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Acacia Extract
Acacia Extract; Acacia Concinna Fruit Extract; sensu lato cas no: 8001-76-1
Acacia Gum
SYNONYMS cacia senegal、Acacia seyal;runus persica;ARABIC GUM;FEMA 2001;GUM ACACIA;GUM ARABIC;ACACIA;ACACIAE GUMMI;Acacia, Arabic gum CAS NO:9000-01-5

Экстракт асаи (Acai Berry Extract) — это натуральный ингредиент, богатый мощными антиоксидантами, полученный из пальмы асаи. Он известен высоким содержанием витаминов, минералов и незаменимых жирных кислот.
Экстракт асаи признан за его способность защищать кожу от негативного воздействия окружающей среды, поддерживать здоровое старение кожи и улучшать ее сияние, благодаря чему он пользуется популярностью в составах косметических средств по уходу за кожей.
Этот универсальный экстракт обладает как защитными, так и омолаживающими свойствами, помогая сохранить молодую и сияющую кожу.

Номер CAS: 11028-42-5
Номер EC: 234-241-9

Синонимы: Acai Berry Extract, Euterpe Oleracea Fruit Extract, Acai Pulp Extract, Acai Palm Extract, Acai Fruit Extract, Acai Antioxidant Extract, Acai Berry Skin Care, Acai Berry Antioxidant Complex, Acai Fruit Oil Extract, Acai Berry Concentrate, Acai Extract, Acai Powder Extract, Acai Fruit Juice Extract, Acai Berry Active, Acai Phytoextract, Acai Berry Phytocomplex, Acai Bioactive Extract, Acai Natural Extract, Acai Berry Oil, Acai Berry Essence


Экстракт асаи широко используется в формулировке антивозрастных кремов, обеспечивая мощную антиоксидантную защиту, которая помогает уменьшить появление мелких морщин и складок.
Экстракт асаи предпочтителен в создании сывороток, где он оказывает концентрированное антиоксидантное действие, улучшая сияние кожи и снижая окислительный стресс.
Экстракт асаи используется при разработке увлажняющих кремов, обеспечивая увлажнение и защиту для сухой и зрелой кожи.

Экстракт асаи широко используется при производстве осветляющих средств, помогая выровнять тон кожи и улучшить ее яркость.
Экстракт асаи применяется в формулировке солнцезащитных средств, обеспечивая дополнительную защиту от повреждений, вызванных УФ-лучами, и усиливая общую устойчивость кожи.
Экстракт асаи незаменим при создании масел для лица, обеспечивая сочетание питательных и защитных свойств, которые способствуют здоровью и жизненной силе кожи.

Экстракт асаи используется при производстве лосьонов для тела, обеспечивая комплексную антиоксидантную защиту и способствуя упругости и эластичности кожи.
Экстракт асаи является ключевым ингредиентом в формулировке средств после загара, обеспечивая успокаивающее и защитное действие для кожи, подвергшейся воздействию солнца.
Экстракт асаи используется при создании защитных сывороток, усиливая естественные защитные механизмы кожи против агрессивных факторов окружающей среды.

Экстракт асаи применяется при формулировке масок для лица, обеспечивая интенсивный антиоксидантный уход, который оживляет и освежает кожу.
Экстракт асаи используется при производстве кремов для глаз, обеспечивая направленный антиоксидантный уход, который уменьшает отечность, темные круги и признаки старения вокруг глаз.
Экстракт асаи применяется при разработке средств для защиты от загрязнений, создавая защитный барьер против загрязняющих веществ окружающей среды и улучшая сияние кожи.

Экстракт асаи широко используется при формулировке средств для ухода за кожей головы, обеспечивая антиоксидантную защиту, поддерживающую здоровье кожи головы и способствующую укреплению волос.
Экстракт асаи является ключевым компонентом в создании противовоспалительных средств по уходу за кожей, обеспечивая успокаивающее и защитное действие для чувствительной кожи.
Экстракт асаи используется при производстве средств по уходу за губами, обеспечивая антиоксидантную защиту и увлажнение для мягких и гладких губ.

Экстракт асаи применяется в формулировке пребиотических средств по уходу за кожей, поддерживая микробиом кожи и обеспечивая мощную антиоксидантную защиту.
Экстракт асаи используется при создании кремов для рук, обеспечивая антиоксидантную защиту, которая помогает сохранять мягкость кожи и уменьшать признаки старения на руках.
Экстракт асаи применяется при разработке кремов для ежедневного использования, обеспечивая сбалансированное увлажнение, защиту и антивозрастные свойства для повседневного ухода.

Экстракт асаи содержится в формулировке средств для восстановления кожи, обеспечивая интенсивный уход, который помогает восстановить и защитить поврежденную или стареющую кожу.
Экстракт асаи используется при производстве спреев для лица, обеспечивая освежающую защиту антиоксидантов в течение всего дня.
Экстракт асаи является ключевым ингредиентом в создании успокаивающих гелей, обеспечивая антиоксидантный уход, который успокаивает и защищает чувствительную кожу.

Экстракт асаи широко используется в формулировке многофункциональных бальзамов, обеспечивая универсальный уход за чувствительными участками, такими как губы, руки и лицо.
Экстракт асаи применяется при разработке питательных кремов для тела, обеспечивая богатое увлажнение и антиоксидантную защиту для сухой, грубой кожи.
Экстракт асаи используется при производстве антивозрастных сывороток, обеспечивая глубокую антиоксидантную защиту, которая помогает поддерживать молодость кожи.

Экстракт асаи применяется при создании масел для лица, обеспечивая питательный уход, поддерживающий здоровье кожи и уменьшающий окислительный стресс.
Экстракт асаи содержится в формулировке средств для восстановления чувствительной кожи, обеспечивая направленный уход для участков, склонных к раздражению и дискомфорту.
Экстракт асаи используется при производстве солнцезащитных средств, обеспечивая защиту от УФ-лучей и оказывая антиоксидантный уход, который сохраняет здоровье кожи.


Экстракт асаи (Acai Berry Extract) — это натуральный ингредиент, богатый мощными антиоксидантами, полученный из пальмы асаи. Он известен высоким содержанием витаминов, минералов и незаменимых жирных кислот. Экстракт асаи признан за его способность защищать кожу от негативного воздействия окружающей среды, поддерживать здоровое старение кожи и улучшать ее сияние, благодаря чему он пользуется популярностью в составах косметических средств по уходу за кожей.

Экстракт асаи обеспечивает дополнительные преимущества, такие как повышение устойчивости кожи и улучшение общей текстуры кожи, обеспечивая длительную защиту и сияние. Экстракт асаи часто включается в составы, разработанные для обеспечения комплексной защиты от повреждений, вызванных воздействием окружающей среды, предоставляя как мгновенные, так и долгосрочные результаты. Экстракт асаи признан за его способность улучшать общее состояние и внешний вид кожи, делая ее гладкой, сияющей и молодой.

Экстракт асаи широко используется как в традиционных, так и в инновационных формулах по уходу за кожей, предоставляя надежное решение для защиты и поддержания здоровья кожи. Экстракт асаи ценится за его способность поддерживать естественные защитные функции кожи, что делает его ключевым ингредиентом в продуктах, направленных на защиту кожи от агрессивных факторов окружающей среды. Экстракт асаи — это универсальный ингредиент, который может быть использован в различных продуктах, включая кремы, сыворотки, масла и лосьоны.

Экстракт асаи — идеальный выбор для продуктов, нацеленных на уход за стареющей, стрессовой и подвергшейся воздействию окружающей среды кожей, так как он обеспечивает мягкую, но эффективную защиту и омоложение. Экстракт асаи известен своей совместимостью с другими активными ингредиентами по уходу за кожей, что позволяет легко интегрировать его в многофункциональные формулы. Экстракт асаи часто выбирается для формул, требующих баланса между защитой, омоложением и уходом за кожей, обеспечивая комплексный уход для всех типов кожи.

Экстракт асаи повышает общую эффективность средств по уходу за кожей, обеспечивая мощную антиоксидантную защиту, улучшение состояния кожи и защиту от воздействия окружающей среды в одном ингредиенте. Экстракт асаи — надежный ингредиент для создания продуктов, обеспечивающих приятный пользовательский опыт с заметными улучшениями в состоянии, сиянии и устойчивости кожи. Экстракт асаи — это важный компонент инновационных средств по уходу за кожей, которые выделяются на рынке своей эффективностью, безопасностью и способностью защищать и улучшать кожу.


Химическая формула: Н/Д (натуральный экстракт)
Общее название: Экстракт асаи (Euterpe Oleracea Fruit Extract)
Молекулярная структура:
Внешний вид: Темно-фиолетовая до черной жидкость или порошок
Плотность: Прибл. 1,02-1,05 г/см³ (для жидкого экстракта)
Температура плавления: Н/Д (жидкая или порошковая форма)
Растворимость: Растворим в воде и спиртах; нерастворим в маслах
Температура вспышки: >100°C (для жидкого экстракта)
Реакционная способность: Стабилен при нормальных условиях; нет известных проблем с реакционной способностью
Химическая стабильность: Стабилен при рекомендованных условиях хранения
Температура хранения: Хранить при температуре от 15 до 25°C в прохладном, сухом месте
Давление пара: Низкое (для жидкого экстракта)


При вдыхании:
В случае вдыхания экстракта асаи немедленно вывести пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Если затрудненное дыхание продолжается, немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.
Если человек не дышит, провести искусственное дыхание.
Сохранять тепло и покой пострадавшего.

При контакте с кожей:
Вымыть пораженный участок водой с мылом.
Если раздражение кожи продолжается, обратиться за медицинской помощью.

При попадании в глаза:
В случае попадания в глаза промыть их большим количеством воды в течение как минимум 15 минут, поднимая верхние и нижние веки.
Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью, если раздражение или покраснение не проходят.
Снять контактные линзы, если они есть и их легко снять; продолжить промывание.

При проглатывании:
Если экстракт асаи был проглочен, не вызывать рвоту, если это не рекомендовано медицинским персоналом.
Тщательно прополоскать рот водой.
Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.
Если человек в сознании, дать ему выпить небольшие глотки воды.

Примечание для врачей:
Лечение симптоматическое.
Специфического антидота нет.
Оказать поддерживающую терапию.



Личная защита:
При обращении с большими количествами носить соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ), такие как перчатки и защитные очки.
Использовать в хорошо проветриваемом помещении, чтобы избежать вдыхания паров.

Обеспечить достаточную вентиляцию при обращении с большими объемами экстракта асаи, чтобы контролировать концентрацию в воздухе ниже предельно допустимых значений.

Избегать прямого контакта с глазами и длительного контакта с кожей.
Не есть, не пить и не курить при обращении с экстрактом асаи.
Тщательно мыть руки после работы.

Процедуры при разливах и утечках:
Локализовать разливы, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее распространение, и минимизировать воздействие.
Абсорбировать инертным материалом (например, песком, вермикулитом) и собрать для утилизации.
Утилизировать в соответствии с местными нормативами.

Хранить экстракт асаи в прохладном, сухом, хорошо проветриваемом помещении вдали от несовместимых материалов (см. SDS для получения конкретной информации).
Держать контейнеры плотно закрытыми, когда они не используются, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение.
Хранить вдали от источников тепла, прямого солнечного света и источников возгорания.

Меры предосторожности при обращении:
Избегать вдыхания паров и прямого контакта с кожей и глазами.
Использовать взрывозащищенное оборудование в зонах, где могут присутствовать пары.


Хранить экстракт асаи при температуре от 15 до 25°C, как рекомендовано производителем.
Избегать воздействия экстремальных температур.

Использовать утвержденные контейнеры из совместимых материалов.
Регулярно проверять контейнеры на предмет утечек или повреждений.

Хранить экстракт асаи вдали от несовместимых материалов, включая сильные окислители.

Оборудование для обращения:
Использовать специальное оборудование для обращения с экстрактом асаи, чтобы избежать перекрестного загрязнения.
Убедиться, что все оборудование для работы в хорошем состоянии.

Меры безопасности:
Ограничить доступ в зоны хранения.
Следовать всем применимым местным нормативам, касающимся хранения косметических ингредиентов.

Аварийное реагирование:
Иметь в наличии аварийное оборудование и материалы, включая материалы для уборки разливов, огнетушители и станции для промывания глаз.

Acai Yeşilçay Ekstraktı
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Extract; camellia sinensis leaf extract; extract of the leaves of the tea, camellia sinensis, theaceae; GREEN TEA EXTRACT; camellia thea leaf extract; claritea; denoxyline; earl grey tea kiinote organic (Omega); extract of the leaves of the tea, camellia sinensis, theaceae; tea leaf extract; thea assamica leaf extract;thea sinensis leaf extract cas no:84650-60-2
Acanthopnax senticosus (Eleuthero)
eleutherococcus senticosus root extract; extract of the roots of eleutherococcus senticosus, araliaceae; ci wu jia extract; eleuthero ginseng extract; ginseng root extract (eleutherococcus senticosus) CAS NO:84696-12-8
ACEMATT TS 100 IUPAC Name dioxosilane ACEMATT TS 100 InChI InChI=1S/O2Si/c1-3-2 ACEMATT TS 100 InChI Key VYPSYNLAJGMNEJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N ACEMATT TS 100 Canonical SMILES O=[Si]=O ACEMATT TS 100 Molecular Formula (SiO2)n ACEMATT TS 100 CAS 7631-86-9 ACEMATT TS 100 Deprecated CAS 108727-71-5 ACEMATT TS 100 European Community (EC) Number 231-545-4 ACEMATT TS 100 ICSC Number 0248 ACEMATT TS 100 RTECS Number VV7325000 ACEMATT TS 100 DSSTox Substance ID DTXSID1029677 ACEMATT TS 100 Physical Description PelletsLargeCrystals, OtherSolid, Liquid ACEMATT TS 100 Color/Form Amorphous powder ACEMATT TS 100 Odor Odorless ACEMATT TS 100 Taste Tasteless ACEMATT TS 100 Boiling Point 4046 °F at 760 mm Hg ACEMATT TS 100 Melting Point 3110 °F ACEMATT TS 100 Solubility Insoluble ACEMATT TS 100 Density 2.2 ACEMATT TS 100 Vapor Pressure 0 mm Hg ACEMATT TS 100 Corrosivity Non-corrosive ACEMATT TS 100 Heat of Combustion /Non-combustible/ ACEMATT TS 100 Molecular Weight 60.084 g/mol ACEMATT TS 100 Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0 ACEMATT TS 100 Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 2 ACEMATT TS 100 Rotatable Bond Count 0 ACEMATT TS 100 Exact Mass 59.966756 g/mol ACEMATT TS 100 Monoisotopic Mass 59.966756 g/mol ACEMATT TS 100 Topological Polar Surface Area 34.1 Ų ACEMATT TS 100 Heavy Atom Count 3 ACEMATT TS 100 Formal Charge 0 ACEMATT TS 100 Complexity 18.3 ACEMATT TS 100 Isotope Atom Count 0 ACEMATT TS 100 Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 ACEMATT TS 100 Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 ACEMATT TS 100 Defined Bond Stereocenter Count 0 ACEMATT TS 100 Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count 0 ACEMATT TS 100 Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 1 ACEMATT TS 100 Compound Is Canonicalized Yes ACEMATT TS 100 is an untreated thermal silica characterized by very high matting efficiency combined with very high transparency. Thanks to the unique properties ACEMATT TS100 is particularly suitable for coating systems that are difficult to matte.ACEMATT TS 100 can be used in water-based coatings, waterborne UV coatings, clear coatings, coatings for leather and films, as well as all types of top coats. Coating formulations containing ACEMATT TS 100 show outstanding resistance against household chemicals. ACEMATT TS 100 improves flow behavior and increases storage stability in powder coatings.ACEMATT TS 100 is an untreated thermal silica with outstanding properties. It provides very high efficiency and transparency. It can be used in a large variety of coatings.ACEMATT TS 100 is a high performance matting agent adding versatility to your nail polish formulations. Only low levels of addition give a matt or crackle finish. The product, which is a fumed silica is listed with the INCI name 'Silica'.ACEMATT TS 100 by Evonik acts as a matting agent for powder coatings, overprint lacquers and printing inks. Offers very good matting efficiency and transparency. Exhibits very good resistance to household chemicals. ACEMATT TS 100 provides improved flow behavior and storage stability.Properties and applications: ACEMATT TS 100/20 is an untreated thermal silica characterized by very high matting efficiency combined with high transparency. Thanks to the unique properties, ACEMATT TS 100/20 is particularly suitable for coating systems that are difficult to matt. Special application areas include: water-based coatings, waterborne UV coatings, clear coatings, coatings for leather and films, as well as all types of top coats. Coating formulations containing ACEMATT TS 100/20 show outstanding resistance against household chemicals. The particle size distribution in ACEMATT TS 100/20 is slightly broader than in ACEMATT TS 100. ACEMATT TS 100/20 improves flow behavior and increases storage stability in powder coatings.Product information ACEMATT TS 100 Evonik Industries AG | Product information ACEMATT TS 100 | Mar 2012 Page 1/2Properties and test methods Unit Value Loss on drying2 h at 105°C following ISO 787­2%≤ 4Loss on ignition 1)2 h at 1000°C following ISO 3262­1%≤ 2.5pH value5 % in water Following ISO 787­9­6.5Particle size, d50Laser diffraction following ISO 13320­1μm9.5Specific surface area (N2) Multipoint following ISO 9277m2/g250SiO2 content 2)following ISO 3262­19%≥ 99Package size (net)kg101) based on dried substance 2) based on ignited substance *) The given data are typical values. Specifications on request.Characteristic physico­ chemical data*)ACEMATT TS 100CAS­No.112945­52­57631­86­9REACH (Europe)registered TSCA (USA)registered DSL (Canada)registered AICS (Australia)registered KECI (Korea)registered ENCS (Japan)registered PICCS (Philippines)registered IECS (China)registered NZIoC (New Zealand)registered Registrations ACEMATT Matting agents are high performance silica developed for a variety of applications in Paints & Coatings. Properties and applications ACEMATT TS 100 is an untreated thermal silica characterised by very high matting efficiency combined with very high transparency. Thanks to the unique properties, ACEMATT TS 100 is particularly suitable for coating systems that are difficult to matt. It can be used in water­based coatings, waterborne UV coatings, clear coatings, coatings for leather and films, as well as all types of top coats. Coating formulations containing ACMATT® TS 100 show outstanding resistance against household chemicals.Due to the high purity and extremely low electrical conductivity, ACEMATT TS 100 is outstanding for applications in sensitive coating systems such as solder resist.ACEMATT TS 100 improves flow behavior and increases storage stability in powder coatings.Safety and handlingInformation concerning the safety of this product is listed in the corresponding Material Safety Data Sheet, which will be sent with the first delivery or upon updating. Such information is also available from Evonik Industries AG, Product Safety Department. We recommend to read carefully the material safety data sheet prior to the use of our product.Packaging and storageOur products are inert and extremely stable chemically. However, due to their high specific surface area, they can absorb moisture and volatile organic compounds from the surrounding atmosphere. Therefore, we recommend to store the products in sealed containers in a dry, cool place, and removed from volatile organic substances. Even if a product is stored under these conditions, after a longer period it can still pick up ambient moisture over time, which could lead to its exceeding the specified moisture content. For this reason, our recommended use­by date is 24 months after date of manufacture. Product more than 24 months old should be tested for moisture content before use in order to make certain that it is still suitable for the intended application.ACEMATT TS 100 is a fumed silica that is not surface treated. This matting agent is distinguished by excellent matting efficiency combined with the highest transparency. Thanks to its unique property profile, it is particularly suitable for coatings that are not easily matted. Particularly noteworthy is its use in water-based coatings, waterborne UV-coatings,clear coatings, and coatings for leather, artificial leather, and foils, as well as top coats of all types. ACEMATT TS 100 allows formulation of coatings with outstanding resistance to household chemicals. Due to its high purity and extremely low electrical conductivity, ACEMATT TS 100 is excellently suited for use in correspondingly sensitive coating systems such as solder resist. An experiment was conducted with different amounts of TEOS, matting agent (Degussa Acematt TS 100), and an acrylate type UV cure resin that cures to 100% solids. A coating of each solution was prepared on aluminum using an RDS number 3 coating rod to produce a coating thickness of approximately 0.25 mil and the coating was UV cured for 30 seconds with a Panacol-Elosol UV-H255 instrument at a wavelength of 300-400 nm. Gloss was measured with a Rhopoint NOVO-HAZE hazemeter on 6 locations, which were averaged to produce the Avg. Gloss reading. Only solutions containing both TEOS and matting agent produced low (<100) gloss.An experiment was conducted with and without TEOS, matting agent (Degussa ACEMATT TS 100), and a urethane (meth)acrylate type UV cure resin, Dymax 9-20557 that cures to 100% solids. A coating of each solution was prepared on paper using an RDS number 3 coating rod to produce a coating thickness of approximately 0.25 mil and the coating was UV cured for 30 seconds with a PANACOL-ELOSOL UV-H255 instrument at a wavelength of 300-400 nm. Gloss was measured with a Rhopoint NOVO-HAZE hazemeter on 6 locations, which were averaged to produce the Avg. Gloss reading. A significant reduction in haze was observed when TEOS and TS 100 were added to the resin as opposed to TS 100 alone.An experiment was conducted with and without TEOS, matting agent (Degussa ACEMATT TS100), and a urethane-(meth)acrylate type UV cure resin, Dymax 984-LVUF that cures to 100% solids. This resin is lower in viscosity than in example 14. A coating of each solution was prepared on paper using an RDS number 3 coating rod to produce a coating thickness of approximately 0.25 mil and the coating was UV cured for 30 seconds with a PANACOL-ELOSOL UV-H255 instrument at a wavelength of 300-400 nm. Gloss was measured with a Rhopoint NOVO-HAZE hazemeter on 6 locations, which were averaged to produce the Avg. Gloss reading. A significant reduction in haze was observed when TEOS and TS100 were added to the resin, although TS 100 alone was almost as good.ACEMATT TS 100 is an untreated thermal silica characterised by very high matting efficiency combined with very high transparency. It can be used in water-based coatings, waterborne UV coatings, clear coatings, coatings for leather and films, as well as all types of top coats.ACEMATT TS 100/20 is an untreated thermal silica characterised by very high matting efficiency combined with high transparency. The particle size distribution in ACEMATT TS 100/20 is slightly broader than in ACEMATT TS 100.Thanks to the unique properties ACEMATT TS 100/20 is particularly suitable for coating systems that are difficult to matt.Special application areas include: water-based coatings, waterborne UV coatings, clear coatings, coatings for leather and films, as well as all types of top coats. Coating formulations containing ACEMATT TS 100/20 show outstanding resistance against household chemicals.ACEMATT TS 100/20 improves flow behavior and increases storage stability in powder coatings.ACEMATT TS 100 Matting agents are high performance silica developed for a variety of applications in Paints & Coatings.ACEMATT TS 100 is an untreated thermal silica characterised by very high matting efficiency combined with very high transparency. Thanks to the unique properties ACEMATT TS 100 is particularly suitable for coating systems that are difficult to matte. Properties and applications ACEMATT TS 100 can be used in water-based coatings, waterborne UV coatings, clear coatings, coatings for leather and films, as well as all types of top coats. Coating formulations containing ACEMATT TS 100 show outstanding resistance against household chemicals. ACEMATT TS 100 improves flow behavior and increases storage stability in powder coatings. Safety and handling Information concerning the safety of this product is listed in the corresponding Safety Data Sheet, which will be sent with the first delivery or upon updating. Such information is also available from. We recommend to read carefully the material safety data sheet prior to the use of our product.Packaging and storage.For details regarding our packaging options for this product,please contact your local sales representative.Our products are inert and extremely stable chemically.However, due to their high specific surface area, they can absorb moisture and volatile organic compounds from the surrounding atmosphere. Therefore, we recommend to store the products in sealed containers in a dry, cool place, and removed from volatile organic substances. Even if a product is stored under these conditions, after a longer period it can still pick up ambient moisture over time, which could lead to its exceeding the specified moisture content. For this reason, our recommended use-by date is 24 months after date of manufacture. Product more than 24 months old should be tested for moisture content before use in order to make certain that it is still suitable for the intended application.ACEMATT TS 100 ACEMATT TS 100 is an untreated thermal silica characterised by very high matting efficiency combined with very high transparency. Thanks to the unique properties ACEMATT TS 100 is particularly suitable for coating systems that are difficult to matte.SCOPE OF APPLICATION ACEMATT TS 100 can be used in water-based coatings, waterborne UV coatings, clear coatings, coatings for leather and films, as well as all types of top coats. Coating formulations containing ACEMATT TS 100 show outstanding resistance against household chemicals.ACEMATT TS 100 improves flow behavior and increases storage stability in powder coatings.Thermal, untreated matting agent.Average agglomerate particle size (median TEM): 4 µm The chemical compound silicon dioxide, also known as silica (from the Latin silex),is an oxide of silicon with a chemical formula of SiO2 and has been known for its hardness since antiquity.Silica is most commonly found in nature as sand or quartz, as well as in the cell walls of diatoms. It is a principal component of most types of glass and substances such as concrete. Silica is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust.ACEMATT TS 100 features excellent matting efficiency and transparency. Because of the unique manufactoring process, it is particularly suitable for systems wich are difficult to matt, for water-borne dispersion coatings and for finish coatings. Use of ACEMATT TS 100 may provide coatings with outstanding resistance to household chemicals. Thanks to the high purity and the resulting low conductivity ACEMATT TS 100 is ideal for use in sensitive coating systems. ACEMATT TS 100 improves flow behavior and the storage stability of powder coatings.Silicon dioxide, also known as silica, is an oxide of silicon with the chemical formula SiO2, most commonly found in nature as quartz and in various living organisms.In many parts of the world, silica is the major constituent of sand. Silica is one of the most complex and most abundant families of materials, existing as a compound of several minerals and as synthetic product. Notable examples include fused quartz, fumed silica, silica gel, and aerogels. It is used in structural materials, microelectronics (as an electrical insulator), and as components in the food and pharmaceutical industries.Inhaling finely divided crystalline silica is toxic and can lead to severe inflammation of the lung tissue, silicosis, bronchitis, lung cancer, and systemic autoimmune diseases, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Inhalation of amorphous silicon dioxide, in high doses, leads to non-permanent short-term inflammation, where all effects heal.In the majority of silicates, the silicon atom shows tetrahedral coordination, with four oxygen atoms surrounding a central Si atom. The most common example is seen in the quartz polymorphs. It is a 3 dimensional network solid in which each silicon atom is covalently bonded in a tetrahedral manner to 4 oxygen atoms.For example, in the unit cell of α-quartz, the central tetrahedron shares all four of its corner O atoms, the two face-centered tetrahedra share two of their corner O atoms, and the four edge-centered tetrahedra share just one of their O atoms with other SiO4 tetrahedra. This leaves a net average of 12 out of 24 total vertices for that portion of the seven SiO4 tetrahedra that are considered to be a part of the unit cell for silica (see 3-D Unit Cell).SiO2 has a number of distinct crystalline forms (polymorphs) in addition to amorphous forms. With the exception of stishovite and fibrous silica, all of the crystalline forms involve tetrahedral SiO4 units linked together by shared vertices. Silicon–oxygen bond lengths vary between the various crystal forms; for example in α-quartz the bond length is 161 pm, whereas in α-tridymite it is in the range 154–171 pm. The Si-O-Si angle also varies between a low value of 140° in α-tridymite, up to 180° in β-tridymite. In α-quartz, the Si-O-Si angle is 144°.Fibrous silica has a structure similar to that of SiS2 with chains of edge-sharing SiO4 tetrahedra. Stishovite, the higher-pressure form, in contrast, has a rutile-like structure where silicon is 6-coordinate. The density of stishovite is 4.287 g/cm3, which compares to α-quartz, the densest of the low-pressure forms, which has a density of 2.648 g/cm3.The difference in density can be ascribed to the increase in coordination as the six shortest Si-O bond lengths in stishovite (four Si-O bond lengths of 176 pm and two others of 181 pm) are greater than the Si-O bond length (161 pm) in α-quartz. The change in the coordination increases the ionicity of the Si-O bond.More importantly, any deviations from these standard parameters constitute microstructural differences or variations, which represent an approach to an amorphous, vitreous, or glassy solid.The only stable form under normal conditions is alpha quartz, in which crystalline silicon dioxide is usually encountered. In nature, impurities in crystalline α-quartz can give rise to colors (see list). The high-temperature minerals, cristobalite and tridymite, have both lower densities and indices of refraction than quartz. Since the composition is identical, the reason for the discrepancies must be in the increased spacing in the high-temperature minerals. As is common with many substances, the higher the temperature, the farther apart the atoms are, due to the increased vibration energy.[citation needed]The transformation from α-quartz to beta-quartz takes place abruptly at 573 °C. Since the transformation is accompanied by a significant change in volume, it can easily induce fracturing of ceramics or rocks passing through this temperature limit.The high-pressure minerals, seifertite, stishovite, and coesite, though, have higher densities and indices of refraction than quartz. This is probably due to the intense compression of the atoms occurring during their formation, resulting in more condensed structure.Faujasite silica is another form of crystalline silica. It is obtained by dealumination of a low-sodium, ultra-stable Y zeolite with combined acid and thermal treatment. The resulting product contains over 99% silica, and has high crystallinity and surface area (over 800 m2/g). Faujasite-silica has very high thermal and acid stability. For example, it maintains a high degree of long-range molecular order or crystallinity even after boiling in concentrated hydrochloric acid.Molten silica exhibits several peculiar physical characteristics that are similar to those observed in liquid water: negative temperature expansion, density maximum at temperatures ~5000 °C, and a heat capacity minimum. Its density decreases from 2.08 g/cm3 at 1950 °C to 2.03 g/cm3 at 2200 °C.Molecular SiO2 with a linear structure is produced when molecular silicon monoxide, SiO, is condensed in an argon matrix cooled with helium along with oxygen atoms generated by microwave discharge. Dimeric silicon dioxide, (SiO2)2 has been prepared by reacting O2 with matrix isolated dimeric silicon monoxide, (Si2O2). In dimeric silicon dioxide there are two oxygen atoms bridging between the silicon atoms with an Si-O-Si angle of 94° and bond length of 164.6 pm and the terminal Si-O bond length is 150.2 pm. The Si-O bond length is 148.3 pm, which compares with the length of 161 pm in α-quartz. The bond energy is estimated at 621.7 kJ/mol.Even though it is poorly soluble, silica occurs in many plants. Plant materials with high silica phytolith content appear to be of importance to grazing animals, from chewing insects to ungulates. Silica accelerates tooth wear, and high levels of silica in plants frequently eaten by herbivores may have developed as a defense mechanism against predation.Silica is also the primary component of rice husk ash, which is used, for example, in filtration and cement manufacturing.For well over a billion years, silicification in and by cells has been common in the biological world. In the modern world it occurs in bacteria, single-celled organisms, plants, and animals (invertebrates and vertebrates). Prominent examples include:Tests or frustules (i.e. shells) of diatoms, Radiolaria, and testate amoebae.Silica phytoliths in the cells of many plants, including Equisetaceae, practically all grasses, and a wide range of dicotyledons.The spicules forming the skeleton of many sponges.Crystalline minerals formed in the physiological environment often show exceptional physical properties (e.g., strength, hardness, fracture toughness) and tend to form hierarchical structures that exhibit microstructural order over a range of scales. The minerals are crystallized from an environment that is undersaturated with respect to silicon, and under conditions of neutral pH and low temperature (0–40 °C).Formation of the mineral may occur either within the cell wall of an organism (such as with phytoliths), or outside the cell wall, as typically happens with tests. Specific biochemical reactions exist for mineral deposition. Such reactions include those that involve lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.It is unclear in what ways silica is important in the nutrition of animals. This field of research is challenging because silica is ubiquitous and in most circumstances dissolves in trace quantities only. All the same it certainly does occur in the living body, creating the challenge of creating silica-free controls for purposes of research. This makes it difficult to be sure when the silica present has had operative beneficial effects, and when its presence is coincidental, or even harmful. The current consensus is that it certainly seems important in the growth, strength, and management of many connective tissues. This is true not only for hard connective tissues such as bone and tooth but possibly in the biochemistry of the subcellular enzyme-containing structures as well.Structural use About 95% of the commercial use of silicon dioxide (sand) occurs in the construction industry, e.g. for the production of concrete (Portland cement concrete).Certain deposits of silica sand, with desirable particle size and shape and desirable clay and other mineral content, were important for sand casting of metallic products.The high melting point of silica enables it to be used in such applications such as iron casting; modern sand casting sometimes uses other minerals for other reasons.Crystalline silica is used in hydraulic fracturing of formations which contain tight oil and shale gas.Precursor to glass and silicon Silica is the primary ingredient in the production of most glass. As other minerals are melted with silica, the principle of Freezing Point Depression lowers the melting point of the mixture and increases fluidity. The glass transition temperature of pure SiO2 is about 1475 K.When molten silicon dioxide SiO2 is rapidly cooled, it does not crystallize, but solidifies as a glass. Because of this, most ceramic glazes have silica as the main ingredient.The structural geometry of silicon and oxygen in glass is similar to that in quartz and most other crystalline forms of silicon and oxygen with silicon surrounded by regular tetrahedra of oxygen centers. The difference between the glass and crystalline forms arises from the connectivity of the tetrahedral units: Although there is no long range periodicity in the glassy network ordering remains at length scales well beyond the SiO bond length. One example of this ordering is the preference to form rings of 6-tetrahedra.The majority of optical fibers for telecommunication are also made from silica. It is a primary raw material for many ceramics such as earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain.Silicon dioxide is used to produce elemental silicon. The process involves carbothermic reduction in an electric arc furnace:Food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical applications Silica, either colloidal, precipitated, or pyrogenic fumed, is a common additive in food production. It is used primarily as a flow or anti-caking agent in powdered foods such as spices and non-dairy coffee creamer, or powders to be formed into pharmaceutical tablets.It can adsorb water in hygroscopic applications. Colloidal silica is used as a fining agent for wine, beer, and juice, with the E number reference E551.In cosmetics, silica is useful for its light-diffusing properties and natural absorbency.Diatomaceous earth, a mined product, has been used in food and cosmetics for centuries. It consists of the silica shells of microscopic diatoms; in a less processed form it was sold as "tooth powder".[citation needed] Manufactured or mined hydrated silica is used as the hard abrasive in toothpaste.
N-2-hydroxyethylacetamide, Acetamide MEA 100%, 2-Acetamidoethanol; 2-Acetylaminoethanol; 2-N-Acetylaminoethanol; Acetamide MEA; Acetylcolamine; Incromectant AMEA 100; Incromectant AMEA 70; Mackamide AME 100; N-(b-Hydroxyethyl)acetamide; N-Acetyl-2-aminoethanol; N-Acetylethanolamine; N-Ethanolacetamide; NSC 5999; Schercomid AME 70 CAS Number 142-26-7
Acesulfame potassium; Potassium acesulfame; Sunett;6-Methyl-3,4-dihydro-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4-one 2,2-dioxide potassium salt; 1,2,3-Oxathiazin-4(3H)-one, 6-methyl-, 2,2-dioxide potassium salt; 6-Methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide potassium; Sweet one; cas no: 55589-62-3
Acesulfame potassium; Potassium acesulfame; Sunett; 6-Methyl-3,4-dihydro-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4-one 2,2-dioxide potassium salt; 1,2,3-Oxathiazin-4(3H)-one, 6-methyl-, 2,2-dioxide potassium salt; 6-Methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide potassium; Sweet one; CAS NO:55589-62-3, 33665-90-6 (Parent)
Acesulfame Potassium
SYNONYMS Acesulfame potassium; Potassium acesulfame; Sunett; 6-Methyl-3,4-dihydro-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4-one 2,2-dioxide potassium salt; 1,2,3-Oxathiazin-4(3H)-one, 6-methyl-, 2,2-dioxide potassium salt; 6-Methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide potassium; Sweet one; CAS NO. 55589-62-3
ACETAMIDOETHOXYETHANOL, N° CAS :118974-46-2, ACETAMIDOETHOXYETHANOL, Acetamide, N-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl]-. Ses fonctions (INCI) :Humectant : Maintient la teneur en eau d'un cosmétique dans son emballage et sur la peau
AMMONIUM ACETATE, N° CAS : 631-61-8 , Acétate d'ammonium, Nom INCI : AMMONIUM ACETATE, Nom chimique : Ammonium acetate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 211-162-9, Additif alimentaire : E264, Ses fonctions (INCI), Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques
ElfaMoist® AC Humectant , Acetamide, N-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl]- CAS : 118974-46-2
Acétate d'ammonium
AMYL ACETATE, N° CAS : 628-63-7, Nom INCI : AMYL ACETATE, Nom chimique : Pentyl acetate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 211-047-3. Ses fonctions (INCI): Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances. 1-Pentanol, acetate; 211-047-3 [EINECS]; Noms français : 1-PENTANOL ACETATE; 1-PENTYL ACETATE ACETATE D'AMYLE; ACETIC ACID, PENTYL ESTER; Acétate d'amyle normal; Acétate de 1-pentyle; Acétate de n-amyle; AMYL ACETATE NORMAL; n-Amyl acetate; NORMAL-AMYL ACETATE PENTANOL ACETATE; Pentyl acetate; Noms anglais :Acetic acid, amyl ester; Amyl acetate (normal-); Amyl acetic ester; Amyl acetic ether; n-Amyl acetate; n-Pentyl acetate; Normal amyl acetate Pent-acetate; Pentyl acetate, all isomers [628-63-7]; Famille chimique; Ester; Utilisation L'acétate d'amyle normal est utilisé : comme solvant dans les laques à base de nitrocellulose, les vernis, les peintures, les vernis à ongles, les parfums, les ciments et les lampes fluorescentes; comme solvant dans l'industrie photographique (pellicules) et dans l'industrie textile (soie, cuir artificiel); comme nettoyant de taches dans l'industrie du nettoyage à sec; comme agent de saveur dans l'industrie alimentaire; dans l'industrie pharmaceutique. 628-63-7 [RN] Acétate de pentyle [French] Acetic acid n-amyl ester Acetic acid n-pentyl ester Acetic acid, n-pentyl ester Acetic acid, pentyl ester Amyl Acetate Amyl acetate, n- n-Pentyl acetate n-PENTYL ETHANOATE Pentyl acetate Pentyl ethanoate Pentylacetat Pentyl-acetat [German] 1-Acetoxypentane 1-Pentanol acetate 1-Pentyl acetate Acetate d'amyle [French] Acetic acid amyl ester Acetic acid pentyl ester Acetic acid, amyl ester Acetic acid, N-amyl ester Amyl acetate211-047-3MFCD00009500 Amyl acetic ester Amyl acetic ether Amylacetate Amylazetat [German] Amylester kyseliny octove [Czech] banana oil [Wiki] Birnenoel N-Amyl acetate Octan amylu [Polish] Pear oil Pent-acetate pentanol acetate Prim-amyl acetate Primary amyl acetate
BENZYL ACETATE, N° CAS : 140-11-4 / 101-41-7, Nom INCI : BENZYL ACETATE. Nom chimique : Methyl Phenylacetate; Methyl alpha-Toluate. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 205-399-7 / 202-940-9. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Agent parfumant : Utilisé pour le parfum et les matières premières aromatiques
Acétate de benzyle ( BENZYL ACETATE)
BUTYL ACETATE, N° CAS : 123-86-4 - Acétate de butyle, Origine(s) : Synthétique. Nom INCI : BUTYL ACETATE. Nom chimique : n-Butyl acetate. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 204-658-1. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances
Acétate de butyle
propan-2-yl 2-methoxyacetate
POTASSIUM ACETATE, N° CAS : 127-08-2 - Acétate de potassium, Nom INCI : POTASSIUM ACETATE. Nom chimique : Potassium acetate. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 204-822-2. Additif alimentaire :E261, Ses fonctions (INCI), Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles
Acétate de potassium
STRONTIUM ACETATE, N° CAS : 543-94-2 - Acétate de strontium (hémihydraté), Nom INCI : STRONTIUM ACETATE, Nom chimique : Strontium di(acetate), N° EINECS/ELINCS : 208-854-8 Classification : Règlementé. Ses fonctions (INCI) : Agent d'hygiène buccale : Fournit des effets cosmétiques à la cavité buccale (nettoyage, désodorisation et protection). Agent apaisant : Aide à alléger l'inconfort de la peau ou du cuir chevelu
Acétate de strontium (hémihydraté)
Acétate de la vitamine E (+); Acétate de vitamine E; ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL ACETATE (+); D-.ALPHA.-TOCOPHERYL ACETATEalpha-Tocopherol acetate; tocopherol acetate; α-tocopheryl acetate; TOCOPHERYL ACETATE, N° CAS : 7695-91-2 / 58-95-7 - Acétate de tocophérol, Origine(s) : Végétale, Synthétique. Autres langues : Acetato de tocoferilo, Acetato di tocoferile, Tocopherylacetat, Nom INCI : TOCOPHERYL ACETATE. Nom chimique : 3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-benzopyran-6-yl acetate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 231-710-0 / 200-405-4. L'acétate de tocophérol est un dérivé de Vitamine E. Il agit dans les cosmétiques en tant qu'antioxydant. Il peut être produit synthétiquement ou d'origine naturel, extrait d'huile de Soja ou de tournesol par exemple. Il est souvent utilisé dans les cosmétiques en tant qu'alternative au tocophérol pur, parce qu'il est considéré plus stable et moins acide. Il est autorisé en bio, lorsqu'il est d'origine végétal.Ses fonctions (INCI) : Antioxydant : Inhibe les réactions favorisées par l'oxygène, évitant ainsi l'oxydation et la rancidité. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état; (+)-α-Tocopherol acetate (2R)-2,5,7,8-Tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromen-6-yl acetate [ACD/IUPAC Name] (2R)-2,5,7,8-Tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromen-6-yl-acetat [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name] [2R*(4R*,8R*)]-3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-ol Acetate 200-405-4 [EINECS] 231-710-0 [EINECS] 2H-1-Benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]-, acetate, (2R)- [ACD/Index Name] 58-95-7 [RN] 7695-91-2 [RN] A7E6112E4N Acétate de (2R)-2,5,7,8-tétraméthyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-triméthyltridécyl]-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromén-6-yle [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name] all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate a-Tocopherol Acetate a-Tocopheryl Acetate D-?-tocopherol acetate Eprolin [Trade name] E-Vimin Evion GA8747000 GP8280000 MFCD00072042 [MDL number] MFCD00072052 O-Acetyl-α-tocopherol TOCOPHEROL ACETATE [JP15] Tocopheryl acetate [Wiki] Tocopheryl Acetate, a Vitamin E acetate Vitamin- E acetate α Tocopheryl Acetate α-Tocopherol acetate α-Tocopherylis acetas α-Tocopherol acetate ()-α-Tocopherol acetate (?)-?-Tocopheryl acetate (+)-?-Tocopherol acetate (+)-α-tocopherol acetate (2R-(2R*(4R*,8R*)))-3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-ol acetate (2R*(4R*,8R*))-(1)-3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-benzopyran-6-yl acetate [(2R)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]-3,4-dihydrochromen-6-yl] acetate [(2R)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]chroman-6-yl] acetate [(2R)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]chroman-6-yl] ethanoate [(2S)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]chroman-6-yl] acetate [(2S)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]chroman-6-yl] ethanoate [2R*(4R*,8R*)]-()-3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-benzopyran-6-yl acetate [58-95-7] [7695-91-2] 133-80-2 [RN] 1407-18-7 [RN] 18920-61-1 [RN] 2,5,7,8-Tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromen-6-yl acetate [ACD/IUPAC Name] 200-412-2 [EINECS] 2H-1-Benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-((4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-, acetate, (2R)- 2H-1-Benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-((4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-, acetate, (2R)-rel- 2H-1-Benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-, acetate, [2R-[2R*(4R*,8R*)]]- 2H-1-Benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-, acetate,(2R*(4R*,8R*))-(±)- 2H-1-Benzopyran-6-ol,3,4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]-,6-acetate, (2R)-rel- 3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-b- enzopyran-6-ol, acetate 3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-benzopyran-6-yl acetate 5-17-04-00169 [Beilstein] 5-17-04-00169 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein] 54-22-8 [RN] 6-acetoxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4',8',12'-trimethyltridecyl)-chromane 6-Chromanol, 2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-, acetate Acetic acid (R)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-((4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyl-tridecyl)-chroman-6-yl ester acetic acid [(2R)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]-6-chromanyl] ester acetic acid [(2R)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]chroman-6-yl] ester acetic acid [(2S)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]-6-chromanyl] ester acetic acid [(2S)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-[(4R,8R)-4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl]chroman-6-yl] ester Acetic acid 2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyl-tridecyl)-chroman-6-yl ester Alfacol all-rac-2,5,7,8-Tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-1-benzopyran-6-yl acetate all-rac-α-Tocopheryl acetate Contopheron d-??Tocopheryl Acetate d-a-tocopheryl acetate DL-??-Tocopherol Acetate DL-?-Tocopherol Acetate DL-��-Tocopherol Acetate DL-α-Tocopherol acetate DL-α-Tocopheryl acetate DL-��-Tocopherol Acetate DL-α-Tocopherol acetate, 50% powder form DL-α-Tocopherol acetate, EP/USP/FCC grade DL-α-Tocopherylacetate (Vitamin E acetate) D-α tocoferil acetate d-α Tocopheryl Acetate d-α-tocopherol acetate D-α-Tocopherol Acetate D-α-TOCOPHEROLACETATE D-α-Tocopheryl acetate d-α-tocopheryl acetate, 97% Ecofrol ECON E-ferol EINECS 231-710-0 EINECS 257-757-7 Endo E dompe Ephynal Epsilan-M E-Toplex Evipherol Fertilvit Gevex α-Tocopherol Acetate α-Tocopherylis acetas Juvela [Trade name] NCGC00166253-01 O-Acetyl-α-tocopherol Rovimix E 50SD RRR-α-tocopheryl acetate Syntopherol acetate Tocopherex Tocopherol acetate (JP15) Tocopherolacetate, α- Tocophrin TOFAXIN UNII:A7E6112E4N UNII-A7E6112E4N UNII-WR1WPI7EW8 Vectan Vectan (TN) vitamin e acetate 96% Vitamin E Acetate Oil - Synthetic Vitamin E acetate, d- vitamin e acetate α-tocopherol acetate α-Tocopherol acetate, all rac α-TOCOPHEROL ACETATE, D- α-TOCOPHEROL ACETATE, DL- α-Tocopheryl acetate α-Tocopheryl acetate α-tocopheryl acetate, D-
Acétate de tocophérol ( TOCOPHERYL ACETATE)
ZINC ACETATE N° CAS : 557-34-6 - Acétate de zinc "Satisfaisant" dans toutes les catégories. Nom INCI : ZINC ACETATE Nom chimique : Zinc di(acetate) N° EINECS/ELINCS : 209-170-2 Additif alimentaire : E650 Classification : Règlementé Restriction en Europe : III/24 La concentration maximale autorisée en cosmétique est la suivante : 1 % (en zinc). Ses fonctions (INCI) Antimicrobien : Aide à ralentir la croissance de micro-organismes sur la peau et s'oppose au développement des microbes
Acétate de zinc ( ZINC ACETATE)
CETYL ACETATE, N° CAS : 629-70-9, Nom INCI : CETYL ACETATE, Nom chimique : Hexadecyl acetate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 211-103-7, Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau, Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit, Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état; Hexadecyl acetate; 1-Hexadecanol, 1-acetate; Cetyl acetate; Cetyl acetate 1-Hexadecanol, acetate [ACD/Index Name]; Acétate d'hexadécyle [French] ; Cetyl alcohol acetate; Hexadecyl acetate ; Hexadecyl-acetat [German] ; 1-Acetoxyhexadecane; 1-Hexadecanol acetate; 1-Hexadecanol, 1-acetate; 1-Hexadecyl acetate; Acelan A; acetic acid cetyl ester; acetic acid hexadecyl ester; Acetic acid, hexadecyl ester; CETYL ACETATE|HEXADECYL ACETATE; Hexadecanol acetate; Hexadecanyl acetate; hexadecyl ethanoate; n-Hexadecyl acetate; n-Hexadecyl ethanoate; Palmityl acetate
Acétate d'hexadécyle ( CETYL ACETATE)
Ethylic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; vinegar; Vinegar acid; Acetic acid, glacial; Essigsäure; ácido acético; Acide acétique; Ethanoic acid; Acetasol; Octowy kwas; Kyselina octova; Essigsaeure; Octowy kwas; Vosol; CHLORINE IODIDE; CHLOROIODIDE; IODINE CHLORIDE; IODINE MONOCHLORIDE; IODINE MONOCHLORIDE SOLUTION, WIJS; IODINE-MONOCHLORIDE, WIJS; IODINE SOLUTION ACCORDING TO WIJS; IODOCHLORIDE; IODOMONOCHLORIDE; WIJS CHLORIDE; WIJS' CHLORIDE; WIJS IODINE SOLUTION; WIJ'S IODINE SOLUTION; WIJS REAGENT; WIJS' REAGENT; WIJS SOLUTION; WIJS' SOLUTION; Acetasol; aceticacid(non-specificname); aceticacid(solutionsgreaterthan10%) CAS NO:64-19-7, 77671-22-8
SYNONYMS Ethylic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; vinegar; Vinegar acid; Acetic acid, glacial; CAS NO. 64-19-7, 77671-22-8
ACETIC ACID %80-%100
Ethylic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; vinegar; Vinegar acid; Acetic acid, glacial; Essigsäure; ácido acético; Acide acétique; Ethanoic acid; Acetasol; Octowy kwas; Kyselina octova; Essigsaeure; Octowy kwas; Vosol CAS NO:64-19-7
Acetic acid glacial
Ethylic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; vinegar; Vinegar acid; Acetic acid, glacial; Essigsäure; ácido acético; Acide acétique; Ethanoic acid; Acetasol; Octowy kwas; Kyselina octova; Essigsaeure; Octowy kwas; Vosol; cas no:77671-22-8
Acetic anhydride
Acetic oxide; Acetyl oxide; Ethanoic Anhydride; Acetic acid anhydride; Acetyl ether; Hydroxybiacetyl; Ethanoic Anhydrate; Acetanhydride; Anhydride Acetique; Anhydrid kyseliny octove; Anidride acetica; Azijnzuuranhydride; Essigsaeureanhydrid; Octowy bezwodnik; Acetyl acetate cas no: 108-24-7
Aceto Nitrile
1-[3-(TRIMETHOXYSILYL)PROPYL]UREA; (3-UREIDOPROPYL)TRIMETHOXYSILANE; TRIMETHOXYSILYL PROPYL UREA; UREIDOPROPYLTRIMETHOXYSILANE; .gamma.-Ureidopropyltrimethoxysilane; [3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]urea; Urea, 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl-; 3-Ureidopropyltrimethoxysilane, 50% in methanol; 1-(3-(TRIMETHOXYSILYL)PROPYL)UREA 97%; N-(Trimethoxysilylpropyl)urea; N-[3-(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl]urea; Trimethoxy[3-[(aminocarbonyl)amino]propyl]silane CAS NO:23843-64-3
SYNONYMS Ethanoyl chloride; Acetic acid chloride; CAS NO. 75-36-5
Acetone = dimethyl ketone

CAS NUMBER: 67-64-1

Acetone, or propanone, is an organic compound with the formula (CH3)2CO.
Acetone is the simplest and smallest ketone.
Acetone is a colourless, highly volatile and flammable liquid with a characteristic pungent odour.
Acetone is miscible with water and serves as an important organic solvent in Acetones own right, in industry, home, and laboratory.

Acetone is a naturally occurring compound also known as propanone.
Composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, acetone presents as a clear liquid that is highly flammable and often used as cleaner in industrial settings.
Acetone is found in volcanic gases, plants, in byproducts of forest fires, and the breakdown of body fat.
Acetone evaporates very quickly, and while Acetone is produced in nature, for commercial use Acetone is produced by manually combining three carbon atoms, six hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom to produce the compound element (CH3)2CO, that we call acetone.
Because acetone is both organic and non-toxic, when used properly, Acetone is an element many products that people use every day.

Acetone is the main ingredient in paint thinner, used as a solvent in various cosmetics and facial treatments, as well as a cleaning agent to remove sticky substances like glue or resin.
Acetone is also used as an additive in gasoline that thins the gas allowing Acetone to diffuse more easily through the engine, resulting in higher fuel efficiency.
Acetone is a chemical that is used daily by many people.
Across all industries acetone is necessary for developing new products, cleaning, degreasing, or even saving marine life from detrimental oil spills.

Acetone is a good solvent for many plastics and some synthetic fibers.
Acetone is used for thinning polyester resin, cleaning tools used with Acetone, and dissolving two-part epoxies and superglue before they harden.
Acetone is used as one of the volatile components of some paints and varnishes.
As a heavy-duty degreaser, Acetone is useful in the preparation of metal prior to painting or soldering, and to remove rosin flux after soldering (to prevent adhesion of dirt and electrical leakage and perhaps corrosion or for cosmetic reasons), although Acetone attacks many electronic components (for example polystyrene capacitors) so Acetone is unsuitable for cleaning many circuit boards.
Although itself flammable, acetone is used extensively as a solvent for the safe transportation and storage of acetylene, which cannot be safely pressurized as a pure compound.

Vessels containing a porous material are first filled with acetone followed by acetylene, which dissolves into the acetone.
One litre of acetone can dissolve around 250 litres of acetylene at a pressure of 10 bars (1.0 MPa).
Acetone is a primary ingredient in many nail polish removers.
Acetone breaks down nail polish, making Acetone easy to remove with a cotton swab or cloth.
Acetone is widely used because Acetone can easily mix with water and evaporates quickly in the air.

Acetone is widely used in the textile industry for degreasing wool and degumming silk.
As a solvent, acetone is frequently incorporated in solvent systems or “blends,” used in the formulation of lacquers for automotive and furniture finishes.
Acetone also may be used to reduce the viscosity of lacquer solutions.
Acetone is commonly used as a solvent to manufacture plastics and other industrial products.

Acetone may also be used to a limited extent in household products, including cosmetics and personal care products, where its most frequent application would be in the formulation of nail polish removers.
Acetone is used as a solvent in the cosmetics industry (nail polish remover).
Acetone is used as a thinner and solvent in the paint industry.

About 6.7 million tonnes were produced worldwide in 2010, mainly for use as a solvent and production of methyl methacrylate and bisphenol A.
Acetone is a common building block in organic chemistry.
Familiar household uses of acetone are as the active ingredient in nail polish remover and as paint thinner.
While Acetone has volatile organic compound (VOC) exempt status in the United States, Acetone is considered by the EU as a contributor to environmental pollution.

Acetone is used in the preparation of paper coatings, adhesives, and heat-seal coatings and is also employed as a starting material in the synthesis of many compounds.
The cumene hydroperoxide process is the dominant process used in the commercial production of acetone.
Acetone is also prepared by the dehydrogenation of 2-propanol (isopropyl alcohol).
The first member of the ketones class is dimethyl ketone.
Acetones closed formula is C3H6O, Acetones boiling point is 56 °C.
Acetone combines with water, ethanol and ether at any rate.

Acetone smells sharp. From the dry-dry distillation of wood: from heating calcium acetate; dehydrogenation of isopropanol from copper catalysts in the art at 250 °C; Acetone is obtained from the mixture of ethanol and water vapor in the gas phase at 250 °C under the catalysis of Fe2O3.
If acetone and sodium nitrozil prussiat are mixed in basic medium, red precipitation occurs, acetone is detected.
An important reaction is the formation of iodoform, which Acetone gives with elemental iodine in a basic environment.
Acetone is in the cigarette.
Acetone is a polar organic solvent.
Acetone can undergo photocatalytic oxidation in the presence of mixed TiO2-rare earth oxides.

Acetone is produced and disposed of in the human body through normal metabolic processes.
Acetone is normally present in blood and urine. People with diabetic ketoacidosis produce Acetone in larger amounts. Reproductive toxicity tests show that Acetone has low potential to cause reproductive problems.
Ketogenic diets that increase ketone bodies (acetone, β-hydroxybutyric acid and acetoacetic acid) in the blood are used to counter epileptic attacks in infants and children who suffer from refractory epilepsy.
Acetone is a colorless, volatile, flammable organic solvent.
Acetone occurs naturally in plants, trees, forest fires, vehicle exhaust and as a breakdown product of animal fat metabolism.
This agent may be normally present in very small quantities in urine and blood; larger amounts may be found in the urine and blood of diabetics.
Acetone is toxic in high doses.

Acetone is a manufactured chemical that is also found naturally in the environment.
Acetone is a colorless liquid with a distinct smell and taste.
Acetone evaporates easily, is flammable, and dissolves in water.
Acetone is also called dimethyl ketone, 2-propanone, and beta-ketopropane.
Acetone is used to make plastic, fibers, drugs, and other chemicals.
Acetone is also used to dissolve other substances.

Acetone occurs naturally in plants, trees, volcanic gases, forest fires, and as a product of the breakdown of body fat.
Acetone is present in vehicle exhaust, tobacco smoke, and landfill sites.
Industrial processes contribute more acetone to the environment than natural processes.
Acetone appears as a clear colorless liquid with a sweetish odor.
Flash point 0°F. Less dense than water.
Vapors are heavier than air.
Used as a solvent in paint and nail polish removers.

Acetone, a colorless liquid also known as Propanone, is a solvent used in manufacture of plastics and other industrial products.
Acetone may also be used to a limited extent in household products, including cosmetics and personal care products, where Acetones most frequent application would be in the formulation of nail polish removers.
Acetone occurs naturally in the human body as a byproduct of metabolism.
Acetone occurs naturally in the human body as a byproduct of metabolism.
Acetone is also a primary ingredient in many nail polish removers.

As a solvent, acetone is frequently incorporated in other solvent systems or “blends,” used in the formulation of lacquers for automotive and furniture finishes, for example.
In chemistry, a pure chemical compound is a chemical substance which contains only one substance and a particular set of molecules or ions.
Pure acetone contains only the molecules or ions of acetone.
Acetone is a chemical used to make products like nail polish remover and paint remover.
Your body also makes this chemical when Acetone breaks down fat.

Acetone is safe in normal amounts, but too much of Acetone could be a problem.
Acetone is a solvent, which means Acetone can break down or dissolve substances like paint and varnish.
That's why it's an ingredient in nail polish removers, varnish removers, and paint removers. Companies also use this chemical to remove grease from wool, reduce the stickiness of silk, and make protective coatings for furniture and cars.
Acetone (CH3COCH3), also called 2-propanone or dimethyl ketone, organic solvent of industrial and chemical significance, the simplest and most important of the aliphatic (fat-derived) ketones.

Pure acetone is a colourless, somewhat aromatic, flammable, mobile liquid that boils at 56.2 °C (133 °F).
Acetone is capable of dissolving many fats and resins as well as cellulose ethers, cellulose acetate, nitrocellulose, and other cellulose esters.
Because of the latter quality, acetone is used extensively in the manufacture of artificial fibres (such as some rayons) and explosives.
Acetone is used as a chemical intermediate in pharmaceuticals and as a solvent for vinyl and acrylic resins, lacquers, alkyd paints, inks, cosmetics (such as nail-polish remover), and varnishes.

Acetone is a volatile, flammable liquid.
Acetone is rapidly absorbed by inhalation, ingestion, and dermally, and distributed throughout the body.
Once acetone has been absorbed, Acetone is metabolized, but the pharmacokinetics and the selection of metabolic pathway seem to be dose dependent.
Excretion of acetone appears in breath and urine.

Inhaled acetone is narcotic and causes transient central nervous system effects, but Acetone is not a neurotoxicant.
In occupational environments, workers exposed to acetone for weeks do not exhibit long-lasting complaints.
Acetone is neither genotoxic nor mutagenic.
As Acetone now looks, acetone is hazardous because of Acetones potentiating effect on the toxicity of other volatile organic solvents and methylglyoxal.
Acetone, also known as 2-propanone or dimethyl ketone (DMK), is an important chemical intermediate used in the production of acrylic plastics, polycarbonates and epoxy resins.

These materials in turn are used by many different industry sectors to product countless everyday items.
Acetone is also used in its own right as a solvent.
Acetone is manufactured from the basic raw materials of benzene and propylene.
These materials are first used to produce cumene, which is then oxidised to become cumene hydroperoxide, before being split into phenol and its co-product, acetone.
Acetone is the simplest example of the ketones.
Acetone is a clear, colorless, mobile liquid.

Acetone is completely miscible with water and most organic solvents and oils.
Acetone therefore serves as an important industrial solvent for cleaning, as a common building block in organic chemistry, and as a precursor to polymers.
Well-known domestic uses of acetone are as the active ingredient in nail polish remover and as paint thinner.
Acetone is a normal by-product of mammalian metabolism and is thus found in all tissues, including blood, as well as in urine and breath.
The levels vary, depending on nutritional and metabolic conditions, and are increased in obese compared with slim people and in working compared with resting people.

Diabetic patients show markedly elevated levels of acetone.
Acetone is an organic element with formula (CH3)2CO.
Acetone consists of three carbon, six hydrogens and one oxygen atom.
Acetone comes under the categories of ketones, which are organic compounds with a carbonyl group bonded to two hydrocarbon groups.
Acetone is a general building block in organic chemistry.

In the human body, Acetone is normally present in blood and urine.
Acetone is readily taken up via inhalation if present in ambient air and via the gastrointestinal tract if ingested.
Uptake via skin is of minor importance.
However, due to its excellent solvent properties, acetone readily removes water from the skin.
This impairs the barrier properties and makes the skin more vulnerable to other irritating, sensitizing, or infectious agents.

Acetone evaporates easily, meaning that Acetone changes into a vapor.
Acetone catches fire easily and burns rapidly. Acetone will dissolve in water.
Acetone also has a wide variety of applications from solvents to chemical intermediates and is used in the production of acrylics, polycarbonates and fine chemical intermediates.

Acetone is a clear liquid that smells like nail polish remover.
When exposed to the air, Acetone quickly evaporates and remains highly flammable.
Acetone is dangerous to use around an open flame.
Hundreds of commonly used household products contain acetone, including furniture polish, rubbing alcohol, and nail polish.

Acetone is one of the most widely used industrial solvents.
Acetone is used in surface coatings, cleaning fluids, pharmaceutical applications, adhesives and numerous other consumer and commercial products.
Commercial products that may contain acetone include cleaners for automotive engines and automotive parts, wood cleaners, floor wax and paint thinners.
Acetone is widely used as a chemical intermediate in the production of other chemicals and solvents.

Acetone is often used in captive processes for preparing downstream chemicals.
Acetone is also used as a formulating solvent for commercial products.
Acetone (also known as propanone, dimethyl ketone, 2-propanone, propan-2-one and β-ketopropane) is the simplest representative of the group of chemical compounds known as ketones.

Acetone is a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid.
Acetone is miscible with water and serves as an important laboratory solvent for cleaning purposes.
Acetone is a highly effective solvent for many organic compounds such as Methanol, ethanol, ether, chloroform, pyridine, etc., and is the active ingredient in nail polish remover.
Acetone is also used to make various plastics, fibers, drugs, and other chemicals.

Acetone exists in nature in the Free State.
In the plants, it mainly exists in essential oils, such as tea oil, rosin essential oil, citrus oil, etc.; human urine and blood and animal urine, marine animal tissue and body fluids contain a small amount of acetone.
Acetone is a flammable, colorless liquid with a pleasant odor.
Acetone is used widely as an organic solvent and in the chemical industry.
Acetone is the simplest ketone, which also goes by the name dimethyl ketone (DMK).
Acetone was originally referred to as pyroacetic spirit because Acetone was obtained from the destructive distillation of acetates and acetic acid.

Acetone is used in industry for the production of most chemicals.
Almost half of the world production of acetone is used as a precursor in the production of methylmetacrylate.
Acetones second main use in industry is Acetones use in the production of bisphenol A, which is bisphenol A; Polycarbonate is the main component of most polymers such as polyurethane and epoxy resins.
Acetone is used in the production of cleaning materials.
Acetone is a very good glass cleaner.
Acetone is used as a common solvent in the pharmaceutical industry.
Acetone also reacts as an excipient in most various drugs.
While Acetone appears as a component in the packaging section in the food sector, Acetone is also used as additives in this sector.

Acetone is the most widely used chemical in nail polish cleaning in this sector.
They are preferred for cleaning glass laboratory materials, which are the most common and common areas of use in the chemical industry, and to provide high efficiency drying in a short time.
In addition, Acetone interacts with substances such as salicylic acid and glycolic acid, which is called peeling (chemical peeling), and creates an auxiliary factor in this method.
The evaporation rate of acetone from water and soil is quite high.
Acetone is an important underground pollutant for soil due to Acetones high solubility in water consumed by animals or sometimes microorganisms.

For fish, acetone is a very harmful substance with its LD50 value of 8.3 g / L and its half-life.
Oxygen depletion can pose a significant risk in systems with high acetone-consuming microbial activity.
Most acetone is consumed as an intermediate feedstock for acrylic plastics used for glazing, signs, lighting fixtures and displays, and for production of Bisphenol A (BPA) which, in turn, is used to manufacture polycarbonate and epoxy resins.
Both polycarbonate and epoxy resins are used in many different industries and in countless items which we encounter every day.

Acetone is also used extensively in the manufacture of artificial fibres and as an intermediate in pharmaceuticals.
Acetone is one of the most widely used solvents in the world due to is combination of high solvency and a high rate of evaporation.
Acetone can be found in many everyday products including paints, cleaning fluids, nail polish remover, and adhesives.
Acetone is a colourless, low boiling, easy pouring liquid with a characteristic odour.

Acetone is miscible in all proportions with water, alcohols, many hydrocarbons and other organic liquids.
Acetone has good solvent properties for vegetable and animal fats, cellulose, natural and synthetic resins and many other organic substances.
Acetone's listing as a non-volatile organic compound (VOC) in the US is increasing Acetones use in coatings applications.
Acetone is a colorless solvent. Solvents are substances that can break down or dissolve other materials.
In the household, people may come across acetone in products such as nail polish remover or paint remover.

Acetone occurs naturally in the environment in trees, plants, volcanic gases, and forest fires.
Small amounts are also present in the body.
But exposure to acetone can irritate the eyes, nose, or skin.
Consuming Acetone can lead to acetone poisoning.
Acetone is a clear, colorless liquid.

Acetone is a solvent that can dissolve or break down other materials, such as paint, varnish, or grease.
Acetone evaporates quickly into the air.
Acetone is naturally present in trees and other plants, as well as tobacco smoke, vehicle exhaust, and landfills.
Acetone also occurs in the body.

Acetone is the most widely used ketone in industry.
Acetone is used primarily to synthesize methacrylates, about half of the world's production of acetone is used as a precursor to methyl methacrylate.
Other large-scale chemicals derived from acetone are bisphenol A and methyl isobutyl ketone.
Acetone is also used as a process solvent in the manufacture of cellulose acetate yarn, smokeless gun powder, surface coatings, and various pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Other solvent uses include paint, ink, resin, and varnish formulations; thinning of fiberglass resin; cleaning of fiberglass tools; and dissolution of two-part epoxies and superglues before hardening.
Acetone is found in nature in plants, trees, gas from volcanoes, and forest fires.
Also, when your body breaks down fat, it produces acetone.
If you are on a low fat diet, you will have more acetone in your body.

Acetone is found in exhaust from cars and trucks, tobacco smoke and landfills.
Factories release acetone into the air.
Acetone is used to make plastic, fibers, drugs and chemicals.
Acetone is often used as a solvent.
Solvents help other substances dissolve.

Acetone is used in the chemical industry in numerous applications.
The primary use of acetone is to produce acetone cyanohydrin, which is then used in the production of methyl methacrylate (MMA).
Another use of acetone in the chemical industry is for bisphenol A (BPA).
BPA results form the condensation reaction of acetone and phenol in the presence of an appropriate catalyst.
BPA is used in polycarbonate plastics, polyurethanes, and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastics are tough and durable and are often used as a glass substitute.
In addition to its use as a chemical feedstock and intermediate, acetone is used extensively as an organic solvent in lacquers, varnishes, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.
Nail polish remover is one of the most common products containing acetone.

Acetone is used to stabilize acetylene for transport .
Acetone is used in the manufacture of a largenumber of compounds, such as acetic acid,chloroform, mesityl oxide, and MIBK; in themanufacture of rayon, photographic films,and explosives; as a common solvent; inpaint and varnish removers; and for purifyingparaffins.
Solvent for fats, oils, waxes, resins, rubber, plastics, lacquers, varnishes, rubber cements. manufacture of methyl isobutyl ketone, mesityl oxide, acetic acid (ketene process), diacetone alcohol, chloroform, iodoform, bromoform, explosives, aeroplane dopes, rayon, photographic films, isoprene; storing acetylene gas (takes up about 24 times its vol of the gas); extraction of various principles from animal and plant substances; in paint and varnish removers; purifying paraffin; hardening and dehydrating tissues.
Pharmaceutic aid (solvent). acetone is a solvent considered to be non-comedogenic and occasionally used in skin toners.
Acetone is primarily used in nail polish remover.
Acetone could be drying and very irritating to the skin depending on the concentration and frequency of use.

Companies use acetone in small amounts to create products that break down or dissolve other substances, such as:
-nail polish

In industry, manufacturers use acetone for a variety of purposes, including:
-removing grease or gum from textiles such as wool and silk
-making lacquers for cars or furniture
-making plastics

According to Addiction Resource, some people also consume or inhale acetone-based nail polish remover in order to achieve a “high”.
This is because nail polish remover can also contain alcohol.
Doing this is very dangerous, as the chemicals in nail polish remover can seriously damage the kidneys, liver, brain, and nervous system.
About a third of the world's acetone is used as a solvent, and a quarter is consumed as acetone cyanohydrin, a precursor to methyl methacrylate.

-An important organic raw material in the chemical, artificial fiber, medicine, paint, plastics, organic glass, cosmetics and other industries; an excellent organic solvent that dissolves many organic products such as resin, cellulose acetate, acetylene and so on.
-An important raw material for the synthesis of ketene, acetic anhydride, iodoform, polyisoprene rubber, methacrylic acid, methyl ester, chloroform, and epoxy resins.
-The acetone cyanohydrin obtained from the reaction of acetone with hydrocyanic acid is the raw material of methacrylic resin (perspex).
-A raw material in the production of epoxy resin intermediate bisphenol A.
-In pharmaceuticals, acetone is used as extractants for a variety of vitamins and hormones in addition to vitamin C, and dewaxing solvents for petroleum refining.
-A raw material for nail polish remover in cosmetics
-One of the raw materials for synthesizing pyrethroids in pesticide industry
-Acetone is often used to wipe the black ink above the copper tube in the precision copper tube industry.

Acetone is valuable solvent component in acrylic/nitrocellulose automotive lacquers.
Acetone is the solvent of choice in film coatings operations which use vinylidene chloride-acrylonitrile copolymer formulations.
Other ketones that may be used in these film coating operations include methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl n-amyl ketone, and diisobutyl ketone.
Acetone, blends of MIBK and MEK, methyl namyl ketone, ethyl n-amyl ketone, and diisobutyl ketone are all useful solvents for vinyl resin copolymers.
The presence of one of the slower evaporating ketones in the solvent blend prevents quick drying, improves flow, and gives blush resistance to the coating.

Acetone is also used as a resin thinner in polyester resins and as a clean up solvent for the resin reactor kettle.
In solvents industry, Acetone is a component of solvent blends in urethane, nitrile rubber, and neoprene industrial adhesives.
Acetone is the primary solvent in resin-type adhesives and pressure sensitive chlorinated rubber adhesives.
Acetone also can be used to extract fats, oils, waxes, and resins from natural products, to dewax lubricating oils, and to extract certain essential oils.
Acetone is also an important chemical intermediate in the preparation of several oxygenated solvents including the ketones, diacetone alcohol, mesityl oxide, methyl isobutyl ketone, and isophorone.

-Acetone polish remover helps you get a fresh start for a new coat
-Free from phthalate, parabens, aluminum, and dye for safe use
-Made with acetone to help remove artificial nails, gel polish and
-If you’re not satisfied with any Target Owned Brand item, return it within one year with a receipt for an exchange or a refund

Acetone′s luminesence intensity is dependent upon the solution components.
The absorption of UV light by acetone, results in its photolysis and the production of radials .
Acetone may be used in the synthesis of Ga (Gallium)-DOTATATE (where DOTA= 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclo- dodecane -1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid) chemicals.
Acetone may be used in an assay for the determination of ester groups in lipids by spectrophotometric methods.
Acetone undergoes aldolization in the presence of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) as catalysts and Cl- and/or CO32- as compensating anions to afford diacetone alcohol and mesityl oxide as the main products.
Acetones enantioselective Aldol condensation with various isatins in the presence of a dipeptide catalyst forms 1-alkyl 3-(2-oxopropyl)-3-hydroxyindolin-2-ones.
Aqueous solution of acetone may be used as a medium for the oxidation of alkynes to 1,2-diketones using potassium permanganate.

Acetone is used as a solvent or cosolvent in topical preparations, and as an aid in wet granulation.
Acetone has also been used when formulating tablets with water-sensitive active ingredients, or to solvate poorly water-soluble binders in a wet granulation process.
Acetone has also been used in the formulation of microspheres to enhance drug release.
Owing to its low boiling point, acetone has been used to extract thermolabile substances from crude drugs.

-Appearance Form: liquid
-Color: colorless
-Odor: pungent, weakly aromatic
-Odor: Threshold 0,1 ppm
-pH: 5 - 6 at 395 g/l at 20 °C
-Melting point/freezing point: Melting point/range: -94,0 °C
-Initial boiling point and boiling range: 56,0 °C at 1.013 hPa
-Flash point: -17,0 °C - closed cup
-Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits: Upper explosion limit: 13 %(V) Lower explosion limit: 2 %(V)
-Vapor pressure: 245,3 hPa at 20,0 °C
-Density: 0,79 g/cm3 at 20 °C
-Water solubility: soluble, in all proportions
-Autoignition temperature: 465,0 °C
-Decomposition temperature: Distillable in an undecomposed state at normal pressure.

Acetone enters the body through the lungs, mouth or the skin.
Acetone can also be in the body from the breakdown of fat.
Your blood carries acetone to all your body organs.
Small amounts of acetone in your body usually will
not hurt you because your liver breaks the acetone down into other harmless chemicals.

Eliminate heat and ignition sources such as sparks, open flames, hot surfaces and static discharge.
Post "No Smoking" signs.
Electrically bond and ground equipment. Ground clips must contact bare metal.
Do not weld, cut or perform hot work on empty container until all traces of product have been removed.

Store in an area that is: cool, well-ventilated, out of direct sunlight and away from heat and ignition sources.
Electrically bond and ground containers.
Ground clips must contact bare metal.
Install pressure and vacuum-relief venting in all drums.
Equip storage tank vents with a flame arrestor.


-Keto/enol tautomerism:
Like most ketones, acetone exhibits the keto–enol tautomerism in which the nominal keto structure (CH3) 2C=O of acetone itself is in equilibrium with the enol isomer (CH3)C(OH)=(CH2) (prop-1-en-2-ol).
In acetone vapor at ambient temperature, only 2.4×10−7% of the molecules are in the enol form.
Yet the enol form is chemically important in some chemical reactions.

-Aldol condensation:

In the presence of suitable catalysts, two acetone molecules also combine to form the compound diacetone alcohol (CH3)C=O(CH2)C(OH)(CH3)2, which on dehydration gives mesityl oxide (CH3)C=O(CH)=C(CH3)
This product can further combine with another acetone molecule, with loss of another molecule of water, yielding phorone and other compounds.

One might expect acetone to also form polymers and (possibly cyclic) oligomers of two types.
In one type, units could be acetone molecules linked by ether bridges –O– derived by from the opening of the double bond, to give a polyketal-like (PKA) chain [–O–C(CH3)2–]n.
The other type could be obtained through repeated aldol condensation, with one molecule of water removed at each step, yielding a poly(methylacetylene) (PMA) chain [–CH=C(CH3)–]n.

-PKA type:
The conversion of acetone to a polyketal (PKA) would be analogous to the formation of paraformaldehyde from formol, and of trithioacetone from thioacetone.
In 1960, Kargin, Kabanov and others observed that the thermodynamics of this process is unfavourable for liquid acetone, so that it (unlike thioacetone and formol) is not expected to polymerise spontaneously, even with catalysts.
However, they observed that the thermodynamics became favourable for crystalline solid acetone at the melting point (−96 °C).
They claimed to have obtained such a polymer (a white elastic solid, soluble in acetone, stable for several hours at room temperature) by depositing vapor of acetone, with some magnesium as a catalyst, onto a very cold surface.
In 1962, Wasaburo Kawai reported the synthesis of a similar product, from liquid acetone cooled to −70 to −78 °C, using n-butyl lithium or triethylaluminium as catalysts.
He claimed that the infrared absorption spectrum showed the presence of –O– linkages but no C=O groups.
However, conflicting results were obtained later by other investigators.

-PMA type:
The PMA type polymers of acetone would be equivalent to the product of polymerisation of propyne, except for a keto end group.

In 2010, the worldwi
Methyl Cyanide; Cyanomethane; Ethanenitrile; methanecarbonitrile; Ethyl nitrile; AN; ethanonitrile; Acetonitril; Cyanure de methyl; Methylkyanid; cas no: 75-05-8
Acetyl Acetone
3-[Tri(ethoxy/methoxy)silyl]propyl]urea; N-(Triethoxysilylpropyl)urea cas no : 23779-32-0
Acetyl chloride
Nom INCI : ACETYL CYSTEINE Nom chimique : Acetylcysteine N° EINECS/ELINCS : 210-498-3 Ses fonctions (INCI) Antioxydant : Inhibe les réactions favorisées par l'oxygène, évitant ainsi l'oxydation et la rancidité Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Nom INCI : ACETYL GLUTAMIC ACID Nom chimique : N-acetylglutamic acid N° EINECS/ELINCS : 214-708-4 Ses fonctions (INCI) Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Nom INCI : ACETYL TRIETHYL CITRATE Nom chimique : Triethyl 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate N° EINECS/ELINCS : 201-066-5 Ses fonctions (INCI) Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit Agent plastifiant : Adoucit et rend souple une autre substance qui autrement ne pourrait pas être facilement déformée, dispersée ou être travaillée Agent parfumant : Utilisé pour le parfum et les matières premières aromatiques
Acetyl Tributyl Citrate Acetyl tributyl citrate is an organic compound that is used as a plasticizer. As such, it is a potential replacement of DEHP and DINP.[1] It is a colorless liquid that is soluble in organic solvents. Acetyl tributyl citrate is found in nail polish and other cosmetics. Acetyl tributyl citrate is prepared by acetylation of tributylcitrate. Acetyl tributyl citrate is an indirect food additive for use only as a component of adhesives. Prior-sanctioned food ingredients. Substances classified as plasticizers, when migrating from food packaging material. Acetyl tributyl citrate is included on this list. The metabolism of acetyl tributyl citrate was evaluated using groups of male rats (number of animals, weights, and strain not stated). Each animal received a single oral dose of 14C-acetyl tributyl citrate (dose not stated). At 48 hr post dosing, approximately 99% of the administered dose had been excreted either in urine (59% to 70%), feces (25% to 36%), or in the expired air (2%). Only 0.36% to 1.26% of the dose remained in the tissues or carcass. The metabolism of acetyl tributyl citrate was evaluated using groups of male rats (number of animals, weights, and strain not stated). ... Both the absorption and metabolism of 14C-Acetyl tributyl Citrate proceeded rapidly, and the following metabolites were identified: acetyl citrate, monobutyl citrate, acetyl monobutyl citrate, dibutyl citrate, and acetyl dibutyl citrate. IDENTIFICATION: Acetyl tributyl citrate is a colorless liquid. It has a very faint sweet, herb-like odor and a mild fruity taste. Acetyl tributyl citrate has moderate solubility in water. USE: Acetyl tributyl citrate is an important commercial chemical that is used as a solvent in paints, inks, and nail enamel. It is also used to make plastics more flexible, including plastics used to make toys and food wrappings. Acetyl tributyl citrate is added as a flavor ingredient in non-alcoholic beverages and is used in the manufacture of many pharmaceutical drugs. EXPOSURE: Workers that use or produce acetyl tributyl citrate may breathe in mists or have direct skin contact. The general population may be exposed to small amounts by drinking beverages containing acetyl tributyl citrate, eating foods stored in plastic materials containing acetyl tributyl citrate, or from skin contact with products containing acetyl tributyl citrate. If acetyl tributyl citrate is released to air, it will be broken down by reaction with other chemicals. It will be in or on particles that eventually fall to the ground. If released to water or soil, acetyl tributyl citrate is expected to bind to soil particles or suspended particles. Acetyl tributyl citrate is not expected to move through soil. Acetyl tributyl citrate is expected to move into air from wet soils or water surfaces. However, binding to soil may slow down this process. Acetyl tributyl citrate is expected to be broken down by microorganisms and may have moderate build up in tissues of aquatic organisms. RISK: Acetyl tributyl citrate did not cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in human volunteers. Additional information about the potential for acetyl tributyl citrate to produce toxic effects in humans was not located. Very mild to no skin irritation and moderate eye irritation have been reported in laboratory animals. No toxic effects were observed in laboratory animals given a single high oral dose of acetyl tributyl citrate. Diarrhea, weight loss, and liver damage were observed in laboratory animals repeatedly fed very high doses. Body weight loss was observed in laboratory animals following repeated skin application of high levels of acetyl tributyl citrate. No changes were observed in reproduction or development in rats exposed to high dose over a short period of time. No tumors were reported in laboratory animals following life-time exposure to high dietary levels of acetyl tributyl citrate. The potential for acetyl tributyl citrate to cause cancer in humans has not been assessed by the U.S. EPA IRIS program, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, or the U.S. National Toxicology Program 13th Report on Carcinogens. Acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) is a colorless liquid. It is the most widely used phthalate substitute plasticizer. Acetyl tributyl citrate is used in products such as food wrap, vinyl toys, and pharmaceutical excipients. Acetyl tributyl citrate is also used as a flavor ingredient in non-alcoholic beverages. HUMAN EXPOSURE AND TOXICIY: The skin irritation potential of acetyl tributyl citrate was evaluated using 59 men and women, all of whom had history of diabetes, psoriasis, or active dermatoses. Acetyl tributyl citrate was nonirritating to the skin, and reactions suggestive of contact sensitization were not observed during the study. In vitro Acetyl tributyl citrate increased CYP3A4 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels and enzyme activity in the human intestinal cells but not in human liver cells. ANIMAL STUDIES: Acute oral toxicity of Acetyl tributyl citrate in cats and rats is low. CYP3A1 mRNA levels were increased in the intestine but not the liver of ATBC-treated rats. In a 90-day repeated-dose oral dietary study in rats, decreased body weight and organ weight changes were observed at 1000 mg/kg-bw/day. In a combined repeated dose/reproductive/ developmental toxicity study in rats, organ weight and histopathological changes were observed in adults at 1000 mg/kg-bw/day. In a 2-generation reproductive toxicity study in rats, reduced body weight was observed in F1 males at 300 mg/kg-bw/day. In the same study, no other treatment related effects were observed. In the combined repeated dose/ reproductive/ developmental toxicity study in rats previously described, histopathological changes were observed in the liver of adult males at 300 mg/kg-bw/day. In the same study, decreased litter size and decreased number of implantations were observed at 1000 mg/kg-bw/day. Acetyl tributyl citrate did not induce gene mutations in bacteria or mammalian cells in vitro and did not induce chromosomal aberrations in mammalian cells in vitro. ECOTOXICITY STUDIES: For acetyl tributyl citrate, the 96-hr LC50 values for fish range from 38 to 60 mg/L, the 48-hr EC50 value for aquatic invertebrates is 7.8 mg/L and the 72-hr EC50 values for aquatic plants are 11.5 mg/L for biomass and 74.4mg/L for growth rate, respectively. Application Acetyl tributyl citrate (TBoAC) can be used: • As a plasticizer to improve flexibility and impact properties of polylactide (PLA) polymer.[1] • As a processing additive for the formulation of bulk heterojunction (BHJ) polymeric organic solar cells (OSCs) to improve their efficiency.[2] • In the preparation of semiconducting biopolymer composites of poly(3-hydroxy butyrate) (PHB).[3] • In the synthesis of functionalized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC) membranes for selective separation of perchlorate from water. The skin irritation potential of acetyl tributyl citrate was evaluated using 59 men and women (age range = 21-60 years), all of whom had history of diabetes, psoriasis, or active dermatoses. ... Occlusive patches moistened with 0.4 mL of acetyl tributyl citrate were applied to the upper arm of each subject on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for 3 consecutive weeks. Each patch was removed 24 hours post application. Induction reactions were scored prior to patch applications (second through ninth visits) and at the time of the tenth visit. Duplicate challenge of the test material was made after a two-week non-treatment period. ... One challenge patch was applied to the original test site, and , another, to an adjacent site. Challenge reactions were scored at 48 and 96 hours post application. /Acetyl tributyl citrate/ was nonirritating to the skin, and reactions suggestive of contact sensitization were not observed during the study. The in vitro cytotoxicity of acetyl tributyl citrate in HeLa cell cultures (human cell line) was evaluated using the metabolic inhibition test, supplemented by microscopy of cells after 24 hours of incubation (the MIT-24 test system). ... After 24 hours, cell viability was determined by microscopy. Two endpoints of cytoinhibition (total and partial inhibition) were estimated after 24 hours, based on the absence or scarcity of spindle-shaped cells, and, after 7 days.... The following values for minimal inhibitory concentration were reported for acetyl tributyl citrate: 13 mg/mL (for total inhibition at 24 hours), 3.8 mg/mL (for partial inhibition at 24 hours), and 5.7 mg/mL (for total and partial inhibition at 7 days). Acetyl tributyl citrate caused little toxicity in HeLa cell cultures. The effects of polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) tubing extracts were investigated in isolated ileum of guinea-pigs. Ileum were isolated and mounted in tissue baths. Tubing ingredients from PVC or tubing extracts of the plasticizer acetyl-N-tributyl-citrate (Acetyl tributyl citrate) were added to the bath for 15 minutes. Contractions or modifications of methacholine responses were measured. ...A significant and characteristic effect was seen for Acetyl tributyl citrate in ileum, consisting of rapid contractions and relaxations which were dependent on concentrations. The spasms were unaffected by tetrodotoxin. No spasmogenic effect was seen for Acetyl tributyl citrate in human small intestine or colon. None of the other tubing ingredients had any spasmogenic action, including PVC extracts. No methacholine contractions occurred with the other ingredients. Tubing extracts containing Acetyl tributyl citrate produced spasms similar to chemical Acetyl tributyl citrate. Steroid and xenobiotic receptor (SXR) is activated by endogenous and exogenous chemicals including steroids, bile acids, and prescription drugs. SXR is highly expressed in the liver and intestine, where it regulates cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), which in turn controls xenobiotic and endogenous steroid hormone metabolism. However, it is unclear whether Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved plasticizers exert such activity. ...We found that four of eight FDA-approved plasticizers increased SXR-mediated transcription. In particular, acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC), an industrial plasticizer widely used in products such as food wrap, vinyl toys, and pharmaceutical excipients, strongly activated human and rat SXR. Acetyl tributyl citrate increased CYP3A4 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels and enzyme activity in the human intestinal cells but not in human liver cells. Acute Exposure/ The acute oral toxicity of Acetyl tributyl citrate was evaluated using five rats (strain and weight not stated). The test substance was administered at doses ranging from 10 to 30 mL/kg, and animals were observed for 3 weeks. Signs of systemic toxicity were not observed, and none of the animals died. A single dose of acetyl tributyl citrate (30 to 50 mL/kg) was administered by stomach tube to each of four fasted cats (weights not stated), and animals were observed for 2 months. Two additional cats served as controls. Signs of nausea were observed in test animals, and, within a few hours of dosing, diarrhea (oozing of oily material) was noted. The diarrhea subsided within 24 hours of dosing. The behavior and general appearance of animals indicated systemic toxicity. Two cats dosed with 50 mL/kg were used for hematological evaluations and no effects on the following blood parameters were found: blood cell counts, hemoglobin, sugar, nonprotein nitrogen, or creatinine. Results from urinalyses indicate no abnormalities in specific gravity, albumin, sugar, pH, or microscopic formed elements. Acetyl tributyl citrate is not reported as found in nature. Acetyl tributyl citrate's production and use as a plasticizer for vinyl and other resin(1,2), as a solvent and functional fluid in adhesives, paints, coating and inks(2) as a flavor ingredient(3) and in nail enamel(4) may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams(SRC). Based on a classification scheme(1), an estimated Koc value of 3280(SRC), determined from a log Kow of 4.90(2) and a regression-derived equation(3), indicates that acetyl tributyl citrate is expected to have slight mobility in soil(SRC). Volatilization of acetyl tributyl citrate from moist soil surfaces is expected to be an important fate process(SRC) given an estimated Henry's Law constant of 3.2X10-5 atm-cu m/mole(SRC), derived from its estimated vapor pressure, 3X10-4 mm Hg(3), and water solubility, 5 mg/L(4). However, adsorption to soil is expected to attenuate volatilization(SRC). Acetyl tributyl citrate is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon its estimated vapor pressure of 3X10-4 mm Hg at 25 °C(SRC), determined from a fragment constant method(3). An 82% of theoretical BOD using activated sludge in the Japanese MITI test(5) suggests that biodegradation is an important environmental fate process in soil(SRC). Acetyl tributyl citrate was shown to biodegrade extensively in several other biodegradation studies and simulation tests(6,7). Two soil degradation studies observed rapid biomineralization of acetyl tributyl citrate(7). What Is It? Acetyl Triethyl Citrate, Acetyl Tributyl Citrate, Acetyl Trihexyl Citrate and Acetyl Triethylhexyl Citrate are a clear oily liquids with essentially no odor. In cosmetics and personal care products, Acetyl Triethyl Citrate and Acetyl Tributyl Citrate are used mainly in the formulation of nail care products. Acetyl Tributyl Citrate may also be found in eye makeup. Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products? Acetyl Triethyl Citrate, Acetyl Tributyl Citrate, Acetyl Trihexyl Citrate and Acetyl Triethylhexyl Citrate may be used as plasticizers for film-forming ingredients. Acetyl Trihexyl Citrate and Acetyl Triethylhexyl Citrate may also be used as skin conditioning agents - emollients. Acetyl Triethyl Citrate, Acetyl Tributyl Citrate, Acetyl Trihexyl Citrate and Acetyl Triethylhexyl Citrate are esters of citric acid. Citric acid may be obtained from natural sources such as citrus fruits. According to a model of gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds in the atmosphere(1), acetyl tributyl citrate, which has an estimated vapor pressure of 3X10-4 mm Hg at 25 °C(SRC), determined from a fragment constant method(2), is expected to exist in both the vapor and particulate phases in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase acetyl tributyl citrate is degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals(SRC); the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 27 hours(SRC), calculated from its rate constant of 1.4X10-11 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C(SRC) that was derived using a structure estimation method(2). Particulate-phase acetyl tributyl citrate may be removed from the air by wet and dry deposition(SRC). Acetyl tributyl citrate, present at an initial concentration of 30 mg/L, reached 82% of the theoretical BOD in 4 weeks with an activated sludge inoculum at 100 mg/L in the modified MITI test which classified the compound as readily biodegradable(1). Acetyl tributyl citrate was shown to biodegrade extensively in several other biodegradation studies and simulation tests(2,3). In a sewage column degradation test using acclimated sludge, acetyl tributyl citrate biodegraded >90% in hours(3). An aerobic biodegradation test in soil using a static biometer system found acetyl tributyl citrate to be readily biodegradable with theoretical CO2 evolution of 72.9% to >100% (as various concentrations) over 42 days of incubation(3). A 52-day aerobic study in soil observed rapid biodegradation with mineralization (ThCO2) of 83 to >100% over 52 days(3). The rate constant for the vapor-phase reaction of acetyl tributyl citrate with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals has been estimated as 1.4X10-11 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C(SRC) using a structure estimation method(1). This corresponds to an atmospheric half-life of about 27 hours at an atmospheric concentration of 5X10+5 hydroxyl radicals per cu cm(1). A base-catalyzed second-order hydrolysis rate constant of 5.8X10-2 L/mole-sec(SRC) was estimated using a structure estimation method(1); this corresponds to half-lives of 3.8 years and 140 days at pH values of 7 and 8, respectively(1). An estimated BCF of 35 was calculated in fish for acetyl tributyl citrate(SRC), using a log Kow of 4.92(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this BCF suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is moderate(SRC), provided the compound is not metabolized by the organism(SRC). The Koc of acetyl tributyl citrate is estimated as 3280(SRC), using a log Kow of 4.92(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that acetyl tributyl citrate is expected to have slight mobility in soil. The Henry's Law constant for acetyl tributyl citrate is estimated as 3.2X10-5 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) derived from its estimated vapor pressure, 3.0X10-4 mm Hg(1), and water solubility, 5 mg/L(2). This Henry's Law constant indicates that acetyl tributyl citrate is expected to volatilize from water surfaces(3). Based on this Henry's Law constant, the volatilization half-life from a model river (1 m deep, flowing 1 m/sec, wind velocity of 3 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 2.6 days(SRC). The volatilization half-life from a model lake (1 m deep, flowing 0.05 m/sec, wind velocity of 0.5 m/sec)(3) is estimated as 25 days(SRC). However, volatilization from water surfaces is expected to be attenuated by adsorption to suspended solids and sediment in the water column. The estimated volatilization half-life from a model pond is 335 days if adsorption is considered(4). Acetyl tributyl citrate's estimated Henry's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces may occur, but the rate may be attenuated by adsorption to soil(SRC). Acetyl tributyl citrate is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon its vapor pressure(1). Acetyl tributyl citrate was identified in 2 water samples taken from the River Lee, Great Britain at trace levels(1). Acetyl tributyl citrate is reportedly used as a flavor ingredient in nonalcoholic beverages at a concentration of 1.0 ppm(1). A monitoring study of hospital diets in Japan for plasticizers in hospital food detected acetyl tributyl citrate at levels (in one hospital) that corresponded to a daily intake of 1228 ug/day(2); the source of the acetyl tributyl citrate in the food was suspected to be cling-film wrapping or other packaging(2). Monitoring tests determined that acetyl tributyl citrate plasticizer in plastic films migrated from the film into cooked poultry meat during microwave cooking(3). Food-grade polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cling-film containing 5.3% (w/w) di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) and 3.0% (w/w) acetyl tributyl citrate (ATC) plasticizers was used to wrap halawa tehineh (halva) samples. Samples were split into two groups and stored at 25+/-1 degrees C. One group was analyzed for DEHA and Acetyl tributyl citrate content at intervals between 0.5 and 240hr of contact (kinetic study) and a second group was cut into slices (1.5mm thick) after 240hr of halva/PVC contact and was analyzed for DEHA and Acetyl tributyl citrate content (penetration study). Determination of both plasticizers was performed using a direct gas chromatographic (GC) method after extraction of DEHA from halva samples. DEHA readily migrated into halva samples: the equilibrium amount of DEHA in halva (3.31mg/sq dm film or 81.4mg/kg halva) corresponding to a loss of 54.7% (w/w) DEHA from PVC film. This value is slightly higher than the limit of 3mg/ sq dm of film surface set by the European Union for DEHA. The equilibrium amount of Acetyl tributyl citrate in halva was 1.46mg/sq dm (36.1mg/kg) corresponding to a loss of 42.7% Acetyl tributyl citrate from PVC film. With regard to the penetration of both placticizers into halva samples, migration of DEHA was detectable up to the 7th slice beneath the surface of halva (total depth 10.5mm) while the migration of Acetyl tributyl citrate was detectable up to the 5th slice (total depth 7.5mm). According to the 2012 TSCA Inventory Update Reporting data, 6 reporting facilities estimate the number of persons reasonably likely to be exposed in their respective industrial use in the United States manufacturing, processing, or use of acetyl tributyl citrate (77-90-7) may be as low as <10 workers up to the range of 50-99 workers per plant; the data may be greatly underestimated due to confidential business information (CBI) or unknown values(1). NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 106,672 workers (98,182 of these are female) are potentially exposed to acetyl tributyl citrate in the US(1). Occupational exposure to acetyl tributyl citrate may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where acetyl tributyl citrate is produced or used(SRC). Use data indicate that the general population may be exposed to acetyl tributyl citrate via inhalation of ambient air, ingestion of food containing this compound, and dermal contact with consumer products (such as cosmetics, paints and inks) containing acetyl tributyl citrate(SRC). About Acetyl tributyl citrate Helpful information Acetyl tributyl citrate is registered under the REACH Regulation and is manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area, at ≥ 10 000 to < 100 000 per annum. Acetyl tributyl citrate is used by consumers, in articles, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing. Consumer Uses Acetyl tributyl citrate is used in the following products: coating products, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, finger paints, polishes and waxes, adhesives and sealants, metal surface treatment products, non-metal-surface treatment products, inks and toners, polymers, washing & cleaning products and cosmetics and personal care products. Other release to the environment of Acetyl tributyl citrate is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a materials (e.g. binding agent in paints and coatings or adhesives). Article service life Other release to the environment of Acetyl tributyl citrate is likely to occur from: indoor use in long-life materials with low release rate (e.g. flooring, furniture, toys, construction materials, curtains, foot-wear, leather products, paper and cardboard products, electronic equipment), outdoor use in long-life materials with low release rate (e.g. metal, wooden and plastic construction and building materials) and indoor use in long-life materials with high release rate (e.g. release from fabrics, textiles during washing, removal of indoor paints). Acetyl tributyl citrate can be found in complex articles, with no release intended: vehicles. Acetyl tributyl citrate can be found in products with material based on: plastic (e.g. food packaging and storage, toys, mobile phones), rubber (e.g. tyres, shoes, toys), paper (e.g. tissues, feminine hygiene products, nappies, books, magazines, wallpaper), wood (e.g. floors, furniture, toys) and plastic used for articles with intense direct dermal (skin) contact during normal use (e.g. handles, ball pens). Widespread uses by professional workers Acetyl tributyl citrate is used in the following products: coating products, finger paints, metal surface treatment products, inks and toners, polymers, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, non-metal-surface treatment products and washing & cleaning products. Acetyl tributyl citrate is used in the following areas: printing and recorded media reproduction and formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging. Acetyl tributyl citrate is used for the manufacture of: plastic products. Other release to the environment of Acetyl tributyl citrate is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use. Formulation or re-packing Acetyl tributyl citrate is used in the following products: polymers, washing & cleaning products, coating products, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, finger paints, metal surface treatment products, non-metal-surface treatment products, inks and toners and cosmetics and personal care products. Release to the environment of Acetyl tributyl citrate can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures and formulation in materials. Uses at industrial sites Acetyl tributyl citrate is used in the following products: cosmetics and personal care products, pharmaceuticals, polymers, washing & cleaning products, adhesives and sealants, coating products, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, finger paints, metal surface treatment products, non-metal-surface treatment products, inks and toners, leather treatment products, lubricants and greases, paper chemicals and dyes, polishes and waxes and textile treatment products and dyes. Acetyl tributyl citrate is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging, printing and recorded media reproduction and health services. Acetyl tributyl citrate is used for the manufacture of: plastic products, chemicals and food products. Release to the environment of Acetyl tributyl citrate can occur from industrial use: in the production of articles, as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates), of substances in closed systems with minimal release, in processing aids at industrial sites, as processing aid, for thermoplastic manufacture and as processing aid. Manufacture Release to the environment of Acetyl tributyl citrate can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance. Acetyl tributyl citrate's production and use as a plasticizer for vinyl and other resins, as a solvent and functional fluid in adhesives, paints, coating and inks and as a flavor ingredient may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released to air, an estimated vapor pressure of 3X10-4 mm Hg at 25 °C indicates acetyl tributyl citrate will exist in both the vapor and particulate phases in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase acetyl tributyl citrate will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 27 hours. Particulate-phase acetyl tributyl citrate will be removed from the atmosphere by wet and dry deposition. If released to soil, acetyl tributyl citrate is expected to have slight mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 3,280. Volatilization from moist soil surfaces is expected to be an important fate process based upon an estimated Henry's Law constant of 3.2X10-5 atm-cu m/mole. However, adsorption to soil is expected to attenuate volatilization. Acetyl tributyl citrate is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces based upon its estimated vapor pressure. Utilizing the Japanese MITI test, 82% of the Theoretical BOD was reached in 4 weeks indicating that biodegradation is an important environmental fate process in soil and water. Two soil degradation studies observed rapid biomineralization of acetyl tributyl citrate. If released into water, acetyl tributyl citrate is expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment based upon the estimated Koc. Acetyl tributyl citrate has been shown to biodegrade extensively in several other biodegradation studies and simulation tests. Volatilization from water surfaces is expected to be an important fate process based upon this compound's estimated Henry's Law constant. Estimated volatilization half-lives for a model river and model lake are 2.6 and 25 days, respectively. However, volatilization from water surfaces is expected to be attenuated by adsorption to suspended solids and sediment in the water column. The estimated volatilization half-life from a model pond is 335 days if adsorption is considered. An estimated BCF of 35 suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is moderate. Estimated hydrolysis half-lives of 3.8 years and 140 days were determined for pH 7 and 8, respectively. Occupational exposure to acetyl tributyl citrate may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where acetyl tributyl citrate is produced or used. Use data indicate that the general population may be exposed to acetyl tributyl citrate via ingestion of food containing this compound, and dermal contact with consumer products (such as cosmetic, paints and inks) containing acetyl tributyl citrate.
Nom INCI : ACETYL TRIETHYLHEXYL CITRATE Nom chimique : Tris(2-ethylhexyl) 2-(acetyloxy)propane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate N° EINECS/ELINCS : 205-617-0 Ses fonctions (INCI) Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles Agent plastifiant : Adoucit et rend souple une autre substance qui autrement ne pourrait pas être facilement déformée, dispersée ou être travaillée Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Nom INCI : ACETYLATED LANOLIN N° EINECS/ELINCS : 262-979-2 Ses fonctions (INCI) Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile) Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC)
Acetylcitric Acid, Tributyl Ester;2-acetyltributylcitrate; Acetyl Butyl Citrate; Acetyl Tributyl Citrate; Tributyl 2-(Acetyloxy)-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate; 1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic Acid, 2-(Acetyloxy)-, Tributyl Ester; Tributyl Acetylcitrate; Tributyl Citrate Acetate; Tributyl O-acetylcitrate; O-acetilcitrato de tributilo; O-acétylcitrate de tributyle; 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic Acid Tributyl Ester; Tributyl 2-acetoxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylate; cas no: 77-90-7
ACETYLATED LANOLIN ( N° CAS : 61788-48-5 - Lanoline acétylée)
ACIDE GLYOXYLIQUE; GLYOXYLIC ACID, N° CAS : 298-12-4, Nom INCI : GLYOXYLIC ACID, Nom chimique : Glyoxylic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 206-058-5. Ses fonctions (INCI): Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface. Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Agent bouclant ou lissant (coiffant) : Modifie la structure chimique des cheveux, pour les coiffer dans le style requis. Noms français : ACIDE GLYOXYLIQUE. Noms anglais : ACETIC ACID, OXO-; GLYOXYLIC ACID. 1209322 [Beilstein]; 201-180-5 [EINECS]; 2-Hydroxyethanoic acid; 79-14-1 [RN]; Acetic acid, 2-hydroxy- [ACD/Index Name]; Acide glycol [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Acide hydroxyacétique [French]; a-Hydroxyacetic acid Glycol acid [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Glycolsäure [German]; Hydroxyessigsäure [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Kyselina glykolova [Czech]; Kyselina hydroxyoctova [Czech]; QV1Q [WLN] 1,2-Ethanediol [ACD/Index Name]; 102962-28-7 [RN]; 1-hydroxy-ethanoic acid; 26009-03-0 [RN]; 2-oxonioacetate; 4-03-00-00571 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein];Acetate ion Acetic acid [ACD/Index Name] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; D(-)-TARTARIC ACID; D-malate; EDO; GLV; Glycocide; Glycolic acid, 66-70% aqueous solution; glycolic acid, crystal, reagent;Glycolic acid, pure, 99.5%; Glycollic acid; Glyoxylic acid [Wiki]; GOA; HOCH2COOH; Hydroxy-acetic acid; Hydroxyethanoic acid; Kyselina glykolova; MFCD00868116 [MDL number]; MLT; TAR;WLN: QV1Q α-Hydroxyacetic acid; α-Hydroxyacetic acid; 乙醇酸 [Chinese]. Glyoxylic acid. CAS names; Acetic acid, 2-oxo-. : 2-oxo acetic acid; 2-oxoacetic acid; glyocylic acid; glyoxyl acid ; Glyoxylic Acid (ca. 50% in Water, ca. 9mol/L); Glyoxylic Acid 50% (aqueous solution); oxaldehydic acid; oxoacetic acid; oxoethanoic acid. Trade names: Glyoxylic acid 50 % (aqueous solution); Glyoxylic acid liq 50
Lanolin acetyl ester; Acetyl ester of lanolin; cas no: 61788-48-5
Acetylsalicylic Acid
Acetylsalicylic Acid; ASPIRIN; 2-(acetyloxy)-Benzoic acid; Solpyron; Ecotrin; Colfarit; Asatylin; Acetophen; Acetosal; Rhodine; o-Acetoxybenzoic Acid; Extren; Benaspir; Entericin; Bialpirinia; Contrheuma Retard; Salicylic Acid Acetate; Acetylsalicylsaure (German); Acido Acetilsalicilico (Italian); Acimetten; Acide Acetylsalicylique (French); Acido o-Acetil-benzoico (Italian); 2-Acetoxybenzoova; Kyselina Acetylsalicylova cas no: 50-78-2
1-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)ethanone; 4-Acetylphenol; Piceol; 4'-hidroxiacetofenona (Spanish); 4'-hydroxyacétophénone (French); p-Hydroxyphenyl Methyl Ketone; cas no : 99-93-4
Achillea millefolium
achillea millefolium extract; extract of the leaves and flowers of the yarrow, achillea millefolium l., asteraceae; milfoil extract; yarrow extract CAS NO:84082-83-7
Acı Badem Ekstraktı
Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Fruit Extract; almond fruit extract; prunus dulcis fruit extract; amygdalus communis linn. var. dulcis fruit extract cas no:90320-37-9
hot pepper flavor; pepper flavor (hot)
ACIDE GLYOXYLIQUE ( Glyoxylic acid)
Acide 2-aminoéthanesulfinique; N° CAS : 300-84-5; Hypotaurine; Nom INCI : AMINOETHANESULFINIC ACID. Nom chimique : Ethanesulfinic acid, 2-amino-. Ses fonctions (INCI): Antioxydant : Inhibe les réactions favorisées par l'oxygène, évitant ainsi l'oxydation et la rancidité. Agent réducteur : Modifie la nature chimique d'une autre substance en ajoutant de l'hydrogène ou en éliminant l'oxygène. 2-amino-Ethanesulfinic acid; 2-Aminoethanesulfinic acid ; 2-Aminoethansulfinsäure [German] ; 2-Aminoethylsulfinate; 2-Aminoethylsulfinic acid; 300-84-5 [RN]; Acide 2-aminoéthanesulfinique [French] ; Ethanesulfinic acid, 2-amino- ; Hypotaurine; MFCD00038197; 2-amino-Ethanesulfinate 2-Aminoethanesulfinate ; Cystaminesulfinate; Cystaminesulfinic acid; 2-aminoethane-1-sulfinic acid; 2-aminoethanesulfinicacid; 2-azaniumylethane-1-sulfinate; 2-azaniumylethanesulfinate; 2-mmonioethane-1-sulfinate; hypotaurine zwitterion; Hypotaurine; 2-Aminoethylsulfinic acid; 2-Amino-ethanesulfinic acid; Lopac0_000573. Product Uses3,4 2-Amino-2-ethyl-1,3-propanediol is useful in a variety of applications, such as: Paints – as a dispersant for pigments, offering improved flow characteristics, stable pH values, low odor, and improved color; Additives – to control alkalinity and the release of excess formaldehyde in certain industrial situations, such as metal-working fluids; A chemical intermediate – to produce fatty acid emulsifiers (several industrial applications), oxazoline chemicals (surface-active compounds) and oxazolidine (cross-linkers in thermosetresins)
Acide 2-aminoéthanesulfinique (AMINOETHANESULFINIC ACID)
BUTYLOCTANOIC ACID, 2-butyloctanoic acid; Octanoic acid, 2-butyl-; Isocarb 12; N° CAS : 27610-92-0, Nom INCI : BUTYLOCTANOIC ACID, Nom chimique : 2-Butyloctanoic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 248-570-1; Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre. Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile).Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. 248-570-1 [EINECS] 27610-92-0 [RN]; 2-Butyloctanoic acid ; 2-Butyloctansäure [German] ; Acide 2-butyloctanoïque [French] ;BUTYLOCTANOIC ACID ; Octanoic acid, 2-butyl- [ACD/Index Name]; 2-Butyloctanedioic acid ; 2-BUTYLOCTANOICACID; 2-Butyloctansaeure [German]; 2-Butyloctansaeure;4-02-00-01112 [Beilstein] 50905-10-7 [RN]; 53687-45-9 [RN]; 5-Undecanecarboxylic acid;PI-46872
Acide 2-butyloctanoïque ( Butyloctanoic acid)
Acide acrylique ; N° CAS : 79-10-7, Nom INCI : ACRYLIC ACID; N° EINECS/ELINCS : 201-177-9;2-PROPENOIC ACID; Acide acrylique. Noms anglais :ACROLEIC ACID; Acrylic acid; ETHYLENE CARBOXYLIC ACID; PROPENOIC ACID; VINYL FORMIC ACID; VINYLFORMIC ACID. Utilisation: Fabrication de produits organiques. fabrication de polymères Ses fonctions (INCI) : Agent d'entretien des ongles : Améliore les caractéristiques esthétiques des ongles. 2-Propenoic acid Acido acrilio; Acroleic acid; Acrylic acid;Acrylic acid, glacial; ACRYLIC ACID, STABILIZED; EU. ADN Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. ADR Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC, EU. RID Dangerous Goods Lists, Directive 2008/68/EC; acrylic acid; prop-2-enoic acid; EU. Worker Protection-Hazardous (98/24), EU. Workplace Signs, EU. Hazardous Waste Properties: Annex III (2008/98/EC), EU. Young People at Work (94/33); Ethylenecarboxylic acid; Glacial acrylic acid; Kyselina akrylova; Prop-2-enoic acid; Propene acid; Propenoic acid; Vinylformic acid; 2-propeno rūgštis (lt); 2-propensyra (sv); 2-propensyre (no); acid acrilic (ro); acid prop-2-enoic (ro); acide acrylique (fr); acido acrilico (it); acrylsyre (da); Acrylsäure (de); acrylzuur (nl); akrilna kiselina (hr); akrilna kislina (sl); akrilo rūgštis (lt); akrilsav (hu); akrilskābe (lv); akrylová kyselina (cs); akrylsyra (sv); akrylsyre (no); Akryylihappo (fi); Akrüülhape (et); kwas akrylowy (pl); kwas etenokarboksylowy (pl); kwas propenowy (pl); kyselina akrylová (sk); kyselina propénová (sk); Prop-2-eenhape (et); Prop-2-eenihappo (fi); prop-2-enojska kislina (sl); prop-2-enonska kiselina (hr); prop-2-enová kyselina (cs); prop-2-énsav (hu); Propensäure (de); propēn-2 skābe (lv); ácido 2-propenoico (es); ácido 2-propenóico (pt); ácido acrílico (es); ακρυλικο οξύ (el); акрилова киселина (bg); проп-2-енова киселина (bg) 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate; Acrylic Acid (stabilized with MEHQ); Acrylic acid ; acrylic acid, acrylic acid glacial, acrylic acid technical; acrylicacid; prop-2-enoate
Acide acrylique ( ACRYLIC ACID)
N° CAS : 124-04-9 ; EC / List no.: 204-673-3; Mol. formula: C6H10O4; 1,4-Butanedicarboxylic acid; 1,6-Hexanedioic acid; Acifloctin; Acinetten; Adilactetten; Adipate;Adipic acid; Adipinic acid; Adipinsaure; Kyselina adipova; Molten adipic acid; acid adipic (ro); acide adipique (fr); acido adipico (it); Adipiinhape (et); Adipiinihappo (fi); adipinezuur (nl); adipinsav (hu); adipinska kiselina (hr); adipinska kislina (sl); adipinsyra (sv); adipinsyre (da); Adipinsäure (de); adipo rūgštis (lt); adipová kyselina (cs); adipīnskābe (lv); hexandikarboxylsyra (sv); kwas adypinowy (pl); kwas butano-1,4-dikarboksylowy (pl); kyselina adipová (sk); ácido adípico (es); αδιπικό οξύ (el); адипинова киселина (bg) Hexanedioic acid; : 1, 4-butanedicarboxylic acid; 1,4-buthanediacetic acid; Adipic acid ,CAS N°124-04-9; Hexamethylenediamine-adipate; hexan-1,6-dioic acid; hexane-1,6-dioic acid; Hexanedioic acid / Adipic acid; Adipic acid (8CI); adipin saure; ADIPINSAEURE L'acide adipique ou acide 1,6-hexanedioïque est un diacide carboxylique aliphatique. Il est utilisé principalement pour la fabrication du nylon, et plus généralement pour la synthèse des polyamides. C'est également un additif alimentaire (E355) utilisé pour acidifier des boissons non alcoolisées ou contrôler l’acidité des cosmétiques. Il contribue aussi au goût acide des betteraves. De formule CO2H(CH2)4CO2H, il se présente sous forme d'un solide cristallisé blanc. Il possède un groupe acide à ses 2 extrémités, comme l’acide téréphtalique, avec possibilité de développer des chaînes à chacune de ses extrémités. Par estérification avec un alcool double, tel l’éthylène glycol, il formera un polyester. Il peut également donner un polyamide.
Acide adipique (ADIPIC ACID)
Nom inci: Aminoethylphosphinic acid. Nom français: Acide aminoethylphosphinique. Aminoethylphosphinic acid | 1-aminoethylphosphinique acid. 1-aminoethylphosphinic acid; Phosphinic acid, P-(1-aminoethyl)-; (1-azaniumylethyl)phosphinate; N° CAS. : 74333-44-1, Nom INCI : AMINOETHYLPHOSPHINIC ACID, Nom chimique : Phosphinic acid, (1-aminoethyl)-, Ses fonctions (INCI) : Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état. (1-Aminoethyl)phosphinic acid ; (1-Aminoethyl)phosphinsäure [German] ; 74333-44-1 [RN] Acide (1-aminoéthyl)phosphinique [French] ; Aminoethylphosphinic acid; Phosphinic acid, (1-aminoethyl)-, (-)-; Phosphinic acid, P-(1-aminoethyl)- (1-Amino-ethyl)-phosphinic acid; 1-aminoethylphosphinic acid; 71937-28-5 [RN]; AMINOETHYLPHOSPHINICACID; PHOSPHINIC ACID, (1-AMINOETHYL)-, (S)-
Acide aminoethylphosphinique ( AMINOETHYLPHOSPHINIC ACID)
ASCORBIC ACID, N° CAS : 50-81-7 / 62624-30-0 - Acide ascorbique (Vitamine C),utres langues : Acido ascorbico, Askorbinsäure, Ácido ascórbico, Nom INCI : ASCORBIC ACID; Nom chimique : Ascorbic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 200-066-2 / 263-644-3. Additif alimentaire : E300, Plus connu sous le nom de Vitamine C, l'acide ascorbique est utilisé en cosmétique pour ses propriétés antioxydantes. On le retrouve assez régulièrement dans les actifs anti-âge, puisque qu'il protège les cellules des dégâts causés par les radicaux libres et unifie le teint. Il est aussi présent dans de nombreux autres produits de soin pour ces propriétés. Il est présent sous forme naturel dans les fruits et légumes (citrons, oranges, kiwis ...)Ses fonctions (INCI): Antioxydant : Inhibe les réactions favorisées par l'oxygène, évitant ainsi l'oxydation et la rancidité. Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état. Noms français :3-KETO-L-GULFURANOLACTONE; 3-OXO-L-GULOFURANOLACTONE; Acide ascorbique; L(+)-ASCORBIC ACID; L-3-KETOTHREOHEXURONIC ACID LACTONE; L-ASCORBIC ACID; L-LYXOASCORBIC ACID; L-TREO-HEX-ENONIC ACID, GAMMA-LACTONE; L-XYLOASCORBIC ACID; VITAMINE C XYLOASCORBIC ACID, L-. Noms anglais : Ascorbic acid; VITAMIN C. Utilisation: Vitamine. Ascorbic acid ; Vitamin C ; (5R)-5-[(1S)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2(5H)-furanon [German]; (5R)-5-[(1S)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2(5H)-furanone; (5R)-5-[(1S)-1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2(5H)-furanone; (5R)-5-[(1S)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one; 200-066-2 [EINECS]; acide ascorbique [French]; acido ascorbico [Spanish]; ácido ascórbico [Spanish]; acidum ascorbicum [Latin]; Ascorbinsäure [German]; Calscorbate; Cetebe; L-AA; L-Ascorbic acid; L-Threoascorbic acid; monodehydro-L-ascorbic acid; аскорбиновая кислота [Russian]; حمض أسكوربيك [Arabic]; 抗坏血酸 [Chinese]; (+)-ascorbate; (+)-Ascorbic acid; (2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2H-furan-5-one; (5R)-5-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-one (R)-5-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one; [(2R)-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-yl]oxidanyl; 16351-10-3 [RN]; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyethyl)-4,5-dihydroxyfuran-3-one; 299-36-5 [RN]; 3-Keto-L-gulofuranolactone; 3-Oxo-L-gulofuranolactone; 3-Oxo-L-gulofuranolactone (enol form); 5-(1,2-Dihydroxy-ethyl)-3,4-dihydroxy-5H-furan-2-one; acidum ascorbinicum; Adenex; AHI; Allercorb; Antiscorbic vitamin; Arco-cee; ASC; Ascoltin; Ascorb; Ascor-B.I.D.; Ascorbajen; Ascorbic Acid DC97SF; ascorbicab; Ascorbicap; Ascorbicin Ascorbin; Ascorbutina; Ascorin; Ascorteal; Ascorvit; ascrobin; Cantan; Cantaxin; Catavin C; ce lent; Cebicure; Cebid []; Cebion; Cebione; Cee-caps TD; Cee-vite; Cegiolan; Ceglion Celaskon; Cell C; Cemagyl; Ce-Mi-Lin; Cemill; Cenetone; Cenolate; Cereon; Cergona; Cescorbat; Cetamid; cetane; Cetane-Caps TC; Cetane-caps TD; Cetemican; Cevalin; Cevatine; Cevex; Cevi-bid; CeviminCE-VI-Sol; Cevital; Cevitamate; Cevitamic acid; Cevitamin; Cevitan; Cevitex; Cewin; Chewcee; Ciamin; Cipca; Citriscorb; Citrovit; C-Level; C-Long; Colascor; Concemin; C-Quin; C-Span; C-Vimin; Davitamon C; D-Isoascorbic acid; Dora-C-500; Duoscorb; E300; E-300; Hicee; Hybrin; IDO-C; Juvamine; Kangbingfeng; l-​(+)​-​ascorbic acid; L(+)-ascorbate; L-(+)-ascorbate; L-(+)-ascorbic acid; l(+)-ascorbic acid standard; l,3-ketothreohexuronic acid; Laroscorbine; L-ascorbate; L-Ascorbate;Vitamin C; L-ASCORBIC ACID 2-(DIHYDROGEN PHOSPHATE) CALCIUM SALT (2:3); l-ascorbic acid (vitamin c); L-Ascorbic acid ACS reagent grade; L-ASCORBIC ACID-6,6-Dl-ascorbic acid-用于细胞培养; Lemascorb; Liqui-Cee; L-lyxoascorbate; L-Lyxoascorbic acid; L-threo-Ascorbic acid; L-threo-hex-2-enono-1,4-lactone; L-xyloascorbate; L-XYLOASCORBIC ACID; meilun; Meri-C; Natrascorb; Natrascorb injectable; Planavit C; Proscorbin; Redoxon []; Ronotec 100; Rontex 100; Roscorbic; Rovimix C; Scorbacid; Scorbu C; Scorbu-C; Secorbate; Semidehydroascorbate; Semidehydroascorbic acid; Suncoat VC 40; Testascorbic; Vasc; Vicelat; Vicin; Vicomin C; Viforcit; Viscorin; Vitace; Vitacee; Vitacimin; Vitacin; Vitamisin; Vitascorbol; Xitix; γ-lactone L-threo-Hex-2-enonate; γ-lactone L-threo-Hex-2-enonic acid
Acide ascorbique (Vitamine C)
Acide aspartique (dl-); Acide DL-aspartique. Noms anglais :Aspartic acid, DL-; dl-Aspartic acid. Utilisation: Produit organique; ASPARTIC ACID, N° CAS : 56-84-8 / 617-45-8 - Acide aspartique, Nom INCI : ASPARTIC ACID, Nom chimique : Aspartic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 200-291-6 / 210-513-3.Nom UICPA acide (2S)-2-aminobutanedioïque; Synonymes : D, Aspacide 2-aminosuccinique L’acide aspartique (abréviations IUPAC-IUBMB : Asp et D), est un acide α-aminé dont l'énantiomère L est l'un des 22 acides aminés protéinogènes, encodé sur les ARN messagers par les codons GAU et GAC. Il est caractérisé par la présence d'un groupe carboxyle –COOH à l'extrémité de sa chaîne latérale, lui conférant un point isoélectrique de 2,77, ce qui en fait le résidu le plus acide dans les protéines. Ses fonctions (INCI): Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface. Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon éta.Acid D,L-aspart; Aspartic acid; 2-Aminobutanedioic acid DL-Aspartic acid (±)-2-Aminosuccinic acid (±)-2-Aminosuccinic acid (R,S)-Aspartic acid 200-291-6 [EINECS] 2-Aminobutandisäure [German] 2-Aminosuccinic acid 617-45-8 [RN] 774618 [Beilstein] acide 2-aminobutanedioïque [French] Acide 2-aminosuccinique [French] Acide aspartique [French] Aminosuccinic acid ASP Asparaginic acid Asparaginsäure [German] Aspartic acid Aspartic acid, D- ASPARTIC ACID, DL- DL-2-Aminobutanedioic acid DL-Aminosuccinic acid DL-Asparagic acid H-DL-Asp-OH α-Aminosuccinic acid (±)-Aspartic Acid (±)-Aspartic Acid 1-deoxy-1-(N6-lysino)-D-fructose 217-234-6 [EINECS] 2-Amino Maleic Acid 2-aminobutanedioic acid 2-azaniumyl-4-hydroxy-4-oxobutanoate 874742-68-4 secondary RN [RN] DL-Asp-OH DL-Asp-OH|2-Aminosuccinic acid H-Asp-OH MFCD00063081 [MDL number] N-acetyl-seryl-aspartate
Acide aspartique ( Aspartic acid )
AZELAIC ACID, N° CAS : 123-99-9 - Acide azélaïque, Nom INCI : AZELAIC ACID, Nom chimique : Nonanedioic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 204-669-1, Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Noms français :1,7-HEPTANEDICARBOXYLIC ACID; ACIDE AZELAIQUE; ACIDE; HEPTANEDICARBOXYLIQUE-1,7; ACIDE NONANEDIOIQUE; HEPTANEDICARBOXYLIC ACID; NONANEDIOIC ACID. Noms anglais : ANCHOIC ACID; AZELAIC ACID;LEPARGYLIC ACID Utilisation: Fabrication de produits organiques et de résines. 1,7-Heptanedicarboxylic acid; 123-99-9 [RN]; 204-669-1 [EINECS]; Acide azélaïque [French] ; acide nonanedioïque [French]; Acido azelaico [Spanish]; anchoic acid; Azalaic Acid; Azelaate [; Azelaic acid ; Azelainic acid; Azelainsäure [German] ; Azelex ; Finaceae; lepargylic acid; Nonandisäure [German]; Nonanedioic acid Skinoren ; 1,7-dicarboxyheptane; 1,9-NONANEDIOIC ACID; acide azelaique [French]; Acido azelaico [Spanish]; Acidum acelaicum Acidum azelaicum [Latin] AHI AZ1 azelaicacid Azelainsäure Azelate Emery's L-110 Finacea Heptanedicarboxylic acid n-nonanedioic acid Nonandisäure Nonanedioate Nonanedionic acid Skinorem Zumilin
Acide azélaïque ( Azelaic acid )
Acide benzènesulfonique, dérivés mono-alkyles en C10-14; Noms anglais :Benzenesulfonic acid, mono-C10-14-alkyl derivativesC10-14 ALKYL BENZENESULFONIC ACID, N° CAS : 85117-49-3, Nom INCI : C10-14 ALKYL BENZENESULFONIC ACID, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 285-599-9. Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre. Agent moussant : Capture des petites bulles d'air ou d'autres gaz dans un petit volume de liquide en modifiant la tension superficielle du liquide. Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Benzenesulfonic acid, mono-C10-14-alkyl derivs;
Acide benzènesulfonique, dérivés mono-alkyles en C10-14 ( C10-14 ALKYL BENZENESULFONIC ACID)
BENZOIC ACID, N° CAS : 65-85-0 - Acide benzoïque. Autres langues : Acido benzoico, Benzoesäure, Ácido benzoico. Nom INCI : BENZOIC ACID. Nom chimique : Benzoic acid; N° EINECS/ELINCS : 200-618-2.Principaux synonymes. Noms français : Acide benzoique; Acide benzoïque;Benzenecarboxylic acid; Benzeneformic acid; Benzenmethanoic acid; Carboxybenzene Phenyl carboxylic acid; Phenyl formic acid; Phenylcarboxylic acid; Phenylformic acid. Noms anglais : Benzoic acid; Dracylic acid. L'acide benzoïque, de formule chimique C6H5COOH (ou C7H6O2) est un acide carboxylique aromatique dérivé du benzène.Il est utilisé comme conservateur alimentaire et est naturellement présent dans certaines plantes. C'est par exemple l'un des principaux constituants de la gomme benjoin, utilisée dans des encens dans les églises de Russie et d'autres communautés orthodoxes. Bien qu'étant un acide faible, l'acide benzoïque n'est que peu soluble dans l'eau du fait de la présence du cycle benzénique apolaire. On trouve de l'acide benzoïque dans les plantes alimentaires : - en quantité notable dans le canneberge d'Amérique11 (Vaccinium macrocarpon) : 48,10 mg·100ml-1. - dans une moindre mesure dans la poudre de cacao (Theobroma cacao) : 0,06 mg·100ml-1. Parmi les principaux composés qui dérivent de l'acide benzoïque, on peut citer l'acide salicylique et l'acide acétylsalicylique plus connu sous le nom d'aspirine. En tant qu'additif alimentaire, il est référencé en Europe sous le code E210. Ses sels, que l'on appelle des benzoates, sont référencés sous les numéros : E211 Benzoate de sodium (Ba) E212 Benzoate de potassium (Ba) E213 Benzoate de calcium (Ba) Au-dessus de 370 °C, il se décompose en formant du benzène et du dioxyde de carbone. L'acide benzoïque a une odeur forte et est facilement inflammable. Utilisation: Agent de préservation alimentaire, fabrication de produits organiques Additif alimentaire : E210. L'acide benzoïque est utilisé en tant que conservateur dans les cosmétiques. Agent de foisonnement : Réduit la densité apparente des cosmétiques. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Conservateur : Inhibe le développement des micro-organismes dans les produits cosmétiques.Acid benzoic (ro) Acide benzoïque (fr) Acido benzoico (it) Aċidu benżojku (mt) Bensoehape (et) Bensoesyra (sv) Bentsoehappo (fi) Benzenkarboksirūgštis (lt) Benzoe-säure (de) Benzoesav (hu) Benzoesyre (da) Benzoic acid (no) Benzojeva kiselina (hr) Benzojska kislina (sl) Benzoová kyselina (cs) Benzoskābe (lv) benzosyre (no) Benzoëzuur (nl) Kwas benzoesowy (pl) Kyselina benzoová (sk) Ácido benzoico (es) Βενζοϊκό οξύ (el) Бензоена киселина (bg) benzene carboxylic acid Benzenecarboxylic acid Benzoesäure Benzoic Acid Phenylformic acid, Benzene carboxylic acid Acide benzoique [French] Acide benzoïque [French] Acido benzoico [Italian] Acidum benzoicum [Latin] Alcohol bencílico [Spanish] Benzenecarboxylic acid benzeneformic acid Benzenemethanoic acid Benzoesaeure [German] Benzoesäure [German] Benzoic acid [ACD/Index Name] [USP] [Wiki] 苯甲酸 [Chinese] Acidum benzoicum benzenemethonic acid Benzoic acid 100 µg/mL in Acetone Benzoic acid, ACS reagent Carboxybenzene DB03793 Diacylic acid Dracylic acid Euxyl K 100 Oracylic acid Phenolcarbinol Phenylcarboxy PHENYLCARBOXYLIC ACID Phenylformic acid Retarder BAX Retardex Tenn-Plas UCEPHAN Unisept BZA
Acide benzoïque ( Benzoic Acid)
BORIC ACID, N° CAS : 10043-35-3 / 11113-50-1 - Acide borique, Nom INCI : BORIC ACID, Nom chimique : Boric acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 233-139-2 / 234-343-4, acide borique borate d'hydrogène. ACIDE BORACIQUE; Acide borique; ACIDE ORTHOBORIQUE; BORON TRIHYDROXIDE; O-BORIC ACID; TRIHYDROXYDE DE BORE. Noms anglais :BORA ; BORACIC ACID; Borate compounds, Inorganic [10043-35-3], boric acid; Boric acid; HYDROGEN BORATE; ORTHOBORIC ACID. Utilisation: Agent ignifuge, fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques. BoratesSynonymes : acide boracique; acide orthoborique. Additif alimentaire : E284,Antimicrobien : Aide à ralentir la croissance de micro-organismes sur la peau et s'oppose au développement des microbes. Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Dénaturant : Rend les cosmétiques désagréables. Principalement ajouté aux cosmétiques contenant de l'alcool éthylique.Ce solide blanc, parfois légèrement coloré, cristallise dans un réseau triclinique. Il se présente sous forme d'un solide cristallisé en paillettes nacrées. Assez peu soluble dans l'eau, c'est un acide faible à très faible. Il est souvent employé comme antiseptique bien que toxique, insecticide, absorbeur de neutrons dans les centrales nucléaires pour contrôler le taux de fission de l'uranium, et comme précurseur d'autres composés chimiques. Cet acide de Lewis tire son nom de l'un de ses composants, le bore, sa formule brute est H3BO3 ou en respectant mieux la structure à liaisons covalentes B(OH)3. L'acide borique moléculaire peut provenir de la simple décomposition du minéral naturel nommée sassolite qui, décrit par sa formule B(OH)3, n'est qu'un assemblage de plans d'acide borique stabilisés par des liaisons hydrogènes7. Il existe sous forme de cristaux incolores ou de poudre blanche se dissolvant dans l'eau. L'acide libre est présent sous forme native ou régénérée dans certaines zones possédant des batholithes granitiques proches de la surface telles que la Toscane, les îles Lipari et au Nevada, ses effluents sont mélangés à la vapeur issue des fissures de la croûte terrestre. En Toscane, on récupère l'acide borique dans des jets de vapeur d'eau surchauffée (100 à 215 °C) d'origine volcanique, exploités comme source d'énergie ; la vapeur, hydrolysant des borates dans les profondeurs du sol de cette région, contient en effet de l'acide borique et divers sels minéraux. Celle qui s'échappe librement des fissures du sol (soffioni) est simplement condensée dans des bassins (lagoni). La présence de l'acide borique ou de ses sels a été décelée dans l’eau de mer, et existerait également dans les végétaux et plus particulièrement dans presque tous les fruits8 où il pourrait jouer un certain rôle d'insecticide naturel. Disposition spatiale de molécules (hélicoïdales) d'acide borique dans son cristal artificiel ou dans la sassolite naturelle L'acide borique est le produit de dégradation ultime (souvent à l'aide d'un acide fort) de nombreux borates : borax, boracite, boronatrocalcite, colemanite, borocalcite, ascharite, kaliborite, kernite, kurnakovite, pinnaïte, pandermite, tunellite, larderellite, probertite, inderite, hydroboracite, etc., mais aussi howlite et bakérite, en plus des minéraux qui peuvent contenir l'acide borique en partie comme la harkérite ou la sassolite.L'acide borique est produit principalement à partir de minerai de borate par sa réaction avec l’acide sulfurique. La plus grande source de borates dans le monde est une mine à ciel ouvert située à Boron.En agriculture L'acide borique et ses sels sont utilisés comme fertilisants en agriculture conventionnelle et biologique14. La carence en bore est la carence en oligoéléments la plus répandue dans le monde et occasionne des pertes de rendement importantes chez les plantes cultivées et les arbres fruitiers15. En médecine et biologie Antiseptique Il peut être utilisé comme antiseptique pour les brûlures ou les coupures et est parfois employé dans les pommades et les onguents ou est utilisé dans une solution très diluée comme bain oculaire (eau boriquée). Comme composé anti-bactérien, l'acide borique peut également être prescrit comme traitement de l’acné. On l'utilise encore comme antiseptique pour l'oreille en plongée scaphandre, à raison d'une goutte d'alcool boriqué à 2 % par oreille.[réf. nécessaire] Le borate de sodium, un antiseptique doux, associé à d’autres composants appropriés peut également être proposé en usage externe pour des maladies des yeux, telle que la sécheresse oculaire. Antimycosique L'acide borique peut être utilisé pour traiter les levures et les mycoses comme les candidoses (mycoses vaginales) en remplissant de poudre d'acide borique des ovules qui seront insérés dans la cavité vaginale au coucher pendant trois à quatre nuits consécutives. en solution il peut être prescrit pour traiter certaines formes d’otites externes (infection de l'oreille) chez l’homme ou l’animal. Le conservateur dans les flacons d'urine (bouchon rouge) au Royaume-Uni est de l’acide borique. Il est également employé en prévention du pied d'athlète, en insérant la poudre dans les chaussettes ou les bas. Solution tampon Le borate de lithium est le sel de lithium de l'acide borique employé en laboratoire comme solution tampon pour le gel couramment employé dans les tampons d'électrophorèse des acides nucléiques (tels que les tampons TBE, SB et LB). Il peut être utilisé pour l’électrophorèse de l'ADN et de l'ARN, en gel de polyacrylamide et en gel d'agarose. Insecticide L'acide borique est également souvent utilisé comme insecticide relativement peu toxique, pour l’extermination des cancrelats, termites, fourmis, puces, et beaucoup d'autres insectes. Il peut être employé directement sous la forme de poudre pour les puces et les cancrelats, ou être mélangé avec du sucre ou de la gelée pour les fourmis. C'est également un composant de beaucoup d’insecticides du commerce. Dans cette utilisation, particulièrement dans le cas des cancrelats, l'acide borique sous forme de poudre est appliqué dans les zones fréquentées par les insectes. Les fines particules s'accrochent aux pattes des insectes et causent par la suite des brûlures chimiques mortelles. L'acide borique est commercialisé pour cet usage dans des quartiers résidentiels dans des zones urbaines infestées par les cancrelats. Esters of boric acid Octaborates Salts of boric acid Trioctyldodecyl borate Translated names Acid boric (ro) Acide borique (fr) Acido borico (it) Aċidu boriku (mt) Boorhape (et) Boorihappo (fi) Boorzuur (nl) Boric acid (no) Borna kiselina (hr) Boro rūgštis (lt) Borova kislina (sl) Borskābe (lv) Borsyra (sv) Borsyre (da) Borsäure (de) Bórsav (hu) Kwas borowy (pl) Kyselina boritá (cs) Kyselina trihydrogenboritá (sk) Ácido bórico (es) Βορικό οξύ (el) Борна киселина (bg) Acidium boricum Boric acid (H3BO3) boric acid. Trihydroxidoboron Boric acidTrihydrooxidoboron boric acidTrihydroxidoboron Ortho-boric Acid Orthoboric Acid TRHIOSSOBORIC ACID Trihydroxidoboron s BORIC ACID 99,9% Optibor Optibor HG Optibor TG Optibor TP 10043-35-3 [RN] Acide borique [French] acidum boricum [Latin] B(OH)3 [Formula] Boric acid Boric acid-11B Borsäure [German] Orthoboric acid (10B)Orthoboric acid 7440-42-8 [RN] Acidum boricum Ant flip Boracic acid Boracic Acid, Orthoboric Acid Borate (H3bo3) borate ion Boric acid ACS grade Boric acid Electrophoresis grade Boric acid flakes Boric acid, biochemical grade Boric Acid, Granular Boric acid, NF/USP grade Boric Acid, Powder Boric acid-d3 BORIC-11B ACID Borofax Boron hydroxide Boron trihydroxide Borsaeure Borsaure H3-BO3 Heptaoxotetra-Borate(2-) Homberg's salt Hydrogen borate hydrogen orthoborate InChI=1S/BH3O3/c2-1(3)4/h2-4H Kill-off Kjel-sorb Orthboric acid Orthoboricacid Orthoborsaeure tetraborate trihydridoborate trihydroxidoboron Trihydroxyborane Trihydroxyborone WLN: QBQQ
Acide borique
CAPRIC ACID, N° CAS : 334-48-5, Nom INCI : CAPRIC ACID, Nom chimique : Decanoic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 206-376-4, Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre; Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit, Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation, Agent parfumant : Utilisé pour le parfum et les matières premières aromatiques; Noms français : 1-NONANECARBOXYLIC ACID; Acide caprique; ACIDE CAPRIQUE NORMAL; ACIDE DECANOIQUE; ACIDE DECANOIQUE NORMAL;DECOIC ACID; DECYCLIC ACID; DECYLIC ACID; N-CAPRIC ACID; N-DECANOIC ACID; N-DECYLIC ACID. Noms anglais : Capric acid; CAPRINIC ACID; CAPRYNIC ACID; DECANOIC ACID; N-DECOIC ACID; Utilisation: Fabrication de produits organiques, additif alimentaire. Capric Acid; Capric acid (CAS 334-48-5); n-decanoic acid Translated names Acid decanoic (ro) Acide décanoïque (fr) Acido decanoico (it) Aċidu dekanojku (mt) Decaan-zuur (nl) Decanoic acid (no) Decansyre (da) Decansäure (de) Dekaanhape (et) Dekaanihappo (fi) Dekano rūgštis (lt) Dekanojska kislina (sl) Dekanová kyselina (cs) Dekanska kiselina (hr) Dekansyra (sv) Dekánsav (hu) Dekānskābe (lv) Kwas dekanowy (pl) Kyselina dekánová (sk) Ácido decanoico (es) Δεκανικό οξύ (el) Деканова киселина (bg) 1- Decansäure 2-Ethyl-7-sulfo-decansäure Deacnoic acid s Capric Acid – Palmata 1099 Ecoric 10/95 Ecoric 10/99 KORTACID (KORTACID 1099/ 1098/1095/1090) Kortacid 1098 MASCID 1098 Palmac 98-10 Palmac 99-10 Palmac 99-10/MB RADIACID 0610 RADIACID 0613 RADIACID 0691
Acide caprique ( CAPRIC ACID)
CAPRYLIC ACID, N° CAS : 124-07-2, Nom INCI : CAPRYLIC ACID, Nom chimique : Octanoic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 204-677-5, Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre, Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile), Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit, Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation,Agent parfumant : Utilisé pour le parfum et les matières premières aromatiques.Noms français : 1-HEPTANECARBOXYLIC ACID; Acide caprylique; ACIDE OCTANOIQUE NORMAL; Acide octanoïque; N-CAPRYLIC ACID; N-OCTANOIC ACID N-OCTOIC ACID; N-OCTYLIC ACID; NORMAL CAPRYLIC ACID; NORMAL OCTANOIC ACID; NORMAL OCTYLIC ACID; NORMAL-OCTOIC ACID; Octanoic acid; OCTIC ACID; OCTYLIC ACID Noms anglais : CAPRYLIC ACID; Octanoic acid; Utilisation: Fabrication de colorants et de parfums; Caprylic Acid; Caprylic acid (CAS 124-07-2) Translated names: Acid octanoic (ro) Acide octanoïque (fr) Acido ottanoico (it) Aċidu ottanojku (mt) Kwas kaprylowy (pl) Kyselina oktánová (sk) Octaanzuur (nl) Octanoic acid (no) Octansyre (da) Octansäure (de) Oktaanhape (et) Oktaanihappo (fi) Oktano rūgštis (lt) Oktanojska kislina (sl) Oktanová kyselina (cs) Oktanska kiselina (hr) Oktansyra (sv) Oktánsav (hu) Oktānskābe (lv) Ácido octanoico (es) Οκτανικό οξύ (el) Октанова киселина (bg) 1-heptanecarboxylic acid 1-Octansäure Acid C8, Caprylic acid, Octanoic acid Acido Octanoico C-8 Caprylic acid, Octanoic acid Caprylsäure CLP octanoic acid (PGC Only) n-Caprylic acid n-Octanoic Acid N-prop-2-enylprop-2-en-1-amine Octanoic acid (caprylic acid) Octanoic acid(caprylic acid) s CAPRYLIC ACID (POFAC 0899) Ecoric 8/99 KORTACID 0899/0898/0895/0890 MMFA 0898 (Caprylic Acid 98%) Oktansäure PALMAC 99-08 PALMATA 0899 RADIACID 0608 RADIACID 0698 SINAR – FA 0899 UNIOLEO FA 0899
Acide caprylique ( CAPRYLIC ACID)
CITRIC ACID, N° CAS : 77-92-9 / 5949-29-1 - Acide citrique, Origine(s) : Naturelle, Synthétique, Autres langues : Acido citrico, Zitronensäure, Ácido cítrico, Nom INCI : CITRIC ACID, Nom chimique : 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 201-069-1, Additif alimentaire : E330. L'acide citrique est un des principaux actifs du citron. Il est souvent utilisé pour équilibrer le pH (trop basique) des produits cosmétiques. Il est aussi présent dans certains produits de bain (bombes de bain, galets de bain ou "poudres magiques") en raison de ses propriétés effervescentes.Ses fonctions (INCI). Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Agent de chélation : Réagit et forme des complexes avec des ions métalliques qui pourraient affecter la stabilité et / ou l'apparence des produits cosmétiques. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit
Acide citrique ( CITRIC ACID)
DEHYDROACETIC ACID, N° CAS : 520-45-6 / 771-03-9 / 16807-48-0 - Acide déhydroacétique, Autres langues : Acido deidroacetico, Dehydroessigsäure, Ácido deshidroacético. Nom INCI : DEHYDROACETIC ACID, Nom chimique : 3-Acetyl-6-methyl-2H-pyran-2,4(3H)-dione, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 208-293-9 / 212-227-4 / - Additif alimentaire : E265. Classification : Règlementé, Conservateur. L'acide déhydroacétique est utilisé dans les cosmétiques en tant que conservateur pour ses actions de fongicide et bactéricide. Il est employé sous la dénomination E265 en alimentaire. Comme il est Biodégradable, ce produit chimique ne pose pas de problème pour l'environnement, et les risques pour la santé restent assez faible. Notez toutefois, que le composé est interdit dans les sprays de type aérosol. L'acide déhydroacétique est autorisé en Bio.Ses fonctions (INCI): Conservateur : Inhibe le développement des micro-organismes dans les produits cosmétiques.Noms français : 3-ACETYL-4-HYDROXY-6-METHYL-2H-PYRAN-2-ONE 3-ACETYL-6-METHYL-2,4-PYRANDIONE 3-ACETYL-6-METHYLDIHYDROPYRANDIONE-2,4 3-ACETYL-6-METHYLPYRANDIONE-2,4 4-HEXENOIC ACID, 2-ACETYL-5-HYDROXY-3-OXO-, DELTA-LACTONE ACETYL-3 METHYL-6 PYRANDIONE-2,4 Acide déhydroacétique METHYLACETOPYRONONE Noms anglais : Dehydroacetic acid Utilisation: Fabrication de produits organiques, bactéricide
Acide déhydroacétique ( Dehydroacetic acid)
THIODIPROPIONIC ACID N° CAS : 111-17-1 - Acide thiodipropanoïque Nom INCI : THIODIPROPIONIC ACID Nom chimique : 3,3'-Thiodipropionic Acid N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-841-3 Additif alimentaire : E388 Ses fonctions (INCI) Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Acide diphosphorique ( Acide thiodipropanoïque)
SACCHAROSONIC ACID; ISOASCORBIC ACID; ERYTHORBIC ACID; N° CAS : 89-65-6 - Acide érythorbique. Nom INCI : ERYTHORBIC ACID. Nom chimique : 2,3-Didehydro-D-erythro-hexono-1,4-lactone; D-erythro-hex-2-enonic acid, gamma-lactone. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 201-928-0. Additif alimentaire : E315. Ses fonctions (INCI). Antioxydant : Inhibe les réactions favorisées par l'oxygène, évitant ainsi l'oxydation et la rancidité. Noms français : ACIDE ARABOASCORBIQUE ACIDE D-ERYTHORBIQUE ACIDE D-ISOASCORBIQUE ACIDE ERYTHORBIQUE ACIDE GLUCOSACCHARONIQUE ACIDE ISOASCORBIQUE ACIDE SACCHAROSONIQUE D-ERYTHRO-3-KETOHEXONIC ACID LACTONE D-ERYTHRO-3-OXOHEXONIC ACID LACTONE D-ERYTHRO-ASCORBIC ACID D-ERYTHRO-HEX-2-ENONIC ACID GAMMA-LACTONE D-ERYTHRO-HEX-2-ENONIC ACID, GAMMA-LACTONE Noms anglais : ARABOASCORBIC ACID D-ARABOASCORBIC ACID D-ERYTHORBIC ACID D-ISOASCORBIC ACID ERYTHORBIC ACID GLUCOSACCHARONIC ACID ISOASCORBIC ACID SACCHAROSONIC ACID Utilisation et sources d'émission Agent anti-oxydant, agent de préservation alimentaire. (5R)-5-[(1R)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2(5H)-furanon [German] (5R)-5-[(1R)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (5R)-5-[(1R)-1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2(5H)-furanone [French] (5R)-5-[(1R)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one 228-973-9 [EINECS] 2410 311332OII1 84271 [Beilstein] 89-65-6 [RN] D-(-)-Isoascorbic acid D-Araboascorbic Acid D-erythro-3-Ketohexonic acid lactone D-erythro-3-Oxohexonic acid lactone D-erythro-Hex-2-enoic acid γ-lactone D-erythro-Hex-2-enonic Acid g-Lactone D-erythro-Hex-2-enonic acid, γ-lactone D-Isoascorbic acid Erycorbin Erythorbic acid [Wiki] Glucosaccharonic acid KF3015000 Mercate "5" Mercate 5 MFCD00005378 [MDL number] Saccharosonic Acid (2R)-2-[(1R)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2H-furan-5-one (5R)-5-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-3,4-dihydroxy-5-hydrofuran-2-one (5R)-5-[(1R)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxy-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-one (R)-5-((R)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one [89-65-6] 2,3-Didehydro-D-erythro-hexono-1,4-lactone 6381-77-7 [RN] Araboascorbic acid D-(-)-Araboascorbic acid D(-)-Isoascorbic acid d(-)-isoascorbic acid 98% d(-)-isoascorbic acid, 98% d-(-)-isoascorbic acid, 98% d-(-)-isoascorbicacid D-ARABOASCORBICACID D-Erythorbic acid D-ERYTHRO-HEX-2-ENONIC ACID γ-LACTONE D-erythro-hex-2-enono-1,4-lactone D-Isoascorbic acid|D-Erythorbic acid ISD ISOASCORBIC ACID Isovitamin C UNII:311332OII1 UNII-311332OII1
Acide érythorbique ( ISOASCORBIC ACID)
EDTA, N° CAS : 60-00-4 - Acide éthylène diamine tétraacétique. Nom INCI : EDTA. Nom chimique : 1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(carboxymethyl)-, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 200-449-4, Additif alimentaire : E385. Classification : EDTA. L'EDTA (EDTA et ses principaux sels utilisés en cosmétique Disodium EDTA, Tetrasodium EDTA, Trisodium EDTA) est un agent chélateur que l'on emploie depuis les années 30 et pour lequel les industriels maîtrisent totalement la transformation et l'usage. Sa principale propriété est de complexer les métaux lourds. C'est-à-dire qu'il va en quelque sorte les neutraliser en formant avec eux un complexe, pour leur servir ensuite de transporteur et les évacuer. Il est donc assez logiquement utilisé en médecine pour lutter contre les intoxications aux métaux lourds (au plomb par exemple). Il est souvent employé en tant que séquestrant (calcium, calcaire ...) dans les savons ou gels douches, cela permet notamment de gérer les eaux "dures".Ses fonctions (INCI). Agent de chélation : Réagit et forme des complexes avec des ions métalliques qui pourraient affecter la stabilité et / ou l'apparence des produits cosmétiques. Noms français : (ETHYLENEDINITRILO) TETRAACETIC ACID (ETHYLENEDINITRILO)TETRAACETIC ACID 3,6-BIS(CARBOXYMETHYL)-3,5-DIAZOOCTANEDIOIC ACID 3,6-DIAZAOCTANEDIOIC ACID, 3,6-BIS(CARBOXYMETHYL)- ACETIC ACID, (ETHYLENEDINITRILO)TETRA- ACETIC ACID, 2,2',2'',2'''-(1,2-ETHANEDIYLDINITRILO)TETRAKIS- ACIDE ETHYLENEDIAMINETETRACETIQUE Acide édétique Acide éthylènediaminetétraacétique ETHYLEBISIMINODIACETIC ACID ETHYLENE BIS (IMINODIACETIC ACID) ETHYLENEDINITRILOTETRAACETIC ACID N,N'-1,2-ETHANEDIYLBIS(N-(CARBOXYMETHYL)GLYCINE) Noms anglais : E D T A E.D.T.A. EDTA EDTA (CHELATING AGENT) EDTA ACID ETHYLENE DIAMINE TETRAACETIC ACID ETHYLENEDIAMINE TETRAACETIC ACID ETHYLENEDIAMINE-N,N,N',N'-TETRAACETIC ACID Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid GLYCINE, N,N'-1,2-ETHANEDIYLBIS(N-CARBOXYMETHYL)- Utilisation et sources d'émission Agent chélateur, agent de dosage analytique
Acide éthylène diamine tétraacétique ( EDTA)
EDTMP, N° CAS : 1429-50-1 - Acide éthylènediaminetétraméthylène phosphonique. Nom INCI : EDTMP. Ses fonctions (INCI), Agent de chélation : Réagit et forme des complexes avec des ions métalliques qui pourraient affecter la stabilité et / ou l'apparence des produits cosmétiques
Acide éthylènediaminetétraméthylène phosphonique (EDTMP)
HYDROXYETHANEDIPHOSPHONIC ACID; HEDP; ETIDRONIC ACID, N° CAS : 2809-21-4 - Acide étidronique, Origine(s) : Synthétique , Nom INCI : ETIDRONIC ACID , Nom chimique : Phosphonic acid, (1-hydroxyethylidene)bis- , N° EINECS/ELINCS : 220-552-8. L'acide étidronique est utilisé en tant qu'agent chélateur dans les cosmétiques. Il crée des complexes avec le calcium, l'arsenic, le fer et autres ions métalliques pour les neutraliser. Cela permet de gérer l'utilisation d'eaux un peu "dures", qui pourraient interférer avec les tensioactifs du produit par exemple. Ses fonctions (INCI) Agent de chélation : Réagit et forme des complexes avec des ions métalliques qui pourraient affecter la stabilité et / ou l'apparence des produits cosmétiques. oms français : (1-HYDROXYETHYLIDENE)BIS(PHOSPHONIC ACID) (1-HYDROXYETHYLIDENE)DIPHOSPHONIC ACID (HYDROXYETHYLIDENE)DIPHOSPHONIC ACID 1-HYDROXYETHANE-1,1-BIPHOSPHONIC ACID 1-HYDROXYETHANE-1,1-DIPHOSPHONIC ACID 1-HYDROXYETHANEDIPHOSPHONIC ACID 1-HYDROXYETHYLIDENE-1,1-DIPHOSPHONIC ACID ACIDE HYDROXY-1 ETHYLIDENE DIPHOSPHONIQUE-1,1 ACIDE HYDROXYETHYLIDENE DIPHOSPHONIQUE EHDP ETHANE-1-HYDROXY-1,1-DIPHOSPHONIC ACID HYDROXYETHANE-1,1-DIPHOSPHONIC ACID OXYETHYLIDENEDIPHOSPHONIC ACID PHOSPHONIC ACID, (1-HYDROXYETHYLIDENE)BIS- PHOSPHONIC ACID, (1-HYDROXYETHYLIDENE)BIS-, PHOSPHONIC ACID, (1-HYDROXYETHYLIDENE)DI-, Noms anglais : ETIDRONIC ACID HYDROXYETHANEDIPHOSPHONIC ACID Utilisation et sources d'émission Agent chélateur
Acide étidronique ( HEDP)
FUMARIC ACID, N° CAS : 110-17-8 - Acide fumarique, Nom INCI : FUMARIC ACID. Nom chimique : Fumaric acid. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-743-0. Additif alimentaire : E297. Ses fonctions (INCI). Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Noms français : (E)-BUTENEDIOIC ACID 1,2-ETHYLENE DICARBOXYLIC ACID (E) 2-BUTENEDIOIC ACID (E)- 2-BUTENEDIOIC ACID, (E)- ACIDE BOLETIQUE ACIDE BUTENEDIOIQUE (TRANS-) Acide fumarique ACIDE LICHENIQUE BUTENEDIOIC ACID,(E)- TRANS-1,2-ETHYLENE DICARBOXYLIC ACID TRANS-1,2-ETHYLENEDICARBOXYLIC ACID TRANS-BUTENEDIOIC ACID Noms anglais : BOLETIC ACID Fumaric acid LICHENIC ACID Utilisation : Fabrication de résines. Fumaric acid [Wiki] (2E)-2-Butendisäure [German] (2E)-2-Butenedioic acid (2E)-But-2-enedioic acid (E)-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid (E)-2-Butenedioic acid (E)-Butenedioic acid 1,2-Ethenedicarboxylic acid, trans- 110-17-8 [RN] 203-743-0 [EINECS] 2-Butenedioic acid 2-Butenedioic acid (2E)- 2-Butenedioic acid, (2E)- [ACD/Index Name] 2-Butenedioic acid, (E)- 605763 [Beilstein] Acide (2E)-2-butènedioïque [French] Acidum fumaricum Butenedioic acid, (E)- E-2-Butenedioic acid MFCD00002700 [MDL number] trans-1,2-ethenedicarboxylic acid trans-1,2-ethylenedicarboxylic acid TRANS-2-BUTENEDIOIC ACID trans-but-2-enedioic acid trans-Butenedioic acid (2E)-But-2-enedioate (E)-2-Butenedioate (E)-but-2-enedioate (E)-but-2-enedioic acid (E)-HO2CCH=CHCO2H 1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid, (E) 2-(E)-Butenedioate 2-(E)-Butenedioic acid 2-Butenedioic acid (E)- 4-02-00-02202 [Beilstein] 605762 [Beilstein] Allomaleate Allomaleic acid Allomalenic acid Boletate Boletic acid cis-Butenedioic acid Fumaricum acidum Fumarsaeure Kyselina fumarova [Czech] Lichenate Lichenic acid (VAN) QV1U1VQ-T [WLN] trans-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylate trans-2-Butenedioate trans-Butenedioate 延胡索酸 [Chinese]
Acide fumarique ( Fumaric acid)
GLUCONIC ACID, N° CAS : 526-95-4 - Acide gluconique. Nom INCI : GLUCONIC ACID. Nom chimique : D-gluconic acid. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 208-401-4. Additif alimentaire : E574. Ses fonctions (INCI). Agent de chélation : Réagit et forme des complexes avec des ions métalliques qui pourraient affecter la stabilité et / ou l'apparence des produits cosmétiques. Agent parfumant : Utilisé pour le parfum et les matières premières aromatiques. Noms français : Acide D-gluconique; Acide gluconique; D-GLUCONIC ACID; DEXTRONIC ACID; Gluconic acid; GLUCONIC ACID, D-GLYCOGENIC ACID; GLYCONIC ACID; MALTONIC ACID; PENTAHYDROXYCAPROIC ACID. Noms anglais : Gluconic acid. Utilisation: Additif alimentaire. D-Gluconic acid 1726055 [Beilstein] 2,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxycaproic acid 208-401-4 [EINECS] 526-95-4 [RN] Acide D-gluconique [French] D-Gluconsäure [German] Gluconic acid Glyconic Acid 2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxy-hexanoic acid Dextronate Glycogenate Glyconate Maltonate (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoic acid (3S,2R,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoic acid [526-95-4] 157663-13-3 [RN] 2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoate 2,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxyhexanoic acid 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 2-keto-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 50% aqueous solution 50% gluconic acid solution 9025-70-1 [RN] d-(+)-gluconic acid Dextranase Dextronic acid D-gluco-Hexonic acid D-Gluconic acid - 45-50% in water D-Gluconic Acid (50per cent in Water) D-Gluconic acid 50% in water D-Gluconsaeure D-GLUCOSONIC ACID D-Glukonsaeure d-葡萄糖酸溶液 Galactonic acid GCO Glosanto Gluconic Acid (contains Gluconolactone) Gluconic acid (VAN) GLUCONIC ACID, D- gluconicacid Glycogenic acid ketogluconic acid Maltonic acid Pentahydroxycaproate Pentahydroxycaproic acid UNII:R4R8J0Q44B UNII-R4R8J0Q44B 葡萄糖酸 [Chinese]
Acide gluconique ( Gluconic acid)
GLUTAMIC ACID, N° CAS : 56-86-0 - Acide glutamique. Origine(s) : Synthétique. Autres langues : Acido glutammico, Glutaminsäure, Ácido glutamico. Nom INCI : GLUTAMIC ACID. Nom chimique : (S)-2-Aminopentanedioic acid. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 200-293-7. Additif alimentaire : E620. Ses fonctions (INCI). Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface. Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance. Humectant : Maintient la teneur en eau d'un cosmétique dans son emballage et sur la peau
Acide glutamique ( GLUCURONIC ACID)
GLUTARIC ACID, N° CAS : 110-94-1. Nom INCI : GLUTARIC ACID. Nom chimique : 1,3-Pentanedioic acid. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-817-2. Ses fonctions (INCI): Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Noms français : 1,3-PROPANEDICARBOXYLIC ACID; 1,5-PENTANEDIOIC ACID; Acide glutarique; ACIDE PENTANEDIOIQUE; ACIDE PENTANEDIOIQUE-1,5; ACIDE PROPANEDICARBOXYLIQUE-1,3; Glutaric acid; PENTANEDIOIC ACID. Noms anglais : Glutaric acid. Utilisation: Fabrication de produits organiques. 1,3-Propanedicarboxylic acid. Glutaric acid ; 1,3-Propanedicarboxylate; 1,5-Pentanedioate; 1,5-Pentanedioic acid; 110-94-1 [RN]; 1209725 [Beilstein]; 203-817-2 [EINECS]; Acide glutarique [French] ; Glutarsäure hydrogen glutarate; MFCD00004410 [MDL number]; n-Pyrotartaric acid; Pentanedioic acid [ACD/Index Name]; 1,3-PROPANEDICARBOXYLIC ACID; 111-16-0 [RN]; 203-817-2MFCD00004410 271-678-5 [EINECS] 273-081-5 [EINECS] 4-02-00-01934 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein] 68603-87-2 [RN] 68937-69-9 [RN] 8065-59-6 [RN] Glutaric acid (Pentanedioic acid) glutaric acid, reagent Pentandioate Pentandioic acid pentanedioate Propane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid Propane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid|Pentanedioic acid,Glutaric acid WLN: QV3VQ 戊二酸 [Chinese] 1,5-Pentanedioic acid Glutaric acid n-Pyrotartaric acid Pentandioic acid CAS names Pentanedioic acid CH02923 Glutarsäure pentanedioic acid.
Acide glutarique ( GLUTARIC ACID)
Glycol acid; GLYCOLIC ACID; N° CAS : 79-14-1 - Acide glycolique, Origine(s) : Végétale, Synthétique. Nom INCI : GLYCOLIC ACID. Nom chimique : Acetic acid, hydroxy-, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 201-180-5, L'acide glycolique est un acide organique naturel, aussi nommé acides alpha-hydroxylés (AHA). Il est généralement fabriqué à partir de canne à sucre. Il est utilisé dans les peeling doux et produits exfoliants à base d'acide. Il permet d'accélérer la perte des cellules mortes et favorise le renouvellement cellulaire. Comme les autres acides de fruits, on l'emploie aussi pour lisser les rides, éclaircir le teint, estomper les tâches pigmentaires et les irrégularités de la peau.Ses fonctions (INCI): Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Noms français : Acide glycolique; ACIDE; HYDROXYACETIQUE; HYDROXY ACETIC ACID; Hydroxyacetic acid; HYDROXYETHANOIC ACID. Noms anglais : Glycolic acid. Utilisation: Fabrication de produits textiles, fabrication de produits organiques. 1209322 [Beilstein]; 201-180-5 [EINECS]; 2-Hydroxyethanoic acid; 79-14-1 [RN]; Acetic acid, 2-hydroxy- [ACD/Index Name];Acide glycol [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name] Acide hydroxyacétique [French]; a-Hydroxyacetic acid; Glycol acid [ACD/IUPAC Name] Glycolic acid Glycolsäure [German] Hydroxyessigsäure [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name] Kyselina glykolova [Czech] Kyselina hydroxyoctova [Czech] QV1Q [WLN] 1,2-Ethanediol [ACD/Index Name] 102962-28-7 [RN] 1-hydroxy-ethanoic acid 26009-03-0 [RN] 2-oxonioacetate D-malate EDO GLV Glycocide Glycolic acid, 66-70% aqueous solution glycolic acid, crystal, reagent Glycolic acid, pure, 99.5% Glycollic acid Glyoxylic acid GOA HOCH2COOH Hydroxy-acetic acid Hydroxyethanoic acid Kyselina glykolova MFCD00868116 [MDL number] MLT TAR WLN: QV1Q α-Hydroxyacetic acid α-Hydroxyacetic acid 乙醇酸 [Chinese]. Acetic acid, 2-hydroxy- Acetic acid, hydroxy- Glycollic acid Hydroxyacetic acid Hydroxyethanoic acid Kyselina glykolova Kyselina hydroxyoctova Translated names Acid glicolic (ro) Acide glycolique (fr) Acido glicolico (it) Aċidu glikolliku (mt) Glikolio rūgštis (lt) Glikolna kiselina (hr) Glikolna kislina (sl) Glikolsav (hu) Glikolskābe (lv) Glycolic acid (no) glycolsyre (da) Glycolzuur (nl) Glykolihappo (fi) glykolová kyselina/2-hydroxyethanová kyselina (cs) Glykolsyra (sv) Glykolsäure (de) Glükoolhape (et) Kwas glikolowy (pl) kyselina glykolová (sk) Ácido glicólico (es) Γλυκολικό οξύ (el) Гликолова киселина (bg) 2-hydroxy acetic acid 2-Hydroxyacetic acid 2-Hydroxyethanoic acid glycol acid Glykolsäure ... %
Acide glycolique ( Glycolic acid )
Cas : 67701-05-7, EC : 266-929-0, Fatty acids, C8-18 and C18-unsatd.
Acide gras de coco
hyaluronan, HYALURONIC ACID, N° CAS : 9004-61-9 - Acide hyaluronique,Autres langues : Acido ialuronico, Hyaluronsäure, Ácido hialurónico, Nom INCI : HYALURONIC ACID, Nom chimique : Hyaluronic acid. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 232-678-0. Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface. Humectant : Maintient la teneur en eau d'un cosmétique dans son emballage et sur la peau. Hydratant : Augmente la teneur en eau de la peau et aide à la maintenir douce et lisse. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Acide hyaluronique
HYDROLYZED HYALURONIC ACID, Acide hyaluronique hydrolysé, Nom INCI : HYDROLYZED HYALURONIC ACID. Ses fonctions (INCI) : Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance. Humectant : Maintient la teneur en eau d'un cosmétique dans son emballage et sur la peau. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Acide hyaluronique hydrolysé ( HYDROLYZED HYALURONIC ACID)
ARACHIDIC ACID, Icosa-5,8,11,14-tetraenoic acid; N° CAS : 506-30-9 - Acide icosanoïque ou acide arachidique, Nom INCI : ARACHIDIC ACID, Nom chimique : Icosanoic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 208-031-3. Noms français :Acide arachidique; ACIDE EICOSANOIQUE; EICOSANOIC ACID. Noms anglais : ARACHIC ACID; Arachidic acid; Utilisation: Produit organique, Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre. Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Opacifiant : Réduit la transparence ou la translucidité des cosmétiques. Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. 208-031-3 [EINECS] 506-30-9 [RN] Acide icosanoïque [French] ácido n-eicosanoico [Spanish] Arachic acid Arachidic acid Arachidinic acid Arachinsaeure [German] Eicosanoic acid Icosanoic acid Icosansäure [German] 5,8,11-Eicosatriynoic Acid|5,8,11-eicosatriynoic acid ACD arachidic acid, 98% Arachidic acid;Eicosanoic acid Arachidic Acid|eicosanoic acid ARACHIDIC ACID|ICOSANOIC ACID arachidicacid Arachinsaeure Eicosanic acid Eicosanoic acid (Arachidic acid) eicosanoic acid, 99% Eicosanoicacid Eicosatetraynoic Acid|5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid ethyl stearic acid icosanoicacid
Acide icosanoïque ou acide arachidique ( Arachidic acid )
maleicacid; Maleinic acid; Malenic acid; Maleic acid; MALEINIC ACID; MALENIC ACID; TOXILIC ACID; ACIDE MALEINIQUE; ACIDE MALENIQUE; Acide maléique; acide (Z)-but-2-èn-1,4-dioïque, acide Z-butènedioïque, acide maléique, No CAS: 110-16-7, Nom INCI : MALEIC ACID.ácido maleico; Allomaleic acid; Allomalenic acid ;Nom chimique : 2-Butenedioic acid (2Z)-. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-742-5. Ses fonctions (INCI) : Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. L'acide maléique est un acide dicarboxylique insaturé, l'acide Z-butènedioïque. Cette molécule est le diastéréoisomère de l'acide fumarique ou acide E-butènedioïque, la configuration montre que les groupements carboxyles, caractéristiques des acides organiques sont placés sur un plan du même côté de la liaison éthylénique, c'est-à-dire de la double liaison carbone-carbone, rigide. Les sels de ses anions et les esters sont appelés maléates.Noms français : (Z)-BUTEDIOIC ACID; 1,2-ETHYLENEDICARBOXYLIC ACID, (Z); 2-BUTENEDIOIC ACID (Z)-; ACIDE BUTENEDIOIQUE (CIS-); ACIDE MALEINIQUE; ACIDE MALENIQUE; Acide maléique; CIS-1,2-ETHYLENEDICARBOXYLIC ACID; CIS-BUTENEDIOIC ACID.Noms anglais : Maleic acid; MALEINIC ACID; MALENIC ACID; TOXILIC ACID. Utilisation : Fabrication de produits organiques et de résines; Maleic acid; (2Z)-2-Butendisäure [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; (2Z)-2-Butenedioic acid [ACD/IUPAC Name]; (2Z)-But-2-enedioic acid; 110-16-7 [RN]; 2-Butenedioic acid, (2Z)- [ACD/Index Name]; 605762 [Beilstein]; Acide (2Z)-2-butènedioïque [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Acidum maleicum; cis-Butenedioic acid; toxilic acid; trans-but-2-enedioic acid; (2Z)-But-2-ene-1,4-dioic acid; (2Z)-but-2-enedioate; (2Z)but-2-enedioic acid; (2Z)-Butene-2-dioate; (2Z)-Butene-2-dioic acid; (Z)-1,2-Ethenedicarboxylic Acid; (Z)-2-butenedioate; (Z)-2-Butenedioic acid; (Z)-but-2-enedioic acid; (z)-butenedioate; (Z)-butenedioic acid; 1,2-dihydropyridazine-3,6-dione; 1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid, (Z); 1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid, cis-; 2-Butenedioic acid [ACD/IUPAC Name]; 2-Butenedioic acid (2Z)-; 2-Butenedioic acid (Z)-; 2-Butenedioic acid, (Z)-; ácido maleico; Allomaleic acid; Allomalenic acid; Boletic acid; but-2-enedioic acid; BUTENE-1,4-DIOIC ACID; Butenedioic acid; Butenedioic acid, (Z)-; Butenedioic acid,(Z)-; cis-1,2-ethylenedicarboxylic acid; cis-2-Butenedioate; CIS-2-BUTENEDIOIC ACID; cis-But-2-enedioate; cis-but-2-enedioic acid; Cis-butenedioate; Fumaric acid; H2male; hydrogen maleate; Kyselina maleinova [Czech];Kyselina maleinova; Lichenic acid; MAE; maleic acid reference material; Maleic acid|(2Z)-But-2-ene-1,4-dioic acid; maleic acid-cp; maleicacid; Maleinic acid; Malenic acid; Malezid CM;polymaleic acid; QV1U1VQ-C [WLN]; ZEELCHEM 200;Z-fumaric acid; 馬來酸 [Chinese]; (Z)-but-2-enová kyselina (cs); acid maleic (ro); acide maléique (fr); acido maleico (it); aċidu malejku (mt); kwas maleinowy (pl); kyselina maleínová (sk); Maleiinhape (et); maleiinihappo (fi); maleino rūgštis (lt); maleinová kyselina (cs); maleinsav (hu); maleinska kiselina (hr); maleinska kislina (sl); maleinsyra (sv); maleinsyre (da); Maleinsäure (de); maleïnezuur (nl); maleīnskābe (lv); ácido maleico (es); μηλεϊνικό οξύ (el); малеинова киселина (bg); CAS names: 2-Butenedioic acid (2Z)-; : (2Z)-but-2-enedioic acid; (Z)-But-2-enedioic acid; (Z)-Butenedioic acid; (Z)-Butenedioic acid, Maleic acid; but-2-enedioic acid; but-2-enedioic acid ; cis-1,2-Ethylendicarbonsäure; cis-Butendisäure; cis-Butenedioic acid, Toxilic acid, Acidum maleicum, Butenedioic Acid; Maleic acid (Z)-Butenedioic acid; Maleinsaeure; Maleinsäurelösung; MEXORYL SCO; Trade names: 2-Butenedioic acid (Z)- (9CI); 2-Butenedioic acid, (Z)-; cis-1,2-Ethylenedicarboxylic acid; cis-2-Butenedioic acid; cis-Butenedioic acid; Maleic acid (40% in water); Maleic acid (8CI); Toxilic acid
Acide maléique ( maleic acid )
MERCAPTOPROPIONIC ACID, N° CAS : 107-96-0, Nom INCI : MERCAPTOPROPIONIC ACID. Nom chimique : 3-Mercaptopropionic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-537-0. Dépilatoire : Enlève les poils indésirables. Agent bouclant ou lissant (coiffant) : Modifie la structure chimique des cheveux, pour les coiffer dans le style requis. Agent réducteur : Modifie la nature chimique d'une autre substance en ajoutant de l'hydrogène ou en éliminant l'oxygène.beta.-Mercaptopropionic acid.beta.-Thiopropionic acid, 2-Mercaptoethanecarboxylic acid, 3-MERCAPTOPROPANOIC ACID, 3-MERCAPTOPROPIONATE, 3-mercaptopropionic acid, 3-sulfanylpropanoic acid, 3-thiohydracrylic acid, 3-Thiolpropanoic acid, 3-Thiopropanoic acid, 3-THIOPROPIONIC ACID, 3MPA, beta-Mercaptopropanoic acid, beta-Mercaptopropionate. BETA-MERCAPTOPROPIONIC ACID. BETA-THIOPROPIONIC ACID. EINECS 203-537-0. Hydracrylic acid, 3-thio-, Propanoic acid, 3-mercapto- Propanoic acid, 3-mercapto-, coco alkyl esters, Propionic acid, 3-mercapto-, PROPIONIC ACID, 3-MERCPATO-, Propionic acid, mercapto-, USAF E-5
Acide mercaptopropionique
FORMIC ACID, N° CAS : 64-18-6 - Acide méthanoïque ou Acide Formique, Nom INCI : FORMIC ACID, Nom chimique : Formic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 200-579-1; Additif alimentaire : E236. Noms français : Acide formique; ACIDE METHANOIQUE; HYDROGEN CARBOXYLIC ACID; METHANOIC ACID. Noms anglais : AMINIC ACID; Formic acid; FORMYLIC ACID Utilisation: L'acide formique est utilisée notamment : en tant que préservatif pour la nourriture et pour l'ensilage;comme antiseptique dans le brassage;en tant qu'acidulant pour teindre les fibres naturelles et synthétiques; dans le tannage du cuir; pour coaguler le latex dans la production de caoutchouc;comme plastifiant dans certaines résines;en tant que réactif en chimie organique dans la manufacture de fumigants et d'insecticides. 1209246 [Beilstein]; 213-057-3 [EINECS]; 213-129-4 [EINECS]; 231-791-2 [EINECS]; 64-18-6 [RN];Acide formique [French] Acido formico [Italian] Ameisensäure [German] Formic acid [ACD/Index Name] [Wiki] HCOOH [Formula] hydroxidooxidocarbon(.) Kwas metaniowy [Polish] Kyselina mravenci [Czech] Methanoic acid Mierenzuur [Dutch] β-Lactic acid 107-31-3 [RN] 147173-07-7 [RN] 1901013 [Beilstein] 2564-86-5 [RN] 2-trans-indole-3-butyryl-CoA 2-trans-indole-3-butyryl-Coenzyme A 3-hydroxy-indole-3-butyryl-CoA 3-hydroxy-indole-3-butyryl-coenzyme A 3-keto-indole-3-butyryl-CoA 3-keto-indole-3-butyryl-coenzyme A 6'-hydroxyferuloyl-CoA 7056-83-9 [RN] 8006-93-7 [RN] Acetate ion Acetic acid [ACD/Index Name] [Wiki] Add-F Amasil Ameisensaeure [German] Bilorin Carbon dioxide [JP15] [USAN] [USP] [Wiki] CBX Citric acid [Wiki] Collo-bueglatt Collo-didax FMT Formic acid anhydrous Formic Acid, ACS Grade Formic acid-d [ACD/Index Name] Formira Formisoton Formylic acid HOCO(.) http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0000142 hydrocarboxyl radical Hydrogen carboxylic acid Hydrogencarboxylic acid Hydroxycarbonyl indole-3-acetyl-CoA indole-3-butyryl-CoA Kwas metaniowy Kyselina mravenci Methanol [ACD/Index Name] [Wiki] methoic acid METHOXY, OXO- MFCD00167028 [MDL number] Mierenzuur MOH MONOCARBOXYLIC ACID Myrmicyl Salachlor SEC65 protein Sybest TBF tert-Butyl formate
Acide palmitique
Acide oléique – 6,7,8 – polyglycolester, Inci : PEG-6 oleate, PEG-4 oleate, PEG-5 oleate, PEG-7 oleate; Cas : 9004-96-0; Oleic acid, ethoxylated; Oleic acid, 12EO; Poly(ethylene glycol) monooleate; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), .alpha.-(1-oxo-9-octadecenyl)-.omega.- hydroxy-, (Z)-
Acide polyglycolester
PROPIONIC ACID, N° CAS : 79-09-4 - Acide propanoïque. Nom INCI : PROPIONIC ACID. Nom chimique : Propionic acid. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 201-176-3. Additif alimentaire : E280, Classification : Règlementé, Conservateur. Compatible Bio (Référentiel COSMOS). Ses fonctions (INCI) : Conservateur : Inhibe le développement des micro-organismes dans les produits cosmétiques.Noms français : Acide propanoïque; Acide propionique. Noms anglais : Carboxyethane; Ethanecarboxylic acid; Ethylformic acid; Metacetonic acid; Methyl acetic acid; Propanoic acid; Propionic acid; Pseudoacetic acid. Utilisation et sources d'émission: Fabrication de produits organiques et pharmaceutiques; Noms français : Acide propanoïque; Acide propionique. Noms anglais : Carboxyethane ; Ethanecarboxylic acid; Ethylformic acid; Metacetonic acid; Methyl acetic acid; Propanoic acid; Propionic acid; Pseudoacetic acid; Utilisation et sources d'émission: Fabrication de produits organiques et pharmaceutiques. Antischim B; C3 acid; Carboxyethane; Ethanecarboxylic acid; Ethylformic acid; Kyselina propionova; Luprosil; Metacetonic acid; Methyl acetic acid; Monoprop; Propionic acid (natural); propionic acid ... %; Propionic acid grain preserver; PROPIONIC ACID ; propionic acid ; Prozoin; Pseudoacetic acid; Sentry grain preserver; Tenox P grain preservative . Translated names: propiono rūgštis (lt); Acid propionic (ro); acid propionic … % (ro); Acide propionique (fr); acide propionique ... % (fr); Acido propionico (it); acido propionico ... % (it); Aċidu propjoniku (mt); kwas etanokarboksylowy ...% (pl); kwas metylooctowy ...% (pl); Kwas propionowy (pl); kwas propionowy ...% (pl); Kyselina propionová (cs); Kyselina propiónová (sk); Propano rūgštis (lt); propansyra ... % (sv); Propionic acid (no); Propionihappo (fi); Propionihappo... % (fi); propionová kyselina ...% (cs);Propionsav (hu); propionsav …% (hu); Propionska kiselina (hr); propionska kiselina ... % (hr); Propionska kislina (sl); propionska kislina...% (sl); Propionskābe (lv); Propionsyra (sv); propionsyra ... % (sv); Propionsyre (da); propionsyre ... % (da); Propionsäure (de); Propionsäure ... % (de); Propionzuur (nl); propionzuur ... % (nl); Propioonhape (et); Propioonhape … % (et); propánová kyselina ... % (sk); Ácido propiónico (es); ácido propiónico ... % (es); Προπιονικό οξύ (el); προπιονικό οξύ ... % (el); Пропионова киселина (bg); пропионова киселина... % (bg); % propionskābe (lv). CAS names: Propanoic acid. : Acid C3, Propanoic acid, Propanyl acid, Methyl acetic acid; n-Propionic Acid; propionic acid...%. Trade names: Adofeed; Carboxylic acid c3; E 280; Fema number 2924; Methylacetic acid; N-propanoic acid; Propanoic acid (9CI); Propcorn; Propionic acid (6CI, 8CI); Propionsaeure; Propkorn
Acide propanoïque ( Propionic acid)
STEARIC ACID, N° CAS : 57-11-4 - Acide stéarique, Origine(s) : Végétale, Animale, Synthétique,Autres langues : Acido stearico, Stearinsäure, Ácido esteárico. Nom INCI : STEARIC ACID, Nom chimique : Stearic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 200-313-4, Additif alimentaire : E570. Ses fonctions (INCI). Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre; Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Stabilisateur d'émulsion : Favorise le processus d'émulsification et améliore la stabilité et la durée de conservation de l'émulsion. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Agent de restauration lipidique : Restaure les lipides des cheveux ou des couches supérieures de la peau Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation; Noms français : Acide octadécanoïque ; Acide stéarique. Noms anglais :1-Heptadecane carboxylic acid; 1-Heptadecanecarboxylic acid; Octadecanoic acid; Stearic acid. Utilisation et sources d'émission: Fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques et de savons; Stearic acid EC Inventory, , , EU. Com. Reg. No 10/2011 on plastic materials in contact with food CAS names : Octadecanoic acid. IUPAC names; acide octadécanoïque; Stearic acid (even numbered); Stearic Acid C18; stearic acid; Octadecanoic acid
Acide stéarique ( Acide octadécanoïque )
SUCCINIC ACID, N° CAS : 110-15-6 - Acide succinique, Nom INCI : SUCCINIC ACID, Nom chimique : Butanedioic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-740-4.Additif alimentaire : E363. Compatible Bio ; Ses fonctions (INCI). Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit; Noms français : 1,2-ETHANE DICARBOXYLIC ACID; 1,2-ETHANEDICARBOXYLIC ACID; 1,4-BUTANEDIOIC ACID; ACIDE BUTANEDIOIQUE-1,4; Acide succinique; BUTANEDIOIC ACID; DIHYDROFUMARIC ACID; ETHYLENE DICARBOXYLIC ACID. Noms anglais : Succinic acid. Utilisation et sources d'émission : Fabrication de laques, fabrication de colorants; 1,2-Ethanedicarboxylic acid; 1,4-Butanedioic acid ; Acidum succinicum; Amber acid; Asuccin; Bernsteinsaure; Butandisaeure; Dihydrofumaric acid; Ethylene dicarboxylic acid; Ethylenesuccinic acid; Katasuccin; Kyselina jantarova Succinate ; Succinic acid; Succinicum acidum; Wormwood acid. CAS names: Butanedioic acid. IUPAC names : Butanedionic acid; Ethanedicarboxylic acid; Succinic; 1,2-Ethanedicarboxylic acid ; 1,4-Butanedioic acid; 110-15-6 [RN]; 203-740-4 [EINECS]; 4-02-00-01908 [Beilstein]; Acide butanedioique [French]; Acide succinique [French] ; Acido succinico [Italian]; ácido succínico [Spanish]; Ácido succínico [Portuguese]; acidum succinicum [Latin]; Bernsteinsaeure [German]; Bernsteinsäure [German] ; Butanedioic acid ; HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH [Formula]; Kyselina jantarova [Czech]; MFCD00002789 [MDL number]; Succinic acid ; Succinic acid; Ηλεκτρικό οξύ ; Янтарная кислота [Russian]; コハク酸 [Japanese]; 琥珀酸 [Chinese]; acidum succinicum amber acid; asuccin; Bernsteinsaeure; Bernsteinsaure; Butandisaeure; BUTANE DIACID; BUTANEDIOICACID; Dihydrofumaric acid; Ethanedicarboxylic acid; Ethylene dicarboxylic acid ; Ethylene succinic acid; FMR; fum; Fumaric acid ; Katasuccin; Kyselina jantarova; Sal succini; Succinellite; succinic acid(free acid); succunic acide; Wormwood acid
Acide succinique ( succinic acid ) Butanedioic acid
L'acide sulfonique est un acide hypothétique de formule chimique HSO2OH. C'est un tautomère instable de l'acide sulfureux HO-SO-OH. C'est un composé instable qui présente peu d'intérêt en tant que tel, mais il existe de nombreux composés stables en dérivant, de formules chimiques R-SO2OH, pour lesquelles le groupement fonctionnel -SO2OH est appelé fonction acide sulfonique, le composé dans son ensemble étant appelé de manière générale un acide sulfonique.
Acide sulfonique pur
TARTARIC ACID, N° CAS : 133-37-9 / 147-71-7 / 87-69-4 - Acide tartrique. Autres langues : Acido tartarico, Weinsäure, Ácido tartárico. Nom INCI : TARTARIC ACID. Nom chimique : 2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 205-105-7 / 205-695-6 / 201-766-0. Additif alimentaire : E334. Compatible Bio (Référentiel COSMOS). Ses fonctions (INCI). Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit; Noms français : (+-)-Acide tartarique; (+-)-Acide tartrique; Acide dihydroxy-2,3 ; butanedioïque; Acide DL-tartarique; Acide DL-tartrique; Acide paratartarique; Acide tartarique; Acide tartarique (DL-); Acide tartarique racémique. Acide tartrique. Noms anglais : (+-)-Tartaric acid ; 2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid; DL-Tartaric acid; Paratartaric acid; Racemic acid; Racemic tartaric acid; Resolvable tartaric acid; Tartaric acid; Tartaric acid, (+-)-; Uvic acid; Utilisation et sources d'émission : Fabrication de produits de tannage, additif alimentaire; (±)-tartaric acid. IUPAC names : (+-)-Tartaric acid; (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid ; 2, 3-Dihydroxybutanedioic Acid; 2,3 dihydroxybutanedioic acid; 2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid; 2,3-dihydroxysuccinic acid; Acide Tartrique Poudre; Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-, (2R,3R)-rel-; DL-Tartaric Acid; Tartaric acid; L-(+)-Tartaric acid; (+)-(2R,3R)-Tartaric acid; (+)-(R,R)-tartaric acid; (+)-L-tartaric acid; (+)-tartaric acid; (2R,3R)-(+)-Tartaric acid; (2R,3R)-2,3-Dihydroxybernsteinsäure [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid; (2R,3R)-2,3-Dihydroxysuccinic acid [ACD/IUPAC Name]; (2R,3R)-tartaric acid (R,R)-(+)-tartaric acid; (R,R)-tartaric acid; [R-(R*,R*)]-2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic Acid; 133-37-9 [RN]; 1725147 [Beilstein]; 201-766-0 [EINECS]; 205-105-7 [EINECS]; 87-69-4 [RN]; Acide (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxysuccinique [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Acidum tartaricum; Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-, (2R,3R)- [ACD/Index Name]; Butanedioic acid, 2,3-dihydroxy-, (2R,3R)-rel- ; L-(+)-Tartarate; L-(+)-Tartrate; L-2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic Acid; L-tartaric acid; L-threaric acid; MFCD00064207 [MDL number]; Ordinary Tartaric Acid; Tartarate [ACD/IUPAC Name] Tartaric acid [ACD/IUPAC Name] ; Weinsaure [German]; Weinsteinsaure [German]; (+)-tartarate; (2R,3R)-Tartarate; (R,R)-tartarate;(R,R)-tartrate; 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate; 2,3-dihydroxy-succinate; 2,3-dihydroxysuccinic acid; 2,3-Dihydroxy-succinic acid; L-tartarate; tartrate ; Weinsaeure; (+)-Weinsaeure; (1R,2R)-1,2-Dihydroxyethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid; (2R,3R)-(+)-2,3-Dihydroxybutane-1,4-dioic acid, (2R,3R)-(+)-2,3-Dihydroxysuccinic acid; (2R,3R)-2,3-Dihydroxybernsteinsaeure ;(2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate (2R,3R)-2,3-tartaric acid (2R,3R)-rel-2,3-Dihydroxybutanedioic acid (2R,3R)-rel-2,3-Dihydroxysuccinic acid (R,R)-(+)-tartatic acid 1,2-DIHYDROXYETHANE-1,2-DICARBOXYLIC ACID 138508-61-9 [RN] 144814-09-5 [RN] 147-71-7 [RN] 2,3-dihydrosuccinic acid 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid 205-695-6 [EINECS] 39469-81-3 [RN] 3-hydroxymalic acid 4231301 [Beilstein] 526-83-0 [RN] 526-83-087-69-4 56959-20-7 [RN] 69-72-7 [RN] ACS D(-)-TARTARIC ACID D-(-)-Tartaric Acid (en) Dl-dihydroxysuccinic acid hydrogen (2R,3R)-tartrate l-​(+)​-​tartaric acid l-( )-tartaric acid L-(+) tartaric acid L(+)-Tartaric acid L-(+)-Tartaric acid, ACS l-(+)-tartaric acid, anhydrous L(+)-Tartaricacid L-(+)-Tartaricacid lamB protein (fungal) l-tartaricacid l-酒石酸 Metatartaric acid MFCD00071626 [MDL number] R,R-tartaric acid Rechtsweinsaeure TAR Tartaric acid (TN) THREARIC ACID TLA Weinsteinsaeure
Acide tartrique ( TARTARIC ACID)
MYRISTIC ACID, N° CAS : 544-63-8 - Acide tétradécanoïque (Acide myristique), Acide tetradécanoïque .Synonymes : 1-TRIDECANECARBOXYLIC ACID;ACIDO MYNISTICO;Butter acids;Coconut oil fatty acids;CRODACID;EMERY 655;HYDROFOL ACID 1495;Hystrene 9014;Myristic acid, pure;Myristinsaeure;N-TETRADECAN-1-OIC ACID;N-TETRADECANOIC ACID;N-TETRADECOIC ACID;neo-Fat 14;TETRADECANSAEURE;UNIVOL U 316S.Nom INCI : MYRISTIC ACID. Nom chimique : Tetradecanoic acid. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 208-875-2. Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre. Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Agent parfumant : Utilisé pour le parfum et les matières premières aromatiques. Noms français : 1-TRIDECANECARBOXYLIC ACID; Acide myristique; ACIDE TETRADECANOIQUE; ACIDE TETRADECANOIQUE NORMAL; ACIDE TETRADECANOIQUE-1; N-TETRADECAN-1-OIC ACID; N-TETRADECANOIC ACID; N-TETRADECOIC ACID; NORMAL-TETRADECANOIC ACID. Noms anglais :Myristic acid; TETRADECANOIC ACID. Utilisation et sources d'émission: Fabrication de parfums et de savons. 1-tetradecanoic acid; 1-Tridecanecarboxylic acid; 208-875-2 [EINECS]; 508624 [Beilstein]; 544-63-8 [RN];Acide myristique [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Acide tétradécanoïque [French]; myristic acid [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Myristinsäure [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; n-Myristic acid; n-TETRADECANOIC ACID; Tetradecanoic acid [ACD/Index Name]; 1-Tridecanecarboxylate; n-Tetradecan-1-oaten-Tetradecanoate; 1,2-DIMYRISTOYL-RAC-GLYCERO-3-PHOSPHOCHOLINE; 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate; 12-Tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate; 13-Tetradecynoic acid [ACD/Index Name] [ACD/IUPAC Name]; 1-tetradecanecarboxylate; 1-tetradecanecarboxylic acid; 4-02-00-01126 [Beilstein]; 82909-47-5 [RN]; Crodacid; Methyl 11-methyldodecanoate [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Myristic Acid 655; Myristinsaeure; Myristoate; Myristoic acid; n-Tetradecan-1-oic acid; n-tetradecoate; n-Tetradecoic acid; QV13 [WLN]; tetradecanoate; TetradecanoicAcid; tetradecoate; tetradecoic acid
Acide tétradécanoïque (Acide myristique)
mercaptoacetic acid; Acide thioglycolique; 2-MERCAPTOACETIC ACID; THIOGLYCOLIC ACID, N° CAS : 68-11-1 - Acide thioglycolique et ses sels, Nom INCI : THIOGLYCOLIC ACID, Nom chimique : Mercaptoacetic acid, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 200-677-4; Classification : Règlementé. L'acide thioglycolique modifie les fibres des cheveux pour faciliter leur restructuration : on l'utilise par exemple dans les produits restructurant capillaires. On l'emploie aussi pour décomposer chimiquement les poils indésirables pour qu'ils puissent ensuite être éliminés en les essuyant simplement. C'est son sel de potassium qui est le plus utilisé aujourd'hui.Ses fonctions (INCI). Antioxydant : Inhibe les réactions favorisées par l'oxygène, évitant ainsi l'oxydation et la rancidité. Dépilatoire : Enlève les poils indésirables. Agent bouclant ou lissant (coiffant) : Modifie la structure chimique des cheveux, pour les coiffer dans le style requis. Agent réducteur : Modifie la nature chimique d'une autre substance en ajoutant de l'hydrogène ou en éliminant l'oxygène. Noms français : 2-MERCAPTOACETIC ACID; 2-MERCAPTOETHANOIC ACID; 2-THIOGLYCOLIC ACID; ACIDE MERCAPTO-2 ACETIQUE; ACIDE MERCAPTO-2 ETHANOIQUE; ACIDE MERCAPTOACETIQUE; ACIDE THIO-2 GLYCOLIQUE; Acide thioglycolique; ALPHA-MERCAPTOACETIC ACID; MERCAPTOACETIC ACID; Noms anglais : ACETIC ACID, MERCAPTO-; Thioglycolic acid; THIOGLYCOLLIC ACID; THIOVANIC ACID. Utilisation: L'acide thioglycolique est un produit utilisé dans une grande variété d'applications, dont les cosmétiques, la fabrication des plastiques et la chimie analytique. Il est utilisé notamment: en coiffure pour l'ondulation permanente des cheveux; en tant qu'ingrédient dans des produits capillaires; pour faire des produits dépilatoires; dans certains produits pharmaceutiques; pour faire des thioglycolates utilisés dans l'industrie du plastique (emballages, additifs pour le PVC); pour modifier la laine ou le cuir; en chimie analytique pour différents procédés (par exemple la séparation de l'aluminium du fer); 2-Mercaptoacetate; 2-Mercaptoacetic acid; 2-Thioglycolic acid; Acetic acid, 2-mercapto-; Acetic acid, mercapto-; Glycolic acid, 2-thio-; Glycolic acid, thio-; Kyselina merkaptooctova; Kyselina thioglykolova; Mercaptoacetic acid; Mercaptoessigsaeure; Salts of Thioglycolic acid; Thioglycolate; THIOGLYCOLIC ACID; Thioglycollic acid; Thiovanic acid. Translated names: acid tioglicolic (ro); acide mercaptoacétique (fr); acide thioglycolique (fr); acido tioglicolico (it); kwas 2-sulfanylooctowy (pl); kwas merkaptooctowy (pl); kwas tioglikolowy (pl); kyselina tioglykolová (sk); mercaptoeddikesyre (da); merkaptoacto rūgštis (lt); merkaptoeddiksyre (no); merkaptoättiksyra (sv); thioglycolsyre (da); thioglycolzuur (nl); thioglykolová kyselina (cs); Thioglykolsäure (de); kiselina (hr); tioglikolna kislina (sl);tioglikolsav, merkaptoecetsav (hu); tioglikolskābe (lv); Tioglykolihappo (fi); tioglykolsyra (sv); tioglykolsyre (no); Tioglükoolhape (et); ácido mercaptoacético (es); ácido tioglicólico (es); θειογλυκολικό οξύ (el); тиогликолова киселина (bg).IUPAC names: 2-Sulfanylacetic acid; sulfanylacetic acid; Thioglycolic acid TGA, mercaptoacetic acid; THIOGLYKOLSAEURE. Trade names : Thio Glycolic Acid; Thioglycolic Acid 70%, technical grade; Thioglycolic Acid 80%, cosmetic grade; Thioglycolic Acid 80%, cosmetic grade, low odor; Thioglycolic Acid 80%, pure; Thioglycolic Acid 80%, technical grade; Thioglycolic Acid 85% cosmetic grade; Thioglycolic Acid 85%, technical grade; Thioglycolic Acid 97%, technical grade; Thioglycolic Acid 98%; Thioglycolic Acid 98%, commercial grade; Thioglycolic Acid 99% pure; Thioglycolic Acid 99%, cosmetic grade, low odor; Thioglycolic Acid 99%,cosmetic grade; 200-677-4 [EINECS]; 2-Mercaptoacetic acid; 2-mercaptoethanoic acid; 2-thioglycolic acid; 506166 [Beilstein]; 68-11-1 [RN]; Acetic acid, 2-mercapto- [ACD/Index Name]; acetic acid, mercapto-; acetyl mercaptan; Acide sulfanylacétique [French] ;Acide thioglycolique [French]; Glycolic acid, 2-thio-; Glycolic acid, thio-; Kyselina merkaptooctová [Czech]; Kyselina thioglykolová [Czech]; mercaptoacetic acid; Mercaptoessigsaeure [German]; mercaptoethanoic acid; Merkaptoessigsaeure [German]; MFCD00004876 [MDL number]; Sulfanylacetic acid [ACD/IUPAC Name]; Sulfanylessigsäure [German] ;Thioglycolic acid; thioglycolic acid; thioglycollic acid; Thioglykolsaeure [German]; α-mercaptoacetic acid; 2-sulfanylacetic acid; 2-sulfanylethanoic acid; Acetic acid; Acide thioglycolique; Acide thioglycolique [French]; Kyselina merkaptooctova [Czech]; Kyselina thioglykolova [Czech]; mercapto acetic acid; METHYLTHIO, CARBOXY-; SH1VQ [WLN]; sJPhLPDIKTp@; Thioglycolicacid; Thiovanic acid; WLN: SH1VQ; α-mercaptoacetic acid; α-Mercaptoacetic acid; 巯基乙酸 [Chinese]
Acide thioglycolique et ses sels ( THIOGLYCOLIC ACID) acide thioglycolique ( mercaptoacetic acid )
EC / List no.: 287-494-3; CAS no.: 85536-14-7; Mol. formula: C19H32O3S; Acide Linear alkyl benzène sulfonique ( labsa ) Linear alkyl benzène acide sulfonique est un grand tensioactif synthétique de volume en raison de son coût relativement faible , de bonnes performances , le fait qu'il peut être séché pour obtenir une poudre stable et le respect de l'environnement biodégradable. 2-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid; 4-(tridecan-3-yl)benzene-1-sulfonic acid; 4-Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid; Alkylbenzene C10-C13 sec , sulfonation product with sulphur trioxide; Benzenesulfonic acid; Benzenesulfonic acid, 4-C1-13-sec-alkyl derivs.; Benzenesulfonic Acid, 4-C10-13-Sec-Alkyl Derivatives; Benzenesulfonic acid, 4-C10-13-sec-alkyl derivs; Benzenesulfonic acid, 4-C10-13-sec-alkyl derivs..; Benzenesulfonic acid, 4-C10-13-sec-alkyl derivs.H; Benzesulfonic acid, 4-C10-13-sec-alkyl derivs.; Dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid, mixture of C10-C13 isomers; Dodecylbenzene sulphonic acid; LAB sulpohonic acid, Alkylbenzene sulfonic acid; LABSA; LABSA (Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonic Acid); Linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid; Linear Alkyl benzene Sulphonic acid; Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate; Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonic Acid; Linear alkylbenzene sulphonic acid; Linear alkylbenzenesulphonic acid
Acide Linear alkyl benzène sulfonique
COCONUT ACID N° CAS : 61788-47-4 - Acides gras de coco Origine(s) : Végétale Autres langues : Acidi grassi di cocco, Coconut fatty acids, Kokosfettsäuren, Ácidos grasos de coco Nom INCI : COCONUT ACID N° EINECS/ELINCS : 262-978-7 Compatible Bio (Référentiel COSMOS) Ses fonctions (INCI) Agent nettoyant : Aide à garder une surface propre Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile) Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. MIXED COCONUT FATTY ACIDS Noms anglais : COCONUT OIL FATTY ACIDS FATTY ACIDS, COCO FATTY ACIDS, COCONUT OIL
Acides gras de coco
Acrylic amide; Ethylene Carboxamide; 2-Propenamide; Propenoic acid, amide; Vinyl Amide; Acrylamide ultra sequencing gel, 8%, ready-to-use solution, for biochemistry;Acrylamide, electrophoresis grade, for biochemistry, 99+%;Acrylamide, extra pure, 98.5%;Acrylamide 2X;Acrylamide 4X;SERDOGEL SSCP 2 x Concentrate;ACRYLAMIDE,ULTRAPURE,ELECTROPHORESISGRADE;prop-2-enamide CAS NO:79-06-1
ACRONAL S 790 – водная стирол-акриловая дисперсия средней вязкости и отличным связыванием пигментов.

ACRONAL S 790 – это анионная дисперсия средней вязкости с небольшим размером частиц.
ACRONAL S 790 обладает отличной совместимостью с наполнителями и высокой впитываемостью пигментов.

Непигментированные пленки ACRONAL S 790 не обладают липкостью на поверхности при комнатной температуре.
Они прозрачные, эластичные, блестящие, обладают высокой устойчивостью к влаге и загрязнениям.
ACRONAL S 790 не содержит эмульгаторов на основе этоксилатов алкилфенолов.

ACRONAL S 790 — стандартное универсальное связующее для герметиков и грунтовок.
ACRONAL S 790 демонстрирует хорошую совместимость с наполнителями и совместим со многими типами пластификаторов.

ACRONAL S 790 представляет собой водную дисперсию стирольно-акрилового сополимера со средней вязкостью и превосходной способностью связывания пигментов.

ACRONAL S 790 – это анионное стирол-акриловое связующее, не содержащее APEO.
Обладает широким диапазоном рецептур, средней вязкостью и очень хорошей способностью связывать пигменты.

Предлагает исключительное соотношение цены и качества и очень хорошую водостойкость.
Обладает превосходной устойчивостью к омылению и щелочам, а также превосходной устойчивостью к загрязнению.
ACRONAL S 790 используется в архитектурной отделке, красках для внутренних работ, текстурированных покрытиях, грунтовках, системах наружной изоляции и отделки (EIFS), а также в затирках.

ACRONALьная дисперсия ACRONAL S 790 представляет собой стирол-акриловую дисперсию (водную дисперсию сложного эфира акриловой кислоты и сополимера стирола) для производства строительных красок (как наружных, так и внутренних), штукатурок и наполнителей, клеев, используемых в производстве нетканых материалов. материалы и текстильные покрытия.

Область применения ACRONAL S 790:
Особенностью ACRONAL S 790 являются его уникальные свойства, благодаря которым ACRONAL S 790 используется для изготовления строительных красок от высокоглянцевых до матовых, которые можно наносить на штукатурку, каменную кладку, асбестоцемент, бетон, дерево и другие основания. внутри и снаружи здания.
Кроме того, обладая чрезвычайно высокой пигментной способностью ACRONAL S 790, ACRONAL S 790 можно получать высоконаполненные системы (краски, штукатурки, шпаклевки и т.п.), не теряющие своих высоких потребительских свойств, при этом стоящие дешевле с точки зрения Стоимость ACRONAL С 790.
В качестве связующего для нетканых материалов и текстильных покрытий ACRONAL S 790 наносится путем пропитки, окраски или распыления.

Области применения ACRONAL S 790:
Фасадные и интерьерные краски
Текстурные покрытия
Грунтовки для минеральных оснований
Модификации силикатных красок
Средства защиты бетона

Архитектурные покрытия
Текстурированная отделка
Краски для интерьера
Системы наружной изоляции и отделки (EIFS)

Преимущества ACRONAL S 790:
APEO (этоксилат алкилфенола) не содержит
Высокая связующая способность
Хорошая адгезия к различным поверхностям
Низкое водопоглощение
Широкий спектр применения

Преимущества ACRONAL С 790:
Широкие возможности формулирования
Исключительное соотношение цены и качества
Выдающееся омыление и устойчивость к щелочам
Отличная водостойкость
Превосходная устойчивость к загрязнению

Обработка ACRONAL S 790:
Краски производятся обычным способом в высокоскоростных диссольверах.
Пигменты и наполнители рекомендуется сначала диспергировать в присутствии смачивающих агентов и диспергаторов (например, диспергаторов пигментов N или A или водорастворимых полифосфатов) перед введением дисперсии в щелочную среду.
Только при производстве продуктов с высокой вязкостью и высоким содержанием сухих веществ (например, текстурных покрытий и наполнителей), которые производятся в низкоскоростных смесителях, следует добавлять ACRONAL S 790 вместе со вспомогательными веществами.

ACRONAL S 790 отличается высокой впитываемостью пигментов и отличной совместимостью с наполнителями.
Исключением являются пигменты, которые трудно сшивать, такие как углеродная сажа или сульфат кальция и оксид цинка, которые могут привести к повышению вязкости.

Для контроля вязкости и оптимизации потребительских свойств ACRONAL S 790 в ACRONAL S 790 обычно необходимо добавлять загустители.
Наиболее часто используемыми загустителями являются эфиры целлюлозы, полиакрилатные или диуретановые загустители (например, Latecoll D или Collacral PU 75, PU 85, LR 8989, LR 8990) или бентониты и полисахариды.
Выбор загустителя зависит от того, каким должен быть готовый продукт (тиксотропный или менее вязкий).

При использовании пигментов в красящих составах, в частности в виде пигментных паст (например, марки Luconyl), необходимо следить за тем, чтобы загуститель ACRONAL S 790 не вызывал осаждения или флокуляции пигментов.
Поэтому с ACRONAL S 790 рекомендуется провести испытания на совместимость (при хранении) и при необходимости введение неионогенных ПАВ (например, Lutensol AP 6 марки).

Небольшое добавление LumitenNOC 30 улучшает совместимость с цементом и известью, обеспечивает стабильность при хранении высокопигментированных внутренних красок в жесткой воде и облегчает очистку рабочих инструментов.

Для успешного формирования пленки при температуре ниже 20°C рекомендуется добавление коалесцентов, таких как уайт-спирит, эфиры гликоля и Lusolvan FBH, SolvenonPP.
Рекомендуемый расход составляет около 2% (в расчете на общий объем).

Чтобы сделать пленку особенно гибкой, можно добавить пластификаторы, например Пластилит 3060, хлорированный парафин или эфир фталевой кислоты.
ACRONAL S 790 также можно смешивать с мягкими дисперсиями (например, ACRONAL S 400), которые способствуют образованию прозрачной пленки.

Смешивание с дисперсиями на основе чистых акрилатов или поливиниловых эфиров также возможно, но не дает прозрачной пленки и не дает никаких технических преимуществ.
Совместимость ACRONAL S 790 с другими дисперсиями улучшается за счет добавления CollacralVAL – стабилизирующего защитного коллоида.

Как и все тонкодисперсные дисперсии, ACRONAL S 790 склонен к пенообразованию.
Таким образом, в ACRONAL S 790 необходимо вводить пеногасители в рекомендованных производителями количествах (ок. 0,3 – 1%).
Эффективность пеногасителей необходимо определять эмпирически.

Хотя ACRONAL S 790 защищен от воздействия микроорганизмов, в конечные продукты необходимо добавлять консерванты, чтобы обеспечить их стабильность при хранении.
Совместимость и эффективность используемого консерванта всегда следует проверять эмпирически.

Производителям следует проводить собственные тщательные испытания при разработке продукции с использованием ACRONAL S 790, поскольку наши испытания не могут охватить весь спектр факторов, которые могут повлиять на производство и использование продукции (например, совместимость компонентов, процесс смешивания, адгезия к различным основам и т. д.).
Испытания на стабильность вязкости также следует проводить после хранения при температуре 50°C.

Хранение ACRONAL S 790:
ACRONAL S 790 при хранении и обработке не должен контактировать с агрессивными металлами или их сплавами без защитных покрытий.
Во время хранения контейнеры с продуктом должны быть плотно закрыты, а свободное воздушное пространство над ACRONAL S 790 должно быть насыщено влагой.
ACRONAL S 790 нельзя подвергать воздействию высоких температур или замерзания.

Во избежание проблем с микроорганизмами необходимо соблюдать меры гигиены тары для хранения продуктов.

Срок годности ACRONAL С 790 составляет 6 месяцев при хранении при температуре 10 – 30°С.

Безопасность ACRONAL S 790:
Необходимо соблюдать обычные требования по обращению с химикатами и местные правила промышленной гигиены.
Во время обработки должна быть обеспечена эффективная вентиляция, а также средства индивидуальной защиты кожи и очки.

Свойства ACRONAL С 790:
Тип дисперсии: анионная
Содержание твердых веществ: ок. 50 %
Значение pH: ок. 7,5 – 9,0
Вязкость1: ок. 700–1500 мПа·с
Средний размер частиц: ок. 0,1 мкм
МФФТ: ок. 20°С
Удельный вес (дисперсия): ок. 1,04 г/см³
Удельный вес (сухой полимер): ок. 1,08 г/ц

Кластер продуктов:

Группа товаров:


Химический тип:
Стирольные акриловые краски

Другие продукты ACRONAL:
ACRONAL TS 790 – водная стирол-акриловая дисперсия средней вязкости и отличным связыванием пигментов.

ACRONAL TS 790 – это анионная дисперсия средней вязкости с небольшим размером частиц.
ACRONAL TS 790 обладает отличной совместимостью с наполнителями и высокой впитываемостью пигментов.

Непигментированные пленки ACRONAL TS 790 не обладают липкостью на поверхности при комнатной температуре.
Они прозрачные, эластичные, блестящие, обладают высокой устойчивостью к влаге и загрязнениям.
ACRONAL TS 790 не содержит эмульгаторов на основе этоксилатов алкилфенолов.

ACRONAL TS 790 — стандартное универсальное связующее для герметиков и грунтовок.
ACRONAL TS 790 демонстрирует хорошую совместимость с наполнителями и совместим со многими типами пластификаторов.

ACRONAL TS 790 представляет собой водную дисперсию стирольно-акрилового сополимера со средней вязкостью и превосходной способностью связывания пигментов.

ACRONAL TS 790 – это анионное стирол-акриловое связующее, не содержащее APEO.
Обладает широким диапазоном рецептур, средней вязкостью и очень хорошей способностью связывать пигменты.

Предлагает исключительное соотношение цены и качества и очень хорошую водостойкость.
Обладает превосходной устойчивостью к омылению и щелочам, а также превосходной устойчивостью к загрязнению.
ACRONAL TS 790 используется в архитектурной отделке, красках для внутренних работ, текстурированных покрытиях, грунтовках, системах наружной изоляции и отделки (EIFS), а также в затирках.

ACRONALьная дисперсия ACRONAL TS 790 представляет собой стирол-акриловую дисперсию (водную дисперсию сложного эфира акриловой кислоты и сополимера стирола) для производства строительных красок (как наружных, так и внутренних), штукатурок и наполнителей, клеев, используемых в производстве нетканых материалов. материалы и текстильные покрытия.

Область применения ACRONAL TS 790:
Особенностью ACRONAL TS 790 являются его уникальные свойства, благодаря которым ACRONAL TS 790 используется для изготовления строительных красок от глянцевых до матовых, которые можно наносить на штукатурку, каменную кладку, асбестоцемент, бетон, дерево и другие основания. внутри и снаружи здания.
Кроме того, обладая чрезвычайно высокой пигментной способностью ACRONAL TS 790, ACRONAL TS 790 можно получать высоконаполненные системы (краски, штукатурки, шпаклевки и т.п.), не теряющие своих высоких потребительских свойств, при этом стоящие дешевле с точки зрения стоимость ACRONAL TS 790.
В качестве связующего для нетканых материалов и текстильных покрытий ACRONAL TS 790 наносится путем пропитки, окраски или распыления.

Области использования ACRONAL TS 790:
Фасадные и интерьерные краски
Текстурные покрытия
Грунтовки для минеральных оснований
Модификации силикатных красок
Средства защиты бетона

Архитектурные покрытия
Текстурированная отделка
Краски для интерьера
Системы наружной изоляции и отделки (EIFS)

Преимущества ACRONAL TS 790:
APEO (этоксилат алкилфенола) не содержит
Высокая связующая способность
Хорошая адгезия к различным поверхностям
Низкое водопоглощение
Широкий спектр применения

Преимущества ACRONAL TS 790:
Широкие возможности формулирования
Исключительное соотношение цены и качества
Выдающееся омыление и устойчивость к щелочам
Отличная водостойкость
Превосходная устойчивость к загрязнению

Обработка ACRONAL TS 790:
Краски производятся обычным способом в высокоскоростных диссольверах.
Пигменты и наполнители рекомендуется сначала диспергировать в присутствии смачивающих агентов и диспергаторов (например, диспергаторов пигментов N или A или водорастворимых полифосфатов) перед введением дисперсии в щелочную среду.
Только при производстве продуктов с высокой вязкостью и высоким содержанием твердых частиц (например, текстурных покрытий и наполнителей), которые производятся в низкоскоростных смесителях, следует добавлять ACRONAL TS 790 вместе со вспомогательными веществами.

ACRONAL TS 790 отличается высокой впитываемостью пигментов и отличной совместимостью с наполнителями.
Исключением являются пигменты, которые трудно сшивать, такие как углеродная сажа или сульфат кальция и оксид цинка, которые могут привести к повышению вязкости.

Для контроля вязкости и оптимизации потребительских свойств ACRONAL TS 790 в ACRONAL TS 790 обычно необходимо добавлять загустители.
Наиболее часто используемыми загустителями являются эфиры целлюлозы, полиакрилатные или диуретановые загустители (например, Latecoll D или Collacral PU 75, PU 85, LR 8989, LR 8990) или бентониты и полисахариды.
Выбор загустителя зависит от того, каким должен быть готовый продукт (тиксотропный или менее вязкий).

При использовании пигментов в красящих составах, в частности в виде пигментных паст (например, марки Luconyl), необходимо следить за тем, чтобы загуститель ACRONAL TS 790 не вызывал осаждения или флокуляции пигментов.
Поэтому с ACRONAL TS 790 рекомендуется провести испытания на совместимость (при хранении) и при необходимости введение неионогенных ПАВ (например, Lutensol AP 6 марки).

Небольшое добавление LumitenNOC 30 улучшает совместимость с цементом и известью, обеспечивает стабильность при хранении высокопигментированных внутренних красок в жесткой воде и облегчает очистку рабочих инструментов.

Для успешного формирования пленки при температуре ниже 20°C рекомендуется добавление коалесцентов, таких как уайт-спирит, эфиры гликоля и Lusolvan FBH, SolvenonPP.
Рекомендуемый расход составляет около 2% (в расчете на общий объем).

Чтобы сделать пленку особенно гибкой, можно добавить пластификаторы, например Пластилит 3060, хлорированный парафин или эфир фталевой кислоты.
ACRONAL TS 790 также можно смешивать с мягкими дисперсиями (например, ACRONAL S 400), которые способствуют образованию прозрачной пленки.

Смешивание с дисперсиями на основе чистых акрилатов или поливиниловых эфиров также возможно, но не дает прозрачной пленки и не дает никаких технических преимуществ.
Совместимость ACRONAL TS 790 с другими дисперсиями улучшается за счет добавления CollacralVAL – стабилизирующего защитного коллоида.

Как и все тонкодисперсные дисперсии, ACRONAL TS 790 склонен к пенообразованию.
Таким образом, в ACRONAL TS 790 необходимо вводить пеногасители в рекомендованных производителями количествах (ок. 0,3 – 1%).
Эффективность пеногасителей необходимо определять эмпирически.

Хотя ACRONAL TS 790 защищен от воздействия микроорганизмов, в конечные продукты необходимо добавлять консерванты, чтобы обеспечить их стабильность во время хранения.
Совместимость и эффективность используемого консерванта всегда следует проверять эмпирически.

Производителям следует проводить собственные тщательные испытания при разработке продукции с использованием ACRONAL TS 790, поскольку наши испытания не могут охватить весь спектр факторов, которые могут повлиять на производство и использование продукции (например, совместимость компонентов, процесс смешивания, адгезия к различным основам и т. д.).
Испытания на стабильность вязкости также следует проводить после хранения при температуре 50°C.

Хранение ACRONAL TS 790:
ACRONAL TS 790 при хранении и обработке не должен контактировать с агрессивными металлами или их сплавами без защитных покрытий.
Во время хранения контейнеры с продуктом должны быть плотно закрыты, а свободное воздушное пространство над ACRONAL TS 790 должно быть насыщено влагой.
ACRONAL TS 790 нельзя подвергать воздействию высоких температур или замерзания.

Во избежание проблем с микроорганизмами необходимо соблюдать меры гигиены тары для хранения продуктов.

Срок годности ACRONAL TS 790 составляет 6 месяцев при хранении при температуре 10 – 30°С.

Безопасность ACRONAL TS 790:
Необходимо соблюдать обычные требования по обращению с химикатами и местные правила промышленной гигиены.
Во время обработки должна быть обеспечена эффективная вентиляция, а также средства индивидуальной защиты кожи и очки.

Свойства ACRONAL TS 790:
Тип дисперсии: анионная
Содержание твердых веществ: ок. 50 %
Значение pH: ок. 7,5 – 9,0
Вязкость1: ок. 700–1500 мПа·с
Средний размер частиц: ок. 0,1 мкм
МФФТ: ок. 20°С
Удельный вес (дисперсия): ок. 1,04 г/см³
Удельный вес (сухой полимер): ок. 1,08 г/ц

Кластер продуктов:

Группа товаров:


Химический тип:
Стирольные акриловые краски

Другие продукты ACRONAL:
ACRONAL TS 790 представляет собой химическое соединение, относящееся к семейству изотиазолинонов.
Жидкость для металлоконструкций ACRONAL TS 790 представляет собой смесь двух изотиазолионов, содержащихся в Kathon CG, в концентрации 13,9%.
ACRONAL TS 790 помогает подавлять рост вредных микроорганизмов.

Номер CAS: 55965-84-9
Формула: C4H5NOS. C4H4ClNOS
Молекулярный вес: 264,756
Номер EINECS: 911-418-6

ACRONAL TS 790 в основном содержится в жидкостях для металлоконструкций.
В качестве активного компонента Айгезида II. и содержащегося на водяной бане, используемой для фтотографического проявки, он вызывал контактный дерматит на фотопроявителе.

ACRONAL TS 790 представляет собой смесь биоцидов, полученных из изотиазолинона.
ACRONAL TS 790 эффективен против грамположительных и грамотрицательных бактерий со значениями 0,0002, 0,0002, 0,00005 и 0,00005% (мас. / мас.).
ACRONAL TS 790 может вызывать контактную сенсибилизацию.

Составы, содержащие ACRONAL TS 790, используются для контроля роста микробов в промышленных и бытовых продуктах.
ACRONAL TS 790 представляет собой комбинацию двух синтетических консервантов, используемых в различных средствах личной гигиены, бытовых и промышленных продуктах.
Эти консерванты являются противомикробными агентами, которые помогают предотвратить рост бактерий, грибков и других микроорганизмов в продуктах, тем самым продлевая срок их хранения и сохраняя их качество.

Комбинация ACRONAL TS 790T создает синергетический эффект, усиливая общую антимикробную активность смеси.
Комбинируя два различных противомикробных агента, консервант может воздействовать на более широкий спектр микроорганизмов, обеспечивая более комплексную защиту.
ACRONAL TS 790 использует уровни и концентрации; концентрации ACRONAL TS 790 в продуктах могут варьироваться в зависимости от предполагаемого использования, типа продукта и нормативных требований.

Производители ACRONAL TS 790 следуют рекомендуемым уровням использования, чтобы обеспечить эффективную консервацию и свести к минимуму вероятность побочных реакций.
ACRONAL TS 790 помогает поддерживать стабильность и качество продуктов, предотвращая рост микроорганизмов, которые могут разрушить компоненты продукта.
Были сообщения об аллергическом контактном дерматите, связанном с продуктами, содержащими ACRONAL TS 790.

Это привело к принятию регулирующих мер и усилению контроля за их использованием.
В ответ на опасения некоторые производители изменили формулу своих продуктов, чтобы сократить или исключить использование ACRONAL TS 790.
В регионах, где ACRONAL TS 790 соответствует ACRONAL TS 790ted, правила часто требуют, чтобы продукты, содержащие эти консерванты, были надлежащим образом маркированы, чтобы информировать потребителей и позволять людям с чувствительностью делать осознанный выбор.

Производители проводят тестирование эффективности консервантов, чтобы убедиться, что выбранная концентрация ACRONAL TS 790 эффективно предотвращает рост микробов в течение срока годности продукта.
Дебаты о безопасности и сенсибилизирующем потенциале ACRONAL TS 790 побудили косметическую промышленность и индустрию личной гигиены изучить альтернативные консерванты, которые имеют более низкий риск аллергических реакций.
Натуральные консерванты, антиоксиданты и другие синтетические альтернативы исследуются в качестве потенциальных заменителей.

ACRONAL TS 790 и MI — это химические соединения, обычно используемые в качестве консервантов в различных средствах личной гигиены и дома.
Они являются частью группы химических веществ, известных как изотиазолиноны, которые используются для продления срока годности продуктов, предотвращая рост бактерий, дрожжей и плесени.

ACRONAL TS 790 обладает антимикробными свойствами и часто используется в качестве консерванта в таких продуктах, как шампуни, кондиционеры, жидкое мыло и другие косметические средства и средства личной гигиены на водной основе.
ACRONAL TS 790 помогает предотвратить рост микроорганизмов, которые могут привести к порче или загрязнению продукта.

ACRONAL TS 790 — еще одно соединение изотиазолинона, обычно используемое в качестве консерванта.
ACRONAL TS 790 тесно связан с инфарктом миокарда и обладает аналогичными антимикробными свойствами.
ACRONAL TS 790 используется в широком спектре продуктов, включая косметику, средства по уходу за кожей, моющие средства, краски и промышленные товары.

Как ACRONAL TS 790, так и MI были связаны с потенциальными проблемами со здоровьем, особенно с точки зрения сенсибилизации кожи и аллергических реакций.
У некоторых людей может развиться аллергический контактный дерматит при воздействии продуктов, содержащих эти соединения.

В связи с наблюдаемыми проблемами со здоровьем регулирующие органы в разных странах приняли меры по регулированию использования ACRONAL TS 790 и MI в потребительских товарах.
В Европейском Союзе, например, определенные концентрации ACRONAL TS 790 и MI ограничены в несмываемых косметических продуктах, которые представляют собой продукты, предназначенные для того, чтобы оставаться на коже после нанесения, такие как лосьоны и кремы.
Это регулирование является ответом на сообщения о случаях сенсибилизации кожи.

Во многих странах продукты, содержащие ACRONAL TS 790 или MI, должны иметь соответствующую маркировку, чтобы информировать потребителей об их присутствии.
Это позволяет людям с известной чувствительностью или аллергией избегать продуктов, содержащих эти соединения.
Учитыв��я потенциальные риски сенсибилизации кожи, связанные с ACRONAL TS 790 и MI, многие производители начали переформулировать свои продукты, чтобы использовать альтернативные консерванты.

Форма: жидкость, дисперсия
Цвет: белый
Запах: почти без запаха
Значение pH: 7,5 - 9,0 (23 °C)
Информация о: Вода
Температура плавления: 0 °C
Информация о: Вода
Температура кипения: 100 °C
Температура вспышки: не применимо
Воспламеняемость: не воспламеняется
Нижняя взрывоопасность liACRONAL TS 790: Для жидкостей, не относящихся к классификации и маркировке.
Информация о: Вода
Давление пара: 23,4 гПа (20 °C)
Плотность: ок. 1,0 г/см3 (20 °C)
Растворимость в воде: частично растворим (15 °C)
Удельный вес (дисперсия): ок. 1,04 г/см³
Удельный вес (сухой полимер): ок. 1,08 г/см³

ACRONAL TS 790 работает, разрушая клеточные мембраны микроорганизмов, что приводит к утечке и гибели клеток.
Этот способ действия подавляет рост и размножение бактерий и грибков.
ACRONAL TS 790 — это широко используемая комбинация антимикробных консервантов, используемая в средствах личной гигиены, бытовых и промышленных продуктах.

ACRONAL TS 790 помогает предотвратить микробное загрязнение, продлевая срок годности и сохраняя качество различных составов.
ACRONAL TS 790 действует как микробиостатик (ингибирует рост микробов) и как бактерицидный агент (убивает существующие микроорганизмы).
Это двойное действие помогает сохранить целостность продуктов.

Хотя ACRONAL TS 790 эффективно предотвращает рост микробов, его использование может быть затруднено из-за возможности аллергических реакций у некоторых людей.
Промышленность столкнулась с давлением, чтобы найти альтернативы, которые сохраняют преимущества микробной защиты, не вызывая проблем с сенсибилизацией.
Производители иногда используют ACRONAL TS 790 в сочетании с другими консервантами для достижения более широкого спектра антимикробной активности и снижения концентрации каждого отдельного консерванта.

Совместимость ACRONAL TS 790 с другими ингредиентами в рецептурах продуктов важна для поддержания общей стабильности и эффективности конечного продукта.
Регулирующие органы ввели ограничения и рекомендации по применению ACRONAL TS 790 в связи с зарегистрированными случаями аллергического контактного дерматита.
В некоторых случаях определенные категории продуктов или концентрации ACRONAL TS 790 были запрещены или liACRONAL TS 790ed.

Патч-тестирование используется для определения чувствительности или аллергии человека на ACRONAL TS 790, помогая выявить потенциальные риски побочных реакций.
Повышение осведомленности потребителей о присутствии ACRONAL TS 790 в продуктах и важности патч-тестирования может дать людям возможность сделать осознанный выбор.
Некоторые группы населения, такие как младенцы, дети и люди с чувствительной или ослабленной кожей, могут быть более восприимчивы к реакциям продуктов, содержащих ACRONAL TS 790.

На потенциал сенсибилизации к ACRONAL TS 790 могут влиять такие факторы, как концентрация в продукте, частота воздействия, индивидуальная чувствительность кожи и наличие других аллергенов.
Дерматологи и аллергологи используют патч-тестирование для выявления сенсибилизации к конкретным аллергенам, включая ACRONAL TS 790.
Это помогает людям делать осознанный выбор в отношении использования продукта.

Некоторые люди, склонные к сенсибилизации, могут следовать стратегии ротации консервантов, используя продукты с различными консервантами, чтобы свести к минимуму риск развития аллергии.
Использование ACRONAL TS 790 в продуктах, предназначенных для детей, вызывает опасения из-за потенциальной сенсибилизации молодой и чувствительной кожи.
Правила и рекомендации могут различаться для этих продуктов.

ACRONAL TS 790 используется в качестве антимикробного консерванта в косметике, гигиенических продуктах, красках, эмульсиях, смазочно-охлаждающих маслах, бумажных покрытиях, а также в установках для хранения и охлаждения воды.
ACRONAL TS 790 - это химическое соединение, используемое в качестве консерванта в различных продуктах.
ACRONAL TS 790 обладает широким спектром антимикробной активности в отношении бактерий и грибков.

ACRONAL TS 790 особенно эффективны в продуктах на водной основе, где присутствие воды может создать среду, способствующую росту микробов.
ACRONAL TS 790 и MI могут использоваться при очистке воды для подавления роста микроорганизмов в системах водоснабжения, таких как градирни и промышленные источники водоснабжения.
ACRONAL TS 790 используется в некоторых видах обработки текстиля и тканей для предотвращения роста микроорганизмов, которые могут вызывать запахи или деградацию.

ACRONAL TS 790 обычно используется в продуктах личной гигиены, таких как шампуни, кондиционеры, средства для мытья тела, лосьоны, кремы и косметика.
Он предотвращает рост бактерий, дрожжей и грибков, помогая поддерживать гигиену и качество продукции.
ACRONAL TS 790 используется в бытовых чистящих средствах, таких как моющие средства, кондиционеры для белья, дезинфицирующие средства и чистящие средства для поверхностей, для подавления роста микробов и поддержания эффективности продукта.

ACRONAL TS 790 используется в промышленных составах, включая краски, клеи и покрытия, для предотвращения разложения, вызванного микроорганизмами.
ACRONAL TS 790 используется в продуктах на водной основе, где существует проблема микробного загрязнения, таких как жидкое мыло, средства для мытья тела и шампуни.
ACRONAL TS 790 входит в состав влажных салфеток для обеспечения их свежести и микробной безопасности.

ACRONAL TS 790 и MI можно найти в некоторых продуктах по уходу за домашними животными, таких как шампуни и принадлежности для ухода, чтобы сохранить их качество и безопасность.
Некоторые автомобильные продукты, включая растворы для автомойки и чистящие средства для салона, могут содержать ACRONAL TS 790 и MI для предотвращения роста микробов и поддержания эффективности продукта.
В некоторых случаях ACRONAL TS 790 и MI используются в медицинских учреждениях, где необходим микробный контроль.

Они могут присутствовать в некоторых типах дезинфицирующих средств, чистящих средствах для медицинских устройств и дезинфицирующих средствах для рук.
ACRONAL TS 790 и MI иногда используются в фотографических химикатах для предотвращения микробного загрязнения и поддержания стабильности этих продуктов.
В промышленных процессах, таких как металлообработка, ACRONAL TS 790 и MI можно добавлять в смазочно-охлаждающие жидкости и охлаждающие жидкости для подавления роста микроорганизмов, которые могут повлиять на операции обработки.

ACRONAL TS 790 и MI можно найти в чистящих салфетках и салфетках, предназначенных для дезинфекции и дезинфекции поверхностей.
Влажные салфетки для различных применений, включая средства личной гигиены и чистку, могут содержать ACRONAL TS 790 и MI для предотвращения роста бактерий и грибков во влажной среде.
ACRONAL TS 790 и MI используются в некоторых красках и покрытиях на водной основе для предотвращения порчи и поддержания качества продукции.

ACRONAL TS 790 используется в косметике, такой как средства для снятия макияжа, очищающие средства для лица и увлажняющие кремы, для поддержания стабильности и качества продукта.
ACRONAL TS 790 помогает предотвратить рост микроорганизмов в продуктах по уходу за волосами, таких как кондиционеры и средства для укладки волос.
В различных промышленных продуктах, таких как смазочно-охлаждающие жидкости и жидкости для металлообработки, ACRONAL TS 790 подавляет рост микробов, способствуя поддержанию эксплуатационных характеристик продукта.

ACRONAL TS 790 можно найти в стиральных порошках для предотвращения роста бактерий и грибков, вызывающих запах, в тканях.
ACRONAL TS 790 используется в автомобильных и промышленных чистящих средствах, чтобы гарантировать, что они остаются свободными от микробного загрязнения.
ACRONAL TS 790 используется в клеях и герметиках для предотвращения роста микробов, которые могут нарушить целостность продуктов.

ACRONAL TS 790 используется в некоторых бумажных изделиях для предотвращения роста плесени и других микроорганизмов.
ACRONAL TS 790 — еще одно противомикробное соединение, которое часто используется в сочетании с ACRONAL TS 790T.
Он обеспечивает дополнительную антимикробную защиту от широкого спектра микроорганизмов.

ACRONAL TS 790 обычно используется в различных продуктах личной гигиены, включая шампуни, кондиционеры, средства для мытья тела, лосьоны, кремы и косметику.
Его присутствие помогает предотвратить рост микроорганизмов в этих продуктах, снижая риск заражения.

ACRONAL TS 790 используется в бытовых товарах, таких как моющие средства, кондиционеры для белья и чистящие растворы, для поддержания качества и безопасности продукции за счет подавления роста микробов.
ACRONAL TS 790 также используется в промышленных условиях, где он предотвращает размножение микроорганизмов в различных составах, включая краски, клеи и промышленные чистящие средства.

Экологические соображения
Как и другие синтетические химические вещества, ACRONAL TS 790 вызывает опасения по поводу его воздействия на окружающую среду при попадании в окружающую среду, например, через сточные воды.
Усилия промышленности направлены на разработку более экологически чистых консервантов и устойчивых методов.

Одной из наиболее значительных опасностей ACRONAL TS 790 и MI является их способность вызывать сенсибилизацию кожи.
Сенсибилизация кожи - это аллергическая реакция, которая возникает, когда иммунная система становится сенсибилизированной к определенному веществу, что приводит к развитию аллергической реакции при последующем воздействии.
У людей, которые становятся сенсибилизированными к ACRONAL TS 790 и MI, может развиться контактный дерматит, который проявляется покраснением, зудом, сыпью и другими раздражениями кожи.

Аллергические реакции
Люди, которые сенсибилизированы к ACRONAL TS 790 и MI, могут испытывать аллергические реакции при воздействии, даже при низких концентрациях.
Аллергические реакции могут различаться по степени тяжести и могут привести к дискомфорту, боли и снижению качества жизни пострадавших людей.

Биоцид Катон
Катон К.Г.
Катон LX
Катон Вт
Зонен Ф
ПроКлин 300
Микроцид III
Сомацид РС
Легенда МК
Слаофф 360
Катон RH 886
МБК 215
Tret-O-Lite XC 215
2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -соединение с 5-хлор-2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -оном (14% в H2O)
ККРИС 4652
ККМ 43
Изотиазолинона хлорид
Химический код пестицидов EPA 107103
5-хлор-2-метил-1,2-тиазол-3-он, 2-метил-1,2-тиазол-3-он
Смесь 5-хлор-2-метил-3 (2H) -изотиазолона. с 2-метил-3(2H)-изотиазолоном
2-метилизотиазол-3(2H)-соединение с 5-хлор-2-метилизотиазол-3(2H)-оном (1:1)
3 (2H) -изотиазолон, 5-хлор-2-метил-, смешанный. с 2-метил-3(2H)-изотиазолоном
3 (2H) -изотиазолон, 5-хлор-2-метил-, смешанный. с2-метил-3 (2H) -изотиазолономДРУГИЕ НАЗВАНИЯ ИНДЕКСА CA: 3 (2H) -изотиазолон, 2-метил-, смешанный. contg.
2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -он 5-хлор-2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -он (1: 1)
ACRONAL TS 790 (Биоцид Катона)
C(M)IT/ACRONAL TS 790 (3:1)
С4-Н5-Н-О-С. С4-Н4-Кл-Н-О-С
2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -он 5-хлор-2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -он
2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -он 5-хлор-2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -он (1: 1) 14% в воде
2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -соединение с 5-хлор-2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -оном
2-метилизотиазол-3 (2H) -соединение с 5-хлор-2-метилизотиазолом-3 (2H) -оном (14% в H2O)
ACRONAL V 275 ACRONAL V 275 ACRONAL V 275 is a high solids acrylic binder used in flooring adhesives and specialty sealants. ACRONAL V 275 is ammonia-free and offers high cohesive strength, good plasticizer resistance, and filler acceptance. Acronal V 275 Technical Datasheet Acronal V 275 is an acrylic/vinyl acetate copolymer emulsion. Used in adhesives for laying PVC floor coverings & carpets with many different backings and specialty sealants. Acronal V 275 na offers high tack, good quick grab, heat stability, good plasticizer migration resistance and good filler acceptance. Product Type Acrylics & Acrylic Copolymers Physical Form Emulsion Product Status COMMERCIAL Acronal V 275 na is a high solids acrylic used in flooring adhesives and specialty sealants. It offers high cohesive strength, good plasticizer resistance, and filler acceptance. This product is ammonia free. Technical Information Construction Chemicals Acronal V 275 Aqueous polymer dispersion for the manufacture of adhesives & sealants for theConstruction industry. Acronal 81 D is an acrylic dispersion. Used in elastic sealants as gap fillers. Acronal® 81 D improves the coherence of expandable foams.
SYNONYMS 2-Propenamide, polymer with N,N,N-trimethyl-3-(2-propenamido)propanaminium chloride;1-Propanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-3-((1-oxo-2-propen-1-yl)amino)-, chloride (1:1), polymer with 2-propenamide;1-Propanaminium, N,N,N-trimethyl-3-((1-oxo-2-propenyl)amino)-, chloride, polymer with 2-propenamide CAS NO:75150-29-7
acrylamide; Acrylic amide; Ethylene Carboxamide; 2-Propenamide; Propenoic acid, amide; Vinyl Amide; cas no: 79-06-1
Acrylamide (powder)
Ethylic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; vinegar; Vinegar acid; Acetic acid, glacial; Essigsäure; ácido acético; Acide acétique; Ethanoic acid; Acetasol; Octowy kwas; Kyselina octova; Essigsaeure; Octowy kwas; Vosol; CHLORINE IODIDE; CHLOROIODIDE; IODINE CHLORIDE; IODINE MONOCHLORIDE; IODINE MONOCHLORIDE SOLUTION, WIJS; IODINE-MONOCHLORIDE, WIJS; IODINE SOLUTION ACCORDING TO WIJS; IODOCHLORIDE; IODOMONOCHLORIDE; WIJS CHLORIDE; WIJS' CHLORIDE; WIJS IODINE SOLUTION; WIJ'S IODINE SOLUTION; WIJS REAGENT; WIJS' REAGENT; WIJS SOLUTION; WIJS' SOLUTION; Acetasol; aceticacid(non-specificname); aceticacid(solutionsgreaterthan10%) CAS NO:64-19-7, 77671-22-8
Acrylamide/Sodium acrylate copolymer
BUTYL ACRYLATE, N° CAS : 141-32-2, Nom INCI : BUTYL ACRYLATE, Nom chimique : 2-Propenoic acid, butyl ester, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 216-768-7 (I). Agent fixant : Permet la cohésion de différents ingrédients cosmétiques. Principaux synonymes. Noms français : 2-PROPENOIC ACID, BUTYL ESTER; Acrylate de butyle;Acrylate de butyle normal; ACRYLATE DE N-BUTYLE BUTYL 2-PROPENOATE; BUTYL ACRYLATE (NORMAL-); PROPENOATE-2 DE BUTYLE; PROPENOATE-2 DE BUTYLE NORMAL; PROPENOATE-2 DE N-BUTYLE. Noms anglais : ACRYLIC ACID, BUTYL ESTER; Butyl acrylate; n-Butyl acrylate; NORMAL BUTYL ACRYLATE. Commentaires: L'acrylate de butyle normal contient généralement un inhibiteur de polymérisation, l'éther monométhylique de l'hydroquinone (entre 10 et 20 ppm). La présence d'oxygène dissout étant essentielle à l'efficacité de l'inhibiteur, il ne doit pas être entreposé sous atmosphère inerte. Utilisation: L'acrylate de butyle normal sert presqu'exclusivement à la production de polymères, la grande majorité étant des copolymères. Ces derniers peuvent servir à la fabrication de divers revêtements, élastomères, adhésifs, agents de surface, plastiques, textiles et encres. Ils sont également utilisés dans la fabrication de matériaux superabsorbants et de détergents. 2-Propenoic acid, butyl ester Acrylic acid butyl ester (8CI) Acrylic acid n-butyl ester Acrylic acid, butyl ester acrylic acid, n-butyl ester Butyl 2-propenoate Butyl acrylate BUTYL ACRYLATES, STABILIZED Butylester kyseliny akrylove n-Butyl acrylate n-Butyl propenoate n-Butylacrylate acrilato de n-butilo (es) acrilato di n-butile (it) acrylate de n-butyle (fr) akrylan butylu (pl) butil-akrilát (hu) butilakrilatas (lt) butyl-akrylát (cs) butylacrylat (da) butylakrylat (sv) ester butylowy kwasu akrylowego (pl) n-butil acrilate (ro) n-butil akrilat (sl) n-butil-akrilat (hr) n-butilacrilato (it) n-butilakrilāts (lv) n-butylacrylaat (nl) n-Butylacrylat (de) n-butylakrylat (no) n-Butyyliakrylaatti (fi) n-butüülakrülaat (et) n-бутил акрилат (bg) ακρυλικός n-βουτυλεστέρας (el) 2-Propenoic acid, n-butyl ester ABU Acrylic acid butyl ester; n-Butyl acrylate; Acrylic acid, n-butyl ester; 2-Propenoic acid, butyl ester; Butyl 2-propenoate; n-Butyl propenoate; Butylacrylate, inhibited; Butyl ester kyseliny akrylove; UN 2348 butyl acrilate Butyl acryate butyl acrylate (BA) Butyl Acrylate (stabilized with MEHQ) Butyl prop-2-enoate butyl propenoate butylacrylate butyll prop-2-enoate n Butyl acrylate monomer s 2-Propenoic acid, butyl ester (9CI) Acrylic acid butyl ester (6CI, 8CI) Acrylic acid n-butyl ester, Butyl 2-propeonate ACRYLIC ACID NORMAL-BUTYL ESTER Acrylsaeurebutylester BA Butyl Acrylate ; Acrylic acid butyl ester Butyl Acylate Butyl Acylate Monomer Butyl ester acrylic acid FLOWING AGENT TP88 n-butyl acetate N-BUTYL-2-PROPENOATE TP88 UN 2348 ZMATLTXT
Acrylamido tert-Butyl Sulfonic acid
SYNONYMS Ethylic acid; Methanecarboxylic acid; vinegar; Vinegar acid; Acetic acid, glacial; CAS NO. 64-19-7, 77671-22-8
Acrylates / C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Cross polymer
C10-30 alkyl propenoate, polymer with propenoic acid, butenoic acid and/or alkyl propenoates, product with propenyl sucrose ether or propenyl 2,2-dihydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol cas: 110-82-7