C 12 14 ALCOHOL 6 EO
Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated
1 - 2.5 moles ethoxylated
Regulatory process names 1 IUPAC names 30 Trade names 377 Other identifiers 25 Print infocardOpen Brief Profile
Substance identity
EC / List no.: 500-213-3
CAS no.: 68439-50-9
Mol. formula: (C2H4O)1-3(CH2)10-12C2H6O
Hazard classification & labelling
Warning! According to the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is very toxic to aquatic life and is harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
About C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
Helpful information
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is manufactured and/or imported in the European Economic Area in 100 000 - 1 000 000 tonnes per year.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used by consumers, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing.
Consumer Uses
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, plant protection products, fertilisers, lubricants and greases, air care products and fuels.
Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and break fluids).
Article service life
ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is most likely to be released to the environment. ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed.
Widespread uses by professional workers
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products and polishes and waxes.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging, municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment and health services.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals.
Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use.
Formulation or re-packing
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, lubricants and greases, metal working fluids, fertilisers and cosmetics and personal care products.
Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures, in processing aids at industrial sites and formulation in materials.
Uses at industrial sites
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, metal surface treatment products, lubricants and greases and metal working fluids.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging and municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals, machinery and vehicles and fabricated metal products.
Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: in processing aids at industrial sites, of substances in closed systems with minimal release and formulation of mixtures.
Manufacture of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.
How to use C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) safely
ECHA has no data from registration dossiers on the precautionary measures for using C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO).
Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO).
C 12 14 7 EO non-ionic surfactant. Latronol L 7 is a colorless and odorless liquid and efficient (O/W) oil in water emulsifier. It is also biodegradable. Can be used in homecare, textile, paintings/coatings and agricultural applications.
C12-14 Alcohol Ethoxylates (7EO) (C12-14
AE7) oleochemical non-ionic surfactant Substance Identification
IUPAC Name Alcohols, C12-14(even
numbered), ethoxylated CAS Number 68439-50-9
Other Names Lauryl Alcohol Ethoxylate
Molecular Formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
UVCB substance (substances
of Unknown or Variable
composition, Complex
reaction products or
Biological materials), no
univocal molecular formula
Structural formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO):
Physical/Chemical Properties of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) [1,2]
Molecular Weight of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 494.70 -522.75 g/mol
Physical state of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Liquid
Appearance of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Colourless, homogenous and opaque
Odour of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Slight characteristic
Density of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C (proxy from C12-14 AE2)
Melting Points of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 25 - 35 °C
Boiling point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 266.95 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C12-14 AE2)
Flash Point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 149 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) , ethoxylated (1-2.5 EO))
Vapour Pressure of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.014 - 0.11 Pa at 25°C
Water Solubility C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 15 mg/l at 25°C
Flammability C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available
Explosive Properties C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available
Surface Tension C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 27 mN/m at 20°C (proxy from C12-14 AE2)
Octanol/water Partition coefficient
log KOW = 4.63 - 5.71
Product and Process
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of
cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant.
The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a
real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in [3]. The full LCI can be accessed via www.erasm.org or via http://lcdn.thinkstep.com/Node/
Goal and Scope of ERASM SLE Project [3]
The main goal was to update the existing LCI inventories [4,6] for the production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and its main
precursors/intermediates. Temporal Coverage
Data collected represents a 12 month averages of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in the year 2011, to
compensate seasonal influence of data. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial
technological changes in the production chain occur.
Geographical Coverage Current data were based on three suppliers representing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in Europe.
The geographical representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good'
The technological representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good'.
Figure 1 provides a schematic overview of the production process of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO).
Representativeness for
market volume >60% (Represented market volume (in mass) covered by primary data used in ERASM SLE project)
Declared Unit
In ERASM SLE project the declared unit (functional unit) and reference flow is one thousand kilogram
(1000 kg) of surfactant active ingredient. This was the reference unit also used in [4]. Functional Unit: 1 metric tonne of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 100% active substance.
For C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production, allocation was not applied to the foreground system.
The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on
palm kernel oil and coconut oil.
As C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3.
The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those
based on petrochemical feedstock
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of ethylene oxide. The alcohol ethoxylates with seven ethylene oxide units are produced by the reaction of C12-C14 fatty alcohols (oleo) with ethylene oxide. The addition of ethylene oxide to C12-14 fatty alcohols leads to a distribution of homologue polyethylene glycol ether groups. The ethoxylation reaction can be catalyzed by alkaline catalysts as e.g. potassium hydroxide or by acidic catalysts as e.g. boron trifluoride or zinc chloride. For detergent range alcohol ethoxylates, the alkaline catalysis is normally used.
The intermediate ethylene oxide is industrially produced by direct oxidation of ethylene in the presence of silver catalyst (Further details of the ethylene oxide production are explained in the Eco Profile fact sheet of the precursor ethylene oxide.
Applications of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
Personal Care: Foaming Agent in Shampoos and Bath Gels.
Detergents: Wetting Agent in Detergents, Laundry Pre-spotters and Hard Surface Cleaners
Surfactants and Esters: Surfactant Intermediate, Sulfonated to Make SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate). Used both in household and industrial products. cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant.
The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a
real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in
Based on the LCI data an environmental impact assessment was performed for the indicators Primary Energy Demand (PED) and
Global Warming Potential (GWP). Other impacts may be calculated from the full LCI dataset.
Primary Energy Demand (PED): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw
materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy
generation each cause 3-5% of the PED. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and
transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural
sources have a lower primary energy demand compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock.
Global Warming Potential (GWP): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main
raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy
generation each cause 3-5% of the GWP. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and
transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%).
The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on
palm kernel oil and coconut oil.
As EO has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of EO in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3.
The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) consumption by adult women is consistently associated with risk of breast cancer. Several questions regarding alcohol and breast cancer need to be addressed. Menarche to first pregnancy represents a window of time when breast tissue is particularly susceptible to carcinogens. Youth alcohol consumption is common in the USA, largely in the form of binge drinking and heavy drinking. Whether alcohol intake acts early in the process of breast tumorigenesis is unclear. This review aims to focus on the influences of timing and patterns of alcohol consumption and the effect of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on intermediate risk markers. We also review possible mechanisms underlying the alcohol-breast cancer association.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)l is considered by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be causally related to breast cancer risk [1], with a 7-10% increase in risk for each 10 g (~1 drink) alcohol consumed daily by adult women [2-4]. This association is observed in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Compared with other organs, breast appears to be more susceptible to carcinogenic effects of alcohol. The risk of breast cancer is significantly increased by 4-15% for light alcohol consumption (?1 drink/day or ?12.5 g/day) [2,5,6] which does not significantly increase cancer risk in other organs of women [7]. This raises a clinical and public health concern because nearly half of women of child-bearing age drink alcohol and 15% of drinkers at this age have four or more drinks at a time [8]. Approximately 4-10% of breast cancers in the USA are attributable to alcohol consumption [2,5,6], accounting for 9000-23,000 new invasive breast cancer cases each year. Therefore, better understanding of how alcohol consumption increases breast cancer risk is crucial for developing breast cancer prevention strategies. As previous meta-analyses and systemic reviews comprehensively summarized the association between adult alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk [3,5,9,10], here we reviewed the recent epidemiologic evidence, with special emphasis on timing and patterns of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on sumption and the effect of alcohol on intermediate markers. In addition, we discussed up-to-date mechanisms that have been proposed to explain the association and provide guidance for clinicians on preventive messages.
Production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
The process was developed at the Ludwigshafen laboratories of I.G. Farben by Conrad Schöller and Max Wittwer during the 1930s.[3][4]
Alcohol ethoxysulfates
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) found in consumer products generally are linear alcohols, which could be mixtures of entirely linear alkyl chains or of both linear and mono-branched alkyl chains.[17][page needed] A high-volume example of these is sodium laureth sulfate a foaming agent in shampoos and toothpastes, as well as industrial detergents.
Alcohol ethoxylates (AEs)
Human health
Alcohol ethoxylates are not observed to be mutagenic, carcinogenic, or skin sensitizers, nor cause reproductive or developmental effects.[18] One byproduct of ethoxylation is 1,4-dioxane, a possible human carcinogen.[19] Undiluted C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can cause dermal or eye irritation. In aqueous solution, the level of irritation is dependent on the concentration. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are considered to have low to moderate toxicity for acute oral exposure, low acute dermal toxicity, and have mild irritation potential for skin and eyes at concentrations found in consumer products.[16]
Aquatic and environmental aspects
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are usually released down the drain, where they may be adsorbed into solids and biodegrade through anaerobic processes, with ~28-58% degraded in the sewer.[20][non-primary source needed] The remaining C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are treated at waste water treatment plants and biodegraded via aerobic processes with less than 0.8% of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) released in effluent.[20] If released into surface waters, sediment or soil, C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) will degrade through aerobic and anaerobic processes or be taken up by plants and animals.
Toxicity to certain invertebrates has a range of EC50 values for linear AE from 0.1 mg/l to greater than 100 mg/l. For branched alcohol exthoxylates, toxicity ranges from 0.5 mg/l to 50 mg/l.[16] The EC50 toxicity for algae from linear and branched AEs was 0.05 mg/l to 50 mg/l. Acute toxicity to fish ranges from LC50 values for linear AE of 0.4 mg/l to 100 mg/l, and branched is 0.25 mg/l to 40 mg/l. For invertebrates, algae and fish the essentially linear and branched C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are considered to not have greater toxicity than Linear AE.[16]
Alcohol ethoxysulfates (AESs)
The degradation of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) proceeds by ?- or ß-oxidation of the alkyl chain, enzymatic hydrolysis of the sulfate ester, and by cleavage of an ether bond in the AES producing alcohol or alcohol ethoxylate and an ethylene glycol sulfate. Studies of aerobic processes also found C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) to be readily biodegradable.[12] The half-life of both AE and C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in surface water is estimated to be less than 12 hours.[21][non-primary source needed] The removal of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) due to degradation via anaerobic processes is estimated to be between 75 and 87%.
Flow-through laboratory tests in a terminal pool of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) with mollusks found the NOEC of a snail, Goniobasis and the Asian clam, Corbicula to be greater than 730 ug/L. Corbicula growth was measured to be affected at a concentration of 75 ug/L.[22][non-primary source needed] The mayfly, genus Tricorythodes has a normalized density NOEC value of 190 ug/L.[23][non-primary source needed]
Human Safety
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has not been found to be genotoxic, mutagenic, or carcinogenic.
Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated
1 - 2.5 moles ethoxylated
Regulatory process names 1 IUPAC names 30 Trade names 377 Other identifiers 25 Print infocardOpen Brief Profile
Substance identity
EC / List no.: 500-213-3
CAS no.: 68439-50-9
Mol. formula: (C2H4O)1-3(CH2)10-12C2H6O
Hazard classification & labelling
Warning! According to the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is very toxic to aquatic life and is harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
About C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
Helpful information
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is manufactured and/or imported in the European Economic Area in 100 000 - 1 000 000 tonnes per year.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used by consumers, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing.
Consumer Uses
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, plant protection products, fertilisers, lubricants and greases, air care products and fuels.
Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and break fluids).
Article service life
ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is most likely to be released to the environment. ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed.
Widespread uses by professional workers
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products and polishes and waxes.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging, municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment and health services.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals.
Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use.
Formulation or re-packing
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, lubricants and greases, metal working fluids, fertilisers and cosmetics and personal care products.
Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures, in processing aids at industrial sites and formulation in materials.
Uses at industrial sites
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, metal surface treatment products, lubricants and greases and metal working fluids.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging and municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals, machinery and vehicles and fabricated metal products.
Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: in processing aids at industrial sites, of substances in closed systems with minimal release and formulation of mixtures.
Manufacture of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.
How to use C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) safely
ECHA has no data from registration dossiers on the precautionary measures for using C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO).
Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO).
C 12 14 7 EO non-ionic surfactant. Latronol L 7 is a colorless and odorless liquid and efficient (O/W) oil in water emulsifier. It is also biodegradable. Can be used in homecare, textile, paintings/coatings and agricultural applications.
C12-14 Alcohol Ethoxylates (7EO) (C12-14
AE7) oleochemical non-ionic surfactant Substance Identification
IUPAC Name Alcohols, C12-14(even
numbered), ethoxylated CAS Number 68439-50-9
Other Names Lauryl Alcohol Ethoxylate
Molecular Formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
UVCB substance (substances
of Unknown or Variable
composition, Complex
reaction products or
Biological materials), no
univocal molecular formula
Structural formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO):
Physical/Chemical Properties of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) [1,2]
Molecular Weight of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 494.70 -522.75 g/mol
Physical state of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Liquid
Appearance of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Colourless, homogenous and opaque
Odour of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Slight characteristic
Density of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C (proxy from C12-14 AE2)
Melting Points of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 25 - 35 °C
Boiling point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 266.95 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C12-14 AE2)
Flash Point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 149 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) , ethoxylated (1-2.5 EO))
Vapour Pressure of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.014 - 0.11 Pa at 25°C
Water Solubility C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 15 mg/l at 25°C
Flammability C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available
Explosive Properties C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available
Surface Tension C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 27 mN/m at 20°C (proxy from C12-14 AE2)
Octanol/water Partition coefficient
log KOW = 4.63 - 5.71
Product and Process
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of
cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant.
The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a
real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in [3]. The full LCI can be accessed via www.erasm.org or via http://lcdn.thinkstep.com/Node/
Goal and Scope of ERASM SLE Project [3]
The main goal was to update the existing LCI inventories [4,6] for the production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and its main
precursors/intermediates. Temporal Coverage
Data collected represents a 12 month averages of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in the year 2011, to
compensate seasonal influence of data. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial
technological changes in the production chain occur.
Geographical Coverage Current data were based on three suppliers representing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in Europe.
The geographical representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good'
The technological representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good'.
Figure 1 provides a schematic overview of the production process of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO).
Representativeness for
market volume >60% (Represented market volume (in mass) covered by primary data used in ERASM SLE project)
Declared Unit
In ERASM SLE project the declared unit (functional unit) and reference flow is one thousand kilogram
(1000 kg) of surfactant active ingredient. This was the reference unit also used in [4]. Functional Unit: 1 metric tonne of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 100% active substance.
For C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production, allocation was not applied to the foreground system.
The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on
palm kernel oil and coconut oil.
As C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3.
The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those
based on petrochemical feedstock
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of ethylene oxide. The alcohol ethoxylates with seven ethylene oxide units are produced by the reaction of C12-C14 fatty alcohols (oleo) with ethylene oxide. The addition of ethylene oxide to C12-14 fatty alcohols leads to a distribution of homologue polyethylene glycol ether groups. The ethoxylation reaction can be catalyzed by alkaline catalysts as e.g. potassium hydroxide or by acidic catalysts as e.g. boron trifluoride or zinc chloride. For detergent range alcohol ethoxylates, the alkaline catalysis is normally used.
The intermediate ethylene oxide is industrially produced by direct oxidation of ethylene in the presence of silver catalyst (Further details of the ethylene oxide production are explained in the Eco Profile fact sheet of the precursor ethylene oxide.
Applications of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)
Personal Care: Foaming Agent in Shampoos and Bath Gels.
Detergents: Wetting Agent in Detergents, Laundry Pre-spotters and Hard Surface Cleaners
Surfactants and Esters: Surfactant Intermediate, Sulfonated to Make SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate). Used both in household and industrial products. cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant.
The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a
real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in
Based on the LCI data an environmental impact assessment was performed for the indicators Primary Energy Demand (PED) and
Global Warming Potential (GWP). Other impacts may be calculated from the full LCI dataset.
Primary Energy Demand (PED): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw
materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy
generation each cause 3-5% of the PED. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and
transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural
sources have a lower primary energy demand compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock.
Global Warming Potential (GWP): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main
raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy
generation each cause 3-5% of the GWP. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and
transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%).
The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on
palm kernel oil and coconut oil.
As EO has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of EO in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3.
The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) consumption by adult women is consistently associated with risk of breast cancer. Several questions regarding alcohol and breast cancer need to be addressed. Menarche to first pregnancy represents a window of time when breast tissue is particularly susceptible to carcinogens. Youth alcohol consumption is common in the USA, largely in the form of binge drinking and heavy drinking. Whether alcohol intake acts early in the process of breast tumorigenesis is unclear. This review aims to focus on the influences of timing and patterns of alcohol consumption and the effect of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on intermediate risk markers. We also review possible mechanisms underlying the alcohol-breast cancer association.
C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)l is considered by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be causally related to breast cancer risk [1], with a 7-10% increase in risk for each 10 g (~1 drink) alcohol consumed daily by adult women [2-4]. This association is observed in both premenopausal and p