Другие секторы

borax; Borax; Borates, Tetrasodium Salts, Decahydrate; Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate, Sodium Pyroborate Decahydrate; Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate; Disodium Tetraborate Decahydrate; Sodium Borate Decahydrate; Fused Borax; Dinatriumtetraborat; Tetraborato de disodio ; Tétraborate de disodium cas no: 1330-43-4
Бронидокс L — почти бесцветный, прозрачный жидкий консервант, используемый в препаратах поверхностно-активных веществ и широком спектре косметических смываемых средств.
Бронидокс L представляет собой противомикробное химическое соединение.

Номер CAS: 30007-47-7
Номер ЕС: 250-001-7
Номер леев: MFCD00101855
INCI: пропиленгликоль (и) 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан.
Молекулярная формула: C4H6BrNO4.

Бронидокс L действует как консервант.
Бронидокс L представляет собой химическое соединение 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан.
Бронидокс L представляет собой противомикробное химическое соединение.

Бронидокс L вызывает ингибирование активности ферментов бактерий.
Бронидокс L вызывает коррозию металлов.
Бронидокс L пригоден для использования в препаратах поверхностно-активных веществ и широком спектре косметических смываемых средств.

Бронидокс L стабилен при температуре до 40°C и диапазоне pH 5-8.
Бронидокс Л проявляет широкий спектр активности в отношении бактерий и грибков.
Благодаря хорошей совместимости с другим косметическим сырьем Бронидокс Л можно комбинировать и с другими косметическими консервантами.

Бронидокс L рекомендуется использовать в составе средств для ванн и душа, средств для мытья волос и рук.
Бронидокс L — почти бесцветный, прозрачный жидкий консервант, используемый в препаратах поверхностно-активных веществ и широком спектре косметических смываемых средств.
Бронидокс Л стабилен до 40°С и не подвержен изменениям в препаратах с диапазоном pH от 5 до 8.

Бронидокс L представляет собой сухое вещество высокой чистоты, имеющее ≥99,5% по стандартному анализу контроля качества газовой хроматографии (оригинальный производитель).
Бронидокс Л — единственный продукт.
Бронидокс L медленно растворяется в водных буферах.

Бронидокс L можно вводить на любой стадии приготовления жидкого буфера/композиции.
Учитывая более медленную растворимость, мы рекомендуем добавлять Бронидокс Л в самом начале, т.е. сразу в воду, а затем
продолжите работу с другими компонентами буфера/препарата.

Дайте возможность перемешиваться в течение не менее 2 часов, что достаточно для полного растворения (~20 °C) БНД при максимально рекомендуемом уровне.
концентрация 0,12% (стабилизированные жидкие белковые концентраты, стабильные готовые к использованию составы тест-компонентов).
Бронидокс Л — почти бесцветная прозрачная жидкость.

Бронидокс Л подходит для консервации препаратов ПАВ, которые смываются после нанесения и не содержат вторичных аминов.
Бронидокс L принадлежит к классу органических соединений, известных как 1,3-диоксаны.
Это органические соединения, содержащие 1,3-диоксан, алифатическое шестичленное кольцо с двумя атомами кислорода в положениях кольца 1 и 3.

Бронидокс L представляет собой броморганический радикал, который является нитробромпроизводным диоксана.
Бронидокс L вызывает коррозию металлов.
Температура плавления Бронидокс Л составляет 60°С.

Бронидокс L представляет собой циклический эфир группы молекул, известных как -оксаны.
Это название путают с очень похожим обозначением, используемым для многих силиконов: полидимтилсилоксан.
Храните контейнер Бронидокс L плотно закрытым в сухом и хорошо проветриваемом месте.

Бронидокс L представляет собой броморганический препарат.
Бронидокс L является производным нитробромдиоксана.
Бронидокс L вызывает коррозию металлов.

Бронидокс Л — белое твердое вещество со слабым запахом.
Бронидокс L представляет собой броморганический радикал, который является нитробромпроизводным диоксана.
Бронидокс L вызывает коррозию металлов.

Бронидокс L зарегистрирован в соответствии с Регламентом REACH и производится и/или импортируется в Европейскую экономическую зону в объеме от ≥ 10 до < 100 тонн в год.
Бронидокс Л — химическое соединение, проявляющее антимикробную активность в отношении грамотрицательных и грамположительных бактерий, дрожжей и грибов.

Бронидокс L способен способствовать окислению тиолов незаменимых белков, вызывая ингибирование активности ферментов, что приводит к ингибированию роста микроорганизмов.
Бронидокс L, также известный как 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан, проявляет антимикробные свойства в отношении широкого спектра микроорганизмов, включая грамотрицательные и грамположительные бактерии, дрожжи и грибы.

Бронидокс L обычно используется в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта в биологических молекулах и растворах, таких как антитела и антисыворотки. Бронидокс L находит применение в смываемой косметике, где служит консервантом.
Бронидокс L представляет собой белое твердое вещество.

Бронидокс L, также известный как 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан, проявляет антимикробные свойства в отношении широкого спектра микроорганизмов, включая грамотрицательные и грамположительные бактерии, дрожжи и грибы.
Бронидокс L обычно используется в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта в биологических молекулах и растворах, таких как антитела и антисыворотки. Бронидокс L находит применение в смываемой косметике, где служит консервантом.

Бронидокс Л — порошок белого цвета.
Потенциал N-нитрозирования Бронидокс L аналогичен его метаболиту, 2-бром-2-нитропропан-1,3-диолу.
Бронидокс L представляет собой замещенный циклический эфир.

Бронидокс L – популярный химикат для очистки воды.
Бронидокс Л – противомикробное средство.
Бронидокс L действует путем ингибирования активности ферментов бактерий.

Бронидокс L — антибактериальное средство, которое также очень эффективно против дрожжевых грибков и дрожжей.
Бронидокс L достаточно стабилен в течение нескольких недель при обычной транспортировке и во время пребывания на таможне.
Бронидокс L растворим в ДМСО.

Бронидокс L представляет собой 10% 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксана в пропиленгликоле.
Хотя обычно считается нейтральным диолом, пропиленгликоль (1,2-пропандиол)
Однако Бронидокс L может мешать некоторым применениям IVD.

Бронидокс L представляет собой сухое вещество высокой чистоты, имеющее ≥99,5% по стандартному анализу контроля качества газовой хроматографии (оригинальный производитель).
Бронидокс Л — единственный продукт.
Бронидокс L медленно растворяется в водных буферах.

Бронидокс L можно вводить на любой стадии приготовления жидкого буфера/композиции.
Учитывая более медленную растворимость, мы рекомендуем добавлять Бронидокс Л в самом начале, т.е. сразу в воду, а затем
продолжите работу с другими компонентами буфера/препарата.

Дайте возможность перемешиваться в течение не менее 2 часов, что достаточно для полного растворения (~20 °C) БНД при максимально рекомендуемом уровне.
концентрация 0,12% (стабилизированные жидкие белковые концентраты, стабильные готовые к использованию составы тест-компонентов).

Бронидокс Л – химическое соединение, проявляющее противомикробную активность в отношении грамотрицательных и грамположительных бактерий, дрожжей и грибов.
Бронидокс L способен способствовать окислению тиолов незаменимых белков, вызывая ингибирование активности ферментов, что приводит к ингибированию роста микроорганизмов.

Применение продукта Bronidox L: ванна и душ, мытье волос, мытье рук.
Bronidox L используется в широком спектре продуктов в различных сегментах рынка средств личной гигиены, таких как антиперспиранты/дезодоранты, средства для ухода за телом, средства для ухода за полостью рта, средства для защиты от солнца и т. д.

Эти высокоэффективные продукты позволяют разрабатывать рецептуры, отвечающие потребностям потребителей.
Бронидокс Л обладает широким спектром активности в отношении бактерий и грибков.
Благодаря хорошей совместимости с другим косметическим сырьем Бронидокс Л можно комбинировать и с другими косметическими консервантами.

Фунгицид Бронидокс L эффективен против дрожжей и других грибков.
Бронидокс Л применяется в иммунологии для консервирования антител и антисывороток в концентрации 0,1 – 0,5%.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве консерванта, чтобы избежать использования азида натрия.

Бронидокс Л используется в качестве стабилизатора.
Бронидокс Л используется в косметике с середины 1970-х годов в качестве консерванта для шампуней, пены для ванн и т. д.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве стабилизатора и поверхностно-активного вещества.

Бронидокс Л применяется в иммунологии для консервирования антител и антисывороток в концентрации 0,1 – 0,5%.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве консерванта, чтобы избежать использования азида натрия.
Бактерицидное применение Бронидокс L: Очень эффективен против дрожжей и грибков.

Бронидокс Л используется в косметике с середины 1970-х годов в качестве консерванта для шампуней, пены для ванн и т. д.
Максимальная концентрация Бронидокс Л составляет 0,1 %.
Бронидокс L одобрен в качестве антимикробного биоцида/консерванта в IVD, фармацевтической и косметической промышленности.

Бронидокс L представляет собой 10% 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксана в пропиленгликоле.
Хотя обычно считается нейтральным диолом, пропиленгликоль (1,2-пропандиол)
Однако Бронидокс L может мешать некоторым применениям IVD.

Бронидокс L — абсолютно надежный антимикробный биоцид, идеально подходящий для консервирования жидких составов IVD, включающих реагенты, содержащие высокие концентрации белка, сахара и детергентов, которые являются особенно богатыми субстратами, склонными к микробному разрушению.
Бронидокс L использовался в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта биологических молекул и растворов, включая антитела и антисыворотки.

Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетан��и с метилизотиазолиноном, который также считается эффективным консервантом.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве вспомогательных веществ для кожи, химикатов для очистки воды, вспомогательных веществ для нефти, вспомогательных веществ для текстиля, вспомогательных веществ для покрытия, вспомогательных веществ для пластмасс и других, вспомогательных веществ для резины, химикатов для электроники, химикатов для бумаги, поверхностно-активных веществ.

Бронидокс L используется в косметике с середины 1970-х годов в качестве консерванта для шампуней и ванн, кондиционеров, жидкого мыла, экстрактов трав, прозрачного и мутного мыла.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве консерванта, поверхностно-активного вещества, бактерицида и консерванта в иммунодепрессантах и косметике.

Бронидокс L используется в качестве вспомогательных средств для кожи, химикатов для обработки воды, нефтяных добавок, вспомогательных средств для текстильных средств, вспомогательных средств для покрытий, вспомогательных веществ для пластмасс и других, вспомогательных веществ для резины, химикатов для электроники, химикатов для бумаги, стимуляторов поверхности.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве стабилизатора, поверхностно-активного вещества, бактерицида и консерванта в иммунологии и косметике.

Бронидокс L используется в косметике с середины 1970-х годов в качестве консерванта для шампуней и пен для ванн.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта биологических молекул и растворов, таких как антитела и антисыворотки.
Бронидокс L используется в различных смываемых косметических средствах.

Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетании с метилизотиазолоном.
Бронидокс Л – мощное бактерицидное средство и консервант, который можно использовать в косметике.
Бронидокс Л — жидкий консервант.

Нанесенный смесью 1,2-пропиленгликоля и Бронидокс L подходит для использования с поверхностно-активными веществами, которые смываются после использования.
Бронидокс Л выдерживает температуру до 40°С и не изменяется при использовании для приготовления ПАВ в диапазоне рН от 5 до 8.
Бронидокс Л – эффективный противомикробный препарат и консервант.

Особенно это касается дрожжей и плесени.
Бронидокс L немного лучше растворяется в воде, чем в спирте.
Но Бронидокс L присутствует в формуле для волос в таком низком процентном соотношении, что нет никаких опасений по поводу его накопления на волосах, независимо от режима ухода за волосами. (без шампуня, с низким содержанием шампуня и т. д.)

Согласно ЕС, существуют правила для косметики, согласно которым максимально допустимая концентрация активного вещества составляет 0,1% (только в полосканиях для предотвращения родов нитрозоамина), чаще всего используется с шампунем, кремом для душа, стиральным порошком и кондиционером для белья и т. д.
Бронидокс L используется потребителями, профессиональными работниками (широко распространенное применение), а также в рецептурах или переупаковке.

Бронидокс L используется в косметике с середины 1970-х годов в качестве консерванта для шампуней и пен для ванн.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве стабилизатора, поверхностно-активного вещества, бактерицида и консерванта в иммунологии и косметике.
Бронидокс L используется в следующих продуктах: духи и парфюмерия, а также косметика и средства личной гигиены.

Другие выбросы Бронидокс L в окружающую среду могут произойти в результате: использования внутри помещений в качестве технологической добавки.
Бронидокс L используется в следующих продуктах: лабораторные химикаты.
Бронидокс Л применяется в следующих сферах: здравоохранение.

Другие выбросы Бронидокс L в окружающую среду могут произойти в результате: использования внутри помещений в качестве реактивного вещества.
Бронидокс L используется в следующих продуктах: лабораторные химикаты, парфюмерия и парфюмерия, а также косметика и средства личной гигиены.
Выброс Бронидокс L в окружающую среду может происходить при промышленном использовании: при приготовлении смесей.

Бронидокс L используется в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта биологических молекул и растворов, таких как антитела и антисыворотки.
Бронидокс L используется в различных смываемых косметических средствах.
Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетании с метилизотиазолоном.

Бронидокс L использовался в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта биологических молекул и растворов, включая антитела и антисыворотки.
Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетании с метилизотиазолиноном, который также считается эффективным консервантом.
Бронидокс L используется в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта биологических молекул и растворов, таких как антитела и антисыворотки.

Бронидокс L используется в различных смываемых косметических средствах.
Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетании с метилизотиазолоном.
Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетании с метилизотиазолоном для повышения его эффективности.

Бронидокс L — бромсодержащий консервант, обычно используемый в косметических продуктах.
Бронидокс L, антимикробное соединение, эффективно против грамположительных и грамотрицательных бактерий и грибов, включая дрожжи.
Бронидокс L ингибирует активность ферментов и последующее ингибирование роста микробов за счет окисления тиола незаменимого белка.

Бронидокс Л – антибактериальное средство.
Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетании с метилизотиазолоном для повышения его эффективности.
В косметике и средствах личной гигиены Бронидокс L используется в качестве консерванта.

Ингредиенты, которые предотвращают или замедляют рост бактерий и, таким образом, защищают косметическую продукцию от порчи.
Бронидокс L используется в средствах для ванн, волос и личной гигиены.
Бронидокс L действует как консервант.

Ингредиенты, которые предотвращают или замедляют рост бактерий и, таким образом, защищают косметическую продукцию от порчи.
Бронидокс L предотвращает или замедляет рост бактерий и, таким образом, защищает косметические средства и средства личной гигиены от порчи.
Бронидокс Л применяют в гелях для душа, кондиционерах, шампунях, скрабах для тела, масках для волос.

Бронидокс L — абсолютно надежный антимикробный биоцид, идеально подходящий для консервирования жидких составов IVD, включающих реагенты, содержащие высокие концентрации белка, сахара и детергентов, которые являются особенно богатыми субстратами, склонными к микробному разрушению.
В рекомендуемых эффективных концентрациях Бронидокс L неограниченно совместим со всеми процессами, буферами и стадиями реакций в ИФА, блоттинге и связанных с ними тестах.

Бронидокс L не мешает покрытию/адсорбции, захвату аналитов (из различных образцов, включая сыворотку/плазму, мочу, слюну, разбавленные фекалии и т. д.), обнаружению и выделению субстрата (TMB, ECL).
Бронидокс Л проявляет противомикробную активность в отношении грамотрицательных и грамположительных бактерий, дрожжей и грибов.

Бронидокс L используется в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта биологических молекул и растворов, таких как антитела и антисыворотки.
Бронидокс L используется в различных смываемых косметических средствах.
Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетании с метилизотиазолоном.

Бронидокс L использовался в качестве стабилизатора и консерванта биологических молекул и растворов, включая антитела и антисыворотки.
Бронидокс L можно использовать отдельно или в сочетании с метилизотиазолиноном, который также считается эффективным консервантом.
Бронидокс L — одобренный антимикробный биоцид/консервант в
IVD, фармацевтическая и косметическая промышленность.

*Антибактериальный агент, который также очень эффективен против дрожжей и грибков.


*Бромидное соединение
*Неорганическое соединение
*Органическое соединение
* Пестицид
*Синтетическое соединение

*1,3-диполярные органические соединения пропаргильного типа.
*Оксациклические соединения
*Органические соединения оксоазания.
*Органопниктогенные соединения.
*Азоторганические соединения
*Броморганические соединения
*Органические оксиды
*Производные углеводородов

*Органическое нитросоединение.
*Органический оксоазаний
*1,3-диполярное органическое соединение аллильного типа.
*1,3-диполярное органическое соединение пропаргильного типа.
*Органическое 1,3-диполярное соединение.
*Кислородорганическое соединение
*Азоторганическое соединение
*Органическое соединение азота
*Галогенорганическое соединение
*Органопниктогенное соединение.
*Органическое кислородное соединение
*Производное углеводородов
*Органический оксид
*Алифатическое гетеромоноциклическое соединение.

Этиловый эфир: очень растворим
Этиловый спирт: очень растворим
Парафиновое масло: практически нерастворимо.
Вода: умеренно растворима (0,5% а.в.)

*Бронидокс L представляет собой циклический алифатический эфир.
*Органическое соединение, содержащее атом кислорода, связанный с двумя углеводородными группами.
*Эфирное соединение часто обозначается RO-R'.
*Бронидокс L также используется в качестве консерванта.
*Ингредиенты, которые предотвращают или замедляют рост бактерий и, таким образом, защищают косметическую продукцию от порчи.
*в системах водоснабжения, красках, смазочных маслах и при обработке кожи.

Химическая формула: C4H6BrNO4.
Молярная масса: 211,999 g•mol−1
Внешний вид: Белый кристаллический порошок.
Температура плавления: 60 ° C (140 ° F; 333 К), 58,5–62 ° C.
Растворимость в воде: нерастворим.
Физическое состояние: твердое
Цвет: Нет данных
Запах: Нет данных
Точка плавления/точка замерзания:
Температура плавления: 59 °C при 1,013,25 гПа.
Начальная точка кипения и диапазон кипения: 185,2 °C при 200 гПа.
Горючесть (твердое тело, газ): Продукт не горюч.
Верхний/нижний пределы воспламеняемости или взрывоопасности: данные отсутствуют.
Температура вспышки: данные отсутствуют.
Температура самовоспламенения: Нет данных.

Температура разложения: Данные отсутствуют.
pH: данные отсутствуют
Вязкость, кинематическая: Нет данных.
Вязкость, динамическая: данные отсутствуют.
Растворимость в воде: 4,77 г/л при 20 °C.
Коэффициент распределения: н-октанол/вода:
log Pow: 1,6 при 23 °C
Биоаккумуляции не ожидается.
Давление пара: 0,34 гПа при 50 °C.
Плотность: 1,96 г/см3 при 20°С
Относительная плотность: 1,96 при 20 °C
Относительная плотность пара: данные отсутствуют.
Характеристики частиц: данные отсутствуют.
Взрывоопасные свойства: данные отсутствуют.
Окислительные свойства: нет

Другая информация по безопасности:
Поверхностное натяжение: 71 мН/м при 1 г/л при 20 °C.
Точка плавления: от 58°C до 61°C.
Белый цвет
Информация о растворимости: растворим в воде в концентрации 12,5 мг/мл.
Формула Вес: 212
Процент чистоты: 98%
Физическая форма: Порошок
Химическое название или материал: 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан.
Химическая формула: C4H6BrNO4.
Средняя молекулярная масса: 211,999 г/моль.
Моноизотопная масса: 210,948 г/моль.
Регистрационный номер CAS: 30007-47-7
Название ИЮПАК: 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан.

Традиционное название: 5-бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан.
УЛЫБКИ: [O-][N+](=O)C1(Br)COCOC1
Идентификатор InChI: InChI=1S/C4H6BrNO4/c5-4(6(7)8)1-9-3-10-2-4/h1-3H2
Формула: C₄H₆BrNO₄.
ММ: 212,00 г/моль
Температура плавления: 58…61 °C
Температура хранения: Холодильник
Номер леев: MFCD00101855
Номер CAS: 30007-47-7
ЕИНЭКС: 250-001-7
Молекулярный вес: 212,00 г/моль
XLogP3-AA: 0,3
Количество доноров водородной связи: 0
Количество акцепторов водородной связи: 4

Количество вращающихся облигаций: 0
Точная масса: 210,94802 г/моль.
Моноизотопная масса: 210,94802 г/моль.
Топологическая площадь полярной поверхности: 64,3 Å ²
Количество тяжелых атомов: 10
Официальное обвинение: 0
Сложность: 139
Количество атомов изотопа: 0
Определенное количество стереоцентров атома: 0
Неопределенное количество стереоцентров атома: 0
Определенное количество стереоцентров связи: 0
Неопределенное количество стереоцентров связи: 0
Количество единиц ковалентной связи: 1
Соединение канонизировано: Да

Температура плавления: 58-60 °С.
Точка кипения: 280,8±40,0 °C (прогнозируется)
Плотность: 1,070
давление пара: 1,6 Па при 20 ℃
показатель преломления: 1,6200 (оценка)
температура хранения: 2-8°C
растворимость: ДМФ: 30 мг/мл; ДМСО: 30 мг/мл;
ДМСО:PBS (рН 7,2) (1:4): 0,2 мг/мл;
Этанол: 25 мг/мл
форма: аккуратная
цвет: от белого до почти белого
Растворимость в воде: растворим в воде при 12,5 мг/мл.
ИнХИ: ИнХИ=1S/C4H6BrNO4/c5-4(6(7)8)1-9-3-10-2-4/h1-3H2

УЛЫБКИ: O1CC(Br)([N+]([O-])=O)COC1
LogP: 1,6 при 23 ℃
Ссылка на базу данных CAS: 30007-47-7 (ссылка на базу данных CAS)
Справочник по химии NIST: 1,3-диоксан, 5-бром-5-нитро-(30007-47-7).
Система регистрации веществ EPA: 1,3-диоксан, 5-бром-5-нитро- (30007-47-7)
Название: 5-Бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан
ЕИНЭКС: 250-001-7
Номер CAS: 30007-47-7
Плотность: 1,83 г/см3
ПСА: 64,28000
ЛогП: 0,88180
Растворимость: растворим в воде при концентрации 12,5 мг/мл.
Точка плавления: 60 °С.

Формула: C4H6BrNO4
Точка кипения: 280,8 °C при 760 мм рт.ст.
Молекулярный вес: 212
Температура вспышки: 123,6 °С.
Транспортная информация: нет данных
Внешний вид: Белый кристаллический порошок.
Безопасность: 36
Коды риска: 22-38
Анализ: от 95,00 до 100,00.
Внесен в Кодекс пищевых химикатов: Нет
Температура кипения: 280,76 °С. @ 760,00 мм рт.ст. (расчетное значение)
Давление пара: 0,004000 мм рт. ст. при 25,00 °C. (стандартное восточное время)
Температура вспышки: 254,00 °F. TCC (123,60 ° C) (оценка)
logP (н/в): 0,749 (оценка)
Растворим в: воде, 9423 мг/л при 25 °C (расчетное значение).

-Описание мер первой помощи:
*Общие советы:
Лицам, оказывающим первую помощь, необходимо защитить себя.
Покажите этот паспорт безопасности материала лечащему врачу.
*При вдыхании
После ингаляции:
Свежий воздух.
Вызовите врача.
*При попадании на кожу:
Немедленно снимите всю загрязненную одежду.
Промойте кожу водой/душем.
Немедленно позвоните врачу.
*В случае зрительного контакта:
После зрительного контакта:
Промойте большим количеством воды.
Немедленно вызвать офтальмолога.
Снимите контактные линзы.
*При проглатывании:
После глотания:
Заставить пострадавшего выпить воды.
Немедленно позвоните врачу.
Не пытайтесь нейтрализовать.
-Указание на необходимость немедленной медицинской помощи и специального лечения:
Данные недоступны

-Экологические меры предосторожности:
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.
-Методы и материалы для локализации и очистки:
Закройте дренажи.
Соберите, свяжите и откачайте пролитую жидкость.
Соблюдайте возможные ограничения по материалам.
Возьмите в сухом виде.
Утилизируйте должным образом.
Очистите пораженное место.

-Средства пожаротушения:
*Подходящие средства пожаротушения:
Углекислый газ (CO2)
Сухой порошок
*Неподходящие средства пожаротушения:
Для этого вещества/смеси не установлены ограничения по огнетушащим веществам.
-Дальнейшая информация:
Подавить (сбить) газы/пары/туманы струей воды.
Не допускайте попадания воды для пожаротушения в поверхностные воды или систему грунтовых вод.

-Параметры управления:
--Ингредиенты с параметрами контроля на рабочем месте:
-Средства контроля воздействия:
--Средства индивидуальной защиты:
*Защита глаз/лица:
Используйте средства защиты глаз.
Плотно прилегающие защитные очки
*Защита кожи:
Полный контакт:
Материал: Нитриловый каучук.
Минимальная толщина слоя: 0,11 мм.
Время прорыва: 480 мин.
Всплеск контакта:
Материал: Нитриловый каучук.
Минимальная толщина слоя: 0,11 мм.
Время прорыва: 480 мин.
*Защита тела:
защитная одежда
*Защита органов дыхания
Рекомендуемый тип фильтра: Тип фильтра P2.
-Контроль воздействия на окружающую среду
Не допускайте попадания продукта в канализацию.

-Условия безопасного хранения, включая любые несовместимости:
*Условия хранения:
Плотно закрыто.
*Класс хранения:
Класс хранения (TRGS 510): 8B:

-Химическая стабильность:
Продукт химически стабилен при стандартных условиях окружающей среды (комнатная температура).
-Возможность опасных реакций:
Данные недоступны
-Условия, чтобы избежать:
Нет доступной информации

1,3-Диоксан, 5-Бром-5-Нитро-
Бронидокс Л
Бронидокс, 1,3-диоксан
5-бром-5-нитро- (8CI)
Бронидокс Л
Микроцид I
м-Диоксан, 5-бром-5-нитро-
Бронидокс Л
1,3-Диоксан, 5-бром-5-нитро-
ЭИНЭКС 250-001-7
БРН 4668673
Бронидокс Л
5-Бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан, >=99%
5-Бром-5-нитро-1,3-диоксан, аналитический стандарт
Бронидокс Л
Юнидокс Л

2-Bronopol; Bronosol; Bronopol; Onyxide 500; Beta-Bromo-Beta-nitrotrimethyleneglycol; 2-Bromo-2-nitropropan-1,3-diol; Bronidiol; Bronocot; bronopol; Bronopolu; Bronotak; Lexgard bronopol CAS:52-51-7
CI Food Brown 3; Chocolate brown HT; CI (1975) No. 20285; INS No. 155 CAS NO: 4553-89-3
Brown HT
BRYONOLIC ACID, N° CAS : 24480-45-3, Nom INCI : BRYONOLIC ACID, Nom chimique : D:C-Friedoolean-8-en-29-oic acid, 3-hydroxy-, (3beta,20beta)-, Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau
BUTA-1,3-DIENE, N° CAS : 106-99-0, Nom INCI : BUTA-1,3-DIENE
Buğday Ekstraktı
Triticum Vulgare Germ Extract ;triticum aestivum extract; wheat extract; triticum vulgare extract; wheat grass extract cas no:84012-44-2
Yüzey aktif bazlı tüm sistemlerde buğday proteini olarak. Islak mendilde (%0.5-2),şampuan (%0.5-3), Sıvı el sabunu (%0.1-1.5)
Buhur Yağı
FRANKINCENSE OIL; frankincense oil; boswellia carterii oil; olibanum EO ; olibanum oil CAS NO:8016-36-2
Buruti Yağı
BURITI OIL – AMAZONIAN RANGE; mauritia flexuosa fruit oil ; moriche palm oil; palm fruit oil; volatile oil obtained from the fruit of mauritia flexuosa l., palmaceae cas no:394239-67-9
Butyl acetate; 1-Acetoxybutane; 1-Butyl acetate; Acetate de butyle (French); Acetic Acid Butyl Ester; Butile (Acetati Di) (Italian); Butyl Ethanoate; Butylacetat (German); Butylacetate; Butylacetaten (Dutch); Butyle (Acetate De) (French); Butylester Kyseliny Octove (Czech); Octan n-Butylu (Polish); Butyl Ethanoate; cas no:123-86-4
Butandiol (1.4 BDO)
SYNONYMS 1,4-Butylene glycol, Tetramethylene glycol CAS NO:110-63-4
Butanediol Diglycidyl Ether
n-butyl alcohol; 1-Butyl alcohol; Butanolen; Butanol; Butan-1-ol; 1-Butan-1-ol; Butyl hydroxide; 1-Hydroxybutane; Methylolpropane; Propylcarbinol; Propylmethanol; Butylowy alkohol; Butyric alcohol; Propylmethanol; Nomal Butanol; cas no: 71-36-3
buteth-2 acetate; acetic acid 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethyl ester ;( butoxyethoxy)ethyl acetate; butylcarbitol acetate; butyldiglycol acetate ; diethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate cas no:124-17-4
Butyl Di Glycol (BDG); Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether; butoxydiglycol; diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-; diethylene glycol butyl ether; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; butyl carbitol; butyldiglycol cas no:112-34-5
2-Butoxyethanol, Butyl Cellosolve ; ETHYLENEGLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER; 2-Butoxy ethanol; Butyl cellosolve; Dowanol EB; Butyl oxitol; Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether; n-Butyl Cellosolve; Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether; butoxyethanol; Beta-butoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol butyl ether; n-butoxyethanol; 2-butoxy-1-ethanol; o-butyl ethylene glycol; glycol ether eb acetate; monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol; monobutyl glycol ether; 3-oxa-1-heptanol; poly-solv eb; 2-n-Butoxyethanol; 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol; -Butossi-etanolo (Italian); 2-Butoxy-aethanol (GERMAN); Butoksyetylowy alkohol (Polish); Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol (Spanish); Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol (French); cas no:11-76-2
Butyl Glycol Acetate; 2-butoxyethyl acetate; ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate; acetic acid, 2-butoxyethyl ester; 1- acetoxy-2-butoxyethane; butyl glycol acetate; butylcellosolve acetate; ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate cas no:112-07-2
Triglycol Monobutyl Ether; Butoxytriglycol; BTG; 2-(2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethanol; 3,6,9-Trioxatridecan-1-ol; Butyl Triglycol Ether; cas no:143-22-6
diethylene glycol monobutyl ether;Butyl diglycol; CAS : 112-34-5, Nom INCI : BUTOXYDIGLYCOL, Nom chimique : 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol; DEGBE;N; °EINECS/ELINCS : 203-961-6, Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances. Agent de contrôle de la viscosité : Augmente ou diminue la viscosité des cosmétiques. Noms français : (BUTOXY-2 ETHOXY)-2 ETHANOL; 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy) ethanol; BUTOXYDIETHYLENE GLYCOL; BUTOXYDIGLYCOL; BUTOXYETHOXYETHANOL; BUTYL DIGLYCOL BUTYL DIOXITOL; DIETHYLENE GLYCOL BUTYL ETHER; DIETHYLENE GLYCOL N-BUTYL ETHER; DIETHYLENE GLYCOL NORMAL-BUTYL ETHER;DIGLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER ETHANOL, 2,2'-OXYBIS-, MONOBUTYL ETHER; ETHANOL, 2-(2-BUTOXYETHOXY)-; Ether de diéthylène glycol monobutylique; ETHER MONOBUTYLIQUE DU DIETHYLENE GLYCOL; Ether monobutylique du diéthylène glycol; ORTHO-BUTYL DIETHYLENE GLYCOL; Éther de diéthylène glycol monobutylique.Noms anglais : Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether. Utilisation: Fabrication de produits organiques, solvant de produits organiques. 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol (DEGBE); 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; DEGBE;Diethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether; Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; 2-(2-butoksietoksi)etanol (hr); 2-(2-butoksietoksi)etanoli (fi); 2-(2-butoksietoksi)etanolis (lt); 2-(2-butoksietoksi)etanols (lv);2-(2-butoksyetoksy)etanol (no) ;2-(2-butoksüetoksü)etanool (et);2-(2-butossietossi)etanolo (it);2-(2-butoxietoxi)etanol (es); 2-(2-butoxietóxi)etanol (pt); 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol (cs); 2-(2-butoxyetoxy)etanol (sk);2-(2-butoxyéthoxy)éthanol (fr); 2-(2-βουτοξυαιθοξυ)αιθανόλ (el); 2-(2-бутоксиетокси)eтанол (bg); butildietilenglikol (sl); butyldiglykol (cs); Diethylenglykolmonobutylether (de); dietilen glicol monobutil eter (ro); dietilen-glikol monobutil-eter (hr); dietileneglicol(mono)butiletene (it); dietilenglikolio monobutileteris (lt); dietilén-glikol-monobutil-éter (hu); dietilēnglikola monobutilēteris (lv);dietylénglykol-monobutyléter (sk); dietüleenglükoolmonobutüüleeter (et);eter monobutylowy glikolu dietylenowego (pl); диетилен гликол монобутил етер (bg); CAS names;Ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)- ; 2-(2-butoxy-ethoxy)-ethanol; 2-(2-butoxyehoxy)ethanol; 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy ethanol); 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy) Ethanol; 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)- ethanol; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-ethanol; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethan-1-ol; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol/diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol;2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol; diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; DEGBE; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol;diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; 2-(2butoxyethoxy)ethanol; 2-Butoxyethanol; Butyl carbitol; Butyl diglycol ether; Butyl Dioxitol; butyldiglycol ether; DIETHYLENE GLYCOL BUTYL ETHER; Diethylene glycol butyl ether, BDG, Butyldiglycol, Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether (2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol - DEGBE); diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; Diethylene glycol n-butyl ether; Ethanol, 2-(butoxythoxy)-; Glycol Ether DB {2-(2-}butoxy)ethoxy ethanol s 1-Hydroxy-3,6-dioxadecan 2-Hydroxy-2-butoxy-diethylether 3,6-Dioxa-1-decanol BDGE Butadigol Butoxyethoxyethanol Butyl CARBITOL Solvent Butyl Diethoxol Butyl diglycol Butyl diglycol(BDG) Butyl digol Butyl oxitol glycol ether Butyldiglycolether Di ethyleneglycol butyl ether Diglycol monobutyl ether Dowanol DB Ektasolve DB Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, monobutyl ether Glycol Ether EB n-Butyl Carbitol O-Butyl diethylene glycol O-Buyl diethylene glycol Poly-Solv DB Diethylene glycol n-butyl ether 112-34-5 [RN] 1739225 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol [German] 2-(2-Butoxyéthoxy)éthanol [French] 2-(2-n-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol 2-(n-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol 2-[2-Butoxyethoxy]-ethanol 203-961-6 [EINECS] BDG butyl carbitol Butyl CARBITOL(TM) Butyl diglycol Butyldiglycol DEGBE Diethylene glycol butyl ether Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether DIETHYLENE GLYCOL MONO-N-BUTYL ETHER Diethylene gylcol monobutyl ether Diglycol monobutyl ether Ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)- [ACD/Index Name] KJ9100000 MFCD00002881 [MDL number] n-Butyl carbitol UNII:9TB90IYC0E [112-34-5] 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethan-1-ol 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol 99% 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol, 99+% 210818-08-9 [RN] 3,6-Dioxa-1-decanol 3,6-Dioxadecanol 4-01-00-02394 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein] bis(2-ethoxyethyl) ether BUCB budyl digol Butadigol Butoxy diethylene glycol BUTOXYDIETHYLENE GLYCOL Butoxydiglycol BUTOXYETHOXYETHANOL Butyl Diglycolether BUTYL DIGOL Butyl di-icinol Butyl dioxitol Butyl ethyl cellosolve BUTYL OXITOL GLYCOL ETHER DB Solvent diethyl carbitol Diethylene DB diethylene glycol monobutyl ether, 99%, Diethylene glycol-monobutyl ether Dowanol DB EINECS 203-961-6 Ektasolve DB Ethanol 2-butoxyethoxy Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, monobutyl ether Glycol ether DB Jeffersol DB Jsp000950 Monobutyl diethylene glycol ether NCGC00164235-01 O-Butyl diethylene glycol Poly-Solv DB UNII-9TB90IYC0E WLN: Q2O2O4
BUTOXYETHANOL; N° CAS : 111-76-2, Nom INCI : BUTOXYETHANOL, Nom chimique : 2-Butoxyethanol; ethylene glycol monobutyl ether; EGBE, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-905-0. Ses fonctions (INCI), Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit, Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances, Agent de contrôle de la viscosité : Augmente ou diminue la viscosité des cosmétiques. Produits qui en contiennent. Noms français :2-BUTOXY ETHANOL; 2-Butoxyethanol; BETA-HYDROXYETHYL BUTYL ETHER; Butoxy-2 éthanol; BUTYL OXITOL; BUTYLGLYCOL;ETHANOL, 2-BUTOXY-; Ether monobutylique de l'éthylène glycol; Ether monobutylique de l'éthylèneglycol; ETHYLENE GLYCOL BUTYLETHER; Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYLETHER; ETHYLENE GLYCOL-N-BUTYL ETHER; ETHYLENE-GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER; Éther d'éthylèneglycol et de monobutyle. Noms anglais : 2-Butoxyethanol; 2-Butoxyethanol (EGBE); Ethylene glycol butyl ether; ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONO BUTYL ETHER; Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether; ETHYLENE GLYCOL N-BUTYL ETHER Ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether. Utilisation: Le butoxy-2 éthanol est utilisé dans de très nombreux mélanges et formulations nettoyants industriels et domestiques nettoyants à métaux scellants au silicone revêtements de surface (laques, vernis et peintures) encres (principalement pour procédé offset et sérigraphie) agents dégraissants diluants à peinture et décapants certains mélanges pour le nettoyage à sec huiles de coupe fluides hydrauliques adhésifs savons liquides cosmétiques (surtout teintures à cheveux) détachant à graffitis Il sert aussi d'intermédiaire dans la synthèse de plusieurs composés de la famille des esters (acétates), de même que pour fabriquer des plastifiants de type phtalate et stéarate.2-butoxyethanol; ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether; butyl cellosolve butyl cellosolve EGBE Ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether Ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether Translated names 2-butoksietanol (hr) 2-Butoksietanoli (fi) 2-butoksietanolis (lt) 2-butoksietanols (lv) 2-butoksyetanol (no) 2-Butoksüetanool (et) 2-butossietanolo (it) 2-butoxietanol (es) 2-butoxyetanol (sk) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol (cs) 2-butoxyethanol (da) 2-butoxyéthanol (fr) 2-βουτοξυαιθανόλη βουτυλογλυκόλη μονοβουτυλαιθέρας της αιθυλενογλυκόλης (el) 2-бутоксиетанол (bg) butil celosolv (hr) butil glikol (sl) butil kelosolve (sl) butil-celloszolv (hu) butilcelosolvs (lv) butilcelozolvas (lt) butilglicol (es) butylglycol (da) butylglykol (cs) Butyyliglykoli (fi) Butüültsellosolv (et) cellosolw butylowy (pl) eter monobutylowy glikolu etylenowego (pl) ether monobutylique d'éthylène-glycol (fr) ethylenglykolmonobutylether (cs) etilen glicol monobutil eter (ro) etilen-glikol monobutil-eter (hr) etilenglicol-monobutiletere (it) etilenglikolio monobutileteris (lt) etilén-glikol-monobutil-éter (hu) etilēnglikola monobutilēteris (lv) Etyleeniglykolimonobutyylieetteri (fi) etylenglykolmonobutyleter (no) etylénglykol-monobutyléter (sk) Etüleenglükoolmonobutüüleeter (et) glycolmonobutylether (nl) éter monobutílico del etilenglicol (es) éter monobutílico do etilenoglicol (pt) бутил целосолв (bg) етилен гликол монобутилов етер (bg) CAS names Ethanol, 2-butoxy- 1-Butoxy-2-hydroxyethan 2 butossietanolo 2-buthoxtethanol 2-butoxy ethanol 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-butoxy-ethanol 2-butoxyehanole 2-Butoxyethano 2-butoxyethanol (Butyl glycol) 2-butoxyethanol ethylene glycol monobutyl ether butyl cellosolve 2-butoxyethanol, butyl cellosolve, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether 2-Butoxyethanol, Butyl glycol, EB Solvent 2-Butoxyethanol; Butyl glycol; Butyl cellosolve ... 2-butoxyethanol; ethylene glycol monobutyl ether; butyl cellosolve Butoxyethanol Butyl cellosolvee butyl glycol Butyl Oxitol butylglycol ether CH2OHCH2CH2CH2OCH2CH2OCH2CH2OH ethylene Ethylene glycol butyl ether Ethylene glycol butylether Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl ethylenglykol butyl ether UPV13 s 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol 3-oxo-1-heptanol A-LT313 BG BGE BuOX Butyl CELLOSOLVE™ Solvent butyl ethoxol Butyl glycol ether butyl monoether glycol Butylglycolether C-LT313 Dowanol EB EB solvent Glycol Ether EB 2-butoxy ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethanol [Wiki] 2-Butoxyethanol [German] 2-Butoxy-ethanol 2-Butoxyéthanol [French] 2-hydroxyethyl n-butyl ether 2-n-butoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Butyl 2-hydroxyethyl ether Butyl cellosolve butyl glycol EB Solvent Ektasolve EB [] Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol [Spanish] Ethanol, 2-butoxy- [ACD/Index Name] Ether monobutylique de l'ethyleneglycol [French] Ethylene glycol butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether Ethylene glycol, monobutyl ether ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether Glycol monobutyl ether I0P9XEZ9WV Jeffersol EB [] KJ8575000 MONOBUTYL GLYCOL ETHER n-butoxyethanol Q2O4 [WLN] [111-76-2] 1219803-96-9 [RN] 139754-38-4 [RN] 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol 2-Butossi-etanolo 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethan(ol-d) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol 2-Butoxyethanol-1,1,2,2-d4 2-butoxylethanol 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol BUCS Butoksyetylowy alkohol Butoksyetylowy alkohol [Polish] Butoxyethanol, 2- Butyglycol Butyl cellu-sol Butyl Glycolether Butyl icinol Butyl monoether glycol Butyl oxitol butylcellosolve Butylcelosolv Butylcelosolv [Czech] Butylglycol Butylglycol [French,German] Butyloxitol Chimec NR Dowanol EB [] EGBE EINECS 203-905-0 Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether [UN2369] [Keep away from food] Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Reagent Grade Ethylene glycol uncle butyl ether Ethylene glycol-monobutyl ether Ethyleneglycol-monobutyl ether gafcol eb glycol butyl ether Glycol ether EB http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0031327 Minex BDH monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol Monobutyl ethylene glycol ether n-Butyl Cellosolve NCGC00090683-03 o-butyl ethylene glycol UNII:I0P9XEZ9WV UNII-I0P9XEZ9WV WLN: Q2O4 β-butoxyethanol β-Butoxyethanol 203-905-0 [EINECS] 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethanol [Wiki] 2-Butoxyethanol [German] 2-Butoxy-ethanol 2-Butoxyéthanol [French] 2-hydroxyethyl n-butyl ether 2-n-butoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Butyl 2-hydroxyethyl ether Butyl cellosolve butyl glycol EB Solvent [] EGMBE Ektasolve EB [] Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol [Spanish] Ethanol, 2-butoxy- [ACD/Index Name] Ether monobutylique de l'ethyleneglycol [French] Ethylene glycol butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether Ethylene glycol, monobutyl ether ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether Glycol monobutyl ether I0P9XEZ9WV Jeffersol EB [] KJ8575000 MONOBUTYL GLYCOL ETHER n-butoxyethanol Q2O4 [WLN] [111-76-2] 1219803-96-9 [RN] 139754-38-4 [RN] 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol 2-Butossi-etanolo 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethan(ol-d) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol 2-Butoxyethanol-1,1,2,2-d4 2-butoxylethanol 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol BUCS Butoksyetylowy alkohol Butoksyetylowy alkohol [Polish] Butoxyethanol, 2- Butyglycol Butyl cellu-sol Butyl Glycolether Butyl icinol Butyl monoether glycol Butyl oxitol butylcellosolve Butylcelosolv Butylcelosolv [Czech] Butylglycol Butylglycol [French,German] Butyloxitol Chimec NR Dowanol EB [] EGBE EINECS 203-905-0 Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether [UN2369] [Keep away from food] Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Reagent Grade Ethylene glycol uncle butyl ether Ethylene glycol-monobutyl ether Ethyleneglycol-monobutyl ether gafcol eb glycol butyl ether Glycol ether EB http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0031327 Minex BDH monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol Monobutyl ethylene glycol ether n-Butyl Cellosolve NCGC00090683-03 o-butyl ethylene glycol UNII:I0P9XEZ9WV UNII-I0P9XEZ9WV WLN: Q2O4 β-butoxyethanol β-Butoxyethanol111-76-2 [RN] 203-905-0 [EINECS] 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethanol [Wiki] 2-Butoxyethanol [German] 2-Butoxy-ethanol 2-Butoxyéthanol [French] 2-hydroxyethyl n-butyl ether 2-n-butoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Butyl 2-hydroxyethyl ether Butyl cellosolve butyl glycol EB Solvent [] EGMBE Ektasolve EB [] Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol [Spanish] Ethanol, 2-butoxy- [ACD/Index Name] Ether monobutylique de l'ethyleneglycol [French] Ethylene glycol butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether Ethylene glycol, monobutyl ether ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether Glycol monobutyl ether I0P9XEZ9WV Jeffersol EB [] KJ8575000 MONOBUTYL GLYCOL ETHER n-butoxyethanol Q2O4 [WLN] [111-76-2] 1219803-96-9 [RN] 139754-38-4 [RN] 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol 2-Butossi-etanolo 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethan(ol-d) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol 2-Butoxyethanol-1,1,2,2-d4 2-butoxylethanol 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol BUCS Butoksyetylowy alkohol Butoksyetylowy alkohol [Polish] Butoxyethanol, 2- Butyglycol Butyl cellu-sol Butyl Glycolether Butyl icinol Butyl monoether glycol Butyl oxitol butylcellosolve Butylcelosolv Butylcelosolv [Czech] Butylglycol Butylglycol [French,German] Butyloxitol Chimec NR Dowanol EB [] EGBE EINECS 203-905-0 Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether [UN2369] [Keep away from food] Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Reagent Grade Ethylene glycol uncle butyl ether Ethylene glycol-monobutyl ether Ethyleneglycol-monobutyl ether gafcol eb glycol butyl ether Glycol ether EB http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0031327 Minex BDH monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol Monobutyl ethylene glycol ether n-Butyl Cellosolve NCGC00090683-03 o-butyl ethylene glycol UNII:I0P9XEZ9WV UNII-I0P9XEZ9WV WLN: Q2O4 β-butoxyethanol β-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2 [RN] 203-905-0 [EINECS] 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethanol [Wiki] 2-Butoxyethanol [German] 2-Butoxy-ethanol 2-Butoxyéthanol [French] 2-hydroxyethyl n-butyl ether 2-n-butoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Butyl 2-hydroxyethyl ether Butyl cellosolve butyl glycol EB Solvent [] EGMBE Ektasolve EB [] Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol [Spanish] Ethanol, 2-butoxy- [ACD/Index Name] Ether monobutylique de l'ethyleneglycol [French] Ethylene glycol butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether Ethylene glycol, monobutyl ether ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether Glycol monobutyl ether I0P9XEZ9WV Jeffersol EB [] KJ8575000 MONOBUTYL GLYCOL ETHER n-butoxyethanol Q2O4 [WLN] [111-76-2] 1219803-96-9 [RN] 139754-38-4 [RN] 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol 2-Butossi-etanolo 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethan(ol-d) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol 2-Butoxyethanol-1,1,2,2-d4 2-butoxylethanol 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol BUCS Butoksyetylowy alkohol Butoksyetylowy alkohol [Polish] Butoxyethanol, 2- Butyglycol Butyl cellu-sol Butyl Glycolether Butyl icinol Butyl monoether glycol Butyl oxitol butylcellosolve Butylcelosolv Butylcelosolv [Czech] Butylglycol Butylglycol [French,German] Butyloxitol Chimec NR Dowanol EB [] EGBE EINECS 203-905-0 Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether [UN2369] [Keep away from food] Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Reagent Grade Ethylene glycol uncle butyl ether Ethylene glycol-monobutyl ether Ethyleneglycol-monobutyl ether gafcol eb glycol butyl ether Glycol ether EB http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0031327 Minex BDH monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol Monobutyl ethylene glycol ether n-Butyl Cellosolve NCGC00090683-03 o-butyl ethylene glycol UNII:I0P9XEZ9WV UNII-I0P9XEZ9WV WLN: Q2O4 β-butoxyethanol β-Butoxyethanol111-76-2 [RN] 203-905-0 [EINECS] 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethanol [Wiki] 2-Butoxyethanol [German] 2-Butoxy-ethanol 2-Butoxyéthanol [French] 2-hydroxyethyl n-butyl ether 2-n-butoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Butyl 2-hydroxyethyl ether Butyl cellosolve butyl glycol EB Solvent [] EGMBE Ektasolve EB [] Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol [Spanish] Ethanol, 2-butoxy- [ACD/Index Name] Ether monobutylique de l'ethyleneglycol [French] Ethylene glycol butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether Ethylene glycol, monobutyl ether ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether Glycol monobutyl ether I0P9XEZ9WV Jeffersol EB [] KJ8575000 MONOBUTYL GLYCOL ETHER n-butoxyethanol Q2O4 [WLN] [111-76-2] 1219803-96-9 [RN] 139754-38-4 [RN] 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol 2-Butossi-etanolo 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethan(ol-d) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol 2-Butoxyethanol-1,1,2,2-d4 2-butoxylethanol 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol BUCS Butoksyetylowy alkohol Butoksyetylowy alkohol [Polish] Butoxyethanol, 2- Butyglycol Butyl cellu-sol Butyl Glycolether Butyl icinol Butyl monoether glycol Butyl oxitol butylcellosolve Butylcelosolv Butylcelosolv [Czech] Butylglycol Butylglycol [French,German] Butyloxitol Chimec NR Dowanol EB [] EGBE EINECS 203-905-0 Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether [UN2369] [Keep away from food] Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Reagent Grade Ethylene glycol uncle butyl ether Ethylene glycol-monobutyl ether Ethyleneglycol-monobutyl ether gafcol eb glycol butyl ether Glycol ether EB http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0031327 Minex BDH monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol Monobutyl ethylene glycol ether n-Butyl Cellosolve NCGC00090683-03 o-butyl ethylene glycol UNII:I0P9XEZ9WV UNII-I0P9XEZ9WV WLN: Q2O4 β-butoxyethanol β-Butoxyethanol203-905-0 [EINECS] 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethanol [Wiki] 2-Butoxyethanol [German] 2-Butoxy-ethanol 2-Butoxyéthanol [French] 2-hydroxyethyl n-butyl ether 2-n-butoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Butyl 2-hydroxyethyl ether Butyl cellosolve butyl glycol EB Solvent [] EGMBE Ektasolve EB [] Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol [Spanish] Ethanol, 2-butoxy- [ACD/Index Name] Ether monobutylique de l'ethyleneglycol [French] Ethylene glycol butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether Ethylene glycol, monobutyl ether ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether Glycol monobutyl ether I0P9XEZ9WV Jeffersol EB [] KJ8575000 MONOBUTYL GLYCOL ETHER n-butoxyethanol Q2O4 [WLN] [111-76-2] 1219803-96-9 [RN] 139754-38-4 [RN] 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol 2-Butossi-etanolo 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethan(ol-d) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol 2-Butoxyethanol-1,1,2,2-d4 2-butoxylethanol 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol BUCS Butoksyetylowy alkohol Butoksyetylowy alkohol [Polish] Butoxyethanol, 2- Butyglycol Butyl cellu-sol Butyl Glycolether Butyl icinol Butyl monoether glycol Butyl oxitol butylcellosolve Butylcelosolv Butylcelosolv [Czech] Butylglycol Butylglycol [French,German] Butyloxitol Chimec NR Dowanol EB [] EGBE EINECS 203-905-0 Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether [UN2369] [Keep away from food] Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Reagent Grade Ethylene glycol uncle butyl ether Ethylene glycol-monobutyl ether Ethyleneglycol-monobutyl ether gafcol eb glycol butyl ether Glycol ether EB http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0031327 Minex BDH monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol Monobutyl ethylene glycol ether n-Butyl Cellosolve NCGC00090683-03 o-butyl ethylene glycol UNII:I0P9XEZ9WV UNII-I0P9XEZ9WV WLN: Q2O4 β-butoxyethanol β-Butoxyethanol 203-905-0 [EINECS] 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethanol [Wiki] 2-Butoxyethanol [German] 2-Butoxy-ethanol 2-Butoxyéthanol [French] 2-hydroxyethyl n-butyl ether 2-n-butoxyethanol Butoxyethanol Butyl 2-hydroxyethyl ether Butyl cellosolve butyl glycol EB Solvent [] EGMBE Ektasolve EB [] Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol [Spanish] Ethanol, 2-butoxy- [ACD/Index Name] Ether monobutylique de l'ethyleneglycol [French] Ethylene glycol butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether Ethylene glycol, monobutyl ether ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether Glycol monobutyl ether I0P9XEZ9WV Jeffersol EB [] KJ8575000 MONOBUTYL GLYCOL ETHER n-butoxyethanol Q2O4 [WLN] [111-76-2] 1219803-96-9 [RN] 139754-38-4 [RN] 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol 2-Butossi-etanolo 2-Butossi-etanolo [Italian] 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol 2-Butoxy-aethanol [German] 2-Butoxyethan(ol-d) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol 2-Butoxyethanol-1,1,2,2-d4 2-butoxylethanol 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol BUCS Butoksyetylowy alkohol Butoksyetylowy alkohol [Polish] Butoxyethanol, 2- Butyglycol Butyl cellu-sol Butyl Glycolether Butyl icinol Butyl monoether glycol Butyl oxitol butylcellosolve Butylcelosolv Butylcelosolv [Czech] Butylglycol Butylglycol [French,German] Butyloxitol Chimec NR Dowanol EB [] EGBE EINECS 203-905-0 Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether [UN2369] [Keep away from food] Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Reagent Grade Ethylene glycol uncle butyl ether Ethylene glycol-monobutyl ether Ethyleneglycol-monobutyl ether gafcol eb glycol butyl ether Glycol ether EB http://www.hmdb.ca/metabolites/HMDB0031327 Minex BDH monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol Monobutyl ethylene glycol ether n-Butyl Cellosolve NCGC00090683-03 o-butyl ethylene glycol UNII:I0P9XEZ9WV UNII-I0P9XEZ9WV WLN: Q2O4 β-butoxyethanol β-Butoxyethanol LT313-1000 LT313-4440 Mission Models Thinner monobutyl ether n-butoxyethanol o-butyl ethylene glycol PP100 UP5403(KC)2-butoxyethanol; ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether; butyl cellosolve EU. Worker Protection-Hazardous (98/24), EU. Workplace Signs, EU. Hazardous Waste Properties: Annex III (2008/98/EC) butyl cellosolve , EU. Dangerous Substances - Eco-Labels EGBE EU. Cosmetics Regulation, Annex III, Restricted Substances Ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether Other Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether , EU. Cosmetics Regulation, Annex III, Restricted Substances Ethyleneglycol monobutyl ether EU. Regenerated Cellulose Film Substances, EU. Dangerous Substances - Eco-Labels Translated names 2-butoksietanol (hr) 2-Butoksietanoli (fi) 2-butoksietanolis (lt) 2-butoksietanols (lv) 2-butoksyetanol (no) 2-Butoksüetanool (et) 2-butossietanolo (it) 2-butoxietanol (es) 2-butoxyetanol (sk) 2-butoxyethan-1-ol (cs) 2-butoxyethanol (da) 2-butoxyéthanol (fr) 2-βουτοξυαιθανόλη βουτυλογλυκόλη μονοβουτυλαιθέρας της αιθυλενογλυκόλης (el) 2-бутоксиетанол (bg) butil celosolv (hr) butil glikol (sl) butil kelosolve (sl) butil-celloszolv (hu) butilcelosolvs (lv) butilcelozolvas (lt) butilglicol (es) butylglycol (da) butylglykol (cs) Butyyliglykoli (fi) Butüültsellosolv (et) cellosolw butylowy (pl) eter monobutylowy glikolu etylenowego (pl) ether monobutylique d'éthylène-glycol (fr) ethylenglykolmonobutylether (cs) etilen glicol monobutil eter (ro) etilen-glikol monobutil-eter (hr) etilenglicol-monobutiletere (it) etilenglikolio monobutileteris (lt) etilén-glikol-monobutil-éter (hu) etilēnglikola monobutilēteris (lv) Etyleeniglykolimonobutyylieetteri (fi) etylenglykolmonobutyleter (no) etylénglykol-monobutyléter (sk) Etüleenglükoolmonobutüüleeter (et) glycolmonobutylether (nl) éter monobutílico del etilenglicol (es) éter monobutílico do etilenoglicol (pt) бутил целосолв (bg) етилен гликол монобутилов етер (bg) CAS names Ethanol, 2-butoxy- Other 1-Butoxy-2-hydroxyethan 2 butossietanolo 2-buthoxtethanol 2-butoxy ethanol 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 2-butoxy-ethanol 2-butoxyehanole 2-Butoxyethano 2-butoxyethanol (Butyl glycol) 2-butoxyethanol ethylene glycol monobutyl ether butyl cellosolve 2-butoxyethanol, butyl cellosolve, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether 2-Butoxyethanol, Butyl glycol, EB Solvent 2-Butoxyethanol; Butyl glycol; Butyl cellosolve ... 2-butoxyethanol; ethylene glycol monobutyl ether; butyl cellosolve Butoxyethanol Butyl cellosolvee butyl glycol , Butyl Oxitol butylglycol ether CH2OHCH2CH2CH2OCH2CH2OCH2CH2OH ethylene Ethylene glycol butyl ether , Ethylene glycol butylether Ethylene glycol mono butyl ether Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl ethylenglykol butyl ether UPV13 s 2-butoxy-1-ethanol 3-oxa-1-heptanol 3-oxo-1-heptanol A-LT313 BG BGE BuOX Butyl CELLOSOLVE™ Solvent butyl ethoxol Butyl glycol ether butyl monoether glycol Butylglycolether C-LT313 Dowanol EB EB solvent ECO2200-A-BLACK(T) ECO2200-B ED2800-A-BLACK(E) ET5745-AA-4440 FLOWADDITIVETB Glycol Ether EB IZ180(N)LIQUID-1184 IZ180(N)LIQUID-1184(H) KUV-5000(HARD COATING) LT313-1000 LT313-4440 Mission Models Thinner monobutyl ether n-butoxyethanol o-butyl ethylene glycol PP100 UP5403(KC)
BUTOXYETHYL ACETATE, N° CAS : 112-07-2, Nom INCI : BUTOXYETHYL ACETATE, Nom chimique : 2-Butoxyethyl acetate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-933-3; Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit, Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances. Noms français : 2-BUTOXYETHANOL ACETATE; 2-BUTOXYETHYL ACETATE; 2-BUTOXYETHYLACETATE ACETATE DE BUTOXY-2 ETHANOL; ACETATE DE BUTOXY-2 ETHYLE; ACETIC ACID, 2-BUTOXYETHYL ESTER; Acétate de butylcellosolve; Acétate de l'éther monobutylique d'éthylène glycol ; Acétate de l'éther monobutylique de l'éthylène glycol; BUTOXYETHYL ACETATE; ETHANOL, 2-BUTOXY-, ACETATE Noms anglais : 2-Butoxyethyl acetate (EGBEA); BUTYL CELLOSOLVE ACETATE; BUTYL GLYCOL ACETATE; BUTYLCELLOSOLVE ACETATE; BUTYLGLYCOL ACETATE; Ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate; ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE; GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER ACETATE. Utilisation: Solvant de laques, solvant de résines
Butoxyethyl acetate
BUTOXYPROPANOL, N° CAS : 29387-86-8, Nom INCI : BUTOXYPROPANOL; Butoxypropan-1-ol; 1-butoxypropan-1-ol; 1-Butoxy-1-propanol; 1-Butoxy-1-propanol [German] ; 1-Butoxy-1-propanol [French] ; 1-Butoxypropan-1-ol; 1-Propanol, 1-butoxy-; 249-598-7 [EINECS]; 29387-86-8 [RN]; 1,2-Propanediol, monobutyl ether; 120855-18-7 [RN]; Butoxypropan-1-ol; Butoxypropanol; Dowanol PnB; propanediol butyl ether; Propanol, 1(or 2)-butoxy-; PROPANOL, BUTOXY-; Propasol B; propylene glycol monobutyl ether; α-Propylene mono-n-butyl ether
BUTTER, N° CAS : 8029-34-3, Nom INCI : BUTTER, Nom chimique : Butyrum (EU), N° EINECS/ELINCS : 310-127-6, Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état
Butyl acetate; 1-Acetoxybutane; 1-Butyl acetate; Acetate de butyle; Acetic Acid Butyl Ester; Butile (Acetati Di); Butyl Ethanoate; Butylacetat; Butylacetate; Butylacetaten; Butyle (Acetate De); Butylester Kyseliny Octove; Octan n-Butylu; Butyl Ethanoate CAS NO:123-86-4
Butyl 2-propenoate; Acrylic acid n-butyl ester; n-Butyl acrylate; 2-Propenoic acid, butyl ester; Acrylic acid, butyl ester; ACRYLIC ACID TERT-BUTYL ESTER; TBA; T-BUTYL ACRYLATE; TERT-BUTYL ACRYLATE; TERTIARY-BUTYL ACRYLATE; 1-butylacrylate; acrylatedebutyle; Butylacrylate, inhibited; Butylester kyseliny akrylove; butylesterkyselinyakrylove; n-Butyl propenoate; propenoicacid,butylester; Butyl acrylate, stabilized with 20 ppm MEHQ; Propenoic acid n-butyl ester; Acryl acid butylester; #nn-Butyl acrylate; BUTYL ACRYLATE, STAB.; BUTYL ACRYLATE, 99+%; BUTYL ACRYLATE, STANDARD FOR GC; ButylAcrylateForSynthesis CAS NO:141-32-2

CAS Number: 141-32-2
EC Number: 205-480-7
MDL Number: MFCD00009446
Chemical formula: C7H12O2

Butyl acrylate is an organic compound with the formula C4H9O2CCH=CH2.
Butyl acrylate is a colorless liquid, Butyl acrylate is the butyl ester of acrylic acid.
Butyl acrylate is metabolized by carboxylesterase or reactions with glutathione; this detoxification produces acrylic acid, butanol, and mercapturic acid waste, which is excreted.
Butyl acrylate appears as a clear colorless liquid with a sharp characteristic odor.

Butyl acrylate is very slightly soluble in water and somewhat less dense than water.
Butyl acrylate forms surface slick on water.
Butyl acrylate's flash point is 105 °F.
Butyl acrylate's density is 7.5 lb / gal.
Butyl acrylate is an acrylate ester obtained by the formal condensation of the hydroxy group of butan-1-ol with the carboxy group of acrylic acid.

Butyl acrylate is functionally related to a butan-1-ol and an acrylic acid.
Butyl acrylate appears as a clear colorless liquid with a sharp characteristic odor.
Butyl acrylate is very slightly soluble in water and somewhat less dense than water.
Butyl acrylate forms surface slick on water.

Butyl acrylate is used for making paints, coatings, caulks, sealants, adhesives.
Butyl acrylate is clear, colorless liquid with a strong, fruity odor.
Butyl acrylate is colorless highly viscous liquid with a faint odor.
Butyl acrylate is a clear colorless liquid.

Butyl acrylate is a vinyl monomer.
Butyl acrylate undergoes radical copolymerization with benzoxazine containing a vinyl group to afford copolymers.
Heck coupling reactions of aryl bromides with n-butyl acrylate mediated by phosphine-imidazolium salt has been reported.
Copolymerization of styrene and n-butyl acrylate catalyzed by CuBr/4,4′-di(5-nonyl)-2,2′-bipyridine has been described.
Butyl acrylate (BA) is the ester of acrylic acid and n-butanol.

Butyl Acrylate is an acrylate monomer with a molecular formula of CH2=CHCOO(CH2)3CH3.
Butyl acrylate is a clear and reasonably volatile liquid which is slightly soluble in water and completely soluble in alcohols, ethers and almost all organic solvents.
Butyl acrylate is a flashpoint around 40° C and has a distinct fruity, pungent odour.
Butyl acrylate is easily miscible with other organic solvents and is readily polymerized with monomer molecules to create polymer chains.

Butyl acrylate is the largest-volume acrylate ester used in the production of all-acrylic, vinyl acrylic and styrene acrylic copolymers.
Butyl acrylate offers price-value and accounts for about 60 percent of the global acrylic ester monomer demand, with a consumption volume of over 2,000 kilo tons.
Butyl acrylate holds a special place in the market for acrylate esters.
Other major acrylate esters include methyl acrylate (MA), ethyl acrylate (EA), and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate (2-EHA).

Butyl acrylate is used as a “soft-monomer” to improve low temperature properties and toughness.
Butyl acrylate should be stored at temperatures below ~25°C (<80°F).
With MEHQ inhibitor, Butyl acrylate must be stored under an air atmosphere, since the presence of oxygen is required with this stabilizer.
Butyl acrylate is a versatile building block for copolymers, contributing excellent weathering and sunlight resistance, low temperature performance, hydrophobicity, and water resistance.

Butyl Acrylate is an acrylate monomer with a molecular formula of CH2=CHCOO(CH2)3CH3.
Butyl Acrylate is a clear and reasonably volatile liquid which is slightly soluble in water and completely soluble in alcohols, ethers and almost all organic solvents.
Butyl Acrylate is a flashpoint around 40° C and has a distinct fruity, pungent odour.
Butyl Acrylate is easily miscible with other organic solvents and is readily polymerized with monomer molecules to create polymer chains.

Butyl acrylate is a liquid (5 hPa at ∼ 20 °C) under normal environmental conditions.
At equilibrium in the environment, butyl acrylate will partition primarily to air (95%) with the balance to water (5%).
In air, butyl acrylate will be removed by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals (28 h half-life) and ozone (6.5 days half-life).
In water, butyl acrylate is relatively stable to hydrolysis at acidic and neutral pHs (half-life ≥ 1100 days) but will slowly volatilize to air (Henry’s law constant of 21.9 Pa m–3 mol−1 at 25 °C) or be biodegraded (58–90% removal in 28 days).

Based on Butyl acrylate's relatively low octanol–water partition coefficient (log Kow of 2.38) and rapid metabolism in biological systems, butyl acrylate does not pose a significant bioaccumulation hazard.
Butyl acrylate is a colorless liquid above Butyl acrylate's freezing point of -64°C (-83°F). Its homopolymer glass transition temperature is -54°C (-65°F).
Butyl acrylate can be polymerized with each other and copolymerized with other monomers to produce polymers having the optimal properties for your application.

Clear colorless liquid with a characteristic fruity odor.
Butyl acrylate is readily miscible with most organic solvents.
Butyl acrylate is readily polymerized and displays a wide range of properties dependent upon the selection of the monomer and reaction conditions.
Butyl Acrylate is used for copolymer-based adhesives.

Butyl Acrylate offers flexibility, weatherability, internal plasticization, adhesion, range of hardness and resistance to abrasion as well as oil or greases.
The shelf life of the Butyl Acrylate is 1 year.
Butyl Acrylate (CAS No. 141-32-2), or n-butyl acrylate, is a low Tg acrylate monomer that is produced by the esterification of acrylic acid with n-butanol.
Incorporating butyl acrylate into a polymer helps to improve tack, flexibility, impact resistance, and overall durability.

The flexibility and tack provided by butyl acrylate make Butyl acrylate an ideal monomer for producing polymers used in adhesive and sealant formulas.
Butyl acrylate appears as a clear colorless liquid with a sharp characteristic odor.
Very slightly soluble in water and somewhat less dense than water.
Hence forms surface slick on water.

Butyl Acrylate also known as butyl-2-propenoate is an acrylate monomer with a molecular formula of C7H12O2, CAS: 141-32-2.
Butyl acrylate is a clear and volatile liquid which is slightly soluble in water and completely soluble in alcohols, ethers and almost all organic solvents.
Butyl acrylate is a flammable liquid with a flashpoint around 39°C and has a distinct fruity acrylic and pungent odour.
Butyl Acrylate (BA) is a monofunctional monomer consisting of an acrylate group with a characteristic high reactivity and a cyclic hydrophobic group.

Copolymers of Butyl Acrylate (BA) can be prepared with (met)acrylic acid and its salts, amides, and esters, and with methacrylates, acrylonitrile, maleic acid esters, vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, styrene, butadiene, unsaturated polyesters and drying oils, etc.
Butyl Acrylate (BA) is a very useful feedstock for chemical syntheses because Butyl acrylate readily undergoes addition reactions with a wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds.

Butyl Acrylate is a clear, colorless liquid with a fruity, strong odor.
Odor thresholds vary greatly.
Butyl acrylate is a colorless liquid with a sharp odor.
Butyl acrylate is readily miscible with most organic solvents.
Butyl acrylate is An acrylate ester obtained by the formal condensation of the hydroxy group of butan-1-ol with the carboxy group of acrylic acid.

Butyl acrylate is A clear colorless liquid with a sharp characteristic odor.
Butyl Acrylate is a chemical that is created by esterifying acrylic acid and normal butanol.
Butyl acrylate is mainly used for creating homopolymers and copolymer (examples: Acrylic Acid, Ester, Amide, Methacrylic Acid, Acrylonitrile, Maleic Acid, Vinyl Acetate, Vinyl Chloride, Vinylidene Chloride, Styrene, Butadiene, Unsaturated polyester resin).

The created homopolymer and copolymer are then changed to base ingredients of fiber treating agent, glue, paint, synthetic resin, acrylic rubber, emulsion.
Butyl acrylate is major acrylic monomer from the acrylic esters group, which is derived from acrylic acid for providing performance properties to a wide range of polymers.
Butyl acrylate is a colourless transparent liquid.

Butyl Acrylate is a clear colorless liquid with fruity odor.
Butyl acrylate is miscible with most of the organic solvents at ambient atmospheric conditions.
On polymerization, Butyl acrylate produces wide range of homopolymers and copolymers with versatile properties depending upon the monomer(s) and reaction conditions.
Butyl Acrylate is a liquid that is clear and colorless with a sharp distinctive odor.

Butyl acrylate can be polymerized with each other and copolymerized with other monomers to produce polymers having the optimal properties for your application.
Butyl acrylate is a clear colorless liquid with a characteristic fruity odor.
Butyl acrylate is readily miscible with most organic solvents.
Butyl acrylate is readily polymerized and displays a wide range of properties dependent upon the selection of the monomer and reaction conditions.

Butyl acrylate is a chemical compound from the group of acrylic esters .
Butyl acrylate is an inflammatory, light-sensitive, colorless liquid with a stinging smell.
Butyl Acrylate is an acrylate monomer with a molecular formula of CH2=CHCOO(CH2)3CH3.
Butyl acrylate is a clear and reasonably volatile liquid which is slightly soluble in water and completely soluble in alcohols, ethers and almost all organic solvents.

Butyl acrylate is a reasonably flammable liquid with a flashpoint around 40° C and has a distinct fruity, pungent odour.
Butyl acrylate is easily miscible with other organic solvents and is readily polymerized with monomer molecules to create polymer chains.
Butyl acrylate forms homopolymers and copolymers.
Copolymers of butyl acrylate can be prepared with acrylic acid and its salts, amides and esters, and with methacrylates, acrylonitrile, maleic acid esters, vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, styrene, butadiene, unsaturated polyesters and drying oils, etc.

Butyl acrylate is also a very useful feedstock for chemical syntheses, because Butyl acrylate readily undergoes addition reactions with a wide variety of organic and inorganic compound.
Butyl acrylate is conventionally produced in batch reactors catalyzed by strong acidic homogeneous catalysts.
Butyl acrylate's relative density is 0. 894.
Butyl acrylate's melting Point is -64.6 °c.
Butyl acrylate's boiling Point is 146~148 degrees C; 69 degrees C (6.7kPa).

Butyl acrylate's flash point (closed cup) is 39 °c.
Butyl acrylate's refractive index is 4174.
Butyl acrylate is Soluble in ethanol, ether, acetone and other organic solvents.
Butyl acrylate is Almost insoluble in water, 20 degrees in water solubility of 0.14g/lOOmL.
Butyl acrylate is classified as an unsaturated hydrocarbon.

Butyl acrylate is a colorless, hygroscopic crystalline solid that comes as a translucent colorless liquid with a distinct fruity flavor.
Butyl acrylate comes with solubility in organic solvents but has reduced water solubility and has a lower density than water.
Butyl acrylate polymerizes easily and shows a diverse variety of properties based on the reaction conditions and monomer used.
Butyl Acrylate is a clear, colorless liquid with a fruity odor. It is used in the production of homopolymers and co-polymers.
Butyl Acrylate provides water resistance, low temperature flexibility, and weather and sunlight resistance when used in latex paint applications.

Butyl acrylate is a clear, colorless liquid wih a pungent odor. Butyl acrylate forms homopolymers and copolymers.
Copolymers of butyl acrylate can be prepared with acrylic acid and its sald, amides, and esters.
Butyl Acrylate molecule contains a total of 20 bond(s) There are 8 non-H bond(s), 2 multiple bond(s), 5 rotatable bond(s), 2 double bond(s) and 1 ester(s) (aliphatic).
Butyl acrylate is a clear colorless liquid.
Butyl Acrylate is a vinyl monomer.

Butyl Acrylate undergoes radical copolymerization with benzoxazine containing a vinyl group to afford copolymers.
Heck coupling reactions of aryl bromides with n-butyl acrylate mediated by phosphine-imidazolium salt has been reported.
Copolymerization of styrene and Butyl Acrylate by ATRP catalyzed by CuBr/4,4'-di(5-nonyl)-2,2'-bipyridine has been described.
Butyl acrylate is a kind of colorless transparent liquid, insoluble in water, can be mixed in ethanol and ether.
Butyl acrylate is a kind of colorless transparent liquid, insoluble in water, can be mixed in ethanol and ether.

With the increase of temperature and the extension of storage time, the tendency of self-aggregation is intensified.
Due to the features of Butyl Acrylate, the butyl acrylate applications are wide.
Butyl acrylate is a clear colorless liquid with a characteristic fruity odor.
Butyl Acrylate is readily miscible with most organic solvents.
Butyl Acrylate is readily polymerized and displays a wide range of properties dependent upon the selection of the monomer and reaction conditions.

Butyl acrylate is used commercially on a large scale as a precursor to polybutylacrylate, which is used in paints, sealants, coatings, adhesives, fuel, textiles, plastics, and caulk.
Butyl acrylate is used for making paints, coatings, caulks, sealants, adhesives.
Butyl acrylate is used to prepare Poly(butyl acrylate) particles.
Butyl acrylate is used to prepare Poly(butyl acrylate-b-acrylic acid) block copolymer.

Butyl acrylate is used to prepare Amphiphilic charged diblock copolymers poly(butyl acrylate)-b-poly(acrylic acid).
Butyl acrylate is used to prepare Poly(n-butyl acrylate), via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of n-butyl acrylate in the presence of CuIBr/4,4′-di(5-nonyl)-2,2′-bipyridine (catalyst).
Butyl acrylate is used as a raw material for fiber processing agents, adhesives, coatings, plastics, acrylic rubber, and emulsions.
Butyl acrylate has very low-level impurities and may be used as a raw material for a wide variety of chemicals.

Butyl acrylate is used as a raw material for fiber processing agents, adhesives, coatings, plastics, acrylic rubber, and emulsions.
The major markets for Butyl acrylate are in paint & coatings, such as architectural and automotive coatings, followed by adhesives and sealants market.
Application areas include inks, textile, paper and leather finishes, and caulks.
A significant and growing segment for Butyl acrylate is in thermoplastic ethylene acrylate copolymers (EAC), at BA levels up to 35 % in copolymers.

Butyl acrylate copolymers are used as a impact modifier and processing aid in thermoplastics improving properties such as toughness, flexibility, molding characteristics and part appearances.
End use applications include packaging, multilayer films and adhesives.
With a low homopolymer glass transition temperature of -45°C, Butyl acrylate is used in copolymers to improve flexibility, softness, and low temperature properties.
Butyl acrylate exhibits superior photostability and is a preferred monomer where weatherability and sunlight resistance are required.

Butyl acrylate is the major base acrylic ester monomer used in the manufacture of copolymers for paint & coatings, adhesives & sealants, printing inks, thermoplastic ethylene-acrylate copolymers, and a myriad of other application areas.
Butyl Acrylate is used in the production of coatings and inks, adhesives, sealants, textiles, plastics and elastomers. Coating applications include: architectural latex coatings, water-based dispersions, and automotive original equipment manufacture, and refinish materials.
Pressure sensitive adhesives contain Butyl Acrylate.

Adhesive applications are found in the textile and construction industries.
Textile industry products that contain Butyl Acrylate are fibers, warp
sizings, thickener, and back coat formulations (adhesives).
In the plastics industry, Butyl Acrylate is found in some PVC modifiers and molding or extrusion additives.
Butyl Acrylate is used in the manufacture of viscosity modifiers, thickeners and dispersants.

Used in Paints and Coatings, Adhesives, Caulks and Sealants, Plastic Additives, Fibers
Butyl acrylate is primarily used in the production of homopolymers and co-polymers for use in water based industrial and architectural paints.
Butyl acrylate can also be used in cleaning products, antioxidant agents, enamels, adhesives, textiles, caulks and paper finishes.
The double bond reactivity also allows for Butyl acrylate to be used as a chemical intermediary.
The primary end user markets of Butyl acrylate would be the water, plastics, leathers, paints, adhesives and textiles industries.

Used as intermediate Monomer in polymers
Used in Formulations in laboratories
Formulation of coatings with a polymer which contains Butyl acrylate as a monomer
Formulation of pre-polymer mixtures
Butyl acrylate is used as intermediates

Butyl acrylate is used in Polymerisation at production sites
Butyl acrylate is used in Polymerisation at downstream user sites
Butyl acrylate is used in ink and ink components
Butyl acrylate is used in Indoor/oudoor application of adhesives
Butyl acrylate is used as Industrial Intermediate, Paint and Coatings, Paper Chemical, Raw material for chemical processes, Raw material for industry

Butyl acrylate is used in polymer manufacturing, textile and leather finishing, and formulating paints and adhesives
Butyl acrylate is used in Leather Tanning and Processing, Painting (Pigments, Binders, and Biocides), Plastic Composites Manufacturing, Silk-Screen Printing, Textiles (Printing, Dyeing, or Finishing)
Butyl acrylate is used in Chemical for Synthesis, Fiber treatment, Adhesives, Synthetic resins, Acrylic rubbers
Butyl Acrylate is used in the manufacture of polymers and resins, and in paint formulations.

Butyl Acrylate (BA) is also used in adhesive and as a polymeric plasticizer for harder resins.
Butyl Acrylate (BA) can be used to balance as such key properties as the hardness and softness, tackiness, low-temperature flexibility, strength and durability, and a lot of the others.
Butyl Acrylate (BA) is used in the production of organic glass and as a comonomer in the synthesis of acrylic dispersions used in adhesives, binders, impregnating compositions in the leather, printing, paint, varnish, pulp and paper, and other industries.

Butyl Acrylate is applied in the production of: Acrylic & Water-borne dispersions, Water-borne industrial & architectural paints, Industrial & Architectural coatings, Varnishes, Textiles, Pulp & Paper, Paper & Leather coatings, Wood & Metal coatings, Adhesives, Inks, caulks & sealants.
Butyl Acrylate (BA) is an ester of Acrylic acid and is used as a raw material component in the synthesis of polymers.
Butyl acrylate is primarily used in the production of homo and co-polymers emulsion for use in water based architectural and industrial paints.
Polymers with butyl acrylate can also be used in manufacturing cleaning products, leathers industries, antioxidant agents, plastics, enamels, inks, adhesives, sealants, textiles, caulks and paper finishes.

The acrylate functionality allows Butyl acrylate to be used as a chemical intermediary.
Butyl acrylate is used in Laboratory chemicals, Manufacture of substances.
Butyl acrylate is used for making paints, coatings, caulks, sealants, adhesives.
Butyl acrylate (CAS No.: 141-32-2) Mainly used in synthetic resin, synthetic fiber, synthetic rubber, plastics, coatings, adhesives, etc.
Butyl acrylate is used in Acrylic Resins, Structural adhesives, Pressure Sensitive Adhesives, Packaging Adhesives, Latex Paints ,Caulks & Sealants, Acrylic rubber, Concrete Coatings, Elastomeric Coatings

Butyl acrylate is used in Adhesives, Aerospace, Architectural, Automotive, Ceramics, Corrugated Boxes, Glues, Industrial Machinery and Appliances, Medical Devices, Packaging, Paper & Consumables, Sealants, Tapes Textiles, Wood Glues, Building & Construction, Concrete Coatings
Butyl acrylate is used in Coatings, Aerosol Coatings, Aerospace Coatings, Appliances & Machinery Coatings, Architectural Coatings, Automotive OEM Coatings, Automotive Refinish.
Butyl acrylate is used in Basecoats, Brick Coatings, Can Coatings, Ceramic Coatings, Coil Coatings, Conformal Coatings, Consumer Paints, Elastomeric Coatings, Electrodeposited Coatings, Electronics Coatings, Floor Coatings, Furniture Coatings, Heat Seal Coatings, Industrial Coatings, Marine Coatings, Metal Coatings.

Used in Nail Polish, Overprint Varnishes, Paint Thinner, Paper Coatings, Pipe Coatings, Plastic Coatings, Primers, Release Coatings, Roof Coatings, Special Purpose Coatings, Stone and Tile Coatings, Textile & Leather Coatings, Topcoats, Traffic Paint, Inks.
Butyl acrylate is used in Automotive Inks, Commercial & Publication, Digital Inks, Flexible Films, Glass & Ceramics, Graphic Arts Coatings, Narrow Web, Plastics, Printed Electronics, Tag & Label.
Butyl acrylate is often used in chemical manufacturing and polymerized with high Tg monomers like methyl methacrylate, Styrene, and Vinyl Acetate in order to balance the properties of the final polymer.

Butyl acrylate is a low Tg ester of acrylic acid that is used as a monomer to produce flexible acrylic polymers and copolymers used in adhesives, caulks, and sealants.
Butyl acrylate is used in Adhesives Building & Construction, Coatings, Elastomers, Inks, Metal Processing & Fabrication, Plastics
Butyl esters are utilized in various industries including paints & coatings, adhesives & sealants, textiles, plastic additives, and paper treatment.
Butyl acrylate is used for making paints, coatings, caulks, sealants, adhesives.

Mainly used for fiber, rubber, plastic, coatings, adhesives, Textile Auxiliaries, can also be used as leather and paper processing agent.
Butyl acrylate is used as Intermediate in organic synthesis, polymers and copolymers for solvent coatings, adhesives, paints, binders, emulsifiers.
Butyl acrylate is primarily used as a reactive building block to produce coatings and inks,adhesives, sealants, textiles, plastics and elastomers.

Butyl acrylate is used to make polymersthat are used as resins for textile and leatherfinishes, and in paints.
Butyl acrylate is used in the manufacture of various acrylics and adhesives, in coatings for leather, in textile production
Butyl acrylate is a chemical used for textile and leather finishes, in paint formulations, adhesives, binders and emulsifier.
Butyl acrylate is used in paints, coatings, sealants, adhesives, textiles, fuel, plastics, and caulk.
Butyl acrylate is a Monomer for the manufacture of polymers and resins for textile and leather finishes & paintermediate formulations.

Butyl acrylate is used in paints, sealants, coatings, adhesives, fuels, textiles, plastics and sealants.
Butyl acrylate is used to manufacture homopolymers and copolymers.
Copolymers of butyl acrylate can be produced with acrylic acid and its salts, amides and esters, and with methacrylates, acrylonitrile, maleic acid esters, vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, styrene, butadiene, unsaturated polyesters and drying oils, etc.
Butyl acrylate can also be used as raw material for chemical synthesis, as Butyl acrylate undergoes addition reactions with variety of organic and inorganic compounds.

Butyl acrylate is used in manufacturing paints and adhesives, manufacturing leather, in cosmetics and personal care products, in manufacturing paper, in detergents and cleaners, in manufacturing plastics.
Butyl Acrylate is the major base acrylic ester monomer used in the manufacture of copolymers for paint & coatings, adhesives & sealants, printing inks, thermoplastic ethylene-acrylate copolymers, and a myriad of other application areas.
Butyl Acrylate is a versatile building block for copolymers, contributing excellent weathering and sunlight resistance, low temperature performance, hydrophobicity, and water resistance.

Butyl acrylate is used in Paints, Sealants, Coatings, Adhesives, Fuel, Textiles, Plastics, Caulk.
Butyl Acrylate is used as soft-monomer to improve low temperature properties and toughness.
Application areas include paint & coatings, such as architectural and automotive coatings, adhesives, sealants, inks, textile, paper, leather finishes, caulks, etc.
Butyl Acrylate are used to make soft monomers of acrylate solvent and emulsion adhesives, which can be homopolymer, copolymerization and graft copolymerization, as well as high polymer monomers, used as intermediates in organic synthesis.

Butyl acrylate is used to prepare: Poly(butyl acrylate) particles, Poly(butyl acrylate-b-acrylic acid) block copolymer, Amphiphilic charged diblock copolymers poly(butyl acrylate)-b-poly(acrylic acid), Poly(n-butyl acrylate), via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of n-butyl acrylate in the presence of CuIBr/4,4'-di(5-nonyl)-2,2'-bipyridine (catalyst).
Butyl Acrylate Is a useful feedstock for chemical syntheses.
Butyl acrylate is used in the production of homopolymers and co-polymers such as acrylic acid and its salts, esters, amides, methacrylates, acrylonitrile, maleates, vinyl acetate, vinylchlor ide, vinylidene chloride, styrene, butadiene and unsaturated polyesters.

Butyl Acrylate is used to create co-polymers and homopolymers.
These co-polymers and homopolymers are used in the production of adhesives, plastics and adhesives.
Butyl acrylate is used in the production of homopolymers and co-polymers such as acrylic acid and its salts, esters, amides, methacrylates, acrylonitrile, maleates, vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, styrene, butadiene and unsaturated polyesters.
When Butyl Acrylate is used in latex paint formulations acrylic polymers have good water resistance, low temperature flexibility and excellent weathering and sunlight resistance.

-Butyl acrylate is used in the following applications:
*Adhesives – for use in construction and pressure-sensitive adhesives
*Chemical intermediates – for a variety of chemical products
*Coatings – for textiles and adhesives, and for surface and water-based coatings, and coatings used for paints, leather finishing and paper
*Leather – to produce different finishes, particularly nubuck and suede
*Plastics – for the manufacture of a variety of plastics
*Textiles – in the manufacture of both woven and non-woven textiles

In order to prevent polymerization, butyl acrylate must always be stored under air, and never under inert gases.
The presence of oxygen is required for the stabilizer to function effectively.
It has to contain a stabilizer, and the storage temperature must not exceed 35 °C.
Under these conditions, a storage stability of one year can be expected.
In order to minimize the likelihood of over storage, the storage procedure should strictly follow the “first-in-first-out” principle.

For extended storage periods over 4 weeks, it is advisable to replenish the dissolved oxygen content.
Stainless steel or aluminum should be used for tanks and pipes.
Although Butyl acrylate does not corrode carbon steel, there is a risk of contamination if corrosion does occur.
Regulations for the storage of flammable liquids must be observed (explosion-proof electrical equipment, vented tanks with flame arresters, etc.).
Storage tanks, pumps, and pipes must be earthed.

Butyl acrylate can be manufactured by reacting n-butanol with acrylic acid in the presence of an acid catalyst in an elevated temperature zone to produce butyl acrylate, water and other by-products.
The product mixture is then purified in a distillation zone to create a higher purity of butyl acrylate.
The typical yield of this process ranges between 94-97%.

A chemical stockist would have a bulk petrochemical storage facility to maintain the product.
Storage is normally in a cool, dry and well ventilated facility away from oxidising agents.
Butyl acrylate should be kept out of direct sunlight, heat and open flames.
Solvents such as butyl acrylate should be stored in drummed containers such as isotanks made of stainless steel, aluminium or carbon steel.
A bulk solvent exporter would normally distribute Butyl acrylate in bulk vessels or tank trucks.
For transportation purposes, Butyl acrylate is classed as a flammable liquid with a fire hazard rating of 2.
A full bulk chemical distributor would export the solvent throughout regions such as the UK, Europe, Africa and America.
Butyl acrylate is a packing group 3.

Butyl acrylate, the butyl ester of acrylic acid, is among the most industrially important acrylates (along with methyl acrylate and ethyl acrylate).
The major use of butyl acrylate is in the production of acrylic polymers, and for making copolymers with polyethylene.
Butyl acrylate is also used in the formulation of paints, sealants, cleaning products and adhesives, as well as in amphoteric surfactants, aqueous resins, antioxidant agents, elastomers and dispersions for textiles and papers.

Butyl acrylate can be produced from several reactions involving acetylene, 1-butyl alcohol, carbon monoxide, nickel carbonyl, and hydrochloric acid among other chemicals.
On an industrial scale, butyl acrylate is produced from ester-grade acrylic acid and butanol, typically in plants that are integrated with acrylic acid facilities.
The present analysis discusses an industrial process for butyl acrylate production.
The process comprises two major sections: esterification; and purification.

Acrylic acid, a small excess of butanol and p-toluene sulfonic acid catalyst are fed to the reaction system.
The esterification reactor is connected to a distillation system for continuous removal of water from the reactor medium.
This improves the reaction kinetics and shifts the reaction toward ester formation.
Organic compounds recovered in the bottoms are recycled to the esterification reactor, while water is used as a solvent for catalyst extraction.

Recovered water is fed to a catalyst extraction column to separate catalyst from previously cooled reaction product withdrawn from the second reactor.
The catalyst stream is recycled to the esterification reactor.
The crude product
2-(N -tert -Butylamino)ethyl methacrylat; 2-(tert -Butylamino)ethyl methacrylate; N -tert -Butylaminoethyl methacrylate; t-Butylaminoethyl methacrylate; 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-[(1,1-dimethylethyl)amino]ethyl ester; N-tert-Butylaminoethyl methacrylate; CAS NO : 3775-90-4
n-Butyl benzoate; Benzoic acid, butyl ester; Benzoic Acid Butyl Ester; Anthrapole AZ; Dai Cari XBN; Benzoic acid n-butyl ester; Butylester kyseliny benzoove; Butylbenzoate; 4-butyl benzoate; benzoic acid n_butyl ester CAS NO:136-60-7
BUTYL DIETHANOLAMINE, N° CAS : 102-79-4, Nom INCI : BUTYL DIETHANOLAMINE, Nom chimique : N-Butyl-N,N-Bis(2-Hydroxyethyl)amine; 2,2'-butyliminodiethanol, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 203-055-0, Régulateur de pH : Stabilise le pH des cosmétiques. Noms français : ETHANOL, 2,2'-(BUTYLIMINO)BIS-; N-BUTYLDIETHANOLAMINE. 2,2'-butyliminodiethanol; CAS names: Ethanol, 2,2'-(butylimino)bis-; 2,2'-(butylimino)diethanol; 2-[butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethan-1-ol; 2-[butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethanol; N-Butyldiethanolamine. 102-79-4 [RN]; 2,2'-(Butylimino)diethanol ; 2,2'-(Butylimino)diethanol [German] ; 2,2'-(Butylimino)diéthanol [French] ; 2,2'-Butyliminodiethanol; 203-055-0 [EINECS] Ethanol, 2,2'- (butylimino)bis-; Ethanol, 2,2'-(butylimino)bis- [ACD/Index Name]; KK0525000; MFCD00002856 [MDL number]; N,N-BIS(2-HYDROXYETHYL)BUTYLAMINE; N-Butyldiethanolamine [102-79-4] 2-(butyl-(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)ethanol 2-(N-Butyl-N-2-hydroxyethylamino)ethanol 2,2'- diethanol 2,2-(butylazanediyl)diethanol 2,2'-(Butylazanediyl)diethanol 2,2'-(Butylimino)bisethanol 2,2-(Butylimino)diethanol 2,2'-(n-Butylamino)diethanol 2,2'-(n-Butylimino)diethanol 2,2/'-(Butylimino)diethanol 2-[butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethan-1-ol 2-[butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethanol 4-04-00-01520 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein] BIDE Bis(β-hydroxyethyl)butylamine Bis(β-hydroxyethyl)butylamine Butyl Diethanolamine (en) Butylbis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine BUTYLDIETHANOLAMINE EINECS 203-055-0 Ethanol, 2,2'- (butylimino)di- Ethanol, 2,2'-(butylimino)di- InChI=1/C8H19NO2/c1-2-3-4-9(5-7-10)6-8-11/h10-11H,2-8H2,1H Jsp000308 N,N'-ETHANOLBUTYLIMINE N-Butyl-2,2'-iminodiethanol n-butyldiethanolamine 98.6% n-butyldiethanolamine, reagent N-Butyl-N, N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine N-Butyl-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amine N-BUTYL-N,N-BIS(HYDROXYETHYL)AMINE N-n-Butyldiethanolamine n-n-butyldiethanolamine, 98%
BUTYL DIETHANOLAMINE ( N-Butyldiethanolamine)
Butyldiglycol; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; 1-n-butoxy-3-oxabutan-5-ol; 1-normal-butoxy-3-oxabutan-5-ol; 2-(2-n-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; 2-(2-normal-butoxyethoxy)ethanol / 2-(beta-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; 2-butoxyethoxyethanol cas no: 112-34-5
BUTYL DIGLYME Chemical Properties of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Formula of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) [CH3(CH2)3OCH2CH2]2O Formula Weight of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) 218.74 Form Colorless of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) liquid Melting point of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) 60° Boiling Point of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) 256° Flash Point of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) 117°(243°F) Density of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) 0.885 Refractive Index of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) 1.4235 Storage & Sensitivity of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Ambient temperatures. Solubility Miscible with dimethyl sulfoxide, ethanol and acetone. Immiscible with water. Applications of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Extraction of precious metals Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether is used as a solvent in Grignard reactions. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is also used as solvents in gold refining, decorative inks for ceramics and digital inks. It finds application in electrochemistry, gas absorption, extractant and high boiling reaction medium. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is also used in fuel, lubricant, textile and medicine. Notes of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and strong acids. Butyl diglyme (diethylene glycol dibutyl ether) is a high-performance solvent used in digital inks and decorative inks for ceramics. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is a safe and effective solvent for emissive applications. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter), also called diethylene glycol di-n-butyl ether, is a polar aprotic solvent with excellent thermal and chemical stability. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter), or glycol diethers, are a widely used family of saturated polyethers for increasing anion reactivity in a given system, thus affecting selectivity and reaction rates. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is one of the heavier ethylene oxide based BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) available commercially. Glymes BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter), or glymes, are aprotic, saturated polyethers that offer high solvency, high stability in strong bases and moderate stability in acid solutions. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) efficiently solvate cations, increasing anion reactivity, and thus can increase both selectivity and reaction rates. Most BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter)are water-soluble, but a range of solubility and boiling points are available. The polyether structure produces only weak associations between glyme molecules, and is responsible for the low viscosity and excellent wetting properties of these solvents. A further structural feature of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) that contributes significantly to their usefulness involves the arrangement of oxygen atoms, as ether linkages, at two-carbon intervals. The model of the BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) molecule (picture above) illustrates this periodic recurrence of oxygen atoms separated by two carbon atoms. This steric arrangement, analogous to that of crown ethers, gives BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) the ability to form complexes with many cations. Glycol diethers have a wide range of solubilities and boiling points. They are used as reaction solvents and in closed loop applications such as gas scrubbing and in refrigeration systems. The higher molecular weight BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) beginning with ethyl diglyme are suitable for emissive applications such as coatings, inks, adhesives and in cleaning compounds. The lower molecular weight BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) should not be used in emissive applications due to their reproductive toxicity. Pharma and fine chemicals synthesis of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Due to their high stability and solvency, BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are widely used as reaction media for processes involving alkali metal hydroxides, sodium hydride, and alkali metals. Grignard reaction yields can be increased and purification costs reduced by using BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) as reaction solvents. Sodium borohydride at high temperature can be substituted for lithium aluminum hydride in some reductions. Carried out in BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) sodium aluminum hydride can be prepared directly from the elements in BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is the solvent of choice when preparing aryl sulfides via use of sodium tetrafluoroborate as a catalyst. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is also a key to the efficient synthesis of the anti-AIDS drug Nevirapine. Preparation of urethanes, hydrogenations, condensations, oxidations, olefin insertions, oligomerizations of olefins, and addition reactions can be carried out in BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) as reaction medium. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are also useful as solubilizing agents, extractants and selective solvents. Methoxyacetaldehyde dimethylacetal can be prepared by electrochemical oxidation in BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). Aspartame was prepared by enzymatic catalysis in triglyme-water medium. Polymerization and polymer modification of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Catalysts of the Ziegler-Natta type for the polymerization of alpha-olefins are advantageously prepared as a slurry incorporating BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are additionally useful in removal of unreacted monomer in this type of polymerization. When BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is used to modify the Ti-AI-catalyzed preparation of a block ethylene-propylene copolymer, the physical properties of the copolymer are greatly improved. Similarly, conjugated dienes can be polymerized in the presence of metal-based catalyst mixtures containing BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). Catalyst solutions for other types of polymerization advantageously use BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). Monomers polymerized in the presence of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) include cyclosiloxanes, conjugated alkadiene, lactams, dicyclopentadiene, vinyl chloride, fluorinated acrylic esters and 1-octene. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are also useful in formulating storage-stable vulcanizing agents for urethane rubber. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and its copolymers are produced with improved properties by incorporating BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) into the finished product. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are useful in formulating rigid polyurethane foams with improved fluidity during molding and with improved bonding strength. The viscosity of polyols useful in the manufacture of polyurethanes can be reduced by means of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) without adversely affecting physical properties. Polyurethane coatings used to form pinhole-free films with good adhesive strength, applicable to electrical and electronic parts, utilize BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). Isocyanates are processed and formulated using BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) to yield isocyanurate and polyisocyanate prepolymers used in various polyurethane applications. Gold refining of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is a selective solvent for the extraction of gold from hydrochloric acid solutions containing other metals. Treatment of the extract with a reducing agent such as oxalic acid reduces the trivalent gold to gold powder. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) have the following high-performance properties:  Dissolve polar and non-polar contaminants  Very low odor compared to esters, ketones and monoethers  Choice of boiling point  Fully compatible with quats  Compatible with hydrocarbons AND water!  Run cleaning hot or cold and match requirements for solvent recovery  Use of higlyme (non-VOC) for heavy-duty water-based cleaning solutions  Optimized cleaning by using BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) for more polar impurities  Use of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) for non-polar impurities and high temperature  Maintain ability to remove metal ions  Reduce surface tension Toxicity of lower BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Monoglyme, BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) and ethyl glyme are only suitable for use in enclosed applications such as reaction solvents as they are recognized reproductive toxins. Higher BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter)s, such as ethyl diglyme, BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter), tetraglyme, polyglyme and higlyme have lower acute and reproductive toxicity and are considered suitable for use in emissive applications. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is most commonly utilized as a high-performance solvent for both laboratory and industrial applications. It effectively solvates digital inks and decorative ceramic inks, since BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is stable enough to withstand the high temperatures of these applications. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is also commonly used on small scales as an extraction solvent for gold from hydrochloric acid media, a process which results in an extremely high concentration of pure gold metal. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) can also be used as an intermediate in the production of siloxane-based adjuvants. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter)ALSO KNOWN AS dibutyl carbitol, dibutyldiglycol, diethylene glycol di-n-butyl ether, 2-butoxyethyl ether PACKING INFO of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Bulk tankers, totes, and drums APPLICATIONS of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Glycol ethers, with the combination of ether, alcohol and hydrocarbon chain in one molecule, provide versatile solvency characteristics with both polar and non-polar properties. The chemical structure of long hydrocarbon chain resist to solubility in water, while ether or alcohol groups introduce the promoted hydrophilic solubility performance. This surfactant-like structure provides the compatibility between water and a number of organic solvents, and the ability to couple unlike phases. Glycol ethers are characterized by their wide range of hydrophilic/hydrophobic balances. glycol ethers are used as diluents and levelling agents in the manufacture of paints and baking finishes. Glycol ether series are used in the manufacture of nitrocellulose and combination lacquers. They are used as an additive in brake fluid. They are formulated for dying textiles and leathers and for insecticides and herbicides. They provides performance in cleaners products with oil-water dispersions. They are used in printing industries as they have a slow evaporation rate. They are used as a fixative for perfumes, germicides, bactericides, insect repellents and antiseptic. They are used as an additive for jet fuel to prevent ice buildup. Thje term of cellosolve refers to BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) or a group of glycol ether solvent as below. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Chemical Formula of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter): C12H26O3 CAS No. of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter):112-73-2 Synonyms of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Diethylene Glycol Dibutyl Ether; Dibutyldiglycol Quality Specifications of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Purity of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) 98.5% minAcidity (as Acetic Acid)100 ppm max Water content 500 ppm maxPeroxide content15 ppm maxSuspended Mattersubstantially freeColor15 APHA max Physical Properties of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) AppearanceColorless liquid with mild odorSpecific Gravity (at 20°C)0.88Bulk Density (at 20°C)7.36 lbs/galBoiling Point493°F (256°C)Freezing Point-76.4°F (-60.2°C)Flash Point243°F (117°C) Packaging of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) 15 kg (33 lbs) pail180 kg (397 lbs) drum BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) (2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol) is an organic compound, one of several glycol ether solvents. It is a colorless liquid with a low odour and high boiling point. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is mainly used as a solvent for paints and varnishes in the chemical industry, household detergents, brewing chemicals and textile processing. Production and Use of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether (BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter)) is produced by the reaction of ethylene oxide and n-butanol with an alkalic catalyst. In pesticide products, BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) acts as an inert ingredient as a deactivator for formulation before the crop emerges from the soil and as a stabilizer. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is also a chemical intermediate for the synthesis of diethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate, diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, and piperonyl acetate, and as a solvent in high baked enamels. Other applications of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are as a dispersant for vinyl chloride resins in organosols, a diluent for hydraulic brake fluids, and a mutual solvent for soap, oil, and water in household cleaners. The textile industry uses BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) as a wetting-out solution. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is also a solvent for nitrocellulose, oils, dyes, gums, soaps, and polymers. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is also used as coupling solvent in liquid cleaners, cutting fluids, and textile auxiliaries. In the printing industry, BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) applications include: solvent in lacquers, paints, and printing inks; high boiling point solvent to improve gloss and flow properties; and used as a solubilizer in mineral oil products. Air & Water Reactions of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Oxidizes readily in air to form unstable peroxides that may explode spontaneously. Insoluble in water. Fire Hazard of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Vapor may travel considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back. Health Hazard of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption. Causes eye and skin irritation. Material is irritating to mucous membrane and upper respiratory tract. Reactivity Profile of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) may react violently with strong oxidizing agents. Incompatible with nitric acid. May form salts with strong acids and addition complexes with Lewis acids. In other reactions, which typically involve the breaking of the carbon-oxygen bond, relatively inert. Pharma and fine chemicals synthesis of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Due to their high stability and solvency, BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are widely used as reaction media for processes involving alkali metal hydroxides, sodium hydride, and alkali metals. Grignard reaction yields can be increased and purification costs reduced by using BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) as reaction solvents. Sodium borohydride at high temperature can be substituted for lithium aluminum hydride in some reductions. Carried out in BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) sodium aluminum hydride can be prepared directly from the elements in BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is the solvent of choice when preparing aryl sulfides via use of sodium tetrafluoroborate as a catalyst. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is also a key to the efficient synthesis of the anti-AIDS drug Nevirapine. Preparation of urethanes, hydrogenations, condensations, oxidations, olefin insertions, oligomerizations of olefins, and addition reactions can be carried out in BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) as reaction medium. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are also useful as solubilizing agents, extractants and selective solvents. Methoxyacetaldehyde dimethylacetal can be prepared by electrochemical oxidation in BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). Aspartame was prepared by enzymatic catalysis in triglyme-water medium. Polymerization and polymer modification of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) Catalysts of the Ziegler-Natta type for the polymerization of alpha-olefins are advantageously prepared as a slurry incorporating BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are additionally useful in removal of unreacted monomer in this type of polymerization. When BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) is used to modify the Ti-AI-catalyzed preparation of a block ethylene-propylene copolymer, the physical properties of the copolymer are greatly improved. Similarly, conjugated dienes can be polymerized in the presence of metal-based catalyst mixtures containing BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). Catalyst solutions for other types of polymerization advantageously use BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). Monomers polymerized in the presence of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) include cyclosiloxanes, conjugated alkadiene, lactams, dicyclopentadiene, vinyl chloride, fluorinated acrylic esters and 1-octene. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are also useful in formulating storage-stable vulcanizing agents for urethane rubber. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and its copolymers are produced with improved properties by incorporating BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) into the finished product. BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) are useful in formulating rigid polyurethane foams with improved fluidity during molding and with improved bonding strength. The viscosity of polyols useful in the manufacture of polyurethanes can be reduced by means of BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) without adversely affecting physical properties. Polyurethane coatings used to form pinhole-free films with good adhesive strength, applicable to electrical and electronic parts, utilize BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter). Isocyanates are processed and formulated using BUTYL DIGLYME (Butyl Diglyme, bütil diglim, Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, dietilen dibütil eter) to yield isocyanurate and polyisocyanate prepolymers used in various polyurethane applications.
Butyl glycol; 2-Butoxyethan-1-ol; 2-Butoxyethanol; Butyl cellosolve; EGBE (ethylene glycol monobutyl ether); Dowanol EB; Bane-Clene; Butyl oxitol cas no: 111-76-2
Butyl Hydroxy Toluene Butylated hydroxytoluene (Butyl Hydroxy Toluene), also known as dibutylhydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic organic compound, chemically a derivative of phenol, that is useful for its antioxidant properties. Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is widely used to prevent free radical-mediated oxidation in fluids (e.g. fuels, oils) and other materials, and the regulations overseen by the U.S. F.D.A.—which considers Butyl Hydroxy Toluene to be "generally recognized as safe"—allow small amounts to be added to foods. Despite this, and the earlier determination by the National Cancer Institute that Butyl Hydroxy Toluene was noncarcinogenic in an animal model, societal concerns over its broad use have been expressed. Butyl Hydroxy Toluene has also been postulated as an antiviral drug, but as of March 2020, use of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene as a drug is not supported by the scientific literature and it has not been approved by any drug regulatory agency for use as an antiviral. Natural occurrence of Butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT) Phytoplankton, including the green algae Botryococcus braunii, as well as three different cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp.) are capable of producing Butyl Hydroxy Toluene as a natural product. The fruit lychee also produces Butyl Hydroxy Toluene in its pericarp. Several fungi (example Aspergillus conicus) living in olives produce Butyl Hydroxy Toluene. Production of Butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT) Industrial production of Butyl hydroxy toluene The chemical synthesis of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene in industry has involved the reaction of p-cresol (4-methylphenol) with isobutylene (2-methylpropene), catalyzed by sulfuric acid: CH3(C6H4)OH + 2 CH2=C(CH3)2 → ((CH3)3C)2CH3C6H2OH Alternatively, Butyl Hydroxy Toluene has been prepared from 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol by hydroxymethylation or aminomethylation followed by hydrogenolysis. Reactions of Butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT) The species behaves as a synthetic analog of vitamin E, primarily acting as a terminating agent that suppresses autoxidation, a process whereby unsaturated (usually) organic compounds are attacked by atmospheric oxygen. Butyl Hydroxy Toluene stops this autocatalytic reaction by converting peroxy radicals to hydroperoxides. It effects this function by donating a hydrogen atom: RO2• + ArOH → ROOH + ArO• RO2• + ArO• → nonradical products where R is alkyl or aryl, and where ArOH is Butyl Hydroxy Toluene or related phenolic antioxidants. Each Butyl Hydroxy Toluene consumes two peroxy radicals. Applications of Butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT) Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is listed under several categories in catalogues and databases, such as food additive, household product ingredient, industrial additive, personal care product/cosmetic ingredient, pesticide ingredient, plastic/rubber ingredient and medical/veterinary/research. Food additive of Butyl hydroxy toluene Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is primarily used as an antioxidant food additive. In the United States, it is classified as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) based on a National Cancer Institute study from 1979 in rats and mice. It is approved for use in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration: For example, 21 CFR § 137.350 allows Butyl Hydroxy Toluene up to 0.0033% by weight in "enriched rice", while 9 CFR § 381.147] allows up to 0.01% in poultry "by fat content". It is permitted in the European Union under E321. Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is used as a preservative ingredient in some foods. With this usage Butyl Hydroxy Toluene maintains freshness or prevents spoilage; it may be used to decrease the rate at which the texture, color, or flavor of food changes. Some food companies have voluntarily eliminated Butyl Hydroxy Toluene from their products or have announced that they were going to phase it out. Antioxidant Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is also used as an antioxidant in products such as metalworking fluids, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, transformer oils, and embalming fluid. In the petroleum industry, where Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is known as the fuel additive AO-29, it is used in hydraulic fluids, turbine and gear oils, and jet fuels. Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is also used to prevent peroxide formation in organic ethers and other solvents and laboratory chemicals. It is added to certain monomers as a polymerisation inhibitor to facilitate their safe storage. Some additive products contain Butyl Hydroxy Toluene as their primary ingredient, while others contain the chemical merely as a component of their formulation, sometimes alongside butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). Health effects of Butyl hydroxy toluene Like many closely related phenol antioxidants, Butyl Hydroxy Toluene has low acute toxicity (e.g., the desmethyl analog of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene, 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, has an LD50 of >9 g/kg). The US Food and Drug Administration classifies Butyl Hydroxy Toluene as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as a food preservative when used according in an approved manner. In 1979, the National Cancer Institute determined that Butyl Hydroxy Toluene was noncarcinogenic in a mouse model. Nevertheless, the World Health Organization discussed a possible link between Butyl Hydroxy Toluene and cancer risk in 1986, and some primary research studies in the 1970s–1990s reported both potential for increased risk and potential for decreased risk in the area of oncology. As well, concern has been expressed regarding a dietary role for Butyl Hydroxy Toluene in asthma and behavioral issues in children. Because of this uncertainty, the Center for Science in the Public Interest puts Butyl Hydroxy Toluene in its "caution" column and recommends avoiding it. Based on various, disparate primary research reports, Butyl Hydroxy Toluene has been suggested to have anti-viral activity, and the reports divide into various study types. First, there are studies that describe virus inactivation—where treatment with the chemical results in disrupted or otherwise inactivated virus particles. The action of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene in these is akin to the action of many other organic compounds, e.g., quaternary ammonium compounds, phenolics, and detergents, which disrupt viruses by insertion of the chemical into the virus membrane, coat, or other structure, which are established methods of viral disinfection secondary to methods of chemical oxidation and UV irradiation. In addition, there is a report of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene use, topically against genital herpes lesions, a report of inhibitory activity in vitro against pseudorabies (in cell culture), and two studies, in veterinary contexts, of use of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene to attempt to protect against virus exposure (pseudorabies in mouse and swine, and Newcastle in chickens). The relevance of other reports, regarding influenza in mice, is not easily discerned. Notably, this series of primary research reports does not support a general conclusion of independent confirmation of the original research results, nor are there critical reviews appearing thereafter, in secondary sources, for the various host-virus systems studied with Butyl Hydroxy Toluene. Hence, at present, the results do not present a scientific consensus in favour of the conclusion of the general antiviral potential of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene when dosed in humans. Moreover, as of March 2020, no guidance from any of the internationally recognized associations of infectious disease specialists had advocated use of Butyl Hydroxy Toluene products as an antiviral therapy or prophylactic. Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is an organic chemical composed of 4-methylphenol modified with tert-butyl groups at positions 2 and 6. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) inhibits autoxidation of unsaturated organic compounds. Butyl Hydroxy Toluene is used in food, cosmetics and industrial fluids to prevent oxidation and free radical formation. Butylated hydroxytoluene is a white crystalline solid. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible ameliorating effect of butylated hydroxyl toluene (Butyl hydroxy toluene), associated with ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA)-induced oxidative stress and liver injury in mice. The treatment of mice with Fe-NTA alone enhances ornithine decarboxylase activity to 4.6 folds, protein carbonyl formation increased up to 2.9 folds and DNA synthesis expressed in terms of [(3)H] thymidine incorporation increased to 3.2 folds, and antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes decreased to 1.8-2.5 folds, compared with the corresponding saline-treated controls. These changes were reversed significantly (p < 0.001) in animals receiving a pretreatment of Butyl hydroxy toluene. Our data show that Butyl hydroxy toluene can reciprocate the toxic effects of Fe-NTA and can serve as a potent chemopreventive agent. Butylated Hydroxytoluene is an organic chemical composed of 4-methylphenol modified with tert-butyl groups at positions 2 and 6. Butylated hydroxytoluene (Butyl hydroxy toluene) inhibits autoxidation of unsaturated organic compounds. Butyl hydroxy toluene is used in food, cosmetics and industrial fluids to prevent oxidation and free radical formation. The metabolism of Butyl hydroxy toluene has been investigated extensively in rabbits, rat, mice and man. The principle routes of metabolism of Butyl hydroxy toluene in all species involve oxidation of the para-methyl and of one, or both, of the tert-butyl substituents. Neither mechanism is mutually exclusive. Oxidation of the methyl-group is catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme, Butyl hydroxy toluene-oxidase and several derivatives including the quinone-methide, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylene-2,5-cyclohexadienone and 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2,6-di-tert-butyl-cyclahexe-2,5-dienone have been identified in rat liver. Whereas oxidation of the para-methyl substituent is the major route of metabolism in the rat and rabbit, where Butyl hydroxy toluene-acid accounts for approximately 30% of the dose, some 30-40% of the dose in male and female mice and in man is excreted as metabolites involving oxidation of one or both of the tert-butyl groups. Butyl hydroxy toluene is excreted principally in the urine in man whereas in rodents 50-80% is eliminated in the feces. This is presumed to be due to species differences in the molecular weight threshold for biliary excretion. A comparative metabolism study of Butyl hydroxy toluene was conducted in mice and rats. In male and female DDY/Slc mice given single oral doses (20 or 500 mg/kg body weight) of Butyl hydroxy toluene labelled with (14)C at the p-methyl group, (14)C was distributed mainly in the stomach, intestines, liver and kidney, and then excreted in the urine, feces and expired air. During the 7 days after treatment, 41-65, 26-50 and 69% of the (14)C dose was excreted in feces, urine and expired air, respectively, and the total recovery was 96-98%. Levels of (14)C in 21 male and 22 female tissues 7 days after treatment were less than 1 ug Butyl hydroxy toluene equivalents/g tissue (ppm) in mice given 20 mg/kg and less than 11 ppm in mice given 500 mg/kg. When [(14)C]Butyl hydroxy toluene was given orally to male mice at 20 mg/kg/day for 10 days, (14)C was rapidly excreted and did not exhibit any tendency to accumulate in any tissues. Thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography analyses showed that more than 43 metabolites were present in the urine and feces of both species, and all of these were identified to determine metabolic pathways for Butyl hydroxy toluene in mice and rats. Major metabolic reactions of [(14)C]Butyl hydroxy toluene in mice were the oxidation of the p-methyl group attached to the benzene nng and of the tert-butyl groups. The products from the latter reaction were cyclized to some extent by reacting with the adjacent phenolic OH group to give hemiacetals or lactones. The carboxyl derivatives from the p-methyl oxidation were conjugated with glucuronic acid. When single oral doses of 20 or 500 mg [(14)C]Butyl hydroxy toluene/kg were given to male Sprague-Dawley rats, metabolites similar to those in mice were found. However, the major biotransformation was oxidation of the p-methyl group, and oxidation of the tert-butyl groups was a minor reaction in rats. Pro-oxidative effect of phenolic antioxidant (vitamin E) in combination with the initiators on human low-density lipoprotein is known. /It has been/ reported that oxidative stress induced by vitamin E in combination with the herbicide paraquat enhances structural chromosomal damage in cultured anuran leukocytes. In the present study, the phenolic antioxidant vitamin E-synthetic-analogue 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (Butyl hydroxy toluene) in combination with paraquat was found to enhance structural chromosomal damage in cultured Pelophylax (Rana) nigromaculatus leukocytes more than paraquat only and paraquat plus nicotinamido adenine dinucleotido phosphate served as positive control, although Butyl hydroxy toluene only had no effect on induction of structural chromosomal damage. Paraquat plus Butyl hydroxy toluene-enhanced structural chromosomal damage was inhibited by combination of the superoxide dismutase mimic Mn(III)tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin and the hydrogen peroxide scavenger catalase. In test based on reduction of paraquat cation, Butyl hydroxy toluene was found to reduce paraquat cation chemically to paraquat monocation radical. These results suggest that Butyl hydroxy toluene functions in chemically donating electron to paraquat and thereby induces an acute accumulation of reactive oxygen species, resulting in increase in chromosomal damage. Promotion of lung tumors in mice by the food additive butylated hydroxytoluene (Butyl hydroxy toluene) is mediated by electrophilic metabolites produced in the target organ. Identifying the proteins alkylated by these quinone methides (QMs) is a necessary step in understanding the underlying mechanisms. Covalent adducts of the antioxidant enzymes peroxiredoxin 6 and Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase were detected previously in lung cytosols from BALB/c mice injected with Butyl hydroxy toluene, and complimentary in vitro studies demonstrated that QM alkylation causes inactivation and enhances oxidative stress. In the present work, adducts of another protective enzyme, carbonyl reductase (CBR), were detected by Western blotting and mass spectrometry in mitochondria from lungs of mice one day after a single injection of Butyl hydroxy toluene and throughout a 28-day period of weekly injections required to achieve tumor promotion. Butyl hydroxy toluene treatment was accompanied by the accumulation of protein carbonyls in lung cytosol from sustained oxidative stress. Studies in vitro demonstrated that CBR activity in lung homogenates was susceptible to concentration- and time-dependent inhibition by QMs. Recombinant CBR underwent irreversible inhibition during QM exposure, and mass spectrometry was utilized to identify alkylation sites at Cys 51, Lys 17, Lys 189, Lys 201, His 28, and His 204. Except for Lys 17, all of these adducts were eliminated as a cause of enzyme inhibition either by chemical modification (cysteine) or site-directed mutagenesis (lysines and histidines). The data demonstrated that Lys 17 is the critical alkylation target, consistent with the role of this basic residue in NADPH binding. These data support the possibility that CBR inhibition occurs in Butyl hydroxy toluene-treated mice, thereby compromising one pathway for inactivating lipid peroxidation products, particularly 4-oxo-2-nonenal. These data, in concert with previous evidence for the inactivation of antioxidant enzymes, provide a molecular basis to explain lung inflammation leading to tumor promotion in this two-stage model for pulmonary carcinogenesis. Butyl hydroxy toluene, also known as BHT or butylated hydroxytoluene, is a white to pale-yellow, crystalline solid. It has a slightly musty odor and is tasteless. Butyl hydroxy toluene is very slightly soluble in water. USE: Butyl hydroxy toluene is an important commercial chemical used as a preservative in foods, cosmetics and personal care products, paints, inks, animal feeds and many commercial products. EXPOSURE: Workers that use Butyl hydroxy toluene may breathe in mists or have direct skin contact. The general population may be exposed by vapors, skin contact and consumption of food. If Butyl hydroxy toluene is released to the environment, it will be broken down in air. It is expected to be broken down by sunlight. It will move into air from moist soil and water surfaces; however, absorption to soil and sediment will slow this process. It is not expected to move through soil. It will be broken down slowly by microorganisms, and is expected to build up in fish. RISK: Ingestion of Butyl hydroxy toluene at levels found in food has not been associated with any toxic effects. It is considered a "GRAS" (generally recognized as safe) food additive by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Mild allergic reactions have been reported in some sensitive individuals (runny nose, headache, flushing, worsening of asthma symptoms). Accidental or intentional ingestion of extremely large amounts of Butyl hydroxy toluene may cause brief dizziness, unsteadiness, slurred speech or loss of consciousness in non-allergic individuals; no permanent effects were observed in these cases. Butyl hydroxy toluene is a slight respiratory irritant in laboratory animals. No other data regarding the potential toxic effects of breathing Butyl hydroxy toluene were available. No evidence of infertility, abortion, or birth defects was observed in laboratory animals exposed to Butyl hydroxy toluene before and/or during pregnancy. Lung and liver tumors developed in some studies with laboratory animals exposed to Butyl hydroxy toluene in feed; however, increased tumors may have been associated with increased life-span in exposed animals (compared to unexposed), rather than exposure to the chemical. No evidence of carcinogenicity was found in other laboratory animal studies, and some studies found that Butyl hydroxy toluene decreased the risk of tumor development. The potential for Butyl hydroxy toluene to cause cancer in humans has not been assessed by the U.S. EPA IRIS program or the U.S. National Toxicology Program 14th Report on Carcinogens. The International Agency for Research on Cancer determined that 2.6-di-t-butyl-p-cresol is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans based on lack of human data and limited evidence in laboratory animals. Uses of Butyl hydroxy toluene Butyl hydroxy toluene is used as an antioxidant which finds many applications in a wide variety of industries. It is used in ground vehicle and aviation gasolines; lubricating, turbine, and insulation oils; waxes, synthetic and natural rubbers, paints, plastics, and elastomers. It protects these materials from oxidation during prolonged storage. Highly purified grades are suitable for use in foods to retard oxidation of animal fats, vegetable oils, and oil-soluble vitamins. It is also used in cosmetics and food packaging materials such as waxed paper, paper board, and polyethylene. It is important in delaying the onset of rancidity of oils and fats in animal feeds, and in preserving the essential nutrients and pigment-forming compounds of these foods. Synthetic antioxidants commonly used in food include butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (Butyl hydroxy toluene), propyl gallate (PG), and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ). A simple electrochemical method was developed for the single and simultaneous determination of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (Butyl hydroxy toluene) in food samples using square-wave voltammetry (SWV). A carbon composite electrode modified (MCCE) with copper (II) phosphate immobilized in a polyester resin was proposed. The modified electrode allowed the detection of BHA and Butyl hydroxy toluene at potentials lower than those observed at unmodified electrodes. A separation of about 430 mV between the peak oxidation potentials of BHA and Butyl hydroxy toluene in binary mixtures was obtained. The calibration curves for the simultaneous determination of BHA and Butyl hydroxy toluene demonstrated an excellent linear response in the range from 3.4x10(-7) to 4.1x10(-5) mol/L for both compounds. The detection limits for the simultaneous determination of BHA and Butyl hydroxy toluene were 7.2x10(-8) and 9.3x10(-8) mol/L, respectively. In addition, the stability and repeatability of the electrode were determined. The proposed method was successfully applied in the simultaneous determination of BHA and Butyl hydroxy toluene in several food samples, and the results obtained were found to be similar to those obtained using the high performance liquid chromatography method with agreement at 95% confidence level. IDENTIFICATION AND USE of Butyl hydroxy toluene: Butylated hydroxytoluene (Butyl hydroxy toluene) is a white, crystalline, odorless solid. It is used as an antioxidant for fats and oils or in packaging material for fat containing foods. HUMAN EXPOSURE AND TOXICITY: Potential symptoms of overexposure are irritation of eyes and skin. ANIMAL STUDIES of Butyl hydroxy toluene: Rats fed high doses of Butyl hydroxy toluene, showed increases in serum cholesterol in both sexes. Groups of weanling rats fed Butyl hydroxy toluene in conjunction with lard supplementation had a reduction in growth rate, especially in males. Butyl hydroxy toluene also increased absolute liver weight and the ratio of liver weight to body weight in both sexes. Butyl hydroxy toluene increased the ratio of left adrenal weight to body weight in male rats but had no consistent effect in female rats. Butyl hydroxy toluene administered to rats for 68-82 days caused reduction in rate of increase in weight and fatty infiltration of the liver. Butyl hydroxy toluene was given in feed of rats and mice of both sex at 3000 or 6000 ppm; in rats 105 wk and 107 or 108 wk in mice. No tumors occurred in either sex of rats and mice. When tested for teratogenic properties Butyl hydroxy toluene produced anophthalmia in offspring in rats, but not in mice. Butyl hydroxy toluene administered to pregnant mice for 18 days along with another group fed Butyl hydroxy toluene for 50 to 64 days including 18 das of pregnancy. No fetal abnormalities were observed. In a study using 144 mice, no blindness was observed in any of the 1162 litters representing 7765 offspring born throughout the reproductive life span of the mothers. Butyl hydroxy toluene was tested for mutagenicity in the Salmonella/microsome preincubation assay in 5 Salmonella typhimurium strains (TA1535, TA1537, TA97, TA98, and TA100) in the presence and absence of metabolic activation. Butyl hydroxy toluene was negative in these tests and the highest ineffective dose tested in any Salmonella typhimurium strain was 10 mg/plate. ECOTOXICITY STUDIES of Butyl hydroxy toluene: In salmon fed graded levels of Butyl hydroxy toluene during a 12-week feeding followed by a 2-week depuration period, Butyl hydroxy toluene selectively modulated toxicological responses in the xenobiotic biotransformation pathways during the feeding period.
Butyl Lactate
Butyl ester of 2-hydroxypropanoic acid, Butyl ester of lactic acid, Butyl lactate, Butyl 2-hydroxypropanoate, Butyl alpha-hydroxypropionate; Butyl 2-hydroxypropanoate CAS NO:138-22-7
Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane
ArganOil;Argan Oil Morocco;Argania spinosa, ext.;Argan oil – Virgin – deodorized – Organic, argan kernel oil ,fixed oil expressed from the kernels, argania spinosa (l.), sapotaceae ,lipovol argan CAS Number 223747-87-3
Butyl Oleate
SYNONYMS BUTYL OLEATE;BUTYL (Z)-9-OCTADECENOATE;N-BUTYL OCTADECENOATE;N-BUTYL OLEATE;OLEIC ACID BUTYL ESTER;OLEIC ACID N-BUTYL ESTER;9-Octadecenoicacid(Z)-,butylester;9-octadecenoicacid,butylester(cis);Butyl (9Z)-9-octadecenoate;Butyl 9-octadecenoate;Butyl oleate C-914;Butyl9-octadecenoate;butylcis-9-octadecenoate;butylester;butylester(z)-9-octadecenoicaci;cis-octadec-9-enoicacidbutylester Cas NO:142-77-8
Butyl Paraben
butyl p-hydroxybenzoate; benzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-, butyl ester; butoben; butyl para-hydroxybenzoate ; butyl-4-hydroxybenzoate ; butylparaben CAS NO: 94-26-8
Butyl propionate
Butyl propionate; Butyl propanoate; N-BUTYL PROPIONATE; Propanoic acid, butyl ester cas no: 590-01-2
Butyl Stearate
cas no 123-95-5 Stearic acid Butyl ester; Butyl n-Octadecanoate; Butyl Octadecanoate; n-Octadecanoic acid Butyl ester; n-Butyl Stearate; Butyl octadecylate; Tegester butyl stearate; Polycizer 332;
Butyl Triglycol Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is a type of glycol ether, which is the result from the reaction of alcohols or phenol with ethylene oxide. Ideal for use in leathers and hydraulic fluids. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) results from the reaction of alcohols or phenol with ethylene oxide. The reactions to obtain these compounds and their molecular structures are shown in the figure below, starting from methanol and ethanol. This product has other denominations of Triethylene glycol butyl ether, TEGBE, and has a CAS No. of 143-22-6. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) ether of 70% mass purity Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) (also known as BTGE, butyl tri tetra, triethylene glycol butyl ether, butoxy triglycol and triglycol monobutyl ether) is a clear, colourless liquid with a mild odour. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is miscible in water, has low volatility, and has the formula C10H22O4 How is Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) produced? Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is produced as the result of ethylene oxide reacting with alcohol. Global consumption of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is estimated at approximately 21,000 tonnes per year. How is Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) stored and distributed? Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) can be stored and transported in stainless steel, mild steel, or carbon steel drums and/or tanks and must be kept in a well-ventilated area. It is not classified as dangerous for any form of transport but is classed as an Irritant. It has a flash point of 156 oC (closed cup) and a specific gravity of 0.985. What is Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) used for? The main use of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is as component of the base blend used in the manufacture of hydraulic oils, especially brake fluids. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is a useful component in paint stripping formulations as it has low volatility, and is also employed as a dye carrier in textile dyeing processes. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is a solvent for oils, gums, soaps, and grease so is a component found in many industrial and household cleaners. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) also acts as a coalescent in the coatings industry as it is a solvent for nitrocellulose. Pursuant to section 8(d) of TSCA, EPA promulgated a model Health and Safety Data Reporting Rule. The section 8(d) model rule requires manufacturers, importers, and processors of listed chemical substances and mixtures to submit to EPA copies and lists of unpublished health and safety studies. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is included on this list. A testing consent order is in effect for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) for health effects testing. FR citation: January 9, 1989. Acute Exposure/ Male or female albino rats were exposed to a flowing stream of vapor-ladened air generated by passing 2.5 L/min of dried air at room temperature through a fitted disc immersed to a depth of at least one inch in approximately 50 mL of triethylene glycol butyl ether contained in a gas-washing bottle. Rats were exposed from time periods ranging from 15 minutes to 8 hrs and observed up to 14 days. All animals survived to 14 days. Acute inhalation toxicity was evaluated in 10 albino Wistar rats (sex not reported) exposed to Poly Solv TB (Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)) at a nominal concentration of 200 mg/L for 1 hour. Mortality was not observed in any animal; an LC50 value was not reported. The observation period was uneventful. Gross necropsy was not reported. Acute inhalation toxicity was evaluated in 6 male rats (strain not reported) exposed to Dowanol TBH (Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)) at a nominal concentration of 6.52 mg/L for 7 hours. Mortality was not observed in any animal; an LC50 value was not reported. The clinical observation period was uneventful. Gross necropsy findings revealed no visible lesions. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) (CAS# 143-22-6) was studied for teratogenic potential and developmental toxicity at doses of 250 and 1000 mg/kg which was administered by gavage to groups of 10 Alpk:AP (Wistar-derived) rats on days 7 through 16 of gestation. Positive (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) and negative control (water) groups were also dosed. Observation continued through day 5 postpartum. There were no maternal effects noted with regard to mortality or weight effects and no statistically significant changes in number, viability and size of litters except in the positive control. The authors conclude that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) exibits no fetotoxic or teratogenic potential and no maternal toxicity. Statistical analysis included Student's t-test for comparison of individual treatment group means. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) (143-22-6) was evaluated for developmental effects in groups of 10 rats administered the test substance by gavage at dose levels of 0, 250, or 2500 mg/kg/day on days 7-16 of gestation. Rats and pups were sacrificed 5 days postpartum. Triethylene glycol monoethyl ether was found to have no fetotoxic or developmental effects at 250 or 1000 mg/kg/day. This document is a brief summary. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)'s production and use as a plasticizer intermediate, a solvent, in cutting and hydraulic oils, production of inks, as a leveling agent, in the leather auxiliaries industry, and in the chemical, textile, and transportation industries may result in its release to the environment through various waste streams. If released to air, a vapor pressure of 2.5X10-3 mm Hg at 25 °C indicates Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) will exist solely as a vapor in the atmosphere. Vapor-phase Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) will be degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals; the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 7.5 hours. Alcohols and ethers do not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight. If released to soil, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to have very high mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 10. Volatilization from moist soil surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process based upon an estimated Henry's Law constant of 9.5X10-14 atm-cu m/mole. Based on %theoretical BODS of 0-24 in 5-20 days, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to biodegrade slowly in soil and water. If released into water, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment based upon the estimated Koc. Volatilization from water surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process based upon this compound's estimated Henry's Law constant. An estimated BCF of 3 suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low. Hydrolysis is not expected to be an important environmental fate process since this compound lacks functional groups that hydrolyze under environmental conditions. Occupational exposure to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is produced or used. Monitoring and use data indicate that the general population may be exposed to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) via ingestion of contaminated drinking water and dermal contact with products containing Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). TERRESTRIAL FATE: Based on a classification scheme(1), an estimated Koc value of 10(SRC), determined from a structure estimation method(2), indicates that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to have very high mobility in soil(SRC). Volatilization of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) from moist soil surfaces is not expected to be an important fate process(SRC) given an estimated Henry's Law constant of 9.5X10-14 atm-cu m/mole(SRC), using a fragment constant estimation method(3). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 2.5X10-3 mm Hg(4). The theoretical BODs for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are 0, 5, and 24% for 5, 10 and 20 days, respectively(5), suggesting that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to biodegrade slowly in soil(SRC). AQUATIC FATE: Based on a classification scheme(1), an estimated Koc value of 10(SRC), determined from a structure estimation method(2), indicates that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediment(SRC). Volatilization from water surfaces is not expected(3) based upon an estimated Henry's Law constant of 9.5X10-14 atm-cu m/mole(SRC), developed using a fragment constant estimation method(4). According to a classification scheme(5), an estimated BCF of 3(SRC), from an estimated log Kow of 0.02(6) and a regression-derived equation(7), suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low(SRC). The theoretical BODs for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are 0, 5 and 24% for 5, 10 and 20 days, respectively(8), Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to biodegrade slowly in water(SRC). ATMOSPHERIC FATE: According to a model of gas/particle partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds in the atmosphere(1), Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL), which has a vapor pressure of 2.5X10-3 mm Hg at 25 °C(2), is expected to exist solely as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. Vapor-phase Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is degraded in the atmosphere by reaction with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals(SRC); the half-life for this reaction in air is estimated to be 7.5 hours(SRC), calculated from its rate constant of 5.2X10-11 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C(SRC) that was derived using a structure estimation method(3). Alcohols and ethers do not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight(4). AEROBIC: The theoretical BODs for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are 0, 5, and 24% for 5 days, 10 days, and 20 days, respectively, indicating that it will be partially removed from biological wastewater treatment plants(1). The rate constant for the vapor-phase reaction of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) with photochemically-produced hydroxyl radicals has been estimated as 5.2X10-11 cu cm/molecule-sec at 25 °C(SRC) using a structure estimation method(1). This corresponds to an atmospheric half-life of about 7.5 hours at an atmospheric concentration of 5X10+5 hydroxyl radicals per cu cm(1). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to undergo hydrolysis in the environment due to the lack of functional groups that hydrolyze under environmental conditions(2). Alcohols and ethers do not contain chromophores that absorb at wavelengths >290 nm and therefore Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to be susceptible to direct photolysis by sunlight(3). Using a structure estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(1), the Koc of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) can be estimated to be 10(SRC). According to a classification scheme(2), this estimated Koc value suggests that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to have very high mobility in soil(SRC). The Henry's Law constant for Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is estimated as 9.5X10-14 atm-cu m/mole(SRC) using a fragment constant estimation method(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is expected to be essentially nonvolatile from water surfaces(2). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces(SRC) based upon a vapor pressure of 2.5X10-3 mm Hg(3). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) has been identified in the effluents from the following industries: paint and ink (3438 ng/uL extract), printing and publishing (3868 ng/uL extract), and organic chemicals (160 ng/uL extract)(1). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) was identified in a sample of fine organometallic automobile brake lining wear particles at a concentration of 181.7 ug/g of particle sampled(1). NIOSH (NOES Survey 1981-1983) has statistically estimated that 25,310 workers (50 of these are female) are potentially exposed to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) in the US(1). Occupational exposure to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) may occur through inhalation and dermal contact with this compound at workplaces where Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is produced or used(SRC). Monitoring and use data indicate that the general population may be exposed to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) via ingestion of contaminated drinking water, and dermal contact with products containing Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)(SRC). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL), also called diethylene glycol di-n-butyl ether, is a polar aprotic solvent with excellent thermal and chemical stability. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL), or glycol diethers, are a widely used family of saturated polyethers for increasing anion reactivity in a given system, thus affecting selectivity and reaction rates. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is one of the heavier ethylene oxide based Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) available commercially. Glymes Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL), or glymes, are aprotic, saturated polyethers that offer high solvency, high stability in strong bases and moderate stability in acid solutions. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) efficiently solvate cations, increasing anion reactivity, and thus can increase both selectivity and reaction rates. Most Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)are water-soluble, but a range of solubility and boiling points are available. The polyether structure produces only weak associations between glyme molecules, and is responsible for the low viscosity and excellent wetting properties of these solvents. A further structural feature of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) that contributes significantly to their usefulness involves the arrangement of oxygen atoms, as ether linkages, at two-carbon intervals. The model of the Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) molecule (picture above) illustrates this periodic recurrence of oxygen atoms separated by two carbon atoms. This steric arrangement, analogous to that of crown ethers, gives Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) the ability to form complexes with many cations. Glycol diethers have a wide range of solubilities and boiling points. They are used as reaction solvents and in closed loop applications such as gas scrubbing and in refrigeration systems. The higher molecular weight Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) beginning with ethyl diglyme are suitable for emissive applications such as coatings, inks, adhesives and in cleaning compounds. The lower molecular weight Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) should not be used in emissive applications due to their reproductive toxicity. Pharma and fine chemicals synthesis of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Due to their high stability and solvency, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are widely used as reaction media for processes involving alkali metal hydroxides, sodium hydride, and alkali metals. Grignard reaction yields can be increased and purification costs reduced by using Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) as reaction solvents. Sodium borohydride at high temperature can be substituted for lithium aluminum hydride in some reductions. Carried out in Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) sodium aluminum hydride can be prepared directly from the elements in Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is the solvent of choice when preparing aryl sulfides via use of sodium tetrafluoroborate as a catalyst. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also a key to the efficient synthesis of the anti-AIDS drug Nevirapine. Preparation of urethanes, hydrogenations, condensations, oxidations, olefin insertions, oligomerizations of olefins, and addition reactions can be carried out in Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) as reaction medium. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are also useful as solubilizing agents, extractants and selective solvents. Methoxyacetaldehyde dimethylacetal can be prepared by electrochemical oxidation in Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Aspartame was prepared by enzymatic catalysis in triglyme-water medium. Polymerization and polymer modification of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Catalysts of the Ziegler-Natta type for the polymerization of alpha-olefins are advantageously prepared as a slurry incorporating Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are additionally useful in removal of unreacted monomer in this type of polymerization. When Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is used to modify the Ti-AI-catalyzed preparation of a block ethylene-propylene copolymer, the physical properties of the copolymer are greatly improved. Similarly, conjugated dienes can be polymerized in the presence of metal-based catalyst mixtures containing Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Catalyst solutions for other types of polymerization advantageously use Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Monomers polymerized in the presence of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) include cyclosiloxanes, conjugated alkadiene, lactams, dicyclopentadiene, vinyl chloride, fluorinated acrylic esters and 1-octene. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are also useful in formulating storage-stable vulcanizing agents for urethane rubber. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and its copolymers are produced with improved properties by incorporating Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) into the finished product. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are useful in formulating rigid polyurethane foams with improved fluidity during molding and with improved bonding strength. The viscosity of polyols useful in the manufacture of polyurethanes can be reduced by means of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) without adversely affecting physical properties. Polyurethane coatings used to form pinhole-free films with good adhesive strength, applicable to electrical and electronic parts, utilize Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL). Isocyanates are processed and formulated using Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) to yield isocyanurate and polyisocyanate prepolymers used in various polyurethane applications. Gold refining of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is a selective solvent for the extraction of gold from hydrochloric acid solutions containing other metals. Treatment of the extract with a reducing agent such as oxalic acid reduces the trivalent gold to gold powder. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is most commonly utilized as a high-performance solvent for both laboratory and industrial applications. It effectively solvates digital inks and decorative ceramic inks, since Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is stable enough to withstand the high temperatures of these applications. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also commonly used on small scales as an extraction solvent for gold from hydrochloric acid media, a process which results in an extremely high concentration of pure gold metal. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) can also be used as an intermediate in the production of siloxane-based adjuvants. APPLICATIONS of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Glycol ethers, with the combination of ether, alcohol and hydrocarbon chain in one molecule, provide versatile solvency characteristics with both polar and non-polar properties. The chemical structure of long hydrocarbon chain resist to solubility in water, while ether or alcohol groups introduce the promoted hydrophilic solubility performance. This surfactant-like structure provides the compatibility between water and a number of organic solvents, and the ability to couple unlike phases. Glycol ethers are characterized by their wide range of hydrophilic/hydrophobic balances. glycol ethers are used as diluents and levelling agents in the manufacture of paints and baking finishes. Glycol ether series are used in the manufacture of nitrocellulose and combination lacquers. They are used as an additive in brake fluid. They are formulated for dying textiles and leathers and for insecticides and herbicides. They provides performance in cleaners products with oil-water dispersions. They are used in printing industries as they have a slow evaporation rate. They are used as a fixative for perfumes, germicides, bactericides, insect repellents and antiseptic. They are used as an additive for jet fuel to prevent ice buildup. Thje term of cellosolve refers to Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) or a group of glycol ether solvent as below. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) (2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethanol) is an organic compound, one of several glycol ether solvents. It is a colorless liquid with a low odour and high boiling point. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is mainly used as a solvent for paints and varnishes in the chemical industry, household detergents, brewing chemicals and textile processing. Production and Use of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether (Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL)) is produced by the reaction of ethylene oxide and n-butanol with an alkalic catalyst. In pesticide products, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) acts as an inert ingredient as a deactivator for formulation before the crop emerges from the soil and as a stabilizer. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also a chemical intermediate for the synthesis of diethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate, diethylene glycol dibutyl ether, and piperonyl acetate, and as a solvent in high baked enamels. Other applications of Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) are as a dispersant for vinyl chloride resins in organosols, a diluent for hydraulic brake fluids, and a mutual solvent for soap, oil, and water in household cleaners. The textile industry uses Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) as a wetting-out solution. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also a solvent for nitrocellulose, oils, dyes, gums, soaps, and polymers. Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) is also used as coupling solvent in liquid cleaners, cutting fluids, and textile auxiliaries. In the printing industry, Butyl triglycol (bütil triglikol, BUTYL TRIGLYCOL) applications include: solvent in lacquers, paints, and printing inks; high boiling point solvent to improve gloss and flow properties; and used as a solubilizer in mineral oil products.
1-Aminobutane; 1-Butanamine; Butylamine; Mono-n-butylamine; Monobutylamine; Norvalamine; 1-Butylamine; N-Butylamin; 1-Butanaminen-butilamina; n-Butilamina; Monobutilamina; 1-Amino-butaan (Dutch); 1-Aminobutan (German); n-Butilamina (Italian); n-Butylamin (German); cas no: 109-73-9
Butylated Hydroxyanisole
Butylated Hydroxyanisole; 2(3)-t-Butylhydroquinone monomethyl ether; 2(3)-tert-Butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; antioxyne b; BHA; BOA; Butyl Hydroxyanisole; tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol; tert-butylhydroxyanisole; Vertac; cas no: 25013-16-5
Butylated Hydroxytoluene
Butyl Di Glycol (BDG); Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether; butoxydiglycol; diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-; diethylene glycol butyl ether; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; butyl carbitol; butyldiglycol cas no:112-34-5
Butyl Di Glycol (BDG); Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether; butoxydiglycol; diethylene glycol monobutyl ether; ethanol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-; diethylene glycol butyl ether; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol; butyl carbitol; butyldiglycol cas no:112-34-5
4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one; 1,2-Butylene Carbonate; 1,2-Butanediol cyclic carbonate; Carbonic acid cyclic ethylethylene ester CAS NO:4437-85-8
Butylene Carbonate
BUTYLENE CARBONATE, N° CAS : 4437-85-8, Nom INCI : BUTYLENE CARBONATE, Nom chimique : 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one, 4-ethyl, Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état.; 1,2-Butylene carbonate ; 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one, 4-ethyl- [ACD/Index Name];4437-85-8 [RN]; 4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-on [Dutch]; 4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-on [German] ;4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one ; 4-Éthyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-one [French] ; 4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolanne-2-one [French]; 4-Etil-1,3-diossolan-2-one [Italian];BUTYLENE CARBONATE ; 1,2-Butanediol, cyclic carbonate; 1,2-Butylene glycol carbonate; 4 - Ethyl - 1,3 - dioxolan - 2 - one; 4-19-00-01571 [Beilstein]; 4-Ethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-on [Danish]; 4-Etil-1,3-dioxolan-2-ona [Spanish] 4-Etil-1,3-dioxolan-2-ona [Portuguese]; Carbonic acid, cyclic ethylethylene ester; EE4037804; Texacar F-100
BUTYLENE GLYCOL Butylene glycol is an organic alcohol used as a solvent and conditioning agent in cosmetics industry. It is a water soluble, colorless liquid. It is mainly used in leave-on and rinse-off formulations. BUTYLENE GLYCOL is classified as : Humectant Masking Skin conditioning Solvent Viscosity controlling CAS Number 107-88-0 EINECS/ELINCS No: 203-529-7 COSING REF No: 74756 Chem/IUPAC Name: Butane-1,3-diol Summary Butylene glycol is a chemical ingredient used in self-care products like: shampoo conditioner lotion anti-aging and hydrating serums sheet masks cosmetics sunscreen Butylene glycol is included in formulas for these types of products because it adds moisture and conditions hair and skin. It also works as a solvent, meaning it keeps other ingredients, dyes, and pigments from clumping up inside of a solution. Like all glycols, butylene glycol is a type of alcohol. It’s often made from distilled corn. There are some health concerns that surround the use of butylene glycol. Some experts warn against its use, and cite it on lists of ingredients to avoid when choosing self-care products. The risk in using butylene glycol is still somewhat unclear. More research is needed to understand how it can affect your body in the long term. Butylene glycol uses Butylene glycol is added to all kinds of products that you apply topically. It’s particularly popular in clear gel-based products and in makeup that glides onto your face. You’ll find it on the ingredients list of sheet masks, shampoos and conditioners, eye liners, lip liners, anti-aging and hydrating serums, tinted moisturizers, and sunscreens. Butylene glycol is a viscosity-decreasing agent “Viscosity” is a word that refers to how well things stick together, particularly in a compound or chemical mixture. Butylene glycol makes other ingredients less likely to stick together, giving makeup and self-care products a fluid and even consistency. Butylene glycol is a conditioning agent Conditioning agents are ingredients that add a layer of softness or improved texture to your hair or skin. They’re also called moisturizers or, in the case of butylene glycol, humectants. Butylene glycol works to condition skin and hair by coating the surface of your cells. Butylene glycol is a solvent Solvents are ingredients that maintain a liquid consistency in a chemical compound. They help active ingredients that could become gritty or clumpy stay dissolved. Butylene glycol keeps the ingredients in cosmetics spread out and in their desired state for use. Butylene glycol benefits Butylene glycol has some health benefits if you have dry skin on your face or frequent breakouts. But it won’t work the same way for every person. Generally, most people who have dry skin can use products with butylene glycol to reduce their symptoms. Butylene glycol for acne Butylene glycol is in some moisturizersTrusted Source made for people who have acne. It isn’t the active ingredient that treats acne in these products. The moisturizing and solvent properties in butylene glycol could make these products right for you. However, there are reports of this ingredient clogging pores or irritating skin and actually making acne worse. Based on your symptoms, the cause of your acne, and your skin sensitivity, butylene glycol may be an ingredient that works in your skin care regimen. Butylene glycol side effects and precautions Butylene glycol is considered to be largely safe for use as a topical skin care ingredient. While it’s a type of alcohol, it doesn’t typically irritate or dry out skin. Can I have a butylene glycol allergy? It’s possible to have an allergy to nearly any ingredient, and butylene glycol is no different. There’s at least one report of an allergy to butylene glycol in the medical literature. But an allergic reaction caused by butylene glycol is uncommonTrusted Source. Butylene glycol during pregnancy Butylene glycol hasn’t been deeply studied in pregnant women. A 1985 study of pregnant rats demonstrated that this ingredient had negative effects on the developing animals. Anecdotally, some people recommend staying away from all glycol and petroleum products during pregnancy. Speak with a doctor about these products if you’re concerned. Butylene glycol vs. propylene glycol Butylene glycol is similar to another chemical compound called propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is added to food products, cosmetics, and even de-icing agents, like antifreeze. All glycols are a type of alcohol, and butylene and propylene glycol have a similar molecular shape. Propylene glycol isn’t used in the same way as butylene glycol. It’s more popular as an emulsifier, anti-caking agent, and texturizer in your food. However, like butylene glycol, propylene glycol is considered mostly safe when ingested in small amounts or when included in skin care products. Takeaway Butylene glycol is a popular ingredient in cosmetics and skin care products that’s safe for most people to use. We aren’t sure how common it is to be allergic to this ingredient, but it appears to be quite rare. Butylene glycol may help condition your hair and make your skin feel softer. Studies point to its relative safety. It's no secret that the beauty community has a tendency to take part in "cancel culture" when it comes to ingredients that we used to love (or at the very least, be okay with) and, when backed by science, this is rightfully so—our skin, a permeable gateway to our bodies, is precious and should be treated with the utmost care. One ingredient largely being dropped from product formulas as a result of the backlash is propylene glycol, and alternative ingredients are rising to take its place. Enter: Butylene glycol, a slightly larger chemical compound, which is found to be far less irritating. With expert insight from Morgan Rabach, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of LM Medical in NYC and cosmetic chemist Ron Robinson of BeautyStat.com, we take a further look into the pros and cons of butylene glycol to figure out why it's used as a substitute for propylene glycol. Keep reading to find out everything there is to know about the ingredient that’s becoming increasingly popular in your skincare. BUTYLENE GLYCOL TYPE OF INGREDIENT: Humectant, solvent, and emollient MAIN BENEFITS: Retains moisture, dissolves ingredients, and improves application. WHO SHOULD USE IT: In general, anyone looking for a way to effectively moisturize their skin. HOW OFTEN CAN YOU USE IT: Butylene glycol is safe for daily use for those who do not have an allergy to it or very sensitive skin. WORKS WELL WITH: As a solvent, butylene glycol works well with ingredients that are not water-soluble and are difficult to dissolve. DON'T USE WITH: Butylene glycol works well with most, if not all, ingredients. What Is Butylene Glycol? Butylene glycol is an organic alcohol derived from petroleum and is water-soluble. For cosmetic purposes, it comes in a liquid form and is found in countless skincare products such as cleansers, moisturizers, and masks, as well as makeup and haircare products. Butylene glycol has many different roles in skincare formulations (it's a humectant, solvent, and emollient) and is used as an alternative to the more commonly known controversial ingredient propylene glycol. Benefits of Butylene Glycol for Skin As a multifunctional ingredient in cosmetics, butylene glycol does a little bit of everything: Attracts water: Robinson says butylene glycol is a humectant, which means it binds water and pulls in hydration to the outer layer of the skin. Enhances penetration: By breaking down hard-to-dissolve active ingredients, butylene glycol improves penetration, which, as a result, helps the product perform more effectively. Conditions and smooths: In addition to being a humectant, butylene glycol can also function as an emollient by creating a barrier on the skin, which prevents water loss and softens and conditions. Butylene Glycol vs. Propylene Glycol Since both of these ingredients are derived from petroleum products, available in the form of a colorless liquid, and used in product formulations for the same reasons, it's easy to get them confused. According to Robinson, butylene glycol and propylene glycol are in the same class of compounds and function similarly as well. However, Robinson says unlike butylene glycol, propylene glycol is considered to be much more irritating to consumers. In fact, propylene glycol was even named the American Contact Dermatitis Society's Allergen of the Year in 2018. For that reason, he says many brands have removed it from their formulas and turned to alternatives, such as butylene glycol, instead. What you've heard about both ingredients being used in antifreeze is true, but neither is considered to be toxic (unlike another closely related ingredient that is also used in antifreeze called ethylene glycol—this ingredient is considered to be harmful and should definitely be avoided). Despite concerns and skepticism around butylene and propylene glycol, the EWG rates propylene glycol at 3 out of 10 (10 being the most hazardous) on their “danger scale” and butylene glycol at the lowest possible hazard rating: 1. Side Effects of Butylene Glycol It's important to note that just because an ingredient is derived from petroleum doesn't automatically make it dangerous to use. In its final chemical structure form, butylene glycol is considered safe for cosmetic use. Studies show that butylene glycol is an ingredient with low-levels of irritation, and the occurrence of allergic contact dermatitis is rare, although still a possibility. It can be irritating to people with very sensitive skin, and these skin types should avoid this ingredient if it leads to allergic rashes, according to Rabach and Robinson. If you do experience irritation or an itchy rash, discontinue use of the product and consult a physician. With formal patch testing, your dermatologist or allergist can determine if butylene glycol is the cause of your reaction. How to Use It Because butylene glycol is such a versatile ingredient and is found in so many products, there isn’t one certain way to apply it. In general, Rabach says butylene glycol is safe for daily use. As far as when to use products containing the ingredient, how often to use it, or how much should be used, consult your dermatologist or follow the directions specified on the product label. One of the common reader requests I get is for “toxic” ingredient breakdowns, so today I’m looking at two ingredients that are commonly on “avoid” lists: propylene and butylene glycol. WHAT ARE PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL, AND ARE THEY SAFE? Affiliate Disclosure: I receive a small commission for purchases made via affiliate links. One of the common reader requests I get is for “toxic” ingredient breakdowns, so today I’m looking at two ingredients that are commonly on “avoid” lists: propylene and butylene glycol. What are propylene and butylene glycol, and are they safe? WHAT ARE PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL? Glycols in chemistry are ingredients that contain two OH (alcohol) groups. Propylene glycol contains 3 carbon atoms, while butylene glycol is a little larger and contains 4 carbon atoms. In glycols, the alcohol groups are attached to different carbons. Confusingly, the names “propylene glycol” and “butylene glycol” can refer to several slightly different substances, since there are a few choices of carbon atoms for the OH groups to be attached to. Propylene glycol usually refers to propane-1,2-diol (formerly known as 1,2-propanediol). The less commonly used propane-1,3-diol is also sometimes called propylene glycol, but usually in cosmetics it’s called “propanediol”. Propanediol is become more popular since propylene glycol’s been on all these watchlists. What are propylene and butylene glycol, and are they safe? It’s a similar story for butylene glycol. “Butylene glycol ” usually means butane-1,3-diol, but sometimes it’s also used to refer to the related butane-2,3-diol. What are propylene and butylene glycol, and are they safe? WHAT DO PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL DO IN PRODUCTS? Alcohol (OH) groups on ingredients usually make them good humectant moisturisers that can hold onto water and keep your skin or hair hydrated. For example, glycerin has almost the same structure as propylene glycol, but with an additional alcohol group. Propylene and butylene glycol are both humectant moisturisers. Propylene and butylene glycol are also commonly used in products as solvents. They’re good at dissolving ingredients that aren’t very water-soluble. This means you end up with a more effective product since dissolved ingredients can spread out on your skin better and penetrate. Additionally, they can have antimicrobial effects and boost the effectiveness of preservatives. Propylene glycol is a bit more common in products than butylene glycol. Both ingredients are commonly used in a ton of products, such as serums, moisturisers, toothpaste, shampoos and cleansers. They’re often also the main ingredients (after water) in sheet masks. They have a slightly slimy, goopy feel. You’ll also find propylene glycol used as antifreeze, and in foods (it gets metabolised into lactic acid after you eat it). A few skin conditions can also be treated with propylene glycol, including seborrheic dermatitis and ichthyosis. WHAT’S WRONG WITH PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL? There are a whole bunch of reasons why people tell you to avoid propylene and butylene glycol – let’s take a look at them. “THEY’RE PETROLEUM-DERIVED” The word “petroleum” is pretty scary for most people, since it makes you think of oil spills and toxic waste. But a lot of non-scary chemicals can be derived from petroleum too – for example, almost all plastics are made from petroleum. Where something comes from doesn’t tell you much about its toxicity. “THEY’RE USED AS ANTI-FREEZE” An anti-freeze is a substance that decreases the freezing point of water. The “scary” anti-freeze that causes poisoning is ethylene glycol, which is much like propylene and butylene glycol, but with only 2 carbons. What are propylene and butylene glycol, and are they safe? The three substances are similar in lots of ways, since they all have two OH groups: they’re all colourless liquids and work well as solvents, and they all work as anti-freezes. But a slightly longer or shorter carbon chain can make a big difference in terms of toxicity. 10 mL of ethanol (e.g. in the form of a shot of tequila) is quite fun and enjoyable for most people, but if you take off a carbon you get methanol, which is super toxic – 10 mL can make you go blind. Same deal with the glycols – ethylene glycol is far more toxic than propylene and butylene glycol. “THEY’RE SO DANGEROUS WORKERS NEED LOTS OF PROTECTION TO HANDLE THEM” A few places warn that workers need to wear special equipment when handling these chemicals. These warnings come from the MSDS (material safety data sheets), which list the precautions for handling the raw material. But these warnings need to capture the worst case scenarios, and are for very large, highly concentrated amounts of the substance. The MSDS information sounds scary even for otherwise safe substances. For example, sodium chloride (table salt) gets scary phrases like: A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product May affect behavior (muscle spasticity/contraction, somnolence), sense organs, metabolism, and cardiovascular system. May cause adverse reproductive effects and birth defects in animals, particularly rats and mice (fetotoxicity, abortion, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and maternal effects (effects on ovaries, fallopian tubes) “THEY CAN CORRODE STAINLESS STEEL CONTAINERS – IMAGINE WHAT THEY DO TO YOUR FACE!” The MSDS also says that the glycols can corrode steel containers, which has led some people to say that “if they can corrode steel, imagine what they can do to your skin!” Luckily our skin isn’t steel… since water also corrodes steel. “THEY’RE PENETRATION ENHANCERS” Since propylene and butylene glycol are penetration enhancers that can help other ingredients enter your skin, many “toxic ingredient” lists say that they’ll increase penetration of other toxic ingredients into the bloodstream. This is technically true, but: this means they’ll also help actives that you want in your skin penetrate, and a lot of really unexciting things are also penetration enhancers, like water on your skin from cleansing. “THEY CAN CAUSE IRRITATING AND ALLERGIC REACTIONS” Here’s the actual legitimate issue with propylene and butylene glycol: in high concentrations, they can be irritating, and very rarely they can cause allergic reactions. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review, who investigate cosmetic ingredients, have found that both propylene glycol and butylene glycol are safe when used in products that are designed to be non-irritating – in general, this means that propylene glycol can be used in products at up to 50% concentration (although most products will contain less than 20%), while butylene glycol can be used pure without many problems. Propylene glycol is a bit more irritating than butylene glycol. Unsurprisingly, irritation with propylene glycol has been found to be worse when the product’s applied and then covered, and on broken skin as well. It’s also possible to have a true allergy to propylene and butylene glycol, where your immune system gets triggered by them, but it seems to be extremely rare. Being allergic to propylene glycol doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be allergic to butylene glycol. ARE PROPYLENE AND BUTYLENE GLYCOL WORTH WORRYING ABOUT? Even the EWG, which usually is pretty scaremongery and chemophobic, only rates propylene glycol at 3 on their “danger scale” and butylene glycol at 1. If you’re sensitive to propylene or butylene glycol, you’ll notice that products with large quantities might make your skin itchy and irritated, and you’ll want to avoid those. But otherwise, they’re very safe ingredients. butylene glycol Rating: GOOD Categories: Texture Enhancer Commonly-used ingredient that has multiple functions in cosmetics, including as a texture enhancer. It’s similar to propylene glycol, but has a lighter texture. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review board has evaluated several toxicology tests and other research concerning butylene glycol and has determined it is safe as used in cosmetics products. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even determined that butylene glycol is safe as a food additive. Butylene Glycol What Is Butylene Glycol? Butylene Glycol, Hexylene Glycol, Ethoxydiglycol and Dipropylene Glycol are clear, practically colorless, liquids. In cosmetics and personal care products, these ingredients are used in the formulation of hair and bath products, eye and facial makeup, fragrances, personal cleanliness products, and shaving and skin care products. Why is Butylene Glycol used in cosmetics and personal care products? Butylene Glycol, Hexylene Glycol, Ethoxydiglycol and Dipropylene Glycol are used as solvents and viscosity decreasing agents in cosmtics and personal care products. Scientific Facts: Butylene Glycol, or 1,3-Butanediol, dissolves most essential oils and synthetic flavoring substances. Butylene Glycol, Hexylene Glycol, Ethoxydiglycol and Dipropylene Glycol are glycols or glycol ethers. Glycols are a class of alcohols that contain two hydroxyl groups which are also called a diols.
2-(BUTYLAMINO)ETHANOL; ETHANOL-N-BUTYLAMINE; N-BUTYL-2-HYDROXYETHYLAMINE; N-BUTYLETHANOLAMINE; N-N-BUTYLETHANOLAMINE; 2-(butylamino)-ethano; 2-(n-butylamino)ethanol; 2-(n-monobutylamino)ethanol; 2-butylamino-ethano; 2-n-Butylaminoethanol; butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)amine; butylethanalamine; Butylethanolamine; Butylmonoethanolamine; N-Butyl monoethanolamine; n-Butylaminoethanol; Buthylethanolamine; N-n-Buthylethanolamine; 2-(BUTYLAMINO)ETHANOL, 98+%; N-ButylEthanolamine(N-Bea) CAS NO:111-75-1
Butylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate
SYNONYM Propylene glycol dicaprylate/dicaprate;Caprylic, capric acid, propylene glycol diester; Decanoic acid, 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl ester mixed with 1-methyl-1,2-ethanediyl dioctanoate; Decanoic acid, mixed diesters with octanoic acid and propylene glycol; Octanoic acid, mixed diesters with decanoic acid and propylene glycol; Propylene glycol, caprylate caprate diester Propylene glycol dicaprylate-caprate ,Decanoic acid, mixed diesters with octanoic acid and propylene glycol CAS: 211107-84-5
Nom INCI : BUTYLGLYCERIN Nom chimique : 3-Butoxypropan-1,3-diol
2-Butoxyethanol, Butyl Cellosolve ; ETHYLENEGLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER; 2-Butoxy ethanol; Butyl cellosolve; Dowanol EB; Butyl oxitol; Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether; n-Butyl Cellosolve; Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether; butoxyethanol; Beta-butoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol butyl ether; n-butoxyethanol; 2-butoxy-1-ethanol; o-butyl ethylene glycol; glycol ether eb acetate; monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol; monobutyl glycol ether; 3-oxa-1-heptanol; poly-solv eb; 2-n-Butoxyethanol; 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol; -Butossi-etanolo (Italian); 2-Butoxy-aethanol (GERMAN); Butoksyetylowy alkohol (Polish); Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol (Spanish); Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol (French); cas no:11-76-2
2-Butoxyethanol, Butyl Cellosolve ; ETHYLENEGLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER; 2-Butoxy ethanol; Butyl cellosolve; Dowanol EB; Butyl oxitol; Ethylene glycol n-butyl ether; n-Butyl Cellosolve; Ethylene Glycol Mono-n-butyl Ether; butoxyethanol; Beta-butoxyethanol; Ethylene glycol butyl ether; n-butoxyethanol; 2-butoxy-1-ethanol; o-butyl ethylene glycol; glycol ether eb acetate; monobutyl ether of ethylene glycol; monobutyl glycol ether; 3-oxa-1-heptanol; poly-solv eb; 2-n-Butoxyethanol; 2-n-Butoxy-1-ethanol; -Butossi-etanolo (Italian); 2-Butoxy-aethanol (GERMAN); Butoksyetylowy alkohol (Polish); Eter monobutilico del etilenglicol (Spanish); Ether monobutylique de L'ethyleneglycol (French); cas no:11-76-2
Nom INCI : BUTYLOCTYL PALMITATE Ses fonctions (INCI) Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau
BUTYLOCTYL SALICYLATE, N° CAS : 190085-41-7, Nom INCI : BUTYLOCTYL SALICYLATE, Nom chimique : Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, 2-butyloctyl ester. Conditionneur capillaire : Laisse les cheveux faciles à coiffer, souples, doux et brillants et / ou confèrent volume, légèreté et brillance. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances
BUTYLPARABEN, N° CAS : 94-26-8, Nom INCI : BUTYLPARABEN, Nom chimique : Butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 202-318-7. Agent masquant : Réduit ou inhibe l'odeur ou le goût de base du produit. Conservateur : Inhibe le développement des micro-organismes dans les produits cosmétiques.Noms français : 4-(BUTOXYCARBONYL)PHENOL; 4-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID BUTYL ESTER; BENZOIC ACID, 4-HYDROXY-, BUTYL ESTER; BENZOIC ACID, P-HYDROXY-, BUTYL ESTER; BUTYL 4-HYDROXYBENZOATE; BUTYL P-HYDROXYBENZOATE; BUTYLPARABEN; N-BUTYL PARAHYDROXYBENZOATE; P-HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID BUTYL ESTER; Para-hydroxybenzoate de butyle normal; PARABEN BUTYL. Utilisation: Agent de préservation alimentaire, fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques. butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate
Triglycol Monobutyl Ether; Butoxytriglycol; BTG; 2-(2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethanol; 3,6,9-Trioxatridecan-1-ol; Butyl Triglycol Ether; cas no:143-22-6
Triglycol Monobutyl Ether; Butoxytriglycol; BTG; 2-(2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethanol; 3,6,9-Trioxatridecan-1-ol; Butyl Triglycol Ether; cas no:143-22-6
Butyric acid
SYNONYMS Butanic Acid; Butanoic Acid; Propylformic Acid; Butyrate; CAS NO. 107-92-6
SYNONYMS C12-C14 Alcohols ethoxylated propoxylated;Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated propoxylated;Ethoxylated propoxylated C12-14 alcohols CAS NO:68439-51-0
BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER); Fats and Glyceridic oils, shea butter; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER LIQUID); SHEA BUTTER BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII; Shea Butter Organic Certified; Shea Butter Powder; Shea Butter SB-I; Shea Liquid CAS: 91080-23-8
Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter
Butyrospermum Parkii Butter Extract is an extract obtained from the Shea Tree, Butyrospermum parkii, Sapotaceae; Butyrospermum parkii butter extract; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER);Fats and Glyceridic oils, shea butter;BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER LIQUID);SHEA BUTTER BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII; Shea Butter Powder;Shea Butter SB-I;Shea Liquid; extract obtained from the shea tree, butyrospermum parkii, sapotaceae; shea tree butter extract CAS NO:91080-23-8
Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter Extract
Butyrospermum Parkii Butter Extract is an extract obtained from the Shea Tree, Butyrospermum parkii, Sapotaceae; Butyrospermum parkii butter extract; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER);Fats and Glyceridic oils, shea butter;BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER LIQUID);SHEA BUTTER BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII; Shea Butter Powder;Shea Butter SB-I;Shea Liquid; extract obtained from the shea tree, butyrospermum parkii, sapotaceae; shea tree butter extract CAS NO:91080-23-8
butyrospermum parkii butter extract
Butyrospermum Parkii Butter Extract is an extract obtained from the Shea Tree, Butyrospermum parkii, Sapotaceae; Butyrospermum parkii butter extract; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER);Fats and Glyceridic oils, shea butter;BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA BUTTER LIQUID);SHEA BUTTER BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII; Shea Butter Powder;Shea Butter SB-I;Shea Liquid; extract obtained from the shea tree, butyrospermum parkii, sapotaceae; shea tree butter extract CAS NO:91080-23-8
Bütillendirilmiş hidroksianisol
SYNONYMS 2(3)-t-Butylhydroquinone monomethyl ether;2(3)-tert-Butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; antioxyne b; BHA; BOA; Butyl Hydroxyanisole; tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol; tert-butylhydroxyanisole; Vertac; CAS NO:88-32-4
Bütillendirilmiş hidroksitoluen
SYNONYMS Butylated hydroxytoluene; BHT2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol; 2,6-Di-t-butyl-p-cresol; 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol; Ionol; 1-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2,6-di-tert-butylbenzene; 2,6-Di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol; 2,6-Di-t-butyl-p-cresol; 2,6-Di-terc.butyl-p-kresol (Czech); 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-1-hydroxy-4-methylbenzene; 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-cresol; 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene; 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylhydroxybenzene; CAS NO: 128-37-0
C 12 14 ALCOHOL 6 EO
C 12 14 ALCOHOL 6 EO Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated 1 - 2.5 moles ethoxylated Regulatory process names 1 IUPAC names 30 Trade names 377 Other identifiers 25 Print infocardOpen Brief Profile Substance identity Help EC / List no.: 500-213-3 CAS no.: 68439-50-9 Mol. formula: (C2H4O)1-3(CH2)10-12C2H6O formula Hazard classification & labelling Help Warning! According to the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is very toxic to aquatic life and is harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. About C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Helpful information C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is manufactured and/or imported in the European Economic Area in 100 000 - 1 000 000 tonnes per year. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used by consumers, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing. Consumer Uses C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, plant protection products, fertilisers, lubricants and greases, air care products and fuels. Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and break fluids). Article service life ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is most likely to be released to the environment. ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed. Widespread uses by professional workers C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products and polishes and waxes. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging, municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment and health services. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals. Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use. Formulation or re-packing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, lubricants and greases, metal working fluids, fertilisers and cosmetics and personal care products. Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures, in processing aids at industrial sites and formulation in materials. Uses at industrial sites C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, metal surface treatment products, lubricants and greases and metal working fluids. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging and municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals, machinery and vehicles and fabricated metal products. Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: in processing aids at industrial sites, of substances in closed systems with minimal release and formulation of mixtures. Manufacture of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance. How to use C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) safely Help ECHA has no data from registration dossiers on the precautionary measures for using C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 7 EO non-ionic surfactant. Latronol L 7 is a colorless and odorless liquid and efficient (O/W) oil in water emulsifier. It is also biodegradable. Can be used in homecare, textile, paintings/coatings and agricultural applications. C12-14 Alcohol Ethoxylates (7EO) (C12-14 AE7) oleochemical non-ionic surfactant Substance Identification IUPAC Name Alcohols, C12-14(even numbered), ethoxylated CAS Number 68439-50-9 Other Names Lauryl Alcohol Ethoxylate Molecular Formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) UVCB substance (substances of Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological materials), no univocal molecular formula available Structural formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Physical/Chemical Properties of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) [1,2] Molecular Weight of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 494.70 -522.75 g/mol Physical state of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Liquid Appearance of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Colourless, homogenous and opaque Odour of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Slight characteristic Density of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Melting Points of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 25 - 35 °C Boiling point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 266.95 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Flash Point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 149 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) , ethoxylated (1-2.5 EO)) Vapour Pressure of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.014 - 0.11 Pa at 25°C Water Solubility C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 15 mg/l at 25°C Flammability C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available Explosive Properties C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available Surface Tension C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 27 mN/m at 20°C (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Octanol/water Partition coefficient (Kow) log KOW = 4.63 - 5.71 Product and Process Description C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant. The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in [3]. The full LCI can be accessed via www.erasm.org or via http://lcdn.thinkstep.com/Node/ Goal and Scope of ERASM SLE Project [3] The main goal was to update the existing LCI inventories [4,6] for the production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and its main precursors/intermediates. Temporal Coverage Data collected represents a 12 month averages of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in the year 2011, to compensate seasonal influence of data. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial technological changes in the production chain occur. Geographical Coverage Current data were based on three suppliers representing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in Europe. The geographical representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good' Technological Coverage The technological representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good'. Figure 1 provides a schematic overview of the production process of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). Representativeness for market volume >60% (Represented market volume (in mass) covered by primary data used in ERASM SLE project) Declared Unit In ERASM SLE project the declared unit (functional unit) and reference flow is one thousand kilogram (1000 kg) of surfactant active ingredient. This was the reference unit also used in [4]. Functional Unit: 1 metric tonne of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 100% active substance. Allocation For C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production, allocation was not applied to the foreground system. The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on palm kernel oil and coconut oil. As C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3. The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of ethylene oxide. The alcohol ethoxylates with seven ethylene oxide units are produced by the reaction of C12-C14 fatty alcohols (oleo) with ethylene oxide. The addition of ethylene oxide to C12-14 fatty alcohols leads to a distribution of homologue polyethylene glycol ether groups. The ethoxylation reaction can be catalyzed by alkaline catalysts as e.g. potassium hydroxide or by acidic catalysts as e.g. boron trifluoride or zinc chloride. For detergent range alcohol ethoxylates, the alkaline catalysis is normally used. The intermediate ethylene oxide is industrially produced by direct oxidation of ethylene in the presence of silver catalyst (Further details of the ethylene oxide production are explained in the Eco Profile fact sheet of the precursor ethylene oxide. Applications of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Personal Care: Foaming Agent in Shampoos and Bath Gels. Detergents: Wetting Agent in Detergents, Laundry Pre-spotters and Hard Surface Cleaners Surfactants and Esters: Surfactant Intermediate, Sulfonated to Make SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate). Used both in household and industrial products. cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant. The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in Based on the LCI data an environmental impact assessment was performed for the indicators Primary Energy Demand (PED) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Other impacts may be calculated from the full LCI dataset. Primary Energy Demand (PED): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy generation each cause 3-5% of the PED. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower primary energy demand compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock. Global Warming Potential (GWP): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy generation each cause 3-5% of the GWP. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on palm kernel oil and coconut oil. As EO has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of EO in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3. The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) consumption by adult women is consistently associated with risk of breast cancer. Several questions regarding alcohol and breast cancer need to be addressed. Menarche to first pregnancy represents a window of time when breast tissue is particularly susceptible to carcinogens. Youth alcohol consumption is common in the USA, largely in the form of binge drinking and heavy drinking. Whether alcohol intake acts early in the process of breast tumorigenesis is unclear. This review aims to focus on the influences of timing and patterns of alcohol consumption and the effect of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on intermediate risk markers. We also review possible mechanisms underlying the alcohol-breast cancer association. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)l is considered by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be causally related to breast cancer risk [1], with a 7-10% increase in risk for each 10 g (~1 drink) alcohol consumed daily by adult women [2-4]. This association is observed in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Compared with other organs, breast appears to be more susceptible to carcinogenic effects of alcohol. The risk of breast cancer is significantly increased by 4-15% for light alcohol consumption (?1 drink/day or ?12.5 g/day) [2,5,6] which does not significantly increase cancer risk in other organs of women [7]. This raises a clinical and public health concern because nearly half of women of child-bearing age drink alcohol and 15% of drinkers at this age have four or more drinks at a time [8]. Approximately 4-10% of breast cancers in the USA are attributable to alcohol consumption [2,5,6], accounting for 9000-23,000 new invasive breast cancer cases each year. Therefore, better understanding of how alcohol consumption increases breast cancer risk is crucial for developing breast cancer prevention strategies. As previous meta-analyses and systemic reviews comprehensively summarized the association between adult alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk [3,5,9,10], here we reviewed the recent epidemiologic evidence, with special emphasis on timing and patterns of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on sumption and the effect of alcohol on intermediate markers. In addition, we discussed up-to-date mechanisms that have been proposed to explain the association and provide guidance for clinicians on preventive messages. Production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) The process was developed at the Ludwigshafen laboratories of I.G. Farben by Conrad Schöller and Max Wittwer during the 1930s.[3][4] Alcohol ethoxysulfates C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) found in consumer products generally are linear alcohols, which could be mixtures of entirely linear alkyl chains or of both linear and mono-branched alkyl chains.[17][page needed] A high-volume example of these is sodium laureth sulfate a foaming agent in shampoos and toothpastes, as well as industrial detergents. Alcohol ethoxylates (AEs) Human health Alcohol ethoxylates are not observed to be mutagenic, carcinogenic, or skin sensitizers, nor cause reproductive or developmental effects.[18] One byproduct of ethoxylation is 1,4-dioxane, a possible human carcinogen.[19] Undiluted C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can cause dermal or eye irritation. In aqueous solution, the level of irritation is dependent on the concentration. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are considered to have low to moderate toxicity for acute oral exposure, low acute dermal toxicity, and have mild irritation potential for skin and eyes at concentrations found in consumer products.[16] Aquatic and environmental aspects C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are usually released down the drain, where they may be adsorbed into solids and biodegrade through anaerobic processes, with ~28-58% degraded in the sewer.[20][non-primary source needed] The remaining C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are treated at waste water treatment plants and biodegraded via aerobic processes with less than 0.8% of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) released in effluent.[20] If released into surface waters, sediment or soil, C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) will degrade through aerobic and anaerobic processes or be taken up by plants and animals. Toxicity to certain invertebrates has a range of EC50 values for linear AE from 0.1 mg/l to greater than 100 mg/l. For branched alcohol exthoxylates, toxicity ranges from 0.5 mg/l to 50 mg/l.[16] The EC50 toxicity for algae from linear and branched AEs was 0.05 mg/l to 50 mg/l. Acute toxicity to fish ranges from LC50 values for linear AE of 0.4 mg/l to 100 mg/l, and branched is 0.25 mg/l to 40 mg/l. For invertebrates, algae and fish the essentially linear and branched C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) are considered to not have greater toxicity than Linear AE.[16] Alcohol ethoxysulfates (AESs) Biodegradation The degradation of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) proceeds by ?- or ß-oxidation of the alkyl chain, enzymatic hydrolysis of the sulfate ester, and by cleavage of an ether bond in the AES producing alcohol or alcohol ethoxylate and an ethylene glycol sulfate. Studies of aerobic processes also found C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) to be readily biodegradable.[12] The half-life of both AE and C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in surface water is estimated to be less than 12 hours.[21][non-primary source needed] The removal of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) due to degradation via anaerobic processes is estimated to be between 75 and 87%. Aquatic Flow-through laboratory tests in a terminal pool of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) with mollusks found the NOEC of a snail, Goniobasis and the Asian clam, Corbicula to be greater than 730 ug/L. Corbicula growth was measured to be affected at a concentration of 75 ug/L.[22][non-primary source needed] The mayfly, genus Tricorythodes has a normalized density NOEC value of 190 ug/L.[23][non-primary source needed] Human Safety C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has not been found to be genotoxic, mutagenic, or carcinogenic. Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated 1 - 2.5 moles ethoxylated Regulatory process names 1 IUPAC names 30 Trade names 377 Other identifiers 25 Print infocardOpen Brief Profile Substance identity Help EC / List no.: 500-213-3 CAS no.: 68439-50-9 Mol. formula: (C2H4O)1-3(CH2)10-12C2H6O formula Hazard classification & labelling Help Warning! According to the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is very toxic to aquatic life and is harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. About C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Helpful information C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is manufactured and/or imported in the European Economic Area in 100 000 - 1 000 000 tonnes per year. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used by consumers, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing. Consumer Uses C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, plant protection products, fertilisers, lubricants and greases, air care products and fuels. Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners), outdoor use, indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and break fluids). Article service life ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is most likely to be released to the environment. ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed. Widespread uses by professional workers C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products and polishes and waxes. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging, municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment and health services. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals. Other release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use. Formulation or re-packing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, lubricants and greases, metal working fluids, fertilisers and cosmetics and personal care products. Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures, in processing aids at industrial sites and formulation in materials. Uses at industrial sites C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following products: washing & cleaning products, metal surface treatment products, lubricants and greases and metal working fluids. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used in the following areas: formulation of mixtures and/or re-packaging and municipal supply (e.g. electricity, steam, gas, water) and sewage treatment. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is used for the manufacture of: chemicals, machinery and vehicles and fabricated metal products. Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: in processing aids at industrial sites, of substances in closed systems with minimal release and formulation of mixtures. Manufacture of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Release to the environment of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance. How to use C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) safely Help ECHA has no data from registration dossiers on the precautionary measures for using C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 7 EO non-ionic surfactant. Latronol L 7 is a colorless and odorless liquid and efficient (O/W) oil in water emulsifier. It is also biodegradable. Can be used in homecare, textile, paintings/coatings and agricultural applications. C12-14 Alcohol Ethoxylates (7EO) (C12-14 AE7) oleochemical non-ionic surfactant Substance Identification IUPAC Name Alcohols, C12-14(even numbered), ethoxylated CAS Number 68439-50-9 Other Names Lauryl Alcohol Ethoxylate Molecular Formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) UVCB substance (substances of Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological materials), no univocal molecular formula available Structural formula of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Physical/Chemical Properties of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) [1,2] Molecular Weight of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 494.70 -522.75 g/mol Physical state of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO): Liquid Appearance of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Colourless, homogenous and opaque Odour of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Slight characteristic Density of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.9 g/cm³ at 20 °C (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Melting Points of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 25 - 35 °C Boiling point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 266.95 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Flash Point of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 149 °C at 101.4 kPa (proxy from C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) , ethoxylated (1-2.5 EO)) Vapour Pressure of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 0.014 - 0.11 Pa at 25°C Water Solubility C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 15 mg/l at 25°C Flammability C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available Explosive Properties C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) No data available Surface Tension C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 27 mN/m at 20°C (proxy from C12-14 AE2) Octanol/water Partition coefficient (Kow) log KOW = 4.63 - 5.71 Product and Process Description C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant. The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in [3]. The full LCI can be accessed via www.erasm.org or via http://lcdn.thinkstep.com/Node/ Goal and Scope of ERASM SLE Project [3] The main goal was to update the existing LCI inventories [4,6] for the production of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and its main precursors/intermediates. Temporal Coverage Data collected represents a 12 month averages of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in the year 2011, to compensate seasonal influence of data. The dataset is considered to be valid until substantial technological changes in the production chain occur. Geographical Coverage Current data were based on three suppliers representing C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production in Europe. The geographical representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good' Technological Coverage The technological representativeness for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) was considered ‘good'. Figure 1 provides a schematic overview of the production process of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). Representativeness for market volume >60% (Represented market volume (in mass) covered by primary data used in ERASM SLE project) Declared Unit In ERASM SLE project the declared unit (functional unit) and reference flow is one thousand kilogram (1000 kg) of surfactant active ingredient. This was the reference unit also used in [4]. Functional Unit: 1 metric tonne of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) 100% active substance. Allocation For C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) production, allocation was not applied to the foreground system. The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on palm kernel oil and coconut oil. As C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3. The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a non-ionic surfactant, belonging to the group of alcohol ethoxylates, with 7 moles of ethylene oxide. The alcohol ethoxylates with seven ethylene oxide units are produced by the reaction of C12-C14 fatty alcohols (oleo) with ethylene oxide. The addition of ethylene oxide to C12-14 fatty alcohols leads to a distribution of homologue polyethylene glycol ether groups. The ethoxylation reaction can be catalyzed by alkaline catalysts as e.g. potassium hydroxide or by acidic catalysts as e.g. boron trifluoride or zinc chloride. For detergent range alcohol ethoxylates, the alkaline catalysis is normally used. The intermediate ethylene oxide is industrially produced by direct oxidation of ethylene in the presence of silver catalyst (Further details of the ethylene oxide production are explained in the Eco Profile fact sheet of the precursor ethylene oxide. Applications of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) Personal Care: Foaming Agent in Shampoos and Bath Gels. Detergents: Wetting Agent in Detergents, Laundry Pre-spotters and Hard Surface Cleaners Surfactants and Esters: Surfactant Intermediate, Sulfonated to Make SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate). Used both in household and industrial products. cradle-to-gate production for C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO). C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) is a petrochemical surfactant. The ERASM SLE project recommends to use the data provided in a full ‘cradle-to-grave' life cycle context of the surfactant in a real application. Further information on the ERASM SLE project and the source of these datasets can be found in Based on the LCI data an environmental impact assessment was performed for the indicators Primary Energy Demand (PED) and Global Warming Potential (GWP). Other impacts may be calculated from the full LCI dataset. Primary Energy Demand (PED): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy generation each cause 3-5% of the PED. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower primary energy demand compared to those based on petrochemical feedstock. Global Warming Potential (GWP): An analysis of the inventory data showed that the main contribution comes from the main raw materials C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) and ethylene oxide (together about 90% contributions). Electricity and thermal energy generation each cause 3-5% of the GWP. Direct process emissions, other chemicals, utilities, process waste treatment, and transport do not have relevant influence (each smaller 0.5%). The high value for carbon uptake of the C12-C14 alcohol ethoxylate is due to the main precursor C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) based on palm kernel oil and coconut oil. As EO has a lower GWP than the alcohol, a higher share of EO in C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) results in a lower GWP than for C12-14 AE3. The alcohol ethoxylates based on fatty alcohols from natural sources have a lower global warming potential compared to those C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) consumption by adult women is consistently associated with risk of breast cancer. Several questions regarding alcohol and breast cancer need to be addressed. Menarche to first pregnancy represents a window of time when breast tissue is particularly susceptible to carcinogens. Youth alcohol consumption is common in the USA, largely in the form of binge drinking and heavy drinking. Whether alcohol intake acts early in the process of breast tumorigenesis is unclear. This review aims to focus on the influences of timing and patterns of alcohol consumption and the effect of C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO) on intermediate risk markers. We also review possible mechanisms underlying the alcohol-breast cancer association. C 12 14 Alcohol 6 EO(C 12 14 Alkol 6 EO)l is considered by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be causally related to breast cancer risk [1], with a 7-10% increase in risk for each 10 g (~1 drink) alcohol consumed daily by adult women [2-4]. This association is observed in both premenopausal and p
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols,c12-18,ethoxylated; Alcohols,C12-18-ethoxylated; alfonic1218-70; alfonic1218-70l; belitem3; cemulsoldb311; dehydol100;FATTY ALCOHOL POLYGLYCOL ETHER;(C12-C18) Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; C12-18 Alkyl alcohol ethoxylate; EC 500-201-8; Ethoxylated C12-18 alcohols; Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-(C12-C18) alkyl-omega-hydroxy-; Systematic Name Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated;Superlist Names Alcohols, C12-18, ethoxylated; alpha-Alkyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxypropylene) and/or poly(oxyethylene) CAS NO:68213-23-0
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 11 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 3 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 5 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 7 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear; Alcohols, C13-15-branched and linear;alcohols C13-15 branched & linear;Einecs 287-625-4 CAS NO:85566-16-1
C 13 C 15 - OXO ALCOHOL 8 EO
SYNONYMS alcohols,c16-18,ethoxylated;Alcohols,C16-18-ethoxylated;AliphaticC16-18-alcohol,ethoxylated;C16-18-Alkylalcohol,ethoxylate;C16-18-Alkylalcoholethoxylate;cremophor¨a25;ethoxylatedfattyalcohols(c16-18);CETEARETH-2 CAS NO:68439-49-6
SYNONYMS alcohols,c16-18,ethoxylated;Alcohols,C16-18-ethoxylated;AliphaticC16-18-alcohol,ethoxylated;C16-18-Alkylalcohol,ethoxylate;C16-18-Alkylalcoholethoxylate;cremophor¨a25;ethoxylatedfattyalcohols(c16-18);CETEARETH-2 CAS NO:68439-49-6
SYNONYMS alcohols,c16-18,ethoxylated;Alcohols,C16-18-ethoxylated;AliphaticC16-18-alcohol,ethoxylated;C16-18-Alkylalcohol,ethoxylate;C16-18-Alkylalcoholethoxylate;cremophor¨a25;ethoxylatedfattyalcohols(c16-18);CETEARETH-2 CAS NO:68439-49-6
SYNONYMS alcohols,c16-18,ethoxylated;Alcohols,C16-18-ethoxylated;AliphaticC16-18-alcohol,ethoxylated;C16-18-Alkylalcohol,ethoxylate;C16-18-Alkylalcoholethoxylate;cremophor¨a25;ethoxylatedfattyalcohols(c16-18);CETEARETH-2 CAS NO:68439-49-6
C10-rich ethoxylated; Alcohols(C9-11-iso, C10-rich) ethoxylates; Ethoxylated Alcohol CAS NO: 78330-20-8
C10 Alcohol 3,5,6,8(Ethoxylated)
C10-rich ethoxylated; Alcohols(C9-11-iso, C10-rich) ethoxylates; Ethoxylated Alcohol CAS NO: 78330-20-8
C10 Alcohol 3,6,7,8(Ethoxylated)
C10-rich ethoxylated; Alcohols(C9-11-iso, C10-rich) ethoxylates; Ethoxylated Alcohol CAS NO: 78330-20-8
Nom INCI : C10-16 ALKYL GLUCOSIDE. Nom chimique : C10-16 Alkyl Glucoside is the product obtained by the condensation of C10-16 alcohols with glucose. Agent émulsifiant : Favorise la formation de mélanges intimes entre des liquides non miscibles en modifiant la tension interfaciale (eau et huile). Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
C10-18 TRIGLYCERIDES, N° CAS : 85665-33-4, Nom INCI : C10-18 TRIGLYCERIDES, N° EINECS/ELINCS : 288-123-8. Emollient : Adoucit et assouplit la peau. Agent d'entretien de la peau : Maintient la peau en bon état. Solvant : Dissout d'autres substances
Nom INCI : C10-C18 FATTY ALCOHOL 7 EO Classification : Composé éthoxylé, Tensioactif non ionique Ses fonctions (INCI) Tensioactif : Réduit la tension superficielle des cosmétiques et contribue à la répartition uniforme du produit lors de son utilisation
C10-C16-alkyldimethyl amine oxide
C10-16ALKYLDIMETHYLAMINESN-OXIDES; Amines,C10-16-alkyldimethyl,N-oxides; (c10-c16-alkyl)dimethylamines,n-oxides; N,N-Dimethylcocoamine oxide; 5-Amino-1-(4-bromophenyl)-4-cyano-3-methyl-1H-pyrazole CAS Number:70592-80-2
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7
SYNONYMS alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl);emulphogene DA 530;ethylan CD 109;heloxyl CMN II;igepal DA 530;makon DA-;2-(8-methylnonoxy)ethanol (poly);poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-isodecyl-omega-hydroxy-;rhodasurf DA 630;synperonic KB;trycol LF 1 CAS NO:61827-42-7