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Pigment Red 81:2 — высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярким красным цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Red 81:2 — это пигмент на основе азо, характеризующийся стабильностью и нетоксичностью.
Химическая формула Pigment Red 81:2 — C28H31ClN2O3, и он широко используется в различных промышленных применениях благодаря своим превосходным свойствам.

Номер CAS: 12224-98-5
Номер EC: 235-558-5

Синонимы: Eosin Lake, Brilliant Eosin, CI Pigment Red 81:2, Fast Red 81:2, Permanent Red 81:2, Pigment Red 81, Pigment Red 81:1, Eosin Y, Eosin B, Lake Eosin, Carmine 3G, Brilliant Carmine, Rhodamine Lake, Fast Carmine, Rhodamine Red, CI 45380:2, Fast Scarlet, Fast Red, Bright Red 81:2, Brilliant Carmine 81:2, Fast Scarlet 81:2, Permanent Carmine, Pigment Carmine 81:2, CI Pigment Carmine 81:2, Permanent Rhodamine, Fast Rhodamine, Lake Red 81:2, Rhodamine Carmine, CI 45380:2, Permanent Carmine 81:2, Fast Scarlet 81, Brilliant Red 81:2, Lake Brilliant, Eosin Y Lake, Brilliant Red, Lake Scarlet, Lake Carmine, Lake Eosin Y, Brilliant Rhodamine, CI Pigment Scarlet 81:2, Fast Eosin, CI 45380:2, Pigment Scarlet 81:2, Eosin Scarlet


Pigment Red 81:2 широко используется в производстве красок и покрытий, обеспечивая отличную цветовую силу и непрозрачность.
Pigment Red 81:2 необходим для производства высокоэффективных промышленных покрытий.

Pigment Red 81:2 используется в декоративных покрытиях для жилых и коммерческих зданий.
Pigment Red 81:2 является предпочтительным пигментом для упаковочных чернил благодаря своему яркому цвету.

Pigment Red 81:2 используется в автомобильных покрытиях благодаря своей отличной прочности.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве цветных карандашей и мелков, способствуя ярким и насыщенным оттенкам.

Pigment Red 81:2 использует��я в водоэмульсионных красках благодаря своей стабильности и яркости.
Pigment Red 81:2 является ключевым компонентом в красках и покрытиях на основе растворителей.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в текстильной печати для окрашивания тканей в яркие красные оттенки.

Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в производстве резиновых материалов благодаря своей стойкости к выцветанию.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве синтетических волокон.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в косметической промышленности для таких продуктов, как лак для ногтей.

Pigment Red 81:2 используется в создании красок и материалов для художников.
Pigment Red 81:2 является ключевым компонентом в производстве пластмасс, способствуя ярким и долговечным цветам в различных пластиковых продуктах.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в формулировании клеев и герметиков, обеспечивая стабильную окраску и стабильность.

Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в создании специализированных покрытий для различных промышленных применений, обеспечивая долговечность и сохранение цвета.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве красок для художников, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета для произведений искусства.

Pigment Red 81:2 необходим для создания высококачественных печатных чернил.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве резиновых изделий, обеспечивая долговечную и стабильную окраску.

Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в автомобильной промышленности для высокоэффективных покрытий и отделок.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве морилок и отделок для древесины, улучшая внешний вид деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве специализированных покрытий для промышленных применений.
Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в формулировании клеев и герметиков.
Pigment Red 81:2 является ключевым ингредиентом в производстве красителей для пластмасс.

Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в текстильной промышленности для окрашивания тканей.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в резиновой промышленности для окрашивания резиновых изделий.
Pigment Red 81:2 необходим для производства художественных материалов.

Pigment Red 81:2 является важным компонентом в водоэмульсионных и растворимых системах.
Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в создании высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в формулировании бытовых и промышленных чистящих средств.

Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в производстве специализированных покрытий для электронных устройств.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в создании специализированных чернил для различных применений.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве керамических и стеклянных изделий.

Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в создании покрытий для металлических поверхностей.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в формулировании покрытий для пластиковых изделий.
Pigment Red 81:2 необходим для производства покрытий для деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Red 81:2 используется в формулировании высокоэффективных чернил.
Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в создании покрытий для автомобильных применений.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве специализированных клеев и герметиков.

Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве покрытий для промышленного оборудования.
Pigment Red 81:2 применяется в создании специализированных покрытий для различных субстратов.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в формулировании высокоэффективных покрытий для различных применений.

Pigment Red 81:2 является ключевым компонентом в производстве специализированных чернил для флексографической и глубокой печати.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в создании специализированных чернил для цифровой печати.
Pigment Red 81:2 необходим для производства высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.

Pigment Red 81:2 используется в производстве экологически чистых промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:2 используется в создании продуктов на водной и растворимой основе.
Pigment Red 81:2 является критическим ингредиентом в формулировании специализированных покрытий для металлических и пластиковых поверхностей.


Pigment Red 81:2 — высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярким красным цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Red 81:2 — это пигмент на основе азо, характеризующийся стабильностью и нетоксичностью.

Pigment Red 81:2 — это универсальное органическое соединение с химической формулой C28H31ClN2O3.
Pigment Red 81:2 нерастворим в воде, что делает его идеальным для использования в системах на основе растворителей.
Pigment Red 81:2 обеспечивает отличную термостабильность, делая его подходящим для применения при высоких температурах.

Pigment Red 81:2 известен своей высокой окрашивающей способностью и высокой непрозрачностью, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета.
Pigment Red 81:2 совместим с широким спектром смол и полимеров, увеличивая его универсальность в различных формулах.
Pigment Red 81:2 широко используется в производстве покрытий, пластмасс, чернил и текстиля, среди прочих.

Нетоксичная природа Pigment Red 81:2 делает его безопасным для использования в приложениях, связанных с материалами, контактирующими с пищей, и детскими продуктами.
Pigment Red 81:2 обладает отличной погодоустойчивостью, делая его подходящим для наружного применения.
Pigment Red 81:2 известен своей легкостью диспергирования, обеспечивая равномерную окраску в различных системах.

Яркий красный оттенок Pigment Red 81:2 делает его предпочтительным выбором для создания ярких и насыщенных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:2 является важным предшественником в создании высокоэффективных покрытий и чернил.
Pigment Red 81:2 необходим для производства долговечных и ярких цветных продуктов.


Химическая Формула: C28H31ClN2O3
Общее Название: Pigment Red 81:2
Молекулярная Структура: C28H31ClN2O3
Молекулярная Масса: 478.01 г/моль
Внешний Вид: Ярко-красный порошок
Плотность: 1.4 г/см³
Температура Плавления: >300°C
Температура Кипения: Не применяется (разлагается)
Растворимость: Нерастворим в воде
Светостойкость: Отличная
Термостабильность: Высокая
Непрозрачность: Высокая
Окрашивающая Способность: Сильная
Погодоустойчивость: Отличная
Диспергируемость: Легкая


При Вдыхании:
При вдыхании Pigment Red 81:2 немедленно переместите пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Если затруднения дыхания сохраняются, немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если человек не дышит, сделайте искусственное дыхание.
Содержите пострадавшего в тепле и покое.

При Контакте с Кожей:
Снимите загрязненную одежду и обувь.
Тщательно вымойте пораженный участок кожи водой с мылом.
Если развивается раздражение или сыпь, обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Постирайте загрязненную одежду перед повторным использованием.

При Контакте с Глазами:
Промойте глаза большим количеством воды в течение как минимум 15 минут, приподнимая верхние и нижние веки.
Немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью, если раздражение или покраснение сохраняется.
Снимите контактные линзы, если они есть и их легко снять; продолжайте промывать.

При Проглатывании:
Не вызывайте рвоту, если только это не предписано медицинским персоналом.
Тщательно прополощите рот водой.
Немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если человек в сознании, дайте ему маленькие глотки воды.

Примечание для Врачей:
Лечите симптоматически.
Нет специфического антидота.
Обеспечьте поддерживающую терапию.



Персональная Защита:
Носите соответствующее личное защитное оборудование (ЛЗО), включая химически стойкие перчатки, защитные очки или лицевой щиток и защитную одежду.
Используйте респираторную защиту, если вентиляция недостаточна или превышены пределы воздействия.

Обеспечьте достаточную вентиляцию в рабочей зоне для контроля концентрации в воздухе ниже профессиональных пределов воздействия.
Используйте местную вытяжную вентиляцию или другие инженерные средства для минимизации воздействия.

Избегайте прямого контакта с кожей и вдыхания пыли.
Не ешьте, не пейте и не курите при обращении с Pigment Red 81:2.
Тщательно мойте руки после обращения.

Процедуры При Разливах и Утечках:
Используйте соответствующее личное защитное оборудование.
Сдерживайте разливы для предотвращения дальнейшего распространения и минимизации воздействия.
Поглотите разливы инертными материалами (например, песком, вермикулитом) и соберите для утилизации.

Храните Pigment Red 81:2 в прохладном, хорошо проветриваемом месте, вдали от несовместимых материалов (см. паспорт безопасности для конкретных деталей).
Держите контейнеры плотно закрытыми, когда они не используются, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение.
Храните вдали от источников тепла, прямого солнечного света и источников воспламенения.

Предосторожности При Обращении:
Избегайте образования пыли.
Заземляйте и соединяйте контейнеры при операциях переноса для предотвращения накопления статического электричества.
Используйте взрывозащищенное эл��ктрооборудование в зонах, где может присутствовать пыль.


Храните Pigment Red 81:2 при температурах, рекомендованных производителем.
Избегайте воздействия экстремальных температур.

Используйте одобренные контейнеры, изготовленные из совместимых материалов.
Регулярно проверяйте контейнеры на наличие утечек или повреждений.

Храните Pigment Red 81:2 вдали от несовместимых материалов, включая сильные кислоты, основания, окислители и восстановители.

Оборудование для Обращения:
Используйте специализированное оборудование для обращения с Pigment Red 81:2, чтобы избежать перекрестного загрязнения.
Убедитесь, что все оборудование для обращения находится в хорошем состоянии.

Меры Безопасности:
Ограничьте доступ к зонам хранения.
Следуйте всем применимым местным нормативам относительно хранения опасных материалов.

Аварийный Ответ:
Иметь под рукой оборудование и материалы для аварийного реагирования, включая материалы для уборки разливов, огнетушители и аварийные станции промывки глаз.

Pigment Red 81:3 — высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярким красным цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Red 81:3 — это пигмент на основе азо, характеризующийся стабильностью и нетоксичностью.
Химическая формула Pigment Red 81:3 — C28H31ClN2O6, и он широко используется в различных промышленных применениях благодаря своим превосходным свойствам.

Номер CAS: 12238-31-2
Номер EC: 235-558-5

Синонимы: Rhodamine Lake B, Brilliant Rhodamine Lake, CI Pigment Red 81:3, Fast Red B, Permanent Red 81:3, Pigment Red 81:3, Pigment Red 81:3, Eosin Lake B, Lake Brilliant, Lake Red B, CI 45160:3, Permanent Carmine 3B, Fast Carmine B, Lake Eosin B, Rhodamine Carmine B, Eosin Lake, Rhodamine Lake, Lake Eosin, Rhodamine Red B, Bright Red B, Lake Scarlet B, Permanent Scarlet 3B, CI Pigment Scarlet B, Fast Rhodamine B, Permanent Carmine B, Lake Red B, Rhodamine Carmine, CI 45160:3, Brilliant Carmine B, Fast Scarlet B, Lake Rhodamine, Pigment Carmine B, Lake Brilliant B, Brilliant Rhodamine, CI Pigment Carmine B, Fast Scarlet 81:3, Bright Rhodamine, Lake Eosin Y, Brilliant Scarlet 3B


Pigment Red 81:3 широко используется в производстве красок и покрытий, обеспечивая отличную цветовую силу и непрозрачность.
Pigment Red 81:3 необходим для производства высокоэффективных промышленных покрытий.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в декоративных покрытиях для жилых и коммерческих зданий.

Pigment Red 81:3 является предпочтительным пигментом для упаковочных чернил благодаря своему яркому цвету.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в автомобильных покрытиях благодаря своей отличной прочности.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве цветных карандашей и мелков, способствуя ярким и насыщенным оттенкам.

Pigment Red 81:3 используется в водоэмульсионных красках благодаря своей стабильности и яркости.
Pigment Red 81:3 является ключевым компонентом в красках и покрытиях на основе растворителей.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в текстильной печати для окрашивания тканей в яркие красные оттенки.

Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в производстве резиновых материалов благодаря своей стойкости к выцветанию.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве синтетических волокон.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в косметической промышленности для таких продуктов, как лак для ногтей.

Pigment Red 81:3 используется в создании красок и материалов для художников.
Pigment Red 81:3 является ключевым компонентом в производстве пластмасс, способствуя ярким и долговечным цветам в различных пластиковых продуктах.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в формулировании клеев и герметиков, обеспечивая стабильную окраску и стабильность.

Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в создании специализированных покрытий для различных промышленных применений, обеспечивая долговечность и сохранение цвета.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве красок для художников, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета для произведений искусства.
Pigment Red 81:3 необходим для создания высококачественных печатных чернил.

Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве резиновых изделий, обеспечивая долговечную и стабильную окраску.
Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в автомобильной промышленности для высокоэффективных покрытий и отделок.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве морилок и отделок для древесины, улучшая внешний вид деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве специализированных покрытий для промышленных применений.
Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в формулировании клеев и герметиков.
Pigment Red 81:3 является ключевым ингредиентом в производстве красителей для пластмасс.

Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в текстильной промышленности для окрашивания тканей.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в резиновой промышленности для окрашивания резиновых изделий.
Pigment Red 81:3 необходим для производства художественных материалов.

Pigment Red 81:3 является важным компонентом в водоэмульсионных и растворимых системах.
Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в создании высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в формулировании бытовых и промышленных чистящих средств.

Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в производстве специализированных покрытий для электронных устройств.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в создании специализированных чернил для различных применений.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве керамических и стеклянных изделий.

Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в создании покрытий для металлических поверхностей.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в формулировании покрытий для пластиковых изделий.
Pigment Red 81:3 необходим для производства покрытий для деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Red 81:3 используется в формулировании высокоэффективных чернил.
Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в создании покрытий для автомобильных применений.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве специализированных клеев и герметиков.

Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве покрытий для промышленного оборудования.
Pigment Red 81:3 применяется в создании специализированных покрытий для различных субстратов.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в формулировании высокоэффективных покрытий для различных применений.

Pigment Red 81:3 является ключевым компонентом в производстве специализированных чернил для флексографической и глубокой печати.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в создании специализированных чернил для цифровой печати.
Pigment Red 81:3 необходим для производства высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.

Pigment Red 81:3 используется в производстве экологически чистых промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:3 используется в создании продуктов на водной и растворимой основе.
Pigment Red 81:3 является критическим ингредиентом в формулировании специализированных покрытий для металлических и пластиковых поверхностей.


Pigment Red 81:3 — высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярким красным цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Red 81:3 — это пигмент на основе азо, характеризующийся стабильностью и нетоксичностью.

Pigment Red 81:3 — это универсальное органическое соединение с химической формулой C28H31ClN2O6.
Pigment Red 81:3 нерастворим в воде, что делает его идеальным для использования в системах на основе растворителей.
Pigment Red 81:3 обеспечивает отличную термостабильность, делая его подходящим для применения при высоких температурах.

Pigment Red 81:3 известен своей высокой окрашивающей способностью и высокой непрозрачностью, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета.
Pigment Red 81:3 совместим с широким спектром смол и полимеров, увеличивая его универсальность в различных формулах.
Pigment Red 81:3 широко используется в производстве покрытий, пластмасс, чернил и текстиля, среди прочих.

Нетоксичная природа Pigment Red 81:3 делает его безопасным для использования в приложениях, связанных с материалами, контактирующими с пищей, и детскими продуктами.
Pigment Red 81:3 обладает отличной погодоустойчивостью, делая его подходящим для наружного применения.
Pigment Red 81:3 известен своей легкостью диспергирования, обеспечивая равномерную окраску в различных системах.

Яркий красный оттенок Pigment Red 81:3 делает его предпочтительным выбором для создания ярких и насыщенных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:3 является важным предшественником в создании высокоэффективных покрытий и чернил.
Pigment Red 81:3 необходим для производства долговечных и ярких цветных продуктов.


Химическая Формула: C28H31ClN2O6
Общее Название: Pigment Red 81:3
Молекулярная Структура: C28H31ClN2O6
Молекулярная Масса: 510.01 г/моль
Внешний Вид: Ярко-красный порошок
Плотность: 1.4 г/см³
Температура Плавления: >300°C
Температура Кипения: Не применяется (разлагается)
Растворимость: Нерастворим в воде
Светостойкость: Отличная
Термостабильность: Высокая
Непрозрачность: Высокая
Окрашивающая Способность: Сильная
Погодоустойчивость: Отличная
Диспергируемость: Легкая


При Вдыхании:
Если Pigment Red 81:3 был вдыхнут, немедленно переместите пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Если затруднения дыхания сохраняются, немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если человек не дышит, сделайте искусственное дыхание.
Держите пострадавшего в тепле и покое.

При Контакте с Кожей:
Снимите загрязненную одежду и обувь.
Тщательно вымойте пораженный участок кожи водой с мылом.
Если развивается раздражение или сыпь, обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Постирайте загрязненную одежду перед повторным использованием.

При Контакте с Глазами:
Промойте глаза большим количеством воды в течение как минимум 15 минут, приподнимая верхние и нижние веки.
Немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью, если раздражение или покраснение сохраняется.
Снимите контактные линзы, если они есть и их легко снять; продолжайте промывать.

При Проглатывании:
Не вызывайте рвоту, если только это не предписано медицинским персоналом.
Тщательно прополощите рот водой.
Немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если человек в сознании, дайте ему маленькие глотки воды.

Примечание для Врачей:
Лечите симптоматически.
Нет специфического антидота.
Обеспечьте поддерживающую терапию.



Персональная Защита:
Носите соответствующее личное защитное оборудование (ЛЗО), включая химически стойкие перчатки, защитные очки или лицевой щиток и защитную одежду.
Используйте респираторную защиту, если вентиляция недостаточна или превышены пределы воздействия.

Обеспечьте достаточную вентиляцию в рабочей зоне для контроля концентрации в воздухе ниже профессиональных пределов воздействия.
Используйте местную вытяжную вентиляцию или другие инженерные средства для минимизации воздействия.

Избегайте прямого контакта с кожей и вдыхания пыли.
Не ешьте, не пейте и не курите при обращении с Pigment Red 81:3.
Тщательно мойте руки после обращения.

Процедуры При Разливах и Утечках:
Используйте соответствующее личное защитное оборудование.
Сдерживайте разливы для предотвращения дальнейшего распространения и минимизации воздействия.
Поглотите разливы инертными материалами (например, песком, вермикулитом) и соберите для утилизации.

Храните Pigment Red 81:3 в прохладном, хорошо проветриваемом месте, вдали от несовместимых материалов (см. паспорт безопасности для конкретных деталей).
Держите контейнеры плотно закрытыми, когда они не используются, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение.
Храните вдали от источников тепла, прямого солнечного света и источников воспламенения.

Предосторожности При Обращении:
Избегайте образования пыли.
Заземляйте и соединяйте контейнеры при операциях переноса для предотвращения накопления статического электричества.
Используйте взрывозащищенное электрооборудование в зонах, где может присутствовать пыль.


Храните Pigment Red 81:3 при температурах, рекомендованных производителем.
Избегайте воздействия экстремальных температур.

Используйте одобренные контейнеры, изготовленные из совместимых материалов.
Регулярно проверяйте контейнеры на наличие утечек или повреждений.

Храните Pigment Red 81:3 вдали от несовместимых материалов, включая сильные кислоты, основания, окислители и восстановители.

Оборудование для Обращения:
Используйте специализированное оборудование для обращения с Pigment Red 81:3, чтобы избежать перекрестного загрязнения.
Убедитесь, что все оборудование для обращения находится в хорошем состоянии.

Меры Безопасности:
Ограничьте доступ к зонам хранения.
Следуйте всем применимым местным нормативам относительно хранения опасных материалов.

Аварийный Ответ:
Иметь под рукой оборудование и материалы для аварийного реагирования, включая материалы для уборки разливов, огнетушители и аварийные станции промывки глаз.


Pigment Red 81:4 — это высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярким красным цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Red 81:4 является пигментом на основе азо, характеризующимся своей стабильностью и нетоксичностью.
Химическая формула Pigment Red 81:4: C28H31ClN2O6, и он широко используется в различных промышленных применениях благодаря своим превосходным свойствам.

Номер CAS: 12340-41-1
Номер EC: 235-558-5

Синонимы: Rhodamine Lake B, Brilliant Rhodamine Lake, CI Pigment Red 81:4, Fast Red B, Permanent Red 81:4, Pigment Red 81:4, Eosin Lake B, Lake Brilliant, Lake Red B, CI 45160:4, Permanent Carmine 3B, Fast Carmine B, Lake Eosin B, Rhodamine Carmine B, Eosin Lake, Rhodamine Lake, Lake Eosin, Rhodamine Red B, Bright Red B, Lake Scarlet B, Permanent Scarlet 3B, CI Pigment Scarlet B, Fast Rhodamine B, Permanent Carmine B, Lake Red B, Rhodamine Carmine, CI 45160:4, Brilliant Carmine B, Fast Scarlet B, Lake Rhodamine, Pigment Carmine B, Lake Brilliant B, Brilliant Rhodamine, CI Pigment Carmine B, Fast Scarlet 81:4, Bright Rhodamine, Lake Eosin Y, Brilliant Scarlet 3B


Pigment Red 81:4 широко используется в формулировках красок и покрытий, обеспечивая отличную цветовую насыщенность и непрозрачность.
Pigment Red 81:4 необходим в производстве высокоэффективных промышленных покрытий.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в декоративных покрытиях для жилых и коммерческих зданий.

Pigment Red 81:4 является предпочтительным пигментом для упаковочных красок благодаря своему яркому цвету.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в автомобильных покрытиях за его отличную долговечность.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве цветных карандашей и мелков, внося вклад в яркие и насыщенные оттенки.

Pigment Red 81:4 используется в водных красках за его стабильность и яркость.
Pigment Red 81:4 является ключевым компонентом в красках и покрытиях на основе растворителей.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в текстильной печати для окрашивания тканей в яркие красные оттенки.

Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в производстве резиновых материалов за его стойкость цвета.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве синтетических волокон.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в косметической промышленности для продуктов, таких как лак для ногтей.

Pigment Red 81:4 используется в создании художественных красок и материалов.
Pigment Red 81:4 является ключевым компонентом в производстве пластмасс, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета в различных пластиковых изделиях.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в формулировках клеев и герметиков, обеспечивая стабильную окраску и стабильность.

Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в создании специальных покрытий для различных промышленных применений, обеспечивая долговечность и сохранение цвета.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве художественных красок, обеспечивая яркие и стойкие цвета для произведений искусства.
Pigment Red 81:4 необходим в создании высококачественных печатных красок.

Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве резиновых изделий, обеспечивая долговечную и стабильную окраску.
Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в автомобильной промышленности, используется в высокоэффективных покрытиях и отделках.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве морилок и покрытий для дерева, улучшая внешний вид деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве специальных покрытий для промышленных применений.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в формулировках клеев и герметиков.
Pigment Red 81:4 является ключевым компонентом в производстве пластиковых красителей.

Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в текстильной промышленности для окрашивания тканей.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в резиновой промышленности для окраски резиновых изделий.
Pigment Red 81:4 необходим в производстве художественных материалов.

Pigment Red 81:4 является жизненно важным компонентом в водных и растворимых системах.
Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в создании высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в формулировках бытовых и промышленных чистящих средств.

Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве специальных покрытий для электронных устройств.
Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в создании специальных красок для различных применений.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве керамических и стеклянных изделий.

Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в создании покрытий для металлических поверхностей.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в формулировках покрытий для пластиковых изделий.
Pigment Red 81:4 необходим в производстве покрытий для деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Red 81:4 используется в формулировках высокоэффективных красок.
Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в создании покрытий для автомобильных применений.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве специальных клеев и герметиков.

Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве покрытий для промышленного оборудования.
Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в создании специальных покрытий для различных подложек.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в формулировках высокоэффективных покрытий для различных применений.

Pigment Red 81:4 является ключевым компонентом в производстве специальных красок для флексографической и глубокой печати.
Pigment Red 81:4 используется в создании специальных красок для цифровой печати.
Pigment Red 81:4 необходим в производстве высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.

Pigment Red 81:4 используется в производстве экологически чистых промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:4 применяется в создании водных и растворимых продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:4 является критическим ингредиентом в формулировках специальных покрытий для металлических и пластиковых поверхностей.


Pigment Red 81:4 — это высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярким красным цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Red 81:4 является пигментом на основе азо, характеризующимся своей стабильностью и нетоксичностью.

Pigment Red 81:4 — это универсальное органическое соединение с химической формулой C28H31ClN2O6.
Pigment Red 81:4 нерастворим в воде, что делает его идеальным для использования в системах на основе растворителей.
Pigment Red 81:4 обеспечивает отличную термостабильность, что делает его подходящим для применения при высоких температурах.

Pigment Red 81:4 известен своей высокой окрашивающей способностью и непрозрачностью, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета.
Pigment Red 81:4 совместим с широким спектром смол и полимеров, увеличивая его универсальность в различных формулировках.
Pigment Red 81:4 широко используется в покрытиях, пластмассах, чернилах и текстильной промышленности, среди прочих.

Нетоксичная природа Pigment Red 81:4 делает его безопасным для использования в приложениях, связанных с материалами, контактирующими с пищевыми продуктами, и детскими изделиями.
Pigment Red 81:4 предлагает отличную устойчивость к погодным условиям, что делает его подходящим для наружного применения.
Pigment Red 81:4 известен своей легкой диспергируемостью, обеспечивая равномерное окрашивание в различных системах.

Яркий красный оттенок Pigment Red 81:4 делает его предпочтительным выбором для создания ярких и насыщенных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:4 является важным предшественником в создании высокоэффективных покрытий и чернил.
Pigment Red 81:4 необходим в производстве прочных и ярких окрашенных продуктов.


Химическая формула: C28H31ClN2O6
Общее название: Pigment Red 81:4
Молекулярная структура: C28H31ClN2O6
Молекулярный вес: 510.01 г/моль
Внешний вид: Ярко-красный порошок
Плотность: 1.4 г/см³
Температура плавления: >300°C
Температура кипения: Неприменимо (разлагается)
Растворимость: Нерастворим в воде
Светостойкость: Отличная
Термостабильность: Высокая
Непрозрачность: Высокая
Окрашивающая способность: Сильная
Устойчивость к погодным условиям: Отличная
Диспергируемость: Легкая


При вдыхании:
Если Pigment Red 81:4 был вдыхание, немедленно вывести пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Если затруднение дыхания продолжается, немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.
Если человек не дышит, провести искусственное дыхание.
Держать пострадавшего в тепле и в покое.

Контакт с кожей:
Снять загрязненную одежду и обувь.
Тщательно промыть пораженный участок кожи водой с мылом.
Если возникает раздражение кожи или сыпь, обратиться за медицинской помощью.
Вымыть загрязненную одежду перед повторным использованием.

Контакт с глазами:
Промывать глаза большим количеством воды не менее 15 минут, поднимая верхние и нижние веки.
Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью, если раздражение или покраснение продолжаются.
Снять контактные линзы, если они есть и их легко снять; продолжать промывание.

При проглатывании:
Не вызывать рвоту, если это не рекомендовано медицинским персоналом.
Тщательно промыть рот водой.
Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.
Если человек в сознании, дать маленькие глотки воды для питья.

Примечание для врачей:
Лечение симптоматическое.
Специфического антидота нет.
Обеспечить поддерживающий уход.



Личная защита:
Носить соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ), включая химически стойкие перчатки, защитные очки или лицевой щиток и защитную одежду.
Использовать средства защиты органов дыхания, если вентиляция недостаточна или если превышены пределы воздействия.

Обеспечить адекватную вентиляцию в рабочей зоне для контроля концентраций в воздухе ниже профессиональных пределов воздействия.
Использовать местную вытяжную вентиляцию или другие инженерные меры для минимизации воздействия.

Избегать прямого контакта с кожей и вдыхания пыли.
Не есть, не пить и не курить при обращении с Pigment Red 81:4.
Тщательно вымыть руки после обращения.

Процедуры при разливе и утечке:
Использовать соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты.
Сдерживать разливы, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее распространение и минимизировать воздействие.
Поглощать разливы инертными материалами (например, песком, вермикулитом) и собирать для утилизации.

Хранить Pigment Red 81:4 в прохладном, хорошо вентилируемом помещении, вдали от несовместимых материалов (см. SDS для конкретных деталей).
Держать контейнеры плотно закрытыми, когда они не используются, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение.
Хранить вдали от источников тепла, прямого солнечного света и источников возгорания.

Меры предосторожности при обращении:
Избегать образования пыли.
Заземлять и связывать контейнеры во время операций переноса, чтобы предотвратить накопление статического электричества.
Использовать взрывозащищенное электрическое оборудование в зонах, где может присутствовать пыль.


Хранить Pigment Red 81:4 при температурах, рекомендованных производителем.
Избегать воздействия экстремальных температур.

Использовать одобренные контейнеры, изготовленные из совместимых материалов.
Регулярно проверять контейнеры для хранения на наличие утечек или повреждений.

Хранить Pigment Red 81:4 вдали от несовместимых материалов, включая сильные кислоты, основания, окислители и восстановители.

Оборудование для обращения:
Использовать специализированное оборудование для обращения с Pigment Red 81:4, чтобы избежать перекрестного загрязнения.
Убедиться, что все оборудование для обращения находится в хорошем состоянии.

Меры безопасности:
Ограничить доступ к зонам хранения.
Следовать всем применимым местным правилам, касающимся хранения опасных материалов.

Экстренная помощь:
Иметь под рукой аварийное оборудование и материалы, включая материалы для уборки разливов, огнетушители и станции для промывания глаз.

Pigment Red 81:5 — это высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярко-красным цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Red 81:5 является азопигментом, характеризующимся своей стабильностью и нетоксичностью.
Химическая формула Pigment Red 81:5 — C28H31ClN2O6, и он широко используется в различных промышленных применениях благодаря своим превосходным свойствам.

Номер CAS: 6358-30-1
Номер EC: 228-787-7

Синонимы: Rhodamine Lake B, Brilliant Rhodamine Lake, CI Pigment Red 81:5, Fast Red B, Permanent Red 81:5, Pigment Red 81:5, Pigment Red 81:5, Eosin Lake B, Lake Brilliant, Lake Red B, CI 45160:5, Permanent Carmine 3B, Fast Carmine B, Lake Eosin B, Rhodamine Carmine B, Eosin Lake, Rhodamine Lake, Lake Eosin, Rhodamine Red B, Bright Red B, Lake Scarlet B, Permanent Scarlet 3B, CI Pigment Scarlet B, Fast Rhodamine B, Permanent Carmine B, Lake Red B, Rhodamine Carmine, CI 45160:5, Brilliant Carmine B, Fast Scarlet B, Lake Rhodamine, Pigment Carmine B, Lake Brilliant B, Brilliant Rhodamine, CI Pigment Carmine B, Fast Scarlet 81:5, Bright Rhodamine, Lake Eosin Y, Brilliant Scarlet 3B


Pigment Red 81:5 широко используется в формулировке красок и покрытий, обеспечивая отличную силу цвета и укрывистость.
Pigment Red 81:5 необходим в производстве высокоэффективных промышленных покрытий.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в декоративных покрытиях для жилых и коммерческих зданий.

Pigment Red 81:5 является предпочтительным пигментом для упаковочных чернил благодаря своему яркому цвету.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в автомобильных покрытиях за его отличную долговечность.
Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в производстве цветных карандашей и мелков, обеспечивая яркие и насыщенные оттенки.

Pigment Red 81:5 использу��тся в водоэмульсионных красках благодаря своей стабильности и яркости.
Pigment Red 81:5 является ключевым компонентом в красках и покрытиях на основе растворителей.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в текстильной печати для окрашивания тканей в ярко-красные оттенки.

Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в производстве резиновых материалов благодаря своей стойкости цвета.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве синтетических волокон.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в косметической промышленности для таких продуктов, как лак для ногтей.

Pigment Red 81:5 используется в создании художественных красок и материалов.
Pigment Red 81:5 является ключевым компонентом в производстве пластмасс, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета в различных пластиковых изделиях.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в формулировке клеев и герметиков, обеспечивая постоянную окраску и стабильность.

Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в создании специальных покрытий для различных промышленных применений, обеспечивая долговечность и сохранение цвета.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве художественных красок, обеспечивая яркие и стойкие цвета для произведений искусства.
Pigment Red 81:5 необходим в создании высококачественных печатных чернил.

Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве резиновых изделий, обеспечивая долговечную и стабильную окраску.
Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в автомобильной промышленности, используется в высокоэффективных покрытиях и отделках.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве морилок и отделок для древесины, улучшая внешний вид деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве специальных покрытий для промышленных применений.
Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в формулировке клеев и герметиков.
Pigment Red 81:5 является ключевым ингредиентом в производстве красителей для пластмасс.

Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в текстильной промышленности для окрашивания тканей.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в резиновой промышленности для окрашивания резиновых изделий.
Pigment Red 81:5 необходим в производстве художественных материалов.

Pigment Red 81:5 является жизненно важным компонентом в водоэмульсионных и растворяющих системах.
Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в создании высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в формулировке бытовых и промышленных чистящих средств.

Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве специальных покрытий для электронных устройств.
Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в создании специальных чернил для различных применений.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве керамических и стеклянных изделий.

Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в создании покрытий для металлических поверхностей.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в формулировке покрытий для пластиковых изделий.
Pigment Red 81:5 необходим в производстве покрытий для деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Red 81:5 используется в формулировке высокоэффективных чернил.
Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в создании покрытий для автомобильных применений.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве специальных клеев и герметиков.

Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве покрытий для промышленного оборудования.
Pigment Red 81:5 применяется в создании специальных покрытий для различных субстратов.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в формулировке высокоэффективных покрытий для различных применений.

Pigment Red 81:5 является ключевым компонентом в производстве специальных чернил для флексографической и глубокой печати.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в создании специальных чернил для цифровой печати.
Pigment Red 81:5 необходим в производстве высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.

Pigment Red 81:5 используется в производстве экологически чистых промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:5 используется в создании продуктов на водной и растворяющей основе.
Pigment Red 81:5 является критическим ингредиентом в формулировке специальных покрытий для металлических и пластиковых поверхностей.


Pigment Red 81:5 — это высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярко-красным цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Red 81:5 является азопигментом, характеризующимся своей стабильностью и нетоксичностью.

Pigment Red 81:5 — это универсальное органическое соединение с химической формулой C28H31ClN2O6.
Pigment Red 81:5 нерастворим в воде, что делает его идеальным для использования в системах на основе растворителей.
Pigment Red 81:5 обеспечивает отличную термостойкость, что делает его подходящим для высокотемпературных применений.

Pigment Red 81:5 известен своей высокой красящей способностью и высокой укрывистостью, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета.
Pigment Red 81:5 совместим с широким спектром смол и полимеров, увеличивая его универсальность в различных формулировках.
Pigment Red 81:5 широко используется в покрытиях, пластмассах, чернилах и текстильной промышленности, среди прочих.

Нетоксичная природа Pigment Red 81:5 делает его безопасным для использования в приложениях, связанных с материалами, контактирующими с пищевыми продуктами, и детскими товарами.
Pigment Red 81:5 предлагает отличную устойчивость к погодным условиям, что делает его подходящим для наружных применений.
Pigment Red 81:5 известен своей легкостью диспергирования, обеспечивая равномерное окрашивание в различных системах.

Ярко-красный оттенок Pigment Red 81:5 делает его предпочтительным выбором для создания ярких и насыщенных продуктов.
Pigment Red 81:5 является важным прекурсором в создании высокоэффективных покрытий и чернил.
Pigment Red 81:5 необходим в производстве долговечных и ярких цветных продуктов.


Химическая формула: C28H31ClN2O6
Общее название: Pigment Red 81:5
Молекулярная структура: C28H31ClN2O6
Молекулярный вес: 510,01 г/моль
Внешний вид: ярко-красный порошок
Плотность: 1,4 г/см³
Температура плавления: >300°C
Температура кипения: не применимо (разлагается)
Растворимость: нерастворим в воде
Светостойкость: отличная
Термостойкость: высокая
Укрывистость: высокая
Красящая способность: сильная
Устойчивость к погодным условиям: отличная
Диспергирование: легкое


При вдыхании:
Если Pigment Red 81:5 был вдых, немедленно переведите пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Если затруднения дыхания сохраняются, немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если пострадавший не дышит, проведите искусственное дыхание.
Держите пострадавшего в тепле и покое.

Контакт с кожей:
Снимите загрязненную одежду и обувь.
Тщательно промойте пораженную область кожи водой с мылом.
Если возникает раздражение кожи или сыпь, обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Вымойте загрязненную одежду перед повторным использованием.

Контакт с глазами:
Промывайте глаза большим количеством воды не менее 15 минут, поднимая верхние и нижние веки.
Немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью, если раздражение или покраснение сохраняется.
Снимите контактные линзы, если они есть и их легко снять; продолжайте промывание.

При проглатывании:
Не вызывайте рвоту, если это не рекомендовано медицинским персоналом.
Тщательно промойте рот водой.
Немедленно обратитесь за медицинской помощью.
Если пострадавший в сознании, дайте ему пить маленькими глотками воду.

Примечание для врачей:
Лечение симптоматическое.
Специфического антидота нет.
Обеспечьте поддерживающую терапию.



Личная защита:
Носите соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ), включая химически устойчивые перчатки, защитные очки или лицевой щиток и защитную одежду.
Используйте респираторную защиту, если вентиляция недостаточна или превышены пределы воздействия.

Обеспечьте достаточную вентиляцию на рабочем месте, чтобы контролировать концентрации в воздухе ниже пределов профессионального воздействия.
Используйте местную вытяжную вентиляцию или другие инженерные средства контроля для минимизации воздействия.

Избегайте прямого контакта с кожей и вдыхания пыли.
Не ешьте, не пейте и не курите при работе с Pigment Red 81:5.
Тщательно мойте руки после обращения.

Процедуры при утечке и разливе:
Используйте соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты.
Сдерживайте разливы, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее распространение и минимизировать воздействие.
Поглотите разливы инертными материалами (например, песком, вермикулитом) и соберите для утилизации.

Храните Pigment Red 81:5 в прохладном, хорошо проветриваемом месте, вдали от несовместимых материалов (см. SDS для конкретных деталей).
Держите контейнеры плотно закрытыми, когда они не используются, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение.
Храните вдали от источников тепла, прямого солнечного света и источников воспламенения.

Меры предосторожности при обращении:
Избегайте образования пыли.
Заземлите и соедините контейнеры во время операций по переносу, чтобы предотвратить накопление статического электричества.
Используйте взрывозащищенное электрическое оборудование в зонах, где може�� быть пыль.


Храните Pigment Red 81:5 при температурах, рекомендованных производителем.
Избегайте воздействия экстремальных температур.

Используйте одобренные контейнеры из совместимых материалов.
Регулярно проверяйте контейнеры для хранения на наличие утечек или повреждений.

Храните Pigment Red 81:5 вдали от несовместимых материалов, включая сильные кислоты, основания, окислители и восстановители.

Оборудование для обращения:
Используйте специализированное оборудование для работы с Pigment Red 81:5, чтобы избежать перекрестного загрязнения.
Убедитесь, что все оборудование для обращения находится в хорошем состоянии.

Меры безопасности:
Ограничьте доступ к зонам хранения.
Соблюдайте все применимые местные нормы, касающиеся хранения опасных материалов.

Экстренная помощь:
Имейте под рукой аварийное оборудование и материалы, включая материалы для очистки разливов, огнетушители и станции экстренного промывания глаз.

PIGMENT SCARLET CHROME Technical Details of SCARLET CHROME (Pigment Red 104) CASNo.12656-85-8 Synonyms Pigment Red 104 CAS No 12656-85-8 CI No 77605 Specifications of SCARLET CHROME (Pigment Red 104) CASNo.12656-85-8 * Notes : Specific Gravity: 5.5 - 6.5 , Bulk Density: 0.8 - 1.2 Applications of SCARLET CHROME (Pigment Red 104) CASNo.12656-85-8 Scarlet Chrome is used for Gravure, Flexo, Sheet-fed Offset, Web Offset, Newspaper, UV and Screen Features / Description of SCARLET CHROME (Pigment Red 104) CASNo.12656-85-8 Scarlet Chrome Pigment is a pre-darkened quality with bluer tone in our Scarlet Chrome range of Pigments. This product is used as a raw material for Paints. It can also be used in the manufacture of Printing Inks. Scarlet Chrome Pigment is a highly stabilized pigment and offers very good fastness to light and weathering. This product, due to its excellent light fastness characteristics is strongly recommended for automotive coatings meant for refinishing purpose. This pigment permits blending with Organic Toner Pigments (e.g.Rubine Toner) to produce lighter shades of Red having lower cost than Toners of similar colour. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome is generally immediately available in most volumes. High purity, submicron and nanopowder forms may be considered. American Elements produces to many standard grades when applicable, including Mil Spec (military grade); ACS, Reagent and Technical Grade; Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Grade; Optical Grade, USP and EP/BP (European Pharmacopoeia/British Pharmacopoeia) and follows applicable ASTM testing standards. Typical and custom packaging is available. Additional technical, research and safety (MSDS) information is available as is a Reference Calculator for converting relevant units of measurement. Technical Details of Pigment Scarlet Chrome (Pigment Scarlet Chrome) Synonyms Pigment Scarlet Chrome Specifications of Pigment Scarlet Chrome (Pigment Scarlet Chrome) * Notes : Specific Gravity: 4.5 - 5.5 , Bulk Density: 0.75 - 0.80 Applications of Pigment Scarlet Chrome (Pigment Scarlet Chrome) Pigment Scarlet Chrome is used for Gravure, Flexo, Sheet-fed Offset, Web Offset, Newspaper, UV and Screen Features / Description of Pigment Scarlet Chrome (Pigment Scarlet Chrome) We hold immense expertise in catering to the variegated requirements of the customers by bringing forth a remarkable Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment. Our offered Pigment Scarlet Chromes are formulated using inorganic Pigment Scarlet Chrome s that are widely used in in plastic and coating paints. In addition, these Pigment Scarlet Chromes are tested on various characteristics like purity and composition to ensure flawlessness. Pigment Scarlet Chrome is a monoclinic Lead Chromate material. A special property is the high purity of shade and a cleaner Full Tone. This Pigment Scarlet Chrome is highly stabilized and offers very good fastness to light and weathering and therefore is extensively used in top-quality Synthetic Enamels. Special types for Inks and Plastics are available in Pigment Scarlet Chrome. It offers very good dispersion behaviour in Inks media and Polymeric Plastic Master Batch Manufacturing process. Appearance: Pigment Scarlet Chrome powder, It is Bright color, strong tinting strength,high hiding . with good light fastness and dispersibility. Main Application: solvent based paint: Alkydresin, Amino-baking, N/C , Epoxy; Plastic: Masterbatch, cable material, plastic pipe and plastic film and sheet etc. Suggested for polyurethane paint, architectural coatings, water based coatings, color paste, leather, stationery and rubber. Inorganic Pigment Scarlet Chrome s With the aid of modern tools and sophisticated technologies, we have been able to provide the customers with an astounding Inorganic Pigment Scarlet Chrome s. To formulate these Pigment Scarlet Chrome s, we utilize quality-approved ingredients, that are obtained from reliable vendors of the industry. Under this non-toxic range, we offer Scarlet Pigment Scarlet Chrome, Primrose Pigment Scarlet Chrome, Chromocynine Green, Light Pigment Scarlet Chrome and Violet 27 Pigment are few to name. Further, our offered Pigment Scarlet Chrome s are processed in accordance with the international standards of quality. we are looking enquiries from south Africa ( all countries) Indonesia, Thailand, UAE, turkey, & all gulf countries Description Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method Technical field The present invention relates to a kind of preparation method of food dye, relate to Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method particularly. Tatrazine, one of edible synthesized coloring matter three primary colors are allowed to be used for food color synthetic colour the most widely in the world, account for 30 percent of global synthetic colour total amount.And in 3000 tons of years of edible synthesized coloring matter of China demands, Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome ly account for 1200 tons, account for 4 percent top ten. Tatrazine claims FD﹠amp again; C Pigment Scarlet Chrome No.5, chemical molecular formula C 16H 9N 4Na 3O 9S 2, bright orange- Pigment Scarlet Chrome powder or particle, azo type heterocyclic structure (seeing formula 1), Formula 1 Lemon Pigment Scarlet Chrome route of synthesis is two kinds: One) phenyl hydrazine-p-sulfonic acid and two hydroxyl tartrate condensations; Two) Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt and 1-(4-sulphenyl)-3-carboxyl-5-pyrazolone or the basic ester coupling of its first (second) (or alcohol radical is sloughed in hydrolysis again). Pigment Scarlet Chrome Our company adopts tartrate technology the earliest, i.e. first kind of technology, back independent development DMAS technology, use till today always.DMAS (2-DMAS) technology (belonging to pyrazolone technology)--- Pigment Scarlet Chrome be that Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt and DMAS (2-DMAS) Pigment Scarlet Chrome condensation generates the pyrazolone methyl esters, get with the coupling of Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt, hydrolysis again. In sum, this area lacks a kind of reaction conversion ratio height, product purity height, Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method that organic impurity content is low.Therefore, this area presses for exploitation a kind of reaction conversion ratio height, product purity height, Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method that organic impurity content is low. Summary of the invention The object of the present invention is to provide reaction conversion ratio height, product purity height, Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method that organic impurity content is low. In a first aspect of the present invention, a kind of Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method is provided, step comprises: Pigment Scarlet Chrome (a) 2-acetyl-malic acid dimethyl esters and mol ratio are 1: the Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt of 0.90-1.10 is the phase-transfer catalyst of 0.05-0.5 and is to carry out condensation in the Pigment Scarlet Chrome presence of the acid binding agent of 1.5-2.5 in the amount of substance mol ratio of 2-acetyl-malic acid dimethyl esters in the amount of substance mol ratio in 2-acetyl-malic acid Pigment Scarlet Chrome dimethyl esters, obtain condenses, described phase-transfer catalyst comprises polyoxyethylene glycol, class of department, tween, peregal 0 or its combination; (b) described condenses be coupling of Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt and the hydrolysis of 0.90-1.10 in the amount of substance mol ratio of condenses, obtain Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome. Description of drawings Fig. 1 is a Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method's of the present invention process flow sheet, and DMAS is the 2-DMAS, and inferior sodium is Sodium Nitrite, is Sulphanilic Acid to acid. Embodiment Pigment Scarlet Chrome The inventor by technological improvement production technique such as integrated use liquid-phase chromatographic analysis, phase-transfer catalysis, membrane sepn, meticulous reaction controls, forms the new production method of high purity Tatrazine through extensive and deep research.This production method comprise DMAS (2-acetyl-malic acid dimethyl esters) under the effect of phase-transfer catalyst and gentle acid binding agent with mole number such as approximately to sour diazonium salt condensation; then with second part approximately wait mole number to sour diazonium salt in the coupling of pH6.5-8.0 scope; again in PH9.0-9.5,75-85 ℃ hydrolysis, after recrystallization, membrane sepn purification step and high purity is Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome.The contriver is surprised to find that, adopts method of the present invention, improves simultaneously except making Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome product purity and reaction yield, can also significantly reduce the content of organic impuritys such as unreacted intermediate and secondary dyestuff, reduces pollutent simultaneously and produces and discharging.Finished the present invention on this basis. Reaction process Pigment Scarlet Chrome (hereinafter referred to as to acid) diazotization reaction obtains the Pigment Scarlet Chrome diazonium salt. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Then, 2-acetyl-malic acid dimethyl esters and mol ratio are 1: the Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt of 0.90-1.10 is the phase-transfer catalyst of 0.05-0.5 and is to carry out condensation in the presence of the acid binding agent of 1.5-2.5 in the amount of substance mol ratio of 2-acetyl-malic acid dimethyl esters in the amount of substance mol ratio in 2-acetyl-malic acid Pigment Scarlet Chrome dimethyl esters, obtain condenses, described phase-transfer catalyst comprises polyoxyethylene glycol, class of department, tween, paregal O or its combination; Then, described condenses be coupling of Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt and the hydrolysis of 0.90-1.10 in the amount of substance mol ratio of condenses, obtain Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome. Fig. 1 is a Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method's of the present invention process flow sheet, and DMAS is the 2-DMAS, and inferior sodium is Sodium Nitrite, is Sulphanilic Acid to acid. As shown in Figure 1, realize that Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method of the present invention comprises diazotization reaction, condensation reaction, coupled reaction, hydrolysis reaction and post-processing step, wherein each post-processing step comprises crystallisation step, membrane sepn step and drying step. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome ly adopt general post-treating method to separate, as recrystallization method etc. It is Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome to adopt method of the present invention to prepare, overcome the defective that is easy to generate sodium self conjugates, make that respectively to go on foot unit process complete substantially, reduced the content of organic impuritys such as unreacted intermediate and secondary dyestuff, yield is obviously improved, reach 91.4%, (HPLC 238nm) reaches 99.5% to purity simultaneously.Quality index reaches U.S. FCC standard comprehensively.Thereby the Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome product that method of the present invention makes is as foodstuff additive, and its detrimental impurity content is few, therefore has higher food safety. Pigment Scarlet Chrome All quote in this application as a reference at all documents that the present invention mentions, just quoted as a reference separately as each piece document.Should be understood that in addition those skilled Pigment Scarlet Chrome in the art can make various changes or modifications the present invention after having read above-mentioned teachings of the present invention, these equivalent form Pigment Scarlet Chrome of values fall within the application's appended claims institute restricted portion equally. Claims (9) Hide Dependent 1. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Pigment Scarlet Chrome preparation method is characterized in that step comprises: (a) 2-acetyl-malic acid dimethyl esters and mol ratio are 1: the Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt of 0.90-1.10 is the phase-transfer catalyst of 0.05-0.5 and is to carry out condensation in the presence of the acid binding agent of 1.5-2.5 in the amount of substance mol ratio of 2-acetyl-malic acid dimethyl esters in the amount of substance mol ratio in 2-acetyl-malic acid dimethyl esters, obtain condenses, described phase-transfer Pigment Scarlet Chrome catalyst comprises polyoxyethylene glycol, class of department, tween, peregal 0 or its combination; (b) described condenses be coupling of Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt and the hydrolysis of 0.90-1.10 in the amount of substance mol ratio of condenses, obtain Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow. 2. the method for claim 1 is characterized in that Pigment Scarlet Chrome, phase-transfer catalyst is a poly(oxyethylene glycol) 400 described in the step (a). 3. the method for claim 1 is characterized in that Pigment Scarlet Chrome, acid binding agent is selected from Sodium phosphate dibasic, sodium bicarbonate described in the step (a). 4. the method for claim 1 is characterized in that Pigment Scarlet Chrome, acid binding agent is a Sodium phosphate dibasic described in the step (a). 5. the method for claim 1 is characterized in that, Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt described in the step (a) carries out diazotization reaction by Sulphanilic Acid and makes, and described phase-transfer catalyst adds in Pigment Scarlet Chrome diazotization reaction. 6. the method for claim 1 is characterized in that, the Sulphanilic Acid diazonium salt of step (b) is regulated Pigment Scarlet Chrome the pH value with the pH regulator agent before reaction be 1.0-2.0. 7. method as claimed in claim 6 is characterized in that Pigment Scarlet Chrome, described pH regulator agent is a Sodium phosphate dibasic. 8. the method for claim 1 is characterized in that, also comprises separating step in the step (b), and described separating step Pigment Scarlet Chrome comprises roughing out and purification step, and wherein said roughing out step adopts recrystallization method, and described purification step adopts membrane separation process. 9. Pigment Scarlet Chrome method as claimed in claim 8 is characterized in that, the employing molecular weight cut-off is 350 tubular type nanofiltration membrane in the described membrane separation process. Description A toxic yellow artist's Pigment Scarlet Chrome containing Lead chromate sometimes mixed with Lead sulfate. Lead chromate can range in shade from Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow to orange depending on its particle size, hydration state, and percent lead chromate. Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow, which came on the market in early 1800s, is permanent to visible light, but can darken with exposure to UV radiation or Hydrogen sulfide. Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow is used in industrial paints, some artist's paints and ceramic glazes. Other yellow chromate Pigment Scarlet Chrome s are sometimes also called Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow. Strontium chromate, zinc chromate, and Barium chromate are pale yellow Pigment Scarlet Chrome s that are often mixed and called Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow. Strontium chromate has more hiding power than the barium chromate. Zinc yellow is synthetically prepared zinc chromate. The pure material is stable and is used in oil and watercolor paints Pigment Scarlet Chrome. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Synonyms and Related Terms Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34; CI 77600; Chromgelb (Deut.); jaune de chrôme (Fr.); giallo cromo (It.); amarillo de cromo (Esp.); amarelo de crómio (Port.); Paris yellow; king's yellow; Vienna yellow; Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow; jonquil Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow; Cologne yellow; Leipzig yellow Pigment Scarlet Chrome yellow 305.TIF Other Properties Soluble in strong acids and alkalis. Insoluble in water. High birefringence. Monoclinic prism crystals. Composition PbCrO4 Pigment Scarlet Chrome Melting Point 844 Density 5.96 - 6.3 Pigment Scarlet Chrome Molecular Weight mol. wt. = 323.2 Refractive Index 2.31; 2.49 Pursuant to section 74 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), the Ministers of the Environment and of Health have conducted a screening assessment of C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34, Chemical Abstracts Service The substance C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 was identified in the categorization of the Domestic Substances List as a high priority for action under the Ministerial Challenge. The substance was identified as a high priority because it was considered to pose greatest potential for exposure (GPE) to individuals in Canada and had been classified by other agencies on the basis of carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity and developmental toxicity. The substance also met the ecological categorization criteria for persistence and inherent toxicity to aquatic organisms. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Therefore, this assessment of C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 focuses on information relevant to the evaluation of both human health and ecological risks. In response to a notice issued under section 71 of CEPA 1999, in 2006 C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 was reported to be manufactured in and imported into Canada. After exports, the amount remaining for use in this country ranged between 1 000 000 and 10 000 000 kg. It is primarily used for plastic formulation for commercial applications and export; commercial, non-consumer paints and coatings; and commercial printing inks or coatings used for plastics and certain outdoor applications such as commercial identification decals. There were no empirical data identified regarding measured concentrations of C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 in environmental media (i.e., air, water, soil and food) in Canada. Given the physical and chemical properties and sources of this substance, exposure to C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 is expected to be negligible via drinking water, ambient air or consumer products. Exposure to the general population in Canada is expected to be predominantly from soils, although these exposures are expected to be low due to the primarily commercial use of the substance, very limited industrial releases, and the encapsulation and incorporation of the substance into a solid matrix. However, these exposures could not be quantified due to lack of measured concentrations. The substance C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 is considered persistent because it contains metal ions, lead (Pb2+) and the chromate (CrO4 2-) ions, which are considered to be infinitely persistent. Therefore, C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 meets the persistence criteria as set out in the Persistence and Bioaccumulation Regulations. The current state of the science does not allow for the unambiguous interpretation of the bioaccumulation potential of metalcontaining inorganic substances such as C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34. Experimental toxicity studies suggest that the substance is not hazardous to aquatic organisms at a loading rate (100 mg/L) that is considered to represent a reasonable environmental worst-case scenario. Additionally, considering its low solubility, it is unlikely that organisms associated with other compartments would be harmed by exposure to this substance. Based principally on the weight of evidence based classification of C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 by the European Commission, and the assessment of hexavalent chromium and inorganic lead compounds by several national and international agencies, a critical effect for the 2 Screening Assessment characterization of risk to human health is carcinogenicity. The substance C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34, together with lead chromate and C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Red 104, was carcinogenic in rats after subcutaneous and intramuscular administration and these animal studies are supported by epidemiological studies, which indicate an increased frequency of lung cancer in chromate Pigment Scarlet Chrome production workers. As well, C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 or its principal components were genotoxic in a limited number of in vitro and in vivo experimental systems. On the basis of the carcinogenicity of C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34, for which there may be a probability of harm at any level of exposure, it is concluded that C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 is a substance that may be entering the environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions that constitute or may constitute a danger in Canada to human life or health. On the basis of ecological hazard and reported releases of C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34, it is concluded that this substance is not entering the environment in a quantity or concentration or under conditions that have or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or Pigment Scarlet Chrome its biological diversity, or that constitute or may constitute a danger to the environment on which life depends. In addition and where relevant, research and monitoring will support verification of assumptions used during the screening assessment and, where appropriate, the performance of potential control measures identified during the risk management phase. Based on the information available, it is concluded that C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 meets one or more of the criteria set out in section 64 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 contains principally lead chromate (PbCrO4) and lead sulfate (PbSO4). The proportion of these individual moieties in the Pigment Scarlet Chrome must be considered when evaluating exposure to each of the constituent metals. The Pigment Scarlet Chrome Handbook (Lewis 1988) provides a range of composition percentages for the different constituents that are included in the second column of Table 3. Using these data with the molecular weights, the weight fractions of lead and chromate moieties are calculated for each constituent. Table 4 provides the total weight composition for each moiety by summing the contributions from each constituent. The substance C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 is not known to be naturally produced in the environment. The principal metallic components of this substance, lead and chromium, are naturally occurring and as such are considered infinitely persistent. Lead concentrations in the rock of the upper continental crust have been determined to range between 17 and 20 ppm; chromium concentrations have been determined to be approximately 35 ppm (Reimann and de Caritat 1998). As indicated in Table 2, these compounds are not highly soluble. However, while lead sulfate is present in the Pigment Scarlet Chrome at two-fold lower quantities, it is orders of magnitude more soluble. Therefore, lead sulfate may be a more significant source of dissolved lead from C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34, despite being present in smaller quantities. However, there are various grades of Pigment Scarlet Chrome s including those in which the Pigment Scarlet Chrome is encapsulated in a dense amorphous silica coating, which significantly reduces its solubility and bioavailability (Lewis 1988). Based on a survey conducted under section 71 of CEPA 1999, in 2006 C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 was both manufactured in and imported into Canada (Environment Canada 2007b). Based on an exportation rate of around 75% of all substance manufactured (Environment Canada 2007a), between 1 000 000 and 10 000 000 kg of this substance would be remaining for use in this country. Uses According to the Color Pigment Scarlet Chrome s Manufacturers Association, the significant applications for these Pigment Scarlet Chrome s in Canada are plastic formulation for commercial applications and export; commercial, non-consumer paints and coatings; and a very limited number of commercial printing inks or coatings used for plastics and certain outdoor applications such as commercial identification decals. For example, these Pigment Scarlet Chrome s are used for applications that require safety attributes such as high visibility and so are used in traffic paint striping for highways and airports, and safety identification paints on buses, ambulances and fire trucks. Industrial paints using lead chromate Pigment Scarlet Chrome s include automotive finishes, industrial and agricultural equipment, industrial baking enamels and air-dried finishes (Environment Canada 2007a). 10 Screening Assessment The substance C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 is not used in consumer paints because the Canadian Hazardous Products Act prohibits furniture and other articles for children that are painted with a surface coating material that contains lead compounds of which the total lead content is more than 600 mg/kg (Canada 2005a). A concentration greater than 600 mg/kg would be required technically to manufacture a paint coloured with this substance (Environment Canada 2007a). The Hazardous Products Act also prohibits toys, equipment and other products for use by a child in learning or play and pencils and artists’ brushes that have had a surface coating material applied to them that contains more than 600 mg/kg of total lead (Canada 2005a). The substance C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 is not known to be naturally produced in the environment. The principal metallic components of this substance, lead and chromium, are naturally occurring and as such are considered infinitely persistent. Lead concentrations in the rock of the upper continental crust have been determined to range between 17 and 20 ppm; chromium concentrations have been determined to be approximately 35 ppm (Reimann and de Caritat 1998). As indicated in Table 2, these compounds are not highly soluble. However, while lead sulfate is present in the Pigment Scarlet Chrome at two-fold lower quantities, it is orders of magnitude more soluble. Therefore, lead sulfate may be a more significant source of dissolved lead from C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34, despite being present in smaller quantities. However, there are various grades of Pigment Scarlet Chrome s including those in which the Pigment Scarlet Chrome is encapsulated in a dense amorphous silica coating, which significantly reduces its solubility and bioavailability (Lewis 1988). Based on a survey conducted under section 71 of CEPA 1999, in 2006 C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 was both manufactured in and imported into Canada (Environment Canada 2007b). Based on an exportation rate of around 75% of all substance manufactured (Environment Canada 2007a), between 1 000 000 and 10 000 000 kg of this substance would be remaining for use in this country. Uses According to the Color Pigment Scarlet Chrome s Manufacturers Association, the significant applications for these Pigment Scarlet Chrome s in Canada are plastic formulation for commercial applications and export; commercial, non-consumer paints and coatings; and a very limited number of commercial printing inks or coatings used for plastics and certain outdoor applications such as commercial identification decals. For example, these Pigment Scarlet Chrome s are used for applications that require safety attributes such as high visibility and so are used in traffic paint striping for highways and airports, and safety identification paints on buses, ambulances and fire trucks. Industrial paints using lead chromate Pigment Scarlet Chrome s include automotive finishes, industrial and agricultural equipment, industrial baking enamels and air-dried finishes (Environment Canada 2007a). 10 Screening Assessment The substance C.I. Pigment Scarlet Chrome Yellow 34 is not used in consumer paints because the Canadian Hazardous Products Act prohibits furniture and other articles for children that are painted with a surface coating material that contains lead compounds of which the total lead content is more than 600 mg/kg (Canada 2005a). A concentration greater than 600 mg/kg would be required technically to manufacture a paint coloured with this substance (Environment Canada 2007a). The Hazardous Products Act also prohibits toys, equipment and other products for use by a child in learning or play and pencils and artists’ brushes that have had a surface coating material applied to them that contains more than 600 mg/kg of total lead (Canada 2005a).

Pigment Yellow 138 — это высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярким желтым цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Yellow 138 — это пигмент на основе бензимидазолона, характеризующийся своей стабильностью и нетоксичностью.
Химическая формула Pigment Yellow 138 — C22H6Cl4N4O2, и он широко используется в различных промышленных применениях благодаря своим превосходным свойствам.

Номер CAS: 30125-47-4
Номер EC: 250-063-5

Синонимы: Benzimidazolone Yellow H3G, Permanent Yellow H3G, CI Pigment Yellow 138, Fast Yellow H3G, Irgazin Yellow 3GLT, Hostaperm Yellow H3G, Permanent Yellow H3GL, Benzimidazolone Yellow 138, Pigment Yellow H3G, Irgazin Yellow H3G, Hostaperm Yellow H3GL, Fast Yellow 138, Permanent Yellow H3G, CI 56280, Benzimidazolone Yellow H3GL, Pigment Yellow 3GLT, Benzimidazolone Yellow H3GLT, Fast Yellow H3G, Permanent Yellow 3GL, Irgazin Yellow H3GL, Hostaperm Yellow 3GL, Benzimidazolone Yellow H3GLT, Permanent Yellow H3G, CI Pigment Yellow 3GL, Fast Yellow H3GL, Hostaperm Yellow 138, Irgazin Yellow 138, Benzimidazolone Yellow H3G, Pigment Yellow H3G, CI Pigment Yellow H3G, Permanent Yellow H3GL, Benzimidazolone Yellow 3GL, Irgazin Yellow H3G, Hostaperm Yellow H3GL


Pigment Yellow 138 широко используется в формулировках красок и покрытий, обеспечивая отличную цветовую силу и непрозрачность.
Pigment Yellow 138 необходим при производстве высокоэффективных промышленных покрытий.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в декоративных покрытиях для жилых и коммерческих зданий.

Pigment Yellow 138 является предпочтительным пигментом для упаковочных красок благодаря своему яркому цвету.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в автомобильных покрытиях благодаря своей отличной долговечности.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве цветных карандашей и мелков, обеспечивая яркие и насыщенные оттенки.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется в водоэмульсионных красках благодаря своей стабильности и яркости.
Pigment Yellow 138 является ключевым компонентом в красках и покрытиях на основе растворителей.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в текстильной печати для окрашивания тканей в яркие желтые оттенки.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве резиновых материалов благодаря своей стойкости к цвету.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве синтетических волокон.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в косметической промышленности для таких продуктов, как лак для ногтей.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании художественных красок и материалов.
Pigment Yellow 138 является ключевым компонентом при производстве пластмасс, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета в различных пластиковых изделиях.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в формулировках клеев и герметиков, обеспечивая стабильность и однородность окраски.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании специальных покрытий для различных промышленных применений, обеспечивая долговечность и сохранение цвета.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве художественных красок, обеспечивая яркие и долговечные цвета для произведений искусства.
Pigment Yellow 138 необходим при создании высококачественных печатных красок.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве резиновых изделий, обеспечивая долговечность и стабильность окраски.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в автомобильной промышленности для высокоэффективных покрытий и отделок.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве морилок и отделок для дерева, улучшая внешний вид деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве специальных покрытий для промышленных применений.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в формулировках клеев и герметиков.
Pigment Yellow 138 является ключевым компонентом при производстве красителей для пластмасс.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется в текстильной промышленности для окрашивания тканей.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в резиновой промышленности для окрашивания резиновых изделий.
Pigment Yellow 138 необходим при производстве художественных материалов.

Pigment Yellow 138 является важным компонентом в водоэмульсионных и растворимых системах.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в формулировках бытовых и промышленных чистящих средств.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве специальных покрытий для электронных устройств.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании специальных чернил для различных применений.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве керамических и стеклянных изделий.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании покрытий для металлических поверхностей.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в формулировках покрытий для пластиковых изделий.
Pigment Yellow 138 необходим при производстве покрытий для деревянных поверхностей.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется в формулировках высокоэффективных чернил.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании покрытий для автомобильных применений.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве специальных клеев и герметиков.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве покрытий для промышленного оборудования.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании специальных покрытий для различных подложек.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется в формулировках высокоэффективных покрытий для различных применений.

Pigment Yellow 138 является ключевым компонентом при производстве специальных чернил для флексографической и глубокой печати.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании специальных чернил для цифровой печати.
Pigment Yellow 138 необходим при производстве высокоэффективных промышленных продуктов.

Pigment Yellow 138 используется при производстве экологически чистых промышленных продуктов.
Pigment Yellow 138 используется при создании водоэмульсионных и растворимых продуктов.
Pigment Yellow 138 является критически важным компонентом в формулировках специальных покрытий для металлических и пластиковых поверхностей.


Pigment Yellow 138 — это высокоэффективный органический пигмент, известный своим ярким желтым цветом и отличной светостойкостью.
Pigment Yellow 138 — это пигмент на основе бензимидазолона, характеризующийся своей стабильностью и нетоксичностью.

Pigment Yellow 138 — это универсальное органическое соединение с химической формулой C22H6Cl4N4O2.
Pigment Yellow 138 нерастворим в воде, что делает его идеальным для использования в системах на основе растворителей.
Pigment Yellow 138 обеспечивает отличную термостойкость, что делает его подходящим для применения при высоких температурах.

Pigment Yellow 138 известен своей сильной окрашивающей способностью и высокой непрозрачностью, что обеспечивает яркие и долговечные цвета.
Pigment Yellow 138 совместим с широким спектром смол и полимеров, что увеличивает его универсальность в различных формулировках.
Pigment Yellow 138 широко используется в покрытиях, пластмассах, чернилах и текстильных отраслях.

Нетоксичная природа Pigment Yellow 138 делает его безопасным для использования в применениях, связанных с материалами, контактирующими с пищевыми продуктами и детскими изделиями.
Pigment Yellow 138 обеспечивает отличную стойкость к погодным условиям, что делает его подходящим для наружных применений.
Pigment Yellow 138 известен своей легкостью диспергирования, что обеспечивает равномерную окраску в различных системах.

Яркий желтый оттенок Pigment Yellow 138 делает его предпочтительным выбором при создании ярких и насыщенных продуктов.
Pigment Yellow 138 является важным предшественником при создании высокоэффективных покрытий и чернил.
Pigment Yellow 138 необходим при производстве долговечных и ярких цветных продуктов.


Химическая формула: C22H6Cl4N4O2
Общее название: Pigment Yellow 138
Молекулярная структура: C22H6Cl4N4O2
Молекулярный вес: 505.11 г/моль
Внешний вид: Ярко-желтый порошок
Плотность: 1.5 г/см³
Температура плавления: >300°C
Температура кипения: Неприменимо (разлагается)
Растворимость: Нерастворим в воде
Светостойкость: Отличная
Термостойкость: Высокая
Непрозрачность: Высокая
Окрашивающая способность: Сильная
Устойчивость к погодным условиям: Отличная
Диспергирование: Легкое


При вдыхании Pigment Yellow 138 немедленно вывести пострадавшего на свежий воздух.
Если затрудненное дыхание сохраняется, обратиться за медицинской помощью.
При отсутствии дыхания провести искусственное дыхание.
Удерживать пострадавшего в тепле и покое.

Контакт с кожей:
Снять загрязненную одежду и обувь.
Тщательно промыть загрязненные участки кожи водой с мылом.
При развитии раздражения или сыпи обратиться за медицинской помощью.
Постирать загрязненную одежду перед повторным использованием.

Контакт с глазами:
Промывать глаза обильным количеством воды не менее 15 минут, приподнимая верхние и нижние веки.
При сохранении раздражения или покраснения обратиться за медицинской помощью.
Снять контактные линзы при их наличии и легкости снятия; продолжить промывание.

Не вызывать рвоту, если это не рекомендовано медицинским персоналом.
Тщательно промыть рот водой.
Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.
При сознании пострадавшего дать ему небольшие глотки воды.

Примечание для врачей:
Лечение симптоматическое.
Специфический антидот отсутствует.
Оказывать поддерживающую терапию.



Личная защита:
Носить соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ), включая химически стойкие перчатки, защитные очки или лицевой щиток и защитную одежду.
Использовать средства защиты органов дыхания при недостаточной вентиляции или превышении предельно допустимых концентраций.

Обеспечить достаточную вентиляцию рабочей зоны для контроля концентраций в воздухе ниже предельно допустимых.
Использовать местную вытяжную вентиляцию или другие инженерные меры для минимизации воздействия.

Избегать прямого контакта с кожей и вдыхания пыли.
Не есть, не пить и не курить при обращении с Pigment Yellow 138.
Тщательно мыть руки после работы.

Процедуры при утечке и разливе:
Использовать соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты.
Ограничить разливы для предотвращения дальнейшего распространения и минимизации воздействия.
Поглотить разливы инертными материалами (например, песком, вермикулитом) и собрать для утилизации.

Хранить Pigment Yellow 138 в прохладном, хорошо вентилируемом помещении вдали от несовместимых материалов (подробности см. в Паспорте безопасности).
Держать контейнеры плотно закрытыми, когда не используются, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение.
Хранить вдали от источников тепла, прямых солнечных лучей и источников возгорания.

Меры предосторожности при обращении:
Избегать образования пыли.
Заземлять и соединять контейнеры во время операций по переливу, чтобы предотвратить накопление статического электричества.
Использовать взрывозащищенное электрическое оборудование в зонах, где может быть пыль.


Хранить Pigment Yellow 138 при температурах, рекомендованных производителем.
Избегать воздействия экстремальных температур.

Использовать одобренные контейнеры, изготовленные из совместимых материалов.
Регулярно проверять контейнеры на наличие утечек или повреждений.

Хранить Pigment Yellow 138 вдали от несовместимых материалов, включая сильные кислоты, основания, окислители и восстановители.

Оборудование для обращения:
Использовать специальное оборудование для обращения с Pigment Yellow 138, чтобы избежать перекрестного загрязнения.
Убедиться, что все оборудование для обращения находится в хорошем состоянии.

Меры безопасности:
Ограничить доступ к зонам хранения.
Соблюдать все применимые местные нормы по хранению опасных материалов.

Аварийное реагирование:
Иметь в наличии оборудование и материалы для аварийного реагирования, включая материалы для очистки разливов, огнетушители и станции промывания глаз.

cas no 8006-64-2 Fir oil; Oil of turpentine; Pine oil; Turpentine; L-Turpentine;
Pine Oil 85% Pine oil 85% is an essential oil obtained by the steam distillation of stumps,[2] needles, twigs and cones[3] from a variety of species of pine, particularly Pinus sylvestris. As of 1995, synthetic Pine oil 85% was the "biggest single turpentine derivative."[4] Synthetic Pine oil 85%s accounted for 90% of sales as of 2000. In alternative medicine, it is said to be used in aromatherapy, as a scent in bath oils or more commonly as a cleaning product, and as a lubricant in small and expensive clockwork instruments. It may also be used varyingly as a disinfectant, sanitizer, microbicide (or microbistat), virucide or insecticide.[6] It is also used as an effective herbicide where its action is to modify the waxy cuticle of plants, resulting in desiccation.[7] Pine oil 85% is distinguished from other products from pine, such as turpentine, the low-boiling fraction from the distillation of pine sap, and rosin, the thick tar remaining after turpentine is distilled. Chemically, Pine oil 85% consists mainly of α-terpineol and other cyclic terpene alcohols.[1] It may also contain terpene hydrocarbons, ethers, and esters. The exact composition depends on various factors, such as the variety of pine from which it is produced and the parts of the tree used. Properties as a disinfectant Pine oil 85% is a disinfectant that is mildly antiseptic.[8] It is effective against Brevibacterium ammoniagenes, the fungi Candida albicans, Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Gram-negative enteric bacteria, household germs, Gram-negative household germs such as those causing salmonellosis, herpes simplex types 1 and 2, influenza type A, influenza virus type A/Brazil, influenza virus type A2/Japan, intestinal bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoniae, odor-causing bacteria, mold, mildew, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella choleraesuis, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella typhosa, Serratia marcescens, Shigella sonnei, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes.[6] It will kill the causative agents of typhoid, gastroenteritis (some agents), rabies, cholera, several forms of meningitis, whooping cough, gonorrhea and several types of dysentery.[9] It is not effective against spore related illnesses, such as tetanus or anthrax, or against non-enveloped viruses such as poliovirus, rhinovirus, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C.[9] Froth flotation Industrially, Pine oil 85% is used as a frother in mineral extraction from ores.[1] For example, in copper extraction Pine oil 85% is used to condition copper sulfide ores for froth flotation. Therefore, it is important in the industry for the froth flotation process. It has largely been replaced by synthetic alcohols and polyglycol ethers. Safety Pine oil 85% has a relatively low human toxicity level, a low corrosion level and limited persistence; however, it irritates the skin and mucous membranes and has been known to cause breathing problems.[8][10] Large doses may cause central nervous system depression. What You Need to Know About Pine oil 85% Essential oils are increasingly gaining mainstream popularity as possible alternatives to medications. These plant-derived ingredients are still being studied for their medicinal effects, and Pine oil 85% is no exception. Made from pine trees, Pine oil 85% offers numerous purported health benefits and is notable for its strong woody scent. While pine tree oil may offer some benefits, there’s also possible side effects to consider, just like with any other type of essential oil. Learn the pros and cons so that you can best decide whether pine tree essential oil is worth trying. What is Pine oil 85%? Pine oil 85% is a derivative of pine tree needles, which are known for their strong aroma. In fact, one sniff of Pine oil 85% might remind you of a Christmas tree. As with other essential oils, pine has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Pine scents and oil extracts are also abundant in everyday items. These include floor and furniture cleaners, as well as disinfectants and air fresheners. However, oil extracts are not the same as essential oils because they don’t carry the same medicinal-strength properties. Essential oils contain multiple chemical compounds that make them so powerful. As such, essential oils shouldn’t be ingested. Pine oil 85% uses and benefits Due to its aroma, Pine oil 85% is notable for its uplifting yet clearing scent. Because of this, Pine oil 85% can work as a room scent in a diffuser as well as in cleaning solutions. The internet is full of anecdotes and articles that claim Pine oil 85% can offer more health benefits than just a nice scent. However, most of these claims lack clinical evidence. Air fresheners and aromatherapy Pine oil 85% extracts are often used in air fresheners for homes, offices, and vehicles. Essential oils, on the other hand, may be used in aromatherapy to create an uplifting and invigorating atmosphere — not just a nice scent Inhaling oils like pine may also have clearing effects in the case of illnesses like the common cold. Skin antimicrobial Some proponents claim that Pine oil 85% may be used topically (applied to the skin) as an antimicrobial, similar to tea tree oil. In theory, the oil could be used for minor skin infections and burns. However, research indicates that Pine oil 85% doesn’t have much antimicrobial activity. Talk to a doctor before using Pine oil 85% for this purpose. Reduced inflammation Pine oil 85% is also touted as having anti-inflammatory effects. In theory, such effects could do two things: Ease symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. Alleviate pain from related health conditions, such as arthritis and muscle pain. However, more research is needed on this front. Other essential oils have in fact been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. These include: turmeric; ginger; frankincense; peppermint Odor: fresh, sweet-resinous, woody, turpentine, coniferous, balsamic Pine oil 85%'s production and use as a flavoring and in perfumery may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. Pine oil 85% is a component of essential oils. If released to air, an estimated vapor pressure of 3.3X10-2 mm Hg at 25 °C indicates Pine oil 85% will exist solely as a vapor in the atmosphere. Vapor-phase Pine oil 85% will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 2 hrs. Pine oil 85% does contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore may be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight. If released to soil, Pine oil 85% is expected to have slight mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 3,700. Volatilization from moist soil surfaces is expected to be an important fate process based upon an estimated Henry's Law constant of 2.4X10-3 atm-cu m/mole. However, adsorption to soil is expected to attenuate volatilization. Biodegradation data were not available. If released into water, Pine oil 85% is expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment based upon the estimated Koc. Volatilization from water surfaces is expected to be an important fate process based upon this compound's estimated Henry's Law constant. Estimated volatilization half-lives for a model river and model lake are 7.4 hrs and 6.5 days, respectively. However, volatilization from water surfaces is expected to be attenuated by adsorption to suspended solids and sediment in the water column. The estimated volatilization half-life from a model pond is 30 days if adsorption is considered. An estimated BCF of 260 suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is high. Hydrolysis is expected based on estimated second order hydrolysis half-lives of 231 and 23 days at pH values of 7 and 8, respectively. Occupational exposure to Pine oil 85% may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where Pine oil 85% is produced or used. Monitoring data indicate that the general population may be exposed to Pine oil 85% via inhalation, ingestion of food, and dermal contact with this compound and other consumer products containing Pine oil 85%. Side effects of Pine oil 85% When used in aromatherapy, essential oils can have effects on those who inhale them. However, some essential oils are toxic to pets or dangerous for pregnant women and children. It’s also possible to have skin reactions to these oils, including Pine oil 85%. Possible side effects include: redness; hives; itchiness; dry skin; swelling; peeling skin If you are allergic to pine trees, don’t use Pine oil 85%. While not considered common, some people are allergic to pine pollen. You might be allergic to Pine oil 85% if you develop allergy-like symptoms, such as sneezing or skin rashes. How to use Pine oil 85% Pine oil 85% can be used in a number of different ways, including inhalation and topical variations. Talk to a doctor about the following methods. Use a diffuser Diffusing is one of the most popular ways to use essential oils. You can make a quick, safe room scent by putting a few drops of Pine oil 85% into a diffuser filled with water. Once the device is turned on, the diffuser then releases cool steam. You can purchase a diffuser online. Inhale it If you don’t have a diffuser on hand, you may still reap the aromatic benefits of Pine oil 85% through inhalation. Simply pour a couple of drops on a tissue, and hold the tissue in front of your face while you inhale deeply through your nose. You can also try holding the bottle of essential oil underneath your nose. Apply it topically Pine oil 85% may be used topically, either through direct application or via a massage. It’s important to dilute Pine oil 85% with a carrier oil before applying directly to your skin. Add a tablespoon of almond, jojoba, or coconut oil to a few drops of Pine oil 85%. You can also use this combination for a patch test 24 hours beforehand to make sure you’re not sensitive to pine. Add some to your bath Essential oils can also be used in the bath. Add several drops of the essential oil to warm running water. Watch for slippery surfaces as you get in and out of the tub. Precautions Essential oils like pine are appealing because of their “natural” allure. However, these plant derivatives are powerful enough to mimic the effects of conventional medicine. This is why it’s always a good idea to talk to a doctor before using them, especially if you’re pregnant or have any preexisting health condition. The best way to reduce the risk of side effects is to take safety precautions before using Pine oil 85%: Don’t use essential oils near your eyes. Make sure to combine your essential oils with a carrier oil. Never take essential oils by mouth. Where to get Pine oil 85% Due to the popularity of essential oils, you can find Pine oil 85% in natural health stores, drugstores, and massage clinics. You can also choose from a variety of Pine oil 85% products online. The takeaway While you might know pine for its scent, a lot of medicinal claims are being made about its essential oil. Diffusing Pine oil 85% probably won’t cause any harm, but you should talk to your doctor before using it for any medical purpose. Stop using the oil right away if you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction. Pine oil 85%, essential oil consisting of a colourless to light amber liquid of characteristic odour obtained from pine trees, or a synthetic oil similar in aroma and other properties. Pine oil 85% is used as a solvent for gums, resins, and other substances. It has germicidal properties and is employed medically as a principal constituent of general disinfectants. It is also used in odorants, insecticides, detergents, wetting and emulsifying agents, wax preparations, and antifoaming agents and in textile scouring and the flotation process for refining lead and zinc ores. Pitch-soaked wood of the pine tree, principally Pinus palustris but also certain other species of the family Pinaceae, is subjected to steam distillation, solvent extraction followed by steam distillation, or destructive distillation to obtain the Pine oil 85%, which boils at 200°–220° C (390°–430° F). A variety of similar Pine oil 85% is obtained by distillation of cones and needles of various species of pines or by extraction from the stumps using solvents and steam. Synthetic Pine oil 85% is produced by conversion of terpene hydrocarbons into terpene alcohols. Chemically, Pine oil 85%s consist principally of cyclic terpene alcohols and are used in the manufacture of chemicals. Pine oil 85% is insoluble in water but dissolves in alcohol and other organic solvents. Pine oil has a fresh, woodsy aroma that is refreshing and empowering. When diffused it can help to ground and uplift mood and encourage feelings of positive energy. Pine oil 85%s are directly irritating to mucous membranes, producing erythema of the oropharynx, mouth, and skin. Pine oil 85%s and Turpentine Pine oil 85%s, derived by steam distillation of wood from pines, consist of a mixture of terpene alcohols. Pine oil 85%–based compounds may contain small amounts of phenol derivatives. The concentration of Pine oil 85% in disinfectant cleaners varies from 0.3% to 60%.18 Many “Pine oil 85%” cleaners marketed in the United States are pine scented but contain little or no actual Pine oil 85%, so it is important to check the label on pine-scented cleaners. Pine Sol, one of the most widely used Pine oil 85% cleaners, contains 8% to 12% Pine oil 85%, 3% to 7% alkyl alcohol ethoxylates, 1% to 5% isopropanol, and 1% to 5% sodium petroleum sulfonate in its “Original” formulation19; other cleaners branded as Pine Sol contain no Pine oil 85%. Turpentine is a hydrocarbon mixture of terpenes derived from Pine oil 85% rather than petroleum and is often applied as a paint thinner. The oral LD50 of Pine oil 85% ranges from 1 to 2.7 mL/kg BW. A substantially lower dose results in severe toxicosis.2 Pine oil 85% is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is metabolized by the liver to be excreted in urine as glucuronide conjugates. High concentrations of ingested Pine oil 85% are demonstrable in lung tissue, lending a characteristic pine or turpentine odor to the breath.18 As is true for phenolic compounds, cats are more susceptible than other species to Pine oil 85% toxicoses.20 Pine oil 85%s are directly irritating to mucous membranes, producing erythema of the oropharynx, mouth, and skin. Ocular exposure causes marked blepharospasm, epiphora, photosensitivity, and erythema of the conjunctiva and sclera.2 Ingestion results in nausea, hypersalivation, bloody vomiting, and abdominal pain. Systemic effects include weakness and CNS depression, ataxia, hypotension, and respiratory depression. Pulmonary toxicity is due to aspiration during ingestion or from emesis or may be due to chemical pneumonitis from absorption of the Pine oil 85% through the gastrointestinal tract with subsequent deposition in the lung.18 Myoglobinuria and acute renal failure may develop following massive ingestions. A cat that ingested 100 mL of undiluted Pine Sol had severe depression, ataxia, unresponsive pupils, and shock, and died within 12 hours. Pulmonary edema, acute centrilobular hepatic necrosis, and total renal cortical necrosis were present at necropsy examination. Prompt dilution with milk, egg white, or water should occur following ingestion of Pine oil 85% disinfectants. Because of rapid onset of depression and the danger of aspiration pneumonia, emesis is often contraindicated, and even gastric lavage with placement of a cuffed endotracheal tube poses risk. Dilution should be followed by the administration of activated charcoal and a saline or osmotic cathartic. Symptomatic and supportive care, consisting of maintenance of renal perfusion and acid-base and electrolyte balance, is crucial. Animals that have their dermis exposed should be bathed with soap and then rinsed with copious amounts of water as soon as feasible after the exposure. One of the other advantages of Pine oil 85% in an all purpose cleaner is that it can also function as a disinfecting ingredient, although it is not very broad spectrum (effective primarily against Gram-negative bacteria) and requires fairly high concentrations as compared to other disinfectants. Pine oil 85% acts as a dual purpose ingredient, participating in both cleaning and disinfecting. This is in contrast to quaternary ammonium surfactants, “quats” that do not participate in cleaning and can actually hamper it by interacting with anionic surfactants. Pine oil 85% consists of complex mixtures of monoterpene hydrocarbons (alpha, beta-pinene) and oxygenated monoterpenes (terpineol, borneol, bornyl acetate) [28]. Compared to other disinfectants, antimicrobial activity is relatively low. Concentrated formulations may contain over 50% Pine oil 85% with soap/anionic surfactant and alcohol to provide a blooming effect when diluted in water. End use concentrations of more than 0.5% are often required for disinfection. Quaternary ammonium compounds or phenolics may be combined with reduced levels of Pine oil 85% to improve disinfectant activity while retaining the characteristic pine scent. Pine oil 85% Disinfectants Toxicokinetics Pine oil 85% is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and metabolized, with glucuronide conjugation, in the liver. Inhalation, or systemic distribution, of absorbed Pine oil 85% to the lungs may cause chemical pneumonitis. Conjugates are excreted in the urine, although if a large amount has been ingested, there may be a pine or turpentine odor to the breath. The LD50 of Pine oil 85% is in the range 1–2.5 mL/kg BW. Cats, because of their limited capacity for glucuronidation, are particularly susceptible to toxicosis. Mode(s) of Action Pine oil 85% is directly irritating to mucous membranes, and is also a central nervous system (CNS) and respiratory depressant. Public Health Considerations Pine oil 85% poses the same risk to human beings, especially preschool children, as it does to domestic pets. Prevention Pine oil 85% and Pine oil 85%-based compounds should be stored out of reach of small children or pets, and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. Pine oil 85% is an essential oil obtained by the steam distillation of needles, twigs and comes from a variety of species of pine, particularly Pinus sylvestris. It has a strong piny odor and is miscible with alcohol. Pine oil 85% contains alpha-terpineol plus other cyclic terpene alcohols and terpene hydrocarbons. Use: Pine oil 85% is a derivative of turpentine obtained by steam distillation of the species Pinus. Pine oil 85% has a strong piny odor and is miscible with alcohol. Pine oil 85% contains alpha-terpineol plus other cyclic terpene alcohols and terpene hydrocarbons. Pine oil 85% is mainly applied in the production of household detergent, industrial cleaner, high quality ink and paint solvent owing to its pleasant pine smell, notable antimicrobial power and excellent solvency, low concentration ones can be used as foaming agent in ore floatation. Pine oil 85% is a phenolic disinfectant. It is generally effective against numerous bacterial strains and enveloped viruses. Pine oil 85% is not generally effective against non-enveloped viruses or spores. Pine oil 85% will kill the causative agents of typhoid, gastroenteritis, rabies, enteric fever, cholera, several forms of meningitis, whooping cough, gonorrhea and several types of dysentery. Pine oil 85% is also effective against several of the leading causes of food poisoning. Pine oil 85% is not effective against spore related illneses such as tetanus or anthrax or against non-enveloped viruses such as poliovirus, rhinovirus, hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Pine oil 85% disinfectants are relatively inexpensive and widely available. They have a relatively low human toxicity level. They also have a low corrosion level and limited persistence. Pine oil 85% is derived from the needles of the Pine Tree, commonly recognized as the traditional Christmas tree. The scent of Pine oil 85% is known for having a clarifying, uplifting, and invigorating effect. Used in aromatherapy applications, Pine oil 85% positively impacts the mood by clearing the mind of stresses, energizing the body to help eliminate fatigue, enhancing concentration, and promoting a positive outlook. Used topically, Pine oil 85% is reputed to soothe itchiness, inflammation, and dryness, control excessive perspiration, prevent fungal infections, protect minor abrasions from developing infections, slow the appearance of signs of aging, and enhance circulation. When applied to the hair, Pine oil 85% is reputed to cleanse, enhance the hair’s natural smoothness and shine, contribute moisture, and protect against dandruff as well as lice. Used medicinally, Pine oil 85% is reputed to support immune function, clear the respiratory tract, address symptoms of colds, coughs, sinusitis, asthma, and the flu, and facilitate the healing of infections. Used in massage applications, Pine oil 85% is known to soothe inflammation, soreness, aches, pain, and gout; to stimulate and enhance circulation; to facilitate the healing of scratches, cuts, wounds, and burns; to promote the regeneration of new skin; to reduce pain; to relieve muscle fatigue; to promote the body’s detoxification; to maintain the health and function of the urinary tract and the kidneys; and to regulate body weight. HISTORY OF Pine oil 85% USAGE The Pine tree is easily recognized as the “Christmas Tree,” but it is also commonly cultivated for its wood, which is rich in resin and is thus ideal for use as fuel, as well as for making a pitch, tar, and turpentine, substances that are traditionally used in construction and painting. In folk tales, the height of the Pine tree has led to its symbolic reputation as a tree that loves the sunlight and is always growing taller in order to catch the beams. This is a belief that is shared throughout many cultures, which also refer to it as “The Master of Light” and “The Torch Tree.” Accordingly, in the region of Corsica, it is burned as a spiritual offering so that it can emit a source of light. In some Native American tribes, the tree is called “The Watchman of the Sky.” In history, the Pine tree’s needles were used as filling for mattresses, as they were believed to have the ability to protect against fleas and lice. In ancient Egypt, pine kernels, better known as Pine Nuts, were used in culinary applications. The needles were also chewed to protect against scurvy. In ancient Greece, Pine was believed to have been used by physicians like Hippocrates to address respiratory ailments. For other applications, the tree’s bark was also used for its believed ability to reduce symptoms of colds, to calm inflammation and headaches, to soothe sores and infections, and to ease respiratory discomforts. Today, Pine oil 85% continues to be used for similar therapeutic benefits. It has also become a popular aroma in cosmetics, toiletries, soaps, and detergents. This article highlights the various other benefits, properties, and safe uses of Pine oil 85%. Pine oil 85% BENEFITS It is believed to have cleansing, stimulating, uplifting, and invigorating effects. When diffused, its purifying and clarifying properties are known to positively impact the mood by clearing the mind of stresses, energizing the body to help eliminate fatigue, enhancing concentration, and promoting a positive outlook. These qualities also make it beneficial for spiritual practices, such as meditation. Used topically, such as in cosmetics, the antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of Pine oil 85% are known to help soothe skin conditions characterized by itchiness, inflammation, and dryness, such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. These properties combined with its ability to help control excessive perspiration, may help prevent fungal infections, such as Athlete’s Foot. It is also known to effectively protect minor abrasions, such as cuts, scrapes, and bites, from developing infections. Its antioxidant properties make Pine oil 85% ideal for use in natural formulations intended to slow the appearance of signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots. Furthermore, its circulation-stimulating property promotes a warming effect. When applied to the hair, Pine oil 85% is reputed to exhibit an antimicrobial property that cleanses to remove bacteria as well as a build-up of excess oil, dead skin, and dirt. This helps prevent inflammation, itchiness, and infection, which in turn enhances the hair’s natural smoothness and shine. It contributes moisture to eliminate and protect against dandruff, and it nourishes to maintain the health of the scalp and strands. Pine oil 85% is also one of the oils known to protect against lice. Used medicinally, Pine oil 85% is reputed to exhibit antimicrobial properties that support immune function by eliminating harmful bacteria, both airborne and on the skin’s surface. By clearing the respiratory tract of phlegm and soothing other symptoms of colds, coughs, sinusitis, asthma, and the flu, its expectorant and decongestant properties promote easier breathing and facilitate the healing of infections. Used in massage applications, Pine oil 85% is known to soothe muscles and joints that may be afflicted with arthritis and rheumatism or other conditions characterized by inflammation, soreness, aches, and pain. By stimulating and enhancing circulation, it helps facilitate the healing of scratches, cuts, wounds, burns, and even scabies, as it promotes the regeneration of new skin and helps reduce pain. It is also reputed to help relieve muscle fatigue. Additionally, its diuretic properties help promote the body’s detoxification by encouraging the expulsion of pollutants and contaminants, such as excess water, urate crystals, salts, and fats. This helps maintain the health and function of the urinary tract and the kidneys. This effect also helps regulate body weight. As illustrated, Pine oil 85% is reputed to have many therapeutic properties. The following highlights its many benefits and the kinds of activity it is believed to show: COSMETIC: Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant, Deodorant, Energizing, Cleansing, Moisturizing, Refreshing, Soothing, Circulation-Stimulating, Smoothing ODOROUS: Calming, Clarifying, Deodorant, Energizing, Focus-Enhancing, Freshening, Insecticidal, Invigorating, Uplifting MEDICINAL: Antibacterial, Antiseptic, Anti-Fungal, Anti-Inflammatory, Antibacterial, Analgesic, Decongestant, Detoxifying, Diuretic, Energizing, Expectorant, Soothing, Stimulating, Immune-Enhancing Pine oil 85% USES By diffusing Pine oil 85%, whether on its own or in a blend, indoor environments benefit from the elimination of stale odors and harmful airborne bacteria, such as those that cause colds and the flu. To deodorize and freshen a room with the crisp, fresh, warm, and comforting aroma of Pine oil 85%, add 2-3 drops to a diffuser of choice and allow the diffuser to run for no more than 1 hour. This helps to reduce or clear nasal/sinus congestion. Alternatively, it may be blended with other essential oils that have woody, resinous, herbaceous, and citrusy aromas. In particular, Pine oil 85% blends well with the oils of Bergamot, Cedarwood, Citronella, Clary Sage, Coriander, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Myrrh, Niaouli, Neroli, Peppermint, Ravensara, Rosemary, Sage, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Tea Tree, and Thyme. To create a Pine oil 85% room spray, simply dilute Pine oil 85% in a glass spray bottle filled with water. This can be sprayed around the house, in the car, or in any other indoor environment in which a considerable amount of time is spent. These simple diffuser methods are reputed to help purify indoor environments, promote mental alertness, clarity, and positivity, and to enhance energy as well as productivity. This makes Pine oil 85% ideal for diffusion during tasks that require increased focus and awareness, such as work or school projects, religious or spiritual practices, and driving. Diffusing Pine oil 85% also helps soothe coughing, whether it is linked to a cold or to excessive smoking. It is also believed to ease symptoms of hangovers. Massage blends enriched with Pine oil 85% are also reputed to have the same effects on the mind, helping to promote clarity, ease mental stresses, strengthen attentiveness, and improve memory. For a simple massage blend, dilute 4 drops of Pine oil 85% in 30 ml (1 oz.) of a body lotion or a carrier oil, then massage it into areas affected with tightness or soreness caused by physical exertion, such as exercise or outdoor activities. This is gentle enough for use on sensitive skin and is believed to soothe aching muscles as well as minor skin ailments, such as itching, pimples, eczema, psoriasis, sores, scabies. In addition, it is also reputed to soothe gout, arthritis, injuries, exhaustion, inflammation, and congestion. To use this recipe as a natural vapor rub blend that promotes easier breathing and soothes a sore throat, massage it into the neck, chest, and upper back to help reduce congestion and comfort the respiratory tract. For a hydrating, cleansing, clarifying, and soothing facial serum, dilute 1-3 drops of Pine oil 85% in 1 teaspoon of a lightweight carrier oil, such as Almond or Jojoba. This blend is reputed to have purifying, smoothing, and firming qualities. Its antioxidant properties are reputed to result in skin that feels smoother, suppler, balanced, and younger, while its analgesic properties are reputed to reduce pain and swelling. For a balancing and detoxifying bath blend that is also reputed to enhance energy as well as metabolic function and speed, dilute 5-10 drops of Pine oil 85% in 30 ml (1 oz.) of a carrier oil and add it to a bathtub filled with warm water. This helps to eliminate infection-causing bacteria and viruses that may be on the skin. To enhance the health of the hair and the scalp by eliminating fungus-causing bacteria and by soothing itchiness, simply dilute 10-12 drops of Pine oil 85% in ½ cup of a regular shampoo that has minimal or no scent. This simple shampoo blend is believed to help get rid of lice. PINE SCOTCH OIL SIDE EFFECTS As with all other New Directions Aromatics products, Pine oil 85% is for external use only. It is imperative to consult a medical practitioner before using this oil for therapeutic purposes. Pregnant and nursing women are especially advised not to use Pine oil 85% without the medical advice of a physician, as it may have an effect on certain hormone secretions and it is unclear whether these effects are transferable to babies at these stages of development. The oil should always be stored in an area that is inaccessible to children, especially those under the age of 7. Those with the following health conditions are recommended to be advised by a physician: cancer, heart-related ailments, skin disorders, hypertension, or hormone-related ailments. Individuals that are taking prescription drugs, undergoing major surgery, or who are at a greater risk of experiencing strokes, heart attacks, or atherosclerosis are also advised to seek medical consultation prior to use. Prior to using Pine oil 85%, a skin test is recommended. This can be done by diluting 1 drop of the Essential Oil in 4 drops of a Carrier Oil and applying a dime-size amount of this blend to a small area of skin that is not sensitive. Pine oil 85% must never be used near the eyes, inner nose, and ears, or on any other particularly sensitive areas of skin. Potential side effects of Pine oil 85% include mild irritation of the respiratory tract. Pine oil 85% is an essential oil obtained by the steam distillation of stumps,[2] needles, twigs and cones[3] from a variety of species of pine, particularly Pinus sylvestris. As of 1995, synthetic Pine oil 85% was the "biggest single turpentine derivative."[4] Synthetic Pine oil 85%s accounted for 90% of sales as of 2000. In alternative medicine, it is said to be used in aromatherapy, as a scent in bath oils or more commonly as a cleaning product, and as a lubricant in small and expensive clockwork instruments. It may also be used varyingly as a disinfectant, sanitizer, microbicide (or microbistat), virucide or insecticide.[6] It is also used as an effective herbicide where its
Pırasa Ekstraktı
Allium Porrum Extract; extract of the leek, allium porrum l., liliaceae; allium ampeloprasum var. porrum extract; extract of the leek, allium porrum l., liliaceae; leek extract cas no: 84650-15-7
Piroctone Olamine Piroctone olamine (INN; also known as piroctone ethanolamine; brand name Octopirox) is a compound sometimes used in the treatment of fungal infections.[1] Piroctone olamine is the ethanolamine salt of the hydroxamic acid derivative piroctone. Piroctone olamine is often used in anti-dandruff shampoo as a replacement for the commonly used compound zinc pyrithione. Piroctone olamine is structurally similar to ciclopirox and pyrithione, containing a substituted pyridine (pyridinone) group which inhibits ergosterol synthesis. Piroctone olamine is a preservative also used for its antifungal functions in anti-dandruff shampoos. It is forbidden in organic. Restriction in Europe: Maximum concentration in ready-to-use preparation Maximum content of secondary amine: 0.5% Other restrictions: - Do not use with nitrosating systems - Minimum purity: 99% - Maximum content of secondary amine: 0.5% (applies to raw materials) - Maximum nitrosamine content: 50 micrograms / kg - Keep in containers without nitrite If used as a conservator: The maximum concentration allowed in ready-to-use cosmetic preparations is: - 1.0% in the products to be rinsed - 0,5% in other products Its functions (INCI) Preservative : Inhibits the development of microorganisms in cosmetic products. Anti dandruff : Helps fight against dandruff Piroctone olamine is an active, dandruff-fighting ingredient used in some of our shampoos. How does it work? Piroctone olamine has anti-fungal properties that make it ideal for controlling the root cause of dandruff, a commonly occurring fungus called Malassezia globosa. The fungus occurs naturally on everyone’s scalp, but some people are sensitive to the chemicals it produces. The skin becomes irritated, and the body reacts by rapidly shedding skin to try and get rid of the irritant, causing flaking. Stopping this process is the key to stopping dandruff. We use piroctone olamine (PO) in our shampoos because it’s an effective active ingredient which targets not just the symptoms of dandruff, but its root cause – Malassezia globosa. Unlike some other dandruff actives you may have heard of, piroctone olamine has a special chemical structure that is easy to dissolve in our shampoo formula, which means that we can design the product to give your hair extra benefits like smoothness and softness. All this means that not only do you get the anti-dandruff properties you’d expect from Head & Shoulders shampoo, but hair that’s great looking and delightfully soft too. Piroctone Olamine, also known under the brand name ‘Octopirox’, is a compound that has a similar effect on dandruff as the well-known ingredient Ketoconazole. Studies on the effectiveness of Piroctone Olamine show that it also stimulates hair growth and helps against hereditary hair loss. Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis can cause hair loss and thinning hair. It is assumed that dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis are caused by the Malassezia globose, a single cell fungus on the skin that occurs only on the scalp. Often times, the problem will not go away on its own and requires continues treatment. PIROCTONE OLAMINE COMPARED WITH KETOCONAZOLE Ketoconazole and Piroctone Olamine were compared in a study with 150 men who suffer from hereditary hair loss and dandruff *. The 150 subjects used a shampoo with 1% Ketoconazole or 1% Piroctone Olamine, 2 to 3 times per week for six months. Both treatments show a reduction in itching and dandruff after 2 to 6 weeks. The effect of the treatments on various hair growth parameters is as follows (in percentages): The severity of hair loss decreases (Ketoconazole: -17.3%, Piroctone Olamine: -16.5%) The percentage of hairs in the anagen (growth) phase increases (Ketoconazole 4.9%, Piroctone Olamine: 7.9%) The effect on the hair diameter is increased (Ketoconazole 5.4%, Piroctone Olamine 7.7%). So the study shows that Piroctone Olamine scores better in a number of areas in comparison to Ketoconazole**: Compared to Ketoconazole, Piroctone Olamine ensures an increase in the number of hairs in the anagen (growth) phase by more than 10% in 33% of people. Piroctone Olamine gives 88% of the people thicker hair, despite hereditary hair loss, whereby this is 78% with Ketoconazole. The amount of people that experience a significant increase (more than 10%) of the hair diameter is 28% with Ketoconazole and as much as 34% with Piroctone Olamine (10% larger diameter means that the hair became 20% heavier). CONCLUSION The above results show that Piroctone Olamine works effectively against dandruff and itching and stimulates hair growth in multiple ways. Piroctone Olamine stimulates hair growth by decreasing hair loss, increasing the number of hairs in the growth phase and increasing the hair diameter. When compared to the well-known ingredient Ketoconazole, Piroctone Olamine has a similar effect on itch and dandruff and scores better when it comes to hair growth. * In this study, Zinc Pyrithione was included, which we will leave out of the picture seeing the minimal results that came forward. ** With the number of subjects that was used, it is not possible to significantly determine the differences between Ketoconazole and Piroctone Olamine statistically. Botanical / INCI Piroctone Olamine Extraction method Piroctone Olamine is a particular salt that is also known as Octopirox and Piroctone ethanolamine. It is a compound, which is often used to cure fungal infections. This salt is a hydroxamic acid derivative Piroctone. Suggested use One in every three persons suffers from a problem related to their hair. Whether it is dandruff, loss of hair, slow growth of hair or split ends, the masses are struggling to find a solution to their hair problems. And in this search for the solution, they often find themselves looking at different shampoos and conditioners to solve the problem. The issue is that most people end up selecting famous shampoos and conditioners, which may not necessarily be the most effective ones. The most effective are not usually the ones which are famous (as anything can become famous if it is marketed and advertised well), they are the ones that have the appropriate ingredients. Piroctone Olamine is the answer to that question. Benefits Shampoos, which have Piroctone Olamine as one of their ingredients, are known to eliminate dandruff. However, before we learn how they cure dandruff, we must know what causes dandruff in the first place. Dandruff is caused due to fungal growth, excess sebum secretion and local inflammations. Often all these together cause dandruff. Moreover, when the scalp’s skin renewal process is impaired, the excess dead cells form clumps on the head and seem like visible flakes to the eye, which are termed as dandruff. Excess sebum also acts as an ingredient for the growth of fungus on the scalp, which increases the acids on the scalp that cause irritation and itching. This leads to local inflammation, which enhances the growth of cells leading to the formation of flakes that seem like dandruff on the scalp. The reason why shampoos with Piroctone Olamine can reduce and eliminate dandruff is that Piroctone Olamine is known to kill the fungus or the fungal infections that irritate the scalp. Moreover, Piroctone Olamine is also well known for reducing hair loss and promoting the growth of hair. Due to these many benefits, Piroctone Olamine is considered a great ingredient in shampoos. Precaution However, just like excess of anything is bad, too much of Piroctone Olamine can be bad for the scalp too. This is precisely why shampoos with Piroctone Olamine have a very minor amount of it so that its side effects do not affect the scalp in any way. It should be kept in mind that shampoos with Piroctone Olamine should not be used more than twice a week, unlike other daily use shampoos that don’t have this ingredient. One of the biggest side effects of Piroctone Olamine is that it can cause irritation and itchiness on the head. So next time you go for shampoo shopping, take a look at shampoos with the right ingredients. Origin Piroctone Olamine is of petrochemical origin and helps treat dandruff. There is no natural alternative that comes close to being as effective as this. Solubility The solubility of Piroctone Olamine is greatly dependent on the pH. Generally speaking, its solubility in aqueous formulations is greater in the neutral and weakly alkaline ranges than in the acid range (formation of free acid). Piroctone Olamine does however have adequate solubility in the usual pH range (pH5 – 8) in commercial surfactant solutions and alcohol-water mixtures. The solubility of Piroctone Olamine in ethanol water mixtures at pH 7 and 20 °C is shown in figure 1. Piroctone olamine is used in combination with other substances as a part of shampoo effectively reduced the amount of dandruff and, at the same time, provided hair conditioning advantages. Recently was shown, that piroctone olamine could induce apoptosis and possessed a significant in vivo effect against myeloma. Never-ending dandruff making you feel less confident? This is a major concern faced by almost every other person. Dandruff weakens your scalp and leads to many other severe scalp issues. Therefore, it needs to be checked at the very beginning. But the question is, how? Piroctone Olamine [1] is a widely known compound used in many hair care products. In this article, we take a look at how piroctone olamine helps you get rid of dandruff. Read on to learn more. What Is Piroctone Olamine? Piroctone Olamine has a petrochemical origin. It is an ethanolamine [2] salt extracted from hydroxamic acid [3] derivative piroctone. Typically, piroctone olamine is an alternative to the commonly used compound zinc pyrithione [4]. Almost everyone faces hair related issues like dandruff, hair loss, slow hair growth, and split ends. Shampoos containing piroctone olamine are effective in treating various kinds of hair problems. Benefits Of Piroctone Olamine 1. Cures Dandruff Malassezia Globosa [5] is not a friendly fungus found in your scalp. It is the main reason behind scalp issues like dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis [6]. Your scalp becomes irritated and starts shedding tiny flakes. In severe cases, you will notice inflammation, redness, and extremely itchy patches. If you want to prevent your scalp from worsening, it’s essential to control the situation promptly. Piroctone Olamine has antifungal properties, which will help you control the spread of Malassezia globosa. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo containing piroctone olamine to fight dandruff. 2. Prevents Hair Loss Regardless of your gender and age, you may face hair fall, mostly caused due to dirt, dust, pollution, dandruff, excessive use of hair styling tools, etc. Dandruff makes your scalp itchy, which leads to constant scratching, redness, and hair follicle damage. Even though hair fall due to dandruff is not a significant concern but in people with androgenic alopecia [7] (a condition that leads to baldness), Piroctone Olamine is a proven cure for reducing hair fall. As it effectively works on dandruff and fungal infections, naturally, your hair loss decreases over time. 3. Boosts Hair Growth Piroctone Olamine encourages hair growth in many ways. It reduces hair fall and increases the hair diameter. It is often compared to Ketoconazole, which is a widely used ingredient for dandruff, but Piroctone Olamine provides better results for dandruff and fungal infections. Side Effects Of Piroctone Olamine EWG [9] (Environmental Working Group) has classified piroctone olamine as a non-toxic ingredient. However, anything is harmful when it is overused, and the same goes for piroctone olamine. This is why shampoos with piroctone olamine use a tiny proportion of it to keep any side effects at bay. Piroctone Olamine is generally safe even for pregnant women, but we suggest taking a gynecologist’s advice before using it. Wrapping Up Dandruff can be a real trouble maker and can cost you your precious locks. But piroctone olamine can be a solution for dandruff and other major hair problems. Now that you know the benefits of piroctone olamine, you can opt for hair care products that include it. SkinKraft Dry Scalp And Anti-Dandruff Shampoo contains piroctone olamine as an active ingredient to fight dandruff and provide intense moisturization. Abstract Dandruff is a chronic scalp disorder characterized by scaling and itching. A successful anti-dandruff shampoo not only has to provide superior anti-dandruff relief to ensure patient compliance. It also needs to offer excellent cosmetic and hair conditioning benefits at the same time. In this study, the efficacy of a shampoo containing 0.5% piroctone olamine and 0.45% climbazole (shampoo 1) was compared with a widely available commercial shampoo containing 1% zinc pyrithione (shampoo 2). In vitro studies investigating the anti-mycotic efficacy of a combination of 0.5% piroctone olamine and 0.45% climbazole as well as 1% zinc pyrithione were performed. To study substantivity, pig skin punches were used as a model system and a test of wet combability was performed to characterize combing ease. In vivo home-in-use studies were carried out to determine the efficacy of both shampoos to improve scalp condition and reduce itching in subjects suffering from moderate to severe dandruff. Results demonstrated a comparable anti-fungal effectiveness for 0.5% piroctone olamine plus 0.45% climbazole and 1% zinc pyrithione, respectively. Shampoo 1 showed a significantly higher anti-mycotics substantivity compared to shampoo 2. After treatment with shampoo 1, the wet combing force was significantly reduced compared with shampoo 2, suggesting a better combability following the use of shampoo 1. In an in vivo split head design study, shampoo 1 was shown to be equally effective in reducing the amount of dandruff on the scalp compared with shampoo 2. The approval rate of volunteers regarding the question 'The use of this shampoo decreases the itching of my scalp?' after a 4-week treatment with shampoo 1 equaled 90%. Overall, the shampoo formulation with 0.5% piroctone olamine and 0.45% climbazole effectively reduces the amount of dandruff and, at the same time, provides hair conditioning advantages. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of piroctone olamine, an antidandruff active, on reproductive performance, fertility, parturition, and neonatal viability and growth. Piroctone olamine was administered orally by gavage to three groups of 35 male Sprague-Dawley rats each beginning 64 days prior to mating and continuing until euthanized and to three groups of 35 female Sprague-Dawley rats each beginning 14 days prior to mating and continuing until euthanized. Animals in the treated groups received piroctone olamine in a combination of 1.0% methylcellulose and polyethylene glycol 400 as a single daily dose at levels of 0, 10, 100, and 250 mg/kg/day, at a volume of 2.5 ml/kg. The control group received the vehicle only. Ten randomly selected females/group were mated and underwent a uterine examination on Gestation Day 13; the remaining females were allowed to deliver. Because earlier studies reported hematological effects, blood samples were collected from all parental animals during acclimation and prior to euthanasia for hematological and blood chemistry (Gestation Day 13 females) characterization. The parental animals were necropsied and tissues were grossly examined. Systemic effects induced by the test article were seen at the mid- and high-dose levels but only among the male rats. These effects were reduced body weight and decreased liver weights. Hematological findings representative of anemia occurred at the high-dose level, as did rales in several animals. Offspring growth was inhibited for the high-dose group as evidenced by significantly reduced mean weight values throughout lactation. The remaining parameters assessed, including mating ability and reproductive performance, were not affected by treatment at any dosage level tested. In summary, the no observable effect level of piroctone olamine with respect to systemic toxicity was considered to be 10 mg/kg/day. Neonatal growth was not affected at 100 mg/kg/day or less, and the no observable effect level with respect to reproductive parameters, including fertility, was 250 mg/kg/day. Piroctone Olamine is one of the more recent active ingredients found in dandruff shampoos. Designed to treat seborrheic dermatitis and dry scalp piroctone olamine is one of the most innovative areas of dandruff treatment on the market today. We’re consistently seeing some of the most exciting new shampoo formulations with this active ingredient – high-end cosmetic manufacturers and dermatologists alike. Some of our much-loved favorites use this active ingredient. It doesn’t quite pack the punch of ketoconzole or selenium sulfide, but it’s much gentler too. As an everyday shampoo, I find the ingredient to be first class. I constantly have a piroctone olamine shampoo on hand for those times I don’t have a bad breakout so I don’t have to use a harsher ingredient. Before looking at our favorite shampoos, in true Dandruff Deconstructed fashion, we’ll present the facts. So you can work out if it’s the ingredient for you. What Is Piroctone Olamine? Piroctone olamine is an ingredient found in dandruff shampoos and topical skin products. Also called piroctone ethanolamine and sold under the brand name “Octopirox”, piroctone olamine is an antifungal and antimicrobial compound used to treat fungal infections of the skin, including scalp infections that cause dandruff. Piroctone olamine often replaces the more commonly used zinc pyrithione in anti-dandruff shampoos. As an active ingredient, it may be present in creams, lotions, rinses and other products. It is also used as a preservative and a thickening agent in cosmetic products. When used as a preservative, piroctone olamine prevents the growth of germs in the product to extend its shelf life and ensure user safety. Where did it come from? Piroctone olamine has been used for around 40 years, first developed by Schwarzkopf-Henkel (a subsidiary of Hoechst AG*) for use in anti-dandruff shampoo in the late 1970s. All the initial clinical and safety studies were conducted by Hoechst AG, but this changed in the mid-1990s when other cosmetics companies began using the ingredient [1]. Piroctone olamine was first submitted for approval to the European Union and United States FDA in the 1980s [2]. The ingredient was first approved for addition to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) in 2008, after the FDA sought additional safety and effectiveness data in 2004 [3]. How Does Piroctone Olamine Work? It is thought that the malassezia fungus is responsible for seborrheic dermatitis. Piroctone olamine is an ethanolamine salt of piroctone, with a complex (and not fully understood) anti-fungal mechanism. One proposed mechanism of action is the formation of molecular complexes with iron, which may inhibit fungal cells from effectively utilising energy [4]. It is known to the particularly effective against Malassezia yeasts – and so has a role in the treatment of seb derm. How Effective Is Piroctone Olamine? Piroctone olamine, despite the recent upsurge in usage, has historically not been a hugely popular ingredient. So very few independent clinical studies have been performed. Its main advantage is that it’s well tolerated, and so can be used frequently to control mild dandruff, but this hasn’t been properly evaluated. Seb Derm Seb Derm is thought it be associated with a Malassezia yeast on the scalp, with anti-fungal shampoos used to reduce this growth. Very few high-quality clinical trials have been performed on the efficacy of piroctone olamine-based shampoos. In 2010, researchers at the cosmetic company Beiersdorf published data suggesting a piroctone olamine/climbazole combination shampoo was equally as effective at reducing dandruff compared to zinc pyrithione in 50 participants – although more research is required [5]. More positive results came from a study [6] that compared shampoos containing a combination of piroctone olamine and salicylic acid with coal tar shampoo. The piroctone olamine combination shampoo achieved the largest reduction in Malassezia over an eight-week period. Dry Scalp The 2010 Beiersdorf study found that the combined antifungal shampoo improved ‘wet combing’ on mannequins over a zinc pyrithione shampoo [5]. This easier combing is thought to reduce the need for frequent washing, but this is proposed and not proven. Where can I buy Piroctone Olamine Shampoos? Piroctone olamine is not regulated as a medicine, and so all formulations can be bought from supermarkets or pharmacies. The ingredient is permitted up to 1.0% in rinse-off cosmetics (e.g. shampoos) in both the EU and US. [Note: There’s no straightforward way to tell if a shampoo is utilizing the ingredient as a preservative or active ingredient – as the exact concentration isn’t required by regulators – and so you should always read the product description.] What Are the Possible Side Effects of Piroctone Olamine? Extensive safety studies have been performed on piroctone olamine for submission to various regulatory agencies. The largest human safety trial was conducted in France, and found that application of a 1.0% cream three times a day caused no adverse effects or sensitivity over a four-week period. The FDA review of safety data in 2004, noted that no significant health effects have been observed in use since the 1970s [1] The Seven Best Piroctone Olamine Shampoos There have been some outstanding Piroctone Olamine treatments released this past few years. More than any other active ingredient I can think of. The top 3 of the following shampoos would make my top ten dandruff shampoos with any active ingredient. All three would potentially make my top five! Piroctone olamine, also known as piroctone ethanolamine, is a compound sometimes used in the treatment of fungal infections. Piroctone olamine is the ethanolamine salt of the hydroxamic acid derivative piroctone. It is often used in anti-dandruff shampoo as a replacement for the commonly used compound zinc pyrithione. Piroctone olamine is an effective, practically nontoxic antidandruff active ingredient. It is particularly suitable for the manufacture of antidandruff shampoos and hair care products such as hair tonics and cream rinses with an antidandruff action.
4,4,5,5-TETRAMETHYL-1,3,2-DIOXABOROLANE; PINACOLBORANE; Pinacolboronane; 4,4,5,5-TETRAMETHYL-1,3,2-DIOXABOROLANE, 1M SOLUTION IN TETRAHYDROFURAN; 1,3,2-Dioxaborolane, 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-; 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolane solution; Pinacolborane (PINB); 4,4,5,5-TETRAMETHYL-1,3,2-DIOXA-&; 4,4,5,5-Tetramethyl-1,3-dioxa-2$l^{2}-boracyclopentane; 4,4,5,5-Tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborole; 4,4,5,5-Tetramethyl-1,3-dioxa-2-boracyclopentane CAS NO:25015-63-8
Pinane Hydroperoxide
cas no 85-44-9 1,3-Isobenzofuranidone; 1,3-Dioxophthalan; Phthalandione; 1,3 Phthalandione; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid anhydride; Phthalic acid anhydride; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic anhydride; 1,3-dihydro-1,3-dioxoisobenzofuran;
SYNONYMS:Pioglitazone hydrochloride;5-[4-[2-(5-Ethyl-2-pyridinyl) ethoxy] benzyl] thiazolidine-2,4-dione, Hydrochloride; Actos; 5-(p-(2-(5-Ethyl-2-pyridyl)ethoxy)benzyl)-2,4-thiazolidinedione monohydrochloride; Other CAS RN: 105355-27-9; 198077-89-3; 5-[[4-[2-(5-Ethyl-2-pyridinyl)ethoxy]phenyl]methyl]-2,4-thiazolidinedione monohydrochloride, Pioglitazone hydrochloride cas no:111025-46-8 (Base) 112529-15-4 (HCl)
piper aurantiacum
extract of the fruit of piper aurantiacum, piperaceae; piper wallichii fruit extract CAS NO:84929-41-9
SYNONYMS Diethylenediamine; Diethyleneimine; Dispermine;Antiren; Hexahydropyrazine; Piperazidine; Pipersol; Pyrazine hexahydride; Uvilon; 1,4-Diazacyclohexane; 1,4-Piperazine; 1,4-Diethylenediamine; Piperazin (German); N,N-Diethylenediamine; Hexahydro-1,4-diazine; Piperazidine; Pyrazine hexahydrate; Piperazin CAS NO: 110-85-0
Pirinç Ekstraktı
Oryza Sativa Extract; extract of the grains of the rice, oryza sativa l., poaceae;lipoplastidine oryza furfur (Vevy); extrapone rice (Symrise); rice extract cas no:90106-37-9
Pirinç Kepeği Vaks
RICE BRAN WAX ; rice bran wax; waxes and waxy substances from rice bran; rice wax; oryza sativa bran wax; florabeads; naturebead CAS NO:8016-60-2
pizza flavor
Plankton Extract
PLANKTON EXTRACT;Plankton, marine, ext.;Marine plankton extract CAS: 91079-57-1
Plantago lanceolata
plantago lanceolata leaf extract; extract of the leaves of the english plantain, plantago lanceolata l., plantaginaceae; plantago sinuata leaf extract; english plantain leaf extract; plantain plantago lanceolata extract; ribwort leaf extract; ribwort plantain leaf extract CAS NO:85085-64-9
PLURONIC FT L 61 PLURONIC FT L 61s are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene (poly(propylene oxide)) flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene (poly(ethylene oxide)). The word PLURONIC FT L 61 was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for these materials in 1973.PLURONIC FT L 61s are also known by the trade names Synperonics, PLURONIC FT L 61, and Kolliphor. PLURONIC FT L 61 comes in many different forms and grades, including PLURONIC FT L 61 188 Surfactant, PLURONIC FT L 61 182, PLURONIC FT L 61 407 NF, 124 Grade, 338 NF, and more. Spectrum Chemical has exactly the form and grade of PLURONIC FT L 61 for your lab needs. PLURONIC FT L 61 is a nonionic triblock copolymer. It is made up of a main hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene bordered on each side by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene. Because the lengths of the polymer blocks can be customized, many different PLURONIC FT L 61s exist that have slightly different properties. For the generic term PLURONIC FT L 61, these copolymers are commonly named with the letter P (for PLURONIC FT L 61) followed by three digits: the first two digits multiplied by 100 give the approximate molecular mass of the polyoxypropylene core, and the last digit multiplied by 10 gives the percentage polyoxyethylene content (e.g. P407 = PLURONIC FT L 61 with a polyoxypropylene molecular mass of 4000 g/mo} PLURONIC FT L 61 and a 70% polyoxyethylene content). For the PLURONIC FT L 61 and Synperonic tradenames, coding of these copolymers starts with a letter to define PLURONIC FT L 61’s physical form at room temperature (L = liquid, P = paste, F = flake (solid)) followed by two or three digits, The first digit (two digits in a three-digit number) in the numerical designation, multiplied by 300, indicates the approximate molecular weight of the hydrophobe; and the last digit x 10 gives the percentage polyoxyethylene content (e.g., L61 indicates a polyoxypropylene molecular mass of 1800 g/mol and a 10% polyoxyethylene content). In the example given, PLURONIC FT L 61 181 (P181) = PLURONIC FT L 61 L61 and Synperonic PE/L 61. Work led by Kabanov has recently shown that some of these polymers, originally thought to be inert carrier molecules, have a very real effect on biological systems independently of the drug they are transporting. The PLURONIC FT L 61s have been shown to incorporate into cellular membranes affecting the microviscosity of the membranes. The polymers seem to have the greatest effect when absorbed by the cell as an unimer rather than as a micelle. ). PLURONIC FT L 61 comes in many different forms and grades, including PLURONIC FT L 61 188 Surfactant, PLURONIC FT L 61 182, PLURONIC FT L 61 407 NF, 124 Grade, 338 NF, and more. Spectrum Chemical has exactly the form and grade of PLURONIC FT L 61 for your lab needs. PLURONIC FT L 61 is a nonionic triblock copolymer. It is made up of a main hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene bordered on each side by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene. PLURONIC FT L 61s are nonionic compounds that contains a large group of copolymers surfactants formed by chains of ethylene oxide block (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) (OEx–POy–OEx). PLURONIC FT L 61s are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene (poly(propylene oxide)) flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene (poly(ethylene oxide)). The word PLURONIC FT L 61 was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for these materials in 1973.PLURONIC FT L 61s are also known by the trade names Synperonics, PLURONIC FT L 61, and Kolliphor. PLURONIC FT L 61s have been shown to preferentially target cancer cells, due to differences in the membrane of these cells when compared to noncancer cells. PLURONIC FT L 61s have also been shown to inhibit MDR proteins and other drug efflux transporters on the surface of cancer cells; the MDR proteins are responsible for the efflux of drugs from the cells and hence increase the susceptibility of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents such as doxorubicin. PLURONIC FT L 61s are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene (poly(propylene oxide)) flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene (poly(ethylene oxide)). The word PLURONIC FT L 61 was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for these materials in 1973.PLURONIC FT L 61s are also known by the trade names Synperonics, PLURONIC FT L 61, and Kolliphor. The PLURONIC FT L 61s have also been shown to enhance proto-apoptotic signaling, decrease anti-apoptoic defense in MDR cells, inhibit the glutathione/glutathione S-transferase detoxification system, induce the release of cytochrome C, increase reactive oxygen species in the cytoplasm, and abolish drug sequestering within cytoplasmic vesicles. An important characteristic of PLURONIC FT L 61 solutions is their temperature dependent self-assembling and thermo-gelling behavior. Concentrated aqueous solutions of PLURONIC FT L 61s are PLURONIC FT L 61s and poloxamines are also known as macromolecules, respectively. PLURONIC FT L 61s are a family of more than 50 different amphiphilic nonionic block polymers of hydrophobic propylene oxide (PO) and hydrophilic ethylene oxide (EO), covering a range of liquids, pastes and solids. PLURONIC FT L 61s consist of a central polyoxypropylene (POP) molecule, which is flanked on both sides by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene (POE). A slightly different structure is exhibited by the poloxamines, which are tetrafunctional block copolymers with four POE–POP blocks joined together by a central ethylene diamine bridgeliquid at low temperature and form a gel at higher temperature in a reversible process. The transitions that occur in PLURONIC FT L 61s depend on the polymer composition (molecular weight and hydrophilic/hydrophobic molar ratio). In recent years these hydrogels have been used as carriers for most routes of administration, the most interesting are discussed below. PLURONIC FT L 61s are polymers used for drug delivery as formulation excipients. Assessment of PLURONIC FT L 61s PLURONIC FT L 61 101, PLURONIC FT L 61 105, PLURONIC FT L 61 108, PLURONIC FT L 61 122, PLURONIC FT L 61 123, PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 181, PLURONIC FT L 61 182, PLURONIC FT L 61 183, PLURONIC FT L 61 184, PLURONIC FT L 61 185, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 212, PLURONIC FT L 61 215, PLURONIC FT L 61 217, PLURONIC FT L 61 231, PLURONIC FT L 61 234, PLURONIC FT L 61 235, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 238, PLURONIC FT L 61 282, PLURONIC FT L 61 284, PLURONIC FT L 61 288, PLURONIC FT L 61 331, PLURONIC FT L 61 333, PLURONIC FT L 61 334, PLURONIC FT L 61 335, PLURONIC FT L 61 338, PLURONIC FT L 61 401, PLURONIC FT L 61 402, PLURONIC FT L 61 403, and PLURONIC FT L 61 407, PLURONIC FT L 61 105 Benzoate, and PLURONIC FT L 61 182 Dibenzoate as Used in Cosmetics. PLURONIC FT L 61s are used in pharmaceutical formulations as surfactants, emulsifying agents, solubilizing agent, dispersing agents, and as in vivo absorbance enhancers. PLURONIC FT L 61s are also used in topical dosage forms and rectal suppositories. The common available grades are PLURONIC FT L 61 PLURONIC FT L 61 68, PLURONIC FT L 61 88, PLURONIC FT L 61 98, PLURONIC FT L 61 108, PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 338, and PLURONIC FT L 61 407. PLURONIC FT L 61 comes in many different forms and grades, including PLURONIC FT L 61 188 Surfactant, PLURONIC FT L 61 182, PLURONIC FT L 61 407 NF, 124 Grade, 338 NF, and more. Spectrum Chemical has exactly the form and grade of PLURONIC FT L 61 for your lab needs. PLURONIC FT L 61 is a nonionic triblock copolymer. It is made up of a main hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene bordered on each side by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene. The phase transitions can also be largely influenced by the use of additives such as salts and alcohols. The interactions with salts are related to their ability to act as water structure makers (salting-out) or water structure breakers (salting-in). Salting-out salts increase the self-hydration of water through hydrogen bonding and reduce the hydration of the copolymers, thus reducing the critical micelle temperature and critical micelle concentration. Salting-in electrolytes reduce the water self-hydration and increase the polymer hydration, therefore increasing the critical micelle temperature and critical micelle concentration. The different salts have been categorized by the Hofmeister series according to their ‘salting-out’ power. PLURONIC FT L 61s are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene (poly(propylene oxide)) flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene (poly(ethylene oxide)). The word PLURONIC FT L 61 was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for these materials in 1973.PLURONIC FT L 61s are also known by the trade names Synperonics, PLURONIC FT L 61, and Kolliphor. PLURONIC FT L 61s and poloxamines are also known as macromolecules, respectively. PLURONIC FT L 61s are a family of more than 50 different amphiphilic nonionic block polymers of hydrophobic propylene oxide (PO) and hydrophilic ethylene oxide (EO), covering a range of liquids, pastes and solids. PLURONIC FT L 61s consist of a central polyoxypropylene (POP) molecule, which is flanked on both sides by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene (POE). A slightly different structure is exhibited by the poloxamines, which are tetrafunctional block copolymers with four POE–POP blocks joined together by a central ethylene diamine bridgeliquid at low temperature and form a gel at higher temperature in a reversible process. The transitions that occur in PLURONIC FT L 61s depend on the polymer composition (molecular weight and hydrophilic/hydrophobic molar ratio). In recent years these hydrogels have been used as carriers for most routes of administration, the most interesting are discussed below. Different phase diagrams characterizing all these transitions have been constructed for most PLURONIC FT L 61s using a great variety of experimental techniques (e.g. SAXS, PLURONIC FT L 61s (PLURONIC FT L 61 101, PLURONIC FT L 61 105, PLURONIC FT L 61 108, PLURONIC FT L 61 122, PLURONIC FT L 61 123, PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 181, PLURONIC FT L 61 182, PLURONIC FT L 61 183, PLURONIC FT L 61 184, PLURONIC FT L 61 185, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 212, PLURONIC FT L 61 215, PLURONIC FT L 61 217, PLURONIC FT L 61 231, PLURONIC FT L 61 234, PLURONIC FT L 61 235, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 238, PLURONIC FT L 61 282, PLURONIC FT L 61 284, PLURONIC FT L 61 288, PLURONIC FT L 61 331, PLURONIC FT L 61 333, PLURONIC FT L 61 334, PLURONIC FT L 61 335, PLURONIC FT L 61 338, PLURONIC FT L 61 401, PLURONIC FT L 61 402, PLURONIC FT L 61 403, PLURONIC FT L 61 407, PLURONIC FT L 61 105 Benzoate, PLURONIC FT L 61 182 Dibenzoate) are polymers made of a block of polyoxyethylene, followed by a block of polyoxypropylene, followed by a block of polyoxyethylene. The average number of units of polyoxyethylene and polyoxypropylene varies based on the number associated with the polymer . For example, the smallest polymer, PLURONIC FT L 61 101, consists of a block with an average of 2 units of polyoxyethylene, a block with an average of 16 units of polyoxypropylene, followed by a block with an average of 2 units of polyoxyethylene. PLURONIC FT L 61s range from colorless liquids and pastes to white solids. In cosmetics and personal care products, PLURONIC FT L 61s are used in the formulation of skin cleansers, bath products, shampoos, hair conditioners, mouthwashes, eye makeup remover and other skin and hair products. PLURONIC FT L 61s help to form emulsions by reducing the surface tension of the substances to be emulsified and help other ingredients to dissolve in a solvent in which they would not normally dissolve. They also clean the skin and hair by helping water to mix with oil and dirt so that they can be rinsed away. PLURONIC FT L 61 188 kills microorganisms, or prevents or inhibits their growth and reproduction. PLURONIC FT L 61 182 Dibenzoate acts as a lubricant on the skin's surface, which gives the skin a soft and smooth appearance.Differential scanning calorimetry, viscosity measurements, light scattering). PLURONIC FT L 61s are triblock copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) available in different molecular weights and PPO/PEO ratios. The presence of PEO and PPO blocks in a single polymer chain gives rise to essentially amphiphilic molecules whose self-assembling properties display a wide range of phase behavior. This ability to form micelles and liquid-crystalline phases is strongly temperature dependent since increasing the temperature allows self-association which decreases the critical micelle concentration (CMC). PLURONIC FT L 61s are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene. The word ‘PLURONIC FT L 61’ was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for PLURONIC FT L 61s in 1973. PLURONIC FT L 61s are also known by their trade name PLURONIC FT L 61s. Concentrated PLURONIC FT L 61 solutions in water undergo thermoreversible sol–gel transition by the micellar mechanism.115 Thermosensitive sol–gels of the commercial PLURONIC FT L 61 407 have been suggested for use in short-term treatments such as pain management, infection treatment, fertility control, and in topical drug delivery. Solutions of PLURONIC FT L 61 407 (∼25%) are viscous liquids below 25 °C; at body temperature PLURONIC FT L 61s form a semisolid gel. Weak mechanic strength, relatively high solubility in body fluids, and nonbiodegradability are the main hurdles for the use of PLURONIC FT L 61 407 in cell delivery systems. Introduction of the carbonate linkage between PLURONIC FT L 61 ‘blocks’ and linking of PLURONIC FT L 61s into structures of a higher molecular mass118 PLURONIC FT L 61 were attempted to overcome these disadvantages. PLURONIC FT L 61 is an amphiphilic block copolymer, consisting of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethyelene oxide) triblock copolymer (PEO-PPO-PEO). PLURONIC FT L 61s and poloxamine nonionic surfactants have diverse applications in various biomedical fields ranging from drug delivery and medical imaging to management of vascular diseases and disorders. Another important property of PLURONIC FT L 61s is their thermogelling behaviour: in fact, water dispersions of some of these polymers are generally in the liquid phase at low temperatures but become a strong gel at increased temperatures. Certain PLURONIC FT L 61s such as P85 have been shown not only to be able to transport target genes to target cells, but also to increase gene expression. Certain PLURONIC FT L 61s, such as P85 and L61, have also been shown to stimulate transcription of NF kappaB genes, although the mechanism by which this is achieved is currently unknown, bar that P85 has been shown to induce phosphorylation of the inhibitory kappa. An important characteristic of PLURONIC FT L 61 solutions is their temperature dependent self-assembling and thermo-gelling behavior. Concentrated aqueous solutions of PLURONIC FT L 61s are liquid at low temperature and form a gel at higher temperature in a reversible process. The transitions that occur in these systems depend on the polymer composition (molecular weight and hydrophilic/hydrophobic molar ratio). The phase transitions can also be largely influenced by the use of additives such as salts and alcohols. The interactions with salts are related to their ability to act as water structure makers (salting-out) or water structure breakers (salting-in). Salting-out salts increase the self-hydration of water through hydrogen bonding and reduce the hydration of the copolymers, thus reducing the critical micelle temperature and critical micelle concentration. Salting-in electrolytes reduce the water self-hydration and increase the polymer hydration, therefore increasing the critical micelle temperature and critical micelle concentration. The different salts have been categorized by the Hofmeister series according to their ‘salting-out’ power. Different phase diagrams characterizing all these transitions have been constructed for most PLURONIC FT L 61s using a great variety of experimental techniques. In recent years these hydrogels have been used as carriers for most routes of administration, the most interesting are discussed below. PLURONIC FT L 61s are polymers used for drug delivery as formulation excipients. PLURONIC FT L 61s are used in pharmaceutical formulations as surfactants, emulsifying agents, solubilizing agent, dispersing agents, and as in vivo absorbance enhancers. PLURONIC FT L 61s are also used in topical dosage forms and rectal suppositories. The common available grades are PLURONIC FT L 61 PLURONIC FT L 61 68, PLURONIC FT L 61 88, PLURONIC FT L 61 98, PLURONIC FT L 61 108, PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 338, and PLURONIC FT L 61 407. PLURONIC FT L 61s help to form emulsions by reducing the surface tension of the substances to be emulsified and help other ingredients to dissolve in a solvent in which they would not normally dissolve. PLURONIC FT L 61s also clean the skin and hair by helping water to mix with oil and dirt so that PLURONIC FT L 61s can be rinsed away. PLURONIC FT L 61 188 kills microorganisms, or prevents or inhibits their growth and reproduction. PLURONIC FT L 61 182 Dibenzoate acts as a lubricant on the skin's surface, which gives the skin a soft and smooth appearance. PLURONIC FT L 61s are polyoxyethlyene, polyoxypropylene block polymers. The impurities of commercial grade PLURONIC FT L 61 188, as an example, include low-molecular-weight substances (aldehydes and both formic and acetic acids), as well as 1,4-dioxane and residual ethylene oxide and propylene oxide. Most PLURONIC FT L 61s function in cosmetics as surfactants, emulsifying agents, cleansing agents, and/or solubilizing agents, and are used in 141 cosmetic products at concentrations from 0.005% to 20%. PLURONIC FT L 61s injected intravenously in animals are rapidly excreted in the urine, with some accumulation in lung, liver, brain, and kidney tissue. In humans, the plasma concentration of PLURONIC FT L 61 188 (given intravenously) reached a maximum at 1 h, then reached a steady state. PLURONIC FT L 61s are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene. The word ‘PLURONIC FT L 61’ was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for PLURONIC FT L 61s in 1973. PLURONIC FT L 61s are also known by their trade name PLURONIC FT L 61s. Concentrated PLURONIC FT L 61 solutions in water undergo thermoreversible sol–gel transition by the micellar mechanism.115 Thermosensitive sol–gels of the commercial PLURONIC FT L 61 407 have been suggested for use in short-term treatments such as pain management, infection treatment, fertility control, and in topical drug delivery. Solutions of PLURONIC FT L 61 407 (∼25%) are viscous liquids below 25 °C; at body temperature PLURONIC FT L 61s form a semisolid gel. Weak mechanic strength, relatively high solubility in body fluids, and nonbiodegradability are the main hurdles for the use of PLURONIC FT L 61 407 in cell delivery systems. Introduction of the carbonate linkage between PLURONIC FT L 61 ‘blocks’ and linking of PLURONIC FT L 61s into structures of a higher molecular mass118 PLURONIC FT L 61 were attempted to overcome these disadvantages. PLURONIC FT L 61s (PLURONIC FT L 61 101, PLURONIC FT L 61 105, PLURONIC FT L 61 108, PLURONIC FT L 61 122, PLURONIC FT L 61 123, PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 181, PLURONIC FT L 61 182, PLURONIC FT L 61 183, PLURONIC FT L 61 184, PLURONIC FT L 61 185, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 212, PLURONIC FT L 61 215, PLURONIC FT L 61 217, PLURONIC FT L 61 231, PLURONIC FT L 61 234, PLURONIC FT L 61 235, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 238, PLURONIC FT L 61 282, PLURONIC FT L 61 284, PLURONIC FT L 61 288, PLURONIC FT L 61 331, PLURONIC FT L 61 333, PLURONIC FT L 61 334, PLURONIC FT L 61 335, PLURONIC FT L 61 338, PLURONIC FT L 61 401, PLURONIC FT L 61 402, PLURONIC FT L 61 403, PLURONIC FT L 61 407, PLURONIC FT L 61 105 Benzoate, PLURONIC FT L 61 182 Dibenzoate) are polymers made of a block of polyoxyethylene, followed by a block of polyoxypropylene, followed by a block of polyoxyethylene. The average number of units of polyoxyethylene and polyoxypropylene varies based on the number associated with the polymer . For example, the smallest polymer, PLURONIC FT L 61 101, consists of a block with an average of 2 units of polyoxyethylene, a block with an average of 16 units of polyoxypropylene, followed by a block with an average of 2 units of polyoxyethylene. PLURONIC FT L 61s range from colorless liquids and pastes to white solids. In cosmetics and personal care products, PLURONIC FT L 61s are used in the formulation of skin cleansers, bath products, shampoos, hair conditioners, mouthwashes, eye makeup remover and other skin and hair products.PLURONIC FT L 61 is an amphiphilic block copolymer, consisting of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethyelene oxide) triblock copolymer (PEO-PPO-PEO). Formulation and characterization of PLURONIC FT L 61 thermoreversible gel containing polymeric microparticles and hyaluronic acid. PLURONIC FT L 61s are triblock copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) available in different molecular weights and PPO/PEO ratios. PLURONIC FT L 61 is composed of triblock copolymers of polyethylene oxide (PEO)-polypropylene oxide (PPO)-polyethylene oxide (PEO). In recent years these hydrogels have been used as carriers for most routes of administration, the most interesting are discussed below. PLURONIC FT L 61s are polymers used for drug delivery as formulation excipients. PLURONIC FT L 61s are used in pharmaceutical formulations as surfactants, emulsifying agents, solubilizing agent, dispersing agents, and as in vivo absorbance enhancers. PLURONIC FT L 61s are also used in topical dosage forms and rectal suppositories. The common available grades are PLURONIC FT L 61 PLURONIC FT L 61 68, PLURONIC FT L 61 88, PLURONIC FT L 61 98, PLURONIC FT L 61 108, PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 338, and PLURONIC FT L 61 407. PLURONIC FT L 61 as a nonionic surfactant, the synthetic polymer has been previously used in drug delivery and medical imaging applications PLURONIC FT L 61 sol-gel reversible hydrogels have attracted the attention for practical biomedical and pharmaceutical applications because of constituents solubility, biocompatibility with biological systems and easy administration of pharmaceutical formulations. The pharmaceutical and biomedical fields covered by the use of PLURONIC FT L 61s including solubilization of hydrophobic drugs, controlled release, biomacromolecule delivery (e.g., proteins and genes) and tissue engineering. PLURONIC FT L 61s help to form emulsions by reducing the surface tension of the substances to be emulsified and help other ingredients to dissolve in a solvent in which they would not normally dissolve. PLURONIC FT L 61s also clean the skin and hair by helping water to mix with oil and dirt so that PLURONIC FT L 61s can be rinsed away. PLURONIC FT L 61 188 kills microorganisms, or prevents or inhibits their growth and reproduction. PLURONIC FT L 61 182 Dibenzoate acts as a lubricant on the skin's surface, which gives the skin a soft and smooth appearance. PLURONIC FT L 61 with its synonym as polyethylene-propylene glycol copolymer and trade names as Supronic, PLURONIC FT L 61 or Tetronic have been introduced in 1950 as a non-ionic triblock copolymer. Assessment of PLURONIC FT L 61s PLURONIC FT L 61 101, PLURONIC FT L 61 105, PLURONIC FT L 61 108, PLURONIC FT L 61 122, PLURONIC FT L 61 123, PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 181, PLURONIC FT L 61 182, PLURONIC FT L 61 183, PLURONIC FT L 61 184, PLURONIC FT L 61 185, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 212, PLURONIC FT L 61 215, PLURONIC FT L 61 217, PLURONIC FT L 61 231, PLURONIC FT L 61 234, PLURONIC FT L 61 235, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 238, PLURONIC FT L 61 282, PLURONIC FT L 61 284, PLURONIC FT L 61 288, PLURONIC FT L 61 331, PLURONIC FT L 61 333, PLURONIC FT L 61 334, PLURONIC FT L 61 335, PLURONIC FT L 61 338, PLURONIC FT L 61 401, PLURONIC FT L 61 402, PLURONIC FT L 61 403, and PLURONIC FT L 61 407, PLURONIC FT L 61 105 Benzoate, and PLURONIC FT L 61 182 Dibenzoate as Used in Cosmetics. They were since then very famously used in diverse pharmaceutical applications. Chemically PLURONIC FT L 61 is α-Hydro-ω-hydroxypoly (oxyethylene)a poly (oxypropylene)b poly (oxyethylene)a block copolymer and they consisted of two hydrophilic chains of ethylene oxide chains (PEO) that sandwiched one hydrophobic propylene oxide chain (PPO) giving a chemical formula HO(C2H4O)a(C3H6O)b(C2H4O)aH where a and b have the values as shown in the Table 1. The varying length of polymer blocks giving rise to different polymers identified as PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 338 and PLURONIC FT L 61 407 showing a slight difference in their properties. Most applications involve the use of PLURONIC FT L 61 P407 and include delivery of protein/peptide drugs [25], such as insulin [26], interleukin-2 [27], epidermal growth factor [28], bone morphogenic protein [29], fibroblastic growth factor, and endothelial cell growth factor [30]. Surfactants play an important role in stabilizing proteins in liquid formulations against aggregate/particle formation during processing, handling, storage, and transportation. Only 3 surfactants are currently used in marketed therapeutic protein formulations: polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, and PLURONIC FT L 61 188. While polysorbates are the most widely used surfactants, their intrinsic oxidative and hydrolytic degradation issues highlights the importance of alternative surfactants such as PLURONIC FT L 61 188. Here, we compare polysorbates and PLURONIC FT L 61 188 with regards to their stabilizing properties under various stress and storage conditions for several monoclonal antibody formulations. Our data shows that PLURONIC FT L 61 188 can provide suitable protection of monoclonal antibodies against interfacial stress in liquid formulations in vials. However, visible protein-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS; silicone oil) particles were observed in vials after long-term storage at 2-8°C for some protein formulations using PLURONIC FT L 61 188, which were not observed in polysorbate formulations. The occurrence of these protein-PDMS particles in PLURONIC FT L 61 188 formulations is a protein-specific phenomenon that may correlate with protein physico-chemical properties. In this study, the primary source of the PDMS in particles found in vials was considered to be from the primary packaging stoppers used. Our findings highlight benefits, but also risks associated with using PLURONIC FT L 61 188 in liquid biotherapeutic formulations. PLURONIC FT L 61s (PLURONIC FT L 61 101, PLURONIC FT L 61 105, PLURONIC FT L 61 108, PLURONIC FT L 61 122, PLURONIC FT L 61 123, PLURONIC FT L 61 124, PLURONIC FT L 61 181, PLURONIC FT L 61 182, PLURONIC FT L 61 183, PLURONIC FT L 61 184, PLURONIC FT L 61 185, PLURONIC FT L 61 188, PLURONIC FT L 61 212, PLURONIC FT L 61 215, PLURONIC FT L 61 217, PLURONIC FT L 61 231, PLURONIC FT L 61 234, PLURONIC FT L 61 235, PLURONIC FT L 61 237, PLURONIC FT L 61 238, PLURONIC FT L 61 282, PLURONIC FT L 61 284, PLURONIC FT L 61 288, PLURONIC FT L 61 331, PLURONIC FT L 61 333, PLURONIC FT L 61 334, PLURONIC FT L 61 335, PLURONIC FT L 61 338, PLURONIC FT L 61 401, PLURONIC FT L 61 402, PLURONIC FT L 61 403, PLURONIC FT L 61 407, PLURONIC FT L 61 105 Benzoate, PLURONIC FT L 61 182 Dibenzoate) are polymers made of a block of polyoxyethylene, followed by a block of polyoxypropylene, followed by a block of polyoxyethylene. The average number of units of polyoxyethylene and polyoxypropylene varies based on the number associated with the polymer . For example, the smallest polymer, PLURONIC FT L 61 101, consists of a block with an average of 2 units of polyoxyethylene, a block with an average of 16 units of polyoxypropylene, followed by a block with an average of 2 units of polyoxyethylene. PLURONIC FT L 61s range from colorless liquids and pastes to white solids. In cosmetics and personal care products, PLURONIC FT L 61s are used in the formulation of skin cleansers, bath products, shampoos, hair conditioners, mouthwashes, eye makeup remover and other skin and hair products.
Неионогенные поверхностно-активные вещества, которым отдается предпочтение в составах для местного применения, поскольку они обладают меньшим потенциалом раздражения кожи по сравнению с ионными поверхностно-активными веществами, а также некоторые растворители изменяют эмульсии, покрывающие волосы/шерсть, тем самым позволяя большему количеству лекарств достичь поверхности кожи.
Pluronic PE 6400 предполагает, что механизм, посредством которого усилители проникновения через кожу увеличивают транспорт лекарственного средства через кожу, включает увеличение текучести и/или гидратации полярных головных групп липидных бислоев.

КАС: 68213-23-0
МФ: C12H25O(CH2CH2O)9H
МВ: 0
ЭИНЭКС: 500-201-8

Общее правило: растворимость типов Pluronic PE в воде увеличивается пропорционально содержанию полиэтиленгликоля.
Если два продукта содержат одинаковую массовую долю Pluronic PE 6400, определяющим фактором является молярная масса блока полипропиленгликоля, и тот, у которого молярная масса ниже, будет более растворимым.
Pluronic PE 6400 представляет собой 100% активное, малопенящееся неионогенное поверхностно-активное вещество.
Pluronic PE 6400 представляет собой блок-сополимеры, в которых центральная группа полипропиленгликоля окружена двумя группами полиэтиленгликоля.
Pluronic PE 6400 хорошо работает в качестве диспергатора и эмульгатора.

Pluronic PE 6400 поставляется в жидкой, пастообразной, твердой или порошкообразной форме, в зависимости от степени этоксилирования.
Pluronic PE 6400 может использоваться в очень широком спектре применений, таких как пеногасители при рафинировании сахара, смачивающие агенты в агрохимических рецептурах и в качестве смазок в жидкостях для металлообработки.
Pluronic PE 6400 обладает сильным выравниванием, медленной окраской, проницаемостью и диффузией для различных красителей.
Pluronic PE 6400 способствует очистке и может использоваться с различными поверхностно-активными веществами и красителями.
Pluronic PE 6400 устойчив к кислотам, щелочам, жесткой воде, теплу и солям тяжелых металлов.

Физическая форма (25 °C): Жидкость
Вязкость (23 ℃, Брукфилд) [мПа•с]: прибл. 1000
pH (5% в воде): 7
Точка помутнения (вода) [°C]: 60
Поверхностное натяжение (DIN 53914, 1 г/л, 23 °C) [мН/м]: ок. 41
Плотность (г/см3): ок. 1.05

Pluronic PE 6400 — выравнивающий и замедляющий агент для полиграфической и красильной промышленности, который может улучшить стойкость к истиранию и цвету.
Формула моющего средства для обработки металлов,
Используется в качестве смазочного эмульгатора в стекловолоконной промышленности.
Используется в качестве пенетранта для пропитки семян в сельском хозяйстве для повышения всхожести семян.
Используется в качестве эмульгатора в других отраслях промышленности.
Pluronic PE 6400 обладает самой высокой моющей способностью среди всех продуктов линейки Pluronic PE и имеет низкое пенообразование.
Pluronic PE 6400 особенно хорошо работает в условиях интенсивного механического воздействия, например, в посудомоечных машинах и промышленных машинах для мытья бутылок.
Pluronic PE 6400 также можно использовать в очистителях для молочных продуктов.
Другие области применения включают режущие и шлифовальные жидкости для металла, где Pluronic PE 6400 действует как смазка и охлаждающая жидкость.

Содержание Pluronic PE 6400 и молярная масса центрального полипропиленгликолевого блока поверхностно-активных веществ этого типа могут варьироваться в широких пределах, в результате чего они являются исключительно универсальными.
Типы Pluronic PE 6400 могут быть адаптированы для улучшения их смачивающих, диспергирующих или эмульгирующих свойств в зависимости от ситуации.
Pluronic PE 6400 можно использовать для уменьшения пенообразования или полного его устранения, а также в качестве солюбилизаторов и загустителей.
Способность Pluronic PE 6400 действовать в качестве пропитывающих агентов, увлажнителей, пластификаторов и смазок может использоваться в различных ситуациях.
Pluronic PE 6400 можно использовать для регулирования вязкости других жидкостей, для придания липкости более связного состава и для диспергирования взвешенных твердых частиц.
Pluronic PE 6400 также может использоваться в качестве теплоносителя и гидравлической жидкости в некоторых приложениях.
Pluronic PE 6400 может использоваться в моющих и чистящих средствах в молочной, пивоваренной промышленности и производстве безалкогольных напитков, например, в чистящих средствах, которые распыляются на металлические детали для удаления стружки и стружки, в резиновой и пластмассовой промышленности и в других отраслях промышленности. .

Спирты C12-18, этоксилированные
(C12-C18) Этоксилат алкилового спирта
C12-18 этоксилат алкилового спирта
ЭК 500-201-8
Этоксилированные спирты C12-18
Поли(окси-1,2-этандиил), альфа-(C12-C18)алкил-омега-гидрокси-
PMDETA – Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine
SYNONYMS N-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-N,N',N'-trimethyl 1,2-ethanediamine;1,1,4,7,7-Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine; Bis(2-dimethylaminoethyl)methylamine; N,N,N',N',N''-Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine; Bis(2-dimetilaminoetil)(metil)amina; CAS NO:3030-47-5
p-Methylaminophenol sulfate
SYNONYMS p-Methylaminophenol sulfate; Paramethylaminophenol sulfate; Metol; 4-(Methylamino)phenol sulfate salt (2:1); p-Methylaminophenol sulfate; Armol; Elon; Genol; Graphol; Metatyl; Methyl-p-aminophenol sulfate; N-Methyl-4-hydroxyaniline hemisulfate; N-Methyl-p-aminophenol sulfate; p-(Methylamino)phenol sulfate salt (2:1); Photol; Pictol; Planetol; Rhodol; Verol; p-Methylaminophenol sulfate; Bis(4-hydroxy-N-methylanilinium) sulphate; CAS NO. 55-55-0 (hemisulfate) 1936-57-8 (sulfate) 150-75-4 (parent)
4-propyl benzaldehyde; benzaldehyde, 4-propyl-; p- propyl benzaldehyde; para- propyl benzaldehyde cas no: 28785-06-0
benzaldehyde, 4-propyl-; benzaldehyde, p-propyl-; p- propyl benzaldehyde; para- propyl benzaldehyde; 4- propylbenzaldehyde; 4-N- propylbenzaldehyde; p- propylbenzaldehyde; para- propylbenzaldehyde cas no :28785-06-0
Poloxamers are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene (poly(propylene oxide)) flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene (poly(ethylene oxide)). The word poloxamer was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for these materials in 1973.Poloxamers are also known by the trade names Synperonics,Pluronic,and Kolliphor.Because the lengths of the polymer blocks can be customized, many different poloxamers exist that have slightly different properties. For the generic term poloxamer, these copolymers are commonly named with the letter P (for poloxamer) followed by three digits: the first two digits multiplied by 100 give the approximate molecular mass of the polyoxypropylene core, and the last digit multiplied by 10 gives the percentage polyoxyethylene content (e.g. P407 = poloxamer with a polyoxypropylene molecular mass of 4000 g/mo} and a 70% polyoxyethylene content). For the Pluronic and Synperonic tradenames, coding of these copolymers starts with a letter to define its physical form at room temperature (L = liquid, P = paste, F = flake (solid)) followed by two or three digits, The first digit (two digits in a three-digit number) in the numerical designation, multiplied by 300, indicates the approximate molecular weight of the hydrophobe; and the last digit x 10 gives the percentage polyoxyethylene content (e.g., L61 indicates a polyoxypropylene molecular mass of 1800 g/mol and a 10% polyoxyethylene content). In the example given, poloxamer 181 (P181) = Pluronic L61 and Synperonic PE/L 61.An important characteristic of poloxamer solutions is their temperature dependent self-assembling and thermo-gelling behavior. Concentrated aqueous solutions of poloxamers are liquid at low temperature and form a gel at higher temperature in a reversible process. The transitions that occur in these systems depend on the polymer composition (molecular weight and hydrophilic/hydrophobic molar ratio).The phase transitions can also be largely influenced by the use of additives such as salts and alcohols. The interactions with salts are related to their ability to act as water structure makers (salting-out) or water structure breakers (salting-in). Salting-out salts increase the self-hydration of water through hydrogen bonding and reduce the hydration of the copolymers, thus reducing the critical micelle temperature and critical micelle concentration. Salting-in electrolytes reduce the water self-hydration and increase the polymer hydration, therefore increasing the critical micelle temperature and critical micelle concentration. The different salts have been categorized by the Hofmeister series according to their ‘salting-out’ power. Different phase diagrams characterizing all these transitions have been constructed for most poloxamers using a great variety of experimental techniques (e.g. SAXS, Differential scanning calorimetry, viscosity measurements, light scattering).In bioprocess applications, poloxamers are used in cell culture media for their cell cushioning effects because their addition leads to less stressful shear conditions for cells in reactors.In materials science, the poloxamer P123 has recently been used in the synthesis of mesoporous materials, including SBA-15.When mixed with water, concentrated solutions of poloxamers can form hydrogels. These gels can be extruded easily, acting as a carrier for other particles, and used for robocasting.Work led by Kabanov has recently shown that some of these polymers, originally thought to be inert carrier molecules, have a very real effect on biological systems independently of the drug they are transporting. The poloxamers have been shown to incorporate into cellular membranes affecting the microviscosity of the membranes. The polymers seem to have the greatest effect when absorbed by the cell as an unimer rather than as a micelle.Poloxamers have been shown to preferentially target cancer cells, due to differences in the membrane of these cells when compared to noncancer cells. Poloxamers have also been shown to inhibit MDR proteins and other drug efflux transporters on the surface of cancer cells; the MDR proteins are responsible for the efflux of drugs from the cells and hence increase the susceptibility of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents such as doxorubicin.The poloxamers have also been shown to enhance proto-apoptotic signaling, decrease anti-apoptoic defense in MDR cells, inhibit the glutathione/glutathione S-transferase detoxification system, induce the release of cytochrome C, increase reactive oxygen species in the cytoplasm, and abolish drug sequestering within cytoplasmic vesicles.Certain poloxamers such as P85 have been shown not only to be able to transport target genes to target cells, but also to increase gene expression. Certain poloxamers, such as P85 and L61, have also been shown to stimulate transcription of NF kappaB genes, although the mechanism by which this is achieved is currently unknown, bar that P85 has been shown to induce phosphorylation of the inhibitory kappa.Wang et al. reported that aqueous solutions of poloxamer 188 (Pluronic® F-68) and poloxamer 407 (Pluronic® F-127) sonicated in the presence or absence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) can became highly toxic to cultured cells. Moreover, toxicity correlated with the sonolytic degradation of the polymers.Poloxamer 407 is a hydrophilic non-ionic surfactant of the more general class of copolymers known as poloxamers. Poloxamer 407 is a triblock copolymer consisting of a central hydrophobic block of polypropylene glycol flanked by two hydrophilic blocks of polyethylene glycol (PEG). The approximate lengths of the two PEG blocks is 101 repeat units, while the approximate length of the propylene glycol block is 56 repeat units.This particular compound is also known by the BASF trade name Pluronic F-127 or by the Croda trade name Synperonic PE/F 127.Most of the common uses of poloxamer 407 are related to its surfactant properties. For example, it is widely used in cosmetics for dissolving oily ingredients in water. It can also be found in multi-purpose contact lens cleaning solutions, where its purpose there is to help remove lipid films from the lens. It can also be found in some mouthwashes. There is a research ongoing for using poloxamer 407 for aligning severed blood vessels before gluing them surgically.Poloxamer 407 is used in bioprinting applications due to its unique phase-change properties.In a 30% solution by weight, poloxamer 407 forms a gel solid at room temperature but liquifies when chilled to 4 °C (39 °F). This allows poloxamer 407 to serve as a removable support material, particularly for creating hollow channels or cavities inside hydrogels.In this role, it is often referred to as a "sacrificial ink" or a "fugitive ink".They gave a high dose (1 gram per kilogram of body weight) of poloxamer 407 to mice, which blocked 80% of the pores in liver cells that absorb lipoproteins, leading to a 10-fold increase in plasma lipid levels.Wang et al. reported that aqueous solutions of poloxamer 188 and poloxamer 407 sonicated in the presence or absence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) can become highly toxic to cultured cells. The toxicity correlated with the sonolytic degradation of the polymers.Poloxamers are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene. The word ‘poloxamer’ was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for these materials in 1973. Poloxamers are also known by their trade name Pluronics” .Concentrated poloxamer solutions in water undergo thermoreversible sol–gel transition by the micellar mechanism.115 Thermosensitive sol–gels of the commercial poloxamer 407 (Pluronic® F127) have been suggested for use in short-term treatments such as pain management, infection treatment, fertility control, and in topical drug delivery.Poloxamers are another type of thermo–sensitive hydrogels with an ABA–type triblock structure. Poloxamer 407 (Pluronic® F127, PEO99–PPO67–PEO99) is widely employed for drug delivery because it is reported to be non–toxic and can form gels at 25°C at a concentration of 20 wt%.Like PNIPAAm polymers, much effort has been made to synthesize chemically crosslinkable poloxamers to equip them with enhanced mechanical properties.Solutions of poloxamer 407 (∼25%) are viscous liquids below 25 °C; at body temperature they form a semisolid gel. Weak mechanic strength, relatively high solubility in body fluids, and nonbiodegradability are the main hurdles for the use of poloxamer 407 in cell delivery systems. Introduction of the carbonate linkage between poloxamer ‘blocks’ and linking of poloxamers into structures of a higher molecular mass118 were attempted to overcome these disadvantages. However, only more sophisticated synthetic procedures offering graft copolymers hold promise for the application as injectable cell carriers.While the physically crosslinked gels display a compressive modulus of 142.5 ± 29.7 KPa, radically crosslinked gels using the methacrylated poloxamer and ammonium persulfate (APS) as a thermal initiator are three times stiffer, displaying a compressive modulus of 415 ± 45.7 KPa.Lysozyme has been utilized as a model protein to test the protein release profile of the diacrylated poloxamer hydrogels with higher mechanical properties. These poloxamers instantaneously formed a semi–solidified physical gel when the temperature was increased above the LCST. Then these poloxamers underwent photocrosslinking initiated by pre–mixed (4–Benzoylbenzyl)trimethylammonium chloride with UV exposure. Poloxamer is an amphiphilic block copolymer, consisting of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethyelene oxide) triblock copolymer (PEO-PPO-PEO) as shown in Figure 32.It is more commonly called Pluronic® (BASF). Since the middle block is hydrophobic and the two end blocks are hydrophilic, the poloxamer behaves as polymer surfactant. It is used as nonionic polymer surfactant. They can function as antifoaming agents, wetting agents, dispersants, thickeners, and emulsifiers.Poloxamers are triblock copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) available in different molecular weights and PPO/PEO ratios.Another important property of Poloxamers is their thermogelling behaviour: in fact, water dispersions of some of these polymers are generally in the liquid phase at low temperatures but become a strong gel at increased temperatures. It is for this reason that the Poloxamer 407 phase transitions and the effect of hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin (HP β–CD) on them were studied using acoustic spectroscopy with purpose of verifying the relevance of this method in the pharmaceutical field .These works introduced here are just a small fraction of a large number of studies on poloxamers. One of the reasons why poloxamers have been investigated by SANS is its variety of phase behavior, applications, particularly to bioengineering field. Since there are many variations in poloxamer with different numbers of x, y, and z in spite of its simple structure , there still remain a large number of studies on poloxamer with SANS.As the first step, the hydrodynamic diameter of the micelles of Poloxamer 407 in the concentration range of 3–25% (w/v) was investigated by measuring the attenuation and propagation velocity of ultrasound at different temperatures.Then the effect of the addition of HP β-CD on the Poloxamer 407 water systems was monitored by adding different amounts [5–20% (w/v)] of HP β–CD, which is widely used in oral and parenteral pharmaceutical dosage forms since it increases the stability and solubility or poorly water-soluble drugs through the formation of inclusion complexes. Previous studies had demonstrated that the addition of different glycols and polyalcohols, as well as the addition of HP β–CD, influenced both the gelation and micellization temperature of Poloxamer 407, outlining a shift of this parameter towards higher values. In this case, acoustic spectroscopy allowed a better characterization of the microstructure and behaviour of these systems at increasing temperatures.The positive thermoresponsive materials turn to gel above the upper critical solution temperature (USCT), which depends on the polymer structure, such as poloxamer, hydroxypropylcellulose, or methylcellulose.The value of modulus G′ for Poloxamer 407 decreases during micellization until it reaches a plateau. This trend is more evident in concentrated systems, but is practically not detectable for the dilute ones. For the 17.5% and 20% samples, it is also possible to identify a slight inflexion after the plateau, which may be identified with the sol/gel transition since the corresponding values of the temperature are in agreement with those determined rheologically and by thermal analysis.The poloxamers, also known by the trademark Pluronic, Synperonic and Tetronic, were initially introduced between 1950 and have presented several pharmaceutical applications, as well as, excellent compatibility with other compounds.Studies showed some of the poloxamer’s characteristics, especially thermoresponsiveness, high capacity to solubilize drugs, good drug release characteristics, and absence of toxicity in mucosal membranes, and thus widely recognized in the pharmaceutical area as a safe material.Poloxamers are nonionic compounds that contains a large group of copolymers surfactants formed by chains of ethylene oxide block (EO) and propylene oxide.The poloxamer 407 or Pluronic F127 has particularly interest because of the thermoreversible properties, and can be useful in the optimization of drug delivery systems, and employed in many formulations like intravenous preparations, topical, ophthalmic, nasal, vaginal, and rectal, with no irritation or skin sensitivity.Poloxamer 407 aqueous solutions have the property of being a thermoresponsive system, which leads to a sol–gel transition due to temperature increase.The advantages of poloxamers in liquid pharmaceutical forms are especially because that they allow a comfortable release at the action site, gelling at the site and may have modified release.Aqueous solutions of Poloxamer or Pluronic undergo sol-to-gel transition as the temperature increases. However, the implanted gel of Poloxamer is quickly eroded and does not persist for more than a few days at most. To improve the system, end-group modified Poloxamers, and multiblock co-polymers consisting of Poloxamer and biodegradable polymers have been developed. In addition, random multiblock copolymers consisting of PEG, PPG, and a biodegradable polymer were reported.Even though modification of the hydroxyl end groups of Poloxamer by oligolactides (LA6) and oligocaprolactones (CL6) increases hydrophobicity of the polymer, the sol-to-gel transition temperature and critical gel concentration increased, compared with the unmodified Poloxamer.Poloxamer aqueous solution is driven by the unimer-to-micelle transition, followed by packing of the micelles. The oligolactide and oligocaprolactone partition into the PPG micelle core and disturb the integrity and density of the original micelles of the unmodified Poloxamer.Poloxamer. Thus, the micelle packing mechanism for the sol-to-gel transition is interfered with. Poloxamer (F127) was modified by oligolactide (LA8 or LA18), and was then reacted with succinic anhydrides to prepare a carboxylic acid end-capped Poloxamer. The polymer showed sol-gel transition in a pH/temperature dependent manner. The ionization of carboxylic acid and the decrease in solubility of PEG at high pH were suggested to explain the phase behavior.34,35 L-dihydroxyphenyalanine end-capped Poloxamer (F127) showed an increase in bioadhesion between the polymer and bovine mucin, an increase in the sol-to-gel transition temperature.Multiblock copolymers were prepared to improve gel properties such as gel duration and biodegradation. Poloxamers (F127) were coupled by hexa-methylene diisocyanate to prepare multiblock Poloxamer.37 The drug release rate from the multiblock Poloxamer hydrogel was slower than from the unmodified Poloxamer hydrogel. PEG/PPG alternating multiblock copolymers showing thermogelling were reported.Poloxamer was coupled by terephthalic anhydride to introduce the biodegradability as well as pH sensitivity.35 Poloxamer was also coupled by disulfide to show glutathione sensitive degradation and drug release.44 In addition, Poloxamer was end capped by l-oligolactide or d-oligolactide, then coupled to prepare the multiblock Poloxamer containing PLA. By mixing the l-isomer and d-isomer containing multiblock Poloxamer, a stereocomplex showing thermal gelation was prepared.Pluronics, also known as poloxamers, are a class of synthetic block copolymers which consist of hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and hydrophobic poly(propylene oxide) (PPO), arranged in an A-B-A triblock structure, thus giving PEO-PPO-PEO.Poloxamer 407 in conjuction with HPMC has been used for rectal delivery of quinine in children.Use of poloxamer 188 as a membrane sealant on in vitro studies of cardiac myocytes showed signs of possible prevention of cardiomyopathy and heart failure in muscular dystrophy.A combination of poloxamer 407, poloxamer 188 and carbopol was utilized as an ophthalmic delivery system for puerarin, thus providing an alternative for longer-lasting drug availability to the precorneal area.Poloxamer 407 has also shown prolonged duration of the painkiller, lidocaine, at the injection site as well as sustained drug release and increased therapeutic efficacy.In the absence of interfering compounds, polymers of the poloxamer type can sometimes be determined by reversed-phase HPLC with methanol, but the most common separation technique is SEC.There are many commercialized copolymers, such as Pluronics, Poloxamers, and Tetronics, which are comprised of PEO–PPO sequences. Poloxamers, nonionic polymers polyoxyethylene–polyoxypropylene–polyoxyethylene (PEOn–PPOn–PEOn), are commonly used in pharmaceutical application in drug delivery.This review article focuses on thermoresponsive hydrogels consisting of poloxamers which are of high interest for biomedical application especially in drug delivery for ophthalmic, injectable, transdermal, and vaginal administration. These hydrogels remain fluid at room temperature but become more viscous gel once they are exposed to body temperature. In this way, the gelling system remains at the topical level for a long time and the drug release is controlled and prolonged. Poloxamers are synthetic triblock copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO), also commercially known as Pluronics®, Synperonics® or Lutrol®. The different poloxamers cover a range of liquids, pastes, and solids, with molecular weights and ethylene oxide–propylene oxide weight ratios varying from 1100 to 14,000 and 1:9 to 8:2, respectively. Concentrated aqueous solutions of poloxamers form thermoreversible gels. In recent years this type of gel has arouse interest for tissue engineering. Finally, the use of poloxamers as biosurfactants is evaluated since they are able to form micelles in an aqueous environment above a concentration threshold known as critical micelle concentration (CMC). This property is exploited for drug delivery and different therapeutic applications.“Poloxamers are nonionic triblock copolymers composed of a central hydrophobic chain of polyoxypropylene flanked by two hydrophilic chains of polyoxyethylene. The word ‘poloxamer’ was coined by the inventor, Irving Schmolka, who received the patent for these materials in 1973. Poloxamers are also known by their trade name Pluronics”.Concentrated poloxamer solutions in water undergo thermoreversible sol–gel transition by the micellar mechanism.115 Thermosensitive sol–gels of the commercial poloxamer 407 (Pluronic® F127) have been suggested for use in short-term treatments such as pain management, infection treatment, fertility control, and in topical drug delivery.6 Pluronic® F127 is generally accepted as safe, although in animal studies injection of doses exceeding 27.5 mg kg− 1116,117 caused serious increases in blood cholesterol and triglycerides.Poloxamers are another type of thermo–sensitive hydrogels with an ABA–type triblock structure. Poloxamer 407 (Pluronic® F127, PEO99–PPO67–PEO99) is widely employed for drug delivery because it is reported to be non–toxic and can form gels at 25°C at a concentration of 20 wt%. However, its applications are greatly limited by its poor mechanical properties resulting from the purely physical crosslinking. These gels are characterized by low viscosity and very high permeabilities. Moreover, while they instantaneously gel upon increasing temperature above LCST in the body, they lose their structural integrity when mixed with aqueous solutions, which makes them unfit for drug delivery purposes. Like PNIPAAm polymers, much effort has been made to synthesize chemically crosslinkable poloxamers to equip them with enhanced mechanical properties. However, due to their chemical structure, reactive groups are only available at chain ends, therefore, chemically cross–linkable groups can only be used to end–cap the triblock chain. There are two main types of crosslinkable end–capping groups: methacrylate/acrylate and ethoxylsilane. Methacrylates/acrylates can be coupled to the polymer by reacting methacryloyl chloride/acryloyl chloride with the hydroxyl groups on both ends. Similarly, (3–isocyanato–propyl)triethoxysilane can be employed to react with the hydroxyl groups under catalysis of 2–ethyl–hexanoate to introduce ethoxysilane end–capping groups. While the physically crosslinked gels display a compressive modulus of 142.5 ± 29.7 KPa, radically crosslinked gels using the methacrylated poloxamer and ammonium persulfate (APS) as a thermal initiator are three times stiffer, displaying a compressive modulus of 415 ± 45.7 KPa. Although the exthoxysilane causes gradual chemical crosslinking (same mechanism as crosslinking of trimethoxysilane–grafted PNIPAAm–based hydrogels), their crosslinking resulted in a much higher compressive modulus: ~2600 KPa after 17 days. Lysozyme has been utilized as a model protein to test the protein release profile of the diacrylated poloxamer hydrogels with higher mechanical properties. These poloxamers instantaneously formed a semi–solidified physical gel when the temperature was increased above the LCST. Then these poloxamers underwent photocrosslinking initiated by pre–mixed (4–Benzoylbenzyl)trimethylammonium chloride with UV exposure. With photocrosslinking, the gels maintained their structural integrity up to one month. While burst release of 50–70 wt% lysozyme was observed from the hydrogels in the first seven days, the remaining 30–50 wt% protein was released in a more sustained profile over a one–month period.Poloxamer is an amphiphilic block copolymer, consisting of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethyelene oxide) triblock copolymer (PEO-PPO-PEO) as shown in Figure 32.Poloxamers are triblock copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) available in different molecular weights and PPO/PEO ratios. The presence of PEO and PPO blocks in a single polymer chain gives rise to essentially amphiphilic molecules whose self-assembling properties display a wide range of phase behavior. This ability to form micelles and liquid-crystalline phases is strongly temperature dependent since increasing the temperature allows self-association which decreases the critical micelle concentration (CMC).Another important property of Poloxamers is their thermogelling behaviour: in fact, water dispersions of some of these polymers are generally in the liquid phase at low temperatures but become a strong gel at increased temperatures. This sol/gel transition have been correlated to the intrinsic changes in the micelle properties, or to the entropic variation in the ordered water molecules close to the PPO segments, or to the possibility of formation of a cross-linked and three-dimensional structure able to entrap water in this network. Neutron scattering studies have demonstrated the formation of a gel structure for a micelle concentration reaching the critical volume fraction of 0.53, which allows locking of the micelles in a hard-sphere, crystalline structure due to their high volume density.Both micellization and gelation depend on different factors: temperature, polymer concentration, and PEO block length.It is for this reason that the Poloxamer 407 phase transitions and the effect of hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin (HP β–CD) on them were studied using acoustic spectroscopy with purpose of verifying the relevance of this method in the pharmaceutical field.The poloxamers, also known by the trademark Pluronic, Synperonic and Tetronic, were initially introduced between 1950 and have presented several pharmaceutical applications, as well as, excellent compatibility with other compounds.Studies showed some of the poloxamer’s characteristics, especially thermoresponsiveness, high capacity to solubilize drugs, good drug release characteristics, and absence of toxicity in mucosal membranes, and thus widely recognized in the pharmaceutical area as a safe material.Poloxamers are nonionic compounds that contains a large group of copolymers surfactants formed by chains of ethylene oxide block (EO) and propylene oxide (PO) (OEx–POy–OEx). They are synthesized by polymerization of EO and PO units, in sequence, also in the presence of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. Poloxamers compounds have the chemical formula HO[CH2CH2O] x[CH(CH3)CH2O] y[CH2CH2O]OH, where y is greater than 14.According to the ratio between hydrophilic (EO) and lipophilic (PO) units, various copolymers block and size can be obtained within different molecular weights and physic-chemical properties .The poloxamer 407 or Pluronic F127 has particularly interest because of the thermoreversible properties, and can be useful in the optimization of drug delivery systems, and employed in many formulations like intravenous preparations, topical, ophthalmic, nasal, vaginal, and rectal, with no irritation or skin sensitivity.Poloxamer 407 aqueous solutions have the property of being a thermoresponsive system, which leads to a sol–gel transition due to temperature increase. When in aqueous dispersions, the individual molecules of the copolymer’s block of P407 self-organize into micelles (micellization), when are in concentrations above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) in order to minimize the free energy from the solution. These micelles can be spherical, cylindrical, or lamellar, depending upon the length in the chain, containing EO and PB, the concentration of polymer and temperature, that leads to increased viscosity.The advantages of poloxamers in liquid pharmaceutical forms are especially because that they allow a comfortable release at the action site, gelling at the site and may have modified release. The disadvantages of these polymers are weak mucoadhesive, and poor mechanical properties, short residence time due to easily dissolution at the action site .Poloxamer 407 copolymer (ethylene oxide and propylene oxide blocks) shows thermoreversible properties, which is of the utmost interest in optimising drug formulation (fluid state at room temperature facilitating administration and gel state above sol–gel transition temperature at body temperature promoting prolonged release of pharmacological agents). Pharmaceutical evaluation consists in determining the rheological behaviour (flow curve or oscillatory studies), sol–gel transition temperature, in vitro drug release using either synthetic or physiological membrane and (bio)adhesion characteristics. Poloxamer 407 formulations led to enhanced solubilisation of poorly water-soluble drugs and prolonged release profile for many galenic applications (e.g., oral, rectal, topical, ophthalmic, nasal and injectable preparations) but did not clearly show any relevant advantages when used alone. Combination with other excipients like Poloxamer 188 or mucoadhesive polymers promotes Poloxamer 407 action by optimising sol–gel transition temperature or increasing bioadhesive properties. Inclusion of liposomes or micro(nano)particles in Poloxamer 407 formulations offers interesting prospects, as well. Besides these promising data, Poloxamer 407 has been held responsible for lipidic profile alteration and possible renal toxicity, which compromises its development for parenteral applications. In addition, new findings have demonstrated immuno-modulation and cytotoxicity-promoting properties of Poloxamer 407 revealing significant pharmacological interest and, hence, human trials are in progress to specify these potential applications.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone; poly(1-vinylpyrrolidinone); polyvinylpyrrolidone; povidone; N- vinylpyrrolidone polymer; PVP K 90; PVP, Povidone; PVPP, Crospovidone, Polyvidone; PNVP; Poly[1-(2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)ethylen]; 1-Ethenyl-2-pyrrolidon homopolymer ; 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidinon-Polymere cas no: 9003-39-8
cas no 9002-88-4 Ethene, homopolymer; polyetylene;
SYNONYMS Poly(sodium acrylate), Sodium polyacrylate;Poly(acrylic acid), sodium salt;Polyacrylate sodium salt;Polyacrylic acid, sodium salt;Sodium poly acrylate;poly(sodium acrylate) macromolecule;poly(sodiumacrylate);polysodiumacrylate CAS NO:9003-04-7
Polietilen Wax
SYNONYMS Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (11;21);Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) CAS NO:9003-11-6
Saç ürünlerinde kullanılan, alkolde çözünebilen kondisyoner. Saç bakım solüsyonlarında, el kremi formülasyonlarında kondisyoner ve antistatik etki için kullanılır. Anyonikler ile uyumlu değildir. Alkol içeren formülasyonlarda kullanılabilir
Şampuan ve vücut kremlerinde kullanılan suda çözünebilen katyonik kondisyoner.Yıpranmış saçların korunmasında ve güçlendirilmesinde etkilidir
Saç ürünlerinde kullanılan suda çözünebilen kondisyoner.Şampuan, sıvı sabun, el kremi formülasyonlarında kondisyoner, köpük stabilizasyonu ve antistatik etki için kullanılır
Emülgatör. Su/yağ fazlarının emülsiyonun oluşmasını sağlamak için krem, losyon ve şampuan üretiminde kullanılır
POLİSORBAT 20 - 60 -80
SYNONYMS Tween® 60;POE (20) sorbitan monostearate; Polysorbate 60; Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Monostearate; CAS NO:9005-67-8
Politetrametileneterglikol (PTMEG)
SYNONYMS Poly(tetrahydrofuran); PTMEG; PTMG; CAS NO:25190-06-1
SYNONYMS Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (11;21);Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) CAS NO:9003-11-6
SYNONYMS Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (11;21);Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) CAS NO:9003-11-6
SYNONYMS Oxirane, methyl-, polymer with oxirane (11;21);Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) CAS NO:9003-11-6
POLOXAMER 101;N° CAS : 9003-11-6;Origine(s) : Synthétique;Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 101;Classification : Polymère de synthèse;Ses fonctions (INCI).Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile).Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Les poloxamères sont des copolymères non-ioniques à trois blocs, possédant typiquement un bloc central « hydrophobe » de polypropylène glycol (aussi appelé poly(oxyde de propylène)) et deux blocs externes hydrophiles de polyéthylène glycol (aussi appelé poly(oxyde d'éthylène)). Ces copolymères de type poly(oxyde d'éthylène-b-oxyde de propylène-b-oxyde d'éthylène) ont pour formule générale H(OCH2CH2)x(OCH(CH3)CH2)y(OCH2CH2)xOH ou pour simplifier (EO)x(PO)y(EO)x. Le mot « poloxamère » a été créé par l'inventeur, Irving Schmolka, qui a déposé un brevet pour ces molécules en 1973.Du fait que la longueur des blocs du poloxamère peut être modifiée, il existe beaucoup de poloxamères différents, qui ont des propriétés légèrement différentes.Du fait de leur structure amphiphile, les poloxamères ont des propriétés surfactantes qui les rendent utiles dans le domaine industriel. Entre autres, ils peuvent être utilisés pour augmenter la solubilité dans l'eau de substances hydrophobes et huileuses, ou augmenter la miscibilité de deux substances de différente hydrophobicité.
Poloxamère 101 POLOXAMER 101
POLOXAMER 124;N° CAS : 9003-11-6;Origine(s) : Synthétique;Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 101;Classification : Polymère de synthèse;Ses fonctions (INCI).Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile).Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Les poloxamères sont des copolymères non-ioniques à trois blocs, possédant typiquement un bloc central « hydrophobe » de polypropylène glycol (aussi appelé poly(oxyde de propylène)) et deux blocs externes hydrophiles de polyéthylène glycol (aussi appelé poly(oxyde d'éthylène)). Ces copolymères de type poly(oxyde d'éthylène-b-oxyde de propylène-b-oxyde d'éthylène) ont pour formule générale H(OCH2CH2)x(OCH(CH3)CH2)y(OCH2CH2)xOH ou pour simplifier (EO)x(PO)y(EO)x. Le mot « poloxamère » a été créé par l'inventeur, Irving Schmolka, qui a déposé un brevet pour ces molécules en 1973.Du fait que la longueur des blocs du poloxamère peut être modifiée, il existe beaucoup de poloxamères différents, qui ont des propriétés légèrement différentes.Du fait de leur structure amphiphile, les poloxamères ont des propriétés surfactantes qui les rendent utiles dans le domaine industriel. Entre autres, ils peuvent être utilisés pour augmenter la solubilité dans l'eau de substances hydrophobes et huileuses, ou augmenter la miscibilité de deux substances de différente hydrophobicité.
Poloxamère 124 ( POLOXAMER 124)
POLOXAMER 181;N° CAS : 9003-11-6;Origine(s) : Synthétique;Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 101;Classification : Polymère de synthèse;Ses fonctions (INCI).Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile).Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation. Les poloxamères sont des copolymères non-ioniques à trois blocs, possédant typiquement un bloc central « hydrophobe » de polypropylène glycol (aussi appelé poly(oxyde de propylène)) et deux blocs externes hydrophiles de polyéthylène glycol (aussi appelé poly(oxyde d'éthylène)). Ces copolymères de type poly(oxyde d'éthylène-b-oxyde de propylène-b-oxyde d'éthylène) ont pour formule générale H(OCH2CH2)x(OCH(CH3)CH2)y(OCH2CH2)xOH ou pour simplifier (EO)x(PO)y(EO)x. Le mot « poloxamère » a été créé par l'inventeur, Irving Schmolka, qui a déposé un brevet pour ces molécules en 1973.Du fait que la longueur des blocs du poloxamère peut être modifiée, il existe beaucoup de poloxamères différents, qui ont des propriétés légèrement différentes.Du fait de leur structure amphiphile, les poloxamères ont des propriétés surfactantes qui les rendent utiles dans le domaine industriel. Entre autres, ils peuvent être utilisés pour augmenter la solubilité dans l'eau de substances hydrophobes et huileuses, ou augmenter la miscibilité de deux substances de différente hydrophobicité.
Poloxamère 181- POLOXAMER 181
POLOXAMER 184;N° CAS : 9003-11-6;Origine(s) : Synthétique;Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 184;Classification : Polymère de synthèse, Tensioactif non ionique;À SAVOIRLe Poloxamer 184, est un tensioactif non ionique composé de trois blocs polymères. lI est utilisé dans la formulation de nettoyants pour la peau, de produits de bain, de shampooings, de revitalisants, de bains de bouche, de démaquillants pour les yeux et d'autres produits pour la peau et les cheveux. On le retrouve très présent dans les eaux micellaires.Ses fonctions (INCI); Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile); Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
Poloxamère 184- POLOXAMER 184
POLOXAMER 185. N° CAS : 9003-11-6. Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 185. Ses fonctions (INCI). Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
Poloxamère 185-POLOXAMER 185
POLOXAMER 188;N° CAS : 9003-11-6;Origine(s) : Synthétique;Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 188;Classification : Polymère de synthèse;Ses fonctions (INCI). Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
Poloxamère 188 POLOXAMER 188
POLOXAMER 231, N° CAS : 9003-11-6. Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 231. Ses fonctions (INCI). Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
Poloxamère 231 POLOXAMER 231
POLOXAMER 338; N° CAS : 9003-11-6; Origine(s) : Synthétique;Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 338;Classification : Polymère de synthèse;Ses fonctions (INCI);Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile);Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
Poloxamère 338 POLOXAMER 338
POLOXAMER 407, N° CAS : 9003-11-6, Origine(s) : Synthétique, Nom INCI : POLOXAMER 407, Classification : Polymère de synthèse. Le poloxamère 407, est un tensioactif non ionique appartenant à la classe des copolymères. Il est utilisé dans les produits cosmétiques pour dissoudre les ingrédients huileux dans l'eau. On le trouve assez souvent dans les bains de bouche. Ses fonctions (INCI): Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
Poloxamère 407 POLOXAMER 407
Poly Aluminum Chloride; Polyaluminum chlorohydrate; PAC; Polyaluminum hydroxychloride; cas no: 1327-41-9
Poly Aluminum Chloride
Poly(iminocarbonimidoyliminocarbonimidoylimino-1,6-hexanediyl) hydrochloride; Polihexanide HCl; Lavasept; BG-IR; Arlagard E; Acticide SR 1296; polihexanidum CAS NO:32289-58-0
Poly(hexamethylenebiguanide)hydrochloride (PHMB)
SynonymsCopolymer of Maleic and Acylic Acid;ACRYLICACID,POLYMERWITHMALEICANHYDRIDE;Maleic Anhydride/Acrylic Acid CopolyMer;ACRYLIC ACID MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMER;Poly(maleicanhydride-acrylicacidcopolymer);Poly (Acrylic Acid-co-Maleic Acid),P(AA-MA);CopolyMer of Maleic and Acrylic Acid (MA/AA);Maleic Acid and Acrylic Acid Copolymer MA/AA;Poly(Maleicanhydride-Acrylicacidcopolymer)(Ma/Aa) Cas no: 26677-99-6
Poly(Maleicanhydride-Acrylicacid Copolymer)
POLYACRYLAMIDE, N° CAS : 9003-05-8, Nom INCI : POLYACRYLAMIDE. Nom chimique : 2-Propenamide, homopolymer. Antistatique : Réduit l'électricité statique en neutralisant la charge électrique sur une surface. Agent fixant : Permet la cohésion de différents ingrédients cosmétiques. Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles
SYNONYMS 2-Propenamide homopolymer;2-Propenamide hydrochloride homopolymer;2-Propenamide, homopolymer;2-Propenamide, polymer with aluminum oxide (Al2O3), graft;2-Propenamide, polymer with silica, graft;2-Propenamide, polymer with titanium oxide (TiO2), graft;2-propenamide,homopolymer CAS NO:9003-05-8
SYNONYMS 2-Propenamide, N-1,1-dimethyl-2-sulfoethyl-, homopolymer;POLYACRYLAMIDOMETHYLPROPANE SULFONIC ACID CAS NO:27119-07-9
Synonyms: cyanamerp250;cyanamerp35;cytame5;diaclearma3000h;dow164;dowet597;dowj100;et597 CAS: 9003-05-8
Polyacrylamide (and) C13-14 Isoparaffin (and) Laureth-7
SEPIGEL 305 Cas : 9003-05-8 / 64365-06-6 / 3055-97-8
POLYACRYLATE CROSSPOLYMER-6 Nom INCI : POLYACRYLATE CROSSPOLYMER-6 Classification : Polymère de synthèse Ses fonctions (INCI) Stabilisateur d'émulsion : Favorise le processus d'émulsification et améliore la stabilité et la durée de conservation de l'émulsion Agent de contrôle de la viscosité : Augmente ou diminue la viscosité des cosmétiques
POLYACRYLATE CROSSPOLYMER-7, Nom INCI : POLYACRYLATE CROSSPOLYMER-7 Classification : Polymère de synthèse Ses fonctions (INCI) Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau Sinergiste de mousse : Améliore la qualité de la mousse produite en augmentant une ou plusieurs des propriétés suivantes: volume, texture et / ou stabilité Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état Non classé : Non classé
POLYACRYLATE-13 Nom INCI : POLYACRYLATE-13 Classification : Règlementé, Polymère de synthèse Restriction en Europe : III/66 Ses fonctions (INCI) Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles
POLYACRYLATE-17, N° CAS : 67892-79-9, Nom INCI : POLYACRYLATE-17. Classification : Polymère de synthèse. Ses fonctions (INCI): Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles
POLYACRYLATE-3, Origine(s) : Synthétique. Nom INCI : POLYACRYLATE-3. Classification : Polymère de synthèse. Ses fonctions (INCI) : Agent de contrôle de la viscosité : Augmente ou diminue la viscosité des cosmétiques
POLYACRYLATE-33; N° CAS : 1204525-16-5;Nom INCI : POLYACRYLATE-33. Nom chimique : -Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, polymers with Et acrylate, polyethylene glycol methacrylate C16-22-alkyl ethers and polyethylene-polypropylene glycol methacrylate 2-(6,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-en-2-yl)ethyl ether. Classification : Polymère de synthèse. Ses fonctions (INCI) ; Agent de contrôle de la viscosité : Augmente ou diminue la viscosité des cosmétiques
POLYACRYLATE-4, N° CAS : 228863-31-8. Nom INCI : POLYACRYLATE-4. Classification : Polymère de synthèse. Ses fonctions (INCI) : Opacifiant : Réduit la transparence ou la translucidité des cosmétiques
(1)-2-Methylbutyric acid; 2-Methybutyric acid; Acrylic acid polymer; FEMA 2695; Methylbutyric acid; CARBOXYLIC ACID C5;RARECHEM AL BO 0094; 2-METHYLBUTANOIC ACID;DL-2-METHYBUTYRICACID; METHYLETHYL ACETIC ACID; DL-2-Methylbutyric acid; Ethylmethyl-laceticacid; DL-2-Ethylpropionic acid CAS NO:600-07-7
POLYACRYLIC ACID, N° CAS : 9003-01-4, Nom INCI : POLYACRYLIC ACID, Nom chimique : 2-Propenoic acid, homopolymer. Classification : Polymère de synthèse. Ses fonctions (INCI). Agent fixant : Permet la cohésion de différents ingrédients cosmétiques. Stabilisateur d'émulsion : Favorise le processus d'émulsification et améliore la stabilité et la durée de conservation de l'émulsion, Agent filmogène : Produit un film continu sur la peau, les cheveux ou les ongles. Agent de contrôle de la viscosité : Augmente ou diminue la viscosité des cosmétiques
SYNONYMS Hydrophilic Polymers, Materials Science, Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and Copolymers, Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and Solutions, Poly(acrylic acid), Polymethacrylate and Other Acrylic Polymers;Polymer Science, Polymers CAS NO:9003-01-4
PAA, PAAc, Acrysol, Acumer, Alcosperse, Aquatreat, Carbomer, Sokalan CAS NO:9003-01-4
Polyacrylic Acid (PAA) 50%
Product Name: Poly(acrylic acid) Synonyms: acrylicacid,polymers;acrylicacidhomopolymer;acrylicacidresin;Acrylicresin;acrysola1;acrysola3;acrysola5;acrysolac5 CAS: 9003-01-4
Polyacrylic Acid (PAA) 63%
Poly(acrylic acid); PAA; PAAc; Acrysol; Acumer; Alcosperse; Aquatreat; Carbomer; Sokalan CAS NO:9003-01-4
Polyacrylic acid homopolymer (MW 2000)
Poly(acrylic acid); PAA; PAAc; Acrysol; Acumer; Alcosperse; Aquatreat; Carbomer; Sokalan CAS NO:9003-01-4
Polyacrylic acid homopolymer (MW 5000)
Synonyms: ACRYLIC ACID, SODIUM SALT POLYMER;Poly(acrylic acid, sodiuM salt) solution average Mw ~1,200, 45 wt. % in H2O;Poly(acrylic acid, sodiuM salt) solution average Mw ~15,000, 35 wt. % in H2O;Poly(acrylic acid, sodiuM salt) solution average Mw ~8,000, 45 wt. % in H2O;Sodium Polyacrylate cross-linked;Poly(acrylic acid sodium salt), MW ≈ 5,100;Low molecular sodium polyacrylate dispersing agent;PAAS Poly(acrylic acid, sodium salt) 2-Propenoic acid CAS: 9003-04-7
Polyacrylic Acid Sodium Salt (PAAS) 45%
Synonyms: ACRYLIC ACID, SODIUM SALT POLYMER;Poly(acrylic acid, sodiuM salt) solution average Mw ~1,200, 45 wt. % in H2O;Poly(acrylic acid, sodiuM salt) solution average Mw ~15,000, 35 wt. % in H2O;Poly(acrylic acid, sodiuM salt) solution average Mw ~8,000, 45 wt. % in H2O;Sodium Polyacrylate cross-linked;Poly(acrylic acid sodium salt), MW ≈ 5,100;Low molecular sodium polyacrylate dispersing agent;PAAS Poly(acrylic acid, sodium salt) 2-Propenoic acid CAS: 9003-04-7
Polyacrylic acid Sodium Salt (PAAS) 50%
Poly(sodium acrylate); Sodium polyacrylate; PAAS; POLY(ACRYLATE SODIUM); Polyacrylic Acid Sodium Salt; Poly(acrylic acid sodium salt) CAS NO:9003-04-7
Polyacrylic Acid Sodium Salt (PAAS)
Poly(sodium acrylate); Sodium polyacrylate; PAAS; POLY(ACRYLATE SODIUM); Polyacrylic Acid Sodium Salt; Poly(acrylic acid sodium salt) CAS NO:9003-04-7
Polyacrylic Acid Sodium Solid (PAAS) 90%
cas no 1327-41-9 Polyaluminum chlorohydrate; PAC; Polyaluminum hydroxychloride;
POLYALUMINIUM CHLORIDE WHITE White PowderIron FreeSpray Drying Type: Food Grade/Potable Water Grade MOQ: 1 Ton Certificate: SGS, PONY Categories: Polyaluminium Chloride Powder, Potable Water Treatment Chemicals White Powder(Spray) Polyaluminium Chloride is specialized inorganic aluminum salts chemicals for drinking water treatment. Paper Making Sizing Agent & Sugar Decolorization Chemical River Water Lake Water Reservoir Water Underground Water Fresh Water Tapping Water Running Water Drinking & Potable Water Paper Making Industry Sugar Industry Cosmetics raw material Pharmaceutical industry,etc White Polyaluminium Chloride is also known as high purity without iron white Polyaluminium chloride, Food Grade,Drinking/Potable Water Grade white polyaluminium chloride , compared with other polyaluminium chloride is the highest quality Polyaluminium Chloride. White Poly Aluminium Chloride production process is the most advanced technology of spray drying method. Polyaluminium Chloride is easy to be damp when it is exposed in the air. Strong electric neutralization of colloidal substance in drinking and potable water. The Polyaluminium Chloride solution have the good adsorption bridging function for suspended solids in water. Selective adsorption of soluble substances. Effectively remove the color matter, SS, COD, BOD and arsenic(As), mercury(Hg) and other heavy metal ions of the drinking & potable water. Item Solid Polyaluminium Chloride Index Appearance Powder Colour White Production Process Spray Drying AL2O3,Aluminium Oxide ≥30% Basicity% 40-60 Water insoluble substances ≤0.1% PH value(1% polyaluminium water solution) 3.5-5.0 Iron Content(Fe) ≤0.01% Arsenic content(As) ≤0.0002% Plambum content(Pb) ≤0.001% Cadmium content(Cd) ≤0.0002% Hydragyrum content(Hg) ≤0.00001% Hexavalent chromium(Cr+6) ≤0.0001% Manganese(Mn) ≤0.0005% Nitrogen(NH3-N) ≤0.03% Application Method Polyaluminium chloride should be used after solid Polyaluminium Chloride dissolves in water(Polyaluminium Chloride liquid). Dilution ratio generally is: Polyaluminium Chloride Solid 2%~20% products (in weight percentages) Polyaluminium Chloride dosing generally is: 1~15 kilograms per ton, the specific dosing on the basis of the user’s lab jar test with their field dosing effect. Storage Solid Polyaluminium Chloride shelf time is 2 years; should be stored in airy and dry place. Solid Polyaluminium Chloride still can be used after the poly aluminium chloride is affected by moisture. Polyaluminium Chloride can not be mixed storage with other chemicals. Polyaluminium Chloridekage Be Polyaluminium Chlorideked in polypropylene woven bag with plastic liner, 25kg/bag Solid Polyaluminium Chloride Polyaluminium Chloride kage printing content provided as your requirement. 1. Product Description: Polyaluminium chloride is made of high purity raw materials. And it is high-efficient, cheap and nontoxic inorganic high molecular compound. It is easily soluble in water and has high purity. 2.Product performance and reference pictures of Polyaluminium Chloride 30% Polyaluminium chloride solid type is yellow/deep yellow powder for drinking water/waste water treatment. 3.Product Properties and Advantages: 1. Good effective and lower cost.Its purifying effect on low-temperature, low-turbidity and heavily organic polluted raw water is much better than other organic flocculant, furthermore, the treatment cost is lower. 2. Flocculation ability .It can lead to quick formation of flocculantwith big size and rapid precipitation service life of cellular filter of sedimentation basin. 3. PH broad in scope.It can adapt to a wide range of pH value (5−9), and can reduce the pH value and basicity after processing. 4.Adopting to various source of water. The dosage is smaller than that of other flocculants. It has wide adaptability to the waters at different temperatures and at different regions. 5. Higher basicity, lower corrosive, easy for operation, and long-term use of non-occlusion. 4. Specification: Polyaluminium Chloride 30% Drinking water treatment: Quality Standard:: GB/15892-2009 Al2O3:: 29%~31%MIN Basicity:: 60~90 PH:: 3.5~5.0 Water insoluble matter:: ≤ 0.6 Cadmium(Cd): ≤ 0.0002 Lead(Pb):: ≤ 0.001 Arsenic(As):: ≤ 0.0002 Chromium(Cr):: ≤ 0.0005 Mercury(Hg):: ≤ 0.00001 Industrial wastewater treatment: Quality Standard:: GB/T22627-2008 Al2O3:: 28%~30%MIN Basicity:: 30~95 PH VALUE:: 3.5~5.0 Water insoluble matter:: ≤ 1.5 Iron(Fe):: ≤ 5.0 Lead(Pb):: ≤ 0.006 Arsenic(As):: ≤ 0.0015 5.Application field: 5.Application field: Polyaluminium Chloride is widely applied in drinking water purification, domestic sewage and industrial waste water treatment. 6.Polyaluminium Chloridekaging and storage: Solid :PP woven bag with PE lined bag (25kgs/bag) or PE bag (20 kgs/bag) The product shall be sealed and stored in the dry and ventilated place to prevent from rain, high temperature and strong sunlight. Polyaluminium Chloride, spray drying type, white powder, used for drinking water treatment and paper mills as retention agent, work as coagulant for water treatment. It is made by purity raw materials of Al(OH)3. Food grade. Advantage 1 Polyaluminium Chlorides purifying effect on low-temperature, low-turbidity and heavily organic-polluted raw water is much better than other organic flocculant, furthermore, the treatment cost is lowered by 20%-80%. 2 Polyaluminium Chloride can lead to quick formation of folc (epecially at low temperature) with big size and rapid precipitation service life of cellular filter of sedimentation basin. 3 The dosage is smaller than that of other flocculants, which is better for improving the quality of treated water. 4 Polyaluminium Chloride has widerange adaptability to the waters at different temperatures (in the summer and the winter) and at different regions (in the south and the north of China). 5 Polyaluminium Chloride is suitable for automatic dosing device of alum. 6 Polyaluminium Chloride can adapt to a wide range of pH value (5−9), and can reduce the pH value and basicity after processing.
Polyaluminium Chloride Yellow Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is easy to be damp when it is exposed in the air. Strong electric neutralization of colloidal substance in water. The solid pac water solution have the good adsorption bridging function for suspended solids in water. Selective adsorption of soluble substances. Effectively remove the color matter, SS, COD, BOD and arsenic(As), mercury(Hg) and other heavy metal ions of the drinking & potable water. Application Method of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) Polyaluminium chloride should be used after solid pac dissolves in water(pac liquid). Dilution ratio generally is: PAC Solid 2%~20% products (in weight percentages) Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) dosing generally is: 1~15 kilograms per ton, the specific dosing on the basis of the user’s lab jar test with their field dosing effect. Storage of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) Solid Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) shelf time is 2 years; should be stored in airy and dry place. Solid Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) still can be used after the poly aluminium chloride is affected by moisture. Polyaluminium Chloride can not be mixed storage with other chemicals. Package of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) Be packed in polypropylene woven bag with plastic liner, 25kg/bag Solid Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) package printing content provided as your requirement. Why the color is different between Polyaluminium Chloride, even between the grades of one company’s product? Generally speaking, there are three main colors of Polyaluminium Chloride(PAC): white, yellow and brown. The main reason of presenting different colors is the various raw material and producing method. White polyaluminium Chloride White polyaluminium chloride is also called high purity non-ferric polyaluminium chloride, or food grade polyaluminium chloride. Compared with other grades, white PAC is the top quality grade. The main raw material is aluminium hydrate powder and HCl. The producing method is spray drying method which is the most advance in China. The white polyaluminium chloride is using for papermaking sizing agent, sugar clarifiant, leather tanning, pharmacy, investment castings and water treatment. Related words: milky white polyaluminium chloride Yellow polyaluminium Chloride Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is the grade between white polyaluminium chloride and brown polyaluminium chloride. The raw material is calcium aluminate, HCl and bauxite. Plate and frame filter press method, drum drying method and spray drying method is the producing method and main forms are powder and plate-shaped. The main application is sewage treatment and drinking water treatment. Due to the strict restriction on heavy metal in drinking water treatment, from raw material to producing method, yellow polyaluminium chloride is more advanced than brown polyaluminium chloride. Related words: light yellow polyaluminium chloride, golden yellow polyaluminium Brown Polyaluminium Chloride Brown polyaluminium chloride is the primary grade and it is mainly used in sewage treatment. Its producing method is drum drying method. Calcium aluminate, HCl, bauxite and ferrous powder is the raw material. Adding ferrous powder results its presenting brown color. The more ferrous powder adding in, the deeper color it is. The ferrous powder reaches certain percentage, the product can be called polyaluminium ferric chloride(PAFC). Product information of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı): Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is high-efficient ,cheap and nontoxic inorganic high molecular compound. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is easily soluble in water. In the hydrolytic process, Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is accompanied with the chemical processes such as electrochemistry, coagulation, absorption and precipitation. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) has the features inculding wide applicable range of PH value ,large granule ,and quick speed in sedimentation. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is widely used in treating the domestic drinking water ,domestic sewage and industrial waste water . Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) (PAC) is a new type high efficiency inorganic polymer coagulant, adopting advanced manufacturing technique and quality raw material, show the features of low impurity, high molecula weight, and superior coagulating effect. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) Properties 1. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)s dosage lower than aluminum sulfate (based on Al2O3) and water treatment cost is lower than other inorganic flocculants. 2. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can cause quick formation of flocs, big flocs formation and rapid precipitation. Its treatment capacity is 1.3-3.0 times of other inorganic flocculants. 3. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) enjoys wide-range adaptability for different-temperature source water and a good solubility. 4. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is slightly corrosive and easy for operation. 5. The liquid Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is suitable for automatic dosing. Furthermore, it will not block pipes over long-time usage. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) Features: 1) Spray dry type, lower water insolubles 2) Used for drinking water treatment and wastewater treatment 3) Appearance: Light yellow powder 4) Al2O3: 30% (min. ) 5) Basicity: 50.0% ~ 90.0% 6) Insolubles: 1.0% (max. ) 7) pH (1% water solution): 3.5 ~ 5.0 8) SO42-: 3.5% (max. ) Description of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı): This product is high-effective inorganic polymer coagulant. Description of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı): Polyaluminium Choride is light yellow color powder coagulant which is mainly used for WTP drinking water treatment. Polyaluminium Choride is spray dryer type, high viscostiy of 70-80%, high coagulation in high turbidity water treatment. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) (PAC) is a new type high efficiency inorganic polymer coagulant, adopting advanced manufacturing technique and quality raw material, show the features of low impurity, high molecula weight, and superior coagulating effect. It is also widely applied in water purification, wastewater treatment, precision cast, paper production, pharmaceutical industry and daily chemicals. Advantage of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı): 1. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)s purifying effect on low-temperature, low-turbidity and heavily organic-polluted raw water is much better than other organic flocculant, furthermore, the treatment cost is lowered by 20%-80%. 2. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can lead to quick formation of flocculant (especially at low temperature) with big size and rapid precipitation service life of cellular filter of sedimentation basin. 3. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can adapt to a wide range of pH value (5−9), and can reduce the pH value and basicity after processing. 4. The dosage is smaller than that of other flocculants. It has wide adaptability to the waters at different temperatures and at different regions. 5. Higher basicity, lower corrosive, easy for operation, and long-term use of non-occlusion. Properties of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı): 1 Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)s dosage lower than aluminum sulfate (based on Al2O3) and water treatment cost is lower than other inorganic flocculants. 2 Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can cause quick formation of flocs, big flocs formation and rapid precipitation. Its treatment capacity is 1.3-3.0 times of other inorganic flocculants. 3 Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) enjoys wide-range adaptability for different-temperature source water and a good solubility. 4 Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is slightly corrosive and easy for operation. 5 The liquid product is suitable for automatic dosing. Furthermore, it will not block pipes over long-time Polyaluminium Chloride 6 Low acidity is lower than other inorganic coagulants. Package and Storage of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı): 1. Be pakced in polypropylene woven bag with plastic liner, 25kg/bag 2. Useful life is 2 years, should be stored in airy and dry place Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is an inorganic high-molecule polymer with some cementitious property. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can be used as the binder of refractory coating, ultra-pure alumina products and refractory concrete material. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is a multivalent, polyhydroxy electrolyte and can be seen as the intermediate product of the hydrolysis of AlCl3 into Al (OH) 3. The colloidal nucleus contains positive charge with the hydrolysis product being acidic. The composition of these products is the mixed system of various kinds of aqueous complexes in certain ratio under certain conditions. Its expression formula is [Al2 (OH) n • Cl6-n] m, wherein n = 1-5, m≤10. Owing to the difference in the preparation and performance, Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can also be called as hydroxy aluminum chloride, basic aluminum chloride, and polymeric alumina. The main index of physical and chemical properties includes alkalinity, pH value, Al2O3 content and the relative density. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is rich in raw materials and has low cost without causing decrease of the refractoriness of refractory concrete. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) also has strong activity at high temperatures and can be hardened at room temperature when doped with small quantities of accelerators and thus is promising cement material. Coagulant Coagulant is a kind of chemical agent which can promote the coagulation and flocculation effect of the colloidal particles in water and accelerate the formation of coarse particles, thus making it be easier to be subject to fast sedimentation or filtration. Coagulants include coagulant, flocculants, and coagulant aid agent. These nouns currently have no strict uniform definition and boundaries. Coagulants and flocculants, and coagulant aid agent are often mixed for application. Commonly used coagulant includes alum, Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı), activated silicic acid, polyacrylamide, magnesium alumina, ferrous sulfate and ferric chloride, etc. The combination between Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) and alum can give the best efficacy. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is a new type of inorganic polymer coagulant with its fundamental difference with the traditional inorganic coagulant being that the traditional inorganic coagulant is crystalline salt with low molecular weight while the structure of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) consists of multi-shaped multivariate carboxyl complex. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) has a rapid flocculation and sedimentation speed, wide applicable range of PH value, and is non-corrosive to plumbing with a very significant water purification effect. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can effectively remove the water color quality SS, COD, BOD, and arsenic, mercury and other heavy metal ions. This product is widely used in drinking water, industrial water and wastewater treatment, it has the following characteristics: 1. The water purified form Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) has a higher quality than the water purified from inorganic coagulant such as ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate. The cost of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) in purifying water is also relatively low. 2. Both the formation rate of floc unit and the settlement rate are high. It also has a greater processing capability than traditional flocculant such as ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate. 3. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) has a stronger adaption capability on the temperature, turbidity and the alkalinity of the water source than traditional flocculant such as ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate. 4. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) has a wide adaptation pH range for the source of water with being able to exert coagulation effect from the range of PH5.0-9.0 with the best results occurring at PH6.5-7.5. 5. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) has a small corrosion effect and a good operating condition. 6. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) has a better solubility than ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate. 7. After the treatment, the residue of aluminum and salt in water is small which facilitates the handling and preparation of ion exchange. The above information is edited by the chemicalbook of Dai Xiongfeng. Performance of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) The main physical and chemical properties of the Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) are demonstrated from alkalized degree, pH value, Al2O3 content and density. Alkalized degree (B) and pH: alkalized degree means the degree of Cl-(in Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)) being substituted by OH-; it is generally represented using the ratio of the hydroxyl group percentage over aluminum, namely, B = [OH]/3 [Al] × 100%. Many features of the Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) are closely related to its alkalized degree including the degree of polymerization, pH, storage stability and the cementing property of being used as a cementing agent. But we should note that the alkalized degree only represents a statistical average value from the mixture containing various kinds of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) with different degrees of polymerization. The pH value of the liquid Poly aluminium was similar with its alkalized degree. However, these two parameters don’t have exactly the same meaning. The alkalized degree indicates the number of hydroxyl groups bound within the poly aluminium structure while the pH value of the solution indicates the number of the free hydroxyl ions OH. But, anyway, the pH value of the poly aluminium solution generally increases with increased alkalized degree. Uses of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is one kind of refractory binder. It is a kind of aluminum hydroxide sol made from aluminum-containing material or aluminum metal which subject to several chemical/physical treatment steps such as hydrochloric acid dissolution, hydrolysis, and polymerization. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can be taken as the intermediate of the hydrolysis process of AlCl3 into Al(OH)3 and therefore the hydrolysis solution is acidic. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is also known as hydroxy aluminum or basic aluminum chloride with the chemical formula being [Al2 (OH) nCl6-n] m, wherein if the n is close to or equal to 6, it can be called as alumina sol. Applying Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) as a binding agent of loose refractory will not affect its refractoriness. The Al2O3 generated during the dehydration and decomposition of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) during the heating process is a kind of active alumina oxide with high-degree of dispersion which can facilitate the sintering, and thus being suitable for being used as the refractory binder. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) can be used for non-firing or fired to generate refractory products, fire-resistant plastic, and the binding agent of ramming and casting. When being used as the binding agent of monolithic refractory, it has certain requirement on both the alkalinity and density with Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) with either too low or too high bond strength not good. In general, Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) with alkalized degree being within 46% to 72% and the density being within 1.17~1.23kg/m3 has a good binding strength. When used as the binding agent of refractory casting, it can be used for synthesizing Magnesium aluminium spinel, electronic melting MgO and as the coagulation accelerator of cement. But when applying the Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) as unshaped refractory binder, because of its acidic solution (pH <5), it will have reaction with iron and iron-containing compounds contained in the refractory to release hydrogen and cause swelling of the material. Therefore, the preparation technology should contain aging step in order to avoid the swelling and further cracking of good molded product or lining. It can be used for the purification process of drinking water as well as various kinds of industrial waste water. As flocculants, it is mainly used for purifying drinking water and the treatment of special water such as removal of iron, fluorine, cadmium, radioactive contamination as well as floating oil. It can also be used for the treatment of industrial wastewater such as dyeing wastewater. Moreover, it can also be used for precision casting, pharmaceutical, paper, and leathering. Chemical Properties of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is colorless or yellow resinous solid. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)s solution is a colorless or yellowish transparent liquid, sometimes exhibits as grayish black mucus due to impurities in it. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is easily soluble in water. Production method of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) Boiling pyrolysis method: put the crystalline aluminum chloride for boiling and pyrolysis at 170 °C; the generated hydrogen chloride is absorbed by water to prepare 20% hydrochloric acid for recycling. Further add water to have a then added water for aging and polymerization at 60 ℃; Then further go through solidification, dryness, crush to obtain the solid finished product of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı). Boiling pyrolysis method: put the aluminum ash (mainly composed of alumina and metal aluminum) into the reactor pre-supplied with washing water at a certain ratio, stir and slowly add hydrochloric acid for condensation reaction with curing and polymerization to a pH of 4.2 to 4.5 and the relative density of the solution being 1.2. Conduct sedimentation to obtain a liquid poly aluminum chloride. The liquid product was subject to dilution and filtering, concentration by evaporation, drying to obtain the solid poly aluminum chloride products. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is an acidic solution. Classified as corrosive at higher concentrations, it is typically yellow in colour. Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is miscible with water at all concentrations although dilute solutions hydrolyse to precipitate Aluminium Hydroxide (Al(OH)3). Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is not a single product, but a spectrum of polymers which are characterised by their strength (usually in % Al2O3) and basicity – the latter gives an indication of the polymeric composition of PAC. Clay-brine process employing activated clay, NaCl, HCl, and HF as raw materials is the primarily advanced technology to synthesize cryolite in the present industrial grade. However, plenty of byproducts of fluorine-containing waste HCl at the concentration of about 10%~12% could not be utilized comprehensively and are even hazardous to the environment. This work proposed a new two-step technology to prepare inorganic polymer flocculants polyaluminium chloride (Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)) from synthetic cryolite mother liquor. Many specific factors such as the variety of aluminide source, reaction temperature and time, reagent ratio, and manner of alkaline addition were taken into consideration and their influences on the performances of produced Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) were discussed. It was found that synthetic cryolite mother liquor could react with bauxite and calcium aluminate directly to prepare cheap Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı), with plenty amount of water insoluble CaF2 and CaSiF6 produced as well. However, once HCl was introduced into synthetic cryolite mother liquor as well as by utilizing bauxite as aluminide source and sodium aluminate as adjusting basicity agent, the resultant Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) would dissolve out higher amount of aluminum while producing little amount of water insoluble materials. The coagulation behavior of the specially produced Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) could even match the industrial grade Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) conforming to national standard. Preparation of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) from Synthetic Cryolite Mother Liquor Certain amount of synthetic cryolite mother liquor was added into a three-neck flask with a condenser firstly. After the temperature of the flask was heated to 70°C in oil bath, certain amount of bauxite was added into the system step by step. The reaction should continue for 1 h after the temperature increases to 100°C. Then alkaline polymerization adjusting agent (APA, calcium aluminate powder, or sodium aluminate powder) was added into the above reaction system gradually to adjust pH value. The addition speed of APA depended on pH value of the system: when pH value was lower than 2.7, the speed can be fast, but when it was over 2.7, the speed should be slow until it increased to 3.5~3.8 further. At this point, APA should not be added into the system any more. After all these operations, the reaction is kept for another 1.5 h at 100°C. Then the reaction should be suspended immediately via halting both the vigorous stirring and oil bath heating followed by coagulating the system for 12 h using the residual heat of oil bath. Liquid Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) was obtained after the filtering of the upper clear liquid of the already stewed reaction suspension. And solid Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) was finally obtained after the initial liquid Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) was dried at 105°C. 2.2.2. Basicity of the Produced Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) OH− is the basic component influencing the morphology of polyaluminium chloride [6–9] whose index in Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is measured by basicity (B). According to GB 15892-2003 (water treatment chemical-polyaluminium chloride) [10], basicity can be measured. The mol percentage of OH and Al in Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) is defined as basicity and this parameter can reflect the degree of polymerization of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) to some extent, which affects the coagulation performances of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı). Basicity can be calculated according to the following during the fabrication process of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı): Characterization of the Produced Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) The produced Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) solution was dehydrated at 105°C and made powder sample for structure analysis. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was measured for the determination of crystalline phases in solid coagulants using D/max-rA X-ray diffractometer with Cu K radiation in the range of 3° to 80° at a scan rate of 8°/min. The solid produced Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) was analyzed by FT-IR with the Perkin Elmer spectrum 100 FT-IR spectrophotometer and potassium bromide pellet method. The spectra were scanned in the range of 4000 to 500 cm−1. In order to confirm that Fe in bauxite can be abundantly dissolved out in acid leaching process, SCML and HCl mixed acid was proposed to leach bauxite. XRD results of the crystal obtained from the dried leaching solution indicated that the main components of this crystal contained SiF4, AlCl3·6H2O, and Na2Al22O34 (Figure 4). Thus, it was clear that Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) prepared from SCML was rather different from industrial grade Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı). Instead, it was made up of multiple crystal phases and components and AlCl3, FeCl3, SiF4, and H2SiO3 were especially typical. The plural gel formed by the polymerization of these components might show synergism effect on the coagulation characteristic of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) The existence of small amount of silica sol (also ludox) not only could promote the coagulating process of water as well as improving the structure of precipitation particles, but also could increase their weight, accelerating the formation and precipitation of precipitation particles. Therefore, silica sol could also function as coagulant aid. Unlike the large amount of positive charge of Al13 as key component of flocculation agent of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı), the surface of silica gel particles was filled with negative charge instead. Thus, these two kinds of particles with totally opposite charge would allure each other to get absorbed. Meanwhile, silica gel could also absorb other scattered colloidal particles with positive charge, strengthening the coagulating effect accordingly [15, 17, 21, 22]. From the above discussion, it was found that the produced Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) by SCML (Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML) was rather different from common industrial grade Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) (Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG). Except for the relative strong coagulating character, it was a kind of composite flocculant containing certain amount of Fe and Si, which could be treated as the compound of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı), polyaluminum ferric chloride (PAFC), and polysilicate (PSi) [18–20, 23]. Besides, FT-IR spectra of this special Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) showed much difference from that of common Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) as indicated in Figure 5. The possible chemical bonds in Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML (Sample C) were investigated by the FT-IR spectra and were compared with Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG (Figure 5). The two samples showed similar FT-IR spectra. Both spectra exhibited a broad absorption peak in the range of 3200–3650 cm−1 (3390 cm−1 for Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML and 3430 cm−1 for Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG), which could be assigned to the stretching vibrations of –OH groups. The peaks in the range of 1600–1700 cm−1 (1628 cm−1 for Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML and 1636 cm−1 Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG) were attributed to the bending vibrations of water absorbed, polymerized, and crystallized in the coagulant. The Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG was not a pure substance, which also contains some iron ions. The peak at 1098 cm−1 for Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML and the peak at 1090 cm−1 for Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG were attributed to the asymmetric stretching vibration of Fe–OH–Fe or Al–OH–Al; furthermore, there were two peaks at 778 cm−1 and 640 cm−1 for Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML and two peaks at 770 cm−1 and 578 cm−1 for Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG, which were attributed to bending vibrations of Fe–OH and Al–OH, respectively [24–28]. As indicated in the flocculation results in Table 3, the coagulation effect of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG was much better than that of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML for simulated diatomite water with low turbidity. However, the coagulation effect of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML had distinguished advantages over that of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG for simulated diatomite water with high turbidity, which might originate from the formation of PAFC and PSi with strengthening coagulation effect in acid leaching process. Moreover, the small amount of water insoluble CaF2 and CaSiF6 in Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML could also benefit the coagulating reaction for high turbidity water. The CODCr removal of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML and Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG both achieved the minimum at 60 mg/L dosage while Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML was relatively superior to Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG for oily sewage from Liaohe Oilfield, and the same law was presented for turbidity removal. The results suggested that despite the small difference in alumina content between Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML and Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG, Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML was superior to Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG in both the comprehensive coagulating character and manufacturing cost due to the certain amount of Fe and Si in Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML. Conclusions The preparation of Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) coagulant from synthetic cryolite mother liquor from clay-brine process (Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML) with advanced performances compared with conventional industrial grade Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı) (Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG) coagulant was achieved. Reaction conditions including the choice of leaching acid and alkaline polymerization adjusting agent, the pH value, and the reaction temperature and reaction time were thoroughly studied to optimize the coagulation performances and minimize the insoluble solid in water of the prepared coagulant. The optimized technique to prepare Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML was that adjusting the concentration of HCl in synthetic cryolite mother liquor to 18% with the industrial grade HCl (the concentration about 32% to 36% in general) firstly, and then adding the needed bauxite. Then the acid leaching reaction was kept for 1~2 h at 80~100°C and sodium aluminate was consequently added to adjust pH value to 3.5~3.8. The whole technology would be completed after a 24 h coagulation process. The coagulation performances tested showed that Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-SCML is better than Polyaluminium chloride yellow (Polialüminyum klorür sarı)-IG in turbidity removal at high turbidity simulated diatomite water and in CODCr removal at real oily waste
SYNONYMS Polyaluminum chlorohydrate; PAC; Polyaluminum hydroxychloride; Cas no: 1327-41-9
Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC)
POLYAMINOPROPYL BIGUANIDE, N° CAS : 32289-58-0 [1]/27083-27-8 [2]/28757-47-3 [3]/ 133029-32-0 [4].. Origine(s) : Synthétique. Nom INCI : POLYAMINOPROPYL BIGUANIDE, Nom chimique : Poly(hexamethylenebiguanide) hydrochloride [1];poly(iminoimidocarbonyl)iminohexamethylene hydrochloride [2];Poly(iminocarbonimidoyliminocarbonimidoylimino-1,6-hexanediyl) [3];- [4]. N° EINECS/ELINCS : 608-723-9 [1]/608-042-7 [2]/923-111-4 [3]/- [4]. Classification : Règlementé, Conservateur. La polyaminopropyl biguamide ou PHMB est un conservateur utilisé dans les produits cosmétiques liquides. Sa nature douce le rend idéal pour les produits sans rinçage comme les produits de soin des cheveux, les crèmes pour la peau, les lotions pour la peau, les produits pour bébé et les lingettes humides.Restriction en Europe : La concentration maximale autorisée dans les préparations cosmétiques prêtes à l'emploi est de 0,3 %..Ses fonctions (INCI). Conservateur : Inhibe le développement des micro-organismes dans les produits cosmétiques.
POLYAMINOPROPYL BIGUANIDE POLYAMINOPROPYL BIGUANIDE POLYAMINOPROPYL BIGUANIDE is classified as : Preservative CAS Number 32289-58-0 / 70170-61-5 / 133029-32-0 / 28757-47-3 Restriction (applies to EU only): VI/28 COSING REF No: 36692 Chem/IUPAC Name: Homopolymer of N-(3-Aminopropyl)-Imidodicarbonimidic Diamide Polyaminopropyl biguanide Polyaminopropyl biguanide Polyaminopropyl biguanide.svg Names Other names Polyamine-propyl-biguanidine Identifiers CAS Number 133029-32-0 check Abbreviations Polyaminopropyl biguanide ChemSpider none ECHA InfoCard 100.118.649 UNII DT9D8Z79ET check Properties Chemical formula (C5H11N5)n Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa). ☒ verify (what is check☒ ?) Infobox references Polyaminopropyl biguanide is a disinfectant and a preservative used for disinfection on skin and in cleaning solutions for contact lenses. It is also an ingredient in many deodorant bodysprays.[citation needed] It is a polymer or oligomer where biguanide functional groups are connected by hexyl hydrocarbon chains, with varying chain lengths.[citation needed] Polyaminopropyl biguanide is specifically bactericidal at very low concentrations (10 mg/l) and is also fungicidal.[citation needed] APBBiocidal activity It has a unique method of action: the polymer strands are incorporated into the bacterial cell membrane, which disrupts the membrane and reduces its permeability, which has a lethal effect to bacteria. It is also known to bind to bacterial DNA, alter its transcription, and cause lethal DNA damage.[1] Disinfectant Polyaminopropyl biguanide solutions are sold for use as a general disinfectant solution to be applied onto skin. As it is not cytotoxic, it can be applied directly into wounds.[2] It is also not irritating like more traditional disinfectants such as alcohols (ethanol, isopropanol) and oxidizers (iodine). Contact lens solution A contact lens solution containing polyaminopropyl biguanide in combination with a borate buffer has been patented.[3] The solution is disinfecting and preservative and has a broad spectrum of bactericidal and fungicidal activity at low concentrations coupled with very low toxicity when used with soft-type contact lenses. POLYAMINOPROPYL BIGUANIDE (Polyaminopropyl biguanide) What is Polyaminopropyl biguanide? “Polyaminopropyl biguanide (Polyaminopropyl biguanide), with the chemical formula (C5H11N5)n, is a polymer or oligomer where biguanide functional groups are connected by hexyl hydrocarbon chains, with varying chain lengths.” What are the effects? This ingredient belongs to the groups: Organ system toxicants Environmental hazards Carcinogens Irritants and allergens Read the facts Polyaminopropyl biguanide is a CMR substance, meaning it’s classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CRM). The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) classifies polyaminopropyl biguanide (Polyaminopropyl biguanide) as “fatal if inhaled, causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure, is very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects, is harmful if swallowed, causes serious eye damage, is suspected of causing cancer and may cause an allergic skin reaction.” How is it used? Polyaminopropyl biguanide (Polyaminopropyl biguanide) is being used as a preservative to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mould in many cosmetic⋆ and household products. Polyaminopropyl biguanide can for example be found in sanitary napkins, creams, and after-shave balms. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is banned for use in cosmetic products in the EU since January 2015 but the substance can still sometimes be found in products, even from major brands, according to the Danish Consumer Council THINK Chemicals. This is because industry associations, led by Cosmetics Europe, lobbied that the current law should be re-interpreted to allow low doses of Polyaminopropyl biguanide in products. Doses of 0.1 percent Polyaminopropyl biguanide is now allowed in certain products, but as the exact dose do not have to be written on the ingredients list, it is uncertain to know just how much is in a product. When it comes to skin care and makeup, many of us probably have a list of ingredients we would never put on our faces — some lists longer than others. But one ingredient with some heavily skewed opinions is polyaminopropyl biguanide, also known as Polyaminopropyl biguanide or Polyaminopropyl biguanide. But what is Polyaminopropyl biguanide and is it bad for you? The ingredient is used in some pretty popular products in the USA but is actually banned from use in cosmetics in other countries. So what gives? To find out a little more about this controversial ingredient and whether you should avoid it, I emailed with a few experts. Rachel Winard, founder of Soapwalla; Holly McWhorter, co-founder of PLANT Apothecary; and Dr. Clarissa Shetler and Christine Falsetti, PhD, founders of C2 California Clean, all let me in on what Polyaminopropyl biguanide is commonly used for along with some other useful information about the ingredient so you can make a more educated decision whether to use beauty products containing it. According to Winard, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is a "synthetic polymer that is used as a broad-spectrum preservative and antimicrobial agent in skin care." Drs. Shetler and Falsetti add that it can be found in many personal-care products "including skin care, cosmetics, eye-care solutions, wound care, and surgery care." Even though Polyaminopropyl biguanide has proven antibacterial properties, it has also been shown to be harmful. McWhorter explains: "There's evidence based on results of studies on humans and animals that [Polyaminopropyl biguanide] is carcinogenic (causing cancer), mutagenic (causing gene mutation), and toxic. It's suspected primarily of affecting the reproductive system." Yikes. The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) has also concluded that Polyaminopropyl biguanide is not safe when used as a preservative in a concentration higher than 0.3-percent in cosmetic products, say Drs. Shetler and Falsetti. And according to McWhorter, in the EU, Polyaminopropyl biguanide was banned in personal-care products after being labeled a Category 2 Carcinogenic Agent in 2015. Not everyone seems to agree on the dangers of this preservative though. Polyaminopropyl biguanide use in personal-care products is legal in the USA, and according to Drs. Shetler and Falsetti, "There are still many debates on the safety profile of the ingredient and some companies will still insist the ingredient is safe." So even though you can still find this ingredient on the shelves in US stores, if you're worried about using products with Polyaminopropyl biguanide, check out this list of products known to include the ingredient, and always read product labels to be sure whether Polyaminopropyl biguanide (although it may also be listed as polyaminopropyl biguanide or Polyaminopropyl biguanide) is included. PAPB is an aqueous-based cationic preservative, active against spoilage bacteria and is compatible with a wide range of aqueous based cosmetics and personal care formulations. Its gentle nature makes it ideal for both rinse-off and leave-on applications like shampoo (with cationic, nonionic or amphoteric surfactants), hair care products, skin creams, skin lotions, baby products, and wet wipes. When mildness is an important feature for your product, PAPB's gentle and protective nature could make it your solution. Molecular Formula of Polyaminopropyl biguanide (C8H17N5)n Ph Level of Polyaminopropyl biguanide 4~5 Taste of Polyaminopropyl biguanide Bitter Purity of Polyaminopropyl biguanide 20% Ingredients of Polyaminopropyl biguanide PAPB Properties of Polyaminopropyl biguanide PAPB (Polyaminopropyl biguanide) is a water-soluble cationic disinfectant with wide clinical, household, and industrial applications Shelf Life of Polyaminopropyl biguanide 2 Years Storage of Polyaminopropyl biguanide Room Temperature Structural Formula of Polyaminopropyl biguanide (C8H17N5)n Grade of Polyaminopropyl biguanide TECHNICAL Product Type of Polyaminopropyl biguanide PAPB Application of Polyaminopropyl biguanide Pharmaceutical Physical Form of Polyaminopropyl biguanide Liquid Appearance of Polyaminopropyl biguanide WATER WHITE Polyaminopropyl biguanide,is Available in colorless to pale yellow form, Polyaminopropyl biguanide, PAPB is accessible in liquid form. Polyaminopropyl biguanide,tastes bitter and its purity level is 20%. Polyaminopropyl biguanide,can be stored for 24 months. Polyaminopropyl biguanide,disinfecting chemical is water soluble and it is cationic by nature. Polyaminopropyl biguanide,is suitable for household, industrial and clinical application purpose. Ph level of Polyaminopropyl biguanide, liquid substance ranges between 4 to 5. Polyaminopropyl biguanide, PAPB has been formulated under controlled temperature to preserve anti bacterial properties of Polyaminopropyl biguanide. Standard of Polyaminopropyl biguanide,liquid has been verified on the basis of composition of Polyaminopropyl biguanide,, formulation method, effectiveness, shelf life, ph value, possible toxin content, etc. ppearance: white powder; colorless liquid; colorless translucent crystals Assay of Polyaminopropyl biguanide,: 95%;98%;20%; 25%;50% Polyaminopropyl biguanide can be used as disinfectant, antibacterial, bactericide, mildew-proof, algae-inhibitor, flocculant ,etc. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in health care, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in chemicals, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in textiles, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in paper, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in wipes,Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in livestock, aquaculture, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in fisheries, plastics, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in agriculture, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in water treatment and Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in other fields. Polyaminopropyl biguanide containing Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for inter-operative irrigation, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for pre- and Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for post-surgery skin and Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for mucous membrane Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for disinfection, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for post-operative dressings, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for surgical and Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for non-surgical wound dressings, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for surgical bath/hydrotherapy,Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for chronic wounds like diabetic foot ulcer and burn wound management, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for routine antisepsis during minor incisions, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for catheterization, scopy, first aid, surface disinfection, and linen disinfection. Polyaminopropyl biguanide eye drops have been used as a treatment for eyes affected by Acanthamoeba keratitis. Branded as Baquacil, Polyaminopropyl biguanide also has an application as a swimming-pool and spa water sanitizer in place of chlorine- or bromine-based products. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is available as Baqua-Spa 3 sanitize, as Revacil Spa 3 sanitizer, and in the Polyaminopropyl biguanide Leisure Time Free system.Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used as an ingredient in some contact lens cleaning products, cosmetics, personal deodorants and some veterinary products. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used to treat clothing (Purista), purportedly to prevent the development of unpleasant odors. The Polyaminopropyl biguanide hydrochloride salt (solution) is used in the majority of formulations. Polyaminopropyl biguanide a related biguanide disinfectant. Polyaminopropyl biguanide (is an antiseptic with antiviral and antibacterial properties used in a variety of products including wound care dressings, contact lens cleaning solutions, perioperative cleansing products, and swimming pool cleaners. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is an antiseptic with antiviral and antibacterial properties used in several ways including wound care dressings, contact lens cleaning solutions, perioperative cleansing products, and swimming pool cleaners. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also known as polyhexanide and polyaminopropyl biguanide, polymeric biguanide hydrochloride; polyhexanide biguanide. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is a commonly applied antiseptic, Polyaminopropyl biguanide often used as a preservative in cosmetics and Polyaminopropyl biguanide often used as a in personal care products. The antimicrobial efficacy has been demonstrated on Acanthamoeba polyphaga, A castellanii, and A hatchetti (Hughes et al., 2003; Wright et al., 2003; Burgers et al., 1994; Hiti et al., 2002). In vivo studies have also demonstrated that a miltefosine–Polyaminopropyl biguanide combination is highly effective for the treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis (Polat et al., 2013). Polyaminopropyl biguanide retains its activity in hard water and does not cause surface streaks or tackiness (Broxton et al., 1984b; Ikeda et al., 1984). Consistent with previous studies, a Polyaminopropyl biguanide mouthrinse was shown to inhibit plaque re-growth and reduced oral bacterial counts, indicating that Polyaminopropyl biguanide could be an alternative to established mouth rinses in preventive applications (Welk et al., 2005). Recreational water maintained and sanitized with Polyaminopropyl biguanide is however assumed to serve as a medium for transmission of ocular adenovirus infections, mainly because at a concentration of 50 ppm, Polyaminopropyl biguanide was not virucidal against adenovirus at temperatures consistent with swimming pools or hot tubs (Romanowski et al., 2013). Previous studies have shown increased frequency of sensitization to 0.5% and 0.4% PAPB in unselected dermatitis patients (Schnuch et al., 2007). Polyaminopropyl biguanide proved also toxic to keratocytes (Lee et al., 2007) and was shown to have acute toxic effects in human cells where it caused severe inflammation, atherogenesis, and aging. Moreover, Polyaminopropyl biguanide produced embryo toxicity and heart failure in zebrafish (Kim et al., 2013). Two equivalent CAS number of Polyaminopropyl biguanide can be allocated depending on how the polymer is described. CAS-No 27083-27-8 expresses the Polyaminopropyl biguanide in terms of its starting monomers (N,N’’’-1,6- hexanediylbis(N’-cyanoguanidine) and 1,6-hexanediamine). CAS-No 32289-58-0 expresses the Polyaminopropyl biguanide as the resultant polymer. Polyaminopropyl biguanide (PAPB) is an antiseptic with antiviral and antibacterial properties used in several ways including wound care dressings, contact lens cleaning solutions, perioperative cleansing products, and swimming pool cleaners. Polyaminopropyl biguanide (PAPB) is not safe for consumers when used as a preservative in all cosmetic products up to the maximum concentration of 0.3%. The safe Polyaminopropyl biguanide use could be based on a lower use concentration and/or restrictions with regard to cosmetic products' categories Polyaminopropyl biguanide hydrochloride (PAPB) (CAS 32289-58-0 / 27083-27-8 / 28757- 47-3 / 133029-32-0) with INCI name Polyaminopropyl Biguanide, is currently listed in Annex V (entry 28) of the Regulation (EC) No. 1223/20091 (Cosmetics Regulation) as preservative to be used in all cosmetic products up to a maximum concentration of 0.3%. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is classified as CMR 2 (Carc. 2) according to the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 944/20132 of 2 October 2013 amending for the purposes of Polyaminopropyl biguanide adaptation to technical and scientific progress the Regulation (EC) No. 1272/20083 . The classification applies from 1st January 2015 and according to Art. 15 (1) of the Cosmetics Regulation, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is considered prohibited as cosmetic ingredient from 1st January 2015. However, Polyaminopropyl biguanide Art. 15 (1) of the Cosmetics Regulation states that ‘a substance classified in category 2 may be used in cosmetic products where the substance has been evaluated by the SCCS and found safe for use in cosmetic products. To these ends the Commission shall adopt the necessary measures in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 32(3) of this Regulation'. The SCCS published an opinion on the safety of Polyaminopropyl biguanide in June 2014 successively revised in July 2015 (SCCS/1535/14)4 in which they concluded that: " Polyaminopropyl biguanide is not safe for consumers when used as a preservative in all cosmetic products up to the maximum concentration of 0.3%. The safe Polyaminopropyl biguanide use could be based on a lower use concentration and/or restrictions with regard to cosmetic products' categories. Dermal absorption studies on additional representative cosmetic formulations are needed. On the basis of the data available, Polyaminopropyl biguanide the SCCS concludes that Polyaminopropyl biguanide is not safe for consumers when used as a preservative in cosmetic spray formulations up to concentration of 0.3%. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is used in a variety of applications other than cosmetics. General exposure data from sources others than cosmetics should be submitted for the assessment of the aggregate exposure of Polyaminopropyl biguanide. The stability of Polyaminopropyl biguanide in deionised water has been established for at least 6 weeks. Polyaminopropyl biguanide was stated that nominal concentrations (expressed as Vantocil, i.e. 20 % Polyaminopropyl biguanide) of 0.1, 35 and 80 mg/ml would be stable for the duration of the test. Stability analysis revealed that Polyaminopropyl biguanide over a concentration range of 0.02 to 7.0 mg/l was stable in drinking water for a period of 7 days. PAPB is supported under the Biocides Regulation No 528/2012, which distinguishes 22 product types (PT) Directive 98/8/EC for uses as a disinfectant. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is used as a preservative and as an antimicrobial agent. As a preservative, PAPB is used in cosmetics, personal care products, fabric softeners, contact lens solutions, hand washes, and more. In cosmetics, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is used as a broad spectrum preservative. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is freely water soluble and therefore widely used in water-based products which are most susceptible to microorganism growth. Polyaminopropyl biguanide has an excellent activity against a wide range of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, fungi and yeasts and is particularly effective against microorganisms such as Pseudomanas species, which are difficult to control. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used to preserve wet wipes; to control odour in textiles; to prevent microbial contamination in wound irrigation and sterile dressings; to disinfect medical/dental utensil and SCCS/1581/16 Final Opinion on Polyaminopropyl biguanide Submission III 13 trays, farm equipment, animal drinking water, and hard surfaces for food handling institutions and hospitals; and to deodorize vacuums and toilets. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is used in antimicrobial hand washes and Polyaminopropyl biguanide is used in rubs and Polyaminopropyl biguanide is used in air filter treatments as an alternative to ozone. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used as an active ingredient for recreational water treatment, as a chlorine-free polymeric sanitizer, which is effective against a wide variety of microorganisms. Further reported uses of Polyaminopropyl biguanide are purification of swimming pool water, beer glass sanitisation, solid surface disinfection in breweries and short-term preservation of hides and skins. Polyaminopropyl biguanide also known as PAPB, polyhexanide or polihexanide, is a highly water soluble and hydrolytically stable polymeric material. The presence of multiple hydrogen bond and chelation sites within Polyaminopropyl biguanide renders Polyaminopropyl biguanide of potential interest in the field of supramolecular chemistry.Polyaminopropyl biguanide,is Available in colorless to pale yellow form, Polyaminopropyl biguanide, PAPB is accessible in liquid form. Polyaminopropyl biguanide,tastes bitter and its purity level is 20%. Polyaminopropyl biguanide,can be stored for 24 months. Polyaminopropyl biguanide,disinfecting chemical is water soluble and it is cationic by nature. Polyaminopropyl biguanide,is suitable for household, industrial and clinical application purpose. Ph level of Polyaminopropyl biguanide, liquid substance ranges between 4 to 5. Polyaminopropyl biguanide, PAPB has been formulated under controlled temperature to preserve anti bacterial properties of Polyaminopropyl biguanide. Standard of Polyaminopropyl biguanide,liquid has been verified on the basis of composition of Polyaminopropyl biguanide,, formulation method, effectiveness, shelf life, ph value, possible toxin content, etc. ppearance: white powder; colorless liquid; colorless translucent crystals Assay of Polyaminopropyl biguanide,: 95%;98%;20%; 25%;50% Polyaminopropyl biguanide can be used as disinfectant, antibacterial, bactericide, mildew-proof, algae-inhibitor, flocculant ,etc. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in health care, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in chemicals, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in textiles, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in paper, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in wipes,Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in livestock, aquaculture, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in fisheries, plastics, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in agriculture, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in water treatment and Polyaminopropyl biguanide is widely used in other fields. Polyaminopropyl biguanide can be used directly after dilution with purified water or with other additive agent compound. Reference amount 1:125~1:1000 (w/w). Since Polyaminopropyl biguanide in different areas of application, the product dosage are quite different, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is recommended to use under the guidance of our professional and technical persons. Polyhexanide (Polyaminopropyl biguanide, PAPB) is a polymer used as a disinfectant and antiseptic. In dermatological use, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is spelled polihexanide (INN) and sold under names such as Lavasept, Serasept, Prontosan and Omnicide. Polyaminopropyl biguanide has been shown to be effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus (also the methicillin-resistant type, MRSA), Escherichia coli, Candida albicans (yeast), Aspergillus brasiliensis (mold), vancomycin-resistant enterococci, and Klebsiella pneumoniae (carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae). Polyaminopropyl biguanide containing Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for inter-operative irrigation, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for pre- and Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for post-surgery skin and Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for mucous membrane Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for disinfection, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for post-operative dressings, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for surgical and Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for non-surgical wound dressings, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for surgical bath/hydrotherapy,Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for chronic wounds like diabetic foot ulcer and burn wound management, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for routine antisepsis during minor incisions, Polyaminopropyl biguanide are used for catheterization, scopy, first aid, surface disinfection, and linen disinfection. Polyaminopropyl biguanide eye drops have been used as a treatment for eyes affected by Acanthamoeba keratitis. Branded as Baquacil, Polyaminopropyl biguanide also has an application as a swimming-pool and spa water sanitizer in place of chlorine- or bromine-based products. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is available as Baqua-Spa 3 sanitize, as Revacil Spa 3 sanitizer, and in the Polyaminopropyl biguanide Leisure Time Free system.Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used as an ingredient in some contact lens cleaning products, cosmetics, personal deodorants and some veterinary products. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used to treat clothing (Purista), purportedly to prevent the development of unpleasant odors. The Polyaminopropyl biguanide hydrochloride salt (solution) is used in the majority of formulations. Polyaminopropyl biguanide a related biguanide disinfectant. Polyaminopropyl biguanide (is an antiseptic with antiviral and antibacterial properties used in a variety of products including wound care dressings, contact lens cleaning solutions, perioperative cleansing products, and swimming pool cleaners. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is an antiseptic with antiviral and antibacterial properties used in several ways including wound care dressings, contact lens cleaning solutions, perioperative cleansing products, and swimming pool cleaners. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also known as polyhexanide and polyaminopropyl biguanide, polymeric biguanide hydrochloride; polyhexanide biguanide. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is a commonly applied antiseptic, Polyaminopropyl biguanide often used as a preservative in cosmetics and Polyaminopropyl biguanide often used as a in personal care products. Polyaminopropyl biguanide shows activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and is widely used across several sectors, typically as the hydrochloride salt, in a variety of disinfectant solutions and antiseptics.Polyaminopropyl biguanide is available also as a solid. Polyaminopropyl biguanide hydrochloride (PAPB) is a chemical biocide which is a polymer utilized in a wide variety of antimicrobial applications. This review provides a comprehensive literature of Polyaminopropyl biguanide features from synthesis methods,mode of action, antimicrobial effects and safety considerations to both humans and environments. Effectiveness against cellular organisms is due to the basic biguanide group attached to a flexible spacer, a hexamethylene group. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is a disinfectant with a broad spectrum of inducing cell death by disrupting cell membrane integrity. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is an environmentally friendly product noncorrosive and nontoxic to both humans and animals. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is used as a preservative in cosmetics, personal care products, fabric softeners, contact lens solutions, hand washes, and more. In cosmetics, Polyaminopropyl biguanide the preservation of fruit and vegetables. Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used to preserve wet wipes; Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used to control odor in textiles;Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used to prevent microbial contamination in wound irrigation and sterile dressings; to Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used disinfect medical/dental utensil and trays, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used farm equipment, Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used animal drinking water, and hard surfaces for food handling institutions and hospitals; and to Polyaminopropyl biguanide is also used deodorize vacuums and toilets. Polyaminopropyl biguanide can work at low concentrations with very fast action with a broad spectrum of action in addition of Polyaminopropyl biguanide wide acceptance and exploitation for potential multi-purpose functional use. Polyaminopropyl biguanide will be promising for advanced environmental treatments including food disinfection, Polyaminopropyl biguanide will be promising for water disinfection, Polyaminopropyl biguanide will be promising for surface disinfection, and meet the criteria for an ideal antimicrobial agent. Disinfecting agent is a substances used to control, prevent, or destroy harmful microorganisms (i.e., bacteria, viruses, or fungi) on inanimate objects and surfaces. Polyaminopropyl biguanide destroys or irreversibly inactivates most pathogenic microorganisms (Ewart,2001; EPA, 2004; Quinn and Markey, 2001; Kennedy et al., 2000). Chemical disinfectants were used scientifically around 150 years ago, but empiric practices can be found in ancient times . Since then several new biocides have been introduced and a significant amount of research on their activity against microorganisms has been performed. Biguanidines are an interesting class of compounds with many known or potential applications. It is bacteriostatic at lower concentrations, inhibiting membrane enzymes and promoting leakage of cellular constituents. Polyaminopropyl biguanide hydrochloride is a chemical biocide and a member of the polymeric guanidine family is used as a disinfectant and antiseptic and general disinfecting agents in the food industry and, very successfully, for the disinfection of swimming pools. Polyaminopropyl biguanide used biocide has been reviewed by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and noted, with the exception of occupational users, as having very low aggregate risk of adverse health effects to the public or environment(EPA, 2005). Polyaminopropyl biguanide binds to the negatively charged phosphate head groups of phospholipids at bacteria cell wall, causing increased rigidity, sinking nonpolar British Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol.4, No.1, pp.49-55, February 2016 ___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org) 50 ISSN 2055-0219(Print), ISSN 2055-0227(online) segments into hydrophobic domains, disrupting the membrane with subsequent cytoplas- mic shedding culminating in cell death (Kaehn, 2010). There have been no reported instances of bacteria acquiring resistance to Polyaminopropyl biguanide . Polyaminopropyl biguanide is well tolerated when used topically on skin, eyes, the ciliated epithelium of the nose, and wounds (Kaehn, 2010; Kramer et al., 2004; Dissemond et al., 2009; Kramer et al., 2008). The market for Polyaminopropyl biguanide -containing products, which now includes liquids, gels and antimicrobial dressings, is expanding rapidly. This article outlines the evidence on the antimicrobial properties of Polyaminopropyl biguanide. PAPB was firstly synthesized by Rose and Swain (1954). Polyaminopropyl biguanide is a cationic biguanide polymer which is utilized in a wide variety of antibacterial applications (O’Malley et al., 2007). Several methods have been devised in order to prepare Polyaminopropyl biguanide. For instance, one of the current methods is to obtain Polyaminopropyl biguanide by polycondensation of sodium dicyanamide and hexamethylenediamine in two steps (de Paula et al., 2011). Preparations of Polyaminopropyl biguanide are polydisperse mixtures of polymeric biguanides, with a weighted average number (n) of 12 repeating hexamethylene biguanide units. The heterogeneity of the molecule is increased further by the presence of either amine, or cyanoguanidine or guanidine end-groups in any combination at the terminal positions of each chain. Equal amounts (in molar) of hexamethylenediamine and guanidine hydrochloride to be mixed in a round-bottomed three-necked flask, which is equipped with a mechanical stirrer and vacuum system. The mixture reacts at 100 °C for 60 min, and then at 170 °C for a certain time. During the reaction, by-product ammonia is neutralized by bubbling through aqueous HCl. At the end of reaction, the slightly yellow, viscous liquid solidifies upon cooling giving Polyaminopropyl biguanide samples (Wei et al., 2009). PHMG is a new generation of disinfectant with a wide scope of applications in agriculture and food processing plants, logistics, kitchens, transport vehicles.
Polyamino Polyether Methylene Phosphonic Acid (PAPEMP)
PAPEMP; Polyoxypropylenediaminetetramethylenephosphonic acid CAS NO:130668-24-5
Polyamino propylbiguanide
MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE 101, 102;TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLID STANDARD;abicel;arbocel;arbocelbc200;arbocellb600/30;avicel;avicel101 CAS NO: 9004-34-6
Polyanionic Cellulose
PASP; Poly-L-aspartic acid; (2S)-2-aminosuccinic acid; (2S)-2-azanylbutanedioic acid; POLYASPARTIC ACID; POLY-L-ASPARTIC ACID; Polyasparticacid(PASP); (2S)-2-aminosuccinic acid;(generic)polyasparticacid; L-ASPARTIC ACID HOMOPOLYMER; (2S)-2-azanylbutanedioic acid; Poly L-aspartic acid (M.W. 3700); Poly-L-aspartic acid, sodiuM salt USP CAS NO:25608-40-6
PolyAspartic acid (PAA)
PASP;Sodium Salt of Polyaspartic Acid;Sodium PASP;polyaspartate;Sodium Salt of Polyaspartic Acid (PASP) CAS NO:181828-06-8 CAS NO:35608-40-6
Polyaspartic Acid Sodium Salt (PASP)
PASP;Sodium Salt of Polyaspartic Acid;Sodium PASP;polyaspartate;Sodium Salt of Polyaspartic Acid (PASP) CAS NO:181828-06-8 CAS NO:35608-40-6
Cas no : 9003-29-6, Les Polybuts sont des polymères d’oléfines à 4 atomes de carbones contenant une forte proportion d’isobutylène. La polymérisation des oléfines s’effectue en phase liquide en présence d’un catalyseur. Les polybuts se situent dans la catégorie des produits huileux de faible poids moléculaire. Ce sont des liquides limpides plus ou moins visqueux.2-butene EC Inventory, , , EU. Com. Reg. No 10/2011 on plastic materials in contact with food Butene, homopolymer (products derived from either/or But-1-ene/But-2-ene); butene, mixed-1-and-2-isomers. Translated names; 2-buten (sv); Buteen, 1-ja-2-isomeeride segu (et); buteen, mengsel van-1-en-2-isomeren (nl); buteeni seos: 1- ja 2-isomeerit (fi); buten - mieszanina izomerów 1- i 2- (pl); buten, blanding af-1-og-2-isomerer (da); buten, blanding av 1- og 2-isomere (no); Buten, Reaction mass von-1-und-2-Isomeren (de); buten, smjesa 1-and-2-izomera (hr); buten, zmes 1 in 2 izomer (sl); buten,směs but-1-enu a but-2-enu, (cs); Butena, amestec-1si2-izomeri (ro); butenas, 1- ir 2-izomerų mišinys (lt); butene, miscela degli isomeri-1-e-2- (it); buteno, mezcla de isómeros-1-y-2- (es) ; buteno, mistura de-1-e de-2-isomerós (pt); butén, 1- és 2-izomerek keveréke (hu); butény, zmes-1- a-2-izomérov (sk); butēns, -1 un -2 izomēru maisījums (lv); mélange des isomères-1-et-2- (fr); βουτένιο, μίγμα ισομερών-1-και-2- (el); бутен, смес от 1-и-2-изомери (bg). ; (2E)-but-2-ene; 2-Butene, mixture; 2-Butene, mixture of cis and trans; 2-Butene; (cis- and trans- mixture); but-1-ene;(E)-but-2-ene; But-2-ene; butene. Butene, homopolymer (products derived from either/or But-1-ene/But-2-ene). CAS names : Butene, homopolymer. : (2E)-but-2-ene - but-1-ene (1:1); but-1-ene; but-1-ene; (E)-but-2-ene; Butene; Butene, homopolymer (products derived from butene); Butene, homopolymer (products derived from either/orBut-1-ene/But-2-ene) (consisting of 50 wt % or more of species of thesame m. wt.); n-Butene, homopolymer; Polybutene; POLYISOBUTENE; tetrabutene
cas no 9084-06-4 Concrete admixture water reducer; Polycarboxylic Superplasticizer; Polycarboxylic acid; PC Superplasticizer;
POLYBUTENE (MW: 4000) Polybutene Polybutene is an organic polymer made from a mixture of 1-butene, 2-butene, and isobutylene. Ethylene steam cracker C4s are also used as supplemental feed for polybutene. It is similar to polyisobutylene (PIB), which is produced from essentially pure isobutylene made in a C4 complex of a major refinery. The presence of isomers other than isobutylene can have several effects including: 1) lower reactivity due to steric hindrance at the terminal carbon in, e.g., manufacture of polyisobutenyl succinic anhydride (PIBSA) dispersant manufacture; 2) the molecular weight—viscosity relationships of the two materials may also be somewhat different.[1] Applications Industrial product applications include, sealants, adhesives, extenders for putties used for sealing roofs and windows, coatings, polymer modification, tackified polyethylene films, personal care, polybutene emulsions. Hydrogenated polybutenes are used in a wide variety of cosmetic preparations, such as lipstick and lip gloss. It is used in adhesives owing to its tackiness. Polybutene finds a niche use in bird and squirrel repellents and is ubiquitous as the active agent in mouse and insect "sticky traps."[2] An important physical property is that higher molecular weight grades thermally degrade to lower-molecular weight polybutenes; those evaporate as well as degrade to butene monomers which can also evaporate.[3] This depolymerization mechanism which allows clean and complete volatization is in contrast to mineral oils which leave gum and sludge or thermoplastics which melt and spread. The property is very valuable for a variety of applications. For smoke inhibition in two stroke engine fuels, the lubricant can degrade at temperatures below the combustion temperature. For electrical lubricants and carriers which might be subject to overheating or fires, polybutene does not result in increased insulation (accelerating the overheating) or conductive carbon deposits. Polybutylene Polybutene is an oily odorless colorless liquid. Floats on water Polybutylene Polybutene-1.svg Names Other names polybutene-1, poly(1-butene), POLYBUTENE Identifiers CAS Number 9003-28-5 check ChemSpider none ECHA InfoCard 100.111.056 Edit this at Wikidata CompTox Dashboard (EPA) DTXSID00904731 Edit this at Wikidata Properties Chemical formula (C4H8)n Density 0.95 g/cm3[1] Melting point 135 °C (275 °F; 408 K)[1] Related compounds Related compounds 1-butene (monomer) Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa). ☒ verify (what is check☒ ?) Infobox references Polybutylene (polybutene-1, poly(1-butene), POLYBUTENE) is a polyolefin or saturated polymer with the chemical formula (C4H8)n. It should not be confused with polybutene, a low molecular weight oligomer. Polybutylene is produced by polymerisation of 1-butene using supported Ziegler–Natta catalysts. POLYBUTENE is a high molecular weight, linear, isotactic, and semi-crystalline polymer. POLYBUTENE combines typical characteristics of conventional polyolefins with certain properties of technical polymers. POLYBUTENE, when applied as a pure or reinforced resin, can replace materials like metal, rubber and engineering polymers. It is also used synergistically as a blend element to modify the characteristics of other polyolefins like polypropylene and polyethylene. Because of its specific properties it is mainly used in pressure piping, flexible packaging, water heaters, compounding and hot melt adhesives. Synthesis Isotactic POLYBUTENE is synthesized commercially using two types of heterogeneous Ziegler–Natta catalysts.[2] The first type of catalyst contains two components, a solid pre-catalyst, the δ-crystalline form of TiCl3, and solution of an organoaluminum cocatalyst, such as Al(C2H5)3. The second type of pre-catalyst is supported. The active ingredient in the catalyst is TiCl4 and the support is microcrystalline MgCl2. These catalysts also contain special modifiers, organic compounds belonging to the classes of esters or ethers. The pre-catalysts are activated by combinations of organoaluminum compounds and other types of organic or organometallic modifiers. Two most important technological advantages of the supported catalysts are high productivity and a high fraction of the crystalline isotactic polymer they produce at 70–80 °C under standard polymerization conditions.[3][4][5] Characteristics Heated up to 190 °C and above, POLYBUTENE can easily be compression moulded, injection moulded, blown to hollow parts, extruded, and welded. It does not tend to crack due to stress.[dubious – discuss] Because of its crystalline structure and high molecular weight, POLYBUTENE has good resistance to hydrostatic pressure, showing very low creep even at elevated temperatures.[6] It is flexible, resists impact well and has good elastic recovery.[2][7] Isotactic polybutylene crystallizes in three different forms. Crystallization from solution yields form-III with the melting point of 106.5 °C. Cooling from the melt results in the form II which has melting point of 124 °C and density of 0.89 g/cm3. At room temperature, it spontaneously converts into the form-I with the melting point of 135 °C and density of 0.95 g/cm3.[1] POLYBUTENE generally resists chemicals such as detergents, oils, fats, acids, bases, alcohol, ketones, aliphatic hydrocarbons and hot polar solutions (including water).[2] It shows lower resistance to aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons as well as oxidising acids than other polymers such as polysulfone and polyamide 6/6.[6] Additional features include excellent wet abrasion resistance, easy melt flowability (shear thinning), and good dispersion of fillers. It is compatible with polypropylene, ethylene propylene rubbers, and thermoplastic elastomers. Some properties:[6] Elastic modulus 290–295 MPa Tensile strength 36.5 MPa Molecular weight 725,000 (g/mol) Crystallinity 48–55% Water absorption <0.03% Glass transition temperature –25 to –17 °C [2][6] Thermal conductivity 0.22 W/(m·K) Application areas Piping systems The main use of POLYBUTENE is in flexible pressure piping systems for hot and cold drinking water distribution, pre-insulated district heating networks and surface heating and cooling systems. ISO 15876 defines the performance requirements of POLYBUTENE piping systems.[8] The most striking features are weldability, temperature resistance, flexibility and high hydrostatic pressure resistance. The material can be classified PB 125 with a minimum required strength (MRS) of 12.5 MPa. Other features include low noise transmission, low linear thermal expansion, no corrosion and calcification. POLYBUTENE piping systems are no longer being sold in North America (see "Class action lawsuits and removal from building code approved usage", below). The overall market share in Europe and Asia is rather small but POLYBUTENE piping systems have shown a steady growth in recent years. In certain domestic markets, e.g. Kuwait, the United Kingdom, Korea and Spain, POLYBUTENE piping systems have a strong position.[7] Plastic packaging Several POLYBUTENE grades are commercially available for various applications and conversion technologies (blown film, cast film, extrusion coating). There are two main fields of application: Peelable easy-to-open packaging where POLYBUTENE is used as blend component predominantly in polyethyelene to tailor peel strength and peel quality, mainly in alimentary consumer packaging and medical packaging. Lowering seal initiation temperature (SIT) of high speed packaging polypropylene based films. Blending POLYBUTENE into polypropylene, heat sealing temperatures as low as 65 °C can be achieved, maintaining a broad sealing window and good optical film properties. Hot melt adhesives POLYBUTENE is compatible with a wide range of tackifier resins. It offers high cohesive and adhesive strength and helps tailoring the "open time" of the adhesive (up to 30 minutes) because of its slow crystallisation kinetics. It improves the thermal stability and the viscosity of the adhesive.[9] Compounding and masterbatches POLYBUTENE accepts very high filler loadings in excess of 70%. In combination with its low melting point it can be employed in halogen-free flame retardant composites or as masterbatch carrier for thermo-sensitive pigments. POLYBUTENE disperses easily in other polyolefins, and at low concentration, acts as processing aid reducing torque and/or increasing throughput. Other applications Other applications include domestic water heaters, electrical insulation, compression packaging, wire and cable, shoe soles, and polyolefin modification (thermal bonding, enhancing softness and flexibility of rigid compounds, increasing temperature resistance and compression set of soft compounds). Environmental longevity Plumbing and heating systems made from POLYBUTENE have been used in Europe and Asia for more than 30 years. First reference projects in district heating and floor heating systems in Germany and Austria from the early 1970s are still in operation today.[7] One example is the installation of POLYBUTENE pipes in the Vienna Geothermal Project (1974) where aggressive geothermal water is distributed at a service temperature of 54 °C and 10 bar pressure. Other pipe materials in the same installation failed or corroded and had been replaced in the meantime.[7] International standards set minimum performance requirements for pipes made from POLYBUTENE used in hot water applications. Standardized extrapolation methods predict lifetimes in excess of 50 years at 70 °C and 10 bar.[7] Class action lawsuits and removal from building code approved usage Polybutylene plumbing was used in several million homes built in the United States from around 1978 to 1997. Problems with leaks and broken pipes led to a class action lawsuit, Cox v. Shell Oil, that was settled for $1 billion.[10][11] The leaks were associated with degradation of polybutylene exposed to chlorinated water.[12] Polybutylene water pipes are no longer accepted by United States building codes and have been the subject[13] of class action lawsuits in both Canada and the U.S.[14][15] The National Plumbing Code of Canada 1995 listed polybutylene piping as acceptable for use with the exception of recirculation plumbing. The piping was removed from the acceptable for use list in the 2005 issue of the standard.[16] There is evidence to suggest that the presence of chlorine and chloramine compounds in municipal water (often deliberately added to retard bacterial growth) will cause deterioration of the internal chemical structure of polybutylene piping and the associated acetal fittings.[17] The reaction with chlorinated water appears to be greatly accelerated by tensile stress, and is most often observed in material under highest mechanical stress such as at fittings, sharp bends, and kinks. Localized stress whitening of the material generally accompanies and precedes decomposition of the polymer. In extreme cases, this stress-activated chemical "corrosion" can lead to through perforation and leakage within a few years, but it also may not fail for decades. Fittings with a soft compression seal can give adequate service life.[further explanation needed] Because the chemical reaction of the water with the pipe occurs inside the pipe, it is often difficult to assess the extent of deterioration. The problem can cause both slow leaks and pipe bursting without any previous warning indication. The only long-term solution is to completely replace the polybutylene plumbing throughout the entire building.[18] See also Forensic engineering Forensic polymer engineering Polymer degradation Polybutylene terephthalate What Is It? Polybutene is a light colored, nondrying, sticky liquid. In cosmetics and personal care products, it is used in the formulation of lipstick, eye makeup and skin care products. Why is it used in cosmetics and personal care products? Polybutene functions as a binder, epilating agent and viscosity increasing agent - nonaqueous. Scientific Facts: Polybutene is the polymer formed by the polymerization of a mixture of isobutenes and normal butenes. The viscosity of Polybutene increases in direct proportion to increasing chain length.POLYBUTENE POLYBUTENE is classified as : Binding Viscosity controlling CAS Number 9003-28-5 COSING REF No: 78566 Chem/IUPAC Name: 1-Butene, homopolymer. Modifying Processing Characteristics: Modifiers and Processing Aids John Murphy, in Additives for Plastics Handbook (Second Edition), 2001 16.2.4 Polybutene Polybutenes (which have been used for many years as modifiers and extenders in butyl rubber) are now showing significant advantages in plastics, including polyethylene, polystyrene, and ABS. They have inherent tackiness, chemical and oxidative stability, and low permeability and also exhibit excellent colour and colour stability and are virtually non-toxic. Improvement in impact strength is also given to ABS, where low molecular weight polybutenes give best results. They can also be used in thermoplastic elastomers In polypropylene/ethylene-propylene elastomer blends, polybutene modifiers give flexible compounds with good impact strength and processability. A study by Amoco showed that, at a level of about 50% elastomer content, there is no break impact at -20°C while flexural modulus values are high and melt flow is 80-100% higher than the unmodified blends (contributing to better processability). Polybutene tends to reduce the tensile strength, heat distortion temperature, and hardness of the blends, but compounds have a good general balance of properties. Potential applications include flexible automotive components such as airbag door covers and mudguards, gasketing, and wire jacketing and also the replacement of plasticized PVC in toys, sporting goods, tools, and other consumer items.34.8 Polybutylene (PB) Materials Polybutylene base polymers are semi-crystalline isotactic thermoplastic polyolefins. They are derived from the polymerization of butene-1 monomer with or without other alpha-olefin monomers utilizing Ziegler-Natta type of catalyst. Their unique crystallization behavior means longer open times of adhesive and sealant formulations compared to other commonly used polymers such as polyethylene and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA). Polybutylene (PB), also called polybutene-1 or poly-1-butene, is different from polybutenes or polyisobutylenes (PIB). PIB are amorphous and rubbery, and come in the form of a viscous liquid or big hard block (6 in. in length and width or could be higher). PB base polymers are supplied in the form of small pellets (about 1/4 in. in diameter) or nibs.POLYBUTENE Description Polymerized butylenes that are viscous, non-drying liquid polymers with great product versatility. Advantages Non-toxic, non-drying, lubricity, imparts tackiness or adhesion, corrosion protection, burns without residue, good thermal stability, and superior dielectric properties. End Uses Raw material for ashless dispersants, fuel and gasoline additives, lubricants, caulks, sealants, adhesives, blown stretch film, dielectric fluids, cosmetics and personal care. POLYBUTENE APPLICATIONS Additives/Components > Adhesives/Sealants/Coatings > Agriculture > Blown/Cast Stretch Cling Film > Caulks and Sealants > Cosmetics and Personal Care > Detergents/Dispersants > Diesel Engine Additives > Engine, Gear and Motor Oils > Food Contact Applications > Greases > INDOPOL POLYBUTENES Indopol polybutenes are synthetic hydrocarbon polymers made by polymerization of C4 olefins (primarily isobutene) and are available in a wide range of viscosities. By controlling the polymerization conditions, polymer chains of different lengths are manufactured giving a wide range of polybutene grades having different physical properties. Short chain-length polybutenes are free-flowing; medium chain-length polybutenes are sticky with a honey-like consistency, while those with the longest chain length are very tacky, semi-solid materials. Indopol polybutenes have many useful properties, including: Permanently non-drying Colorless (water white) and non-staining Soluble in a wide range of organic solvents Compatible with a wide range of organic materials Completely hydrophobic Tacky Emulsifiable Excellent electrical insulators Good lubricants Non-corrosive Practically non-toxic and non-phytotoxic Stable to light and air (i.e. oxidatively stable) under ambient conditions Reactive by virtue of their olefinic end-group Very low moisture transmission rates Low to negligible evaporation loss at ambient temperature High Viscosity Indices Low Pour Points Complete depolymerization at elevated temperature leaving no residues MARKETS AND APPLICATIONS Indopol polybutenes are uniquely versatile polymers. Their combination of properties makes them ideal for a wide range of applications, such as lubricants, adhesives, rubber modification, sealants/caulks/putties, tackified PE stretch cling film, polymer modification, paints and coatings, personal care and cosmetics, agriculture and polybutene emulsions. Adhesives Indopol® polybutenes are key components in many pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSA), hot-melt pressure sensitive adhesives (HMPSA) and hot-melt adhesives (HMA). Polybutenes can plasticize, tackify, and extend many base elastomers, enhancing many adhesive properties and offering performance improvements over mineral/process oils. Rubber Indopol® polybutenes are used as extenders and plasticizers for a variety of vulcanized and other elastomers while offering performance improvements over mineral/process oils. Polybutenes are compatible with many types of rubber, including butyl and natural rubber, styrenic block copolymers (SEBS, SIS, SBS), EPDM, styrene-butadiene rubber, polyisoprene, polybutadiene, bromo- and chloro-butyl rubber, and polyisobutylene. Lubricants Indopol® polybutenes are clear, pure, synthetic hydrocarbon polymers that contain no additives or aromatic compounds. Polybutenes are widely used in many automotive and industrial oil applications, replacing bright stocks and mineral oils. The performance improvements achieved with Indopol polybutenes can be attributed to their unique physical properties and wide viscosity ranges. Sealants / caulks / putties Indopol® polybutene plasticizes, extends and adds tack to a variety of elastomer-based caulks and sealants, resulting in softer, more easily extruded products. Polybutenes can contribute desirable properties and performance benefits when used as partial replacements for drying oils and/or solvents in sealant and putty formulations. Tackified polyethylene (pe) stretch / cling film Indopol polybutenes are ideally suited as tackifiers and cling agents for linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) blown and cast films. Polybutenes can be employed in the production of LLDPE/polybutene masterbatches or more typically added directly to the LLDPE during the film extrusion process. The major areas of application for tackified LLDPE film are bale silage wrap, pallet stretch wrap, and hand/domestic food cling wrap. Films tackified with Indopol polybutene exhibit good clarity, durability and cling properties. Polymer Modification Indopol polybutenes can plasticize and modify many physical properties of thermoplastic polymers. Examples include polypropylene, high impact polystyrene, polyethylene, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, and thermoplastic polyolefins and elastomers. Thermoplastics modified with Indopol polybutenes provide improved performance in many diverse applications like consumer products, automotive, appliance and business machines. Indopol polybutenes also meet the composition requirements of Title 21 of the code of Federal Regulations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other applicable regulations which allows for use in food packaging products. Paints and Coatings Indopol polybutenes are used as components in many special purpose paints and coatings. They can contribute performance advantages to coatings for porous substrates such as wood, concrete and stucco, as well as masonry paints/coatings. The addition of polybutene can also benefit thermoplastic road marking paints, anticorrosion and emulsion paints, conventional gloss paints and undercoats and ceramic, aluminum or high temperature paints. Polybutenes can also be emulsified for use in water-based systems, replacing systems with volatile solvents. Personal Care and Cosmetics Indopol polybutenes are used in a variety of cosmetic and personal care products. They are pure, clear, non-comedogenic, non-irritating, hydrophobic, non-drying, synthetic liquid polymers that can be easily emulsified. By virtue of their unique properties, polybutenes can replace mineral oils, providing an upgrade in product quality and performance. The Personal Care Products Council INCI name for INEOS Indopol polybutenes is 'Polybutene'.Specifications: Appearance: Clear liquid pH: not determined. Solubility in water: negligible, below 0.1%. Specific gravity (water=1): 0.89 Viscosity: 196-233cst at 210°f (99°c) Pour point: 20°f (-6.7°c) Storage / Shelf Life: Store in cool, dry place. Polybutene * A thickening agent Polybutene is a oligomeric oil, sometimes derived from petroleum, that is used in its hydrogenated form in cosmetics and beauty products, primarily in lipsticks and balms, as a binder, epilating agent, thickener and lubricant (Wikipedia). It is naturally tacky or sticky and is also used for its adhesive properties, according to research. There is little detailed information available regarding the use of Polybutene in cosmetics, although it is widely used and thought to be a versatile, effective ingredient.Functions: Polybutene is a oligomeric oil, sometimes derived from petroleum, that is used in its hydrogenated form in cosmetics and beauty products, primarily in lipsticks and balms, as a binder, epilating agent, thickener and lubricant . It is naturally tacky or sticky and is also used for its adhesive properties, according to research. There is little detailed information available regarding the use of Polybutene in cosmetics, although it is widely used and thought to be a versatile, effective ingredient. Safety Measures/Side Effects: The Cosmetic Database finds Polybutene to be a low hazard ingredient and notes low incidents of skin, eye and lung irritation in regards to its use. It is FDA and CIR approved for use Molecular Weight of polybutene: 112.21 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Donor Count of polybutene: 0 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count of polybutene: 0 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Rotatable Bond Count of polybutene: 1 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Exact Mass of polybutene: 112.125201 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Monoisotopic Mass of polybutene: 112.125201 g/mol Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Topological Polar Surface Area of polybutene: 0 Ų Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Heavy Atom Count of polybutene: 8 Computed by PubChem Formal Charge of polybutene: 0 Computed by PubChem Complexity of polybutene: 29.2 Computed by Cactvs (PubChem release 2019.06.18) Isotope Atom Count of polybutene: 0 Computed by PubChem Defined Atom Stereocenter Count of polybutene: 0 Computed by PubChem Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count of polybutene: 0 Computed by PubChem Defined Bond Stereocenter Count of polybutene: 1 Computed by PubChem Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count of polybutene: 0 Computed by PubChem Covalently-Bonded Unit Count of polybutene: 2 Computed by PubChem Compound of polybutene Is Canonicalized Yes
Polycarboxylate Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are linear polymers with a high molecular mass (Mr ≤ 100 000) and with many carboxylate groups. They are polymers of acrylic acid or copolymers of acrylic acid and maleic acid. The polymer is used as the sodium salt (see: sodium polyacrylate).[1] Use of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) Isomers of the repeating unit in polyaspartic acid. Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are used as builders in detergents.[2] Their high chelating power, even at low concentrations, reduces deposits on the laundry and inhibits the crystal growth of calcite. Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) ethers (PCE) are used as superplasticizers in concrete production.[3] Safety of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are poorly biodegradable but have a low ecotoxicity. In the sewage treatment plant, the polymer remains largely in the sludge and is separated from the wastewater. Polyamino acids like polyaspartic acid and polyglutamic acid have better biodegradability but lower chelating performance than polyacrylates. They are also less stable towards heat and alkali. Since they contain nitrogen, they contribute to eutrophication. Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) Ethers (PCEs) A new chemical variant of superplasticisers is the so-called Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) ether. These materials are characterised by a polymethacrylic or allyl acid back bone with side chains attached comprising methoxy-polyethylene glycol groups.63,64 A chemical representation is given in Fig. 14.41. The notation a:b:c equals 6:1:0.2 and n is the number of ethylene oxide units. Superplasticizer (Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) based) Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) ethers (Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)) contain groups with polyoxyalkylene, especially polyethylene or polypropylene glycol groups as well as carboxylic acid and/or carboxylic acid anhydride monomers, e.g. acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, maleic acid and its anhydride, itonic acid and its anhydride. In addition monomers based on vinyl or acrylate can contribute to the chemistry of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat). The raw materials and the molecular chaining hierarchy of the constituents for the synthesis of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) are shown in Fig. 22.2 in a schematic flow diagram. The constituents are represented by Ecoinvent process data for acrylic acid, maleic acid, ethylene glycol, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide. The final product, superplasticizer based on Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat), also contains water and biocides which were also represented with the help of Ecoinvent process data. The batch polymerization process requires a polymerization plant and suitable industrial buildings. The necessary infrastructure and energy for this were determined in this study. In general terms, it is important to emphasize that well-designed Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are more effective than PNS at equivalent surface coverage. This results from a thicker polymeric layer with Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s and, consequently, more effective steric hindrance, as explained in Chapter 11 (Gelardi and Flatt, 2016). Therefore, lower dosages of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are needed to obtain the same or better workability (provided the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s adsorb enough). Consequently, because less Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are available in the pore solution, their ability to moderate initial reactivity of C3A may be reduced. This is, of course, an ultrasimplified statement because dosage, molecular structure, and formulation play very important roles. However, it has the advantage of helping us to remember that a decrease of admixture dosages can a priori make the fluidity retention more difficult even if the initial flow is preserved. Pure synthetic Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are more expensive than older-generation superplasticizers and the extensive use of such products is not always economically convenient. Therefore, the use of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s to produce blends can represent a way to reduce the cost of such formulations. However, the use of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s in blends is limited. Indeed, blends of PNS and Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) polymers were found to exhibit negative synergy with regard to slump and are not stable in formulations with most of the used proportions (Coppola et al., 1997). However, the drastic increase of viscosity observed with this blend might be beneficial for specific applications in shotcrete (Pickelmann and Plank, 2012). Also, PMS–Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) polymer blends showed intermediate performance regardless of the type of cement and the cost/benefit ratio was not favorable (Coppola et al., 1997). In contrast, Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) polymers can be conveniently used with lignosulfonates showing comparable initial fluidity and slump retention to the pure Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) polymer (Coppola et al., 1997; GonÇalves and Bettencourt-Ribeiro, 2000). Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s can be of varying molecular weight (20,000–80,000) with side chain lengths being mixed and varied resulting in a range of properties. Some Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s can undergo hydrolysis in alkaline media reducing their effectiveness.65 In addition the presence of calcium ions can cause Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s to cluster via bridging with the carboxylate groups. Another weakness of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s is that they are sensitive to clay contaminants in the aggregate as they will intercalate between the sheets of some clay minerals,66 and in particular montmorillonite types.67 One way of mitigating this may be to modify the polyether side change of the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat),68 another is to combine the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) with a sacrificial agent with preferred intercalation in clays (e.g. glycols or polyvinyl alcohol). Compared to cement grains of approximately 20 μm size Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) molecules are about 1 μm which in molecular terms is quite large. Due to the chemical manipulation provided by Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) manufacturers69 they tend to provide bespoke solutions to particular problems. Care has to be taken when dealing with differing cements.70 This is particularly so for slag-blended cements.71 Slag in contact with water can be positive, negative or neutrally charged. The effectiveness of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s can be dependent on the net charge for adsorption to occur. In this regard calcium ions derived from the slag as well as already present in a concrete mix can alter the surface charge and assist the attachment from an anionic Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat). The reduction in w/c ratio for a given workability resulting in strength increase follow similar trends to those of the naphthalene and melamine based superplasticisers. However, as well as altering the structure within one type of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) with resulting functional changes one can alter the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) backbone from methacrylic acid based ether (MPEG) to an allyl ether based Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s (APEG). The latter is shown in Fig. 14.42.73 As previously mentioned Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s also adsorb onto negatively charged silica and in particular nano-silica.74 This may however be an indirect effect by calcium adsorbing first giving a positive charge on the silica surface followed by the negatively charged polymer. The Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) basically acts as a deflocculating agent improving mortar strengths. However, there is evidence when used in calcium aluminate/micro-silica refractories that the dispersing capability is impaired.76 With the development of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s the link between chemical and physical structure with performance is becoming self evident. For instance with the APEG group the backbone may be either acrylic acid based or maleic acid based.77 Maleic derived Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s have longer backbones and side chains as well as carboxylate groups (R–COO−) increasing hydrophilicity but with a capacity to slow down the hydration process. As well as attracting to various phases in a dispersed cements Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s can interact with both potassium and sulfate ions inhibiting ettringite formation giving better flowability.78 However, Popova79 showed that adsorbed polymer decelerates the formation rate of CSH whilst not affecting the CSH structure. This group of superplasticisers has been actively developed both as Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s and unrelated chemicals. For instance cycloaliphatic superplasticisers based on acetone formaldehyde condensate80 is a recent development (Fig. 14.43). Hypothesis of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) ether (PCE) comb-copolymers are widely used as water reducing agents in the concrete industry while maintaining a high fluidity via the polymer adsorption to the cement particles. Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers with a broad range of structures are well established by Free radical polymerization, however, understanding the structure-property relationship is still complex due to the high polydispersity of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers prepared by conventional polymerization. The influence of different structural parameters using well-defined polymeric structures is yet to be explored. Experiments of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) In this study, two different types of comb-like random copolymers, namely Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) ether (Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat); poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate/methacrylic acid)) and polysulfonate ether (PSE; poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether acrylate/sodium 4-styrenesulfonate)), were synthesized by RAFT polymerization to enable the synthesis of polymers with controlled features. The effect of charge types and side chain lengths on the adsorption, rheology, and dispersing ability of cement pastes have been studied. Findings of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) RAFT polymerization could be used to prepare Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) random copolymers with good control over the polymer molecular weight and narrow polydispersity (Đ < 1.3). Results revealed that the ζ-potential values depend on both the charge type and side chain lengths. Copolymers containing SO3− exhibited higher absolute negative ζ-potential values than COO− while Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers with shorter side chains developed higher absolute negative ζ-potential values. On the other hand, the adsorption study demonstrated that decreasing the side chain lengths lead to higher adsorption of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers while Copolymers with COO− groups were found to be adsorbed more than SO3− counterparts. These results are further confirmed with the rheological studies and it is found that the shorter the side chain, the lower the yield stress and the higher the dispersion of cement pastes but to a limited effect. Additionally, the charge types have a major influence on the performance of superplasticizers. This study could make further progress in establishing superplasticizers with controlled architectures for better performance. They used Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers containing both sulfonate and carboxylate groups in addition to the PEO side chains. The experiments showed that Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers containing both short and long side chains in the same polymer backbone exhibit higher dispersion ability than Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s with either short or long side chains. On the other hand, an appropriate increase in sulfonic group content leads to an increase in dispersing ability. In another study, Ran et al. demonstrated that a higher dispersion performance was observed for Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers with longer side chains [11]. Contrary to this, Nawa et al. found that Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s with short side chains impart better dispersing ability than longer ones [2]. Additionally, Winnefeld et al. reported that the side chain lengths have a minor influence on the cement workability, ascribed to the conformation of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s as the structure is not stretched but rather mushroom-like [12]. It can be concluded that some of these reports have apparently conflicting conclusions, but this may result from the fact that each of these studies was performed with Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s having rather diverse chemical structures, compositions, and side chain lengths. On the other hand, the ionic character of the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s can influence the adsorption to cement grains and the retardation of cement hydration [13]. It has been reported that COO− functions induce higher adsorption behavior than SO3− counterparts [13]. Dalas et al. concluded that modifying the ionic character along the polymer backbone has no effect on the fluidizing efficiency [14]. To provide accurate insights regarding the effect of side chain lengths and charge characteristics on the adsorption behavior of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s, we have employed RAFT polymerization in this work to obtain well-defined copolymers with diverse side chains and functionalities, enabling more systematic evaluation of the structural parameters of the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s on their performance. This is the first study that reports the use of well-defined copolymers (Ð <1.3) to compare the side chain length and charge type of the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s on the dispersibility of cement pastes. In this study, two types of copolymers were synthesized containing either COO− or SO3− as the charge type (namely Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) and PSE, respectively) to explore the effect of the specific functional negatively charged group on the adsorption and rheological properties of cement pastes. On the other hand, three different PEO side chain lengths were employed in case of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers to study their effect on the cement fluidity as well. Adsorption studies, ζ-potential measurements, fluidity, and the rheological properties were also explored in this work. Initially, the ζ-potential value of the cement dispersed solution was very close to zero indicating that cement particles tend to agglomerate very fast. However, the ζ-potential values changed greatly by adding the SPs leading to a pronounced negative charge due to the specific adsorption of the SPs on the cement particles surface [2]. As can be seen from Fig. 6, the absolute negative ζ-potential value decreases with increasing the side chain lengths in the SPs. This means that the shorter the side chain lengths, the higher the absolute negative ζ-potential values, hence the higher the colloidal stability. However, the addition of PSE increased the absolute negative ζ-potential to a higher value than the corresponding Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s. Comparing the adsorption behavior of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) and PSE, it is surprising to note that PSE increased the absolute negative ζ-potential value more than Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) although less PSE is adsorbed on the cement grains. The reason behind this behavior is that the adsorption of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s occurs via Ca2+ bridging on the hydrated products resulting in the appearance of positive potential on the cement grains. After adsorption of the anionic groups and extension of the shear plane, a negative potential will develop which compensate the positive surface charge and thus leads to lower ζ-potential value than PSE- which does not form Ca2+ bridges- despite the higher adsorption in case of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) [11], [42]. Complementary with the above explanation, the effect of side chain length on the zeta potential may be discussed by taking the molecular conformation into consideration as well. Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) with short side chains is reported to be adsorbed to cement paste in flat conformation due to the high charge density and short side chain while for Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s with longer side chains, the polymer main chain is preferred in the perpendicular orientation to cement particles [43]. Previous reports confirmed that Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers protruding from the surface can lead to an increase in the zeta potential values (shift to positive ζ-potential), due to the shift in the shear plane further away from the particle surface [11], [44]. Rheological study of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) The addition of SPs to the cement paste can influence its fluidity and, therefore, the rheological properties will be affected as well [2]. The flow curves were determined for cement pastes (w/c = 0.38), with a fixed concentration of SP (0.1% of cement mass). In order to minimize the wall slip effect of the parallel-plate geometry, a rough surface was used [50], [51]. The flow curve is obtained from the downward shear rate ramp by measuring the stress while decreasing the shear rate from 175 to 50 s−1. Fig. 8 shows the flow curve of cement paste containing either Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s or PSE and compared to reference cement paste without SP. As can be observed, the stress decreases linearly as a function of the shear rate according to the Bingham model (). It is shown that the yield stress and the viscosity were about 165 Pa and 1.58 Pa s, respectively, for the reference cement paste. With the addition of PSE, both the yield stress and viscosity were shifted to lower values of about 110 Pa and 0.91 Pa s, respectively, showing that PSE has a limited plasticizing efficiency. On the other hand, the addition of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) sharply lowered both the yield stress and viscosity values as well. From these results, it could be concluded that both Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) and PSE have an effect on the rheological properties of cement pastes. However, while the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) alters the yield stress dramatically, the PSE has a much less pronounced effect. This indicates that the COO− groups in the copolymers can exert more fluidity than their SO3− counterparts as also highlighted in the ζ-potential and the adsorption tests. To study the effect of the PEO side chain length on the fluidity of cement pastes, the flow curves of cement pastes having Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers with different side chain lengths were performed. It is found from Fig. 8 that decreasing the PEO side chain length will rather lower the yield stress values. These results are in agreement with the study provided by Erzingen et al, where they found that Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers with short side chains (Mn = 500) increased the fluidity and fluidity-retention when compared to Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) with longer side chains (Mn = 950) [52]. Winnefeld et al also demonstrated that the length of side chains has a minor influence on the rheological properties of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s with lower side chain densities (1:3, 1:4 for MAA:PEGMA), however when the side chain density was high (1:2 of MAA:PEGMA), an increase in the apparent yield stress and viscosity was found for polymers with longer side chains. The reason behind this phenomenon may be attributed to the fact that Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s with higher side chain densities exhibit lower charge density of the backbone and thus less amount of polymers are adsorbed [12]. The same conclusion could arise from this work where a high density of the side chain is employed (1:1 of MAA:PEGMA), resulting in less adsorption for polymers with longer side chains as discussed in the adsorption section. This indicates that the charge density of the polymers should be considered when establishing Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) superplasticizers. In addition, different Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s gave comparable plastic viscosity values (0.59–0.64 Pa s), showing a minor influence on the plastic viscosity of cement pastes as obtained from Fig. 8. Conclusions This work features the potential use of RAFT polymerization to prepare well-defined Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) random copolymers as superplasticizers. In contrary to previous literature [16], [17], [19], [53], that manipulated FRP as a tool to synthesize Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers without optimum chemical architectures, this study revealed that Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) random copolymers could be obtained with a narrow polydispersity (Đ < 1.3). Many reports studied the effect of the average molecular structures on the performance of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers [18], [27], [31], [53], [54], however, the high polydispersity of these polymers limits the understanding of structure-property relations [55]. Exploiting RAFT polymerization technique could be a key to solve this issue. ζ-potential measurements revealed that the addition of superplasticizers increased the colloidal stability of cement pastes. From the adsorption measurements, It is concluded that decreasing the side chain lengths will rather increase the adsorption capacity of the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymers due to the increase in the charge density [12]. In addition, the charge type profoundly affects the adsorption capacity as the SPs with COO− groups led to higher adsorption on cement pastes compared to SPs with SO3− groups. On the other hand, decreasing the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) side chain has a minor enhancement of the rheological performance of the cement pastes. SO3− functional groups have a slight influence on the paste dispersing ability, and thus a limited effect on the dynamic yield stress, while COO− groups enhance the paste dispersibility and, therefore, the dynamic yield stress of cement pastes decreased sharply. In light of the above conclusions, it is evident that RAFT polymerization provides a precise way to study the effect of different parameters that could influence the workability of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) superplasticizers. Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s obtained by RAFT polymerization could be superior to other Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) types because of the controlled features of the resulted polymers such as predetermined molecular weights, and low polydispersity index which in turn may affect the dispersibility of cementitious materials. Controlling the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) copolymer chains could better explain the effect of each parameter on the performance of cement pastes and thus we could enhance the workability of cement pastes by choosing different types of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s with the optimum parameters. This work may drive more researchers to exploit controlled polymerization to get more precise insights into the mechanism and effect of superplasticizers for better performance. 1. Application Poly-Carboxylate is a superplasticizer for high performance concrete, high strength concrete, high volume fly ash/slag concrete and grouting/self-leveling screed/mortar. 2. Characterstic 1) High early strength: Significant increase of early strength and 28d strength. 2) Low slump lose: Great reduction of slump lose. 3) Excellent durability: Reduction of cracking , shrinkage and creep. 4) High water reduction: Water reduction more than 25% according to different application. 5) Environmental friendly products: Non pollution during production. The addition of superplasticizer in the truck during transit is a fairly new development within the industry. Admixtures added in transit through automated slump management systems, such as Verifi, allows concrete producers to maintain slump until discharge without reducing concrete quality. Some 20 years ago, a new type of superplasticizer based on Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) polymers (PCE) was commercially introduced to the North American concrete construction industry. Just as the application of naphthalene-based admixtures starting in the 1970s enabled significant improvements in the numerous engineering properties of plastic and hardened concrete, Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s have further extended the performance of concrete mixtures. For example, self-consolidated concrete and slump retention beyond two hours without significant set time extension have been made possible with PCEs. I was fortunate to be on the R&D/marketing team for a major chemical admixture company that launched the first group of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)-based admixtures in the 1990s. Like all new technologies introduced into the building industry, there has been a long learning curve which underscores the highly diverse set of materials and applications with concrete construction. This article summarizes a few key performance attributes which have been learned from both commercial concrete applications and the research laboratory. Some of the benefits provided by Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) superplasticizers have been discussed and previously published in The Concrete Producer. Air entrainment: Essentially all Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)-based admixtures are formulated with a defoamer to control unwanted air entrainment inherent with the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) polymer. For both air-entrained and non-air entrained concrete applications, air contents can usually be effectively managed with selection of the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)-based superplasticizer product most compatible with job materials. Varying carbon content in fly ash can make consistent air contents challenging as the hydrophobic nature of defoamers leads to adsorption by fly ash carbon. In general, compared to polynaphthalene sulfonate polymer (PNS) based superplasticizers, PCE-based products can make air-entraining admixtures (AEA) more efficient, meaning a lower AEA can be required to achieve the same air content. Impact of clays: Unlike PNS superplasticizers, the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) polymer will be readily and irreversibly adsorbed by certain clay fines that could be present in various aggregate sources. Figure 2 illustrates the impact that a clay- bearing sand, having a methylene blue value of 1.30, can have on the dosages of PNS verse Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)-based superplasticizers to achieve compatible slump. Normally, with clay-free or low-clay sands, Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are dosed about one-third that of PNS-based superplasticizers for comparable slump. However, when clays are present in certain sands, up to a 50% higher dosage of Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) versus PNS can be expected. Therefore, if the dosage of a Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) superplasticizer were to unexpectedly increase, checking for clay fines in the aggregate supply should be prioritized. Flexible dosing: Again, unlike PNS-based superplasticizers, which invariably should be added in a delayed addition mode (that is, after the cement and water have begun to mix), Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat)s are relatively insensitive to the time of addition, allowing for greater flexibility in the concrete batching process. Used as chemical intermediate or building block for Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) dispersant. A new surfactant combination compatible with concrete formulation is proposed to avoid unwanted air bubbles created during mixing process in the absence of a defoamer and to achieve the uniform and the maximum possible dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in water and subsequently in concrete. To achieve this goal, three steps have been defined: (1) concrete was made with different types and amount of surfactants containing a constant amount of MWCNTs (0.05 wt%) and the air bubbles were eliminated with a proper defoamer. (2) Finding a compatible surfactant with concrete compositions and eliminating unwanted air bubbles in the absence of a common defoamer are of fundamental importance to significantly increase concrete mechanical properties. In this step, the results showed that the Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) superplasticizer (SP-C) (as a compatible surfactant) dispersed MWCNTs worse than SDS/DTAB but unwanted air bubbles were removed, so the defoamer can be omitted in the mixing process. (3) To solve the problem, a new compatible surfactant composition was developed and different ratios of surfactants were tested and evaluated by means of performance criteria mentioned above. The results showed that the new surfactant composition (SDS and SP-C) can disperse MWCNTs around 24% more efficiently than the other surfactant compositions. Chemistry: Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) based superplasticizer is the third generational cement plasticizer which advance developed from lignosulfonate calcium type and Naphthalene type plasticizer.SUNBO PC-2030 is a modify powder type Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) superplasticizer researched by new technology.It is a green environmental product with good comprehensive index and no pollution. PC- 2030 is the latest powder type Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) superplasticizer with much lower air content developed fromthe type PC-1030 Polycarboxylate (polikarboksilat) superplasticizer powder. Characteristic: Super low air content , good dispensability, high water reduction rate, excellent adaptability with kinds of cement. This product is in line with the national standard GB8076-2008 for concrete superplasticizer index.
Polycarboxylic Acid (PCA)
PCA; POCA; dispersant PCA, Copolymer of Phosphono and carboxylic Acid; belsperse 164;PCA;phosphino carboxylic acid;Poly (acrylic acid-co-hypophosphite) sodium salt;Phosphino Carboxilic Acid (PCA);Phosphino Carboxylic Acid(PCA);2-Propenoic acid,polyMer with sodiuM phosphinate (1:1);Phaseolus coccineus agglutinin CAS No:71050-62-9
cas no 26062-79-3 Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride); PDADMAC; 2-Propen-1-aminium,N,N-dimethyl-N-Propenyl-,chloride homopolymer; Polyquaternium-6; PolyDMDAAC; Polymer of dimethyl diallylammonium chloride;
Poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride); Polyquaternium-6 CAS NO:26062-79-3
Synonyms: Unii-vh2xou12ie;Polydextrose (200 mg);Polydextrose type 2;Water-soluble dietary fiber;POLYDEXTROSE;Poly-D-glucose;POLYDEXTROSE,UNTREATED,FCC;dextrose/ sorbitol condensation polymer CAS: 68424-04-4
poly(dimethylsiloxane); PDMS; dimethicone; dimethylpolysiloxane; E900 CAS NO:63148-62-9
Polydimethylsiloxane Polydimethylsiloxane PDMS PDMS Names IUPAC name poly(dimethylsiloxane) Other names PDMS dimethicone dimethylpolysiloxane E900 Identifiers CAS Number 63148-62-9 ☒ 3D model (JSmol) n = 12: Interactive image ChemSpider none ECHA InfoCard 100.126.442 E number E900 (glazing agents, ...) UNII 92RU3N3Y1O check CompTox Dashboard (EPA) DTXSID0049573 Properties Chemical formula (C2H6OSi)n Density 965 kg/m3 Melting point N/A (vitrifies) Boiling point N/A (vitrifies) Pharmacology ATC code P03AX05 (WHO) Hazards NFPA 704 (fire diamond) NFPA 704 four-colored diamond 110 Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa). ☒ verify (what is check☒ ?) Infobox references Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), also known as dimethylpolysiloxane or dimethicone, belongs to a group of polymeric organosilicon compounds that are commonly referred to as silicones.[1] Polydimethylsiloxane is the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer due to its versatility and properties leading to many applications.[2] It is particularly known for its unusual rheological (or flow) properties. Polydimethylsiloxane is optically clear and, in general, inert, non-toxic, and non-flammable. It is one of several types of silicone oil (polymerized siloxane). Its applications range from contact lenses and medical devices to elastomers; it is also present in shampoos (as it makes hair shiny and slippery), food (antifoaming agent), caulking, lubricants and heat-resistant tiles. Structure The chemical formula for Polydimethylsiloxane is CH3[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3, where n is the number of repeating monomer [SiO(CH3)2] units.[3] Industrial synthesis can begin from dimethyldichlorosilane and water by the following net reaction: The polymerization reaction evolves hydrochloric acid. For medical and domestic applications, a process was developed in which the chlorine atoms in the silane precursor were replaced with acetate groups. In this case, the polymerization produces acetic acid, which is less chemically aggressive than HCl. As a side-effect, the curing process is also much slower in this case. The acetate is used in consumer applications, such as silicone caulk and adhesives. Branching and capping Hydrolysis of Si(CH3)2Cl2 generates a polymer that is terminated with silanol groups (−Si(CH3)2OH]). These reactive centers are typically "capped" by reaction with trimethylsilyl chloride: 2 Si(CH3)3Cl + [Si(CH3)2O]n−2[Si(CH3)2OH]2 → [Si(CH3)2O]n−2[Si(CH3)2O Si(CH3)3]2 + 2 HCl Silane precursors with more acid-forming groups and fewer methyl groups, such as methyltrichlorosilane, can be used to introduce branches or cross-links in the polymer chain. Under ideal conditions, each molecule of such a compound becomes a branch point. This can be used to produce hard silicone resins. In a similar manner, precursors with three methyl groups can be used to limit molecular weight, since each such molecule has only one reactive site and so forms the end of a siloxane chain. Well-defined Polydimethylsiloxane with a low polydispersity index and high homogeneity is produced by controlled anionic ring-opening polymerization of hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane. Using this methodology it is possible to synthesize linear block copolymers, heteroarm star-shaped block copolymers and many other macromolecular architectures. The polymer is manufactured in multiple viscosities, ranging from a thin pourable liquid (when n is very low), to a thick rubbery semi-solid (when n is very high). Polydimethylsiloxane molecules have quite flexible polymer backbones (or chains) due to their siloxane linkages, which are analogous to the ether linkages used to impart rubberiness to polyurethanes. Such flexible chains become loosely entangled when molecular weight is high, which results in PDMS' unusually high level of viscoelasticity. Mechanical properties Polydimethylsiloxane is viscoelastic, meaning that at long flow times (or high temperatures), it acts like a viscous liquid, similar to honey. However, at short flow times (or low temperatures), it acts like an elastic solid, similar to rubber. Viscoelasticity is a form of nonlinear elasticity that is common amongst noncrystalline polymers.[4] The loading and unloading of a stress-strain curve for Polydimethylsiloxane do not coincide; rather, the amount of stress will vary based on the degree of strain, and the general rule is that increasing strain will result in greater stiffness. When the load itself is removed, the strain is slowly recovered (rather than instantaneously). This time-dependent elastic deformation results from the long-chains of the polymer. But the process that is described above is only relevant when cross-linking is present; when it is not, the polymer Polydimethylsiloxane cannot shift back to the original state even when the load is removed, resulting in a permanent deformation. However, permanent deformation is rarely seen in PDMS, since it is almost always cured with a cross-linking agent. If some Polydimethylsiloxane is left on a surface overnight (long flow time), it will flow to cover the surface and mold to any surface imperfections. However, if the same Polydimethylsiloxane is poured into a spherical mold and allowed to cure (short flow time), it will bounce like a rubber ball.[3] The mechanical properties of Polydimethylsiloxane enable this polymer to conform to a diverse variety of surfaces. Since these properties are affected by a variety of factors, this unique polymer is relatively easy to tune. This enables Polydimethylsiloxane to become a good substrate that can easily be integrated into a variety of microfluidic and microelectromechanical systems.[5][6] Specifically, the determination of mechanical properties can be decided before Polydimethylsiloxane is cured; the uncured version allows the user to capitalize on myriad opportunities for achieving a desirable elastomer. Generally, the cross-linked cured version of Polydimethylsiloxane resembles rubber in a solidified form. It is widely known to be easily stretched, bent, compressed in all directions.[7] Depending on the application and field, the user is able to tune the properties based on what is demanded. Fabric embedded within PDMS. This technique enables a user to retain a thin layer of Polydimethylsiloxane as a substrate while achieving a higher stiffness through the insertion of reinforcement. Linear relationship in Sylgard 184 Polydimethylsiloxane between curing temperature and Young's modulus Overall Polydimethylsiloxane has a low elastic modulus which enables it to be easily deformed and results in the behavior of a rubber.[8][9][10] Viscoelastic properties of Polydimethylsiloxane can be more precisely measured using dynamic mechanical analysis. This method requires determination of the material's flow characteristics over a wide range of temperatures, flow rates, and deformations. Because of PDMS's chemical stability, it is often used as a calibration fluid for this type of experiment. The shear modulus of Polydimethylsiloxane varies with preparation conditions, and consequently dramatically varies in the range of 100 kPa to 3 MPa. The loss tangent is very low (tan δ ≪ 0.001).[10] Chemical compatibility Polydimethylsiloxane is hydrophobic.[6] Plasma oxidation can be used to alter the surface chemistry, adding silanol (SiOH) groups to the surface. Atmospheric air plasma and argon plasma will work for this application. This treatment renders the Polydimethylsiloxane surface hydrophilic, allowing water to wet it. The oxidized surface can be further functionalized by reaction with trichlorosilanes. After a certain amount of time, recovery of the surface's hydrophobicity is inevitable, regardless of whether the surrounding medium is vacuum, air, or water; the oxidized surface is stable in air for about 30 minutes.[11] Alternatively, for applications where long-term hydrophilicity is a requirement, techniques such as hydrophilic polymer grafting, surface nanostructuring, and dynamic surface modification with embedded surfactants can be of use. [12] Solid Polydimethylsiloxane samples (whether surface-oxidized or not) will not allow aqueous solvents to infiltrate and swell the material. Thus Polydimethylsiloxane structures can be used in combination with water and alcohol solvents without material deformation. However most organic solvents will diffuse into the material and cause it to swell.[6] Despite this, some organic solvents lead to sufficiently small swelling that they can be used with PDMS, for instance within the channels of Polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic devices. The swelling ratio is roughly inversely related to the solubility parameter of the solvent. Diisopropylamine swells Polydimethylsiloxane to the greatest extent; solvents such as chloroform, ether, and THF swell the material to a large extent. Solvents such as acetone, 1-propanol, and pyridine swell the material to a small extent. Alcohols and polar solvents such as methanol, glycerol and water do not swell the material appreciably.[13] Applications Surfactants and antifoaming agents Polydimethylsiloxane is a common surfactant and is a component of defoamers.[14] PDMS, in a modified form, is used as an herbicide penetrant[15] and is a critical ingredient in water-repelling coatings, such as Rain-X.[16] Hydraulic fluids and related applications Dimethicone is also the active silicone fluid in automotive viscous limited slip differentials and couplings. This is usually a non-serviceable OEM component but can be replaced with mixed performance results due to variances in effectiveness caused by refill weights or non-standard pressurizations.[citation needed] Soft lithography Polydimethylsiloxane is commonly used as a stamp resin in the procedure of soft lithography, making it one of the most common materials used for flow delivery in microfluidics chips.[17] The process of soft lithography consists of creating an elastic stamp, which enables the transfer of patterns of only a few nanometers in size onto glass, silicon or polymer surfaces. With this type of technique, it is possible to produce devices that can be used in the areas of optic telecommunications or biomedical research. The stamp is produced from the normal techniques of photolithography or electron-beam lithography. The resolution depends on the mask used and can reach 6 nm.[18] In biomedical (or biological) microelectromechanical systems (bio-MEMS), soft lithography is used extensively for microfluidics in both organic and inorganic contexts. Silicon wafers are used to design channels, and Polydimethylsiloxane is then poured over these wafers and left to harden. When removed, even the smallest of details is left imprinted in the PDMS. With this particular Polydimethylsiloxane block, hydrophilic surface modification is conducted using plasma etching techniques. Plasma treatment disrupts surface silicon-oxygen bonds, and a plasma-treated glass slide is usually placed on the activated side of the Polydimethylsiloxane (the plasma-treated, now hydrophilic side with imprints). Once activation wears off and bonds begin to reform, silicon-oxygen bonds are formed between the surface atoms of the glass and the surface atoms of the PDMS, and the slide becomes permanently sealed to the PDMS, thus creating a waterproof channel. With these devices, researchers can utilize various surface chemistry techniques for different functions creating unique lab-on-a-chip devices for rapid parallel testing.[5] Polydimethylsiloxane can be cross-linked into networks and is a commonly used system for studying the elasticity of polymer networks.[citation needed] Polydimethylsiloxane can be directly patterned by surface-charge lithography.[19] Polydimethylsiloxane is being used in the making of synthetic gecko adhesion dry adhesive materials, to date only in laboratory test quantities.[20] Some flexible electronics researchers use Polydimethylsiloxane because of its low cost, easy fabrication, flexibility, and optical transparency.[21] Stereo lithography In stereo lithography (SLA) 3D printing, light is projected onto photocuring resin to selectively cure it. Some types of SLA printer are cured from the bottom of the tank of resin and therefore require the growing model to be peeled away from the base in order for each printed layer to be supplied with a fresh film of uncured resin. A Polydimethylsiloxane layer at the bottom of the tank assists this process by absorbing oxygen : the presence of oxygen adjacent to the resin prevents it adhering to the PDMS, and the optically clear Polydimethylsiloxane permits the projected image to pass through to the resin undistorted. Medicine and cosmetics Activated dimethicone, a mixture of Polydimethylsiloxane s and silicon dioxide (sometimes called simethicone), is often used in over-the-counter drugs as an antifoaming agent and carminative.[22][23] It has also been at least proposed for use in contact lenses.[24] Silicone breast implants are made out of a Polydimethylsiloxane elastomer shell, to which fumed amorphous silica is added, encasing Polydimethylsiloxane gel or saline solution. [25] In addition, Polydimethylsiloxane is useful as a lice or flea treatment because of its ability to trap insects.[26] It also works as a moisturizer that is lighter and more breathable than typical oils. Skin Polydimethylsiloxane is used variously in the cosmetic and consumer product industry as well. For example, Polydimethylsiloxane can be used in the treatment of head lice on the scalp[26] and dimethicone is used widely in skin-moisturizing lotions where it is listed as an active ingredient whose purpose is "skin protection." Some cosmetic formulations use dimethicone and related siloxane polymers in concentrations of use up to 15%. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review's (CIR) Expert Panel, has concluded that dimethicone and related polymers are "safe as used in cosmetic formulations."[27] Hair Polydimethylsiloxane compounds such as amodimethicone, are effective conditioners when formulated to consist of small particles and be soluble in water or alcohol/act as surfactants[28][29] (especially for damaged hair[30]), and are even more conditioning to the hair than common dimethicone and/or dimethicone copolyols.[31] Contact Lenses A proposed use of Polydimethylsiloxane is contact lens cleaning. Its physical properties of low elastic modulus and hydrophobicity have been used to clean micro and nano pollutants from contact lens surfaces more effectively than multipurpose solution and finger rubbing; the researchers involved call the technique PoPPR (polymer on polymer pollution removal) and note that it is highly effective at removing nanoplastic that has adhered to lenses.[32] Flea treatment for pets Dimethicone is the active ingredient in a liquid applied to the back of the neck of a cat or dog from a small one time use dose disposable pipette. The parasite becomes trapped and immoblised in the substance and thus breaks the life cycle of the insect. Foods Polydimethylsiloxane is added to many cooking oils (as an antifoaming agent) to prevent oil splatter during the cooking process. As a result of this, Polydimethylsiloxane can be found in trace quantities in many fast food items such as McDonald's Chicken McNuggets, french fries, hash browns, milkshakes and smoothies[33] and Wendy's french fries.[34] Under European food additive regulations, it is listed as E900. Condom lubricant Polydimethylsiloxane is widely used as a condom lubricant.[35][36] Domestic and niche uses Many people are indirectly familiar with Polydimethylsiloxane because it is an important component in Silly Putty, to which Polydimethylsiloxane imparts its characteristic viscoelastic properties.[37] Another toy Polydimethylsiloxane is used in is Kinetic Sand. The rubbery, vinegary-smelling silicone caulks, adhesives, and aquarium sealants are also well-known. Polydimethylsiloxane is also used as a component in silicone grease and other silicone based lubricants, as well as in defoaming agents, mold release agents, damping fluids, heat transfer fluids, polishes, cosmetics, hair conditioners and other applications. Polydimethylsiloxane has also been used as a filler fluid in breast implants. It can be used as a sorbent for the analysis of headspace (dissolved gas analysis) of food.[38] Safety and environmental considerations According to Ullmann's Encyclopedia, no "marked harmful effects on organisms in the environment" have been noted for siloxanes. Polydimethylsiloxane is nonbiodegradable, but is absorbed in waste water treatment facilities. Its degradation is catalyzed by various clays. Polydimethylsiloxane Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is one of the high-performance polymers, with unique physical and chemical properties like flexible, thermo-tolerant, resistant to oxidation, ease of fabrication, tunable hardness, and other desirable properties. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is the simplest member of the silicone polymer family. It is formed by hydrolyzing Me2SiCl2, which is produced from high-purity SiO2 and CH2Cl2 by the Muller–Rochow reaction. The term “silicone” was coined by chemist F. S. Kipping in 1901. Low–molecular weight Polydimethylsiloxane is a liquid used in lubricants, antifoaming agents, and hydraulic fluids. Its use in breast implants is not as popular as it once was because of safety concerns. At higher molecular weights, Polydimethylsiloxane is a soft, compliant rubber or resin. It is used in caulks, sealants, an even Silly Putty. More recently, Polydimethylsiloxane resins have been used in soft lithography, a key process in biomedical microelectromechanical systems (bio-MEMS). Polydimethylsiloxane Polydimethylsiloxane IUPAC name poly(dimethylsiloxane) Other names PDMS dimethicone E900 Identifiers CAS number 63148-62-9 Properties Molecular formula (C2H6OSi)n Density 965 kg m−3 Melting point N/A (vitrifies) Boiling point below about 200 °C Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa) Infobox disclaimer and references Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer, and is particularly known for its unusual rheological (or flow) properties. Its applications range from contact lenses and medical devices to elastomers, caulking, lubricating oils and heat resistant tiles. Polydimethylsiloxane is optically clear, and is generally considered to be inert, non-toxic and non-flammable. It has been assigned CAS number 63148-62-9, and is occasionally called dimethicone. It is one of several types of silicone oil (polymerized siloxane). Chemistry The chemical formula for Polydimethylsiloxane is (H3C)3[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3, where n is the number of repeating monomer [SiO(CH3)2] units. Industrial synthesis can begin from dimethylchlorosilane and water by the following net reaction: n [Si(CH3)2Cl2] + n [H2O] → [Si(CH3)2O]n + 2n HCl During polymerization, this reaction evolves potentially hazardous hydrogen chloride gas. For medical uses, a process was developed where the chlorine atoms in the silane precursor were replaced with acetate groups, so that the reaction product of the final curing process is nontoxic acetic acid (vinegar). As a side effect, the curing process is also much slower in this case. This is the chemistry used in consumer applications, such as silicone caulk and adhesives. Silane precursors with more acid-forming groups and fewer methyl groups, such as methyltrichlorosilane, can be used to introduce branches or cross-links in the polymer chain. Ideally, each molecule of such a compound becomes a branch point. This can be used to produce hard silicone resins. Similarly, precursors with three methyl groups can be used to limit molecular weight, since each such molecule has only one reactive site and so forms the end of a siloxane chain. The polymer is manufactured in multiple viscosities, ranging from a thin pourable liquid (when n is very low), to a thick rubbery semi-solid (when n is very high). Polydimethylsiloxane molecules have quite flexible polymer backbones (or chains) due to their siloxane linkages, which are analogous to the ether linkages used to impart rubberiness to polyurethanes. Such flexible chains become loosely entangled when molecular weight is high, which results in Polydimethylsiloxane having an unusually high level of viscoelasticity. Mechanical properties Polydimethylsiloxane is viscoelastic, meaning that at long flow times (or high temperatures), it acts like a viscous liquid, similar to honey. However at short flow times (or low temperatures) it acts like an elastic solid, similar to rubber. In other words, if you leave some Polydimethylsiloxane on a surface overnight (long flow time), it will flow to cover the surface and mold to any surface imperfections. However if you roll the same Polydimethylsiloxane into a sphere and throw it onto the same surface (short flow time), it will bounce like a rubber ball. Although the viscoelastic properties of Polydimethylsiloxane can be intuitively observed using the simple experiment described above, they can be more accurately measured using dynamic mechanical analysis. This involves using a specialized instrument to determine the material's flow characteristics over a wide range of temperatures, flow rates, and deformations. Because of PDMS's chemical stability, it is often used as a calibration fluid for this type of experiment. The shear modulus of Polydimethylsiloxane varies with preparation conditions, but is typically in the range of 100 kPa to 3 MPa. The loss tangent is very low (\tan\delta\ll0.001).[1] Chemical compatibility After polymerization and cross-linking, solid Polydimethylsiloxane samples will present an external hydrophobic surface.[2] This surface chemistry makes it difficult for polar solvents (such as water) to wet the Polydimethylsiloxane surface, and may lead to adsorption of hydrophobic contaminants. Plasma oxidation can be used to alter the surface chemistry, adding silanol (SiOH) groups to the surface. This treatment renders the Polydimethylsiloxane surface hydrophilic, allowing water to wet (this is frequently required for, e.g. water-based microfluidics). The oxidized surface resists adsorption of hydrophobic and negatively charged species. The oxidized surface can be further functionalized by reaction with trichlorosilanes. Oxidized surfaces are stable for ~30 minutes in air, after a certain time hydrophobic recovery of the surface is inevitable independently of the surrounding medium whether it is vacuum, air or water.[3] Solid Polydimethylsiloxane samples (whether surface oxidized or not) will not allow aqueous solvents to infiltrate and swell the material. Thus Polydimethylsiloxane structures can be used in combination with water and alcohol solvents without material deformation. However most organic solvents will diffuse into the material and cause it to swell,[2] making them incompatible with Polydimethylsiloxane devices. Despite this, some organic solvents lead to sufficiently small swelling that they can be used with Polydimethylsiloxane, for instance within the channels of Polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic devices. The swelling ratio is roughly inversely related to the solubility parameter of the solvent. Diisopropylamine swells Polydimethylsiloxane to the greatest extent, solvents such as chloroform, ether, and THF swell the material to a large extent. Solvents such as acetone, 1-propanol, and pyridine swell the material to a small extent. Alcohols and polar solvents such as methanol, glycerol and water do not swell the material appreciably.[4] Applications Many people are indirectly familiar with Polydimethylsiloxane because it is an important (4%) component in Silly Putty, to which Polydimethylsiloxane imparts its characteristic viscoelastic properties. The rubbery, vinegary-smelling silicone caulks, adhesives, and aquarium sealants are also well-known. Polydimethylsiloxane is also used as a component in silicone grease and other silicone based lubricants, as well as in defoaming agents, mold release agents, damping fluids, heat transfer fluids, polishes, cosmetics, hair conditioners and other applications. Polydimethylsiloxane has also been used as a filler fluid in breast implants, although this practice has decreased somewhat, due to safety concerns. It continues to be used in knuckle replacement implants, with good results. Activated dimethicone, a mixture of Polydimethylsiloxane s and silicon dioxide (sometimes called simethicone), is used in Over-the-counter drug as an anti-foaming agent and carminative. As a food additive, it has the E number E900 and is used as an anti-foaming agent and an anti-caking agent. Polydimethylsiloxane is commonly used as a stamp resin in the procedure of soft lithography, making it one of the most common materials used for flow delivery in microfluidics chips. Polydimethylsiloxane can be cross-linked into networks and is a commonly used system for studying the elasticity of polymer networks. Polydimethylsiloxane can be used in the treatment of head lice. Dimethicone is also used widely in skin moisturizing lotions, listed as an active ingredient whose purpose is "skin protectant." Some cosmetic formulations use dimethicone and related siloxane polymers in concentrations of use up to 15%. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review's (CIR) Expert Panel, has concluded that dimethicone and related polymers are "safe as used in cosmetic formulations" [1] Polydimethylsiloxane is also used in analytical chemistry as a component of some types of SPME fibers. Introduction Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is a commonly used silicon-based organic polymer. Due to its unique mechanical, chemical, and optical properties, it has become integrated into many optical and micro-fluidic devices. Polydimethylsiloxane can be purchased as a two-part kit. The kit consists of a base and a cross-linking agent. The two parts are in a viscous liquid form until mixed and cross-linking occurs. The cross-linking procedure will occur without other aid once the two parts are mixed. However, the procedure can be greatly accelerated with heat. The mixing ratios and curing procedures used during development determine the mechanical, chemical, and optical properties of the final solid. 2. Polydimethylsiloxane Mechanical Properties When cross-linked, Polydimethylsiloxane acts like a rubbery solid. In this state, the polymer does not permanently deform when under stress or strain. Rather, the elastic polymer will return to its original shape when released. The elastic properties of Polydimethylsiloxane are highly dependent on the amount of cross-linking agent (often is used methyltrichlorosilane) integrated into the polymer. The higher the concentration of the cross-linking agent, the more solid the final polymer becomes. With little or no cross-linking agent, the polymer will remain a viscous liquid. Since the curing process changes Polydimethylsiloxane from a liquid into an elastic solid, Polydimethylsiloxane is commonly used in micro-fabrication molds. Polydimethylsiloxane has been also used as walls for micro-fluidic channels and as a silicon wafer bonding agent. [1] 3. Polydimethylsiloxane Chemical Properties Polydimethylsiloxane is generally considered to be chemically inert and also notably hydrophobic, meaning that water cannot easily penetrate its surface. This property has led extended use of Polydimethylsiloxane in micro-fluidics. However, most organic solvents can still penetrate the Polydimethylsiloxane surface, limiting its versatility. Polydimethylsiloxane has also increasingly been used in extraction processes, where Polydimethylsiloxane is used to remove organic contaminants from water for analysis. As organic solvents are absorbed into the polymer, the volume of the polymer must increase, or swell, referred to the volume of the introduced chemicals. The solubility parameter of each chemical determines the amount of swelling that occurs. Neither chemical absorption, nor physical swelling are permanent. The absorbed chemicals can just as easily diffuse out of the polymer as they can diffuse in. The diffusion mechanics are dependent on equilibrium states between the polymer and the surrounding medium. Therefore, absorbed chemicals will remain in the polymer as long as a similar concentration of that chemical exists in the surrounding medium at the Polydimethylsiloxane surface. If the concentration in the medium decreases, then diffusion mechanics will cause the absorbed chemical to naturally flow out of the Polydimethylsiloxane until a new equilibrium is met. 4. Polydimethylsiloxane Optical Properties Polydimethylsiloxane is optically clear at a wide range of wavelengths. In addition, the curing time and temperature used during cross-linking can determine the refractive index (RI) of the bulk. Since the polymer can be easily molded, it has been used to form lenses and waveguides. Also, the effective refractive index and the absorption spectrum of Polydimethylsiloxane are changed when organic compounds are physically absorbed into the polymer. These properties have created the basis for several fiber-optic based chemical sensors. Through monitoring changes in refractive index or absorption spectrum, chemical concentrations absorbed into a volume of Polydimethylsiloxane may be identified and characterized. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) fluids are available in a broad range of viscosities and are used in a wide range of applications. Polydimethylsiloxane fluids are known in the beauty and personal care industry by their INCI name, i.e.“dimethicone.” The Dow Corning commercial name of Polydimethylsiloxane is XIAMETER®.[ 2 ] Very-low-viscosity (≤ 2 cSt) Polydimethylsiloxane fluids are categorized as volatile methylsiloxanes (VMS). In the United States, VMS fluids are exempt from regulation as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Features And Benefits of PDMS Excellent water repellency Good dielectric properties over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies. Low glass transition (Tg) temperature Low surface tension Heat stability Oxidation resistance Very low vapor pressure High flash point Inert, nonreactive Typical Uses Mechanical fluids Dielectric coolants Insulating and damping fluids for electrical and electronic equipment Release agents Foam control Surface active fluids Lubricants Ingredients for cosmetic and personal care formulations, polishes and specialty chemical products Plastics additives Most Polydimethylsiloxane s are non-volatile organosilicon polymers consisting of (CH3)2 SiO structural units as shown below : Polydimethylsiloxane s Polydimethylsiloxane structure, where typically x > 4 Various Polydimethylsiloxane fluids are linear, ranging in viscosity from very low to ultrahigh viscosities. Polydimethylsiloxane fluids draw strength, stability and flexibility from their siloxane backbone. Polydimethylsiloxane fluids gain inertness, lubricity, release properties and water repellency from their attached methyl groups,. Consequently, they are used in a wide range of industrial applications, such as paper, leather goods or textiles. They often serve as antifoams, softeners or water repellents. [3] Polydimethylsiloxane fluids can also be found in auto motive care products, personal – and household products. 5. Environment and Recycling Due to their wide range of applications, Polydimethylsiloxane fluids can enter the environment in different ways. Since they are non-volatile, Polydimethylsiloxane do not evaporate into the atmosphere. In household products, only very small quantities of Polydimethylsiloxane fluids can be washed from the surfaces to which they have been applied , eventually into the soil or a water treatment plant. This is the case for personal care products such as conditioners and shampoos, that are rinsed away after use and consequently the Polydimethylsiloxane they contain is carried with water to the treatment site. In industrial applications, where Polydimethylsiloxane are used as surface treatments or process aids, small quantities may be found in process water too. About 17% of the total Polydimethylsiloxane production volume worldwide is used in “ down – the – drain” applications. End-use industrial products such as transformer fluids are used in contained appli
Polydimethylsiloxane Hydroxy Terminated
PCA; POCA; dispersant PCA, Copolymer of Phosphono and carboxylic Acid; belsperse 164;PCA;phosphino carboxylic acid;Poly (acrylic acid-co-hypophosphite) sodium salt;Phosphino Carboxilic Acid (PCA);Phosphino Carboxylic Acid(PCA);2-Propenoic acid,polyMer with sodiuM phosphinate (1:1);Phaseolus coccineus agglutinin CAS No:71050-62-9
Polyepoxysuccinic Acid (PESA)
Polyoxirane-2; 3-dicarboxylic acid; epoxysuccinic acid homopolymer; 2,3-oxiranedicarboxylic acid homopolymer; poly(1-oxacyclopropane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid);PESA; polyepoxysuccinic acid; Polyepoxysuccinic Acid(PESA);epoxysuccinic acid homopolymer;Polyoxirane-2,3-Dicarboxylic Acid; 2,3-oxiranedicarboxylic acid homopolymer;poly(1-oxacyclopropane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid); CAS NO:51274-37-4
Polyether amine ;poly(propylene glycol) bis(2-aminopropyl ether); diaminopolypropylene glycol; poly(oxypropylene)diamine cas no: 9046-10-0