-2-илбутанамид; фосфорная кислота
(+-)-альфа-(2-(диизопропиламино)этил)-альфа-фенил-2-пиридинацетамидфосфат (1:1)
2-пиридинацетамид, альфа-(2-(бис(1-метилэтил)амино)этил)-альфа-фенил-фосфат
2-пиридинацетамид, альфа-(2-(бис(1-метилэтил)амино)этил)-альфа-фенил-фосфат (1:1)
2-пиридинацетамид, альфа-(2-(диизопропиламино)этил)-альфа-фенил-фосфат
альфа-(2-(диизопропиламино)этил)-альфа-фенил-2-пиридинацетамидфосфат (1:1)
2-пиридинацетамид, альфа-(2-(бис(1-метилэтил)амино)этил)-альфа-фенил-, (+-)-, фосфат (1:1)
Дизопирамид (фосфат)
Дизопирамидфосфат (JAN/USP)
Дизопирамид ФОСФАТ [MI]
Дизопирамид ФОСФАТ [ЯНВАРЬ]
Дизопирамид ФОСФАТ [USAN]
Дизопирамид ФОСФАТ [VANDF]
Дизопирамид ФОСФАТ [МАРТ.]
Дизопирамид ФОСФАТ [USP-RS]
Дизопирамид ФОСФАТ [WHO-DD]
СНБ 756744
Дизопирамидфосфат [USAN:BAN:JAN]
Дизопирамидфосфат [USAN:USP:BAN:JAN]
Д 6035
4-[ди(пропан-2-ил)амино]-2-фенил-2-пиридин-2-илбутанамид, фосфорная кислота
Дизопирамидфосфат, справочный стандарт Европейской фармакопеи (EP)
Дизопирамидфосфат, эталонный стандарт Фармакопеи США (USP)
223-110-2 [ЭИНЭКС]
2-пиридинацетамид, а-[2-[бис(1-метилэтил)амино]этил]-а-фенил-
2-пиридинацетамид, α-(2-(бис(1-метилэтил)амино)этил)-α-фенил-
2-пиридинацетамид, α-[2-[бис(1-метилэтил)амино]этил]-α-фенил- [ACD/название индекса]
3737-09-5 [РН]
4-(Диизопропиламино)-2-фенил-2-(2-пиридинил)бутанамид [немецкий] [ACD/название IUPAC]
4-(Диизопропиламино)-2-фенил-2-(2-пиридинил)бутанамид [ACD/название IUPAC]
4-(Диизопропиламино)-2-фенил-2-(2-пиридинил)бутанамид [французский] [ACD/название IUPAC]
disopiramida [испанский] [INN]
Дизопирамид [французский] [INN]
Дизопирамид [BAN] [INN] [JAN] [JP15] [USAN] [Wiki]
Дизопирамид, (R)-
Дизопирамид, (S)-
disopyramidum [латиница] [INN]
MFCD00057366 [количество леев]
Норпейс [торговое название]
Ритмодан [торговое название]
дизопирамид [Русский] [МНН]
ديسوبيراميد [арабский] [INN]
丙吡胺 [китайский] [INN]
свободное основание дизопирамида
[3737-09-5] [РН]
1309283-08-6 [РН]
2-пиридинацетамид, α-(2-(диизопропиламино)этил)-α-фенил-
2-пиридинацетамид, α-[2-(диизопропиламино)этил]-α-фенил-
2-пиридинацетамид, α-[2-[бис(1-метилэтил)амино]этил]-α-фенил-
3737-09-5 (свободная база)
38236-46-3 [РН]
4-[бис(пропан-2-ил)амино]-2-фенил-2-(пиридин-2-ил)бутанимидиновая кислота
492056 [Бейльштейн]
54687-36-4 [РН]
74464-83-8 [РН]
74464-84-9 [РН]
Дизопирамида [INN-испанский]
Дизопирамид [МНН-лат.]
MFCD00069254 [количество леев]
н-дезалкил дизопирамид
Ритмодан П [торговое название]
Сирл 703
DICUMYL PEROXIDE The aim of this article was to determine the effect of the dicumyl peroxide (dicumyl peroxide) content on thermal and mechanical properties of polylactide (PLA). Reactive extrusion of the PLA and dicumyl peroxide blends was performed. The dicumyl peroxide content varied from 0.2 to 1.0 wt.%. The extruded samples were characterized by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), analyses of gel content and swelling degree, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and tensile and impact strength tests. It was found that dicumyl peroxide caused crosslinking of PLA as well as contributed to formation of low-molecular weight products of decomposition and degradation processes. These products caused plasticization of PLA, which led to a decrease in the glass transition temperature. An increase in tensile strength and decrease in impact strength were observed as the dicumyl peroxide content increased. Dicumyl peroxide price More Price(4) Manufacturer Product number Product description CAS number Packaging Price Updated Buy Sigma-Aldrich 329541 Dicumyl peroxide 98% 80-43-3 100g $50 2020-08-18 Buy Sigma-Aldrich 329541 Dicumyl peroxide 98% 80-43-3 500g $154 2020-08-18 Buy Alfa Aesar H60442 Dicumyl peroxide, 98% 80-43-3 100g $35.9 2020-06-24 Buy Alfa Aesar H60442 Dicumyl peroxide, 98% 80-43-3 500g $140 2020-06-24 Buy Dicumyl peroxide Chemical Properties,Uses,Production Chemical Properties white powder Chemical Properties Dicumyl peroxide is a crystalline solid that melts at 42°C. It is insoluble in water and soluble in vegetable oil and organic solvents . It is used as a high-temperature catalyst in production of polystyrene plastics. The deflagration hazard potential of this peroxide was tested using 5 g of igniter in the revised time–pressure test, but no pressure rise was produced . Noller et al. found it to be an intermediate fire hazard. General Description White powder with a characteristic odor. Reactivity Profile The explosive instability of the lower dialkyl peroxides (e.g., dimethyl peroxide) and 1,1-bis-peroxides decreases rapidly with increasing chain length and degree of branching, the di-tert-alkyl derivatives being amongst the most stable class of peroxides. Though many 1,1-bis-peroxides have been reported, few have been purified because of the higher explosion hazards compared with the monofunctional peroxides. Dicumyl peroxide is unlikely that this derivative would be particularly unstable compared to other peroxides in it's class, Bretherick 2nd ed., p 44 1979. Safety Profile Mildly toxic by ingestion. See also PEROXIDES. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes. Purification Methods Crystallise the peroxide from 95% EtOH (charcoal). Store it at 0o. Potentially EXPLOSIVE. [Beilstein 6 IV 3220.] Dicumyl peroxide Preparation Products And Raw materials Raw materials Cumene Ethanol Sodium sulfite PERCHLORIC ACID Cumyl hydroperoxide Preparation Products microdispersoid acrylate resin filling emulsion dimethylacrolyl phenoxy propanestyrene copolymer optical plastics 80-43-3(Dicumyl peroxide)Related Search: ethyl hydroperoxide TERT-BUTYL CUMYL PEROXIDE Methyl acrylate Methyl Methanol Di-tert-butyl peroxide Dicumyl peroxide Benzoyl peroxide DIISOPROPYLBENZENE Acetonitrile Methylparaben 4,4'-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) Hydrogen peroxide Aluminum oxide 3,5-Diisopropylbenzene hydroperoxide 1,3-DIISOPROPYLBENZENE 2,2'-Dithiobis(benzothiazole) Vulcanizator Description and features Iniper DCP (dicumyl peroxide), is a white crystal which has C18H22O2 as chemical formula. This dialkyl peroxide is used for the (co)polymerization of styrene, besides it is used to crosslink polymers and elastomers. Further it finds its application as flame retardant synergist in EPS. Dicumyl Peroxide is also known as Diisopropylbenzene peroxide, Bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide and Dicumene hydroperoxide. Storage Store Dicumyl Peroxide in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area and in line with legal requirements. Keep Iniper DCP away from heat sources, avoid contact with acids, alkalines, heavy metal compounds and reducing agents. The Self Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT) in original packaging is 75ºC. The aim of this article was to determine the effect of the dicumyl peroxide (dicumyl peroxide) content on thermal and mechanical properties of polylactide (PLA). Reactive extrusion of the PLA and dicumyl peroxide blends was performed. The dicumyl peroxide content varied from 0.2 to 1.0 wt.%. The extruded samples were characterized by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), analyses of gel content and swelling degree, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and tensile and impact strength tests. It was found that dicumyl peroxide caused crosslinking of PLA as well as contributed to formation of low-molecular weight products of decomposition and degradation processes. These products caused plasticization of PLA, which led to a decrease in the glass transition temperature. An increase in tensile strength and decrease in impact strength were observed as the dicumyl peroxide content increased. Dicumyl peroxide price More Price(4) Manufacturer Product number Product description CAS number Packaging Price Updated Buy Sigma-Aldrich 329541 Dicumyl peroxide 98% 80-43-3 100g $50 2020-08-18 Buy Sigma-Aldrich 329541 Dicumyl peroxide 98% 80-43-3 500g $154 2020-08-18 Buy Alfa Aesar H60442 Dicumyl peroxide, 98% 80-43-3 100g $35.9 2020-06-24 Buy Alfa Aesar H60442 Dicumyl peroxide, 98% 80-43-3 500g $140 2020-06-24 Buy Dicumyl peroxide Chemical Properties,Uses,Production Chemical Properties white powder Chemical Properties Dicumyl peroxide is a crystalline solid that melts at 42°C. It is insoluble in water and soluble in vegetable oil and organic solvents . It is used as a high-temperature catalyst in production of polystyrene plastics. The deflagration hazard potential of this peroxide was tested using 5 g of igniter in the revised time–pressure test, but no pressure rise was produced . Noller et al. found it to be an intermediate fire hazard. General Description White powder with a characteristic odor. Reactivity Profile The explosive instability of the lower dialkyl peroxides (e.g., dimethyl peroxide) and 1,1-bis-peroxides decreases rapidly with increasing chain length and degree of branching, the di-tert-alkyl derivatives being amongst the most stable class of peroxides. Though many 1,1-bis-peroxides have been reported, few have been purified because of the higher explosion hazards compared with the monofunctional peroxides. Dicumyl peroxide is unlikely that this derivative would be particularly unstable compared to other peroxides in it's class, Bretherick 2nd ed., p 44 1979. Safety Profile Mildly toxic by ingestion. See also PEROXIDES. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes. Purification Methods Crystallise the peroxide from 95% EtOH (charcoal). Store it at 0o. Potentially EXPLOSIVE. [Beilstein 6 IV 3220.] Dicumyl peroxide Preparation Products And Raw materials Raw materials Cumene Ethanol Sodium sulfite PERCHLORIC ACID Cumyl hydroperoxide Preparation Products microdispersoid acrylate resin filling emulsion dimethylacrolyl phenoxy propanestyrene copolymer optical plastics 80-43-3(Dicumyl peroxide)Related Search: ethyl hydroperoxide TERT-BUTYL CUMYL PEROXIDE Methyl acrylate Methyl Methanol Di-tert-butyl peroxide Dicumyl peroxide Benzoyl peroxide DIISOPROPYLBENZENE Acetonitrile Methylparaben 4,4'-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) Hydrogen peroxide Aluminum oxide 3,5-Diisopropylbenzene hydroperoxide 1,3-DIISOPROPYLBENZENE 2,2'-Dithiobis(benzothiazole) Vulcanizator Description and features Iniper DCP (dicumyl peroxide), is a white crystal which has C18H22O2 as chemical formula. This dialkyl peroxide is used for the (co)polymerization of styrene, besides it is used to crosslink polymers and elastomers. Further it finds its application as flame retardant synergist in EPS. Dicumyl Peroxide is also known as Diisopropylbenzene peroxide, Bis(α,α-dimethylbenzyl) peroxide and Dicumene hydroperoxide. Storage Store Dicumyl Peroxide in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area and in line with legal requirements. Keep Iniper DCP away from heat sources, avoid contact with acids, alkalines, heavy metal compounds and reducing agents. The Self Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT) in original packaging is 75ºC.
DICYCLOHEXYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE, N° CAS : 23386-52-9, Nom INCI : DICYCLOHEXYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE, Nom chimique : Sodium 1,4-dicyclohexyl sulphonatosuccinate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 245-629-3. Ses fonctions (INCI): Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre. Sinergiste de mousse : Améliore la qualité de la mousse produite en augmentant une ou plusieurs des propriétés suivantes: volume, texture et / ou stabilité. Hydrotrope : Augmente la solubilité d'une substance qui est peu soluble dans l'eau.Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
2,2'-Iminobisethanol; Diethylolamine; DEA; Diolamine; Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; N,N-Diethanolamine; Bis(hydroxyethyl)amine; 2,2'-Dihydroxydiethylamine; iminodiethanol; Diaethanolamin (German); Diethanolamin (Czech); 2,2'-iminobis-Ethanol; Di(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; Iminodiethanol; 2-[(2-Hydroxyethyl)amino]ethanol; 2,2'-Dihydroxydiethylamine; 2,2'-Iminobis[ethanol]; 2,2'-Iminodi-1-ethanol; 2,2'-Iminodiethanol; N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; Bis(hydroxyethyl)amine; cas no: 111-42-2
2,2'-Iminobisethanol; Diethylolamine; DEA; Diolamine; Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; N,N-Diethanolamine; Bis(hydroxyethyl)amine; 2,2'-Dihydroxydiethylamine; iminodiethanol; Diaethanolamin (German); Diethanolamin (Czech); 2,2'-iminobis-Ethanol; Di(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; Iminodiethanol; 2-[(2-Hydroxyethyl)amino]ethanol; 2,2'-Dihydroxydiethylamine; 2,2'-Iminobis[ethanol]; 2,2'-Iminodi-1-ethanol; 2,2'-Iminodiethanol; N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; Bis(hydroxyethyl)amine; cas no: 111-42-2
Diethyl Isopropanol Amine; DiethanolisopropanolaMine (DEIPA); 2,2'-(2-Hydroxypropylimino)bisethanol; 2,2'-[(2-Hydroxypropyl)imino]bisethanol; 2-Propanol, 1-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino-; 1-[BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)AMINO]-2-PROPANOL; N,N-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)ISOPROPANOLAMINE; 1-[Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]propane-2-ol; 1-[bis-2-hydroxy-ethyl-amino]-propan-2-ol; 1-(N,N-bis(2-Hydroxyethyl)amino)propan-2-ol; 1-[bis-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-amino]-propan-2-ol; 1-[N,N-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)AMINO]-2-PROPANOL; 1-[N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-propanol,94%; 1-[N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-propanol 94% CAS NO:6712-98-7
2,2'-DIHYDROXYDIETHYLAMINE; 2,2'-IMINODIETHANOL; 2,2-IMINODIETHANOL; 2,2'-IMINODIETHANOL,BIS(BETA-HYDROXYETHYL)AMINE; BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)AMINE; BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)AMINE IMINODIETHANOL; DI(2-HYDROXYETHYL)AMINE; DI-BETA-HYDROXYETHYLAMINE; DIETHANOLAMINE; DIETHANOLAMINE SUBSTRATE BUFFER; DIETHYLOLAMINE; LABOTEST-BB LTBB000446; 2-((2-hydroxyethyl)amino)ethanol; 2-(2-hydroxyethylamino)ethanol; 2-(2-hydroxy-ethylamino)-ethanol; 2-(2-hydroxyethylamino)-ethanol; 2,2’-dihydroxy-diethylamin; 2,2’-iminobis-ethano; 2,2’-iminobisethanol; 2,2’-iminobis-Ethanol CAS NO:111-42-2
DIETHANOLAMINE Diethanolamine Diethanolamine Skeletal formula of Diethanolamine Ball-and-stick model of the Diethanolaminemolecule Names IUPAC name 2,2'-aminodiethanol Other names Bis(hydroxyethyl)amine N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine 2,2'-Dihydroxydiethylamine β,β'-Dihydroxydiethylamine Diolamine 2-[(2-Hydroxyethyl)amino]ethanol 2,2'-Iminobisethanol Iminodiethanol Di(2-hydroxyethyl)amine bis(2-Hydroxyethyl)amine 2,2'-Iminodiethanol Identifiers CAS Number 111-42-2 check 3D model (JSmol) Interactive image 3DMet B01050 Beilstein Reference 605315 ChEBI CHEBI:28123 check ChEMBL ChEMBL119604 check ChemSpider 13835604 check ECHA InfoCard 100.003.517 Edit this at Wikidata EC Number 203-868-0 KEGG D02337 check MeSH Diethanolamine PubChem CID 8113 RTECS number KL2975000 UNII AZE05TDV2V check CompTox Dashboard (EPA) DTXSID3021932 Edit this at Wikidata InChI[show] SMILES[show] Properties Chemical formula C4H11NO2 Molar mass 105.137 g·mol−1 Appearance Colourless crystals Odor Ammonia odor Density 1.097 g·mL−1 Melting point 28.00 °C; 82.40 °F; 301.15 K Boiling point 271.1 °C; 519.9 °F; 544.2 K Solubility in water Miscible log P -1.761 Vapor pressure <1 Pa (at 20 °C) UV-vis (λmax) 260 nm Refractive index (nD) 1.477 Thermochemistry Heat capacity (C) 137 J·K−1·mol−1 Std enthalpy of formation (ΔfH⦵298) −496.4 – −491.2 kJ·mol−1 Std enthalpy of combustion (ΔcH⦵298) −26.548 – −26.498 MJ·kmol−1 Hazards Safety data sheet sciencelab.com GHS pictograms GHS05: Corrosive GHS07: Harmful GHS08: Health hazard GHS Signal word Danger GHS hazard statements H302, H315, H318, H373 GHS precautionary statements P280, P305+351+338 Flash point 138 °C (280 °F; 411 K) Autoignition temperature 365 °C (689 °F; 638 K) Explosive limits 1.6–9.8%[1] Lethal dose or concentration (LD, LC): LD50 (median dose) 120 mg·kg−1 (intraperitoneal, rat) 710 mg·kg−1 (oral, rat) 778 mg·kg−1 (intravaneous, rat) 12.2 g·kg−1 (dermal, rabbit) NIOSH (US health exposure limits): PEL (Permissible) None[1] REL (Recommended) TWA: 3 ppm (15 mg/m3)[1] IDLH (Immediate danger) N.D.[1] Related compounds Related alkanols N-Methylethanolamine Dimethylethanolamine Diethylethanolamine N,N-Diisopropylaminoethanol Methyl Diethanolamine Triethanolamine Bis-tris methane Meglumine Related compounds Diethylhydroxylamine Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa). check verify (what is check☒ ?) Infobox references Diethanolamine, often abbreviated as Diethanolamineor DEOA, is an organic compound with the formula HN(CH2CH2OH)2. Pure Diethanolaminei s a white solid at room temperature, but its tendencies to absorb water and to supercool[2] mean it is often encountered as a colorless, viscous liquid. Diethanolamine is polyfunctional, being a secondary amine and a diol. Like other organic amines, Diethanolamine acts as a weak base. Reflecting the hydrophilic character of the secondary amine and hydroxyl groups, Diethanolamine is soluble in water. Amides prepared from Diethanolamine are often also hydrophilic. In 2013, the chemical was classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" (Group 2B). Production The reaction of ethylene oxide with aqueous ammonia first produces ethanolamine: C2H4O + NH3 → H2NCH2CH2OH which reacts with a second and third equivalent of ethylene oxide to give Diethanolamineand triethanolamine: C2H4O + H2NCH2CH2OH → HN(CH2CH2OH)2 C2H4O + HN(CH2CH2OH)2 → N(CH2CH2OH)3 About 300M kg are produced annually in this way.[3] The ratio of the products can be controlled by changing the stoichiometry of the reactants.[4] Uses Diethanolamine is used as a surfactant and a corrosion inhibitor. It is used to remove hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from natural gas. Diethanolamineis widely used in the preparation of diethanolamides and Diethanolaminesalts of long-chain fatty acids that are formulated into soaps and surfactants used in liquid laundry and dishwashing detergents, cosmetics, shampoos and hair conditioners.[5]In oil refineries, a Diethanolaminein water solution is commonly used to remove hydrogen sulfide from sour gas. It has an advantage over a similar amine, ethanolamine, in that a higher concentration may be used for the same corrosion potential. This allows refiners to scrub hydrogen sulfide at a lower circulating amine rate with less overall energy usage. Diethanolamineis a chemical feedstock used in the production of morpholine.[3][4] Morpholine from DEA.png Amides derived from Diethanolamineand fatty acids, known as diethanolamides, are amphiphilic. The reaction of 2-chloro-4,5-diphenyloxazole with Diethanolaminegave rise to Ditazole. The reaction of Diethanolamineand Isobutyraldehyde with water removed produces an Oxazolidine. Commonly used ingredients that may contain DEA Diethanolamineis used in the production of diethanolamides, which are common ingredients in cosmetics and shampoos added to confer a creamy texture and foaming action. Consequently, some cosmetics that include diethanolamides as ingredients contain DEA. [6]Some of the most commonly used diethanolamides include: Cocamide DEA DEA-Cetyl Phosphate DiethanolamineOleth-3 Phosphate Lauramide DEA Myristamide DEA Oleamide DEA Safety Diethanolamineis a potential skin irritant in workers sensitized by exposure to water-based metalworking fluids.[7] One study showed that Diethanolamineinhibits in baby mice the absorption of choline, which is necessary for brain development and maintenance;[8] however, a study in humans determined that dermal treatment for 1 month with a commercially available skin lotion containing Diethanolamineresulted in Diethanolaminelevels that were "far below those concentrations associated with perturbed brain development in the mouse".[9] In a mouse study of chronic exposure to inhaled Diethanolamineat high concentrations (above 150 mg/m3), Diethanolaminewas found to induce body and organ weight changes, clinical and histopathological changes, indicative of mild blood, liver, kidney and testicular systemic toxicity.[10] A 2009 study found that Diethanolaminehas potential acute, chronic and subchronic toxicity properties for aquatic species. Properties of diethanolamine Molecular Formula:C4H11NO2 Molecular Weight:105.137 g/mol Flash Point:176°(349°F) Boiling Point:268-270° Flash Point:176°(349°F) Density:1.097 Diethanolamine (DEA or DEOA) is a colorless, viscous liquid organic chemical compound that is both a secondary amine and a dialcohol. According to the International Agency for Research, the compound is a suspected carcinogen to humans. The hydrophilic liquid is used as a surfactant as well as a corrosion inhibitor. DEA is also used to remove hydrogen sulfide from natural gas. Reactivity Profile Diethanolamine is an aminoalcohol. Amines are chemical bases. They neutralize acids to form salts plus water. These acid-base reactions are exothermic. The amount of heat that is evolved per mole of amine in a neutralization is largely independent of the strength of the amine as a base. Amines may be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Flammable gaseous hydrogen is generated by amines in combination with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides. This compound is hygroscopic. It may be sensitive to exposure to air and light. This compound can react with oxidizing materials, acids, CO2, copper alloys, aluminum, zinc, galvanized iron and copper. Applications Diethanolamine is used in the preparation of morpholine and diethanolamides, which is an active ingredient in cosmetics and shampoos. It acts as a surfactant and a corrosion inhibitor. It is utilized to remove hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from natural gas. Further, it is an intermediate used in the rubber chemicals, as a humectant and a softening agent, and as an emulsifier and dispersing agent in agricultural chemicals. In addition to this, it is used in cutting oils, cleaners, soaps, polishers, and pharmaceuticals. Health Hazard Information Acute Effects: Acute inhalation exposure to diethanolamine in humans may result in irritation of the nose and throat, and dermal exposure may result in irritation of the skin. Animal studies indicate that exposure to diethanolamine by intravenous injections can cause increased blood pressure, pupillary dilatation, and salivation. At very high doses in animals, sedation, and coma may result. Acute animal studies have shown that dermal exposure to diethanolamine may burn skin, and eye contact with the chemical may impair vision. Acute animal tests in rats have shown diethanolamine to have moderate acute toxicity from oral exposure. Chronic Effects (Noncancer): No information is available on the chronic effects of diethanolamine in humans. Animal studies have reported effects on the liver, kidney, blood, and CNS from chronic oral exposure to diethanolamine. Skin lesions were observed in mice following daily topical administration of diethanolamine. EPA has not established a Reference Concentration (RfC) or a Reference Dose (RfD) for diethanolamine. The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) has established a chronic reference exposure level of 0.02 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m ) for diethanolamine based on effects on the blood in rats. The CalEPA reference exposure level is a concentration at or below which adverse health effects are not likely to occur. It is not a direct estimator of risk but rather a reference point to gauge the potential effects. At lifetime exposures increasingly greater than the reference exposure level, the potential for adverse health effects increases. Reproductive/Developmental Effects: No information is available on the reproductive or developmental effects of diethanolamine in humans. Animal studies have reported testicular degeneration and reduced sperm motility and count from oral exposure to diethanolamine. Cancer Risk: No information is available on the carcinogenic effects of diethanolamine in humans. EPA has not classified diethanolamine for carcinogenicity. Air & Water Reactions Water soluble. Fire Hazard Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Irritating vapors are generated when heated. Health Hazard Irritation of eyes and skin. Breathing vapors may cause coughing, a smothering sensation, nausea, headache. Diethanolamine appears as oily colorless liquid or solid white crystals. Slight rotten fish or ammonia odor. Denser than water. (USCG, 1999) CAMEO Chemicals Diethanolamine is a member of the class of ethanolamines that is ethanolamine having a N-hydroxyethyl substituent. It has a role as a human xenobiotic metabolite. It derives from an ethanolamine. ChEBI Diethanolamine is used in a number of consumer products, such as shampoos, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Limited information is available on the health effects of diethanolamine. Acute (short- term) inhalation exposure to diethanolamine in humans may result in irritation of the nose and throat, and dermal exposure may irritate the skin. No information is available on the chronic (long-term), reproductive, developmental, or carcinogenic effects of diethanolamine in humans. Animal studies have reported effects on the liver, kidney, blood, and central nervous system (CNS) from chronic oral exposure to diethanolamine. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) reported an increased incidence of liver and kidney tumors in mice from dermal exposure to diethanolamine. EPA has not classified diethanolamine for carcinogenicity. Molecular Weight of Diethanolamine 105.14 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) XLogP3 -1.4 Computed by XLogP3 3.0 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Donor Count of Diethanolamine 3 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count of Diethanolamine 3 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Rotatable Bond Count of Diethanolamine 4 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Exact Mass of Diethanolamine 105.078979 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Monoisotopic Mass of Diethanolamine 105.078979 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Topological Polar Surface Area of Diethanolamine 52.5 Ų Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Heavy Atom Count of Diethanolamine 7 Computed by PubChem Formal Charge of Diethanolamine 0 Computed by PubChem Complexity of Diethanolamine 28.9 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Isotope Atom Count of Diethanolamine 0 Computed by PubChem Defined Atom Stereocenter Count of Diethanolamine 0 Computed by PubChem Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count of Diethanolamine 0 Computed by PubChem Defined Bond Stereocenter Count of Diethanolamine 0 Computed by PubChem Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count of Diethanolamine 0 Computed by PubChem Covalently-Bonded Unit Count of Diethanolamine 1 Computed by PubChem Compound of Diethanolamine Is Canonicalized Yes Technical products and impurities Diethanolamine is commercially available with the following specifications: purity, 99% min.; monoethanolamine, 0.5% max.; triethanolamine 0.5% max.; and water content, 0.15% max. (Huntsman Corporation, 2008). A lower grade of diethanolamine is commercially available with the following specifications: purity, 55% min.; monoethanolamine, 5% max.; triethanolamine 40% max.; and water content, 1% max. (Elarum, 2010). In Europe, diethanolamine is typically marketed with the following specifications: purity, > 99%; triethanolamine, 1% max.; monoethanolamine, 0.5% max.; and water content, 0.2% max. (OECD, 2007). Diethanolamine is also available as a blend of 83–87% diethanolamine and 13–17% deionized water with monoethanolamine and triethanolamine present as impurities at a maximum concentration of 1% (Huntsman Corporation, 2007). 1.1.5. Analysis Diethanolamine can be determined in workplace air by drawing the air sample through aqueous hexanesulfonic acid and analysing with ion chromatography. The range for this method is 0.30–19.5 mg for a 100-L air sample (NIOSH, 2003). Diethanolamine can be determined in air by drawing the air sample through sampling tubes containing XAD-2 resin coated with 10% 1-naphthylisothiocyanate. Samples are analysed by desorbing the adsorbent with dimethylformamide and quantitating the amine derivative by high performance liquid chromatography using ultraviolet detection (OSHA, 2010). Exposure to diethanolamine from metal working fluids has been determined by high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of aqueous hand-washing solutions and personal air samples collected on acid-treated glass fibre filters (Henriks-Eckerman et al., 2007). Levels of diethanolamine in shampoo products can be determined by liquid chromatography/thermal energy analysis after conversion to N-nitrosodiethanolamine with acetic acid and sodium nitrite (Chou, 2005). 1.2. Production and use 1.2.1. Production Diethanolamine is produced by reacting ethylene oxide with ammonia. In most production facilities, ethylene oxide and ammonia are reacted in a batch process that yields a crude mixture of ethanolamine, diethanolamine and triethanolamine. The mixture is then distilled to separate and purify the individual compounds (Edens & Lochary, 2004). Ethanolamines became available commercially in the early 1930s; they assumed steadily growing commercial importance as intermediates after 1945, because of the large-scale production of ethylene oxide. Since the mid-1970s, economical production of very pure, colourless ethanolamines has been possible (IARC, 2000). It has been estimated that 45 900 and 75 400 tonnes of diethanolamine were produced in the USA in 1972 and 1983, respectively (HSDB, 2010). Estimated annual production of diethanolamine in the USA over three decades is presented in Table 1.1. Table 1.1. Estimated annual production of diethanolamine in the USA (thousand tonnes). Table 1.1 Estimated annual production of diethanolamine in the USA (thousand tonnes). Worldwide production of ethanolamines in 1985 was approximately (thousand tonnes per year): USA, 220; western Europe, 145; south-eastern Asia, 40; South America, 18; and eastern Europe, 4. Of the world production of ethanolamines in 1985, approximately 50% was mono-ethanolamine, 30–35% diethanolamine and 15–20% triethanolamine (Hammer et al., 1987). The annual world capacity for the ethanolamines in 2005 was estimated at 1 510 000 tonnes, subdivided into 400 000 tonnes for Europe (eight production sites), 780 000 tonnes for North and South America (seven production sites), 30 000 tonnes for the Middle East (one production site) and 300 000 tonnes for the Asia/Pacific region (11 production sites). No data on individual capacities for diethanolamine were available (OECD, 2007). Information available in 2010 indicated that diethanolamine was manufactured by 29 companies in the USA, seven companies in Mexico, three companies each in the People's Republic of China and the United Kingdom, two companies each in Canada, Germany, China (Hong Kong SAR) and India, and one company each in Belgium, Slovak Republic and Switzerland (Chemical Sources International, 2010). Other sources indicated that diethanolamine was produced by five companies in the USA (HSDB, 2010), five companies in Germany, three companies in the United Kingdom, three companies in the Netherlands and one company each in Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden (IUCLID, 2000). 1.2.2. Use Diethanolamine is widely used in the preparation of diethanolamides and diethanolamine salts of long-chain fatty acids that are formulated into soaps and surfactants used in liquid laundry and dishwashing detergents, cosmetics, shampoos and hair conditioners. Diethanolamine is also used in the production of lubricants in the textile industry, in industrial gas purification to remove acid gases and as an emulsifer and dispersing agent in preparations of agricultural chemicals. Diethanolamine is used in metalworking fluids for cutting, stamping and die-casting operations as a corrosion inhibitor. In the production of detergents, cleaners, fabric solvents and metalworking fluids, diethanolamine is used for acid neutralization and soil deposition. Aqueous diethanolamine solutions are used as solvents for numerous drugs that are administered intravenously. Shampoos and hair dyes may contain free diethanolamine as a component and/or as a contaminant of fatty acid alkanolamides, generally in the range of 0.2–10% (Bailey, 2007). Diethanolamine is used with sulfolane in the sulfinol process to absorb carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide gases The database for substances in preparations in Nordic countries lists a wide variety of uses of diethanolamine registered in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. In 2004, 520 preparations containing diethanolamine, accounting for a total volume of 19 865.8 tonnes, were registered in Denmark. In Norway, Sweden, and Finland, 103 (856.8 tonnes), 307 (459.0 tonnes), and 75 (132.7 tonnes) products were registered, respectively. Use categories included intermediates, cleaning/washing agents, paints, lacquers and varnishes, surface treatments, cutting fluids, pH-regulation agents, impregnation materials, surface-active agents, corrosion inhibitors, process regulators, colouring agents, reprographic agents, lubricants and additives. Its use in consumer preparations was indicated for products registered in Norway and Sweden (SPIN, 2006; OECD, 2008). 1.3. Occurrence and exposure 1.3.1. Natural occurrence Diethanolamine is not known to occur as a natural product. 1.3.2. Occupational exposure Diethanolamine is present in water-based machining and grinding fluids (soluble oils, semi-synthetic and synthetic metalworking fluids) and has been detected in workplace air in the metal manufacturing industry. It was detected in bulk metalworking fluids at levels ranging from 4 to 5% (Kenyon et al., 1993). Recent exposure to diethanolamine can be inferred from studies showed dermal sensitivity among workers exposed to metalworking fluids (Geier et al., 2004a, b). Moreover, the presence of N-nitrosodiethanolamine in bulk fluids and in the urine of exposed workers may provide indirect evidence for the exposure to diethanolamine from these fluids (Ducos & Gaudin, 2003). According to the 1981–83 National Occupational Exposure Survey (NIOSH, 1999), 800 000 workers (many of whom were metalworkers) in the USA were potentially exposed to diethanolamine. The median air concentration of diethanolamine in nine machine shops in Finland was found to be 64 µg/m3 (Henriks-Eckerman et al., 2007). The presence of diethanolamine has also been reported in wetting fluids used in road paving. A level of 0.05 mg/m3 was detected in a stationary sample at a slurry machine discharging a bitumen emulsion containing 0.2% of the amine. All personal exposures were below the limit of detection (0.02 mg/m3) (Levin et al., 1994). In a study in Germany (1992–94), diethanolamine was detected in samples of metalworking fluids at a range of 0–44% (n = 69). The proportion of samples in which diethanolamine was present steadily declined from 90 to 60% over the study period (Pfeiffer et al., 1996). In 1996, 51 samples of cooling lubricant concentrates from the German market were analysed. Of these, six (12%) showed diethanolamine concentrations of more than 0.2%, with a maximum concentration reaching 0.85%. The occurrence of diethanolamine levels above 0.2% in these concentrates declined from 80% (1991–92), to 53% (1993), 25% (1994), 21% (1995), and 12% (1996). The reduction was due to a change in the composition of the coolant fluids that followed regulatory requirements in Germany (see Section 1.4). The detected residues above 0.2% were not due to the direct addition of diethanolamine as an ingredient, but to contamination by other components in the coolant fluids (Kaup et al., 1997). At a site in Germany, diethanolamine is produced in one production plant and is processed further within eight other operations and plants. Between January 2001 and December 2006, data on 53 workplace exposures covering all operations were collected by means of personal air sampling. The reported data are 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) values for shifts. In the production plant, the highest value recorded was 0.026 mg/m3; at the filling stations, the maximum value recorded was 0.062 mg/m3; and the overall range of the measurements (53) was < 0.019–0.062 mg/m3 (OECD, 2008). 1.3.3. Environmental occurrence Production of diethanolamine and its wide use in industrial and consumer products may result in its release into the environment (Yordy & Alexander, 1981; Beyer et al., 1983; Environment Canada, 1995; Mathews et al., 1995; Knaak et al., 1997). (a) Air According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxics Release Inventory, air emissions of diethanolamine from 358 industrial facilities in 1994 were approximately 149 200 kg in the USA (US EPA, 1996). According to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) of Canada, on-site releases of diethanolamine into the air from 74 facilities amounted to about 40 000 kg/year (Environment Canada, 1995). (b) Water Surface water discharges of diethanolamine from 358 industrial facilities in 1994 in the USA amounted to 100 350 kg, as reported in the Toxics Release Inventory (US EPA, 1996). On-site releases of diethanolamine (and its salts) to water from 74 facilities in Canada amounted to about 26 000 kg/year, as reported to the NPRI (Environment Canada, 1995). Because of the spectrum of industrial and consumer uses of diethanolamine and its miscibility with water, large amounts of the chemical can be discharged into wastewater and sewage in an unaltered form (Yordy & Alexander, 1981; Mathews et al., 1995). Diethanolamine was not detected in a study carried out in 1978 in any of the 21 samples taken from surface water in Japan (Japanese Department of Environmental Health, 1985). Diethanolamine was detected in German surface waters of the Rivers Elbe at 0.34–0.58 µg/L, Mulde at 2.54–4.6 µg/L, Neibe at 0.72–1.8 µg/L and Rhine at 0.30–0.59 µg/L (Pietsch et al., 2001; OECD, 2008). (c) Soil Releases of diethanolamine to the land and underground from 358 industrial facilities in the USA in 1994 (as reported to the Toxics Release Inventory) amounted to 77 050 kg and 36 850 kg, respectively (US EPA, 1996). Canadian on-site releases of diethanolamine (and its salts) to land and underground amounted to about 118 000 kg and 497 000 kg/year, respectively, as reported to the NPRI (Environment Canada, 1995). 1.3.4. Occurrence in personal care products Free diethanolamine is reported to be a contaminant in fatty acid-diethanolamine condensates (amides of coconut oil acid, oleic acid and lauric acid) at levels ranging from < 1% to nearly 19%. Diethanolamine also occurs as a contaminant in triethanolamine products (see Table 1.3). Table 1.3. Diethanolamine content of several condensates. Table 1.3 Diethanolamine content of several condensates. Potential exposure to diethanolamine in personal care products arises from the use of alkanolamides of diethanolamine, which are condensation products of diethanolamine and fatty acids (e.g. cocamide diethanolamine, a reaction product of diethanolamine and coconut oil-derived fatty acids). Cocamide diethanolamine, lauramide diethanolamine, linoleamide diethanolamine and oleamide diethanolamine are fatty acid diethanolamides that may contain 4r33% diethanolamine, and are present in cosmetics at concentrations of < 0.1–50% (Dea, 1986). Twenty shampoo products were analysed and 19 were found to contain diethanolamine at levels ranging from 140 to 15 200 ppm (Chou, 2005). In a substudy to assess skin absorption, a commercially available body lotion was found to contain 1.8 mg/g diethanolamine (Craciunescu et al., 2009). In a study of skin penetration, two representative shampoo formulations containing coconut diethanolamide at a concentration of 4% were found to contain 0.98% diethanolamine; two shampoos and a bubble bath containing 4.75% lauramide diethanolamine contained 0.25% diethanolamine; a leave-on emulsion containing 2% triethanolamine contained 0.008% diethanolamine; and an oxidative hair dye containing 4.7% lauramide diethanolamine contained 0.25% diethanolamine, while two other hair dye products containing 1.4% lauramide diethanolamine contained 0.075% diethanolamine (Brain et al., 2005). In a study of the penetration of cosmetic products through intact human skin, a shampoo containing cocamide diethanolamine was found to include 0.092% free diethanolamine, and a second shampoo containing lauramide diethanolamine included 0.28% free diethanolamine (Kraeling et al., 2004). 1.3.5. Detection in body fluids and daily exposure estimates After about 3 or 4 weeks of using a body lotion containing 1.8 mg/g diethanolamine, plasma concentrations of the compound in three volunteer subjects ranged from 3 to 7 nmol/mL (Craciunescu et al., 2009) [data were read from a graph]. Craciunescu et al., (2006) provided exposure estimates of 8–200 mg/kg per day from daily use of shampoo. An alternative calculation using a lower diethanolamine content in shampoo and lower skin penetration rates suggested that the exposure to diethanolamine for a 60-kg adult would be in the range of 0.2–2 µg/kg per day (Bailey, 2007). [The Working Group noted the large discrepancy in the estimated values between the two studies.] 1.4. Regulations and guidelines Occupational exposure limits and guidelines for diethanolamine are presented in Table 1.4. Table 1.4. Occupational exposure limits and guidelines for diethanolamine. Table 1.4 Occupational exposure limits and guidelines for diethanolamine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permits the use of diethanolamine as a component of adhesives in food packaging, as an indirect food additive, as a component of uncoated or coated food contact surfaces of paper and paperboard for use with dry solid foods with no free fat or oil on the surface, and for use only as an adjuvant to control pulp absorbance and pitch content in the manufacture of paper and paperboard or for use only in paper mill boilers in the USA (FDA, 2010). A technical standard in Germany limits the level of diethanolamine in water-mixable cooling lubricants to 0.2% (Kaup et al., 1997). Go to: 2. Cancer in Humans The Working Group was not aware of any study that specifically examined the risk of cancer among persons exposed to diethanolamine. While diethanolamine is found in personal care products, no epidemiological studies evaluating human cancer in association with diethanolamine were identified. However, ethanolamines have been used as additives in metalworking fluids since the 1950s and are present in wetting fluids used in asphalt paving. Exposures to these agents occur as complex mixtures and there is a large database of studies on workers exposed in these occupational settings. In light of the complex mixtures, and concomitant occupational exposures, any observed elevations in risk cannot be specifically attributed to diethanolamine or to any other constituent of the complex mixtures. The Working Group, therefore, did not make a detailed evaluation of these studies. The data on metalworking fluids are reviewed below, although a formal evaluation by the Working Group is not provided. There are four major types of metalworking fluid: straight (generally mineral oils), soluble and semi-synthetic (straight oils diluted with water and additives) and synthetic (water and additives with no oil). [Exposure assessments for soluble and synthetic are often combined for analysis.] Ethanolamines — either diethanolamine or triethanolamine — are common additives to soluble, semi-synthetic and synthetic metal-working fluids (see Section 1). Diethanolamine may also be present as an unintended impurity of intended triethanolamine or fatty acid diethanolamide additives. Metalworking fluids are complex mixtures that may vary considerably, depending on the type of fluid and the additives used. These mixtures may contain many potential carcinogens and, in particular, potential exposure to N-nitrosodiethanolamine occurred in all of the studies considered. The use of diethanolamine and nitrites together as additives to metalworking fluids can lead to the formation of N-nitrosodiethanolamine. Therefore, workers in any study that noted exposure to N-nitrosodiethanolamine would also have been exposed to the diethanolamine from which the nitroso derivative was formed. In this review, only studies that included workers exposed to water-based (soluble, synthetic and semi-synthetic) metalworking fluids were included.
DIETHYL CARBONATE, N° CAS : 105-58-8, Nom INCI : DIETHYL CARBONATE, Nom chimique : Carbonic acid, diethyl ester, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-311-1
DIETHYL ETHANOLAMINE, N° CAS : 100-37-8, Nom INCI : DIETHYL ETHANOLAMINE, Nom chimique : Ethanol, 2-(diethylamino), N° EINECS/ELINCS : 202-845-2. Ses fonctions (INCI): Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Noms français : 2-Diethylaminoethanol; 2-HYDROXYTRIETHYLAMINE; BETA-DIETHYLAMINOETHYL ALCOHOL;DIETHYL ETHANOLAMINE DIETHYLAMINO-2 ETHANOL; Diethylaminoethanol; DIETHYLETHANOLAMINE; DIETHYLETHANOLAMINE (DEEA); Diéthylamino-2 éthanol; Diéthylaminoéthanol; N,N-DIETHYL-2-AMINOETHANOL; N,N-DIETHYLAMINOETHANOL; N,N-DIETHYLETHANOLAMINE. Noms anglais : 2-Diethylaminoethanol. Utilisation; Fabrication de produits organiques, agent dispersant. 2-(Diethylamino)ethanol 100-37-8 [RN] 2-(Diethylamino)ethanol [German] 2-(Diéthylamino)éthanol [French] 202-845-2 [EINECS] 2-Diethylaminoethanol 2-Hydroxytriethylamine 741863 [Beilstein] DEAE DEEA Diethylaminoethanol Ethanol, 2-(diethylamino)- [ACD/Index Name] KK5075000 N,N-DIETHYLETHANOLAMINE S6DL4M053U (2-HYDROXYETHYL)DIETHYLAMINE (DIETHYLAMINO)ETHANOL 1-(Diethylamino)ethanol 2-(Diethylamino)-ethanol 2-(Diethylamino)ethyl alcohol 2-(Diethylamino)ethyl cellulose 2-(DIETHYLAMONO)ETHANOL 2-(N,N-Diethylamino)ethanol 2-Diethylamino 2-diethylamino-ethanol 2-Diethylaminoethanol, 9CI 2-N-(Diethylamino)ethanol 2-N-Diethylaminoethanol 32954-58-8 [RN] 64346-24-3 [RN] 9013-34-7 [RN] DEAE|2-(DIETHYLAMINO)ETHAN-1-OL Dehydasal Di??thylamino??thanol Diaethylaminoaethanol Diaethylaminoaethanol [German] Diaethylaminoaethanol(german) Diethyl ethanolamine Diethyl ethanolamine;Diethylaminoethanol;2-Hydroxytriethylamine Diethyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amine Diethylamino ethanol Diethylamlnoethanol DIETHYLETHANOLAMINE Diethylmonoethanolamine ETHANOL,2-DIETHYLAMINO ipomeanol N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)diethylamine N-(Diethylamino)ethanol N, N-Diethylethanolamine N,N-DIETHYL ETHANOLAMINE N,N-Diethyl-2-aminoethanol N,N-Diethyl-2-hydroxyethylamine N,N-Diethylaminoethanol N,N-Diethylmonoethanolamine N,N-Diethyl-N-(β-hydroxyethyl)amine N,N-Diethyl-N-(β-hydroxyethyl)amine N-Diethylaminoethanol Pennad 150 Perdilaton Q2N2 & 2 [WLN] UN 2686 UNII:S6DL4M053U UNII-S6DL4M053U β-(Diethylamino)ethanol β-(Diethylamino)ethanol β-(diethylamino)ethyl alcohol β-(Diethylamino)ethyl alcohol β-Diethylaminoethanol β-Diethylaminoethyl alcohol β-hydroxytriethylamine β-Hydroxytriethylamine
Diethyl Sulfate Property of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is moisture sensitive liquid. Heating can lead to release of irritating gases and vapors. Toxicity of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is a strong alkylating agent which ethylates DNA and thus is genotoxic. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), as of 1999 there is not sufficient evidence for the carcinogenic properties of diethyl sulfate in humans, but there is in animals. Diethyl sulfate is classified as a Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans) carcinogen by the IARC. Preparation of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate can be prepared by absorbing ethylene into concentrated sulfuric acid or by fuming sulfuric acid into diethyl ether or ethanol. Properties of Diethyl sulfate Chemical formula C4H10O4S Molar mass 154.18 g·mol−1 Appearance Colorless liquid Density 1.2 g/mL Melting point −25 °C (−13 °F; 248 K) Boiling point 209 °C (408 °F; 482 K) (decomposes) Solubility in water decomposes in water Vapor pressure 0.29 mm Hg Magnetic susceptibility (χ) -86.8·10−6 cm3/mol Application of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate can be used as a reactant for the synthesis of: • Biologically active compounds such as bispyrazole, pyrazolopyrimidine and pyridine containing antipyrinyl moieties. • N-substituted-2-styryl-4(3H)-quinazolinones. • Ionic liquids with pyrrolidinium, piperidinium and morpholinium cations, having potential applications as electrolytes. Diethyl sulfate can also be used as an alkylating agent to synthesize 1-alkyl/aralkyl-2-(1-arylsufonylalkyl)benzimidazoles and an ionic liquid ethylmethylimidazole ethylsulfate. Diethyl sulfate is an alkyl sulfate. Diethyl sulfate appears as a clear colorless liquid with a peppermint odor. Burns, though may be difficult to ignite. Corrosive to metals and tissue. It is a potent alkylating agent. Flash point is 104° C (219° F) [Aldrich MSDS]. Diethyl Sulfate is a colorless, corrosive, oily liquid that darkens with age and has a faint peppermint odor. Diethyl sulfate is mainly used as an ethylating agent in organic synthesis and in the dye and textile manufacturing. Exposure to this substance results in severe irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Diethyl Sulfate is a possible mutagen and is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals and may be associated with developing laryngeal cancer. After male CFE albino rats were administered 1 ml of a 5% (v/v) solution of diethyl sulfate in arachis oil by gavage or by intraperitoneal or subcutaneous injection, ethylmercapturic acid and a sulfoxide were identified as metabolites. Uses of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is primarily used as an ethylating agent, and also as an accelerator in the sulfation of ethylene and in some sulfonations. Diethyl sulfate is also a chemical intermediate for ethyl derivatives of phenols, amines, and thiols, and as an alkylating agent. Diethyl sulfate is available as a technical grade product that contains 99.5% active ingredient or as a laboratory chemical with a purity of 95% to >98%. An analytical method for the determination of diethyl sulfate in air has been developed /using/ gas chromatography with a flame photometric detector. Hazards Summary of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is used as an ethylating agent and as a chemical intermediate. No information is available on the acute (short-term), chronic (long-term), reproductive, or developmental effects of diethyl sulfate in humans. In an epidemiological study, an excess mortality rate from laryngeal cancer was associated with occupational exposure to high concentrations of diethyl sulfate. In one study, rats orally exposed to diethyl sulfate developed tumors in the forestomach. EPA has not classified diethyl sulfate with respect to potential carcinogenicity. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified diethyl sulfate as a Group 2A, probable human carcinogen. The presence of moisture in a metal container of diethyl sulfate caused formation of sulfuric acid which reacted with the metal to release hydrogen which pressurized and exploded the container. This action promulgates standards of performance for equipment leaks of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI). The intended effect of these standards is to require all newly constructed, modified, and reconstructed SOCMI process units to use the best demonstrated system of continuous emission reduction for equipment leaks of VOC, considering costs, non air quality health and environmental impact and energy requirements. Diethyl sulfate is produced, as an intermediate or a final product, by process units covered under this subpart. Listed as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) generally known or suspected to cause serious health problems. The Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, directs EPA to set standards requiring major sources to sharply reduce routine emissions of toxic pollutants. EPA is required to establish and phase in specific performance based standards for all air emission sources that emit one or more of the listed pollutants. Diethyl sulfate is included on this list. National Toxicology Program. Eleventh Report on Carcinogens (2005). The Report on Carcinogens is an informational scientific and public health document that identifies and discusses substances (including agents, mixtures, or exposure circumstances) that may pose a carcinogenic hazard to human health. Diethyl sulfate (64-67-5) is listed as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. Evidence for Carcinogenicity Evaluation: There is inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity in humans of diethyl sulfate. There is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of diethyl sulfate in experimental animals. Diethyl sulfate is probably carcinogenic to humans (2A). In making the overall evaluation, the Working Group took into account diethyl sulfate is a strong direct alkylating agent which ethylates DNA and that as a result, it is genotoxic in virtually all test systems examined including potent effects in somatic and germ cells of mammals exposed in vivo. Diethyl sulfate: reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. In a historical cohort study of process workers, chemical mechanics, and refinery workers at a factory manufacturing isopropyl alcohol and ethanol by the strong acid process, a process which produces high concns of diethyl sulfate, excess mortality from upper respiratory (laryngeal) cancer was found among process workers. Diethyl sulfate induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in pollen of petunia hybrida. It induced chromosomal aberrations in meiotic cells and chlorophyll mutations in rice, ring chromosomes in Allium sativum root tips and anaphase and telophase aberrations in Papaver somniferum root meristemic cells. The dermal carcinogenicity of diethyl sulfate was evaluated in a group of 40 C3H/HeJ male mice painted 3 times/week for their lifespan on the skin of the back, with undiluted diethyl sulfate at an average dose of 0.0074 g/mouse/application. A negative control group of 40 animals was exposed to 0.0126 g acetone/mouse/application in the same manner as the treated group. All the treated mice were dead after 23 months of the study, 11 after 18 months, and 27 after one year. The first skin neoplasm was observed after 12 months of treatment, with a total of 21 animals developing malignant skin neoplasms. The total cancer incidence was 87.5% and the median latent periods for appearance of neoplasms and cancer were 15.7 and 16.2 months, respectively. No skin tumors were observed in the control group. The mutagenicity of diethyl sulfate was evaluated in the Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Mutation test, both in the presence and absence of added metabolic activation by Aroclor-induced rat liver S9 fraction. Based on the results of preliminary toxicity determinations, diethyl sulfate, diluted with DMSO, was tested for mutagenicity at ranges of concentrations of 2.5-40x10(-3)% and 5-80x10(-3)% (v/v in DMSO) in the presence and absence of activation, respectively. All concentrations of diethyl sulfate tested caused a positive response in the tests both with and without activation. The ability of diethyl sulfate to induce sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was evaluated in the absence of added metabolic activation. Based on preliminary toxicity tests, diethyl sulfate, diluted with DMSO, was tested at concentrations of 0, 0.00125, 0.0025, 0.0050, 0.010 or 0.020 % (v/v). A total of 15 cells/dose level were examined in all but the highest dose level tested since this dose level was toxic to the cells. There were statistically significant increases observed in the numbers of SCE/cell and SCE/chromosome relative to negative controls at concentrations of 0.0050 and 0.010% (p < 0.001, Student's t-test). A positive dose-response relationship was observed. The ability of diethyl sulfate to cause an increase in unscheduled DNA synthesis in rat liver cells was evaluated. Based on preliminary toxicity tests, diethyl sulfate, diluted in DMSO, was tested at concentrations of 0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.003, 0.010, 0.030 or 0.100% (v/v). Cells were treated with test article for 2 hrs. Statistically significant increases in DNA synthesis relative to negative controls were observed at all tested concentrations using both values for radioactivity incorporation into either nuclei or DNA (p < 0.05 for concentrations of 0.001 and 0.100% and p < 0.001 for the remaining concentrations). A linear dose-response pattern was not observed although the cumulative responses observed over a wide range of concentrations suggested a significant biological effect. Diethyl sulfate's production and use as an ethylating agent for a wide variety of organic functional groups may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released to air, a vapor pressure of 0.212 mm Hg at 25 °C indicates Diethyl sulfate will exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase Diethyl sulfate will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 9 days. Diethyl sulfate is also degraded in the atmosphere by water and moisture and the half-life for this reaction is less than 1 day. If released to soil, Diethyl sulfate is expected to hydrolyze rapidly in moist soils. Adsorption, biodegradation, and volatilization from soil are not expected to be important fate processes because hydrolysis occurs rapidly. If released into water, Diethyl sulfate is expected to hydrolyze with an estimated half-life of 1.7 hours; ethanol and sulfuric acid have been identified as hydrolysis products. Volatilization, adsorption to suspended solids and sediments, biodegradation, and bioconcentration are not expected to be important fate processes in aquatic systems because of the rapid rate of hydrolysis. Occupational exposure to Diethyl sulfate may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where Diethyl sulfate is produced or used in the synthesis of a variety of intermediates and products. Diethyl sulfate's production and use as an ethylating agent for a wide variety of organic functional groups(1-3) may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released to water, Diethyl sulfate is expected to hydrolyze rapidly. A hydrolysis rate constant of 1.15X10-4/sec at 25 °C translates to a half-life of 1.7 hours at pH 7. The rate of hydrolysis will increase in both acidic and basic waters as the reaction is catalyzed under these conditions. Volatilization from water surfaces, adsorption to suspended solids and sediments, biodegradation, and bioconcentration are not expected to be important fate processes in aquatic systems because of hydrolysis. According to a model of gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds in the atmosphere, Diethyl sulfate, which has a vapor pressure of 0.212 mm Hg at 25 °C, is expected to exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase Diethyl sulfate is degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-lives for this reaction in air is estimated to be about 9 days, calculated from its rate constant of 1.8X10-12 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C. Diethyl sulfate also reacts rapidly with water in the atmosphere, with an estimated half-life of <1 day. Diethyl sulfate, present at 100 mg/l, achieved 89% of its theoretical BOD after 4 weeks using an activated sludge inoculum at 30 mg/l and the Japanese MITI test. The rate constant for the vapor-phase reaction of Diethyl sulfate with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals has been measured as 1.8X10-12 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C. This corresponds to an atmospheric half-life of about 9 days at an atmospheric concentration of 5X10+5 hydroxyl radicals per cu cm. Experimental rate constants for the gas-phase reactions of Diethyl sulfate with ozone, <3.4X10-21 cu cm/mol-sec; ammonia, <1.4X10-21 cu cm/mol-sec; and water, <2.3X10-23 cu cm/mol-sec translate to atmospheric lifetimes of >12 yr, >9 yr, and <1 day, respectively. A measured hydrolysis rate constant of 1.15X10-4/sec for Diethyl sulfate in water at 25 °C translates to a half-life of 1.7 hrs at pH 7. The reaction is catalyzed under both acidic and basic conditions forming sulfuric acid and free ethanol. Based upon the rapid rate of hydrolysis for Diethyl sulfate in aqueous environments, bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is expected to be low. In 1989, total land releases of Diethyl sulfate in the US were estimated at approximately 114 kg and total air emissions were estimated as approximately 4 tons from 28 locations. Diethyl sulfate was qualitatively detected in the atmosphere of the Netherlands. In 1989, total air emissions of Diethyl sulfate in the U.S. were estimated at approximately 4 tons from 28 locations. NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 2,261 workers (164 of these are female) are potentially exposed to Diethyl sulfate in the US. Occupational exposure to Diethyl sulfate may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where Diethyl sulfate is produced or used. About Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is registered under the REACH Regulation and is manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area, at ≥ 1 to < 10 tonnes per annum. Diethyl sulfate is used at industrial sites. Consumer Uses of Diethyl sulfate ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used. ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Diethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. Article service life of Diethyl sulfate ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Diethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed. Widespread uses by professional workers ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used. ECHA has no public registered data on the types of manufacture using Diethyl sulfate. ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Diethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. Formulation or re-packing of Diethyl sulfate ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used. ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Diethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. Uses at industrial sites of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is used in the following products: polymers. Diethyl sulfate has an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates). Diethyl sulfate is used for the manufacture of: chemicals. Release to the environment of Diethyl sulfate can occur from industrial use: as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates). Manufacture of Diethyl sulfate ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Diethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. 1.1 Exposure data Diethyl sulfate is manufactured from ethylene and sulfuric acid. It is used principally as an intermediate (ethylating agent) in the manufacture of dyes, pigments and textile chemicals, and as a finishing agent in textile production. It is an obligatory intermediate in the indirect hydration (strong acid) process for the preparation of synthetic ethanol from ethylene. No data were available on levels of occupational exposure to diethyl sulfate. 1.2 Human carcinogenicity data One cohort study at a US isopropanol and ethanol manufacturing plant revealed an increased risk for laryngeal cancer. A subsequent case-control study nested in an expanded cohort at this plant indicated that the increased risk was related to exposure to sulfuric acid; the risk persisted even after exclusion of workers in the ethanol and isopropanol units. A cohort study from two US plants producing ethanol and isopropanol suggested an increased risk for cancers of the larynx, buccal cavity and pharynx, but not of the lung, in strong-acid workers. An association between estimated exposure to diethyl sulfate and risk for brain tumour was suggested in a study of workers at a US petrochemical plant. No measurement of exposure diethyl sulfate was available for the industrial processes investigated in the epidemiological studies. It is therefore difficult to assess the contribution of diethyl sulfate to the increased cancer risks. Furthermore, exposure to mists and vapours from strong inorganic acids, primarily sulfuric acid, may play a role in increasing these risks. 1.3 Animal carcinogenicity data Diethyl sulfate was tested for carcinogenicity by oral and subcutaneous administration in one strain of rats. After subcutaneous administration, a high incidence of malignant tumours occurred at the injection site. Following oral gavage of diethyl sulfate, forestomach tumours were observed. A low incidence of malignant tumours of the nervous system was observed in the same strain of rats after prenatal exposure. 1.4 Other relevant data Diethyl sulfate induced specific locus mutations in mouse germ-line cells. It was clastogenic in mice and newts, induced DNA damage in mice and rats and ethylated DNA in mice. Diethyl sulfate induced chromosomal aberrations and micronucleus formation in cultured human lymphocytes. It induced alkali-labile sites in cultured human leukocytes in one study. In cultured mammalian cells, diethyl sulfate induced chromosomal aberrations, micronucleus formation, sister chromatid exchange, forward mutation and DNA single-strand breaks; it also induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes. In single studies, diethyl sulfate did not induce aneuploidy or reciprocal translocation in Drosophila melanogaster but did induce sex-linked recessive lethal mutations and genetic crossing-over. In plant cells, diethyl sulfate induced chromosomal aberrations, mutation and unscheduled DNA synthesis. It induced reverse mutation and mitotic recombination in yeast. Diethyl sulfate induced mutation and DNA damage in bacteria. 1.5 Evaluation There is inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity in humans of diethyl sulfate. There is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity in experimental animals of diethyl sulfate. Diethyl sulfate is a strong alkylating agent which ethylates DNA. As a result, it is genotoxic in virtually all test systems examined including induction of potent effects in somatic and germ cells of mammals exposed in vivo. Hazard Summary of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is used as an ethylating agent and as a chemical intermediate. No information is available on the acute (short-term), chronic (long-term), reproductive, or developmental effects of diethyl sulfate in humans. In an epidemiological study, an excess mortality rate from laryngeal cancer was associated with occupational exposure to high concentrations of diethyl sulfate. In one study, rats orally exposed to diethyl sulfate developed tumors in the forestomach. EPA has not classified diethyl sulfate with respect to potential carcinogenicity. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified diethyl sulfate as a Group 2A, probable human carcinogen. Uses of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is primarily used as an ethylating agent, and also as an accelerator in the sulfation of ethylene and in some sulfonations. Diethyl sulfate is also a chemical intermediate for ethyl derivatives of phenols, amines, and thiols, and as an alkylating agent. Sources and Potential Exposure of Diethyl sulfate The most probable routes of exposure to diethyl sulfate are by dermal contact or inhalation during its production or use. Individuals may also be exposed to diethyl sulfate in the ambient environment from fugitive emissions. Physical Properties of Diethyl sulfate The chemical formula for diethyl sulfate is C4H10O4S, and its molecular weight is 154.19 g/mol. Diethyl sulfate occurs as a colorless, oily liquid that darkens with age and is practically insoluble with water. Diethyl sulfate has a faint ethereal or peppermint odor; the odor threshold has not been established. The vapor pressure for diethyl sulfate is 0.29 mm Hg at 25 °C, and its log octanol/water partition coefficient (log Kow) is 1.14. Diethyl sulfate Chemical Properties,Uses,Production Chemical Properties of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is a colorless, oily liquid with a faint peppermint- like odor, which darkens with age (Budavari, 1996). It is miscible with alcohol and ether (O'Neil, 2006). At higher temperatures, DES rapidly decomposes into monoethyl sulfate and alcohol (NTP, 2011). Uses of Diethyl sulfate The primary use of diethyl sulfate is as a chemical intermediate (ethylating agent) in synthesis of ethyl derivatives of phenols, amines, and thiols; as an accelerator in the sulfation of ethylene; and in some sulfonation processes. It is used to manufacture dyes, pigments, carbonless paper, and textiles. It is an intermediate in the indirect hydration (strong acid) process for the preparation of synthetic ethanol from ethylene. Smaller quantities are used in household products, cosmetics, agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and laboratory reagents (IARC 1992, 1999, HSDB 2009). In 1966, it was used as a mutagen to create the Luther variety of barley (IARC 1974). Uses As an ethylating agent; as an accelerator in the sulfation of ethylene; intermediate in the production by one method of ethyl alcohol from ethylene and sulfuric acid Preparation of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is produced from ethanol and sulfuric acid, from ethylene and sulfuric acid, or from diethyl ether and fuming sulfuric acid (Budavari, 1996). General Description of Diethyl sulfate A clear colorless liquid with a peppermint odor. Burns, though may be difficult to ignite. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Reactivity Profile of Diethyl sulfate The presence of moisture in a metal container of Diethyl sulfate caused the formation of sulfuric acid which reacts with the metal to release hydrogen which pressurized and exploded the container. Carcinogenicity of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogenbased on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in experimental animals. History of Diethyl sulfate Diethyl sulfate was studied contemporaneously with ether by German alchemist August Siegmund Frobenius in 1730, subsequently by French chemists Fourcroy in 1797 and Gay-Lussac in 1815. Swiss scientist Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure also studied it in 1807. In 1827, French chemist and pharmacist Félix-Polydore Boullay (1806-1835) along with Jean-Baptiste André Dumas noted the role of Diethyl sulfate in the preparation of diethyl ether from sulfuric acid and ethanol. Further studies by the German chemist Eilhard Mitscherlich and the Swedish chemist Jöns Berzelius suggested sulfuric acid was acting as a catalyst, this eventually led to the discovery of sulfovinic acid as an intermediate in the process. The advent of electrochemistry by Italian physicist Alessandro Volta and English chemist Humphry Davy in the 1800s confirmed ether and water were formed by the reaction of sub-stoichiometric amounts of sulfuric acid on ethanol and that sulfovinic acid was formed as an intermediate in the reaction. Production of Diethyl sulfate Ethanol was produced primarily by the sulfuric acid hydration process in which ethylene is reacted with sulfuric acid to produce Diethyl sulfate followed by hydrolysis, but this method has been mostly replaced by direct hydration of ethylene. Diethyl sulfate can be produced in a laboratory setting by reacting ethanol with sulfuric acid under a gentle boil, while keeping the reaction below 140 °C. The sulfuric acid must be added dropwise or the reaction must be actively cooled because the reaction itself is highly exothermic. CH3CH2OH + H2SO4 → CH3-CH2-O-SO3H + H2O If the temperature exceeds 140 °C, the Diethyl sulfate product tends to react with residual ethanol starting material, producing diethyl ether. If the temperature exceeds 170 °C in a considerable excess of sulfuric acid, the Diethyl sulfate breaks down into ethylene and sulfuric acid. Reactions of Diethyl sulfate The mechanism of the formation of Diethyl sulfate, diethyl ether, and ethylene is based on the reaction between ethanol and sulfuric acid, which involves protonation of the ethanolic oxygen to form the[vague] oxonium ion. Diethyl sulfate accumulates in hair after chronic alcohol consumption and its detection can be used as a biomarker for alcohol consumption. Salts Diethyl sulfate can exist in salt forms, such as sodium Diethyl sulfate, potassium Diethyl sulfate, and calcium Diethyl sulfate. The salt can be formed by adding the according carbonate, or bicarbonate salt. As an example, Diethyl sulfate and potassium carbonate forms potassium Diethyl sulfate and potassium bicarbonate. Ethyl glucuronide and diethyl sulfate are minor metabolites of alcohol that are found in various body fluids and also in human hair. Ethyl glucuronide is formed by the direct conjugation of ethanol and glucuronic acid through the action of a liver enzyme. Diethyl sulfate is formed directly by the conjugation of ethanol with a sulfate group. These compounds are water soluble and can be used as direct alcohol biomarkers. Fatty acid ethyl esters are also direct markers of alcohol abuse because they are formed due to the chemical reaction between fatty acids and alcohol. Fatty acid ethyl esters are formed primarily in the liver and pancreas and then are released into the circulation. These compounds are also incorporated into hair follicles through sebum and can be used as a biomarker of alcohol abuse.
Diethylaminoethanol; 2-Dietilaminoetanol; 2-Diéthylaminoéthanol; 2-Diethylaminoethanol; 2-Hydroxytriethylamine; 2-N,N-diethylaminoethanol; beta-diethylaminoethanol; beta-hydroxytriethylamine; diethyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; Diethylaminoethanol; Diethylethanolamine; DEAE; N-diethylaminoethanol; N,N-Diethyl-2-hydroxyethylamine; N,N-Diethylethanolamine; N,N-diethyl-N-(beta-hydroxyethyl) Amine CAS NO:100-37-8
DIETHYLAMINOETHANOL Diethylaminoethanol Chemical synonyms: 2-Diethylaminoethanol; N,N-diethylethanolamine; 2-Diethylaminoethyl alcohol; Diethyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)amine, 2-; DEAE Product description Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is a clear liquid. It is used as a neutralizing amine for boiler water, coatings, etc. Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is used as neutralizing agent and CO2 scavenger in boiler water. The ideal vapor pressure and vapor-liquid distribution properties of DEAE make it the best choice for pH adjustment of process water. Beyond its application in the water treatment segment, DEAE is also used as a neutralizing amine for indrustrial coatings and an intermediate for various surfactants. Diethylaminoethanol Chemical synonyms: 2-Diethylaminoethanol; N,N-diethylethanolamine; 2-Diethylaminoethyl alcohol; Diethyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)amine, 2-; DEAE Product description Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is a clear liquid. It is used as a neutralizing amine for boiler water, coatings, etc. Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is used as neutralizing agent and CO2 scavenger in boiler water. The ideal vapor pressure and vapor-liquid distribution properties of DEAE make it the best choice for pH adjustment of process water. Beyond its application in the water treatment segment, DEAE is also used as a neutralizing amine for indrustrial coatings and an intermediate for various surfactants. Diethylaminoethanol Chemical synonyms: 2-Diethylaminoethanol; N,N-diethylethanolamine; 2-Diethylaminoethyl alcohol; Diethyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)amine, 2-; DEAE Product description Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is a clear liquid. It is used as a neutralizing amine for boiler water, coatings, etc. Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is used as neutralizing agent and CO2 scavenger in boiler water. The ideal vapor pressure and vapor-liquid distribution properties of DEAE make it the best choice for pH adjustment of process water. Beyond its application in the water treatment segment, DEAE is also used as a neutralizing amine for indrustrial coatings and an intermediate for various surfactants. Diethylaminoethanol Chemical Properties,Uses,Production Chemical Properties colourless liquid Physical properties Colorless, hygroscopic liquid with a nauseating, ammonia-like odor. Experimentally determined detection and recognition odor threshold concentrations were 50 μg/m3 (11 ppbv) and 190 μg/m3 (40 ppbv), respectively (Hellman and Small, 1974). Uses Water-soluble salts; textile softeners; antirust formulations; fatty acid derivatives; pharmaceuticals; curing agent for resins; emulsifying agents in acid media; organic synthesis. Uses Anticorrosive agent; chemical intermediate for the production of emulsifiers, detergents, solubilizers, cosmetics, drugs, and textile finishing agents Definition ChEBI: A member of the class of ethanolamines that is aminoethanol in which the hydrogens of the amino group are replaced by ethyl groups. Production Methods 2-Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is a tertiary amine produced by reaction of ethylene oxide or ethylene chlorhydrin and diethylamine (RTECS 1988). Itokazu (1987) has modified this process for manufacture of DEAE without eventual discoloration. Production in this country exceeds 2866 pounds per year (HSDB 1988). General Description A colorless liquid. Flash point 103-140°F. Less dense than water . Vapors heavier than air. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion. Causes burns to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Air & Water Reactions Flammable. Soluble in water. Diethylaminoethanol is sensitive to moisture. Slowly hydrolyzes. Reactivity Profile Diethylaminoethanol is an aminoalcohol. Amines are chemical bases. They neutralize acids to form salts plus water. These acid-base reactions are exothermic. The amount of heat that is evolved per mole of amine in a neutralization is largely independent of the strength of the amine as a base. Amines may be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Flammable gaseous hydrogen is generated by amines in combination with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides. Diethylaminoethanol can react with strong oxidizers and acids. Carcinogenicity DEAE was not mutagenic or clastogenic in a variety of in vitro and in vivo assays. The 2003 ACGIH threshold limit valuetime- weighted average (TLV-TWA) for 2- diethylaminoethanol is 2 ppm (9.6mg/m3) with a notation for skin absorption. Environmental Fate DEAE, when compared with other amino alcohols, was observed to be biologically undecomposable in an experiment using activated sludge (HSDB 1988). Metabolism The absorption of DEAE (administered orally as DEAE acid malate or 'Cerebrol') in healthy adult rats is very rapid, reaching a peak plasma level in 30 min (Bismut et al 1986). The biological half-life is 3.5 h with 39% of the excreted product appearing in the urine after 48 h (Bismut et al 1986). In an earlier study, Schulte et al (1972) demonstrated that in rats, following a single oral dose, excretion occurs mainly through the kidneys with 37-59% being eliminated in the first 24 h. After 48 h, elimination was independent of dose. The brain and spinal cord showed the highest concentration after 7 d. Metabolites produced were observed to be diethylaminoethanol N-oxide, diethylaminoacetic acid, and ethylaminoethanol. Diethylaminoethanol Preparation Products And Raw materials ChEBI Ontology Outgoing 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) has functional parent ethanolamine (CHEBI:16000) 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) has parent hydride triethylamine (CHEBI:35026) 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) is a ethanolamines (CHEBI:23981) 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) is a primary alcohol (CHEBI:15734) 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) is a tertiary amino compound (CHEBI:50996) Incoming chloroprocaine (CHEBI:3636) has functional parent 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) dicyclomine (CHEBI:4514) has functional parent 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) oxybuprocaine (CHEBI:309594) has functional parent 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) procaine (CHEBI:8430) has functional parent 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) Human Health 2-Diethylaminoethanol was rapidly absorbed via the oral route. It is presumably absorbed by dermal and inhalation routes of administration. In the rat it was widely distributed to many tissues. It was primarily excreted unchanged via the urine in rats. Excretion via the feces was also observed in rats, but to a lesser extent. Urinary excretion was also reported in humans. The major metabolites in rats were reported to be diethylaminoacetic acid and diethyl-(2- hydroxyethyl)-amino-oxide. The LD50 for the rat after oral administration was 1320 mg/kg bw. The main clinical signs described were apathy and dyspnea. After inhalation of vapors of 2-diethylaminoethanol an LC50 of ca. 4600 mg/m3/4 hour was estimated in rats using Haber’s rule. Severe signs of irritation were observed, e.g. mucous membrane irritation and dyspnea. A dermal LD50 in guinea pigs was reported to be ca. 885 mg/kg bw. 2-Diethylaminoethanol was corrosive to the skin of rabbits; since the pH was measured to be 11.5 (100 g/l) at 20°C, the corrosive effects are not surprising. The potential for severe damage to the eyes can be expected based on the animal studies available and on the pH. 2-Diethylaminoethanol was not sensitizing to the skin in studies with guinea pigs. Repeated exposure of rats to 2-diethylaminoethanol vapors (up to 365 mg/m3) for 14 weeks caused local toxicity (irritation) at the site of contact, namely, the upper respiratory tract and the eyes; however, systemic toxicity was not observed (NOAEC, systemic toxicity, 365 mg/m3 or 76 ppm). After inhalation exposure, the main symptom described was respiratory irritation which led to noises called rales and irritation of the eyes. The LOAEC for local toxicity (irritation) to the respiratory tract was 120 mg/m3 (25 ppm) and the NOAEC for local toxicity was 53 mg/m3 (10 ppm) based on histopathological effects in the nasal cavity. However, since an effect (rales) was seen at the lowest concentration a NOEC was not reached. 2-Diethylaminoethanol gave no evidence of in vitro mutagenic activity nor in vivo clastogenic potential. Repeated exposure of rats to 2-diethylaminoethanol vapors (365 mg/m3) for 14 weeks did not cause any adverse effects on the reproductive organs when administered by inhalation. In pregnant rats even the highest concentration tested of 486 mg/m3, which already produced maternally toxic effects, did not lead to adverse developmental effects. In a limited study, 2-diethylaminoethanol was not carcinogenic to rats when given by feed (tested up to ca. 50-400 mg/kg/d). An odor threshold of 0.011 ppm (approx. 0.053 mg/mg3) has been reported. In a laboratory worker short-time exposure to approx. 100 ppm (480 mg/m3) 2-diethylaminoethanol caused nausea and vomiting. Subjects exposed to 2-diethylaminoethanol vapor by humidified air in office buildings complained about eye, nose and throat irritation, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Also several cases of asthma were observed. However, these symptoms were more consistent with reactive airway dysfunction syndrome than with an allergic respiratory reaction. In one case detectable amounts of 2-diethylaminoethanol were 0.05 and 0.04 mg/m3. Environment 2-diethylaminoethanol is a colourless – light yellowish organic liquid. The hygroscopic substance is miscible with water in all proportions, has a vapor pressure of about 1.8 hPa at 20 °C. The density is 0.885 g/cm³. Melting point and boiling point are – 68 °C and 162-163 °C (at 1013 hPa) respectively. The distribution of the substance between the compartments of air, biota, sediment, soil and water was calculated according to Mackay Level I. The non-charged molecule distributes mainly to the water (99.1 %). A soil adsorption coefficient (KOC) of 5.98 was estimated for 2-diethylaminoethanol (DEAE). This Koc value suggests that this compound would be mobile in soil and adsorption to suspended solids would not be important. From the pKa-value of 9.87 it can be assumed that under environmental conditions the substance is available as a cation. Therefore, binding of the substance to the matrix of soils with high capacities for cation exchange (e.g. clay) cannot be excluded. However, no data was available for ionic-ionic interactions in soil. The calculated Henry’s law constant (3.16*10-4 Pa m³ mol-1 at 25 °C) and complete water solubility of 2-diethylaminoethanol suggest that volatilization from water would not be an important fate process. The substance has no considerable potential for bioaccumulation (logKow = 0.21, measured). The compound is readily biodegradable (OECD 301 A, 95% after 22 days 10d-window fulfilled). The EC20 (30 min) for activated sludge was determined to be >1000 mg/l. The photodegradation rate in the atmosphere is fast under environmental conditions (50% after 3.9 hours). The following aquatic effect concentrations are available: Leuciscus idus LC50 (96 h) = 147 mg/l (nominal concentration). The toxic effect may be (partly) due to the high pH of the non-neutralized test solutions, since the pH adjusted 1000 mg/l dose group tolerated the substance for 96 h without mortality. Pimephales promelas LC50(96 h) = 1780 mg/l (measured concentration, adjustment of pH) Daphnia magna: EC50 (48 h) = 83.6 mg/l (nominal concentration) (toxicity due to pH effects cannot be excluded) Daphnia magna EC50 (48 h) = 165 mg/l (nominal concentration, adjustment of pH) Scenedesmus subspicatus: ErC50 = 44 mg/l, with a NOEC of 5 mg/l (corresponding values for biomass are 30 and 5 mg/l respectively; nominal concentration). Using the aquatic toxic effect on the most sensitive species, Scenedesmus subspicatus, of 44 mg/l for the endpoint growth rate (30 mg/l endpoint biomass) a PNECaqua of 44 µg/l is derived by applying an assessment factor of 1000. This factor is justified, because only short-term toxicity values were available. The following terrestrial effect concentration was reported: Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar "Indianapolis white" EC50 (22 d) = 0.12 mg/l (in the nutrient solution; endpoint: chlorosis; nominal concentration). However, no PNECsoil can be derived from this result as no soil concentration is given. Exposure The production volume of this chemical at BASF, Germany, was more than 1000 tons in 2000. No information about the worldwide production volume is available. The organic compound is used for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and as a catalyst in the synthesis of polymers in the chemical industry. It is also used as a pH stabilizer. According to Swiss, Danish and Swedish Products Registers and the Hazardous Substances Data Bank, 2-diethylaminoethanol is contained in a large number of products. Some of them may be available to consumers. Releases into the environment are likely to occur during the production and processing of 2-diethylaminoethanol as an intermediate, as well as from the use of the substance itself and use of products containing the substance. Assuming worst case conditions, less than 9.5 kg of 2-diethylaminoethanol per day were released into the Rhine from an industrial site. During production and internal processing, less than 25 kg/a were emitted into the air from the same production site. From the reported use in consumer products, it can be concluded that most of the 2- diethylaminoethanol is released into wastewater, but part of it may also be released into the atmosphere. 2-Diethylaminoethanol has been reported to be readily absorbed via the gastrointestinal tract in humans and rats (Rosenberg et al, 1949; Schulte et al., 1972). On the basis of the physico-chemical properties of a saturated aqueous 2-diethylaminoethanol solution, a skin penetration rate of 3.44 mg/cm2 per hour was estimated for human skin, and therefore, the resulting body burden from exposure to 5 ml/m3 (the current MAK value) of 2-diethylaminoethalol by inhalation for 8 hours could potentially be increased by an additional three-fold factor via dermal absorption (FiserovaBergerova et al., 1990). However, this model was suspected to be too conservative and likely to overestimate percutaneous penetration (Guy and Russell, 1993). Absorption via inhalation has been mentioned (Toren, 1994), but the primary literature was not available for an assessment. In a limited study with humans (Rosenberg et al, 1949), the plasma concentration peaked 3 hours after an oral administration of 5.6 g of 2-diethylaminoethanol-HCl, but was almost undetectable after 8 hours. About 25 % of the 2-diethylaminoethanol was excreted unchanged in the urine within 48 hours. Similar excretion results were observed after intravenous administration. In the same publication it was reported that 2-diethylaminoethanol-HCl given to dogs by intravenous infusion (71 mg/kg bw) , distributed rapidly. Three hours after infusion the level of 2-diethylaminoethanol was higher in the tissues examined (muscle, heart, brain, lung, liver and spleen) than in the plasma. In a gavage study with rats (Schulte et al., 1972), 14C-labeled-2-diethylaminoethanol-HCl was reported to be rapidly absorbed into the blood stream (with a dose of 68 mg/kg the maximum concentration in the blood was reached in 30 minutes and with 679 mg/kg it was reached within 1 hour). Elimination occurred primarily via the kidney. Elimination via exhalation and the feces played only minor role. The kinetics of urinary elimination was affected by the dose. In this regard, by 6 hours after the application of a 679 mg/kg bw dose 40 % was eliminated in the urine, and by 24 hours after application 58.5% was eliminated. When a 68 mg/kg dose was given, then after 6 and 24 hours 17.5 % and 37.4% were excreted via the urine, respectively. In the experiment with 679mg/kg 2-diethylaminoethanol, 90 % of the test substance had been eliminated via the urine 10 days after treatment. Some radioactivity was still detectable in the urine 40 days after treatment. 2- Diethylaminoethanol was predominantly (> 60 %) excreted unchanged over the first 96 hours. In the same period, the following metabolites were seen based on the recovery of radioactive compounds: 2-ethylaminoethanol (ca. 1 %), phosphoric acid-mono-(2-diethylaminoethylester) (2- 8 %), diethylaminoacetic acid (ca. 10 %) and the N-oxide of 2-diethylaminoethanol (ca. 15 - 19 %). Incorporation into phospholipids was observed. In this study, autoradiography indicated that 2- diethylaminoethanol was widely distributed throughout the body after gavaging. 2- Diethylaminoethanol was concentrated in the liver, reaching a maximum at 7 hours, but thereafter, it decreased. Initially, the central nervous system showed very low levels of activity, but by day 7 it had increased. For the oral dose of 679 mg/kg the biological half-life was 19 hours and for the 67.9mg/kg dose it was 36 hours. In a separate study 14C-labeled-2-diethylaminoethanol-HCl was given to rats by intravenous injection at doses of 2.9 µmol/rat (ca. 1.94 mg/kg bw) (Michelot et al., 1981). Cumulative excretion of 19.9 and 42.2% of the radioactivity in the urine was observed after 24 and 48 hours, respectively. Additionally, 8.5 and 29.5% of the radioactivity was excreted via the feces during the same time interval. Excretion via the bile was only measured over the first 6 hours, and was reported to be 5 %. Diethylaminoethanol Chemical synonyms: 2-Diethylaminoethanol; N,N-diethylethanolamine; 2-Diethylaminoethyl alcohol; Diethyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)amine, 2-; DEAE Product description Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is a clear liquid. It is used as a neutralizing amine for boiler water, coatings, etc. Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is used as neutralizing agent and CO2 scavenger in boiler water. The ideal vapor pressure and vapor-liquid distribution properties of DEAE make it the best choice for pH adjustment of process water. Beyond its application in the water treatment segment, DEAE is also used as a neutralizing amine for indrustrial coatings and an intermediate for various surfactants. Diethylaminoethanol Chemical synonyms: 2-Diethylaminoethanol; N,N-diethylethanolamine; 2-Diethylaminoethyl alcohol; Diethyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)amine, 2-; DEAE Product description Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is a clear liquid. It is used as a neutralizing amine for boiler water, coatings, etc. Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is used as neutralizing agent and CO2 scavenger in boiler water. The ideal vapor pressure and vapor-liquid distribution properties of DEAE make it the best choice for pH adjustment of process water. Beyond its application in the water treatment segment, DEAE is also used as a neutralizing amine for indrustrial coatings and an intermediate for various surfactants. Diethylaminoethanol Chemical synonyms: 2-Diethylaminoethanol; N,N-diethylethanolamine; 2-Diethylaminoethyl alcohol; Diethyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)amine, 2-; DEAE Product description Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is a clear liquid. It is used as a neutralizing amine for boiler water, coatings, etc. Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is used as neutralizing agent and CO2 scavenger in boiler water. The ideal vapor pressure and vapor-liquid distribution properties of DEAE make it the best choice for pH adjustment of process water. Beyond its application in the water treatment segment, DEAE is also used as a neutralizing amine for indrustrial coatings and an intermediate for various surfactants. Diethylaminoethanol Chemical Properties,Uses,Production Chemical Properties colourless liquid Physical properties Colorless, hygroscopic liquid with a nauseating, ammonia-like odor. Experimentally determined detection and recognition odor threshold concentrations were 50 μg/m3 (11 ppbv) and 190 μg/m3 (40 ppbv), respectively (Hellman and Small, 1974). Uses Water-soluble salts; textile softeners; antirust formulations; fatty acid derivatives; pharmaceuticals; curing agent for resins; emulsifying agents in acid media; organic synthesis. Uses Anticorrosive agent; chemical intermediate for the production of emulsifiers, detergents, solubilizers, cosmetics, drugs, and textile finishing agents Definition ChEBI: A member of the class of ethanolamines that is aminoethanol in which the hydrogens of the amino group are replaced by ethyl groups. Production Methods 2-Diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) is a tertiary amine produced by reaction of ethylene oxide or ethylene chlorhydrin and diethylamine (RTECS 1988). Itokazu (1987) has modified this process for manufacture of DEAE without eventual discoloration. Production in this country exceeds 2866 pounds per year (HSDB 1988). General Description A colorless liquid. Flash point 103-140°F. Less dense than water . Vapors heavier than air. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion. Causes burns to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Air & Water Reactions Flammable. Soluble in water. Diethylaminoethanol is sensitive to moisture. Slowly hydrolyzes. Reactivity Profile Diethylaminoethanol is an aminoalcohol. Amines are chemical bases. They neutralize acids to form salts plus water. These acid-base reactions are exothermic. The amount of heat that is evolved per mole of amine in a neutralization is largely independent of the strength of the amine as a base. Amines may be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Flammable gaseous hydrogen is generated by amines in combination with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides. Diethylaminoethanol can react with strong oxidizers and acids. Carcinogenicity DEAE was not mutagenic or clastogenic in a variety of in vitro and in vivo assays. The 2003 ACGIH threshold limit valuetime- weighted average (TLV-TWA) for 2- diethylaminoethanol is 2 ppm (9.6mg/m3) with a notation for skin absorption. Environmental Fate DEAE, when compared with other amino alcohols, was observed to be biologically undecomposable in an experiment using activated sludge (HSDB 1988). Metabolism The absorption of DEAE (administered orally as DEAE acid malate or 'Cerebrol') in healthy adult rats is very rapid, reaching a peak plasma level in 30 min (Bismut et al 1986). The biological half-life is 3.5 h with 39% of the excreted product appearing in the urine after 48 h (Bismut et al 1986). In an earlier study, Schulte et al (1972) demonstrated that in rats, following a single oral dose, excretion occurs mainly through the kidneys with 37-59% being eliminated in the first 24 h. After 48 h, elimination was independent of dose. The brain and spinal cord showed the highest concentration after 7 d. Metabolites produced were observed to be diethylaminoethanol N-oxide, diethylaminoacetic acid, and ethylaminoethanol. Diethylaminoethanol Preparation Products And Raw materials ChEBI Ontology Outgoing 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) has functional parent ethanolamine (CHEBI:16000) 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) has parent hydride triethylamine (CHEBI:35026) 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) is a ethanolamines (CHEBI:23981) 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) is a primary alcohol (CHEBI:15734) 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) is a tertiary amino compound (CHEBI:50996) Incoming chloroprocaine (CHEBI:3636) has functional parent 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) dicyclomine (CHEBI:4514) has functional parent 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) oxybuprocaine (CHEBI:309594) has functional parent 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) procaine (CHEBI:8430) has functional parent 2-diethylaminoethanol (CHEBI:52153) Human Health 2-Diethylaminoethanol was rapidly absorbed via the oral route. It is presumably absorbed by dermal and inhalation routes of administration. In the rat it was widely distributed to many tissues. It was primarily excreted unchanged via the urine in rats. Excretion via the feces was also observed in rats, but to a lesser extent. Urinary excretion was also reported in humans. The major metabolites in rats were reported to be diethylaminoacetic acid and diethyl-(2- hydroxyethyl)-amino-oxide. The LD50 for the rat after oral administration was 1320 mg/kg bw. The main clinical signs described were apathy and dyspnea. After inhalation of vapors of 2-diethylaminoethanol an LC50 of ca. 4600 mg/m3/4 hour was estimated in rats using Haber’s rule. Severe signs of irritation were observed, e.g. mucous membrane irritation and dyspnea. A dermal LD50 in guinea pigs was reported to be ca. 885 mg/kg bw. 2-Diethylaminoethanol was corrosive to the skin of rabbits; since the pH was measured to be 11.5 (100 g/l) at 20°C, the corrosive effects are not surprising. The potential for severe damage to the eyes can be expected based on the animal studies available and on the pH. 2-Diethylaminoethanol was not sensitizing to the skin in studies with guinea pigs. Repeated exposure of rats to 2-diethylaminoethanol vapors (up to 365 mg/m3) for 14 weeks caused local toxicity (irritation) at the site of contact, namely, the upper respiratory tract and the eyes; however, systemic toxicity was not observed (NOAEC, systemic toxicity, 365 mg/m3 or 76 ppm). After inhalation exposure, the main symptom described was respiratory irritation which led to noises called rales and irritation of the eyes. The LOAEC for local toxicity (irritation) to the respiratory tract was 120 mg/m3 (25 ppm) and the NOAEC for local toxicity was 53 mg/m3 (10 ppm) based on histopathological effects in the nasal cavity. However, since an effect (rales) was seen at the lowest concentration a NOEC was not reached. 2-Diethylaminoethanol gave no evidence of in vitro mutagenic activity nor in vivo clastogenic potential. Repeated exposure of rats to 2-diethylaminoethanol vapors (365 mg/m3) for 14 weeks did not cause any adverse effects on the reproductive organs when administered by inhalation. In pregnant rats even the highest concentration tested of 486 mg/m3, which already produced maternally toxic effects, did not lead to adverse developmental effects. In a limited study, 2-diethylaminoethanol was not carcinogenic to rats when given by feed (tested up to ca. 50-400 mg/kg/d). An odor threshold of 0.011 ppm (approx. 0.053 mg/mg3) has been reported. In a laboratory worker short-time exposure to approx. 100 ppm (480 mg/m3) 2-diethylaminoethanol caused nausea and vomiting. Subjects exposed to 2-diethylaminoethanol vapor by humidified air in office buildings complained about eye, nose and throat irritation, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Also several cases of asthma were observed. However, these symptoms were more consistent with reactive airway dysfunction syndrome than with an allergic respiratory reaction. In one case detectable amounts of 2-diethylaminoethanol were 0.05 and 0.04 mg/m3. Environment 2-diethylaminoethanol is a colourless – light yellowish organic liquid. The hygroscopic substance is miscible with water in all proportions, has a vapor pressure of about 1.8 hPa at 20 °C. The density is 0.885 g/cm³. Melting point and boiling point are – 68 °C and 162-163 °C (at 1013 hPa) respectively. The distribution of the substance between the compartments of air, biota, sediment, soil and water was calculated according to Mackay Level I. The non-charged molecule distributes mainly to the water (99.1 %). A soil adsorption coefficient (KOC) of 5.98 was estimated for 2-diethylaminoethanol (DEAE). This Koc value suggests that this compound would be mobile in soil and adsorption to suspended solids would not be important. From the pKa-value of 9.87 it can be assumed that under environmental conditions the substance is available as a cation. Therefore, binding of the substance to the matrix of soils with high capacities for cation exchange (e.g. clay) cannot be excluded. However, no data was available for ionic-ionic interactions in soil. The calculated Henry’s law constant (3.16*10-4 Pa m³ mol-1 at 25 °C) and complete water solubility of 2-diethylaminoethanol suggest that volatilization from water would not be an important fate process. The substance has no considerable potential for bioaccumulation (logKow = 0.21, measured). The compound is readily biodegradable (OECD 301 A, 95% after 22 days 10d-window fulfilled). The EC20 (30 min) for activated sludge was determined to be >1000 mg/l. The photodegradation rate in the atmosphere is fast under environmental conditions (50% after 3.9 hours). The following aquatic effect concentrations are available: Leuciscus idus LC50 (96 h) = 147 mg/l (nominal concentration). The toxic effect may be (partly) due to the high pH of the non-neutralized test solutions, since the pH adjusted 1000 mg/l dose group tolerated the substance for 96 h without mortality. Pimephales promelas LC50(96 h) = 1780 mg/l (measured concentration, adjustment of pH) Daphnia magna: EC50 (48 h) = 83.6 mg/l (nominal concentration) (toxicity due to pH effects cannot be excluded) Daphnia magna EC50 (48 h) = 165 mg/l (nominal concentration, adjustment of pH) Scenedesmus subspicatus: ErC50 = 44 mg/l, with a NOEC of 5 mg/l (corresponding values for biomass are 30 and 5 mg/l respectively; nominal concentration). Using the aquatic toxic effect on the most sensitive species, Scenedesmus subspicatus, of 44 mg/l for the endpoint growth rate (30 mg/l endpoint biomass) a PNECaqua of 44 µg/l is derived by applying an assessment factor of 1000. This factor is justified, because only short-term toxicity values were available. The following terrestrial effect concentration was reported: Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivar "Indianapolis white" EC50 (22 d) = 0.12 mg/l (in the nutrient solution; endpoint: chlorosis; nominal concentration). However, no PNECsoil can be derived from this result as no soil concentration is given. Exposure The production volume of this chemical at BASF, Germany, was more than 1000 tons in 2000. No information about the worldwide production volume is available. The organic compound is used for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and as a catalyst in the synthesis of polymers in the chemical industry. It is also used as a pH stabilizer. According to Swiss, Danish and Swedish Products Registers and the Hazardous Substances Data Bank, 2-diethylaminoethanol is contained in a large number of products. Some of them may be available to consumers. Releases into the environment are likely to occur during the production and processing of 2-diethylaminoethanol as an intermediate, as well as from the use of the substance itself and use of products containing the substance. Assuming worst case conditions, less than 9.5 kg of 2-diethylaminoethanol per day were released into the Rhine from an industrial site. During production and internal processing, less than 25 kg/a were emitted into the air from the same production site. From the reported use in consumer products, it can be concluded that most of the 2- diethylaminoethanol is released into wastewater, but part of it may also be released into the atmosphere. 2-Diethylaminoethanol has been reported to be readily absorbed via the gastrointestinal tract in humans and rats (Rosenberg et al, 1949; Schulte et al., 1972). On the basis of the physico-chemical properties of a saturated aqueous 2-diethylaminoethanol solution, a skin penetration rate of 3.44 mg/cm2 per hour was estimated for human skin, and therefore, the resulting body burden from exposure to 5 ml/m3 (the current MAK value) of 2-diethylaminoethalol by inhalation for 8 hours could potentially be increased by an additional three-fold factor via dermal absorption (FiserovaBergerova et al., 1990). However, this model was suspected to be too conservative and likely to overestimate percutaneous penetration (Guy and Russell, 1993). Absorption via inhalation has been mentioned (Toren, 1994), but the primary literature was not available for an assessment. In a limited study with humans (Rosenberg et al, 1949), the plasma concentration peaked 3 hours after an oral administration of 5.6 g of 2-diethylaminoethanol-HCl, but was almost undetectable after 8 hours. About 25 % of the 2-diethylaminoethanol was excreted unchanged in the urine within 48 hours. Similar excretion results were observed after intravenous administration. In the same publication it was reported that 2-diethylaminoethanol-HCl given to dogs by intravenous infusion (71 mg/kg bw) , distributed rapidly. Three hours after infusion the level of 2-diethylaminoethanol was higher in the tissues examined (muscle, heart, brain, lung, liver and spleen) than in the plasma. In a gavage study with rats (Schulte
3-Oxa-1,5-pentanediol; Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ether; DEG; 2,2'-Oxydiethanol; Diglycol; Dihydroxydiethyl ether; 2,2'-Dihydroxyethyl ether; Ethylene diglycol; 2,2'-Oxybisethanol; 2-(2-Hydroxyethoxy)ethanol; cas no: 111-46-6
Diethylaminoethanol; 2-Dietilaminoetanol; 2-Diéthylaminoéthanol; 2-Diethylaminoethanol; 2-Hydroxytriethylamine; 2-N,N-diethylaminoethanol; beta-diethylaminoethanol; beta-hydroxytriethylamine; diethyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; Diethylaminoethanol; Diethylethanolamine; DEAE; N-diethylaminoethanol; N,N-Diethyl-2-hydroxyethylamine; N,N-Diethylethanolamine; N,N-diethyl-N-(beta-hydroxyethyl) Amine; cas no: 100-37-8
DETA; N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-Ethanediamine; DTA; 2,2'-Diaminodiethylamine; Aminoethylethanediamine; 1,4,7-Triazaheptane; Bis(2-aminoethyl)amine; N-(2-aminoethyl)ethylenediamine; 3-Azapentane-1,5-diamine; Bis(beta-aminoethyl)amine; 2,2'-Iminobis(ethanamine); 2,2'-Iminobisethylamine; cas no:111-40-0
N-Ethyl-N-hydroxy-Ethanamine; N,N-Diethylhydroxylamine; DEHA cas no: 3710-84-7
Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid; (Carboxymethylimino)bis(ethylenenitrilo)tetraacetic acid, N,N-Bis(2-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino]ethyl)glycine, DETAPAC, DTPA, Penta(carboxymethyl)diethylenetriamine, Pentetic acid cas no:67-43-6
Di(isooctadecanoic) acid, diester with oxydi(propanediol); Isooctadecanoic acid, diester with diglycerol; Isooctadecanoic acid, diester with oxybis(propenediol); Polyglyceryl-2 diisostearate; cas no: 67938-21-0
1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-methylpropyl) ester; BIS(2-METHYLPROPYL)PHTHALATE; DIBP; DIISOBUTYL PHTHALATE; DI-ISO-BUTYL PHTHALATE-3,4,5,6-D4; DI-ISO-BUTYL PHTHALATE-D4; PHTHALIC ACID, BIS-ISO-BUTYL ESTER; PHTHALIC ACID DIISOBUTYL ESTER; Diisobutylester kyseliny ftalove; Hexaplas M/1B; Isobutyl phthalate; Kodaflex DIBP; Palatinol 1C; Palatinol IC; Uniplex 155; Diisobutyl o-phthalate; Diisobutylphthalate,99%; BIS(METHYL-PROPYL)PHTHALATE; DIISOBUTYLPHTHALATEESTER; Phthalsurediisobutylester CAS NO:84-69-5
DIHYDROXYACETONE Dihydroxyacetone Dihydroxyacetone Names Preferred IUPAC name 1,3-Dihydroxypropan-2-one Other names 1,3-Dihydroxypropanone Dihydroxyacetone DHA Glycerone Identifiers CAS Number 96-26-4 check 3D model (JSmol) Interactive image ChEBI CHEBI:16016 check ChEMBL ChEMBL1229937 ☒ ChemSpider 650 check DrugBank DB01775 check ECHA InfoCard 100.002.268 EC Number 202-494-5 KEGG D07841 check PubChem CID 670 UNII O10DDW6JOO check CompTox Dashboard (EPA) DTXSID0025072 Properties[1] Chemical formula C3H6O3 Molar mass 90.078 g·mol−1 Melting point 89 to 91 °C (192 to 196 °F; 362 to 364 K) Hazards[2] GHS pictograms Eye Irrit. 2 GHS Signal word Warning GHS hazard statements H319 GHS precautionary statements P264, P280, P305+351+338, P337+313 Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa). ☒ verify (what is check☒ ?) Infobox references Dihydroxyacetone /ˌdaɪhaɪˌdrɒksiˈæsɪtoʊn/ (About this soundlisten) (DHA), also known as glycerone, is a simple saccharide (a triose) with formula C 3H 6O 3. Dihydroxyacetone is primarily used as an ingredient in sunless tanning products. It is often derived from plant sources such as sugar beets and sugar cane, and by the fermentation of glycerin. Chemistry Dihydroxyacetone is a hygroscopic white crystalline powder. It has a sweet cooling taste and a characteristic odor. It is the simplest of all ketoses and has no chiral center or optical activity. The normal form is a dimer (2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-1,4-dioxane-2,5-diol) which is slowly soluble in one part water and 15 parts ethanol.[3] When freshly prepared, it reverts rapidly to the monomer in solution. Conversion of dihydroxyacetone dimer to monomer The monomer is very soluble in water, ethanol, diethyl ether, acetone and toluene. Dihydroxyacetone may be prepared, along with glyceraldehyde, by the mild oxidation of glycerol, for example with hydrogen peroxide and a ferrous salt as catalyst. It can also be prepared in high yield and selectivity at room temperature from glycerol using cationic palladium-based catalysts with oxygen, air or benzoquinone acting as co-oxidants.[4][5][6] Glyceraldehyde is a structural isomer of dihydroxyacetone. Biology Its phosphorylated form, dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), takes part in glycolysis, and it is an intermediate product of fructose metabolism. Uses Dihydroxyacetone was first recognized as a skin coloring agent by German scientists in the 1920s. Through its use in the X-ray process, it was noted as causing the skin surface to turn brown when spilled. In the 1950s, Eva Wittgenstein at the University of Cincinnati did further research with dihydroxyacetone.[7][8][9][10] Her studies involved using Dihydroxyacetone as an oral drug for assisting children with glycogen storage disease. The children received large doses of Dihydroxyacetone by mouth, and sometimes spat or spilled the substance onto their skin. Healthcare workers noticed that the skin turned brown after a few hours of Dihydroxyacetone exposure. Eva Wittgenstein continued to experiment with DHA, painting liquid solutions of it onto her own skin. She was able to consistently reproduce the pigmentation effect, and noted that Dihydroxyacetone did not appear to penetrate beyond the stratum corneum, or dead skin surface layer (the FDA eventually concluded this is not entirely true[11]). Research then continued on DHA's skin coloring effect in relation to treatment for patients suffering from vitiligo. This skin browning effect is non-toxic[citation needed], and is a result of a Maillard reaction. Dihydroxyacetone reacts chemically with the amino acids in the protein keratin, the major component of the skin surface. Different amino acids react to Dihydroxyacetone in different ways, producing different tones of coloration from yellow to brown. The resulting pigments are called melanoidins. These are similar in coloration to melanin, the natural substance in the deeper skin layers which brown or "tan", from exposure to UV rays. Winemaking Both acetic acid bacteria Acetobacter aceti and Gluconobacter oxydans use glycerol as a carbon source to form dihydroxyacetone. Dihydroxyacetone is formed by ketogenesis of glycerol.[12] It can affect the sensory quality of the wine with sweet/etherish properties. Dihydroxyacetone can also react with proline to produce a "crust-like" aroma.[12][13][14] Dihydroxyacetone can affect the anti-microbial activity in wine, as it has the ability to bind SO2.[15] Sunless tanning Coppertone introduced the first consumer sunless tanning lotion into the marketplace in the 1960s. This product was called “Quick Tan” or “QT”. It was sold as an overnight tanning agent, and other companies followed suit with similar products. Consumers soon tired of this product due to unattractive results such as orange palms, streaking and poor coloration. Because of the QT experience, many people still associate sunless tanning with fake-looking orange tans.[citation needed] In the 1970s the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added Dihydroxyacetone permanently to their list of approved cosmetic ingredients.[16] By the 1980s, new sunless tanning formulations appeared on the market and refinements in the Dihydroxyacetone manufacturing process created products that produced a more natural looking color and better fading. Consumer concerns surrounding damage associated with UV tanning options spurred further popularity of sunless tanning products as an alternative to UV tanning. Dozens of brands appeared on drugstore shelves, in numerous formulations.[citation needed] Today, Dihydroxyacetone is the main active ingredient in many sunless tanning skincare preparations. Lotion manufacturers also produce a wide variety of sunless tanning preparations that replace Dihydroxyacetone with natural bronzing agents such as black walnut shell. Dihydroxyacetone may be used alone or combined with other tanning components such as erythrulose. Dihydroxyacetone is considered the most effective sun-free tanning additive.[citation needed] Sunless tanning products contain Dihydroxyacetone in concentrations ranging from 1% to 20%. Most drugstore products range from 3% to 5%, with professional products ranging from 5% to 20%. The percentages correspond with the product coloration levels from light to dark. Lighter products are more beginner-friendly, but may require multiple coats to produce the desired color depth. Darker products produce a dark tan in one coat, but are also more prone to streaking, unevenness, or off-color tones. The artificial tan takes 2 to 4 hours to begin appearing on the skin surface, and will continue to darken for 24 to 72 hours, depending on formulation type.[citation needed] Once the darkening effect has occurred, the tan will not sweat off or wash away with soap or water. It will fade gradually over 3 to 10 days. Exfoliation, prolonged water submersion, or heavy sweating can lighten the tan, as these all contribute to rapid dead skin cell exfoliation (the dead skin cells are the tinted portion of the sunless tan).[citation needed] Current sunless tanners are formulated into sprays, lotions, gels, mousses, and cosmetic wipes. Professional applied products include spray tanning booths, airbrush tan applications, and hand applied lotions, gels, mousses and wipes.[citation needed] Dihydroxyacetone safety considerations For the 24 hours after self-tanner (containing high Dihydroxyacetone levels, ~5%) is applied, the skin is especially susceptible to free-radical damage from sunlight, according to a 2007 study led by Katinka Jung of the Gematria Test Lab in Berlin.[17] Forty minutes after the researchers treated skin samples with high levels of Dihydroxyacetone they found that more than 180 percent additional free radicals formed during sun exposure compared with untreated skin. Another self-tanner ingredient, erythrulose, produced a similar response at high levels. For a day after self-tanner application, excessive sun exposure should be avoided and sunscreen should be worn outdoors, they say; an antioxidant cream could also minimize free radical production. Although some self-tanners contain sunscreen, its effect will not last long after application, and a fake tan itself will not protect the skin from UV exposure.[citation needed] The study by Jung et al. further confirms earlier results demonstrating that dihydroxyacetone in combination with dimethylisosorbide enhances the process of (sun-based) tanning. This earlier study also found that dihydroxyacetone also has an effect on the amino acids and nucleic acids which is bad for the skin.[18] The free radicals are in part due to the action of UV light on AGE (advanced glycation end products)[citation needed] such as Amadori products (a type of AGE) as a result of the reaction of Dihydroxyacetone with the skin. AGEs are behind the damage to the skin that occurs with high blood sugar in diabetes where similar glycation occurs. Some of the damage from AGE is independent of UV light. A study showed glycation of a protein increases its free-radical production rate nearly fifty-fold.[19] Although some self-tanners contain sunscreen, its effect will not last as long as the tan. The skin browning of a sunless tan may provide some UV protection (up to SPF 3),[20][21] but this low-level protection should be supplemented with additional protection. The stated SPF for the product is only applicable for a few hours after application of the self-tanner. Despite darkening of the skin, an individual is just as susceptible to harmful UV rays, therefore an overall sun protection is still very necessary.[22] There may also be some inhibition of vitamin D production in DHA-treated skin.[23] Contact dermatitis is occasionally reported,[24] and a recent study showed that Dihydroxyacetone causes severe contact dermatitis in Mexican hairless dogs.[25] DHA-based sunless tanning has been recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation, American Academy of Dermatology Association, Canadian Dermatology Association and the American Medical Association as a safer alternative to sun-bathing.[citation needed] The use of Dihydroxyacetone in 'tanning' booths as an all-over spray has not been approved by the FDA, since safety data to support this use has not been submitted to the agency for review and evaluation.[26] A June 2012 FDA report claims the main chemical found inside that spray - Dihydroxyacetone - is potentially hazardous when inhaled. Some of the Dihydroxyacetone if inhaled can cause damage to cells and possibly lead to cancer according to physicians.[27] An opinion[28] issued by the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, concluding spray tanning with Dihydroxyacetone did not pose risk, has been heavily criticized by specialists.[29] This is because the cosmetics industry in Europe chose the evidence to review, according to the commission itself. Thus, nearly every report the commission's eventual opinion referenced came from studies that were never published or peer-reviewed and, in the majority of cases, were performed by companies or industry groups linked to the manufacturing of DHA. The industry left out nearly all of the peer-reviewed studies published in publicly available scientific journals that identified Dihydroxyacetone as a potential mutagen. A study by scientists from the Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, published in Mutation Research has concluded Dihydroxyacetone 'induces DNA damage, cell-cycle block and apoptosis' in cultured cells.[30] More recent research has shown that Dihydroxyacetone induces stress response gene expression and signaling in reconstructed human epidermis and cultured keratinocytes, as obvious from rapid activation of phospho-protein signal transduction [p-p38, p-Hsp27(S15/S78), p-eIF2α] and gene expression changes (HSPA6, HMOX1, CRYAB, CCL3). [31] In the report released to ABC News, FDA scientists concluded that Dihydroxyacetone does not stop at the outer dead layers of skin. They wrote: "The fate of Dihydroxyacetone remaining in skin is an important issue, since high Dihydroxyacetone skin levels were found." They added that tests they performed revealed that much of the Dihydroxyacetone applied to skin actually ended up in the living layers of skin. They concluded: "This leaves about 11 percent of the applied Dihydroxyacetone dose absorbed remaining in the [living] epidermis and dermis."[11] A toxicologist and lung specialist at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine (Dr. Rey Panettieri) has commented, "The reason I'm concerned is the deposition of the tanning agents into the lungs could really facilitate or aid systemic absorption -- that is, getting into the bloodstream. These compounds in some cells could actually promote the development of cancers or malignancies, and if that's the case then we need to be wary of them. Why use fake tan? Fake tanners, sunless tanners or preparations used to imitate a tan are becoming much more popular as people are becoming more aware of the dangers of long-term sun exposure and sunburn. There are now several ways of achieving a tan without having to expose your skin to the sun, these include: Stainers (dihydroxyacetone) Bronzers (dyes) Tan accelerators (tyrosine and psoralens) Solaria (sunbeds and sunlamps) The unlicensed injectable synthetic melanotropic peptide Melanotan II. What is dihydroxyacetone? The sunless tanner dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is currently the most popular way of gaining a tan-like appearance without sun exposure as it carries fewer health risks than any of the other available methods. To date, it is the only active ingredient approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for sunless tanning. How does dihydroxyacetone work? All effective sunless tanners contain DHA. It is a colourless 3-carbon sugar that when applied to the skin causes a chemical reaction with amino acids in the surface cells of the skin producing a darkening effect Dihidroksiaseton does not damage skin as it only affects the outermost cells of the epidermis (stratum corneum). What formulations of DHA are available? There are many self-tanning preparations containing DHA on the market and many will claim to be the best formulation available. Consider the following points when deciding upon the preparation most suitable for you. Concentrations of DHA can range from 2.5 to 10% or more (mostly 3-5%). This may coincide with product ranges that list shades as light, medium, or dark. A lower concentration (lighter shade) product may be better for new users as it is more forgiving of uneven application or rough surfaces. Some formulations will also contain moisturisers. Users with dry skin will benefit from this. Alcohol-based preparations will be more suitable for oily-skinned users. DHA provides some protection against UV rays (UVA). To increase UV protection some products also include a sunscreen. Alpha hydroxy acids promote the sloughing off of excess dead skin cells so should improve the evenness of colouration. Other ingredients may be added to facilitate application or to make the colour last longer. Consult your pharmacist for advice. Who should use DHA-containing preparations? Anyone wanting a tanned appearance without having to expose himself or herself to UV light can use these preparations. However, the final look will depend on the formulation used, an individual's application technique, and the user's complexion type. Clinical uses may be for vitiligo and as camouflage of some skin irregularities such as spider veins. It may provide some protection for individuals with certain photosensitivity disorders such as polymorphic light eruption, erythropoietic protoporphyria or drug-induced photosensitivity. How do you use DHA-containing preparations? The final result obtained from DHA self-tanning preparations is highly dependent upon the individual's application technique. Care, skill and experience are necessary when using these products. The following are some self-application tips to achieving a smooth and even look. Prepare skin by cleansing then by exfoliation using a loofah; this will avoid uneven application of colour. Wipe skin down with hydroalcoholic, acidic toner, as this will remove any alkaline residues from soaps or detergents that may interfere with the reaction between DHA and amino acids. Moisturise the area first, being careful to include the bony parts of the ankles, heels and knees. Apply to skin in thin layers wherever you want colour, less to thicker skin, as the colour is maintained longer in these areas. To avoid uneven darkening on areas such as the elbows, ankles and knees, remove excess cream over bony prominences with a wet cotton pad or damp flannel. Wash hands immediately after application to avoid tanned palms. Alternatively, wear gloves to apply. To avoid staining of clothes, wait 30 minutes for the product to dry before putting on clothes. Don't shave, bathe, or swim for at least an hour after applying the product. Reapply regularly to maintain colour. Tanning salons, spas and gyms may offer professional application of sunless tanning products. Lotion can be applied by an experienced technician. A solution can be airbrushed onto the body. Step into a sunless tanning booth for a uniform full-body application. Be careful to cover eyes, lips and mucous membranes to prevent swallowing or inhaling the DHA-containing mist. Is the tan instantaneous and how long does it last? A colour change is usually apparent within an hour of application. Maximal darkening may take 8-24 hours to develop. If a darker colour is desired, several successive applications every few hours may be done to achieve this. An artificial tan produced by DHA will last until the dead skin cells rub off, usually 5-7 days with a single application. Depending on the area, the same colour can be maintained with repeat applications every 1 to 4 days. What precautions are there when using DHA self-tanning preparations? The most important thing to remember when using DHA self-tanners is that they do not protect your skin against the sun. Although DHA does provide some UV protection and many products contain additional sunscreen, the UV protection provided is much more short-lived than the skin colour change. The stated SPF for the product is only applicable for a few hours after application of the self-tanner. Despite darkening of the skin, an individual is just as susceptible to harmful UV rays, therefore it must be stressed that an overall sun protection program is still very necessary. Are there any side effects of using DHA self-tanning preparations? DHA reacts quickly in the stratum corneum, minimising systemic absorption. Contact dermatitis caused by DHA has rarely been reported. Most causes of sensitivity are due to other ingredients such as preservatives in the preparation. Dihydroxyacetone is a ketotriose consisting of acetone bearing hydroxy substituents at positions 1 and 3. The simplest member of the class of ketoses and the parent of the class of glycerones. It has a role as a metabolite, an antifungal agent, a human metabolite, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite, an Escherichia coli metabolite and a mouse metabolite. It is a ketotriose and a primary alpha-hydroxy ketone. A ketotriose compound. Its addition to blood preservation solutions results in better maintenance of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels during storage. It is readily phosphorylated to dihydroxyacetone phosphate by triokinase in erythrocytes. In combination with naphthoquinones it acts as a sunscreening agent. Molecular Weight of Dihydroxyacetone 90.08 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) XLogP3-AA of Dihydroxyacetone -1.4 Computed by XLogP3 3.0 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Donor Count of Dihydroxyacetone 2 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count of Dihydroxyacetone 3 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Rotatable Bond Count of Dihydroxyacetone 2 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Exact Mass of Dihydroxyacetone 90.031694 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Monoisotopic Mass of Dihydroxyacetone 90.031694 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Topological Polar Surface Area of Dihydroxyacetone 57.5 Ų Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Heavy Atom Count of Dihydroxyacetone 6 Computed by PubChem Formal Charge of Dihydroxyacetone 0 Computed by PubChem Complexity of Dihydroxyacetone 44 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Isotope Atom Count of Dihydroxyacetone 0 Computed by PubChem Defined Atom Stereocenter Count of Dihydroxyacetone 0 Computed by PubChem Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count of Dihydroxyacetone 0 Computed by PubChem Defined Bond Stereocenter Count of Dihydroxyacetone 0 Computed by PubChem Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count of Dihydroxyacetone 0 Computed by PubChem Covalently-Bonded Unit Count of Dihydroxyacetone 1 Computed by PubChem Compound of Dihydroxyacetone Is Canonicalized Yes Currently obtained from glycerol through microbial fermentation, the demand of 1,3‐dihydroxyacetone (DHA) has significantly grown during the course of the last decade, driven by the consumer passion for a tan and increasing awareness of UV photodamage to the skin caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. We provide an updated bioeconomy perspective into a valued bioproduct (DHA), whose supply and production from glycerol, we argue in this study, will rapidly expand and diversify, with important global health benefits. Commercially obtained from glycerol through microbial fermentation, over the acetic acid bacteria, 1,3‐dihydroxyacetone (DHA; 1,3‐dihydroxy‐2‐propanone) is the simplest ketone form of sugars (ketoses) and an important intermediate in carbohydrate metabolism in higher plants and animals formed during glycolysis.1 In the solid‐state, DHA exists as a dimer with a dioxan structure, which, upon dissolution, readily dissociates into a mixture of free carbonyl and hydrated monomers.
Diisobutyl Ketone (DIBK, Diizobütil keton) Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is a slow evaporating ketonic solvent which is immiscible with water, but miscible with other organic solvents. Diisobutyl ketone is a light coloured liquid with a mild, characteristic odour. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is a colorless, stabile liquid with a sweetish-menthol smell, not soluble in water, dissolves well in most organic solvents, inflammable. Miscible with most organic solvents; immiscible with water A high-boiling point, slow-evaporating solvent Excellent viscosity reduction for high-solids coatings Reduces surface tension in high-solids coatings Strong solvency with low density Volume-to-weight advantage over other classes of coatings solvents Non-HAP (Hazardous Air Pollutant) Solvent APPLICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is widely used in industrial chemistry and industry. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton)ensures good solubility of numerous synthetic resins, among others vinyl, acryl, alkyd, polyester and epoxy resins. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) can also be used as a solvent in nitrocellulose varnishes, coatings with a high contents of solid parts, and as a pain remover. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton)is also used as a solvent for adhesives, printing inks and in the cleaning and degreasing processes, as well as a component of dyes and insecticides. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is also used in mining as aids in mining minerals and in extracting gold and rear earth metals from aqueous solutions, for instance for analytic purposes. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is also used as a solvent and aids in the extraction and recristallization process, and as a drug component in the pharmaceutical industry. Diisobutyl ketone (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) is also an important component in the production of diisobutylcarbinol. Solvent for nitrocellulose lacquers Solvent for synthetic resin such as vinyl, acrylic, alkyd, polyester, and epoxy Solvent for high-solids coatings and stains Solvent for paint strippers Solvent for leather finishing compounds Solvent for adhesives Solvent for printing inks - roll coating inks Solvent for cleaning and degreasing Extraction solvent and re-crystallization aid for pharmaceuticals Extraction solvent for mining Extraction solvent for organic pollutants Chemical intermediate for diisobutyl carbinol Solvent for synthetic resin including vinyl, acrylic, alkyd, polyester, epoxy Extraction solvent & re-crystallization aid for pharmaceuticals Extraction solvent for organic pollutants Chemical intermediate for diisobutyl carbinol Solvent used in lacquers, synthetic resins, stains, paint strippers, adhesives, inks, mining and organic pollutants. ADVANTAGES Miscible with most organic solvents Immiscible with water A high-boiling point, slow-evaporating solvent Excellent viscosity reduction for high-solids coatings Reduces surface tension in high-solids coatings Strong solvency with low density HEALTH SAFETY Inhaling the vapors irritates the respiratory passages. It can also cause coughing, dizziness, stupor, nausea, vomiting and headache. A higher concentration can cause the depression of the central nervous system, coma and blackout. The odor of that substance is recognizable at a concentration considerably lower than that having harmful effects and should be a sufficient warning against overdosing. It can cause the irritation of the skin manifesting itself with redness and burning. Both the liquid and its vapors cause the irritation, redness and pain of the eyes. It causes the irritation of the alimentary tract. The poisoning symptoms can include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Product description DIBK (Diisobutyl Ketone, ( Diizobütil keton)) is a slow evaporating, low density solvent that has good activity for many synthetic resins including nitrocellulose, rosin esters, phenolics, hydrocarbons, alkyds, polyesters, and acrylics. It is useful as a retarder solvent to improve flow and minimize humidity blushing. The low density and low surface tension of DIBK enables formulators to develop high-solids coatings with low VOC content and excellent flow and leveling properties. DIISOBUTYL KETONE (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) Trade name of the product: diisobutyl ketone(DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) Chemical name of the compound: 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone (iso-C4H9)2CO; 2,5-dimethyl-4-heptanone; 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanon; 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone (diisobutyl ketone); 2,6-dimethyl-heptan-4-on; 2,6-dimethylheptan-4-on; 2,6-dimethyl-heptan-4-on; 2,6-dimethyl-heptan-4-one, ( Diizobütil keton) Chemical and physical properties: A colorless, stabile liquid with a sweetish-menthol smell, not soluble in water, dissolves well in most organic solvents, inflammable Application of the substance: Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is widely used in industrial chemistry and industry. It ensures good solubility of numerous synthetic resins, among others vinyl, acryl, alkyd, polyester and epoxy resins. It can also be used as a solvent in nitrocellulose varnishes, coatings with a high contents of solid parts, and as a pain remover. It is also used as a solvent for adhesives, printing inks and in the cleaning and degreasing processes, as well as a component of dyes and insecticides. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is also used in mining as aids in mining minerals and in extracting gold and rear earth metals from aqueous solutions, for instance for analytic purposes. It is also used as a solvent and aids in the extraction and recristallization process, and as a drug component in the pharmaceutical industry. DIBK is also an important component in the production of diisobutylcarbinol. Health safety: Inhaling the vapors irritates the respiratory passages. It can also cause coughing, dizziness, stupor, nausea, vomiting and headache. A higher concentration can cause the depression of the central nervous system, coma and blackout. The odor of that substance is recognizable at a concentration considerably lower than that having harmful effects and should be a sufficient warning against overdosing. It can cause the irritation of the skin manifesting itself with redness and burning. Both the liquid and its vapors cause the irritation, redness and pain of the eyes. It causes the irritation of the alimentary tract. The poisoning symptoms can include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Diisobutyl Ketone (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) CAS: 108-83-8 Diisobutyl ketone (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) is a colorless, stable liquid with a mild sweet odor. DIBK is a high boiling, slow evaporating solvent that has limited water solubility, but is miscible with alcohols and ketones. DIBK has excellent viscosity reduction for and reduces surface tension in high solids coatings. DIBK is used in many applications such as nitrocellulose lacquers, synthetic resins, coatings and stains, paint strippers, leather finishings, adhesives, printing and coating inks, cleaning and dregreasing, solvent and re-crystallization aid for pharmaceuticals, mining, and as a chemical intermediate. Description 2, 6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone, also known as diisobutyl ketone( Diizobütil keton), belongs to the family of ketones, being a flavoring ingredient. It can also be used as the extraction solvent for the determination of ten trace metals (V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Cd, Pb) in aqueous samples with plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Similar logic can also be applied to the measurement of phosphorus using 2, 6-dimethyl-4-heptanone as the extraction agent. It is also an important organic solvent widely used as industrial intermediates. Chemical Properties colourless liquid Physical properties Clear, colorless liquid with a mild, sweet, ether-like odor. Odor threshold concentration is 0.11 ppm (quoted, Amoore and Hautala, 1983). Occurrence Reported found in baked potato and wheaten bread. Uses Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is used as a solvent fornitrocellulose, lacquers, and synthetic resins;in organic syntheses. Uses Diisobutyl ketone (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) is a transparent liquid with a distinct odor and a high boiling point. It is an heavy-end byproduct of producing MIBK. DIBK is used in many applications such as nitrocellulose lacquers, synthetic resins, coatings and stains, paint strippers, leather finishings, adhesives, printing and coating inks, cleaning and dregreasing, Flavors and fragrances, solvent and re-crystallization aid for pharmaceuticals, mining, and as a chemical intermediate. DIBK has good activity for many synthetic resins including nitrocellulose, rosin esters, phenolics, hydrocarbons, alkyds, polyesters, and acrylics. It is useful as a retarder solvent to improve flow and minimize humidity blushing. The low density and low surface tension of DIBK enables formulators to develop high-solids coatings with low VOC content and excellent flow and leveling properties. DIBK has excellent viscosity reduction for and reduces surface tension in high solid’s coatings. It has good volume-to-weight advantage over other classes of solvents used in coatings. It is a non-HAP (Hazardous Air Pollutant) solvent. Uses Diisobutyl Ketone is a component of mint oil and L-carvone solutions for fungicidal and antigerminative treatment of bulbs and tubers. Production Methods Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is produced by hydrogenation of phorone or by metal-catalyzed decomposition of isovaleric acid.It is also a by-product in the manufacture of methyl isobutyl ketone. Synthesis Reference(s) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 95, p. 6876, 1973 DOI: 10.1021/ja00801a081 General Description A clear colorless liquid. Flash point 140°F. Less dense than water and insoluble in water. Vapors heavier than air. Air & Water Reactions Flammable. Insoluble in water. Reactivity Profile 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone may attack some plastics. 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone reacts with oxidizers. Health Hazard Inhalation of vapor causes irritation of nose and throat. Ingestion causes irritation of mouth and stomach. Vaporirritates eyes. Contact with liquid irritates skin. Health Hazard Inhalation of the vapors of diisobutyl ketone( Diizobütil keton) can produce irritation of the eyes, nose, andthroat. At 25 ppm its odor was unpleasant, but the irritation effect on humanswas insignificant. At 50 ppm the irritationwas mild. A 7- hour exposure to 125 ppmhad no adverse effect on rats; however, at250 ppm, female rats developed increasedliver and kidney weights. An 8-hour expo sure to 2000 ppm was lethal. Ingestion ofthis compound can cause the symptoms ofheadache, dizziness, and dermatitis. LD50 value, oral (rats): 5.8 g/kg. Chemical Reactivity Reactivity with Water No reaction; Reactivity with Common Materials: May attack some forms of plastics; Stability During Transport: Stable; Neutralizing Agents for Acids and Caustics: Not pertinent; Polymerization: Not pertinent; Inhibitor of Polymerization: Not pertinent. Safety Profile Moderately toxic by ingestion and inhalation. Mddly toxic by skin contact. Human systemic effects by inhalation: headache, nausea or vomiting, and unspecified eye effects. An eye and skin irritant. Narcotic in high concentrations. Flammable liquid when exposed to heat or flame; can react with oxidizing materials. To fight fire, use Con, dry chemical, water spray, mist or fog. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and fumes. See also KETONES. Environmental Fate Biological. Using the BOD technique to measure biodegradation, the mean 5-d BOD value (mM BOD/mM diisobutyl ketone, ( Diizobütil keton)) and ThOD were 4.86 and 37.4%, respectively (Vaishnav et al., 1987). Chemical/Physical. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) will not hydrolyze because it has no hydrolyzable functional group. At an influent concentration of 300 mg/L, treatment with GAC resulted in nondetectable concentrations in the effluent. The adsorbability of the carbon used was 60 mg/g carbon (Guisti et al., 1974). Waste Disposal Incineration, molten metal salt destruction. Ketone has the general formula RCOR' where the groups R and R' may be the same or different, or incorporated into a ring (R and R' are alkyl, aryl, or heterocyclic radicals). The simplest example, R and R´ are methyl group, is acetone (also called 2-propanone, CH3COCH3) which is one of the most important ketones used in industry (low molecular weight ketones are general purpose solvents.) In the IUPAC system, the suffix -one is used to describe ketone with the numbering of the carbon atom at the end that gives the lower number. For example, CH3CH2COCH2CH2CH3 is named Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), 3-hexanone because the whole chain contains six carbon atoms and the oxygen is connected to the third carbon from the lower number. There are aromatic ketones of Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), which acetophenone and bezophenone are examples. Ketones can be made by the oxidation of secondary alcohols and the destructive distillation of certain salts of organic acids. In addition to as polar solvents, ketones are important intermediates in the syntheses of organic compounds such as alkoxides, hydroxyalkynes, imines, alcohols (primary, secondary as well as tertiary), acetals, thioacetals, phosphine oxides, geminal diols, hydrazones, organic sulfite and cyanohydrins. Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) is a clear liquid with a mild characteristic odor; miscible in oil, soluble in water. MIBK is a polar solvent. But the polarity is similar to ethyl acetate. Water solubility is not good compare to other ketone solvents like acetone and MEK (methyl ethyl ketone). This property makes MIBK Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), an useful liquid-liquid extraction solvent. MIBK is produced from acetone with hydrogen by three-step process (aldol condensation, dehydration, hydrogenation). Aiacetone alcohol (CAS #: 123-42-2) and mesityl oxide (CAS #: 141-79-7) are intermediate products during the process. The basic unit quantity of acetone to produce 1 unit of MIBK Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), is 1.22. MIBK has good compatibility with various organic reagents and solvency power for a variety industrial materials. It is primarily used in cellulose-based and resin-based coatings and adhesives. It is also employed in rare-metal extraction. It is used in dewaxing to purify pharmaceuticals, mineral oils, fatty acids, and alcohols. MIBK Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), is also an useful intermediate to produce target molecules, rubber antiozonants (e.g. 6PPD) and acetylenic diol compounds are examples of end products. Diacetone alcohol has slow evaporation rates. It is used as a solvent for both hydrogen bonding and polar substances. It is miscible in water and used as a solvent for water-based coatings. It is used as a solvent extractant in purification processes for resins and waxes. Diacetone alcohol is more suitable for use in applications as a component of gravure printing inks, with proving favorable flow and leveling characteristics. Diacetone alcohol, having hydroxyl and carbonyl group in the same molecule is used as a chemical intermediate. Mesityl oxide, a carbonyl compound having alpha (or beta) unsaturated chain, can be used as a raw material to produce drugs, solvents and plasticizer. Mesityl oxide is used to produce hydroperoxides. Mesityl oxide is as an extractant in ore flotation especially for actinide series elements (thorium and uranium). Diisobutyl Ketone ( Diizobütil keton), having the higher boiling than MIBK Diisobutyl Ketone ( Diizobütil keton), is produced by refining heavy end from MIBK Diisobutyl Ketone ( Diizobütil keton). DIBK Diisobutyl Ketone ( Diizobütil keton)has moderate solvent activity for polymers including nitrocellulse, alkyd, vinyl and epoxy resins. DIBK is a component for solvents in sealants and inks. It is used as an extraction solvent and as an aid to purify pharmaceuticals. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SOLVENT Solvent is a substance, usually a liquid, that acts as a dissolving agent or that is capable of dissolving another substance. In solutions of solids or gases in a liquid, the liquid is the solvent. In all other homogeneous mixtures (i.e., liquids, solids, or gases dissolved in liquids; solids in solids; and gases in gases), solvent is the component of the greatest amount. The minor proportion substances are called solutes. The solvent offers several functions during a chemical reaction. It solves not only the substance that reacts with another one to produce a new set of substances (reactant) but also the compound that supplies the molecule, ion, or free radical, which is considered as the attacking species in a chemical reaction (reagent). The solvent is conductive to collisions between the reactants and reagents to transform the reactants to new products. The solvent also takes roll of temperature control, either to provide the energy of the colliding particles for speedy reaction and to absorb heat in exothermic reaction. The appropriate solvent should be selected based on the inactivity in the reaction conditions, dissolving the reagents as well as reactants, appropriate boiling point and easy removal at the end of the reaction. Polarity Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), The most common solvent is water. Other common solvents which dissolve substances that are insoluble (or nearly insoluble) in water are acetone, alcohol, formic acid, acetic acid, formamide. BTX, carbon disulfide, diemthyl sulfoxide, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, ether, tetrahydrofuran, furfural, hexane and turpentine. They may be classified as polar and non-polar. Polar solvents, like water, have molecules whose electric charges are unequally distributed, leaving one end of each molecule more positive than the other. Usually polar solvent has O-H bond of which water (HOH), (CH3OH) and acetic acid (CH3COOH) are examples. Propanol, butanol, formic acid, formamide are polar solvents. Dipolar solvents which contain a C-O solid bond without O-H bond are acetone [(CH3)2C=O], ethyl acetate (CH3COOCH2CH3), methyl ethyl ketone, acetonitrile, N,N-dimethylformamide and diemthyl sulfoxide. Nonpolar solvents, like carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), benzene (C6H6), and diethyl ether ( CH3CH2OCH2CH3), have molecules whose electric charges are equally distributed and are not miscible with water. Hexane, tetrahydrofuran and methylene chloride are non-polar solvents. Polar solvents are hydrophilic but non-polar solvents are lipophilic. Polar reactants will dissolve in polar solvents. Non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar compounds best. Oil and water don't mix but separate into two layers. There are three measures of the polarity as "dipole moment", "dielectric constant" and "miscibility with water". Though low dipole moments and small dielectric constants indicates non-polar solvents, sharp boundaries between polar and non-polar solvents are not available. The polarity reflects the balance between a polar component (OH) and a non-polar hydrocarbon component, existing in the same molecule. If hydrocarbon character increases relatively, the polarity decreases. On an operational basis, solvents that are miscible with water are polar. Polar Protic and Dipolar Aprotic Protic refers to a hydrogen atom attached to an electronegative atom. Protic solvents can donate an H+ (proton) since they contain dissociable H+, such as hydrogen attached to oxygen as in a hydroxyl group, nitrogen as in a amine group. Examples are water, methanol, ethanol, formic acid, hydrogen fluoride and ammonia. Aprotic solvents don't has O-H bond but a C=O bond typically. Examples are acetone [(CH3)2C=O] and ethyl acetate (CH3COOCH2CH3). Polar protic solvents are useful in SN1 reaction, while polar aprotic solvents are SN2 reaction. 2,6 Dimethyl-4-Heptanone. Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), Used as a solvent for nitrocellulose lacquers, solvent for high-solids coatings and stains, solvent for printing inks – roll coating inks. Possesses a mild sweet odor, high boiling point, and slow evaporation rate. Exhibits miscibility with most organic solvents, but immiscibility with water. Offers strong solvency with low density. Reduces surface tension in high solids coatings. Provides viscosity reduction for high solids coatings. About this substance Helpful information Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), This substance is manufactured and/or imported in the European Economic Area in 1 000 - 10 000 tonnes per year. Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), This substance is used by consumers, in articles, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing and at industrial sites. Consumer Uses Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), This substance is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, coating products, adhesives and sealants, air care products, polishes and waxes, plant protection products and biocides (e.g. disinfectants, pest control products). Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use. Article service life Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use in long-life materials with low release rate (e.g. flooring, furniture, toys, construction materials, curtains, foot-wear, leather products, paper and cardboard products, electronic equipment). has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed. Widespread uses by professional workers Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), This substance is used in the following products: adhesives and sealants, biocides (e.g. disinfectants, pest control products), fertilisers, plant protection products, washing & cleaning products and coating products. Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), This substance is used in the following areas: agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and building & construction work. Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), This substance is used for the manufacture of: chemicals, plastic products, mineral products (e.g. plasters, cement) and furniture. Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use. Formulation or re-packing Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), This substance is used in the following products: adhesives and sealants. Diizobütil keton(Diisobutyl ketone), Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures and formulation in materials. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is a slow evaporating ketonic solvent which is immiscible with water, but miscible with other organic solvents. Diisobutyl ketone is a light coloured liquid with a mild, characteristic odour. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is a colorless, stabile liquid with a sweetish-menthol smell, not soluble in water, dissolves well in most organic solvents, inflammable. Miscible with most organic solvents; immiscible with water A high-boiling point, slow-evaporating solvent Excellent viscosity reduction for high-solids coatings Reduces surface tension in high-solids coatings Strong solvency with low density Volume-to-weight advantage over other classes of coatings solvents Non-HAP (Hazardous Air Pollutant) Solvent APPLICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is widely used in industrial chemistry and industry. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton)ensures good solubility of numerous synthetic resins, among others vinyl, acryl, alkyd, polyester and epoxy resins. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) can also be used as a solvent in nitrocellulose varnishes, coatings with a high contents of solid parts, and as a pain remover. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton)is also used as a solvent for adhesives, printing inks and in the cleaning and degreasing processes, as well as a component of dyes and insecticides. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is also used in mining as aids in mining minerals and in extracting gold and rear earth metals from aqueous solutions, for instance for analytic purposes. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is also used as a solvent and aids in the extraction and recristallization process, and as a drug component in the pharmaceutical industry. Diisobutyl ketone (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) is also an important component in the production of diisobutylcarbinol. Solvent for nitrocellulose lacquers Solvent for synthetic resin such as vinyl, acrylic, alkyd, polyester, and epoxy Solvent for high-solids coatings and stains Solvent for paint strippers Solvent for leather finishing compounds Solvent for adhesives Solvent for printing inks - roll coating inks Solvent for cleaning and degreasing Extraction solvent and re-crystallization aid for pharmaceuticals Extraction solvent for mining Extraction solvent for organic pollutants Chemical intermediate for diisobutyl carbinol Solvent for synthetic resin including vinyl, acrylic, alkyd, polyester, epoxy Extraction solvent & re-crystallization aid for pharmaceuticals Extraction solvent for organic pollutants Chemical intermediate for diisobutyl carbinol Solvent used in lacquers, synthetic resins, stains, paint strippers, adhesives, inks, mining and organic pollutants. ADVANTAGES Miscible with most organic solvents Immiscible with water A high-boiling point, slow-evaporating solvent Excellent viscosity reduction for high-solids coatings Reduces surface tension in high-solids coatings Strong solvency with low density HEALTH SAFETY Inhaling the vapors irritates the respiratory passages. It can also cause coughing, dizziness, stupor, nausea, vomiting and headache. A higher concentration can cause the depression of the central nervous system, coma and blackout. The odor of that substance is recognizable at a concentration considerably lower than that having harmful effects and should be a sufficient warning against overdosing. It can cause the irritation of the skin manifesting itself with redness and burning. Both the liquid and its vapors cause the irritation, redness and pain of the eyes. It causes the irritation of the alimentary tract. The poisoning symptoms can include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Product description DIBK (Diisobutyl Ketone, ( Diizobütil keton)) is a slow evaporating, low density solvent that has good activity for many synthetic resins including nitrocellulose, rosin esters, phenolics, hydrocarbons, alkyds, polyesters, and acrylics. It is useful as a retarder solvent to improve flow and minimize humidity blushing. The low density and low surface tension of DIBK enables formulators to develop high-solids coatings with low VOC content and excellent flow and leveling properties. DIISOBUTYL KETONE (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) Trade name of the product: diisobutyl ketone(DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) Chemical name of the compound: 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone (iso-C4H9)2CO; 2,5-dimethyl-4-heptanone; 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanon; 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone (diisobutyl ketone); 2,6-dimethyl-heptan-4-on; 2,6-dimethylheptan-4-on; 2,6-dimethyl-heptan-4-on; 2,6-dimethyl-heptan-4-one, ( Diizobütil keton) Chemical and physical properties: A colorless, stabile liquid with a sweetish-menthol smell, not soluble in water, dissolves well in most organic solvents, inflammable Application of the substance: Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is widely used in industrial chemistry and industry. It ensures good solubility of numerous synthetic resins, among others vinyl, acryl, alkyd, polyester and epoxy resins. It can also be used as a solvent in nitrocellulose varnishes, coatings with a high contents of solid parts, and as a pain remover. It is also used as a solvent for adhesives, printing inks and in the cleaning and degreasing processes, as well as a component of dyes and insecticides. Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is also used in mining as aids in mining minerals and in extracting gold and rear earth metals from aqueous solutions, for instance for analytic purposes. It is also used as a solvent and aids in the extraction and recristallization process, and as a drug component in the pharmaceutical industry. DIBK is also an important component in the production of diisobutylcarbinol. Health safety: Inhaling the vapors irritates the respiratory passages. It can also cause coughing, dizziness, stupor, nausea, vomiting and headache. A higher concentration can cause the depression of the central nervous system, coma and blackout. The odor of that substance is recognizable at a concentration considerably lower than that having harmful effects and should be a sufficient warning against overdosing. It can cause the irritation of the skin manifesting itself with redness and burning. Both the liquid and its vapors cause the irritation, redness and pain of the eyes. It causes the irritation of the alimentary tract. The poisoning symptoms can include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Diisobutyl Ketone (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) CAS: 108-83-8 Diisobutyl ketone (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) is a colorless, stable liquid with a mild sweet odor. DIBK is a high boiling, slow evaporating solvent that has limited water solubility, but is miscible with alcohols and ketones. DIBK has excellent viscosity reduction for and reduces surface tension in high solids coatings. DIBK is used in many applications such as nitrocellulose lacquers, synthetic resins, coatings and stains, paint strippers, leather finishings, adhesives, printing and coating inks, cleaning and dregreasing, solvent and re-crystallization aid for pharmaceuticals, mining, and as a chemical intermediate. Description 2, 6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone, also known as diisobutyl ketone( Diizobütil keton), belongs to the family of ketones, being a flavoring ingredient. It can also be used as the extraction solvent for the determination of ten trace metals (V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Cd, Pb) in aqueous samples with plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Similar logic can also be applied to the measurement of phosphorus using 2, 6-dimethyl-4-heptanone as the extraction agent. It is also an important organic solvent widely used as industrial intermediates. Chemical Properties colourless liquid Physical properties Clear, colorless liquid with a mild, sweet, ether-like odor. Odor threshold concentration is 0.11 ppm (quoted, Amoore and Hautala, 1983). Occurrence Reported found in baked potato and wheaten bread. Uses Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is used as a solvent fornitrocellulose, lacquers, and synthetic resins;in organic syntheses. Uses Diisobutyl ketone (DIBK, ( Diizobütil keton)) is a transparent liquid with a distinct odor and a high boiling point. It is an heavy-end byproduct of producing MIBK. DIBK is used in many applications such as nitrocellulose lacquers, synthetic resins, coatings and stains, paint strippers, leather finishings, adhesives, printing and coating inks, cleaning and dregreasing, Flavors and fragrances, solvent and re-crystallization aid for pharmaceuticals, mining, and as a chemical intermediate. DIBK has good activity for many synthetic resins including nitrocellulose, rosin esters, phenolics, hydrocarbons, alkyds, polyesters, and acrylics. It is useful as a retarder solvent to improve flow and minimize humidity blushing. The low density and low surface tension of DIBK enables formulators to develop high-solids coatings with low VOC content and excellent flow and leveling properties. DIBK has excellent viscosity reduction for and reduces surface tension in high solid’s coatings. It has good volume-to-weight advantage over other classes of solvents used in coatings. It is a non-HAP (Hazardous Air Pollutant) solvent. Uses Diisobutyl Ketone is a component of mint oil and L-carvone solutions for fungicidal and antigerminative treatment of bulbs and tubers. Production Methods Diisobutyl ketone ( Diizobütil keton) is produced by hydrogenation of phorone or by metal-catalyzed decomposition of isovaleric acid.It is also a by-product in the manufacture of methyl isobutyl keton
DIISOBUTYL SUCCINATE, N° CAS : 925-06-4, Nom INCI : DIISOBUTYL SUCCINATE, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 213-113-7. Ses fonctions (INCI): Agent plastifiant : Adoucit et rend souple une autre substance qui autrement ne pourrait pas être facilement déformée, dispersée ou être travaillée
SYNONYMS Bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine; DI(2-Hydroxy-n-propyl) amine; 1,1'-imino-bis(2-propanol); DIPA; 2,2'-dihydroxy-dipropyl-amine; 1,1'-iminodipropan-2-ol; Bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine; Bis(2-propanol)amine; Dipropyl-2,2'-dihydroxy-amine CAS NO. 110-97-4
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой жидкий раствор белого кристаллического вещества.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR является эктопаразитицидом.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой кристаллическое твердое вещество от бесцветного до желтого цвета.

Номер КАС: 137-26-8
Номер ЕС: 205-286-2
Номер в леях: MFCD00008325
Химическое название: тетраметилтиурамдисульфид.
Молекулярная формула: C6H12N2S4

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой жидкий раствор белого кристаллического вещества.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой органический дисульфид, образующийся в результате формальной окислительной димеризации N,N-диметилдитиокарбаминовой кислоты.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR содержит диметилдитиокарбамат.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR функционально связан с диметилдитиокарбаминовой кислотой.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR зарегистрирован в соответствии с Регламентом REACH и производится и/или импортируется в Европейскую экономическую зону в объеме от ≥ 1 000 до < 10 000 тонн в год.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой простейший дисульфид тиурама и окисленный димер диметилдитиокарбамата.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR почти неподвижен в глинистых почвах или в почвах с высоким содержанием органического вещества.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой кристаллическое твердое вещество от бесцветного до желтого цвета с характерным запахом.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR следует хранить в сухом и прохладном месте с хорошей вентиляцией, избегая попадания на упакованный продукт прямых солнечных лучей.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR разработан для резиновой промышленности.
Доступны два класса: pdr; пдр-д.

Все сорта от белого до почти белого.
Dimacit TMTD обеспечивает быструю вулканизацию и дает превосходное плато вулканизации с хорошей устойчивостью к тепловому старению и сжатию при использовании в бессернистых вулканизационных системах и системах EV.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR не оставляет пятен и не обесцвечивает.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR — это превосходные цвета, получаемые в нечерных вулканизатах.

Следует отметить, что при применении Dimacit TMTD N-нитрозодиметиламин может образовываться в результате реакции продукта разложения диметиламина с нитрозирующими агентами (оксидами азота).
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой сероорганическое соединение по коду cas 137-26-8, представляет собой серовато-белый порошок, нерастворимый в воде.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR — химикат для каучука, ускоритель вулканизации.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой кристаллическое твердое вещество от бесцветного до желтого цвета.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR имеет характерный запах.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой порошок от белого до почти белого цвета.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой кристаллы от бесцветного до белого или кремового цвета.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR может темнеть под воздействием воздуха или света.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой жидкий раствор белого кристаллического вещества.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR зарегистрирован в соответствии с Регламентом REACH и производится и/или импортируется в Европейскую экономическую зону в объеме от ≥ 1 000 до < 10 000 тонн в год.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой порошок белого или светло-серого цвета (гранулированный).
Dimacit TMTD-PDR растворим в бензоле, ацетоне, хлороформе, CS2, частично растворим в спирте, диэтиловом эфире, CCl4, нерастворим в воде, бензине и щелочи с меньшей концентрацией.

Встреча горячей воды превращается в диметиламмоний и CS 2.
Хорошее сохранение цвета достигается при нечерной вулканизации.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR является ценным вторичным ускорителем для EPDM.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой белый порошок без запаха.
Плотность Dimacit TMTD-PDR составляет 1,40-1,45 г/см³.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR растворим в бензоле, ацетоне, хлороформе; слабо растворим в этаноле, нерастворим в воде.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой белый, светло-серый порошок или гранулы.
Плотность Dimacit TMTD-PDR составляет 1,29.
Встреча горячей воды делается с диметиламином аммония и CS2.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR растворим в бензоле, ацетоне, хлороформе, CS2 частично растворим в спирте, диэтиловом эфире, CCI4 нерастворим в воде, бензине и щелочи с меньшей концентрацией.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR имеет характерный запах.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в рецептуре или переупаковке, на промышленных площадках и в производстве.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в следующих продуктах: регуляторах pH и продуктах для обработки воды.
Высвобождение Dimacit TMTD-PDR в окружающую среду может происходить в результате промышленного использования: составление смесей и внесение в материалы.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется для производства: резинотехнических изделий.
Выброс Dimacit TMTD-PDR в окружающую среду может происходить в результате промышленного использования: в качестве технологической добавки.
Выброс Dimacit TMTD-PDR в окружающую среду может происходить в результате промышленного использования: производство вещества.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR имеет и другие применения: от местного бактерицида до репеллентов для животных.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR (CAS: 137-26-8), также известный как дисульфид тетраметилтиурама или TMDT, используется в основном как фунгицид, дезинфицирующее и бактериостатическое средство в пищевой промышленности, но также используется в некоторых готовых продуктах.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR широко используется при переработке каучука в качестве ультраускорителя для низкотемпературного отверждения либо отдельно, либо в качестве активатора для других ускорителей, главным образом тиазолов.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR может использоваться в дерматологии в качестве чесоточного средства.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR в основном используется в качестве фунгицида для растений и обработки семян.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR широко используется для фунгицидной обработки семян.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR играет роль антибактериального препарата, антисептического препарата и противогрибкового агрохимиката.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве фунгицида, эктопаразитицида для предотвращения грибковых заболеваний семян и сельскохозяйственных культур, а также в качестве репеллентного средства для защиты фруктовых деревьев и декоративных растений от повреждения кроликами, грызунами и оленями.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR эффективен против стеблевой галлы кориандра, выпревания, головни проса, шейковой гнили лука и т.д.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR использовался при лечении чесотки у людей, в качестве солнцезащитного средства и в качестве бактерицида, наносимого непосредственно на кожу или включаемого в мыло.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR также используется в качестве источника серы и вторичного ускорителя серной вулканизации каучуков.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR традиционно использовался в яблоневом и винодельческом хозяйстве.
С 2010 года большая часть тирама применяется для обработки соевых бобов.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR — ценный вторичный ускоритель.

В модифицированном меркаптаном полихлоропрене, отвержденном с помощью ETU, Dimacit TMTD-PDR действует как замедлитель подвулканизации, не влияя на скорость отверждения.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется как первичный или вторичный (ультра) ускоритель в различных смесях.
ускорительные системы с тиазолами и сульфенамидами.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR также используется в качестве вулканизующего агента в большинстве эластомеров, отверждаемых серой.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR обжигает и обеспечивает высокую скорость отверждения.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR обеспечивает отличное плато вулканизации с хорошей стойкостью к тепловому старению и остаточной деформации при сжатии в бессернистых системах и системах отверждения EV.

Превосходное сохранение цвета достигается при нечерной вулканизации.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR является ценным вторичным ускорителем для EPDM.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно использовать в качестве замедлителя схватывания при вулканизации полихлоропренового каучука с ETU.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно использовать как отдельный ускоритель, как вторичный ускоритель или как донор серы в большинстве эластомеров, отверждаемых серой.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR обеспечивает быструю вулканизацию и дает превосходное плато вулканизации с хорошей стойкостью к тепловому старению и остаточной деформации при сжатии при использовании в бессернистых вулканизационных системах и системах EV.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве вспомогательного агента для каучука.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно использовать как отдельный ускоритель, как вторичный ускоритель или как донор серы в большинстве эластомеров, отверждаемых серой. Обжигающий и дает быстрые показатели излечения.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR обеспечивает превосходное плато вулканизации с хорошей стойкостью к тепловому старению и остаточной деформации при сжатии в системах отверждения без содержания серы и EV.
Хорошее сохранение цвета достигается при нечерной вулканизации.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR является ценным вторичным ускорителем для EPDM.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR может использоваться в качестве замедлителя вулканизации полихлоропренового каучука с ETU, а также в качестве бактерицида и пестицида.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR рекомендуется для использования в мягких смесях благодаря способности диспергироваться.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в сельском хозяйстве для предотвращения грибковых заболеваний семян и сельскохозяйственных культур.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется при обработке семян отдельно или в сочетании с добавленными инсектицидами или фунгицидами для борьбы с такими болезнями, как Pythium spp, и другими болезнями, такими как Fusarium spp, кукурузы, хлопка, зерновых, бобовых, овощей и декоративных растений.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется для дезинфекции семян.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR применяется как антиангинальное средство.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR является эктопаразитицидом.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в сельском хозяйстве для предотвращения грибковых заболеваний семян и сельскохозяйственных культур.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве фунгицида; бактериостат; пестицид; ускоритель вулканизации каучука; скабицид; обеззараживающее средство для семян; отпугиватель животных; инсектицид; присадка к смазочному маслу; консервант для древесины; в антисептических спреях; при смешивании смазочных масел; применяется против серой гнили, ржавчины и ложной мучнистой росы; протравитель семян против «увядания» и вертициллезного увядания; антагонист и отпугиватель этанола в смесях метил-, этил-, пропил- и бутилпроизводных; антиоксидант в полиолефиновых пластмассах; пептизатор в полисульфидных эластомерах; в мылах и репеллентах от грызунов; ореховые, фруктовые, и дезинфицирующее средство от грибов.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR имеет и другие применения: от местного бактерицида до репеллентов для животных.
Используется Dimacit TMTD-PDR Ускоритель каучука; вулканизатор; обеззараживающее средство для семян; фунгицид; бактериостат в мыле; средство от животных.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой органический дисульфид, образующийся в результате формальной окислительной димеризации N,N-диметилдитиокарбаминовой кислоты.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR широко используется для фунгицидной обработки семян.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве фунгицида, бактериостата, пестицида, ускорителя вулканизации каучука, скабицида, дезинфицирующего средства для семян, средства от животных, инсектицида, добавки к смазочному маслу и консерванта древесины.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в антисептических спреях и при смешивании смазочных масел.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется против серой гнили, ржавчины и ложной мучнистой росы, а также в качестве протравителя семян против выпревания и вертициллезного увядания.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR также используется в качестве антагониста этанола и сдерживающего фактора в смесях производных метила, этила, пропила и бутила.

Другие области применения Dimacit TMTD-PDR включают антиоксидант в полиолефиновых пластмассах и пептизирующий агент в полисульфидных эластомерах.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в мылах и репеллентах от грызунов, а также в качестве дезинфицирующего средства для орехов, фруктов и грибов.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется как ускоритель каучука и вулканизатор.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR относится к защитным фунгицидам широкого спектра действия с периодом остаточного действия до 7 дней или около того.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR в основном используется для обработки семян и почвы и предотвращения мучнистой росы, головни и выпревания всходов риса зерновых культур.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой защитный фунгицид, наносимый на листву для борьбы с Botrytis spp на винограде, мягких фруктах, салате, овощах и декоративных растениях.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR также можно использовать для борьбы с некоторыми болезнями фруктовых деревьев и овощей.
Например, протравливание семян 500 г 50% смачивающегося порошка может контролировать пирикуляриоз риса, пятнистость рисовых листьев, ячменную и пшеничную головню.
В качестве пестицида Dimacit TMTD-PDR часто называют тирамом, и он в основном используется для обработки семян и почвы, а также для предотвращения и борьбы с мучнистой росой, головней и овощными болезнями зерновых.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR, как суперускоритель натурального каучука, синтетического каучука и латекса, часто называют ускорителем TMTD и является представителем тиурамового ускорителя вулканизации, на долю которого приходится 85% от общего количества аналогичных продуктов.
Ускоритель T также является суперускорителем натурального каучука, диенового синтетического каучука, Ⅱ , R и EPDM с самым высоким коэффициентом использования из всех.

Способствующая вулканизации сила ускорителя Т очень велика, но без присутствия оксида цинка он вообще не вулканизируется.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется для производства кабелей, проводов, шин и других резинотехнических изделий.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве суперускорителя натурального каучука, синтетического каучука и латекса.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR применяется для борьбы с вредителями риса, пшеницы, табака, сахарной свеклы, винограда и других культур, а также для протравливания семян и обработки почвы.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR подходит для производства натурального каучука, синтетического каучука и латекса, а также может использоваться в качестве отвердителя.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR является вторым ускорителем из тиазольных ускорителей, который можно использовать с другими ускорителями в качестве ускорителя непрерывной вулканизации.
В резиновой промышленности Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно использовать в качестве ускорителя супервулканизации, а затем использовать с тиазольным ускорителем.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR также контролирует ржавчину на декоративных растениях, паршу и болезни хранения на яблонях и грушах, курчавость листьев и монилию на косточковых плодах.

Его продукция обладает отличной стойкостью к старению и нагреву, поэтому Dimacit TMTD-PDR применим к натуральному каучуку, синтетическому каучуку и в основном используется в производстве шин, камер, обуви, кабелей и других промышленных изделий.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве промотора позднего действия натурального каучука, бутадиенового каучука, стирол-бутадиенового каучука и полиизопренового каучука.

В сельском хозяйстве Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно использовать в качестве фунгицида и инсектицида, а также в качестве присадки к смазочным материалам.
Методы получения из диметиламина, сероуглерода, аммиака реакцией конденсации диметилдитиокарбамата, а затем окислением перекисью водорода до готового продукта.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется при составлении рецептур или переупаковке, на промышленных площадках и в производстве.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в следующих продуктах: регуляторах pH и продуктах для обработки воды.
Высвобождение Dimacit TMTD-PDR в окружающую среду может произойти в результате промышленного использования: составление смесей и внесение в материалы.

Выброс Dimacit TMTD-PDR в окружающую среду может происходить в результате промышленного использования: производство вещества.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно использовать как отдельный ускоритель, как вторичный ускоритель или как донор серы в большинстве эластомеров, отверждаемых серой.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR является Scorch и обеспечивает высокую скорость отверждения.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR обеспечивает превосходную вулканизацию.
плато с хорошей стойкостью к тепловому старению и остаточной деформации при сжатии в бессернистых системах и системах отверждения EV.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR может использоваться в качестве замедлителя вулканизации полихлоропренового каучука с ETU, а также в качестве бактерицида и пестицида.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR может снижать показатели роста цыплят за счет снижения печеночного индекса, одновременно увеличивая почечный, сердечный и селезеночный индексы, а также индуцировать большеберцовую дисхондроплазию (TD) за счет изменения экспрессии VEGF, HIF-1α и WNT4.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR широко используется в производстве каучука в качестве ультраускорителя низкотемпературного отверждения, а также в сельском хозяйстве в качестве важного пестицида.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве ускорителя каучука или в качестве бактерицида и инсектицида.
Применение Dimacit TMTD-PDR: Модификация резины.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR также можно использовать в сочетании с другими ускорителями в качестве ускорителя непрерывного действия каучука.

Для медленного разложения свободной серы при температуре более 100 ℃ Dimacit TMTD-PDR также может использоваться в качестве отвердителя.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR широко используется при переработке каучука в качестве ультраускорителя низкотемпературного отверждения либо отдельно, либо в качестве активатора для других ускорителей, главным образом тиазолов.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно использовать как отдельный ускоритель, как вторичный ускоритель или как донор серы в большинстве эластомеров, отверждаемых серой.
Обжигающий и дает быстрые показатели излечения.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR является ценным вторичным ускорителем для EPDM.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR обеспечивает превосходное плато вулканизации с хорошей стойкостью к тепловому старению и остаточной деформации при сжатии в бессернистых системах и системах отверждения EV. Хорошее сохранение цвета достигается при вулканизации без почернения.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR может использоваться в качестве замедлителя вулканизации полихлоропренового каучука с ETU, а также в качестве бактерицида и пестицида.

-Сельскохозяйственное использование:
*Фунгициды, родентициды:
используется в качестве фунгицида для предотвращения повреждения урожая в поле и предотвращения его порчи при хранении или транспортировке.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR также используется в качестве дезинфицирующего средства для семян, орехов, фруктов и грибов от различных грибковых заболеваний.

Кроме того, Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве репеллентного средства для защиты фруктовых деревьев и декоративных растений от повреждения кроликами, грызунами и оленями.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR использовался для лечения чесотки у человека, в качестве солнцезащитного средства и в качестве бактерицида, наносимого непосредственно на кожу или включаемого в мыло.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве ускорителя и вулканизатора каучука, а также в качестве бактериостата для пищевых масел и жиров.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR также используется в качестве средства от грызунов, консерванта древесины и может использоваться в смеси смазочных масел. Зарегистрировано для использования в странах ЕС.

-Применения Dimacit TMTD-PDR:
* Резиновая модификация
*Описание продукта

-Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно использовать:
*Без серы (2-4% от массы камеди),
*С серой в сочетании с оксидом цинка и жирной кислотой в качестве активаторов (0,1 - 1% ТМТД от массы камеди),
В сочетании с ускорителями, такими как меркаптобензотиазол (0,25–0,5 TMTD на массу камеди).

Dimacit TMTD-PDR нерастворим в воде.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR разлагается в кислой среде с образованием токсичных продуктов.
разлагается в определенной степени при длительном воздействии тепла, воздуха или влаги.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой белый, светло-серый порошок или гранулы.
Плотность Dimacit TMTD-PDR составляет 1,29.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR растворим в бензоле, ацетоне, хлороформе, CS2 частично растворим в спирте, диэтиловом эфире, CCI4 нерастворим в воде, бензине и щелочи с меньшей концентрацией.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой чистый бесцветный кристалл; нет запаха; т.пл. 155~156°С; относительная плотность 1,29; легко растворим в бензоле, хлороформе (230 г/л), ацетоне (80 г/л), сероуглероде и других органических растворителях; слабо растворим в эфире и этаноле (<10 г/л); нерастворим в воде (30 мг/л); разлагается в кислой среде; промышленные продукты представляют собой белый или светло-желтый порошок с температурой плавления более 146 ℃ .

Получение диметилдитиокарбамата натрия (ДСД): реакция гидрохлорида диметиламина и сероуглерода в присутствии гидроксида натрия может привести к образованию диметиламинодитиокарбамата натрия.
Температура реакции составляет 50~55 ℃ , а значение pH составляет 8~9.

Приготовление тирама: реакция SDD (или дирама) и перекиси водорода в присутствии серной кислоты может дать тирам.
Температуру реакции контролируют на 10 ℃ ниже, а конечное значение pH составляет от 3 до 4.
Хлор также можно использовать вместо перекиси водорода и серной кислоты.

Реакцию проводят в колонне с ситчатыми тарелками, снизу которой вводят разбавленный хлор, а сверху распыляют 5% раствор натрия, что называется методом хлор-воздушного окисления.
Существуют и другие методы, такие как окисление нитрита натрия или электролитическое окисление.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR используется в качестве фунгицида, бактериостата и пестицида.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR также используется при переработке каучука и смешивании смазочных масел.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR можно найти в таких продуктах, как дезинфицирующие средства для семян, антисептические спреи, репелленты для животных, инсектициды, консерванты для древесины, некоторые виды мыла, средства от грызунов, а также в качестве дезинфицирующего средства для орехов, фруктов и грибов.
Дальнейшие исследования могут выявить дополнительные продукты или промышленное использование Dimacit TMTD-PDR.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR представляет собой разновидность сернистого фунгицида.
Было обнаружено, что Dimacit TMTD-PDR полностью растворяется в хлороформе, ацетоне и эфире.
Dimacit TMTD-PDR доступен в виде порошка, текучего, смачивающегося порошка, вододиспергируемых гранул и водных суспензий, а также в смесях с другими фунгицидами.

Dimacit TMTD-PDR несовместим с окислителями и сильными кислотами.
Также несовместим с сильными щелочами и нитрующими агентами.

Номер CAS: 137-26-8
ВНЕШНИЙ ВИД: мелкий белый порошок
Внешний вид: порошок от белого до почти белого цвета
Объемная плотность: +/-0,40
Молекулярная формула: C6H12N2S4
Молекулярный вес: 240,4
Молекулярная формула/молекулярный вес: C6H12N2S4 = 240,42.
Физическое состояние (20 град. C): Твердое
КАС РН: 137-26-8
Регистрационный номер Reaxys: 1725821
Идентификатор вещества PubChem: 125308534
SDBS (спектральная БД АИСТ): 4777
Индекс Мерк (14): 9371
Номер в леях: MFCD00008325
Химическая формула: C6H12N2S4
Молярная масса: 240,42 г•моль-1
Внешний вид: кристаллический порошок от белого до желтого цвета
Запах: Характерный [расплывчатый]
Плотность: 1,29 г/см3

Температура плавления: от 155 до 156 ° C (от 311 до 313 ° F, от 428 до 429 К)
Температура кипения разлагается
Растворимость в воде 30 мг/л
Давление паров 0,000008 мм рт.ст. (20 °C)
Молекулярный вес: 240,4 г/моль
XLogP3-AA: 1,7
Количество доноров водородной связи: 0
Количество акцепторов водородной связи: 4
Количество вращающихся связей: 3
Точная масса: 239,98833309 г/моль
Масса моноизотопа: 239,98833309 г/моль
Площадь топологической полярной поверхности: 121 Å ²
Количество тяжелых атомов: 12
Официальное обвинение: 0
Сложность: 158
Количество атомов изотопа: 0
Определенное число стереоцентров атома: 0
Количество стереоцентров неопределенного атома: 0
Определенное число стереоцентров связи: 0
Неопределенный счетчик стереоцентров связи: 0
Количество ковалентно-связанных единиц: 1
Соединение канонизировано: Да

Внешний вид: порошок
Физическое состояние: твердое
Растворимость: Растворим в CHCl3: 50 мг/мл.
Хранение: Хранить при комнатной температуре
Температура плавления: 156-158°C (лит.)
Плотность: 1,43 г/см3 при 20°С
Показатель преломления: n20D 1,68 (прогноз)
Значения pK: pKb: 0,87 (прогнозировано)
Внешний вид: порошок
Цвет: белый, светло-коричневый
Запах: без запаха
Порог восприятия запаха: не определено
pH: 6,75 (20 °C)
Концентрация: 4 %
Точка плавления/диапазон: 144–146 °C.
Точка кипения/диапазон кипения: 165 °C
Температура вспышки : Не применимо
Скорость испарения: не определено
Воспламеняемость (твердое вещество, газ): не самовоспламеняется
Самовоспламенение: 400 °C

Верхний предел взрываемости / Верхний предел воспламеняемости: не определено
Нижний предел взрываемости / Нижний предел воспламеняемости: не определено
Давление паров: 0,00002 Па (25 °C)
Относительная плотность паров: не определено
Относительная плотность : Нет данных
Плотность: 1,36 г/см3 (20 °C)
Растворимость в воде: 0,018 г/л (20 °C)
Коэффициент распределения: октанол/вода: log Pow: 1,84
Температура самовоспламенения: не определено
Температура разложения: 165 °C
Вязкость, динамическая : не определено
Вязкость, кинематическая : Неприменимо
Взрывоопасные свойства : Нет данных
Окислительные свойства : Не классифицируется
Поверхностное натяжение: 71,5 мН/м, 20 °C

Физическое состояние: порошок
Цвет: бежевый
Запах: без запаха
Температура плавления/замерзания:
Точка плавления/диапазон: 156–158 °C – лит.
Начальная точка кипения и интервал кипения: данные отсутствуют.
Воспламеняемость (твердое тело, газ): Продукт негорючий.
Верхний/нижний пределы воспламеняемости или взрываемости: Данные отсутствуют.
Температура вспышки: 150,00 °C - открытый тигель
Температура самовоспламенения: Данные отсутствуют
Температура разложения: Данные отсутствуют.
pH: 6,75 при 20 °C
Вязкость, кинематическая: Нет данных
Вязкость, динамическая: Данные отсутствуют
Растворимость в воде 0,017 г/л при 20 °С
Коэффициент распределения: н-октанол/вода: log Pow: 2,1
Давление паров: данные отсутствуют
Плотность 1,36 г/см3 при 20 °С
Относительная плотность Данные отсутствуют
Относительная плотность паров: данные отсутствуют
Характеристики частиц: данные отсутствуют
Взрывоопасные свойства: Не взрывоопасен
Окислительные свойства: нет

Другая информация по безопасности:
Растворимость в других растворителях:
Ацетон 69,7 г/л при 25 °C
Бензол 41,2 г/л при 25 °С
Поверхностное натяжение 70 мН/м при 21,5 °C
Константа диссоциации 8,19 при 25 °С
Молекулярная форма: C6H12N2S4
Внешний вид: твердое вещество от белого до почти белого цвета
Мол. Вес: 240,43
Хранение: 2-8°C в холодильнике
Условия доставки: окружающая среда
Приложения: нет данных
Внешний вид: белое кристаллическое твердое вещество (оценка)
Анализ: от 95,00 до 100,00
Внесен в Кодекс пищевых химикатов: Нет
Температура плавления: 155,60°С. при 760,00 мм рт.ст.
Температура кипения: 307,40°С. @ 760,00 мм рт.ст. (расчетное)
Давление паров: 1,720000 мм рт.ст. при 25,00 °C. (стандартное восточное время)
Температура вспышки: 283,00 °F. TCC (139,70 ° C) (оценка)

logP (м/в): 1,730
Растворим в: воде, 30 мг/л при 25 °C (эксп.)
Молекулярный вес : 240,43
Точная масса : 240,43
БРН : 1725821
Номер ЕС : 205-286-2
Код HS : 29303000
Характеристики PSA : 121
XLogP3 : 1,7
Плотность : 1,29 г/см3 при температуре: 20 °C
Температура плавления : 155-156 °C
Точка кипения : 129 °C при давлении: 20 Торр
Температура вспышки : 89°C
Показатель преломления : 1,677
Растворимость в воде : H2O: 16,5 мг/л (20 ºC)
Условия хранения : 0-6°C
Давление паров : 0,000008 мм рт.ст.

-Описание мер первой помощи:
*Общие рекомендации:
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
Покажите этот паспорт безопасности материала лечащему врачу.
*При вдыхании:
При вдыхании вывести пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
*При попадании на кожу:
Смыть большим количеством воды с мылом.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
*При попадании в глаза:
Тщательно промойте большим количеством воды в течение не менее 15 минут и обратитесь к врачу.
* При проглатывании:
Прополоскать рот водой.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
- Указание на необходимость немедленной медицинской помощи и специального лечения:
Данные недоступны

- Экологические меры предосторожности:
Предотвратите дальнейшую утечку или разлив, если это безопасно.
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.
Следует избегать выброса в окружающую среду.
-Методы и материалы для локализации и очистки:
Подметать и сгребать.
Хранить в подходящих закрытых контейнерах для утилизации.

-Средства пожаротушения:
*Подходящие средства пожаротушения:
Используйте распыление воды, спиртостойкую пену, сухой химикат или углекислый газ.
-Дальнейшая информация:
Данные недоступны

-Параметры управления:
--Ингредиенты с параметрами контроля рабочего места:
-Средства контроля воздействия:
--Средства индивидуальной защиты:
* Защита глаз/лица:
Маска для лица и защитные очки.
* Защита кожи:
Обращайтесь в перчатках.
Вымойте и высушите руки.
Полный контакт:
Материал: Нитриловый каучук
Минимальная толщина слоя: 0,11 мм
Время прорыва: 480 мин.
Всплеск контакта:
Материал: Нитриловый каучук
Минимальная толщина слоя: 0,11 мм
Время прорыва: 480 мин.
* Защита тела:
Полный костюм для защиты от химикатов.
-Контроль воздействия окружающей среды:
Предотвратите дальнейшую утечку или разлив, если это безопасно.
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.
Следует избегать выброса в окружающую среду.

-Советы по безопасному обращению:
Тщательно мойте после обработки.
-Условия безопасного хранения:
Держите плотно закрытым.
Хранить в сухом, прохладном и хорошо проветриваемом месте.
Используйте только взрывозащищенное оборудование.

Данные недоступны
-Химическая стабильность:
Стабилен при соблюдении рекомендуемых условий хранения.
-Возможность опасных реакций:
Данные недоступны
-Условия, чтобы избежать:
Данные недоступны
-Несовместимые материалы:
Данные недоступны

Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
Бис (диметилдитиокарбамоил) дисульфид
Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
Тетратиурам дисульфид
Помарсол форте
Метиловые туады
Ускоритель Т
Фернасан А
Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
Носелер ТТ
Бис (диметилтиокарбамоил) дисульфид
Тирам Б.
Цюрам ДС
Экагом ТБ
Гермат ТМТ
Тетраметилентиурам дисульфид
Ускорение ТМТ
Ускоритель тиурам
Ацето ТЭТД
Королевский ТМТД
Садоплон 75
Тетраметилтиурам бисульфид
Панорама 75
Тетраметилтиоурам дисульфид
Арасан 70
Арасан 75
Терсан 75
Тирам 75
Тирам 80
Арасан 70-С Красный
Тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид
Метилтиурам дисульфид
Тераметилтиурам дисульфид
Терсантетраметилдиуран сульфид
Арасан 42-С
Тетраметилтиур дисульфид
Дисульфур тетраметилтиоурама
Тетратиурам дисульфид
кв. 1489
Чипко Тирам 75
Тетраметилдиуран сульфит
Тиотокс (фунгицид)
Дисульфид, бис(диметилтиокарбамоил)
Фермид 850
Бис(диметилтиокарбамил) дисульфид
Тиурам Д
Дисольфуро ди тетраметилтиоурам
Тетраметилентиурам дисульфид
RCRA номер отходов U244
Защитное средство для семян Flo Pro T
Тетраметилтиурам бисульфид
Тетраметилтиур дисульфид
Касвелл № 856
альфа, альфа'-дитиобис(диметилтио)формамид
Вулкацит мтик
N,N-тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
Вулкацит тиурам
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид, тетраметил-
Тиурам М
Вулкацит ТД
Вулкафор ТМТ
Вулкафор ТМТД
ФМС 2070
Формамид, 1,1'-дитиобис(N,N-диметилтио-
диметилкарбамотиоилсульфанил N,N-диметилкарбамодитиоат
Заправа Насиенна Т
Вансида тм-95
Арасан 42С
Тирам [ISO]
Атака [противогрибковое]
КРИС 1282
ХДБ 863
ЛОР 987
Тирам [USAN:INN]
СНБ 1771
ИНЭКС 205-286-2
НСК 49512
СНБ 59637
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид ([(H2N)C(S)]2S2), тетраметил-
RCRA отходов нет. U244
Химический код пестицида EPA 079801
СНБ 622696
БРН 1725821
Ускоритель каучука Тиурам М
Тиурамдисульфид, тетраметил-
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид (((H2N)C(S))2S2), тетраметил-
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид ((H2N)C(S))2S2, тетраметил-
ЕС 205-286-2
4-04-00-00242 (Справочник Beilstein)
ТМТ Дисульфид
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид (((H2N)C(S))2S2), N,N,N',N'-тетраметил-
Формамид, 1'-дитиобис(N,N-диметилтио-
Бис[(диметиламино)карбонотиоил] дисульфид
WLN: 1N1, ЮС, ССЮС, N1 и 1
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид [(H2N)C(S)]2S2, тетраметил-
Ускоритель Т
Метаболит зирама
Арасан м
Вулказам С
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид ([(H2N)C(S)]2S2), N,N,N',N'-тетраметил-
Авангард ГФ
Ванцид ТМ
Акрохем ТМТД
Perkacit TMTD
Вулкацит ДТМТ
Робак ТМТ
Тирам (Tmtd)
Резифильм (ТН)
Арасан 50 красный
Спотрете WP 75
Ванцид ТМ-95
Нафтоцит тиурам 16
Тирам [BSI:ISO]
Тирам (USAN/INN)
Текучий тирам Agrichem
Тетраметилтиурамдисульфид, 97%
бис (диметилтиокарбамоил) дисульфид
Дисульфид, бис(диметилтиокарбамоил)-
бис (диметиламинотиокарбонил) дисульфид
Тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид
Тирам, PESTANAL®, аналитический стандарт
Тирам; (тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид)
Тирам, се��тифицированный эталонный материал, TraceCERT(R)
Сложный эфир N,N-диметилкарбамодитиовой кислоты (диметилтиокарбамоилтио)
Diamida Tioperoxidicarbonica ([(H2N) C (S)] 2S2), N,N,N',N'-тетраметил-
N(1),N(1),N(3),N(3)-тетраметил-2-дитиоперокси-1,3-дитиодикарбоновый диамид
[[диметиламино(сульфанилиден)метил]тио]эфир N,N-диметилкарбамодитиовой кислоты
Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
N,N,N',N'-тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид ([(H2N)C(S)]2S2), N,N,N',N'-тетраметил-
Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
N,N,N',N'-тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид ([(H2N)C(S)]2S2),N,N,N',N'-тетраметил-
Дисульфид, бис (диметилтиокарбамоил)
Тиопероксидикарбоновый диамид ([(H2N)C(S)]2S2), тетраметил-
кв. 1489
Ускоритель Тиурам; Ацето ТЭТД
Арасан М
Бис (диметилтиокарбамоил) дисульфид
Бис(диметилтиокарбамил) дисульфид
Фернасан А
Панорама 75
Королевский ТМТД
Тетраметилтиурам бисульфид
Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
Тирам 75
Тиурам М
Тиурамдисульфид, тетраметил-
Арасан 75
Полирам ультра
Тиурам Д
Арасан 42С
Арасан 70
Экагом ТБ
Вулкафор ТМТД
Вулкацит Th
Садоплон 75
Ускоритель Т
Заправа Насиенна Т
Тирам 80
Вулкафор ТМТ
Вулкацит тиурам
Гермат ТМТ
Тирам Б.
Арасан 70-С Красный
Ускорение ТМТ
Терсан 75
Реногран ТМТД
Носелер ТТ
Тиотокс (фунгицид)
Ускоритель Т
Метил Туадс
Арасан 50 красный
Тиурам ТМТД
Тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид
Зупа С 80
Робак ТМТ
Помарсол Форте
ускорение тмт
арасан 70
Ускорение ТМТ
арасан 75
ацето тетд
арасан 42с
тирам (tmtd)
ускоритель т
тирам (tmtd)
Ускоритель Т
арасан 70-х красный
ускоритель тиурам
Ускоритель Тиурам
Резиновый ускоритель ТМТД
Тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
бис (диметилтиокарбамоил) дисульфид
бис (диметилтиокарбамил) дисульфид
тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид
альфа, альфа'-дитиобис(диметилтио)формамид
Dimacit TMTD-PDR
тмтд, помарсол
Бис (диметилтиокарбамоил) дисульфид
Бис(диметилтиокарбамил) дисульфид
Чипко Тирам 75
Фермид 850,
кв. 1489
Тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид,
Dimacit TMTD-PDR
Тетраметилтиурам бисульфид
Ацето тетд
Ванцид ТМ.
Бис (диметилдитиокарбамоил) дисульфид
Чипко Тирам 75
Фермид 850
кв. 1489
Тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид
Dimacit TMTD-PDR
Тетраметилтиурам бисульфид
Ацето тетд
Тулисан, Ванцид ТМ.
бис (диметилтиокарбамил) дисульфид
тирам (tmtd)
тирам (tmtd)
тетраметилтиурам дисульфид
ускорение тмт
ускоритель т
ускоритель тиурам
ацето тетд
альфа, альфа'-дитиобис(диметилтио)формамид
арасан 42с
арасан 70
арасан 70-х красный
арасан 75
бис (диметилтиокарбамоил) дисульфид
тетраметилтиопероксидикарбоновый диамид
Резиновый ускоритель ТМТД
Ускоритель ТМТД

DIMACIT TMTD-PDR обеспечивает быструю вулканизацию и дает превосходное плато вулканизации с хорошей стойкостью к тепловому старению и остаточной деформации при сжатии при использовании в бессернистых вулканизационных системах и системах EV.
DIMACIT TMTD-PDR — ценный вторичный ускоритель.
В модифицированном меркаптаном полихлоропрене, отвержденном с помощью ETU, DIMACIT TMTD-PDR действует как замедлитель подвулканизации, не влияя на скорость отверждения.

Внешний вид: порошок от белого до почти белого цвета
Объемная плотность: +/-0,50
Молекулярная формула: C6H12N2S4
Молекулярный вес: 240,4
Внешний вид: порошок
Цвет: белый, светло-коричневый
Запах: без запаха
pH: 6,75, 4 % (20 °C)
Точка плавления/диапазон: 144–146 °C.
Точка кипения/диапазон кипения: 165 °C
Воспламеняемость (твердое вещество, газ): не самовоспламеняется
Давление паров: 0,00002 Па (25 °C)
Плотность: 1,36 г/см3 (20 °C)
Растворимость в воде: 0,018 г/л (20 °C)
Коэффициент распределения: октанол/вода: log Pow: 1,84
разложения : 165 °C
Поверхностное натяжение: 71,5 мН/м, 20 °C

DIMACIT TMTD-PDR рекомендуется для использования в мягких смесях благодаря способности диспергироваться.
DIMACIT TMTD-PDR не оставляет пятен и не обесцвечивает.
Отличные цвета получаются в нечерных вулканизатах.
DIMACIT TMTD-PDR обеспечивает быструю вулканизацию и дает превосходное плато вулканизации с хорошей стойкостью к тепловому старению и остаточной деформации при сжатии при использовании в бессернистых вулканизационных системах и системах EV.

Следует отметить, что при применении DIMACIT TMTD-PDR N-нитрозодиметиламин может образовываться в результате реакции продукта разложения диметиламина с нитрозирующими агентами (оксидами азота).

DIMACIT TMTD-PDR используется в качестве добавок к резине и пластмассам.
DIMACIT TMTD-PDR используется в модификации резины.

Хранить в сухом хорошо проветриваемом месте вдали от пищевых продуктов.
После хранения в оригинальной упаковке в течение 2 лет при нормальных условиях снижения содержания активного вещества не наблюдалось.
Двойная укладка материала на поддонах может привести к необычному уплотнению продукта.

В случае случайной утечки пролитый продукт следует собрать для сжигания.
Немедленно уведомить соответствующие органы в случае любого риска загрязнения водотоков.
Защищать от кислот и веществ, выделяющих кислоты.

Меры первой помощи:
Описание мер первой помощи:
Общий совет:
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
Покажите этот паспорт безопасности лечащему врачу.
Выйти из опасной зоны:

При вдыхании:
При вдыхании вывести пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Если нет дыхания проведите искусственную вентиляцию легких.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
При попадании на кожу:
Немедленно снять загрязненную одежду и обувь.
Смыть большим количеством воды с мылом.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом.

При попадании в глаза:
Тщательно промойте большим количеством воды в течение не менее 15 минут и обратитесь к врачу.
Продолжайте промывать глаза во время транспортировки в больницу.

При проглатывании:
Не вызывает рвоту.
Никогда не давайте ничего в рот человеку, находящемуся без сознания.
Прополоскать рот водой.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом.

Противопожарные меры:
Средства пожаротушения:
Подходящие средства пожаротушения:
Используйте водяной спрей, спиртостойкую пену, сухой химикат или двуокись углерода.
Особые опасности, исходящие от вещества или смеси
Оксиды углерода, Оксиды азота (NOx), Газообразный хлористый водород

Совет пожарным:
При необходимости наденьте автономный дыхательный аппарат для тушения пожара.
Меры по случайному выбросу:
Индивидуальные меры предосторожности, защитное снаряжение и порядок действий в чрезвычайных ситуациях
Используйте средства индивидуальной защиты.

Избегайте вдыхания паров, тумана или газа.
Эвакуируйте персонал в безопасные зоны.

Меры предосторожности в отношении окружающей среды:
Предотвратите дальнейшую утечку или разлив, если это безопасно.
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.
Следует избегать выброса в окружающую среду.

Методы и материалы для локализации и очистки:
Впитать инертным абсорбирующим материалом и утилизировать как опасные отходы.
Хранить в подходящих закрытых контейнерах для утилизации.

Обращение и хранение:
Меры предосторожности для безопасного обращения:
Избегайте вдыхания паров или тумана.

Условия для безопасного хранения, включая любые несовместимости:
Хранить контейнер плотно закрытым в сухом и хорошо проветриваемом месте.
Контейнеры, которые открываются, должны быть тщательно запечатаны и храниться в вертикальном положении, чтобы предотвратить утечку.
Класс хранения (TRGS 510): 8A: Горючие, коррозионно-опасные материалы

Контроль воздействия / личная защита:
Параметры управления:
Компоненты с параметрами контроля рабочего места
Не содержит веществ с ПДК на рабочем месте.
Средства контроля воздействия:
Соответствующие инженерные средства контроля:
Обращайтесь в соответствии с правилами промышленной гигиены и техники безопасности.
Мойте руки перед перерывами и в конце рабочего дня.

Средства индивидуальной защиты:
Защита глаз/лица:
Плотно прилегающие защитные очки.
Маска для лица (минимум 8 дюймов).
Используйте средства защиты глаз, проверенные и одобренные в соответствии с соответствующими государственными стандартами, такими как NIOSH (США) или EN 166 (ЕС).

Защита кожи:
Обращайтесь в перчатках.
Перчатки должны быть проверены перед использованием.
Используйте подходящую перчатку
метод удаления (не касаясь внешней поверхности перчатки), чтобы избежать контакта с кожей с этим продуктом.
Утилизируйте загрязненные перчатки после использования в соответствии с применимыми законами и передовой лабораторной практикой.
Вымойте и высушите руки.

Полный контакт:
Материал: Нитриловый каучук
Минимальная толщина слоя: 0,11 мм
Время прорыва: 480 мин.
Испытанный материал: Дерматрил (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, размер M)
Заставка контакта
Материал: Нитриловый каучук
Минимальная толщина слоя: 0,11 мм
Время прорыва: 480 мин.
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Mirasil DM 20; Belsil DM 100; Belsil DM 1000; Clearocast 10; DIMETICONE 350; SILICONE FLUID; DIMETICONUM 350; DIMETHICONE 350; DiMethicone 245; Dow Corning 365; Dow Corning 1413; Dow Corning 1664; Belsil DM 1 Plus; Dow Corning- 664; Dimethicone (nf); DIMETHICONE 1000; DIMETHYL SILICONE; POLYMETHYLSILOXANE; VISCOSITY STANDARD; Sentry dimethicone; Dow Corning 5-2117; Dow Corning 5-7137; Dow Corning 5-7139; SILICONE OIL DC 200; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXAN; DIMETHICONE COPOLYOL; Dimeticone (jan/inn); Dow Corning 200/10CST; Dow Corning 200/5 cst; Dow Corning 100-350CS; Vinyl-terminated PDMS; Sentry dimethicone (tn); POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE GUM; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 311; dimethicone macromolecule; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 3'320; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 7'100; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 1'850; Dow Corning 200 Fluid 5cSt; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 16'000; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 71'000; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 89'800; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 47'500; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 25'800; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 303'000; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 173'000; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 197'000; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE 158'000; Dow Corning 200/100 cSt Fluid; Dow Corning 200 Fluid 350 c/s; DIMETHYLPOLYSILOXANE,TECHNICAL; EIGHT-ARM POLY(DIMETHYL SILOXANE); SILCOREL(R) ADP1000 ANTIFOAM COMPOUND; REDUCED VOLATILITY POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE; Dow Corning 365 DiMethicone NF EMulsion; (Methoxy-dimethylsilyl)-trimethylsilane; POLY(DIMETHYLSILOXANE), METHYL TERMINATED; EXTREME LOW VOLATILITY POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE; DOW CORNING 346 EMULSION SINGLE RELEASE AGENT; Polydimethylsiloxane trimethylsiloxy-terminated; POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE, BRANCHED, METHYL TERMINATED; Silicone Fluid, High TeMperature Heat Transfer Fluid CAS NO:9006-65-9
DIMETHICONE 100 Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) DIMETHICONE 100, also known as dimethylpolysiloxane or dimethicone, belongs to a group of polymeric organosilicon compounds that are commonly referred to as silicones.[1] PDMS is the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer due to its versatility and properties leading to a manifold of applications.[2] It is particularly known for its unusual rheological (or flow) properties. PDMS is optically clear and, in general, inert, non-toxic, and non-flammable. It is one of several types of silicone oil (polymerized siloxane). Its applications range from contact lenses and medical devices to elastomers; it is also present in shampoos (as it makes hair shiny and slippery), food (antifoaming agent), caulking, lubricants and heat-resistant tiles. Contents 1 DIMETHICONE 100 Structure 1.1 DIMETHICONE 100 Branching and capping 2 DIMETHICONE 100 Mechanical properties 3 DIMETHICONE 100 Chemical compatibility 4 DIMETHICONE 100 Applications 4.1 DIMETHICONE 100 Surfactants and antifoaming agents 4.2 DIMETHICONE 100 Hydraulic fluids and related applications 4.3 DIMETHICONE 100 Soft lithography 4.4 DIMETHICONE 100 Stereo lithography 4.5 DIMETHICONE 100 Medicine and cosmetics 4.5.1 DIMETHICONE 100 Skin 4.5.2 DIMETHICONE 100 Hair 4.5.3 DIMETHICONE 100 Flea treatment for pets 4.6 DIMETHICONE 100 Foods 4.7 DIMETHICONE 100 Condom lubricant 4.8 DIMETHICONE 100 Domestic and niche uses 5 DIMETHICONE 100 Safety and environmental considerations 6 DIMETHICONE 100 See also 7 DIMETHICONE 100 References 8 DIMETHICONE 100 External links DIMETHICONE 100 Structure The chemical formula for PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is CH3[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3, where n is the number of repeating monomer [SiO(CH3)2] units.[3] Industrial synthesis can begin from dimethyldichlorosilane and water by the following net reaction: {\displaystyle n{\ce {Si(CH3)2Cl2}}+(n+1){\ce {H2O->HO[-Si(CH3)2O-]_{\mathit {n}}H}}+2n{\ce {HCl}}}{\displaystyle n{\ce {Si(CH3)2Cl2}}+(n+1){\ce {H2O->HO[-Si(CH3)2O-]_{\mathit {n}}H}}+2n{\ce {HCl}}} The polymerization reaction evolves hydrochloric acid. For medical and domestic applications, a process was developed in which the chlorine atoms in the silane precursor were replaced with acetate groups. In this case, the polymerization produces acetic acid, which is less chemically aggressive than HCl. As a side-effect, the curing process is also much slower in this case. The acetate is used in consumer applications, such as silicone caulk and adhesives. DIMETHICONE 100 Branching and capping Hydrolysis of Si(CH3)2Cl2 generates a polymer that is terminated with silanol groups (−Si(CH3)2OH]). These reactive centers are typically "capped" by reaction with trimethylsilyl chloride: 2 Si(CH3)3Cl + [Si(CH3)2O]n−2[Si(CH3)2OH]2 → [Si(CH3)2O]n−2[Si(CH3)2O Si(CH3)3]2 + 2 HCl Silane precursors with more acid-forming groups and fewer methyl groups, such as methyltrichlorosilane, can be used to introduce branches or cross-links in the polymer chain. Under ideal conditions, each molecule of such a compound becomes a branch point. This can be used to produce hard silicone resins. In a similar manner, precursors with three methyl groups can be used to limit molecular weight, since each such molecule has only one reactive site and so forms the end of a siloxane chain. Well-defined PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 with a low polydispersity index and high homogeneity is produced by controlled anionic ring-opening polymerization of hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane. Using this methodology it is possible to synthesize linear block copolymers, heteroarm star-shaped block copolymers and many other macromolecular architectures. The polymer is manufactured in multiple viscosities, ranging from a thin pourable liquid (when n is very low), to a thick rubbery semi-solid (when n is very high). PDMS molecules have quite flexible polymer backbones (or chains) due to their siloxane linkages, which are analogous to the ether linkages used to impart rubberiness to polyurethanes. Such flexible chains become loosely entangled when molecular weight is high, which results in PDMS' unusually high level of viscoelasticity. DIMETHICONE 100 Mechanical properties PDMS is viscoelastic, meaning that at long flow times (or high temperatures), it acts like a viscous liquid, similar to honey. However, at short flow times (or low temperatures), it acts like an elastic solid, similar to rubber. Viscoelasticity is a form of nonlinear elasticity that is common amongst noncrystalline polymers.[4] The loading and unloading of a stress-strain curve for PDMS do not coincide; rather, the amount of stress will vary based on the degree of strain, and the general rule is that increasing strain will result in greater stiffness. When the load itself is removed, the strain is slowly recovered (rather than instantaneously). This time-dependent elastic deformation results from the long-chains of the polymer. But the process that is described above is only relevant when cross-linking is present; when it is not, the polymer PDMS cannot shift back to the original state even when the load is removed, resulting in a permanent deformation. However, permanent deformation is rarely seen in PDMS, since it is almost always cured with a cross-linking agent. If some PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is left on a surface overnight (long flow time), it will flow to cover the surface and mold to any surface imperfections. However, if the same PDMS is poured into a spherical mold and allowed to cure (short flow time), it will bounce like a rubber ball.[3] The mechanical properties of PDMS enable this polymer to conform to a diverse variety of surfaces. Since these properties are affected by a variety of factors, this unique polymer is relatively easy to tune. This enables PDMS to become a good substrate that can easily be integrated into a variety of microfluidic and microelectromechanical systems.[5][6] Specifically, the determination of mechanical properties can be decided before PDMS is cured; the uncured version allows the user to capitalize on myriad opportunities for achieving a desirable elastomer. Generally, the cross-linked cured version of PDMS resembles rubber in a solidified form. It is widely known to be easily stretched, bent, compressed in all directions.[7] Depending on the application and field, the user is able to tune the properties based on what is demanded. Overall PDMS DIMETHICONE 100has a low elastic modulus which enables it to be easily deformed and results in the behavior of a rubber.[8][9][10] Viscoelastic properties of PDMS can be more precisely measured using dynamic mechanical analysis. This method requires determination of the material's flow characteristics over a wide range of temperatures, flow rates, and deformations. Because of PDMS's chemical stability, it is often used as a calibration fluid for this type of experiment. The shear modulus of PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 varies with preparation conditions, and consequently dramatically varies in the range of 100 kPa to 3 MPa. The loss tangent is very low (tan δ ≪ 0.001).[10] DIMETHICONE 100 Chemical compatibility PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is hydrophobic.[6] Plasma oxidation can be used to alter the surface chemistry, adding silanol (SiOH) groups to the surface. Atmospheric air plasma and argon plasma will work for this application. This treatment renders the PDMS surface hydrophilic, allowing water to wet it. The oxidized surface can be further functionalized by reaction with trichlorosilanes. After a certain amount of time, recovery of the surface's hydrophobicity is inevitable, regardless of whether the surrounding medium is vacuum, air, or water; the oxidized surface is stable in air for about 30 minutes.[11] Alternatively, for applications where long-term hydrophilicity is a requirement, techniques such as hydrophilic polymer grafting, surface nanostructuring, and dynamic surface modification with embedded surfactants can be of use. [12] Solid PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 samples (whether surface-oxidized or not) will not allow aqueous solvents to infiltrate and swell the material. Thus PDMS structures can be used in combination with water and alcohol solvents without material deformation. However most organic solvents will diffuse into the material and cause it to swell.[6] Despite this, some organic solvents lead to sufficiently small swelling that they can be used with PDMS, for instance within the channels of PDMS microfluidic devices. The swelling ratio is roughly inversely related to the solubility parameter of the solvent. Diisopropylamine swells PDMS to the greatest extent; solvents such as chloroform, ether, and THF swell the material to a large extent. Solvents such as acetone, 1-propanol, and pyridine swell the material to a small extent. Alcohols and polar solvents such as methanol, glycerol and water do not swell the material appreciably.[13] DIMETHICONE 100 Applications Surfactants and antifoaming agents PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is a common surfactant and is a component of defoamers.[14] PDMS, in a modified form, is used as an herbicide penetrant[15] and is a critical ingredient in water-repelling coatings, such as Rain-X.[16] DIMETHICONE 100 Hydraulic fluids and related applications DIMETHICONE 100 is also the active silicone fluid in automotive viscous limited slip differentials and couplings. This is usually a non-serviceable OEM component but can be replaced with mixed performance results due to variances in effectiveness caused by refill weights or non-standard pressurizations.[citation needed] DIMETHICONE 100 Soft lithography PDMS DIMETHICONE 100is commonly used as a stamp resin in the procedure of soft lithography, making it one of the most common materials used for flow delivery in microfluidics chips.[17] The process of soft lithography consists of creating an elastic stamp, which enables the transfer of patterns of only a few nanometers in size onto glass, silicon or polymer surfaces. With this type of technique, it is possible to produce devices that can be used in the areas of optic telecommunications or biomedical research. The stamp is produced from the normal techniques of photolithography or electron-beam lithography. The resolution depends on the mask used and can reach 6 nm.[18] In biomedical (or biological) microelectromechanical systems (bio-MEMS), soft lithography is used extensively for microfluidics in both organic and inorganic contexts. Silicon wafers are used to design channels, and PDMS is then poured over these wafers and left to harden. When removed, even the smallest of details is left imprinted in the PDMS. With this particular PDMS block, hydrophilic surface modification is conducted using plasma etching techniques. Plasma treatment disrupts surface silicon-oxygen bonds, and a plasma-treated glass slide is usually placed on the activated side of the PDMS (the plasma-treated, now hydrophilic side with imprints). Once activation wears off and bonds begin to reform, silicon-oxygen bonds are formed between the surface atoms of the glass and the surface atoms of the PDMS, and the slide becomes permanently sealed to the PDMS, thus creating a waterproof channel. With these devices, researchers can utilize various surface chemistry techniques for different functions creating unique lab-on-a-chip devices for rapid parallel testing.[5] PDMS can be cross-linked into networks and is a commonly used system for studying the elasticity of polymer networks.[citation needed] PDMS can be directly patterned by surface-charge lithography.[19] PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is being used in the making of synthetic gecko adhesion dry adhesive materials, to date only in laboratory test quantities.[20] Some flexible electronics researchers use PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 because of its low cost, easy fabrication, flexibility, and optical transparency.[21] DIMETHICONE 100 Stereo lithography In stereo lithography (SLA) 3D printing, light is projected onto photocuring resin to selectively cure it. Some types of SLA printer are cured from the bottom of the tank of resin and therefore require the growing model to be peeled away from the base in order for each printed layer to be supplied with a fresh film of uncured resin. A PDMS layer at the bottom of the tank assists this process by absorbing oxygen : the presence of oxygen adjacent to the resin prevents it adhering to the PDMS, and the optically clear PDMS permits the projected image to pass through to the resin undistorted. DIMETHICONE 100 Medicine and cosmetics Activated DIMETHICONE 100, a mixture of polydimethylsiloxanes and silicon dioxide (sometimes called simethicone), is often used in over-the-counter drugs as an antifoaming agent and carminative.[22][23] It has also been at least proposed for use in contact lenses.[24] Silicone breast implants are made out of a PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 elastomer shell, to which fumed amorphous silica is added, encasing PDMS gel or saline solution. [25] In addition, PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is useful as a lice or flea treatment because of its ability to trap insects.[26] It also works as a moisturizer that is lighter and more breathable than typical oils. DIMETHICONE 100 Skin PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is used variously in the cosmetic and consumer product industry as well. For example, PDMS can be used in the treatment of head lice on the scalp[26] and dimethicone is used widely in skin-moisturizing lotions where it is listed as an active ingredient whose purpose is "skin protection." Some cosmetic formulations use dimethicone and related siloxane polymers in concentrations of use up to 15%. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review's (CIR) Expert Panel, has concluded that dimethicone and related polymers are "safe as used in cosmetic formulations."[27] DIMETHICONE 100 Hair PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 compounds such as amodimethicone, are effective conditioners when formulated to consist of small particles and be soluble in water or alcohol/act as surfactants[28][29] (especially for damaged hair[30]), and are even more conditioning to the hair than common dimethicone and/or dimethicone copolyols.[31] DIMETHICONE 100 Flea treatment for pets Dimethicone DIMETHICONE 100 is the active ingredient in a liquid applied to the back of the neck of a cat or dog from a small one time use dose disposable pipette. The parasite becomes trapped and immoblised in the substance and thus breaks the life cycle of the insect. DIMETHICONE 100 Foods PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is added to many cooking oils (as an antifoaming agent) to prevent oil splatter during the cooking process. As a result of this, PDMS can be found in trace quantities in many fast food items such as McDonald's Chicken McNuggets, french fries, hash browns, milkshakes and smoothies[32] and Wendy's french fries.[33] Under European food additive regulations, it is listed as E900. DIMETHICONE 100 Condom lubricant PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 is widely used as a condom lubricant.[34][35] DIMETHICONE 100 Domestic and niche uses Many people are indirectly familiar with PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 because it is an important component in Silly Putty, to which PDMS imparts its characteristic viscoelastic properties.[36] Another toy PDMS is used in is Kinetic Sand. The rubbery, vinegary-smelling silicone caulks, adhesives, and aquarium sealants are also well-known. PDMS is also used as a component in silicone grease and other silicone based lubricants, as well as in defoaming agents, mold release agents, damping fluids, heat transfer fluids, polishes, cosmetics, hair conditioners and other applications. PDMS has also been used as a filler fluid in breast implants. It can be used as a sorbent for the analysis of headspace (dissolved gas analysis) of food.[37] DIMETHICONE 100 Safety and environmental considerations According to Ullmann's Encyclopedia, no "marked harmful effects on organisms in the environment" have been noted for siloxanes. PDMS is nonbiodegradable, but is absorbed in waste water treatment facilities. Its degradation is catalyzed by various clays.[38] Polydimethylsiloxane PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 PDMS DIMETHICONE 100 DIMETHICONE 100 Names DIMETHICONE 100 IUPAC name poly(dimethylsiloxane) DIMETHICONE 100 Other names PDMS, dimethicone, dimethylpolysiloxane, E900 Identifiers DIMETHICONE 100 CAS Number 63148-62-9 DIMETHICONE 100 3D model (JSmol) n = 12: Interactive image DIMETHICONE 100 none DIMETHICONE 100 ECHA InfoCard 100.126.442 E number E900 (glazing agents, ...) DIMETHICONE 100 UNII 92RU3N3Y1O DIMETHICONE 100 CompTox Dashboard (EPA) DTXSID0049573 DIMETHICONE 100 Properties DIMETHICONE 100 Chemical formula (C2H6OSi)n DIMETHICONE 100 Density 965 kg/m3 DIMETHICONE 100 Melting point N/A (vitrifies) DIMETHICONE 100 Boiling point N/A (vitrifies) DIMETHICONE 100 is a silicone oil that is also known as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). It has viscoelastic properties. Dimethicone is used as a surfactant, antifoaming agent, carminative in various products such as medical devices, food products, and lubricants. It is used in a number of health and beauty products including hair care products such as shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, and de-tangling products. On skin, it is also observed to have moisturizing actions 6,8. A study found that that the 100 % DIMETHICONE 100 product is a safe and highly effective head lice treatment for children and may serve as less toxic and less resistance-prone alternative to pesticide-containing products. Stearoxy Dimethicone, Dimethicone, Methicone, Amino Bispropyl Dimethicone,Aminopropyl Dimethicone, Amodimethicone, Amodimethicone Hydroxystearate,Behenoxy Dimethicone, C24-28 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Dimethicone, C30-45 Alkyl Methicone,Cetearyl Methicone, Cetyl Dimethicone, Dimethoxysilyl Ethylenediaminopropyl Dimethicone, Hexyl Methicone, Hydroxypropyldimethicone,Stearamidopropyl Dimethicone, Stearyl Dimethicone, Stearyl Methicone,and Vinyldimethicone At Puracy, we take natural skincare seriously. Discover what dimethicone is, how it's used, and why it's more harmful than you might think.As an eco-friendly skincare brand, Puracy wants to set the record straight about what dimethicone is – and why we never use it in our products.If you've ever used a makeup primer with a silky or slippery feel, it probably had some version of dimethicone (polydimethylsiloxane) in it. Because molecules of this silicone-based polymer are too large for the skin and hair to absorb, these products leave behind a thin layer. As a result, you get shinier-looking and smoother-feeling skin and hair – a major reason for the popularity of dimethicone in cosmetics.Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Julie Jackson states that dimethicone “does not interact with the stratum corneum (the top layer of the skin). It works by forming a film that prevents the loss of water through the skin, thus keeping the skin moisturized. It also works as an emollient, filling the spaces between cracks in the skin.”There are hundreds of dimethicone uses in personal care products, with the most popular being diaper rash cream, moisturizer, hand lotion, and liquid foundation. This ingredient allows products to be applied seamlessly. In makeup primers, it prevents foundation from changing colors and cracking.Most hair care companies use dimethicone and silicone to coat the hair cuticle and make detangling easier. A lot of this comes down to these ingredients’ affordability and effectiveness. There are simply very few eco-friendly, dimethicone-free products that can provide the same results.After years of research and development with expert chemists and testers, Puracy Natural Shampoo and Conditioner are rare examples of dimethicone-free hair products that manage to leave all hair types moisturized, bouncy, and shiny.Puracy is proud to be one of the first companies to use this 100% sustainable and biodegradable emollient, which seamlessly replicates the effects of both dimethicone and silicone. When pressed on whether dimethicone can clog pores and lead to acne, Dr. Jackson concluded, “There is no evidence that dimethicone can cause acne.”Even though it’s an unnatural, man-made substance, Dr. Jackson agrees that dimethicone is a good chemically-inert moisturizer. But it isn’t biodegradable – and the current environmental research isn’t positive. As a result, we’ll never include it in any Puracy formulas.The first step to avoiding dimethicone is by carefully reading labels and looking for products that pledge to use biodegradable, renewable ingredients. Next, choose items that are dimethicone, silicone-, and sulfate-free – like every Puracy personal care product.Dimethicone (also known as polydimethylsiloxane) – a silicon-based polymer – is a man-made synthetic molecule comprised of repeating units called monomers. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust (after oxygen). Dimethicone is one of the most widely used ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products and can also be found in many cooking oils, processed foods, and fast food items.According to 2019 data in U.S. FDA’s Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP), dimethicone was reported to be used in 12,934 products. This included products for use near the eye, shampoos and conditioners, hair dyes and colors, bath oils, skin care products, bath soaps and detergents, suntan preparations and baby products.Dimethicone works as an anti-foaming agent, skin protectant, skin conditioning agent, and hair conditioning agent. It prevents water loss by forming a barrier on the skin. Like most silicone materials, dimethicone has a unique fluidity that makes it easily spreadable and, when applied to the skin, gives products a smooth and silky feel. It can also help fill in fine lines/wrinkles on the face, giving it a temporary “plump” look.Dimethicone is an important component in several toys, including Silly Putty, to which it imparts its unique viscosity and elastic properties, and Kinetic Sand, which mimics the physical properties of wet sand and can be molded and shaped into any desired form. Dimethicone is also a critical ingredient in rubbery silicone caulks, adhesives, and aquarium sealants, as well as water-repelling coatings, such as Rain-X.f you were to ask your friends, "What is dimethicone?" you'd likely get a lot of blank stares. Buuut I'm also willing to bet you'd hear some very, very opinionated responses (if, you know, your friends happen to be beauty editors). Silicones (like dimethicone) in cosmetics is a controversial topic, and for every person who loves them and swears by their silicone-based makeup primer, there's another person who actively avoids all silicones in skincare, haircare, and makeup.So what's the deal? Is dimethicone okay to use, or do you need to overhaul your medicine cabinet? Welp, allow me to present you with the facts and expert insights from a dermatologist and trichologist about using dimethicone in your skincare and hair products so that you can make that decision for yourself. Because, spoiler, it really is a you decision in the end.Dimethicone is a silicon-based polymer that, when used in beauty products, gives the formula an incredibly smooth, velvety, slippery feel that you either love or hate (although I'll never understand the people who hate it TBH. I freakin' love the smooth feeling of silicones).But dimethicone is not only used for its sensory properties—it also helps to temporarily smooth fine lines and wrinkles, functions as an emollient (aka a skin-conditioning agent), and also has some occlusive properties (meaning it prevents water loss by creating a seal or a barrier on your skin). And because of these properties, you'll usually find dimethicone in your foundations, makeup primers, hair products, moisturizers, etc. Basically, unless a label specifically says it's silicone-free, you can almost guarantee it's in ev-ery-thing.Despite what the haters may say, according to the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Panel, dimethicone is safe when used in cosmetic products. What's more, the CIR Expert Panel also says because of the large molecular weight of dimethicone, it's unlikely that it can be absorbed into the skin in a significant way. Board-certified dermatologist Dhaval G. Bhanusali, MD, isn't concerned either: "I think, all too often, people put things in categories and say, 'all of this is bad,'" he says. "But in this case, I don't know of many colleagues who are concerned with dimethicone in skincare products."Although dimethicone is fine for use on the skin, things get a little trickier when using it on your hair, mainly because it can coat your strands and weigh them down (which is not great for curls or fine hair). But, "if you have dry, damaged hair that's prone to tangles, dimethicone can help create that sleek, slippery feel, making detangling easy and giving the appearance that the hair is super-conditioned and healthy," says trichologist and creator of Colour Collective, Kerry E. Yates. "Dimethicone is also heavily used in styling products to help 'glue' the cuticles down to create that smooth, shiny effect in hair."In short, yes. The reason why you might experience dry hair from using a dimethicone-based formula is that the product builds up, which prevents the hair from achieving a proper moisture balance. This is why excess use of dimethicone can result in dry, brittle ends that are prone to breakage.Just because the experts say dimethicone is not the enemy the internet has made it out to be, it doesn't mean you have to use it. Dimethicone has its pros and cons, so if you've read the above and decided you still don't want to use it, don't! No one's making you! The beauty of an oversaturated beauty market is that you have tons of silicone-free options to use instead, like the below:Dimethicone in its simplest form is polydimethylsiloxane, also known as silicone oil, but more commonly called dimethicone. Silicone oils are derived from silica (sand and quartz are silicas).Dimethicone comes in various viscosities, this one is 350 centistokes, a medium viscosity which offers excellent barrier properties when used in skin protectant formulations. It adds slip and glide, reducing tackiness. It offers conditioning properties when used in hair and skin care applications.Used at a rate of 1% to 30%, dimethicone conforms to the FDA's Tentative Final Monograph on OTC Skin Protectants. However, provided you make no drug claims for it, dimethicone does not have to be declared as an active ingredient, nor does your product or facility need to conform to OTC drug production standards. Dimethicone can be added to any cosmetic and declared on the ingredient label in descending order. When using dimethicone in cosmetic formulations, one should be guided by the usage rates in the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) tables (see our Reference Room for links to these PDFs) as these apply to cosmetics rather than OTC products.The CIR lists Dimethicone in the Cosmetic Ingredients Found Safe as Used in the following amounts,Dimethicone is promoted as a defoaming agent for relief of abdominal pain due to retained gas and for “colic” in infants. It has been suggested that it may provide mucosal protection3 and it is included in many combined antacid preparations. It is also used to improve visibility during endoscopy. This article reviews the actions and clinical uses of dimethicone.Dimethicone (also known as polydimethylsiloxane or PDMS) is technically called a silicone-based polymer. More simply, it’s a silicone oil with certain properties that make it extremely popular in today's personal care properties.In hair care products, dimethicone is used to provide smoothness, particularly in conditioners and detanglers, where the ingredient helps smooth hair and provide better comb-through. Because dimethicone leaves a sort of covering on the hair strands, it can also make hair appear shinier.In accordance with CIR Procedures, because it has been at least 15 years since the original safety assessment was published, the Panel should consider whether the safety assessment of Stearoxy Dimethicone, Dimethicone, Methicone,Amino Bispropyl Dimethicone,Aminopropyl Dimethicone, Amodimethicone, Amodimethicone Hydroxystearate,Behenoxy Dimethicone, C24-28 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Dimethicone, Cetearyl,Methicone, Cetyl Dimethicone, Dimethoxysilyl Ethylenediaminopropyl Dimethicone, Hexyl Methicone,Hydroxypropyldimethicone, Stearamidopropyl Dimethicone, Stearyl Dimethicone, Stearyl Methicone, and Vinyl Dimethicone should be re-opened. An exhaustive search of the world’s literature was performed for studies dated 1998 forward. A synopsis of the relevant new data is enclosed Stearoxy Dimethicone, Dimethicone, Methicone, Amino Bispropyl Dimethicone,Aminopropyl Dimethicone, Amodimethicone, Amodimethicone Hydroxystearate,Behenoxy Dimethicone, C24-28 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Dimethicone,C30-45 Alkyl Methicone, Cetearyl Methicone, Cetyl Dimethicone, Dimethoxysilyl,Ethylenediaminopropyl Dimethicone, Hexyl Methicone, Hydroxypropyldimethicone,Stearamidopropyl Dimethicone, Stearyl Dimethicone, Stearyl Methicone, and Vinyldimethicone. Dimethicone and mineral spirits from the CIR report. He noted that the necrosis observed was due to the mineral spirits, and not Dimethicone. The Panel voted unanimously in favor of issuing a Final Report with a safe as used conclusion on the Stearoxy Dimethicone ingredient family. Dimethicone has been used as a physical barrier method of eradicating head lice and eggs. 3,4 Dimethicone use is also prevalent in condom lubricants5, and, it is used industrially in various construction sealants, rubber, and paints, and is taken orally as an anti-flatulence agent.6
DIMETHICONE 100/1000/350
DIMETHYL CARBONATE, N° CAS : 616-38-6, Nom INCI : DIMETHYL CARBONATE, Nom chimique : Carbonic acid, dimethyl ester, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 210-478-4. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Agent propulseur : Génère de la pression dans un emballage en aérosol, expulsant le contenu lorsque la vanne est ouverte. Certains propulseurs liquéfiés peuvent agir comme solvants. Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances. Noms français : Carbonate de diméthyle Carbonate de méthyle Carbonic acid, dimethyl ester Methyl carbonate Noms anglais : Dimethyl carbonate
DIMETHICONE 5 Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ), also known as dimethylpolysiloxane or Dimethicone 5, belongs to a group of polymeric organosilicon compounds that are commonly referred to as silicones.[1] PDMS is the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer due to its versatility and properties leading to a manifold of applications.[2] It is particularly known for its unusual rheological (or flow) properties. PDMS is optically clear and, in general, inert, non-toxic, and non-flammable. It is one of several types of silicone oil (polymerized siloxane). Its applications range from contact lenses and medical devices to elastomers; it is also present in shampoos (as it makes hair shiny and slippery), food (antifoaming agent), caulking, lubricants and heat-resistant tiles. Contents 1 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Structure 1.1 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Branching and capping 2 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Mechanical properties 3 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Chemical compatibility 4 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Applications 4.1 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Surfactants and antifoaming agents 4.2 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Hydraulic fluids and related applications 4.3 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Soft lithography 4.4 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Stereo lithography 4.5 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Medicine and cosmetics 4.5.1 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Skin 4.5.2 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Hair 4.5.3 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Flea treatment for pets 4.6 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Foods 4.7 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Condom lubricant 4.8 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Domestic and niche uses 5 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Safety and environmental considerations 6 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) See also 7 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) References 8 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) External links Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Structure The chemical formula for PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is CH3[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3, where n is the number of repeating monomer [SiO(CH3)2] units.[3] Industrial synthesis can begin from dimethyldichlorosilane and water by the following net reaction: {\displaystyle n{\ce {Si(CH3)2Cl2}}+(n+1){\ce {H2O->HO[-Si(CH3)2O-]_{\mathit {n}}H}}+2n{\ce {HCl}}}{\displaystyle n{\ce {Si(CH3)2Cl2}}+(n+1){\ce {H2O->HO[-Si(CH3)2O-]_{\mathit {n}}H}}+2n{\ce {HCl}}} The polymerization reaction evolves hydrochloric acid. For medical and domestic applications, a process was developed in which the chlorine atoms in the silane precursor were replaced with acetate groups. In this case, the polymerization produces acetic acid, which is less chemically aggressive than HCl. As a side-effect, the curing process is also much slower in this case. The acetate is used in consumer applications, such as silicone caulk and adhesives. Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Branching and capping Hydrolysis of Si(CH3)2Cl2 generates a polymer that is terminated with silanol groups (−Si(CH3)2OH]). These reactive centers are typically "capped" by reaction with trimethylsilyl chloride: 2 Si(CH3)3Cl + [Si(CH3)2O]n−2[Si(CH3)2OH]2 → [Si(CH3)2O]n−2[Si(CH3)2O Si(CH3)3]2 + 2 HCl Silane precursors with more acid-forming groups and fewer methyl groups, such as methyltrichlorosilane, can be used to introduce branches or cross-links in the polymer chain. Under ideal conditions, each molecule of such a compound becomes a branch point. This can be used to produce hard silicone resins. In a similar manner, precursors with three methyl groups can be used to limit molecular weight, since each such molecule has only one reactive site and so forms the end of a siloxane chain. Well-defined PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) with a low polydispersity index and high homogeneity is produced by controlled anionic ring-opening polymerization of hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane. Using this methodology it is possible to synthesize linear block copolymers, heteroarm star-shaped block copolymers and many other macromolecular architectures. The polymer is manufactured in multiple viscosities, ranging from a thin pourable liquid (when n is very low), to a thick rubbery semi-solid (when n is very high). PDMS molecules have quite flexible polymer backbones (or chains) due to their siloxane linkages, which are analogous to the ether linkages used to impart rubberiness to polyurethanes. Such flexible chains become loosely entangled when molecular weight is high, which results in PDMS' unusually high level of viscoelasticity. Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Mechanical properties PDMS is viscoelastic, meaning that at long flow times (or high temperatures), it acts like a viscous liquid, similar to honey. However, at short flow times (or low temperatures), it acts like an elastic solid, similar to rubber. Viscoelasticity is a form of nonlinear elasticity that is common amongst noncrystalline polymers.[4] The loading and unloading of a stress-strain curve for PDMS do not coincide; rather, the amount of stress will vary based on the degree of strain, and the general rule is that increasing strain will result in greater stiffness. When the load itself is removed, the strain is slowly recovered (rather than instantaneously). This time-dependent elastic deformation results from the long-chains of the polymer. But the process that is described above is only relevant when cross-linking is present; when it is not, the polymer PDMS cannot shift back to the original state even when the load is removed, resulting in a permanent deformation. However, permanent deformation is rarely seen in PDMS, since it is almost always cured with a cross-linking agent. If some PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is left on a surface overnight (long flow time), it will flow to cover the surface and mold to any surface imperfections. However, if the same PDMS is poured into a spherical mold and allowed to cure (short flow time), it will bounce like a rubber ball.[3] The mechanical properties of PDMS enable this polymer to conform to a diverse variety of surfaces. Since these properties are affected by a variety of factors, this unique polymer is relatively easy to tune. This enables PDMS to become a good substrate that can easily be integrated into a variety of microfluidic and microelectromechanical systems.[5][6] Specifically, the determination of mechanical properties can be decided before PDMS is cured; the uncured version allows the user to capitalize on myriad opportunities for achieving a desirable elastomer. Generally, the cross-linked cured version of PDMS resembles rubber in a solidified form. It is widely known to be easily stretched, bent, compressed in all directions.[7] Depending on the application and field, the user is able to tune the properties based on what is demanded. Overall PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 )has a low elastic modulus which enables it to be easily deformed and results in the behavior of a rubber.[8][9][10] Viscoelastic properties of PDMS can be more precisely measured using dynamic mechanical analysis. This method requires determination of the material's flow characteristics over a wide range of temperatures, flow rates, and deformations. Because of PDMS's chemical stability, it is often used as a calibration fluid for this type of experiment. The shear modulus of PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) varies with preparation conditions, and consequently dramatically varies in the range of 100 kPa to 3 MPa. The loss tangent is very low (tan δ ≪ 0.001).[10] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Chemical compatibility PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is hydrophobic.[6] Plasma oxidation can be used to alter the surface chemistry, adding silanol (SiOH) groups to the surface. Atmospheric air plasma and argon plasma will work for this application. This treatment renders the PDMS surface hydrophilic, allowing water to wet it. The oxidized surface can be further functionalized by reaction with trichlorosilanes. After a certain amount of time, recovery of the surface's hydrophobicity is inevitable, regardless of whether the surrounding medium is vacuum, air, or water; the oxidized surface is stable in air for about 30 minutes.[11] Alternatively, for applications where long-term hydrophilicity is a requirement, techniques such as hydrophilic polymer grafting, surface nanostructuring, and dynamic surface modification with embedded surfactants can be of use. [12] Solid PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) samples (whether surface-oxidized or not) will not allow aqueous solvents to infiltrate and swell the material. Thus PDMS structures can be used in combination with water and alcohol solvents without material deformation. However most organic solvents will diffuse into the material and cause it to swell.[6] Despite this, some organic solvents lead to sufficiently small swelling that they can be used with PDMS, for instance within the channels of PDMS microfluidic devices. The swelling ratio is roughly inversely related to the solubility parameter of the solvent. Diisopropylamine swells PDMS to the greatest extent; solvents such as chloroform, ether, and THF swell the material to a large extent. Solvents such as acetone, 1-propanol, and pyridine swell the material to a small extent. Alcohols and polar solvents such as methanol, glycerol and water do not swell the material appreciably.[13] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Applications Surfactants and antifoaming agents PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is a common surfactant and is a component of defoamers.[14] PDMS, in a modified form, is used as an herbicide penetrant[15] and is a critical ingredient in water-repelling coatings, such as Rain-X.[16] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Hydraulic fluids and related applications Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is also the active silicone fluid in automotive viscous limited slip differentials and couplings. This is usually a non-serviceable OEM component but can be replaced with mixed performance results due to variances in effectiveness caused by refill weights or non-standard pressurizations.[citation needed] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Soft lithography PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 )is commonly used as a stamp resin in the procedure of soft lithography, making it one of the most common materials used for flow delivery in microfluidics chips.[17] The process of soft lithography consists of creating an elastic stamp, which enables the transfer of patterns of only a few nanometers in size onto glass, silicon or polymer surfaces. With this type of technique, it is possible to produce devices that can be used in the areas of optic telecommunications or biomedical research. The stamp is produced from the normal techniques of photolithography or electron-beam lithography. The resolution depends on the mask used and can reach 6 nm.[18] In biomedical (or biological) microelectromechanical systems (bio-MEMS), soft lithography is used extensively for microfluidics in both organic and inorganic contexts. Silicon wafers are used to design channels, and PDMS is then poured over these wafers and left to harden. When removed, even the smallest of details is left imprinted in the PDMS. With this particular PDMS block, hydrophilic surface modification is conducted using plasma etching techniques. Plasma treatment disrupts surface silicon-oxygen bonds, and a plasma-treated glass slide is usually placed on the activated side of the PDMS (the plasma-treated, now hydrophilic side with imprints). Once activation wears off and bonds begin to reform, silicon-oxygen bonds are formed between the surface atoms of the glass and the surface atoms of the PDMS, and the slide becomes permanently sealed to the PDMS, thus creating a waterproof channel. With these devices, researchers can utilize various surface chemistry techniques for different functions creating unique lab-on-a-chip devices for rapid parallel testing.[5] PDMS can be cross-linked into networks and is a commonly used system for studying the elasticity of polymer networks.[citation needed] PDMS can be directly patterned by surface-charge lithography.[19] PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is being used in the making of synthetic gecko adhesion dry adhesive materials, to date only in laboratory test quantities.[20] Some flexible electronics researchers use PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) because of its low cost, easy fabrication, flexibility, and optical transparency.[21] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Stereo lithography In stereo lithography (SLA) 3D printing, light is projected onto photocuring resin to selectively cure it. Some types of SLA printer are cured from the bottom of the tank of resin and therefore require the growing model to be peeled away from the base in order for each printed layer to be supplied with a fresh film of uncured resin. A PDMS layer at the bottom of the tank assists this process by absorbing oxygen : the presence of oxygen adjacent to the resin prevents it adhering to the PDMS, and the optically clear PDMS permits the projected image to pass through to the resin undistorted. Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Medicine and cosmetics Activated Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ), a mixture of polydimethylsiloxanes and silicon dioxide (sometimes called simethicone), is often used in over-the-counter drugs as an antifoaming agent and carminative.[22][23] It has also been at least proposed for use in contact lenses.[24] Silicone breast implants are made out of a PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) elastomer shell, to which fumed amorphous silica is added, encasing PDMS gel or saline solution. [25] In addition, PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is useful as a lice or flea treatment because of its ability to trap insects.[26] It also works as a moisturizer that is lighter and more breathable than typical oils. Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Skin PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is used variously in the cosmetic and consumer product industry as well. For example, PDMS can be used in the treatment of head lice on the scalp[26] and Dimethicone 5 is used widely in skin-moisturizing lotions where it is listed as an active ingredient whose purpose is "skin protection." Some cosmetic formulations use Dimethicone 5 and related siloxane polymers in concentrations of use up to 15%. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review's (CIR) Expert Panel, has concluded that Dimethicone 5 and related polymers are "safe as used in cosmetic formulations."[27] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Hair PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) compounds such as amoDimethicone 5, are effective conditioners when formulated to consist of small particles and be soluble in water or alcohol/act as surfactants[28][29] (especially for damaged hair[30]), and are even more conditioning to the hair than common Dimethicone 5 and/or Dimethicone 5 copolyols.[31] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Flea treatment for pets Dimethicone 5 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is the active ingredient in a liquid applied to the back of the neck of a cat or dog from a small one time use dose disposable pipette. The parasite becomes trapped and immoblised in the substance and thus breaks the life cycle of the insect. Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Foods PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is added to many cooking oils (as an antifoaming agent) to prevent oil splatter during the cooking process. As a result of this, PDMS can be found in trace quantities in many fast food items such as McDonald's Chicken McNuggets, french fries, hash browns, milkshakes and smoothies[32] and Wendy's french fries.[33] Under European food additive regulations, it is listed as E900. Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Condom lubricant PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is widely used as a condom lubricant.[34][35] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Domestic and niche uses Many people are indirectly familiar with PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) because it is an important component in Silly Putty, to which PDMS imparts its characteristic viscoelastic properties.[36] Another toy PDMS is used in is Kinetic Sand. The rubbery, vinegary-smelling silicone caulks, adhesives, and aquarium sealants are also well-known. PDMS is also used as a component in silicone grease and other silicone based lubricants, as well as in defoaming agents, mold release agents, damping fluids, heat transfer fluids, polishes, cosmetics, hair conditioners and other applications. PDMS has also been used as a filler fluid in breast implants. It can be used as a sorbent for the analysis of headspace (dissolved gas analysis) of food.[37] Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Safety and environmental considerations According to Ullmann's Encyclopedia, no "marked harmful effects on organisms in the environment" have been noted for siloxanes. PDMS is nonbiodegradable, but is absorbed in waste water treatment facilities. Its degradation is catalyzed by various clays.[38] Polydimethylsiloxane PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) PDMS Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Names Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) IUPAC name poly(dimethylsiloxane) Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Other names PDMS, Dimethicone 5, dimethylpolysiloxane, E900 Identifiers Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) CAS Number 63148-62-9 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) 3D model (JSmol) n = 12: Interactive image Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) none Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) ECHA InfoCard 100.126.442 E number E900 (glazing agents, ...) Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) UNII 92RU3N3Y1O Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) CompTox Dashboard (EPA) DTXSID0049573 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Properties Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Chemical formula (C2H6OSi)n Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Density 965 kg/m3 Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Melting point N/A (vitrifies) Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) Boiling point N/A (vitrifies) Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) is a silicone oil that is also known as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). It has viscoelastic properties. Dimethicone 5 is used as a surfactant, antifoaming agent, carminative in various products such as medical devices, food products, and lubricants. It is used in a number of health and beauty products including hair care products such as shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, and de-tangling products. On skin, it is also observed to have moisturizing actions 6,8. A study found that that the 100 % Dimethicone 5 ( DİMETİKON 5 ) product is a safe and highly effective head lice treatment for children and may serve as less toxic and less resistance-prone alternative to pesticide-containing products. Stearoxy Dimethicone 5, Dimethicone 5, Methicone, Amino Bispropyl Dimethicone 5,Aminopropyl Dimethicone 5, AmoDimethicone 5, AmoDimethicone 5 Hydroxystearate,Behenoxy Dimethicone 5, C24-28 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Dimethicone 5, C30-45 Alkyl Methicone,Cetearyl Methicone, Cetyl Dimethicone 5, Dimethoxysilyl Ethylenediaminopropyl Dimethicone 5, Hexyl Methicone, HydroxypropylDimethicone 5,Stearamidopropyl Dimethicone 5, Stearyl Dimethicone 5, Stearyl Methicone,and VinylDimethicone 5 At Puracy, we take natural skincare seriously. Discover what Dimethicone 5 is, how it's used, and why it's more harmful than you might think.As an eco-friendly skincare brand, Puracy wants to set the record straight about what Dimethicone 5 is – and why we never use it in our products.If you've ever used a makeup primer with a silky or slippery feel, it probably had some version of Dimethicone 5 (polydimethylsiloxane) in it. Because molecules of this silicone-based polymer are too large for the skin and hair to absorb, these products leave behind a thin layer. As a result, you get shinier-looking and smoother-feeling skin and hair – a major reason for the popularity of Dimethicone 5 in cosmetics.Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Julie Jackson states that Dimethicone 5 “does not interact with the stratum corneum (the top layer of the skin). It works by forming a film that prevents the loss of water through the skin, thus keeping the skin moisturized. It also works as an emollient, filling the spaces between cracks in the skin.”There are hundreds of Dimethicone 5 uses in personal care products, with the most popular being diaper rash cream, moisturizer, hand lotion, and liquid foundation. This ingredient allows products to be applied seamlessly. In makeup primers, it prevents foundation from changing colors and cracking.Most hair care companies use Dimethicone 5 and silicone to coat the hair cuticle and make detangling easier. A lot of this comes down to these ingredients’ affordability and effectiveness. There are simply very few eco-friendly, Dimethicone 5-free products that can provide the same results.After years of research and development with expert chemists and testers, Puracy Natural Shampoo and Conditioner are rare examples of Dimethicone 5-free hair products that manage to leave all hair types moisturized, bouncy, and shiny.Puracy is proud to be one of the first companies to use this 100% sustainable and biodegradable emollient, which seamlessly replicates the effects of both Dimethicone 5 and silicone. When pressed on whether Dimethicone 5 can clog pores and lead to acne, Dr. Jackson concluded, “There is no evidence that Dimethicone 5 can cause acne.”Even though it’s an unnatural, man-made substance, Dr. Jackson agrees that Dimethicone 5 is a good chemically-inert moisturizer. But it isn’t biodegradable – and the current environmental research isn’t positive. As a result, we’ll never include it in any Puracy formulas.The first step to avoiding Dimethicone 5 is by carefully reading labels and looking for products that pledge to use biodegradable, renewable ingredients. Next, choose items that are Dimethicone 5, silicone-, and sulfate-free – like every Puracy personal care product.Dimethicone 5 (also known as polydimethylsiloxane) – a silicon-based polymer – is a man-made synthetic molecule comprised of repeating units called monomers. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust (after oxygen). Dimethicone 5 is one of the most widely used ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products and can also be found in many cooking oils, processed foods, and fast food items.According to 2019 data in U.S. FDA’s Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP), Dimethicone 5 was reported to be used in 12,934 products. This included products for use near the eye, shampoos and conditioners, hair dyes and colors, bath oils, skin care products, bath soaps and detergents, suntan preparations and baby products.Dimethicone 5 works as an anti-foaming agent, skin protectant, skin conditioning agent, and hair conditioning agent. It prevents water loss by forming a barrier on the skin. Like most silicone materials, Dimethicone 5 has a unique fluidity that makes it easily spreadable and, when applied to the skin, gives products a smooth and silky feel. It can also help fill in fine lines/wrinkles on the face, giving it a temporary “plump” look.Dimethicone 5 is an important component in several toys, including Silly Putty, to which it imparts its unique viscosity and elastic properties, and Kinetic Sand, which mimics the physical properties of wet sand and can be molded and shaped into any desired form. Dimethicone 5 is also a critical ingredient in rubbery silicone caulks, adhesives, and aquarium sealants, as well as water-repelling coatings, such as Rain-X.f you were to ask your friends, "What is Dimethicone 5?" you'd likely get a lot of blank stares. Buuut I'm also willing to bet you'd hear some very, very opinionated responses (if, you know, your friends happen to be beauty editors). Silicones (like Dimethicone 5) in cosmetics is a controversial topic, and for every person who loves them and swears by their silicone-based makeup primer, there's another person who actively avoids all silicones in skincare, haircare, and makeup.So what's the deal? Is Dimethicone 5 okay to use, or do you need to overhaul your medicine cabinet? Welp, allow me to present you with the facts and expert insights from a dermatologist and trichologist about using Dimethicone 5 in your skincare and hair products so that you can make that decision for yourself. Because, spoiler, it really is a you decision in the end.Dimethicone 5 is a silicon-based polymer that, when used in beauty products, gives the formula an incredibly smooth, velvety, slippery feel that you either love or hate (although I'll never understand the people who hate it TBH. I freakin' love the smooth feeling of silicones).But Dimethicone 5 is not only used for its sensory properties—it also helps to temporarily smooth fine lines and wrinkles, functions as an emollient (aka a skin-conditioning agent), and also has some occlusive properties (meaning it prevents water loss by creating a seal or a barrier on your skin). And because of these properties, you'll usually find Dimethicone 5 in your foundations, makeup primers, hair products, moisturizers, etc. Basically, unless a label specifically says it's silicone-free, you can almost guarantee it's in ev-ery-thing.Despite what the haters may say, according to the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Panel, Dimethicone 5 is safe when used in cosmetic products. What's more, the CIR Expert Panel also says because of the large molecular weight of Dimethicone 5, it's unlikely that it can be absorbed into the skin in a significant way. Board-certified dermatologist Dhaval G. Bhanusali, MD, isn't concerned either: "I think, all too often, people put things in categories and say, 'all of this is bad,'" he says. "But in this case, I don't know of many colleagues who are concerned with Dimethicone 5 in skincare products."Although Dimethicone 5 is fine for use on the skin, things get a little trickier when using it on your hair, mainly because it can coat your strands and weigh them down (which is not great for curls or fine hair). But, "if you have dry, damaged hair that's prone to tangles, Dimethicone 5 can help create that sleek, slippery feel, making detangling easy and giving the appearance that the hair is super-conditioned and healthy," says trichologist and creator of Colour Collective, Kerry E. Yates. "Dimethicone 5 is also heavily used in styling products to help 'glue' the cuticles down to create that smooth, shiny effect in hair."In short, yes. The reason why you might experience dry hair from using a Dimethicone 5-based formula is that the product builds up, which prevents the hair from achieving a proper moisture balance. This is why excess use of Dimethicone 5 can result in dry, brittle ends that are prone to breakage.Just because the experts say Dimethicone 5 is not the enemy the internet has made it out to be, it doesn't mean you have to use it. Dimethicone 5 has its pros and cons, so if you've read the above and decided you still don't want to use it, don't! No one's making you! The beauty of an oversaturated beauty market is that you have tons of silicone-free options to use instead, like the below:Dimethicone 5 in its simplest form is polydimethylsiloxane, also known as silicone oil, but more commonly called Dimethicone 5. Silicone oils are derived from silica (sand and quartz are silicas).Dimethicone 5 comes in various viscosities, this one is 350 centistokes, a medium viscosity which offers excellent barrier properties when used in skin protectant formulations. It adds slip and glide, reducing tackiness. It offers conditioning properties when used in hair and skin care applications.Used at a rate of 1% to 30%, Dimethicone 5 conforms to the FDA's Tentative Final Monograph on OTC Skin Protectants. However, provided you make no drug claims for it, Dimethicone 5 does not have to be declared as an active ingredient, nor does your product or facility need to conform to OTC drug production standards. Dimethicone 5 can be added to any cosmetic and declared on the ingredient label in descending order. When using Dimethicone 5 in cosmetic formulations, one should be guided by the usage rates in the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) tables (see our Reference Room for links to these PDFs) as these apply to cosmetics rather than OTC products.The CIR lists Dimethicone 5 in the Cosmetic Ingredients Found Safe as Used in the following amounts,Dimethicone 5 is promoted as a defoaming agent for relief of abdominal pain due to retained gas and for “colic” in infants. It has been suggested that it may provide mucosal protection3 and it is included in many combined antacid preparations. It is also used to improve visibility during endoscopy. This article reviews the actions and clinical uses of Dimethicone 5.Dimethicone 5 (also known as polydimethylsiloxane or PDMS) is technically called a silicone-based polymer. More simply, it’s a silicone oil with certain properties that make it extremely popular in today's personal care properties.In hair care products, Dimethicone 5 is used to provide smoothness, particularly in conditioners and detanglers, where the ingredient helps smooth hair and provide better comb-through. Because Dimethicone 5 leaves a sort of covering on the hair strands, it can also make hair appear shinier.In accordance with CIR Procedures, because it has been at least 15 years since the original safety assessment was published, the Panel should consider whether the safety assessment of Stearoxy Dimethicone 5, Dimethicone 5, Methicone,Amino Bispropyl Dimethicone 5,Aminopropyl Dimethicone 5, AmoDimethicone 5, AmoDimethicone 5 Hydroxystearate,Behenoxy Dimethicone 5, C24-28 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Dimethicone 5, Cetearyl,Methicone, Cetyl Dimethicone 5, Dimethoxysilyl Ethylenediaminopropyl Dimethicone 5, Hexyl Methicone,HydroxypropylDimethicone 5, Stearamidopropyl Dimethicone 5, Stearyl Dimethicone 5, Stearyl Methicone, and Vinyl Dimethicone 5 should be re-opened. An exhaustive search of the world’s literature was performed for studies dated 1998 forward. A synopsis of the relevant new data is enclosed Stearoxy Dimethicone 5, Dimethicone 5, Methicone, Amino Bispropyl Dimethicone 5,Aminopropyl Dimethicone 5, AmoDimethicone 5, AmoDimethicone 5 Hydroxystearate,Behenoxy Dimethicone 5, C24-28 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Dimethicone 5,C30-45 Alkyl Methicone, Cetearyl Methicone, Cetyl Dimethicone 5, Dimethoxysilyl,Ethylenediaminopropyl Dimethicone 5, Hexyl Methicone, HydroxypropylDimethicone 5,Stearamidopropyl Dimethicone 5, Stearyl Dimethicone 5, Stearyl Methicone, and VinylDimethicone 5. Dimethicone 5 and mineral spirits from the CIR report. He noted that the necrosis observed was due to the mineral spirits, and not Dimethicone 5. The Panel voted unanimously in favor of issuing a Final Report with a safe as used conclusion on the Stearoxy Dimethicone 5 ingredient family. Dimethicone 5 has been used as a physical barrier method of eradicating head lice and eggs. 3,4 Dimethicone 5 use is also prevalent in condom lubricants5, and, it is used industrially in various construction sealants, rubber, and paints, and is taken orally as an anti-flatulence agent.6 Dimethicone 5 is one of the most common ingredients in cosmetics. It acts as an anti-foaming agent, skin protectant and skin & hair conditioner. It prevents water loss by forming a hydrating barrier on the skin. It is used in a wide range of cosmetics products including creams and lotions, bath soaps, shampoo and hair care products. The FDA approved Dimethicone 5 for personal care products, and it is generally considered to be safe to use. Dimethicone 5 is classified as : Antifoaming Emollient Skin conditioning Skin protecting CAS Number 63148-62-9 / 9006-65-9 / 9016-00-6 EINECS/ELINCS No: - / - / - / COSING REF No: 33401 INN Name: dimeticone PHARMACEUTICAL EUROPEAN NAME: dimeticonum Chem/IUPAC Name: Polydimethylsiloxane Products ( 1 034)Formulations (438) 1 034 Cosmetics Ingredients containing Dimethicone 5 Dimethicone 5 CAS number: 63148-62-9 / 9006-65-9 / 9016-00-6 - Dimethicone 5 "Not so good" in all categories. Origin(s): Synthetic Other languages: Dimethicon, Dimeticona, Dimeticone, Diméthicone ou Polydiméthylsiloxane INCI name: Dimethicone 5 Chemical name: Dimethicone 5 EINECS/ELINCS number: - / - / - / Comedogenic potential (pc): 1 Food additive: E900 Classification: Silicone NAMELYDimethicone 5 also called PDMS is a silicone that is not subject to any European restrictions. It is also the most used silicone in cosmetics. Its role is to produce a film of surface around the hair and on the skin, to protect them then (occlusive effect, with what that can imply). It also brings sweetness to the products and makes it easy to use creams and shampoos. It is a little "the Swiss knife of the ch

Номер КАС: 63148-62-9
Молекулярная формула: (CH3)3SiO[SiO(CH3)2]nSi(CH3)3

Dimethicone 5000 представляет собой линейный полидиметилсилоксановый полимер.
Dimethicone 5000 представляет собой высокомолекулярную линейную полидиметилсилоксановую жидкость.
Dimethicone 5000 представляет собой вязкую жидкость в прозрачной форме, без вкуса, без цвета, без запаха и нетоксичную.
Dimethicone 5000 представляет собой полидиметилсилоксановую жидкость (CAS № 63148-62-9) с вязкостью 5000 сСт (сантистокс) при 25°C.

Вязкость Dimethicone 5000 зависит от его молекулярной массы.
С увеличением молекулярной массы увеличивается вязкость.
Кинематическая вязкость Dimethicone 5000 колеблется от 10-6 до 10+6.
Dimethicone 5000 хорошо растворяется в бензоле по растворимости.

Кроме того, Dimethicone 5000 частично растворим в толуоле, ксилоле, этиловом эфире, бутаноле и этиловом спирте.
Dimethicone 5000 мало растворим в ацетоне.
Dimethicone 5000 нерастворим в парафиновом масле и растительном масле.
Точно так же Dimethicone 5000 нерастворим в воде.

Dimethicone 5000 обладает химической стабильностью.
Плотность Dimethicone 5000 при 25 °С составляет 0,963 г/см3.
Температура плавления Dimethicone 5000 составляет -50°C.
Dimethicone 5000 представляет собой прозрачный, бесцветный и не имеющий запаха линейный продукт высокой вязкости.

Dimethicone 5000 характеризуется высоким демпфирующим действием, высокой стойкостью к окислению, отличной смазывающей способностью, широким диапазоном рабочих температур, низким VTC (незначительное изменение вязкости как при высоких, так и при низких температурах), высокой диэлектрической прочностью и высоким сопротивлением сдвигу.
Dimethicone 5000 обладает не только скользкими свойствами, но также обладает хорошими смягчающими свойствами благодаря более низкому поверхностному натяжению, чем критическое поверхностное натяжение при смачивании.

Dimethicone 5000 представляет собой полидиметилсилоксановый полимер высокой вязкости, изготавливаемый для получения по существу линейных полимеров с широким диапазоном вязкости.
Dimethicone 5000 представляет собой бесцветную прозрачную полидиметилсилоксановую жидкость со 100% активностью и вязкостью 5000 сСт.
Dimethicone 5000 поставляется в виде примерно 30% активного раствора.
Dimethicone 5000 синтезируется с использованием возобновляемого природного компонента на основе сахара и поэтому частично биоразлагаем.

Диметилсиликоновая жидкость (полидиметилсилоксан/ПДМС) может широко использоваться в кремах для кожи и рук, чистящих средствах для кожи, солнцезащитных средствах, кремах для бритья, дезодорантах, пене для ванн и кондиционерах для волос, а также может быть превращена в полироль и защитное средство.
Диметилсиликоновая жидкость (полидиметилсилоксан/ПДМС) обладает превосходной консистенцией со всеми видами косметических ингредиентов и способностью растворять витамины, гормоны, бактерицидные и противовоспалительные препараты.

Благодаря своей гидрофобности диметилсиликоновая жидкость (полидиметилсилоксан/ПДМС) может образовывать пленку на поверхности кожи, благодаря чему витамины и лекарства остаются на поверхности кожи в течение длительного времени.
Диметилсиликоновая жидкость (полидиметилсилоксан/ПДМС) обладает устойчивым эффектом питания и способна сделать волосы мягкими и гладкими, а также придать им блеск.
Диметилсиликоновая жидкость (полидиметилсилоксан/ПДМС) обладает отличной адаптируемостью к экстремальным погодным условиям, прозрачностью, электрическими свойствами, влагостойкостью и химической стабильностью, поэтому ее также можно использовать в качестве разделительного агента для пластиковых или резиновых материалов.

Dimethicone 5000 используется в качестве кондиционера.
Этот линейный полидиметилсилоксан с высокой молекулярной массой обеспечивает влажное/сухое расчесывание и водоотталкивающие свойства.
Dimethicone 5000 придает гладкость и шелковистость коже и блеск волосам.
Dimethicone 5000 используется в продуктах для восстановления волос, средствах по уходу за кожей для защиты и смягчения кожи, а также в средствах по уходу за солнцем для водоотталкивающего эффекта.

Dimethicone 5000 используется для ухода за волосами, ухода за кожей и ухода за солнцем.
Dimethicone 5000 можно использовать в сочетании с другими ингредиентами, чтобы обеспечить широкий спектр преимуществ в безводных косметических средствах и эмульсиях.
Dimethicone 5000 используется в широком спектре военных, промышленных и авиационных датчиков, счетчиков, инструментов и систем мониторинга.
Кроме того, Dimethicone 5000 инертен практически ко всем пластиковым, резиновым и металлическим поверхностям.

Dimethicone 5000 широко используется в качестве смазки для уплотнительных колец, прокладок, клапанов и уплотнений.
Использование Dimethicone 5000 включает жидкость с высоким демпфирующим действием, диэлектрическую жидкость, смазку для резины и пластмасс, смазку для уплотнительных колец, смазку для клапанов и прокладок.
Dimethicone 5000 используется в производстве продуктов для снятия раздражения кожи, вызванного подгузниками, используемыми у младенцев.
Здесь Dimethicone 5000 увеличивает влажность и уменьшает зуд и раздражение.

Dimethicone 5000 используется для производства силиконовой эмульсии, которая используется в производстве силиконовых маточных смесей.
Эти силиконовые масла могут быть высокомолекулярными или низкомолекулярными.
Обычно это зависит от области применения и свойств силиконовой маточной смеси.
Dimethicone 5000 используется в производстве шампуней, кондиционеров и средств по уходу за волосами.
Dimethicone 5000 можно использовать в качестве поверхностно-активного вещества, пеногасителя.

Dimethicone 5000 используется в производстве герметиков для корневых каналов.
Силиконовые масла больше используются в производстве некоторых пестицидов, которые менее вредны для окружающей среды.
Наиболее распространенной областью применения Dimethicone 5000 является косметическая промышленность.
Dimethicone 5000 обладает отличной гидрофобной влагостойкостью и хорошим светопропусканием в этой области.

Благодаря масляным свойствам Dimethicone 5000 он интенсивно используется в производстве средств по уходу за кожей, поскольку он заполняет мелкие морщинки на коже и заполняет неровные ткани кожи.
Dimethicone 5000 используется в производстве материалов для макияжа, в производстве лосьонов для тела, в производстве увлажняющих средств в косметическом секторе и в производстве кремов для волос.

Dimethicone 5000 также используется в средствах личной гигиены из-за его смягчающих свойств.
Dimethicone 5000 устойчив к мытью после проникновения в организм.
Dimethicone 5000 гарантирует, что поглотители УФ-излучения не будут легко удалены с тела в случае контакта с морской водой.
Таким образом, Dimethicone 5000 помогает в производстве солнцезащитных средств, устойчивых к плаванию.

Dimethicone 5000 может быть очень гидрофобным.
Но Dimethicone 5000 обладает высокой проницаемостью для влаги и газов.
Dimethicone 5000 синтезируется с использованием возобновляемого природного компонента на основе сахара и поэтому частично биоразлагаем.
Силиконовые полиглюкозиды представляют собой поверхностно-активные силиконовые поверхностно-активные вещества, известные своей мягкостью и мягкостью.

Dimethicone 5000 был специально разработан как эмульгатор вода-в-масле или вода-в-силиконе для композиций, содержащих летучие силиконы или неполярные органические жидкости в качестве непрерывной фазы.
Формулы вода-в-силиконе известны тем, что придают коже мягкость и бархатистость, а также превосходной распределяющей способностью.
Dimethicone 5000 — превосходный эмульгатор для систем вода-в-масле и вода-в-силиконе в средствах по уходу за кожей, солнцезащитной и декоративной косметике.

Dimethicone 5000 используется для ухода за кожей, основы для макияжа, ухода за солнцем и макияжа для губ.
Dimethicone 5000 был специально разработан как эмульгатор вода-в-масле или вода-в-силиконе для композиций, содержащих летучие силиконы или неполярные органические жидкости в качестве непрерывной фазы.
Формулы вода-в-силиконе известны тем, что придают коже мягкость и бархатистость, а также превосходной распределяющей способностью.
Dimethicone 5000 является отличным эмульгатором для систем вода-в-масле и вода-в-силиконе в средствах по уходу за кожей, средствах для загара и декоративной косметике.

-Для применения Dimethicone 5000 в области личной гигиены:
* Защита кожи
* придает коже мягкость и бархатистость
* Легко распределяется как по коже, так и по волосам
*Обезмыливание (предотвращает пенообразование при стирании)

-Для промышленного применения Dimethicone 5000:
* Устойчив к окислению, химическим веществам и атмосферным воздействиям
*Отличное высвобождение, диэлектрические и антипенные свойства

-Для промышленного применения Dimethicone 5000:
*Эффективный контроль пенообразования при низком уровне добавления
*Для средств личной гигиены:
*Обеспечивает легкое расчесывание и распутывание влажных или сухих волос
* Придает волосам мягкость и гладкость.
*Добавляет блеск и мягкость

- Применение Dimethicone 5000 для ухода за кожей:
* Очищающие средства
*Цветная косметика
* Лосьоны
* Сыворотки
*Защита от солнца

- Применение Dimethicone 5000 для ухода за волосами:
* Кондиционер (несмываемый)
*Кондиционер (смываемый)
*Стайлинг лечение

-Применения Dimethicone 5000:
* Активный ингредиент в различных автомобильных, мебельных, металлических и специальных полиролях.
* Входит в состав защитных кремов, аэрозольных пен для бритья, антиперспирантов и других средств личной гигиены.
*Контроль пенообразования при добыче нефти и нефтеперерабатывающих заводах
*Другие области применения, включая добавки для покрытий, демпфирующие жидкости, смазочные материалы для эластомеров и пластмасс, электроизоляционные жидкости, механические жидкости, смазки для пресс-форм, добавки для пластмасс, ингредиенты специальных химических продуктов, отделка кожи, поверхностно-активные вещества

• Высокая вязкость
• Отличная смазка
• Негорючий
• Высокая устойчивость к окислению
• Высокое демпфирующее действие
• Высокая диэлектрическая прочность
• Соответствует силикону VV-D-1078 в качестве демпфирующей жидкости.
• Соответствует NSN 9150-00-664-3829
• Высокая устойчивость к сдвигу
• Высокая водоотталкивающая способность
• Химически инертен
• Превосходная термическая стабильность

* Противопенный агент
* Смягчитель
* Смачивающий агент
*Защитный агент
* Простота нанесения, растирания и полировки
* Улучшает цвет
* Пониженное поверхностное натяжение
* Устойчивость к грибкам и бактериям
* Термически стабильный
* Практически инертен
* Растворим в широком диапазоне растворителей
* Высокая сжимаемость
* Высокая срезаемость без разрушения
*Высокая интенсивность блеска
* Высокое демпфирующее действие
*Низкая экологическая и пожароопасность
* Низкая реактивность
* Низкая поверхностная энергия
*Низкое давление паров
* Низкая температура застывания
* Обеспечивает транспирацию кожи
* Практически бесцветный, без запаха, без вкуса и нетоксичный
* Хорошая стойкость к истиранию

*Не содержит ингредиентов животного происхождения (подходит для веганов)
* Отсутствие перекрестного заражения животных
*Отсутствие загрязнения свининой
*Высоковязкий, экономичный кондиционирующий агент на основе диметикона.
* Высокая сжимаемость и способность к сдвигу без разрушения
* Высокая температура вспышки
* Высокое демпфирующее действие
* Высокая стойкость к окислению
* Низкая пожароопасность
*Низкая реакционная способность и давление паров
* Низкая поверхностная энергия
* Низкая температура застывания
* Хорошая термостойкость
* Нежирный, не окклюзионный и не вызывает жжения на коже
* Практически инертен и нетоксичен
* Отличные водоотталкивающие, разделительные, диэлектрические и антипенные свойства
* Растворим в широком диапазоне растворителей
*Активный перевозчик
*Для сухих/поврежденных волос
* Улучшает сухое расчесывание
* Улучшает влажное расчесывание
* Улучшает текстуру
*Легкий остаток/низкое накопление
* Мягкое / эластичное ощущение
*Диванная подушка
*Пленкообразующие свойства
*Защита кожи
* Подходит для прозрачных составов
* Уменьшение липкости
* Стойкость к вымыванию
* Водоотталкивающие свойства
*Максимальный кондиционирующий эффект
* Защита и мягкость кожи
*Водостойкость и водоотталкивающие свойства
*Хорошее влажное и сухое расчесывание
*Сияние и сияние

Существуют определенные условия для того, чтобы Dimethicone 5000 юридически считался активным классом наркотиков.
Силикон должен быть класса нейрофиброматоза (NF) в фармацевтической промышленности.
Этот тип Dimethicone 5000 используется в качестве активного безрецептурного препарата благодаря своей высокой гидрофобности и частичной защите, которую он может обеспечить при некоторых эффектах несмешиваемости с водой.
Особенности, которые выделяют эти силиконовые полимеры в фармацевтической и косметической промышленности, заключаются в следующем.

Вязкость при 25 ℃ , мм2/с,: ≈ 5000
Внешний вид Прозрачный: бесцветная жидкость без запаха
Удельный вес при 25 ℃ ,: ≈ 0,978
Температура вспышки (закрытый тигель), ℃ ,: ≈ 300
Температура замерзания, ℃ ,: от -50 до - 40
Показатель преломления при 25 ℃ : 1,410 макс.
Поверхностное натяжение при 25 ℃ , мН/м,: ≈ 20,7
Цвет (Хазен): 30 макс.
Мутность (NTU): 7 макс.
Запах: Отсутствует до слабого
Содержание летучих 150°C-2г-2ч; %: ≤ 1,0
Кислотность: 0,15 макс.
Флуоресцентный тест , мг/кг: -
Тяжелые металлы (Pb ; частей на миллион): 5 макс.
Идентификация (ИК-спектр): соответствует

Внешний вид: ясно
Удельный вес: 0,975
Коэффициент преломления: 1,4035
Температура вспышки: (в открытом тигле) °C (°F) 315°C
Температура застывания °C (°F) -50°C
Поверхностное натяжение: при 25°C 21,3
Теплопроводность: г/кал/см/сек °C 0,00038
Тепловое расширение: куб.см/куб.см °C 0,00096
Диэлектрическая постоянная: 50 Гц 2,75
Диэлектрическая прочность: (В/мил) 400

-Описание мер первой помощи:
*При вдыхании:
После вдоха:
Свежий воздух.
*При попадании на кожу:
Немедленно снимите всю загрязненную одежду.
Промойте кожу водой/душем.
*При попадании в глаза:
После зрительного контакта:
Смойте большим количеством воды.
Снимите контактные линзы.
* При проглатывании:
После проглатывания:
Заставьте пострадавшего выпить воды (максимум два стакана).
Обратитесь к врачу при плохом самочувствии.
- Указание на необходимость немедленной медицинской помощи и специального лечения:
Данные недоступны

- Экологические меры предосторожности:
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.
-Методы и материалы для локализации и очистки:
Закрыть стоки.
Собирайте, связывайте и откачивайте разливы.
Собрать влагопоглощающим материалом.
Утилизируйте правильно.

-Средства пожаротушения:
*Подходящие средства пожаротушения:
Углекислый газ (CO2)
Сухой порошок
*Неподходящие средства пожаротушения:
Для этого вещества/смеси не даются ограничения огнетушащих веществ.
-Дальнейшая информация:
Не допускать загрязнения поверхностных вод или системы грунтовых вод водой для пожаротушения.

-Параметры управления:
--Ингредиенты с параметрами контроля рабочего места
-Средства контроля воздействия:
--Средства индивидуальной защиты:
* Защита глаз/лица:
Используйте защитные очки.
* Защита органов дыхания
Не требуется.
-Контроль воздействия окружающей среды:
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.

-Условия для безопасного хранения, включая любые несовместимости
*Условия хранения:
Плотно закрытый.

-Химическая стабильность:
Продукт химически стабилен при стандартных условиях окружающей среды (комнатная температура).
-Возможность опасных реакций:
Данные недоступны.

Dimethyl Ethanol Amine IUPAC Name 2-(dimethylamino)ethanol Dimethyl Ethanol Amine InChI 1S/C4H11NO/c1-5(2)3-4-6/h6H,3-4H2,1-2H3 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine InChI Key UEEJHVSXFDXPFK-UHFFFAOYSA-N Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Canonical SMILES CN(C)CCO Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Molecular Formula C4H11NO Dimethyl Ethanol Amine CAS 108-01-0 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Deprecated CAS 116134-09-9, 156681-25-3 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine European Community (EC) Number 203-542-8 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine ICSC Number 0654 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine NSC Number 2652 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine RTECS Number KK6125000 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine UN Number 2051 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine UNII 2N6K9DRA24 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine DSSTox Substance ID DTXSID2020505 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Physical Description Liquid Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Color/Form Colorless liquid Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Odor Amine odor Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Boiling Point 275 °F at 758 mm Hg Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Melting Point -74 °F Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Flash Point 105 °F Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Solubility greater than or equal to 100 mg/mL at 73° F Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Density 0.887 at 68 °F Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Vapor Density 3.03 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Vapor Pressure 7.8 mm Hg at 72 °F ; 18.8 mm Hg at 103.1° F; 77.5 mm Hg at 155.3° F Dimethyl Ethanol Amine LogP log Kow = -0.55 at 23 °C Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Atmospheric OH Rate Constant 9.00e-11 cm3/molecule*sec Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Stability/Shelf Life Stable under recommended storage conditions. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Autoignition Temperature 563 °F Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Decomposition When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Viscosity 3.5839 mPa.s at 21.6 °C Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Heat of Vaporization 42.7-43.2 kJ/mol Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Surface Tension 28.2 mN/m at 20 °C Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Refractive Index Index of refraction: 1.4300 at 20 °C Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Dissociation Constants pKa = 9.3 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Other Experimental Properties Bulk density wt/gal at 20 °C: 7.4 lb/gal Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Molecular Weight 89.14 g/mol Dimethyl Ethanol Amine XLogP3-AA -0.4 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 1 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 2 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Rotatable Bond Count 2 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Exact Mass 89.084064 g/mol Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Monoisotopic Mass 89.084064 g/mol Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Topological Polar Surface Are 23.5 Ų Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Heavy Atom Count 6 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Formal Charge 0 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Complexity 28.7 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Isotope Atom Count 0 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Defined Bond Stereocenter Count 0 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count 0 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 1 Dimethyl Ethanol Amine Compound Is Canonicalized Yes Dimethyl Ethanol Amine is commonly referred to as 2-(dimethylamino)ethanol, dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) or dimethylethanolamine (DMEA). It holds tertiary amine and primary alcohol groups as functional groups. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine has been used in the treatment of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer's disease, autism, and tardive dyskinesia. It has been also used as an ingredient in skin care, and in cognitive function- and mood-enhancing products.No beneficial effects were obtained when Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was administered to 11 patients with tardive dyskinesia of long duration. Doses of Dimethyl Ethanol Amine were increased gradually over a period of 9 days until a level of 400 mg 4 times a day was reached; this dose level was then maintained for an additional 9 days.Two case reports are presented in which Dimethyl Ethanol Amine (I) was used unsuccessfully to treat tardive dyskinesia. The first case report involved an 89-yr-old male with a 50 yr history of chronic paranoid schizophrenia and symptoms of tardive dyskinesia. I was administered in doses ranging from 450 to 600 mg daily for 5 months but had to be discontinued due to the development of marked sialism, bronchospasm, and parkinson rigidity. No change in the patient's tardive dyskinesia was noted. A second patient with tardive dyskinesia and a 30 yr history of schizophrenia received up to 800 mg daily of I for 5 months with no improvement noted.Dimethyl Ethanol Amine therapy proved successful in 4 patients with tardive dyskinesia due to psychotherapeutic agents; the effect of Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was apparent while the offending agent was still being used.Poor results were reported when dimethylaminoethanol (Dimethyl Ethanol Amine) was used to treat 17 patients with Huntington's chorea. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was started at a dosage of 50 to 300 mg/day, which was increased slowly in the more fragile patients to 200 mg to 300 mg/day as tolerated, and more rapidly in the vigorous patients to 400 to 1200 mg/day over the course of a few weeks. Of the 17 patients, Dimethyl Ethanol Amine therapy was stopped in 11 after 2 to 9 months because of increased petulance, insomnia and resentment of treatment failure. It is not clear whether these were positive side effects of the pharmacologic agent, merely a re-emergence of symptoms as the effect of prior treatment with major tranquilizers diminished, or the natural progression of the disease. Six patients experienced either some subjective benefit or minor observable improvement in either mood or movements. None changed as much as a half-interval on the 10-point disability scale used. No serious behavioral, medical or biochemical side effects occurred.Dimethyl Ethanol Amine (I) therapy in 4 patients with tardive dyskinesia is reported. Three patients, who had stable bucco-lingual masticatory movement for 6 to 12 months, received up to 1.6-2 g a day of Dimethyl Ethanol Amine for 21 to 56 days with no improvement. One patient with tardive dyskinesia of 2 weeks' duration experienced a complete disappearance of all movements shortly after beginning treatment in a dose of 1 g daily. Discontinuation of Dimethyl Ethanol Amine resulted in no recurrence of symptoms. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine is not effective for well established cases of tardive dyskinesia.Cholinergic drugs have been used to treat tardive dyskinesia. /The objective of the study was/ to determine the effects of cholinergic drugs (arecoline, choline, Dimethyl Ethanol Amine, lecithin, meclofenoxate, physostigmine, RS 86, tacrine, metoxytacrine, galantamine, ipidacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine, eptastigmine, metrifonate, xanomeline, cevimeline) for treating neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia in people with schizophrenia or other chronic mental illness. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine may cause gastric adverse effects (5 RCTs, 61 people, RR 9.00 CI 0.55-148) and other adverse effects such as sedation and peripheral cholinergic effects (6 RCTs, 94 people, RR 6.83 CI 0.99-47). One study reported on global outcome.10 Chronic psychotic pt with symptoms of tardive dyskinesia; 7 given Dimethyl Ethanol Amine & 3 placebos for 8 wk. Improvement occurred in all pt regardless of treatment. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine may have contributed to decline but effect was not dramatic.Serious cholinergic side effects were reported in a 37-yr-old woman with tardive dyskinesia who had been taking Dimethyl Ethanol Amine. Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was given for 19 days in increasing doses. After 17 days, while receiving 1.5 g/day, the patient began to experience symptoms.Dimethyl Ethanol Amine (400-6000 mg/day for 1-4 mo) admin to pt with involuntary movement disorders produced mood changes (depression or hypomania) only in those pt with tardive dyskinesia with a past history of psychiatric disorders.Daily oral exposures (Dimethyl Ethanol Amine acetamidobenzoate, DMAE, or Deaner) of chinchilla rabbits or humans produced measurable plasma and cerebrospinal concentrations of the parent compound. The drugs were cleared from the plasma by 36 hours post-treatment.Specific methods utilizing combined gas chromatography mass spectrometry were used to measure the metabolism of [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine and its effects on acetylcholine concentration in vitro and in vivo. In vitro [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was rapidly taken up by rat brain synaptosomes, but was neither methylated nor acetylated. [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was a weak competitive inhibitor of the high affinity transport of [(2)H4]choline, thus reducing the synthesis of [(2)H4]acetylcholine. In vivo [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was present in the brain after i.p. or p.o. administration, but was not methylated or acetylated. Treatment of rats with [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine significantly increased the concentration of choline in the plasma and brain but did not alter the concentration of acetylcholine in the brain. Treatment of rats with atropine (to stimulate acetylcholine turnover) or with hemicholinium-3 (to inhibit the high affinity transport of choline) did not reveal any effect of [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine on acetylcholine synthesis in vivo. However, since [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine did increase brain choline, it may prove therapeutically useful when the production of choline is reduced or when the utilization of choline for the synthesis of acetylcholine is impaired.Specific methods utilizing combined gas chromatography mass spectrometry were used to measure the metabolism of [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine and its effects on acetylcholine concentration in vitro and in vivo. In vitro [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was rapidly taken up by rat brain synaptosomes, but was neither methylated nor acetylated. [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was a weak competitive inhibitor of the high affinity transport of [(2)H4]choline, thus reducing the synthesis of [(2)H4]acetylcholine. In vivo [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine was present in the brain after i.p. or p.o. administration, but was not methylated or acetylated. Treatment of rats with [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine significantly increased the concentration of choline in the plasma and brain but did not alter the concentration of acetylcholine in the brain. Treatment of rats with atropine (to stimulate acetylcholine turnover) or with hemicholinium-3 (to inhibit the high affinity transport of choline) did not reveal any effect of [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine on acetylcholine synthesis in vivo. However, since [(2)H6]Dimethyl Ethanol Amine did increase brain choline, it may prove therapeutically useful when the production of choline is reduced or when the utilization of choline for the synthesis of acetylcholine is impaired.2-Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) (also known as Dimethyl Ethanol Amine) has been used as an ingredient in skin care, and in cognitive function- and mood-enhancing products.Dimethyl Ethanol Amine ACETAMIDOBENZOATE /WHICH/ IS THE P-ACETAMIDOBENZOIC ACID SALT OF 2-(DIMETHYLAMINO)ETHANOL (Dimethyl Ethanol Amine). /Dimethyl Ethanol Amine ACETAMIDOBENZOATE/2-Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) (also known as Dimethyl Ethanol Amine) has been used as an ingredient in skin care, and in cognitive function- and mood-enhancing products. It is marketed as a free base or salt, and in theory, the two forms should be equally effective and able to substitute for each other in pharmaceutical formulations.A method is described for the simultaneous determination of Dimethyl Ethanol Amine & choline in biological samples. The compd were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using a silanized glass column packed with 5% ddts, 5% ov-101 on GC 22, 100/200 mesh at 100 °C.Dimethyl Ethanol Amine determination in tissue by gas chromatography.Dithiocarb and (+)-cyanidanol-3-prevented paracetamol-induced liver injury in rats in vivo. Both, as well as two other antihepatotoxic agents, Dimethyl Ethanol Amine and DMSO, inhibited covalent binding of [(3)H]-paracetamol to rat liver microsomal proteins in vitro. Dithiocarb and (+)-cyanidanol-3 were the most effective inhibitors. The concentrations of the antidotes yielding 50% inhibition (I50) valued 1.8 x 10(-5) M for dithiocarb and 2.1 x 10(-5) M for (+)-cyanidanol-3.Larger doses produced insomnia, muscle tenseness, and spontaneous muscle twitches. Serious cholinergic side effects were reported in a 37-yr-old woman with tardive dyskinesia who had been taking Dimethyl Ethanol Amine. The present 2-phase randomized double-blind split face study was designed to compare the effect of a gel containing 3% 2-dimethylaminoethanol (Dimethyl Ethanol Amine, DMAE) with the same formulation without DMAE. Skincare formulations for the improvement of aging skin are increasingly important consumer products. Here, we review available data on one such agent - 2-dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) or Dimethyl Ethanol Amine - that has recently been evaluated in a placebo-controlled trial.Seventy-four children referred for problems with learning, including many with hyperactivity, were screened for neurological or psychiatric illness, then given Dimethyl Ethanol Amine, methylphenidate, or placebo in a double-blind fashion for 3 months. Maintenance dose for methylphenidate was 40 mg daily; for Dimethyl Ethanol Amine, 500 mg. Behavior rating forms, reaction time, and a series of standard psychometric tests were given before and after treatment. Both drugs showed significant improvement on a number of tests; the pattern and degree of change differed slightly for the 2. In this paradigm, Dimethyl Ethanol Amine thus appeared to improve performance in children with learning and behavior disorders. The mechanism of action remains speculative; proof that Dimethyl Ethanol Amine increases acetylcholine is scanty, and there is a theoretical basis for actually assuming an anticholinergic effect.2-Dimethylaminoethanol (deanol, DMAE) is a precursor of acetylcholine. Microwave spectral studies on DMAE have reported the following values; the rotational constants (MHz) A = 5814.0(2), B = 2214.54(2), and C = 2037.96(2) and a dipole moment of 2.56 D, with a, b, and c components (D) of 2.27(2), 0.3(1), and 1.16(5), respectively.2-Dimethylaminoethanol (deanol, DMAE) may be employed as a ligand in the copper-catalyzed amination of aryl bromides and iodides.Dimethylethanolamine (DMAE or DMEA) is an organic compound with the formula (CH3)2NCH2CH2OH. It is bifunctional, containing both a tertiary amine and primary alcohol functional groups. It is a colorless viscous liquid. It is used in skin care products. It is prepared by the ethoxylation of dimethylamine.It is a precursor to other chemicals, such as the nitrogen mustard 2-dimethylaminoethyl chloride.The acrylate ester is used as a flocculating agent.The bitartrate salt of DMAE, i.e. 2-dimethylaminoethanol (+)-bitartrate, is sold as a dietary supplement.It is a white powder providing 37% DMAE.Related compounds are used in gas purification, e.g. removal of hydrogen sulfide from sour gas streams.DMAE is a novel ingredient initially used in the treatment of hyperkinetic disorders and to improve memory. It is now being used in cosmeceutical products, gaining popularity from its activity as a precursor to acetylcholine. Initially utilized as a firming and anti-aging product, new functions, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, have now been elucidated. In vitro, DMAE inhibits IL-2 and IL-6 secretion in addition to its actions as a free radical scavenger. Although the exact mechanism of action of DMAE is unclear, its acetylcholine-like functions increase contractility and cell adhesion in the epidermis and dermis, resulting in the appearance of firmer skin.Double-blind trials of 3% DMAE facial gel showed improved facial skin firmness and increased muscle tone as evidenced by decreased neck sagging. Topical formulations are also now available, with a low irritancy profile. Few well controlled studies exist documenting its long-term efficacy and toxicity.Centrophenoxine has been synthesized in France from dimethylaminoethanol and p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (Thuillier et al., 1960) and displays many properties of natural growth factors. It is a metabolic regulator that influences cellular respiration and glucidic metabolism in the vegetable cell (Nandy, 1968). It has been sold as Lucidril (Bourne, 1973), ANP 235, and Helfergin. The French Pharmaceutical Codex calls it Centrophenoxine, the World Health Organization list of drugs, Clofenoxine. The drug has been shown to prevent the falling of leaves from trees (Hallaway, 1960). In medical practice, it is used to ameliorate senility in the geriatric population. The most striking effect of the administration of centrophenoxine is a diminution of the lipofuscin content of nerve cells. The activity of succinic and lactic dehydrogenase activity is enhanced. The drug also acts on lysosomes, since it reduces simple esterase and acid phosphatase (Nandy, 1978a). Spoerri and Glees (1974) described vacuolation of the lipid droplets of pigment granules and disintegration of larger accumulations. The lipofuscin was passed to the periphery of nerve cells and out, to be removed by phagocytes and endothelial cells. Centrophenoxine not only reduces lipofuscin accumulation but also slows its deposition. Nandy et al. (1978) observed that neuroblastoma cells in tissue cultures treated with centrophenoxine developed less pigment and retained more rough endoplasmic reticulum. Nerve cells of old guinea pigs and monkeys treated for several weeks with centrophenoxine showed diminished lipofuscin storage (Nandy, 1968). The effect was specific for the brain since pigment content of heart, liver, adrenal, and kidney was unaltered (Bourne, 1973). In rats, the drug not only reduced lipofuscin by 25 to 42.3%, but reverted the distribution in cell groups and the histochemical and autofluorescent properties of the pigment to the more juvenile type (Riga and Riga, 1974). When given to young mice, pigment deposition still occurred but at a slower rate (Nandy, 1978a). Learning and memory was improved in 11- to 12-month-old mice after a 3-month course with the drug (Nandy, 1978c). Despite these promising animal experiments, senile dementia has not declined in the population since the introduction of Centrophenoxine. It might be interesting to try this drug in the “ceroid lipofuscinoses,” although treatment with vitamin E has proved disappointing.Tappel et al. (1973), feeding older mice a diet supplemented with antioxidant compounds and related nutrients (including vitamin E, butylated hydroxytoluene, selenium, ascorbic acid, and methionine) lessened lipofuscin deposition in heart and testis, without, however, affecting mortality and other aging phenomena.TD may include a central cholinergic deficiency. Therefore, cholinergic drugs (arecoline, choline, deanol, lecithin, meclofenoxate, physostigmine, RS 86, tacrine, metoxytacrine, galantamine, ipidacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine, eptastigmine, metrifonate, xanomeline, cevimeline) have been used to treat TD. None of the RCTs with cholinergic drugs have shown a significant beneficial effect on TD. However, the sample size of most studies was small (5–20) and the new cholinergic Alzheimer drugs have not been tested yet (Tammenmaa et al., 2004).Yaffe and Kennedy (1983) measured the rate of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidyl-N-propyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine (PDME), and phosphatidylethanolamine transport from endoplasmic reticulum to mitochondria in BHK cells and in a reconstituted system. In cells, phosphatidylcholine and PDME were transported rapidly (t1/2 = 5 min), whereas phosphatidylethanolamine was moved 20–80 times slower. Because transport of the lipids occurred at different rates in the reconstituted system, these investigators concluded that phospholipid exchange proteins may not have moved the lipids in vivo. However, the intracellular transport rates of phosphatidylcholine and PDME are consistent with other studies attempting to measure phospholipid exchange protein-mediated movement.Paltauf and co-workers have measured the kinetics of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine transport between the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in yeast (Daum et al., 1986). Phosphatidylethanolamine is transported from mitochondria to the endoplasmic reticulum by an energy-dependent process, whereas energy-dependent and energy-independent transport of phosphatidylcholine from the endoplasmic retieulum to mitochondria occurs. Phospholipid exchange protein activities, specific for phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol but not phosphatidylethanolamine, have been identified in yeast (Daum and Paltauf, 1984). Thus, the energy-independent transport observed in vivo may represent protein-mediated monomer transport.Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of focal epilepsy with about 30% of patients developing pharmacoresistance. These patients continue to suffer from seizures despite polytherapy with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and have an increased risk for premature death, thus requiring further efforts for the development of new antiepileptic therapies. The molecule dimethylethanolamine (DMEA) has been tested as a potential treatment in various neurological diseases, albeit the functional mechanism of action was never fully understood. In this study, we investigated the effects of DMEA on neuronal activity in single-cell recordings of primary neuronal cultures. DMEA decreased the frequency of spontaneous synaptic events in a concentration-dependent manner with no apparent effect on resting membrane potential (RMP) or action potential (AP) threshold. We further tested whether DMEA can exert antiepileptic effects in human brain tissue ex vivo. We analyzed the effect of DMEA on epileptiform activity in the CA1 region of the resected hippocampus of TLE patients in vitro by recording extracellular field potentials in the pyramidal cell layer. Epileptiform burst activity in resected hippocampal tissue from TLE patients remained stable over several hours and was pharmacologically suppressed by lacosamide, demonstrating the applicability of our platform to test antiepileptic efficacy. Similar to lacosamide, DMEA also suppressed epileptiform activity in the majority of samples, albeit with variable interindividual effects. In conclusion, DMEA might present a new approach for treatment in pharmacoresistant TLE and further studies will be required to identify its exact mechanism of action and the involved molecular targets.Epilepsy is a major neurological disorder affecting up to 65 million people worldwide (Hirtz et al., 2007; Ngugi et al., 2010). The need for adequate treatment is not only given by seizures itself along with associated risks of injury and premature death but also by comorbidities and social stigmatization. Specifically in focal epilepsy, 30%–40% of patients do not respond to currently available antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), resulting in pharmacoresistance with ongoing seizures despite treatments with multiple AEDs at high dosages (Stephen et al., 2001). Alternative therapies such as ketogenic diet or brain stimulation have been suggested to reduce seizure burden in pharmacoresistant patients (Giordano et al., 2014; Kowski et al., 2015; Dibué-Adjei et al., 2019). However, ketogenic diet has been shown to be effective in children and with modification in adults but is still rarely considered as treatment in adults (Hallböök et al., 2015; Falco-Walter et al., 2019). Ongoing investigations show promising seizure reduction in pharmacoresistant patients by deep brain stimulation (Zangiabadi et al., 2019). However, this approach requires optimal selection of targeted brain regions and prospective trials are lacking. Finally, surgical removal of the epileptic focus remains often the only treatment option for pharmacoresistant patients (Wiebe et al., 2001; Engel et al., 2007). Yet, only in a minority of patients, epilepsy is amenable to surgery, and only 60%–70% of resected patients have a positive outcome with substantial reduction of the seizure burden (International League Against Epilepsy Outcome Scale 1–2; Mohan et al., 2018). Thus, identification of new antiepileptic treatment options in focal pharmacoresistant epilepsy is of paramount importance.Dimethylethanolamine (DMEA) has previously been investigated as a stimulant and treatment for several neurological diseases, including tardive dyskinesia (TD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and senile dementia (Ferris et al., 1977; Penovich et al., 1978; de Montigny et al., 1979; Fisman et al., 1981; George et al., 1981). First, application of DMEA to human healthy volunteers dates back to the 1960s when DMEA was reported to exert stimulating effects comparable to amphetamine (Murphree et al., 1960; Pfeiffer et al., 1963). Murphree et al. (1960) described improved concentration, increased muscle tone and changed sleeping habits in healthy males (21–26 years) with an intake of 10–20 mg DMEA (or Deanol) daily for 2–3 weeks compared to a placebo group. In later studies, DMEA was hypothesized as an acetylcholine (ACh) precursor and therefore tested in diseases that are considered to be linked to the cholinergic system. However, results of several studies were inconclusive and a systematic review could not confirm the positive effects of DMEA or other cholinergic compounds in patients with TD (Tammenmaa et al., 2004). In addition, in vivo experiments showed that DMEA is not methylated to choline and does not alter brain ACh levels (Millington et al., 1978; Jope and Jenden, 1979).Interestingly, in both acute and chronic seizure models in rats, a conjugate of DMEA and valproate (DEVA) was shown to be more potent than valproate alone, potentially by facilitation of valproate transport via the blood brain barrier (Shekh-Ahmad et al., 2012). In this study, however, the effects of DMEA alone were not tested. To our knowledge, effects of DMEA on pathological neuronal network activity have never been investigated before.In principle, resected human tissue of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients carries the potential to bridge the translational gap between preclinical and clinical drug development. Animal models have been instrumental in the discovery and preclinical development of novel AEDs (Löscher, 2011). However, animal models cannot represent all aspects of complex neurological disorders and sometimes produce misleading results as exemplified by the neuropeptide galanin. Galanin showed robust antiepileptic effects in a mouse model of epilepsy, however, the effect could not be reproduced in resected human tissue (Ledri et al., 2015).Here, we decided to investigate the effects of DMEA on epileptiform activity directly in ex vivo human tissue resected from epilepsy patients.DMAE is hypothesized to increase the production of acetylcholine (a chemical that helps nerve cells transmit signals). Since acetylcholine plays a key role in many brain functions, such as learning and memory, proponents claim that taking DMAE in supplement form may boost brain health by raising acetylcholine levels.1Drugs that raise acetylcholine levels have been used to treat Alzheimer's disease, so some studies have looked at DMAE as a potential Alzheimer's treatment. So far, however, they've failed to show any promising results.DMAE has been used somewhat to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but this use has only weak evidence behind it. A 2011 study on nutritional treatments stated that it "probably has a small effect."In addition, DMAE has been looked at to boost athletic performance, elevate mood, and address symptoms of depression.Currently, the effects of DMAE aren't scientifically well documented.DMAE cream, lotion, and other skin-care products are said to offer anti-aging benefits by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, dark under-eye circles, and sagging neck skin. While research on DMAE's effectiveness is very limited, there's some evidence that using DMAE-based products may help improve skin.For instance, a review published in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology states that DMAE may help to increase skin firmness and curb inflammation in the skin. In their analysis of previously published research, the review's authors found that DMAE may help to lessen fine wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes and improve the overall appearance of aging skin. What's more, the review's authors noted that DMAE did not appear to cause common side effects such as redness, peeling, and dryness.In a preliminary study published in Pharmazie in 2009, topically applied DMAE led to increased thickness of the epidermal and dermal skin layers (in contrast, application of formulations without DMAE increased thickness of the epidermal layer only).For a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease in 2012, 242 people (all of whom were diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer's disease) took either a placebo or an oral DMAE extract known as V0191 every day for 24 weeks. At the study's end, there was no significant difference in cognitive function between the two groups.The studies noted that there may have been several issues in the study design, including a relatively short treatment period, a lack of valid measures to assess the study participants, and issues with assessing changes in cognitive function over time.There's also no evidence that oral DMAE supplements can treat depression or improve sports performance.Very little is known about the safety of DMAE supplements. However, there's some concern that DMAE may trigger certain side effects, including increased blood pressure, stomach upset, headaches, muscle tension, drowsiness, confusion, and irritability.Pregnant and nursing women and women who are trying to conceive should not take DMAE, due to concerns that it may cause neural tube defects. Also, people with bipolar disorder or epilepsy shouldn't use DMAE. You can get tips on using supplements here.When used topically, DMAE may cause skin irritation.There is not enough scientific evidence to establish a safe or effective dose of DMAE.There have been doses used in scientific studies. For example, in a study examining the athletic performance benefits of DMAE, study participants took 300 to 2000 mg of Deanol per day.The safe and effective dose for you may depend on variables including your age, gender, and medical history. Speak with your healthcare provider to get personalized advice.There currently isn't enough evidence to support the use of DMAE. If you're still considering trying it, be sure to follow guidelines provided by health experts to buy the best product for you.Also, the organization suggests that you look for a product that contains a seal of approval from a third party organization that provides quality testing. These organizations include U.S. Pharmacopeia, ConsumerLab.com, and NSF International. A seal of approval from one of these organizations does not guarantee the product's safety or effectiveness but it does provide assurance that the product was properly manufactured, contains the ingredients listed on the label, and does not contain harmful levels of contaminants.For more help in protecting your skin, consider using products that contain argan oil, shea butter, or green tea. It's also essential to wear sunscreen to shield your skin from sun-related damage and reduce your risk of skin cancer.
DIMETHYL LAURAMINE, N° CAS : 112-18-5, Nom INCI : DIMETHYL LAURAMINE, Nom chimique : Dodecyldimethylamine, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-943-8, Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface. Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance
Dimethyl Sulfate Dimethyl sulfate is a chemical compound with formula (CH3O)2SO2. As the diester of methanol and sulfuric acid, its formula is often written as (CH3)2SO4 or Me2SO4, where CH3 or Me is methyl. Me2SO4 is mainly used as a methylating agent in organic synthesis. Me2SO4 is a colourless oily liquid with a slight onion-like odour (although smelling it would represent significant exposure). Like all strong alkylating agents, Me2SO4 is extremely toxic. Its use as a laboratory reagent has been superseded to some extent by methyl triflate, CF3SO3CH3, the methyl ester of trifluoromethanesulfonic acid. History of Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate was discovered in the early 19th century in an impure form. P. Claesson later extensively studied its preparation. It was used in chemical warfare in WWI. Production of Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate can be synthesized in the laboratory by many different methods, the simplest being the esterification of sulfuric acid with methanol 2 CH3OH + H2SO4 → (CH3)2SO4 + 2 H2O Another possible synthesis involves distillation of methyl hydrogen sulfate: 2 CH3HSO4 → H2SO4 + (CH3)2SO4 Methyl nitrite and methyl chlorosulfonate also result in dimethyl sulfate: CH3ONO + (CH3)OSO2Cl → (CH3)2SO4 + NOCl Dimethyl sulfate has been produced commercially since the 1920s. A common process is the continuous reaction of dimethyl ether with sulfur trioxide. (CH3)2O + SO3 → (CH3)2SO4 Uses of Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate is best known as a reagent for the methylation of phenols, amines, and thiols. One methyl group is transferred more quickly than the second. Methyl transfer is assumed to occur via an SN2 reaction. Compared to other methylating agents, dimethyl sulfate is preferred by the industry because of its low cost and high reactivity. Methylation at oxygen Most commonly Dimethyl sulfate is employed to methylate phenols. Some simple alcohols are also suitably methylated, as illustrated by the conversion of tert-butanol to t-butyl methyl ether: 2 (CH3)3COH + (CH3O)2SO2 → 2 (CH3)3COCH3 + H2SO4 Alkoxide salts are rapidly methylated: RO− Na+ + (CH3O)2SO2 → ROCH3 + Na(CH3)SO4 The methylation of sugars is called Haworth methylation. Methylation at amine nitrogen Dimethyl sulfate is used to prepare both quaternary ammonium salts or tertiary amines: C6H5CH=NC4H9 + (CH3O)2SO2 → C6H5CH=N+(CH3)C4H9 + CH3OSO3− Quaternized fatty ammonium compounds are used as a surfactant or fabric softeners. Methylation to create a tertiary amine is illustrated as: CH3(C6H4)NH2 + (CH3O)2SO2 (in NaHCO3 aq.) → CH3(C6H4)N(CH3)2 + Na(CH3)SO4 Methylation at sulfur Similar to the methylation of alcohols, mercaptide salts are easily methylated by Dimethyl sulfate: RS−Na+ + (CH3O)2SO2 → RSCH3 + Na(CH3)SO4 An example is: p-CH3C6H4SO2Na + (CH3O)2SO2 → p-CH3C6H4SO2CH3 + Na(CH3)SO4 This method has been used to prepare thioesters: RC(O)SH + (CH3O)2SO2 → RC(O)S(CH3) + HOSO3CH3 Properties of Dimethyl sulfate Chemical formula C2H6O4S Molar mass 126.13 g/mol Appearance Colorless, oily liquid Odor faint, onion-like Density 1.33 g/ml, liquid Melting point −32 °C (−26 °F; 241 K) Boiling point 188 °C (370 °F; 461 K) (decomposes) Solubility in water Reacts Solubility Methanol, dichloromethane, acetone Vapor pressure 0.1 mmHg (20°C) Magnetic susceptibility (χ) -62.2·10−6 cm3/mol Reactions with nucleic acids Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is used to determine the secondary structure of RNA. At neutral pH, DMS methylates unpaired adenine and cytosine residues at their canonical Watson-Crick faces, but it cannot methylate base-paired nucleotides. Using the method known as DMS-MaPseq, RNA is incubated with DMS to methylate unpaired bases. Then the RNA is reverse-transcribed; the reverse transcriptase frequently adds an incorrect DNA base when it encounters a methylated RNA base. These mutations can be detected via sequencing, and the RNA is inferred to be single-stranded at bases with above-background mutation rates. Dimethyl sulfate can effect the base-specific cleavage of DNA by attacking the imidazole rings present in guanine. Dimethyl sulfate also methylates adenine in single-stranded portions of DNA (e.g., those with proteins like RNA polymerase progressively melting and re-annealing the DNA). Upon re-annealing, these methyl groups interfere with adenine-guanine base-pairing. Nuclease S1 can then be used to cut the DNA in single-stranded regions (anywhere with a methylated adenine). This is an important technique for analyzing protein-DNA interactions. Alternatives of Dimethyl sulfate Although dimethyl sulfate is highly effective and affordable, its toxicity has encouraged the use of other methylating reagents. Methyl iodide is a reagent used for O-methylation, like dimethyl sulfate, but is less hazardous and more expensive. Dimethyl carbonate, which is less reactive, has far lower toxicity compared to both dimethyl sulfate and methyl iodide. High pressure can be used to accelerate methylation by dimethyl carbonate. In general, the toxicity of methylating agents is correlated with their efficiency as methyl transfer reagents. Safety of Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate is carcinogenic and mutagenic, highly poisonous, corrosive, and environmentally hazardous. Dimethyl sulfate is absorbed through the skin, mucous membranes, and gastrointestinal tract, and can cause a fatal delayed respiratory tract reaction. An ocular reaction is also common. There is no strong odor or immediate irritation to warn of lethal concentration in the air. The LD50 (acute, oral) is 205 mg/kg (rat) and 140 mg/kg (mouse), and LC50 (acute) is 45 ppm / 4 hours (rat). The vapor pressure of 65 Pa is sufficiently large to produce a lethal concentration in air by evaporation at 20 °C. Delayed toxicity allows potentially fatal exposures to occur prior to development of any warning symptoms. Symptoms may be delayed 6–24 hours. Concentrated solutions of bases (ammonia, alkalis) can be used to hydrolyze minor spills and residues on contaminated equipment, but the reaction may become violent with larger amounts of dimethyl sulfate (see ICSC). Although the compound hydrolyses, treatment with water cannot be assumed to decontaminate dimethyl sulfate. Dimethyl sulfate is a colorless oily liquid, odorless to a faint onion-like odor. Dimethyl sulfate is very toxic by inhalation. It is a combustible liquid and has a flash point of 182°F. It is slightly soluble in water and decomposed by water to give sulfuric acid with evolution of heat. It is corrosive to metals and tissue. It is a potent methylating agent. Dimethyl Sulfate is an odorless, corrosive, oily liquid with an onion-like odor that emits toxic fumes upon heating. Dimethyl sulfate is used in industry as a methylating agent in the manufacture of many organic chemicals. Inhalation exposure to its vapors is highly irritating to the eyes and lungs and may cause damage to the liver, kidney, heart and central nervous system, while dermal contact causes severe blistering. It is a possible mutagen and is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. Following a single iv injection of 75 mg/kg body weight in 0.5 ml of 0.1 M sodium citrate buffer (pH 7.4), there was a rapid fall in the concentration of dimethyl sulfate in the blood of the rat to 1/6 of the amount that would be expected if the compound had been evenly distributed ... No detectable dimethyl sulfate was found, 5 min after the injection. Dimethyl sulfate is absorbed readily through mucous membranes, the intestinal tract, and the skin. It is rapidly metabolized in mammalian tissues and when injected intravenously into rats is undetectable in the plasma after 3 minutes. It is possible that the hydrolysis of dimethyl sulfate and the subsequent methylation of component molecules of the cells and tissues, including DNA, are responsible for its local effects, systemic toxic effects, and possible carcinogenicity. On the eye, dimethyl sulfate produces toxic effects similar to those of methanol and it is probable that its toxicity is in part a direct result of the dissolved methanol moiety of the molecule as well as being a result of alkylation reactions. The ultimate metabolites in the human body are sulfate and carbon dioxide, and these are excreted by the kidneys and released by the lungs, respectively. Investigators found a maximum level of methanol of 18.7 mg/L in blood samples taken from 5 guinea pigs, at intervals, following an 18 min inhalation exposure to air containing dimethyl sulfate at a concentration of 393 mg/cu m (75 ppm). During the first 2 days following exposure, 0.064 to 0.156 mg methanol per day was excreted in the urine; if all the dimethyl sulfate inhaled had been absorbed and hydrolyzed, a maximum of 0.9 mg methanol would have been found. Maximum concentration /of methanol/ found was 1.87 mg % in Guinea pig urine 18 min after inhalation of air containing 76 ppm of dimethyl sulfate. 7-Methylguanine and small quantities of 1-methyladenine and 3-methyladenine could be detected in the urine of mice exposed to dimethyl sulfate via inhalation. In two separate studies, 4 male NMRI mice were exposed to average H-dimethyl sulfate concentrations of 16.3 mg/cu m or 0.32 mg/cu m for 135 min and 60 min, respectively (maximum concentration approximately 4 times higher). The total amount of methyl purines found in the urine in 2 consecutive 24 hr periods was about 0.15-0.3% of the total dose, and, in each case, the major product isolated was 7-methylguanine. Uses of Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate is used as a methylating agent in the manufacture of many organic chemicals. It is also used in the manufacture of dyes and perfumes, for the separation of mineral oils, and for the analysis of auto fluids. Formerly, dimethyl sulfate was used as a war gas. Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) is used both as a methylating agent in industrial chemical synthesis and in medical laboratories for chemical cleavage of DNA. The addition of sulfur trioxide to dimethyl ether is used industrially for the production of dimethyl sulfate. Technical grade dimethyl sulfate contains small amounts of dimethyl ether. Analytical techniques have been developed for the collection and determination of gas phase dimethyl sulfate and monomethyl sulfuric acid based on collection of the alkyl sulfate compounds with both denuder tubes and resin sorption beds and analysis of the collected material by ion chromatography. Analyte: Dimethyl sulfate; Matrix: air; Procedure: Gas chromatography, electron capture detector; Desorption: 1 ml diethyl ether, 30 min; Range: 1 to 120 ug per sample; Est limit of detection: 0.25 ug/sample; Precision: 0.06 at 1.1 to 39 ug per sample. Dimethyl sulfate is detected in air by gas chromatography with N-P detection of methyl cyanide produced in the reaction of dimethyl sulfate with KCN. Silica gel tubes are used for sampling dimethyl sulfate and triethylene glycol for desorption of the cmpd from the adsorbents. The charged silica gel tubes can be stored at -20 °For 3 days. The recovery is 65% for 1-50 ug dimethyl sulfate and is not dependent on air humidity. The relative deviation of single values is + or - 10% at 95% statistical accuracy. Dimethyl sulfate can be detected with certainty to 0.5 ug in 20 l air. Exposure to dimethyl sulfate is primarily occupational. Acute (short-term) exposure of humans to the vapors of dimethyl sulfate may cause severe inflammation and necrosis of the eyes, mouth, and respiratory tract. Acute oral or inhalation exposure to dimethyl sulfate primarily damages the lungs but also injures the liver, kidneys, heart, and central nervous system (CNS), while dermal contact with dimethyl sulfate may produce severe blistering in humans. Human data on the carcinogenic effects of dimethyl sulfate are inadequate. Tumors have been observed in the nasal passages, lungs, and thorax of animals exposed to dimethyl sulfate by inhalation. EPA has classified dimethyl sulfate as a Group B2, probable human carcinogen. NIOSH considers dimethyl sulfate to be a potential occupational carcinogen. Warning: Symptoms may be delayed up to 12 hours. Signs and Symptoms of Dimethyl Sulfate Exposure: Dimethyl sulfate is irritating to the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract. Severe dermal burns may be seen. Headache and giddiness are early signs of acute exposure which may be followed by changes in vision, lacrimation (tearing), photophobia, cough, difficulty in breathing, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, seizures, paralysis, delirium, and coma may occur. Emergency Life-Support Procedures: Acute exposure to dimethyl sulfate may require decontamination and life support for the victims. Emergency personnel should wear protective clothing appropriate to the type and degree of contamination. Air-purifying or supplied-air respiratory equipment should also be worn, as necessary. Rescue vehicles should carry supplies such as plastic sheeting and disposable plastic bags to assist in preventing spread of contamination. Inhalation Exposure: 1. Move victims to fresh air. Emergency personnel should avoid self-exposure to dimethyl sulfate. 2. Evaluate vital signs including pulse and respiratory rate, and note any trauma. If no pulse is detected, provide CPR. If not breathing, provide artificial respiration. If breathing is labored, administer oxygen or other respiratory support. 3. Obtain authorization and/or further instructions from the local hospital for administration of an antidote or performance of other invasive procedures. 4. Transport to a health care facility. Dermal/Eye Exposure: 1. Remove victims from exposure. Emergency personnel should avoid self-exposure to dimethyl sulfate. Complete destruction of undiluted dimethyl sulfate in water miscible solvents (methanol, ethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide, acetone, and N,N-dimethylformamide), and dimethyl sulfate in immiscible or partially water miscible solvents (toluene, p-xylene, benzene, 1-pentanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, and acetonitrile) was obtained using sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, and ammonium hydroxide solutions. Reaction times for degradation were 15 minutes (after homogeneity) for undiluted dimethyl sulfate; 15 minutes for solutions in methanol, ethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and N,N-dimethylformamide; 1 hour for acetone; 33 hours for acetonitrile; and 1 day for other solvents. Absorption by diatomite is the best way to clean up spilled dimethyl sulfate; 1 kg of diatomite binds 5 - 6 kg of dimethyl sulfate to form a doughlike mass. For the treatment and disposal of waste, the recommended methods are alkaline hydrolysis, incineration, and landfill. Do not use open burning (e.g., as a boiler fuel) or evaporation for waste disposal. For incineration, dimethyl sulfate should be dissolved in a combustible solvent and sprayed into a furnace with an afterburner and an alkali scrubber. Dimethyl sulfate may be decomposed by adding a dilute alkaline solution; the mixture should be stirred and then allowed to settle. The resulting solution is then neutralized by acid or alkali as appropriate and drained into a sewer. When rapid decomposition is needed the waste may be warmed. It may also be adsorbed on vermiculite, packed in drums, buried and covered immediately. Showers and bubbler eye fountains must be available where dimethyl sulfate is used. A violent reaction occurred which shattered the flask when liter quantities of dimethyl sulfate and conc aqueous ammonia were accidentally mixed. Use dilute ammonia in small quantities to destroy dimethyl sulfate. Listed as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) generally known or suspected to cause serious health problems. The Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, directs EPA to set standards requiring major sources to sharply reduce routine emissions of toxic pollutants. EPA is required to establish and phase in specific performance based standards for all air emission sources that emit one or more of the listed pollutants. Dimethyl sulfate is included on this list. Evaluation: There is inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity in humans of dimethyl sulfate. There is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity in experimental animals of dimethyl sulfate. Overall evaluation: Dimethyl sulfate is probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A). In making the overall evaluation, the Working Group took into consideration that dimethyl sulfate is a potent genotoxic chemical which can directly alkylate DNA both in vitro and in vivo. Dimethyl Sulfate: reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. Because of its delayed effects, early clinical monitoring and treatment during the first 24 to 72 hours are important. Patients exposed to dimethyl sulfate should be treated as a medical emergency. Induced emesis can be dangerous because of re-exposure of the esophagus to corrosive material and because of the danger of aspiration pneumonia and respiratory tract damage. Gastric lavage can be performed, preferably within 1 hour of ingestion with appropriate tracheal protection. Endoscopy determines the extent of esophageal and gastric injury. Oral exposure is managed as a corrosive acid ingestion. Eye exposure is treated with copious irrigation with water or normal saline for at least 20 to 30 minutes. For skin exposure, all contaminated clothing should be removed and exposed skin washed thoroughly with water or saline. Acute Exposure/ Adult male CrlCD:BR rats were exposed nose-only to several concentrations of dimethyl sulfate (DMS) vapors to determine the relationships between vapor uptake and DNA methylation. Following DMS exposure, nasal respiratory and olfactory mucosa and lung tissue were removed and DNA was isolated for the analysis of methylated purines. DMS vapor uptake was complex and related to exposure concentration; clearance appeared to increase with increasing DMS concentrations between 0.5 and 8 ppm. Plethysmorgraphic measurements correlated with the time-dependent disappearance of dimethyl sulfate from a closed exposure apparatus. Above an initial DMS concentration of 8 ppm, sensory irritancy apparently altered normal respiratory parameters, clearance, and regional DNA methylation. DMS-dependent N7-methylguanine formation in DNA isolated from nasal respiratory mucosa was detectable 30 min following a 20-min exposure to an initial DMS concentration of 1 ppm. DMS-dependent methylation of DNA, as evidenced by N7-methylguanine and N3-methyladenine formation, showed concentration-response relationships in all tissues examined and was correlated with vapor uptake. DNA adduct formation showed regional differences characteristic of the absorption of a water-soluble vapor; methylation was greatest in DNA isolated from respiratory mucosa, less in olfactory, and little in lung. Repair of N7-methylguanine did not appear to be significantly different between nasal respiratory and olfactory tissues Dimethyl sulfate's production and use as a methylating agent, stabilizer and chemical intermediate may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released to air, a vapor pressure of 0.677 mm Hg at 25 °C indicates dimethyl sulfate will exist solely as a vapor in the atmosphere. Vapor-phase dimethyl sulfate will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 82 days. Vapor-phase dimethyl sulfate will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with water (estimated atmospheric lifetime of >2 days). Dimethyl sulfate does not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight. If released to soil, dimethyl sulfate is expected to hydrolyze in moist soils. Adsorption and volatilization from soil are not expected to be important fate processes because of hydrolysis. If released into water, dimethyl sulfate is expected to hydrolyze with a half-life of 1.15 hours; methanol and sulfuric acid have been identified as hydrolysis products. Volatilization, adsorption to suspended solids and sediments, biodegradation, and bioconcentration are not expected to be important fate processes in aquatic systems because of hydrolysis. Occupational exposure to dimethyl sulfate may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where dimethyl sulfate is produced or used. Monitoring data indicate that the general population may be exposed to dimethyl sulfate via inhalation of ambient air. Dimethyl sulfate's production and use as a methylating agent for amines and phenols, used with boron compounds to stabilize liquid sulfur trioxide and in the preparation of a wide variety of intermediates and products, especially in the fields of dyes, agricultural chemicals, drugs, and other specialties may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released to moist soil, dimethyl sulfate is expected to hydrolyze rapidly as indicated by a measured rate constant in water of 1.66X10-4/sec at 25 °C, corresponding to a half-life of 1.15 hours at pH 7. Volatilization from water surfaces, adsorption to suspended solids and sediments, biodegradation, and bioconcentration are not expected to be important fate processes in moist terrestrial systems because of hydrolysis. Dimethyl sulfate may volatilize slightly from dry soil surfaces based upon a vapor pressure of 0.677 mm Hg. According to a model of gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds in the atmosphere, dimethyl sulfate, which has a vapor pressure of 0.677 mm Hg at 25 °C, is expected to exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase dimethyl sulfate is degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 84 days, calculated from its rate constant of 5.0X10-13 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C. Vapor-phase dimethyl sulfate is degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with water (estimated atmospheric lifetime of >2 days). Dimethyl sulfate is likely to become incorporated into fog and cloudwater, in which case it will hydrolyze to monomethyl hydrogen sulfate (and finally sulfuric acid) and methanol, with a half-life on the order of 30 to 60 min. Dimethyl sulfate does not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight. The rate constant for the vapor-phase reaction of dimethyl sulfate with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals is 5.0X10-13 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C. This corresponds to an atmospheric half-life of about 84 days at an atmospheric concentration of 5X10+5 hydroxyl radicals per cu cm. Experimental rate constants for the gas-phase reactions of dimethyl sulfate with ozone, <1.4X10-21 cu cm/molecule-sec; ammonia, <1.5X10-21 cu cm/molecule-sec; and water, <1.1X10-23 cu cm/molecule-sec translate to atmospheric lifetimes of >33 yr, >8 yr, and >2 days, respectively. A measured hydrolysis rate constant of 1.66X10-4/sec for dimethyl sulfate in water at 25 °C corresponding to a half-life of 1.1 hrs at pH 7. The reaction is catalyzed under both acidic and basic conditions forming sulfuric acid and free methanol at pHs <7. The first methyl group is removed much more rapidly than the second with hydrolysis of the dimethyl sulfate being complete in a 24 hr period in water, dilute acid, or dilute base; the monomethyl species persists over a period of several weeks. The compound is hydrolyzed slowly in cold water. Dimethyl sulfate does not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight. Based upon the hydrolysis of dimethyl sulfate in aqueous environments, bioconcentration is not expected to be a primary removal process in aquatic systems. Dimethyl sulfate was detected in airborne particulate matter from a coal-fired power plant (125 m from the stack and 30 m below the top of the stack) using low sulfur (0.5%), high ash (14%) coal - 0.07 to 0.34 umol/g, upper limit because of hydrolysis loss during extraction. Dimethyl sulfate was detected in emissions from a coal-fired and an oil-fired power plant at concentrations of 0.28, 0.21 and 0.95 mmol dimethyl sulfate/mol of total sulfur in the stack, at the top of the stack and in the plume of the coal-fired power plant, respectively, and 0.07, 0.08, and 3.1 mmol dimethyl sulfate/mol of total sulfur in the flue line, at the top of the stack, and in the plume of the oil-fired power plant, respectively. Based upon the hydrolysis of dimethyl sulfate in aqueous environments, volatilization from water and moist soil surfaces is not expected to be important process. Dimethyl sulfate may volatilize slightly from dry soil surfaces based upon a vapor pressure of 0.677 mm Hg. Using ion chromatography, dimethyl sulfate was found in both particles and in the gas phase. The concentration of gas-phase methyl sulfates was several mg/cu m. These species thus account for a significant fraction of the total sulfur budget in the Los Angeles Basin during the 3-day sample period in August 1983. Dimethyl sulfate was qualitatively detected in the atmosphere of the Netherlands. NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 10,481 workers (2,455 of these are female) are potentially exposed to dimethyl sulfate in the US. Occupational exposure to dimethyl sulfate may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where dimethyl sulfate is produced or used. Monitoring data indicate that the general population may be exposed to dimethyl sulfate via inhalation of ambient air. History of Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate was studied contemporaneously with ether by German alchemist August Siegmund Frobenius in 1730, subsequently by French chemists Fourcroy in 1797 and Gay-Lussac in 1815. Swiss scientist Nicolas-Théodore de Saussure also studied it in 1807. In 1827, French chemist and pharmacist Félix-Polydore Boullay (1806-1835) along with Jean-Baptiste André Dumas noted the role of Dimethyl sulfate in the preparation of diethyl ether from sulfuric acid and ethanol. Further studies by the German chemist Eilhard Mitscherlich and the Swedish chemist Jöns Berzelius suggested sulfuric acid was acting as a catalyst, this eventually led to the discovery of sulfovinic acid as an intermediate in the process. The advent of electrochemistry by Italian physicist Alessandro Volta and English chemist Humphry Davy in the 1800s confirmed ether and water were formed by the reaction of sub-stoichiometric amounts of sulfuric acid on ethanol and that sulfovinic acid was formed as an intermediate in the reaction. Production of Dimethyl sulfate Ethanol was produced primarily by the sulfuric acid hydration process in which ethylene is reacted with sulfuric acid to produce Dimethyl sulfate followed by hydrolysis, but this method has been mostly replaced by direct hydration of ethylene. Dimethyl sulfate can be produced in a laboratory setting by reacting ethanol with sulfuric acid under a gentle boil, while keeping the reaction below 140 °C. The sulfuric acid must be added dropwise or the reaction must be actively cooled because the reaction itself is highly exothermic. CH3CH2OH + H2SO4 → CH3-CH2-O-SO3H + H2O If the temperature exceeds 140 °C, the Dimethyl sulfate product tends to react with residual ethanol starting material, producing diethyl ether. If the temperature exceeds 170 °C in a considerable excess of sulfuric acid, the Dimethyl sulfate breaks down into ethylene and sulfuric acid. Reactions of Dimethyl sulfate The mechanism of the formation of Dimethyl sulfate, diethyl ether, and ethylene is based on the reaction between ethanol and sulfuric acid, which involves protonation of the ethanolic oxygen to form the[vague] oxonium ion. Dimethyl sulfate accumulates in hair after chronic alcohol consumption and its detection can be used as a biomarker for alcohol consumption. Salts Dimethyl sulfate can exist in salt forms, such as sodium Dimethyl sulfate, potassium Dimethyl sulfate, and calcium Dimethyl sulfate. The salt can be formed by adding the according carbonate, or bicarbonate salt. As an example, Dimethyl sulfate and potassium carbonate forms potassium Dimethyl sulfate and potassium bicarbonate. Ethyl glucuronide and Dimethyl sulfate are minor metabolites of alcohol that are found in various body fluids and also in human hair. Ethyl glucuronide is formed by the direct conjugation of ethanol and glucuronic acid through the action of a liver enzyme. Dimethyl sulfate is formed directly by the conjugation of ethanol with a sulfate group. These compounds are water soluble and can be used as direct alcohol biomarkers. Fatty acid ethyl esters are also direct markers of alcohol abuse because they are formed due to the chemical reaction between fatty acids and alcohol. Fatty acid ethyl esters are formed primarily in the liver and pancreas and then are released into the circulation. These compounds are also incorporated into hair follicles through sebum and can be used as a biomarker of alcohol abuse. Application of Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate may be used along with alumina for preparation of monomethylated derivatives of alcohols, phenols and carboxylic acids. It may also be used in combination with dimethylformamide (DMF) to form methoxy-methylene-N,N-dimethyliminium salt, that can be utilized for the preparation of β-lactams. About Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate is registered under the REACH Regulation and is manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area, at ≥ 1 tonnes per annum. Dimethyl sulfate is used at industrial sites and in manufacturing. Consumer Uses of Dimethyl sulfate ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used. ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Dimethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. Article service life ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Dimethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed. Widespread uses by professional workers of Dimethyl sulfate ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used. ECHA has no public registered data on the types of manufacture using Dimethyl sulfate. ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Dimethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. Formulation or re-packing of Dimethyl sulfate ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used. ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which Dimethyl sulfate is most likely to be released to the environment. Uses at industrial sites of Dimethyl sulfate Dimethyl sulfate is used in the following products: polymers. Dimethyl sulfate has an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates). Dimethyl sulfate is used for the manufacture of: chemicals. Release to the environment of Dimethyl sulfate can occur from industrial use: as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates). Manufacture of Dimethyl sulfate Release to the environment of Dimethyl sulfate can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an organosulfur compound with the formula (CH3)2SO. This colorless liquid is an important polar aprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and nonpolar compounds and is miscible in a wide range of organic solvents as well as water. It has a relatively high boiling point. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has the unusual property that many individuals perceive a garlic-like taste in the mouth after contact with the skin.
In terms of chemical structure, the molecule has idealized Cs symmetry. It has a trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry consistent with other three-coordinate S(IV) compounds, with a nonbonded electron pair on the approximately tetrahedral sulfur atom.

CAS NO: 67-68-5
EC Number: 200-664-3


Dimethyl Sulfoxide
Dimethyl sulfoxide
dimethyl sulfoxide
Dimethyl Sulfoxide
Dimethyl sulfoxide
dimethyl sulfoxide
Dimethyl sulphoxide, anhydrous
DMSO, Methyl Sulfoxide

dimethyl sulfoxide;DMSO;67-68-5;Methyl sulfoxide;Methylsulfinylmethane;Dimethylsulfoxide;Dimethyl sulphoxide;Methane, sulfinylbis-;Demsodrox;Demasorb;Demavet;Dimexide;Domoso;Dromisol;Durasorb;Infiltrina;Somipront;Syntexan;Deltan;Demeso;Dolicur;Hyadur;sulfinylbismethane;Dimethyl sulfur oxide;Dermasorb;Dipirartril-tropico;Doligur;Kemsol;Topsym;Gamasol 90;Sulfinylbis(methane);Dimethylsulphoxid;Sclerosol;Rimso-50;Dimethylsulfoxid;Dimethylsulfoxyde;Rimso 50;SQ 9453;NSC-763;Caswell No. 381;Dimetil sulfoxido;Dimethyli sulfoxidum;CCRIS 943;Methane;1,1'-sulfinylbis-;(methylsulfinyl)methane;methylsulfoxide;(CH3)2SO;DMS-90;NSC 763;A 10846;Methyl sulphoxide;dimethyl-sulfoxide;S(O)Me2;M 176;UNII-YOW8V9698H;MFCD00002089;EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 000177;DMS 70;DMS 90;AI3-26477;CHEMBL504;NSC763;YOW8V9698H;Dimethyl sulfoxide, HPLC Grade;CHEBI:28262;SQ-9453;Dimethyl sulfoxide, 99%;Sulfinylbis-methane;Topsym (rescinded);Rimso-5;Domoso (Veterinary);Methyl sulfoxide, 99.7%, pure;Dimexidum;sulfinyldimethane;Dimetilsolfossido;Dimetilsolfossido [DCIT];Dimethyl sulpoxide;Methyl sulfoxide, 99.8+%, for HPLC;Methyl sulfoxide, 99.8+%, extra pure;HSDB 80;Methyl sulfoxide, 99.5+%, for analysis;Methyl sulfoxide, 99.9+%, ACS reagent;Sulfoxide, dimethyl;methanesulfinylmethane;DMS-70;Dimethylsulfoxyde [INN-French];Dimetil sulfoxido [INN-Spanish];(methanesulfinyl)methane;Dimethyli sulfoxidum [INN-Latin];Methyl sulfoxide, 99.8+%, for peptide synthesis;EINECS 200-664-3;Methyl sulfoxide, 99.7+%, Extra Dry, AcroSeal(R);C2H6OS;Diluent;dimethysulfoxide;dimethvlsulfoxide;dimethyisulfoxide;dimethylsulphoxid;dimethy sulfoxide;dimetyl sulfoxide;dimethyisulphoxide;Methyl sulfoxide, 99.7+%, Extra Dry over Molecular Sieve, AcroSeal(R);dimethyl sulfoxyde;dimethyl-sulfoxyde;dimethyl suiphoxide;dimethyl-sulphoxide;dirnethyl sulfoxide;Dimethyl sulfoxixde;methylsulfmylmethane;dimethyl sulf oxide;Sulfinyl bis(methane);2-Thiapropane2-oxide;Dimethyl sulfoxide [USAN:USP:INN:BAN];DMSO, sterile filtered;dimethylsulfoxide solution;Methyl sulfoxide (8CI);Rimso-50 (TN);Dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO);DMSO (Sterile-filtered);DMSO, Dimethyl Sulfoxide;DSSTox_CID_1735;Dimethyl sulfoxide solution;(DMSO);DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide);EC 200-664-3;Sulfinylbis-methane (9CI);ACMC-1BH88;DSSTox_RID_76298;H3C-SO-CH3;BIDD:PXR0182;DSSTox_GSID_21735;Dimethyl sulfoxide, >=99%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, anhydrous;Dimethyl sulfoxide, for HPLC;Methane, sulfinylbis- (9CI);WLN: OS1&1;Dimethyl sulfoxide, >=99.5%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, PCR Reagent;DTXSID2021735;Dimethyl sulfoxide, ACS reagent;Methyl sulfoxide, >=99%, FG;Dimethyl sulfoxide, p.a., 99%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, LR, >=99%;Pharmakon1600-01506122;Dimethyl sulfoxide (JAN/USP/INN);ZINC5224188;Tox21_300957;ANW-42740;BDBM50026472;NSC760436;STL264194;Dimethyl sulfoxide, AR, >=99.5%;AKOS000121107;CCG-213615;DB01093;Dimethyl sulfoxide, analytical standard;MCULE-2005841258;NSC-760436;CAS-67-68-5;MRF-0000764;(methanesulfinyl)methanedimethyl sulfoxide;Dimethyl sulfoxide, for molecular biology;NCGC00163958-01;NCGC00163958-02;NCGC00163958-03;NCGC00254859-01;Dimethyl sulfoxide, anhydrous, >=99.9%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, HPLC grade, 99.9%;SC-16101;Dimethyl Sulfoxide [for Spectrophotometry],Dimethyl sulfoxide, for HPLC, >=99.5%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, for HPLC, >=99.7%;DS-015031;D0798;D1159;D5293;Dimethyl sulfoxide, ACS reagent, >=99.9%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, AldraSORB(TM), 99.8%;FT-0625099;FT-0625100;Dimethyl sulfoxide, p.a., ACS reagent, 99.9%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, SAJ first grade, >=99.0%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, JIS special grade, >=99.0%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 99%;Q407927;Dimethyl sulfoxide, UV HPLC spectroscopic, 99.9%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, anhydrous, ZerO2(TM), >=99.9%
spectrophotometric grade, >=99.9%;Dimethyl sulfoxide, puriss. p.a., dried, <=0.02% water;4H-1,3-oxazine,2-cyclopentyl-5,6-dihydro-4,4,7-trimethyl-;Dimethyl sulfoxide, >=99.5% (GC),

Synthesis and production
It was first synthesized in 1866 by the Russian scientist Alexander Zaytsev, who reported his findings in 1867. Dimethyl sulfoxide is produced industrially from dimethyl sulfide, a by-product of the Kraft process, by oxidation with oxygen or nitrogen dioxide.

Reactions with electrophiles
The sulfur center in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is nucleophilic toward soft electrophiles and the oxygen is nucleophilic toward hard electrophiles. With methyl iodide it forms trimethylsulfoxonium iodide,
This salt can be deprotonated with sodium hydride to form the sulfur yield
The methyl groups of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are only weakly acidic, with a pKa = 35. For this reason, the basicities of many weakly basic organic compounds have been examined in this solvent.

Deprotonation of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) requires strong bases like lithium diisopropylamide and sodium hydride. Stabilization of the resultant carbanion is provided by the S(O)R group. The sodium derivative of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) formed in this way is referred to as dimsyl sodium. It is a base, e.g., for the deprotonation of ketones to form sodium enolates, phosphonium salts to form Wittig reagents, and formamidinium salts to form diaminocarbenes. It is also a potent nucleophile.

In organic synthesis, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used as a mild oxidant, as illustrated by the Pfitzner–Moffatt oxidation and the Swern oxidation.

Ligand and Lewis base
Related to its ability to dissolve many salts, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a common ligand in coordination chemistry. Illustrative is the complex dichlorotetrakis(dimethyl sulfoxide)ruthenium(II) (RuCl2(dmso)4). In this complex, three Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) ligands are bonded to ruthenium through sulfur. The fourth Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is bonded through oxygen. In general, the oxygen-bonded mode is more common.

In carbon tetrachloride solutions Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) functions as a Lewis base with a variety Lewis acids such as I2, phenols, trimethyltin chloride, metalloporphyrins, and the dimer Rh2Cl2(CO)4. The donor properties are discussed in the ECW model. The relative donor strength of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) toward a series of acids, versus other Lewis bases, can be illustrated by C-B plots.


Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a polar aprotic solvent and is less toxic than other members of this class, such as dimethylformamide, dimethylacetamide, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, and HMPA. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is frequently used as a solvent for chemical reactions involving salts, most notably Finkelstein reactions and other nucleophilic substitutions. It is also extensively used as an extractant in biochemistry and cell biology. Because Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is only weakly acidic, it tolerates relatively strong bases and as such has been extensively used in the study of carbanions. A set of non-aqueous pKa values (C-H, O-H, S-H and N-H acidities) for thousands of organic compounds have been determined in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution.

Because of its high boiling point, 189 °C (372 °F), Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) evaporates slowly at normal atmospheric pressure. Samples dissolved in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) cannot be as easily recovered compared to other solvents, as it is very difficult to remove all traces of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by conventional rotary evaporation. One technique to fully recover samples is the removal of the organic solvent by evaporation followed by the addition of water (to dissolve Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)) and cryodesiccation to remove both Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and water. Reactions conducted in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are often diluted with water to precipitate or phase-separate products. The relatively high freezing point ofDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 18.5 °C (65.3 °F), means that at, or just below, room temperature it is a solid, which can limit its utility in some chemical processes (e.g. crystallization with cooling).

In its deuterated form (DMSO-d6), it is a useful solvent for NMR spectroscopy, again due to its ability to dissolve a wide range of analytes, the simplicity of its own spectrum, and its suitability for high-temperature NMR spectroscopic studies. Disadvantages to the use of DMSO-d6 are its high viscosity, which broadens signals, and its hygroscopicity, which leads to an overwhelming H2O resonance in the 1H-NMR spectrum. It is often mixed with CDCl3 or CD2Cl2 for lower viscosity and melting points.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is also used to dissolve test compounds in vitro drug discovery and drug design screening programs (including high-throughput screening programs). This is because it is able to dissolve both polar and nonpolar compounds, can be used to maintain stock solutions of test compounds (important when working with a large chemical library), is readily miscible with water and cell culture media, and has a high boiling point (this improves the accuracy of test compound concentrations by reducing room temperature evaporation). One limitation with Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is that it can affect cell line growth and viability (with low Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) concentrations sometimes stimulating cell growth, and high Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) concentrations sometimes inhibiting or killing cells).

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used as a vehicle in vivo studies of test compounds too. It has. As with its use in in vitro studies, Pleiotropic effects can occur.

In addition to the above, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is finding increased use in manufacturing processes to produce microelectronic devices. It is widely used to strip photoresist in TFT-LCD 'flat panel' displays and advanced packaging applications (such as wafer-level packaging/solder bump patterning). Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an effective paint stripper too, being safer than many of the others such as nitromethane and dichloromethane.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to inhibit secondary structures in the DNA template or the DNA primers. It is added to the PCR mix before reacting, where it interferes with the self-complementarity of the DNA, minimizing interfering reactions.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in a PCR reaction is applicable for supercoiled plasmids (to relax before amplification) or DNA templates with high GC content (to decrease thermostability). For example, 10% final concentration of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in the PCR mixture with Phusion decreases primer annealing temperature (i.e. primer melting temperature) by 5.5–6.0 °C (9.9–10.8 °F).

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) may also be used as a cryoprotectant, added to cell media to reduce ice formation and thereby prevent cell death during the freezing process. Approximately 10% may be used with a slow-freeze method, and the cells may be frozen at −80 °C (−112 °F) or stored in liquid nitrogen safely.

In cell culture, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used to induce differentiation of P19 embryonic carcinoma cells into cardiomyocytes and skeletal muscle cells.

Use of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in medicine dates from around 1963, when an Oregon Health & Science University Medical School team, headed by Stanley Jacob, discovered it could penetrate the skin and other membranes without damaging them and could carry other compounds into a biological system. In medicine, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is predominantly used as a topical analgesic, a vehicle for topical application of pharmaceuticals, as an anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant. Because Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) increases the rate of absorption of some compounds through biological tissues, including skin, it is used in some transdermal drug delivery systems. Its effect may be enhanced with the addition of EDTA. It is frequently compounded with antifungal medications, enabling them to penetrate not just skin but also toenails and fingernails.

In interventional radiology, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used as a solvent for ethylene-vinyl alcohol in the Onyx liquid embolic agent, which is used in embolization, the therapeutic occlusion of blood vessels.

In cryobiology, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has been used as a cryoprotectant and is still an important constituent of cryoprotectant vitrification mixtures used to preserve organs, tissues, and cell suspensions. Without it, up to 90% of frozen cells will become inactive. It is particularly important in the freezing and long-term storage of embryonic stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells, which are often frozen in a mixture of 10% Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a freezing medium, and 30% fetal bovine serum. In the cryogenic freezing of heteroploid cell lines (MDCK, VERO, etc.) a mixture of 10% Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with 90% EMEM (70% EMEM + 30% fetal bovine serum + antibiotic mixture) is used. As part of an autologous bone marrow transplant, the Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is re-infused along with the patient's own hematopoietic stem cells.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is metabolized by disproportionation to dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl sulfone. It is subject to renal and pulmonary excretion. A possible side effect of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is therefore elevated blood dimethyl sulfide, which may cause a blood-borne halitosis symptom.

The use of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as an alternative treatment for cancer is of particular concern, as it has been shown to interfere with a variety of chemotherapy drugs, including cisplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin. There is insufficient evidence to support the hypothesis that Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has any effect, and most sources agree that its history of side effects when tested warrants caution when using it as a dietary supplement, for which it is marketed heavily with the usual disclaimer.

The perceived garlic taste upon skin contact with Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) may be due to the nonolfactory activation of TRPA1 receptors in trigeminal ganglia. Unlike dimethyl and diallyl disulfide (also with odors resembling garlic), the mono- and tri- sulfides (typically with foul odors), and other similar structures, the pure chemical Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is odorless.

Dimethyl sulfoxide appears as a clear liquid, essentially odorless. Closed cup flash point 192°F. Vapors are heavier than air. Contact with the skin may cause stinging and burning and lead to an odor of garlic on the breath. An excellent solvent that can transport toxic solutes through the skin. High vapor concentrations may cause headache, dizziness, and sedation.

Industry Uses
-Cleaning Solution
-Functional fluids (closed systems)
-Laboratory chemicals
-Lubricants and lubricant additives
-Paint additives and coating additives not described by other categories
-Plating agents and surface treating agents
-Processing aids, specific to petroleum production
-Propellants and blowing agents
-Solvents (which become part of product formulation or mixture)
-Viscosity adjustors

Consumer Uses 
-Electrical and electronic products
-Lubricants and greases
-Metal products not covered elsewhere

General Manufacturing Information 
Industry Processing Sectors
-All other chemical products and preparation manufacturing.
-Computer and electronic product manufacturing.
-Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing.
-Fabricated metal product manufacturing.
-Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing.
-Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing.
-Plastics product manufacturing.
-Wholesale and retail trade.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a colorless, very hygroscopic, liquid. It is a molecule with a long history in pharmaceutics and is now well established as a penetration enhancer in topical pharmaceutical formulations. It is currently prescribed as medication for this purpose in diclofenac sodium topical solution (approved in the United States to treat signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis) and idoxuridine topical solution (approved in Europe for the treatment of herpes zoster). Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used as a medication for symptomatic relief of interstitial cystitis. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is not a nutritional supplement, it is metabolized to methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), which is available as a nutritional supplement. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used in the cryopreservation of cell populations including stem cells, embryos, and various cell cultures. It is also used as an industrial solvent and as antifreeze or hydraulic fluid when mixed with water.

Dimethyl sulfoxide's production and use as a reagent in organic synthesis, as an industrial solvent, in industrial cleaners and paint strippers and in medicine may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. Dimethyl sulfoxide is part of the global atmospheric sulfur cycle and is produced when dimethyl sulfide is photo oxidized. It has been isolated from many plants, is a common constituent of natural waters, and it occurs in seawater in the zone of light penetration where it may represent a product of algal metabolism. If released to air, a vapor pressure of 0.60 mm Hg at 25 °C indicates dimethyl sulfoxide will exist solely as a vapor in the atmosphere. Vapor-phase dimethyl sulfoxide will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 4.3 hours. Vapor-phase dimethyl sulfoxide will also be degraded in the night-time atmosphere by reaction with nitrate radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 1.4 hours. Dimethyl sulfoxide does not absorb light at wavelengths >290 nm and, therefore, is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight. Dimethyl sulfoxide has been detected in rainwater indicating that it may be removed from the air by wet deposition. If released to soil, dimethyl sulfoxide is expected to have very high mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 2. Volatilization from moist soil surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process based upon a Henry's Law constant of 1.03X10-8 atm-cu m/mole. Dimethyl sulfoxide is expected to slowly volatilize from dry soil surfaces based upon its vapor pressure. The available biodegradation screening tests have conflicting results, but based on available data and weight-of-evidence approach, dimethyl sulfoxide is expected to be inherently biodegradable in soil and water. 
Dimethyl sulfoxide occurs widely at levels of 3 ppm or less. It has been isolated from spearmint oil, corn, barley, malt, alfalfa, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, oats, onion, Swiss chard, tomatoes, raspberries, beer, coffee, milk, and tea. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a common constituent of natural waters, and it occurs in seawater in the zone of light penetration where it may represent a product of algal metabolism. Its occurrence in rainwater may result from the oxidation of atmospheric dimethyl sulfide, which occurs as part of the natural transfer of sulfur of biological origin.

DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) is an organosulfur compound with the formula (CH₃)₂SO. It is a colorless liquid and is a powerful solvent. It dissolves both polar and non-polar compounds. This property makes the Dimethyl sulfoxide miscible in a wide range of organic solvents as well as water.

Sigma Aldrich Dimethyl Sulfoxide Lewis Structure
Dimethyl sulfoxide is a potent solvent because of its highly polar nature. Dimethyl sulfoxide works with ionic compounds, certain salts, and non-ionic compounds. 

General description
Dimethyl Sulfoxide is an apolar protic solvent that is generally used as a reaction medium and reagent in organic reactions.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide may be used as an oxidant for the conversion of isonitriles into isocyanates. Dimethyl sulfoxide activated by oxalyl chloride can be used in the oxidation of long-chain alcohols to carbonyls.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide, or dimethyl sulfoxide, is a by-product of papermaking. It comes from a substance found in wood.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide has been used as an industrial solvent since the mid-1800s. From about the mid-20th century, researchers have explored its use as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide is easily absorbed by the skin. It's sometimes used to increase the body's absorption of other medications.

Dimethylsulfoxide is an agent with a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects, including membrane penetration, anti-inflammatory effects, local analgesia, and weak bacteriostasis. The principal use of dimethylsulfoxide is as a vehicle for other drugs, thereby enhancing the effect of the drug, and aiding the penetration of other drugs into the skin. Dimethylsulfoxide has been given orally, intravenously, or topically for a wide range of indications. It is also given by bladder installation in the symptomatic relief of interstitial cystitis and is used as a cryoprotectant for various human tissues.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an organic solvent in which some secondary metabolites may be dissolved. Unlike most other organic solvents, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) does not evaporate rapidly at ambient temperature. This is convenient for analytical techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in which the analyte must be in the liquid phase. IR spectroscopy, however, is often performed on a sample in which the solvent has been allowed to evaporate. Although it is best to dissolve the metabolite of interest in a solvent that is volatile at ambient temperature, there may be metabolites for which Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is the only practical solvent. To properly interpret IR data for a metabolite in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a spectrum of the solvent without metabolite must also be recorded. A data-analysis program may then be used to subtract the spectrum of the solvent from the spectrum of the metabolite dissolved in the solvent.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide is a prescription medicine and dietary supplement. It can be taken by mouth, applied to the skin (used topically), or injected into the veins.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide is taken by mouth, used topically, or given intravenously for the management of amyloidosis and related symptoms. Amyloidosis is a condition in which certain proteins are deposited abnormally in organs and tissues.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide is used topically to decrease pain and speed the healing of wounds, burns, and muscle and skeletal injuries. Dimethyl Sulfoxide is also used topically to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and severe facial pain called tic douloureux. It is used topically for eye conditions including cataracts, glaucoma, and problems with the retina; for foot conditions including bunions, calluses, and fungus on toenails; and for skin conditions including keloid scars and scleroderma. It is sometimes used topically to treat skin and tissue damage caused by chemotherapy when it leaks from the IV that is used to deliver it. Dimethyl Sulfoxide is used either alone or in combination with a drug called idoxuridine to treat pain associated with shingles (herpes zoster infection).

Intravenously, Dimethyl Sulfoxide is used to lower abnormally high blood pressure in the brain. It is also given intravenously to treat bladder infections (interstitial cystitis) and chronic inflammatory bladder disease. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved certain Dimethyl Sulfoxide products for placement inside the bladder to treat symptoms of chronic inflammatory bladder disease. Dimethyl Sulfoxide is sometimes placed inside bile ducts with other medications to treat bile duct stones.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a small molecule with polar, aprotic and amphiphilic properties. It serves as a solvent for many polar and nonpolar molecules and continues to be one of the most used solvents (vehicle) in medical applications and scientific research. 

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO); C2H6OS) is a small amphipathic organic molecule with a hydrophilic sulfoxide group and two hydrophobic methyl groups. Being also aprotic, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) tends to accept rather than donate protons. It can solubilize a wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds at high concentrations. This, as well as its apparent low toxicity, has made Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to be accepted as a “universal solvent” that is widely used as a vehicle in scientific research, drug screening settings and biomedical applications. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is also a commonly used cryoprotectant to protect cells from ice crystal-induced mechanical injury

Roles Classification 

Chemical Roles: 
Polar aprotic solvent: A solvent with a comparatively high relative permittivity (or dielectric constant), greater than ca. 15, and a sizable permanent dipole moment, that cannot donate suitably labile hydrogen atoms to form strong hydrogen bonds.
Radical scavenger: A role played by a substance that can react readily with, and thereby eliminate, radicals.

Biological Roles:
Alkylating agent: Highly reactive chemical that introduces alkyl radicals into biologically active molecules and thereby prevents their proper functioning. It could be used as an antineoplastic agent, but it might be very toxic, with carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, and immunosuppressant actions. It could also be used as a component of poison gases.

polar aprotic solvent: A solvent with a comparatively high relative permittivity (or dielectric constant), greater than ca. 15, and a sizable permanent dipole moment, that cannot donate suitably labile hydrogen atoms to form strong hydrogen bonds.
non-narcotic analgesic: A drug that has principally analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory actions. Non-narcotic analgesics do not bind to opioid receptors.
antidote: Any protective agent counteracting or neutralizing the action of poisons.
MRI contrast agent

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used topically to decrease pain and speed the healing of wounds, burns, and muscle and skeletal injuries. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is also used topically to treat painful conditions such as headache, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and severe facial pain called tic douloureux. It is used topically for eye conditions including cataracts, glaucoma, and problems with the retina; for foot conditions including bunions, calluses, and fungus on toenails; and for skin conditions including keloid scars and scleroderma. It is sometimes used topically to treat skin and tissue damage caused by chemotherapy when it leaks from the IV that is used to deliver it.

Intravenously, Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is used to lower abnormally high blood pressure in the brain. It is also given intravenously to treat bladder infections (interstitial cystitis) and chronic inflammatory bladder disease. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved certain Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) products for placement inside the bladder to treat symptoms of chronic inflammatory bladder disease. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is sometimes placed inside bile ducts with other medications to treat bile duct stones.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (abbreviated DMSO) is a sulfur-containing organic compound; molecule formula: (CH3) 2SO; It exhibits as colorless, odorless, hygroscopic, and flammable transparent liquid at room temperature. It has both high polarities as well as a high-boiling point. It also has aprotic and water-miscible characteristics. It has low toxicity, good thermal stability, and is not miscible with paraffin. It is soluble in water, ethanol, propanol, ether, benzene and chloroform and many other kinds of organic substance and is called the "universal solvent." It is a common organic solvent that has the strongest dissolving ability. It can dissolve most organic compounds including carbohydrates, polymers, peptides, as well as many inorganic salts and gases. It can dissolve a certain amount of solute whose weight equals to 50-60% of itself (other common solvents usually only dissolve 10-20%), so it is very important in the sample management as well as high-speed screening of drugs. Under certain conditions, contact between dimethyl sulfoxide and chloride can even lead to explosive reaction.
dimethyl sulfoxide is widely used as solvents and reagents, particularly as the processing reagent and spinning solvent at the reaction of acrylonitrile polymerization used for polyurethane synthesis and the spinning solvent. It can also be used as the synthetic solvent for polyamide, polyimide and polysulfone resin as well as the extraction solvents for aromatic hydrocarbon and butadiene extraction solvents and solvents for synthesizing chlorofluoroaniline. 

1. It can be used for the extraction of arene, also as the reaction medium used for resins and dyes, and applied to acrylic polymerization and spinning solvent.
2. It can be used as an organic solvent, reaction medium and the intermediates of organic synthesis. It is highly versatile. This product has a highly selective extraction capacity and can be used as the polymerization and condensation solvent of acrylic resin and polysulfone resin, as the polymerization and spinning solvent of polyacrylonitrile and cellulose acetate, as the extraction solvent for separating alkanes and arenes, and as the reaction medium for the arenes, butadiene extraction, acrylic fiber, plastic solvents, organic and synthetic dyes, and pharmaceuticals industries. In the field of medicine, dimethyl sulfoxide has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects with a strong capability of penetration through the skin, and thus being able to dissolve certain drugs and boost their penetration into the human body to achieve therapeutic purposes. Taking this carrier property of dimethyl sulfoxide can make it be used as pesticide additives. Adding a small amount of dimethyl sulfoxide in some pesticides can facilitate the penetration of pesticides into the plant in order to improve the efficacy. dimethyl sulfoxide can also be used as the dye solvent, dye removing agent, and dye carrier for the synthetic fibers. It can also be used as the absorbent of recycling acetylene and sulfur dioxide and also the modifiers of synthetic fiber, antifreeze agent and the capacitor dielectric, brake oil, and extractant of the rare metals.
3. It can be used as analytic solvents and fixing agent of gas chromatography as well as the solvent for analyzing UV spectra.

Production method
Dimethyl sulfoxide is generally made by using the dimethyl sulfide oxidation method. They have different production processes due to the different oxidants and oxidation types. 
1. Methanol carbon disulfide method; take carbon disulfide and methanol as raw materials and use γ-Al2O3 as the catalyst; first synthesize the dimethyl sulfide, then have oxidation reaction with nitrogen dioxide (or nitrate) to obtain dimethyl sulfoxide. 
2. The hydrogen peroxide method: take acetone as the buffer medium to have dimethyl sulfide be reacted with hydrogen peroxide. This method of dimethyl sulfo